
    A Solar Writer Report

    for Michael Jackson

    Written by Stephanie Johnson

    Compliments of:-


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    Michael JacksonMale29 Aug 195812:09 pm EST +5:00Gary IN41°N36'087°W20'TropicalPlacidus

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    Astrological Summary

    Chart Point Positions: Michael Jackson

    Planet Sign Position House Comment

    The Moon Pisces 11°Pi08' 4th

    The Sun Virgo 5°Vi50' 10th

    Mercury Leo 25°Le33' 10th

    Venus Leo 16°Le41' 9th

    Mars Taurus 21°Ta53' 7th

    Jupiter Libra 28°Li29' 12th

    Saturn Sagittarius 19°Sg07' 2nd

    Uranus Leo 13°Le29' 9th

    Neptune Scorpio 2°Sc34' 12th

    Pluto Virgo 2°Vi09' 10th

    The North Node Libra 23°Li07' 11th

    The South Node Aries 23°Ar07' 5th

    The Ascendant Scorpio 14°Sc45' 1st

    The Midheaven Leo 25°Le02' 10th

    The Part of Fortune Taurus 20°Ta03' 7th

    Chart Point Aspects

    Planet Aspect Planet Orb App/Sep

    The Moon Opposition The Sun 5°18' Separating

    The Moon Sesquisquare Jupiter 2°20' Applying

    The Moon Quincunx Uranus 2°20' Applying

    The Moon Trine The Ascendant 3°36' Applying

    The Sun Conjunction Pluto 3°41' Separating

    The Sun Semisquare The North Node 2°16' Applying

    The Sun Sesquisquare The South Node 2°16' Applying

    Mercury Conjunction Venus 8°51' Applying

    Mercury Square Mars 3°39' Applying

    Mercury Trine Saturn 6°25' Applying

    Mercury Conjunction Pluto 6°36' Separating

    Mercury Sextile The North Node 2°26' Applying

    Mercury Trine The South Node 2°26' Applying

    Mercury Conjunction The Midheaven 0°31' Applying

    Mercury Square The Part of Fortune 5°29' Applying

    Venus Square Mars 5°12' Applying

    Venus Trine Saturn 2°25' Applying

    Venus Conjunction Uranus 3°12' Separating

    Venus Trine The South Node 6°25' Applying

    Venus Square The Ascendant 1°55' Separating

    Venus Conjunction The Midheaven 8°20' Applying

    Venus Square The Part of Fortune 3°22' Applying

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    Planet Aspect Planet Orb App/Sep

    Mars Square The Midheaven 3°08' Applying

    Mars Conjunction The Part of Fortune 1°49' Separating

    Jupiter Conjunction Neptune 4°05' Applying

    Jupiter Conjunction The North Node 5°22' Separating

    Jupiter Opposition The South Node 5°22' Separating

    Saturn Trine Uranus 5°38' Applying

    Saturn Semisquare Neptune 1°33' Applying

    Saturn Trine The South Node 3°59' Applying

    Saturn Trine The Midheaven 5°54' Applying

    Saturn Quincunx The Part of Fortune 0°56' Applying

    Uranus Square The Ascendant 1°16' Applying

    Neptune Sextile Pluto 0°24' Applying

    The North Node Sextile The Midheaven 1°54' Separating

    The South Node Trine The Midheaven 1°54' Separating

    The Ascendant Opposition The Part of Fortune 5°18' Separating

    The Midheaven Square The Part of Fortune 4°58' Applying

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    "There are stars whose radiance is visible on earth though they have long been extinct. There are people

    whose brilliance continues to light the world though they are no longer among the living. These lights are

    particularly bright when the night is dark." -- Hannah Senesh

    This report has been written to introduce you to the concepts of astrology and how to get started with a child's

    natal chart. Astrology is a complex and meaningful science which takes years to study and apply successfully;

    however, we would like to whet your appetite with this report, and encourage you to deepen your

    understanding through other means.

    A birth chart with an accurate birth time is required to do a full and accurate astrology report. This report has

    gathered together threads of your child's birth chart, but is not a full report because you do not know the birth

    time. Nevertheless there is still enough information to provide an interesting and informative introduction to

    your child's chart.

    Most planets move quite slowly, so we can be sure that they were in a particular sign at your child's time of

    birth, regardless of the actual time of day. However, in cases where a planet did change sign during your day

    of birth, you will see two paragraphs describing that planet - one for the sign that planet was in in the first part

    of the day, and one for the sign that planet was in for the last part of the day. In these cases, you should read

    both paragraphs to determine which one describes your child better, and this might then help you determine

    which part of the day your child's birth actually occurred in.

