



Movies depict Cleopatra, the last and most famous

queen of Egypt, as a beautiful woman living a dramatic life and dying a

tragic death.

In reality, Cleopatra was not a beauty in the

conventional sense. Coins minted during her reign

show a woman with masculin features.

She was the last pharaoh of Egypt.

Two powerful Roman rulers fell in love with her

and fought wars in her behalf. She

has been portrayed as both

a passionate, romantic heroine and an ambitious, calculating ruler.

But who really was Cleopara ?

Queen Cleopatra 7th of Egypt is the most well known of all the ancient egyptian queens. Cleopatra was born in 69 BC in Alexandria, the capital of ancient Egypt. Her father was Ptolemy 12th and her mother was Cleopatra 6th. She had three sisters and two brothers.

Cleopatra and her family were not Egyptians, but rather Macedonians, descended through a general of Alexander the Great. Cleopatra would become the first of her family who could actually speak the Egyptian language. She ruled Egypt from 51 BC to 30 BC.

Cleopatra was an educated woman. She learned about Egyptian and Greek culture, mathmatics, literature, astronomy and medicines. She could speak nine languages. Her intelligence was assisted to her beauty, charisma and passion which made her a powerful leader.

After her father’s death in 51 BC, Cleopatra was 17 and she quarreled with her two brothers silently over the throne. With the help of Julius Caesar, Emperor of Rome, she became the Queen of Egypt after her brothers were assassinated. Ceasar and Cleopatra became allies and shortly after, they married and has a son. But a short time later, Julius Ceasar was mysteriously killed in 44 BC.

Mark Antony, one of Julius’ generals took control over the Roman empire. After meeting Cleopatra, he fell in love with her but he married a Roman woman : Octavia, sister of Octavian, new Caesar of Rome. It was with Cleopatra, however, that Antony lived and had later three children. He divorced his Roman wife when Octavian declared war against him.

After Mark Antony’ s death, Cleopatra ended her life by comitting suicide. She allowed herself to be beaten by an asp, a poisonous snake. At the age of 39, the last Pharaoh of Egypt died and a whole period of Egyptian history was closed. The rule of Egypt finally passed to the






Format-How many paragraphs are there in the text ?

-How many sentences are there in the last paragraph ?

-How many verbs are there in the 3rd paragraph ?

Auxiliary Questions-Was Cleopatra the first woman to rule Egypt?

-Did she descent from an Egyptian dynasty ( family) ?

-Could she speak the Egyptian language ?-Was Cleopatra beautiiful ?

-Did Julius Saesar have any children with her ?-Did Cleopatra really love Mark Antony ?

-Did she die naturally ?-Were the Egyptians and the Romans in good

relations during Cleopatra’s reign ?

Information Questions-What or (who) is the text about?

-How long did she rule Egypt ?-What was Octavian ?

-Who did she marry after Julius’ death ?-When did Octavian declare war against Antony ?

-How did Cleopatra die ?-Who ruled Egypt after Cleopatra’s death ?

IdentificationWhat or who the underlined words in the text refer to ?

Which §1 ………………………..

Her §2 ………………………..

He §4 …………………………

The last Pharaoh §5 …………………………

In which paragraph is it mentioned that   : -Cleopatra was from a Greek Macedonian dynasty.

-Julius Saesar fell in love with Cleopatra.-Octavian was against Mark Antony.-Egypt became a Roman province.

Match each question in column A to its answer in column B


-What was Cleopatra ? -She was 17.

-Is Alexandria still the capital of Egypt?

-She comitted suicide.

-How old was Cleopatra when she became a Queen ?

-The last pharaoh of Egypt .

-How did she die ? -No, it isn’t.


Match the dates with their corresponding eventsDates Events

69 BC

51 BC

44 BC

30 BC

-Cleopatra died.

-Cleopatra became the Queen of Egypt.

-Cleopatra was born.

-Caesar died.

Match each title to its corresponding paragraphParagraphs Titles





Cleopatra’s Intellectual Abilities

Cleopatra’s Relationship with Mark Antony

Cleopatra’s Family

End of Pharaohs Era

Complete this form with information from the textName   : …………………………..

Date of birth   : …………………………….

Place of birth   : ………………………

Origin   : ………………………………

Job   : ……………………..

Number of children   : …………………….

