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By 2010 Gen Y will outnumber Baby Boomers…96% of them have joined a social network

Social Media has overtaken porn as the #1 activity on the Web

*Stats provided by

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Years to reach 50 million users: Radio (38 Years), TV (13 years), Internet (4 years), iPod (3 years)…Facebook added 100 million users in less than 9 months…iPhone hit 1 billion in 9 months

% of companies using LinkedIn as primary tool to find employees…80%

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Customer Service


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CUSTOMER SERVICE Social media must be used as a way to

improve customer service throughout your company by:

Monitoring what is being said about your company online If a client starts a conversation on social media about

you, you want to be able to acknowledge their thoughts – especially if they’re negative

Transparency is key: if there is negative conversation about your company, you need to react to it immediately and try to fix it – Don’t pull a Tiger Woods! FoodSpotting

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CUSTOMER SERVICE Social media must be used as a way to improve

customer service throughout your company by:

Monitoring what is being said about your competitors online If clients are upset with your competitors performance, this is

a good opportunity for you to step in and offer them what they want Delta vs Southwest

If clients are happy with your competitors performance, this will give you better insight on how to please your own clients

“80% of Twitter usage is outside of Twitter…people update anywhere, anytime…imagine what that means for bad customer service” (

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TweetDeck Allows you to monitor your Facebook, LinkedIn

and multiple Twitter accounts in one location

Monitter Allows you to monitor as many or as few

keywords as you like at one time, in one location

Twitter Search Basic search of twitter conversations Only lets you search one keyword at a time

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TWEETDECKClick to add/edit keywords

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keyword here

You can select from

previous keyword searches

Click to monitor

a specific twitter


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TWEETDECKKeywords listed in

upper left-hand of

each column

Scroll over to view more of your searches

Monitor your competitors

Monitor your


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Keyword “jameson

real estate”

Keyword @propertie


Scroll over to view more keywords

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CONVERSATION Social media is about developing relationships with your customer

through conversations If you have a Facebook Fan Page, make sure you are responding to your

fans comments and questions If you have a Twitter account, initiate conversations with your followers

Comment on one of their tweets Ask them about their business Respond to and acknowledge when they @ mention you

If you’re on LinkedIn, answer questions related to your industry

If all you do on social media is promote your brand, you will fail Remember the 9 to 1 rule – for every 10 tweets you post, only 1 of

them should be about you Just like any real-life relationship, no one wants to be friends with

people who only talk or care about themselves…the same rule applies in social media

“Successful companies in social media act more like Dale Carnegie and less like David Ogilvy: Listening first, selling second” (

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