Page 1: Sierra County Advocate, 11-20-1891 - CORE

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Sierra County Advocate, 1885-1917 New Mexico Historical Newspapers


Sierra County Advocate, 11-20-1891J.E. Curren

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Recommended CitationCurren, J.E.. "Sierra County Advocate, 11-20-1891." (1891).

Page 2: Sierra County Advocate, 11-20-1891 - CORE


Hillsbore is situated in Hillsboro is surrounded kjrof ,bBHHUkoro, a rich ranch and fartniugKingtonwck EanK8 g0j ail(1 Bilm,

and Cotmtii country. No know and butuatry, and only 18 miles very Unlit front in winter

" ' the famouslime. Sunshine the whole

around. An abundanceke VaUjr ilvr yearfijl ilu. of water. Fxcslleut school.



VSLVHE IX. NO. 515. HILLSBOROUGH; SIERRA COUNTY, N. M., FRIDAY, NOV. 20, 1891. Three Dollars Per Year

i. H. TAYLOR, President. CALL OF THE SOUTHWEST work were put on each claim uotV. H. SMALL, TreasurerSILVER CON VENTION. under development, besides all

To the prospectors, miners, mine

mining and hiiMUJss generally there aregood. Also that Uie Alabama initio, atSteeple Koek, near Carlisle, has tenthousand dollars worth of ore on thodump.

The Mexican Railway officials hereand claim owners of New Mexico, questions as to the necessary ra

presentation would be settled.Arizona and Westtrn Texas:1 foundry mo icie mm. are t it receipt ol some encouraging newsThe depression that existsthroughout the southwest is dueto the unnatural depreciation of

A mining engineer of Coloradohas been sued for the collection of

silver and to the evil effects causedby that portion of the alieu actthat prohibits the investment f

his note given three years ago,

beariug interest at the rate of 3

per cent, per mouth, and the credi'tor demands that he be impris

Iron and. ci,s!ss Castings.Repairs, etc., on Mining, Smelting and Mill Machinery.

EL PASO, TEXAS.foreign cipital in mining propertyin the territories The object of

Age mining claim situated near theuiouth of Fish worm gulch.

The Itange learns from a reliablesource that it is exected that the affairsof ths Chloride Mining and Reductioncompany will at an early data be settledand that the company will ttoou com-mence work.

Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Hill, of Fair-vie-

will leave next week for tbe aast.Mr. Hill goes to Kansas to attend to hisherd of cattle he has on pasture there,ant Mrs. Hill will skiiii1 the winter withher parents in Kvanston, 111.

lr. HlinnandJ 8. Brown are takingout some good looking ore from theirHaekberry claim . This claim is a newlocution and is situated up Chloride creekand passes within a few roils of the Chlo-ride Miuiug and Reduction company'mill.

Henry A. Schmidt has accepted aposition with the St. bonis Mining andReduction company oKrating and nil --

niii,; a lixiviation plant in the state ofSouoro, .Mexico, i lie hundred miles southof Uisbee, Arizona. Mr Schmidt willstart for Mexico where hegoes to take charge of the company'smill.

oned until the principal and interthe Southwest Silver Conventionthat is to convene on the 15th day est are paid. The plaintiff reliesof December, 185)1, in El 1 aso, in his proceedings upon section 5,SIERRA COUNTY BANK,

HILLSnORO, NEW MEXICO.chapter 53 of tha General StatutesTexas, is to discuss and take steps

to remedy these evils. No otherof Colorado, w hich says ; "It shall

this wesk. Mr. I!arc!ay, the lWsideutof tho Fnglish company formed by Mr.Young, lately returned from an examina-tion of the affairs of the company inMexico, and reports that he found themin a very satisfactory condition, ulsathat Mr. Young has nearly recoveredfrom Kb severe illness of tho past monthin Paris, and that his business in Lorn Ionlias reached a condition that warrantsthe lielief that everything will in a veryshort time Is) fully arranged ami settled,and work be resumed all along the linew ith the hearty of all par-ties interested.

I'inito Pino, Escj died at LasCruees,on the 11th inst. Mr. l'ino was wellknown to the ieoplo of the Territory.His family is a historical one in the ini-

tials of New Msxico, and ho liiinsi'if, inyears of public service as an interpreterhad perhaps as wide personal acquain-tance as any youag man within ourorder a. He was a member of the bar othis district, and well among hisfellow attorneys. Finite was a man ofmost kindly heart, and of mild, unassum-ing manners which made hiia sunnywarm friends. Ho leaves a wile and twochildren, whoso bereavement willawaken sympathy throughout tho entireTerritory .

subject but the silver question andthe mi dification of the alien act be lawful for the party in whosewill be entertained by the conven faroi any judgment as aforesaid

may be obtained, to have executiontion, and all attempts to pervertthe object of this mass meeting ofA General Banking Business Transacted- - in tue usual lorm, direct to any

county in this state, against theminers by the introduction orquestions foreign to the principles

goods, chattels, lands or tenefor which it whs called, will be supments of such party defendant,pressed. The restoration of silver

to its normal value or parity with or upon ins body, when tue same. W. ZOLLtfRS, gold l'25).25)and the obliteration ofPresident ,

IV. is authorized by law." ImprisIf. BUCHER, Cashier. an unjust discrimination against onment for debt is a relic ofthe miners operating in the territonee, will engage the entire energyand time of the assembled miners

barbarious times and ought not tobe tolerated except in cases likeMountain Pride Hotel

WALES' BIRTHDAY.The Prince of Wales fiftieth

birthday was celebrated in Londonwith great enthusiasm. The Ger-

man Kaiser Biid Priuce Henry se' tpresents amounting in value to100,000 marks and many otherswere received.

Albert Edward, Prince of Walf Bi

was bom on Nov. 1, 1811, at Buck-

ingham Palace, London. II isheir apparent to the title of Kingof Great Britain and Ireland and

this where a man agrees to payof the southwest.Chas. Longui:mare,


From the ChieftianThe United States district court. 5th.

KINGSTON, NEW MEXICO. 3 per cent, per month and does notPresident Executive it.F. W. Edlkhten,

Secretary Executive Committee. judicial district, meets the fust MondayPROPRIETOR.II. A. ROBINSON, in I'ccouiocr ui ine conn iieuso illSocorro.

Jesus Garcia, arrested at FolvadcroNeighborhood News,


J. Henry Longmaid, at one timefor horse stealing, was lodged in jailgeneral manager of the Carlisle

A thoroughly first-clas- s house the best in the city.Choice table. Comfortable rooms. Commodious sample From the Enteriirlfo. Wednesday night. Cook hits his gunmine of Grant county, now nmtm-- Col. Fred Wright, formerly of Silver it is about as long as your arm, snd

would truil on tho ground from a shortman's belt.

All coaches stop at and start from this hotel eer of tlie Uoldeu Leaf limitedroams. Citv, i now tliu clerk at the LelandHotel, Chicago.neur Bunnack City, Montana, in

His Honor Judge A. A. Freeman Hp- -Dr. K. L. Stephens left Monday forletter to us of recent date renews pointed K. V. Chavez ami W. S. Wilhis old boms in Nashville, Tennessee.

lie was HiiinuKinod to tho bedside of Inn liams tonct in his place and draw thegrand and petit juries for the Decemberterm of lite U.S. court to be held next

his subscription to the Bullion andsays that he heartily eudorses the father who in lying dangerously ili.

Win. Davis, charged with the inur- -month in Socorro.ler of Huey Fox, at I'inos Alton, Christcall of the Southwest Silver Con

veution. El Paso Bullion.Died in this city, Jesus Apodacn,

Emperor of India and the sover-

eignty of 300,000,000 people. Heis Prince of Wales, Duke of Sax-

ony, Duke of Cornwall anil Itoth-sa- y,

Earl of Chester, Carrick andDublin, Baron of Renfrew andLord of the Isles, Greut Stewart of

Scotland, Kuight of the Garter,Knight of St. Patrick, Knight ofthe Bath, Knight Grandmaader of the Star of India,Knight of the Elephant of Den-

mark, Kuight of the GoldenFleece and field marshal, barrister

mas last, obtained a change 01 venue toDuna Ana county. aged (10 years, Jesus has bueu iu the

employ of lirowuo, Mamt.tuiires Co., forWin. Cotton, of Lute Valley, bantho past ton years. On hurt WednesdayIba mayor ot some town in


C. C. MIO,EH,ffirfllslioro, N. M.


leased tho American mino, ut Ilaohita.Ho will move a part of his herd of cattle evening w hilu milking a cow, a young

yearling butted Jesus in tho side. 1I

was at once taken to his homo w here bePennsylvania who wrote to Denverthat he would attend the mining

to Hutehita, and furnish them withwaWr from the initio.

expired. Jesus raised tho calf andThe Doming Chihuahua and Sinuloa taught turn to butt. 1 he call was taken

railroad is 111 tue balm of the sherill,congress if the promoters at thatend of the line would request thuBaltimore & Ohio railway officials

to tiie pasture and hroiubt home lastWednesday. Whenthu culf saw Jesus itunder an execution issued in favor of

Henry L. Warren, ChiiH. Scholleld and recognized him, and remembered its obi(i. Wormscr. A levy was made on tho tricks at euce butted him, w hich provedroad-be- tbe only property in sight. fatal.

MiMtialluslier, a consumptive, diud

to issue him frte transportation,is evidently a gold bug, or is readyto be one if proper inducementsare held out, Silver men, who

at the Sister's Hospital yestmday mom DONA ANA COUNTY.From the Rio Grande Republican.nig. A brother 01 tno duccuxeil, lit: t.

