
Business Question DictionaryCard Program

Should primary business contact be added to notifications system?

Should primary technical contact be added to notifications system?

Are any fees to be billed to someone other than the contact listed in the header?

What does the question mean?

Answering 'Yes' to this question will allow you to set up fee payment to a point of contact other than what you/ve

specified while filling out this project.

Answering 'No' will act as a shortcut for you.

Who cares to know?

⦁ Finance

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ Fact Sheet

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?


Additional Notes:

Tuesday, August 15, 2017 Page 1 of 28

Capture any text that will appear on custom card design.

What does the question mean?

With a custom card design, it is important to capture any text that the customer wants to appear on cards because

MasterCard likes to review it to make sure they are OK with it. (They also review images, but they more carefully

look at text for some reason.)

This shows up on the fact sheet that you take over to the Card Program Manager and comes into play while he or

she is trying to get your customer’s custom card approved.

Who cares to know?

⦁ The Card Program Manager

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ Fact Sheet

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?


Additional Notes:


Define the frequency of this report's delivery if not weekly.

What does the question mean? By default, this report is sent on a weekly basis. If for any reason, this report should be sent in a different

frequency (daily, monthly, etc), you can enter that frequency here. If this report should be sent weekly, the answer

to this question may be left blank.

Who cares to know?

⦁ Implementations Team

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ Report Request Matrix

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?


Additional Notes:

Tuesday, August 15, 2017 Page 2 of 28

Does customer want a custom website?

What does the question mean?

Co-branding the signup page allows your customer to slightly modify ProPay’s website so that it also tells their

story. Please work with ProPay’s Marketing team to learn the options for co-branding.

Who cares to know?

⦁ Marketing

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ Marketing Work Order – Cobranded page

⦁ Fact Sheet

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?


Additional Notes:


Does the business accept MasterCard?

What does the question mean?

Does this company accept payments through MasterCard?

Who cares to know?

⦁ Card Program Manager

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ Fact Sheet

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?


Additional Notes:

MasterCard wants to know the answer to this question for our new programs, and requires it as part of our

obtaining approval for a new PPMC program.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017 Page 3 of 28

Does the company pay for all sign-ups?(As opposed to each user paying for his or her own account.)

What does the question mean?

Will the company pay for all sign-ups of the accounts that they will be distributing to?

Who cares to know?

⦁ Sales Engineer needs to know this in order to make sure the company knows the importance, during signup,

of passing payment information in the event they are asking account holders to pay for their own accounts.

⦁ Implementations team needs to know this in order to set it up correctly in production.

⦁ Account Management team needs to know this because they need to know what kind of trouble they have

inherited from you.

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ Card Program Fact Sheet

⦁ TIF-Card Program

⦁ Account Management Engagement form.

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?


Additional Notes:

This question has very important technical implications. If our customer, the program manager, does not pay for

the accounts; then they MUST make sure they understand the implications. Specifically, that they cannot pay for

accounts that are not paid for. If an account holder doesn’t provide payment info during signup, or is declined,

THEN THE COMPANY CANNOT PAY THEM until payment is received.

This is not to say that a company cannot be successful while asking its distributors to pay for their own accounts.

They have to carefully consider, though, how to make the solution feasible. Including:

⦁ Using the ProPay website for signups rather than the API, puts the onus onto the distributor to pay for their

own account and get everything ready before providing their parent company with a ProPay account number to


⦁ Making sure to collect a credit card number from each distributor that can be passed to our API during

signup, while also paying attention to our API response and flagging accounts as not yet paid when we tell the

company of a decline which we will.)

⦁ Making darned sure to pay attention to the ProPay response when they try to pay out commissions. We will

not be responsible when our customer is too lazy to take this important responsibility seriously.

Many ProPay sales reps have sworn-off selling commission programs when the company is unwilling to pay for

all accounts because doing so has led to a nightmare when that same company is unwilling to consider all


Tuesday, August 15, 2017 Page 4 of 28

Does the company pay for renewals?

What does the question mean?

Will the company pay for all renewals of the accounts that they will be distributing to?

Who cares to know?

⦁ Sales Engineer in order to train customer on how to do renewals properly.

⦁ Implementations Team in order to set the program up correctly in produciton

⦁ Account Management

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ Card Program Fact Sheet

⦁ TIF-Card Program

⦁ Account Management Engagement form

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?


