  • 8/7/2019 SI-5141 & SJ-5122 Urban Travel Forecasting History


    Urban Travel Forecasting:What Was Learned in the Past 50 Years?

    How Should We Proceed in the Future?

    Professor David Boyce

    Department of Civil and Environmental EngineeringNorthwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, USA

    Computational Transportation Science Seminar

    University of Illinois at ChicagoApril 25, 2007

  • 8/7/2019 SI-5141 & SJ-5122 Urban Travel Forecasting History


  • 8/7/2019 SI-5141 & SJ-5122 Urban Travel Forecasting History


    Origins of travel forecasting models Travel forecasting, as we know it today, began in

    the early 1950s:

    In practice, to provide a basis for designing post-warfreeway systems, as an outgrowth of earlier surveys ofurban travel patterns;

    In research, as an ingenious idea suggested by a new,

    on allocation of scarce resources in a post-war civildefense project.

    The former took hold, and was disseminated;the latter was lost for 15 years, and has had little

    impact on the field, despite its far-sightedimplications.

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    Travel Forecasting Procedure Based on Detroit Study Experience(Carroll and Bevis, Papers of the Regional Science Assn, 1957)

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    The description of thetransportation planningprocess, as found onpage 9 of the Final Report

    of the Chicago AreaTransportation Study,Volume I, 1959.

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    Fig. 20. Recommended Expressway Plan for the Chicago Study Area




    This plan was recommended by the

    Chicago Area Transportation Study in1962. The solid red lines were agreedupon before the Study began in 1955.

    The dashed lines were proposed additionsto that system. Only one facility on this

    map, I-355, was built; an extension is nowunder construction. The CrosstownExpressway became highly controversial

    in the early 1970s, although funding wasavailable to build this facility. Those funds

    Source: CATS (1962, Map 13, p. 64)

    were later used for arterial roads andtransit lines. This plan was the first andlast attempt to utilize optimizing methodsto design a plan.

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    Martin Beckmanns user-equilibrium travel

    model with variable demand formulated as aconstrained, nonlinear optimization problem1

    1. Beckmann, M., C. B. McGuire and C. B. Winsten (1956)Studies in the Economics of Transportation, Yale University Press.

  • 8/7/2019 SI-5141 & SJ-5122 Urban Travel Forecasting History


    Urban Location and Transportation Systems

    Urban activities may be viewed as a spatial system: land area, floor area and layout requirements of households, firms

    and public agencies and services desire for spatial separation, light, clean air and environmental

    amenities land availability and suitability for location requirements

    Transportation provides connections among activities: high density activities require higher capacity systems (e.g. rail

    low density, extensive activities require lower capacity, moreflexible systems (e.g. cars on an arterial network)

    Travel times and costs partially determine the relativespacing of activities:

    households and workplaces households and retail firms and services employment and business services and package delivery

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    Relation of travel times/costs to spatial interactions:

    unit travel costs increasing with network flows (roads) unit travel costs decreasing with network flows (some transit)

    ability of different modes to serve spatially intensive vs. spatiallydecentralized patterns

    Land market and regulations: an imperfect mechanism forcoordinating land development, density and thereby travel.

    Major cohesive forces that causes large cities to grow: transportation services

    agglomeration and localization economies (availability of specializedservices at one location)

    business and public services (why did Boeing move to Chicago?)

    Major forces that cause large cities to disperse:

    need to satisfy space requirements at lower cost desire to move closer to skilled labor force or to employ labor with different

    attributes (why did Sears move to the outlying suburbs?)

    reluctance and lack of incentives to recycle previously used land(reuse of brownfields)

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    One attempt to represent

    the relationships amongurban activities andtransportation modes.

    PTV America, Inc.

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    Lets examine from first principles the attributesof these phenomena, as might be the situationin a place with no prior modeling experience.

    Unconstrained by prior research and practice;

    Unconstrained by theory and data requirements.

    Note: This may be dangerous! But it may offerus some new insights into the phenomena.

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    C. Network characteristics

    Vehicles (single-packet-flow) Relation of travel delay to:

    > flows on links

    > clock time

    B. Basic dimensions of travel choices

    Frequency of travel

    Departure time

    Origin-destination flow

    Framework for the design of

    a travel forecasting model asa three-dimensional matrix ofmodel attributes.