Date of death   : ……………………..

Complete the table with the events that correspond to the following dates :

Dates Events

69 BC51 BC44 BC



Complete the table with the dates that correspond to the following events

Events Dates

Ptolemy 12th death

Caesar’s dearth

Cleopatra’s death




Choose the correct letter a, b or c to complete the sentences

-The text is …………………….

a- an article b- a life story c-a report

-…………………………. Was the last Pharaoh of Egypt.

a-Ptolemy 12th b-Cleopatra 6th c-Cleopatra 7th

-…………………………ruled Egypt after Cleopatra was dead.

a-The Romans b-The Macedonians c-The Egyptians

Choose the correct answer to complete the sentencesCleopatra had …………….

-an eventful life.

-a simple life.

-a though life.

She was a successful leader ………………..

-because she was loved by the Egyptians.

-because she was a highly intelligent and strong woman.

-because she was allient with the Romans.

Cleopatra ended her life…………….

-because she was afraid of being captured by Octavian.

-because the Romans declared war on Egypt.

-because Antony’s death caused her depression and weakness.

Which of the following is « not » true about Cleopatra ?

-She lived a luxurious life.

-She wasof an Egyptian origin.

-She was of an extraordinary intelligence and charisma.

Who of the following people played a great role in Cleopatra’s life ?

-Julius Caesar.

-Ptolemy 12th.

-Mark Antony.

How did Cleopatra put an end to her life ?

-She threw herself from a high place.

-She stapped herself by a sword or a knife.

-She was bitten by a poisonous asp.

Which sentence best summerizes each paragraph ?

Paragraph 1

-Ptolemy 12th was a pharaoh of Egypt.

-The queen Cleopatra was born and educated in Egypt .

-Cleopatra’s family was big.

Paragraph 2

-Julius Saesar helped Cleopatra became the queen of Egypt then married her.

-Cleopatra’s first child, Ceasarion, was from Julius.

-Julius Caesar died in Rome in 44 BC.

Paragraph 3

-Octavian announced war against Egypt.

-Mark Antony’s love and relashionship with Cleopatra .

-Mark Antony divorced Octavia to live with Cleopatra.

Paragraph 4

-Cleopatra died at the age of 39.

-The end of the Egyptian monarchs was by an asp.

-After Cleopatra’s death, the Romans ruled Egypt.

Which sentence best summerizes the text

-The last pharaoh of Egypt was not Egyptian

-The life of Cleopatra, the last pharaoh of Egypt was very famous in history.

-Egypt became Roman in 30 BC.

Choose the most appropriate title to the text

Cleopatra and Mark Antony

End of the Pharaoh Era

Queen Cleopatra, Daughter of the Nile

Cleopatra and the Romans

Read the text and write : True ; False or Not mentioned

-Cleopatra was born in 69 BC in Alexandia. ………………………

-She was not Egyptian yet she ruled Egypt ………………………

-Julius Caesar and Cleopatra did not have any children …………………..

-Ptolemy 12th was much hated ny the Egyptians…………………..

-Cleopatra was the eldest child of King Ptolemy………………

-Cleopatra succeeded as queen ………………

-Caesar was fifty-two years old when he first met Cleopatra…………..

-Antony committed suicide……………

-Cleopatra died in Rome ……………………

Read the text and put a tick in the right box

-Cleopatra was the last pharaoh of Egypt.

-Her love life was very complex.

-She took on the Egyptian religion.

- Cleopatra came to power in Egypt at the age of 17.

Cleopatra needed Roman support to become a queen of Egypt.

-The Ptolemies ruled Egypt from 323BC to 30 BC.


Find in the text what happened in the following dates

69 BC : ……………………………

51 BC : …………………………….

44 BC : ……………………………..

30 BC :………………………………….

Find in the text three names of Rome’s greatest leaders




Match each word in column A to its synonym in column B









Passed away

Match each word in column A to its opposite in column B





The first



The last


Match each word to the appropriate definition

Words Definitions

The capital




Long thin animal with no legs that moves by sliding.

Science of preventing and curing diseases.

Period of fighting between two countries.

The main city or town in a country where the government is.

Find in the text words that have the following definitions

-Qualities in a person that cause attracion, pleasure and good looking.

It is ……………………………

-The science that studies the outer space : planets, stars and moons.

Assassinated means :………….




