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JUNE 2020



The Shire President Cr Meeking read the statement of commitment to Indigenous Australians, welcomed those present and declared the meeting open at 3.10pm.












7.1 Minutes of Council Meeting – 20thMay 2020

RESOLUTION 3591 Moved Cr James Seconded Cr Gangell That the minutes of the Council Meeting held on the 20th May 2020 be confirmed.





9.1 Manager of Planning & Development Report 9.2 Finance Report 9.3 Manager of Works Report 9.4 CEO Report 9.5 EHO Report 9.6 Kondinin Medical Centre 9.7 Building Surveyor Report 9.8 Hyden & Kondinin Swimming Pool Manager’s Reports 9.9 Building Maintenance 9.1 Ranger Report

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9.1.1 MPD – Grants, Events and Projects Update

Grants Summary 2019 – 2020

Project Source of Funding Grant Amount

Shire Contribution

Status / Comment

Karlgarin Centenary

2020 Lotterywest $24,803 $50,000

Approved and In Progress Grant submitted on the 15th May 2019 for infrastructure and associated historical

interpretation and signage and video recording for the Karlgarin Centenary 2020. Karlgarin Progress Association committed $12,000 towards the project. Outcome received on the 4th September 2019. MPD working with Karlgarin Progress Association to implement the items

in the grant. Items in grant can continue however decision will need to be made as to whether event will need to be postponed to 2021.

Outdoor Eating Area –

Kondinin Community


Lotterywest $10,804 $4,500

Approved and In Progress Grant approved on 29th November 2019 to leverage funds provided by CBH to create an outdoor eating area at the Kondinin Community Garden adjacent to the southern wall of

the former kiosk area. Bulk of project completed with the pizza oven and deck installed by Kondinin Building Services. Brush screen installed on the 13th May 2020 and table setting

ordered scheduled to arrive by June 2020. Once table setting arrived grant will be acquitted.

Tree Planting in Hyden,

Karlgarin and Kondinin

Natural Resource Management


Grant Writing Stage Grant closes on the 15th June 2020. Funding sought for planting over 1000 native trees in

Hyden and Karlgarin town sites and infill planting around the Kondinin Sports Precinct which did not survive the 2019 planting. Collaborative project with the Hyden and Karlgarin

Progress Associations and the Hyden and Kondinin Primary Schools.

Kondinin Shared


Department of Transport


Grant Writing Stage EOI’s close on the 24th June 2020. An EOI will be submitted for a shared pathway in Kondinin connecting key land marks including the Primary School, Swimming Pool,

Information Bay and Community Garden.

Wheatbelt South Aged

Department of Primary Industries

$800,000 TBC on award

of tender.

Approved and in Progress A total of $2.8 million was awarded to this project to be split per unit to the member Shires

of the Alliance being the Shire of Kondinin (4 units), Shire of Corrigin (2 units), Shire of

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Housing Alliance

and Regional Development

Cuballing (4 units) and the lead Shire of Wickepin (4 units) equating to $200,000 per unit and a cash grant allocation of $800,000 to the Shire of Kondinin. First payment of $750,000

split between the four member Shires ($214,000 to the Shire of Kondinin) has been received on signing of the grant agreement. Next payment of $750,000 between the four

member Shires ($214,000 to the Shire of Kondinin) due on evidence that all member Shires have finalised design and construction plans or gone out to tender to do so to be completed by June 30th June 2020. Project currently out for tender for design and

construct. Shire working with member Shires to ensure key milestones of the Grant Agreement are being met. Construction of 50% of units to be completed by June 2021 and

full completion of project by 31 December 2021.

TOTAL $835,607 $54,500

Events Summary


25th May Local resident Mr Ivan Fleay turned 100th -

To help celebrate Mr Ivan Fleay’s 100th birthday, the Shire together with the Kondinin CRC, Kondinin Primary School and the community in social distancing style drove past Yeerakine Lodge to wish Mr Fleay a happy birthday. The local school children together with some family members sang happy birthday to Mr Fleay and gave him a lovely banner the students had made for him. The event was well publicised through social media and documented in the Shire’s Weekly Echo to mark this amazing milestone. Mr Fleay remains an active member of the community and is a regular borrower of the Kondinin library. Happy Birthday Mr Fleay!

Community members.


13th May – 10th June

Shire ‘A May to Remember’ Photo Competition

To align with the Roe Tourism ‘awindowinthewheatbelt’ initiative through the Pathways to Wave Rock Facebook and Instagram platforms, the Shire of Kondinin decided to run a ‘May to Remember’ photo competition. A total of 26 photos were received all of a high calibre from across the Shire. Overall winners for the adult and youth category were judged by our Shire President, Sue Meeking and the People’s Choices winners for the adult and youth category voted by the community on the Shire’s Facebook page and in person by voting at the Kondinin IGA & Hyden Library. It is

Whole community.

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envisaged these photos will be used to promote the Shire through various social media platforms and other publications. The photos are on the Shire’s Facebook Page and on display in the Hyden and Kondinin Libraries for viewing.

Community Development Project Summary

Project Status

Kondinin Community Garden

ON GOING – Focus for 2020 to be on composting, shade structures and developing a more productive vegetable garden. Winter vegetables recently planted and lawn area growing well.

Wave Rock Improvements

IN PROGRESS – At its Ordinary Meeting on the 20th June 2018 the Council adopted the amended Wave Rock Improvement Plan 2018 – 2021 subject to budget funding. The Bush Tucker Garden has been incorporated as part of improvements to Wave Rock and the Shire Administration have engaged a consultant to prepare a concept plan as the basis for applying for grant funding. A draft Concept Plan has been completed and was discussed at a meeting with the consultant and the Shire President, Shire Gardeners, MPD and Jean Sloan on the 19th August 2019. MPD has been liaising with Bush Tucker Garden consultants by email and final plans should be completed by the end of June 2020. CDO, Ayu Muftidhati is now working in liaison with consultants, Way Found to finalise the design and upgrade of the business signage on entering Wave Rock.

