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  • 7/31/2019 Solitary Fire 1st Chapter


    It is better to reign in hell than serve in heaven Milton

    Chapter 1.

    Welcome back, you who have chosen to follow the damned

    into the dark corridors of the unknown and have emerged

    baptized in blood. Do you dare to revel in the dance led

    by the angels of darkness and find solace in the crusade

    against the pure and mundane? Then hold fast and read on

    as more dark deeds await your discovery wrapped in the

    black robes of night.

    Indeed, it was this black robe of night that was

    ablaze with a fiery glow emanating from the Paris

    courthouse. Three men were inside the inferno burning for

    the vicious judgment they had handed down earlier that day,

    but their prisoner had escaped and exacted her revenge.

    Their cries were carried on the warm breeze up into the

    darkness and it was under this shadowy cloak of darkness

    that Christina Lafage made her escape.

    The small carriage that held Christina and her

    companions went unnoticed as it quietly made its way out of

    the city toward the east. Christina had been through much

    since being initiated into the realm of necromancy and

    receiving her power. She had taken many lives, lives that

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    had nurtured and increased her power. But she had yet to

    master her awesome power.

    Her mother and teacher, Madame Duchamp, was a

    formidable necromancer in her own right. She had taught

    Christina everything she knew, guiding her through her

    initiation into the black arts that began with Christina

    willingly selling her soul to Lucien, the master himself.

    Christina had been a very eager student, greatly impressing

    her mentor with her abilities and the speed at which she

    learned them. She had proven herself to be very skilled in

    formulating potions, amulets, death spells and even raising

    the dead, but it was her decent into the netherworld to

    save her lover, Richard, that had been her greatest

    achievement. She had traveled all the way from France to

    Egypt to the underground temple of Set and sailed along the

    river of the dead. She had tricked Abbaddon, guardian of

    the dead, and escaped with her power and her lover intact.

    All of these things swam in Madame Duchamps mind as

    she proudly gazed at Christina, but she could see that

    something was clearly troubling her daughter. What is on

    your mind, Christina? she asked, already knowing what

    Christinas reply would be.

    Oh, its nothing, Christina dreamily replied, her

    dark brown hair framing her alluring features.

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    But Madame Duchamp knew better, Christina was like an

    open book, laid bare before her. She knew the cause of her

    trouble had to be Rebecca, the only one who had betrayed

    Christina and escaped through suicide. Christina had

    developed a strong appetite for vengeance that was

    difficult to quell.

    Its Rebecca that torments your wounded pride, is it

    not? Madame Duchamp knowingly asked. Christina heavily

    sighed and turned toward the window. I thought you had

    agreed to put that behind you, Madame Duchamp whispered

    not wanting to wake Richard or Babette, their servant.

    I am trying, Christina replied tearing her gaze from

    the window. Its not easy to just let it go.

    You need to, Christina, Madame Duchamp insisted.

    You still have much to learn and dwelling on the past will

    only impede your progress. Madame Duchamp could read the

    frustration in Christinas eyes. I know it is a difficult

    thing to do, she continued, but you can overcome it by

    continuing on the path. Rebecca got the better of you and

    you dont like that. She bested you because you were

    inexperienced. Learn to use the element of surprise and

    bide your time. Keep your anger in check and the wisdom

    will come. The power can bring you so many things,

    Christina, focus and continue to learn.

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    I know that what you say is true, Christina

    confessed with tears beginning to well. But you know that

    I have such a fiery rage in me. Why does this fire burn so


    Madame Duchamp leaned over and squeezed Christinas

    hand gently. Youth and inexperience, she replied. The

    only remedy is maturity and learning, but it will only come

    if you are ready.

    Christina made a solemn promise to put the past behind

    her and continue to look ahead. Even now she could feel

    her power flowing through her veins; enhancing her senses

    and making her feel alive. It would be reprehensible to

    waste such a gift and not develop it.

    The carriage that had been traveling so smoothly

    suddenly came to a rough patch, jarring the occupants


    Richard woke with a start. Where are we? he wearily


    Yes, mother, Christina said. You never did tell us

    where we were going.

    Paris is not the only place with wealthy aristocrats

    who desire our services, she declared, the wild blue of

    her eyes piercing the dimness of the carriage. We are

    bound for Vienna; there we will continue your training,

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    Christina. The journey will not be a smooth one, but it

    will be much easier than Egypt was.