A powerful leader means …………….

a-a leader who strongly controls his people

b-a leader who is very gentle with his people

c-a leader who is hated by his people

To suicide means……

a-to kill oneself violently

b-to kill onself volunteerly

c-to die naturally

Took control over a country means : ………… 

a-gave up leading a country

b-ruled a country

c-won victory over a country

What do these words mean ? Choose the correct meaning a, b or c

Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following

Permitted= ……………… Intellectual=……………

The reign=………………… murdered=……………………

Find in the text words that are opposite in meaning to the following

Terminated a marriage=/=……………….. enemies=/=…………………

Life=/=………………… gave=/=……………………….

Fill in the gaps withthe appropriate words from the text

-Cleopatra was the …………… pharaoh in Egyptian history.

-Cleopatra came to the throne ……….. the death of her father and two brothers.

-She ruled Egypt ………21 years.

-Her death ……….. the period of pharaohs forever.

Fill in the gaps with the following words

ancient - powerful - most - death - ruled

cleopatra is by far one of the …………ever famous queens of all times in ……….. Egypt. Her story of love and …………… is very

famous. She ……….. Egypt and made it quite ……………

Cleopatra’s Lineage

Cleopatra’s full name was Cleopatra Thea Philopator VII. She was a descendant of the Ptolemic dynasty. One of

her forefathers was Ptolemic I who was the Greek general during the reign of Alexander the Great.

Ptolemic I became the Greek ruler after Alexander’s death. This is how Cleopatra later became a reigning


Activities Related

ToMastery Of


Choose the correct form of the verbs in brackets

There have been many queens that reigned in Ancient Egypt. Hatshepsut, Nefertari, Nefertiti and Cleopatra (are – was – were) the best known queens of ancient Egypt. They

(come – came – had come) to power at a young age. Nowadays, their lives and achievements ( are studied –

studied –were studied) in the world’s most famous universities.

Mach the questions in column A to their answers in column B


-How did Cleopatra die ?

-Why did she kill herself ?

-How long did she rule Egypt ?

-Who ruled Egypt after her death ?

-For 21 years.

-The Romans did.

-She was very depressed.

-By committing suicide.

Hatshepsut was born in the 18th

Dynasty. Hatshepsut was

a powerful pharaoh that

used propaganda and her intelligence to maintain her

stance as pharaoh.

Nefertari was the favorite

Queen of Ramses II the most powerful

pharaoh to ever rule


Nefertiti is known for her

elegant beauty. She ruled alongside Akhenaten during the eighteenth

dynasty (1550-

Though we know her as

Queen Cleopatra VII,

she was actually a pharaoh that is perhaps the

most documented,

written about, and studied

female ruler in Egypt.

Match A and B to form correct sentences


-Cleopatra was classified by historians the last pharaoh of


-Cleopatra’s story is the most ever famous

-Cleopatra could speak 9 languages among them the

Egyptian language

-Octavian declared war against Mark Anotony

-so she was the only Ptolemy to speak the Egyptian ;

-when he gave more power to Cleopatra over the Roman


-not because of her great love but she was deeply in love of


-because after she died, Egypt became a Roman province.

Complete the following questions with the correct question words

Qusetions answers

-………..was Cleopatra when her father died ?

-………helped fer become a queen ?

-……..caused her death ?

-………..did she die?

-She was 17 years old.

-Julius Ceasar did.

-Apoisonous snake.

-In 30 BC.

Correct the words’ order to get coherent sentences

powerful / keep / Egypt / Cleopatra / she / the Romans / was / alient to / because / could


-the first / language / She / the Egyptian / to speak / Ptolemy / was


Write the correct form of the verbs in brackets

Ancient Egyptians (to bring) several contributions in farming, medicine, astronomy, agriculture, writing and religion.

Despite the hostile environment were they (to evolve), they (to succeed) their authority in the Middle East.

Spot the mistakes and rewrite the corrected sentences

-Cleopatra lives a life that is more complex than many people think.



-She has reigned Egypt from 51 BC to30 BC.



-Cleopatra had twins. The twins were names : Cleopatra Supply the right punctuation and capitals where necessary

-cleopatra was the eldest child of king ptolemy

- julius ceasar found in her all the qualities of a perfect woman

-cleopatra was the most famous queen in ancient egypt wasn’t she

-She was charming clever generous and ambitious

Cleopatra Selene II, married Juba,

the Berber King of Numidia.