W. Gallauher. of kiocorro, was horo atthe time, and had the hody shippod byknow and understand what great Col. J. F. Itennstt celebrated his

sixty-firs- t birthday on the I lib hint. Theyesterday's express to St. Mary's,benefits will accrue to the country Colonel is yet, comparatively, a youngMmnijaiiniprRETAIL DEALERS IN


man.An Enterprise man whileIt is stated that the Joblin ranch inalong towards home on Monday night

at large by Jagftin placing silver ona par with gold as a money metal,are willing to pay their fare. Den

the Organs has been leased to Uert Mosswas Hluud at the corner of main amiBroadway, immediately in front of theQLISLIII1L lyiLTiuiiHiauToL. man. foruman of a. Sierra county cow

out lit, for the winter.old Grant county bank. He did not seever Miuiug Industry. The Ronublican has engaged thebis assailant, anil when lie recoveredservices of Mr. L. U. Whi'moro, knownOn tempering a drill or chisel if

Carry Largest stock of Goods in Sierra County to many old time citizens of Las Crucesconsciousness lie louim hmiHell lyingover the edgo of the sidewalk with hishaad resting on the curb. He wa re-

lieved of tiis surplus cash.they be held steady with a certain and au newspaper man ana

at law, bencher of tha MiddlaTemple, president of the Societyot Arts, D. C. L. of Oxford Uni-

versity, L. L. D. of Cambridgeand L. L. D. of Trinity College,Dublin, besides being oolonel ofmany regiments.

He was married to PrincessAlexander of Denmark March 10,18G3. They have two sons andthree daughters. The Prince wasiu this country in 18G0.


In the pugilistic world now it is

nothing but Sullivan, Sullivan,Sullivan. Sluvin is continuallyburking at him, Poter Mahorwuuts a four-roun- go with himand many of the lesser lights iuthe ring are telling that the day of

Sullivau's supremacy is past. Forall the barking and harping, how-

ever, the big fellow has nothingbut coutempL Ha is bound toremain on the stage for somemonths yet, but when his theatri

printer of undoubted ability.line coiuciding with the surface ofJack Shanley, one ol the pionecis of Don i'inito l'ino, who has besn seri

Hanover Gulch, died at the Grant County ously ill for some time, we are glad to say,hospital Saturday last, and was buried is much better.Sunday Jack had hung to his properly

the water, the tools will break atthat line when they are put to use,but a thoughtful temperer gives thetools an upward and downwardmotion in the water when cooling

for years and undergone many privations,and had just reached a point where he

Who ever thought of persimmons intbe MeBilla Valley ? Jacob bchaublin, Sr.,has a young tree of this fruit, so deliciousould live without rustling for bacon andwhen ripe and su otherwise when notmature, which grows wildsa plentifully

We buy from First Hands, and Our Prices Defy Competition.Our Stock of

Ery Goods, Boots d Sk, Mi d Cij;,



beans. Only the Uay bofore his duathlie had signed pajicrs giving him 5(KH)

for an interest in a claim Had he livedoff, so os not to produce a line of in many ot the Ohio and Mississippifracture. Mining tools of all kinds states, brought from Missouri tlnno or

four years ago by M. Lnhhian which isanother year, he doubtless would havehad money to throw at the birds.ought to be tempered in coal tar now though still but small in full bj.ninjA convivial crowd of the hovs met at and quite heavily laden with fruit.the Tiruifier house on Wednesdayevening, and during the conversation The Republican is plfiisod to an

and not in water, the tar being abad conductor of heat is less aptthan water to produce a line of Sheriff Lock hurt rreatod s little talk he

had held with .Si.'iniind J,imlaijor, thenounce that Colonel W. T. Shurpe is im-

proving as rapidly as could be hoed.His is a case of typhoid foyer and hislong and tedious journey from Lincoln to

camps promptIs Complete. We give orders from neighboringAtteahoa.

boss of Florida county. Some of thoboys tried to indues the colonel to repeatthe substance of the talk, but he was to I bis city greatly aggregated tha trouble.

fracture, besides the chemicalaction is such that the tar restoresthe carbon lost by heating in thelire.

cal contract expires it is imaginedthere will be a terrible reckoning-Sullivan'- s

greatest enemy neverHe has. untill the last tvw days, beenkept upon a milk diet only, and has hadbut little appetite. Ho is now, however.CuTLAKE VALEY and HILLSBORO

smart for that, as he remarked that hedidn't want tnose newspaer fellows toget hold of it. Our wily sheriff, how-

ever, was not aware that a stiiiographer4ood by and jotted down the poeticeffusion as the colonel related it. Hereit is verbatim et literatim :

desirous for nourishment, and his pulseand temperature, are about normal, tun)Much diversion of opinion pre

did hiiQ the injustice of callinghiui a coward, and wheu ha is freoto sign articles for a mill he willweexiajct, from these tavorablosymptons,

to hear of his steady improvement.vails regarding what constitutesthe representation of a mining John Cluin was kicked in tho leg by show Li insult the same maulySiginund, savs I," all filled with grief, a vicious horse Wednesday and a smallWhat shall we do wit h our herd of lieef ?"claim. Soma say that ten feet of

hone at the side of the knee was broken . fellow as of yore. liut aspirantsfor championship honors will ba

And he replied in language raw,work, in either a shaft or a tunnel, Tbe evening of the accident, John Clark,Keep them avay fioni Oinuha."


CfenMtol Mo;i?eliand!fa particular friend of Mr. Cluin calledwill meet the requirements. The scarce then.For dere 1 sold mine 'O bar O's upon the umortunale man and becameuneasy as to his condition ami of theAt a pries I neler rill disclose ;

Itut 1 say again 'vat I haf often said,It made Hie sieek uud 1 vent to bed.

opinion that mortification hail set in. He A correspondent of tha Washnlled the professional services of Dis.

lawstates that $100 must be spentin labor and improvements oneach raining claim, and is silent asto the number of (feet of tunneling

ington Star, who has beeu studyingGeo. Ryuerson and llios. Fainter andrally yesterday uiotning the incnlionwd--mm nar w w So von again I siogulate,

1 dink me vol tier Uml said,'Of all sad vords I kuin across

er saddest vas dene, 'Jt couldn't vos."surgeons, accompanied by Mr. . lark, and

or sinking necessary. No definitedistance can be stated from the

loaded down with saws, axes and cleavers,proceeded to the bedside of Mr. Cluin toremove the "offens'iye" iiiemlicr. The

the subject of getting rid of lloart,

gives this as tha result of kis

investigations: If thoea who aretroubled with this insect will

place tho common adhesive ily

Our Stock is Large and Embraces Everything.


fact that the hardness of rock oeralion, however, was not performedas mum examination it was found thatvaries greatly in uuierent lorma- -the cauve of the offensive odor wau perspi-ration and woolen socks.tious. The local custom in many

UNION HOTEL. camps allows a man on short con-

tracts, who flrmshes hi own

powder, tools and repairs, five dol-

lars per day. Many owners perProprietors.KAHLER & GALLLS,


pnper on the 11 ur ot the room

infested, with a small piece offresh meat in the center of each

sheet, they will find that thafiVas will jump towards the meatami adhere to tha paper. 1 com-

pletely rid a badly infested houseiu two Ulghts by this menus.

The Sierra Count Advocate

Kiom tli. II lll.-lit-.

Mr. John Spruance, of San Francisco,is here looking after his interests in theFt. Cutnmings Laud and Cattle Com-

pany.Dr. Welsh, of Colorado, formerly

connected with tho Lake Valley mine, islooking oyer the mining proeities ofthis locality with a view to establishingsampling works here

District Clerk, A. L. Christy, liasmade a record he may wsll he proud of.We never had a more prompt and ellici-en- t

clerk of court, nor one more uniform-ly courteous toward all who have businesswith him

Mr. J. T. fling, at Carlisle, writes


THE BLACK RA1QIProm th. C'hloriil. K.'ijr.

Davisson, Collom and Taylor nro do-

ing assessment work on tho Furest City.II. A. MacUowan an I Alex Trudoau

are doing assessment work on the X 10U H and Illuck Knight milling claims.

The Kiihn I'.ros. and II. W. Russellhave taken an eight months' lease on the(ioodenough mine owned by Rccson A

form only twenty days work as

representation. Others more thancomply with the law by putting in

Newly andCaatertaMe Boras.

Sttt, Ctean, AtaT.Table, supplied with the best M.ats, and earliest and

dStfVegetables'.! Fruits the marke afford.nnMMODIOUS SAMPLE ROOMS.

from twenty-tw- o to thirty days onKrews Ihey have commenced workuh)d the proiwrty.

each claim. It would be muchbetter for the. owners and the,

i is the only weekly paper all set upLA.4 4 i ,4. ...I in it--n iu Li intuit V uviutx M MVFred Richard's anil John FullertohMr. f.ihdauer tnat he has "purchased tlte

Well " Fitted BJfi Billiard ahd Card ROOniS. districts if at least thirty days Carlisle mill, and that tbe pnpect of ie working like gophers oil tuoir Silver Territory,

Page 3: Sierra County Advocate, 11-20-1891 - CORE

royalty from prospects that tosave your life you could notmake pay for an assessment

Judge McEik, in his chargeto the Grant county grand juryat Silver City this week, paidSierra county trc followinghandsome compliment:

"Now, Kciilloiinii. we havo quite alurin- -

Oo to the Mountain Tiide Hotelof Kingston, for your Tanksgivingdinner,

Chamberlain's Eye and SkinOintment.

A certain onro for Chronic Sore Eyo,Tetter, bait Rheum, Soalil lleud, Old

is ungenerous in the extremePRJDAY, NOV. M. 1K91.

Kntercd t tlit l'lmtuftliw at HilMoron.'hlivrm Oouiitv. Nuw Mexico, for trntimniu

Yet such has hitherto been thepractice in and hereabouts andso the discouraged miner has

M. McKinney will furnish thecitizens of Hillsborough withfresh vegetables from hisgardens, near Lake Valley,once a week. These vegeta-bles are rated the best in themarket.

critniiiiil (lix liet at this term of rnnrl, amiion thnmiili I lie t i.iiud ritiilca MuilH, anminima cm- - iiinncr. it i an injury to your county (or it te lie

miiil that rriino Is on (he iiierenae, ami ifit in on llie increiiBO it in bcraiiHO of the

drifted away to camps wheremen's hearts and minds areless contracted. Sniall wonder

A Knight ok Pythias lodtre

IT WAS SOLID GOLD.I'roir. the New York Ilcia'J.