    Christina was not sure if her mother meant the journey

    to Vienna or her journey down the left handed path but she

    was too tired to inquire further. Sleep loomed on the

    horizon and the road was becoming too treacherous to

    navigate in the dark. Madame Duchamp decided that a safe

    distance separated them from Paris and they stopped at a

    small inn for the night. Luxury was unheard of in the

    humble inn, but a bed of straw was better than a bed of

    earth. Sleep came easily to Christina and she eagerly

    surrendered to its serene embrace.

    The early morning wove a tapestry of rain, composing a

    somber melody on the roof of the small room that Christina

    shared with Richard. Her body was intertwined with his

    sleeping form and she wished to stay in his embrace, but

    she knew that Madame Duchamp would want to move on as early

    as possible. Christina was anxious to see Vienna, but

    traveling in the rain was something that she was not

    looking forward to. She reluctantly woke Richard and they

    went to meet Madame Duchamp and Babette in the tavern. A

    warm smell of coffee and freshly baked bread greeted them

    as they opened the door and hurried inside.

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    Im glad to see the two of you awake so early,

    Madame Duchamp announced, pouring generous amounts of

    coffee. Christina slowly sipped the hot coffee, chasing

    the chill from her body. Warm your insides, Christina,

    Madame Duchamp smiled. I know how you hate to travel in

    the rain.

    Is there anything we can do about the rain?

    Christina asked through the rising steam of her coffee.

    Im afraid not, her mother answered. We can only

    control the storms we raise; well just have to endure this

    one. The roads through Germany can be dangerous and

    bandits are always a possible hazard, so we all need to

    keep our wits about us.

    They all nodded in agreement but Christina wondered

    why her mother had chosen such a faraway place where the

    journey held such dangers. She knew that her mother never

    did anything without good reason, but she still had to know

    what that reason was. Her curiosity kindled, she inquired,

    Why have you chosen Vienna? Would it not be easier to

    choose a closer destination where the journey is not so


    Dont tell me youre backing away from a challenge,

    Christina! Madame Duchamp said with raised eyebrows.

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    No, of course not, Christina stammered, a bit

    embarrassed that Madame Duchamp might think her question a

    cowardly one. I just thought it might be easier . . .

    Nothing worthwhile is easy, Madame Duchamp

    interrupted. You above all should know that. She knew

    that Christina had been through a lot of difficulty and the

    temptation toward easy choices was strong in one so young.

    I know we follow a difficult path, I didnt mean to

    sound apprehensive, Christina said in defense.

    Easy choices make us careless, Christina, Madame

    Duchamp warned, squeezing Christinas hand. We need to be

    far away from Paris right now and the road to Vienna is a

    dangerous one, so be vigilant and Ill let you kill the

    first bandit.

    A mischievous smile spread across Christinas face at

    the thought of taking a life and enhancing her power. No

    one would question the death of a highway bandit; it was a

    perfect way for Christina to feed her power.

    The horses are quite rested, Madame Duchamp,

    announced Gerard, their driver, breaking into Christinas

    murderous thoughts. We should leave now while the rain is

    rather light.

    Very good, Gerard, Madame Duchamp responded. Well,

    lets be off, new opportunities are waiting.

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    They spent the better part of the day pushing on

    toward Germany, the rain alternating between downpour and

    drizzle. The bleakness of the day reflected itself in

    Christina's mood, making her pensive and distant. It was

    only when they stopped at an inn near the German border for

    the night that her solemn mood began to melt. The promise

    of a dry place to spend the night and finally be out of the

    rain was a relief for all of them.

    There was already a fire blazing in the hearth of the

    room Christina and Richard shared, making it soothing and

    inviting. The warm glow from the fire illuminated

    Christinas face as she knelt before it and she could feel

    the dampness begin to evaporate.

    Richard knelt behind her and wrapped his arms around

    her whispering, I want you. She could feel his naked

    flesh against her, igniting her desire. His kisses were

    warm and seductive and she eagerly surrendered, tilting her

    head back and feeling his tongue caress her neck. She

    turned to face him and rose, letting him undress her. He

    worked slowly, fueling her fire until she was stripped

    before him. She ached to have him inside her and he pulled

    her down on top of him, kissing her deeply. Christina rode

    him fiercely, her fiery passion permeating every cell,

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    culminating in a blissful state of ecstasy that exhausted

    them both.

