
- FYP -

- FYP -

Final Year Project Guidance Session 2015/2016

OpenArc Campus

Upekha Vandebona

[email protected]

2015 10 - 11

From Last Session

Can you differentiate non-functional and functional requirements now?

Any domain related problem,

Ask from Quora -



Supervisor Agreement Form


Your systems title sometimes defines your scope

Select a suitable title for your system

Scope should express 300 hours of work.

Time Management. Errrr!!!!


Automatic DB Backups **

User Management

Authentication & Authorization

Master Data, Reference Data Management


** - Optional, but beneficial in general

Required #include

Managerial Reports

Operational Reports

Brainstorm From Last Session

Sample Projects

Group1 - Library Management System for Thissa Vidyalaya

Group 2 - Student Performance Management System Gamini Vidyalaya

Group3 - Daily Attendance System for Parakrama IT Training Center

(Traditional Client)

(Talkative Client)

(Non-Talkative Client)

Group1 - Library Management System for Thissa Vidyalaya

Traditional Client

Evolutionary Prototyping

Doesnt know how to tell in a computer system perspective. (ex: Fines)

Issues on Scope

No member involvement required for client. System is solely for managerial purposes.

Enough Scope ???

No Reserving Books, No Cancel Reserving, No Previews and Reviews etc.

Group1 - Library Management System for Thissa Vidyalaya

Browsing, Filtering & Searching Books

By Category, Author, Title..etc

Output Availability

Output Location

Maintain Books data

Copies, Editions

Categories, Authorsetc



Lending / Receiving / Removed (Decayed, Not returned)

Book Status Maintain

Members (Interface with a student management system???)

Student Name

Class / Year

Fines Parameterization and Generation accordingly

Late returning, Damagesetc


Reports / Charts Information (By year, By term)

Fines reminder notice

Fines received

Books borrowed


Scope enough for PEB???


More on Decision Support

Purchases / Expenses



Value Added Features

Group 2 - Student Performance Management System Gamini Vidyalaya

Sole purpose is to make computer system supportive to improve student performance

Group 2 - Student Performance Management System Gamini Vidyalaya

Categorize, sub categorize and define general events

Define point weights for general events

Student Data (Interface with a student management system???)

Address (where he lives effect performance hostel, with relatives, home)

[Issue of privacy Sensitive data]

Student participation on events

Negative behavior


Parents Involvement

View, Inquiry, Chat/Messaging (Scheduling)

Teachers Involvement (Class teacher, Subject teacher)

Student Involvement

Reports / Charts Information (By year, By term)

Scope enough for PEB???


More on Decision Support

Alerting on negative performance

Value Added Features

Character Certificate Generation

Group3 - Daily Attendance System for Parakrama IT Training Center

Sole purpose is to automate the current process.


Use a device Vs data entry?

Fingerprint, card reader etc.

Cost Benefit Analysis

Group3 - Daily Attendance System for Parakrama IT Training Center

Attendance Marking

Student Data (Interface with a student management system???)

Course - Subject Data / Schedule

Monitoring & alerting negative attendance behavior

(Every course doesnt need monitoring)


Parents Involvement

Messaging parents on negative attendance

Lecturers Involvement

Reports / Charts Information (By year, By term)

Scope enough for PEB???


Include Scheduling Component




Course Subject

Schedule Messaging students & lecturer

Lecture Cancelling Messages

More on Decision Support

FYI Getting data from other systems

Integration vs. Interfacing

Best Practice

Dont try to write on their database from your system. Pass data to them, they will deal with it.

Same goes the other way.

Lets Brainstorm

Workout -1

Draw the current business process in a flow diagram

Workout -2

List down problems in the current system.

Search and list down Similar Systems.

UCD - Analysis

Identify Actors

Identify Use Cases
