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Exposing Jehovah’s Witnesses

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The Witchtower

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3 The Modern Jeroboam Class in Action

5 Perfect Health – How to Achieve?

7 Sheet Music – Is It for Christians?

8 The Evil Spirits – Where Are They?

10 Wheat or Weeds – Which Side You Are On?

11 The Witness of the Food Pyramid

14 Do You Have The Mark for Survival?

15 Introductions for Use in the Field Ministry

16 “Are You Using the 1983 Calendar?”

16 “The End is not yet”

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“Bethel had been a house of God but became a house of hurtfulness.”

– The Watchtower, March 1, 1989, page 14

Jeroboam was the first king of the ten-tribe

kingdom of Israel. Originally he had been ele-

vated to a high position by Solomon himself:

“When Solomon got to see that the young man

was a hard worker, he proceeded to make him

overseer over all the compulsory service of the

house of Joseph.” (1 Kings 11:28) And like all

Biblical persons, Jeroboam has a modern anti-

type, a greater Jeroboam, a Jeroboam class.

It is not too hard to find out who it is. “The

Greater Solomon [is] Jesus Christ, now ruling

as heavenly King.” (The Watchtower, May 1,

2003, page 21) Who was appointed “overseer

over all the compulsory service” by Jesus? “Je-

sus has appointed the faithful and discreet

slave … „over all his belongings‟ … These „be-

longings‟ include the growing „great crowd‟ of

„other sheep.‟” (The Watchtower, February 15,

2009, page 24) “As „unpaid laborers,‟ the other

sheep willingly and wholeheartedly expend

their strength and their resources in support of

the worldwide preaching work.” – The Watch-

tower, January 15, 2008, page 26.

The modern Jeroboam class „established

a religion centered around two golden calves‟

Accordingly the modern Jeroboam class con-

sists of the anointed Jehovah‟s Witnesses, the

“faithful and discreet slave.” (Matthew 24:45)

Jeroboam claimed to be anointed as king by

God; likewise the members of the Jeroboam

class call themselves “anointed,” claiming that

they will be “ruling as heavenly kings” eventual-

ly. – The Watchtower, August 1, 1977, page 464.

A New Religion

Jeroboam feared that his subjects might re-

turn to their former king. He tried to prevent

this “by establishing a religion centered around

two golden calves.” (Insight on the Scriptures,

volume II, page 37) The greater Jeroboam, the

“faithful and discreet slave,” too „established a

religion‟ to consolidate his position.

What are the “two golden calves” today?

A publisher in Mexico employed a similar pic-

ture when he told a homeowner: “If a mule

should come to your door with two bags of gold,

would you accept it? … I am that mule that

came to your door, and the two bags of gold are

these magazines, The Watchtower and Awake!”

(The Watchtower, May 15, 1981, page 14) In-

deed, these “magazines are such a gold mine.”

– The Watchtower, December 15, 1990, page 29.

The Center of False Worship

Where was the center of false worship in

Jeroboam‟s day? “Bethel had been a house of

God but became a house of hurtfulness because

of the calf worship practiced there.” (The Watch-

tower, March 1, 1989, page 14) “King Jeroboam

set up Bethel as a center for calf worship, the

calf supposedly representing Jehovah.” (The

Watchtower, September 1, 1989, page 23) Today

the antitypical golden calves – “the magazines”

– “are printed at Bethel” too. – 1982 Yearbook of

Jehovah‟s Witnesses, page 237.

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Referring to the golden calves, Jeroboam

“said to the people: … „Here is your God, O

Israel, that brought you up out of the land of

Egypt.‟” (1 Kings 12:28) “In the Bible, Egypt …

symbolizes Satan‟s world,” and the magazines

regularly point out that their readers are “to be

no part of the world.” (Isaiah‟s Prophecy – Light

for All Mankind, volume I, page 201; The Watch-

tower, May 1, 1994, page 25) Jehovah‟s Wit-

nesses really believe that they would have been

“freed from the world” by these magazines.

– The Watchtower, July 15, 1967, page 439.

The Jews in Jeroboam‟s day also believed

that they could worship Jehovah through the

two calves. Likewise, an American Christian

was “so thankful Jehovah … keeps answering

[her prayers] through the magazines.” – The

Watchtower, July 15, 1982, page 29.


Granted, Jeroboam claimed that the golden

calves would have freed his people from Egypt.

But even years before, “Jeroboam got up and

went running off to Egypt to Shishak the king

of Egypt, and he continued in Egypt.” (1 Kings

11:40) In a similar manner, the “faithful and

discreet slave” has sought refuge with “the

proudhearted Greater Pharaoh, Satan the

Devil” quite early in his history. (The Watch-

tower, August 1, 1970, page 463) Both literally

and in a spiritual sense he „entered into Egypt‟

when he taught for decades that “the Great

Pyramid of Egypt is one of God's Witnesses.”

