Page 1: Silicon Valley & the API Economy · Sources: Yuri van Geest, co-author “Exponential Organizations”; Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab Rent, don’t own assets, people, resources

What to love (& hate?) about the Digital Capital of the World

Silicon Valley & the API Economy

Page 2: Silicon Valley & the API Economy · Sources: Yuri van Geest, co-author “Exponential Organizations”; Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab Rent, don’t own assets, people, resources

Patrick Comboeuf

Director of Studies, HWZ - Hochschule für Wirtschaft ZürichPartner / Senior Advisor, Carpathia Digital Business Consulting

Former Head of Digital at Swiss Life (2015-2017) & SBB (2006-2017)


Page 3: Silicon Valley & the API Economy · Sources: Yuri van Geest, co-author “Exponential Organizations”; Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab Rent, don’t own assets, people, resources

Silicon Valley - vom Mythos…

Page 4: Silicon Valley & the API Economy · Sources: Yuri van Geest, co-author “Exponential Organizations”; Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab Rent, don’t own assets, people, resources

…zur Gegenwart

Page 5: Silicon Valley & the API Economy · Sources: Yuri van Geest, co-author “Exponential Organizations”; Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab Rent, don’t own assets, people, resources

High Tech is everything ……DISRUPTION



Page 6: Silicon Valley & the API Economy · Sources: Yuri van Geest, co-author “Exponential Organizations”; Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab Rent, don’t own assets, people, resources

Silicon Valley - Industry Disruption Capital of the World

Page 7: Silicon Valley & the API Economy · Sources: Yuri van Geest, co-author “Exponential Organizations”; Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab Rent, don’t own assets, people, resources

Umsatz 2015: $ 233,715 Mio (+$50,920 Mio)

Umsatz 2016: $ 215,635 Mio (- $18,076 Mio)

Page 8: Silicon Valley & the API Economy · Sources: Yuri van Geest, co-author “Exponential Organizations”; Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab Rent, don’t own assets, people, resources

Die profitabelsten Branchen 2016



Nicht-dauerhafte KonsumgüterKonsum- / Reisedienstleistungen


KommunikationHerstellende Industrie

Prozess IndustrieKommerzielle Dienstleistungen

Dauerhafte KonsumgüterIndustriedienstleistungen

Nicht-Energiehaltige MineralienGesundheitsdienstleistungen

Energiehaltige MineralienEinzelhandel

Logistik Dienstleistungen






Kommerzielle Dienstleistungen


Die margenträchtigsten Branchen

Page 9: Silicon Valley & the API Economy · Sources: Yuri van Geest, co-author “Exponential Organizations”; Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab Rent, don’t own assets, people, resources


Page 10: Silicon Valley & the API Economy · Sources: Yuri van Geest, co-author “Exponential Organizations”; Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab Rent, don’t own assets, people, resources

Page|11©Copyright2012–2013650Labs.AllRightsReserved. CONFIDENTIAL

25+ traditional ‘tech companies’ who recognize the utter importance of the financial layer

700+ Silicon Valley startups broadly in the financial services space

50+ multinationals who have opened a strategic presence in Silicon Valley combined with 10+ historic

SiliconValleyFinancialServicesClusterThe Silicon Valley Financial Services Cluster

Page 11: Silicon Valley & the API Economy · Sources: Yuri van Geest, co-author “Exponential Organizations”; Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab Rent, don’t own assets, people, resources

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MassiveSharing,IdeasCompeting,MassiveLearning,FastCycles–‘IdeasHavingSex’Silicon Valley: Ideas having Sex - Switzerland: #Twint

Page 12: Silicon Valley & the API Economy · Sources: Yuri van Geest, co-author “Exponential Organizations”; Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab Rent, don’t own assets, people, resources
Page 13: Silicon Valley & the API Economy · Sources: Yuri van Geest, co-author “Exponential Organizations”; Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab Rent, don’t own assets, people, resources

Alle etablierten Finanzdienstleister müssen Antworten auf eine schizophrene Frage finden:

Wie würden wir unser Unternehmen zerstören, wenn wir das denn wollten?

Page 14: Silicon Valley & the API Economy · Sources: Yuri van Geest, co-author “Exponential Organizations”; Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab Rent, don’t own assets, people, resources
Page 15: Silicon Valley & the API Economy · Sources: Yuri van Geest, co-author “Exponential Organizations”; Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab Rent, don’t own assets, people, resources
Page 16: Silicon Valley & the API Economy · Sources: Yuri van Geest, co-author “Exponential Organizations”; Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab Rent, don’t own assets, people, resources

Page|27©Copyright2012–2013650Labs.AllRightsReserved. CONFIDENTIAL




Traditional Corporate Investing Model

Open Data, Plattformen & APIs sind die grossen Hebel

Typisches Investitionsmodell bei Unternehmen Venture Investing (API Economy)

Page 17: Silicon Valley & the API Economy · Sources: Yuri van Geest, co-author “Exponential Organizations”; Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab Rent, don’t own assets, people, resources

API Economy - Silicon Valley to the Rescue?

1. Konsequenter Kundenfokus

2. Agile Organisation

3. Geschäftsmodell-Orchestrierung

4. Vom Silo zum Ecosystem

5. Kultur als Innovationsquelle

Page 18: Silicon Valley & the API Economy · Sources: Yuri van Geest, co-author “Exponential Organizations”; Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab Rent, don’t own assets, people, resources

Start with the customer - then work your way backwards.

Jeff Bezos, Amazon

Page 19: Silicon Valley & the API Economy · Sources: Yuri van Geest, co-author “Exponential Organizations”; Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab Rent, don’t own assets, people, resources

80% aller Unternehmen glauben, sie bieten eine überdurchschnittliche

Customer Experience.

