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The Strategic Power of StorytellingUsing Content to Drive Awareness,

Engagement and Applications

James EllisTMP Worldwide

@TheWarForTalent |

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[No really, I’m going somewhere]

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The Power of Story Content

• Bypasses people’s defenses• Exists everywhere and anywhere• Flexible in scale and scope

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Enjoyable to work


Shares our corporate values

Soft/unquantifiable skills

Hard skills

How Companies See Candidates

*Apologies to Mr. Maslow

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Might actually enjoy working there

Corporate values align “enough”

Salary, benefits, etc.

Financially solvent/paycheck won’t bounce

How Candidates See Companies

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There’s not a lot of alignment between

these two perspectives


Enjoyable to work


Shares our corporate values

Soft/unquantifiable skills

Hard skills


Might actually enjoy working there

Corporate values align “enough”

Salary, benefits, etc.

Financially solvent/paycheck won’t bounce

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Enjoyable to work


Shares our corporate values

Soft/unquantifiable skills

Hard skills


Might actually enjoy working there

Corporate values align “enough”

Salary, benefits, etc.

Financially solvent/paycheck won’t bounce






Well, some alignment

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How Do We Evaluate?


Enjoyable to work


Shares our corporate values

Soft/unquantifiable skills

Hard skills

Educated guess



Resume/Cover letter/



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How Do They Evaluate?


Might actually enjoy working there

Corporate values align “enough”

Salary, benefits, etc.

Financially solvent/paycheck won’t bounce

Best guess

Marketing Speak

Marketing Speak



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We need to align our needs to theirs in order for both of us to

get what we want.

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The Old Candidate Journey

I have a job opening

You have a resume

Give me your resume and when I decide I’m ready to talk to you, I’ll control the entire process.


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The Candidate Journey





UnawareAs more information became available to the candidate, they became more selective, looking more and more like “consumers” rather than “candidates”

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DATA!Based on data from 350 career sites, the journey

from Unaware to Apply is 41% longer than it was just

two years ago.

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The Real Candidate Journeys

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The Real Candidate Journeys (Hopeful, but Unlikely)

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The Real Candidate Journeys (Recruiter-driven)

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The Real Candidate Journeys (Passive and Patient)

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The Real Candidate Journeys (Passive but Interested)

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The Real Candidate Journeys (Most Honest)

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The Pros and Cons of Longer Journeys

Long journeys occur because people want more information before making a life-changing decision.

Since most companies don’t actually provide that information, they are forced to find it themselves.

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Do you want to give them more of the information they crave?

Or will you force them to go looking for it on their own?

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The Opportunity of a Longer Candidate Journey

Of course, if you provide that material, they will stay on your career site longer, absorbing more information.

This tends to ultimately lead to better cultural fits.

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Content only works with two audiences:Passive candidatesActive Candidates


Active CandidatesContent Validates Interest

Passive CandidatesContent Draws Interest

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Content only works with two audiences:Passive Candidates & Active Candidates

Active Candidates:Looking for more and new

jobs to apply for

Passive Candidates:Not looking for a new job, but is always looking for


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When he finds the job, he will want more information about what the job

is like before applying

ContentJob Application

Active Candidates

Content’s role is to validate the interest in the company and the job, moving him closer to application

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Content Job Application

She isn’t looking for a job, but she values content. And when she finds it,

she will begin to establish a positive brand impression, which she will

remember when she goes job hunting

Passive Candidates

Content’s job is to attract people to you, encouraging them to fall in love with the company before suggesting a job.

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Tell Your Story (or someone else will)

Of course, if you provide that material, they will stay on your career site longer, absorbing more information.

This leads to more comprehension and understanding of your company, higher application rates even at the highest levels of management, and ultimately a better cultural fit.

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Tell My Story?!

You don’t talk to prospective interns like they were directors of operations and vice versa. But your ATS/career site sees them as the same.

Content allows you to speak to them on their level about the things that concern them.

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Let Prospects Pick Their Personal Path

Content lets people choose what interests them

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Sold! How Do I Do This?

It’s incredibly complicated:1. Make content that tells

your story2. Connect it to jobs that

are related to that content

3. Manage and adjust

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I’m Not a Writer! How Do I “Make” Content?

If you can’t find your (inner or outer) writer:• Interview someone• Interview someone (with a camera!)• Ask someone to interview someone else• Take pictures of your people at the office• Let your people take pictures of each other• Ask people why they work here• Ask someone to take pictures of their path from home to work• Shoot a video where someone explains one work process• Email 10 people and ask them 1 question

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There’s One Trick

Content that tells your stories and engages an audiences is great! But you need to connect that to a job or call to action in order to squeeze real value out of content.

Connect jobs to content and content to jobs

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It doesn’t have to be scary

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Start simple.

Simple projects can lead to incredibly powerful tools.

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Thank You

James EllisDirector of Inbound Marketing

TMP Worldwide

[email protected]
