Download pdf - Sketchbook 1: Marta Nael

  • 1Marta Nael









    Marta NaelSKETCHBOOK

  • 22014, Marta Nael Sketchbook 1

    2014, Marta Nael / Representado por Ediciones Babylon

    Coleccin Sketchbook n 1

    Ediciones Babylon

    Calle Martnez Valls, 56 46870 Ontinyent (Valencia-Espaa)

    e-mail: [email protected]

    ISBN: 978-84-15565-02-4

    Depsito legal: V811-2014

    Printed in Spain.

    Impreso por/ Printed by: Grficas Barcino 3000, S.L.

    Todos los derechos reservados.

    No est permitida la reproduccin total o parcial de cualquier parte de la obra, ni su transmisin de ninguna forma o medio, ya sea electrnico, mecnico, fotocopia u otro medio, sin el permiso de los titulares de los derechos.

    El contenido de esta obra es ficcin. Aunque contenga referencias a hechos histricos y lugares existentes, los nombres, personajes, y situaciones son ficticios. Cualquier semejanza con personas reales, vivas o muertas, empresas existentes, eventos o locales, es coincidencia y fruto de la imaginacin del autor.

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this work can be totally or partially reproduced, not even the transmission by any way or means, electronically, mechanically, by photocopy or other means, without the allowance of the rights holders.

    The content of this work is fictional. Despite it contains references to historical facts and existing locations, the names, the characters and situations are fictional. Any similarity with real people, dead or alive, existing companies, events or local, is pure coincidence and fruit of the authors imagination.

    Marta Nael


  • 28

    You may say Im a


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    NIGHT CENTAUR | 2014GrafitoGraphite bar

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    REDHEAD ELF | 2013Acuarela, pastel y acrlicoWatercolor, pastel and acrylic

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    WHITE ELF | 2014Acuarela y pastelWatercolor and pastel

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    BLUE RIDING HOOD | 2014Acuarela y pastelWatercolor and pastel

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    EVIL QUEEN | 2014Acuarela, pastel y acrlicoWatercolor, pastel and acrylic

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    VINMINEN | 2010LpizPencil

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    HORNS PRINCESS 2 | 2013Lpiz y boli blanco Pencil and white pen

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    ECHOES OF ETERNITY | 2012Lpiz y boli blanco Pencil and white pen

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    BARCELONA 1H. FROM LIFE 1 & 2 | 2010Lpiz y pastel Pencil and pastel