Page 1: Silver Gate Yacht lub Volume 65, Issue… · One more little-known chance you have to help out others is to donate

Silver Gate Yacht Club

Recently, By-Law amendments were proposed by the Board of Directors (BoD) and mailed out to Flag members for their comment and approval. All of the comment let-ters submitted were written by fellow Silvergaters who have contributed much time and effort to our club over the years. I think their participation obligates me to give their opinions greater weight than those from members who, for whatever reason, are not as active. However, one letter gave me pause and it is the reason for my message this month. It was addressed to “Dear Flag Members” and opened with the lines,

“Several Bylaw changes have been proposed by our present BOD. Their effects on our Flag Members (emphasis mine) are of real concern to all of us.”

The sentiment expressed in those lines, which dismissed all other categories of SGYC membership bothered me. Why? Because the plain truth is that without our Associate and Junior Flag members, our Flag members would pay much more for what they have at Sil-ver Gate Yacht Club. Flag members who wistfully desire that SGYC be comprised only of fellow Flag members should be willing to pay the full cost of such a club. We certainly don’t do that now, and I doubt there are many of us who are prepared to do so.

Associate and Junior Flag members pay dues, fees, and assessments that, just like those of a Flag member, go towards maintaining and operating both our clubhouse and our mari-na. Yet, Associate and Junior Flag members essentially do not use the marina. They don’t use the clubhouse as much as Flag members do either, using Bar and Galley sales re-ceipts as an indicator. And remember, there are more Associate and Junior flag members combined than there are Flag members.

Trivia question: If SGYC had no Associate or Junior Flag members, what would the slip rate have to be to compensate for the loss of their dues, fees, and assessments?

Answer: About $8.00/foot, and we would likely have to close the Bar and Galley due to the loss of patronage.

(Continued on page 6)

Inside this issue

Commodore ................................. 1

Vice Commodore .......................... 2

Rear Commodore ......................... 3

Book Club ..................................... 3

Treasurer ...................................... 4

Junior Sailing ................................ 5

Jr. Staff Commodore ..................... 6

America’s Schooner Cup ............... 7

Port Captain ................................. 8

Silver Gate Anglers ....................... 9

Membership ............................... 10

Calendars ................................... 12

Upcoming Events ........................ 13

March 2017 Volume 65, Issue 3

Commodore Greg Barnett

Soundings Due Dates

April Issue 03/27

May Issue 04/25

June Issue 05/26

Page 2: Silver Gate Yacht lub Volume 65, Issue… · One more little-known chance you have to help out others is to donate

Vice Commodore Terry Van Winkle

Whoa. Is this still San Diego!? Ten inches of rain in a month, 60 mile per hour winds (gusts over 70!). Sand covering (well, maybe not covering, but definitely on) our boat from a beach 200 yards away. I guess we’re not in Kansas anymore. Ac-tually Kansas can be a lot worse sitting in the middle of Tornado Alley, so we don’t have much to complain about. San Diego and Silver Gate Yacht Club still remain ideal places to live and enjoy boating activities. But a big thanks to P/C Terry Willis and all the dock watchers for securing loose dock lines and assorted paraphernalia and keeping SGYC free from any major damage during the various storms.

And it is our job as the elected Bridge and Board of Silver Gate Yacht Club to assure we as a club continue as a viable force that each member can take pride in and sup-port with Corinthian spirit, boating, racing, charity events and community outreach that benefit our club and members. The ballot currently circulating contains pro-posals that assure we proceed in that direction. If you have voted already, thank you for your vote. If you have not, I encourage you to vote in favor of all three prop-

ositions: increasing the number of Associates; requiring yearly demonstration of seaworthiness; and allowing re-tired members to opt for Associate status if they obtain a boat and decide to become active again.