(Millennial Dawn, volume II, The Time is at

Hand, page 366) But in actual fact “the great

pyramid of Gizeh … [was] built … under the

direction of Satan the Devil.” – The Watch

Tower, November 15, 1928, page 344.

Eventually Jeroboam “began … to make

priests from the people in general.” (1 Kings

12:31) The actual priests, however, “he put in

attendance at Bethel.” (1 Kings 12:32) The

“faithful and discreet slave” did exactly the

same when he started to appoint “elders and

ministerial servants of the other sheep.” (The

Watchtower, September 1, 1989, page 21) But

most anointed ones, who allegedly were as-

signed “as „priests of God and of the Christ,‟”

are living and working at Bethel. – Revelation

– Its Grand Climax at Hand!, page 87; Our

Kingdom Ministry, March 1995, page 3.

A Festival in the Eighth Month

“And Jeroboam went on to make a festival

in the eighth month.” (1 Kings 12:32) Likewise

the “faithful and discreet slave” arranges

“three annual spiritual festivals: the special

assembly day, the two-day circuit assembly,

and the three- or four-day district convention.”

(The Watchtower, May 1, 1988, page 30) Often

the district convention is “in the eighth

month.” And just as Jeroboam “had invented

[the festival] by himself,” as does the greater

Jeroboam „invent by himself‟ which conven-

tions he organizes and which doctrines should

be taught there. – 1 Kings 12:33.

During the festival, Jeroboam “proceeded to

… make offerings upon the altar to make sacri-

ficial smoke.” (1 Kings 12:33) At the conven-

tions of the modern Jeroboam class, there are

people baptized and quasi „offered‟ to Jehovah

too, for “being immersed … means that you

have died.” (Questions Young People Ask –

Answers That Work, volume II, page 307) The

conventioners also “make sacrificial smoke,”

but “instead of using literal incense, Christians

today offer prayers.” – The Watchtower, June 1,

2003, page 30.

Every year the greater Jeroboam proceeds

“to make a festival in the eighth month”

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Lessons for Us

As is generally known, “Bethel can be con-

sidered a crossroads, the crossroads of Jehovah‟s

people.” (The Watchtower, July 1, 1973, page

403) The Bible says regarding Jeroboam‟s day:

“Although Bethel had become a center of spir-

itual hurtfulness, events connected with it con-

tinued to provide important lessons.” (The

Watchtower, September 1, 1998, page 23) The

same applies to the modern Bethel homes. They

are „centers of spiritual hurtfulness‟ too because

they propagate false teachings, contaminating

the minds of millions. Still, „events connected

with it continue to provide important lessons‟ –

for example, how important it is to beware of

self-proclaimed founders of a religion.

What does the future hold for the greater

Jeroboam? In ancient Israel, “Jeroboam con-

tinued in his blasphemous defiance of Jeho-

vah.” (Insight on the Scriptures, volume II,

page 37). Finally “Jeroboam did not retain any

more power … but Jehovah dealt him a blow,

so that he died.” (2 Chronicles 13:20) In a simi-

lar way, one day the modern Jeroboam class

will come to an inglorious end.

“King Jeroboam set up Bethel as a center for calf worship,

the calf supposedly representing Jehovah”

“He cured many that were ill with various sicknesses.” – Mark 1:34

Jehovah‟s Witnesses believe that God will

create “an earthly paradise, where there will be

no more sickness.” (The Watchtower, April 15,

2007, page 17) As a proof they cite that in the

first century there were many “people that

were lame, maimed, blind, dumb, and many”

others “who had grievous diseases” and were

“distressed with various diseases and torments

… and epileptic and paralyzed persons” in

Israel. (Matthew 4:24; 15:30; Mark 3:10) But

Jesus “cured many that were ill with various

sicknesses.” – Mark 1:34.

Contrary to many predictions, “the trans-

formation of the earth into a lasting paradise”

is only wishful thinking and “has not yet been

accomplished.” (The Watchtower, August 15,

2006, page 6) Does that mean that we have to

wait for the promised cure? Or can we recover

to perfect health already today? To find the

answer to these questions, we must examine

how Jesus cured the people in the first century.

Nearly 90 years ago, God revealed through

his channel of communication why people get

old and die and how Jesus cured them. The

article “About Electrons” said: “The human

race is dying – they have not enough electrons

– they are thus positively charged. Jesus was a

perfect man and, speaking in scientific lan-

guage, had an abundance of electrons … Thus

the woman with an issue of blood … had faith –

and, touching the hem of His garment, virtue –

electrons – went out of Him and she was

healed.” – The Golden Age, December 22, 1922,

page 179.

