Page 1: SOCIATEb PRESS N E tWSPAi^ER IN TWIN F. Twir m m DAIl^ M · w h r - y '- .., Twir VQ1,-R_K0. 2BS. ' ' SPECWOBSf “ lilllHllSE

w h r - y ' - . . , ■

T w irV Q 1 ,-R _ K 0 . 2BS. '

' SPECWOBSf “ lilllHllSE

OOBCEJUtlS, Fleejnfl Burglar Suspect Opens

Fire on "Crowds on New York Thoroughfare—Patrol-

‘ ' man Makes Capture

n e w YORK, in n 2 i/B —Tho anyWhito Wny trcmbl'o-i today when itu

^ *lUgod bBrRlnr firo.l- aovcraJ bIioI* into a orow4 pur*ulng l,Jm, h it a maii nn.1 % Komnto aud flod m a commahdocrcd tnxicnb. ' • . . •

^ A few m iM ite a Jn tv rit oxpcricnccd ath r ill, whoa a poHecman Rivinp chuie

. in another car through tanBlcd tra ffic , jumped to tho running board o f tho fleeing macliino fthd bent ita oftcupant

. onconacious w ith tho b u tt of hla own . . revolver.

: ’ .The man, wh5 Iden tified himBclf a.i im- /o b a Russo, o f West OranRo, N. J.,

wn» olleRod by tho police to hnvo been cauRbt In an iuoffoctani attempt to break into b thcatricnl roomiiifr hoimu in We»t 44th Btreet. lie broke through a f/owd wliJch surged about him, leveled h i j automatic and flroil, ton Bhot*. Da<kin;* to Broatlway, hi* pointed lain weapon n t the firs t’ tnx l driver he law nnd forced him to' race

• 'lowntown. — *O fficer Xakea Up Obace.

i ’atrolmon IlaJBteod, o f f duty nnd fid iiij; in his own motor, caught sight o f the I ;a i n«<l> oocJn;,' tJjo <'roivd hon<J- ed by Boveral poUceMon runulng after •it, gdvo'chaBO.

BoUi card jilp.rjigK*^! through tra ffic , , nt brpakneck Bj)cod, whilo the crowi»«

on the »ldownllca w ntd iod Bpellbound, , A t 4 ird atreot the cars ciune abreast.

i-Ruiho pointed hln pisto l at Ilalatead and pulled tho trigjper. ^ I t wea empty,

Ila lttead jammed cn hia brakea nnd took a fly ing leap. Ho lantlod on th< taxicab'a running board, puHed th« empty wcapoa from Rusao’a hand, anc uaing i t M a olub, beat“ hla q iy irry un

' eonsdons. . . *Wom«tt s to p t S b m t.

► A woman atnick by ono o f Russo’;s ihiota auffored a a ligh t f le r t wound

7fc» man wa* h it is the hip.Kuaao wna arreatsd fo r a(temptinf

btirglary nnd fo r carry ing a eoncealci w«apon.' Ho wa* /jtftotod by tho pollci

• 's^na Baying he had,' committed 14 burR iarlea in tbo thoatrical d istrict.


enEBrO AN , -Wyo.. Jan. 2, (/P>- F ifty men were chopping- tho Ice c Powder rive r in Johnson county non hero tonlRht in an c ffO T to fin d th body o f tho two year old son of* Hei

^ man Ohrlatcnson, j i rancher. Thb chil plAnged from a high bank through n airhole ia the ice.


Mounted Men to Reinforce In 0 ‘ fantry on Dufy in Connec

tion with KidnapingBASTBOP, U , , Jan. • l/B —Ix.n l

lana'a crook m va lry troop o f Jennlnj w ill reach'here tomorrow morning i reinforce tho three companlca, o f sta' troops ,-ftew on du ty hortj an(* a t fiougo, in connection tirith the -'atate investigation in to , tho death o f U men, rU tln n o f f t . robed rad maaki a.ob.

While tho order to cAtraln eamo au ▼ .denly, tho movement vraa net a so

prlae aa i t had been known since ear last week tha t ordera had been pr

- pared fo r the ca lling out o f ttddltlo*units. _ ____

Tlie cavalry u n it, whleh'^ saw aervl overaeaa w ith tho Rainbow divlsio

^ ■ mny be used In roaudlag up thoao p< »ona wJi'om the stato w il l charge yri

C. complicity in tho August k ldnapiiand butd iery o f 'W att Daniels a; Thomaa lUcharda, Itotig;) cltieoi Tho roads n t th is tim e are almost i: j-asBoblo in m any ' places because the Boaaonnl rnlna and cavalry woo a ffo rd tho most satisfactory,n^eans <’ommunication.

The movement wna not rognrded ht aa'bnlng inflaenoed by the kidnapi o f Harold Tcegerstrom, H> yeara o

. timpkeeper o f a carbon plant a t Bj ' kcr, who waa aplritod away by a&idt

t if ic d pera^na in tho dead of thb nig . Priclny. Federal ngenta today wi

continuing tJieir iaveBtlgntlon o f 1 inrldent butv o ffie ln ls fe lt tho yot waa aafe nnd out o t tho stnto; h a ^

■ flod from the woods where he wna hia captive. U l* ImpoHance .aa a w ness at the hearlng^hna not been • 6 closed hither b y the or defeo





the ''fhio iiaa realBtisd the prealdeacy* of ant A m onr and company, which b« iuia >vra deTCloped in to ono o f the largest

meat packing concerns o tw created.

la i r l iE l i i PIKEBS’ UEIlinxl ____ ■■UCO * ^

F. Edson White Rises From Lowest Round to Succeed

' Armour as president?n<J- .ftc r CITTCAQO, Jiiu. 2, (/P>—A Bolf-mndt

man who Btnrtcd hiii buaiucna carcoi i,„ck in 18!)0 on the cattle k illing floor nt 1’ . Oodol ni)d Sona packing house in I ’ coriu, 111., today bccamt tho president of, Armour and Co., oni o f the blggcnt packing coiicomB in th< woHd.

r . Edson White— •'‘ Ed*’ to thou ® saada o f Armour employea—la Jhe nev

and wnnje.J. Ogden Armour, who hna directci

the destinies o f tho buainoaR ainco hi father, PhiUp D. Armour; Sr., died 1

, 1001, retires from the presidency ani '*“ / beoomea'ehalrman o f tho Iward. Phi!

lp lD . .A fw o u r, IU , wna doBlgaate ting vico preaident. aled Haada Oigantio Indus tiy

Mr. W hite w ill hnvo under hia d rectlon^^not only Armour und Co., c

. Illinois,' w ith Its more than a b lllio dollars o f buflincHa ench year, but nle

PTTR Armour nnd Co., .of Dclawaro, tho novp .__ ly 'o rg 5in aubsidinry.. I f tho png posed purchasd ,of Morris ‘iThd Co. goi near —>'"'1 Armour siud todn

ho probably would have nn annuunc Her.f*''^'“ to make on thn t m atter befoi (.jjili j lo n g —Mr. WIjUo av'III bo tho hcnd < h nn frrcatest packing Induntry ovi

created,The new preaident's h is to ry .la

like th a t o f dozens o f other Ihea who hUTo started In the <Jim* ana

V |d irt o f the lowest round o f “ pacjc* lag to w n " and climb«d to the

V n ownership o f vaet fortunea and I L the control and management o i I J l almost untold milUona.

Born n t Peoria, III., Soptnnbcr 1873—he is s till Icsa'than fiO ycarfc o

| p . —Jfr. W hite obtained hlir education tho public schools there. A t 17 1

neC- went to work' on tho k illin g ftoor tho Peoria packing- houso. A t '20 1 wr<« in Ban Francbico, Cal., workl.i for the-Western Meat com]<anyt

lU k e . B»pI4 i l Mnlnga

Two years there, and he came ^ Chicago, thq centor o f the meat pac state ing universe, niid went to w ork f Mer A m our and Co., aa an inapcctor

4ite 'a the car route department. S ix mont later he waa a clerk la tho dress

uked department, and a year la ter organized and became the f i f s t mn a ^ r o f the sheep department. W il

I aud- in tea yeara M r. W hite was rfftista aur- to A rthu r M q ^o r, ono o f tho v ii

early presidonta o f tno company, In Jnc pre* 11 12 , they, made him n d irect

. , nnd two yeara la ter gave him a vii prcaidency. - -

, He waa married in 1000 to M srvlre ian Pearson o f Colling^ood, I •Islon, children.

Arm oor LeaTos M ark apin,t ‘Th'o passing o f J. Ogden Anm:

and -------------------------!-------------------------------i te a i. (Contlnned on Pago K v e .)

■0 o( B laze in O rph tm s ' D o rm ito ry D riv e s

, ■ ' 250 Lads f r o m B t1 here _____lapiDff S n i ld ia g Is D e s t ro y e d .b y t"p p y ! F l ^ o s . B u t A U o f t o m a tttiden- , R o a c u o d W i t h o u t I n j u r ynight —wero DALLiVB, Toxaa, Jnn 2 UPi—I

if tho .b o ys ' dorm itory n t Buckner's oryouth phan’a home, eight miloa from Dal l a ^ f f la*» 'R-aa destroyed by f ire ahoua held hvldnlght tonight. Two hunjilre( X w it-' and f i f t y boy inmatca o f the homi1, dU> wero aleoping in the build ing, buifense. all were roaoued.

S O C IA T E b P R E S S N E t

m m— ■" -

i ‘ TW IN T A Z J A n>ASO, W B


' Protestors Bearing' Banners AttracWltowds in Front of! New York City Haii; Siege of Consulate Continues ■■

NEW 1-OKK, Jnn. 2 ' ( ^ I r l n l i « . i)ubH;nna eontCBting w ith free statcm for^^poaaeaaion o f the Iriah,consulate tonight Jiickcted c ity hull, parading in fron t of-tho build ing w ith j)la*ard« do nouncing*‘ *Mayor i ly in n ’s pp lice ."

^ The unusual, spoc:oc1e, occurring tho homownrd bound .tlrronga wero passing through y C ity Hall park fo r Ufooklyn bridge, attracted a groat

^ crowd,“ What la S ir Basil Tliom8ofr*a niJH-

•d. fllon in the United B tatcat” one ban­ner wnn insfT ibcir

Othcra read: “ S ir B as il'ia here to tciich M ayor' H y ln n ’a police ‘ black- nnd ta n ’ niothodn.”

“ f^tr Daall Tlionison o f -Brotland'

BYanl wiiM untcrtnincd by Afr.yor I ly Iiiw ’b coiiiuiittee, while Mayor Ily lin r« pdlit-o Uhfiniiltyd Muriel MnoBwint^y.' ’

“ Licufcnnnt Oct’iin ncta nn judga nnd ju ry . Tli'o Am erican coiirta to tho

in i r fa r . ” *“ England did not le t S ir Bnnil

a rl Tliomaon mniihandlo Mra. M iirSwincy f.H Mayor H vlauV Lioittennnt Oegnn d id .” '

Mayor Mnjcos Oetaway ido Mayor Hylan w iu in his offioe when

tho d'einonntrntlon began, bur he ttlip- I ped'“f r 6m n aide door, reached hia motor

” 6 car w ithout being observed, nnd ’ tvns driven s w iftly away.

.Whoa a policeinnh infonnud Mrs, ° ° ° Gertrude Corlesa, leader o f tho pickols,

that tho mayor had gone home, they ■ disbanded a fto r liaving boen on d u tj

fo r nearly two houra.Deaplto tho heavy ped^atri.m t ra f f it

through c ity hall park InHhe evenJnj :tod ru(\h hour, there waa no disorder.

Tonight tho republicans and, frc< I in B tatcn diV^arud temporary truco a; and the Ir ish conaulato a fte r claah foi 'h il- possession which -atoppod just aJrtjrt o it«d being a r io t during tho morning^ Bu

i t wna not a friend ly tcueo.“ W o'ro s t i l l Ina ide ,'' said Llndaa:

(Jniwford, nntiied aa ronsul by th'e'Frei di- State, who has takon ponaoaaion o f th

I o f rfficea, ,lion “ Y ob, and we nro a till atandini also Ucre." replied A rthur Briaroe. Ueuten lew- lin t to Mm. Muriel McSwlney, li pro- cliargo o f tho-rej>ublican sibge force! goes who nro try in g to get the ir consuln )dny noiiiince into the coniml’a chair, nee- Clash Follows A rm iaticf~

A holiday ngreenicnt, aigned by th • two factions hiat SaVurdny, avus Inrgelo v e r _____________________________ _______

Continued on Pago Fotu)

i FLrENSTPSET=. mMimmI 0, _ _ _ _

n in Fast Train Drops Over 15 Fot [ o? ‘ Embankment; Steel Equip

°ki«gMACON, Oa., Jan. 2 M»)—A brok(

brake bean tha t droi)pod down fro one o f the l^ illm nn alee|)erR, caust

. tho derailment o f th o ’ north-boat . D ix ie .fly e r, faat Jackaonvillo-ChlcQi , tro i^ , a t 0:-f3 o 'clock fhia mornin

inth« Jnjur>' to 24 persona -throb i. . . . t aerioualyi'nreording to a atat° ment from Central o f Georgia #nilroi '*■ officials.

Onb o f tiio raila waa atripped fro tho roadbed fo r a ‘dlataiico o f lOOO fo

slant and iny ^Jong tho 15-foot ombankme Vico- In 'th e form o f a double andlanu- tho bottom o f the ravino li(y aevi •c t«^ Pullman aleepern, a dining cnr, a di vice- coach,, a ll' turned on their aides. T

ra il was intnet in all but one place nc MIsa the locomotive.

iM tB SMol OoratmcUin.B u t fo r tho fact th n t .the equl

ment wns o f atcol, there would Ha inour I'cen a fiuoVy losa o f life , railroad o f

. clala eoid. • ' .In the next to tlie laat car o f t

wrWkcd tra in Hat Mlaa Irene Caasli o f Shelbyyllle; Ky-, fu lly dressod a ^■nlting fo r the wreck.

) \ “ I awoko from a drean at- 6o’ clock,” aho to ld paaaengers, “ a dream tha t tho tra in was wrockod, I awakened m y tw o. componlona,

tn o u is s M arian WiUiams o f Buahnell, a teB Hla,, and Mias M ary SaniMsls ol r Boswell, Ind . ‘ Thoro’a goinit to bt

a wreck;.yon had better get ap and —A dress.*.. They to ld n o to go bacb or* to Bleep, h o t I 4«tsa«d'' and

)al- waited-” ^lOut A wrecker returned tho baggage < red to tlie ralla and tra ff ic waa rcsum )me around tho wreckage, over a sidetn but . w ith tra ins 'be ing delin-cd'an hour o

W S P A i^E R I N T W IN F.

DAIl'B m S D J iY MOBNIMq> J J ^ A R T g,

ALBERT B. FALLV' '''■ V :—

e .

HI f i

Bwaotary o f the to te iio t wh'b wm r** ttre from o ff ic e ' ( 9 ! to prae*

' tlce o f law and |n l7at« hosinMs in ''• New Mexico. /

. ------------------/[LI]yiTI cliiifncE,.,i'White House Announces, That

interior Secretary' is to Re­turn to Private Business

.WASHINGTON*, Jun. 2, (/P>—Sec- l’ 'iru tn ry Kail,' of Iho In te rio r depart- **^iment, w il l ri’ lirc from o ffice ^ o rc h

4, i t wan unnouiictil today At tho W hitt’ Ilouai", to ri'lum to tho prac- t ic e 'o f law and tho conduct o f p ri-

’ vatu, business n ffa ir* in New Moxico,. Prosldont Harding, who ia not yet ' prepared to namu liis successor, waa

declared by »n ndminintratiou spokeS' ng man lo havy made every e ffo rt tc

retain the cablnct officer in scrvice fpp and to have tendered him , wlthoul jii. avail, nn uppointmeot to thu supremi for to f i l l (he vaeaqcy. cauao f od by the recent re lirm c n i o f Justie<

Jut I Pitney. ' .ITenles B^pu^d F ric tion

lav , • .roe Secretary jFa ll later said that thi Iho in ipolling causo fo r tho Btep wa

tho condition o f his own a ffu ira om Ing ho denied rcporta tlmt ho had resignci en- to accept a pinco ns counaol for an o! in corporation, or tha t any fr ic tion exist

>eH, 'ed between himself and OBBorintca i Inr tho ndm inistriition. Ho w ill go to hi

cottlo ranch in Now Mexico imm.ed: atcly_ii]>on leaving Iila o ffice and aftfi

ll,^, a vocation, avIH resume tJio pratQjy tlco o f law nnd tho adininintriltion o__ his b\l^ficsK Intcreals, A b a sonatoi

8 ccr(ltjvry Fall waa a perjionn’ -frlon and naaociiite o f Mr, lla rd in g befox

r entering the adniinlHtrallion. I t wo understood when ho accepted tho^por' folio flin t he m ig lrf’ iiot serve througl out .the administrntlon, aa drought an

M cuttle market conililioiin in tho No ilex lcnn te rr ito ry where hla mark< inlcresta lie, wero aald to havo claim on haa attcnllon. More rccen

" ly, in connectionr'Wifh plana for t l I^Qt) fcmganiziition o f covcrnnfent dcpnr

:mentH, there were roporta that Secri , ip - tarv Fall desired the fc fes lry acn

IfK, itow' attndied to tho ogrieiilturi department, to be trrtnaferrcd to tli in terior department, under his diro

ken tion# but the wholo m atte r haa bee rom in abej-ancc.

' n i» im of Westandago In officc, BocreUry Fa ll hfta take ing. a personal intcreal in Alaskan a i J o f weatern affairs with which tho Inte atb- ior department comca in dircet co i)ttd tact and haa mnde soveml inapcct^t

trips to pointa i n ^ o public doma rom of immediate interest, foot Tho president, J t -w^is indicate lon t m ight tilko Bomo timo in tho Bolectic 1 a t of a Bucccasor to ’ the re tiring eccr !Von ta ry whoso resignation constltutoa tl day second break, w ith in th o adminlstr Tho t lo ji ’a o ffic ia l family since Mr. TTnr ''car ing npoumod .office. Keporta ha-

been curront th a t a sh ift in g o f cabin

julp. (Conflnned on Fags' F1t«)Mivo ■ ■ ' I —o ffl- p ----------

iC . T h e D a y i t,ldV — ' ' ' .....— -■■■■---------------------and (By The Astod&tM Press) ‘

The senate and h o ^ were Doth ■ lo recess,

a ■«.Hearings o& the Eellogg.W hltt

IS, ' federal radio .control b i l l were h*' >11, Stm by the hotue- m erch|at sta- o f . rino committee. - -

- A o n onnc^en t th a t Secretarj nd JP4U interior depaitnjent

would re tire fronl the- caUnei • March 4,' was nisd«. a t the W h lt4

Houssj .imod Pierce B utle r o f . St. P a ij, wai:i-ack sworn in as U i-sssodatflrjo itiee o:

and th& United States supreme cotirt . s fucceeding Wm. B . Day, rM^gned


^ M lA L L I E S l i O C K

R E P A R A T IO NAir of Hopelessness Pervades

of Failure Is Heard at Clos I ta lic Delegates Dismayed on Opposite Extremes by Fr

• PAEIS, J joo . a, W>—m e p rim * o Belginm and MatQols D o lu Torretta, a gloomy m \ ^ from the n rs t ahort ed to solve \h e reparatio i^ complex, agroemen^ and s^enfbers o f th e ir .delej

I Ing up iji' tw o days,

' I ^Fines Union Men

' For Abandorijng ■ . T ra in in D e se rt;fe d e ra l Court Imposes Fines ] ' i Amounting to $9,80(J~ on I Eight Convicted Men; Calls ' 1 Action Inexcusable ' ' I

■| LOS ANOELI-a, Jnb. 2 M>>—B igh t i • U nion nii'u couvlctad by a ,1ury/hero

Dcconibur 20 o f conspiracy id o l^ tru c t ‘ : inturntuto comincrco in connceciOn w ith I the abauiluiiiiient o f Uautii I'e ' paaecn- '

t Ker trallVH on tho desert past o f lioro, 1 iu«t AVRust, today were fined a to ta l

• 'o f e /soo in TTnltod States d is tric t cou r/l> y Judgo Uoujamin Blodaoo.'Tho <()iin ciiiiTiieteri/.ed tho notions o f th o i, <\t'fcn<laiilii un "iiwxeuauDo hd2 tiojua-

> tlf in U c ^ ” _ , ......'Judgo,Blodsoe said ho did riot bolioye '

li t)io causo o f tho atrike o f “ b ig fo u r”0 brothorliood men, wUck tied .np 'paB*:• aenger and m ail tra ins fo r sovoral days i- a t Noodles, Cal., and points in A ri*

cOna, was tho presence o f guard# or ! t nsiierted inofflc le ticy o f ineohanleol IS equipment, bu t rather a doalio to help a- tho ahopcroftB atrikora and- h o ^ a the to ra ilroad company. —0, favor o f tho defendants.*' addedlit tho court, “ i t must be said there wero ao no acts of violonca lu connection w ith I,, the Bbaodonmenl'T)f ^ralBs; but they eo hnd "no righ t to leave ptwawgirs en the

jdesert or v id l^to 'ob ligations they, had jnJiHumcd w ith tho m tlro ^d ," |

NEVADA’S INAtraUltATION °ai UNMARKED BY CEREMONYed’ ---------oil OcTemor-Elect, Betom lng from Funer- H -l a l fo r E e laU v^ in Kentucky, Be­in ' Ueved Somewhere in B utei ls ' --------- ■ai.* CARSON rJ T y , Nov., Jan., 2 0P>— \(,f .The change o rth t* Nevada state admin- ic- iatration today was charncterixed dnly q{ iby tho Bffliple ceremony o f iBsiiing com- 0, njiiwiona hy the serrctary o f state a fte r

oatlui' were file<l by the aucecaaful jy,j .cnnjUdatcH. -

' Oovernor-olcct Joinea G. Scrugham, . who went to Lcftington, Ky., a few

davB ngo to n ttrnd tlin funeral o f a ' J re la tive, waa believed to bo “ aome- “ .where in Nevada” today, therfcfore bo- “ 'T ing actively, ,a« well fls notn ira lly gov-

• en io r ioday; '*He'waa sworn in beforo ^ hla departtrro nnd his onth o f offi/-e,

ns well aa certified copy o f his com- iniaaion, wAa one filo in tho o ffice of tho accrctory o f state,

r o - ' ■

" i STRIKE RIOT IS QUELLEDEdmonton Police Force Takea 100 Mes

in Curtw ly AXter, Bock-ThrowtoB Demonstration at' Mine

EDMONTON, Jan, 2, C4»>-The entire- polic<^ forco turned out-Uo

ind arrested a h<5<ired s trikcna f te r 'a stone tlirow iKg domonftm tlor a l tho Standard mine. ‘ The prieonori

, ' wero marched In a column o f f<mr» t< tho city- police court to be ch'argec w ith unlawful aaaembly.

"1 . T E tL S o r M A EEIAO B PLAHB ton o r H E IS -T O B E rn s H TH B O N I t™, LONDON, j i n . 3, l/Pl—P lnn . arc li

tho making fo r tho marriage o f th Prince of, Wales and an Ita lia n p r ir cess, according to the D a l^ . Nowi

. The nowapnper I’ saya the quptUon a;__ tho prlpce’a mnrrlngo w ill bo settle

during tho next few mo,nthj|.— I r , . , , .

g W a sh in g to nAsstirance waa g ire n a t the

I t m i t e House th a t- to e U n ited States v o o ld abide b y The Hasne award o f 112^00,000 to Norway

M , in settlement oT. shipping ri«<Tn«^ Incx'eaae in . the m atern ity death

{rate and decrease' l4 !.th« inCant m o rta lity in the U n ited BUXm

7 'was noted In the annual re po rt o f It, the chljdxen's bureau. . ,

1 * 0 sU te deportment annonoeed th a t Oermany had propoeed * four power agreement fo r bo w ar fo r

M a 'g e s fi^ t lo n 'w ltheQt.the sanction o f Of a plebiscite, hu t t h a t ^ ^ vug' X • gestnra -was unaec«pUhl«' to


s w i "P B IO a COBKTM.

-------- '............... . , ;

K H O R N S O N>N s q u e s t i o n ;

\ f "es Session of Premiers and Talk :iose''of F^rst Day; Belgian and , ed at tJhyielding Positions Taken: France and B r i t a i n '

.• ministers o f France, Oreat B rita in and ta , fo r Ita ly , emerged th is afternoon m lo r t seaaion o f the premiers' cotmdl, call* . ’ ex. They were w e ll n igh hopeless or elegations.talked o f the conference break.

■• 'S' The meeting o f the prem len today was a continuation o f the postponed London c o n fe re n ^K lt ^ home lit t le f r u it thus far. Premier Bonar Law \ remarked 'th a t owing to puUlo opia-

tlon In , France and Oreat B rita in agreement would be m M t d iff icu lt, nbt Impossible. M . De Lasteyrl«, ih« Frenp'h finance m ln ls tir , who was w ith . '

’ P r ^ e r Poincare in the meeting, said, extending his arms; \

I f l “ England and- Franoe ore ss fa r apart as that.” I ■'

Is Ho immediately proceeded to Elysee ^ paloco to consult w ith President M il-

icrand, n fte r 'w h ich n cablnot council wna aummoned to mobt lo inorrtm

h t Tho Belgian and Ita lia n delegatea

expressed dismay a t tho unyielding po-. flitiouH taken up by Premiers Boaar

u. Law and PolncaaJToftch w ith tho oup- .Q port* o f tho lr cauneta. a l B o lg lu fi H o l« U p Prtiposal

Tho T ro,i.tli, B tU i.h o n j Ita lian , plfina wero Iai<f before- tho council. “ ° lT h o B ritish and French nro alike in

f ix in g Gorman reparotlona a t a to ta l o f f i f t y 'b i l l io n gold-marka, and alm-

.M iia r 'also in sotting up a eomprehen- £j, slve _^financial control o f Qonnany. y . They'are in direct opposition on tho r i . (jueation o f penalUos, Franee being or fo r tak ing so-called productive. guar- >ol nntces in tho Bhinolaad iCnd the Buhr, j p while Great B rita in would oeeopy Oer- :he »an territories beyond the present

£ono only upon aome fu ture defanlt led and w ith th * “ unanimOns" conaent ero o f .the. allies.i th I'ranco. doalrea to pay the European tjcy - Inter-allied debts .w ith class, reparation tho bo^tda; whITe~ England iJltUts upon the !iud ]>art!al payments o f debts dui> to her;

I w ith thb im m edia^ tak ing o f gold ‘ jdepoaitod by France nnd Ita ly in Lon* ■

I don fo r accurlty fo r war advances. <Thia gold lncladea^,8U ,000,000 franc* or about one-third the gold rflserre .

ju ( the Bank <jt France.I ta ly Eellse oa Persuatlon

1 Tho Ita lia n plan, which is eaaen- It ia lly tho same aa tha t offered a t the

?)— I London conference by Premier Mua- iiin- aulinl, followa in general terms the in ly French i3ea, but roiies upon persund- om- ing Germany to provldt* the guaran- f tc r tees re<]uostod w ithou t the menace o f aful "force. f \

OEOSIilffBOLe!DU01T01'om-'i ’ J

’ Sapulpa'Offlcials Take Precau- g [j tions Againsl Race War Fol-

I lowing Killing' o t Policeman- •••8 ATULPA, Okla^ Jan. 2 (/P>—Heav­

i ly armed guarda petrolled the b o r - . '4>)__ ders o f thb negro quarter hero tonight

and offic ia ls wero confident tha t Chore kcra would h® no race trouble growing out

1*0?. '’P" 1” “ ' ' ” “ «■“>^ ”to wounding o f fo u r others laat n ight rged negroes.

