Page 1: Social Media Haters & Complainers

Carrie Morgan, author, chat moderator

Handling Haters & Complainers on Social Media with Carrie Morgan

Best of#PRprochat

Page 2: Social Media Haters & Complainers

Handling Haters & Complainers on Social Media with Carrie Morgan

Best of#PRprochat

tweet here :)Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

Customer service is a HUGE component of social media. What skills have you learned because of it? #PRprochat

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Page 3: Social Media Haters & Complainers

Handling Haters & Complainers on Social Media with Carrie Morgan

Best of#PRprochat


Acknowledge the customer's problems. If you don't have an immediate solution, let em know that you're working to resolve it. #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Page 4: Social Media Haters & Complainers

Handling Haters & Complainers on Social Media with Carrie Morgan

Best of#PRprochat

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

Customer service expectations seem to impact Facebook and Twitter the most by far. Be prepared to handle it. #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Page 5: Social Media Haters & Complainers

Handling Haters & Complainers on Social Media with Carrie Morgan

Best of#PRprochat

Nicole E. Spears@_NicoleESpears

I've learned how to be cordial + informative in 140 or less! Quality Twitter #CustServ is crucial, both as consumer + prof. #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Page 6: Social Media Haters & Complainers

Handling Haters & Complainers on Social Media with Carrie Morgan

Best of#PRprochat

Kelly Hungerford@KDHungerford

Workflow and resources. If one or the other is missing you experience delays. (In my experience) #PRprochat

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Page 7: Social Media Haters & Complainers

Handling Haters & Complainers on Social Media with Carrie Morgan

Best of#PRprochat

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

I’ve learned brands that respond to UNTAGGED mentions impress the heck outta me. It’s rare. Far too rare. Less than 5%! #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Page 8: Social Media Haters & Complainers

Handling Haters & Complainers on Social Media with Carrie Morgan

Best of#PRprochat

Jim Katzaman@JKatzaman

PR and customer service both demand timely and accurate responses. Don't rush and be wrong, but get known facts out soonest. #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Page 9: Social Media Haters & Complainers

Handling Haters & Complainers on Social Media with Carrie Morgan

Best of#PRprochat

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

What has YOUR OWN customer service challenges/activities on social media taught you? #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Page 10: Social Media Haters & Complainers

Handling Haters & Complainers on Social Media with Carrie Morgan

Best of#PRprochat

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

I’ve learned that I can assume something is negative when it actually isn’t. Experiences/attitudes skew perception. #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Page 11: Social Media Haters & Complainers

Handling Haters & Complainers on Social Media with Carrie Morgan

Best of#PRprochat

Kelly Hungerford@KDHungerford

Empathy trumps all. You can give a customer the most precise, correct answer to a problem but if there's no empathy, you lose. #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Page 12: Social Media Haters & Complainers

Handling Haters & Complainers on Social Media with Carrie Morgan

Best of#PRprochat

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

In a real-time social media environment, taking negative conversations offline as quickly as possible is a VERY good thing. #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Page 13: Social Media Haters & Complainers

Handling Haters & Complainers on Social Media with Carrie Morgan

Best of#PRprochat

Nicole E. Spears@_NicoleESpears

Even if you can't solve the problem - always, always answer. #PRprochat

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Page 14: Social Media Haters & Complainers

Handling Haters & Complainers on Social Media with Carrie Morgan

Best of#PRprochat

Chris Bell@riskycontent

A tweet back - "I hear your problem. How can I help? Please DM me your email so I can get to work on your issue." #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Page 15: Social Media Haters & Complainers

Handling Haters & Complainers on Social Media with Carrie Morgan

Best of#PRprochat

Nicole E. Spears@_NicoleESpears

@KDHungerford @morgancarrie @ASOS Isn't it funny how much one poor brand touchpoint can change your overall impression? #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Page 16: Social Media Haters & Complainers

Handling Haters & Complainers on Social Media with Carrie Morgan

Best of#PRprochat

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

What impact can unhappy customers have on trust/reputation, and how can we mitigate that impact? #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Page 17: Social Media Haters & Complainers

Handling Haters & Complainers on Social Media with Carrie Morgan

Best of#PRprochat

Chris Bell@riskycontent

Huge. Customer service IS PR. #PRprochat

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Page 18: Social Media Haters & Complainers

Handling Haters & Complainers on Social Media with Carrie Morgan

Best of#PRprochat

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

Lack of response does FAR more damage than brands realize. It’s expected. It can also reduce telephone #custserv costs. #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Page 19: Social Media Haters & Complainers

Handling Haters & Complainers on Social Media with Carrie Morgan

Best of#PRprochat

Chris Bell@riskycontent

On the other hand response should be done by a professional. Non-trained personal should not twitter fight with customers. #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Page 20: Social Media Haters & Complainers

