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Social Media for the Terrified

Nina Eggens, Growing Audiences North East, May 2011

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Today we are going to talk about:

• Your fears and barriers• What is social media and how can it help you• How does it fit into your organisation’s stategy• Who you are talking to online• How to deal with negative comments• An overview of the different social media platforms

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Social media…

What are you scared of?

What are your barriers?

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What has stopped you until now…

• I don’t know where to start, I am hopeless when it comes to computers

• I don’t have the time• I don’t see the point; I only ever see people talk about what

they’ve had for breakfast• I am afraid people won’t like what we say and will leave

negative comments• Our audience is old and grey and doesn’t use computers• I prefer printed marketing

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Why get into social media?

1. It is FREE (other than your time spent on it) and you can measure your success

2. Your current audience may not be online, but there’s plenty new people out there who’d like to get to know you!

3. It does not have to take up much of your time – but your time is well spent

4. Raise awareness of your organisation: higher visibility5. Strengthen relationships with existing audiences who are online6. You can easily send out reminders, special offers, prize draws etc to get

people interested in what you do7. You’ll be able to build up an interactive, social network of fans

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And more!1. Get valuable feedback and insight into who your audiences are2. Make your content shareable and create a snowball effect 3. Make it easy for people to find your organisation on multiple online

platforms – and point them to your website for full details4. Easily stay up to date with what people talk about, the latest (local)

news/trends, be part of the conversation5. Easily stay in touch with other organisations in your local area or

sector – and mutually support each other6. Recruiting staff or volunteers is easier through social networks7. Anything I forgot….?

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Some colleagues from the North east who have recently taken the jump:

“Puppet Animation Scotland ventured into the terrain of social media relatively recently. Twitter has started a lively conversation with our fans which has been a great catalyst for raising our profile in a very natural way. The best thing about social media is the learning curve - no one can teach you more about your audience than your audience themselves, so keep listening!”

“Social Media sites have enabled Aberdeen Art Gallery & Museums to reach out and respond to audiences in an interactive way on a more personal level. AAG&M can immediately respond to their audiences queries and comments which creates a lively and engaging dialogue. Through social media AAG&M has also been able to create stronger links with other organisations that are active on a daily basis.”

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• All about listening to your audiences

• Building up trust and relationships with audiences

• NOT just another place to advertise your listings

• About showing the human side of your organisation

Social Media =

A few things to remember…

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Social media = like a cocktail party!

Hi there, nice to meet you, did you know my exhibition opens tomorrow?

Jeez, the guy is only talking about himself!

The exhibition is going to be great and includes all of my best works

By the way, my exhibition opens tomorrow and you should really come and see it. It is going to be great. Really, don’t miss it!

Is he ever going to shut up and ask us a question?

And why is he so pushy? We’re only having a chat!

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What makes social media different from your other marketing tools?


> Two-way street: immediate feedback possible

> No costs involved other than time

> Audiences can easily share and forward your information with friends online: snow-ball effect

> Easier to find people with similar interests

> You can participate in online discussion and debate

> Show the human side behind your organisation: build up trust with your audiences

> Drive traffic to your website by linking on social media platforms

TRADITIONAL MARKETING(brochure, flyer, poster, advert, email, etc):

One-way street: you talk at your audience

> Less personal

> More costly (printing, postage)

> More formal and ‘official’ tone of voice

> No direct feedback possible

> Mailing lists get out of date

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Why, what and how?

When thinking about using Social Media for your organisation, ask yourself these questions:

• Why do I need an online presence?

• Who is my online audience? What do they they want from our organisation?

• What experience do I want online visitors to have when they visit our website, blog or social network (i.e., Twitter or Facebook)?

• How do I want to portray my organisation through Social Media? Fun and accessible? The prime authority on the art & artifacts you show? A friend? A specialist? (This will help you decide who needs to be the one engaging with the online audience: front of house staff of curator?)

• How much time do I intend to dedicate to social media? How many resources do I have?

• What are the skills within our team; who is already active on Social Media themselves?

Why, how, who?

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Exercise 1: your online audience

It’s easy to get caught up in what you want to communicate, but be sure to first identify your audience – it starts with them

Take 10 minutes to write out the type of audience or audiences that you want to focus on when using social media for your business or organisation:

– What are their key characteristics?

– What do you think they want to hear from you, how often, in what shape or form?

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A few different types of audiences and characteristics they could have: use this to your advantage!

• Young people: online all the time, accessing social media on their smart phones, sharing things with friends, short attention span.

• People working in offices: many who are on facebook/twitter tend to check these first thing in the morning, around lunchtime or just before they go home (5pm).

• Stay-at-home mums: active online, on forums and facebook. A way to stay in touch with friends and family. Looking for family activities.

• Colleagues in the arts: very supportive online, happy to help and share your news

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Five important ingredients for writing a strategy!

1. MISSION > Review your organisation’s mission: what are your

aims and objectives? What do you want to achieve?