W hile the {ciucaeaa o f the aJtuation hnd not worn o f f a fte r darkneas fe ll,

' “ y aatkflritiee declared ^ a t the anfc guanl force waa aufflc lont to quell any ■e in disturbance .tha t m igh t arise.

the Several negroes suapeeted o f h a r la * p rin . taken ? a rt in the attack on the o ff'- lows. 'ors. who i t la believed were decoyed n o f ^***0 a ^ t to be a deathittled nrrcated during the day, bnt

so far- tlie pollf/s do not believe they • ■’ have apprehended the g iillty onea.-----

5 ^ ir , ' Book N eproer L«ad«rThe^ aearch- continued ontalde the

-■'-'-i c ity fo r -B d ^laaa, bollevei! to be a "■ leader o f the negroea who fired on the . offieetB and hla oompsnions.

Tho deadline between tho negro and w h ite sectlona, o f the e lty was estab- Ushed today' to prevent fr ic tio n bo*

“ • ■ twoen thb raeee a fte r tho burning o f i* th fou r buildings ownea by»Bd OlsM, a t o t . froni which lunbuaeaded:negroesktea fired -las t nightf on tbo poHoeman;-an

undertaking - establishment and 'two rooniing hona^.. Tho f lr ra ai>parentiy werip-of incendiary or}gl«.

^oed . Kegroee working outside ' th o lr *dU four t r ic t were perm itted to' pass the 'guard- fo r . ijnA ^bot a ll others w e re ‘tnm sd. baek. .

tioB B lm flarly white 'who e o n ld .no t show m g' tha t they, had pressing'hoalnesi in the

to negro .quarter w w o i|renr*at0^ . , f i i5a e n te r i^ . ^ . . • .

Page 2: SOCIATEb PRESS N E tWSPAi^ER IN TWIN F. Twir m m DAIl^ M · w h r - y '- .., Twir VQ1,-R_K0. 2BS. ' ' SPECWOBSf “ lilllHllSE

lEGHNliiTi ;DiLHfi™!!•OFDR,ni

•V ;______

Physician Wanted.lh Louisiana (on Murdei' iiT Coimectlon

^ t h Kidnapings, Awaits■ Release at" Baltimore

' n A u r r i io B E , iw . , . to . : 'w > —i .' & .'M /M cK o ln , wanted In LouiMiuD.i on

a choTKO o f murdur la conncctiou wtUi^. the Mnroliou.'o pnrinh kli}nt>p)iiKB, i i

w illiu f; to rctura to Loi^siiina volim-'• ^ , to rily , but munt flrHt ijo' rolc(uc<I by

tho Itottlmoro court it) irbOAo custody ho now Ja

•novomor nitcJjio tJrdftjCvj-lK-d Gover­nor J’arVor fo r biicIi roleii^N..^^

^ Deemi Pftpors T a u l t y . ^ - • . •Oovornor nJtchio/Jnformcd (Jovernot ' ' I ’julccr tim t .tliu rt‘<juliilllpu \mpcra ul-

ri'udy in bin lijindn wt-r^ no’t snfficlont fo r Iho'rpa-nou t lu it t lm jif f ld n v its nn* «mdo‘*on ‘ informntioH nnd la-licif ■ und nnt hy miyono wliu onv pcrsonftl

*• knowk‘dKo o f tfn j aUoj;c<l crinic.■ I f Governor Parker U w ilH iijj to ro- l«n»o I>r. -MoKoin, tho phyfliciun waul#

. to "leavo tomorrow, Oovornor Hitchio snid in dlapnlch^

Would D « 7 BOiiuUltlon.I f tho POflo comcs to tr ia l before Gov­

ernor Ritchie, the MfiXj'land iixMuUvo told Governor I'a rker that hia dcd«’ on uccordinfriv ivould bo aKainut RTnnt* in jj roqiiisiUon a t th is timo bu t tliftt he would hold Dr- AJcKoln ff ir “ rcn- itonablo tin \o i?t«Mdt‘r 't lr io jy j- i< o \ il« ia n a authorities tho opportunity to Biibmit eompctont affldavUa;,^

« i>r. M'cK'oin,'Oovt-rnor R itrh lc salil, while iHiiintinK on lili? extradition rights, novertheh-SH wnii (piitn w illioB to return to I.rtulai(iua voluntarily, but could not do bo u n til rclonflcd by the eonrt.

■ SLAYER OF BLACKIVIAIL^;s liber ate d by court

K e v Y o rk Jtutlco DlamlsMB ind ic t- js«at As&i&st re n n e t PoUc« Oom- mlSBloofir who Adm lttod K illin g

' DLAINS, N. Y.. Jan. 2,— Walter fi.S V n rd , wenltliy bdkcr^s Bon nnd former poHco cominiiiHioiicr.of New llochclle, was freed todiiy o f tlio ehargo o f murder tha t hiin been iian}{- In ff^over him (ilnce lant aprinff whofl

r ho confeiAOd shooting in Belf-dofenso «u alleged ' blackmailer, Cliironco Pet­ers. . Bupromo Court Justice Beegor

' dbinilsfled tho indlctiiient against Ward, holding th a f no evidoneo l>ad been prcsontcd to dhow his utory t^ bo untrue, llo /a ino critlcir-cd Iho .proao-

vcution fo r fiillu ro to h ring tho cna<) toHI>/ “ I t i l simply a naked fact tha t tho

ptoBccuUon i# not ready,” »a\d tb« justice, adding thn t tho proiocutora “ fiie a fra id to placo tho easo on tr ia l, becauBo I f i t went before a ju ry , thero would’ ho an uccjiiUtal.’ '


^ E qu ity Aao'odaUoo to SubmU propo»v edJJoatract to W ill Hays; D iic la ia la toa tlon to S trilto ■> |

NEW YORK, Jan. 2, (/P > -Th irty eouneil inemhere o f the Actors' Kquity aHsoclatioi) began a aeries o f confer­ence!* n l whic)i they hope lo work out |il:in»-guaranteeing a -10 hour week to

'm otion p ic lu to nctors. •A >]tandnrd form o f contract’ w ith

a 49 litvur cltvuBO w il l be sulimUled lo W ill I I . Iloyn, head o f th ff motion pic­ture liid u tlty , fo r lils vcrdlct, \irobaUly -w ithin ft n iiiith . A t equity head- HUarter)! i t wan aakl rci>orts tha t fl n trike was cjmleroplatcd to back u]> thu <Ieinand, wero absurd.

John Emerson, pres iden t o f tho as* Bociatinn, now ia ia Cnilfornia making .1 (itudy o f conditionB in tho movio s tudios. ' 'D e f iu i to ac tio n ii» no t expect­ed u n t i l ' ho TCtumB and reports.

H itto rle Union Jack,A fragjnent o f the Union Jack which

w a t flown from n . M. "S. Victory at tbe bnttl® o f Trnfnlgar, hns late ly been presenJRfl to the town o f ^lylh», Eng­land, The flrt'K wa» nlso UBcd to drape t io rd Nelsou'* coflla-

t ’H K W S — ^ -

- i f

■ i . I : :

f a l l s b A IL Y NEWS

' First Picin

S ‘*'® Iloro aro the f irs t exelufllve ple.tures

o f (ho illi-gc.-d Ku K lux Klan inurderK a t Mer Rouge, Loulflianii, that linvu

»v- Btirreil tho nation. . i \ W att paniel. ivo cx-Ber\'l<-T niiiu: iiinj. Tliomns F--Ki'-h- on ord.i wt-ro ,ki<lnu]>ed by a.niiiJikcd'bnii;! nt* nnd nover reap]»eared. Udveri^oj^ J.'jVr-


See PAparatjp iF for War on j-]- Everj Hand— Declare . Pre-'

vention of Clash is Fore- most Duty of Church

^ YORK, Jan. ( ^ —Declaring ,r ’H that the im'tioiiB ar»-«frankly jiuahing:

jTrjiarnlioiiH fo r another war, and . that the previ-nliun o f » ^ h a w ar'ia

' tUe duty o f .^lio Christian'<'liiircli, ;R '\groiip o f ICO prominent

W' Amerirann. iiicluiUug many wou-knowtt lao VJergj-nien, ednc!itor>i, Imiiiiiesii men nixl et- etlilors, today iw^ued a new year appeal jor *0 church peupio throughout'tho nation, if lt declare "ano ther war is In-

A evitsvUlp usk-<M a lic tte r mind cnn pre-bo •Aniniig the Higncrfl aro WllUam "vj.

Ilryan, l-'rank. A. Vanderlip, Roger t f W. IlahHi,,,. Ooorgo W. Wickcralyim,

Caplinnl O'Cnnnell, Neheminh B i^ to n , :ho rJiairman o f the International Church Lb® VomwlJtee . o f - World • AUlnnfe; Ar- ora tliu r .1. Urowti, seeretary o f the Prc*-

byterliin Doard o f Forcigu M t8aiou-<: Konyoti L. T^ulterfield, preslilent 0^ the Massnchusetto Agriculture Coltege; Join; D. Clarli, o f the Carnegie Endow* iiK-tit for. [nti-niatinnal Peape; Profesa- M 'J rv ln g Vinbcr, o f Yale UnlvcrBity; Jolin P. I-'n'v, editor o f the Moulder*

lb Jriiirniil, r iu c iu n a tl; UiKhop Thomaa -P- flailnr, o f th(> Protestant EpiHc-opal

io»v ( ’h'lindi- H.-irrii-t R. Laidlnw, n f the ma Wimii'n ’H Pro-Leagiie Couni'il; Shallcr

Malh'Mvs, ilenii n f the D iv in ity B<-hool i>f f ’ lii«-ai:o-» V n iveM ity : I'rc*ident Tliu-ing, o f We.'tern Rei'er\-e • Hai- v i'r* ity ; Mias M>rr<!* K. Wooley, Presl-

, ^ di'nt o f Mount Ifoh-okc Ci'lles<’ : Mr"- Philte North M oore i.P rrjident Nation--

0“ nl Comcil o f Wnpinii: Mm. Piin-v I ’ , to Pijnnvliacker, -Prosldent CTiautnuipia

Wiimi-n’s Juilgu Henrj- 'Wndeith UngtT.i; o f the Cireult..iOurt. New York to ’ Jnhn U. M o lt, (leneclil S<>crotar,* of • tlie International Y. M. C. A., and

liinny other 'o f tho -moat prominent Kiiiii'ropal nnd Methodist Bishops ,and other leading ministers o f nlmoftf

■ ** pvi’ rv denomination.“ f • F l i ^ B Old Oamo. as* The appeal, which U given out thru ing tho World AlHancc fo r International ly j. Frlcndnliip Ihroiigh tho Cliurches fi)l-

. Iowa:" T i l l ' filh iation In interna*

tionnl nffn im , in%'olvlng as i t docs tho imminent peril o f war, muat give '-oiin-rn to evary thoughtful christ'an.

ich A fte r a dpvn*'tntltij/ conflic t which at ha* cost millions o f Jives, creatcd im*

ren me.nsurablo hatred and piled up a dobt ag.- o f 50' dollato fo». everj- IP* o f time iiinco Christ was iiorrt, the

nations o f tho earth, apparently liov*

8YR»1«N\ 1 r ^AT W t SWlNNtNG, OF V ^ . / <E/v: h N tw 'fC ftR . w r t ^ ^ | " ( '

L W K HB/vRcr ---------------- i s

J W I N ID A H O -1

tttre o f A lle g e d K , K . 'K .


iB B is

es Jeer ordered atato troops to Mor Rouge rK lb guard the divers aeeklng the bodies I'u thoro under the directiou o f J. D. Hoo* 3l. ney. United States ngenta who declares h* thu,Vvho'lo w ork was that j j f tho K'. 'fc.

iv. V ^ il lo tho divera were at work nn* V- 'kn6n n |^ c n sot o f f a charyo o f 1000

hm AGAINSTrl ]RLD CONFLICTjP Ing leariit'd nothing nnd forgotten ** nothing, are oneo moro ])lnyiug tlw old,

gnnio of comfn-tiiivo imperiali»m and; compptitivo a^iuament Th'j' Church o f] (.Iirls t WU.1 «i'verely blaincd foe tUtt oc-i

' I'uraneo o f the last war. That tho Oo!i|>el shfiulil havo been ao long on oartli and yet 'should not have pre­vented tho g^ea^ cntastropho w ith all it'» PTiioUy nnd Buffering wa.t

‘ f* a' charge againnt tho Cliureh «o Ber- >K Inus -that a ll thoughtful nuai^ti,T* f.\l( id its force and wero driven dofensively is io m eet. it< J 2vou more w ill another Ul wa'r bring down upon tho church of nt C lirint the charge o f moral cowardii-o ■•n s;H'\ fn la l ineffielency.

" Y e t another war l« being pre- piiTwl in tlu’ vUJdicllVe Uatiedli, thfv iiationnlistlc nmbitiona, the achomes of tneial and imperial Melf-agur:indlzeinent which mark the world's International

• relatlonshipa.' J lio sp irit' o f good-will ■v nnd Hinccre eoopiTalJ>>n fo r tho wel-

I fare o f mankind nh a whole Is' eo lameutiibly w eak .'t* «> tvptvvly Bcoffod

I * at in Influential^ qu;?rters, and ox- pectations o f w-ar an’ ao freely voiced nnd jirci'a rations fo r It so "fra n k ly , pushed, that another war l» inovitable

■*; nnlcKs a be lte r mind can apeodlly" I p j-v»n. . ^ .

<v* MoBt Bulnoiis O rgubod Sin.“ IV 'T t' are somu nn\ouc H»^<}f whOm

tV* signatories- o f. this appeal^orm op. . ' "

i , P H O T


■” i U e n ’a .and Wnd

Cleaaed, m


I TroyLaundryi!heiV* ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ H i M n M M M H M l H B M


^ S iT . ^ — | J


e pounds o f dynamite in oa e ffo r t to'do- ] Btroy the bodies, which, hou-'eveiv wore

brought to the aurface.. They had been -H-olghted down. Arrests nre already in

* progresa A t the oxtremo le ft o ^ h e . viow ia, AgcnO Uooucv and tbo dwcr :• i# Tot Davenport, kidnaped at tho0 simo time, beaten nnd released. i

Um nll group, who jregnTd -ft-nr us Ibo' [most ruinious/ orgnnixcd'- sin . ^Vhich | i mankind now faces; who arc sufQ Ith a t the w:ir ,>*,vi.teH» a«r} the CJiristion;

1 (lo.spH cannot permanently abido to-1 goihe?S/)n tho s.inio earth: who boo' i-h-arly tha t-the Hj>ic|^ o f war and tho*, •*}'irU u f <5ospvl are antilbclica l, tbo,

; Olio ropri-mmting wha^ thn other hates' tand u'oiilij; ile.itrov; who recognlro that

n « ;ir J ft.fiiiili- an a mi'aiis o f fu rthc rlng j I , ( ’h r in t’s kingtloin, oveh whore tlfW end| (liConghl i.H rith leouB . nnd where the' fir> liirit <if tho combatnnts Is Bacrlfi-I;-lCial • I0 “ Our I'OHition J i i this apjteal does ju not iu<c)|vo theoretical p'n<'ifism; wo.>. are not i-nncerned to deny the nccca-11 l i t y 0? using, force, ninajiod forcc. i t ,..s iniyi* be, in an enieri;i‘»cy, nor o f a•• mrid'Tnto m ilita ry orgnnl7:;itlon fo r de-( C''UHivi> piirposoN tb w jir e y s lm 'y (•< not on :i]>p<'.-il to • force, in an cnier-;r gem-y—if 1h a long drai\-n ^out nnd ■f -Iclilicrate' pn-paration for tho iiso of0 r-vory known mciins o f cruel and col-1

b'nlivo destmctipn. I t rc«ts upon tho !i»Hunip1lon that the welfare o f onO'

p pooplo Involve* tU *^ru in o f another'f iind i t plfins fa r hfiead o f the eventt to . be ennblirf to compnss tha t ruin. Iil I I reprerents the deliberate orgijn lin.II tion nf <Hn" MDftd—hrtrrlSnlateil and'|. armed people, i*<iHplrioin of ei.-h other, Ip lintlng each other' wniting to fa ll ji\ »i>on e;ich. other, instc'iid nf Ba«vly.cft-Ic. operating peoples finding the bestJ Interests o f nil *?t\lfilled in a deicent, y ;^accable and reft*ionable fellowslilp.

® ^ C turch o'tt TrtaJ.“ W o . w ill not believe tha t man*

Hind is Kt> deficii-nt in chnmcter and infelligenre as to make tho rational

j; <olutl<m o f our iu lerniitional ptoblcma' a imjiossil^lo and to- commit us to tho

N E 6 6

CLEANINGWomen’s S u its and Pressed

5c& Dry Cleaning

/ ' h O I K O * TrtE lt TUBM OVEli / HEW V e a f a n d TT Y to 1)e C

/ TO FOR INSTANCE — I f A I R ir n t i ! eoY c o r n , m ay

I >1111 TO BE Back "njnE a i 1- - a n o he w a s Good a n d w i

V,0 0 t -0 HE 0 0 ?


1 ^ 3Icl T - - - - -

eoaUnyed rule .o f .iasaus fear, hatred wl and itoUettWci deitn ictlo iK And « w q certain tha t unlow the Ohareh o f Chriat « tokos now a clear and consiBtent eland'00 th is m atter o f lifo and death to ](. o u r . e ivilizatlon and to the w o r^ , ^ she w ill morit. tltA contempt o t n e tt and tho judgiriiWit' o f God. |

“ Wo therefore uigA a ll'tJ \o people o f tho churches,'-and a jl n ia is to ra in ^ portlcu lflr to on’ outspoltcn declnrafon “ a t tho war vystcm and the Goepel o f Christ oro dlnme^ri«ally and ir - ^ t l jBcoaeilaWy oppoBcfl. Wo urge tbh t h w ithou t delay th is crislB o f decision bc-j Uveon war and ChrUt bo unmistakably » recognized and stated. We would have ^ every’ C lirtstion church and center o f. a ‘frank ’ and courngooue. aatagonlem ' , to jjs a r nnd ovcryiUng tha t makes w a r uTml )n our own country and in a ll ^ Innds-wo ;8ue4ced in rc lnatatlng ChrJa* •* tla n loyalty to Christ -whcto I t belon?*

, — fa r ’ abovo - local prejudlco, racial d hatred, nnit d ivisive naUon'aIl«n, Wo ( aro c^v ln e cd tha t so qucation' facos tho people o f God moro crffcical than j th is , nntl wo hgvo thought i t , worth w h ile -to make thia Appeal in the hope thn t our'"convictlotii bo ^ n rc d "by the ge;»cral body-of the Church o f ( ^ r is t . ]

' ' F IL E R i ;P ILE R — l-'rloniis wero shock<.-d l^ re ^

Thnriday to learn o f the deatii tha t *day a t tho county hOBpltnl o f K. C. Kngle, II farmer liv ing south o f io v fn .IIo Js survived l iy his w lfo nnd threo *

, Fons, age 10 and 8 years nn<l a baby «fiv o weekB*old; also several brothcn. « and other relatlvcfl

Tho inform al social a ffa ir-" 'g iv e n ] Tluirsday evening a t tho I. O. O.- i ' . ba ll i)y tbo F ile r }od;fl)7Cfr. and A , M.and local chaptor, Order o f tho Eastorn ,

' Star, wns largely uttendcd liy mombont ]- jjiid enjoyed by all. A sui^por was j‘ Kcrvod at 7 o ’clock, a fter wMcK thu ]

everting waa spent at dancing and )• |T he a ffa ir was • given honoring M r. \i ’ and Mrs. S. G. Davis, who aro moving I

th is w-oi’k ‘ to Jerome, and J. A . Jo)in- Kon, re tiring wpra^^pful master o f the

' .V. P. nnd A. M., and worthy patron 5 o f the Eastei'n Star.* .E dw in J(dinson o f CJieyiyine,, Wyo- ^^■ming, arrivotl laat week, and w ill. vlsJt ’' i f r l tn d s liere fo f « shpj^'tliK^- ^’ • TeodorJ^i^iJnner nnH Robert Palo le ft Ti» Ifint week overland fo r C alifon ila . i, 'w-hero thoy w ill lock for a location. ‘

M r. and Mr«. A. W. Sharp o f Sol- ; d ler Summit, TJtali, spent the holidays{jhoro w ith Mrs. S liarp ’s relatives. gl l ’ Pred D eKoltr le ft Mondav fo r Iowa t

’ p | r ------------ S

■ I i n w r / j l

:l i r ^' 5 , Thestf a r^ the

I a ■; w h ieh th e tho ; ■ S: buye r has been ; ■. lo n g in g ^Fes.

I ‘K IN G i' commands -a j

; 1 ;; • than a t any oth, . la r fo r d o lla r

^ service, -grealS ffo m trou b le , s

1 pS. - and -deeper coa 5 than ever be fo

5 M ore ' people5 C O A L” th a r fa i


I jnjerMoun’•j“ - C . C . L / S L 1 7 . S

„ P h o n effome o f f

"II : V S NGOOD___ \ L " \rWTKEft < \

1 a n d T o i o ^ h b o m If O’CLOCK k

IT ■

\ •

i where he wUl agmla «nter aebeol a fter B e n d in g * t lM KoUdaTt w ith b is p t i- it enta. • . ’i ' M m . s . p . Shumate and tw o cUidWa 0 le ft iaet week fo r *V lrg ln la , whore < *» they TfUI remaia Indo fia it^ ly w ith tcl- “ otlvcs. ' . ’I . ' Bex Kimme! o f Boiso, a nto^ent at Q Moscow, hna epoat tbe holiday* a t th'e . a H. B. ^MuBBcr home hero. ' ' ■ ^ el M rs. "F lo ra Wootls o f B urley spent ••♦jtho holidays here a^ t h o - I * j6 . Wood it^homo. • , / , -c-'[ Miss Boryl D ou^, musitf. inatructor, - -y spent tho holidays a t Bcoo, NovodB^

w ith her mother; "^ , M r. anil M n . Ed WUeox ^cft Satur­

day for^'Montello, Nevada, whcro thoy w ill v U it w ith tho ir d iushter, l ir s . . A -'

V *J .L o n V . \ •7b ‘ M rs. .T. A • Bronnon- returned Thuni- a l day from Offdcn, 'wherB »ho e ^ n t 7o Christinas with, relatives. ' ■obI • ^ ------------------ - •• •I " FBAtTD O H A B Q B 'P B B TB B kB D

AOA1N8T SOin> OPESATOB i>6 CHICAGO, Jan. 2, W»>—Fred L . ,It. K rie h fl, former head o f the bond

houBo o f Kriobel and Co., of- New ' York and OticBSO, whieh fa ile d last March, was arrested to id g h t oa a .

rc federal iodictment charglDg* lue o f the mallB to defraud. Ho was foleosod on ^ 10,000 bond.

n, Tho firm , with Qtain offices hero,CO fnilcd fo r «3,30S,001.08, w ith «ash as- }y Bots o f «N0,000; $460,000 in notes n> and |SOO,000 o f qucstionablo paper.

— " " * 7 — „ r ^ • en P E IV A TE a m r Y A B li w m .J'* BBPLAOB N A V A L STATIO N .Z PORT ' ARTHUR, ManchurisL Tjan.

2 < /P )-W ith tho a bo lition ' o f tlt« Naval station hero, a private shipyard Is to bo established by tho Kawasaki

t"5 Dockyard Company In conjunction w ith id tho Ciouth Manchurian RallWoy Com- [r. pony. The prcMUt naval depot is to ig bo used fo r th’o purpose. ^ n- •Ho . QUITS COAL INDXJ8 T B Y

BH ERroAN, Wyo., ju i .0 . Peter Kooi, promlneot cbal operator, j t roBlgned today from the jJresidooay

o f tho Sheridan, Wyoming, Coat com* tX pnny. tho latj^esl m ining cbrporatlon fl, in th is state, lie hns boon engaged

in tho coiil induBlry fllnco 1C*01. ',1- ________________rB Classified adTortiaiog is tbe cheap­

est. th in g you can buy—moasured b**a the pzofits i t may b ring you.


; h e d a y s t o w a r d ^

h o u g h t f u l c o a l ^ ^ e n l o o k i n g w i t h , ^

; COAL’L I , g r e a t e r v a l u e . ,

) t h e r ' t i m e . \ D o l - ’S. r i t b u y s m o r e S

s a t e r f r e e d o m E?

, s u r e r e c o n o m y ^

l o a l s a t i s f a c t i o n S f o r e . ,

) i e " b u y “ K I N G |

an y ^ h e r k in d . ' ' s S

' ! jg

ntaincoalg>[’s o n M q h ^

e 2 8 6 1 1K i n j C a o l ^ j

Wf B . T , O 'm x i

Page 3: SOCIATEb PRESS N E tWSPAi^ER IN TWIN F. Twir m m DAIl^ M · w h r - y '- .., Twir VQ1,-R_K0. 2BS. ' ' SPECWOBSf “ lilllHllSE

- i ' . . . . *


■ : TWr

: i RllllNTIIilCommefce Department Secre-

tary Tells 61 Bedlam Fillint ' * 7Alr from 21,000 “ Transmit.

-• , tino Stations”

W ABHINOTON, J«». 2 im —Oontro wiMt bo ^oitabllsliea, over tUo ticdJ&n f i l lb g the - « ir fn m 21,00 0 ' radl( ' ‘ trans in ittinp stations,* ' Bccretari

• Hoover, o f tho comnijcrco deportmont to ld tho tiouso ineriJ ian l. matmo com mittoo tO(]ay a t hoarinsB.ou.tho Kcl loSR-^Vhito fodorol rudio control b ill RoprcMntativcB o f ninntciin nnd vari ou,ti oUiors Interoated in wlTelci** com timnlcatlon alao woro hoard- by tin

» coniniittco. . ' . ,Tho' b il l proviflca Hint thd'conimorci

dopcutmottt BlmU htivo BHivcrvUion ovc all . radio communication, rw lgn ln . wa^ro/lotKftlis, appr'oyinir AppnrntuN. Ii

. oouslne o r a to r s , and oth«rwiao super vinlnR wlrcl^«a tomaviTUcntlou .to ciddr out o f tfio present chaon o f jaz l'nn«l/«, aonnoss, crop rcportn, sportloi HorvlccK conccrtd nnd what not, run nln|{ almultaacQusIy nu the ttumo vrav- lengths. - '

N avy Eoglatora Protest Vigorous protoBt wns nindo ngnin:i

** , ;i |iruviflloh o f the V ill Ih iil ulipulato tJat trhonovcr np{».ir«eu/» used fo other ■ than government business i slialJ cnmc under 'supervision o f th< foninjcrco dcpnlrlmenl.- The ju:vy, rc!> rniiented by Kenr Admlrnl -Zlcgemoh'r

* frotcsted th a t navy oiicrjilora in rann’ n«c’H would haVtt to olitiiln llrensci ffftln tho conmierpc dcparlinunt i f Ih'

^ ?{'i'tion wn-i retaiuoil,, Hucrctnry Iloo ver told tho ooinmltleo ho tvoulJ con f<T w ith Bccrctnry Denhy In nii c ffo r ^ rcnch nn nr^ord on tho feature, bu iie inslstod H u t the nny^' snould no bo permitted uulim lted prlvilcKcs t tbi* dbKomfiUuo o f other users o

* iviroicBS. - .Secretary Hoover said !>CD broadcnsi

ing stntiohJi were in 'oporatlan nnd thn Iho Intorfuroneo In tho n ir entno lorgcl; fio m liic m . T b i* broudcasling problcrt bo said, Ijt undorrnlning the uaoful po-

,«»ibilltlcs o f the whole a rt o f wirolosi Thousands o f rcquosts, he said, aro ai r i t ln g cacb montb from a\l parU o f th

JV , country, that-some regulation bo takei Somo cities, ho snia^faavo as many a

^ 20 broadeaiitinfr s ta in s , oach in tc r ff iing wUh other*. ..