Increasing the limit for Associates is particularly important as it is a means to increase revenues – something that is needed for the reasons discussed in previous articles by me and many others. As part of my duties as Vice Commodore, I also chair the Finance Committee. The Club is in good financial shape, but operates on a bare-bones budget as noted last month. We need to establish a Contingency or Reserve Fund for unexpected future expenditures such as the recent water heater repair. Painting and upkeep of the building is also needed and is an anticipated future cost that needs to be addressed. We have approved money-saving actions such as LED light-ing for the parking lot and solar heating for the pool area. We are assembling a potential capital expenditure pro-ject list for larger projects that will need to be incorporated in the future. All of these steps require planning, so we are resuming our Long Range Planning committee. It will be a big job but a necessary one as Silver Gate moves into its future.

Closer to the present, America’s Schooner Cup month (March if you forgot) is rapidly approaching. Our next meeting of the ASC Committee will be this coming Saturday, February 25

th @ 9:00 am in the banquet room. You

probably know the schedule for the month:

Sunset Cruise & Raffle March 18 Schooner Presentation March 24 Cheeseburger in Paradise & Silent Auction March 31 America’s Schooner Cup & Awards Dinner April 1

We still need volunteers to help with the event. Selling T-shirts – and especially selling Star Clipper tickets – are big priorities. And there is always room for more donations either for the Silent Auction or raffle following the Sun-set Cruise. And speaking of the Sunset Cruise, we still need a few more boats. The event has proven so popular that we have expanded the sign-up and could use additional boats to accommodate the newcomers. There is a boat sign-up sheet in the lobby or contact Gail Davie or me to register your boat.

Thanks to all for their participation in this very worthy cause in support of our Navy and Marine Corps families.

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March 2017

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Rear Commodore George Woodley


It’s time again to remind our membership that donations, of every kind, are what we at Silver Gate are about. To those of you who donate your valuable time to the many charitable projects, on and off the club grounds, your Bridge and Board extend our heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you. But let’s not forget that we are coming up on Schooner Cup and, not long after, the annual Wheelchair Regatta. These are projects that, for the former, benefit the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society and, for the latter, is an in-house event where hundreds of handicapped and/or disa-bled citizens of San Diego get to spend a day at our club to enjoy an hour or so tour-ing the bay on our members’ boats as well as boats owned by members of nearby clubs. And afterward, they get to have lunch on us.

Wheelchair Regatta is in it’s 57th year, and several of our members have volunteered their time for many of those

years. Why do they do it? Aside from their big hearts and generosity, unless you have participated in one of these events you cannot believe the feeling you get from helping to make another person’s life just a little bit bet-ter. For may of the passengers it is the only chance they have all year to get out and enjoy our beautiful city and waterway. It is an opportunity that comes around only once each year, so don’t miss out. Our first monthly WCR Committee meeting was held a few days ago. The turnout was more than encouraging, and we will soon have sign-up sheets for those of you that want to participate. We are forming committee chairs, and there are still a few openings where you can share your talents with the rest of us. Remember, this is an in-house event and we

(Continued on page 4)

Enjoy Reading and Discussing What You’ve Read?

The next SGYC Book Club date is Sunday, March 26th at 11:00 AM in the library.

The book selection: Moonglow, by Pulitzer-Prize winning author Michael Chabon. The discussion will be led by Cathy Coverley.

Questions? Contact Susan Fantle at [email protected]

March 2017

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Treasurer Mike Van Mouwerik

March 2017

Last month I wrote about how we balanced the 2017 budget and I told you about some of my areas of concern. The two things that can drive a budget out of balance are increased costs or declining revenues.

We have included details in many articles about some of the cost drivers that have increased the total cost to operate the club. In this article I would like to look at the revenue side and discuss how changes to Flag Equivalents impacts our funding.

For this general discussion, Flag members pay full dues and assessments, Junior Flags pay one half of these fees and Associates pay one fourth. So it takes two Junior Flags or four Associates to equal one Full Flag member when calculating club reve-nues. Dues, galley fees and assessment for a Flag total $315 per month

This Flag equivalent number has been on the decline for the past several years, and as such, revenue from dues and assessments has also declined. Looking back ten years, 2007 was a peak for Flag Equivalents at 236. This was comprised of 172 Flags, 118 Jr. Flags and 20 Associate members. The Great Recession hit the nation

in 2008 and by 2009 our Flag Equivalent numbers dropped to 211.25. During the tear town and construction of the new house we saw a new low for membership at 187.75 Flag Equivalents. This consisted of 157 Flags, 68 Junior Flags and 3 Associates.