2. MESSAGE > Develop a message that supports your mission

3. AUDIENCE > Identify your target audience

4. PLAN > Determine how social media will support your communications strategy and marketing activity

5. CONTENT > Create consistent – not overwhelming – messaging across all communication channels, both on and offline

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Social Media plan example: GANE

Mission Social Media role Content ideas

Our mission: to grow audiences for the arts in the North East of Scotland

Our audiences: arts organisations, artists, local authorities, museums and libraries, heritage sector

How to achieve our mission: by offering our audiences consultancies, research, campaigns, projects, training and online resources

It help us achieve our mission: by sharing helpful links and info with the sector through facebook/twitter and telling people about our services and events

Tone of voice: personal, fun and informal but showing expertise and professionalism at the same time

Responsible staff: manager and administratorTime spent per day: 10-30 mins depending on activity and responses needed

1) ‘Informal’“We have 300 ‘likers’ on our facebook page today! Thanks everyone!”

2) ‘Informative’Sharing a link to a website about how to use wordpress for blogging

3) ‘Event promotion’“Still some places left for our Online marketing for the Terrified workshop this Saturday. Free training, register here (+ link)”

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Exercise 2: writing a social media planTake 30 minutes to answer the following questions. Keep it short and to the point.

1. MISSION > - Write down in a few lines your organisation’s mission: what are your aims and objectives? Why do you exist?- Who is your audience? Who are you doing it all for?

2. SOCIAL MEDIA> - How is social media going to help you achieve this mission? - How you would like to portray your organisation through social media: fun, informal, serious, formal, informative, engaging, friendly, etc ? - Who in your team is going to be responsible for social media? - How much time are you aiming to spent on it each day / week?

3. CONTENT IDEAS> Come up with three different types of messages / updates / links you think your online audience will like to receive from you on Facebook and/or Twitter

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Social media guidelines for your team (if you have one!)

• Agree with the people in your team who are going to be responsible for social media :

1. Tone of voice – how to portray the organisation2. Type of content3. Frequency of posting4. How to deal with complaints / negative comments

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Exercise 3: how to deal with negative comments

“I thought £12 for last night’s performance was a right rip-off. The venue was cold, there were no

drinks served beforehand and staff was unfriendly. I’m not going to come again.” Joe Bloggs

You open Facebook in the morning and find this posted on your organisation’s page. Oh no! What a disaster!

What do you do? Do you delete it? Do you allow it to be seen by others?How would you respond?

In groups of 4 discuss how you would tackle this problem. You have 10 minutes!

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A wee break! Back in 10 minutes!

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Examples and best practice

• Facebook• Twitter• Blogging• Youtube / vimeo• Flickr• LinkedIn

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Best practice: Facebook• It is NOT a one-way system. Don’t just post listings.

• Don’t bombard your fans with too may posts, this will put people off (decide yourself what is too many, look at how others do it)

• Don’t only talk about yourself and what events are coming up – people can find listings anywhere. People following you on Social Media want to build up a relationship!

• So build up that relationship. Be interested in your followers.

• Mix up posts about your events with press reviews, background stories, local news and links to relevant websites you think your audiences would appreciate.

• Be kind. Also share relevant posts by other local organisations and people. They may return the favour!

• Encourage comments and conversation by asking people questions: you may get some useful feedback!

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Best Practices: Facebook

Set-up a Facebook Page for your organisation, NOT a profile NB: you will need a personal profile in order to set up a page

A Page:Provides analytics Enables Fans to share your content with their

Facebook friends

Use Events to generate visibility and attendance

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Creating a page

When visiting a page, scroll down and find ‘create a page’ in the list at the bottom

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Decide your category and follow the sign up steps…

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On your Facebook page:

• You can make colleagues or friends administrators to share the workload• You can create events and invite people• Post videos, photos and choose your profile picture• Update ‘likers’ with your news, pictures, videos and links• See statistics on how many have visited and what they liked

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Include links to blogs and videos to give your audience rich experience

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Mix up posts about your events with interesting articles that trigger a response:

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Be brave! Ask people what they thought of an exhibition. It’s OK for them to say they didn’t like something.

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Keep it varied and interesting! Mix your posts about upcoming events with funny status updates, pictures and sharing colleagues’ links

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How to add your event and invite people

Click on Events here:

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Click on Create an Event

Fill in the details of your event, add a nice image and select guests (your own friends and/or ‘likers’ of your page)

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This is how your event would show up on your page and the ‘wall’ of people who ‘like’ your page:

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How are you doing on Facebook? Check your ‘insight stats’!

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Facebook insights

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Safety online…choosing your privacy settings (on your personal profile). Go to Accounts and select Privacy settings

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Best Practices: Twitter

5 Easy Things To Do Daily:

Check most recent @replies

Look at what people are saying and decide if anything is worth a ‘retweet’.