_ 8 fl« Ne«d o f Leglalatlon. -K.» P. Qregp, representing the Ni

tionol Radio Chnmbor o f Commorct ^Paul Oodley, ropre/wnting a aiimber c Vadio publications; H lmm , P. M axli o f.lla r tfo rd , ropre«ontinj tho Ainoriea

- ^ ^ ^ d lo Bolay Icafjuc, and teprosenU /^ iV es o f teletrraph aad tolopuono con

panios a ( ^ ^ tha t • som» legislatlo should bo onactod immoaiatoly to ui

, ‘ tnnglri tbo situation.


Otitpat fo r Export, Apptoxlnuto: - a im « . aa X « rt T«ar, i i Estlfflati \SoQShl7 a t 300.000 Tona

M A N IL A , P. I.. Jan. 2 W>>—Orin Ing o f tho 1022-1023 sugar caifo crop hi begun. Rough estimates o f tho cn to bo baTTcsted plafcjA i t am ind 30( WOO tona fo r export, including ' ee trlfu jra l nnd muiscnvndo sugnrt, whli is npproximatcly tho aamo aa la

0 . yonr s output.Tlio cano. crop on tho Islana

^ Ijiizon is Romowhat smaller than tho f A year ngo, on-lng chiefly dnmngo’ by locusts, but manufaetura

■ - CfltimAto tha t I n . NcRros and oth parts o f tho nrchlpcInKo tbs crop w bn allehOy above tha t o f 1921, makii tho to lt i l ' appro^dmatoly tho s a :^ thn t o f la t t year.

“ Over tho Island o f Luzon fta wholo tha • production w ill probab

■ -'b'« flomewhnt less than tha t o f layear,” said R. Renton n iad, Ronoj manfltrcr o f tho Pnmpanga »U1b Dol CanneB, pfovineo o f Pampanj "B u t. plowing; conditions eonilnne <

k . «eIlont fo r the planting o f tho ni ttop and indications aio fo r a baas crop In tho 1923^^824 auaaon.**

' Lov« o f Arfiam ant ,-W hy t l b« tU n i aa almoet . e

d u l t e ly maactillne habu r^ an e jchang* Inqnlre*. and a, cynical co r««pon<lcat aciRwera. **Mco chooae b<

■ t i s f «B' a meant o f etoppln i an a r f n e o t: women never want an arftim e

■ ■ . itoppe'd."—Boaton Tranacrtpt

Facta W orth B*mamb*Hnp.Wben a iwrson fecla dlapoaed

c T c r^ tlm a te ">118 own Importance, t him remcnib’c r tha t mankind got aloi

^ ■ very we|l before hla b irth , and i t to all probaW llfy they w ill g«t i lo i very w ell a fte r hU death. ^

Japanaa* (Slaanllnaaa.The cleanllneaa o f the Japaneae

■ welt known. The pooreat Japane nw lle r^ fa n J j bU evening bath aa

. aacred duty, and aa th« greatest ln *n o f tbe-day, and f t atnipWooaly car«l aboot U k U « I t on tlmo.'

■ • Real O lory o f L lffc' • To be >i atroTjjt hand In the dark

In '*hA' Ik n f i 'a f Deed. tO be

rm F A L L S .r> A IL ,Y -N ^

B a n d it o f Scree

I '

IL> '





run- Jenks Harris, fiun lllu r to film .fa n n» nn actor-cowboy, is being hcJil i l.«B Angeles on thu charge thnt h inailc hin Vu'ovle band it” act top

iu:it . . " I 1---------atoh . .......... .............

T p d a ^ J p im ny I •

i WETBlU : ' 1 MSfiilo f , . , ____

cast- I Schedule for Season’s Gaines gcS'y lifcluding tl\e Champidnsl;u pov r Contests, are Announcedilosa. ----------] ar* Tho Kt«te baAkctuilU -i^'iaiupiunahi ’ the conlwita w ill be held n t Muacow, Marc iken. 1(] nnd 17, according to a iu ttcr Itwuc y M Tuesday to (ho high Khool iirincipa r f f r - nnd athletic courhu« 'o f tho stale h

M. C. MitcUcU, prottidcnt o f the atiil bonrd o f control.

^ The nc«v plans w ill c iit tho chan pionsllip ganu'B to four contestants th

jrce; y^ar^ cUuiinaUug lh« huavy cxpcwso < I Mending S tcania lo tho northern city.

. W ith the season barely stnried, t l locnla w ill have Junpio timo to get.iiii

snta* fo,. d is tric t ftutxU whiv'» ” • w ill 1)0 licld In Uulil t i: i . .omou, 11 n io n eliminfttiou fo r tho aectiqii lic it' hold In. Tw in Palls March 2 'und 'J.

i'a llow inK is the sUitciucut j'ivon c • by President M itchcll;-

E Tho follow ing plaus nre lu bu f< lowed this yeur-lu detorminlng the b:i ketball phaiupionsltipti—u»-bc,twccu, tl d istricts and o f the state:

F in t : Tho stiltb ia d iv ided 'in to s d istricts, snmo ns during the 'jasketbi scabon Inst nprini;.

i3«yund: Tbo cliiuuplonDhip in oa hM *>0 doterminod in ami

^croo •'ucocv300* contest*,.• jeiJ. T lilrd j Tbo chaiupion tcno« of d vhlch trie ts three und four shall play at th

last s< hool o f thd two rchools conce^ wblcb wins tho toes, and the chainpi

o f team s-of districts fivo and hIx s!i . th a t pursue a aimUfti plan. Tlie wlnni

r t&anui in these two contests shall r< resont south Idaho in the state lourr

®wj|| roent a t Moscow in the gym o f tho u bkiflir v c r a ^ and tho champion teams of d ^ ^ tr lc r to n o and two xvill repreient no

Idaho. Tho stato toumahient shall Ba a held Mar&h fD and 17 a l Moscow. T

bably two in te rd b tr lc t games In aonth Ida laat ahall be played on or before March

moral i'ourth:—Tho recoi{it» a t © d ia tric t gumo aball bo applied towi

accessary local cxpens ® and tfeccsSAry ex|>ensB o f v is iting toa

and then th«' excess shall be ^ v id per cent to v isiting toaro and 75 j

cent to honu) team. Tho homo to; guamntees tho v is iting tcoin nccessi oxpenaca. R«celpt4 a t tbo atato toun meat a fte r paying ntcessary' local i pena'es, shall bo applied toward pi

, ment o f exponsoa'of teams porticlp area- • “ ®*‘ tournament In 4 mnhiimeat ^ eqitaliM ’ this expense oa much

posaiblc,I ^ f t t f : The double-defeat plan v

be followed in tiie stato tournament S ixth: No team shall carry or s

up moro than eight pJaycra In an Inf «• ‘®* dlstFlct gnmo or state toumnment. «loDg 8 evcnth :'Any tenm playing less t l

t l ia t fjy p games in tho lr dU trlc t or play along ngalnst Ipsa than threo achooTs in th

d is tric t shall not be considered for d b trU t cbAmploiishlp. . This provls may t o ’waivcd by tbo d is tric t bodrd

Me la control in those coaea whnm tb>' t anese ( r ic t championship is dotermlned |oi t l a by thn d^istrlct touniAmcut.

nxury E ighth: Any team that cancels ir« fa l game w ithout the w ritten connon^

tho other, achool concerned ahall'-not conaldered fo r a cbomplonsbip.^loc1

. . transportation Is' a legitimate ic# ^ ** fo r non-appearance on a given dote.

- ' N in th : The offieers In oharge of I

'7 '-. Ji '.,


^en a R eal B o fid it?


i«ill<*, hi'i'Oiiiini: the leader o f a bnn< . in o f bank bundUs, who have beld u]

ho moro than 100 oH ^a tlons and banks li'lsouthern GaliTSriila.

) b r i i i i g ^ e w ' S


, 1 | Y o u n g B i l l ia r d O h a m p io n o ' P ra n c e H o p e s t o E a r n E ig h

le s , ^ t o C h a lle n g e , W i l l ie H o p p e

Ijyp CHICAGO, «Iou. 2 *t?P)-^Roger Cont; . • tho twcnty-onc-year old b illia rd chair• plon o f Prance, w ill enter tho cha'

. Icngi) match ngainst Youtfg Jakachaefer here January 8 , 0 nnd 1(

^ucd rnn(|uc-rhig tlio Chiengoanala righ t to chollong" W illie Hoppe, the recrowned champiot

for the IS.2 balk lino tit lo champion ship. - :

l l ie match w ill l»e. »taged- a t Oi loni- thestra hall and w ill bo on tho uaur thia terms o f 1,500 pointJi—COO points bein0 o f dispoAcd o f cacii nigbt. /y. The content promises to be ono othe *no"t interesting ever played i

into ‘ '■*i«‘nRO nnd -jlcsplto tho great rcputthi«h Young Schaefer, there ar• <t... (I'lnnv eipcrts who believe tho bo.v fro i ■ ^ ^turo]>o~ w ill thia time take hi» me:

This opinion Is shart'd OBpccially b tho^e who wllnessed Contl’w piny i the Intt-rnntionnl Toumnment a t No

fo l- York and who wero greatly -sui^riBe bus- -----------

) six '


tha tifeod-' 1’ “ “ T h e o n ly co tnnmrng . S e rv ice .

liraiT. . ~ I t t o SCI1 unN S e rv ic e i t can .o f f r dis- ■ • ' , w vth D o jro u ' r e a liz ” ip ^ S e rv ic e y o u g e t ^

F o r in s ta n c e :

inter- T h e , lo c a l Ian e m e rg c n c ]

^ . q u a ra n t in e d‘'idod ^ - A n etnere<5 per ' h a v in g to do

w i l l g e t. p re l o n t h e l i n . .

I n an eraeif ' V p u t th ro u g h

departmT Z • . y o u lo o k in g

g iv e y o u r ad w i l l ; e m e rg e n c y i i

snt. I ‘• «»*t . P a rfjcu /a ri

, much quicki Station-to-Stthan


,r*'tbJ ) O U R M Avision I - - S £ :R V ,Ird o f ■ - •0 dislo ie ly • . y.*

sis an ^ .e f

ockcd' j M o u n t a i ntcMon ' J ' n rte. and 1f bus- ■ , '

HO, W E D N E S D A Y M O Int the Improvement In bis playing eosL pared w ith tha t shown in tDe' 1821 tournament a t ‘Chicago.

That Conti i i a - real na tch foi Schaefer bn? been proveji m c n t ly ot more than one occoaion. Born i i ^Vnnce on May 1. 1001, Conti U th.

. yo9ngeat o f the players who took pnr< in the recent International iind 'fo i n yo u p ^ te r he Jiaii h temnrkablo ro rnrd. In Franee, before coming ol o f age, he defeated Doruet one ol the ten .best balk llnera !n France

In tbe 5>21 tnnmnment In Chicago Conti finished fourth, .{tint , lM>hin( Coehrnn. • In thn liw t In te rn a tlo D a l Conti finished th ird nheAd Qf Cochmn

. nnd 'improved hla nverajy* over thni mnde In 1P2I tournament by flgurei o f i \ 8-12 compnted' to 28 37 01. Tlin «hows how fast Conti la coming anc

' how he nppear* to bo a form_iclnl)ti piindidhte s fo r tbo chnmplonship. H i ad in lrers point ont th a t Conti gnv. Bchnefer bis firs t d e fe a t In the 102 tonrnament when he beat him in thi

- f i f th pome « 0 to 203.

(Additional Rporla New? on J?tttfo^4


Frodaetlon Per Acre ao H igh tlia W hlto I^ b o r Bngagied In indnstr l 8 Under No Handltap

Hm XEY. N. a W., Jnn. 2 0P>- InvcBticntion eondu<>tcd by the vls itin delo2;iflon o f British cottAn expert TcvoaU'd tFmt cotton raised in Au« trn jia b v whlto labor could compet HiirreMfnlly Vfltb tb n t raised *in otbc liiruN, ‘ accord ing to tho delegation' report.

'^Tliore 1* no need to worry abou Iho maliitennnre o f the “ W hito Aui

'}P trn lla ' policy jio fa r ns the extenslo *'* o f 'the pottoiv. industry- in roin’ erned,'

according to Daniel JnneH, Qneeni land covernnient cotton export.

In Qiieen«lniid the cotton return pc n<TC over tlio liar\-e^f sea.«on o f f?oi five to eight nionjhs U more thn the avera'To vlel<l in the I^ iile d St;itep

. he said, civiuK iHHtaneen o f cr«j»’*. t\t> l<ui!'ln;r fi> returned trn'diers here whir renliied n'( nnich iih th ir ty pniiniln a nrre, w ith a pmductiofT cost of poimds. This suree^s Is duo parti ho srtid. to the fact thn t man.v o£ th plantations hnd been worked on th

; i r famlly-sharo system, independent o I f outside labor.* Many additional m-re

o f cotton nTo \>pinR piantct^i

o f Dofl; _ .V i Ho waa a and-Iooklng, mucb-aeglect

ed member, of hia tribe—Ju « an ugl; street cur ’fo llow ing at tlie h « la o f i very young aiid rajfged maater, jus

i t l, DOW laden down w ltb a bubdle of wood nn- 111 big' aa himaelf. -Tbe do;iq). loitered aftor tbe manner o f the beasl . whereupon the boy' looked over hi

aboulder and ahoutcd to him. “ Com on. Beauty r

inn _0 Tn idM - In ‘ lealand.QQ* ' There- are few tra d e i o r crafta I

IccloDd, every man being compelie Or- aa a m le ' to depend apon bla ow: ual ak lll fo r bla supplica. Tbe native Ing ufltinlly iriDks-thclr own cnnoea. sho

tbc lr own bnrscs. nnd maoufactur o f the ir siiddlen. in ■

‘ta- Jap i Suprama In'Laequer Worfc.V ih ll* tho a rt o l iactiuer work w i

first kifown to the Cblneae and taagl by them to the Japaneae. tb la latt«

by nation haa ao fa r excelled a ll othei in tb ilLJ tD tborill*! bave aaid tha t lact^Qt

lew lo a ll l u tiaei and decocatlona la iSed tru ly Japaoeae beion^ng.

[LE-HOW MUCHim o d i ty th is C om pany '^has t o

ee h o w m u ch , n o t h o w U t t lo , if fe r i t s p a tro n s .

ize a i r th e o p p o r tu n it ie s o l w i t h th e te le p h o n e ? . . .

I m a n a g e r is g la d to m a ko c y in s ta l la t io n in cases o {1 illn e s s .

g c n c y lo n g -d i4 ta n c e c a l l io w i t h s ickness o r d e a th ' eCerence o v e r e v e ry th in g

e rg e n c y th e o p e ra to r w i l ! h a c a l l fo r th e p o lic e , th e m e n t o r a d o c to r w ith o u t g u p t h i n u m b e r, j u s t address a nd t e l l w h a t th e is .

t r iy . do you kijow how ket and less expensiv.e a Station call is?



WStates Telephone

Felegraph Co. '

RNINGt, J A N U A R Y 3, 19!

M issourian E d i t a I H .is P ape r C h ie f ly >» by E d rs and M em o ry" D v r fg h t H . B ro v rn , B l in d F ro m Dr - B o y h o o d , M a k e s S u o o e sa aa

N o w s p a p e r P u b lis h e r

POPtAR B l . u r r , M o„ Jnn. 2 W I—' Dwight II. n row » ,' prtwldent o f tl^o

\n iirl Pre.<s Association, edits a , local di^ly newspaper ch ie fly with

his , ears nnd mcmorj-. .■ A t eight years o f age, M r. Brown's.

^ eyesleht failed, and ho rec«lved hla , j ’ rinrlpnl education from his step-,

y , mnllier, who -read ‘ to him.I l l " si«l>t never returned su ffic ien tly ,

to 5>crmlt, Idm to read nnythinR n - ^ e t> p t large newBpapor headlines, and h * l

‘•nnnnt dintinguiih features more than ' “ "ix feet away.. Ilnv lng {In unusual

nieniory nnd a secretary who renda ' Items fropi Various • ncVrspapera to

shim, calling out tirtr page nnd column of the article, i t I* not infrofiuent for Mr. Brown to nak fo r itonrn six months liiti'T, hpei'ifying the papers, page and

IQ cnliimit. .1^' .Mr Hrown is now 3. , nnd also

president, o f jho Smithenst Missouri L it I ’ reM A»"nelatlon. -and tho Bouthcnst l y .>fN»innrr Deiiioeratic Pre.KS Association.

Brown _writ<’s hln ^ rtlc le s on a typewrltter nlthoiich ho cannot rend

__ lyt>e\vrlter type. Hin • printers' say honcidom, i ^ ever, .strikes a wrong key.

18* -s SCHOOL NOTES.■te ' ^lor Tliere w ill lie « meeting o f the Blue n’s Triii]igle chill in the dome at 7:30 .to-

•nlgji*. An Interenling j).‘*»gram has' 'Ut beea planned. Sevej.Tj g irls nre goliig

give n fnshion sliow, dcmonstriitlng the e<\jfi'''.t ilresn for nil occitsionH. Mrs. Dei itt w ill give a ta lk on etiquette also.

There was a. moeling o f the Debnt- 1111- in;: i-liib Tnesday evening at 7:30 In nn the hijlli si-hool liinlitnriunv. M r. North I’s, }.ave the Jioyii u verv in turc:iling talk.

.Tlie uirU iTe i>i‘:irf|(’ lng Imsketlmll I " j , rrirn i-iily every n l-h t tlii.n w-.-ek In view 'l.v - ~ - I-----^ho , ^ _______ ______ ^ _

o f 3

, | Nineteei Th

t Sits MM n ■ w i l l be a ^ g o o d y e a r fo i

A p r o s p e r i t y o n a co m p e l

In I < T h o b e t te r y o u r b an Ca y o n r c h a n c e o f r e a l su(

« ! I " T h e T w in P a lls B a n l I e q u ip p e d to a 'n p p ly th eI a n d 'o u r o f f ic e r s a n d e! d o m o n s tra te t o y o u ’^o

, I B t i tu t io n c a n b o t o y o n . te r @era p _ _

5 . .

= 1 Tw in Fa ' I T rust

g ^ T W I N F A l

g “ Member o l Fedei

i lR e s o lv e t o

Y o u r S a v

S p a s m o d ic , h a p h i . a n y th in g h a v e ne^

iv e . •Th'e in d iv id u a l w l

' t o fo re s e e th e re s t h r i f t w i l l n o t a llo '

Q u n d e r h is f e e t , b y

I o r g a n iz in g h im s e l c i t y a n d h ia s a v l i T h e s p le n d id N e w in c re a s e y o n r sa^ la r l y e a c h p a y di

D p r o f i t J n in te r e s t

I The Twin fallII C a p ita l cm ^ i


1 ^ - - . yBMMM :

o t tho fact 'fkfct they w ill play, th# Jerome (^Irla thia coaiing Friday. Je<

f. rome roporta a good (earn aad the glHn y cxpcct a good gamo. ^

thoro w ill be a regular asa«ml>ly to- “ day during tbe th ird paiiod, 1 X8 phouioro claw w ill fu rn lth Vbe program.

They w ill prrfPnt a short play a t thia time. They practiced on the play dnr-

_ Ing vacation week and I t 1« uudor the d lrec tlia o f Mlsa McKaio, the aopho-

B mo/o rinvlsor.itl, J , _ , , . ■, There wns n ahort meeting o f the

ila earned T''a year, buK',p . who io not belong to tha ^ " T " ia- .-

Ic io ty as yet. Those boya'wera’ in lti* tiy ated in to the society »en& tlfoo ago. ti-l ' h« I Tbe News 1« read by tbe permasent an mxaing l I , — I

nst lH & v o p e n n a n ttn t!y )^ u t« dCases eiF 4 0 Years S tanding

3nd . A N anythingbemorccon- he V - ' elusive o f iriy. noti-sutsJ.-

cal.painless'treatmentfbrPUes in d otbcx rental dbcaMt than that?TboM whobaratmdcrgoneao-cill*

lue •d -h o m e .w a n a e n a -a n d a tte a ^ to. hr»op«mJA>i*£itT«»»l»»oeoBi*.

Iins • l “ » *> a ini"c! \ \^ g A \ \ r a s * - * * M M w U w « * >Iso. ■ ' vw * OT a ltrM la Ito

In / 5 ¥ \ V ^ ^ \ \ " fU mrth I I

D R .C ^ .J .D E Wmil j

m tw e n ty I hree | ,fo r 'th o s e w h o can deservo

ip e t it iv o basis. ■ - |

bank ing se rv ice , the b e tte r % success. ^ ■ I ? _

;ank and T ru s t Com pany is £th e 'b e s t in b a n k in g 's e rv ic e 'd em w i l l bo g lad to . | |’lu s t h ow h e lp fu l th is in-.. i '

'pn. « B

alls Bank I t CompanyA L L S , I D A H O

d e r a l R e s e r v e S y s t e m "

i i S Q g is i e i g i s o ^ ^

to Systematize aving Efforts.phozard a tte m p ts a t j l n eve r p ro ven p rodao t* ^ U j

w ho Is s m a rt enongb j jre su lts o f sys tem atise d | |lUow a ny g rass t a | u l - b y w a s tin g a n y t im e in . Q l -se lf, h is e a m i ^ oapa- miv in g e f fo r t . | |ew Y e a r 's re s o lu t io n to |sa v ing s account^ re g n - |' d ay , w iU j ie ld y o n a 1est a nd Independenoe. Q

alls NaiioDal Bank IIi Surpius4J67j0OO jj

Page 4: SOCIATEb PRESS N E tWSPAi^ER IN TWIN F. Twir m m DAIl^ M · w h r - y '- .., Twir VQ1,-R_K0. 2BS. ' ' SPECWOBSf “ lilllHllSE

: ■ ■ T W IN F i

• ■ "I, ■' ■ , —. . . ’I -

> ( S v tt. 'V jH c C t- N o v i\v‘ r ' r o M t - \

• ( SVU<aV.t'U#kVJ,\>^\5


• S '

\ y ' 1 ^ 7 ' , ‘

. 3 3 /

■OElLGiSESfllT llT li

W itn e s s e s f o r A lle g e d P a r t ic l -

H J a n ts in H e r r in ll/ la ssa o re

B la m e M in e G u a rd s -

' *" \rAR IO N , III., Jnn. 2, im — Tho lio ldliiK up aMtl Bcarcliing o f pcaconblo trnvelcM nnd tho nUrRcd terrorizing o f 'tho Burroua'll^^y counlryildo by i armed puart^j at tlia Lester H B trip '’ i mine, wnn descrlliod by ten n-itnca»eB i fo r tho (lefenno n t the ro-opcning o fj tlio tr ia l o f fivo men chnrgcd w ith murder in cpt}>nection w ith tho Ilk’r- r iu .riots today.

■— Only one o f tlio witncsBen, .Chn#. Davis, 11 farmer und minor, te s tif ii’d tn un actual^ nssnult by any o f thu mini} g im /iH DavIb niiid Mint lio tried to };o to the mine offico to comiitainj to C. J. MacDowfll, H^Jlcfhitendent, ro- gardinK tbo destruction o f pnrtfl' of hid iiualuro fence, but hnd been ea- corteii o f f tho nifno proiierty by a guard who pushed liim w ltli hlB ‘fln t.

• None H urt by Ouatdo On crosa oxamii(|itlon by Doloa

Duty, fltate'n attornoy, every other n-itnosA waa unVed wliethor tbo Ruarda hnd hurt tbcm and cach ropliod in tho ceKntive.- I . OibbH, a farmer who tea- tif ie d that hu Iens4id -00 nercfl from tho niino company, aald that ' tho RUnrdu had cursed nnd Bworo in fro n t o f his ‘ MTOmen folka.”

BotU'Q ibbs nnd Davin teslificd tha t• , tho (^ardn had closed a road they

used to drive tbo ir cattlo to a' water hole. Dnvin aald that ho BU i-let hi.i farm from Olbba who leaaod.'tho prop-j o rty jfroDi tho mine company. |

Gibbs qaotod one o f tho_anned i l^n rd s (Ul Baying to him tho moruinf; o f Juno 21; "T h e damned union mon were goln^ to glvo us a call, but I - ‘gueBS thoy got cold feet and backc/1

. ou t I f tboy do come wo are ready, ‘ fo r them.” i

Antodates MAsaacro ^I t xras ju s t a. ftv r boun la lo i tba t

tho abootlng a t tho mine at.irted which culminntod in tho kilUPff o f three un-j ion miners tha t afternoon ..and the! ■laying o f twenty non-union workers tho next morning. r * • I

H U G E M A C H IN E C R U S H E S | P a w r W O R K M E N IN F A L L

_______ IFato litle fl Sesult Ftom lOO-Foot Drop

o f 1 6 6 Ton H rdnoU o Preai ' a t Yonogstown Iro n W ork i

. YOUNGSTOWN, Ohio, .Jon. 2, (ip) — Four mon aro dead tonight and eight injured, nono aerlously, as tbo TCBult o f a 1(53 ton hydrauVlci proBB| fn llin fi^ 100' foot a t tho p la n t.o f the Petroleum ..Iron Work# a t Petroleum today.

James M. Snyder, 35, Hubbard, O., and Gcorgo Glroski, o^ F a rre ll, ' Pn., woro k illed • In iitantly. John Balario, 20, o f Sharon, Po., died whllo being

■ rv..''takon to a hoapital, and Peter Vanat- t i, 85, died o f in juries In tho hospital tonight. Th? accident occurred oa tbo niqjk wero lowering tho press to ita foundation this c o rn in g afte r ro* pairs bad been made.


• NEW YO R ii, Jw i. 2 IrK-kout w liic li is cXpcctcd to' affect CUOO mem- bors ■ .o f tlio AmalKiiMifitod Clothing Workers o f Am eriw . waa iTcatod to ­day by tho closing o f moro Ihnn .100

. d jU d rcn ’s clothing shops by contract- tors aooklng a lower wage agroemvnt w ith the union.

The employer* dc«laro<l they wvro no longer abl'o to compete in tho ch il­d ren 's clo th ing market under the bur- don o f prearnt production eosis.


CHICAGO, Jan. S (/P>—Paymeat o f 18 death claims, arising from tb« raeo r io tii o f 1911 a t W500 eft*b,'a to ta l o f #aj,OQQ, wha ordered todayJby tho c ity

. oodBcU.- ^ 0 eouDfiU stipulated tha t la w ye r handling tho coses should

. ..not roeolvo no ro thnn 25 perren t o f tho to ta l award, -


^ T H E ,

A »OH-r

I£T>' WV-tMOOT F iR s - t Bw se

V.‘ / V

S P O R T S J(Continued yrom Page Throe.) ]

I i m i i p o M i. L e ft-H a n d e rs and R ig h t-H a n d -{ i" . c rs to S e ttle Scoro T o n ig h t ; ; re B o th Team s Confident.

A ll is lit rcailiiifn'i for tin* 4i1k bowl­ing coiitCNl tonight .liotweon the loft-

1,0 lianiicrJi nml the riRlit-hundcrB at tlio ,lo Twin Fulls Iww-Hng nllcVH. j,g . ‘ Ttftrtblw in HtUl lit i’wiuK. sv« .TjoOv jjy HidCH claim victory, w ith tho Cnna of _•» tho town about oqiinily dividcn. The ,ys [ ‘■'■“ '' <•'*1 w ifi l'<‘ iiiim i" tlic HcTvici'i

one “ Dug” S:i,lmon, but another ,, Uimlh^mw Iiiim' been rei'niit<sl in h ii |,j.. I'l-'K'i’. niici hiH n.’iiiH’ in lii’ ing n-iihheM. (

for r'ciifioiiH only known to the Ivft- • IitiniUTu, '

: Thrrit ganu'H w ill la* playoj', -thv I total niiMiluT o f jiiiH for. tin* Ihri-i'’

- di'*'l'Uug tho cHulost, The fits t^°|J|giiino w ill atart a t S-o'clock sharp.