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Jehovah‟s Witnesses of that time promoted

the E.R.A. method of Dr. Albert Abrams. He was

(and still is) called “king of quacks” by fellow

physicians, but according to William Hudgings

(a well-known Bible Student and director of the

People‟s Pulpit Association) Abrams stood in the

tradition of “Copernicus, Galileo, Kepler and

Newton.” He found “that disease is capable of

producing certain changes in the rate or manner

of rotation of the electrons in the affected at-

oms.” (Dr. Abrams and the Electron Theory; also

published in the German edition of The Golden

Age, November 1, 1923). Accordingly we can say

that what we call disease is in actual fact a lack

of electrons or an anomaly in their rotation.

The remedy for this situation is basically

easy – you have to bring electrons from outside.

That‟s the reason why Jesus could teach and

heal only for three and a half years: “As electric-

ity has a tendency to equalize itself as between

two poles, so Jesus‟ vitality was so nearly ex-

pended in the three and one-half years of His

ministry that at the close of that time He was so

weak that He could not bear His cross.” – The

Golden Age, December 22, 1922, page 179.

Dr. Abrams examining a patient with dynamizer,

amplifier and two reflexophones

Instead of pills, we could take

some button cells to bring

electrons into our body

In the first century, the common people had

no possibility to obtain free electrons. Only Je-

sus, send to earth with a certain supply of elec-

trons from his father, offered such a chance. But

due to science and technology, today we have

other possibilities to acquire electrons.

Most people, for example, have a power out-

let in their home. In it there are millions of elec-

trons, eagerly waiting to break out of the socket

and run through a conductor, such as our body.

If we would, for example, connect our body with

an electrical cord to the power outlet, according

to the abovementioned article in a short time

“all germ life will be destroyed.”

But in case of little ailments, it might not be

necessary to adopt such measures. At first, we

could try to place a battery at the affected body

location for some minutes. If we have an inter-

nal disease, it might be wise to swallow some

button cells instead of pills.

Another method of acquiring electrons would

be to expose ourselves to nuclear radiation. For

example, strontium-90 decays into yttrium-90

under emission of electrons. Plutonium-243

decays to americium-243, also emitting elec-

trons. We could apply for a job in a nuclear

plant, make a trip to Chernobyl or buy nuclear

matter on the black market to bring electrons

into our body and so be cured.

Unfortunately there are no exact records re-

garding how many electrons Jesus used to cure

certain diseases. So all we can do is experiment

with the abovementioned methods until we are

fully healed. But it is worth the effort, since then

“all sicknesses will be wiped out permanently.”

(Awake!, July 2009, page 8) So, let us no longer

wait for God‟s Kingdom, since Jesus said him-

self: “The kingdom of God is not coming.” (Luke

17:20) Let us rather cure ourselves today with

the power of electrons!

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“Stop your noisy songs!” (Amos 5:23, GNT)

Although “the first instruments for music

were manufactured for humans by Cain's de-

scendant, Jubal” and “despite the misuse of

this art by some today, music has a legitimate

place” in the lives of God‟s true worshippers.

(Awake!, October 22, 1969, page 25) But

though God‟s people of old played instruments

and sang psalms, they did not use sheet music.

Obviously they recorded only the lyrics but not

the melodies – that‟s why the prophet Amos

called the music of his contemporaries “noisy

hymns of praise” and “harp tinkling.” – Amos

5:23, NLT, Gute Nachricht.

But today it is common to record melodies

in the form of sheet music. Regardless if pop

music, children‟s songs or religious chants –

there is sheet music for everything. Children

are confronted with it even in the kindergar-

ten. But only because something is widespread,

it is not necessarily good. The custom of birth-

day celebrations is also widespread, and yet it

does not please God. – Learn From the Great

Teacher, page 155.

For Christians, the only thing that counts is

God‟s viewpoint. What does he think regarding

sheet music? Is sheet music for Christians? To

find that out, we must examine the origins of

sheet music. How was it used in the beginning,

and who developed the modern notation?

The Greek god Apollo with a kithara

King David sang without sheet music

The Origins of Sheet Music

An encyclopedia says: “The First Delphic

Hymn is the earliest unambiguous surviving

example of notated music … Both Delphic

Hymns were addressed to Apollo.” (Wikipedia)

In fact, the Greek notation “used letters named

according to the strings of the kithara,” an

instrument that was used “especially for the

cult in honor of the god Apollo.” – Wikipedia,

German edition.

This shows that musical notation was orig-

inally developed to record hymns in praise of

Apollo. Even the god himself was depicted

with a kithara. Hence the tradition of recording

music with notes dates back to a pagan custom.

But the notation back then differed much

from the system common today. What are the

origins of the modern notation? What do they

reveal regarding the question whether sheet

music is for Christians?

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Modern Notation

The aforementioned encyclopedia continues:

“By the middle of the 9th century … a form of

notation began to develop in monasteries in Eu-

rope for Gregorian chant ... The ancestors of mod-

ern symbolic music notation originated in the

Roman Catholic Church, as monks developed

methods to put plainchant (sacred songs) to

parchment … The founder of what is now consid-

ered the standard music stave was Guido d'Arez-

zo, an Italian Benedictine monk.” – Wikipedia.