Hyden Streetscape Project for 2022 Centenary

IN PROGRESS – Concept Plan adopted by Council at its Ordinary Meeting on the 20th December 2017. During the 2019/2020 financial year the focus was on the pathway along Marshall and McPherson Streets as per the Department of Transport Grant agreement which has now been completed and two new bins also installed on the pathway. MPD in liaison with members of the Hyden Progress Association to progress upgrades to the Hyden Town Centre in the lead up to the Hyden Centenary in 2022, including tree planting around the town site. Contact was made with PTA in November 2019 and a response received in March 2020 in relation to seeking permission to plant trees on the PTA land on Lot 45 Marshall Street, Hyden and enlarging lease area to do this. A separate item was tabled at the April 2020 Ordinary Meeting of Council supporting the expansion of the lease area in which has been forwarded to the PTA for authorization. MPD to apply for the NRM Stewardship Grant that closes on 16th June 2020 for replanting in the PTA leased area and along Marshall Street and liaise with the Hyden Progress Association to inform particulars of application.

Karlgarin Streetscape Project for 2020 Centenary

IN PROGRESS – Sub-Committee now meeting on a regular basis. With funding now approved from Lotterywest, the Shire in liaison with the Karlgarin Centenary Committee are now actioning the project plan. Save the Date Flyers and Community Plaque Forms have been completed to be circulated to past and present Karlgarin residents once a decision has been made to go ahead with the proposed dates of the 10th and 11th October 2020. A company has been engaged to design, proof historic information and manufacture new signage at information bay; gazebo area, settlers garden and granite seats so that style and information is consistent. MPD in liaison with community members is finalising maps for town and farm lots to be included in the gazebo. Laurel Trestrail has updated the Karlgarin History Booklet which will be sent for proof reading and printing in coming months. Entrance sign finalised and ordered. One of the scrap art Gilgies has

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been completed by Jodi Ditchburn and another currently being made by Kelly Browning. Merchandise options are also being worked through. By July 2020 committee will decide if event should be postponed to 2021 in light of COVID-19 pandemic.

Roe Tourism ON GOING – New website is now live to promote Roe Tourism together with the Facebook Page – Pathways to Wave Rock which advertises both Member Shires and Associate Members on a regular basis. Focus for 2020 to be on gathering accommodation data and preparing a Memorandum of Understanding for members Shires to cover details not in the constitution and advertising and promotion. Roe Tourism Executive Officer has been actively promoting all member shires through Pathways to Wave Rock on Facebook and Instagram. The Shire of Kondinin has now got an Instagram account to assist in further promoting on Shire and what we have to offer for locals and tourists alike. Council supported at its Ordinary Meeting on 18th March 2020 to contribute $6,000 towards this association in 2020/2021. Next meeting scheduled for Monday 22nd June 2022 in Narembeen. A separate Agenda Item has been tabled at this June 2020 meeting seeking Council support to contribute funding towards a television series ‘One Man and a Bike’ in conjunction with the other Roe Tourism member Shires.

Shire Community Grants The majority of applicants of the Shire’s Community Grants 2019/2020 have now been claimed where they still intend to apart from; the Kondinin Lions Club for the stone wall at the Kondinin Cemetery, the Hyden Progress Association for a logo and history compilation for the Hyden Centenary; the Kondinin Men’s Shed for upgrades to the kitchen area and the Kondinin-Kulin Hockey Club for a new honour boards, totally $21,800 to still be claimed. The Shire’s Community Grants 2020/2021 were opened in March and closed on the 9th April 2020. The applications were reported to the May Ordinary Meeting of Council and all applicants have been advised of the outcome. Following the deferral of the application submitted by the Hyden Progress Association a site meeting was held on the 2nd June 2020 and a separate report is presented to this June Ordinary Meeting of Council on this matter.

Extension of Hyden Recreation Centre

The Shire’s CEO and MPD attended a meeting of the Hyden Sports Council on the 2nd July 2019 to discuss their plans for the proposed extensions to the Hyden Recreation Centre. The proposal submitted to the Shire from the Hyden Sports Council comprised extending the building approximately 14 metres north to accommodate additional storage, gymnasium, umpires room and change rooms. Discussion ensued at the meeting on scope of works, tree removal, upgrading utilities (in particular water) funding options and requirements and the process from here. At the Ordinary Meeting of Council on the 18th September 2019 Council supported the Shire’s Administration to arrange a project brief and seek quotations from suitably qualified practitioners to prepare detailed plans and a quantity surveyor to move the project forward. At the Ordinary Meeting of Council on the 18th March 2020 Council awarded the planning stage of the project to Slavin Architects. Slavin Architects have been formally engaged and progressing with the project. A meeting was held on the 4th June 2020 at the Recreation Centre with the architects and members of the Hyden Sports Council, some Council Members and MPD and AMC from the Shire’s Administration. The meeting went well and the architects were able to obtain constructive feedback from the Sports Council members to now develop a functional plan that addresses the points raised. Council also need to start thinking about planning for the funding of this project. A financial commitment by way of resolution from Council will be needed to leverage any grant funding and there is an expectation as per clause 5.3.1 of the Shire’s Policy Manual that community and sporting groups contribute financially to the upgrade of Council facilities. Contact has been made with the Hyden Sports Council to seek feedback on a financial contribution from the Hyden community who have advised that would like to confirm design before considering funding options.

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BlazeAid Australia & local farmers

The Shire has organised BlazeAid Australia (Ed & Judy Bland) to come to the Shire following the bushfires last summer to help rebuild damaged fences. Unfortunately with the border closures due to COVID-19 they have only been able to arrive last Saturday 6th June 2020. They have started at Ken Graham and Tim Healy’s farms in Hyden and then are scheduled to come through to Kondinin depending on the level of interest from local farmers.

Town Planning Projects and Matters Update

Project/Matters Status

Workers Accommodation (Aylmore Road, Hyden)

An application has been received to add an additional second hand donga to the Workers Accommodation currently operating as The Silos. The proposal is currently being advertised for public comment and will be presented to the 15th July 2020 Ordinary Meeting of Council for determination.

DFES Shed Hyden Resolution at the March 2020 Ordinary Meeting of Council to request the applicants to submit amended plans showing the extension to the rear of the property has been actioned by the Applicants and acknowledged by the Shire’s Administration. No formal planning approval is required as proposal defined as public works.

Wheatbelt Aged Care Alliance Grant agreement now signed by all parties for the construction of 2 x aged care dwellings in Hyden and 2 x aged care dwellings in Kondinin. Design and Construct and currently out for tender closing on the 6th July 2020. Planning approval and building permits will be the responsibility of the successful tender to submit to the Shire for approval prior to construction.