With the new house nearing completion, excitement and aggressive membership drive efforts had returned Flag Equivalents to the 2007 levels of 236.5. This was in 2014, the first full year of occupancy in the new clubhouse. This Flag Equivalent number was comprised of 166 Flags, 104 Junior Flags and 74 Associate members.

(Continued on page 8)

need all the help we can get. There are a lot of things to do in a very short period of time. The actual event only takes a few hours, but planning and preparation take quite a bit longer. Sign up for one of the committees and find out what it’s all about – you will be glad you did.

One more little-known chance you have to help out others is to donate your old, tired car to charity. Call 855-500-RIDE. That’s it! They will pick up your car and give you a tax deductible receipt for its donation. When all is said and done, the Silver Gate Foundation (specifically Jr. Sailing) gets to share in the money received. Pretty good deal all ‘round.

And let’s not forget Amazon. When you buy something on Amazon, make sure the web page displayed at the top of your screen has the word “smile” before the words “”. It should look something like this: If it doesn’t, just add the word and continue ordering. When you do this, Amazon do-nates a small amount of your purchase to the Silver Gate Foundation. Nothing else for you to do, and you help out a good cause because whatever is donated, all of it goes to Jr. Sailing, America’s Schooner Cup (Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society), and the Wheelchair Regatta.

(Rear Commodore, Continued from page 3)

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I just returned from Austin Texas where this year’s US Sailing National Sailing Pro-grams Symposium (NSPS) was held. US Sailing does a terrific job of bringing to-gether attendees and presenters with the common goal of improving and growing our sailing programs. As is typical after the NSPS, I am stuffed with ideas for the growth and improvement of our Silver Gate Junior program and anxious to imple-ment them. But, I really need your help to do this. If you’ve been looking for a great way to become involved with our club – Junior Sailing is it! If you’ve been thinking that there are other members who have it all taken care of – wrong! The other mem-bers are not doing it and We Need YOU! There are a wide variety of tasks that we need help with – no special skills necessary. But, if you have some special skill or knowledge we’d love to utilize it. We need help with web design, social media, mar-keting, boat maintenance and repair, fundraising, partnership outreach, fleet regis-trations, REACH implementation ( wow, is that a great pro-gram –check it out!), instructor recruiting and training, supervision (on and off the water), registration management, and on and on! Please join us on Saturday March 4th at 9:00AM in the banquet room for a get acquainted/get engaged meeting.

We have two new O’Pen BIC boats ordered for a mid-March delivery. This will bring our BIC fleet to 8! The kids love these boats and they are also terrific to teach with. We were the first program in San Diego to add the BIC’s to our fleet back in 2012 and I’m happy to say that MBYC and CYC have finally jumped on the bandwagon and have boats on the way as well. The Sabots will likely remain with us for the foreseeable future, but in the world of youth sailing programs we are recognizing that fun and adventure are the keys to success – and the BIC boats deliver that in spades!

As I reported to you in January we are desperately in need of instructors. The dynamics of our program make grooming and retaining qualified instructors con-tinually difficult. So I’ll ask again that you please be on the lookout for possible instructors. Historically, our instructors have been college-age with some back-ground in organized sailing and have their US Sailing Level 1 teaching certification. This could also be a

terrific opportunity for a young teacher with a sailing background and the summer off from teaching. If anyone knows of a way to get this message out to the young teachers in San Diego please let me know.

We’re looking forward to another great year in SGYC Junior Sailing! Remember we are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit cor-poration and your donations are tax deductible. Cash, boats, motors, cars – we’re grateful for all of it and you get the write-off! is the link for car, truck or motorhome donations.

Please join us on March 4th

at 9:00 AM for our Get Acquainted-Get Engaged! meeting in the banquet room. And thanks again for your support and encouragement.

Fair Winds and Smiling Faces!!

Junior Sailing Kent Prater

March 2017

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Jr. Staff Commodore Richard Benscoter

What I’ve realized over the years in working with many people is that there is nothing as vital to a relationship, and yet as fragile, as trust.