Catholic monks wanted to record their “ritu-

alized, repeatable psalmodies and hymns.” (Wik-

ipedia, German edition) Indeed, the modern

musical notation system was created to record

chants in honor of Christendom‟s triune god!

Sheet Music and Our Future

In summary we can say: The idea of writing

down melodies in form of sheet music as well as

the modern notation is an invention of false

religion. The recording of melodies is an ancient

pagan custom, and Christians must have no

part with it.

All those using sheet music “will be com-

pletely burned with fire” along with Babylon

the Great. (Revelation 18:8) “The sound of

singers who accompany themselves on the harp

and of musicians and of flutists and of trum-

peters [using sheet music] will never be heard

… again.” – Revelation 18:22.

What Will You Do?

May we, therefore, be resolved to avoid this

pitfall of Satan! Rather we should make it a

practice to be “playing Kingdom Melodies or

even singing such songs together” without the

aid of sheet music. – The Watchtower, October

15, 2006, page 24.

Kingdom songs are prayers set to music,

and without doubt it is appropriate not to read

off prayers but rather to „use our own words.‟

(Awake!, November 8, 1972, page 28) Likewise,

when we offer prayers set to music, we should

not read off the melodies from a book but ra-

ther sing by heart. Then our “noisy songs” will

be pleasing to God. – Amos 5:23, GNT.

The Evil Spirits – Where Are They?

“There is no need to be in constant dread of wicked spirits.” – Happiness - How to Find It, page 130

True Christians do not doubt “the existence

of wicked spirits.” (The Truth That Leads to

Eternal Life, page 55) But yet “there is no need

to be in constant dread of wicked spirits.” (Hap-

piness – How to Find It, page 130) The reason is

that there are various “ways to expel wicked

spirits.” – Yahoo Answers.

Expelled Everywhere

The Celts, for example, “began on Walpurgis

Night with the lighting of bonfires to drive away

… evil spirits.” (Awake!, April 22, 2005, page 12)

“Too, Halloween featured bonfires to drive away

evil spirits.” (Awake!, November 8, 1978, page 3)

Even in ancient Egypt, “various magic objects

and amulets, rituals and ceremonies were

performed … to expel evil spirits and demons.”

– Ancient Civilizations History: Mathematics,

Astronomy and Medicine in Ancient Egypt.

Additional customs were added in later

times. “From 1700 on … the Christmas tree was

well on its way to becoming a tradition in Ger-

many. Then the tradition crossed the Atlantic …

Branches of evergreens … kept out witches,

ghosts, evil spirits and the like.” (David Robson,

Christmas Tree History) Toasting has the same

effect; “there were many cultures that believed

that clinking glasses would drive away evil

spirits.” (German Toasting Glasses) The purpose

of the German Polterabend custom is “to drive

off evil spirits” too. – Wikipedia.

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Cultures outside of Europe developed other

methods to expel demons. The people of Na-

mibia carved masks “to warn visitors and to

chase away bad spirits.” (Awake!, March 22,

1991, page 14) In Venezuela “the cross … was

believed to be endued with power to drive away

evil spirits; consequently new-born children

were placed under the sign.” (Awake!, June 22,

1984, page 16) “The Chinese … chase the de-

mons away with firecrackers.” – Awake!, De-

cember 22, 1980, page 21.

Where Do All the Spirits Go?

When the evil spirits are expelled from one

location, they must go somewhere else of

course. Jesus already mentioned this; he said

that after a wicked spirit is cast out “it passes

through parched places in search of a resting-

place.” (Matthew 12:43) But in our day, it is

much easier for the demons to find a home,

because there is one nation on earth that con-

sequently rejects all methods of expelling evil


It is the “spiritual nation” of Jehovah‟s Wit-

nesses. (The Watchtower, September 1, 1995,

page 14) They already number into the millions

and can be found in almost all countries of the

earth. (True Peace and Security – How Can You

Find It?, page 26) They don‟t celebrate the

Walpurgis Night, they don‟t light bonfires and

they don‟t participate in Halloween. (“Keep

Yourselves in God‟s Love”, pages 150, 152;

Awake!, March 22, 1986, page 8) They do not

make use of amulets or other magic objects,

and they reject all kinds of exorcism. – The

Watchtower, April 15, 1987, page 28; Septem-

ber 1, 1993, page 4; Awake!, May 22, 1977,

page 26.

All over the

world, people

have developed

ways to expel

evil spirits

Since Satan, his

demons and other

evil spirits are ex-

pelled everywhere

else, they dwell on

Jehovah‟s Witnesses

They do not erect Christmas Trees, they do

not bring out toasts or participate in clinking

glasses, and they refuse nearly all other cus-

toms, such as Polterabend celebrations. (The

Watchtower, December 15, 1993, pages 7, 15;

February 15, 2007, page 30) Jehovah‟s Wit-

nesses in Namibia “do not keep [the protective

masks] in their homes because of the connec-

tion with wicked spirits.” (Awake!, March 22,

1991, page 14) They don‟t even use crosses or

fireworks. – The Watchtower, August 15, 1987,

page 24; Awake!, January 8, 1970, page 11.