    Astrology is a study of the connection between planets and life on Earth. It is based on a concept that energy

    patterns form between other planets and Earth and that these energies affect our lives as individuals and


    An astrological chart, also known as a horoscope, natal chart, or birth chart, records the relationship between

    the planets and the signs of the Zodiac. Charts can be calculated for the birth of a person, a community, an

    event or anything that seems momentous. The horoscope is as individual and unique as a fingerprint.

    The aim of this report is to act as a guide for parents and mentors of children. All parents want the best for

    their children. We want our children to live happy and fulfilled lives. All mentors and teachers would like to

    see children reach their full potential. This can be achieved by recognising and accepting each child's

    individual gifts and weaknesses. In accepting these traits, we can help our children overcome obstacles and

    provide them with as many opportunities as possible to develop their talents.

    The journey from babyhood to adulthood is full of joys and challenges. This report is intended to help parents

    and mentors to support and encourage their children through the difficult times and to provide them with as

    much love and joy as possible. Then childhood can become a true foundation for a rewarding and joyful adult

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    life. Both children and their parents can be satisfied with a strong and healthy emotional bond, happy

    memories and many possibilities for future success.

    When using these interpretations, please bear in mind that, inevitably, every chart will contain some

    contradictory influences and, as a result, certain interpretations of different items in the same chart may seem

    difficult to reconcile. However, this may still be an accurate reflection of a child's chart, as it is likely that any

    child will experience conflicting desires, events and circumstances in their life. Usually it is the responsibility

    of an astrologer to synthesise these apparent contradictions in order to present a cohesive and meaningful

    interpretation of the dilemmas of the chart. Any advice given is meant to be an aid and the author and publisher

    accept no liability for any adverse effects of this report.

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    Family and Friends

    "Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength while loving someone deeply gives you courage."

    -- Lao Tso

    The Moon

    The Moon tells you about your children's emotional nature and basic needs. It is also the key to how they

    experience intimacy in relationships. The Moon tells you about your children's relationship with their

    mother, how they experience their mother's nurturing. As a result it can also give you insights on how to

    best nurture your children as babies and maturing young adults. When a child feels safe and has their

    basic needs met, they are better able to achieve their goals later in life. The Moon is a fast moving point in

    a birth chart which changes sign about every two days.

    The Moon is in Pisces

    Believe it or not young Michael was extremely happy in his mother's womb. The birth process came as a rude

    shock, thrusting Michael out of his comfortable, warm and watery environment. Therefore baby Michael needs

    lots of cuddles and tender loving care. Soft-coloured furnishings and a quiet environment, close to mother, are

    ideal. Parents may like to invest in a baby sling so that Michael can be kept close.

    Michael is a highly sensitive baby and needs longer than other babies to adjust to their new world. This

    sensitivity may also extend to foods, so parents need to be wary when introducing solid foods. Baby Michael

    may want to breast feed longer than other children. Michael is also a highly emotional child, who benefits

    from a harmonious home environment and kind and loving friends. He may enjoy quiet time with mother

    reading fantasy or light-hearted books. Michael is soothed by trips to the swimming pool, beach, nature parks

    or theatre. This helps feed Michael's active imagination. Parents may need to help Michael overcome

    imaginary fears and may be introduced to an imaginary friend. Pets can provide a source of comfort for young

    Michael; however, these pets need to be calm and gentle rather than boisterous. An aquarium may have a

    soothing effect.

    There may be some tears when it comes to leaving parents for school. It is important that parents do all that

    they can to ensure a smooth and gentle transition into the school environment. If possible the school selected

    also needs to have less emphasis on discipline and more of an emphasis on creativity. As Michael grows

    older creative pursuits provide a much-needed outlet for his strong feelings and imagination.


    The planet Venus describes your children's personal relationships with family and friends. Like a Moon,

    Venus is important in describing how your child prefers to interact. This planet also gives vital

    information about your child's receptivity to love. This is important because a child feels loved in different

    ways. Some children feel cherished when loved ones are paying them lots of attention, whereas others feel

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    most loved when given the freedom to go their separate ways. Therefore gaining an understanding of the

    planet Venus in your child's chart can give you insights into how to encourage rewarding relationships

    with family and friends.

