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Social Action Task 4

Beth Geldard

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Product Research 1 The subject I decided to do is Racism and one of the products I decided to look at was a racism campaign webpage. The first thing I noticed was the types of colours been used which are red, black and white. These are all prominent colours they’re there to make a statement, and show contrast between each off them. I think the reason why the brand decided to go with the colour red is because of the history behind the word ‘racism’ as in the 19 century there became slavery and if not done what they were told people were attack, but where it was most popular was in Africa. Other events happened because of racism are the kkk, 9/11, Due to this, it can represent blood, cruelty and the devil. Remembering the harsh events over the years. Black and white for peoples skin colour. The type of font being used is bold and big making it clear what the subject is about and to promote there brand. Having words in different colours to show how they may link together using ‘racism’ and ‘me’ in the colour red to show how everyone has a different culture, background, religion and skin colour. Makes you think that that if you were judging someone from the way they look or to the way they were brought up, how would you feel if someone started to comment on your beliefs. This websites allow you to be updated on the latest news, keeping you up to date with how it is still going on in todays world. Providing you with video clip linking in with YouTube creating a larger circulation of somewhere you can join and be a community and fight for what you think is right. They provide both positive and negative aspect of the situation; shows that things are still being done about discriminating racism which this can be a positive thing because people are still doing things to help prevent it. But the negative part is the story's being told on the pages and that its still here and people can just leave it. Provides quite a lot of images and little word making you intrigued to read more on the subjects that the are providing the public with. At the bottom of the home page gives you a verity of organisations that are supporting racism making not only there campaign known but other. Indicates that are wanting all the support they need.

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Product Research 2 The design of this page, provides a clear template giving you a tool bar so you are able to source out new information on the subject. The page is being informative and is all there to give the public what is happening in todays society. Providing dates to show if its old or new giving the audience a timeline which evaluates how it has gone on for years not just in todays era. This website has provided places for where these campaigns are getting held so you can go join and build a community to stand up for racism. An example of this is Bristol, its takes you to a link on there Facebook which supply's you with images, video, tells you about them. what is good about have a Facebook page is the audience are able to interact with what they are posting creating a active audience. Show that they want to speak up about. Also has links to the main resource page Providing you with facts and information's on the news. Giving you links to YouTube, twitter and Facebook. Shows that they are wanting to widen there audience enhancing young audience to get involved with what it happening in this day an age . Giving out there own merchandise, so wearing it out in public is creating a larger circulation for them. You are also able to join and donate money so the purpose it generate money and build a larger campaign to make people aware of the situation.

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It stops with me campaign held an event on the 12th of June in2013 created a music video this is allowing of all ages to make a difference to the world. By making a music video this may attract students there age to become more aware of the situation as this is something they can interact with and listen to and you will always have it. Events are being held to protest, one was held on the 20th of January in 2017 about trump to meet outside of a certain area. This is allowing the public to join in and also it may attack the news. This is be broadening there circulation on only that racism is happening but may influence people to help to join the campaign. The website gives a list of other events that will be getting held in each city that they will be doing through the year showing that they are a community and standing up for what is right What I think is good about having them all around the county is so everyone doesn’t have to come to a certain location which may not involve as many people as they wanted. The difference between these two events are they the first one is wanting to produce something that will attack all ages and the 2nd starting a riyert which is away of the news finding out what you are protesting about.

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Product Research 3Lefts fight racism is a social media campaign which is organized and launched by united nations in a joint effort by the department of the public information and the office of high commissioner for the human rights to engage with the general public. The purpose of this webpage is there to spread the word by sharing stories, videos, e-cards, by taking a quiz and checking the UN global action plan to combat racism. when I first saw the page I didn’t think that it was very intriguing to read as all I saw was links and a picture. But when I read what it said on the poster “what do you see” and an image of a man and 3 careers of what he might be. And then I realized that I does matter what you see it more you interpret in and how it helps you to not make assumptions as what I’m saying it that this website could be better then another racism campaign but I wouldn’t know if I didn’t look further in to it. What I think is powerful about there poster as its asking the audience a rhetorical questions its making them think which could identify if they are a racist or not because it doesn't’t identify what the poster is about. For there typography they have used the colour blue it links strength and intelligence because they want to strengthen there campaign but strength the people who are being abused. For intelligence, they want you to say the right thing

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The university of Rochester in New york created a campaign on the 18th March in 2016. They wanted to address issues of race within the university and want to learn how to combat it and to do this they want to create conversations who are uneducated of the issues. So the way they are going about this is being active audience getting the public involved within the situation so having group talks creating a community and shows that they are wanting to educate the students and give them more of an incite in the situation and how if seeing it not to condone it. On the 21st they wanted to highlight the campaign and create a larger message with events to mark the united nations international day for elimination of racism and to promote this the university wear grey t-shirts with messages on them. They also bought stickers and buttons. They created a logo colours linking in with the university, blue and yellow. This has given me an idea of what colours to use for mine now because not just only in this campaign but in ‘stand up to racism’ they both used yellow which Symbolizes growth, power and indigence. I like the design of the logo on how it reminded me of something a rioter would hold. I like that they have used arrows pointing in different direction illustrating which way to go and maybe you might be talking the wrong route and its making you question what you are doing it right. The use of bold and thin text creating a contrast in words.