RESOLUTION 3592 Moved Cr Mulcahy Seconded Cr Jones That Council Receive the Manager Planning and Development’s update on Grants, Events and Projects;


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SUBJECT: Shire Community Grant Budget Submissions 2020/2021 – Hyden Progress

Association ATTACHMENTS: Sketch 1 & 2 DATE OF REPORT: 8th June 2020 AUTHOR: MPD, CDO DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST: NIL BACKGROUND An application was received from the Hyden Progress Association as part of the Shire Community Grant Budget Submissions 2020/2021 seeking $7,500 to go towards 10 x CORTEN steel decorative screens attached to poles and associated lighting to be installed in the Hyden Town Centre. The application was tabled at the Ordinary Meeting of Council held on the 20th May 2020 in which Council resolved to defer this application to the June Ordinary Meeting of Council so as to obtain more information on the project. A site meeting was held on the 2nd June 2020 with representatives from the Hyden Progress Association, the Shire’s Administration and the Shire President. Additional information was also received through email from the Hyden Progress Association as incorporated into the information below.

Size and Scale of the CORTEN steel structures

10 panels of approximately 1200mm x 800mm in size (landscape orientation). Each panel will be mounted on its own vertical post. At the top of the post will be a solar panel and at some position up the post a metal box will be mounted to contain the light controller and battery.

Proposed Location of steel structures

The initial location of the CORTEN panels was to be mounted on posts, the post/panels fitted at roughly equally spaced distances along the new footpath on Marshall Street out the front of the shopping centre and associated buildings.

At the site visit it was agreed that the new footpath was not a suitable location for the panels and alternative options were discussed including;

the area south of the main road near the sculptures;

Coronation Park;

through town to form part of a walk trail; and

dispersed from the town centre to the Wave Rock turn off/ Lovering Road.

The Hyden Progress Association (HPA) have advised that the alternative locations to install the CORTEN steel posts will be tabled at their next meeting tentatively scheduled for the 26th June 2020 and will then be reported back to the Shire for consideration.

Operation and positioning of proposed lighting

The lighting for the panel will be a single LED strip light that will be along the top edge of the CORTEN panel shining downwards on the panel. From the road side, the lighting will illuminate the cut-out in the panel.

The proposed operation of the lighting is the light controller detects sunset (no light on the solar panel) and switches on the LED strip light for a set period of time, for example for 4 hours after sunset. The controller has flexibility to change how many hours the lights are on for with the disclaimer that there is a limitation based on battery size and solar panel size for how long the lights can be operated. The battery and panel have been sized to allow for a day or two of cloudy weather and to still provide the required lighting. The software program for the lighting can be changed as required.

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Scope of the $10,000 contribution from the Shire for installation

This was a rough estimate only to basically dig ten holes and concrete in the ten posts. The Shire’s Works Manager has advised that the cost would likely be less than this and can be incorporated into general operating expenses of the Shire’s 2020/2021 budget. CONCLUSION This project is considered a great initiative which will certainly add to the aesthetic appeal and interest in Hyden’s town centre and strongly aligns with the Hyden Town Site Revitalisation Plan. Based on the additional information provided it is recommended that Council support the allocation of $7,500 to the Hyden Progress Association as part of the Shire’ Community Grant Program 2020/2021 on the condition that the location and final design of the proposed CORTEN steel structures shall be approved by Council prior to installation. STATUTORY ENVIRONMENT Nil POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil PUBLIC CONSULTATION The Shire have actively consulted with the Hyden Progress Association on this matter. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS The total amount requested from the Hyden Progress Association to be considered in the 2020/2021 budget is $7,500 with additional installation costs to be undertaken as an in-kind gesture through the Shire’s general operating expenses. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS The project supports the Shire’s Strategic Plan 2016 – 2026 by providing financial assistance to local community groups to enhance our Shire and supports our vision ‘To have a thriving and sustainable future’. VOTING REQUIREMENTS Absolute Majority

RESOLUTION 3593 Moved Cr Mouritz Seconded Cr Gangell That Council resolve to SUPPORT an allocation of $7,500 to the Hyden Progress Association as part of the Shire’s Community Grants 2020/2021 on the condition that the final location and design of the CORTEN steel panels and associated infrastructure shall be submitted to Council for approval prior to construction.


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SUBJECT: Options for Shire Housing in Kondinin ATTACHMENTS: Letter from Gary Repacholi Shire Housing Graph DATE OF REPORT: 8h June 2020 AUTHOR: MPD DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST: NIL BACKGROUND In recent years quality housing available to purchase and/or lease in Kondinin has become increasingly limited. With the possibility of the wind farm coming closer to fruition, the age and condition of some of the Shire’s existing housing and demand for future workers to the Shire both in the public and private sectors has heightened the need for the Shire to consider options to provide quality accommodation in the short to medium term. To add to this mix there is also a number of residential lots in Kondinin with substandard dwellings and unkempt yards that have not been occupied for many years and have been issued notices as being unfit for human habitation under the Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1911. This need for quality housing is supported by the Shire’s Community Strategic Plan 2016 – 2026 whereby some key challenges recognised in the community engagement process in the preparation of the plan was identified as follows:

Good quality housing, particularly in the Kondinin Town Site

Appropriate housing for elderly

Unkempt private yards in Kondinin In order to address these challenges the Shire is committed to the following objectives and actions of the Community Strategic Plan 2016 – 2026. 1.1 A vibrant and attractive place to live that offers choice and a liveable environment

1.1.1 Promote the Shire of Kondinin as a great place to live, work, visit and invest 1.1.2 Encourage greater housing diversity and standards that meets the needs of a broader demographic profile 1.1.3 Develop infrastructure and support services to create the Shire as an ideal place to retire

Our Actions

Continue to provide new staff houses in Hyden and Kondinin as required

Provide support and loans to upgrade existing and complete new housing for low income families and singles

Increase aged care accommodation options within the Shire, including extending Yeerakine Lodge and constructing additional independent living units at West Court Retirement Village (Kondinin) and Whispering Gums (Hyden), coupled with appropriate and complementary health, recreation and community services e.g. Senior Citizens Centre Home And Community Care (HACC), Silver Chain, Men’s Shed

Work with local businesses and government agencies to promote the Shire of Kondinin lifestyle to a range of demographics including migrants, youth, families, singles and the aged and fly in fly out / drive in drive out workers e.g. Western Areas NL Mine Sites

Work collaboratively and form alliances with local organisations, service providers and neighbouring Shires to improve housing and health services and facilities across the Shire, particular for seniors

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1.2 A growing, diverse and dynamic community

1.2.1 Facilitate equitable access for residents to services and facilities across the Shire 1.2.3 Increase land supply for residential, commercial and industrial opportunities that can be released quickly to the market 1.2.3 Create aesthetically attractive and vibrant towns within the Shire