We take trust for granted in our everyday lives. You board that airplane assuming the mechanic did his job properly and that the pilots are focused during your flight. If your dentist informs you of a cavity, you have it filled. Your tax accountant says you owe, you write the check.

Most of these people we have a passing relationship with – some we don’t know them at all. But we trust them explicitly.

We, the Flag Members, elected thirteen flag members of various professional back-grounds to manage our club and provide their educated recommendations for the management of our club. We know them, we elected them, and we should explicitly trust in their recommendations to move the club forward. Yet many members rely on

opinions, conjecture, or NIMBY.

If you want to know what really is going on – attend a Board of Directors meeting; become involved, ask your own questions, and draw your own conclusions.

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March 2017

As Commodore, I appreciate our Associate and Junior Flag members. They enrich us, both socially and finan-cially. I’ll confess that when I hear the opinion that all categories of membership ought to “share the pain” when it comes time for a cost increase, I think to myself that our Associate and Junior Flag members alleviate our collec-tive pain too much already. I do not believe they exist merely to maintain Flag members in our $4.00/foot slips on Shelter Island. SGYC’s membership dues and assessments are commensurate with other yacht clubs in the region, however our slip rate is not. It has not been raised in ten years. Even then, way back in 2007, it was raised by only 40 cents. Until Flag members vote to approve an increase in our slip rate I believe it would be unconscionable to impose a dues increase on our Associate and Junior flag members, since they have no vote and no say in the matter.

When the BoD and I took our oaths of office, we promised to manage Silver Gate Yacht Club on behalf of all 524 members in every category of membership. We do not manage the club for just the 153 Flag members privi-leged to vote. Doing the right thing for all of our members while managing the club’s day-to-day operations has its challenges. Meeting those challenges when confronted by the fact it only takes a fraction of voting Flag members to block attempts by the BoD to effect change, fairly, for the entire membership is difficult. It is the re-ality faced by every SGYC BoD.

The letter I cited above also contained the statement, “Our present Bylaws have been well-tested through our 63 years”, as if to suggest amending them would never be prudent. Reality is that time marches on. External and internal forces impact us. Things eventually and inevitably change. SGYC must adapt to these changes if it is to survive. Consequently, I ask Flag members to recognize the amount of time and thoughtful effort any BoD, not just the current one, devotes to carefully considering a proposed change before it mails out a ballot for your ap-proval. I am not suggesting your vote should be an automatic approval of everything a BoD ever recommends. However, if you’re leaning towards disapproving a proposal, please take the time and directly ask a member of the Bridge or the BoD why they endorse it. I ask that you engage at least that much with those of us who volun-teer to serve you.

Better Days

(Commodore, continued from page 1)

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America’s Schooner Cup

MARCH IS SCHOONER CUP MONTH March is Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society Month

!!! Come join in the fun times!!!

T-Shirts on Sale Weekends 9-12

From March 4

Friday March 18 – 5 to 7PM Sunset Bay Cruise with Cheese and Wine Raffle prizes and music in Silver Gate bar after. Sign up now with the office. Friday March 31 – CHEESEBURGER IN PARADISE Dinner and Dance

Cheeseburger in Paradise buffet dinner Schooner Bar Trop-Rock music for listening and dancing by

Gary Seiler and the Coast Riders starting at 7PM SILENT AUCTION in the lobby

Saturday April 1 – 29th America’s Schooner Cup Start/Finish line right off SGYC at 11:30AM Awards Dinner with drawing for Star Clipper Cruise and live music

Here’s the tall ship, s/v Californian, racing for the 2015 Cup. This year the Californian will be racing and the San Salvador will sail along as a spectator boat. SGYC members can sail on either ship during the race for $50: $15 off the normal price. Go to and use the code SGYC for the discount while tickets last.

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Since 2014 we have experienced a slow decline in these numbers. In January of 2017 our Flag Equivalent num-ber was down to 211.25 this is similar to the number we had after the Great Recession of 2008. In January we stood at 151 Flags, 82 Jr. Flags and 77 Associates.