Up in the mountains about thirtyraili'8 from t'liihuuhua, Mexico, ishu old Catholio mission, Tbachurch is said to he one of theoldest 011 the continent, havingbeen built just nfter the subjuga-tion of the Aztecs. This church is

awhy from the usual haunts ofwhite men, and all the members areIndians. The priest, Father LaLumere, an old white-hair- ed

Frenchman, has had charge of theparish for more than half a cen-

tury.The church is closely guarded

and no other whito raau than thepriest has ever been permitted to

will shortly be organized atfailuru to viKoioimly enforce the Lw. In(ho County of Kiernt, in which countythe court arrival I anil oenuil court onMoutlay evening and left there on Satur-day niorninu. vet all tiiK btnineKH of the

Jlermosa, if New Mexico is behind theage in the development of hermineral field; let there be notitrin wua transacted which wan ruddy for

trial : wurccly a cane to he foundThe Silver City Enterprise

Chronic Sores, Fever Sores, Eczema,Itch, Prairio Scratches, Sore Nipplesand Pilus. It is cooling and soothing.Hundred! of cases have baun cured byit after all other treatment had failed,it is put up in 23 and 60 cent boxes.

Navajo Bed Blankets at Hills-

boro Mercantile Company's Store.

Send your Samples to be assayedto Chas. N. Anthony, Chemist and

Assayer, at Socorro, and you will

get rlinble, honest returns by theleturn mail Ore shipments su-

pervised and check assays made.

more of this greedy and suicion thn ducket utilcHM it ciiiiiH from PunaAna or Grant county. Thn people ofnierra county h.ive heen emori'iiitf ttiola anil the rentllt is that they have little:

s going on its tenth yearHappy life to it.

D. P. Carr deel incs the su-

dal policy; give generous aidand encouragement to thelessee and as he .prospers so


Kingston, N. M.

or no expense whatever for the enforce-ment of tli criminal law in their countyTlicv may iiHtlv ha proud of thin

penntendency of the New it is favoruhln lo have a reputation ofMexico penitentiary.

will you flourish and spreadlike a green bay tree.


that kiti'l, and thercforo I ure you anfar h may enmr within your liinituil tin eto vigorously enforce thisluw."

LESSORS AND LESSEESThe Leading Billiard Parlor of th

Southwest. A very complete stock ofA companv of Denver capi Navajo Saddle Blankets atHillsboro mercantile Co.'s Store.talists are expected in this HILLSBORO DISTRICT.

The increased activity atdistrict shortly to look over our

enter its sacred precincts by theIndians, It hus ulwuys been sup-posed that the cause of this rigidexclusion wus the superstition ofthe natives, Imt an adventursomeyoung American artist has discov-ered that there was a method inthe apparent madness of the de-

scendants of the Montezunias. A

party of tourists went out fromChihuahua to the old village for

mines with a view to investment. the Placers is becoming evident

in the Mexican demand forflour and b?con.

There are three distinctclasses of lessees the laborerlessee, the capitalist lessee andthe speculative lessee whotakes hold of undevelopedproperties and devotes his

choice Wines, Liquors ana igarn kivconstantly on hainP


Dealer In


The report that Pinito Pinois no more, published on the Dickey & Laramy willoutside of this paper, is a mis make an important shipment

My wifs was so badly afflictedwith rhenrootism as to be unableto move in bed without assistance.Our druggist, mr. Laddaraus, re-

commended Chamberlain's PainBalm, which greatly relieved herWe have used six bottles at vari-

ous times, and would not be with-

out it at hand. Jas. Coleman,Lowell, Neb. 50 cent bottles, forsale by C. C. Miller, Druggist.

Navajo Bed Blankets at Hills-boro mercantile Company's Store.

the purpose of seeing the sightsmill taking pictures of the Indiansand old buildings. When theywere refused admission to the

time and energies to their imtake. Me still takes Theprovement.Advocatf.

Of the first-name- d type church they at once concludedthere wus something there theyhierra county has already

from the Deer as soon as theKingston smelter starts upagain.

The Garfield stopes areturning out a large amount ofthat rich copper ore for the

"Uncle" Hen Peeks of ought to see. They visited thesulhciency. 1 he laborer lessee And Miners' Supplies,Jlermosa, is our authority for priest and tried to induce him totakes short leases on improvec let thbiu in but he was obdurateand gave them no and generally works KIXOSTON, N. M.

tne statement that a goodfreighting thoroughfare canbe constructed between Hills-bor- o

and that place at an exKingstonon a safe margin of something hi (he party was a voting mannext run of the

smelter.near wages with a chance of a faiaksawgood haul before his time expense of less than a couple of

pires. 1 ins class is ot nothousand dollars.Over one hundred tons of

ore ahead of the teamsters onthe dump of Bonanza lowertunnel. At the upper tunnelthere is also a considerable

t f 1

IN ENDLliSS VARIETY,particular benefit to the coun-

try and only so as they serveto keep alive certain mineswhose owners are too frailfinancially or morally to them AT THE ADVOCATE OFFICE.

For the benefit of an inquisi-tive subscriber The Advocatewill say that the Santa I'e Ringis an organization existingunder the laws of New Mexicowith a capital stock of 000,- -

. . .i.i 1 t 1

accumulation 01 lessees ore.This with the mill runningnight and day indicates good

selves assume the undertaking.

fiom Illinois named William Mor-rison. He d termined at all naz-

al d to tee inside the church, and atonce set about lnying his plans.He found that a number of Indianswere constantly on guard, eachbeing relieved at stated intervale.He also fouud that the door waskept locked and th key wns at thepriest's, buf that the windowscould be mised by a little effort.

He prepared himself with acamera with a flnsh light and al oltle of ngue unlit lite, or Mexicanwhiskey, in which he placedpuough morphine to producetlcep. IJe then engaged thegUMiliiiij'e flttrhtioii; the bottlehj'i'kn for itse'f und it wns not(I flicult to induce the Iii'lian totnke two or three diiuli3, when hi?soon feil lisleep.

If the will pay the dividends ahead for the G. H.tribute worker it would pay ANT A I'E ROUTE,"15. M. Co.the owner if not, then theowner is trading on the labor The last run of 1 Iappy Jack

ore at the Bonanza mill beat

uuo.uuo, on wnicn uiviuenusamounting to 500,000 aredeclared annually. Principalplace of business, Santa l;eand the towns, along the pro-ducti-

Valley of the RioGrande,

TI IE- -the record of the camp. Over50 per ton in free gold and200 per ton concentrates were

the result.ThroughShort Line to all points East, North or South.

Day Coaches and Pullman Sleepers,lie quickly forced n window nudJohn Ryan, one of the luckygMiied an enlrnucp. lint interiorwns common, out on tno aitnr wasowners of the Happy Jack; ; is

looking after tlvj ann ual assess-ment work 0:1 so n;) of his

a statue of the virgin- - it had a

peculiar lustre and he iiiwe it a

other properties,el se investigation. It was on'y afoot high, yet he could hardlymove it. !Sti uck with its exUaordi- -Maher & Co. are working

of the poorest of men. Adespicable policy and one thatdefeats itself, for it is notoriousboast among such leasers (asthey are dubbed) how theyhave covered up rich strikesuntil such time as they couldrenew or obtain more favorableleases.

The capitalist lessee has notyet appeared in these parts.He is a big fish and bites read-

ily at a good bait but is not tobe fooled with constructions offeathers and tinsel. His fav-

orite morsel is a good propertythat has been wrecked anddamned by some sea-coo- k of amanager. He knows his busi-ness thoroughly and has anunerring instinct for payground. Steady advertisingwill eventually secure his at-

tention and Sierra county has

raty wnglit he lilted it and foundtwo shifts on the American

The Calumet & Hecla Cop-per Mining Company, ofMichigan, have declared adividend of five dollars pershare, aggregating $500,000,payable Dec. 13th. Thismakes 2,000,000 disbursedfor the calendar year of 1891.About fifteen, years ago therditorof The Advocate wasoffered a bunch of Calumet &1 lecla stock for thirty cents ashare ! Put it's all right.1 lad he bought it he probablywould not now be the owner of

that it weighed n"t ! sa than lot)ibs. This convinced him that it

SCSI'S. JES?? 3May be procured from Agent at Lake Valley for any point in

the United States or Canada's.

shaft and drift and will pushtheir contract vigorously to afinish. Great interest is felt

was of pure g'lld and he took aflush light picture of it and left.

He tohl his story t ) the rest ofthe party and thev concluded toy the community in this enter-)ris- e.

The claim is an extenget the facts from falher La Lunit re. The priest wns much sur- -

sion of the Bonanza, our best tlCjKFor other information writeC. H. M OREOUSE,

1). F. and P. A.,El Paso, Texas.

piieed when asked about thelaying mine, and it is hopedG. T. NICHOLSON

Topeka,Kansas.that the American ground willinthe best paper published

Sierra county.

statue, and at first irfused to talk,but when convinced that it hadbeen seen, siid that it was puregold and had been made from theornaments and idols of the old Az

V. II SWIGERT, Agent Lake Valley.rove equally rich.

Charles Myers reports goodWe take the following ad"Seeing is Believing." jaore in the Ross shaft, I he

shaft has reached a deptha variety of good mines whichhave been, by flowery breaksvertisement from a mmmi

exchange:InvcHtoiH in Di i 11 i ti lT proixrlit am in

And a good lampmust be simple;

SimptUUii J.'iiWU not good.viti'il to ail Iichm IH on the Hiiliji't t. Il.'inglocated in lliu famuli Toad Mountain

win us uu i n much, but 1 rJhatrict, rar t rt iuit itn are nH'onledfur prntilahld venliircH, llii Iwiun one of

of managers, knocked intococked hats of all shapes anddimensions.