Our Actions

Improve each communities central business district aesthetics, access and landscape to strengthen opportunities for shopping, dining and entertainment

Undertake a dedicated streetscape and beautification project for the Hyden Town Site

Invite and promote the community to take a proactive role in improving the aesthetics of each town e.g. coordinated effort

Represent the communities interests and work with relevant agencies to facilitate affordable, diverse housing and land release strategies

To ensure that the Shire is adhering to these actions of the Community Strategic Plan 2016 -2020 the Shire’s Administration have been investigating options to provide for greater housing choice as outlined below. Aged Housing and Social Housing With the recent Wheatbelt Aged Care Alliance project to develop two (2) new units in Hyden and two (2) new units in Kondinin, together with the recent expansion to Yeerakine Lodge the Shire appears to be meeting demand for Aged Housing at the moment. There are a number of social housing properties in the Shire of Kondinin with new units being added to the Young Singles Units in Hyden in recent years. Further investigation on this is required however to report any further on this matter. Purchase of Crown Land The Shire has made several enquiries into the purchase of subdivided crown land zoned Residential in the Kondinin Town Site, namely on the southern side of West Court and No. 25 (Lot 275), No. 27 (Lot 327) and No. 29 (Lot 328) on the northern side of Repacholi Parade. The response to these requests from the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage has been ‘the land is currently under investigation for possible inclusion into the Noongar Land Estate as part of the South West Settlement therefore is not available for Freehold’. Purchase of Infill Lots The Shire have sought legal advice to purchase Nos. 51 and 53 Rankin Street, Kondinin which contain dwellings that have been vacant for many years and have been issued notices as being unfit for human habitation under the Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1911. The short answer is that the Shire can attempt to purchase these lots with the registered proprietors. Letters have been sent to the registered proprietors of the subject lots to this effect and to date no responses have been received. There is a vacant Landcorp lot for sale for $15,000 at No. 7 (Lot 321) Wignell Street, and also the Shire has yet to develop the remaining Landcorp lot at No. 39 (Lot 282) Repacholi Parade. There are other private lots in town that the Shire could potentially attempt to purchase with the registered proprietors. All of these lots have access to existing utilities and services and local road frontages. Town Site Expansion As tabled in the letter from Gary Repacholi attached to this Agenda report, farm land exists to the west of Repacholi Parade which has been offered to the Shire to purchase. Under the Shire’s Local Planning Scheme

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No.1 the majority of the Lot in question 15090 is zoned Rural under the Shire’s Local Planning Scheme No.1, with a portion of approximately 11 hectares zoned for Urban Development extending along the western boundary of the Repacholi Parade properties as shown in the outline in the aerial map below. Under this zoning this section of the lot could potentially be developed for residential purposes without an amendment to the zoning of the Local Planning Scheme. A structure plan would however have to be prepared with a layout of how the land would be developed prior to any subdivision or works for residential development. Discussion with the owner/s would also be required in relation to the dam located in the subject area of the lot. The Dam could continue to be used by the adjacent landholder for stock and is already utilised by the Shire for the storage of storm water from the Brookton Highway and the Stubbs St/Repacholi Pde intersection.

All Shire Housing is For Sale Over 10 years ago discussion was held between the Council and the Shire’s Administration that ‘all Shire housing was for sale’. The intention of this initiative was not to remove Shire employees from Shire housing but rather open up options for the Shire to sell Shire property in the private market either to the existing Shire tenants or other interested buyers and use the revenue from the sale to purchase land and construct new Shire housing. Existing Shire Housing A graph has been prepared as attached to this Agenda Report which lists the Shire’s existing residential properties and shows the historic costs and the current value of these properties. The majority of housing constructed over the last 20 years or so are all currently valued at roughly the same around $260,000 and align with their construction cost, with the exception of the most recently constructed property at No. 41 Repacholi Parade.

Portion of Lot 15090 zoned ‘Urban Development’ under the Shire’s Local Planning Scheme No.1.

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No. 45 Graham Street located opposite the Shire depot and 11 Young Avenue are some of the oldest residential dwellings owned by the Shire which require substantial maintenance and could be properties to consider to sell or to demolish and re-build. CONCLUSION A number of matters are to be considered in the best way forward for the Shire to adhere to its commitment in its Community Strategic Plan 2016 – 2020 to ensure that it provides for quality housing that meets the needs of a broad demographic profile. Whilst the selling of Shire properties is contingent on adequate housing being available for staff, the immediate demand for housing from the private and public sector is unknown and the wind farm development uncertain, it is considered important that the Shire seriously start to consider planning for providing quality housing in the short to medium term. The construction of new housing and/or the disposal of residential lots for private development if managed well is anticipated to have a positive flow on effect by providing quality housing for Shire employees but also for potential new and existing residents to the Shire including housing for teachers and nurses and those employed in the private sector. Based on continuing requests from both the school and hospital and the limited number of GROH properties in town, renting to other parties still looks to be viable for periods that the Shires own demand fluctuates. Housing construction will also encourage growth in the local economy. Short Term It is recommended that the Shire look towards infill development as a priority in the first instance. The purchase of Nos. 51 and 53 Rankin Street, Kondinin is recommended if the registered proprietors are willing to sell, which will enable the removal the uninhabitable dwellings on the subject lots and then once adequate funds are available will enable either the option to construct new dwellings on the lots to lease to Shire employees or other employees in the public sector or sell to interest private buyers. In addition to the above and to formalise the Shire’s approach to housing it is recommended that the Shire’s Administration prepare a Housing Replacement Plan which shall include a timeline and indicative costs for the replacement of Shire Housing and other relevant information. Medium to Long Term It is recommended that discussions are held with the land owner/s and a valuation be obtained to purchase the approximate 11 hectares of farmland to the west of Repacholi Parade on the portion of Lot 15090 currently zoned ‘Urban Development’. Depending on the outcome of this, the Shire could then look to purchase the property and undertake a subdivision for housing development in the medium to long term. In light of the information discussed above, it is recommended to Council to support the Officer Recommendation to progress this matter. STATUTORY IMPLICATIONS Local Government Act 1995 (Section 3.58 relating to the disposal of Shire property) POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil PUBLIC CONSULTATION Nil FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS In the 2019/2020 housing reserve budget there is $136,720.06

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Draft 2020/2021 budget proposes to include an additional $50,000 in the Housing Reserve Budget. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS The Shire’s Community Strategic Plan 2016 – 2026 states the following with regard to housing: “1.1 A vibrant and attractive place to live that offers choice and a liveable environment

1.1.1 Promote the Shire of Kondinin as a great place to live, work, visit and invest 1.1.2 Encourage greater housing diversity and standards that meets the needs of a broader demographic profile.”

