  • 1.Be inspired: Predictions for the evolution and revolution in B2C channels in the next decade Martin Newman CEO Practicology

2. Why Im speaking today 3. Ive worked in multichannel retail for 25 years - for businesses such as Harrods, Ted Baker and Burberry and had responsibility for stores, online, kiosks, DM and call centre channels I now run Practicology a multichannel consultancy based in London & Sydney serving international clients Im on the Advisory Board to etailer Wiggle, and am the Digital & Multichannel Retail Advisor to the charity Breast Cancer Care This year I was included in the British Interactive Media Associations Digital Hall of Fame Hot 100 4. Do I have all the answers? No. If I did, Id be sitting on this boat! 5. A shameless plug 6. Deep experience of the team: Weve all been at the coal face! 7. Were all retailers: Weve owned the eCommerce P&L for the following brands: 8. What Practicology does Strategy Development Commercial Planning Technology Selection Organisational Change Analytics & BI Conversion Rate Optimisation Customer Insight UX & Usability Site Design Digital Marketing Trading Services 9. Who we do it for 10. You cant afford to be only thinking about today and next year 11. You really cant afford to take your eye off the ballas things are changing so quickly 12. The customers of 2020 today 13. Two concepts that will be crucial to any business that engages with consumers in 2020 14. Businesses in 2020 Anything, Anytime, Anywhere If you were a customer service business that just happened to sell how would you treat customers? 15. Prediction 1 Web penetration What % of your sales or interactions with customers do you expect to take place on the web by 2020? Non-grocery retail 50%? Grocery retail 20%? Travel/tickets 80%? Retail banking 80%? Its hard to predict exact numbers but we all know we are yet to reach saturation point 16. Dont think the web is only for the young 17. Prediction 1 Web penetration Web shopper 1996 Web shopper 2020 18. The majority of older customers are buying online and were seeing this with an ever-increasing % of orders online 19. Prediction 1 Web penetration 93% Internet usage 50% mobile web Forrester estimates 6% retail sales were online in 2012 If it hits 10% by 2020 thats the same as the UK figure today 20. Prediction 1 Web penetration No product category is immune from this evolution (Figures from PwC Multichannel Myths report Dec 2012) 21. Prediction 2 - Multichannel Multichannel shopping behaviour means the web will be the driver of most purchase decisions by 2020 even if the transaction is not completed online and/or delivered Supermarket Albert Heijn collection point for cars and a service point for in an Albert Heijn store 22. Prediction 2 Multichannel By 2020 many more businesses will have moved to the top right Click and collect 23. Prediction 2 - Multichannel 24. Prediction 2 - Multichannel A single view of the customer is crucial so you can serve them across multiple channels Businesses will be increasingly channel-agnostic Allowing customers to start and finish journeys in the channel of their choice 25. Prediction 3 - International Consumers will be global and 24X7 Whether your offer is competitive will depend on offering local sites, ranges and customer service At the same time your competition will no longer be purely local 26. Say hello to the Chinese 27. Chinese etailer Light In The Box sold $200 million to 17 countries in 2012 half to European consumers In June 2013 it raised $79 million in a US stock offering businesses like this are gaining credentials consumers will trust 28. Prediction 3 - International Consumers in developed markets are beginning to transact with online retailers in developing markets PayPal says 16% of all online shopping in the UK, USA, Australia, Germany, Brazil and China is cross-border, and worth $105 billion in 2013 PayPal predicts that by 2018 there will be 130 million cross-border shoppers spending over $300 billion 29. Prediction 3 - International Emerging market businesses will begin to open stores in Europe And could buy up European brands too Chinese fashion retailer Bosideng opened a store in Central London Global brands also attract global tourist spend do you accept China UnionPay in store? 