Page 1: Should(yoube( interested, please( · Presentación1.pptx Author: Elias Cueto Created Date: 1/16/2012 12:42:21 PM

4-­‐years  PhD  fellowships  covering  the  full  tui8on,  a  monthly  s8pend,  and  health  insurance  

Should  you  be  interested,  please  contact:  Elías  Cueto  ([email protected])  David  González  ([email protected])  Icíar  Alfaro  ([email protected])      

Page 2: Should(yoube( interested, please( · Presentación1.pptx Author: Elias Cueto Created Date: 1/16/2012 12:42:21 PM

Ph.D  Posi)on:  Model   reduc)on   techniques   for   real-­‐)me   simula)ons  and  virtual  surgery  The  four-­‐year  PhD  fellowships  cover  the  full  tui8on,  a  monthly  s8pend,  and  health  insurance.  Applicants   should  hold   a  degree   in   Engineering,  Mathema8cs,   Physics  or  a  related  field.  They  will  be  evaluated  on  the  basis  of  their  academic  record  and  creden8als,  their  previous  exposure  to  computa8onal  fluid  or   solid  mechanics,   numerical   analysis,   con8nuum  mechanics,   applied  mathema8cs  or  scien8fic  compu8ng,  a  Master  degree  in  a  related  field,  previous  research  experience  if  any,  and  the  English  proficiency.  The   field   of   research  will   be   numerical  methods   for   simula8on-­‐based  engineering   sciences.   In   par8cular,   novel  model   reduc8on   techniques  allowing   fast   resolu8on   of   ini8al   boundary   value   problems,   with  applica8on   to   virtual   surgery   simula8on.   The   posi8on   requires   sound  understanding  of  numerical  analysis,  in  par8cular  a  good  knowledge  of  numerical   methods   for   par8al   differen8al   equa8ons.   Moreover,   the  candidate  must  be  familiar  with  MATLAB  and  have  some  experience  in  implemen8ng  numerical  methods.  Specific   condi+ons:   FPI   fellowship   funded   by   the   Spanish   Ministry   of  Science   and   Innova8on.   There   is   funding   for   interna8onal   research  stays  of  up  to  6  months.  Deadline   for   applica+on:   15   February   2012   (early   applica8on   is  recommended).    Responsible:  Elias  Cueto,  Universidad  de  Zaragoza  

Page 3: Should(yoube( interested, please( · Presentación1.pptx Author: Elias Cueto Created Date: 1/16/2012 12:42:21 PM

Beca/contrato  FPI  del  Ministerio  de  Economía  y  Compe88vidad  (4  años)  

Interesados,  contactar  lo  antes  posible  con    Elías  Cueto  ([email protected])  David  González  ([email protected])  Icíar  Alfaro  ([email protected])