  • 1. Social Analytics - SDEC -2012. 02. 07 | NHN

2. Table of Contents 1. SNS 2. 3. 3. Table of Contents 1. SNS 2. 3. 4. SNS () : , (), ? / " " " " , , , SNS SNS . (1:9:90 ) , , , 4 5. Social Analytics? , , (Insight) Analytics is "the science of analysis. (Big data) (Unstructured data) (Statistical Analysis), (Datamining) (Unstructured Data): , . (Structured Data): , , (Semi-Structured Data): , , , , (, ) (Influential Users) 5 6. Table of Contents 1. SNS 2. 3. 7. : Classification, Clustering : (NLP) (Social Network Analysis) (Opinion Mining) (Sentiment Analysis)7 8. (Big Data) : Hadoop HDFS NoSql : HBase, MongoDB, Dynamo : Neo4J, GoldenOrb. Infinite Graph GoldenOrb: Google Pregel Hadoop, Java (Data Visualization) Social Graph Visualization: Gephi, NodeXL : JUNG(Java Universal Network/Graph Framework), Prefuse(Prefuse Flash Flare) : Google Visualization Chart API, Google Motion Chart, D3(Protovis), InfoVis, Raphael 8 9. Hadoop MapReduce R: Hadoop : RHIPE, RevolutionAnalytics RHadoop RHIPE(R and Hadoop Integrated Processing Environment): R Hadoop MapReduce (Perdue University) Saptarshi Guha . PaloAltoRevolutionanalytics . SNA(sna, igraph, ), Text Mining(topicmodels, lda, lsa, KoNLP, ), Data Mining(svd, e1071, ) Apache Mahout: (Machine Learning) Classification, Clustering,Recommendation MapReduce : Poll Results-Top Languages for Data Mining/Analytics( ) 9 10. : (Machine Learning): , Classification, Clustering Naive Bayes classifier, Logistic Regression, SVM(Support Vector Machine), LDA(Latent dirichlet allocation) (Text Mining): (NLP) : (Morpheme Analysis), (Syntactic Analysis), (Semantic Analysis) : (Text Classification), (Feature Extraction) (Social Network Analysis): (nodes or vertices) (edge or link) (graph theory) Directed Graph(), Undirected Graph(, ) (authority) (hub) (Influential User) (Community Detection) . Metrics: (degree), (betweenness centrality), (closeness centrality), (eigenvector centrality), (clustering coefficient) : HITS(Hyperlink-Induced Topic Search), CNM(Clauset, Newman, & Moore) (Opinion Mining), (Sentiment Analysis) 10 11. HITS : Top 10 users with high authorities and hubs on Twitter 11 12. Social Graph App Community Clustering 12 13. (Opinion Mining) (Sentiment Analysis) , , , : : (Subjective) (Objective) , (Polarity) (Positive) (Negative) (Neutral) SVMs(Support Vector Machines): / (Training Sets) / Lexicon-based Approach: / Bag of Words(1-grams or Uni-grams) / LIWC(Linguistic Inquiry andWord Count)POMS(Profile of Mood States) . / (Corpus) . Linguistic Approach: . Lexicon-based Approach . (context) .13 14. Table of Contents 1. SNS 2. 3. 15. : , , , , : SOCIALmetrics, Radian6, People Browsr, Tweetfeel, Twitrratr : , , , : (, ) : : : Klout, Edelman, PeerIndex, Twitalizer 15 16. SOCIALmetrics( TrendSeek) , , 16 17. Klout, Facebook, LinkedIn (Social Influence) Edelman 17 18. 2011 SOCIALmetrics (: 19. 2011 (: 19 20. 2011 (: 21. 2011 ? = {Follower, Retweet, Mention}? = {Follower, Retweet, Mention | | } ( .)21 22. Thank you! [email protected]