VOTING REQUIREMENTS Absolute Majority Mia Maxfield leaves at 3.46pm and returns 3.48pm

RESOLUTION 3594 Moved Cr Mulcahy Seconded Cr Jones That Council resolves to; 1. Pursue the purchase of Nos. 51 and 53 Rankin, Street Kondinin; 2. In liaison with the owner/s undertake a valuation on the portion of Lot 15090 zoned ‘Urban Development’ under the Shire’s Local Planning Scheme No.1. 3. Request the Shire’s Administration to prepare a housing replacement plan for the Shire residential properties; and 4. Allocate an additional $50,000 in the Shire’s Housing Reserve Fund in the 2020/2021 budget


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SUBJECT: One Man and a Bike Series – Roe Tourism ATTACHMENTS: Nil DATE OF REPORT: 10th June 2020 AUTHOR: MPD DISCLOSURE OF INTEREST: NIL BACKGROUND The Shire of Kondinin has been approached by Lee Loraine of Visage Productions for the Shire of Kondinin along with the other member Shires of Roe Tourism to be part of a new television series ‘One Man and Bike Series’ to be broadcast later this year. The Shire was involved in a similar series back 2016 called the ‘Our Town’ series which can be viewed from the following link: Lee has advised that this series he will introduce a more personal elements to the concept bringing in locals in each area into the story and invite them to talk about why their town is such a good place to visit. Each episode would be developed via a collaboration of Local Government Authorities and will take the audience on a ‘road trip’ through the various regions of Western Australia. Below is the information on the series provided by Visage Production: Everything you need to know about the series:

The five-episode series will be broadcast throughout Western Australia on the Seven Network, the State’s highest rating free-to-air channel, on a weekend afternoon later in 2020, both metro and regionally.

After broadcast the episodes will be added to the Seven Network on-line catch-up service. Filming for the series to commence once the episodes are fully subscribed (plan is to commence in the

second half of 2020 with filming in destinations appropriate to seasonal weather conditions and attractions, for example during the wildflower season).

The overall aim of the series model is to promote Western Australia’s road trip possibilities, from a different perspective.

The series is to be produced by VISAGE Productions - we are a Perth based production company which has been in operation for over 25 years.

Each episode will be allocated to a particular region or road-trips, with multiple-LGA collaborations coming together to form an episode.

Series to be filmed in high definition with multiple use of drone technology (within CASA approved areas).

Each episode, based on previous series’ will be filmed over four-five days. Option to utilise existing file footage supplied by partners. A new designated Facebook page has just been developed and will be profiled and promoted extensively before, during and after the series, with regular updates on location, inclusive of linked sites and hashtag branding.

VISAGE team will work closely with each partner in developing the story outline, concept and script, with full editorial control given to each partner, inclusive of final approval prior to broadcast.

Each half-hour episode ends up being 20-21 minutes after commercials, being four, five-minute segments, which can be broken up in various ways.

Each partner will be liaising with just one person throughout the process, from initial contact right through to final delivery, providing a more personal service and a more streamlined process throughout.

There are multiple benefits for the partners we bring on board:

Western Australia broadcast coverage. The series will also be available via catch-up on 7plus
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All participating partners will have total control of editorial content and will have final approval on each episode prior to broadcast.

Pre-broadcast exposure via social media platforms and on-location hashtag relevant links. On-location social media coverage during filming. Opportunities to cross-promote with other marketing mediums in designated regions, being both

newspaper and radio. We can supply previous examples of this, if required. On-camera promos to be filmed on location that can be utilised pre-broadcast via social media

platforms. Every episode to be made available via our Facebook page, once aired on the commercial

network. This has resulted in thousands of additional shares and plays, inclusive of international reach.

Unlimited access to the final edited story and full episode, which can be forwarded in various sizes and formats, across multiple mediums.

Capability to cut-down packages for other marketing purposes. Access to the filmed high definition raw video files, inclusive of drone footage, which can be further

promoted through other promotional mediums such as television commercials, websites and social media (conditions apply).

We can also film any additional required footage whilst on-location if time permits. The total episode budget has been estimated at $35,000 - $40,000 and five of the seven Roe Tourism Shires have expressed an interest in being part of the project, resulting in a Shire contribution of around $7,000 ex GST. In this scenario each of the five Local Government Authorities would receive a four minute story as part of the 21.30 minute episode. The producers would spend a day in each location to film each four minute story and intend to undertake the filming this Spring/early Summer. CONCLUSION The above proposal presents a great promotional opportunity for the Shire to tie in with the existing ‘Pathways to Waverock’ publicity through Roe Tourism. Whilst it might seem a lot of money for ‘four minutes of air time’, the footage from the series can also be re-produced through other platforms to make the most of this tourism promotion opportunity. It is recommended that Council support the involvement in this project and the allocation of $7,000 in the 2020/2021 budget subject to the involvement by the other member Shires of Tourism in the project. STATUTORY ENVIRONMENT Nil POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil PUBLIC CONSULTATION Nil FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS $7,000 in the 2020/2021 budget. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS This project supports the following sections of the Shire of Kondinin’s Community Strategic Plan 2016 – 2026: “2.1 Promote the Shire of Kondinin within the local community and beyond the Wheatbelt and state boundaries as a preferred location for business, tourism and lifestyle

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2.4 Encourage, promote and support tourism experiences and businesses in the Shire of Kondinin 2.4.1 Collaborate with key stakeholders and local networks to develop and promote our tourism experiences across the entire Shire 2.4.2 Add value to current tourism experiences and facilities as well as creating additional tourism experiences and facilities

Our Actions

Continue to support the objectives of Roe Tourism, the Central Wheatbelt Visitor Centre and local tourism businesses and services.’

A key challenge recognised in the community engagement process in the preparation of the Shire’s Community Strategic Plan 2016 – 2026 was;

Capitalising on Marketing and Tourism Opportunities


RESOLUTION 3595 Moved Cr Lynch Seconded Cr Mouritz That Council resolve to SUPPORT the allocation of $7,000 in the 2020/2021 budget towards the One Man and His Bike Television Series subject to involvement from other member Roe Tourism Shires.