    Clear skies rode in on the early morning breeze

    blowing softly through the window. Richard and Christina

    woke in each others arms, his blond hair entwined with her

    dark tresses, creating an intricate web. There came a soft

    knocking at the door and Christina uttered a drowsy hail

    that was answered by Madame Duchamp announcing the

    approaching time of their departure. Christina assured her

    that they were awake and would be ready to leave shortly.

    It was not long before the bumpy carriage ride took

    them to the German border where a shady looking customs

    agent greeted them. Madame Duchamp turned to her

    companions and whispered, The customs agents are easily

    bribed, but today well save our money. These agents are

    notorious for rummaging through baggage and helping

    themselves to whatever they want. They are no better than

    the bandits.

    The agent approached the carriage and looked inside.

    Baggage check, please, he said with a devious grin,

    exposing gnarled brown teeth.

    Madame Duchamp stepped out of the carriage, never

    taking her eyes from his weather beaten face. Her

    penetrating stare seemed to paralyze him as the look on his

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    face changed from deviance to obedience. We are not

    carrying any contraband, she firmly declared. We are

    free to go. She waved her hand in front of his face, not

    completely breaking the spell, but giving him the ability

    to speak.

    You are not carrying any contraband, you are free to

    go, he uttered in a ghostly monotone.

    Thank you, Madame Duchamp smiled as she boarded the

    carriage and bade Gerard to continue on.

    Christina was impressed but baffled as to why her

    mother allowed him to live. Mother, why did you not kill

    him and strengthen your power? she curiously asked.

    It was not necessary, she confidently answered. We

    cant kill everyone who confronts us, Christina. The power

    is not to be used so recklessly. A dead customs agent

    would certainly arouse more suspicion then a bandit. Dont

    worry, youll get your chance.

    Christinas chance came sooner than she expected, for

    it was not long after they were stopped by the customs

    agent that three bandits emerged from the dense forest.

    One of them, who appeared to be the leader, fired a pistol

    and commanded Gerard to stop. Richard quickly drew his

    pistol but Christina placed her hand on his and asserted,

    No, my love, this one is mine. Richard smiled and

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    slipped the pistol back into his jacket. He knew how

    deadly Christinas power could be and he could already see

    it erupt behind her eyes, giving them a spectral glow.

    Stand and deliver! the leader shouted. Your money

    and valuables!

    Take him, Christina, Madame Duchamp smiled as

    Christina opened the door and stepped out to greet her


    Christina was met by a raised pistol with a dashing

    young rake behind it. Your money, frulein . . . and

    you, he hungrily leered, as his eyes moved over her body.

    The other two bandits stood behind him with pistols drawn

    and aimed at the carriage. Do you travel alone, my lovely

    prize? he asked.

    Madame Duchamp motioned for Richard and Babette to

    stay inside and she emerged from the carriage.

    What a lovely cargo you carry, driver, the bandit

    yelled to Gerard as he moved toward Christina. It would

    be a shame to destroy it.

    Christinas only answer was to stare into his eyes

    while Madame Duchamp gazed intensely into the forest

    beyond. He moved closer until the pistol was in

    Christinas face.

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    Think carefully about your actions, she calmly

    whispered. Think carefully before you strike. Christina

    could feel the power flowing through her with a fierce

    intensity, her eyes never moving from his. He lowered the

    pistol as she moved toward him and placed her hands on

    either side of his face. His pounding heartbeat resounded

    in her ears and she knew that his will had been

    surrendered. He was hers. Christina seductively leaned

    toward him and parted her lips, but before he could taste

    her kiss, she vigorously twisted his neck completely around

    causing him to face his startled companions behind him. The

    power of his life force shot through her like a bolt of

    lightning taking her breath away and strengthening her

    power. She could feel it racing through her veins like a

    raging inferno.

    The bandits companions were in shock, but before they

    could strike, the forest had answered Madame Duchamps

    invocation in the form of a ravenous pack of wolves. They

    immediately leapt upon the unsuspecting bandits, ripping

    and tearing into muscle and sinew until the ground beneath

    was stained a deep red.

    Christina could feel her heightened power pulsating

    through every part of her; every cell was alive and infused

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    with it. She barely caught her breath when she felt Madame

    Duchamps hand on her shoulder.

    That was very masterful, Christina, she proudly


    Thank you, mother, she gasped, while in the distance

    she could faintly hear Luciens deep voice whispering, You

    serve me well, Christina.