The drop from 236.5 to 211.25 is a reduction of 25.25 Flag Equivalents. In dollars this is 25.25 members times $315 times 12 months or $95,445 that we collected in 2014 that we will not collect in 2017.

I have gone through all of these numbers to provide some perspective on the two main points I would like you to take away from this article.

The 2017 Budget was based on a Flag Equivalent number of 215. We have started the year below that number.

We need a Flag Equivalent number of 210 in order to meet our loan requirements to collect 125% of debt service. We are currently just above that number.

So beyond monitoring costs each month, these membership numbers are something we need to watch closely as well. We need to look at both Expenditures and Revenues to ensure that we close the year with at least one dollar positive by year-end as required in the loan covenants.

This past month we made unanticipated repairs to a club water heater, as well as, replacement of a pump for the spa. As the year progresses it will likely become more difficult to handle these types of unanticipated events. As Treasurer it will be my fiduciary responsibility to make sure our expenditures do not exceed our annual revenues. I have supported the last two ballot measures for fee increases in order to avoid expenditure reductions or running the club pay check to pay check. I continue to believe that without some form of fee increase the quality of our club will be greatly diminished.

(Treasurer, Continued from page 4)

Page 8

March 2017

SGYC made it through one of the strongest storms to hit San Diego in a long time. I saw sustained winds of 34 knots to 38 knots, with gusts to 48 knots. The boats in slips at our club did well with no damage that I could see. The reason our boats fared so well was preparation prior to the storm. I saw many members securing their boats, dinghies, sails, and canvas and removing items normally stored on deck. I personally want to thank you for your actions and also to the many mem-bers who volunteered to be called on if help was needed.

See you on the docks.

Port Captain Terry Willis

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The Silver Gate Anglers have started the New Year with our monthly breakfast meetings. On Sunday, January 29

th Doug Kern, from Fisherman’s Landing, provided a well-received presentation about fishing San Diego Bay.

Doug talked about the many species of fish that call our bay home, where to find them and, more importantly, how to catch them. His presentation also included tips on the best tackle to use and how to use the tides to best ad-vantage while fishing the big bay. The raffle included some great tackle for fishing the bay and inshore waters.

Our most recent meeting was Sunday, February 19th. Dr. Ned Chambers presented on the subject of ‘Medical

Emergencies Afloat’. Dr. Chambers has been at Silver Gate in the past and gave the members invaluable infor-mation as well as some great handouts to keep on the boat. Among the raffle prizes was a high quality Bubba-Blade fillet knife won by Dave Endert Jr. We know he will put it to good use.

Our next meeting is scheduled for Sunday, March 12

th. We will feature a speaker from the Hubbs-

SeaWorld Research Institute who will tell us about successes in restoring the white seabass popula-tion off our Southern California coast. You won’t want to miss this opportunity to learn about the efforts to sustain our fisheries in our own waters.

All Silver Gate members are welcome to attend our monthly Sunday breakfast meetings in the banquet room. We start at 10:00 AM with intro-ductions, and then enjoy a complete buffet breakfast prepared by our food service provider Consummate Cater-ing. Following the presentation, we always have a great raffle. Cost is $10 (plus the usual tax and tip) charged to your Silver Gate account. If you desire to come for the presentation only, that’s OK. We do ask that all who plan to attend RSVP to the SGYC office by the Friday before the event so that we know how many places we need when we set up the room.

I hope to see you all soon!

Silver Gate Anglers Jim Hallameyer

March 2017

Silent Auction/Raffle Donations Needed! We are seeking donations of gift certificates and other items suitable for our Silent Auction and/or Raffle. The raffle is in conjunction with the Sunset Cruise on March 18th. If you'd like to donate, please contact Committee Member Eileen Van Win-kle at 858-571-5256 or email [email protected]. We can arrange to pick up or you are welcome to leave donated items, gift certificates, etc. with the office.

Deadline for donations is March 13th

Boats Needed for Sunset Cruise! The Sunset Cruise is a 2 hour ride around the bay on March

18th, and raises money for the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Socie-

ty. This has been very popular in the past and we need boats!

If you would like to volunteer your boat, please email the office

with your name, boat name and boat capacity.