Ganze 8% ihrer Kunden stimmen zu.

Page 20: Silicon Valley & the API Economy · Sources: Yuri van Geest, co-author “Exponential Organizations”; Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab Rent, don’t own assets, people, resources
Page 21: Silicon Valley & the API Economy · Sources: Yuri van Geest, co-author “Exponential Organizations”; Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab Rent, don’t own assets, people, resources
Page 22: Silicon Valley & the API Economy · Sources: Yuri van Geest, co-author “Exponential Organizations”; Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab Rent, don’t own assets, people, resources
Page 23: Silicon Valley & the API Economy · Sources: Yuri van Geest, co-author “Exponential Organizations”; Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab Rent, don’t own assets, people, resources

Page|22©Copyright2012–2013650Labs.AllRightsReserved. CONFIDENTIAL


Characteristics of Platforms

�  Global scale

�  Creation of new sources of supply (Uber)

�  Creation of new user behaviors on the demand side (Airbnb)

�  Build scale partner ecosystems (Facebook)

�  Network effects (WhatsApp)

�  Architecting a strong curation system with transparency (PayPal)

�  Bring scarcity and surplus together (Kickstarter)

API Economy & Digital Platforms in the Valley

• Globale Skalierung (10 x it!)• Schaffen neues Nutzerverhalten • Erschliessen einfach zusätzliche

Produktionsressourcen• Sind eine Abkürzung auf dem

Weg vom Silo zum Ecosystem• Verknappung und Überfluss

kommen wieder in Balance• Netzwerkeffekte

Page 24: Silicon Valley & the API Economy · Sources: Yuri van Geest, co-author “Exponential Organizations”; Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab Rent, don’t own assets, people, resources
Page 25: Silicon Valley & the API Economy · Sources: Yuri van Geest, co-author “Exponential Organizations”; Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab Rent, don’t own assets, people, resources
Page 26: Silicon Valley & the API Economy · Sources: Yuri van Geest, co-author “Exponential Organizations”; Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab Rent, don’t own assets, people, resources
Page 27: Silicon Valley & the API Economy · Sources: Yuri van Geest, co-author “Exponential Organizations”; Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab Rent, don’t own assets, people, resources

„It is wrong to be right before anyone else“

Montaigne (1533-1592)

Apple & Newton PDA August 1993

Laker Airways: Budget Airline August 1978

Page 28: Silicon Valley & the API Economy · Sources: Yuri van Geest, co-author “Exponential Organizations”; Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab Rent, don’t own assets, people, resources

Idea vs. Execution

Page 29: Silicon Valley & the API Economy · Sources: Yuri van Geest, co-author “Exponential Organizations”; Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab Rent, don’t own assets, people, resources
Page 30: Silicon Valley & the API Economy · Sources: Yuri van Geest, co-author “Exponential Organizations”; Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab Rent, don’t own assets, people, resources
Page 31: Silicon Valley & the API Economy · Sources: Yuri van Geest, co-author “Exponential Organizations”; Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab Rent, don’t own assets, people, resources

API Economy - Silicon Valley to the Rescue?

1. Konsequenter Kundenfokus

2. Agile Organisation

3. Geschäftsmodell-Orchestrierung

4. Vom Silo zum Ecosystem

5. Kultur als Innovationsquelle

Page 32: Silicon Valley & the API Economy · Sources: Yuri van Geest, co-author “Exponential Organizations”; Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab Rent, don’t own assets, people, resources


Page 33: Silicon Valley & the API Economy · Sources: Yuri van Geest, co-author “Exponential Organizations”; Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab Rent, don’t own assets, people, resources

Das ‘WHAT’ wird zur globalen Gattungsware, keine Geheimnisse, alle Unternehmen verfolgen ähnliche ‘Me Too’ Opportunitäten

Page 34: Silicon Valley & the API Economy · Sources: Yuri van Geest, co-author “Exponential Organizations”; Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab Rent, don’t own assets, people, resources
Page 35: Silicon Valley & the API Economy · Sources: Yuri van Geest, co-author “Exponential Organizations”; Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab Rent, don’t own assets, people, resources

Allein das ‘WIE’ unterscheidet Gewinner von den erfolglosen Mitläufern im Digitalen Zeitalter

Page 36: Silicon Valley & the API Economy · Sources: Yuri van Geest, co-author “Exponential Organizations”; Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab Rent, don’t own assets, people, resources

The winner takes it all, the loser…

Page 37: Silicon Valley & the API Economy · Sources: Yuri van Geest, co-author “Exponential Organizations”; Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab Rent, don’t own assets, people, resources

Die Finanzindustrie steht vor einer Weggabelung:

Genügsam weiter auf ‘Innovationstheater’ machen & damit den Abstieg in die Bedeutungslosigkeit in Kauf nehmen.

Oder die Chance zu mehr Kundenrelevanz nutzen, die sich insbesondere mit der API Economy bietet?


Page 38: Silicon Valley & the API Economy · Sources: Yuri van Geest, co-author “Exponential Organizations”; Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab Rent, don’t own assets, people, resources

one more thing….

Page 39: Silicon Valley & the API Economy · Sources: Yuri van Geest, co-author “Exponential Organizations”; Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab Rent, don’t own assets, people, resources
Page 40: Silicon Valley & the API Economy · Sources: Yuri van Geest, co-author “Exponential Organizations”; Joi Ito, Director, MIT Media Lab Rent, don’t own assets, people, resources

Patrick Comboeuf

