


spiring Minds is a global job skills creden�aling leader set up with a vision to create a merit driven talent ecosystem and enable efficient job skills matching by cra�ing credible and intelligent assessments. The company offers scien�fic assessments with an innova�ve large-scale sourcing model analogous to a GRE-for-job concept. The state-of-the-art assessment tools developed by Aspiring Minds have been used across industry ver�cals to help recruit the right people, develop profile-wise employability benchmarks and assess workforce health.

The flagship product AMCAT, is the world’s most widely-taken employability test helping over two million candidates find the ‘right’ jobs every year. Backed by state-of-the-art, adap�ve assessment technology and machine learning algorithms - it allows adap�ve, standardized and reliable measurement of generic employability skills (language, cogni�ve, behaviour) and a wide range of func�onal skills using simulated assessments.

Aspiring Minds enables job seekers to evaluate their job skills, earn industry recognized creden�als and find appropriate career opportuni�es. We also help companies drama�cally improve their quality and efficiency of hiring and are today associated with more than 3500 corpora�ons in sectors as diverse as BFSI, IT, ITeS, Hospitality, Retail, etc.

Aspiring Minds is a 500+ people strong organiza�on with opera�ons in US, China, India, Middle East, Tanzania, Bangladesh, Philippines and Sub-Saharan Africa. The client list includes Sapient, Coca Cola, GE, Genpact, Bank of America, CITI, HCL, Axis Bank, Wipro, Tata Motors, Daimler, HDFC Bank, Microso�, MphasiS, DUPONT, Hyundai, ZS Associates, Ericsson, Delloi�e, Huawei, John Deere and many more.

Table of Contents

Introduction 02

Key Insights 03




I. Skills in demand 05

A. Generic Skills 06

B. Personality Traits 07

C. Domain Skills 08

II. Job roles in demand

A. Job role in highest demand by state



III. States with maximum job opportunities

A. Open job positions across India

B. Open job positions per ‘00’000 citizens

C. Demand vs. Population





IV. Analysis of Deductive Reasoning and Software Development



02 Skill Map India 2017


Job conundrum exists all around the world. On one hand, there are vacancies which need to be filled and on the other, there are people without jobs. Major reason for this is information gap that prolongs globally. In India, one such gap is the lack of knowledge about the skills and jobs required by the industry in a particular region. It is evident to say that both job seekers and educational institutes can benefit from knowing potential skills and their demand across India.

Such insights will give a fair picture to the job seekers about which skills correspond to more jobs and in which state can they utilise those skills to greater extent. Two major doubts among job seekers are:

• Which skills should I cultivate to find employment in a particular state?• In which states and union territories can I most easily find job for a given skill set?

Similarly, the training institutions and stakeholders need to understand what is required by the industry in their state and across India. They can streamline their interventions as per the job and skill demand which will influence both curriculum and pedagogy. In turn, design a better industry program.

This report answers all such questions through an interactive interface which identifies the demand for 92 job roles and 87 skills across 29 States & 7 Union Territories.

The skills included in this study fall primarily into three categories:

• Generic Skills: These are comprised of foundational cognitive skills such as numerical ability, Information Gathering & Synthesis (IGS), and critical reasoning. These are foundational skills necessary for a large number of jobs in the knowledge economy, at various levels of expertise. Additionally, generic skills also include workplace soft skills such as communication, teamwork and work management.

• Personality Traits: These include the traits that comprise the “big five” model of personality, such as agreeableness and conscientiousness. Several global meta-analytic studies1 show that the big five personality traits are significant predictors of performance in jobs that require people interaction. Additionally, we include polychronicity, which refers to the extent to which an individual is comfortable engaging in more than one task simultaneously, and agrees that multi-tasking is a productive work style.

• Domain Skills: These are skills that are required for doing a particular job effectively: for example, sales situation handling ability for sales roles; software development and web development for coding roles; accounting and banking services for BFSI roles and so on. Domain skills also include accounting, networking and core engineering skills that are relevant to job specific situations to make informed decisions while performing their tasks.