Additional Notes:

Renewals seem to be less important than signups when it comes to the question of "who pays for them"

With signups, asking each distributor to pay for their own account, can open up a huge can of worms unless the

company has dealt with all the implications. With renewals it tends to be less urgent a question because account

holders, by the point that renewal needs to occur, the account holders mostly "get" the process. That said, there

can still be problems if, a year from signup, distributors cannot be paid and the company doesn't bother paying

attention to our response to their disbursement request stating as much.

Enter destination email address here.

What does the question mean? In many cases, the sales person may choose to receive the reports to ensure they are being sent. The referral partner

may also wish to receive these reports. Please enter the names of all who wish to receive the reports via email,

followed by the email address. If not reports are being sent via email, this can be left blank.

Who cares to know?

⦁ Implementations Team

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ Report Request Matrix

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?


Additional Notes:

Tuesday, August 15, 2017 Page 5 of 28

Is the card customized?

What does the question mean?

Should the card-holders receive a customized ProPay MasterCard?

Who cares to know?

⦁ Card Program Manager

⦁ Legal

⦁ Implementations Team

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ TIF-Card Program

⦁ Card Program Fact Sheet

⦁ Card Program Agreement Request Form

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?


⦁ If yes, Card Program Manager

Additional Notes:

Is the carrier customized?

What does the question mean?

Should the card-holders receive a customized insert?

Who cares to know?

⦁ Card Program Manager

⦁ Legal

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ TIF-Card Program

⦁ Card Program Fact Sheet

⦁ Card Program Agreement Request Form

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?


⦁ If yes, Card Program Manager

Additional Notes:

Tuesday, August 15, 2017 Page 6 of 28

Is the customer for whom this program is to be created a sole proprietor?

What does the question mean?

Is the customer the business owner who will take responsibility for the company’s debts?

This question influences the ProPay Legal Team's processes in executing a contract with your customer.

Who cares to know?

⦁ Legal-this must go in the contract.

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ Card Program Agreement Request Form

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?


Additional Notes:

Is this Know Your Loader?If yes, please refer to the Know Your Loader Requirements Checklist

What does the question mean?

Know your loader is a program that allows the adminstrator of a card program (ProPay's customer) to accept

responsibility for knowing who each new ProPay account holder is. In essence: the customer, rather than ProPay,

assumes responsibility for confirming each account holder's identity.

Per ProPay's sponsor bank, we can only allow our customers to BE "Know Your Loader" if the company itself first

submits to a bacground check and agrees to certain responsibilities.

Who cares to know?

⦁ Risk department

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ Card Program Fact Sheet

⦁ KYL requirements checklist (question doesn’t actually appear but needs to be completed if KYL is desired.)

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?

⦁ If yes, Risk must provide additional approvals for project to go live.

Additional Notes:

If yes, please refer to the Know Your Loader Requirements Checklist

Tuesday, August 15, 2017 Page 7 of 28

Is your company or parent company currently subject to any lawsuits or regulatory action?

What does the question mean?

ProPay's Legal team needs to know this info because we will be concerned that, by sponsoring "bad actors" we

may be implicated by virtue of our having enabled the company to continue operating.

Furthermore, our sponsors will also be concerned (for the same reason)

Who cares to know?

⦁ Legal Team

⦁ Card Program Manager

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ Fact Sheet

⦁ Agreement Request Form

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?

⦁ No

Additional Notes:


Please provide detail regarding current regulatory action.

What does the question mean?

ProPay's Legal team needs to know this info because we will be concerned that, by sponsoring "bad actors" we

may be implicated by virtue of our having enabled the company to continue operating.

Furthermore, our sponsors will also be concerned (for the same reason)

Who cares to know?

⦁ Legal Team

⦁ Card Program Manager

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ Fact Sheet

⦁ Agreement Request Form

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?

⦁ No

Additional Notes:


Tuesday, August 15, 2017 Page 8 of 28

Provide a business description.Please limit your response to 255 characters or less.

What does the question mean?

Please describe what this company does/what service they provide.

Please use 255 characters or less.

Who cares to know?

⦁ Risk team considers this as part of their background check of companies who want to administer a card


⦁ Card program manager needs to relay this info to our sponsor bank as they, and MasterCard both care to

know this information as well.

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ Card Program Fact Sheet

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?


Additional Notes:


Should account holders receive a custom signup email?

What does the question mean?

Some affiliates choose to have a customized email sent to the customers upon signup rather than the generic

ProPay emails. This needs to be communicated to marketing with plenty of advance notice so the custom email

can be created and tested before the account goes live.

