
Society in The Kite Runner, Cat’s Cradle, and Travels with Charley

The Kite RunnerBy Khaled Hosseini2003

About the Author

Born in Afghanistan in 1965

Came to US in 1980

The Kite Runner was first published work

A Thousand Splendid Suns published in 2007 Google Images

The Kite Runner






Rahim Kahn

Amir’s father

Major Themes: Redemption, Religion

Places: Kabul, Afghanistan and San Francisco, California

The Kite Runner

How it relates to the theme of societyAmir grows more distant from Hassan because of society

Pashtun Afghanis discriminate against Hazaras

Amir cannot be publicly close with Hassan

Amir later feels guilty about this because of another society

Amir moves to America

He begins to feel guilty and wonder about Hassan

Cat’s CradleBy Kurt Vonnegut1963

About the AuthorBorn November 11, 1922

Died April 11, 2007

Vonnegut was a POW in WWII

This had a profound influence on him

Fire Bombing of DresdenMain theme of Slaughter House Five and six other works Google Images

Cat’s Cradle



Dr. Breed

Papa Monzano

Mona Monzano

The Hoenikkers

The Crosbys

The Mintons

Themes: Falsity of truth, dangers of technology, science vs. religion

Places: Ilium, NY, and San Lorenzo

Cat’s Cradle

How it relates to the theme of societyJohn adopts the religion of Bokonon because of the time he spends on the island of San Lorenzo

Bokonon is the native religion of San Lorenzo

John dislikes the Crosby’s because they are too normal

They are exactly what society expects

Travels with CharleyBy John Steinbeck1960

About the Author

Born in Salinas California in 1902

Wrote many famous novels about American people and issues

The Grapes of Wrath

Cannery Row

Died on December 20, 1968

Google Images

Travels with Charley

A non-fiction account of his cross country trip in 1960

He traveled with his poodle, Charley


Google Images

Travels with Charley

Steinbeck made the journey in a makeshift RV he named Rociante

He made the journey to get a true look at the country and its people

He ate at truck stops and diners

He had distinct impressions about each part of the country

He did not enjoy his time in Texas and the South-East

Travels with Charley

How it relates to the themeSteinbeck wanted to go into the South to see the Cheerleaders

This was his name for the people standing by schools protesting integration

He called the displays he saw in New Orleans disgusting and horrific

Rotten vegetables thrown at kids

He discovers that his friends from the South were not representative of southern society