America's Schooner Cup Charity Regatta

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None; Due to being at the maximum number of Associate Members


#1 Robert (& Eileen) Peek, Associate #2 Chris (& Susan) Pantaleoni

#3 Bill (& Jackie) Atherton #4 Sharon Chelette


Michael Murphy, Non-Resident to Resigned


Marianne Godwin, Junior Flag to Non-Resident Don and Debra Aitken, Retired to Joint Jr. Flag Joe and Danielle Ravitch, Flag to Joint Flag Dorothy Ricci, Flag to Retired Richard Gower, Flag to Retired Daniel Steele, Non-Resident to Retired


Tom (& Cathy) Taliaferro, Associate Sponsors: Bill/Joanne Sedgwick & TBD

Dominic and Christine (Cricket) Affinito, Joint Jr. Flag Sponsors: Phil Kinnison and TBD



#1. Duncan Werth #4 #7 #2. Glenn Murray #5 #8 #3. Tom & Rhonda Gruber #6 #9 Congratulations to all our newest members! We look forward to having you in the Silver Gate family. And many thanks

to all of our Sponsors – you’re the best ambassadors for SGYC!

(Continued on page 11)

Flag: 151 Jr. Flag: 81 Associate: 77

Junior: 26 Retired: 131

Non-Resident: 52 Honorary: 5 Total 523

Membership Angela Benson

Flag: 153 Jr. Flag: 82 Associate: 77

Junior: 26 Retired: 129

Non-Resident: 52 Honorary: 5 Total 524

March 2017

Note: Wait list applicants = 1 Flag Equivalent

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New Member Orientation Sessions & Receptions:

All New Members are required to attend 1 meeting.

4:00 PM/Banquet Room & 5:00 PM/Bar

March 4th, June 17

th, September 16

th, & January 13

th, 2018

Three Fun & Fitness Standup Paddle Board Workshops:

On B Dock; 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

April 29th, June 3

rd, and August 5


Prospective Member Open House:

Banquet Room, 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM

May 6th

Two All-Member Dock Parties to welcome our newest Members:

2:00 PM - 5:00 PM on Main Dock & C/D Docks

July 15th and October 28


Quota of One Membership Challenge:

25 New Members for 2017

First 25 Primary Sponsors receive a lapel pin, $25 SGYC Gift Certificate & Recognition on the Digital Board

New Member Engagement:

New Members can earn ‘Engagement Credits’ by participating in social or community service events; joining/helping a committee ; and utilizing the bar & galley. The goal is to help our new Members to become a part of our family and enjoy the benefits of Membership.

Engagement Elements During First Year of Membership

Attend a minimum of 4 separate SGYC events (social, boating, community service)

Have 12 meals in the Bar/Galley

Attend 2 Committee meetings OR help out on a Committee event (i.e. Decorating; Selling Raffle Tickets; Event Setup/Cleanup)

New Members will maintain a log sheet to track their Engagement Elements & to provide feedback about their experiences.

Engagement Awards

Consideration for the Starbrite Award

Entered into a drawing, one winner for each Membership Category:

Flag Member: $100 SGYC Gift Certificate

Junior Flag Member: A berth at the SGYC Guest Dock for the 4th of July Weekend (in addition to the free 30 days dockage

allowed annually for each Flag & Jr Flag Member without a slip in our marina)

Associate Member: $100 SGYC Gift Certificate

Junior Member: $50 Gift Certificate to SGYC or West Marine

All who complete the Engagement Elements will be named as a SGYC V. M. (Valued Member); Valued Members’ names will

be posted on the digital bulletin board & a special SGYC apparel item will be awarded.