Who cares to know?

⦁ Marketing - they need time to create and test the custom email.

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ Card Program Fact Sheet

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?


Additional Notes:

Tuesday, August 15, 2017 Page 9 of 28

Should accounts under this card program auto-renew?

What does the question mean?

In order to set up a card program for auto-renewal of its accounts, those accounts must be paid for by the

administrator (our customer) rather than by each account holder. Otherwise auto-renewal will not work.

An auto-renew solution makes it easier to make sure accounts remain in a state where our customer can continue

to pay into them after expiration would normally occur. (Typically a year after signup.) Auto-renewal is also a

way that ProPay can ensure we continue to make money on card programs as they mature.

Who cares to know?

⦁ Sales Engineer needs to know in order to make sure customer is integrating renewals or removals as


⦁ Implementations Team needs to know to set up correctly in production

Upon which documents does this question appear?


⦁ Fact Sheet

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?


Additional Notes:

With auto-renewal, it becomes important that customers learn how to integrate a means to ensure they can remove

accounts from their program using ProPay's API or by sending us a file. We call this process "de-affiliation"

because, when accounts are removed from a customer's program, they still exist…just no longer as part of the

customer's program. (And the responsibility of keeping accounts that have been removed open becomes that of

the account holder him or herself.)

There are a few viable solutions:

1. Company pays for signups and renewals. ProPay auto-renews. Company must notify ProPay of those

accounts they want removed.

2. Company pays for signups and renewals. ProPay does NOT auto-renew. Company must notify ProPay of

those accounts they want renewed. Company will have to deal with inability to pay into accounts that they do

not renew.

3. Each account holder pays for renewals. (Company may or may not pay for initial signups.) ProPay does

NOT auto-renew. Company will have to deal with inability to pay into accounts when account holders do not


Should Berkley cards be mailed to corporate address?

Tuesday, August 15, 2017 Page 10 of 28

Should this account receive an Affiliate Signup Report?

What does the question mean?

Report is a list of all account holders under the program. Much detail about each account holder is provided.

For documentation on any report, please look at sample and docs hosted on ProPay's intranet.

Who cares to know?

⦁ Implementations Team

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ Report request matrix

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?


Additional Notes:

Should this be sent via email rather than SFTP?

What does the question mean? Reports can be sent to a particular email address or be set up on a secure page where only pre-determined IP

addresses can access them. Please define which option the client prefers.

Who cares to know?

⦁ Implementations Team

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ Report Request Matrix

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?


Additional Notes:

Tuesday, August 15, 2017 Page 11 of 28

Should we ship any international cards to corporate?

What does the question mean?

With a card program, it is possible that, instead of shipping each PPMC to the account holder, we can send them

all to a centralized address. This allows a company to include the card in some sort of initial packet, or to take

advantage of better ways of getting cards into the hands of their users than we use.

This option is to do so for international cards and is more common than having us ship domestic cards to the


Who cares to know?

⦁ Implementations needs to know this in order to set up corporate shipping in production.

Upon which documents does this question appear?


Does this question trigger an approval requirement?


Additional Notes:

You can also request a separate ship-to address for each country. The PMA doesn't support this option, so if you

need this done, you should talk to the Implementations Team to ask that they set something up. Make sure to

come prepared with that address though.

Should we ship domestic cards to corporate?

What does the question mean?

With a card program, it is possible that, instead of shipping each PPMC to the account holder, we can send them

all to a centralized address. This allows a company to include the card in some sort of initial packet, or to take

advantage of better ways of getting cards into the hands of their users than we use.

This option is to do so for domestic cards. It is less common to ship to corporate for these than for international

cards because we are actually pretty good at getting cards into the hands of US and Canadian users.

Who cares to know?

⦁ Implementations needs to know this in order to set up corporate shipping in production.

Upon which documents does this question appear?


Does this question trigger an approval requirement?


Additional Notes:


What is the ACH Out fee?

Tuesday, August 15, 2017 Page 12 of 28

What is the annual management fee?

What does the question mean?

This is a fee charged, manually, by Finance. Make sure this gets communicated if you need it charged.

Who cares to know?

⦁ Finance

⦁ Legal

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ Card Program Agreement Request Form

⦁ Card Program Fact Sheet

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?


Additional Notes:

What is the artwork resubmission fee?

What does the question mean?

What is the fee that ProPay should charge for resubmitted artwork?