A Home for Evil Spirits

The kingdom halls and bethel homes of Je-

hovah‟s Witnesses, as well as the houses of the

common publishers, are ideal homes for evil

spirits. Indeed these are the only locations in

the world where no one makes efforts to expel

them. Satan knows that, and that‟s why “his

representatives, the fallen angels, are fre-

quently present at the little Conferences and

Bible studies, etc., of God's truly consecrated

people [i. e. Jehovah‟s Witnesses].” – Studies in

the Scriptures, volume IV, The Battle of Arma-

geddon, 1916 edition, pages 611, 612.

Since the houses of Jehovah‟s Witnesses

obviously are full of evil spirits – who would be

“bad associations” for good spirits – it is no

wonder that Jehovah‟s Witnesses rarely are in

good spirits. If we too don‟t want to have a

share with wicked spirits, we should keep away

from kingdom halls, bethel homes and other

places where Jehovah‟s Witnesses reside.

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“A Weed … is a plant that is considered by the user of the term to be a nuisance.” – Wikipedia

The Bible makes a clear difference between

active Jehovah‟s Witnesses and apostates.

“Jesus himself explained that „the wheat‟ rep-

resents true Christians; „the weeds‟ represent

… apostate Christians.” (The Watchtower,

April 15, 1995, page 6) Indeed “the symbolic

„weeds‟ [are] not excluding any modern-day

apostates.” (The Watchtower, August 1, 1981,

page 24) Hence active Jehovah‟s Witnesses are

“wheat”, apostates are “weeds.” What can we

learn from this difference?

Jehovah‟s Witnesses are very proud of be-

longing to “the wheat class.” (The Watchtower,

March 1, 2004, page 17) But the known physi-

cist and healer Alex Newell wrote: “Many peo-

ple are allergic to wheat.” (Natural Allergy

Remedies for „Man Made‟ Allergies) And the

same applies to the symbolic wheat. Many

people are allergic to Jehovah‟s Witnesses who

call at their homes. Their spiritual immune

system responds though and removes the al-

lergens from the door. An anonymous blogger

even wrote: “I am allergic to Jehovah's Wit-

nesses.” – BatMUD community.

Yet, some people get themselves into a dis-

cussion with the wheatlike Jehovah‟s Witness-

es. But Brunhilde Sieburg, a known expert for

traditional Chinese medicine, explained:

“Wheat doesn‟t agree with some people. They

can become schizophrenic from it.” (Workshop

Psychose und Ernährung [“Psychosis and Di-

et”], May 20, 2009) Something similar happens

to most people whom Jehovah‟s Witnesses

conduct a Bible study with. Such a lifestyle

“doesn‟t agree” with them. Spiritually “schizo-

phrenic,” that is, split, they “are actually living

a double life.” – Awake!, December 22, 1995,

page 9.

Indeed, wheat has a very negative impact

on many people – and the same applies to sym-

bolic wheat, that is, Jehovah‟s Witnesses.

However, what about the “weeds,” the apos-

tates? Are weeds always bad? No. “Weeds can

be beneficial.” (St. Petersburg Times, November

29, 2008) “A Weed … is a plant that is consid-

ered by the user of the term to be a nuisance.”

– Wikipedia.

Accordingly, only in the eyes of Jehovah‟s

Witnesses the apostates are “weeds” – because

they consider anyone who is using his own

mind and holds a personal opinion “to be a

nuisance.” But while “all the liars” – including

Jehovah‟s Witnesses – will be “hurled into the

lake of fire” in due course, “there will always be

weeds.” – Revelation 20:15; 21:8; The Garden


“Bad weeds grow tall,” says a known prov-

erb. Indeed, “weeds will always be there.”

(Seeds International) And “weeds grow every-

where.” (natural woman) So, everyone that

wants to prosper and to “inherit everlasting

life” should range himself with the apostates.

– Matthew 19:29.

“Many people are

allergic to wheat”

that symbolizes

“true Christians”

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the witness of the food pyramid “The … Pyramid … proves to be a storehouse of important truth.”

– Millennial Dawn, Volume III, Thy Kingdom Come, page 314

As is commonly known, “Pastor Russell

thought that the Great Pyramid of Gizeh was

God‟s stone witness, corroborating Biblical

time periods.” (Jehovah‟s Witnesses – Proclaim-

ers of God‟s Kingdom, page 201) He believed

that it would have been erected by Melchizedek

according to a divine construction plan. (Mil-

lennial Dawn, volume III, Thy Kingdom Come,

page 322) But latest research has revealed that

the Great Pyramid, which is also called the

Pyramid of Cheops, was built not by Melchize-

dek but rather by Pharaoh Cheops “at the dic-

tation of Satan.” – The Watchtower, February 1,

1929, page 45.