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Product Research 4I began to look at different advertisement on how racism can become more viral and help people change their minds on it and I found two posters that I thought creates a clear representation on how peoples minds work and how what they say before you known them hurts. For the first poster what stood out for me is choosing a white person as I feel people don’t really take consideration how it effect white people as well. The writing on his face is basically saying that you don’t judge me on what you see so why do it to other people. And how its unfair to do it on other people It create quite a negative outlook because its showing that people do not have equal rights in this day an age. Used a eye level shot, making you look in to his eyes. This may make the public feel intimidated and also ashamed to what people see. Also used a close up so you can see his facial expression and the emotion in his face which can tell a story. The colours being used a plan, different shades of warm tones remembering that everyone is natural in there own way you cant change what you see. The next poster I chose I thought this really spoke out to how people just assume the worst when they see a black person, they are stereo typing them from what they have seen not who they are. It also shouting out Google and saying that its libel and don’t believe everything it says. Go from your opinion and no one else's. By having the search bar on his mouth this can imply that maybe black don’t have the write to speck up and speck there own opinion and maybe its look upon that it does not matter. Clear logo at the top of the left hand corner on who is advertising this poster, making them more known to the public providing them with more support Colours being used are dark tones creating a negative outlook for this poster.

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Product Research 5 ‘Beauty has no race’ shows how people contemplate someone's beauty on their race and even if you have the same body structure you are seen as different because of your colour which isn't right. This poster has a clear contrast in colours having a cut down the middle of the page reflecting their colour type. Showing how people still have the same face structure just different skin type which doesn’t justify who you are or define your beauty. I think this poster is powerful for women as the purpose is there to empower women make them feel confident in themselvesThis is a poster that I disagree with and wont condone in my own work because its going against women around the word and who they are. I would say that this poster “Dark Girls” is being racist even though they are standing up to dark women; of the colour of your skin doesn’t make your background different from anyone else’s. white women are real and have stories don’t just presume that because you're dark coloured makes you different from anyone else.

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Product Research 6 Logos- stand up against racism, have used a bold bright orange back ground and used white to contrast with it. The colour orange suggest energy, and determination. This maybe there to encouragement the public to change their opinion and ways they look at people. White connotation create a pure, goodness and safety. I think safety plays a big part in this because it will make the word a safer place knowing people are not being judge on their skin colour. They’ve used a bold and thick font so it attacks your attention and makes you remember them three words.Purpose of this logo is there to raise awareness how racism is still around and help and do something about it, don’t just stand back. Creating a positive outlook because they are wanting to help and put a stop to it. Another logo is “Lets kick racism out of football” indicating how anger from another team winning can cause fans to shout abuse on the other teams using word that may harm and offend cultures and religion who maybe playing the game or offending other fans. Which is showing conflict. The colours being used are green, yellow, black and white. The green takes up a large amount of the page which symbolizes growth and harmony. Illustrating how the rest of the page should be green but hopefully in years to come it will take up the whole page. Connotations of black is negativity, unknown and fear because no one knows when it is going to stop and if it ever will, but it could illustrate that there is room for improvements. Yellow shows energy, attention and nature; it’conveys how racism is still be focus on and needs more attention to stop people actions. The purpose of this poster is there to stop violence against racism. I think this because it has a print of a hand and you don’t know the race, culture and religion to this purpose, which makes you think and shows that any one is capable of it and you're the one with blood on your hands and you have not know it. Using the colour red to stimulate danger, strength and power as the person with the red had is the one that is control in this situation

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Product Research 8When looking at the infographic it expresses a clear structure separating each, presenting different facts and statistics.They have used a colour theme, showing that there is a clear link with the information that they are providing the public with. Using the colour green to highlight what is most interesting and what is significant about this part. Green symbolizes, growth, nature and safety. These all link in with racism because it is grown to what is once was, generations have change and grown with different culture and religions creating different perspective. And last of all nature because people are natural you cant change who you are to please someone else. This may attract kids to teenagers as it contains diagrams that’s can illustrate what the fact it going to be telling them. What is good the infographic is that it gets straight to the point on what they are telling as you are not having to read loads so this is something that I may include on when I create a poster for my subject. They are also promoting them selves' at the bottom, giving the public somewhere else to look at if needed more information on the subject.

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Product Research 9 has been created to support racism to to build the awareness that its still happening. On one of the tops on red bubble the quote says “Dear Racism, I am not my grandparents sincerely, these hands” Implies how generations have changed and because they're your family it doesn't’t mean you have to agree with everything they say. Suggest that the older you are you maybe have a stronger opinion on it. The design is simple creating a clear and bold statement. By the text only taking up a small percent of the top, the black background which creates contrast between the colours black and white which are being used could represent everyone else's opinion. On this website you are able to set up your own account and design what ever you want and it doesn't’t have to be a top. This may influence more people to start to design there own merch to create awareness and show there contribution to the campaign.