Key Insights

Aspiring Minds, the global leader in employability assessments, examined the Indian labour market to ascertain demand for 92 job roles and 87 different skill sets in each state. The key findings of the present study are as follows:

• Software Developers have the highest demand with 9.74% of the total open job share. After Software Developers, job roles such as Sales professionals, Customer Service, General Management, Marketing professionals and Computer Technicians are trending.

• The most sought after skills include English comprehension, Deductive reasoning and Inductive reasoning. Amongst personality traits, Agreeableness and Extraversion top the chart. This clearly shows that industry demands communication and cognitive skills more than domain expertise.

• Among domain skills, software development and sales situation handling are highest in-demand in 10 states each out of 24 states with significant number of open job positions.

• A fairly high percentage of open job positions are in Maharashtra (19.72%), followed by Delhi NCR (16.99%), Karnataka (16.03%) and Tamil Nadu (9.80%). It should be noted that this has been calculated as jobs in a state per total jobs in India. This is commensurate with the booming industry and IT revolution observed in these states. On calculating demand as a function of state population,we find that Chandigarh and Delhi NCR have highest job vacancies with 1054 and 536 open positions per lac citizens respectively.

• On plotting number of open job positions in a state against its population, the graph does not form a linear curve. States such as Uttar Pradesh & Bihar have lowest open job positions for every 1 lac people, whereas Delhi NCR & Chandigarh have very high demand percent while their population is lower.


This report is based on open job positions in India and a mapping of those job roles to the skills required to perform them. Here, we dig deep into the questions related to demand through the creation and development of the Indian Skill Map. This analysis is in the same vein as Aspiring Minds’ U.S. Skill Map1 study to objectify the demand for skills and job roles to aid better decision-making by job seekers in US. We have an internal taxonomy of 1266 unique vocational and knowledge roles which has both importance of a particular skill for a given role and level of skill proficiency that the role requires. These job roles are based on O*net’s taxonomy of job roles, as well as others inspired by popular professions globally.

For the purpose of study, we have picked 367 most trending professions in the knowledge economy in India which are grouped into 92 generic job roles and further mapped to 87 skills required to perform them. For example all job roles related to web development with expertise in various programming languages (C#/PHP) are categorised in one group as web developers. Similarly, all coding skills including back end, front end and full stack development are bracketed as software development.

We collected open job positions and skill demand in India through an automated survey of various job portals. The study has examined more than 10 lac open jobs spread across 29 Indian states and 7 Union territories. Each job opening was automatically mapped to a generic role and further to the skills that are required to perform that job.

This helped us determine the proportion of open jobs requiring a particular skill in each state. For a given skill, a user can identify the state with highest demand, along with its demand in other states. Furthermore, one can determine the list of job roles which require that skill. Similar demand analysis is done for job roles across India. For instance while searching for marketing skills, the number of open marketing positions in Karnataka out of total open positions requiring it corresponds to its demand in Karnataka. We have also put together an interactive version of the study where a user can search for a skill and job role to unravel its demand in India. Along with this, demand is also calculated as a function of population of Indian States. This will help us unravel the number of open positions in a state per ‘00’000 citizens.

Using this analysis, we calculated the demand for approximately 92 job roles and 87 skills across 29 states and 7 union territories in India.

04 Skill Map India 2017


I. Skills in demand

Skills with highest demand in India are listed below.

The analysis unveils that top eight skills and traits by demand include 1 soft skill, 4 cognitive skills and 3 personality traits.

English Comprehension has topped the chart with 100% demand, among all other skills we analyzed across India. Communication in the English language has become an important part of knowledge economy and employees are expected to be competent in this skill, irrespective of the sector in which they work. It is only the level of proficiency that varies from one job to another.