This is a fee charged, manually, by Finance. Make sure this gets communicated if you need it charged.

Who cares to know?

⦁ Finance

⦁ Legal

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ Card Program Fact Sheet

⦁ Card Program Agreement Request Form

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?


Additional Notes:

Tuesday, August 15, 2017 Page 13 of 28

What is the card design consultation fee?

What does the question mean?

What is the fee that ProPay should charge for the card design consultation?

This is a fee charged, manually, by Finance. Make sure this gets communicated if you need it charged.

Who cares to know?

⦁ Finance

⦁ Legal

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ Card Program Fact Sheet

⦁ Card Program Agreement Request Form

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?


Additional Notes:

What is the custom carrier change fee?

What does the question mean?

What is the fee that ProPay should charge for changing the custom carrier/insert?

This is a fee charged, manually, by Finance. Make sure this gets communicated if you need it charged.

Who cares to know?

⦁ Finance

⦁ Legal

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ Card Program Fact Sheet

⦁ Card Program Agreement Request Form

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?


Additional Notes:

Tuesday, August 15, 2017 Page 14 of 28

What is the custom carrier fee?

What does the question mean?

What is the fee that ProPay should charge for customizing the carrier/insert?

This is a fee charged, manually, by Finance. Make sure this gets communicated if you need it charged.

Who cares to know?

⦁ Finance

⦁ Legal

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ Card Program Fact Sheet

⦁ Card Program Agreement Request Form

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?


Additional Notes:

What is the domestic load fee?

What does the question mean?

Load fees are one of the primary money-making instruments for our commisison programs.

This is a fee charged, manually, by Finance. Make sure this gets communicated by providing the Fact Sheet to

that team.

Who cares to know?

⦁ Legal

⦁ Finance

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ Fact Sheet

⦁ Agreement Request Form

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?

⦁ If < $0.25, Pricing Committee approval required

Additional Notes:

Tuesday, August 15, 2017 Page 15 of 28

What is the domestic renewal fee?

What does the question mean?

What will users in the US be charged to renew an account?

Signups and renewals are two of the main means of money generation for ProPay's commission programs. (Along

with load fees.) Signups and renewals are collected automatically.

Who cares to know?

⦁ Implementations Team

⦁ Legal

⦁ Sales Engineer needs to know about renewal fees so that a decision can be made about how the customer

might need to build a solution for renewing accounts.

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ TIF-Card Program

⦁ Card Program Agreement Request Form

⦁ Card Program Fact Sheet

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?

⦁ If < $9.95, Pricing Committee approval is needed

Additional Notes:

Remember, collection of fee impacts technical integration. Answer this question even for test.

What is the domestic sign-up fee?Remember, collection of fee impacts technical integration. Answer this even for test.

What does the question mean?

What will users in the US be charged to sign up for a new account?

Signups and renewals are two of the main means of money generation for ProPay's commission programs. (Along

with load fees.) Signups and renewals are collected automatically.

Who cares to know?

⦁ Sales Engineer

⦁ Legal

⦁ Implementations Team

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ TIF-Card Program

⦁ Card Program Agreement Request Form

⦁ Card Program Fact Sheet

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?

⦁ If < $9.95, Pricing Committee approval is needed

Additional Notes:

Remember, collection of fee impacts technical integration. Answer this question even for test.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017 Page 16 of 28

What is the international load fee?

What does the question mean?

Load fees are one of the primary money-making instruments for our commisison programs.

This is a fee charged, manually, by Finance. Make sure this gets communicated by providing the Fact Sheet to

that team.

Who cares to know?

⦁ Finance

⦁ Legal

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ Fact Sheet

⦁ Agreement Request Form

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?

⦁ If < $0.25, Pricing Committee approval required

Additional Notes:

What is the international renewal fee?

What does the question mean?

What will users in the US be charged to renew an account?

Signups and renewals are two of the main means of money generation for ProPay's commission programs. (Along

with load fees.) Signups and renewals are collected automatically.

Who cares to know?

⦁ Sales Engineer

⦁ Legal

⦁ Implementations Team

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ TIF-Card Program

⦁ Card Program Agreement Request Form

⦁ Card Program Fact Sheet

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?

⦁ If < $19.95, Pricing Committee approval is needed

Additional Notes:

Remember, collection of fee impacts technical integration. Answer this question even for test.

Tuesday, August 15, 2017 Page 17 of 28

What is the international sign-up fee?