", VAN0ALS CAPTURE GAMEea- ------ ^ • > -

a Idaho Qulntot Demoostratea BKiU m t. Defe'attof W alla Walla H igh School

BtiBteotbVsi Toftta ^

I**® W A LLA W A LU V ^'uN h., .laii. :: (/P) “ ■f — Thu Uaiveniity o f .M iiiio bnsketbnll

tontu dcnionatra'ted its akill hero' to- n ight when i t defoated tho Walla

cs- Wiill.-i 'high vhool fjiiin te t by a scorc >m o f Id to I. l. Th<* local o u tf it was clonr* ho ly <iiit|ibty<'(l, 1)oing< aomewhat haadi- » t nippi'd by Iho weight and cxj>erlon<6

o f tho varsity tcanu Tho VantlaU meot lat the lo(-nl Y . M. U. A. ( jiiin to t hereto- oy morrow n i g h t . v ;or ■


! Pocatoilo Woltcrwoight Wins r n mNorth Dakotan by W ay o f Knoct-

"B oat B ou t* In" S lJth ■Boundon _ ______

SALT la k e ' , J a n .'2 M »>-'‘” “ Myers o f PocntcUo, Idaho, iutonnoun-' ^ 'ta in welterweight chnmplon, easily won

I from AT Biddle o f North Dakota via ,tho knockout route, in tho aixOi romiil

iftt o f Ihc lr acbcduicd IS ronnd >ioiil nl ich I Forntcllo • tonipflit. B id ^o took nine t m -^'ounts in threo d ifferent round*. Ih o ! ■ ■ • I

BEDTHEHS W IN AND LOSE. j i NKW YOHit, Jan. 2. (>P)^corgc | Shade, light-heavyweight o f Lofi An-j

, golca, was knocked out by M iko Rut-1 jk o o f Now York, In tho'oi(>bth round'

.L. o f a Bcheduled 10 round match to-1 I night. n i« brother, B il ly Shade, also,

op l ig h t heavyweight, re ce lv^ tho a t decbion over W o lf Larson of

Brooklyn, In a 10 round bqut.

P j W ILLA R D IB P B O m SED MATCHnd SEATTLE, Wash., Jnn. 2, CP)— ho Jeaso W illard hero tonight announced JBB Ib n t bo bad icccived from Tex IVick- ho nftl ft telegram promising him a*match im fo r tho world 's heavyweight - ch.Tm- ^ pionshlp w ith Jack Dempsiy*. Wil-

3 ., lard said thn t ho would leave tomor- a., row fo r N ew 'Y o rk .to -comploto nogo- Jo, iJ k lv n s w ith / --------------------------, t . rO RTtJNE PAVORy TAYLO B

FOR FLO R ID A. O inE P JUSTICE as TALLAHASSEE, Fla., Jan. 2 OP)— to Justieo Robert Fenwick Taylc#, fc*- -0 . 30 years a member o f the F lorida au-

jirome court, todny ii^am o chief jus- lico o f thnt body fo r the fourth timt* when fortune favored him in

jg ditionai lo ttery h-.*ld in ufconlnnro w ith tho atato constitution. Tho- con- Htitiition tha t tho <-Uicf jus-tico bp choHcii hy lot, bnt tho c i.ic t

“ jr incthoA is lo ft to tho members o f tho rourt. The hotior was awarded today by a “ book c u ttin g " cfreiliony coa- dueled, in Uio preHonPo o f onlv Juh- tices ^nd 0 . T. W hitfio ld , do rk o f the court.

*'• H A R VEY. ^ S I T S W H ITE HOUSE.WASHINGTON, Jan. 2 (4>)—Awba.<(-

iiador Ila rvoy a rrircd from Now Yorli to n ig h t'fo r hia firs t v is it to Washiilg-

Ig ton ainco ho went to Ida London post,■ . but made no stntement on h i j v is it or s* Its puy)08{9. Ho - waa met a t uniun so s ta tjoa ' by .o fflr ia h nnd taken in a

W hito Hoaso automobile to the execu* ■7 t lvo nianslon, where “ t *wn<f understood

ho. ‘would confer w ith President Ilard- 5ug and remalr\ nfl a gui-st.

j r •__________B S A D T B B O IiABSlPlBD ADB.

rW D J F A L L S , ID A H O , A

. G U M P S — N . O W V /

t -<ou'k3CtF SO /} R eA C H t'V ) ■ /se ve.'T - ' v w M T . / ) , [e v e c T e ^ ■ o o ' t o • ( | i | | ' ' 6 'TO N a n HOUO K

V ? ^<6A*IHST TW 6 ■

m M S 'j

_____ ________________________ .

( S m iles '

: ;

t A BRAVE M AN \,. . “ Woulxl you ca ll yeu r husband a

brav^i tnant” ' i"Yes, I th in k I* would. Ho o«t

“ «p-lho other mornlno a t rtvo o’clock -and turned on thO hoat.” ]



tn tho f l iw e r rtd M tho kiddio,.In the limousine the pup;

[*: M lflh ty easy Job—now a in ’t I t f 'Sixlno dlfTerent people uix



I . H at ParUno. I'd dt« fo r you U !] you’d m arry mer 1

‘‘ ‘'I Oh'ei And w il l rve ry th ln o t«

So'' ^

il- W H AT IT W AS • j" I had a lovely dream la a t^ lg h t

T h v ig h t I wa^ aselstlne a t a b ig / i iootn l function.* {' **l didn’t know you eared fo r

"them r* • !S - *1 don’t u tuatly, b t it th le h a ^ I - pened te be a eat ahow.”1*-


F laht Who a ^ w«*r« ne t oolnfl,r to have a M erry ChrlatmaaT''n , ------------- ------------a , ^ Especislly Then. f "*■>- Slleoco Is golden—espcclnlly when ‘1 |0 0 know your “ a lib i" won’ t be tntls*J* factory to your w ife.—Bosloo EJvcnlng '

’ n s c r lp t .

tu t A n nr. a BBTT'T-xn a t\b .1

- " < ■

W E D N E S D A Y M O R N ft

W i l l Y O U B E c c

A m S O N ^ Q t^n . RUN A«OUNO ■^»SfT«XCr p P .o P L t £ t \'W tCT CCMVVtKH , A

- 'T H S Ot^LS '{©O J • A O R tK T W tS S

BM U M N t H A S t)0 t4 E -\JJVlfr*T W t TO 0 0 •W\M. WHO.

V V40T V^^^A'VUViO\ , ' ' t 0 H - ' ‘ . ■* '

Q '. |p a % 0« V K


Soft D rink EstabUshmont Proprietor Opens Flro^ on P roh lb itlou O fflcoie; Laudfl In JaU

SlOU.X FALLS, a. D., Jan. 2 OP)— TivO federal officers uro in a local Ivbspitai Buffering from bullet wounfls anil John Ne.-try, proprietor o f ii soft d rink cstablixhnieiit, in uinler arrcnt. ua tho culmination o f n daylight gunfight ’ ttaged liiT o 'la te today..

Dcimly United States Marshal A l­bert IL l*iito ff'w n>i sho tho shoiil- Ucr and wrist nnd iko McCoiin ro?oivod u bullet wound in ono o f his wrists. Both wrro tiiken to a lioapitiil whero’ I»hy&i<’i.'iiif/ r«'por(i‘i! ■ tJ ic ir eondilion “ uo l BCfioHS.”

%Ne;iry is unid to have opoiicd firo on tho offii-ers w ithoift^warning. Uniti'd . Slates Marsiinl Iviag nnd a M<]uad of deputies wotit to N ''a ry ’» place with a w arran t. for his arrest, to mako a seareli fo r lii|uor.

While tlio warrant was being road by one o f tlu ' d ffire rs ,.X oa ry blcpped be- hiad a tiniall partition and a momcat laTer opViied fire. Sevonil shots wefo- fired at Neary', but uoiu! found their mark. Ho f in a lly w-ns overpowered nnd , lodged in ja il.


Norrlo Besolution Is Beferred t{ j sSen- “ ato Sub-Oommlttoe; ravorabla i Be-

po rt Is Predicted

W A S iriN O T O r^ Jan. 2, 0P>—Tho resolution o f Senator Norris, ropubll- cnn, Nebraako, directing tho federal trade' cbnrnjisslon to ' invesllfia lo—tiu) Arm oiir-M nrri* packing merger wns considered today by tbo scnato agri- culturo conunitteo and referred to-^a sub-eommitteo consisting o f Senators Kendr.lck, denioernt, Wyoming, chair­man, and Norbeck, republican, Boutk Dakota, and Keyes, lopuWlcan, Now HampBhiro. Hearings are not contem­plated by tho sdb-conunittce, and i t waa said thnt action on tho rcaolution probably would bw^roached this week. A favorable report on tbo resolution

' 1.. predicted.j Tho comwitteo orrangod to p rin t ^tho infom intio i^ trnnainitted by Socro- .tary Wallaeo o f tho agricultnral do* lliartm eat, regarding tho negotiations ‘.o f Armour and Co., In Bubmitllng tbe Iproposeil merger to tho doportmont. '

IRISH PICKETS ■•- (Contiauod from Page One)

^rtmwmsibU^ fo r.tjiu uf.ur riot, today. I t provided tha t no roprcBODtativo. of either aide should enter the consulatoj un til. 0 .o’clock today. Nino o'cloi’k brongbt M r. Crawford, accompanied by I

'p ro fi’Hsor Theodor.e Sniiddy, Free Stato 1 envoy to Washington. They f irs t heard, then saV/ a crowd of-mcn nnd

1 women pocked in tho narrow htUl,. out i aldo tho conaulato doors. I

j 6omo ono recognized them, and as, t l i ty pushed'and pulled their way 1

(llirougli tho throng te tbe offico dooro,’ thoy wero joatled around .liko human

{ footballs; Once n t the 'do-tr, ’ Ir . Craw- j ifo id unlocked I t and went inside. But fboforo ho could cloac I t tho republicans i jwent in.too. . '

Crawford Calls Police M r. Crawford'telephoned fo r police.

In a few moments Lieutennnt" Gogon and his bomb squad arrived and thi* tvpublii'ann .'ovacwattd. D urlu ji Uio evacuation Mra. MacSwIney says flhc

Ee i s s e sLast Showings Today

“ E B B T ID E ”Tlio South Seafl T h rille r th a t

makes all other stories o f tbo ' Tropica look like P in k Teat.

Sunsiiine Comedy' ■ ■,. Patlie News

. * ^ - .Q O M IK OJohnny Hines

— n t —

“ Sure F ire F l i n f ’ ■^ IT ’S V E B Y .OOODI , '

NG, J A N U A R Y 3, 1923

7 0 D ?

7 7 ^ / l ^ ^ r 3 u 5 t ‘ " G o w 6 ^U W F \ B l t b P E \H T W e \M Tu fe ib 'e y ^>ve4«rt ^0 M - W W J5 IS f f l t o f . H ' t o 0 *4 6 IN O -t.S X lA O S l T o v u e s -F u v . cov - U t H A t f U P V Tb .M ^ A iw y

I A VI t IO 'lO U ? V.CT -VWEi=eu.ow) oo-t .'w

\ '<o« m e \- i- n i l \ . V R £ ^ lg M B 6 R 'T . VJMW


■ I ■■ ■ . . I . —— . > W(


sa: an


iNEWCOMBE OABLTOlf. proaldent o f Pr

tbo Wostom Union Tolegrapb com- an pony, has jita t returned from a busi* th ness and pleasure tr ip to Europe. ia

...............* towofl roughly handlcil. bhe had no marks to prove it, but ahe innistcd aho was n cnaunlty, and her follower* bock- - ed her claim. j,g...JVliilo, police inside lockud'tho doors, j, , throe ciiaiial looking u\en remnlncd out- _ j aido and mixed w ith tho gesticulating men and women who reprcKCutcd tho gj, Irish republic. Ono o f them, w ith a tenor voice, aang “ Mother Machrec.” pj Ho applauded vigorously and greeted na a comrade. He turned out to be* one of tho plain-elothcs men y brought by Lieutenant Ocgan.

-Women Climb Stairs -Meanwhile tho agents o f thu build- m

Ing who hail nctcplcd rent fion \ M r1 (Crawford, and so were compelled to' refusi) cash brought by Mrs. Oorless o f;

tho republicans, decided tho crowd on ■ tho teiith floor was a firo menace. Ser­

geant‘ Douglicrtj-, head of tho upiform* cd pfllice, jigreed, so- overj-ono was

' i-!eari“d out. Hiit'Hhe republicans wero * I)ersi.«toat. Men and women—some o f j

them elderly woiiieti—walked .the ton ' flighlM of Htnira to-'ntft back into tho; argument v.-hcn tlvo elcvatots refused to carry them.-

Many o f the visitonj said they want- ; cd somethiilg dono about Irish republic


Today—One Day Only '

Vaudeville Road Show• Four B ig Acts


A Big Time Qunrtot—Known as tho Grouch Killers.

HABRY LEE'Tho 'Ventriloquist Bellhop.

BALPHS AND MAY ^ Tho Australian Jufegler*

THE EVANS DUO .Songs and'Clover Dancos


“ W ife A ga ina t W if^ ’

A drawatir, conflict, 'aditptcd fronj tho at.igo success “ THE l ’UICE.” _ By Gcorgo Broad* hurst. Oao w lfo was a model ” o f bvauty, ono wna a atatuo o f P apite.

Also Newa Weekly and B ig Orchestra.

U.irgain j>rleea for today: Mftt- lneo--10c nntl 30c: E ve n in ir- •’ i Ific, 'JOc, 50c. • ' ;

THE :^mxT B ia o n e c o m d io : .i

“ One Clear Call’ - j


' 7 . . . : I ' ^

o v t i i . 'TO• ' i

^ l»A \ ;W .^ c n o MAVC€ Vj^iy : e O F . j g g ^COMKTStVtV ;

- . A ' " S^ |K ;

*: . w c > (''‘ ” 3 ^ 1 7

- » ^ :

bonds tboy had. Tboy said thoy had been told that i f they woiild holp put tho republic’s consul In o ffico they . would got the ir money. But tho polleo said, thoy know nothmg abo'Jt' money, and no ono— except two young gonts piv.kctod ns R\inrd.'t by tbo rejiublicans —was permitted to reniaiu iu tho hall.

I H ylas Holds A loof, About noon a delegntiou o f 13 iia to republicans viaited Mj^yor Hylun. Ho told-Uicm poRsession waa niuo points o f tho law nnd ho d id n 't wnnt to got jaixeilMip in tbo a ffa ir anyway.

! Tliere tho matter stood a ll day.I The free stutera are inside. Tho republicans nre standing Just outside

■ tho door.------------------------- ^

I Lavorlng.Tod.'\y is merchants’ community day,

ntatinoo and evening, a t tho Lnvoring theatre, and Alieo (JAlIioun, tho V ita- 1 graph star, w ill bo aeon in ‘‘‘ Tho M a t-, rimonia'l Web.” .Misa C.iihoun tidccs tho best cloiirup o f .Tiiy actn'ss before tho ('luiicra. Most slant havo to bo film ed from a ccrtnln anglo in . order to look the ir best, hut thia chnnniag lit- tlo actresa may bo filmed in any posi- ' . tion or poso and ninko a good pictura She also has tho i«w cr o f facial e*

r presaion which makes every photograph* and cloBuup of her look d iffe ren t from> thosQ previously taken. So charming

ia th is star and so well does sho pho-' togra'ph that^sho has won prniso from ' Hoveml o f tho best known stars and ’ dircwtorfl In tbo business.

“ The Matrimonial W o \}" furnlshei her now material lo illustra to her

' great hislrionio ab ility . Sho plays tho ■ part o t tbo daughter o f a revenue o ffi-> cor and captures a band o f amugglera single handed.

\ Iu addition to this great fenturo an excell.ent comedy has been added to

* round out tho program fc r today and Thursday. “ Tlio Rent Dodgers” is a

* V itagrtipb »i>cclal <:onid<V aboundijig in laughs, funny aituations and stunts.

;! itbo Ray! '‘ TODA.Y la

; Merchants’ Community ' ' Day ' , ,

; M atinee and “ Evening^



TheatreTTim A Oreat Show On fo r This

O ccaa lo ii-A llco" Calhoun in

“ T H E ' M A T R IM O N IA L

W E B ”DtajcUm « ! M w i ia j o »

Today and ThursdayI Irlek Hmt tn llW . ^ plo t

thnt brought htippincBS to the v ictim . A modern story o f lOTc, adventure aud smugglors. Also great Vitagroph -comedy.

And a ile rrch a n fs ' g _W C Ticket Adm its You O .C


. lOo----- PEIOES------ 2(io

T w in F a lla -B o ise Stage

Loaves Porrlno- nnd Rogerson Ho- i ie la .n t 8:30 a. m. fo r F ile r /B u h l,I ringerman. Bliss, Gooding, Glenns 1 Perry, Mounlnln Homo, making • connoctioni a t Jfoudtaln HoneI .w ith No. ]0 fo r 5ortJBnd*'0eattlo. j F«m O ju ^ m E U boW

r T ra a k B m s, S tage Co.Pliojio Brfn-TOUon 8t —SS2-W

Wo H M ia« T raM u

• #

Page 5: SOCIATEb PRESS N E tWSPAi^ER IN TWIN F. Twir m m DAIl^ M · w h r - y '- .., Twir VQ1,-R_K0. 2BS. ' ' SPECWOBSf “ lilllHllSE

- V N

-SffilNCUBlH , OF BflLitll

iimiipLyChurch Investigators Chargi

Trades andlabor Council is ' Committed to Tenets o

Russian Radi^ls

I SYDNEY, N. a .vW ., Jan.. . . CbiU-gcf thftt tho TrniU^a nnd Uibci;

Council' o t AuBltivlm is tommiUcA li BoUbovism havo hoon tnado by a com mittuo inq ijlry o f tlio soeiiil hlud^ aoetloa o f tlio Coa^ruKatlonul uolon a ftu r an oitcnalvo Invcutigalion.

Tho committco Invoatignllon wns lui ’ <lortalccn, U wa*.'aiiQounccd tbrougli tin

dcsiro to nac«rtnin whether tliuru cx iitcd^any d lfficu ltlen w liir li would pru vont na understanding by cliun h work era w ith tho rcpresuntiitives o f liibo on vfhich united action m lK lit be tukci fo r tho common welfare,

l^ b o r rojidora told tho coniiuUtee, ar “* cording to ita roiwrts, thnt, I f thi

! proper economic •tiUo wero flttoinP(\ thCTo Tfoulil bo no.need fo r TeURion an;

\ r lontier nnd th iit “ i f relig lou w ill panI out quietly without' any fubs,” tho nt

titudo o f tUo l!\l>or lvn.dcrB would In l l \ i i t o f “ bcnovolont .to lcranco." I

•ar not. tho labor loaderB throiitoncd “ ti liniston relinion'H exit w ith v io lent proi*ortionrito, to its rosistanc<v” H" report Balti.

Tho coitimitteo Btntofl its roiu’ liiKioi ^ thikt thcBo Jendcrs represoutiHl only thi

• ^ comniuniBtic nection nnd “ Mint the; hnd captured tho o ffiH n l positlonH, bu

i did not ifjjeak fo r Inbor iifl a wholi'.”fllio rank nJid filo o f tho uniom

Tecosnizo the danger o f 13olBhovi>im tho conunUlce reporl njiUl, In '•onii.oc tion w ith the recnnt troulite iu thi iron trades. TlnT s ta te 'h larcp-'t iroi

. wnrim iuwo \>«-n l>y n slrvtu-^ culled iiy tho coiitu-il o f netion. Thi

Moulders' unloii hns 'o ffic ia lly repudi R tjd tUo Aftuuc.U o f tvcUou and

\n ici'lingfl o f other rra-flK an! bcinif call , • c(? to consider whuthvr tliey^ho iild foi

low the lead o f the nioiilder«r*


Ag«4 Woman CbpoBea Woon' Hour a Busy Comer to End ExUtonco you th Plungea to Death. 'Alono

NEW YORK, Jan .-2, (i'P)—Ago nn ► youth—both tired o f liv in g —<jndc

i t a ll todoy w ith leaps from ifunhal lau Bkyacrapora.

Ago dramaUcaliy eolocted tho teem - , ing noon ho# , n t ono o f the c ity ’

buBicBt Bpots. Youth' plunged ’ t death alono, down rtn inaido court.

Tho 23 Btory m u n ic ip a l b u lld in f opposite C ity Hall park in tliiJ dow town busincBS acction, was, d isgorj Ing ita luncheon ho u r crow d o f " t c i ographera, nnd thou flnm la. o f pernor woro h u rr j- in g in and o u t o f th Brooklyn bridg e te n n in a l when wonian’a body camo w h ir l in g tliro ug

/ 4 k Bpacc.ra ilin g from th o , 1-ltli utory,

^ struck a few Incliea in fro n t o f tw ' young women- BtenoKtrtphcrs. Bot

fafutcd. Hundreds o f o th ir womc acri'amcd. A g rm .c ro w il coUectod

Tho body was taken to the morgu ' whcro i t -BtlH lay, vinidenlified ti

night. PJiyaicianB *nid i t waa tV boily o f n woman, o f about 05, attire from head to foot in threadbare blarl

A llt t lo later an nmlmlaneo w< aummoiifd to tho McAlpino hotel, 311 nnd Broadway. I t took nway tl body o f Daniel I ’aul .[ordati, i

0 Yonkcru, who had leaped from a w i dow o f hla 181U floor room to an I

■*^'"aido court far below.

/ , FALL WILL a'UIT(Coatlsnod from Page Oo0 }

aM lgnm cnt# m igU t tc m ilt , by w h ii Socrctnry Hoover would vacnto tl commerco department to tako ov tho dlrccUoa o f In te rio r a ffa irs . J

*■ liufl n . BarncB, now president o f tl United StatcB chamber o f ’ commerc might Buccecd to ^Mr. Uoovor's poi

^ I t has Uceti said in .th is conuoctloa. ^ ;Othor PoMlbUlUes

A t tho #amo tlmo, o num tcr o f mi oaaoelalcd ^ w ith the . ttdminiatratii have- been' named" ainco Socrjta F a ll’s retirement camo under disci sion, ns possible oppointcca fo r tho i

'_ .tcrior post, w ithout any transfer w it ' ’^lii tho prci'ident’a cabinet, Amo:

Uicm aro Senators Now o f Ind iat nnd Kellogg "of Minnesota, ond B< rescntath'O M on je ll o f Wyoming, i publican houso leader, r.ll o f wh(

. ■ w ill retire from congroas next Mar and Caunl Thompaon o f Ohio, w wna tho republican candidate fo r gc crnnr o f tha t stato in tho loat eli tion, --------- ........ '

Volco v ib ra tion W rftten. . Foreign school tenl-hcra hnvo

to London during the summer, stud log Bngllnh w ltb toe n ld o f n cley

— tnnchino which w r’.ica on & smoln . paper tho-vlhm tlnnB cnusctl- bJ tl

humaa voice In enouJclng. '

^ ,• stray oita or wiMom.''^ Mclodnltun. fo r tho crowd. tragc<

fop wnm pn. w litr*h i lrn lr tH h

• r ’ . ' ■

W I N f ^ A L L S D A I L Y

tibor V tu

Ludy lion, .


t Z I, ar Bt. Puul, Minn., Inyn cl.nim to th<tho moat remarkable f.W iily in tlie world

ined ’•onsiitlng o f a ll g.irl<i, uiatera, nnd tw< l;"'ftceu yearti n;jo tlio Bclf:

g ".Istem, MlflHCB Mlnnn nnd Ilcn rio tti* had a Hpactoun hoitio th.'it w;w ton l.irgj ’ " t - fo r them. They ndoptcil a li l t lo Ger

l*'J Minri g iri and foim.l l l io f.xiu'rum-nt b<I f intoreating Ihoy have ulnce adoptei

I m i L f l i! J[1L BOfiSEIISixm, ______

P o lic e H o ld H o s t a t P a r t y fo i

;™ - B u f fa lo B r o k e r ’ s W ife W h (

Tho W a s R o lib o d a t A f f a i rI'ldi- _ _ _•cial NKW YOllK,' Jan. 2 OP)—Frank iUir

• muti. an .-irlisl, toiil{;>it nan i.iaci'.l ti'n f " ' -I.'P-arr.'st cliar-,-,1 w ith ;; lar.'.Mi>

»u “ liiiv iiiu n d r i l >11 i-utu-.'it ivitli tn,-' not y i'l aiipri'lieack'd, ” in th.

p Ih c fl ol- il, j,Mv.‘l. an.l ra:i<. from I*. Sdiooll:n O kr,].f, xvifo o f a W i-iillliy I l t i f fn l j brolu.'i

.. during u .Vru- V.v.r'K jia rty in Uur f at i i t i i i ’.H aiiartiiu 'nt o ff P ifih ju c iu io .r ' nco; 'Thnt the rob lirry Imd taken plac' J was not disclosed by tlio .jxdii'e nnti

tl*o IniHliand o f tho vii-tim urrivod t' nnd nulhoVitics in' aj*p?iitie»<ling -th

nacd iihat- in.^uraacc liroker, t

, whom Mr. Si-hoel!ko|»f "reforred a ll. in <|uiries i%oiiocrning the robbi'f%-, jiai<

U that Mrs. Soliocllkopf had rerogni/.ci , to liireo-n«fiailatitii ns .a'nia:

with whom aln* plnyod carda «!iiting tli lin g l’''''t>“ i " the Cannnn.apaitaiciit. lown Oannan Playa Host.?org- Mrti. f}<-hoellk(>j)f c.nni* to Kiriv Vor ntcn- (0 HjH'nd Iho holiday,aiul !in»l roomn a mona the I{Uz-('vir|tnn. Slio ha.L ne«!pto

the an iiiv ilfition ti> rcli'brato the No' 1 n Venr at th^ home o f n fripn«l on Wo> ough I'nd nveniii*; Carman, whom’ l l i 'r 4

cnid the *S<'hoellk«i)fs bail known to i t eevernl years, >?a'» to havo boon a gjicn

two at thia party, /AYhen illni'sa nuildcnl Roth d('velo|'i-cl i tV ^ e .fjjm ily of Iho ftien< omen f.'anaaa Ib said to havo HiigKented th tod. l>ftTty bt'iC iven in li>«»nH'tit. rgu'c, Thi‘ p iir ty conHiHted o f fiv e couplc [ to- Ineluiling Mrs. Hohoollltoiif and 'ht

tho H'mt. filic tirrivvd i i t tlw ai'artmcv tired <‘ '^^tly licforo 1dark. « ’*-lock. ■ . ,

About 1(1 oV lork a man knw k.u l r 31th dnor nnd anununi'(‘ <1 hi> wiin aim: tliu ilownHfairN an<l had a hnttlo lie woul

y f li^o to nhare, nei'ording to IliPHCh win- pri'siituoil tn have bi’on tn l j I

JJ jp. him liV MrH. Hrhnellkojif. Inv itod I join dll' Carman I'arty, be di«apj)eare relum ing w ith .i h iittlc of rliainpngi

' and 11 glatiflos.• A t l l l i l . ’j (u in. {he Htranijor le ft t l

. aparlm i'nl, Haying h*' lived downstnir . Mrs. Bchoeilkopf le f t next, ciayir

----- nhu would wait in the lobby downstnivhicli f<ir tlio HthvTft to vftcfitl her li'■ thu hotel.over Overpoworotl In H all.