    Venus is in Leo

    Michael is a little ray of sunshine. His warm and generous spirit has a way of brightening the lives of his

    family members and friends. Michael has a knack for helping those close to him feel special. Of course, he

    also needs to feel important. Michael likes to have the attention of those closest to him. He has quite a few

    creative tricks guaranteed to capture loved ones' interest. While parents need to encourage Michael's natural

    flair for being on centre stage, they also need to discourage any bossiness or excessive attention-getting

    shenanigans. Better yet, parents could direct his high jinks into more creative activities. As a young child,

    Michael enjoys playing with his friends. He is easily enticed into playing games and enjoying fun-filled

    activities with friends and family.

    The extent to which Michael is extroverted depends on other aspects of his birth chart. Perhaps Michael is

    kind hearted and full of fun around only around family members and a few loyal friends. On the other hand he

    may be much more extroverted, showering many people with affection and love. Humour and flair also play a

    strong role in Michael's life. He is likely to display a special talent at some stage during his childhood.

    Parents need only to remain open to the many possibilities. A lot depends on the other planets and signs in

    Michael's birth chart. However, talents could include acting, dancing, creative design, interior design, art,

    graphic design, and writing. Whatever Michael pursues, he pursues it ardently.

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    Talents and Schooling

    "Dance like no one is watching. Sing like no one is listening. Love like you've never been hurt and live like

    it's heaven on Earth." -- Mark Twain

    The Sun

    The Sun represents your child's identity. It describes your child's basic personality traits and their talents.

    It also tells you how your children think of themselves; how they need to express themselves; how they

    need to shine in their lives; how they feel alive. It is the centre of a child's self-expression. The Sun can

    also tell us about a child's father.

    The Sun is in Virgo

    Young Michael is a serious and friendly child, not prone to extroverted outbursts. Rather he enjoys an ordered

    world with family, friends and activities all taking their right place. The sign of Virgo is an Earth sign, and all

    earth children enjoy a routine. Baby Michael is no exception, preferring a regular and predictable rhythm to

    each day's schedule and food plan. Upheavals in the daily schedule may result in restless and fretful moments

    for young Michael. This continues to be true throughout Michael's life. As he grows older, parents will be

    pleasantly surprised by Michael's ability to tidy his own room and organise chores and schoolwork. This, of

    course, does depend on other aspects of Michael's birth chart. However, it is likely that Michael enjoys a

    clean and hygienic home environment, and is willing to take part in practical daily chores from a young age.

    His talents are in organisation, and she excels at any practical task that requires concentration and attention to

    detail. He is also likely to be highly intelligent, having both the ability to concentrate and research ideas. For

    this reason he shines at school, where structure, schedules and intelligence are such a vital ingredient of



    The planet Mercury describes your children's intellectual abilities. The sign and placement of Mercury

    can describe whether or not your child finds it easy to concentrate at school. Your child may be a

    daydreamer or have great concentration. Your child may be shy or interact easily with other people. Either

    way it is possible to boost your child's self-esteem by choosing study methods and schooling that suits their

    needs rather than forcing them to fit into an alien environment. Gaining an understanding of the planet

    Mercury can help in these matters.

    Mercury is in Leo

    "Learning is meant to be fun" is a commonly expressed maxim and is particularly true for Michael. Young

    Michael, more than other children, learns much more when educated in a fun and light-hearted manner. This is

    an important approach for parents and mentors to remember, whether it be teaching Michael to crawl, walk

    and talk in early childhood or more complex schooling later. Michael responds best to play, praise and

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    encouragement. Any criticism or parental pressure is likely to quickly squash Michael's natural enthusiasm for

    learning. When permitted to develop at his own pace, Michael is able to learn new skills easily, perhaps even

    topping his class at school or in his chosen activities. He has a creative mind, with plenty of ideas and

    opinions to be expressed. However, parents and mentors see a completely different side to Michael if he feels

    forced to achieve beyond his own limits or to conform to other people's expectations. Under stress, Michael

    either becomes introverted and shy or becomes the class clown, depending on other factors of his birth chart.

    Both types of behaviour are an attempt to hide his lack of self-confidence. Michael needs to be encouraged to

    speak his mind, debate opinions with other people and appreciate his own worth. He may benefit from, or

    have a talent for, creative writing, drawing, painting or the dramatic arts.

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    "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams." -- Eleanor Roosevelt

    The Ascendant

    The Ascendant, or Rising Sign as it's sometimes called, is considered to be an important component of an

    astrology chart. Ancient astrologers believed that the Ascendant depicted a person's primary motivation.