    A. Basic model primitives Location of households,

    employment, urban activities,land use

    Travel activities

    Traveler classes Clock time

    Transportation technologies(modes)


    Mode choice structures Route choice structures and

    travel time perceptions

    Structure of travel choices

    Traveler market segmentation

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    A. Basic model primitives Location of households,

    employment, urban activities,

    land use Travel activities

    Clock time

    Transportation technologies



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    Location of households, employment, urban activities and

    land use Locations and land development defined by small areas

    Locations and land development defined by land parcel

    Locations and land development defined on a small grid

    Travel activities

    Trips from origins to destinations

    Tours, or sequences of trips

    Connections between activities (activity-based model) Traveler classes

    Socio-economic classes (households classified by number ofpersons, number of workers, income, number of cars)

    Trip purposes, for trip-based and tour-based models

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  • 8/7/2019 SI-5141 & SJ-5122 Urban Travel Forecasting History


  • 8/7/2019 SI-5141 & SJ-5122 Urban Travel Forecasting History


    Frequency of travel

    Trips or tours per time period

    Departure time

    Uniform rate during modeling period

    Dependent on desired arrival time, or congested travel time Dependent upon avoiding congested travel conditions

    Origin-destination flow

    Demand function for each OD air Beckmanns formulation

    Constrained by total number of departures or arrivals (known as adoubly-constrained gravity model)

    Destination choice function determined by variables describingdestination, and segmented by classes

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    Route choice structures and assumptions about

    perceptions of travel time Cost minimizing based on perfect information(deterministic user-equilibrium)

    Cost minimizing based on perfect information with randomperception errors (stochastic user-equilibrium)

    Cost minimizing based on stochastic link/intersection travel timeswith assumption about attitude towards risk

    Structure of travel choices (e.g. mode choice)

    Sequential (sequence of choices, each dependent on the previous) Hierarchical (choices conditional on other information)

    Traveler market segmentation Tour type, designating the trip chain in which an individual trip

    occurs: work tour, at-work tour, and non-work tour Chauffeured tours and non-chauffeured tours

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    C. Network characteristics

    Vehicles (single-packet-flow)

    Relation of travel delay to:

    > flows on links

    > clock time

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  • 8/7/2019 SI-5141 & SJ-5122 Urban Travel Forecasting History


    Attributes of traditionaltravel forecasting models

    Basic primitives Activity locations defined by traffic analysis zones Trip-based, origin to destination

    Classes defined by trip purposes, with socio-economic segmentation

    Daily (24 hour) or Period, such as peak-period Sometimes vehicular travel only, including trucks

    Networks defined by nodes, links with travel time/cost

    Basic dimensions: four models solved se uentiall /feedback

    Trips per time period with implied uniform departure rate Origin-destination flow constrained by number of departures and

    arrivals (doubly-constrained gravity model)

    Nested logit mode choice model

    Cost minimizing route choice (deterministic user-equilibrium) Basic network characteristics

    Continuous flows of vehicles

    Delay depends on each links own flow (separable)

    Delay depends on current flow only

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    Attributes of integratedtravel forecasting models

    Basic primitives Activity locations defined by traffic analysis zones

    Trip-based or tour-based, origin to destination

    Classes defined by trip purposes, with socio-economic segmentation

    Multiple periods, such as peak and shoulder periods Person and vehicular travel, including trucks

    Networks defined by nodes, links with travel time/cost

    Trips per time period, exogenous or endogenous Origin-destination, mode and time period choices defined as flows

    and constrained by number of departures and arrivals

    Cost minimizing route choice by period (deterministic user-equilibrium)

    Solved by an iterative algorithm to precise convergence Basic network characteristics

    Continuous flows of vehicles

    Delay depends on each links own flow (separable or non-separable)

    Delay depends on current flow only

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    Dest Choice / Mode Choice /

    Period Choice / Route Choice

    Activity Frequency

    (Trip Generation)

    Destination Choice

    (Trip Distribution)

    Activity Frequency(Trip Generation)

