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Social media workshopfor Macquarie VAN members

Susie NewhamManaging Director, AdviserVoice


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(Anti) Social Media?

• Really? A world reduced to 140 characters?• Gibberish, gobbledygook & garbage?• Who owns my data? Does it really hang around

forever? • Why should I devote my time to social anyway?• Seriously, what is the big deal?

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What is social media - platforms

Primary (for business owners)




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Social media – what’s the big deal?

Users by Social Media platform in Australia:*

• FaceBook = 11,534,000 (approx)• LinkedIn = 4,000,000 (approx)• Twitter = 2,194,000 (approx)

Demographic information :**

4Source: *Adcorp (May 2013), **Margin Media - Australian Internet and Social Media Statistics (June 2013)

Penetration of Population: 53.56%

Gender Split (M/F): 47%/53%

Largest Age Segment: 25-34 (26%)

Average Time on Site (per visit): 27 minutes

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What do advisers think of social media?

5Source: Zurich and

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Your website

Your social media

Digital comms

The social media universe

The social media universe and your business

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Speak up!


1. Brand reinforcement 2. Brand building

4. Instant feedback3. Announcements

Content sharing is key(unique + others)

Always be ‘present’and respond quickly

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Visibility is everything these days (online)


Having consistent social media activity helps boost your Google presence thereby ensuring you business visibility in a crowded marketplace.

“If your business does not appear on the first page of a Google search return you may as well not exist - 89.7% of all search click-throughs come from the first page of Google results. (Page 2 is 4.37% and page 3 is 2.5%.)”

Source: Zurich and

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What works for your business


Running a social media program – who’s voice?

Decide whether you are going to be a person or a brand but remember that 10 times more people will interact with a person than with a brand.

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Top 10 rules of engagement on social media


1. Be consistent2. Provide real value3. Position yourself as an authority4. Be generous5. Always listen6. Be accessible7. Make it about your audience – not you8. Never, ever SPAM9. Be a real human being – not an automaton10. Link back to your own site and content as often as possible

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Clients – how to find them and how to engage


1. Growing your current client segment?

2. Developing a new client demographic

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Faux pas and getting things rwongg


• Engage with the problem straight away (after getting all the facts first)• Try to take the emotion out of it – if the exchange is inflammatory, make sure

you are calm before engaging• Don’t engage in slanging matches – if someone is irritating you – walk away!• Take it offline if it is getting out of hand or if you are exchanging personal


What to do when something goes wrong

Remember: the point of engaging with social media is to show your business’ human face - don’t be afraid to say sorry or that you’re wrong, mistakes happen to all of us, it’s how you deal with them that counts.

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A little more Faux pas, sir?


• Never ask someone to re-tweet or ‘like’ something • Never re-tweet or share content from others without giving attribution• Do not confuse your business account with your personal account• Do not use ‘SM for business’ as a personal SMS service (people really don’t

want to know what you are having for dinner!)• Do not type in all caps – EVER!• Don’t ‘sell’• Don’t Spam• Don’t say anything online that you wouldn’t say in front of a news camera• Don’t automate all of your responses

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Fixing Faux Pas – the Red Cross example


Twitter Case Study: American Red Cross





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Final points


1. Use your own voice2. Use the same language that your audience uses - but be sure to remain professional 3. Keep pushing out content – be consistent4. Don’t use industry jargon5. Be transparent, open honest reliable and trustworthy6. Re-purpose content – a press release can be used as a blog, tweet, share on Facebook etc

but make sure it’s appropriate for the audience 7. Give up a measure of control - make it easy for the public to do what you want them to do

and make it clear what you are asking for and be open to advice and criticism8. If you use someone else’s material, source it – it’s polite and it helps build community and

sharing.9. Always give attribution

Remember that social media is a public space - don’t damage another person’s reputation or behave in a way you wouldn’t in person.

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Your website

Your social media

Digital comms

The social media universe

Get on board – the universe is ready!

Your business

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Let’s get cracking!