
Silent DeathMason McInnes & Jack KahleWhitefish High SchoolMr. Spangler


The interest we have for recreational use of vehicles indoors has lead us to the topic of the affects exhaust may hold. Our main concerns include the health issues involved and the overall global impact.

Health Concerns

● premature death in people with heart or lung disease

● nonfatal heart attacks● irregular heartbeat● aggravated asthma● decreased lung function

Health Concerns cont...

● increased respiratory symptoms, such as irritation of the airways, coughing or difficulty breathing


Our initial analysis of the situation lead us to believe the results would be non-beneficial due to the increased PM level from the exhaust emitting from the vehicle. Thus, leading to health concerns towards those exposed for a duration of time.


We used the DustTrak to collect air quality data. We sampled an enclosed garage both with a vehicle inside. The data was collected between the hours of 3 & 4 P.M. on April 19, 2015. For the first half hour of the initial data collection, we ran the DustTrak in the enclosed environment without the vehicle running.

Method cont.

Once we reached the second half hour, we commenced to start the engine of the 2012 Dodge Ram truck to gain further results. Upon completion of the full hour, we opened all garage doors and turned the engine off while concluding the DustTrak data recording.


Results cont...

● Start: 3 P.M.● Finish 4 P.M.● Average: 0.023 mg/m^3● Minimum: 0.006 mg/m^3

o Time: 14:16:06● Maximum: 0.07 mg/m^3

o Time: 14:39:06

Data: Key Points

● Spike in data on start-up of vehicle● Immediately, PM levels starts to drop after

initial start-up● Levels consistently continue to drop● After 10 min. the PM levels reach below air

limit average● PM levels stay below average until the end


The end results were unexpected. The most surprising point in the data collection consisted of the PM levels dropping below the air limit average set by the EPA. This leads us to believe that over-exposure is not as detrimental as previously stated.


Through the data that we collected in our project we came to the conclusion that with exposure to one running vehicle, there are minimal affects on the air quality. As seen on the graph, the PM level spikes on the initial start up of the vehicle but returns to safe levels after reaching a steady idle.

Conclusion cont.

Although this shows that air quality is safe, we can not make the conclusion that with multiple vehicles or different makes will have the same result. Also, with the DustTrak device, it is unable to detect other pollution in the air such as CO2 which is another factor that is detrimental to one’s health.


● Running different types of vehicles● Multiple engines running● More time for taking data


● "Exhaust Gases: What Impact on Health?" YourFormula. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 May 2015.

● "Fine Particles (PM 2.5) Questions and Answers." Fine Particles (PM 2.5) Questions and Answers. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 May 2015.

● "Health." EPA. Environmental Protection Agency, n.d. Web. 21 May 2015.


A special thank you to Angela Wallace (Mason’s Mom) for letting us waste her gas for a science experiment.