A fairly high demand is observed for deductive reasoning (62.31%) and inductive reasoning (45.75%).

Table 1. Skills in highest demand in India


Skills Skill Description Demand

English Comprehension

The ability to understand the written text and communicate effectively through written documents 100.00%

Deductive Reasoning

The ability to make inferences and decide actions based on data containing multiple textual instructions and simple symbolic rules 62.31%

Inductive Reasoning

The ability to learn and to derive objective rules based on specific instances of a rule’s application


AgreeablenessThis refers to social conformity, cooperativeness, friendliness, and

helpfulness 34.30%

Information Gathering and


The ability to locate relevant information, order and classify data to make rule based deductions 33.74%

ExtraversionOne's inclination towards the outer world. Individuals with high

extraversion can be characterized as social and assertive 28.21%

Emotional Stability

The ability to stay even tempered and face stressful situations without getting upset 22.88%

Quantitative Ability

It is defined as the ability to understand basic number system, i.e., fractions, decimals, negative, positive, odd, even numbers, etc. 15.14%

06 Skill Map India 2017

This shows that the Indian labor market seeks a logical bent of mind to match up to the advancements of fast paced global industry.

The most in-demand personality trait, Agreeableness amounts to 34.30% of the open job positions. These are generally required for customer centric, sales, and managerial roles.

A. Generic Skills

As mentioned earlier, generic skills are most in demand because they are essential for a wide range of professions.

English Comprehension is the highest ranked generic skill in all 29 states and 7 union territories, followed by cognitive skills – Deductive reasoning and Inductive reasoning.

Generic Skills Skill Description Demand

English Comprehension

The ability to understand the written text and communicate effectively through written documents 100.00%

Deductive Reasoning

The ability to make inferences and decide actions based on data containing multiple textual instructions and simple symbolic rules 62.31%

Inductive Reasoning

The ability to learn and to derive objective rules based on specific instances of a rule’s application


Information Gathering and


The ability to locate relevant information, order and classify data to make rule based deductions 33.74%

Table 2: Top Generic Skills

Quantitative Ability

It is defined as the ability to understand basic number system, i.e., fractions, decimals, negative, positive, odd, even numbers, etc. 15.14%


B. Personality Traits

The most in-demand personality trait, Agreeableness, is needed on 34.30% of the total open job positions. After agreeableness, extraversion and emotional stability take second and third position.

Table 3: Top Personality traits

Personality Traits Trait Description Demand

AgreeablenessThis refers to social conformity, cooperativeness, friendliness, and

helpfulness 34.30%

ExtraversionThis is defined as one's inclination towards the outer world. Individuals

with high extraversion can be characterized as social and assertive 28.21%

Emotional Stability

The ability to stay even tempered and face stressful situations without getting upset 22.88%

Polychronicity This refers to the ability of a person to work on multiple activities at the same time 2.61%

Openness to Experience

This refers to the attribute of open-mindedness and a knack for unconventional thinking, while having rich artistic sensibilities and imagination 8.25%

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08 Skill Map India 2017

The given map indicates variation in demand of domains skills across 21 states and 3 union territories.

Software development and sales situation handling skills are highest in demand in 10 states each. In this era of globalisation and IT revolution, it is evident to find that India demands more skilled developers and people who can sell their products and/or services in the competitive market.

India also needs people trained in IT Hardware and customer situation handling skills

C. Domain Skills

Domain skills highest in demand in each state are shown below:

Top SkillSoftware Development

Sales Situation Handling

IT and Hardware

Customer Service Situation Handling

a) Heat map of domain skills highest in demand in each state(*States and union territories with insignificant number of open job positions are not included in the map)

b) Number of states with highest demand for each of the listed skill

Figure 1: Domain skill in highest demand

Software Development

Sales Situ

ation Handling


10 10

Customer S

ervice Situ

ation Headling


IT and Hardware











II. Job roles in demand

We find that software developer, sales, business management, marketing related jobs are currently the most desirable in the Indian job market. These job roles are important part of a successful life cycle of a product, starting from ideology to development and from branding of the product to selling it to the end user.