Rewrite the following sentences into the imperative

-We should learn about olcient civilizations.


-You mustn’t stop learning until you die.


Rewrite the following sentences into the future

-The Egyptians were able to create a secure nation.


-They were experts in farming and sciences.


Rewrite the following sentences into the passive voice

-The Egyptians invented the Papyrus paper.


-You can find pictures of real Cleopatra in Cairo museum.


Rewrite the following passage using « You » instead of « She »

She was an independent ruler. She ruled for 3 years until she was forced to flee to Syria by one of her father’s advisors, but she didn’t give up so easily. she came rolled up in a carpet in Caesar's presence so that she could appeal to him for help to

get her throne back.

Julius Caesar was born (by Caesarean section according to an unlikely legend) of Aurelia and Gaius Julius Caesar, a

praetor in Rome on 12 or 13 July 100 BC. He was one of the greatest statesmen ever. After his brilliant conquest of

Gaul; his loyal army was willing to follow him on campaigns in Egypt, Africa and Spain which made him Master of the

Roman world.

Rewrite the following sentences into the singular or the plural

-The pyramids are the only surviving wonders of the ancient worls.

-……………………………………………………………………………………. .

-The first pyramid was built in Giza 2500 years BC.

-…………………………………………………………………………….Complete the following table correctly

Noun adjective









Use the correct prefix to form the opposite

Words Opposites









The Roman politician and general Mark Antony (83 BC–30 B.C.) was an ally of Julius Caesar and the main rival of his successor Octavian (later


His romantic and political alliance with the Egyptian queen Cleopatra was his ultimate

undoing, and centuries later provided inspiration for artists from Shakespeare to Cecil

B. DeMille.

Fill in the gaps with the suitable word

than – that – may – was - while

Cleopatra ………. the last pharaoh of ancient Egypt. ………… the majority of her life involved her relationship with Mark Antony ,

Cleopatra lived a life ………… was more complex ……. many people ………. believe.

Find the correct questions to complete the following dialogue

A-……………………………………………………………. ?

B-The Egyptian pharaoh built the pyramids.

A-……………………………………………………………… ?

B-There are about 80 pyramids left from ancient Egypt, but only 3 greatest are best known and preserved.

A-…………………………………………………………… ?

B-The first and greatest pyramid was built by the pharaoh Khufu around 2630 BC.

A-…………………………………………………………….. ?

B-It took 20 years and more than 100.000 men to build it.

The pyramid's smooth, angled sides symbolized the

rays of the sun and were designed to help the king's soul ascend to heaven and join the gods, particularly

the sun god Ra.

Complete the following passage using the suitable relative pronoun

who - which - that - when

pharaoh is a word ………… was given to refer to the person « King » …………. Used to rule ancient Egypt. It is an Egyptian

word……….. meant « Great House ». ………… this word was first used, it referred to the palace of the King and its greatness.

Complete the following passage using the correct relative pronoun

The most famous Egyptian pharaoh today is, without doubt, Tutankhamun. Tutankhamun was probably born at Akhetaten ………… was the capital city of Egypt. He was born in about the year 1346 BC. He became pharaoh at the tender age of nine in

1337 BC and reigned during the 18th Dynasty………… the Egyptian Empire was at its height. He reigned from about 1337 to 1328 BC. His tomb was discovered by a team of

British archaeologists in 1922, nearly 3000 years after his death. The reason………… Tutankhamun is so well known today

is that his tomb, containing fabulous treasures, was found early this century (1922) by British archaeologists Howard

Carter and Lord Carnarvon…….. were searching for old treasures of the Nile. Egypt's boy-king Tutankhamun ……….

tomb was discovered on November 4, 1922 by English archaeologist Howard Carter still amazes scientists.

Howard Carter was born in 1874 in

Norfolk, England and died on March 2nd, 1939 in London.

The goloden mask of King Tutankhamun

Combine the following statements into a new one using the words in brackets

-Cleopatra was Macedonian. She ruled Egypt as an Egyptian queen. (although)


-She had a brilliant personality. She deserved better than a suicide. (so)


-Cleopatra had a luxurius life. Her story ended in tragedy. (but)


- She was heir to the throne. She was the eldest child of King Ptolemy 12th. (because)


Choose the correct suffix to get the noun of the job of the following

Words Noun of jobs









Find in the text 4 verbs and complete the following table

Regular verbs Irregular verbs





Octavian became master of Egypt which became his private garden. Cleopatra's

children were sent to Rome except Caesarion who was killed on his way back to Egypt.