    Some believed that it was one of the links to discovering what makes a person happy. It could be said that

    when we're accomplishing our primary motivation then we're happy. By gaining knowledge of a child's

    Ascendant and discovering this child's primary motivation in life, parents and mentors can then help them

    achieve their goals. Caring adults can encourage the child with love and support. In turn your child

    experiences a sense of happiness and fulfilment. The Ascendant is a fast moving point in a birth chart and

    has therefore been left out of this untimed birth chart report.


    Ambition and drive, like many traits, can be powerful positive forces in your children’s lives, helping them

    achieve their dreams. Too much ambition can hinder your child’s ability to collaborate. On the other hand,

    without motivation your child may not be able to establish a healthy sense of self and successfully leave

    home and family. Studying Mars, the planet of drive and energy, assists parents and mentors. Mars

    describes vitality in your child’s birth chart. If our children are free to pursue their own dreams and

    ambitions, their joie de vivre is a wonderful thing to see. By understanding the placement of Mars in your

    child’s chart, you can help support their goals. You gain insight into whether or not your child lacks

    motivation in certain areas and why. You can also see if your child has an excess of passion. As a result

    you can either patiently try to motivate your child, or you can provide plenty of stimulation and direction.

    Mars is in Taurus

    Michael is a quiet achiever. Mars is not strong in the sign of Taurus and therefore young Michael starts life a

    little slowly with possibly some setback in infancy. He learns to crawl and walk after his playmates. He finds

    leaving the safety and comfort of home a bit threatening. Therefore kindergarten, pre-school and school can be

    a bit daunting. Parents need not be concerned.

    As Michael matures he develops the determination of a young bull and learns how to achieve his goals. He

    just needs a little encouragement along the way to leave his comforts. If, as a young child, Michael appears to

    be lacking in motivation, later parents and mentors discover that he is simply waiting for the right activity or

    direction before wasting precious time and energy. He tackles any task slowly and surely. He has plenty of

    drive for achieving his own objectives, but stubbornly refuses to tackle activities that lack interest. He also

    prefers to move at his own pace and is not going to be hurried along by anyone else.

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    Michael is loyal and steadfast and wise. He enjoys nature and may benefit from having his own little garden

    plot. He also enjoys anything that appeals to the senses. Beauty, music, the arts, fashion, design and other such

    aesthetic areas all hold a special allure. He may also have a special talent in one of these areas, which needs

    encouragement. Otherwise Michael's need for security may hinder the development of this talent.

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    Childhood Journey

    "Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

    Wouldn't it be ideal if we could isolate one trait in our personalities, capture it in a glass for observation

    and dissection? Of course this is not possible. Neither is it possible for us to isolate one part of a birth

    chart. The different aspects of our children's birth charts intermingle in a complex manner to make the

    little person that we know and love. However, it is possible for us to influence the development of our

    children, to support them in their journey. The aim of this section is to give vital clues for parents and

    mentors on how to guide, but not coerce, the development of your child.

    Pluto is Conjunct The Sun

    Michael is a powerful child, challenging himself and those who love him to stand up and take notice of life's

    abundance. He is curious and keen to explore new territory. If extroverted then young Michael is likely to end

    up in trouble as a result of his curiosity and resulting adventures into the outside world. He is a real character,

    a regular Tom Sawyer or Pippi Longstocking. However, a more introverted child may simply enjoy spending

    time on his own studying the inner workings of toys, nature and/or household equipment.

    From the moment of birth Michael's father plays a pivotal role in his life. His childhood relationship with

    father, or a strong father figure, determines the extent to which he feels able to carve his own niche later in

    life. Michael is likely to adore his father as a young child. As the patriarch of the family he earns respect of

    those surrounding him. A growing child keenly notices this. However, there may be a time when this adoration

    is transformed by a sense of betrayal. This is not necessarily within father's control. No-one can live up to

    God-like expectations. However, he can make sure that Michael feels supported as much as possible.

    Both Michael and his father have strong personalities and therefore they clash, each determined to express

    their own views or have their own way. It is important that Michael's father shows self-restraint, otherwise

    these clashes could become violent. He needs to ensure that young Michael is kept safe, away from emotional,

    verbal and physical abuse. In other words Michael's father needs to provide a safe environment in which he

    and Michael can both assert their own wills and gain greater understanding of themselves and each other. If

    this is not achieved then young Michael loses a sense of his own identity and cowers in the face of adversity.

    He eventually rebels, probably in his teenage years. However, if Michael's father can allow him the freedom

    to develop his own powerful personality then young Michael is likely to develop great personal power, the

    ability to lead others and to achieve his own goals.