(Membership, Continued from page 10)

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May 6, 2017 Prospective Members Open House

May 21, 2017 Opening Day

June 11, 2017 Wheel Chair Regatta

June 17, 2017 New Member Orientation

July 15, 2017 All Member Dock Party

March 2017 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 2 3 4 New Member

Orientation 4 PM

Jr. Sailing Get Acquainted-Get Engaged 9 AM

5 6 7 8 9 10 11

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Angler’s Breakfast 10 AM

St. Patrick’s Day

Finance Com. 9 AM

Schooner Cup Sunset Cruise 5 PM

19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Silver Fizz 1 PM Bar/Galley Committee

10 AM Board of Directors 6 PM Schooner Seminar 7 PM

26 27 28 29 30 31 Book Club 11 AM Schooner Cup Silent

Auction + Dinner Dance 5 PM

America’s Schooner Cup Race

April 2017 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 America’s Schooner Cup


2 3 4 5 6 7 8

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Children’s Easter Party

Finance Com. 9 AM

Dockwalker Trng 9 AM

16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Wheel Chair Regatta

Meeting 6:30 PM Board of Directors 6 PM General Membership

Meeting 8 PM

23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Fun & Fitness Fleet

Workshop 10 AM

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2017 Bridge & Board

Commodore Greg Barnett

Vice Commodore Terry Van Winkle

Rear Commodore George Woodley

Jr. Staff Comm Richard Benscoter

Secretary Madeleine Gervais

Treasurer Mike Van Mouwerik

Director Robert James

Director Richard Krantz

Director Bob Michels

Director Donald Mumby

Director James Pennington

Director Michael Ratz

Port Captain Terry Willis

Fleet Captain Larry Hinck

Bar Hours

Wednesday 5:00 - 10:00 pm

Thursday 5:00 - 10:00 pm

Friday 5:00 - 11:00 pm

Saturday 12:00 - 11:00 pm

Sunday 2:00 - 9:00 pm

Pub Grub menu available: Wed, Thurs, Fri 5:00 - 9:00 pm

Saturday 2:00 - 9:00 pm

Sunday 2:00 - 8:00 pm

Galley Hours

Wednesday Dinner 5:00 - 9:00 pm

Thursday Dinner 5:00 - 9:00 pm

Friday Dinner 5:00 - 9:00 pm

Saturday Breakfast 8:30 -12:00 noon

Saturday Dinner 5:00 - 9:00 pm

Sunday Breakfast 8:30 -12:00 noon



(619) 686-6272


(619) 223-1133


(619) 531-2000

Silver Gate Yacht Club

2091 Shelter Island Drive

San Diego, CA 92106

(619) 222-1214

FAX (619) 222-4506

email: [email protected]

March 2017

Mark your calendars now for these upcoming SGYC Events Saturday, March 4, 4:00 to 5:00 New Member Orientation. Please attend this short briefing to become familiar with all the benefits and responsibilities of being a member of our yacht club. This will be followed by a gathering in the bar lounge for socializing. Every new member since January 2016 who attends will receive one free beverage of your choice.

Saturday, March 18, 5:00 p.m. Schooner Cup Sunset Cruise. This is a fund-raiser for the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Fund and is a $25 donation per person. Cocktails, beverages and appetizers are served as you cruise the bay, meet and talk with other members. It’s a cocktail party out on the bay in a member’s power boat. Please contact the office to make a reservation. Then you will be assigned a boat and need to arrive on the dock by 4:30. It’s a wonderful way to meet other members. Lots of fun.

Sunday, March 19, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Silver Fizz – Silver Gate’s Birthday Celebration

Join in this festive celebration of the Silver Gate Yacht Club’s 65th birthday. Details to come.

Friday, March 31, Schooner Cup Silent Auction + Dinner Dance Another great way to meet more members and bid on wonderful items from art to free boat services. Please make a reservation with the office for the Dinner Dance. The silent auction is open to all.

Saturday, April 1, Schooner Cup Race + Awards Party This annual event that Silver Gate hosts to raise money for the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Fund is growing and raises more money every year. It’s fun to participate in this wor-thy cause and join in the fun. If attending the Awards party dinner, please make a reservation and watch for emails with all the details.

Saturday, April 29, Fun and Fitness Fleet Workshop 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Come down onto dock B to learn how to take advantage of the kayaks, paddle boards and more in our club’s Fun and Fitness Fleet. If you’re new to paddle boards, you can also get some instruction and give this fun activity a try.

Please check the online SGYC Calendar to see all

the activities happening this spring.


Volume 65, Issue 3

Editor: Jodi Herncjar

email: [email protected]