- As Hho des<'eadcd the ulnircn.HO 1) t tho tween tho f i f th nml fo in lli floow, si lorco, n (itnndiiig in tho Iv ill befo

a partly opcjji'd, lih s c h Tclate Tlio mnn Bpraiig at her nnd jirc.ssed handkerchU'f saturated' w ill* .chlor

• form, to her nose. .Two mon'ruHhed through the part

•atlon {ipened door Unil ca rjlcd Mru. Bciioc k'opf Into nn apartment. Sho teorilli

iscus- lo ing hpnten in tho fare, boiind wi 10 in- ’ ■

.monp • ;

1 Book Stock^lorch

who• gov- ^ . D u r in g th o m o n th o f

o t t r p o p u la r C o p y r ig h t 1■ • ’ less th a n th o ro p la c e m o r

\k So ~ W o . h a v o s e v e r a l th o i.V t i t l e s t o s e le c t f r o m .

•leverw kcii G o t y o u r s u p p ly 6 l W:

C lo s BeH hii.

S W S . T W I N F ^ L S ^ I D A

t f N a t i o n ^ ’ . F a n M y


th c^h rco Scottiah girls, a French, rjnni.nh rid, Bohemian ami UnnaiUna grt-1. Top row iwd ; k - ft to rig h t: Emma nnd Muriel o( j i f f Scotland; Dorothea of O i'ittjany; Am) 'ttn I of-Scotland. _ In ,th e peeon-.l n'rW: Krn rg i\,csta o f Bohemia; Margaret n f fttaneo; let- Miaa Henrietta U c iff ; Am.dia o f ( ’an

BO oda; Miss Minna I tc i f f : Kli/;abotlr ol ted Franee, and M artha o f ^'inland. ^

ropes anil t;agi;eil, while tw'o men Htrip ped o f f her jewoln an n th ird e'civerei hi-r w ith a j.intoI.

The Irio fled from the a;-artmenl t f a fte r throw iii;; n b lanki'l ovi-r theli M vi<-tim. She f|iiii-kl,v freed hortielf am J n-luriH-d lo (.'.•irj»/;a‘.s .•jjurfa/ffiJ.

SELF-MADE MAN'for -—,, 'Continued from PQgt One)h o --------------------------------------------------------

I from the aclivo eonlrol o f tlio com I'any vnd»<, fo r h ltn ,'a period o f'm or( than a.T yearn ilevofed to dovelop

..,..!> i.rn l of the in d iijlry . • M r. ArmoOi ,|-,',.jt’a 'e ifj)' h in ja s t y e a r 'n t Yale to cn

tiT the paekiiig plant and learn-frqn tie’'? ! " ” ' ' '" t t i" '! every detail o f tho hiiR tini'ine-iH ho uaji destined to eontnd. A f a a h jtiT a year o f apprentircHhip in “ovorj

I I'ri'iieU of , the voHcvrn, young .\rmou iu-r, i nsrtuaied the e.xceutivc*' rcHponoibilitie. Jar-'<’ f Ihe industry and managed i t fo

17 years, un til, on the death, o f h i laco j father, in 1901, ho lusuincd ronipleti n til I Control. Under h{fi direction the bua

to incKs o f tho company gr«v from 4182, •tho Oitn,(iuO annunlly to moro thun a. bil

lion dollarA n year., to In recent years ho hns Hhiftcd’”raucl in- n f that burden to other ahouldera, in

<aid chiding thoRo o f his two nephowa |J’-‘?d P liillj) D. Armour, I I I^ ami Leste nan Armour. Tho fofmet-. has been a vice tho proMident fo r sovornl-^ yeara and tin

fla tte r ia a director.I ■ Haa M any Intorosta

’ork Hesidea remaining, as .chairman j) * at the board, M r. Arm our w ill dovot d e l his .(into to hia other buslnesa oniei sew prjWs. Ho in director o f the Chlcagc i'e>t Milwaukee and B t.'P a u l railroad, th r 4 i Xrttlonal C ity bank o f N^w Y yk? th for Coiitij^-ntal nnd Coiiunt'rcial bank o

[lest Chicago, tho" H ibernian Banking luisc I’n ly uiatiou o f ChicaRO, nnd th o .N o rtli end. ivciitern and National Insurance coir •the pany o f Milwaukee. Ho also- organ

i^cd Annour and Co., L td ., o f Lor ['tea (Jan.•her y ___________ ',>CHt igSCOVEEY o r BONES SOLVES


I •'* 'The find ing o f hiininn bonea and th oul'd I’l'^ts o f i»'‘ sTiotgun on Frenc. creek in tho B ig Horn mountains ncn

, hero today 5» belicvod lo havo aolvc J tho niyntery o f tho disappearance (

i W ill. C.iaebier, a r.-«ch on JaiZ h) 1. 1010- T w o ^ f i^ S ^ s c k in g

wounded coyote, diacoveredTlio bono the buried in d r ift in g anow.

nir^, tooth in, tho akuU’ nnd parts i yini» csfabliflhed tho id e n tity i

thu remains.]^cr ____ - '


J Brotherhood N a liauA Imnk o f th in ci1 . J wna granted ^y^frarter by the comptrc

lo r o f tho. cuiA'ney today, according i word re c i^ ji^ r hero by organizers ( tho inn tltiitio iu Capitalised at ♦-00.0( i t wiJl be organired by loenl incnibC o f tho nixtccn.railroa/i brolhethoodi,

. r t ly '- For' that tired foellng, t r y bowlli

'U'C'l a t tho Twin Fails bowling alley, l i w itii S(>cflnd avenue ntyth.—a d v . _______

Reduction Salei f J a n u a ry only, w o w i l l o ffe r.. books a t 5 0o oach. This i a . o n t p rice .

lousand copies, w ith over 500

W inter reading m atte r now.

lOoK S to re

m O v W E D N E S D A Y MO


^ o r t h S id e S to c k h o ld e rs F a y o f

A m e r ic a n F a l ls P r o je c f—

O f f ic e r s E le c te d -

J liR O M B, IdiiJio, Jan. — (SpccJal lo Tho N owb) —EVoetlou o f dlrccton and n iinnnimou.t approval of thu Ameri«in > \ill* projet-t featured the unnunl meeting o f-th o alpckholdorB ol tho North Bldo Canal c«m])njiy here

i- Tuesday. Tlio Hcssions liiHted pract]j> a lly u ll d;iy. - ' '

W. A . Holas, mayor o f Jerome, wai eleetod to mcmlierKhip on the board to Hiieceed Carl C. WllSwrn, president, nnd n . E, H iirry uin i' D. F. Hamit were re elected, repn'fientiiig ilis trli*t N'n. ;t nnd

J dlHtrlct No. Il, respec-tividy.'' Tho board o f d im to ra " o f the North

Sido company includes nine monibi-rJ who fierve fo r three .venr.i. Six menr bera aro helil, over this year. The olc; tion o f threo membem oecurs annually

^ liero was no organired opjv'sition t( tho- Fall*» pTojwt and thi

’ !’> only evidence o f a poaition other Hiai " j ’ favorablo 'tow ard Hw’ jirojcct-wa;* thi ” inquirj’ by scveivit fo r the puivf'i'e o

infon iia tlon. ^•Q. JJ. K. Sloulemeyer, attorney for thi in I’rojeet, and F. A. BankH, rei-Iamntloi o f siTvice" engineer, alHu’nred l.u fc^ ' t lr

meeting nnd gnvi> infonnalive tiiHts re

'!>•ed ■ ' ' ■

•nt ^ ■i‘ lr ■n.l J '

)0 r J

3U1 J M 1 ^UR: - A ■ I / ^ \ . i j l l M l h | { \^f- / V \ V M 1 -M /I \ \ II I IH /)ur V V \ Im Plj m \

A II \ h I i i i [ | n i l

hiaL'teus- l:||j | l I j I ^12,- |In II 1 I \

ich > I I I l l l l 11 U

I HIlio I ™ HI J“* M llttsll I

. f - ' M IH )oto iy Ijjk ^ jer- ■ ' j |> M ^

• Ij 11 ( v(the 1 [ | j i l U ltho • O

W 'u i

E Large WCE \ Forgottentlio“ J ; W e a r e p a r t i c u l a r

vd.i s o r t m e n t o f f r o c k s

s i z e 4 4 , a n d t h e s t y i

5 , “ a b l e f o r l a r g e f i f f u r tA

' W e d o u b t t h a t w e

h a v e s u c h g o o d v a l

EB j f / e s e a r e g o n d , w e c t

i n t o m o r r o w s u r e .,roi- , ' . ,’ 1° . ^ E v e r y d r e s s i s n

.«»» . t h e i r

i t p u r c h a s e a t ......................

! Here Is " ‘T A l

T h is ,o f fe r in g a those in h ig h •schoo the h o lid a y season.

W e h a v e j u s i U f r o c k s ; : t h e y , e v e r y

o n e o f . ' t h e m b u t w h

j i f d g e f o r y o u r s e l f .

E v e r y o n e o f t h

1 0 y o u n g l a d i e i

h e a r d o f . p r i c e f o r

J u s t o n e p r i c e ...........

m N IN G r J A N U A R Y 3: 1gardlng'the retiorVolr.'. A lis t o f nayttsa ; woro ploc«d in nomination fo r diroctoni o f tbo proposed d la tr ic t-to bo voted , ii)>on a t .tho district ulcetion Jftnu- *

)ary 10. , '; The annual financiaU report o f the confpany Bhowcd nn iinprovcinent In tho financial coiuUtLon luid a iediiction ' o f 25 ’cents an aero fo r maintonanf^

was voted, m aking the 1:>L’3 charge $ l T |H!r niTO. ■ - ■

h 8 emo Ago-0(d Superstltlona.Many pcopta .would rattier “ lUo'

than dceomto any part o f tho house ' w ltl) pcacocka' feathers, and to open

an umbrella tn the house Is crmnlly ra nnlocky. Spilling smt la a ro o f dis- >0 ttster^ and the only woy to get rid of le tho Inevitable fling n pinch >f * io the fa irlea" over th e 'lc ft shoulder.

' •B u ilt Q^fectlve fo r Luck.

In remote iiarta o f Knglund airc a tlll ,Q to bo aeon cottngea u-lth sloping walla.,1 They wore buHt slightly out o f tho

tm o hecaulic o f n n irlo iis HupcratllloD that I f It liiiUKc 'I'nB Imllt exiiclly squqro i t won' bound lo collapse.

Ihl — --------------- —Famoua Roman Hlflhway.

n- Tho Applnn wny la tho oldeat (ind most famous o f iho Itomnn m ilitary

f . -hlghwayn. I t was bi'Knn by Appins to C lnudliis CaouM In H12 It. C. nnii orlg- fte inn lly extended from Homo lo Cnpus,, in about 120. miles.he __________________ ,o t U k« BIrdt.

"People w ith one leg In tho grave.” he M id Douglas’ Jerrold. “ aro so terrib ly on long before they put In tho other. They he Kcctn, like birds, to roposo better oo •e- ono leg."—Boston Evening Tranacrlpr..

y / r ^ i s

A O O O D \ 5 ^ f e T O T R M M


believe that in g o ffe r in g s o f th is special lo t o f dresses.

T h e y ^ 6 4 re s s i , / r ' w o rkm ansh ip ' eg

m odels up to $27U s ib le a t th is p ric i

m anufacturers^ d secondlyAecaus^

, th a t ire have use*

You women w l sive dress fo s lip — th is isy o u r opp ortu n itu

^omen Not-In This Sale

r ly g la d th a t in th e as- th e re are dresses u p to

lies a re especia lly des ir­es. - ■

e s h a ll a g a in th is season lues to o f fe r fo r whei} ■ah o b ta in no more. Come


tew a rid we recommend,

$ 1 0 .0 0

a Special F F E TA FROsh o u ld in te re s t ih e y o t o l a n d w ho (me a tte nd in tI.

[0 o f th e season’s newest I one o f them , a rr iv e d ju la t is iv o r th tw ice th is sw

hem goes o u t a t one p rice V w i l l receive a ve ry exct ^ u c h s ty le and q u a lity .

1923t iirA « ^ i^ T .T .. ’pmT.T> PBSflZPBIfT

ini BST1BB8 A T END OP Sd ‘TBABS, , '' CHICAGO, Jan. % m — John 0 . Shodd, president o f Mar(haU-Fi«ld aad ' Co., retired today after CO»-yo^ni'of, ffctivo service w ith tho dopartmeat atoro. In accepting his rcCignatioi^

~ ^ th o dircctora ercatod tho poaitSon '’o f «. ''^hairmnn o f tho.hoard and oloetod him

to f i l l i t ‘James'-8 lmp8on^_flrat vlce-prcsldonl

sinco 1017, waa iiioctod president; Joho , M cK in ley, vicb-prcaidcnt, and Kersoy

Soates Rood, oecrotory and trenauror.

•'* . . . B B ID E PALLS DEAD.I I COUYniO:^, ind., Jan. :2 (/P>-A low, mihiites n fte r Cliarles E. Lndiike, CO-. years old, aniJ^^Bessio K. Joncx, also

' CO, wero pianried today, tlio la tte r fo il ■ dead. ’ '

• Wax R«nd«r« V irf\!»h Acid B csHWitb.III necciK Investlgutlons ha«‘o shown la. that tho addition o f email quantlUet*10 o f wax to 0 varnish that la roHlstant ID to w n tc t or add fumes w ill uako It ro considerably moro resl.xlnnt, saya Pop­

u la r SIcchnnlcs. Various klnda o f w u mny bo used, nnd aa -the oiQouat of wax added la small I t bfls do oppre- clablo effcct on tho tougbncsa or

ry other dcslmhlo qua lltlc t o f tho Ta^„B Dish. . - ■Ig* ' — ------------------— Ji8|,. The P r ir* Slnacora.-

It must be line ro bo a radical leader and huve nothing to do but aoy *'Sle 'e m U i i j t l ' i i o r c Snn.

-------- -------------------'ly ’ Hurrtanlzing Exporlcnco. oy A mnt\ never reuUrvs h«w bumna be 00 Ia u n til he hns imide a big fool o f h ln ^ ‘?t.. toR — D ^to n E v e n ln g jrru i» c r^

S ------ 1- -:- .-:::- .

ks T ha t V ill B uyla t one o f th e ou ts tand- t f o u r R em oval Sales is o f p o ire t t w i l l and serge

3ses in Q u a lity , s ty le and f e qua l to ''e a r ly season '7.50... T he y a re now pos- ice , f i r s t because o f the ' des ire to c lean up, and 8^ o f th e q u a lity o f them sed.

w ho des ire a n inexpen- Ip on f o r every day w ear

U y . ^ $ 1 0 . 0 0

F o r G irlsOCRSlounger g ir ls , especia lly in g th e m an y p a rtie s o f ■

'■st a n d p re tt ie s t ta f fe ta ju s t today". T h e re ls n o t sale p rice . Come in and

ee.Kceptional dress a t an un -

: ^ lO M

Page 6: SOCIATEb PRESS N E tWSPAi^ER IN TWIN F. Twir m m DAIl^ M · w h r - y '- .., Twir VQ1,-R_K0. 2BS. ' ' SPECWOBSf “ lilllHllSE

: ■ . 'A- . V


. T W I N ]

rwm FALLS DAILY NEWStaaued « re ty m ornlnc «xM p t MonSay

ffw ln f t i l l * N o w *. PublU htn* Co.. I m .<F^ublUb«d in « )

E nters n* «M«na d&M tn&U m ix ift 4i(trU 9. 1»1S. a t Ui» jM t to f f lo * a t ^Tw la ra il* . Idaho, under th * M t o f U arob l>im . ■

SUOflCRIPTION RATKt On# yeor..... ......... ..................... ■=- !122• n o n th a ............... ........... ......................t t - i *

' I m onths...' ......... .............................. I m onth..................................................... I -M

MEMUBR -OF ASHOCIATED PKKBB Tho A««KUt«d P rM * la M c liia jv r ty an-

V dtled 10 tho UM6 rnr republlCAlloti or *U n«wa (IliipMichQ*- cm dltcd to It. or not oOlorwlfir' c rod ltrd In ih la pnpnr, and tho locnl jiflWK puMtihtfd heroin Wl r tfh ia o f ropuhllc iillon ,o f a p jcU l 4I»>- palchrn herein b m uldn

(fl>) mciina •.^*•^^cln!^d r r*« «

No rfspornJblM ir la n w u m M ih* 'e a r^ o f iinKo llc llix l ninnuncrlpta. photo* fm p h * n r o lh c r ro n trlb tile fl nmttep. AT- UelM nu lim lttfO fo r publication w ill b« uubd or not nt iho dlncrotlon o f ftio tor, nnd no nmniiiKsrlnt* *vlll (>•• ra ium o d i «nlptn nrcoinpnnlM »>y noccaaary tvoatMt*-!

Tho N«'wb ni«mli.T * 'f <h« A u du lBureau of C lrculiitlona, from whom fu ll

'In fo rm n llftn jn * tn elrcuIntJon m ny bo ol)-(- ta lned upnJLjippUcatton. ,*U*intl(‘d In fn r.

(nnilon »iit'MI<*f1 locnlly m>on 'equont.

E A S T i/nN RICrRRSBN-TATIVKB • OMimo n. Oavtil Co.. Inc.. t7 i M adIM n '

Xvo.. S pw Y o rk ; A. n . K c -* jo r ..U U H » r t . . fo rd nu tldln ir. C litcnro — , i

HEADY FOR BUSINESS j'W ith Cinvcrnor C. C. A^ooro ijja tn ll-j

o»J in till' oxi’i'utlvo clm lr nnd tho^ _ vnrioiiH i>r/ioinlH of* liln ndinlniatra-'

libn KU'drn iif and rofidy fo r businou, Uio Htiili' ( if Miiho faccs a yoai which promises much o f proRrofls, both poUliriilU- i l l a liuBrncnn aonso. '

W ith in I'prtnin cireuinflcriljod Hm- ItB, • Mnu-lr.5'(U‘pi'njlK upon Qovcpnor iiooTO, but in order tha t tho •tntt. • lin ll n 'lij) the fu ll bonafit. o f tlio cx- cr.uiivo I’ ffortBj ii dpprco o f co-opora- tipn on th j part of oi) tho people ia npcc'HKnry. • ' ' ^

** Tin« ('iivcrnoi.iliii) i.i in nooij hands —none l.rtJiT iiitil wo ho licvo 'llio witno can in-' Miid o f the entire pcrsonnol o f iitntl' orficinMoin but Hh'ho men, loo, V:in NiiiTO'ci only in*RO-fnr ub thoy lire n>.iisti-i1 jmhI hncltod up by publle opinion and accorilod tho nti]>pnTt ‘ace* cwnry tn .......... out o f tho pol­icy t t 'liir ir onch ,1ms mnpprd out for tho ndiiiinintr.'tttun of tho .duttcfi of afflcp.

I t ’d up to Oovornor Monro and hjs o ffie in i f:in iiiy—but i t i« n!«o up to ua',

'If^ Id n h o a« a whole ia to Rain fuU a d v n ^ t^ '' her ogportunUloB.

N IN E T Y MILESTONES OB MOBB,Kzra Mcclter, a ninety-two yonr old

citizen o f N«'w York C ity , hna in- , ^-itcd nil fc'ltow citiron's o f four aeoro

and tm vi-nrM or' more to a birthday dinner on Deeembcr 29. Tlio old gon- tlcnian (and h 't them not bo offended Rt bcinj; enllod’ old) w ill ta lk about lonK«!'ity, i)f i-ourac, nnd ju s t ns auro- ly thoy w ill alludo lo the childhood dny« o f lonn ago, for ono o f tho char- acterintirii o f a(;o in, to Rlaneo hack in to the piiHt, th® most distan^, ro- mcmberi'd pnat.

This Mr. Meeker hns hia own phll- oaophiea o f life , o a 'Iio s ovorybody who haa pnaacd through nny. eipori- once. Thoufjh nothlnjf else m ight * t l i ono’a mind to tho act 6 f th inking, oz- perioncc docs. I t is •Irapoaalblo not to Rrow opinions from tho ordiDftrji and unuaual * viciiaitudo which niArlr pilgritniigo from b irth to death.

The idea which aeoma to hftvo im prc*»«ed thia nonegcnnrian profoondlj ia th :it ttic averftKO human boing do«

• not ap*iuiro c<)mmon Mnao un til* ' tht sixth or Boventh decade.'Tbon i t i posaiMe to obaervft w ith undm tand

. Ing to bo ruled by l^^n d judgment • Experionco has ripened the intellect

and tho brain fanctions lui a gyro •cope, keeping perfoeb balnnco.

The ilocko r theory appcani to bt more , or leas farlotchod. Tho b rftii Uaelf mny bo a healthy organ a t aix ty or nevonty, and m ind may quick nnil unorrltfg, but th« whoh body hna begun to impair. The intol lect beginr to be thoroughly phiios ophiral, and ita mood ia to while thi hours away in i^lo reasoning, sailing like an eaay going ahip, ovor raootb oi't Imvcled tbought-courle.

, • O ften, wo hoar o f ' youths wh] aehlero fame, or auccy^a, or, atn^eaat

Western*- * ; -^TBLEPHO

T W IN ^ F iU

. f o r d T o n r ia j , w i U i « ts r l 1487.80 r . 0

. . F o r d B a n a b o n t , w i t h j t a i

C . %iS7,p> r . 0.

i F A L L S D A IL Y 'N E W S ,§ on thy long course o f bu»inc4* or pro*| ^ loaaloniil pursuit. They are bailed a*

auporbcinga, wiao beyond tho ir years,* ~ as mon bom to auperiority and-W -t

nown, Aa a m a t^ r o f fact, arc thoy' ^ not ju i t fortunate youthaf [In Knowlodgo w ithout experience is * ' Icaa value than oxporience- w ithout *• knowldHJo. Exp'orienee produces prac-00 tica l philooophy. Knowledge Is use- H j f u l only, wboa bo wht> ha* i t knows •M how to apply it . Luck ily t o i inort o f

UB cxp«rionco finds’ 'knowledge and n- knowlcilgo finds experience. j!ot TIk» s trik ing difforeneo between six*

ty year* j^ d th ir ty is th trt.the one is ngc, tending to decline, aad^the other youth, moving towori^ mofidian. Tho 6no hna oxperionco, but no sp irit, and

ot tho other sp irit, but no oxpotlontc. ;Intellectual prime ia attolnod at

IJ* Bonio J inrrcflt timo between fe rty |flvo t«>. nnd alxty. when oxperienco has iinel* “ Jlo^vod judgment. Dodnctlvo, pmetical uirphiloaophy then moro thnn compon- Ir. aatea fo r corporeSi lethargy. Tho ar- . erago jnftn ia moat capable i f liis

lic.Hlh ia fa ir ly good, from fo rty-five ?u to s ix ty , .n u -«c80uTc«iu{nott»t ia

I knotflodgo^plua- ox|>erionee.

! ' GOLD TO THOVE TO BUROPB ‘” '1 WrislilngtoTv nnnnunccB tha t propa*j •^®*j-ntion8 nro bolug mi^db to begin the ‘ ' Kliipmont o f largo qunntities o f our

iinmenso gold store to Earbpe. Prao* tlcn lly tho whole monetary'volume o f

yellow metal bns-boon ftccumulnt* c<l in tho past fow years in the

I™’ Uaitt>d Stales, Japan nnd tho Scandi* *o '',n iivinn countries, anil i t is cRtimated '‘ *‘ ; i l i i i t IhiH country has Jn atock ap-

|>roxi»iinlcly lJiroe-foiirtl;s o f tho r'*' w orld ’a Bupply. I t mny tako n long ** lin io or a ahort timo to diapose o f our

Hticplifrt gold. Countries o f Europe ' ‘J* luuy iirri\Ti);o to att^uho largo quan- *"0 tltioH, in which 'event tlio outflow

from tho'Tfnited Qtntea would bo rap- id. I f tlio inovciiicnt ia regulated by iiorn iiil enmmcreial cliangca, I t w ill bo I'oinparalivcly alow.

I ll onlihnry clrcumBtnneca. o f com- inorro gold dpea not move from land to land. DuBlnou aetttcmenta aro nd- jiiHtod by tbo Interplay , o f Intoina*

"•tional trndo balances, w ith tho ro- ault that gold ailjuatment ia largely a m atter o f exchange bookkeeping. But tho prflsont situation ia abnormal, in tha t wo have too much gold and Eu< rope ia in groat need o f i t to back

® up and Bccuro currency, old Movement o f gold to Europe w ill In- Vie (itt indication o f bwnitvesa rctovory ore tli^#p. I t w ill bo the f irs t aignal of iny att'adily rising prices. I t w ill mean on* tha t oconomlc affa irs aro gottlog back

on a solid baals. out^ _______ . ' ' - j v , , - •


Editor T w ill t'alla Noxvs:• 1 Hoar B ir:—In view o f the ai'a.ion ol

,hU.;«ho year ftnd the iio p li-n liility c<f the 1 subject m a tle the Kcw Year, liuiy

® °y ;I oak that yoii givo apaefe to thu fo i ieri*|lfnT iiig |

Heaven and earth arc in partnership Man is nn agent o f God. . He is or

®**.thia earth na His representative, l i t not endowed man w ith tho 'g>;iiiiia an-'

'breathed in to him n passion to di5Covci ‘ ; ,the partb ’B unikvclopoil forces.

Tho atorj* l» lold o t a child-wnntln j I to be an artist, that he might help Oni I to paint His elouda nnd sunsL'ts. T!i< apostle tho annie thought in mini'

id ly when he-Jvrote. “ Wli* aro luborern, to golUer w ith God.” IIo wa* tliMUS^lnj tho kingdom which flod i t biilM inir U} in. tho world. This kingdoin in'-iiidc:

t is tho soul'a environme^at .'(s well as th< \nd- w ith in tho onviTonmcut. H ii pur

'|po«e is to pred,uec ideal conditions hen cnt. tind now, a« well a.n to people hfnvc* lect. w ith redeemed Spirits. Our concei^Mni

. o f the “ kingdom o f O od" is Kidly lim itcd—wo th ink o f It in the terms oi

f thp soul alone. This restricts the king u . dom builders to thoae who seek thi

s a lva tion 'o f the aoul. T lte ir work ii increasing the censu.s o f heaven. As r

aix- result, l i fe is divided Into the “ Baere< g' and the ao<*Mlar.” Tho n ihle conc^

tion- is fa r larger. I t raenns^ the per bolo fectlng o f tho aoul'a ca rtlily ' environ jto l- ment os well aa getting i t Into a per

, feet environment beyond this life . Uos*i whon tho aceounta o f .men are re th« viewed i l w ill ho discovered! that thi

l ig - I forces tlia t have buUt up tho kingdon !•' o f Ood have come from farms and fae

’®to, tories, workBho|>a and stores aa well « rfrom fhurcbrB nnd ai'hnols. Wboreve

V . up liftin g work ia done for human wel • I faro, Ood’* puqioso i» being realised.

)a*t,! Too long men have thought that Ooi t iu t ' minimizod tho Industrlca and utHUio

1 Auto Co.a O N B K O . 1 2 9 ;---------

A LLS , ID A H O ‘

s r te r and dem otm tab le rUos.0 . B . T w in r a l l i

t u t w a n d d em oim tab le r tm i.O i .B . T w in ^ 'F a n *

I. T W IN F A L L S ; ID A H o ,>• nod art«, aad loved Mala who turned ^ I'aw ay from attopa oad -market, and

idrcsaod-^in-aombtr garment*,'itiw l de- ■> voted theniBoirea to pniyera and fast- ).^ings and boundless ospir&tiona after

[heavenly rest.” Too long men. havo -thought that God -

I dwelt In nionostcries* and ' churches , f “ holy placo*,’ ' to tho exclusion of

farm * and mills and sehool houses. Too long: men hnvo thought tha t wo eould serve Him better iq freseood chur^hei than In kitchens and harvest fields. Ood is as much interested in the fin d ­

's ittg o t now land*, tbe fram ing o f con- ,f atitutiona, the wresting o f Magna

Chartas from ty ran t >handa as In tho ^ build ing o f cathedrals and the writing;

j'o f catedUsma. 'v. I Jesus was working fo r the upbuilding

o f h i* kingdom wlion toUlng In tho cnt- '• penter ahop ia Nnr-areth, aa woIT aa jr when dying on the Cro«M' o f Calvary.