The speculative lessee hasmade his appearance in thesediggings, noticably during thepast two years. He is the

below the zone of oxidisationand shows a remarkable in-

crease in volume and value ofpaystreak.

The eclipse predicted forthe 15th. inst. came off O. K.on mountain time, but the

iU inipiess the truth more forcibly. All metal, V'vafti&y,.,.,.!, -- ...I t I - :.. .1 . i r.?S'iIk rU'lii'M miiii'inl iliHtiii tH on the ( on i'1"! ui.iit mm inline in inree int'ci s :tiiv,'& !linenl, 11111I only jul ta hi

tecs when they were first converted.They ware induced to make offer-

ings of this kind, ami when all haddone so the gold was melted andrun into ihe statue. lie refused togive an estimate of its value, butMr. Morrison thinks it must beworth $:),000.

Father La Lnmere said that inmany of the churches in the interiorthere nre smaller ptatues, but theImlint s were so jenlous it was dan-

gerous to investigate, and lie advis-ed the party not to let it be knownthat they had Been the statup, forthe Indains might take extrememeasures to pi event it becomingknown outside of the town.

il'Vli.''l I he Ni Imm KxcliuiifcC, Nel11 is, ui'Mniiuiy mji .inn unori-iwaoie-

. l.n.e .ALVtilm sof old, it is indeed a "wondt-rlu-l lamp," ft r its mar-velous light is purer and brighter than gas liylit,

son, iimuhIi l olii iilii 1.

With all due respect to the setter tliari electric licht and more cheerful than of the Garfield set for theboy for our money and withdecent treatment and moderatefamous Toad Mining District, Look fnt tliisl.lmp-TH- R Rixhpstpr. Iftl-- taninr'inVrliuTt tbe

nu.l the 6tv!e voti wmit In 114 f..r m,r in, 1.1 ...t.-.-r nk'"S""l we wnrt von a laniDsnCi iv bv exnrrss vour choice uf over ll.m.i.I he Advocate will say that

parties addressing its Hillsboro L VVf 1 ' '"'gnl Stmt in ihe It oild.XT-v-- JtO IIITI:lt LAMP CO., 4-- Park Plart, New York City.

"The Rochester."

same day has not as yet beenheard from.

The Copper King companyire doing some work over inthe Graybuck district.

J. C. Hedges is doing somework for Mr. Geo. Perraultonthe Waverly, a claim on the

encouragement will work won-

ders in the development andexhibition of our resources.He generally goes in pairs, is

temperate,, industrious andpatient beyond the comprehen-sion even of a burro. As arule the owners of prospectmines do not appreciate him

mining bureau will find oppor-tunities for profitable mininginvestment equally as goodas the Toad. Sierra countydoes not take a back seat toanything that hops.

Lake Vallsy, Eilkkoigli d Kiogsl

east side ot Animas peak, STAGE AND EXPRESS

Mr. Charles Kuter of the l'uebloPublic Sampling Works Co., andMr. II. C Joy of the Union O. 8. Oo.

of Denver h av for a tourof New Mexicv Mr. Joy willreturn after reaching El Faso, but.Mr. liuter will .xteud his tiip intoArizona and expects to l gonethree weeks. l'ueblo Ore and Metal lleview.

which has produced some reand do their best to scare himaway with demands of royaltyand offers of brief tenure. markable specimens of rich

gold ore

From the Financial andMining Record of New York(which is a pretty good papersave for the fact that it doesnot give sufficient attention tothe rich gold and silver minesof Sierra county) we learn

Pliat labor is money does notseem to occur to the averagelessor. Let him try hiring a

Richmond mill stopped forclean up and repairs this week.

Messrs. J. M. Webster and

IillVB.Making close connection with all trains to and from LakeValley, for Hillsborough and Kingston.

Quick time. New and comfortable Hacks and Couches, and GooiJStock.

Leaves Kingston every morning, making connection witktrains leavingr Lake Valley for the east and west.

Leaves Lake V alley on arrival of all trains, arriving inHillsborough and Kingston every afternoen.

CAUSE & ORCHARD, Proprietors.

couple of men for a year or soand se' how much it costs and

Ueo. P.. KoUin leu Wednes-day morning for a tour of in-

spection of the mines of theTerra Blanca district. Theyreturned to-da- y well pleasedwith their investigations.

how much work he will havedone,

Our mines are few, ourprospects innumerable. Ayear or two of intelligent workwill convert a good prospectinto a valuable mine. Forsuch work owners should be

that tne Witwatersrand (SouthAfrica) gold field produced502,735 ounces of gold duringthe nine months ended withSeptember, 1 861 . The outputfor September having been65,661 ounces, or 20,000ounces more than for thatmonth in" 1890 and 21,000ounces more than in Septem

A t b gram from Wat-lnrgto-

nnuounces lint the older trausfer-in- g

the I'ort Marcy military reser-

vation to the department of theinterior 1ms been revoked, and thishistoric post is again placed underthe control of the war department.What its future is, can g yet liesurmised only, but every reasonableronsidt ration suggests that it willshortly agnin W occupied by troops,lmleed Jndge Morrison, who isdirect from Washington, states thatlie met Governor Prince there a fawdays ago, ami the governer Raid heconfidently "expected to see FortMarcy occupied by trunps inside of

"Topy" Johnson, a miningexpert from Arizona, passed

ber, 1S89. The output for'Livery and Feed Stable,


Stock well fed and properly cared for. Best saddle andcarriage horses in town.

I. H. GRAY, Proprietor,

willing to offer an interest in through Hillsboro the forepartthe property besides what the of the week on his way tolessee might perchance profit j Hermosa, where he goes toon the output, Of amine of rejort on the Pelican mine in

proved paying capacity a roy- - J the interest of a Californiaally may justly be expected company which contemplates

the nine months was 250,785ounces or 17 '4 per ct. greaterthan the output (351,950ounces) for the like nine monthspf 1890.

Mty days N.mtit re New Mexi1 CHU.and demanded, but to ask a its purchase.

Page 4: Sierra County Advocate, 11-20-1891 - CORE



Happy and content is a horns with " The Ro endiug Nov. visited Kiugston last Sunday.aor tardy during the week

13th,lH!l :

There was a total eclipse of themoon lust Sunday uluht. The(U oti wjis full, and some peoplewho viewed it acied as if they werein the same fix. The shadow came

chester ; a lamp with the light of the morning.Catalogues, write Rochester Lamp Co.,NewYork.

D. L. Jewett has leen a verv

Col. W.8. Hopewell return,cd home last night from the north .

At the young people's ineetiuat the school" house tomorrownight, there will be sinking und

sick man till wet k with chills a in

J. T. Jackson is on again to OlJMexico, summoned by telegram on Im-

portant mining badness. Hegoesebouttwo bun Ire 1 und (llty miles southwest of

Chihunhiu, in the Sierra Madres.

Chris. Watson came iu from Cook'

fevgr.AN 0LD-1IM- E BRIDE.

on tjuto unexpectedly to imiuy. andcreated some commotion. Oneman said it was "the beginning of

- Hon. Frank W. Parker return Sheriff and Mrs. Sanders visitAn old book, treasured as an ed liome from the Grant county

CVrna, Pe.iro.t icldit, Frank.Kiel Is, I'ha. P.Fields, A. P.l'rey, John,(irafton, Albert.Handel, Thos.Hodges, Frank MKennedy, (iuy.Nunn, IM ward.

(.'has. J.1 1 11 lirens, John.Phillips, James.

ed Monticello during the present

Pirm. Susin.Hau l I, Fltieill Igens, Noi i.(irover, Mary,(jrover, A unto,(iibsou, Curdle.McKinney, Maud.Fields, Lulu.Phillips, I'ora.Phillips, l.illie.Williams, Ida.Williams, Mortie.Ward, Polliu.Phillips, Theodoie.

heirloom, contains the following: district court last Saturday, ant:week.Judge A. B. Elliott on TuesdayResolutions of a lady of the

tee end, and he tried to quote fromholy writ to prove to Gus O'Brienthat ho had better prepare for theend of the world. Several Indians

Maj; Morgins, the gentlemanlyeveningolden time on the day of her mar uaKe alley capitalist, waa inriage, April 28, 1740. The goud

Dr. I rank I. Given is makinghimself a handsome cauo of moun Hillsboro Wednesday. The Major

lady wrote thus in a clear, roundwere m town and looked upon theeclipse as having more or lesssuperstitious eiizuificauee. One

is looking nis best. Phillips, rehxtain mahogany, and it will now beS. A. Hou.KNiiKHUKR, Tsactur.hand that showed . a conscientious V. II. Goforth has goue to

Peak to look after his mines here, endleft again last wcwk They all get aroundIn time to do their assessment work.

(ieo. V. Gregg, of the Macbio, lalegeneral manager of the left flank of theRepublican party, sent a few days In

Kingston last week and this. He hasbeen examining tho survey of the newroad from Carpenter District to Lake

Valley, with the id.uof putting In a tenderon the same.

The road out of town is being put ingood shape.