What does the question mean?

What will users in the US be charged to sign up for a new account?

Signups and renewals are two of the main means of money generation for ProPay's commission programs. (Along

with load fees.) Signups and renewals are collected automatically.

Who cares to know?

⦁ Sales Engineer

⦁ Legal

⦁ Implementations Team

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ TIF-Card Program

⦁ Card Program Agreement Request Form

⦁ Card Program Fact Sheet

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?

⦁ If < $19.95, Pricing Committee approval is needed

Additional Notes:

Remember, collection of fee impacts technical integration. Answer this question even for test.

What is the name of the sole proprietor?

What does the question mean?

Who owns the company/is responsible for any debts the company incurs?

Who cares to know?

⦁ Legal

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ Card Program Agreement Request Form

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?


Additional Notes:

Tuesday, August 15, 2017 Page 18 of 28

What is the number of cards expected for one year?

What does the question mean?

How many cards are expected to be issued in the first year this account is open with us?

Who cares to know?

⦁ Card Program Manager needs to know this information so that the correct amount of card stock can be

maintained at our printer.

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ Card Program Fact Sheet

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?


Additional Notes:

What is the number of cards expected for three years?

What does the question mean?

How many cards are expected to be issued in the third year this account is open with us?

Who cares to know?

⦁ Card Program Manager needs to know this information so that the correct amount of card stock can be

maintained at our printer.

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ Card Program Fact Sheet

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?


Additional Notes:

Tuesday, August 15, 2017 Page 19 of 28

What is the number of cards expected for two years?

What does the question mean?

How many cards are expected to be issued in the second year this account is open with us?

Who cares to know?

⦁ Card Program Manager needs to know this information so that the correct amount of card stock can be

maintained at our printer.

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ Card Program Fact Sheet

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?


Additional Notes:

What is the payment contact billing address?Please enter the street address, City, State and Zip will be asked next.

What does the question mean?

What is the billing address of the person who should be billed for the fees associated with this card program?

Who cares to know?

⦁ Finance

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ Card Program Fact Sheet

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?


Additional Notes:

Please enter the street address, City, State and Zip will be asked next.

What is the payment contact city?

What does the question mean?

What is the billing city of the person who should be billed for the fees associated with this card program?

Who cares to know?

⦁ Finance

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ Card Program Fact Sheet

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?


Additional Notes:

Tuesday, August 15, 2017 Page 20 of 28

What is the payment contact name?

What does the question mean?

What is the name of the person who should be billed for the fees associated with this card program?

Who cares to know?

⦁ Finance

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ Card Program Fact Sheet

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?


Additional Notes:

What is the payment contact state?

What does the question mean?

What is the billing state of the person who should be billed for the fees associated with this card program?

Who cares to know?

⦁ Finance

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ Card Program Fact Sheet

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?


Additional Notes:

What is the payment contact zip code?

What does the question mean?

What is the billing zip code of the person who should be billed for the fees associated with this card program?

Who cares to know?

⦁ Finance

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ Card Program Fact Sheet

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?


Additional Notes:

Tuesday, August 15, 2017 Page 21 of 28

What is the payment method type?Checking, ProPay-ProPay, Pay-by-Check

What does the question mean?

How will the person responsible for paying the fees be making the payments?

Who cares to know?

⦁ Finance

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ Card Program Fact Sheet

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?


Additional Notes:

Checking, ProPay-ProPay, Pay by check…

What is the setup fee?

What does the question mean?

What should ProPay charge the client to set up the commissions program?

This is a fee charged, manually, by Finance. Make sure this gets communicated if you need it charged.

Who cares to know?

⦁ Finance

⦁ Legal

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ Card Program Agreement Request Form

⦁ Card Program Fact Sheet

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?


Additional Notes:

Tuesday, August 15, 2017 Page 22 of 28

What is the spendback percentage fee?

What does the question mean?

The primary means of revenue generation, for Spendback, is this percentage based fee on each transaction.

The fee is collected automatically from each transaction with a net amount being subtracted from the transaction

total that lands in the destination account.

Who cares to know?

⦁ Implementations team needs to know this in order to set it correctly on production

⦁ Legal

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ TIF-Card Program

⦁ Card Program Agreement Request Form

⦁ Card Program Fact Sheet

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?


Additional Notes:

Will account holders under this program receive a PPMC?

What does the question mean?

Will the merchants who sign up under this commission account get a ProPay MasterCard?

Who cares to know?