    I am indebted to you, my lord, Christina whispered

    to the unseen presence that had saved her from the

    hangmans noose in Paris. Christina stood straight and

    caught her breath, wondering when she would see Lucien


    She was separated from her daydream by her mothers

    voice exclaiming, Enough diversion, on to Baden!

    In the confines of the carriage, Christina still

    thought of Lucien. His resonant tone struck a familiar

    chord deep within her and she longed to be in his presence.

    Although she did feel a pang of guilt as Richard laid his

    arm across her shoulders and drew her close to him. She

    did love Richard, but felt intensely drawn to Lucien as if

    long familiar with him, yet she had only been in his

    service for a year. It had seemed that so little time had

    passed since Christina had surrendered her soul to Lucien

    and he bestowed the power upon her and took her virginity,

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    which she willingly gave him. Christina knew that Richard

    was uneasy around Lucien, but he understood her dedication

    to the path and what it demanded of her. The pact she made

    with Lucien could not be broken . . . and she did not wish

    to break it.

    They had been on the road for quite a while and

    Christina knew that they would be stopping soon. She

    wondered what sort of hovel they would be forced to spend

    the night in, when to her surprise, outside the window of

    the carriage she spotted a huge hotel. Christina looked at

    her mother with a delighted surprise as the carriage pulled

    up to the entrance.

    I thought we could all use some time at the spa,

    Madame Duchamp smiled. This hotel has over one hundred

    rooms and some of the best waters in Europe.

    A footman approached the carriage, gallantly opened

    the door and said, Welcome to Baden.

    They had arrived in time for the evening meal, a sort

    of pan fried breaded veal with potatoes.

    It is called Wiener Schnitzel, Madame Duchamp told

    her, noticing the curious look on Christinas face.

    The dining hall was very spacious and could easily

    accommodate three hundred guests who came from all over

    Europe. Wine flowed freely and they feasted on apples and

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    apricots that were halved, dried in the oven and served

    with butter and cinnamon. A lavish party was to follow in

    the grand ballroom, but Christina was too worn out from the

    bumpy carriage ride over the rough German roads to attend.

    An opulent room awaited her, but she was too tired to

    marvel at its finery. The one thing she did take notice of

    was the oversized bed. She was grateful for the chance to

    sleep in a soft bed instead of straw scattered on a wooden

    table. As she melted into the cool softness of the bed,

    she felt Richard lay down beside her. Christina lay in

    Richards arms, but it was Lucien that stole into her


    The days Christina spent at Baden were euphoric and

    tranquil. She immersed herself in the relaxing sulphur

    baths and let the clear water wash away her fatigue and

    tension. There were even small tables floating in the

    water that allowed the guests to play cards or other games

    as they took the waters.

    However the blissful feeling was not to last. In a

    few days time Christina found herself boarding another

    carriage to push on toward Vienna. Gerard assured Madame

    Duchamp that the ride would not be as rough, since he had

    the carriage fitted with stronger springs.

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    Christina gazed out the window at the densely wooded

    forest. The road wound through it like a lazy snake

    bearing the carriage on its rough scales. She pondered

    what wonders Vienna would hold for her. Madame Duchamp had

    told her there was very luxurious living in Vienna and

    Christina had hoped it would be just as lavish as the spa

    they had just left.

    The day was growing late and the rocking of the

    carriage was having a sedative effect on Christina. She

    laid her head on Richards chest, but just before sleep

    overtook her the carriage came to a halt. Christina opened

    her sleep filmed eyes as Madame Duchamp said, We will stop

    here for the night.

    Madame Duchamp opened the door of the carriage and

    knocked at a battered wooden door. Christina could hear

    her mother negotiating a deal with a man whom she guessed

    was the innkeeper.

    Madame Duchamp entered the carriage, took Christina's

    hand in hers and whispered, I promise, this is the last

    dreadful inn that you will have to endure.

    Christina smiled at her mothers promise, but dreadful

    would have been a compliment to this hovel. The place was

    filthy and they would all have to share one room. There

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    were tables strewn about the room with straw for sleeping

    while animals grunted in the next room.

    I think that I would rather sleep in the carriage

    than with the horses, Christina said with disgust.

    I know that it doesnt compare to what we just left

    but we should all stay together, Madame Duchamp cautiously

    answered. We are strangers in a foreign land and we need

    to be careful.

    There was no tavern, so the innkeeper, a man named

    Klausner, invited them to dine at his table. The main

    house where Klausner lived was not much cleaner than the

    stable where Christina and her companions would be lodging.