However “it should be remembered that,

aside from the Great Pyramid … there are

others.” (Millennial Dawn, volume III, Thy

Kingdom Come, page 314) In actual fact, the

divine plan of the ages is revealed in the food

pyramid, which is accessible to all people

worldwide, and the construction of which was

defined once for all when God created Adam

and Eve. Indeed, the food pyramid “proves to

be a storehouse of important truth – scientific,

historic and prophetic – and its testimony is

found to be in perfect accord with the Bible,

expressing the prominent features of its truths

in beautiful and fitting symbols … It is a

strong corroborative witness to God's plan.”

– Millennial Dawn, volume III, Thy Kingdom

Come, pages 314, 315.

How does the food pyramid confirm the di-

vine plan of the ages? We will start with the

bottommost level, described as “drinks – mostly

water.”* The food pyramid‟s baseline has a

length of 5908 food pyramid inches and pro-

vides the duration of the water dispensation,

that is, the age in which humans can be saved

by the “water of life.”

* This article is based on the food pyramid as provided by the

German Society for Diet. Accordingly, all calculations,

including the date of Armageddon, are valid only for Germa-

ny and may differ in other countries.

A reference work says that “the world of

ransomable mankind … came into existence

after children were born to Adam and Eve.”

(Insight on the Scriptures, volume II, page 468)

The first child of Adam and Eve whose year of

birth is known was Seth. He was born when

Adam was “a hundred and thirty years” old,

that is, in the year 3896 B.C.E. (Genesis 5:3;

Insight on the Scriptures, volume II, page 899)

In this year the water dispensation began.

We have every reason to conclude that one

food pyramid inch is equivalent to one year of

the water dispensation, so that the length of

5908 food pyramid inches refers to 5908 years

– from 3896 B.C.E. to 2013 C.E. In this year,

the possibility to be saved will come to an end

by Armageddon. Accordingly we are living in

the last days of the water dispensation.

The food pyramid corroborates God‟s plan

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The Bread Age

On the food pyramid‟s second level, we find

bread. From Adam‟s sin until the flood, men

had to „eat bread in the sweat of their face‟

because „the ground was cursed.‟ (Genesis 3:17,

19) Hence the bread age started after the flood,

“when the curse on the ground was lifted.”

(Insight on the Scriptures, volume II, page 192)

This was in “the year 2369 B.C.E.” (Insight on

the Scriptures, volume I, page 459) In this year

the bread age began.

How long will it last? The baseline of the

food pyramid‟s bread level is 4909 food pyramid

inches in length, corresponding to 4909 years.

This means that the bread age lasts from 2369

B.C.E. to 2541 C.E. – 528 years after Armaged-

don. Likely the resurrection and therewith the

possibility to come back to life through “Jesus,

„the bread of life‟” will be completed in this year.

– The Watchtower, September 1, 1978, page 25.

Fruits and Vegetables

The next level of the food pyramid consists of

fruits and vegetables. Interestingly, vegetables

have a slightly larger share. Thus the fruits and

vegetables obviously picture two overlapping

periods, with the vegetable age lasting slightly

longer than the fruit age. What is the starting

point, and how long are these periods?

In connection with fruits and vegetables,

true Christians surely think of “Kingdom fruit-

age – proclaiming the good news of the King-

dom.” (The Watchtower, February 1, 2003, page

21) It is evident that the fruit age began in

August 1121 C.E. when the greater David, the

Georgian king David the Builder, defeated the

outnumbering Muslim Seljuqs in the Battle of

Didgori. Not for nothing David the Builder is

praised as “King of Kings” and “Sword of the

Messiah” on contemporary coins. – Wikipedia.

The food pyramid‟s fruit part is 1819 food

pyramid inches in size, while the vegetable

part measures 2140 food pyramid inches. Since

this level pictures the preaching work, one food

pyramid inch equates to the time that a Jeho-

vah‟s Witness spends preaching – “his entire

life.” (2002 Yearbook of Jehovah‟s Witnesses,

page 194) Revelation 9:5 specifies this time

symbolically as “five months.” (Revelation – Its

Grand Climax at Hand!, page 144) According-

ly, one food pyramid inch in connection with

“Kingdom fruitage” corresponds to five months;

hence the fruit age has a length of 757 years

and 11 months, while the vegetable age lasts

891 years and 8 months.

So the fruit age lasted from August 1121 to

July 1879. Fruits are easily perishable; hence

the fruit age symbolizes the time where mostly

“rotten fruit” was gathered. (Kingdom News No.

