Page 1: Social Reputation, Policy & Troubleshooting flyer

COURSE: Social Reputation, Policy & Troubleshooting

DATE: 21st September, 2011

TIME: 9:30am-4:30pm (Registration from 9:00am)

VENUE: Morgan Hotel, 10-12 Fleet Street, Dublin 2.

TRAINER: Garret O’ Hare (Hey! Creative Communications)

COST: Cost €105pp *(FREE to unemployed)

* We also offer a number of free places to jobseekers. Those interested must meet eligibility criteria.

COURSE_CONTENT: • Gain a unique insight into the challenges facing businesses when using social media • Look specifically at the best practice solutions for managing social

reputation, devising a contingency plan & troubleshooting in the case of a social crisis

• Be provided with the knowledge & practical skills to develop a social media policy for your company or organisation

COURSE_BENEFITS: • You will ensure best practice policies for managing social interaction • You will have the edge on reputation management & key utilities within this for your business • You will increase your sales & revenue via correct use of social media REQUESTS: Participants must bring laptops. Wifi facilities available in hotel.




About_us: The Social Media Skillnet has come about as a result of the huge demand for training in this sector. We will be able to offer part funding to companies seeking training in this growing area nationwide. Some of the courses we hope to run include: The basics of Twitter, Advanced Marketing using Twitter, Facebook Marketing for Beginner/Intermediate /Advanced Level, Search Engine Optimisation, LinkedIn, Marketing yourself Online, Social Media Workshops, Writing for a Web Audience, QR Codes, Industry Specific Social Media and many more. We’re here to help you, just inform us of your Social Media Business Needs!

Who_should_Attend? This course is suitable for anyone who already has a reasonable knowledge of social media and has been involved in the management of social media campaigns for their organisation/business. What to expect?

Case Studies, Discussion Groups, Q & A Sessions, Practical Software Demonstrations, Morning Refreshments and Lunch included!

Social Media Skillnet has places

available for the following

training programme with

subsidy of 30% funding applied:

For further information or to book, please contact Maggie on 052 6126500 / 086 7776476, alternatively you can e-mail.

Maggie O’ Brien: [email protected]