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9.2.1 Financial Reports

Name of Applicant: Shire of Kondinin Author: Manager Corporate Services Voting: Simple Date: 9th June, 2020 SUMMARY/COMMENT: The financial statements for the period ending 31st May 2020 are attached. T Young leaves at 4.23pm and does not return

RESOLUTION 3596 Moved Cr Lynch Seconded Cr Jones That the Financial Reports for the period ended 31st May 2020 as presented be accepted.


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9.2.2 List of Accounts

Name of Applicant: Shire of Kondinin Author: Manager Corporate Services Voting: Simple Date: 4th June 2020 SUMMARY/COMMENT: A list of accounts is attached.

RESOLUTION 3597 Moved Cr Gangell Seconded Cr Browning That Muni Cheques 18835 - 18848, Muni & Trust EFTs12050 – 12151, Transport Direct Debits, Other Direct Debits, Payroll and Bank Fees (for the month May 2020) totalling $528,185.03 be endorsed.


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Meeting adjourned at 4.45pm. Vince Bugna leaves and does not return. Meeting begins again at 4.56pm

9.2.4 Capital Items Progress

Name of Applicant: Shire of Kondinin Author: CEO Date: 13th March 2020 SUMMARY/COMMENT: Expenditure on capital items for 2019-2020

Programme Description Amended Budget


Governance Electronic Devices & Software for Council meetings


Governance Synergy Modules (Records, Remittance) $30,000 COMMENCED

Governance 0KN Vehicle Changeover $55,000 COMPLETED

Families & Children Hyden Daycare Building (Reroof) $20,000 COMMENCED

Recreation & Culture Hyden Hall – Curtains $7,000 COMMENCED

Recreation & Culture Hyden Rec Centre extensions $200,000 COMMENCED

Parks & Gardens Kondinin Oval Reticulation $100,000 COMPLETED

Parks & Gardens Karlgarin Oval Fence, Line Ceiling $5,000 COMMENCED

Transport RRG - Lovering Rd (RRG004) $144,402 COMPLETED

Transport RRG - Kondinin Narembeen Rd (RRG146) $375,758 COMPLETED

Transport BSR - East Hyden Bin 1–Wave Rock Intersect. $74,000 COMPLETED

Transport BSR - East Hyden Bin 2 4.10slk-4.75slk $76,527 COMPLETED

Transport RCC - Notting Karlgarin Rd (Gravel Resheet) $75,528 COMPLETED

Transport RCC - Bendering East Rd (Gravel Resheet) $26,472 COMPLETED

Transport RCC - White Rd (Gravel Resheet) $74,208

Transport RCC - Aggiss Rd (Gravel Resheet) $49,000 COMPLETED

Transport RCC - Worland Rd (Gravel Resheet) $109,780 COMPLETED

Transport RCC - Chalk Hill West Rd (Final Seal) $10,975 COMPLETED

Transport RCC - Lake Carmody Rd (Gravel Resheet) $74,208

Transport R2R - Bendering East Rd (Gravel Resheet) $47,735 COMPLETED

Transport R2R - Hyden Norseman Rd (Gravel Resheet) $99,687 COMPLETED

Transport R2R - Rankin St (Asphalt & Kerb) $81,310 COMMENCED

Transport R2R - Jones St (Asphalt & Kerb) $57,870 COMMENCED

Transport R2R - Melba St (Reconstruct, Reseal) $50,574 COMPLETED

Transport R2R - Naughton Rd (Reconstruct, Reseal) $140,302 COMPLETED

Transport R2R - Marshall St (Asphalt) $28,938 COMPLETED

Transport FPK - Footpath Improvements $140,000 COMMENCED

Road Plant 2011 John Deere 670G (KN65) $330,000 COMPLETED

Road Plant 2013 Howard Porter S/T (KN2106) $100,000 COMPLETED

Road Plant 1998 Volvo L70C 4 Wheel Loader (KN68) $120,000 COMPLETED

Road Plant Leased Trucks (KN62, KN77, KN58, KN89, KN59) $136,252 ONGOING

Economic Services Visitor Centre Hyden $100,000

Economic Services WR Tourist Precinct Improvement $50,000 COMMENCED

Economic Services Karlgarin Centenary Project $85,000 COMMENCED

Economic Services Land Purchase for Water Supply Dam $10,000

Economic Services Marque $20,000 COMPLETED

Other Property & Services Motor Vehicle (KN49) $55,000 COMPLETED

TOTAL $ 3,180,257


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Construction We have now completed gravel re-sheeting on Lake Carmody Road. This now completes Council’s road program for the 19/20. Plant Repairs KN62 Prime Mover Air Conditioner KN58 Prime Mover Service & New hydraulic fittings KN2111 PM Trailer New spring, grease, adjust brake plus hydraulic fittings KN78 Steel Drum Roller Emergency Stop and Beacon repairs KN81 Grader Glass Door KN63 Gardeners Trucks 35,000 service KN65 JD Grader 500hr service + warranty work KN68 SDLG Loader 250hr service + warranty work Maintenance Grading Winter grading has been conducted on the following roads; Karlgarin Lake Karlgarin Lake West Scrivener Rock East Camel Peaks West Billericay East Roe Rd (Nth if Bellericay) Lehoar Forrest McDonald Winter grading will continue as follows: West of Mt Walker and North of the Highway heading back to Kondinin – 2 graders and one multi tyred roller. Lake Carmody heading back toward Hyden – 2 graders and mutli tyred roller. Rain events have been minimal and moisture is evaporating fast. Resources are being optimised when moisture improves with each rain occurrence ensuring quality of maintenance grading. Council please advise MOW if you have any complaints about the state of the roads so I can endeavour to rectify ASAP. Email is preferable. Parks and Gardens Normal routine maintenance is being undertaken. General KN 0 Holden Trailblazer will be traded for a base model Hilux Ute through Narrogin Toyota. This supersedes the previous quote acceptance as Edwards Motors Narrogin reneged on their obligation to provide an Isuzu Ute. This vehicle trade will be finalised the week ending 13 June 2020. Please find following the revised quote from Narrogin Toyota.