37: The End of False Religion Is Near, page 3)

But for the gathering of true Christians, “good,

solid spiritual food” is required. (The Watch-

tower, April 15, 1997, page 29) Such food was

provided from July 1879 on, when Charles

Taze Russell started to publish Zion‟s Watch

Tower. (Mankind‟s Search for God, page 352) Is

not this a most remarkable agreement between

the food pyramid and the truth as taught by

Jehovah‟s Witnesses? The dates are exact.

The vegetable age started in August 1221

too, since there were some individual genuine

Christians even before 1879. It will end in

February 2013 with the “harvest … in the

conclusion of the system of things.” (Matthew

13:39, 40) At this time Jesus, “the Son of man

… will pitch” all infidels and apostates “into

the fiery furnace.” (Matthew 13:41, 42) The

vegetable age “will reach its climax in the bat-

tle of Armageddon … when Jehovah will un-

leash his executional forces.” – The Watchtow-

er, March 15, 2009, page 18.

The Work of Fishing for Men

The next level of the food pyramid, contain-

ing fish and dairy goods, depicts a period that

overlaps with the vegetable age. It began in

1879 when the foundation for the worldwide

“preaching work” was laid, the purpose of

which is “to haul fish onto the beach.” (The

Watchtower, June 15, 1992, page 21) And since

Jehovah‟s Witnesses again and again catch

new “fish,” they must always be “dispensing

the milk of God‟s word.” – The Watchtower,

January 1, 1996, page 29.

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Both sections are 1455 food pyramid inches

long. But as “Jehovah‟s Witnesses are … work-

ing in pairs” – for what reason the food pyramid

pictures two fish and two packages of milk – this

pyramid level does not represent 1455 years but

two parallel running sections of 727 years and 6

months. (The Watchtower, March 1, 1998, page

31) Accordingly they end in January 2607, 66

years after the end of the resurrection.

This is appropriate, since it means that the

last resurrected ones have 66 years to respond

favorably to the instructions provided by Arma-

geddon survivors, become Jehovah‟s Witnesses

and move on from “the „milk‟ stage.” (Life Does

Have a Purpose, page 170; The Watchtower,

June 15, 1985, page 8) After the fish and milk

dispensation is over in January 2607, there will

no longer be an organized preaching and teach-

ing work.


On the second topmost level of the pyramid

we find flesh and eggs. Without doubt, this

level represents the battle of Armageddon,

where birds will “eat the fleshy parts of kings

and the fleshy parts of military commanders

and the fleshy parts of strong men and the

fleshy parts of horses and of those seated upon

them, and the fleshy parts of all [infidels].”

(Revelation 19:18) Since these birds are not yet

born, they are pictured as eggs.

Fleshy parts and eggs are each pictured as

1000 food pyramid inches wide, so that it could be

concluded that Armageddon would last 1000

years. But it is commonly known “that one day is

with Jehovah as a thousand years.” (2 Peter 3:8)

Thus it is appropriate that the flesh-and-eggs

level of the pyramid symbolizes the “day of Jeho-

vah,” the “day of judgment and of destruction of

the ungodly men.” – Acts 2:20; 2 Peter 3:7.

The capstone of the food pyramid consists of

sweets. It is evident that these sweets illus-

trate the paradise where faithful Jehovah‟s

Witnesses will be allowed to live for 1000 years

– no wonder that the width of the capstone is

exactly 1000 food pyramid inches! The sweet

age starts after Armageddon in 2013 and ends

with the final test in 3013.

“And now, having heard it speak, what shall

we think of the … „Witness‟ and its testimony?

Such testimony would be peculiar and striking

indeed, even if there were no Scriptures found to

bear on the subjects examined; but when the

Scriptures had already clearly and positively

cleared to us these same circumstances and

dates, before the Pyramid‟s testimony was

heard, its wonderful agreement with and cor-

roboration of the same become doubly signifi-

cant and striking. Now, when the worldly-wise

are repudiating God's Word as „obsolete‟ and

„unscientific,‟ to have this … „Witness‟ speak,

and corroborate the testimony of the Bible, is

truly astounding.” – Millennial Dawn, volume

III, Thy Kingdom Come, pages 373, 374.

Indeed, the food pyramid clearly indicates

that Armageddon will descend upon earth in

February 2013. How beneficial it would be if

we would sell our homes and property and plan

to finish out the rest of our days in this old

system in the pioneer service, like many Jeho-

vah‟s Witnesses did before 1975! – Our King-

dom Ministry, May 1974, page 3.

Ignoring the food pyramid‟s witness can

harm our physical and spiritual health

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According to the Bible, God‟s

executional forces will soon

„kill off old man, young man

and virgin and little child and

woman.‟ Only people “upon

whom there is the mark” will

survive. – Ezekiel 9:6.