The eifrly riser in Kingston Is accus

Georgetown to assume the positionvain even in the writing. noble red man, however, was verymatter of fact about it. Ha called

unnecessary for his friends to present him one,

Tuesday was Mra Geo. Bof engineer of the Phoebe mill, at Hermosa- -Home rules I resolve to observeSflUU per month.

through the assistance of Almighty Clark's birthday, and was celebratedby a gathering of her friends at the C. H. Millette visited Ilermosa

at S. D. Lasier'9 house aud asKed:"For God's sake what's the matterwith the moon?" Mr. Lasier tookpains to explain how it came about

Davidson it McKnwiy's concentratingGod when I am a wife: during the week, aud thinks works ue Palumas Creek are kept busyClark residence in the evening.1. I resolve never to contradict is one of the best mining camps heIt was also the birthday of Mr. on second class ores. Their last shipnient of concentrates gave returns of 200has ever set foot in. Mr. MilletteCharles JVleyers.

that fair Luna's face was coveredwith a veil, and the son of the sand-hills went away patisfied.

tny dear husband without it he

quite necessary, and then with the seriously contemplates moving obs. per ton.M. McKinney, of Lake Valley,tomed to see various lights from windowshere and there in towe. Some mother,sister or wife is cooking hreakfast for the

mere me nrst of the year.came to town with his team Wednesgreatest cood nature 1 am mistress Ihe shadow came on just as the Charley Nwartjs, an e llurmosaboy, returned a few days ago. Charley

-- Jefferson Raynolds and J. Vday and took Mao Lewis, the lheu- -of. moon arose above the horizon at miner, who has to get out early to goonollnrs, the bankers, have hiedmatic, to the hot springs of Las says tuat this is the bust camp in the2. to serve God more sincerely sunset and lasted about one hourand a half. Palomas. Lewis is almost crippled themselves away to White Oaks,

where they wil probably makeTerritory anA ho has coiuu to stay thistime.

the day shift. Two of these lights sre out,gone forever. Two miners lie side byside on the graveyard hill; two nielhere

than I have done in the state I am with the rheumatism and shouldAn eclipse of the moon is catised some profitable investments incow about to leave, and to lead the Las Palomas waters benefit Win. (VKelley, of Ilillaboro, is inwhen that luminary passes into the lands and mines. Las Vegas no longer have need of an early light tohim he will remain suitable to the blessed calling earths shadow. 1 be phenomenon Hermosa this week locking over thegot breakfast for their hoys. There are

can never occur except at the time camp lor a lease. Tkuro are plenty ofof my husband. Uptic.Mrs. Colby, the Silver Cilv none to take their places, the lights have

gone out forever. The pleaant fnoos ofgood leases to be had by all such energeticmen

of full moon, when the moon is inopposition and rises at sunset. At milliner, tarried Tuesday and Wed8. Never to fret or fall into a

passion about small matters, but Richard Joy and William Ilutcheiis erenesday in Hillsboro, doing quite John Bolibitt, llilisburo's old reliablesuch time the earth is between themoon and the sun. The passage

no longer seen going up street vy megood business. Thursday shemining man, is in low n this week viewing early morning light, with their dinnerleft for Lmko V alley, where she will

Locomotive Enginoer Redfield,of Lake Vailey, has been troubledwith an ulcerated jaw for the pasteighteen months, and has had five

operations upon the same withoutrelief. The case was put in thehauds of Dr. ,Yhitmer who re-

moved a portion of the jaw-bo- ne

and has effected a complete cure.

In a dfiieulty on Tuesday be-tween J. B. McPherson and H. M.

our riches and taking iu a whit!" of ourinto a "total eclipse" is a gradualtransition. The earth throws two pails, and returning in the evening,

to have always a cheerful heart,knowing my blessings much exceed

any troubles that can possiblybefall me, and in all dangers to

remain for a fews days and thenpure mountain breeze. stained with the dust of the mine, to sitreturn home.shadows, a very deep one, known Mrs. W. P. Notirse returned home lowu to such a supiH'r its only a motherJim Couely. formerly of thison Saturday from a jdsasuut visit with can set up to her hoy. No one astronomersas "umbra, aud a

lighter one, which is the outer edgecommit myself and family to an all place, while dealing fnro in Globe,

Arizona, oue night last week, re friends in Cblorido und Fairview. their luHt thought just lfore the fatalwise providence, and then to be of the "umbra," and is called thegiant powder quenched the last spark ofFrank Hoss, h iving compbte l hisceived a gush in the jaw from aeasy about the event. penumbra." These words thelife, but no doubt it was of mother.contract on the Buttle Mountain eiiniiigscientist has borrowed from the

tioo. R. Buck, Asa L. Day and G. W.laim, bus gouo to tlu mountains in4. Likewise to lay aside all

for dress, but to be always Latin 'umbra," meaning a shadow,

Johnson, jyicj. nerson received agash in his left side from a knife inthe hands of Johnson. Johnsongave himself up to the officers andwas placed in jail. Dr. Frank I.

Touilinsou returned from a two weekssearch ol the wild gazelle. He was ac- -aud "penumbra" signifying almosta shadow, not being so dark as the

kuite in the hand of a losingpatron of his game. Four stitcheshad to be taken in the cut.

To satisfy a judgment ofabout $11 secured by J. B. McPher-son against the Richmond (JoldMining company, Sheriff Sanders

ompanied by J. D. and Willis Stevens,The Humming Bird folks and thoformer. How, when the moon

passes into the "penumbra" theUiven was out of town at the timeand Mr. McPherson lost consider Pelican Mining Co. shipped each a car

oad of rich ore to the smelter this week.eclipse is only partail, but a transiThe Metropolis mine on South Fork

exactly neat and clean.5. I resolve to be very active and

never, for the sake of saving myselfa walk, to neglect anything, thoughit be never so great a trifle.

C. I resolve to be very frugal,and never to put my husband to

any needless expense.7. I resolve to be very kind to

tion into the "urntva mukes theeclipse complete. It is not ueces- -

prospecting trip up the Black Range histweek. They came from the direction ofHermosa.

Hr. Irfswls, ono of the owners of theBlark Colt on Bonanza Hill, has beenhere looking at the mine 'villi a view to

starting it lip. He has now gone toIHinver to look after mining machinery.

The Coinstock has already shipiedthree car loads of high grade ore fromthe new strike, and as was anticipatedother new strikes are already being noisedabroad.

ary for the inoon to pass throughresumed work tuis week under the ablemanagement of one of its present owners,George DeWilt. This valuable property,though in its infantile state, is making

the center of the shadow tobe totally obscured, though thenthe eclipse will bn of longer duration. At such tunes the mion,

rapid strides toward a paying monster.The shaft is now down about K0 feetaud has a well dellnud slip with 4 to (Iearth and sun are in a straight linemy servants, as well to their souls

ns to their bodies, and always toinches of ore sampling 175 ozj. per tonwith each other. Santa Fe New


will sell on Monday next a lot ofore sacks, shovels, pick and drillsteel, etc, belonging to thatcompany.

By virtue of a judgment se-

cured by the Hillehor Mercantilecompany against Howard Thorpefor $'lo, Sherifl Sanders will sellon Saturday of next week liveshares of stock in the KiugstonToll Road owned by the latterfor the benefit of the former.

Prof. Gould, county superin-tendent of schools, has sut outthe following circular to histeachers in relation to the neworganization called the NewMexico Teachers'. Reading Circle:

yive iPXsct orders, and never to be Its first shipment made its debut at thein a pHSsion if Ibev be not smeller this week.

Naeies of pupils of Ilermosa school8. J fegolve to treit my friends not absent nor tardy during tho week

ending Nov. lllth :

able blood before he returned.The wound is reported to be seriousbut not dangerous.

A. C. Schuknecht, assistantdistrict manager of the Northwest-ter- n

Mutual Life Insurance com-

pany at Minneapolis Minn., writesus: "Your letter with bill inclosedcaaie to hand in due time. Willsay in answer that you were cor-

rectly informed by Mr. Galles. Idid want to take a paper from somemining district and if possible getone the editor of which wouldprint news iu the above branchwhich is reliable, and Mr. G. toldme he thought you were that manand editor of the paper I was lookmg for. Please find inclosed mycheck for fit). This pays as Ifigure from Nov. 1st, 181)1, toJanuary 1st, lSlW."

Says the Silver City Enter-

prise:Several days of the present term of the

district court" were consumed in the argu-ment of questions of some importance Inmiiiers, in the fuse of Zullars vs. Galljs& Thompson, from Sierra county. Thecontroversy arose over the indebtedness

lohuie Anderson.ail hartlctt.

Kula Bothwell.Beniiie Hrook.i.

The World Enriched.The facilities of the present dny for the

production of everything that will con-luc- e

to the matesinl welfare ami comfortif mankind are almost unlimited aud.vhen Syrup of Tija was first producedhe world waa enriched with the only

.jcrfeet laxative known, as it 13 the onlyetnedy which is tm!y pleasing and re-

freshing to the taste and prompt andeffectual to cleanse the system gently iathe Spring time or, iu fact, r.t any timeand the better it is known the wore pop-ala- r

!t becomes.

Svlvia Andersen .

Lulu Hsrtlett.Anna HrooksCharlie Brooks.Victor JohnsonWillie Robinson.Pink Sullivan.

)ugen Bowker.Joy Nichols.

Kindiy, but never extravagantly,i ih! to be full as glad to see my

Jmsbind's relations is ny own.This paper was signed on the

ve of iitr marriage :

. Mary Christian.A pi iT 274740,Anil eertai ily its maxims are

vitluable at this time, and thelioolc is interesting as a brightexample of a gentlewoman of theolden time.

Fannie tiullivan.Ada Titus Jimmie Whittnker

Man. I Watson.Tommie Whittaknr.Li..ik L. Folbom, Teacher

Tho owners of Ills Antelope Miue

The two departed boy minors, Dick

Joy and Billy Hutcbens, were buriedside by side iu one grave. Tito funeral

procession was the largest ever seen hi

Kingston.The heavy grades on Bullion street

which leads up to the smelter are beingcut down by the citizens who live along'hat fashionable thoroughfare.

The contract for building the newroad from the Grand Central groue ofmines in the Carpenter District to Lake

Valley, was awarded to J jo. W. Gregglast Monday. He exoets to go to workiauned a'ely end have tho road com pie e t

by January 1st, no bad weather inteifer,ing. Goo. Rosy will have charge of therock work.

Sims Reed, who was agaia quite sick,is much better

Waller Giles, an returnedto Kingston last Wednesday

John Sacramento Col well, of theS. L. C. ranch, graced the streets of Kings,ton with liia commanding presence thisweek.

Jne. Sliver un 1 Jtidgo West returned

uesiring to use all propermeans to advance the standard ofeducation lu our county, I wishto call your attention to theTeachers' Reading Circle audinvite aud urye you to joiu il.This is an organized effort toimprove our standing education-ally. The cost is so little (audthat cost adds to your own librarytwo valuable books), that I hopeyou wil not hesitate a momentbut join at once. Tue enterpris

TOWN AND COUNTY,Go to the Mountain Pride Hotel

of Kingston, fur your Thanksgivingdinner.