Table 4: Job roles in demand

Job Roles Demand

Software Developer 9.74%

Sales Professional 8.17%

Customer Service Representative 6.53%

General Management Professional 5.74%

Marketing Professional 3.52%

Computer Technician 3.34%

Accounting Professional 3.04%

Software Developer : Javascript 2.83%

Human Resources Professional 2.80%

Software Developer : Java 2.76%

Job roles in highest demand in India are listed below.

0.00 17.47


Job roleSoftware DeveloperSales ProfessionalComputer TechnicianCustomer Service Representative

10 Skill Map India 2017

A. Job role in highest demand by state

Job role in highest demand in each state are shown below

a) Heat map of job role highest in demand in each state (*States and union territories with insignificant number of open job positions

are not included in the map)

Figure 2: Job role in highest demand

Software developer role has the highest demand of 9.74%, among all the job roles we analyzed across India. This shows that Indian market seeks software developers the most to meet the requirements of the fast paced IT industry across the world.

Followed by software development role, 8.17% demand is observed for Sales profile and 6.53% for customer service roles.

b) Number of states with highest demand for each of the listed skill

Software Development

Sales Situ

ation Handling


10 10

Customer S

ervice Situ

ation Headling


IT and Hardware










Sales professional and software development are highest in demand across 20 locations out of 24 with significant open jobs


Table 5: States with highest demand by open job positions

States DemandPopulation (in lacs)

Maharashtra 1123.73

Delhi NCR 182.67

Karnataka 611.31

Tamil Nadu 721.39

Gujarat 603.84

West Bengal 913.48

Madhya Pradesh 725.98

Uttar Pradesh 1986.44

Telangana 352.87

Kerala 333.88











A. Open job positions across India

III. States with maximum job opportunities

On ranking states on the basis of demand, Maharashtra bags the top position with 19.72% of total open positions in India.

The �rst and second highest jobs are found in Delhi NCR (16.99%) and Karnataka (16.03%).

Job roleSoftware DeveloperSales ProfessionalComputer TechnicianCustomer Service Representative

12 Skill Map India 2017

Table 6: States with highest demand per ‘00’000 citizens

States DemandPopulation (in lacs)

Chandigarh 10.55

Delhi NCR 182.67

Karnataka 611.31

Maharashtra 1123.73

Tamil Nadu 721.39

Goa 14.58

Telangana 352.87

Lakshadweep 0.64

Gujarat 603.84

Punjab 277.04











B. Open job positions per ‘00’000 citizens

Jobs in Maharashtra, Delhi NCR, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu put together form close to 65% of total open positions. This is because major IT hubs are in these states where skilled workforce is required in large numbers.

When demand is calculated as a function of population of a particular state, highest open positions are found in Chandigarh – ‘1054 open positions per lac citizens in Chandigarh’

Maharashtra drops down to 5th position with 109 open positions per lac citizens. This is due to the fact that Maharashtra is the second most populated state in India.


Figure 3: Demand vs. Population distribution

C. Demand vs. Population

The above graph shows that when percentage of open job position are plotted against population of a state, the graph obtained is not linear.

States such as Uttar Pradesh and Bihar have higher population but low percentage of open job positions. On the other hand, Delhi NCR and Chandigarh have the highest demand percentage for every 1 lac people. Maha rashtra, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu are the states with highest percentage of job openings.

Following the same trend as job role wise demand, Delhi NCR (536 positions per lac citizens) and Karnataka (151 positions per lac citizens) rank second and third, respectively. Though, Delhi NCR has more than 3 times the open positions in Karnataka when calculated with the function of population, while they have similar demand on the basis of total job roles.