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It was 25 years ago when the book Reasoning From the Scriptures was pub-lished. The contained Introductions for use in the field ministry have accompa-

nied Jehovah‟s Witnesses for a long time. But now is the time to adjust these introductions to the current situation. Following are some suggestions:

“Have you ever asked: When I join Jehovah‟s

Witnesses, is that the end of it all? Or is there a

possibility to quit? ... The book „Keep Yourselves

in God’s Love’ clears up any question we might

have about disassociation. It also shows that

there is no real hope for disfellowshipped per-


“We‟ve been talking with your neighbors

about what can be done to assure that there will

be food and housing for every Jehovah‟s Wit-

ness. Do you believe that it is reasonable to ex-

pect that the Watchtower Society will accomplish


“I‟m glad to find you at home. I‟m sharing with

my neighbors a discouraging thought from The

Watchtower (or, Awake!). Have you ever won-

dered: ... ? (Ask a question that leads into your

topic for discussion.)”

“We‟re encouraging folks to read old Watch-

tower publications. The quaint statements often

surprise people. For example: (Studies in the

Scriptures, volume III, chapter X; The Golden

Age, April 22, 1925; The Watchtower, November

15, 1952, page 703).”

“I‟m looking for people who would like to live

in a world free from Jehovah‟s Witnesses. In the

last century alone millions of people have be-

come Jehovah‟s Witnesses. What do you feel is

needed if the further growth of such cults is to be


“I‟m looking for people who would like to live

in a world free from people like you. In the last

century alone millions of people have died,

though Joseph F. Rutherford promised that they

„would never die.‟ What do you feel is needed to

annihilate all infidels?”

“We‟re visiting our neighbors because we are

deeply concerned about the meaning of our life.

Most Jehovah‟s Witnesses experience some

happiness. But we face a lot of problems too. As

we get up in years, we realize that none of the

Watchtower‟s prophecies has ever come true. Is

this all that life is meant to be? How do you feel

about it? ... (Comment on a number of failed

Watchtower prophecies, such as 1925, 1975 or

the „generation‟).”

“Today we are asking our neighbors what

they think when they read in the Watchtower the

expression „the wicked ones.‟ It is of special in-

terest because that expression appears in the

Watchtower many times. What kind of people

could be meant with „the wicked ones?‟ … Did

you know that you are part of them?”

“We have found that many Jehovah‟s Wit-

nesses are quite concerned about the lack of real

love in the congregation. We feel that way too.

Why do you think this is the trend? … Did you

know that apostates carefully watch this situa-

tion? They also explain the reason for it. (Mat-

thew 24:11).”

“My name is … I‟m one of your neighbors. I‟m

making just a brief visit to talk with my neighbors

about something that concerns me a great deal,

and I‟m sure you‟ve noticed it too. Jehovah‟s

Witnesses made so many predictions, but not a

single one has come true. Did you ever wonder

why that situation exists? ... (Matthew 24:11).”

“Hello. My name is … What‟s yours? ... I‟m

encouraging young folks like you to consider the

dreadful future that awaits Jehovah‟s Witnesses.

(Read a life story from the JWN discussion

board.) Doesn‟t that sound horrible to you?”

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“Are you using the 1983 calendar?” This question had already been raised in the April 1983 is-

sue of Our Kingdom Ministry. Now, at the closing of the year 2010, it is relevant again, since the

weekdays in 2011 are the same as they were in 1983. To protect the environment, we should

bring our 1983 calendar from the attic and use it again.

What should we record in the calendar? The abovementioned article suggested “the field ser-

vice activity … the days and even the number of hours each one plans to use” and “circuit assem-

bly and district convention dates, as well as the dates of approaching visits by traveling overse-

ers.” The article also pointed out the danger that the publishers could “inadvertently schedule

things of less importance that would interfere” with plans “for auxiliary pioneering.” They were

urged to “jot down the hours and minutes … spent in service” – in the German issue, the word

“minutes” was even in bold print.

Fortunately, the article admitted: “You may find yet other … uses for the calendar.” So, for ex-

ample, we could write down how many hours we save as apostates because we do neither preach

nor attend meetings nor study the Watchtower anymore. But still we could note the date of the

district convention, so that we will not “inadvertently” be near the convention site at that time.

“How else can we use the calendar?” We could look at the pictures – showing scenes from the

witnessing work – and then meditate on the fact that we are rid of this meaningless and embar-

rassing job. After all, the Bible urges us: “Relish life … Each day is God's gift … Make the most of

each one!” (Ecclesiastes 9:9, MSG) The “1983 calendar can help us to do so.”

“The End is not yet” Since January 2009, sincere people found comfort in the articles in the magazine The Witch-

tower. From then on, 24 issues were published, covering current topics, important Biblical

prophecies and live-giving truths. However, the present issue will be the last monthly one.

Jesus foresaw this development. He referred to it when he said: “See that you are not terri-

fied. For these things must take place, but the end is not yet. “ (Matthew 24:6) Accordingly

the Witchtower editor will continue to provide timely spiritual food, to be found here: