Download pptx - Sixth sense technology1

  • 1.Submitted By: Deep Kaur Sixth Sense Technology

2. Introduction Components How It Works Applications Advantages Future Plans Conclusion Content 3. Developed By Pranav Mistry.. Wearable gesture interface.. You can carry digital world with you wherever you go. Introduction 4. Camera Projector Mirror Mobile Components Colored Markers Components 5. Key Input Device.. Digital Eye Camera 6. Colored Markers 7. Projector 8. How It Works 9. Applications 10. Portable Support Multi touch Multiuser interaction Cost effective Open Source Software Data Access directly from the machine in real time. Advantages 11. To get red of color Markers. To have 3D Gesture tracing. Allowing this technology in various interest like Gaming, education and etc. Future Plans 12. Allowing us to interact with this information vie natural hand gesture. The potential of becoming the ultimate use transparent "user interface for accessing information about everything around us. Conclusion 13. Thanks 2 All Of You :)