Mr. Davis, the fruit tree man,is once more in the district.

I. H. Gray, the liveryman, liasin the operaUon ol me ua'iia niiase,Opportunity, Compromise No. hind 2mines near Hillsboro. A number of lienswore Hied bv miners and merchants forjust had his carriage thoroughly

A farmer near Alum, Iowa, bythe name of J H. Wolfe, hasfound a sure cure for croup. He

says: "For the last eight years 1

have recommended ChatnberluiD's

Cough Remedy for croup. Half of

repaired and uowly painted.N. Grayson returned home

from California on Saturday, muchbenefited by the trip.

Gause & Orchard have grantedRev. Carl von a free pass on their

ing teachers get the best placesand the largest salaries. In addi-tion to the opportunity it affordsfor personal culture, it will payas an investment. As your leader,I feel a little pride in the standingof our county, therefore I hopeyou will aid in this work." Thebooks referred to aro Pago's Theoryand Practice of Teaching, andBarne's Urief General History ofthe World.

a hny cent Dot tie wm cure thefrom the North Perjha yesterday.worst case, if taken in time. On

CJol. D. Dudley Finley, of the Virgi- -

work and supplies, aggregating a greatmany ihousands of dollars. Tim ininoowners hud also given a mortgage for a

large sum to Mr. Zollurs. The contestw;ia between the lien claimants, and theniprtgagee. Messrs. Pickett Elliott, Par-

ker and Alexander appeared for the lienclaimants and Fielder Bros. & lleflin onbehalf of the mortgagee. One of thequestions argued was, whether the lionclaim was superior to the mortgage, be-

cause the material and work was com-

menced and furnished before the mort-

gage was given, although not fully com-

pleted until afterwards. Another pointw:ts, whether in filing a lien, it would besulticient on several mining claims tostate how many days work was done oneach claim and to state generally thotime when the work was done on all, or

the 20th of this month, my boy,four years old, had the croup very u luu camp, was in town this week.

Ore has been struck on the north endbad and three doses cured him.

stage between Hillsboro and Kings-ton .

Mrs. Morrnan, of S ilmonville,Arizona, is visiting her daughtersMis. Geo. B. Clark of Hillsboro,and Mrs. F. P. Seiglitz of King-ston.

Will M. Robins and bride,

would not le wittioni it in my of Templar by the company that is operafamily, it me remedy is given ting over soon as the child becomes The Smelter has closed down and theLake Valley Doings.

have now stoppil leasing on the prop-

erty an 1 in the lot ti re will work it underthe management of It P. HerndonThis mine has I icon worked on the leas-

ing system for the past six years and haspro lucid over H0,0vK) worth of shippingoro to date. There is now about 300

tons of low grade c incontrating ore onthe dump and it is tho intention of theowners to erect a concentrating null inthe noar'futiire. At presnnt the com-

pany is sinking a winze on the contact onthe 100 loot levsl to connect with thelower level. A Davis whim will baerected in a few days on the deep shaft,which will greatly facilitate the woik in

he mine. Judgs Herndon is a practicalminer and deserves great credit for theway in w hich he is managing the prop-erty.

Married, in Hermosa, Wednesdayevening, at the residence of Mrs. I'd ward

Young, sister of the bride, Mr. Jno. W,Burke and Miss Mary Kolieits. JudgeB. P. llnrndon tied the nuptial knot, andthe bridesmaid was Miss Sadie Stulleyof Chloride and the groomsman Mr.George Roebe. The ceremony waswitnessed by a largo gathering of thefriends of the happy couple. On itscompletion a bountiful repast was servedand a short reception held The presentsreceived by Mr. and Mrs. U'irke weramany and costly. In honor of this ex-

tremely happy matrimonial event a

public ball was then given at the TownHall. The bride is one of the most

popular young ladies in Hiurra c mnlyami the Broom tho well known and ef-

ficient foreman of the Pjlican-L- a glemine group. Tun Advocatk is pleasedto leara that Mr. and Mrs. John W.

hoarse, it will invariablp prevent company Is preparing to stun up on acroup. OU cent Dottles for sale by Sol- -Steve Hoar is working en the permanent basis. Its operation sg far has

been very satisfactory.C. C JUiHer, uruggisP whether it was necessary to stato thetime when the work was done on eaek.

lenlwger leasoon the Blackbird.

(jus Hainmel! has returned from aweek's trip to the Carpenter district.

FOR SALE.Navajo Betl Blankets at Hills

formerly Mies Clara Allen, anivedhome Sunday evening, and havegone to housekeeping in theirpretty cottage home.

A Thankso'ving ball will begiven at McPherson's Hall, inHillsboro, on the evening ofNovember 2Gth Everybody is

I will sell my House and Lot boro mercantile Company's Store.and Furniture at a bargain forcash, aa 1 desire to remove toArizona. Property . ell located


This office bus now the best stock of staand possessed of good title. Fur invited. Admission $1.further particulars apply on the tionery vur brought to Hierra oonnty,Thos. Cain is back fron Silver such hs letter, uote, hill, and blank pupcreuvl.iws unil cauls. All kinds of uicroHii-tii- n

ami mine printing dons nently, quicklyaiidchranlv. Weddiim and mourning sta

Plume, Col., to again engage inraining at Kingston. Mrs. Cain,however, has become a resident of

premises. Mns. J. Cosely.Hillsboro, Oct 7, 1891.

Navajo lied Blankets at Hills-boro mercantile Company's Store.

tionery iu stock, together with a large and.very fancy nnsortmuiit of calling cards

Give us au order.Silver Plume, having opened amillinery store there.

It hapiieued that iu a largo majority ofthe liens filed, that no statement wasmade as to the time tho work was doneon each. The mines were operated iu

group and the men were shifted from oueclaim to another, when they filed tkeirlisns. They merely stated the time whenthey began to work for G dies t Thompsonand when they ceased to work and thenumler of days they worked on eachclaim, without giving the dates uponwhich the work was done on each elaim.That, method of drafting tho hen, wasparliaps adopted so that the eien con I I

preserve their liens on the entire proirty,as the work dene on some of the mineswas so long ago that they had lost theirliens for that spocitle work. Anotherpoint which was raised, was whether theprobate clt.k has any authority to ad-

minister an oath ; tliat seems to be auues-tio- n

of very serious doubt ; for years hisauthority has been unquestioned, anda large number of papers have beensworn to liefore him ; if it should be de-

termined that he does not have authori-

ty, very serious consequences may resultto a large number of ieople.

All the good miners in camp arecither at. work for wages or are doing wellat leasing.

.lack Olassnn Is doing the assessmentwork on the two claims owned by Har-

rison Wells, of Kansas.

Frank Moulton has abandonel thobusiness of delivering water to consum-ers and the Silver Mining Co. is now

supplying the whole towu from its pump-ing works.

The proposed wagon road from Lake

Valley to the Carntcr district is to bebuilt. The (irand Ceetral Mining Co.,which is to build the road at its ownexpense, has so decided, preferring thisroute to the Mimbros one. The road isto be completed by January 1st.

Charlie Ying, the Cosiuopolitionchef, has a cousin who draws a salary of

$10,000 a year. He is in the employ of

Navajo Huddle Blankets atCapt. J. P. Hyland and familyGo to the Mountain Pride Hotelof Kingston for your Thanksgiving Hillsboro mercantile Co s Store.passed through Hillsboro Sunday,

bound for their new home l'em- -dinner.After Forty Years. "My

A GOLD WATCH AND204. ing. Capt. Hyb n 1 will devote histime to his government office at father had n fever sore on his legThat il what every Agent receives who Burke will uiake thsir pcnuutitnt home

in Hermosa. for forty years; but haa been perDemtng, leaving Miss LorenaFanning in control of the Shaft,at Kingston.

Kingston NewsiFrom a letter received from 13.

Ridenour by Jndca Smith, onWednesday last, it in learned thatMr. Kidenour s littl son died be

Tnn Advocate learns from Hon.Frank W. Parker that the abovecase is yet undecided.fore Mr. H. reached his home at

Lawreuce, Kas. Much sympathyis expressed for the loving fatherin these parts.

ROLL OF HONOR.The following pupils of the

Hillsboro Public School wereneither absent nor tardy duringthe week ending Nov, 13th, 1891 :

In a private letter to the

gets up a club on our $1 per week plan.Our cold-fille- d cases are war-

ranted for 20 years. Fine F.lgin or Wal-tha-

movement. Stem wind or set.

Lady's or Gent's size. Equal to any $50

watch To suture agents w here w have

none, we sell one of the Hunting CaseWatches for the Club price $23 and send

CO. D. by express with privilege dx-arainati-

before paying for same.Our sgent at Durham, N. C, writes :

"Our Jewelers have confessed theydon't know how yon can furnish suchwork for the money."

One good reliable agent wanted foreach place. Write lor particular.

Empire Watch Co.,48 and 50 Maiden Lane, New York.

Navajo Saddle Blankets atHillsboro mercantile Co. 'a Store.

Navajo Saddle Blankets atHillsboro mercantile Co.'s Store.

manently cured by Chamberlain'sEye and Skin Ointment, nfter try-

ing all other remedies in vain,"

says Mr. S. YViiherell, a gun andlock smith at Port Madison, Iowa.He further says: "The spot wherethe sore was, is now perfectly clearas my other part. He used three25 cunt boxes in all." Another!

Mr. D. A., druggist, Black-

burn, Mo., eys. "I have personalknowledge of a cse of chronicgore eyes of many years standinghaving been cured by Chamber-Iain- 's

Eye and Skin Ointment.The party was Mr Seth Moorenorth of th if place." Mr. Mirtsays the ointment was worth morethan a tltouHiid dollars to himIt cost him 2 cents. For Bale byC. C. Miller, Druggie

Mr. Schalfjr, of the new SmeltinganJ Reduction works here, went eanlSunday morning. He expects to beabsent about two weeks.

