
Specializing in GIS-based site acquisitions for utility scale solar power plants in the Southwest.

Commercial Real Estate Advisors

Commercial Real Estate Advisors

We help our clients to rapidly growtheir development pipeline.

GIS-based site acquisitions for utility scale solar power plants in the Southwest.

Bridging the gap between real estate and emerging alternative energy technology.

GIS coverage throughout the Southwest

Experience in negotiating solar deals.

The Convergence of the Solar Industry

and Real Estate

The rapidly evolving world of alternative

energy has significant real estate

requirements, and yet the real estate

industry is generally ill-equipped to handle

the needs of the growing number of

alternative energy developers. We know

this because when we got involved in our

first solar deal, we didn’t fully understand

how to lend our real estate experience to

the deal.

It was only after a lot of hard work that we

began to understand the requirements of

our solar clients, and also understand the

value that we can add to their emerging

businesses. After thousands and thousands

of acres of negotiated deals, we now realize

that it’s as important for us to provide our

real estate transactional expertise for the

benefit of our clients as it is for us to

understand their business needs.

Solar deals have their own quirks. There is

typically a required option period which

must be negotiated, as well as varying

degrees of water requirements. There are

environmental issues to consider along with

access to utility infrastructure. And in the

end you have a value judgment: Does the

price of the land make the purchase an

actual deal?

One of the things that has made us effective

in doing site acquisition work has been our

internal Geographic Information System

(GIS). We built our GIS before we knew that

there would ever be a need to do solar site

selection work, but our GIS has nonetheless

been extremely helpful in locating sites for

our clients. There are a number of filters

that are required in order to find a suitable

solar site and our GIS does most of the work

for us.

As this industry continues to emerge and

mature, our Solar Acquisition Group will be

there, assisting clients with site selection

and putting deals together. The solar

industry is currently in a development phase

and we have learned that developers are

only as good as their development pipeline.

So we’re here to help clients grow their

solar development pipeline.

Commercial Real Estate Advisors


GIS-Based Site Selection Filters

Land Ownership Topography Access to Transmission Solar Insolation Land Use

Filtered Potential Deals

Sperry Van Ness Negotiation Filters

Property Pricing Terms of Sale Option Periods Option Payments Due Diligence Periods

Site to Acquire

Our Process

Commercial Real Estate Advisors

Land Ownership& Contact Information

Transmission Corridors& Utility Infrastructure

USGS Quads

Aerial Photos

Slope Analysis

Digital Elevation Data

Internal Geographic Information System

Commercial Real Estate Advisors