‘Join the conversation’ (=write something in the status update box), for example: Share a link Post an event Respond to a comment

Search for keyword-based conversations (for example your local town or arts related topics)

Chat with your community (not at them)

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Twitter ‘Timeline’: updates from people/organisations you follow

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Twitter profile page: showing your details and your own tweets

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Twitter Tips for Creating Content:

Promote and talk about your organisation / events, and Listen to community concerns Share and comment on their stories

Share expertise and information on your subject

140 characters means being to the point! Summarise your message and shrink links if you use them (

Use a ‘hashtag’ # to link to other people talking about the same subject or encourage followers to use your hashtag when tweeting about you. For example: #GANE

Establish reputation and expertise

Focus on a call to action, including: Announce events Prose questions to the community Options for volunteer involvement

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Twitter tips for Having a Conversation:

• @ Reply: a comment or reply to a specific user. To do: start with @username - and insert comment specific to that user

• Re-tweet (RT): a comment tweeted by another user, but you would like to share. To do: start with or include RT @username - and then the users comment that you'd like to share

• Direct Message (DM): a private message between two users, but you must be following one another for the functionality to be enabled

• @ Reply v. Direct Message: to many (public), to one (private)

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How to keep things simple on Twitter:

• Set yourself a time each morning (10 mins should do) to check if anyone is expecting a reply. Decide if you have anything worth sharing and update your status.

• Create lists of people you follow categorised by subject or locality. This way you keep it simple. And more interesting for yourself.

• Simultaneously update Facebook and Twitter (use or similar).

• Don’t feel you have to read all 3 billion tweets! Focus on your favourite people, certain subjects or make lists

• It is just about having a presence here so people who prefer Twitter can find you here too.

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Best practices: Blogging

• A blog is a commitment. If you are going to set one up, make sure you allocate time to update it regularly, share the load with colleagues or invite various ‘guest’ bloggers.

• Share the link to your blog on your website as well as affiliated websites

• Wordpress and Blogger will give you an RSS feed that can be used by your readers

• Keep stories short – and current. Or why not just do a Photo blog?

• A blog is not a website; people read blogs to hear the ‘human’, personal voice of an organisation. This is THE place to be informal and share stories from behind the scenes.

• Bookmark blogs you really like and use them as an example.

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Best practices: blogging

• Voice. Pick a voice that is unique, interesting and reflective of your organisation

• Links. Be sure to link to other organisations, articles or bloggers

• Tip: When setting up outbound links be sure to set the links to be opened in a new window so readers don’t leave your blog.

• Create a conversation. Invite and encourage conversation by posing a question at the end of a post and/or replying to comments in the post’s comment field.

• Don’t be afraid for negative feedback. All feedback is helpful and can be dealt with.

• Make your content shareable, add a ‘share this’ button to your blogCopyright Growing Audiences North East

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Blogger.comEasy to use

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Blogger example

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Blogger example:

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Statistics on Blogger:

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Wordpress.comLots of themes to choose from, easy to use

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Tumblr.comGreat for doing photo rich blogs + the blog is automatically

readable on mobile phones

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PosterousGreat for publishing your blog post to all Social media platforms at the same time

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Galleries blog example: giving people a look behind the scenes!

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Best Practices: Sharing• Set up a social sharing service for your social network site (i.e.,

your website, blog, Facebook, YouTube, newsletters and more . . . )

• Provides a way for your audience to share your content with their own communities.

• Social sharing services include:– Share This:– AddThis:– FriendFeed:

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How to let the world know about it

•Include logos and web addresses in your printed brochures, leaflets, etc

•Include them on your website, easily findable (front page!)

•Include logos and web addresses in your email signature

•Ask colleague arts organisations and friends to spread the word through Facebook and Twitter

•Send out an email newsletter to your network telling the about it and encouraging them to click the links

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Display your Social Media links on the front page

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Other free tools and tips:

Tagging. Whether writing a blog post, posting a picture or uploading a video be sure to tag (keywords specific to the content of the piece)

Play with podcasts. Check out easy-to-use platforms like and BlogTalkRadio

Play with free video tools. or

Share your photos. Post your organisation’s photos at and share by setting up a quick photo gallery to share on your website or blog (NB: you need a yahoo email address for this)

Need to tweak those images? offers easy (and free) image editing software

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Videos…an ideal way to show off your venue, give previews or get young people involved…

or why not let your curator or artist talk about a new show coming up?

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Show part of your collection or feature public events and customers having a good time!

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LinkedInUse it to stay connected with professional contacts.

No chit chat, just CVs and professional details (it’s like your 1980s rolodex updating itself!)

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Manage and share the workflow: get a dashboard!

• Post updates to all your platforms at once• Create access for your colleagues to share the load • Schedule updates for when you’re out of office

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Time management: some practical suggestions

• Set aside around 10-15 minutes each day (or more, depending on how active you want to be online) to quickly check your different platforms for comments or questions by the public that need to replied to or be dealt with. Don’t leave replying too late.

• Decide whether you have anything worth sharing with your online audience – post it. Remember most people are most likely to see it first thing in the morning, around lunchtime or late afternoon.

• If you don’t have any news yourself that day, see if you can further build that relationship with your audience by sharing an interesting article or link that relates to the organisation or is otherwise of interest to your audience.

• Use a ‘dashboard’ like Hootsuite to keep an overview of your Social Media activity. This allows you to schedule posts, share access with colleagues and track results. Copyright Growing Audiences North East

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Exercise 4: putting knowledge it into practice!

Write down 3 goals to achieve by next month as a result of this session! What are you going to try?

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Thank you and good luck

See you online!

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