S. W. Grant wae iu from MineralCreek tho first of the week. ,

Jos. Frakar, of the CutnbeilandMine, was in the latter part of the week

getting supplies.Win . McKay aud D in O'Leary came in

last Satnr lay w ith tho carcass of a largaBlack Tail deer which they had slain.

F. I. Soigliti has returned from athree weeks' trip.

L.Clay is hauling sample lots of orefrom the difTereut dumps on La Irone


Judge Geo. Richardson and family

editor of this paper, Mr, .1. CSiout, of the firm of J. C. Stout fe

Co., real estate anil mortgagebrokers of St. Paul, Minn, Bays:"Enclosed please find check for

the Southern Pacific co'npiny, end

s)ends part of his time in China.J. M. Horn, formerly with Keller

Miller & Co., has accepted a position atthe Waller C. Ha lley Co's store.

The total eclipse of the moon Sundaynight was second only in importance tothe eclipse of one of (ins N 's eyesthe night previous, the result of a so 1 Inn

contact with a fist which was not his own.Gus is said to le satisfied with a first con-

tact and will not prospect for a second.Four sturdy young minors who have

been down in Mexico for some time pasthave arrived in town and gone to workfor the Silver Mining Co.

The following pupils of the LakeVallev public schoo I were neither absent

S3 to pay for The Sierra County

Silen, Bertha.Silsn, Krlaml.Crews, Mattie.Crews. Lee.Lay cock, Sophia.

tiworge.lienson, Mollie.MarUolf, Willia.n.Dawson, Johnnie.Dawson. CarlNickls, Dona.


Meyer, Charley.Luna, LasHsreU.Opgenortu, Henry.Campbell, Lila.CampMI, Vina.Barnes, Itrui-e- .

Chaves. Alvina.Worden, FrancisWilliams, George.Psrrault, Alfred.Pecbeco, Veronica.

T Uot-LD- , Teacher.

Advocate, my name having bepnplaced on your list by the Hon. N.Galles. 1 feel much interested inthe news from Hillsboro and wiltvisit yonr section in January, onmy return from Europe."

Page 5: Sierra County Advocate, 11-20-1891 - CORE

T--i W. PAKKKIt. H

LAS ANIMAS 1ASD & CATTLE CO. r Attorney ut Law and Bulicit.the young Italy's father, lie suiil.WON 1 ) li K V U L 10 N DON. or "s.becoming louder and louder"I Iihvo 1U(I nil ed about Ibis Cliaucery.

Hillsborough, Newtill he can scarcely hear himJ'oiivtr Miniti "G-- Mlerman V

yount; inau'a circumstances. lie wm nmrtioe in nil the oourti of tlT.self think. It is supposed toUna 110 money iu Litnk ; but he owuh ritory. Prompt fttlention (jivea to u hu.

atm siitrustud to my carobe the lost herd, the fate of"All roads lead to Rome," is

a trite old saying, and when thecivilized world was smaller was s piece of property fr which, towhich has been wrapped in yrup''mystery since it left the Retquite true. In the financia my certain knowledge, he him

been cfferejl, anil has refused A.River with its drivers in 1071world London is the modern


Attorney at Law,

HillHboroiijjli, y

PoHlollioe, Lob 1'oloniiiH, Sierra comity, N.

M. Jiann, Animas rnncli. Kieriu county,tar umrkH, under lmlf crop eacli car.

Hone brand name a tattle but ou loll

shoulder,Additional Brandt.

nv.11 m t tiin- - Rome

1 have known two men whoRome. When great enter lhia led old Pi 'by to consentclaim to have heard and seenprises are incepted, necessitating vast cash outlay, the pro

to marriafl, which nliortly afterthis spectral dtive, and their xJ ., I.,fl 1,1., uniue 0:1 aideward took ptace. In the end, hedescription of it is exactly themoiers in all parts of the work

same.W O left Bide. 2i Ji'lit uip.22 riht hip. ; fl anilnl,'ii nidit tlima. I

W. 8. II'l'liWELL. Manner.poon find themselves upon thedirect route to London. lint "On it comes, with this dull

g .:i--

,Maiu fctreet,small as well as large schemes thundering sound till it getsnear enough for you to hearsend schemers to that gram:

hud 1 enroll to be proud of

though he was once heardto rtiiuurk, touching thut rare pieceof property, upon tho plreugtii ofwhioh he had consented to thematch:

"If it could not tnlts wings, itwhs liable ut niiy tiiim to walk oil'!"


P. T). Kidonoij-- , Pres., Kaiimm City, Mo.K. 1. JlrucUfit, Sec. A Treas. " "It. II. Itopiier, Manager, Kindlon, N.M.IS. S. Jackson, lluueh Mgr., ilillnboro.

the cowlK)y singing his monot

ForThroat and Lungs" I have been ill for

Hemorrhage "about five years,"have had the best

Five Years, "medical advice,"and I took the first

"dose in some doubt. This resul-ted in a few hours easy sleep. There' ' was no further hemorrhage till next"day, when I had a slight attack"which stopped almost immediate-"ly- .

By the third day all trace of"blood had disappeared and I had"recovered much strength. The"fourth day I sat up in bed and ate" my dinner, the first solid food for"two months, fiince that time I"have gradually gotten better and" am now able to move about the"house. My deatji was daily ex-- "

pected and my recovery has been" a great surprise to my friends and

focal point of cash accumula-tions London. What a rich jSk., odcii, ruop,onons dirge as he tries to turn

the host into a swiftly revolvand undeveloped field London V--

inir circle. On it still comesaffords for some ankee news J T .; ' 4bflNew Menever ceasing, and the hum IIlMJIBOROlOa.gathers to form a company to

ONE siiop rait i;s EXPE- -drum chanting of the cowboyand the continuous swinging

write a history of the queer andstrange, as well as the mightyand legitimate enterprises that

HIENCE.Krm the Boston (ilobe.

1 bewail life's buttle when 11of his lash, and the quickspringing of his wonderfully

years of ago, procuring employhave been presented to theJiritish investing public, say quickwitted horse can not, one

Hiini-p- . Houtlieaxtprn Sierra count v.nor all, stop nor turn themduring the past fifty yearsment ah bundle gnl in one of ourbire dry goodd eHtabliHlimeuta. All ciiltle branded an in th cut. nnd have

wo burn under tl.e tail cn both xidea."On comes this immens hostFrom the first volume to the I gradually advanced uutil I

"the doctor. There can be no doubt"about the effect of German S.yrup,"as I had an attack just previous to"its use. The only relief yas after" the first dose." J.R. Loivjhhkad,Adelaide, Australia.

to the banks of the Arkansas,with its wide, sandy bed and

last, each issue would commanda large and rapid sale in all reached the height of one's ambi Horses are all

branded BLC onthe left hip, u iuthin out.

its treacherous of the irlobe. No other tion in such pbiceH, that of 11 "saleslady-- " My education being 110th- -Into the water rush thesework of history or fiction couK

thousands of wild-eye- frightcompass so many startling facts niK to apeak of, made but verylittle diflWenc, an 1 made us tunny

1 1 1 .1G1VF;eneii creatures, ana men tne pMUNK

I.sales us any of the Kills 111 thewatcher sees for the first time

Choice liquori, fiue inc, good cigm al-

ways on hni, '

Uood billiard and pool table.

One of th jilcasantcst plticoa in tows tta to spend an evBiiing,

NOTICE FOIl PUBLICATIONLaud Office at Las Ciuces.N.M. S

October 8, lB'Jl.

Notice is hereby pi veil that theKettfer lias tiled notice of her

intention to make linal proof iu mipportofliir claim, and Unit faid proof will lieiiniiie liefore 1'roliale Judj;e or in ti isabeem- - 1'robnte Clerk, lit Hilsboro,N.M.,on NOVKMIiKK 21, 1H!H, viz : HAR-HIK- T

V. CKOVKH, widow of JAMrRJl. (iliOVl'.n.dreeiiHed, of l ake Vallev,N .M.,wiio mudit 111). KNTKY KO. 8lrfur the n U ne 'j--

,e lj no and nu

m; V ISw. o4, Tp. 17 H, H 7 w..Sin; riuint'S t lie following witiifPHeR to

prove her continuous resilience npwn andcnlliviilioii of said land, viz :

Nicholas E. Stevenson, of LakeValley, N. M.

Willisin V. Bratton.of King-ston, N. M.

Daniel Campta-ll- , of Hdlsboro,

T. . MWtelermrtuieut, which means iu thethat there are only two cowdry good busi'iiecs:

joys in charge of this maddenriiVMiiiin and Sirjfoon,

ILIUjowugh, N. M.ed crowd of brutes. Into tiie "You'll be liept."Well, I was kept, but li'id I r CASHwide river they C'o, and the

111,1 iiK.'d Hiiro till now, winch lbtwo heroes one a beardless

or embody so much of romance,or so completely outline thegrowth and progress of enter-prises that have been beneficialto the world at large on the onehand, and that have on theother wrought such ruin to somany thousands. Such a workwould never be completed inthe life time of the present gen-eration, as it would involveexplanations and recitals thatwould cover the more promi

gfiT Wot If willi the Microscope givenMpecial .1 u , 01 .

)oy and the other but little over h year, 1 iienH 1 would haveto lie kept on ice, or i think 1 wouldmelt with conceit.

older arc swiming, one oneach side of the herd, riirh t


New Mexico.

8tirE. M. SMITH, mannger.

Put one dull, rainy day, while urns yui owith the front ranks.tainy tho stink, 1 bml a kind of"Presently the young boy

a?goes under, and with the cry, a premonition, us it were, that 1

was going to live for 100 yearsand-thinking- ,

perhaps, such niilit.beSave yourself, Albert!nent features of the history of

niicksands!" he is swallowedr i

up. 1 he warning is useless. the cuhci, 1 begun to think of myfuture. I didn't kIoo tothinl;twice 1 at once resigned sale;,

11 a few minutes the wide, L; mon Soda.Sai saparilla S da,rushing river, which carried on


Builder and ContractorIlILLSiiOiilit'OH, M. M.

tiling done.

aily, and, ju-.- t think of it, becameits bosom thousands of hornedleads and two brave riders doinebMc.