    Klausner himself was a squat, filthy individual with shifty

    eyes and an ill mannered disposition. Klausner looked them

    over as they sat at his table and wondered why these

    tourists, who were obviously well to do, had chosen his inn

    for the night.

    So what brings you to this part of Germany? he

    sardonically asked.

    We are on our way to Ulm, Madame Duchamp quickly

    answered. But the darkness traveled faster and we do not

    want to lose our way.

    Ulm? Klausner asked. What is there in Ulm?

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    Christina did not like Klausner, he asked too many

    questions and seemed suspicious.

    Madame Duchamp sensed her daughters wariness and shot

    a quick reassuring glance before she answered, We are on

    our way to Vienna. We plan to sail down the Danube from


    Vienna! Klausner exclaimed, winking to a young

    servant who had began setting food on the table. Such a

    beautiful and wealthy city.

    We are but humble tourists, Madame Duchamp replied,

    but Klausner was not easily fooled. Tourists who could

    afford a private carriage and passage to Vienna by water

    were not people of humble means. However there was

    something about Madame Duchamp that made him cautious. It

    was not her aristocratic demeanor or her appearance. She

    was very attractive; raven black hair, alabaster skin and

    electric blue eyes that seemed captivating and secretive.

    She did not seem to have any fear and that could work to

    his advantage . . . or against it. Nevertheless, later as

    they slept, he would deprive them of their money and

    instill a bit of fear into this bold creature and her

    companions. That would please him very much, he concluded,

    spearing a greasy black sausage from a large plate laden

    with sauerkraut.

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    I am very pleased that you exercised restraint with

    Herr Klausner, she said.

    It was not easy, she grumbled, the anger still

    searing and gnawing at her.

    I know, Christina, Madame Duchamp assured her. You

    have a tremendous gift, dont lose control of it. The

    power without wisdom can turn the gift into a curse.

    I understand the logic, but its the emotion that

    rages inside me, Christina morosely explained.

    So like your father, Madame Duchamp sighed. He let

    his emotions govern his power and it was his undoing.

    Christina had not known her father. He had betrayed

    her mother and some of Luciens followers and as a

    consequence, paid the ultimate price when her mother

    unleashed her power on him.

    But I would never betray you, Christina quickly


    I know, her mother smiled. But dont betray

    yourself with your emotions. Now try to get some sleep.

    Christina lay back on the brittle straw but was too

    agitated to sleep. The candle that her mother had left

    burning flickered hypnotically in the squalid darkness.

    Christina stared at it for some time before feeling drowsy

    enough to sleep, but just before her eyes closed, the flame

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    trembled as if a sudden draft had wafted carefully into the

    barn. Shadows began to creep along the wall, growing ever

    longer as Christinas heart began to race. She heard a

    pistol being cocked and saw the glint of a metal gun barrel

    next to Richard's head.

    You would be wise not to make a move, young sir, the

    owner of the pistol advised. Christina could see

    Klausner's servant with the pistol pressed against her

    lovers head, when all of a sudden, the candle flame grew

    bright and she heard her mothers voice loud and clear.

    You would be wise to lower that pistol!

    Christina looked to her left and saw Madame Duchamp

    with a dagger at Klausner's throat, her eyes fierce and

    burning with rage.

    The terrified servant lowered the pistol as Richard

    grabbed his arm and twisted it hard behind his back,

    causing the pistol to fall to the floor.

    So, this is how you treat your guests, Herr

    Klausner? Madame Duchamp taunted. Not very hospitable of


    I am also constable of this hamlet, Klausner

    protested. I would be missed.

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    Not by the tourist trade, Im sure, Christina

    interjected, retrieving the pistol from the floor and

    pointing it at Klausner.

    There is only one judge, jury and executioner and

    right now she has a knife at your throat, Madame Duchamp


    Please, Klausner begged. What do you want? Ill

    do anything!

    Quickly surveying her surroundings, Madame Duchamp

    caught sight of a long pitchfork protruding from a large

    mound of hay. The tines gleamed spectrally in the luminous

    candlelight while a devious punishment formed in her

    thoughts. She turned Klausner to face the pitchfork, drew

    the dagger away from his throat and said Walk!

    How far? he stammered.

    All the way! she commanded.

    Klausner walked toward the pitchfork and stopped just

    before the tines touched his chest.