30. Prediction 4 - Mobile Your customers will use mobile as part of a large percentage of their shopping journeys They will make purchases not just on tablets but on smartphones and hybrid devices too Biometric technology will likely do away with the need to input payment details The majority of web sales will be on mobile (tablets and smartphones) Mobile - revolution not evolution 31. Prediction 4 - Mobile Most adults will own a smartphone (43% now) and all will use it to access the internet everyday in the Netherlands (now 64%) In the UK, already 23% of online sales are on mobile devices, up from 11.6% a year ago and 34% of site visits are from mobile devices, up from 21% a year ago, says IMRG 32. Prediction 4 - Mobile Sites will be built with responsive design principles as a matter of course by 2020 33. Prediction 5 Consumer behaviour Multitasking/multiscreen mobile shopping while commuting, watching TV while banking on a tablet etc: Never really offline More loyal to retailers and brands that offer something unique or added value services Less loyal to retailers and brands who dont have a differentiated offer And will consider international online competitors if the only difference to base their decision on is price 34. Prediction 6 Consumer expectations Consumers will expect to be entertained and inspired when they come to your stores and branches must add value to the transaction They will expect etailers and brands to have a physical presence too even if it is pop-up or a collection/returns point for online Consumers will expect marketing, promotions and interactions to be personalised whatever the channel Tthey will expect you to make good use of the customer data they likely already provide you with 35. Prediction 7 Customer-centricity Chief Customer Officer, VP Customer or Customer Director Every customer-focused organisation will have a senior member of staff tasked with championing the customer The most forward-thinking businesses will have taken this concept further and embedded a culture where all staff champion the customer What will this mean for the way businesses treat their customers? 36. Prediction 7 Customer-centricity Bad customer feedback via social media and other channels will be a core KPI If a product or service you sell gets consistently poor feedback it will quickly be removed from sale or re-engineered Consumers will also inform product and service development 37. Prediction 7 Customer-centricity Quality is already important to consumers in the Netherlands Price is important to consumers everywhere. Convenience is the third crucial factor You will allow customers to get their hands on their purchases when it suits them, not you 38. Prediction 7 Customer-centricity Personalisation will be more important. Products Marketing timing and channel as well as actual content Offers and discounts based on location and other triggers 39. Prediction 8 Company structures Which executive job roles will be crucial to a successful business in 2020 apart from the Chief Customer Officer? Ecommerce will become commerce Marketing, IT, Ecommerce, Buying & Merchandising roles will all begin to merge A need to harness data will see staff with analysis and actionable insight skills in demand The CEOs of 2020 are the Multichannel, Ecommerce and Digital Directors of today 40. Prediction 9 Town centres Its not as bleak as it may first look The UKs top click and collect performers: 32% of Argos total sales are through Reserve & Collect proving the appeal of multichannel shopping journeys 90% of Halfords online sales are through Click & Collect 41. Prediction 9 Town centres 42. Digital brands will adopt more pop-up strategies that invite exploration EBay, for example, opened a pop-up store in Londons Covent Garden for a weekend in the run-up to Christmas when online orders traditionally peak Retailers will develop 24-hour, self-service collection lockers in high-traffic locations In Australia, supermarket chain Coles is trying out refrigerated lockers where online shoppers can retrieve their order by way of a pin number. Waitrose is doing similar in the UK Play and storytelling will be a stronger means to educate and entertain shoppers adidas NEO stores in Germany bring social media into the store with elements such as Share Your Look mirrors 43. The blurring of daily routines and the squeeze on free time will continue to heighten the appeal of vending machines offering much more than just snacks In the US Best Buy has used vending machines for electronics such as iPods in airports to serve customers day and night Innovative retailers and local authorities will help the high street regain its role as a community space where people are encouraged to meet and socialise KitKat in Holland has offered shoppers a moment of downtime with its tongue-in-cheek offer of No Wi-Fi Zones. Mobile signals are jammed in the seating area allowing people to socialise and relax. Similarly, Selfridges has created a Silence Room where people can go to unwind 44. Prediction 9 Town centres Three years ago Kiddicare was an online retailer with one showroom at its DC Its begun to open destination stores that give online shoppers reasons to visit cafes, antenatal and baby classes etc and shows what stores need to offer in order to compete with online 45. Prediction 10 Marketplaces go multichannel How long until Amazon has an offline presence? 46. 2020 is not about 47. Thank You! Please email me at: [email protected] Or follow us on Twitter at: @MartinNewman @Practicology