I l l ' God incarnA*v when making ox ‘® jokes fo r farmers o f Nararelh os tn ily d itB'mhcn preadiing tho Sormon on tbe

.Mmtat, or standing In the blA^o of g lory in the hour o f tranaflguration.

TMs is sot b o littllt;g roligioua work, ro b n t exalting every day work. I t ia not , comparing values but positioning vul- ' uea where wo havo failed to bco then.

Ill Jt ia a' proteat agal><:t tlic .dtvisiou of Q. lifo into thu “ secular" and “ Bacr4.‘d ' ’

viow that, has' dono untold liiirnt by blinding muii to ihi* sucn’dousB Of

is cuinnion-dny work, as though itu only /e purpose waa to inuK.< a living.

I A f;reat Bolrm iiity would gather ^ iiround life i f wo thought of i t ua, in

a ll It* varied activiticK, ns part 0 .’ tlio' forco by w h k li tho kingdon^ of Gnd is.hein^' bu ilt up. Tlie w.>rld hna

^always chcriahed tliu thought'o f a gol' - J d c ii ugc.

*1 Tl\« Old Tcirtam-nt prophets In ld of •0 II coming kingdom o f righlc'ou.:ne>s and

ur peace in u-hi«li the ro-*ourci-a o f llic nationfl would no longer bn laid' on tho altara o f war, or tho bounties' of

o f Ood^^jiroiigli natnrCf be kept from hia c h l ld r ^ through tlio cimtpolltlauB of unsaticlWcd methods n f uinuufo/Urfire, trade niufi coiiimerct'.’

l i . , .IcHits Aover j;ave na tho prayer,J “ Thy Kingdom Coiue,” w itio u t in-l

ti-nding tu ah.iwcr It. The ol<i U >P‘ Fliaki'n and tho new is frow diiitf to ho tbo fron t. floelaJ and poJitie«r rcVoIu-

tons are in tho near fiitu r i'. 'A ll is "ff ruled b y 'I I is power. The loaguu o f love ur i-< < 1 1 1 il« w;:iy. Some ti.ay under its do' pg minion *thc Goldrn Rule M-il{ reidncc

till* trirUiu'.' o f tho d ijjlon iiil and thui ‘n ' f i i r y o f tho aoldier. Koine day tln'1 )w p lo lting o f cuUini'ti w ill eenne; «nnn-‘

iliiy i!i<- b rn tliirln 'od « f iitaii w ill he 0 1 1 ' I the Ihriiae.I A New Year Be.<K>lution.

I w ill endeavor to work in linruimiv I w ith jay Divine I ’artner, tlir .t I iiinv !ha\e a part iju tho fu lfillm i-n t o f l l i s j

‘ I'la ii for the world, nd ' ■ --------------------------

I Babylonian Hanolng Garden*.Professor Brcnsted. and other o?l-

cn tn lla tt say tho Babylonian tmnglng n: gordtns were roof gnrtlena. They were

u t 'o n temples, palaces, ant) dwellings, in ' Eg>-pl had them eenturic* before Baby- , Ion. The ha lf barhnTVim QreeU* wbo

firat raw them called them tionflng ck gat^cns ond put thetli down aa one of

the wonders o f the ancient world.■Ul •' y ' ■ * ' >' I ^of an «k

_ , Advei;:,7;„p ^"J to slow , slips,

methods.'ng •

F or examp! “ ■ ' ' f r u i t s and V'

ground, beea- . p ick them . ■

p la n t less the su p p ly o f foe

T fE ile , consun . b y ' g rum b le , c

J; ir.and and su■ together.

™:1 - ' C on tra s t t? „ . j ^ , o f oranges.

spent fo r ad \ I te ra t iv e assoc

- n i a F r u i t G ro„,i ,

' cent p e r doz = cent fo r each

I A n d th isdown th e cos1

I , an o f f ic ia l b;

i “^ e cost (

\ W E D N E S D A Y M O R N ]

jm lS jDL M AN’S


' B' -J


a^VriaUlvUttla.Brm«iiiOM*»7____(CoBtiaued.) *

C H A P T E R .y ill

Questlona. ' 'Connery pulled aside tho curtnip

o f the wnahroom at the end o f the Sntitolne 'car—the end farthest from

' tho drawing room where Santolne' lay.I "Step in here, air,” he directed. "SU [ dow n,'If you wnnt. \Ve*rc fa r enough

"Step In Her#, Sir.” He Directed.

. from the drawing room not to dl»- { tnrb M r. Snntolne."J Eaton, aeatlflg himself la the comer ; o f the leather w a t b a ilt against two.,I - walls o f the room, ond looking np/{^ a Biiw th a t A^ery hati come Into ihe t room w ith them. The g irl followed. t W ith her entrance Into tAe room came

‘ lo him 8 strange sensation whjch e i- houflted his brertlh and utoppcd hi*

rtised <jOc W ithout Lli r t o f th e cost o f l iv in g t shod d is tr ib u t io n o f goo

pie, eve ry yea r tons o f vegetables r o t on the ause i t doesn’t pay to

D iscouraged grow ers le next-season, and the )od is reduced., M ean- m ers in th e c itie s near over h ig h p r ic e s .. De- u p p ly a re n o t b ro u g h t-

;his w ith th e h a n d lin g ?1,000,000 a yea r is

Iv e rtis in g byi- th e co-opr c ia tio n o f th e ’ C a lifo r-i row ers. A la rg e sum; ly a bou t one--rifth o f a izen— o n e -s ix tie th o f a h o range sold.-

a d v e rtis in g has ke p t 3t o f orange,^. , To quote 3f th e E xchange : ^

o f s e llin g oranges and

/P n b ili l iK l by 1 ^ ‘Tw to m I Tb* Aainrlcaa AspclatiO]

. / s

riN G , J A N U A R Y 3. 1923po lM tM ~ i~ b««cP T o be acco*Bd-^ ® «rca~ to be .the crimea lM ln it '8 u to la » w u to bare attea* t lo o . 'b ro u ^ t to ’ him which—w ith hia tn sa tiifa c to ry accoont o f ' himself'—. tbrMtened t i | ^ compUcattpna. Tet.■t th i* moment o f rcalltatloa. tim t did **■, not HQ W i .mtad. Whether U a .lo n * d w e llln i doa* to death bad owabed. ^ him' to bia own danger, howerer noch '''* oiore^lmmedUte i t had become, he c o o l d ^ know ; pM wUly be had pre- _ liM d .h lB ia e U ao tboroofhly, had In- ■ored hltnaelf ao to expect aneat and im u lneut deatraction, tb A now . hU f flDdlug hlmaeU cocfroated w ith a c -• ctiaera In Itae lf fafled to a tir-tie ir i« a - aatlea:,bnt t i l l thia day, be had nererJ lma«lned or been able to prepare hlm> ^ ■elf fo r accttsatlon before one. Ukb H arrie t Santolne: 'ao, fo r a moment. .

^IbM Uht eoiely o l hlmaelf w u 'a *ob> cu rre n t O f bia crmadooa ffeeHnga, the te rro r th a t ahe wonM be brought fjj to believe w ith , the othera that he bad struck tho blow ngalnst her father j WAS the most poignant. - ~ t r. ATery pujled forward .one o f the jj,

leather chalra fo r her to aeat berself ond took anotlier fo r himself facing 'p , Eaton. - K

"W hy did yau ring the bell', In M r. : Santolne’o berth?” Avery directed the attnck upon him suddenly.. qj

•T o call help," Eaton answered. • •'You had kntfwn, then, tha t he y,

oecUed h e lp f’ te. “ I knew It—aaw It then, o f course.”

“ When?” ' «"When I found hlm^ When I went

fo rward to look fo r the conductor to osk him about t a k l ^ a w<alk on the roof of the cars.” ^

"You found him then—that woy, ni tbe way ho w n s r’ at

"T ha t w a y t Yta.” 'a;"Uow?” - fl,• • I lo w r Eaton Ite ra t^ . u•'Yoa; how; Mr. Eat^n, or n illw a rd ,

or whatever your name is? How did e , you find him? Tl/e curtains were «

open, pe ifnpa : yoy saw him a« yoti rf ' - ivont by.U'hri ' '

Eaton shoolc )ils head. "N o ; the ciirtn lim weren’ t open; they wero clovod."

‘ ‘Tbe» w l\y did ym look In?” a. “ I Hiiw his hnnd In the aisle." «

“ Oo on.” : s"Whon I cnine bnck It didn’t look

righ t to me; ita poaltlnn hnd gi i-hnnged nt n il. and tt hadn't looked c; righ t to me befure. So I fitoppod nnd ti touehcd It, and I found that I t wnn ' e cold."

•Then you l^ k c d Into the b e r th r v ••Yes.” ' ' d

“ "And havln* look«V lo and'SM^n v Mr. Santolne Injured and lying an he b waa, you did not'cn ll' anyone, you did q oo_t bring help—you merely leaned h

^rtcroBs h ltii nnd pushed the bell and v ( went on qnlckly out o f the car before f

anyone could see yon?*' p•■Yes; but I waited on the platform ^

o f the next car to ace that help did _ come; and tho condtictor passc<I me, and I knew that ho and the’ porter


. V

)ds Reachost Motionto d ay m ay be charged to Ids ; and to o ld -s ty le , wasi

lemons th ro u g h the F ru i t G rowers’ E xchar today th a n i t was ten j

“ In th e tw e lve yeai • f i r s t cam paign was b consum ption o f C a lifo i

^has doubled. The An guiner has been ta u g h t t iv e a d ve rtis in g to eat as m any oranges as bef

“ H ad th e o tange i m ained on the o ld .would have beeri no p n in g oranges. N ew ac: n o t have been p la n t chards w ou ld m ost sure aproSted and o ther, crc

A d ve rtis in g , p rope rl; m oney fo r th e consume

■ m oney fo r the produce p u t w a s te fu l methods

' vo lum e a n d ,c a tt in g do o f s e llin g and d is tr ib u

anil zrawa^ m o»«paratlAa ir tib v »n o f A drattU lB ff A f t a e l t i ) .

3H i i i i r i i i R j K i s m j , IU m i n i a '

*l$o 70Q expect oa to believe tba t .T e rr p tc td la r action o f yoora waa th« act o f an umocent m an i*

“ I f I had been ^ t y o f tho attack on'Ur.'fSantolne, r d not haT« atopped o r looked In to the berth a t « ll,-

**If 70a are Innocent, yoa W , o f course, aome rw aon fo r acting as yoa did. >vm yon explain w hat I t w a a r

"N » —1 cannot ^ l a l n . ”W ltb a look o f trinm pb A t w ■

tn m M to H a rrie t Santoba, a n d '^ * f ton ifelt h ia fleah g n w warm w ith * gmUtnde as he aaw ber meet ATary'a

, look w ltb no^appearaace of. being coo- ' Ylnced.I Avery made a texed ceatnre, and

" tnm ed to C5onnerjr. •TTeU her th« rest o f it ," he directed.

Connery, who bad remained atand* ing back o f tbe two chairs, moved . slighUy forward: •TThcre ab^U I be- . gin?** be asked o f A very; he was Iook><» ' Ing not a t the g ir l bnt a t Baton.

, “ A t the beginning," Avery directed.•'Mr. Eaton,'when yon came to tb la ' ' *

tra in , the gateman a t Seattle called. 4 my attention to you,** Connery began.“ O ld Sammy bae recogulwd men w ith crim inal records time and again, n e ’e got, seven rewards out o f it. 'i**

L. Eaton fe lt his-pulses close w ith a shock.^ !'Ho recogniicd moT" be

, aaked Quietly...'• “ No, he didn’ t : be co u ld n 't. place

' you," Connery gran(fd. •irio couldn’ t *• te ll whether you were somebody that wns ‘wanted’ or someono w e ll known -som eone famous, maybe; but X *- aught • to have kept my eye on you

' because o f that, from the very start.'' Now, th is tnom ltig yon claim a tc l»

gm'ni meant fo r another man—a man • named Hl)lw-nrd, on. this tra in , who

seems to bo a ll rlRht—that is, by thia answers and bis account o t himself he seems to be exactly what ho claims to be.’^

"D id he read the telegram to you t"I Eaton asked. " I t wns In code.' I f I t■ wnn 'lueant fo r him, ho .ought to be ' iA)lc tq read I t "

.••No, ho didn’t W ill y o u r I NEiiton halted while he recalled tho ' cxnct wording o f the messnge. “ No."

Connery paused and looked to Avory nnd Ibe g irl. .-.’‘You 'll w ait 4 niln iilo, JIf. Averj-; nnd ,yon, Miss Santolne. I won’t bo long." ^

: He le ft the washroom, a n d 'th e *I sound o f the closing o f a door whlbb I camo to Eaton a half-m inute later 1 told thn t he had.gone out tlie fron t « ' end o f tlie cor.

' As the throe sot w aiting in the ' washroom, no one spoke.- E^ton un- »

dcrstood fu lly that ibe manner In V which the evidence against h im waa ? b«ng prcwnted to him was not w ltb I any expectation that he could defend I h im self; Avery anil Connery were ob- ■I vfously too certain o f the ir conclusion ‘? fo r th a t; ,4rather. as i t was beings

clven thus under Avery's’dlrectlon, It I wa* fo r. ibe e lfoct on ITarTlct S a n - i^ ,

■ (Coaeinded on Page Seven.)* | * '

I You«-

1to lo s t m otion , a s te fid s e llin g

le C a lifo r^n ia ■ • . lange is low er 1 years ago. '

ia rs since the launched the

fo m ia oranges Am erican con- bt b y co-opera- i t t ie a r ly tw ice )efore. •

I ■ ■ • 'in d u s try re^

i basis, the re p ro f it in g ro w - , acreage w o u ld nted. O ld p r- ire ly havg been jrops p la n te d .”

r ly done, savestner and makes : ^[cer b y d r iv in g ►ids, in c rea s in gdown th e c o s ts .bu tion . \

- ••

Page 7: SOCIATEb PRESS N E tWSPAi^ER IN TWIN F. Twir m m DAIl^ M · w h r - y '- .., Twir VQ1,-R_K0. 2BS. ' ' SPECWOBSf “ lilllHllSE

' T W IN F

- t h O m k I t PL------- -------------- ------------------------------ K ,^ O HXO AO O 'aBA lK ‘'U A B E S T .' to.uc

CHICAGO, Jan. 2 rocoiptajj^i*led to heavy »cUInjf.of wheat todoy oa dos tho p a rt' o f ■'holden’ ^oad «pocu!olors Hso A a .a rtBolt,- priccB closed weak, 31*8

««'• lo 41-4o not l<^er, w ith M a y> U 8 1 -2 to 1.18C-8; ^ Ju ly to W v1.101-4. Corn* fin lihod 21-8 to 21-4clj(im 10*2 l*2'down, aad oata o f f 11-2 to 1 7-8 Cnli to- 2o> la provisions th'cro n-cro ffoinit Cali varving from J!> to 27c. Mt.-ii

JUthough.tbofrcporU o f w lic :it orriv- Irt^ f iag and doimcstlfr primary • tcrmiiiolB. tlroj » wrero tlio fiK u ri‘5 fo r threo dnj-s, tlic o ff

■Lowlnp, novcrthcleia, wa*.foo bearish 8 . ‘to bo M p\nlnc4 by thU_ f a c t o r , o n d

•with tho Argontlaa crop movcincnt rcsi jo» t ahctwl Uttd Caaadu. c,om\jctln^: jn t i sharply'and s t i l l holdliig itn'p'rbviivc ^c- win soi;vca, thb conTidonco ' o f Ix ills n\)- I.av pcared to ' wonfr, l»0raljitejit nolline In . pressure on thb niaricd set in.Tnrly nnd !ic« romaiood oonstnnt tlirouf^hout the day, luvi

‘ no tab ly-from bouses w ith cniftcra con-[ Jan noollons, dosplto IndlcnUons o f Homc.nipi CJiport bufllncss an vntuc.i dccliiicd. ' j .1

F ina l q«olntlon» in liio wheat m nr-icjfr kct-worrf prnctically Uio lowcat Ic w l of [ tloi the so«ftl«n, woro-tUan eiRht cchIs

t l bniihel under Inat w fi*k ’s high point fo r I Ilio M ay dotivcrj'. AnnOunccmoat of a acsi subatantial Incromii) o f th o ' U n iti'd ' con States visible supply tntnl oinjthniilzeci cd during tlio Into trn tliiiir the doWitwunl poi tendoncv o f vnhicd. Shorts wore nbli* qut to buy irco ly nJl day w ithout causinj' ndl ftnv material mJly. s dis

born and'rmia.ns ^vpl\ iiM whent rtxvo .way in jiripp, Rupport belily o f ‘insiiffi- cleat voiunio to ovt''ri.Qme the c ffc K tv( liqnidntien hy owner;). Hc.ivy rocclptH o f com hero hnd a d.'prcs'-inf: influcitr.« ani^so, tort, d id ’ nti in/‘jeaac in the vbi-

' iblo supply o f Corp.- ^IProvislotis WQ re hiK’her in Hnc. with

hog niurkcln' . to--------- El

• * . PORTLAND LiyESTO CK. fliPOKTLAND, Ore., Jan. a op>—Cat- n'

tlo—'M arke t stendyv rocel|its l.'jli; St choieo "leers ♦? to T.TiI'; choirc cowb d< and heifers .$4.7S to 5 jr,. pr

lIogB—^Market Tcccvpts \ 5VM |).(1032 head d irec t); primii liR lit *0 to fg 0.35. - .

Slirep—M arket Btcinly; ri“d.'ij>ti 2 l!*.

OM AH A UVESTOOK.O M AHA, .Tan, .RI.i I.-h ["

PepnrltTu-nt o f A grieu ltiirr) (/P)—Hok« — Receipts 10,000; nrtiv.- to I.'.’- « highori-.bulR park iiie gr;ul«‘s $7.10 t(i 7.75? bulk butchers ^9.10 to top ol<8.30. II:

Cattle—R efrip td fi.'lfio: l-opf Hlpcrc dl nctWp 10%o 2r.c hlchor; b ii\k NU-cn 57 „ to H.".*;; bent Iiero ?H>: Hhc'Stock. Im lli fVR.\ ivlrong-. bulk <-o\vh ;i« il hoif

.. fr» t -1 to fl; oftnnpr^i ami piiH ith JL'.'iO 'to 3.50; hotornn .bi.IlH S2.7.' f..:i,7.-i; veal top flOTiO; stockers nud fi'cilero E 10 to 15c hiRhor; hulk «'l lo 7.t;.’.; t<*l>

siicep—Rrpeipta’ M.OOO: Inml.N hi.'ti- “ fly to 15r low er; lniJk -$V.S.7r» to top $14.C0; sheep rnontly '2~>r lowpr; «< CW6 top J'M.fiO; ».heep_mo!iUy "'x* low­er; owe top $7.75; fi-.'d i'ri sti-iiciy to E weak. b:

OHXDAOO MVBSTOCK.' J^ CHICAGO, Jan. 2— (IJ ir itc l StaT?s

Department o f AgrintUiire^ (4*)—L*at-♦ • tie— Beoeipta 0500; l>c<-f Bt.'orH nftivo ;

largely 10 to l.'ic hlKhcr; top matured beef steers $ll."r> : best yoiirliiiKH 510.55; bulk beef atr.T" «‘> 3-0-'>; bIk^ •tock, BtockerH and fcodem la^K'’’ >‘ alondy to s lro n t; lu t li 'r rl.iMf v.'ry p ficarcfl In {resU rv.'cript^; UhJIh largely S.'ic lower; vi'nl cnlv.‘< moiitiv 25a h^pher; s|K)ta more vaTui'Mi’ ; ''fiu. iirrs nround ?3; Jiio't bi/f<>:;nii bulj.i

, t4.50 to •1.7.'»; hu lk a to ikfrs nml fccrhTH 45.75 to 7. '

H ors— Receiptn 3l.<JOO; 20<- hik'lu’ r;. rinsing weak oa.boti'h rrs: lti:1k I'lU l.>

200 'pound avprngf *«.'« t 'l '<„'»(•: top -IniW 22.’> tn ‘:7.* pmin.\ im l'hprs

' ^ } 8.(iO to S.70; tn ilk prirking rown Jf7.7‘> to 8 ;- d^simblo «iu'» U K i s l l v ' ' t o

holdovor liltc r il.* , Sliorp— IleroititH l.-iinha

22e lower; ton $15 to jiafkorrt; bu lk fat wooled ininhs i l l . i ’ .' to 1."; ilc,'‘ ir;»b)rt fed rlippeU Inniba $1J.7.* tn 12.S.': hckmI

■ 7ft pound fM ycariin i: wctlu 'rt Slli.J.'t; »ll^ep Btenciy; A.''hoirc' handy wciehlCKCS wp to

N E W TO R K STOCK MARKET.Dny's total Knh-s, .sni.OOO Ab.-iroH. Twenty 'IndilOri.-ilH n vcn ijrd ;

(A ), HPfgnin. 04. n»i;h, 103.-r.l-,low, 78.59.

- .Twenty rnilrouds nvi'riitfcd m-t.05. J llc li, 1022. 03.00; low, 7.1.4:». •

^ (A ) cx-divldcnd .22,

, New York. .Ian. 2 0«>)—OiiiMiin;; I'fii'es in. lO 'lny’s frtork iiiiirk i'f, tin' fim l o f the iipw v i‘ar, wero lii;;hor, but thi'Tenfter p ro fit ' ta k iu " and nbort T "clling' rauard some irri-;j'ii!ir ity w illi KainR outuml>lK>riHK I w n at tho plo,«f. m ille r qufltntions fo r forpif^n lani'cs, easier • tinre monpy ra fp i Jind _n h HUC’h t reaction in wheat nn il grain tJ prices, a fte r nn early dinplay of

»atrength. ie ro tho other focitiirea o f tno p day's finaneia l' and .commodity mar- .kct*. ^ n-Special buying operations In indi%-id

kual Blocks wcTc nvldcnt by Ovo brisk ^nmnner in which eortaio isBues -weru' Q pufllied up, the market dJsplnyinc moro o activity on rallies than I t d»l on the ■

US K ID S l i " j - ’ "*


...... . ^ 'i M

F A L b S P A lL Y N E W S . 1JecUhe*. Btudsbaksr w m one ef'.th® RO] Bftrly loaders, b rin g patbed up 2 po i« tt 10 119.- but forfoU iag all, but S-4 o t n its gala od rc fillz lag salte. Baldwin >> to.uciiea-13D3-4 but'dropped back two points fo r &' etaall lots a t K ..Itho closo. United States Steel also rlosed fractiunally lower a ft* jr bavlni; * risen nearly a point above Sat^irday’s fian l quotation. .

Another iuereaso in crudo oil priccs A er the knliday resiilled in somo gbod ^ Utyjng i l l tiio oil group, Asso.’ lated O il P^P jumping 41-2 poiuta, Btnndord O il o f ^hr( CnUfoTuin 17-8, and Pneltl«? Od J 1;2? ^ California Pctro^um dropped • more tho rhait a poiat and Condun, a fte r break- ateo ing through last year's l.ieh to" 54 3-1, Cnd dropped back to 53 7-8, whefs i t ‘i rM T o f f i-S on tho day. *” has

S h ifting of ftinds incidental to year- lior; i'nd dlviden dnnd Inlercst requirements resulted in nn opening and renewal % jnts- o f 5 1-2 por ccnt fo r call monoy, ' j which enseil o f f to 5 beforo tho close. • I.QWtHHug, of time woney'ratcs from 5 In 4 3-,4 per cent fo r tho longer n a tu ri- ‘ “ 'J liCH wns in expectation o f nn early and ■ > heavy rPtiirn o f funds withdrnwn fo r II. J.'imi’an- intereot and jliy idend pay* . ment-?.' . ' 4 , DC

.Improvrnipnt in the p rincipa l-n llicu exp-hancoH wns construed ns an JndlcA- t iiin ' o f the f ’ umpean finan'iin l eoiH- m un lty ’s opUmlsm en tbp outromo of llio reparnlious conferenco now in acHslon. Pcmond RtcrlluR advanced a . cent to $-1.04 .T-S; French frnncs climb- I cd 8 poiutH to 7.41. nnd Ita lian lira S >• po in ts ‘ to .'5.14. Germnn mnrks wero . ' t quoted a t 1.10 1-2 centp a huudrrd. Can | adlan .excbflugo was stHl at 1 per cent, discount.

T i U I I MWUIES is______ • l'*n

(Continued from Pngo-Six.) | [[|[- - ; T— .

toino ana to convinco ner fu lly .' Dut I.e; EatoB hnd u&dcrstdod this from the Hu flrst. I t was fo r th is reusoQ h e ^n d Tu not nttempted to deny having rung Sahtplno'fl hell, realizing tha t I f he : denied, i t ‘and I t afterward wo'b Po proved, he would appcnr lo a wome ligh t thon by M r Inab ility to account Hv: for or assign o ' reason fo r his set. I And he hnd pro'Ved rig h t- in th is ; fo r ,; i the ^ r l hnd not been convinced. So 4 i now ho comprehended that something fo r more convincing nnd’ more Im por ^ i (nnt wan to como; bu t what that lax could be, ho could not gtiess. - '

The conductor appeared lo the door , _ of the wnshroonr followed by tho Eng- ■ ’ ’ llshmdn from & ito n 's n r , Henry Stnn- dish. Connery carried tho sheet on ,1‘n which he hnd written the questions he bsd asked Eaton, nnd paton's nn- Bwera <’■'

"W hnt nuino wcri^ you »i.'«lng. Mr. ' Eaton, when you ca iM from A ttl* \|» the Unltert Statoar'^the conductor' de- Or Binndcd. ' !•>

Eaton' reHtcted. “ M y own," bo 1*' sold. ‘T h lllp D. Eaton." - •

"M r.. Stnmll8h” —Connery faced tbe Engllahiimn—“you came fm m Yoko* ■ bftma lo Svmtlo on the Tombn Maru. V\ d idn't you? Do you remember tlila Si Mr. Katon amon* tho pnasengcraT'

“ Do yon know b t waa oot among the pnssengersr

•■Yes. I do." “ I"ITow do yo)i know?" . rUiT ile BngllBhmnn took a folded pa* p;.

p e r ^ ^ i hla pockct, ‘Openfd

, Tho EftBHshrnan Took » Folded Papbr From Hla Pockot, Opened I t and j (Handtd I t to the Conductor. . i

ilhuniled i t the cohtluctor. Connery, J

: taking ft, hchl It out to Eaton. . ■, “ Here. M r, Eaton," he eald, "Is tlvo l

' prinii-d pns.HCQ(;cr lis t of the people | ohoard (he . Tamba Maru prepared j nfter leaving Yokohnmii fo r d lstrlhu- ' tlon tfinong the passeuRcrs. U ’h « t\- ' que.sllonnbly correct- W ill you point out your uamo' ou U?’*. 5

(•rnnHniior! In .n»xt —

■ H E

T W IN F A L L S , IDABLO,COBm O K P H 0K 0Q R A P B 8 - i— ^

A AB OA2. L l b Z N S S n o IE N TBLOOUINOTON, .Ind., Jan. 8 W V -

lorns used on telephones and phono- . riiphs aro not o f tho most effic ient hape fo r the' rundrnslng o f sound, in ho opinion o f Dr. A . £ . Foley, head 1 f the department o f physics and n| csciirch pi;ofcsaor a t ..ladiona U n l* lL orslty. , I‘Dr. Foley says ho disagrees w ith tho Q ] opuUr theory tha t sound comes hrough horns hs water goes through I

funne l/.H e declares th a t most olV'AQ ho energy baeks out o f horas i» * lM tend of. being coadonecd a t tho small ^ nd. M BThe Inditiba ‘U n lvcw lty scientist

lan designed several now types o f orns iu aecordanco w ith hia theory. pI — I ------ :---------- biitl

Handicap o f idia Rich.I'a lw nya feel sorry fo r tho Idle son

If • rich mon. whoso line* aro fiUlen nto too pletisant places. He la under —p I fearfu l haDdlcap.—Elbert Bubbard

. ■_________. ' ~ y

REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS S• . ■ -------- V i-

mralBh*d by th * T « lo ? a lU T l t l * t t i ond ^ A b fltn c t Ooaapaoy , ~

Tuesday, Jaauaxy 2.Deed. C ontiu fu ti Oil company to 1. i:i_,

!■’. Canal rompanv $1; water on W. 1-2 i NE. H-lOK!. :or

------------------------- ' I ' l i i

TWIN FALLS MARKETS : *_____ _apaPricea Paid -Producera .