    Walk! Madame Duchamp repeated.

    I will not kill myself! he shouted, grabbing the

    pitchfork and lunging at Madame Duchamp who raised her arm

    and stopped him in his tracks.

    Now, she calmly stated. Turn the pitchfork toward

    your throat.

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    No! he shouted.

    Do it, she gravely demanded, staring into his eyes.

    Slowly, Klausner, unable to stop, began to turn the

    pitchfork on himself, the tines beginning to pierce his

    fleshy neck. Please . . . he stammered as tiny droplets

    of blood began to appear and roll down his neck.

    Fall! she ordered and he fell forward, plunging the

    pitchfork deep into his throat. The blood gurgled and

    churned in his throat while the white flash of his life

    force bolted through Madame Duchamp, knocking her to the


    I have never seen power such as this, you are a

    minion of the devil, Klausner's servant whimpered,

    trembling in Richard's grasp.

    Some things should not be seen by the uninitiated,

    Christina replied, moving toward him, her heart quickening

    with anticipation.

    Richard tightened his grip, knowing that Christina was

    about to strengthen her power. The servant began to

    breathe fast and heavy as Christina placed her hands on his


    Shhh, she whispered, caressing his closed eyes with

    her thumbs. I have heard that the eyes are the mirrors of

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    the soul, she pensively said, her power beginning to stir

    within her.

    If it is my silence you want, it is yours. Just tell

    me what you want! he nervously offered.

    Your soul! she demanded, driving her thumbs deep

    into his eye sockets as the blood drenched her hands and

    face. He struggled, but Richard held fast, wrapping his

    arm around the hapless mans neck and as his life ebbed and

    the struggling ceased, Christina felt the familiar bolt of

    power that she craved rush through her, intensifying her

    power. Her whole body was shaking until the full force hit

    her, dislodging her thumbs from the bloody eye sockets.

    The power was ablaze in Christinas eyes, giving them an

    ominous radiance. She could feel the charge of power

    rushing through her, making her feel stronger than ever.

    Richard let the limp corpse slump to the floor, the

    eyeless sockets staring blankly. It was then that

    Christina gazed into her hands and beheld the bloody orbs,

    but before she could react, Madame Duchamp stood beside her

    and whispered, These are but tools to help us.

    Christina looked at her mother and immediately could

    sense her intensified power.

    Teach me, she requested, handing her the gory


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    Madame Duchamp smiled as she took the eyes from her

    daughters hands. She was pleased that Christina still had

    a burning desire to learn.

    Thieves such as these, she began, usually have a

    horde of loot that they keep hidden. These will help us

    find it. We fortified our power, now we will fortify our


    Madame Duchamp and Christina entered the house

    cautiously while Richard kept a sharp eye out for any other

    servants Klausner may have had. When they were satisfied

    they were alone, Madame Duchamp placed the eyes in the palm

    of her hand and recited a simple yet compelling incantation,

    Eyes of the thief, hear me now,

    Reveal your secret, break your vow.

    With these eyes torn asunder,

    Lead me to your hidden plunder.

    Madame Duchamp could feel her power animate the dead

    eyes, giving them life to obey her command. Christina was

    amazed as the eyes looked upward toward the staircase.

    Up the stairs, quickly, she said to Christina who

    dutifully followed.

    As they walked down the short hallway, the eyes

    abruptly moved to the left toward a worm eaten wooden door.

    Christina tried the door and to her surprise, found it

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    unlocked. The room they entered yielded no plunder; it was

    sparsely furnished and some of the panels in the walls were

    cracked and peeling. It was one of these cracked and

    peeling panels that the eyes in Madame Duchamp's hand fixed

    their dead gaze upon. Madame Duchamp ran her free hand

    along the panel until she heard a faint click and pushed

    lightly. The panel opened to reveal another room laden

    with stolen property. Christina followed her mother into

    the room and was amazed at the cache of goods piled in the

    secret chamber. There was gold and silver jewelry, swords,

    pistols, clothing and all sorts of finery, snuff boxes and

    even some musical instruments.

    Old Klausner must have been in business for quite a

    while, Christina remarked while looking over the newly

    found treasure.

    Yes, however, it is not lavish goods that we seek,

    Madame Duchamp replied. The money, she commanded.

    Where is the money?

    At once the eyes lowered their gaze towards the floor

    under Christinas feet.

    Yes, Madame Duchamp smiled. Under the floorboard.