Handling Haters & Complainers on Social Media with Carrie Morgan

Best of#PRprochat

Nicole E. Spears@_NicoleESpears

A negative customer message is STRONGER than a positive branded message. PRs understand the power of 3rd party validation. #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Page 21: Social Media Haters & Complainers

Handling Haters & Complainers on Social Media with Carrie Morgan

Best of#PRprochat

Kelly Hungerford@KDHungerford

Communicate. Have best practices documented as well as escalation policies. This often doesn't happen but is so important. #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Page 22: Social Media Haters & Complainers

Handling Haters & Complainers on Social Media with Carrie Morgan

Best of#PRprochat

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

Every interaction and encounter builds (or destroys) reputation. As #PRpros, we have the power to control this. #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Page 23: Social Media Haters & Complainers

Handling Haters & Complainers on Social Media with Carrie Morgan

Best of#PRprochat

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

Great customer service is resource-intensive. Should we be respond to ALL complaints? #PRprochat

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Page 24: Social Media Haters & Complainers

Handling Haters & Complainers on Social Media with Carrie Morgan

Best of#PRprochat

Kelly Hungerford@KDHungerford

Yep, you've got to answer them all. Great customer service is a sub-set of great customer experience. #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Page 25: Social Media Haters & Complainers

Handling Haters & Complainers on Social Media with Carrie Morgan

Best of#PRprochat

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

It’s not always possible to respond to all complaints, so the ability to prioritize is important.#PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Page 26: Social Media Haters & Complainers

Handling Haters & Complainers on Social Media with Carrie Morgan

Best of#PRprochat

AZ Media Maven@AZMediaMaven

YES, respond to ALL complaints, even it takes a while. Some response is better than none. #PRprochat

#PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Page 27: Social Media Haters & Complainers

Handling Haters & Complainers on Social Media with Carrie Morgan

Best of#PRprochat

Kelly Hungerford@KDHungerford

People take time to complain because they care. All customer complaints deserve a response. There are ways! #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Page 28: Social Media Haters & Complainers

Handling Haters & Complainers on Social Media with Carrie Morgan

Best of#PRprochat

Jim Katzaman@JKatzaman

Yes, respond to all complaints. Also reply to all compliments. Bottom line: Respond. Show you're there and you care. #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Page 29: Social Media Haters & Complainers

Handling Haters & Complainers on Social Media with Carrie Morgan

Best of#PRprochat

Nicole E. Spears@_NicoleESpears

#CustServ agents (on social or IRL) can demand respect while making the brand look good. Don't respond to vulgar complaints. #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Page 30: Social Media Haters & Complainers

Handling Haters & Complainers on Social Media with Carrie Morgan

Best of#PRprochat

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

Some people just like to complain. Should we handle complainers differently than unhappy customers? #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Page 31: Social Media Haters & Complainers

Handling Haters & Complainers on Social Media with Carrie Morgan

Best of#PRprochat

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

BRILLIANT: Five Types of Complainers & How to Deal With Them: via @ExactTarget @AdWeek#PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Page 32: Social Media Haters & Complainers

Handling Haters & Complainers on Social Media with Carrie Morgan

Best of#PRprochat

AZ Media Maven@AZMediaMaven

Turn frequent complainers into advisory boards & actively solicit their input. They are empowered; you get insights. #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Page 33: Social Media Haters & Complainers

Handling Haters & Complainers on Social Media with Carrie Morgan

Best of#PRprochat

Jim Katzaman@JKatzaman

Until social media invents "Complainer" and "Unhappy" buttons, you can't truly judge passion in 140 characters. Treat all =. #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Page 34: Social Media Haters & Complainers

Handling Haters & Complainers on Social Media with Carrie Morgan

Best of#PRprochat

Kelly Hungerford@KDHungerford

Often chronic complainers are right but the company can't fix the issue. Often w/ UI/software. It's delicate! #PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Page 35: Social Media Haters & Complainers

Handling Haters & Complainers on Social Media with Carrie Morgan

Best of#PRprochat

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

Passive-aggressive trolls require a different approach than true customer’s. Minimal vs. Resolution.#PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Page 36: Social Media Haters & Complainers

Handling Haters & Complainers on Social Media with Carrie Morgan

Best of#PRprochat

Carrie Morgan@morgancarrie

You can't resolve issues with a troll because there often ISN'T one - they just want to stir the controversy pot.#PRprochat #PRprochat: First Thursdays @ 3pm EST

Page 37: Social Media Haters & Complainers

Carrie Morgan, author, chat moderator

First Thursdays@ 3pm EST