Swfct etenni, lb ........................ ........44c =Cliurning cream, lb ................... - .... 41c'I'resh ranpU.vR>:» ..............................ffons, heavv, lb............. ........ ........... 10c. .Ifens, ligh t, ib . ________ ____ ___ 8cFryers, lb...............................- ........ . lO c ^ ^I.eghom springs ............................— 8C i ’nu.'ks ....................................... 11 (S) l ie farTurkeys......- ......... ............ .. ...... 10@22c e«.lOcpRe ........................................11 @ U'c

Potototfa • ‘ 'Potatoes, No. 1, c w t . ____Il..... 25C4>30c L ii

‘ n i lWheat, Ko, I, pwt.............................Jl.ilO

Xd'^ntock 111-Cattle—Co«rff, 3 ’to 3 l-2ej steers, Sh,

4 to 4 l,-2c; veals 5 to Gc. »—!Hogs—Prime, 7 fo 8c. , jij,

' Rheop — M utton, 5c; no mnrket: — lambs, 8c. ■ ' ' |.„

HOUSEW IFE'S a tJ lD E ‘ (Retail Prices) '

r ro lts and Vegotablea ~Putntoea. cwt....................... 75c@$1.00'iXtiib.'ige, RCr 11).............................. ICpSc —(VUrv. bu/>Vh ....................1.. 7 ].2@10c ,■(’lu iliflow cr, lb. ______ ________ ... lOePiirrotfl,’ Ib.................................... 3 1-25 =IJc’elH, lb ....................... ...... ....... 2 1-22Turnips, lb.................................... 2 l-2oOnlifornla,-head ...................... [email protected]'tlupe, Idaho head ............ ...... CcIVarn, U .............................. |il.50(^2.00 'Apples, 11.......................... - ............. 205c _Grapes, Tokaye, lb. —.......... 20®25c

\ Provisions and SUplesn o u r, 48-lb.‘ fliick ............•-> * [email protected] „ fSugar, beet, 100 11.............. . —Sugar, cnne, 100 lbs.......... »[email protected] u ’

‘ (’ ream chceito ........ .... .................... 3(«Hrlek cUcvs*.. _____ 40c -Heans - ...................... 0 1-4 to 10c ^

.Uread ......................... ............ 8 1-3®IQcU iittc r (creamery) ................... 53@5Sc

ll l i i l t e r (ranch) ....................... ------- 40c UEcKH, do7:en _ - 35c04Oc

'M e a tj _ I' nncon ..................... ...... ............ 30@35c;l{;icon, sUccd ................................... 50c {. ilnn i ......- .............................—..... «... 3Sc; Mam,'sliced .......... ............... - ......... !iOe j j iil'o rh chops .............. ...... .......... IS 0 2 Oe, I.jinil) chops.............. 25@35« ';p i.r ii roast ................ 18@25c;.I Steak—Sirlo in l’5c; T-bone' I’.so;! roun.i 20e; rhupk 1;V. ‘ . :

! iieef—Pot 'roast 1Q@12 l - 2c; plato ge; brisket 8c. I

!i RAILROAD T IM B TABLE[ (<-*’ .'■ '''■ MouiilTiiii Time)

' I Eaatboimd.;S No. l.'ji) ..... ;....... Depurl 7:20 n.ia. Sn'! .Vo. .SI .............. Depjirt 0:10 p. in,' Wcalbouad. '• .N'n. >>3 .............. I).-p:irt l^rtlO n. m. j..

No. ........ IV 'parl H:3U p.m


N'o, .139..........nepatt 12-.-10 p .m . u;:: Northbound. . . ' J''

R Nn. ............i .A r r iv o 4:05 p.m.

I M A IL M A K B .n P .j Nn. l.'O a t 7 a, m. on

No. 83 at- 12 m. avINn. l.V, at 4 p. ni. <|;i

I No. 8-1 nt .ItSO p. m, .h. J Hoperson brnneh a t 12 m. . Ci

-------- - toj TliP foreeniog laail inako-up i» p‘i

oj>oratlve and effective under or- ofI (Unary runclifioiK; i f a great hr

amount o f mail should be dropped w: . i l l about tho regular closing timo it

noulil )h' impnsaiblo to dispdtch thoI mail on the prenso hour. Ti



IP R O n iS E ^ X f no fO\>7 J? tlOM I WA^ NEV£R \ J

going T O ^ l-rE P /'N O . j ISNOBt IM CHORCHy \


M W) N E C E N T P E R W O R I

d v e r t is e n T e n ts u n d e r t i ] i s h e a d -a t 9 f a r d e v is e d o f b r in g in g . th e nee d

J-OE B E H I ■ 1,^ r

P o n HENT—5 room buugnlott- iv illi , ?it li, sleeping porch ,and gaffiije. On i L„ivp.t Mrex-l. l-bono .V.tTJ3. i i i?i'OH RENT—5 r ^ m nui'iiern ■ fu rii- ^liect Cali !:>-.■ Beroml soiitb. T "f'U lc JtK.\T—U room Jiouhi'. 1 block Ho< ■om high wfhwd. I'hone

RENT— I'um iiop’ lieiited rtionj, sn<lood • location. . ;in.*) Fourth street Ttni:^ th . I ’hoiie 012J. «ori 'O i t RIJ,ST—Sleeping room, 430 See- ^

nd ave.. west. I^ i^ ie inpJW. • • plffr o i t RKNT—Seven n.oiu hoi.^e cnr- Ma

L-r Slioslinue und 'U ixtli. ' I'Louo l02dJ. —r2 m. or li p. m. __________■ , *?oTt'~RKNT—-E ltlie r tutuiaticfl tiouw

r rooniH fo r ligh t housekeeping.l.ono m \V . ____________ ,*iU l t UK.NX—Threo room furnisUc.i Ool

portment, $15.00 per month. Bungs' p >w apartineota. Second avonuo maCi f th Btroot E. | ^ , j

, W A M T fia -M IfiO B LLA N E O D a L li"VV A N T niKiture, wji^rou '^iinU liarneoH. i.’all l.">- —\i'reomi Hr.'itli. ly .n e , ■\VANT' t iT lie 'y from owner liuviu j'

arm fo r aale: givi* piirticnliirH and biw I A-' Bt priep. .lohn .1. llla e k , Chippi-wji' nci^illn, Wincoijfliii. ■ y.

U A N ' l 'K i^ l ’oul'tr.v Jit iiTi iriiidn “ "j’hone 75211. cot

WA.Vl'KP-^.Kaiil laM.rewo’.liinOx* lo I*,'un on lease, A p ril to Septeiulier. W ill .]lontrai't to feed until A j'r il i f de;iiri'<I. nrllespo»niblc i>arlieH. .1. / . (ienr;,'i', J;C nifijhoHhdiie weKt. I'liono '1'.^. . {\r

\V ANTl-:i>—A ll kliidit o? pouTiry: jliglieil'caHli jirieo a t Pul'lii- M;irket. ' spi

AN;1'H1>—IIKIU IIII.II m r,;,v,‘ “•iilf-f:ide« newi-d on; (>.’ c ii jiii ir , gu:u an.mltVtl. • PeU-T’s Shoe Shop 2J,

WANTED—liy luay, work by hour. “.‘hone 200U. ______.

UA.N'l'hJU »i Jjenit good horses loMTP. l»hnno-r.l7n:i.___________________

"A.N 1 UU—bisull loua ou i'K ia r»«, antt5#iiipnce property. Addross H.. *u Mews. -


« new,imly bi'cn useil lliree nioiitli.H. W ill in i'll- for covv or riwix*. Cub ir>2 bev:- t-' (nd aonlli. 3’liom- i'lHW. —

WAN'l’ i-;U—'I’.v triiUu -IU nrr«H wcil - located, near JlhMiftter fo r house a iiit _ lot in Twin FallK. AddreHa- L. M., cure ~ i.f NeWK, • .

TO T l{A D 'i> -ila vo a man's bicycle- ... Would lik e ' to. trado i t for A smaller , one. Call 721-J or 1237 Oth Ave. E.

I ’UK E .SC UANUE-Nebraakn 4U(Qcro well- imnroved grain .ind atoel farm, free and eli'an, lo trade fnr in, *" provatl irrigated fnrw , ItninTt fo ilu h ; •-** Describe your o ffe rh ig fu lly nod ad drcis, I3os 470, Rupert, Idaho



- OF S A I^ . , ,1

l.iln It. Coleiniin, i ' la i i i t i f f , invs. n

Alma e. Lee nnd Hertha Lee, his w ife, 'b Sad«« U. lie ids imd S. iienla, her hii.sbjinil; J. K. Moiitg<iiiiPry and Mar-

■ Ion N- M otiltom cry. Kift \vif>-; W. O. .My.stpr and IJiirnc'* UrollnTS, Ineor- por;iteil, a i-orpnrr.tlfin, Defemtuuts.

I'ndpr an.l l.y v;rtu<> o f an Order o f ' ! Sale and Decree o f KorerloNure, in.mpd — out o f the D intrict Court Of the Kiev- j j eritli .Iudiej:il Di-itriet o f llie State o f Malm, iji !ind fn r tho County o f Twin l-'allH, dated tlH>.fltli day o f Decjjnibrr, ,• 10J2, in t l i j / above entitled action, vvheTiMu l.i5;i*9t. Colemnn. the aboOo named t ilu in lif f obtained a decree " I ii;;ii«nst Alma H. Lee nnd llcrUm Lee, hin w ife ; .Sadie H. Reals and I U ti. Ileala, liet hurband; J . K. Mnutgotaory and M;jPi»n .N. Monlgomery his w ifo ;W. O. J^yster, and.Ilarnes Rrothers, In- porp'ir;ilr'i|, n mrporation, defeiKhints; on tlie 2nd d.ay o f December,- 11)22. Avhicli said decree was on the said 2nd ''' dav of Deeeniber, recorded in j v.liidgmvnt Hook Eight o f .tnld n iK lr ie t* " ' Court, :it jintte 112, I am poiain.nndcd I- to sell all that •'certain lot. p icn; or) p a r 'd <if land sitim led ia the Coonty | o f Twin Falls. Sfnte • n f Jd.aho, • nud [ boiindi'ci and deseribcd aa follows, to- w it: .

Lots One (11. ITwo (2). nnd Three C3 (.'!) and Four (4) o f .Seetion Ono (1), 'T’ownKliip Sixippu (U'>) South, Range t i Sixteen (1C) ICast o f the Hoiso M crid A


V S H ftflC S Of- THI / — ^

N G , J A N U A R Y 3, 1923

B f f iD P E R I N S E R T I O N

ire a lw a y s a l i v e a n d a c t iv e , a n d .

d s o f a d v e r t is e r s t o th e a t t e n t io n (

FOR SAIiB->M ISO BI.l4AN£O U8FOR SAi^E— 100 pnrebreil llam p WAire ewes, bred fo r Februnry la iiiliing. work■ono 5Q1 or 1234. U . Q. Urown. 1‘honi

BALE— A t Varney i|l7 .\ln iii , a U>st, show casen, w a ll -'eaacs, w ir j U i^ iairs (md tables. Sodn fountain, t'ook KimyJVC nnd sniali ire box. yoon^>XJR BALE—Npliud id driiTt miirc illu.stiIII four-year-old; none bet'or. Hurt exululin .' aeo owner, 5 0 3 . 'FoiT'tli street Jiald.irth^ Also f irs t eutting, iiiiv.______ Autoii \ ) R SALI-;—One mate iTanip.ibire ^elew,g, 5 months old; l.'i gella 3 m o iith H -----d .'"*1 1-4 miles j i o r t l i o f \Ve»t, <'ud .,ttin. Oeo. Urailley.________________FOR BALhJ— I’nre bre<T'’ w riile Orp (i,'„ gton pulleta, «>1;.foekcrelH $1.50. ,W. \- , Caughey, Filer, I d j k l i o . , L . ~ I'UU «AlJ->—IJeai’rtn 3 oet^ve \vlci- lont in case; firs t plana ro iid illo ii. . * 3«t $100; firnt ?l!'i lakes if . Addro«.». <V U«x -V‘>, llupert, Idaho. ' __■'i-x)R «TCF>— 1 p -w ,-r ’ lu'iy r . r r ; r:.'»eap. • Addres* 2U>i M iiin ' '" r l 'hone .3:.3M. f, ■' = i-'Olt tSALt^—l>el«rl-uia a|Jl‘te»,

lid »1.. 0 a box; deliv»Ted. I ’ iioae 1212.'.......iH>U y A L li— I'Cvhimn BurroughH)

b iing marliinp w itli htand. Cost />?I0(<' j\v. W ill sattideo fo r le»4 than ouy b a il. ®W-A-1 fira l class condition. Teriiis i f l|<'i-eeaHary. Addreas K. pletclier, 2U *bi. Main-Rt— Poentello. g. j jFO lt BALt;—X'uro Ktiodo U.uu<l UeJ lU

nekreis nnd pullets ' l ‘hone li.'iO-K. q - c. 0 . Box 7 ; ? 4 . _________________ •—.FOR B A Id ^ n p e u W f^rua i e, Hlewr t range, Wilton rut', wringer, xvashini: ------lachiiie. A. ivnefi.*!, ireybiirn nv<-., ASHIrst houae e.ast o f Booth's.______ .

KAiUJAINS in Jiuiid-paiiUed .• Mrs. I ’ersonina. or-irtione S''2W. = w l l- 'O K BALE—Bicyci»», tnoV em a^irr.nd Mcossories. W erner’s Repalf flrop ------:24 S- J. 1!


'H O M E BXCHANOE—We buy. se: , nd oxchaage socond hood artJcler .U klndB. 207 Shoshone-at. B.■ iX iH BEWINO P b ^ e W s ^ . Mr» ' r ^ . . ; ila Cameron, 832 N. Main.


i 8 W IM * CO. ' c/ I'EHCENTFAHW LOANB. tJWjs, b

k Co.. CITY. • _______ , -----“ tT ts K o 0 « Creak. —

' I f 8liop« squcuk y»ntiiriito the soles TW w llb lluBegO or s'vcci oH »r melted lard.Letahe b1u(CB stniid.It> ojiu o f tbcfie lit- Ptirlcanta .overnight. Many puneb a —i !siimll liole ilin iugb ilie sole und ib e 'ln ' __nor lining nbovo It and any (ITls w illBlfectlvely Hfop the crcak o r squeak. L


nn, containing 100 nere.i moro or 1oh->, forn Twin Falls county, Idaho. tral

ruUlie. jwtioc is '•.croliy "vveu, tlm t t -.11 tlie dav of..lantiary, is>2^, at the eouuiur o f 2 o ’clock p. m., (M o.iutuin eatiimc) o f aaid day. at the past front sumloor of tho ennrt house o f tho Co’iu tv ’'•at >f T«;in FallM. State o f Idaho, Iw IIT T ^n yn obpdieuce to naid Order o f Sale ami 10i')pi’ ree o f Foreplo..inre, Hell tlie nhove conleMeriiie'l jiropi'rty to M.-itisfy p la in t if fs conl»-pr»-e Nvilli .InU-reM thereon, InjreUn’ r bee ■villi all rosiH that lirfve necrued, oruav ue-.Tue, to ttie I4 ;h<-Kt M<ider fo r "h t ■asli. In « fiil nmney « f the Unili-d 'penstates. ‘ eiiu

D.’.ted lliiH l>uth dnv of Dei-ember, tiot l!i:'2. •

E. n. SHICilMAN. Sheriff.


. Notire l i bereliy givc-Ji li ia l- t l ie fol- ow iiig registered warrants o f the Twii- ^'nlls liigbw.av Di.striet w ill be paidipon pre.smilirtion to me. Interest on bo'aid warrnnts cvivse .IivnuiiTv -.J'.li, «%'•

Warrants Nos. 10702, I070.'>. 1070f<, (h(!070!», 10710. 10711, K17UI, 10717. he

Dated at Twin l-’-iII«, Idaho, Deci-in- nnler .30th, 102:’ . ~

STUART Jl. TA VLO It, ^Tnyi-mr.-r Twin F a lli ('o iin tv lUgb- IP "

i\ay IV is lrlrt.

^dTI0E~"0F” HEAR IN Q ON P B TI- I . T IO N FOB LETTERS OF • A D M INISTRATION, W IT H 'WO^L A N - INEXED. IIn tho Probate Court o f Tw in Falls I

uOlinty, stale o f Idaho. ' Irn "th o mailer o f the i-stute of A l- j

ixander II. Wampler, troceased. I ,N'otieo is herei'y given tlia t thp pe I

titlon fo r tha probale o f tho ..w ill o f jAlexander H. ^Ynmt;te^, deceased, and Ig

, I'nw t o { .n Y E W U P ) V HOM E W O f H < t H A S iry \ & U E E P y IC K tY ^

s B m ' . ' ' . p j - :

i f f- a n d w o r t h i t I . ,

Id . c o n s t i tu te th e b e s t m e a n t

in o f re s id e n ts o t S o u th Id a yw . ' '


W’ANTEl>-~Oiri attending mpIiooI to ork fo r room und board, tin.ull wncea hono'y>DW.AUTO MEN, WANTED A T ONOii— ig pay jobs opened In trained mea. iiiiy to learn. .JoIi.h furnished to care Don nnd board • w h ile ‘ learning. Big iu.strated book on auto opporHuiitlo* iciduUis evcrylldng; ^cn l free post aid. W riltr lo d a y Dept; 117 Nationnil' utoiiiot^-e, a i l ti. F inuem i, Loa A»-

W A N T K D -n ir i f..r genorailn.««.wutk. Mum ........xp^.Tlen-od.Oor.d piiy. Cull al 2CIH Eiglith ave.

G lU lj wiinted' nt lle rbb l & Rniubo't.

POSITION W ANTED . ' ^' iT x lM 'B T r i iN r K tT T k ^ f- ' _\.iru. l.-all .*,171:11.

" " p r o f e s s i o n a l '

’ a i i o e n B ^ J

n iA D It. UODOIN. Axiornoy'a i 1 ^ « 'Itdoui U. .Tnio Fnlla Dank & Tmai Hulldiiig. Phone 083.

3. D. DAVIS. At^>mey, Nfti.- -BMg. J f . .

3.- 0 . HA£I/=—lioldru KulQ Biog.JOHN W. ORAIIAM—Lawyer, Bank »

Trust n« ild ing. i ’honc 035-R.^SHER~B. W IM O K — Lawyer. iiO M EB 0. M ILLS —Uoyd build ing.3W EELEY & SWEBLEY — Attorney,

lit Inw. .praellce in all courta. Tirts Falls, Iduho. ______________ ^

J. H. W IS E -Law yer. Offices—Roonu d and 7, over Twin F oIIb Bank «Trust Co., Twin Falla, Idalio.

B lJ S iN E S S D IR E C T O R Y -

w i j ^ b w O LASS^W iad shieVs, fab i ■n‘,'» wofk. Moon'a. ihop. Phouo &-

INSURANCEP 'T W.'^McROBERTS— *;eiieral ' agcn^-

Central L ife . PiMt Na'tioual Ban^ b iiild ing , Room 0.'^ “y


T W IN PALLS BBOE , S E P A m iR r- ^ « o - 132 ahoshoBC W«t.'-J|»ij>eB r t paired while you w ait n i pticca, and all work guaranteed.

TRANSFER --------------

C B p Z IE R -H ^ W E R CO Phone 3'4i Crating, storago and L iberty .goal

McNIOHOLS TRANSFER t STORAQ*.* Garbage hauled i^oiiy. Phono £00.

(or the isauaneu o f lettera o f adminis­tration w itli w ill annexed. tn Oeorge F. Leopold, lias lioru filed in th i* ‘ court, together w ith a duly nuthenti-, cated copy o f sa.‘d w ill, Bhu\s'iu|> the same is being adeiiulhtered in tht- , slate o f Waaliingtoii. and thnt Satut-

sjiny, the Rth dav,o f Jnniiary, 1[>L’3, at 10 o ’clock IL m., o f said day, a t the court room «if said eeuri lio iiie o f said pounly o f Tw in >'iilla. Idaho, have' been nppointed as tlie. linie nnd plac»/or hearing aaid petiticm. when and- where ftuy peniott inlcTestcd may-.ap' pear and ponteht Uip *amo and ahow rauite, i f any he' has, wtiy waid peti­tion, should nol he (•ranted.

O. P. PUVAI.,I ’robato Judge-

Dated this 22nd dny o f Ueeembej,1022.________ __________________•

Purpoao,H.c 1s n wenk man who cannot tw U t

and weave tbe ibrcads o t his feeling— however fine, however tangled, how* e%-cr Btmlnc'd,. or however strong—Into thp great cable of purpose, by'which be lies moored to bis life o f acUoiL->Donatd O. ifitche ll.


[ news O ff ICE

St a p . O U B IL I .

^ ---------s.

'- - - V " ' -

Page 8: SOCIATEb PRESS N E tWSPAi^ER IN TWIN F. Twir m m DAIl^ M · w h r - y '- .., Twir VQ1,-R_K0. 2BS. ' ' SPECWOBSf “ lilllHllSE

£ / ...._TW IN


R e q u e s t t o R e p le n is h S t r e e t

A p p r o p r ia t io n D ra w s O p p o ­

s i t io n F ro m S . S . A l l— D is -

. ■ c u s s io n is S p ir i te d

Over Uio o|>|>ositIoD o f Commi^ioner Qt finnuee, S. 8 . A ll. Tw la Falla C ity ComniisNion Tucadny evening npprovccl tlio transfer o f $.'),000 from^ tlio 'con- Un{;unt fund to tho street dcparl|uont

, approprintlon nnd >100 to parkftpproprlfttlon.

T lio^ HuiJject WHS uccniiipnoled b / moro or npiritcd romiDoiit, w ith CoiiimliiHioiicr A ll f irm ly oppoainjj tlio tn insfcr iind M iiyor J. J). Tuckor, w ith tho Ntippurt o f t l i f other commlmilon-

: CM, fiivorlnK it.Tho rcijuoxt fur the triiusfor o f tho

funda to the Htruet diipartmoot wns oiadu. on nn CHtiniato o f Jtiaoph l!lri- vnnnk, atroot aud wnU>rnorin Super- i^itendciit, wlio ntated tho motiey' .waa nocL'annry to carry im thu work o f tho depnrtnu-nt Tor the remninln); fo tif montliB of the yciir.

Begin Discussions TJio* Nubjcrt >fns dlncussi'd a t boiuo

IciiRtli fo l tlio piirposo o f gaining in- form iition and XJlty A flornoy 8 . D. iJftvlH ruled tho IraiinftT fould bo lo- gnlly nmilo nn iho u|<proprintluna /nil CDiiiu uuilor thu hundin;; o f the geu- rj-ul fund and that* Rliiiilar luBtunccH liavo occurred licforo.

* ' Coniniisaioner A li did not bcJiovc tlio procedure jiropiT,' liowovcr, nnd moved thnt the matter ho, held' o\*or u n til tliii next meetia;;. HI* motion

■failed fo r want o f fv Bocond iind Coin- missioinir ‘ Jtoberta urgeil thnt tho traiii^rer bo laade iniiaciljntely in or­der to permit tho ntruct dr|inrtnil>nt lo coallnuo its work. I i I

AU CriUcUes ^ Ir . A ll eritlciacd tho Htroct depart-

niont fo r the rociovulY>f ice from Uio BtrcctH nnd M id *‘ pco^e uro wonder­ing wheru tho money is coming from to pay fo r th ia.” ' •»

“ That Is ximply n mark of ofhcl- ency on tho part o f tho ttruet depart- ment and there nro many • favorable comments foe i t , " eaid Mayor Tuckor.

■»‘ Tl>ero in nothing' now or nlrnngo About thia m atto r."

• ■ i t r . A ll 'replied: “ I urn one that hfttna to havo th b got out. Wo w ill a ll shffor fo r I t sooner or later. ” 'M r. B'obcrta made tho motion to have tho money trnnsferrbd and thoccommission- ora voted yes wUb tho exccptiO;i of M r. A ll.. Mr. Cogswell moved tha t tho trnnafur o f tho $100 to tbo park fund be granted nnd Mr. A ll again caul the only oppoaiug voto.

Funds Ezliiiast«d . ' The approprlftlion o f *3,500 mado

to tho Htreot fund i\t tho beginning o f tbo year has boon apcal, the result boing the request fo r ‘ tho transfer of t^o $3,COO to carry tho department o vc j tmUl tho end o f th t apprupriatiou yonr. Tho sumo applies to tlic park fund.'T h e delirfquency of local theatre

manngera in Applying for liuonsoa waa again apparent when an application

■ waa read from tho Tyrin Kalla Amuae- luont company fu r u theatre license

’ fro m -Ju ly 1, 1022, to January 1. The lUalto nppTied fo r a liccnso from Oc' tober y, 1022, to January 1, 1923.

Prods Theatres CommisHioner Hoborts again urged

tha t theatre managers bo reminded ol tho f» r t that licenaes aro to bo paid in ndvanco 'ncxt Tuesday fo r tho ensu' in g quarter. Howard 8al>yi of tho La^

•• -•‘'tW ng* Di>f>cnrcd to in q u ire ,in to the legal requirembnta on tho subject ol tlieatro licenses. M r. Babin applied

, fo r and waa granted a license fo r the •firs t quarter o f th is year.

Tho benofita to occrue from the ru l­ing o f. the statQ public u tilitlea c£pi'

. tniM lon la cutting tbo appraised valua­tion o f tho Idaho Power company from approximately (33,000,000 tc about 111,000,000 Was outlined in a le tte r from U ho Southern Idaho Light and Power Users’ association. - Undei the McBoborta administration tho o it; appropriated $1,000 to ol thia association, which ,has been work Ing on behalf o f the ligh t and powei uaera • o f southern Idaho. • ’

OtUQga B«con^. The application o f ti. A. McMaston

fo r a free Auctioneer's Jrtenno fo r tb i January atock aalca waa held over -un

• tu next Tuesday. J. L . Mee, c it j c lerk, waa granted p<Jrmi»jiion to ro cord jn tho Tuinutea o f a provloui

. nieetiog tbe contract boTwoon tho e ltj and tho dog catcher, as •^applying t( fees fo r impounding n n d .k illin g oi unllcenaod dogs. •

The report o f J . E. Creas, chief ol polfec, fo r Docombor ahpwod the fo l low ing : Two tra f f ic violations, 10 nr rested fo r drunkenness, -mio arrcstoi fo r vagrancy, fou r arrested fo r mia dembmors, to U l arresU 20 } iX per

' sons warned, fo r n jlnp f violations o ordinances, f iv o 'warned fo r vlp latio i

' o £ * lJ l^ tra ff l!c ordinances, two wnrnet ftfc tbo v io la tion o f .^ n lta t io n or^ln 'sneo, 24 complaints ' Investigated, om

'fea reh w arran t cxeebtod, seven stroe < - l ig h t* ropUcbdj tw o nuisances aljo llsli

■ ed, f i l dog i k illed , nine violations b j• > v ' /• - — . ..