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Begin Finish

Rego Make User Year Hrs/Km Hrs/Km Comments

0 KN Toyota - Prado CEO 2019 36455 41448

KN 0 Holden Trailblazer

2019 18454 17853 Surplus

KN 04 Subaru Outback MCS 2019 27869 30876

KN 49 Toyota - Prado MOW 2018 29384 33126

KN 52 Subaru Forester Doctor 2019

KN 54 Subaru Outlander MPD 2019 7948 8770

KN 51 Toyota Hilux Mick Pratzky 2017 60401 62286

KN 55 Toyota Hilux Brian Lucas 2018 24159 25748

KN 56 Toyota Hilux P&G Kondinin 2017 59756 61496

KN 58 Prime Mover Paul Chambers 2016 repairs 185146

KN 62 Prime Mover Bob Lockyer 2016 157454 162965

KN 77 Prime Mover Eric Krakouer 2016 158716 161396

KN 61 Toyota Hilux Dave Halliday 2018 33420 35970

KN 57 Isuzu - Tray Top - Mtce Truck 2015 123991 126261

KN 60 Isuzu - Tray Top - Dual Cab 2016 116331 117129

KN 89 Isuzu - Tray Top - Dual Cab 2016 94398 97592

KN 63 Isuzu - Tray Top David Symcox 2017 34423 35336

KN 73 Isuzu - Tray Top Kondinin 2011 177859 178203

KN 64 John Deere 670G - Grader Gary Valenta 2016 4265 4348

KN 65 John Deere 670G - Grader Brian Lucas 2011 379 490

KN 66 John Deere 670G - Grader Dave Halliday 2013 9700 9833

KN 81 Caterpillar 12m - Grader

2018 1766 1898

KN 67 Volvo L90F - Loader 2012 7587 7691

KN 68 Volvo - Loader 1998 224 235

KN 69 Massey Ferguson-Tractor David Symcox 1999 3829 3832

KN 70 Case - Tractor Kondinin 2003 1994 1996

KN3031 Toro - Ride on Mower Reel Mower 2015 3068

KN72 Bomag - Road Roller Construction 2015 2378 2468

KN78 Dynapac - Vibe Road Roller 2017 1227 1282

KN 115 Toro - Reel Mower Hyden 2009 2554 2584

KN 215 Toro - Ride on Mower Hyden 2018 132

KN123 JCB Backhoe Kondinin 2014 2350 2358

KN 112 John Deere - Ride on Mower Kondinin 2006 No use Surplus

KN 79 Toyota - Community Bus 2008 No use No use

KN 59 Water Truck

2016 79084 79895

2017HY Toyota – Community Bus Hyden 2017 No use 23653

RESOLUTION 3598 Moved Cr Lynch Seconded Cr Browning That the Works Manager’s Report be received.


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9.2.3 Draft 2020/21 Budget

Applicant: Shire of Kondinin Author: Manager Corporate Services Date: 12th June, 2020 Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachment: Draft Budget for 2020/21 SUMMARY / COMMENT: Subject to revisions and adjustments in order to arrive at accurate net current funding position to 30th June 2020, the Shire of Kondinin’s draft 2020/21 budget is hereby presented to Council for consideration. A preliminary administration meeting in April has identified the following capital expenditure projects. These were presented and discussed at the meeting of Council in May and recommendation was accepted by Council. CAPITAL EXPENDITURE & SOURCES OF FUNDING:

Program Budget Total

Capital Grants & Contrib

RRG & Direct Grants

Roads to Recovery

Loan Funds

Reserves Sale of Assets

Council Funds


Photocopier 10,532 - 10,532

Toyota Prado (0KN) 57,000 45,000 12,000

Subaru Outback (KN04) 37,000 25,000 12,000

Subaru Outback (KN54) 37,000 25,000 12,000

Total 141,532 95,000 46,532


Toyota RAV4 (KN52) 35,000 23,000 12,000

Total 35,000 23,000 12,000

Aged & Disabled

WSAHA – Aged Housing(4) Units

1,274,830 800,000 474,830

Total 1,274,830 800,000 474,830

Recreation & Culture

Hyden Rec Centre – c/f 200,000 200,000 -

Total 200,000 200,000 -

Transport - Roads

Hyden-Mt Walker Rd (Culvert, Pave….,etc.)

166,600 111,67 55,533

Aylmore Road (second coat)

115,860 77,240 38,620

East Hyden Bin Rd (second coat)

128,198 85,465 42,733

Kondinin Narembeen Rd (second coat)

92,620 56,228 36,392

Council Roads – ALL 410,000 410,000

Hyden Norseman Rd ( Gravel Sheet)

150,722 150,722 -

White Road (Form & Gravel)

100,918 100,918 -

Worland Road (Form & Gravel

126,035 126,035 -

Melba Street (Asphalt & Reseal)

144,661 144,661 -

Footpath Construction 100,000 100,000

Total 1,535,614 330,000 522,336 683,278

Transport – Road Plant

Toyota Hilux (KN51) 30,000 10,000 20,000

Toyota Hilux (KN56) 30,000 10,000 20,000

John Deere 670G (KN66) Grader

350,000 200,000 110,000 40,000

Side Tipper (KN2418) 100,000 20,000 80,000

Plant Trailer (Proposed) 25,000 - 25,000

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Road Sweeper (Second Hand)

170,000 - 170,000

Lease Trucks (KN62, KN77, KN58, KN89, KN59)

136,252 - 136,252

Total 841,252 200,000 150,000 491,252

Economic services

Visitors Centre Hyden – c/f

100,000 100,000

WR Tourist Precinct Improvement

50,000 50,000 -

Karlgarin Centenary Project

40,000 40,000

Land purchase for water supply dam

10,000 10,000

Retic Upgrade (Hyden Oval)

100,000 100,000

Total 300,000 50,000 250,000

Other Property & Serv

Toyota Prado (KN49) 57,000 45,000 12,000

Total 57,000 45,000 12,000


4,385,228 800,000 330,000 522,336 - 450,000 313,000 1,969,893

A summary of proposed Capital Expenditure above are as follows: Land and Buildings $1,584,830 Furniture and Equipment $ 10,532 Plant and Equipment $1,064,252 Infrastructure – Roads $1,535,614 Infrastructure – Other $ 190,000

TOTAL $4,835,228 Amongst other expenditure considered for inclusion in 2020/21 budget: Community Grants (inclusive of recurring contributions) $ 94,342 (estimate) Website Improvement $ 25,000 (estimate) Water Infrastructure Reserve (Res 3538, 12/02/20) $100,000 SJA Capital Upgrade Reserve (Res 3500, 20/11/19) $ 50,000 Plant Replacement Reserve $100,000 Housing Reserve $ 50,000 Tourism Development Reser (per Council Policy 8.1.12) $ 30,000 (estimate) Landfill Reserve (Res 2672, 10/02/16) $ 5,000 Employee Leave Reserve (Adjustment at 30/06/20) $ ???? Mia Maxfield leaves at 4.35pm and returns at 4.36pm

RECOMMENDATION Moved Cr James Seconded Cr Lynch That Council review its expenditure and consider budgetary efficiency measures as part of its budget deliberations and consider the rates that are required to meet the budget deficiency. CARRIED 9/0

The above capital expenditure and sources of funding table has been revised as a result of May meeting discussion, put forward suggestions and subsequent information for budget inclusion. Following are the revisions:

1. $543,234 Local Roads & Community Infrastructure (LRCI) Program stimulus package from the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development (DITRD) will be made available by 1st July.