Delhi NCRKarnataka Maharashtra


Tamil Nadu

U�ar Pradesh







0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500


meD)snoitisop boj nepo(

Popula�on(in lac)

Deductive Reasoning is the ability to make inferences and decide actions based on data containing multiple textual instructions and simple symbolic rules.

Highest demand of deductive reasoning is observed in Maharashtra (19.77%), followed by Karnataka (17.46%).

State Demand

Maharashtra 19.77%

Karnataka 17.46%

Delhi NCR 13.69%

Tamil Nadu 10.54%

Gujarat 6.36%

IV. Analysis of Deductive Reasoning and Software DevelopmentFor illustration, we analyze two skills in this section. A similar analysis can be done for other skills as well.

a) Heat map of the demand for Deductive Reasoning

b) Top 5 states with highest demand for Deductive Reasoning

Figure 4: Heat map of demand for Deductive Reasoning

Deductive Reasoning

Deductive Reasoning is the most desired skill required after English Comprehension. Figure (a) shows a heat map of demand and table (b) lists the top 5 states that have the highest demand for deductive reasoning.

0.00 19.77


14 Skill Map India 2017

State Demand

Karnataka 17.47%

Maharashtra 17.23%

Tamil Nadu 12.12%

Delhi NCR 11.11%

Gujarat 8.08%

States with main IT cities of India have highest open jobs for software development, with Karnataka ranking first with 17.47% demand across India

a) Heat map of the demand for Software Development

b) Top 5 states with highest demand for Deductive Reasoning

Figure 5: Heat map of demand for Software Development

Software Development

Software development is the most desired skill required for programming roles in IT industry. Figure (a) shows the heat map of demand and table (b) lists the top 5 states that have the highest demand for software development.

0.00 17.47




Top skills by demand

The table below shows the top 3 domain skills and its demand across various states in India calculated as a function of total job openings in a particular state:

State* Skill 1 Demand% Skill 2 Demand% Demand%Skill 3

Andhra Pradesh So�ware Development 12.11 Sales Situa�on

Handling 9.90 IT and Hardware 8.78

Assam Sales Situa�on Handling 19.67 Managerial Skills 11.60 Marke�ng 7.77

Bihar Sales Situa�on Handling 17.90 Marke�ng 8.02 Managerial Skills 7.22

Chandigarh So�ware Development 17.61 Sales Situa�on

Handling 10.03 IT and Hardware 6.40

Chha�sgarh Sales Situa�on Handling 19.55 Accoun�ng and

Banking Services 12.43 Managerial Skills 8.86

Delhi NCR Customer Service Situa�on Handling 21.25 Sales Situa�on

Handling 11.61 So�ware Development 7.86

Goa Sales Situa�on Handling 15.54 Managerial Skills 14.81 So�ware

Development 8.39

Gujarat So�ware Development 17.26 Sales Situa�on

Handling 10.41 Managerial Skills 7.16

Haryana IT and Hardware 10.96 Sales Situa�on Handling 9.33 Managerial Skills 9.23

Himachal Pradesh Sales Situa�on Handling 14.98 Managerial Skills 12.83 Accoun�ng and

Banking Services 6.06

Jammu and Kashmir Sales Situa�on Handling 24.52

Jharkhand IT and Hardware 13.11 Sales Situa�on Handling 11.35 Office

Administra�on 10.56

Karnataka So�ware Development 13.11 Sales Situa�on

Handling 7.36 Managerial Skills 7.22

* States and union territories with insignificant number of total open job positions are not included