N F A L L S D A IL Y N E W S .boyi nnd five violations by g ir ls o f the cur/ew ordinance, *^ 0 dances ia-

SRH^tod,^ 14 meals, aorvedi to c ity pris- onefssjluring Novemb<rr and December.

f LlcansasPrank B rK ts . ;^ given a Heenao' to

oi>e*mto' the EuroElKroomB an^w as de­nied a cnrd table license. - B ^ . Pick- cl, tbo Smoker, Puto W ithrow,, and tho Brunswick wbre granted card ta- blo' llconsea.

Mr.. Krlvanek was authorized to . domnnd approximately $40 from tho

>6 l Penver company manufacturing tho wuter main pipo which proved to' bo

^ fo u lly iia costa o f unloading. Tho j 3 r plpo w ill bo held u n til tho unloading..... chargo la paid. ■ A le tter from the

Warren •• Construction company^ waa rend o'xtonding tho tim<i 30 days on

Qor the freo loan o f tho -pipe now used na lity a temporary water main to tho hospl- i-cd ta l.'on- The', council authorized a subscrip- orit tion o t ono year to tho American C ity i r k magar.lni', n publication devtfted to mn-

- nlcipal a ffa irs.- Total b ills o f $2,. by* .rjr.BS woro allowed.

i S iH T l l f l i l l l lS TO :: lOLO BANQUET MEETING*'ns . ■

T a lk s b y E x p e r ts t o b o P e a - t u r e 'o f A n n u a l A a s 'e m b ly o f

the ! A s s o c ia t io n S ie m b o rsotir I ■ '

ArraiiyctiM 'iiti aro boing made fo r n niinibor o f Hpenkt-ni from outside polntH at tho bunqiiot o f tho Tn-in Falla North

in. nml B im tli M iik '' Shi.rtln'ru Hret-derH’ I). nxHdi-iation. Ni ho Iiotil at tho Perrliir k - l. iili'l oa tfri> .-vonitig «>f Jnaiiiiry HI,

/a ll T«"lu-t« w ill lx ' far salo w ithn i;eu- the m-xt- .lay or two, nnil hu uiTWHual icfH 'li'un-i! (>r Interest nUiicheN t'o t lir

i-vi'til. ■ovc -’J’J"' fc.-ihjru o f »)n’ b.TiifjtJi’l H-ilJ ind top (»irIoin roa it o f purc-bred

S lii.rthoni i- liv r from tho rani-h «.f C. Ion A- Mi'ManfiT, ■ doiiii* i«f tin- Sliorthorn ,.«■!..... »r iM " mVti....j],Q Kh'i-tiim o f oTfii'i'rs o f tho awocia- Qj. Uf'u fo r Ilm voiiiia i' yc iir w ill tak^

J .jit 'I 'l ' if* ' during n r 'a t (ho cond ition of f' • tho iKUKimt.

I ’lir i' bri-d Hli'OTH >>rown bv tho .mom- Imtm o f tho Cotiaty Hoys’ rlnba w ill be * <fcr.-a fo r Halo on ll.o day cff tho bar

y,o i;nol along w ilh thuno ol' snmr o f tho I«r- hri'oilors. Theso "^tei-rs coiapeto fo r n

|irir.o o f #10 of/ore 1 by llio aHHOciii' tion nnd arc Irv l.o judged by A. E.

, J l.awiiotk o f Spokaiio, a ftor wHirh the j >\ill \/i' *oW to the highest bid.ler in the ordor o f the ir Ktaniliai.’ .

Kxoollent procreim l n» been iiiado b.'- tlii-jtiionibors o f th.) boys’ cI.iKh under iho dlrccilon o f-A . K. (V j^cilley, club leader, < lurlng,the yoal-, nnd tho unle o f- th e ir nto<*k hns attracted fonnider- able nttention.

Mr- -

RECEIVE. RADIO PROGRAMSM e s s a ^ frotn Ifftw York and Lot

]. Angeles P la lh l/ Heard by BecelTlns Bet o f ^ le t t r lc Oompaojr ;Uere'

AI>out 1!5 .radio fauH wer.t rntor- taincil- TiuVilay nlfjht al tho C’itlro u ii'

ado ‘’0">l’i‘ '0 ' ryr-oiving station, iL’fl. 'Xlaln avenue oast. llroaiU-a«ting stn-

lionn ut S,-hi-n.H’la ily . .V. V., Los An- , TimoM, Detroit Free I ’ress nnd

tho !><i« AnKoleii Kxainiiier woro tlu' '?“ * i l . 0Bt rw.oived roa tril.iito r* to the eVen.

in g ’a program.TJi.‘ entire oi.t.Ttaintm 'iil wan report,

od ns liolag oxc^'ptionally freu from **^®'|.htatle nn.l other intorfereaccrt an.l wa*

) roc.-ived on a ne-.v set which required ■0" 111) Htrong batteries, use-1 _ . . . ____________


Vartou-s Phases o f Hoi’s ' W ork Are Fe.i tured In Demonstration; Miss Joni Maxwell Speaks lo r Olrls , o f ' _____

>al>l M in il.,.r. o t T« i-n llc lh C«nturi isu- ciiii, u-iTo gU'on a eijinprehenslvo dcm Ln- Diistration o f the work o f the Bov the Scouta n f tho mooting and entertain o t ment n t the K iks ’ hnll TuciMny night

lied About 100 Scouta wero on band nm: tho njiproximatcly 2.T from troops 1, 3, 4,.S

G niMi 7 put -on tho work which Includ rul- ed Heout law, the onth, Seout hlstorj flpi- and signnling.lua* Tho work of th«5 Caiapflro Olrls wa* any explained by Lli;ui .lane Maxwell. Dr

to w illia m F. PusJicr wna. in charge ol 1 a the Scouts. Tho program closed w lt l ight dnni£e.idor ■ '°ity ADMITS LIQUOR CHARGES. o f ______ork- Jo« Whetze], Fanner, Pletds OoUty t< wer Having Moonshine in Possesslott uu

U H e ld -fo r Oourt

.loo Whetzol, nucsted -Saturdnj tora (.v iiiiiiijj n t his fann, south o f the c ity

pleade.l gu illv bef;)rc- Probate Judgi •U“ - O. I ’ . Duvall' Tuesday to . n liquoi

rha^gp'^ind'^Ta-'i hel.i under $•'500 boni ro- to nijt*p-cr to tho . l l i i t r ir t court. Whet

ions /ol surrenilered diN tilllng' "ftpparatui c ity and several TOntain?r» o f llq iio r to th'i

to o ffii’era when nrrcstciC

, PREVENT SALE FOR TAXESI Of ______Decision o f D is tric t Oourt Judge Pre

“ f; vent* Sale o f Personal Property foi 1018 Dellnqaency

mis-por- In a decislcrti Issued Tueiiday bj

o t JudRo W. A. Babcock the Bonk o f Boc ■tion t'Dtnn 'U given rompleto judgmen fucd ^ 'n li ia l/T w in I'a lls county nnd tbi 'dlB- c o u n ty \tm in u n 'r iin ri^strained fron: one selling or Issuing a -ta x de,cd*on per roet sonni .properly o f tl^o i«rtnership o tisli- Gray & M ilner, on which taxca o

by #N03.04 -W' dolioquent since 101B.

S. T W IN F A L L S . ID A H O

i M i s i f i r- m n i iD iiisBito)e. E le c to rs In L o w L i f t D istridfc !k- C la im T re a s ttro r F a ile d , inxd D u tie s o f H is OfXioe ■ta- ______

Appearanco o f Prank A TerrUJj di- rector o f the M ilner. Low. .L ift frriga-

2,0 ion' d is tric t, In d is tr ic t court here to. bo shoTV cause why ho should not be re- ^e moved fa«n' o ffico is demanded by a

petition filed w ith tbo "ilerk of dla- **° tr ic t court Tucaday" and aigned by 10

residents o f tho irrigation 'd istrict. The complaint wna filed by Attorney

«“ Jnmes H . Wlso-P*' Tho complaint makes 11 specific

rliargos ngalnst M r. T errill. Aniong f l ’ ’ thotto nro that he,.na n director and

treasurer, ha« neglected to hold regu- lar monthly meetings and hna refused to hold tho records u f his offico open to thu electors, thn t he hna incurred oxce»>Hlvu indebtedness and Isaued

1 ' wnrranlH fo r $2,000 In violation of tbo J law*,, tha t tho nienviiers o f tho board IP themselves out o f tho din-|L j t r ic t 'n funds in excfsa_ of the legal IU Tato o f fCi a day.

Tbo p la in tiffs also clnlni Mr. Ter- r i l l hoH neglected to mako public n report o f his departnieut nnd has re­fused to publish n‘'financ ia l statement;

. t lia t the board has been intoreated In contracts fo r labor fo r tlio d is tric t In

’ a violation o f the btatutes nnd that he nts has paid, claims not allowed by the Pjji' board. . , . _

M r. T e rrill has foiled, the complaint states, to file a ^rejiort showing the uniount o f cash on hand sad to de- live r orig inal .lelimjuvney cejtlficntes

u!!I reilo<iii>tloner.i.. Tho p b lin tiffs ask that juilgm oiit

o f $500 rendered 'agalnMl Mr. Ter- ... rll). Thohu who signed the comjilnlnt

1'' arc’ Kdgnr W. Moonnan, (}. 11. 8 olf, Henry Bees,-.J. l^ .H tu rW a , David 0. .Movcn, M. 1$. Ilolev, i: ile > Walton, A'. W. W altoii, H. V. -Moyes, Morinl I ’ei-k, David U. Kgliort. A. L. Kgbort, I 'a v l.l lleos, Frank K. Wlu.ulor, W. M. I ’ealrs nnd A.* .1. Finko, .

m. asicremovaTTof' salivionCASE to , FEDERAL COURT

Iho^ Petition !^ e d by Attorneys fo r Sal-

I,,. )mon R iver Onnal Company Keques^Ing T r ia l' bo Heard a t Boise .

ie\ ■j', . I ’o lition was filo<l Tnewlay with the

clerk o f the d is trie t eonrt asklag the j „ . removal of,,the ease -of C. L. MeFor-

Inild _nnd otliom against'’ the Halmon llive r Cannl eompnny, Tw'in Falls l,nnd and Water-vcompiiny and others it^ in tho court o f Ju.Jgo T.. Bolloy I^ c to tho federal court fo r tho southern d i­vision ,itCJd;iho.

■ O The p .ilitinn wns .'filed liy‘ Itichards and' Hnga o f Boise, attorneys fo r the di'fenilaats, an<l nervier' o f a copy o f (be ()e(itioii wa*. aeknowledg.'.l by John

^ W'. Graham, fiHorney fo r tho p la in tiff.The case concerns the voting o f 1-J,-

UOO shares of stock In • the Halvon '■''I H iver dlstpM , involved in 1ltigntlo ;i

now pending nt Boise.

\:l 1^er>soiLdl Ien- ' Eetnm to School—George. Chnnnol

nnd Frnyne McAtec have gono to 8c- irt- attlo where thoy .w ill altcad tho I 'n - om \e rs ity “n f Washington. v,

red Ends Holiday . V ls lt--M rs . Maude Mae Giiut hns Returned from Ogden, «here ulio ipe iit the lAliilays.

Mrs. JamJMD Betums—Mrs, Anna J B ■lainw.ort and her laughter, Vera, ro

tiinieil, Twosdny front Miirtaugh,' where p, . lh.’ 7 ]> cn t tho holidnys. u e

A ttta d .1 Funeral—Mr«. (•. M. MoRI wain hns returiio<l from Jlo-;ky For<l.

iiry Colo., where sho wjis called by tho III- ness and-death o f hor mother.

Miss Jobnsod Eetum s—J ll 'f f Leila Johnson, d o rk at. the Bogcrson hotel,

jjj'J has n'turned from , Helena, M ont.5 »vhere «hi- sjient the holidays w ith

u j! friends.

Settle » i h l Oaao—Tlio action o f th*> c ity o f BnN hp ilns t I I . It. Hickman wns dismissed Tncsd.iy by Judgo W. A Babcock and judgm ent, o f $30.4A In favor o f tho p la in t if f ordered.

Enterta in Prlends—C. B. Sims, F . h. Wyke nnd w ife nnd-fam ily ot Castle

t o ford, Goorgo- D. Culbertaon nnd fam ilv and Eugene Dnvla spent New Tear's

to day nnd evening a t tho homo of E. W “ d Sims. ^

'H e re For V ls lt—Jnmca I*. Ivo ry ar Iny rived Tuesday from Balt Lake fo r r It.V. v is it nt the fiome o f Mrs. Knto Taber

M n . Ivo ry lias been spending the bolt- “ •’ f days hero and a fte r a short v is it Mr, Jud nnd Mrs. Ivorj- w ill leave fo r Boston,

Mnsa., tq mnko the ir homa.,tU8 ., •the - BaJDTHoUaay'Vlslt-^'SrrBTTV.' D. Ar.

nett leaves Wodnesdn.v evcfilng fo r hei home In Son Joae, Cal., af|er apendlnc

E S holidays w ith h6r parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. a Stewart, Eda Jean Bolton,

>n- wbp has been v is itin g at tho homo oi fo r 'l io r grandj^nrents,'Jlr. nnd Mr*. T . F.

Warner, w i l l r» tnm w ith her, ^

by . NOTICE.lOK- I have movQ d mv law rtfic e from the cnt I Golden 2 |u lo build ing. . Am now lo. tho entfd h fT fc iN c w Orpboum bnilding. .on® - j r . * . ■ 0 . 0. H A LL . •

^ o r sale, fo r painting, kalsomlntne • tad paper baaglnjr, Phone 5. We haV»

wair paper sod paint fo r eve ^ po'rpos* Moon’s Sbop.-'^dv.

X W E D N ^ D A Y M O RK

I WEATHER statistic s

D U B LE kA ; j£on t.,'Jan : .S ,..M V -M i« . II Unum lUidNnlalmum tem pm tures a t . tbe fo lloirlisg. chlos during tJ>e 24 . hours mdcd- a t 6 o 'clock toalght, ro»

ported by the U n lto rf States w<jather Q bureau here, woro:

H igh LowChlco'go _________ _________. 42 32

I- Edmonton ..J_________................. _I. HaVro ............... ........... +----- 82 10

Kallaj>oll .....:------------------84 22• M ilos C ity _______ _ 30 24

New York ............ ........ . 42‘ 32a St. P n u l. ...... 22 10I. Salt l i k e C ity ____ 8610 %»^»..Dlpgo. .......... ............. . 64 40t. Beattio ................ r__ --------.: 48 42ly — ' -

Tw-in F n lla '___ ___________ 4p 22ic ----------Ig • Idaho forecast W ednoi^ay: Boic11 or anew.'II- _ • —„ i Altliough tho mercury traveled ovcj •11 " range o f 20 degrees' or exactly twicc , j tha t o f Monday t*e ’ nverago tempera.

ture TuiW ay and on tho previous da j ,0 A-ore tho same.-J Tuesday ■» high touiperaturo waa 43 ,j. d<'grees, the highest sineo last F rida j „1 when the same rending was re c n i.

o il.' 1.A1W temporaturo was 22 degrees r. tho lowest o f tho paat aoven doj-a. N i n precipitation was recorded Tuesday.0-t ; 4 .

i: S o c i e t y1C - Edited by Mrs. ^ a Wllliata».

Telephoiio SUO.

' Ono i>( lIiu,Ktiin«t pleasant .-iffairs t'' ^ (..fU'brate-tlio. coming ,'of the new yeui

was the purty nt th-< home o f Mr. aiul Mrs, J. li. White cin Hlue Lakes liotilo vanl, given l.v the AoireMia- elub fm

’ Ihoip on N.;w Yoar's nigh;.The early part o f the .evl-.i'jng ua.

”, over to pln.rlet entitJe.i1.7 ' ’ Kather Time,’ ; ea-h m cm Uf o'f tli.: ’ ■ I'lub reproM'iitiag a monlh o l^ tlie yoar,

Six c f tlu- montliii repr.-^eateil re;,nlii. '** lifiii.K, au'l si.x wislies, nml Kdnu 8 lovor

ai-fed a- a litt le fn iry .n n d oomliicte.i i-in-li .me lo .tlie ,room. This wns fol- lowoil liv hotno nniii.'<ln'g and.-,original KtiiatH (civoii hy both guests, and mem-, afl.T^arcl .-a-h ro.-eivii.g n g ift

T rroni tho l.oautifnl nirUtmaH-tree. Delic­ious rPfrcshmeuls were tlion sorv.-rl. Th.-t..' pri.-enl were Mr. aud Mrs.' K. .1. |.’ inc-h, .Mr. an.l Mrs. W. M. I•’ i^h.•^, M r an.l M rv H. D. fttovet. Mr. nnd Mrs..E n. .lohnKon, Mr. nn.l Mrs. K. F. .Mr- New, Mr. and y rs . C. N- lAiubenfieim, M r. un.l Mrs. K. Potter, .Mr. an.l Mrs, H K. Crabtree, M r. and Mrs. II. .r. Woav. r, Mr. and .Mrs. C. -D. Hunt, Mr. an.l Mrs. W lllln;n Raker nnd .M.-. and Mrs. .1. K- WlHte.

inTho T. f^.'-TW lub met on Tuesday

afternoon a t:fh o home o f .Mrs. Frnhm on Kk-vunth aveiiuo eaat. The time was spent w ilh sewing, a fte r w-hi.-h rofr.Mhmonts were served. ■ Eight mem- I ers woro proM-nf and Mrs. W. T). Ar. nett o f Ban Jose, Cal., waa a guest.

I,- T lio homo of- M r. nnd .Mrs. K. K ’U'y was tho sc.-ne o f a merry party •/* lin New Year’s evening when tli.rii

drnighti'r .Teiin •entertalaod a iiiiin li.-r of g irl fr i. ‘nds nl a candv pnll w ith musi'' ai..l i;am. s as nn added a tln i.-tion. Th.

■ gu»'>rts l.enoro 0 »trandor, H:w.u: (Iriinos. Wilma -Brink.s, M artello Diil:.;

,j Hnlh Van Gilder, ‘Mildred Dietrieh, ,lo 't hannn Diinn, B.-ss F iler, Mnrie Auder f,‘ n 'ri and Kdnn Marsh.

'* The r.'g iilnr ....Cting o f Ihc Twentietb i-ent.iry cinb ;'was he’d Tiiesda> nflernoiin a t ' t l u ' ' Baptist bungiilov

’ w ith the pn-sident. Mrs. C. J. S.-broe dor, in the rhnir. 'Mrs. Behroedor hai

„ „ reeontly r.'turned from a three weeks ,, v lfJt in Portland, Ore., where she ns rp KiHt.'.l In tho-“ co;ninunlty ehe''t ” ,driv«

which is put on annually in tha t c it j to rais.- funds fo r all chnritnble orj:ni.

JI Irjitions o f Iho c ity . The club voted U •<;. sponsor a rccitnl to be given by Mn. II-' H. rni.'in S.hurgcr some lime during th.

month n f .February. ‘ I t was nlao vote* tha t tho nest meeting, whieh w ill be :

la lli'partm ental dny in charge o f Mrs. H ol» L'. W yatt, w ill bo nn oi>cn day nnd nl t . Indies o f tho c ity nro Invited. Tin th fo llow ing resolution wa.n rend: “ IIo

irfilved,.that tho prirsent by-law concern Ing tho payineat o f duca bo declnrcc

h*? void nnd tiio ono printed In tho con in Htitution «n< by-law's bo substituted.' A This w ill be voted on by ballot at th. In next meeting.' ^

Mlsa Eleanor Stronk entorinlnod oiu ■ ■le- — ------------------------------ — ---------------^

Removal i - Sale

SPECIALS A Tkr- . i . ■)

i V a rn e y ’sin, ____ ___o f T H IS W E E Kf . • . . --V-'

. 00c Chocolatcs, this / l O pweek, per pound-— ......_

qoc Wnlnut_Boira, this lo‘. week per pound ...... ...... O U v

Chocolntp 'Craam, Bara, A t \ n this wc(jir por\)ound .......

nrokon TnH y. U il. O f i n week, p u pound

STING, J A N U A R Y 3,........... . '. I '/ . jgg


I ' ’

THOMAS O. ^ iA W itH N O fi'oad FranJc^ " Culver J^Ud claim to tho Utle o f '• "Unkiflced HLlngs" o f Syracuse (W.

,y .) Unlverdty, where l^o y aro atu-l' )•- dents. Culver is th 6 va rs ity football

captain. Culver has lost lila crown,, howorer, a dizzy blonde w nylry lng

*• him on a lonely road-and st<allnff a kiss.,

-. Saturday evening in hon^r .of thu birthday erf her sister, MIsa Agnca. The

,l house waa beautifu lly dbcorntcd in tho [. colors devoted to the holiday aeasou t and the evening wxis spent w ith games

and dani'ing. ,Vt a late hour dainty refreshments were ser -t d, a fta tu ro o f ivbieh wns thx' lioautifu l b irthday cjiko

V ornamunted wiUi the required number rn o f eainlles. The gimsta v-'ere tho 11* Misses Crj'stal Gingrich, Ilu th Whee- h ion, Ann Wh.'olon, Helen Kenlston,I- lliil. 'u Troiisibile, AImn Mentch, Olivo r- Knquest an.l Cannon Snn|jer.

M rs r'8 - I). .Davla entertained a'YeVr ‘ o f her, lodgo friends n t a 5 o ’clock y luncheon ^ icsday n/temoon • u t her

heme on Pburth nvenue w'eat.)f ______

JI’. Mr. nn.l Mrs. .tiimeH Hnll woro Hosts n l n charming dinner pnrly on Now' Year’s il/iy. ('-overs were-la id fo r 12 nt ^a beautifully appointed table a ir-

f. "tfi'tv a Japanese Idea in placeojirds nnd other decorations, llghte.l red candles nd’dlng to llio o ffe i't. • Fol-

J. Iit'ving ilUincr eanls were ' ---------w The Shamr.s-k olnb entertained on e- N'.-w- Y.-ai^H .lay w ith u fam iiy dinner iis <<..rveil I't the home o f Mrs.'.lev Cordes. s ’ Fort.V-two’membera and guests enjoye<* •

the bountifu l repast aerved a t m idday,, i-e nnd the afternoon wns spent w ith I t.v music. Tho next regular meeting o f i I.-, the club w ill bq hold w ith Mrs. B. A . tp O rth jun on January I L |


«■ ' ' P R E -IN V

! : s Aon . - „ : 0

i C on tinued T o S a tu rd 111 o rd e r to reduce 0 before in v e n to ry We U nite o u r sa le to S a ti

R E M E M B E R E V E R IN T H E H O U S E R i


The Barbe, T H E I

/ i n I 1 II I' A . .

•. . ' V ' ' ■ ’ ■ 41 2 8 . • ■ • ' ■ ....• , : /

" A T T H E H Q I I IL S j■nooEnsoN—M oua. ■ n « » '■ q i i t , %,

,U nny K ._M m i, O j iJ i i ! D. B. Oood«,.Zloo . a t y i T . a .W oltor ts i. fPortland; M orris Gee,' B v r ie / i F . p . Brown, L4va H o t S p ite g i| & L . Qal< laher. . .

P E nR IN f> -O lia rlc* WoIgnJld, V ictor E. Wnrnor, Boiao; Mutjr^ay, Bfookman,

■ B ieh flc ld i D. E. Hudson and w ife , Jar- | bidgo; p r.,W . H. Baugb and'W ife, Sho- ' • shoaej R. 0. Paaley, .Caldwell; B . A. Hawk, Contact.

' ...........■ •'a K H 0 T J N 0 B M B N T 8 _ ..;,

rnio Past Noble Grands’ auoclatiou w ill n;oet w ith Mra. O. F . Strobeck, s!}6 T lilrd avenue east, Tburadoy ovenlng, ■... January 4, a t 6 o ’dock. -Qeetloa o f cffleers w ill be held.

Tlte Addison avenVe fioelal elab .wiU meet w ith Mrs. Fre<t'Weddle on Janu> nry 4. A l l members are urged to be '-3 present as election o f officers w ill held. • • \

Tlio La ilies ' A id ol tho Preebytorlan ^ church w ill meet w ltb Mrs. P. J. Cos- tcUo,. C ll Socond nvenue west, Thur*. day afternoon, Jnn'uaiy 4, at 2:30. A ll

^lailloa o f tho congregation aro cordinUt ly invited. ^

Tho dramatic and - lite ra ry depart­ment o f the Twentieth Century club

IwiH meot w ith Mra. C. P. Dwight a t l3 7 [Eighth avonuo'nortU, WedaesJny after- ^noon a t 2:80.

I J^io Baptist M issionary clrclo w ill * ]mect a t tho-bungalow Thursday aftor- inoon nt 2:30. Thcro m il l<it,a%mb-

I ;sionary program nnd Mrs. 'Boughton I nnd M rs.^U V. Smith w;lU bo hostesses.

■ |. Mcii4H*«r~ni^tlie lluainosi W o m e n 'a ."I .club id io aro in t^ ro s ifd 'ln *Jio phyflicaJI culluro clas* have boon requested tiiJ laeet nt tho club .ri-oma Wcdncsdn;?'J 'evening n t 7 o ’clock. ,jjJt ---------------------------------------------

RUPERT IS GIVEN FREE t?!;. MAIL CARRIER SYSTEM'a ll , ---------- 1»m, ,Two Employes Added to Postal Service ng to D eliver Letters ftnd' Packages; ng Movement Started b y Citizens

— UUl’hniT, Idaho, Jan. 2.—(Spocijil to Tho Ncwa.j—Hupert now. h .ii a freo postal delivery, system. Two c ity mail o n rri*^ wero put a t work today and w ill /'ontlnno pcrtnanently In- thoir duties o f carrying the lettcra nnd pnck-

ity eltiiona o f Rupert, i t wannni^ounced by Postmaster C. 0 . Com- wall lo<Iay.

Citizcna of Rupert starto^ n move- jjp llu e n t about -three yeara ago fo r tho j

Ipstnllallon o f a free delivery ayatem - I JJ, and tho project wna .ngala taken up' ^

about a year ago.


;»nmOif tbe Colorado Packing nnd Pro- vision company, whlcdi hna been a aul- sldlnry o f Armour and Co., o f lllino ia , cliangca tomorrow to Armoar nnd Co.,

sta o f I^ lnw are , I t wn< ann6un-ed hero ew' !ntc todny by o ffic ia ls o f the company.1'- The chnngo in nnino In-aald to bo In

ar- connection' w ith tho changes occurring ‘ fo Tn the Armour orgnniwition. U. M - ^ Ic.l Bhearer, who has been connoctod w itb ’of- j\im our nnd Co. fo r £7 years, cuutinues

Iu chargc o f tlio p lant. ' * ■

on Clean Unprotected Pictures.Collon-wool dipped In a litt le m e th y l- '

ated s p ir it w ill c'frcctuixHy clean unpro- i tected plintogmphs w ithout In aQ way

".V’ i destroying their polished surface. .ith I ' '

Bowling Is i sure cure for dyspepala.A- Bowl a t tho T w in I ^ l ls bowling alloy.


fV E N T O R Y

L E-O F ------

OESrday, J a n u a ry 6 th , 1S23. fo u r s to ck s t i l l fu r th e r 6e havS decided to -con - r jtu rd a y n ig h t , Jan . 6. >


lerlShoe Go. ‘1 M O D E L ■