    Christina immediately dropped to the floor and found

    the slightly open seam in the floorboards. She carefully

    lifted the board and found a niche filled with a

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    substantial fortune. They filled their pockets, leaving

    the servants eyes in the empty niche. Then mother and

    daughter left the secret chamber and the room that hid it

    as they found it and returned to the barn.

    What did you find? Richard anxiously asked.

    Enough capital to live very well in Vienna, Madame

    Duchamp happily answered. It will be dawn soon, she

    continued. We should be on our way. Can you ready the

    carriage, Gerard?

    Oui, Madame, he dutifully answered and set about his


    They arrived in Ulm just as the boats were being

    loaded and passengers were boarding. Passage to Vienna was

    secured on a vessel that resembled a wooden house rowed by

    six pairs of men. Christina was surprised when she entered

    the cabin and saw no bed, but instead saw hammocks

    suspended from hooks in the walls.

    Is that where we are to sleep? she inquired of her


    Yes, Madame Duchamp answered. Proper wooden beds

    would get wet in case of accidental flooding. This is much

    more adventurous, Im sure youll like it.

    Christina smiled at the thought of another adventure

    and hoped that Vienna would be as thrilling as she

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    imagined. Of course she realized that her continued

    instruction in the black arts would take precedence, but

    hopefully there would be time to experience Vienna and all

    it had to offer. After all, she thought, how much more

    knowledge could there be? She had already memorized herbs

    and their usage, cast spells, raised the dead, killed to

    increase her power and cheated death. What else could her

    mother possibly teach her? Christina was not one to wait

    for answers, so she approached her mother and asked, How

    much more training am I to have before I am a true master?

    That is up to you, Madame Duchamp replied. However

    there are still some things you must learn before you can

    master them.

    Christina was a bit disappointed by her mothers

    answer. Her power was strong, she could feel it and knew

    how to keep it strong.

    Madame Duchamp sensed her daughters disappointment

    but decided to be firm with her. Mastery doesnt come

    overnight, Christina. It takes years. Learning to master

    the black arts is a lifelong commitment, one that cannot be

    forsaken if one is to be a true master. She moved toward

    Christina and put her arm around her shoulders. I know

    that patience is not one of your strong attributes, but it

    needs to be if we are to continue.

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    But my power is strong . . . Christina began.

    Your power is very strong, her mother broke in.

    But there is more to the black arts than keeping your

    power strong. Power without knowledge is useless; be

    patient, master your power and nothing will be able to

    touch you.

    As Christina absorbed her mothers advice, she heard

    Lucien's voice whisper to her thoughts, Trust in your

    mothers words, she speaks the truth.

    Christina knew that she had chosen a difficult path,

    but Luciens encouragement made her realize that she had

    chosen wisely.

    Thank you, mother, she relented with a loving

    embrace. She knew that her mother only had Christinas

    best interest in mind and had sacrificed much for her.

    Christina kept her mothers words in mind as she left

    her embrace and walked out onto the deck. She inhaled the

    warm air, felt Richards arm slide around her waist and his

    soft kiss on her lips.

    Madame Duchamp watched Richard and Christina, arm in

    arm, peering over the side while the boat pulled away from

    the dock. She never doubted Christinas loyalty and

    willingness to learn. Christina possessed a burning

    curiosity with all things pertaining to the black arts and

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    would make any master proud, but she also had the pride and

    impatience of youth.

    You are quite capable of teaching Christina to

    overcome her weaknesses, a voice behind her assured.

    Lucien, she whispered, turning to find him behind

    her and out of Christinas sight. I worry about her, she


    She is no different from you at that age, Lucien


    Yes, but I was more disciplined, more focused, she

    confessed. Christina lets her emotions get the better of


    She always has, he replied. But of all my

    disciples, you are the most knowledgeable and the most

    skilled. I have the utmost confidence in you.

    Thank you, my lord. I owe everything to you, she


    You have done me a great service, Madeline, Lucien

    declared, caressing her cheek and kissing her lips. I

    know you wont fail me.

    Your desire is my will, she firmly stated as Lucien

    disappeared into the shadows. She was flattered by

    Luciens confidence in her and grateful for the good life

    the power was able to give her. She would instill that in

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    Christina and make her see all the things that disciplined

    use of the power could bring her. But that would be on

    hold for a few days until they arrived in Vienna, for now

    it would just be a pleasant journey down the sun-lit waters

    of the Danube.