16 Skill Map India 2017

State* Skill 1 Demand% Skill 2 Demand% Skill 3 Demand%

Kerala So�ware Development 15.59 Sales Situa�on

Handling 10.72 Managerial Skills 5.70

Madhya Pradesh So�ware Development 21.56 Sales Situa�on

Handling 11.75 Javascript 7.63

Maharashtra Sales Situa�on Handling 11.42 So�ware

Development 10.51 Managerial Skills 9.77

Orissa Sales Situa�on Handling 14.57 So�ware

Development 9.01 Managerial Skills 8.09

Punjab So�ware Development 19.88 Sales Situa�on

Handling 9.87 IT and Hardware 7.35

Rajasthan So�ware Development 12.86 Sales Situa�on

Handling 12.62 Managerial Skills 7.37

Tamil Nadu So�ware Development 14.88 Sales Situa�on

Handling 8.14 Managerial Skills 5.65

Telangana So�ware Development 13.88 Managerial Skills 6.91 IT and Hardware 5.86

U�ar Pradesh Sales Situa�on Handling 15.67 Managerial Skills 9.68 So�ware

Development 8.03

U�arakhand Sales Situa�on Handling 14.56 Managerial Skills 11.20 So�ware

Development 5.89

West Bengal Customer Service Situa�on Handling 16.73 Sales Situa�on

Handling 15.35 So�ware Development 8.01

* States and union territories with insignificant number of total open job positions are not included


Top job roles by demand

The table below shows the top 3 job roles and its demand across various states in India calculated as a function of total job openings in a particular state:

State* Job role 1 Demand% Job role 2 Demand% Job role 3 Demand%

Andhra Pradesh So�ware Developer 9.57 Sales Professional 9.37 General

Management Professional


Assam Sales Professional 15.49 General

Management Professional

12.49 Financial Services Manager 6.70

Bihar Sales Professional 16.02 General

Management Professional

10.01 Marke�ng Professional 5.63

Chandigarh So�ware Developer 14.42 Sales Professional 6.85 General

Management Professional


Chha�sgarh Sales Professional 18.84 General

Management Professional

11.17 Marke�ng Professional 7.74

Delhi NCR Sales Professional 9.67 So�ware Developer 8.31 General

Management Professional


Goa General

Management Professional

13.72 Sales Professional 12.64 Financial Services Manager 5.69

Gujarat So�ware Developer 13.23 Sales Professional 8.13 General

Management Professional


Haryana General

Management Professional

8.93 Sales Professional 8.16 So�ware Developer 8.04

Himachal Pradesh General

Management Professional

12.24 Sales Professional 10.69 Teaching Professional 6.89

Jammu and Kashmir General

Management Professional

20.43 - - - -

Jharkhand Sales Professional 11.19 General

Management Professional

9.89 Computer Technician 5.98

Karnataka So�ware Developer 10.73 Sales Professional 6.06 General

Management Professional


* States and union territories with insignificant number of total open job positions are not included

18 Skill Map India 2017

State* Job 1 Demand% Job 2 Demand% Job 3 Demand%

Kerala So�ware Developer 13.19 Sales Professional 9.01 General

Management Professional


Madhya Pradesh So�ware Developer 17.19 Sales Professional 7.40 So�ware Developer : Javascript 6.24

Maharashtra Sales Professional 9.01 So�ware Developer 8.77 General

Management Professional


Orissa Sales Professional 11.69 General

Management Professional

8.57 So�ware Developer 7.27

Puducherry (Pondicherry)

General Management Professional

10.64 So�ware Developer 10.21 - -

Punjab So�ware Developer 15.44 Sales Professional 6.77 General

Management Professional


Rajasthan Sales Professional 11.50 So�ware Developer 10.85 General

Management Professional


Tamil Nadu So�ware Developer 11.57 Sales Professional 7.08 General

Management Professional


Telangana So�ware Developer 12.12 Sales Professional 6.53 General

Management Professional


U�ar Pradesh Sales Professional 13.93 General

Management Professional

10.73 So�ware Developer 7.01

U�arakhand General

Management Professional

12.18 Sales Professional 11.79 So�ware Developer 5.23

West Bengal Sales Professional 13.06 Customer Service Representa�ve 9.82 So�ware Developer 7.08

* States and union territories with insignificant number of total open job positions are not included

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