Cleopatra Selene married King Juba II and her brothers Alexander and Ptolemaeus

disappeared in strange circumstances.

Complete the table from the text with 2

Adverbs of manner Time sequencers Passive form verbs







What happened to Cleopatra’s children ?




Find in the text four words that contain the following sounds

/ei/ /ai/





Pick out from the text 4 verbs and complete the following table

/d/ /t/ /id/

1-……………. 2-………………. 3-…………………….


Pick out from the text 4 words and complete the following table

/s/ /z/ /iz/

1-………………. 2-……………………



Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their consonant sounds

charisma – passion – children – pharaoh

/f/ /k/ /∫/ /t∫/

-…………….. -……………… -……………. -…………….

Pick out from the text 4 words that have the following sounds

/a:/ /Ↄ:/ /u:/ /i:/

1-………. 2-…………. 3-………… 4-…………..

Classify the following words according to the pronunciation of their diphtongs

however – over – poisonous – suicide

/ai/ /Ↄi/ /əƱ/ /aƱ/

-……………….. -………………… -……………………


Pick out from the text a word to each of the following lists

/i/ /e/ /ə/ /æ /

















Copy down these words and circle thesilent letter

-born - which - Egypt

-leader - whole - when

-through - castle - pharaoh

-knew - carpet - could

In each list, pick out the word with a different vowel sound

List 1 : went - lead - led - wealthy

List 2 : tease - feel - nest - keys

List 3 : pain - clean - space - page

List 4 : ready - pair - stair - care

Match each word in column A to its rhyming word in column B

One word in column B has no rhyming word in column A











Read the text and find one word that rhymes with each of

List 1 :town - mouth - house - …………………..

List 2 : race - mate - grade - …………………..

List 3 : line - cry - sight - …………………..

List 4 : bed - can - marry - ………………….

Situationss Of


Date Team Class Name

The ancient Egypt began to develop a writing system over 5000 years ago. They used the picture of objects, people and animals to write down their language and today we call this writing system Egyptian Hieroglyphs. The name, “hieroglyphs” mean “gods’ drawings”. There are over 700 hieroglyphic signs. They can be written from top to bottom or across the page. I f they are across the page, they can be written from left to right or right to left. The Egyptians wrote the names of their kings inside oval-shaped container that Egyptologist called “cartouches.”

Part 1:





Please decode the following hieroglyphic message and answer the last question.





At the occasion of Women’s Day, your teacher has asked you to write the biography of famous women who marked the world’s and your country’s history. You chose to write about two legendary women : Cleopatra, the queen of Egypt and the heroine of the Djurdjura, Lalla Fatma N’Soumer.

1-According to what you have read about the queen Cleopatra, write a short composition about her : birth, family, reign, relationship with Julius Caesar and Mark Antony,death

2-Use the following information to write the biography of « Lalla Fatma N’ Soumer

Name : Lalla Fadhma n'Soumer, Lalla Faḍma n Sumer(Kabyle)

Nickname : Heroine of the Djurdjura

Date of birth : 1830

Place of birth : Ain El Hammam

Job : Kabyle resistance fighter against the French conquest of Algeria

Achievements: give the French lessons in courage and determination / win victory in Oued Sbadou battlein 1854/ Icherridene and Tachkrit battle on July 18, 1854

-accept / cease fire / prepare / improve her organization and reinforce her troops

-1857 / Fatma / be arrested, imprisoned in the Issers then in Tablat

Date of death: 1863 / age 33 years

Lalla Fadhma N'Soumer photographed after being

arrested by the French army in 1857.

History is the science that collects, relates and interprets the most important knowledge

ever lived since man appeared on the earth’s surface until

nowadays. It searches for causes and consequences so that, it can explain past events, understand our present and speculate our

Cleopatra, perhaps the greatest woman of ancient times, has her amazing story told and illustrated in this exciting worksheet,

with art from ancient times to modern

Mrs. FB Kh

El Cheikh Moulay Bencherif Middle School