⦁ Card Program Manager

⦁ Sales Engineer

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ Card Program Fact Sheet

⦁ TIF-Card Program

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?


Additional Notes:

Tuesday, August 15, 2017 Page 23 of 28

Will accounts under this program be non-expiring?

What does the question mean?

Will the account that are signed up under this program not expire?

Who cares to know?

⦁ Sales Engineer

⦁ Pricing Committee

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ Card Program Fact Sheet

⦁ TIF-Card Program

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?


⦁ If yes, Pricing Committee

Additional Notes:

Will this Card Program be doing Berkley?

Will this Card Program be doing China Union Pay?

Will this Card Program be doing Western Union EFT?

Tuesday, August 15, 2017 Page 24 of 28

Will this company need to submit batch files for sign-ups?

What does the question mean?

Some customers use a batch file to perform SOME of their signups, but such is not a preferred option.

Frequently, this option is requested when customers haven't the technical savvy to integrate a good signup

solution. If a customer absolutely needs this option, then you will need to ensure the following:

⦁ The account management team is aware of this desire and is prepared to assist in the burden of ensuring files

are generated correctly.

⦁ The customer understands that they MUST create files according to ProPay's very rigorous specification.

⦁ The customer understand that it is their responsibility to "plug" in account numbers from ProPay's system,

and lacking account numbers, they cannot pay their distributors.

Who cares to know?

⦁ Account Management needs to know about the nightmare you are creating for them.

⦁ Sales Engineer needs to know this in order to make sure to work through the implications of this decision

with the customer during integration

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ Fact Sheet

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?


Additional Notes:

Tuesday, August 15, 2017 Page 25 of 28

Will this company perform disbursements via API?

What does the question mean?

Use of the ProPay API to perform disbursements is preferred over files for the following reasons:

⦁ Files will only be processed during normal ProPay business hours, while API disbursements can be done on

the customer's time table.

⦁ Use of the API provides some assurance that customers know what they are doing and confidence that the

customers know how to read in our response in such a way that they deal with commissions that cannot be

paid out for one reason or another. Remember: ProPay will not allow disbursements to unpaid or expired

accounts. People who use a file for disbursements tend not to deal with unpaid commissions very well, while

people who do their disbursements via the API usually are able to create a good system for dealing with


Who cares to know?

⦁ The Sales Engineer needs to know so that customers can be taught how to use the API to do these.

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ Card Program Fact Sheet

⦁ TIF-Card Program

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?


Additional Notes:

Will this company perform disbursements via batch file?

Tuesday, August 15, 2017 Page 26 of 28

Will this company perform signups via a ProPay API?

What does the question mean?

API signups also benefit the partner in the following ways. Among these are:

⦁ The partner is free to create their own signup experience so long as they are prepared to require the fields

required by ProPay, and understand that ProPay’s automatic underwriting requirements still exist.

⦁ When a partner sends a request to the ProPay signup API, he or she gets back a response that contains

everything needed to begin processing on behalf of a new account holder. Use of other signup methods

requires that the partner obtain information about each account from the account holders themselves.

API signups, however, create a technical/integration burden for customers. Carefully consider what the best

choice is for this affiliate partner.

Who cares to know?

⦁ Sales Engineer needs to know that API signups will be used so that the customer can be trained and things

can be set up correctly on test.

⦁ Implementations needs to know that API signups will be used in order to set the customer up correctly on


Upon which documents does this question appear?


⦁ Fact Sheet

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?


Additional Notes:

Partners have a large number of optional values that can be passed using the signup API. Here are a few you may

not have known about:

⦁ The INITIAL password can be set by the partner. Users who will log in to the ProPay website are still

required to set their own password the first time they arrive.

⦁ Banking information attached to the ProPay account can be set.

⦁ Payment for the ProPay account can be passed either as a credit card number, or as a ProtectPay token.

Remember, if accounts aren’t to be free, and if the partner wants to immediately begin processing onto new

accounts, they had better collect payment info.

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Will this company perform spendback transactions?

What does the question mean?

Spendback allows the affiliate to pull funds from individual ProPay accounts in order for the merchant to

purchase product to sell in turn.

Who cares to know?

⦁ Legal

⦁ Risk

⦁ Sales Engineer

Upon which documents does this question appear?

⦁ Card Program Fact Sheet

⦁ Card Program Agreement Request Form

⦁ TIF-Card Program

Does this question trigger an approval requirement?


Additional Notes:

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