    Sequential Procedure Integrated Model

    Mode Choice

    Route Choice

    (Traffic Assignment)


    Consistent levels ofservice with a precise

    user-equilibrium solution

  • 8/7/2019 SI-5141 & SJ-5122 Urban Travel Forecasting History


    Input data:( )

    iO and jD by trip purpose

    Road network

    Compute the initial solution for 1:=

    k Initialize travel costs ( )1ijc

    Solve Trip Distribution ( )1)1( ijij de Assign ( )1ijd to road network ( )1af

    Legend:k Loop indexW Weight for averaging matricesE Feedback convergence targetCW Constant WeightsMSA Method of Successive AveragesTMF Total Misplaced FlowRSE Root Squared Error

    Feedback by Averaging of OD Matrices

    Compute the solution for 1: += kk

    Compute average OD cost ( )kcij

    Solve Trip Distribution ( )keij Check convergence of ( )keij to ( )1kdij :

    TMF = ( ) ( ) E1 ij

    ijij kekd , or

    RSE = ( ) ( )( ) E1



    ijijij kekd

    If converged, then STOP; if not, continue.

    Assign ( )kdij to road network to desired level

    of convergence of excess route costs ( )kfa

    Average trip matrices ( )1kdij and ( )keij :

    CW: ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )kekdkd ijij += W11W ,


    MSA: ( ) ( ) ( )kek


    kkd ijij





  • 8/7/2019 SI-5141 & SJ-5122 Urban Travel Forecasting History


    Problems requiring travel forecasts

    for transportation systems planning

    Systems or network planning:

    Determine system layout or configuration

    Determine spacing of facilities by type (e.g., freeway, arterial,collector; rail, bus, shuttle)

    Determine overall capacities of facilities (vehicles, persons per hour)

    Determine intersection lane capacities, signal system design

    Coordinate signal system design

    Determine transit frequencies (headways), vehicle size

    Coordinate transit services among submodes

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    Staging of facility and service improvements:

    Determine annual and multi-year improvement programs

    Find optimal staging of project implementation

    Assessment of environmental, energy and social

    consequences of transportation systems Determine total emissions (NOx, CO2, SO2) and energy

    consumption by year, facility type, and subregions

    justice in USA) Determine which travel classes, trips, time periods are impacted by

    a given system improvement

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    Relationship to Location and Land Use Planning

    Extent and scale of transportation systems is determinedby location, density and scale of land use pattern and theassociated pattern of urban activities;

    Effectiveness and efficiency (cost) of alternativetransportation technologies (modes) depends on theextent, densit and la out clusterin or dis ersion of

    urban activities; To be most effective, land use and transportation systems

    planning must be coordinated and undertaken jointly.

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  • 8/7/2019 SI-5141 & SJ-5122 Urban Travel Forecasting History


    Constraints imposed by software systems

    Nearly all software is based on the traditional sequentialprocedure view of travel forecasting;

    As a result, the capabilities offered are basically toolkits forimplementing and solving specific models, and sequences

    of models, as found in practice; These capabilities are linked together by menus, scripts

    and other ad hoc methods;

    solution procedure based on the integrated model concept(MCTs ESTRAUS); General purpose solvers for integrated models, formulated

    as optimization problems, are not efficient for the large-scale implementations found in this field; micro-simulationremains impractical and may omit important relationships.

    Professional practice and training of practitioners isincreasingly related to one or more of these softwaresystems, which are often seen as black boxes by users.

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    Prospects for the Future

    Need for better informed decisions is increasing (globalwarming, resource shortages, equity around the world);

    Implications of bad decisions are not confined to wastedresources, since system equilibria will adjust to the realities,

    and the least efficient urban cities will decline (St. Louis,Detroit in the US; Russia, Britain in the world economy);

    Opportunities to create more livable and productive urbanenvironments may be lost, if decisions are not improved;

    Progress in advancing travel and location models is slowand evolutionary, but capability to apply accumulatedknowledge through improving computer hardware andsoftware appears to expand at an increasing rate;

    Progress will ultimately depend upon improved training ofprofessionals and researchers, which is relatively slow;

    Therefore, investment in education and research is the keyto exploiting the technological advances that computer

    engineering and science is providing to us.