I had occasion to go into the

all nations. Wars, railroadbuilding, telegraph, submarinecables, electricity, ship build-

ing, Artie explorations, subju-gation of savage nations, min-

ing and countless other subjectswould yield fruitful themes forthe condensation of interestingfacts and figures, as well asaffording boundless'' scope tothe imagery on the part of thewriters that would make theireverlasting fortunes besides

with their steeds, flows swiftlyto the sea, with not a living shop one day, it. being my "day

N. M.

Eilniund i'artii), of Ilillsboro,N. M.

Any juTson who dcires to protesta.wiiihl the allowance of such ' proof, orwho knows of any MiliHtantial reason,imiit'i tin' iaw and the regulations of the

terior epartiiient, why such proofshould not be allowed, will tie (liven anopportunity ut lh.' above mentioned timemid j'l.u'e to c the witnesseiof said claimant, and to oiler evi'Jenee iurebuttal of llial subinitfp.l bv clainiiint.

SAM no L I'.McCKKA,lVister.

e. e. BunuatjfisnsISSU 0rFSETABOCATORY

Kftitlili-- h 'U In , jm. Sm'ili-- mail otci;i wi?i receive prvnijit ui careful uuvnUvm.Geld & Silver Bullion K'?rHreVAtt

A44.-I- 17M 1 1T32 Uvrtzn St., tmerCelk,

(.'renin Soda.( I rape So In.Vr stal Sod 'i.

O.aiige Cider,(linger Ale.I'.irch Deer.IVar ('liaii)i"g')e.iSod ;t Ciders.Cliririe IVn i Phosphide,linn l'oiiie.

out," and my former hliop malescreature between its treacher fill: PARLOR SALOON.ous banks. would hardly speak to me, although

I never had a cros;s word with any"And this is repeated everyof them while, working with thorn,year, and has been lor a scoremid right here let ine s y the whole!of years now gone by. mukpuva stccic, niornucTonstrouble whs I had become "liverout," which in every girl's

the risk of libel suits and per-petual imprisonment for tell-

ing the truth.-- Kcxt door to the PoBtoflico,btimatioii is n crime.

Standard Xerve Food.Standard Neur-Cur- u.

Wmikohha Water.Seltzer WaterMineral Water-- .

And t tiier wators n


1 don't think it a crime, and 1

oii't think a young man who is In

"What is the explanation?It has none. The oldest cow-

boys in the service will tell youof a herd that mysteriously dis-

appeared in 1871 after it leftthe Red River on the oldShawnee trail, and everybodyknows this is true. There was

search of a )iit,t-cla- ts wife doiv; i fN. M.lllllsborougli,course 1 mean a man who works

Cottage Meat Market,

OI-O- K1CHAKD.SOS, Manaser,for a liviii"; and makes enough iav


From tlin

Said an ex cowboy as he satin one of the city hotels dream-ing of the past, the other even-

ing : "Among the old stock- -

111.1s boroo support a wife; not one of thenThe. liest of Wines, Liquors nnd Ciirnrsjealousy among the cowboys,

and some say that a stampede ffeniimite creatures that come inuIw'hvh t''l in stoek. Well lihteit Card

iu dry piod stores and make you ladles. Courteous. Hinilinii KurtenderH,noted for their uhilitv in the science ofTia Sfiop :

MixoloL'v, me iu constant attunduut e to 9lill your orders.

very weary, if you ura a sensiblegirl.

So, now you "salesladies" maycall living oat what you may, 1 am

perfectly satisfied with it. I have

was started by one faction in

hopes that two brothers, Albertand Willie, would be killed in

trying to check it, and thatthey were lost in the Arkansas,while the conspirators went toSouth America. And they



First class tin work of everydescription done.

Orders by mail promptly attended IssayOiuceto.

got good clothes, have a littlemoney in tho l;mk, have a littlecolor in my clnek- - (n itunl), canwash, can co ik, c:m men 1, an 1 I

hope 1 am not too presumptuous,wheu I say 1 consider myself capa

add that this spectral drive istheir reappearance from thedead each year. But youdon.t believe in tdiosts, do


t and Shoemaker,

men 01 western Kansas andnorthwestern Texas there is atradition which accounts for avery strange phenomenon onthe Arkansas River. As allvery well the old cattledrives have gone forever andthe cowboy is fast becoming adim figure of the past, Twentyyears ago over 500,000 cattlecame over those wide trailsleading from Texas up acrossthe Arkansas River near l ortGibson. This year not adrive takes place over the oldpaths.

"Along the eld 'Shawnee!



Able of suiting any young man. In Rear of Postoffice,


ofReck hart & IImckelman,


03E"SHIPPERSWho consign their ores to ElPaso smelters can have thesampling, weighing, etc., su-

pervised and counter-assay- s

of check samples made byReckhart & Heckclman ofthe Independent Assay Office

riiltTY.Kroui tho Nw Yolk LHer.

Young Toddleby wad a trua-heart- ed

and iiroinisinf' youth. lie

When Mhs Me lora II ilTitrm,

duugbter of the licli New York

banker, was man it d in ISH'J to theliandsoine young, the.

Kingston, X. M.

t?""Wi!l answer all calls d:iv ornilit. Odice ut Motmt .in Pride Hotel.


at the rate of $io per car load.

Marquis de Mores, there were no!

a few of her intimate friends who

predicted tliid the match wouldturu out in the usual way whereAmerican heii esses married tilledforeigners. The Marquis cut a

great sweil for four or five years in

this country as n cattle grower iuNorth Dakota and us the originatorof n scheme of retail mn' lets in

Address Box 463, LI Paso,Texas.

trail,' which ran eastward fromthe Red River ;nd crossed theArkansas not far from Fort(iibsnn, the grass is graduallycovering the ground wl ichwas for so many years beatenhard and bare by thousands ofjipofs that went along thereover the drive every f.ili, butwhile no owner can be foundwho claims the herd and nodrivers designated as having

had graduated w ith honor ut Y'ale,and was Htudyiiy lew with MrLofter. It so happened thatTod-dleb- y

became ucquaiuU'd with a

beautiful young lady, daughter ofold l'iyby. He loved the fairmaiden, and hen ho had reasonto believe that his love was return-ed he asked Mr. Lofter to recom-

mend him to the father, Loflerbeing ou terms of clone intimacywith the family. The lawyeragreed mid perfi-ime- his mission;but old Diby, who loved money,


1 i O USE, SI (i NT A N D CA R- -

RIAGK PAINTER.Paper Hanginjjand Decorat-

ing, Graining, Glazino; andKalsoniininp;. Furniture Re-

paired and Revarnishcd. AllWork done on Short Notice.


New York city, where ho tr-pos-

to sed his range cattle fromthe meat block direct toeonse.mers.One of bis Western experiences

it in charge, there is said to beLAKE VALLEY. N. M.JUSTICE OF THE PEACE


NOTARY PUBLIC.Hillsborough, - New tnexico

IF A CODY MEET A BOOTthe result hi rMi.lon. vhrtVrruie rv, or not. l.lfo fU otnulh.n. W e are constantly colliding with mt

It with o"Ioine drcml- knocks u 01; the track rTrhZ dS?11.1c ua for lift-- . Women riaYl." ! wVlttave to beer the brunt ofaUllctloM than mankind. Jn"ll 7fTilt

New OixhIs of every kind pertain-lu-

to the oirug business.

PRESCRIPTIONSfcimle imiriilantie" and wokniFa,",T. 1'icrce a Favorite .r.

was a conflict with coivbojs, inwhich he killed one of their num-

ber. He was tried for murder nud

acquitted. The prediction of MisslloiTmau'a friends has now cometrue, R8 his own father has joinedhis wife lu applying in Put id foran order to restrain the Marquisfrom squandering his property.The Marquise has ulso asked to bedivorced from her husband, whohas squandered nenily all herfortune.

the of Vomen

a mysterious drive of stam-peded cattle at the ArkansasFord every fall, even yet.

Some say it is the 5th ofSeptember of each year andsome assert that it is the 25th ;

but, while there is a slightdisagreement as to the date,there is no difference of opin-ion ss to the other facts.

"On the night designated in

September of each year a lis-

tener at the old Arkansascrossing can hear the low, dullthundering sound of rushingcattle far in the distance,growing nearer and nearer,

asUcil property the youiif'man had. Lt ft r said he did notknow, but ho would inquire. Thenost time he saw his young studenthe uskttd hiui if he had tiny property at till.

"Only health, strength R'ld a

determination to work," repliedthe youth.

"Well," smM the lawyer, whodncerely believed the student wasiu every way worthy, "let us bee-Wha- t

will you take for your riyhtleg? 1 will give you !:0,(MK) forit."

Of course Toddleby tefued.The next time the b.wjei saw

tbe nianufactun-rs- , thut it wiU riwJ

Coprright. u, bjr woue'i Dii. Mux u .

Cnrefully compounded by a Itegia-tere- d

Pluu macist.SAMPLE ROOM

At Kingston has always room forone more. Call iu and getacquainted with Frank. Tleusaut-es- l

man in town, to Rn hour

A. H. WHITMER. D. D. SDr. PIERCE'S PELLETSer:t' in ill it frwilami1'riiding

1 Ku,W it!l It.ilM "t'.'i an I hridr'c workhii'dinc ( evi ivi.t 1'hk ArvorATi;

,11 W i

of lti11 d 'de etc.;; .1 pi.ites. an.1 cleanse the Itrer, omch am

'?.' '. h- -y w Purely vt and tiiileM-ripi- l

ollice.liiul iju iiijio io nnd e'Urewet)" tird ilass. I itiy nuruih-sa- . Ou n bow. 6 i

HlLLSBOitvH OU, Ho ocnu a rial.N. M.