    The theme of death can also play an important role under this influence. Young Michael is both more sensitive

    to the grief process and also more able to grow in strength through this process, be it the death of a family

    member or the death of a pet.

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    Saturn is Trine Mercury

    Now here's a child who needs a lot of approval and support, particularly from his father or an important male

    mentor. The more love and kindness that Michael receives, the more he is able to express himself in his daily

    life with confidence. The reason for this is that the combination of the planets Saturn and Mercury can be a

    difficult one, presenting some pitfalls in early childhood development. In other words young Michael may face

    difficulties in his ability to learn and communicate. This, in turn, affects his self-confidence.

    Michael may be shy, preferring the safety of his home rather than venturing out and about. Michael could be

    slow to talk and read. Perhaps school seems a bit overwhelming to young Michael. He prefers to spend time

    reading in his own room rather than socialising with his friends. Michael is sensitive to criticism, particularly

    any harsh words from his father or a prominent male member of the family. On the other hand Michael slowly

    blossoms when praised by his father. He also responds well to a male mentor's patient words of wisdom.

    Michael needs a slow, methodical approach when being given any instructions. He works better within a

    structured environment. With calm handling Michael gradually gains self-understanding and a wisdom that is

    beyond his years. Another positive note that is most of Michael's learning difficulties are experienced in his

    early youth. As he matures, social and communication skills and study becomes easier. It is almost as if

    Michael is born with a greater intelligence that needs to be carefully nurtured during childhood in order for it

    to be fully expressed as he matures.

    As Michael grows older, he is likely to excel in a specialised subject of his choice. His selection of topic

    depends on other aspects of his birth chart. Parents need to make sure that Michael is able to choose his own

    study topics as much as is possible. Excessive parental control could have a detrimental effect, eroding

    Michael's budding self-confidence. It is interesting to note that the famous scientist Albert Einstein

    experienced learning difficulties at school, and yet later rose to prominence in his field. Einstein had a

    powerful combination (conjunction) of the planets Saturn and Mercury in his birth chart. The strength of this

    association depends on the nature of the astrological link. Parents may wish to consult an astrologer.

    Pluto is Conjunct Mercury

    Michael is an insightful child who likes to understand what motivates people. Rather than enjoying learning

    things for the sake of trying something new, Michael likes to pull them apart and discover what makes them

    work. This can include anything such as dismantling a complex mechanical toy or simply pulling the head off a

    much beloved doll to see what is underneath. It can also include asking embarrassing questions of family

    members in order to understand a loved one's motives. Michael is not trying to be difficult, although his

    methods of learning are a little unusual. He merely wants to understand all things hidden.

    Michael needs to be encouraged to explore his environment, even if he does have unusual methods at times.

    He is sensitive to criticism and easily feels rejected if his parents or mentors express disapproval. This can

    result in a lack of motivation. Michael is scared to try new things for fear of being chastised. Therefore

    parents and mentors need to encourage Michael's endeavours, not with false praise, but rather with honest and

    direct words. Michael comprehends hidden meanings and responds best to the truth. Michael may also

    appreciate toys and activities which can be researched, engineered and constructed.

    Parents and mentors need to ensure that Michael's entry into school is as smooth as possible, perhaps even

    explaining to teachers in advance that Michael is serious and unique student. Michael needs to be protected

    from harsh teachers. He needs tolerant teachers in order to reach his full potential.

    Saturn is Trine Venus

    Young Michael has a serious side to his nature that ensures that he is a responsible child. No matter what other

    personality traits Michael may show, he has the ability to form long and lasting relationships with family and

    friends. In fact he may form a close bond with a particular parent, showing loyalty and self-sacrifice beyond

    his years.

    From a young age Michael sees the merits of stable relationships and wants this for himself. In some cases this

    yearning for security is a result of instability or friction in the family home, but mostly it is a part of Michael's

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    nature. He is caring and responsible. Unlike other children, he seems to understand the adage that "something

    worthwhile is worth waiting for". Michael is likely to have one or two close friends, rather than an abundance

    of acquaintances. In fact he may be shy in crowds, preferring the intimacy of smaller gatherings.

    Parents and mentors need to ensure that Michael does not sacrifice his own happiness in order to please loved

    ones. With firm and loving parental guidance young Michael can achieve the right balance between

    thoughtfulness for others and self-assurance. Michael is particularly sensitive to any antagonism by his mother.

    Therefore it is important that Michael is able to experience warmth and understanding from his mother, or an

    important female member of his family.

    Uranus is Conjunct Venus

    What a little live wire! Michael needs plenty of liberty to express his independence. Naturally inquisitive, he

    does not like to be tied down, but prefers to be free to explore his own interests. As such little Michael's

    parents need to be very flexible with routines and social engagements.

    Spontaneity is the key to successfully raising young Michael. He loves surprises. He is a unique little

    individual with many and varied interests and friends. Michael also has a tendency to act first and think later.

    This results in some exciting, if somewhat risky, adventures and activities. These may involve electricity,

    chemistry, fireworks or some sort of experiment with a difference. He can enjoy adventures on his but usually

    he likes to involve his friends in his escapades. Parents need to direct Michael's excess energy into lively, but

    safe, activities. Benefits can be gained from enrolling young Michael in children's sports or social clubs.

    As Michael grows older, he needs to be free to choose his friends and some of them might be quite unusual.

    Any interference from his parents is likely to be met with mutiny. Parents would be well advised to give

    Michael his freedom, unless his friendships are particularly unsavoury. He enjoys many different friends

    during the course of his childhood. It takes some time for him to learn the value of commitment. This depends,

    of course, on other aspects of his birth chart. In rare cases this combination of the planets Venus and Uranus

    can indicate a child who has a very unusual hobby or pastime that replaces his need for playmates.

  • Solar Writer Zodiac Child - Michael Jackson Page 2Solar Writer Zodiac Child - Michael Jackson Page 3Solar Writer Zodiac Child - Michael Jackson Page 4Solar Writer Zodiac Child - Michael Jackson Page 5Solar Writer Zodiac Child - Michael Jackson Page 6Solar Writer Zodiac Child - Michael Jackson Page 7Solar Writer Zodiac Child - Michael Jackson Page 8Solar Writer Zodiac Child - Michael Jackson Page 9Solar Writer Zodiac Child - Michael Jackson Page 10Solar Writer Zodiac Child - Michael Jackson Page 11Solar Writer Zodiac Child - Michael Jackson Page 12Solar Writer Zodiac Child - Michael Jackson Page 13Solar Writer Zodiac Child - Michael Jackson Page 14Solar Writer Zodiac Child - Michael Jackson Page 15Solar Writer Zodiac Child - Michael Jackson Page 16


    ”When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But

    when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.” -- Mark Twain

    “Bringing Up Father”

    This report has been written from a child’s point of view with the aim of helping parents and mentors

    better understand their youngsters. Of course, each person is ultimately responsible for their own actions,

    but the support that children get early in life goes a long way to helping them live rich and rewarding

    adult lives. Children need to be given the freedom to be their true selves rather than being forced to live up

    to parental expectations or to fulfill parents’ own personal journeys. They need their parents to live their

    own lives to the full, joyously and responsibly. Above all children need love and support. What great gifts

    and what a challenging role for parents! It is the author’s hope that this report may help in the process of

    childhood development, supporting both child and parent. My own father often quoted the above saying by

    Mark Twain. So I thought that I would share it in this report. My mother gave me many of the

    aforementioned gifts. I hope that these have shone through in the writing of this report.

    About the Author: Astrologer Stephanie Johnson lives in the Adelaide foothills in Australia. She holds a

    Bachelor of Arts (Journalism) and was a journalist in Australia, England and the USA for 15 years before

    becoming a professional astrologer. She is a consulting astrologer, Company Director of Esoteric

    Technologies Pty Ltd in Adelaide, Australia, Editor of the Australian Data Collection and a parent. She holds

    the FAA Diploma qualification for her share in the design and development of the Solar suite of programs and

    was a former editor of the Journal of the Federation of Australian Astrologers.

    About the Artist: The illustrations have been created by artist, illustrator and teacher, Janet Bridgland. Janet

    divides her time between her home and garden in Bridgewater, overlooking the Heysen Trail, and working in

    the second hand bookshop Back Pages Books, in the cosmopolitan suburb of Unley in Adelaide, Australia,

    where she sells books, paints and teaches water colour painting and drawing. Her beautiful illustrative work

    can be discovered at:

    This report is meant more of an introduction to the wonders of astrology rather than a complete course in its

    intricacies. Further studies, or a consultation with a professional astrologer, are encouraged to explore this

    most ancient scientific and philosophic tool.

    Copyright 2002 - 2010, Seeing With Stars Pty Ltd, PO Box 159 Stepney SA 5069 Australia.
