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Shot types.

Long shot - This is an example of a long shot. This is because in a long shot you are able to see the person from head to toe. From this shot you should also be able to see the environment they are in and where they are based. This shot is used in order to show the relationship that the person has with the environment around them.

Close up – A close up is when you are only able to see the persons face in the shot. The purpose of this shot is to allow the reader to have a clearer image of what the person looks like and it helps show their facial expressions in more detail to show what kind of mood to magazine is trying to display.

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Medium close up – a medium close up is when you are only able to see the persons face and shoulders. You would use this shot in order to see the persons facial expressions and also to see what kind of environment they’re based in. This is a common shot used on rock music magazines as the person on the front cover is the main feature and so it needs to be clear who the person in the image is.

Medium long shot – this shot enables you to see the subject of the image from head to waist. It enables you to see what kind of environment they’re based in as well as the sort of clothes they wear.

Low angle shot – a low angle shot is a common shot used in rock music magazines. They use it when the subject is displaying a moody character. This makes them look powerful and in charge. It is also a good shot to use as it gives the impression that the subject in the magazine is

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looking down at you through the cover of the magazine. This creates a sense of direct address making the reader feel more involved.

Extreme close up – an extreme close up is when you can only see some very small features on the face. This can include an eye, a nose and mouth etc. It is good to create suspicion of who the person in the image actually is.