2. Eligible projects proposed: - Footpaths (previous allocation $100,000) $250,000 - Landscaping/retic works - Marshall Street $ 25,000

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- Bitumising Hyden & Kondinin Center car parks $ 80,000 - Bush Tucker garden identified in the Wave Rock plan $ 50,000

- Traffic Directional Signage $ 30,000 - Variable Message Board $ 60,000 - Upgrade to the Community garden toilets $ 48,234

TOTAL $543,234

3. $50,000 has been added for two (2) blocks of land in anticipation of additional housing units in town 4. Proposed plant trailer of $25,000 was removed and $25,000 for dog pound upgrade and $40,000 for

wash down bay at the depot were added 5. $170,000 for Road Sweeper was reduced to $40,000 to go for second hand 6. Karlgarin Centenary project was increased by $20,000 (from $40,000 to $60,000) to carry forward

the estimated balance to 30 June. Below is the updated capital expenditure and sources of funding table and other expenditure included in the draft budget. CAPITAL EXPENDITURE & SOURCES OF FUNDING:

Program Budget Total

Capital Grants & Contrib

RRG & Direct Grants

Roads to Recovery

Loan Fund


Reserves Sale of Assets

Council Funds


Photocopier 10,532 - 10,532

Toyota Prado (0KN) 57,000 45,000 12,000

Subaru Outback (KN04) 37,000 25,000 12,000

Subaru Outback (KN54) 37,000 25,000 12,000

Total 141,532 95,000 46,532


Toyota RAV4 (KN52) 35,000 23,000 12,000

Total 35,000 23,000 12,000

Aged & Disabled

WSAHA – Aged Housing Units (4)

1,274,830 800,000 474,830

Total 1,274,830 800,000 474,830


Land purchase – x2 blocks

50,000 50,000

Total 50,000 50,000

Recreation & Culture

Hyden Rec Centre – c/f 200,000 200,000 -

Hyden Rec Centre Carpark - LRCI funding

80,000 80,000 -

Retic Upgrade (Hyden Oval)

100,000 100,000

Seal Coronation Park & Carpark CRC

39,345 39,345

Total 419,345 80,000 200,000 139,345

Transport – Roads

RRG – Hyden-Mt Walker Rd (Culvert, Pave….,etc.)

166,600 111,67 55,533

RRG – Aylmore Road (second coat)

115,860 77,240 38,620

RRG – East Hyden Bin Rd (second coat)

128,198 85,465 42,733

RRG – Kondinin Narembeen Rd (second coat)

92,620 56,228 36,392

Council Roads – ALL 410,221 410,221

R2R – Hyden Norseman Rd ( Gravel Sheet)

150,722 150,722 -

R2R – White Road (Form & Gravel)

100,918 100,918 -

R2R – Worland Road (Form & Gravel

126,035 126,035 -

R2R – Melba Street (Asphalt & Reseal)

144,661 144,661 -

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Footpath Construction – LRCI funding

250,000 250,000 -

Traffic signs – LRCI funding

30,000 30,000 -

Message Board (Trailer) – LRCI funding

60,000 60,000 -

Total 1,775,835 340,000 330,000 522,336 583,499


Dog Pound upgrade 25,000 25,000

Wash down bay 40,000 40,000

Total 65,000 65,000

Transport – Road Plant

Toyota Hilux (KN51) 30,000 10,000 20,000

Toyota Hilux (KN56) 30,000 10,000 20,000

John Deere 670G (KN66) Grader

350,000 240,000 110,000 -

Side Tipper (KN2418) 100,000 20,000 80,000


Road Sweeper (Second Hand)

40,000 - 40,000

Total 550,000 240,000 150,000 160,000

Economic services

Visitors Centre Hyden – c/f

100,000 100,000

WR Tourist Precinct Improvement

50,000 50,000 -

Karlgarin Centenary Project

60,000 60,000

Landscape Marshall Street – LRCI funding

25,000 25,000 -

Bush Tucker Garden – LRCI funding

50,000 50,000 -

Land purchase for water supply dam

10,000 10,000

Community Garden Toilet – LRCI funding

48,234 48,234 -

Total 343,234 123,234 50,000 170,000

Other Property & Serv

Toyota Prado (KN0) 57,000 45,000 12,000

Total 57,000 45,000 12,000


4,711,776 1,343,234 330,000 522,336 - 490,000 313,000 1,713,206

Updated summary of proposed Capital Expenditure above are as follows: Land and Buildings $1,708,064 Furniture and Equipment $ 10,532 Plant and Equipment $ 773,000 Infrastructure – Roads $1,435,635 Infrastructure – Footpaths $ 250,000 Infrastructure – Other $ 534,345

TOTAL $4,711,776 Other expenditure included: Community Grants (inclusive of recurring contributions) $ 91,512 (estimate) Website Improvement $ 35,000 (estimate) Water Infrastructure Reserve (Res 3538, 12/02/20) $100,000 SJA Capital Upgrade Reserve (Res 3500, 20/11/19) $ 50,000 Plant Replacement Reserve $100,000 Housing Reserve $ 50,000 Tourism Development Reser (per Council Policy 8.1.12) $ 32,526 Landfill Reserve (Res 2672, 10/02/16) $ 5,000 Employee Leave Reserve (Adjustment at 30/06/20) $ ????

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Under the Local Government Act 1995, local governments are required to adopt the budget by no later than 31 August. Adopting the budget in July allows administration to achieve rate assessments being completed early which in turn sustain Council’s cash flow requirements.

STATUTORY ENVIRONMENT Local Government Act 1995 POLICY IMPLICATION There are no direct policy implications in relation to this item. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Council is required under the Local Government Act 1995 to adopt a balanced budget each financial year. STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS Nil VOTING REQUIREMENT Simple Majority

RESOLUTION 3599 Moved Cr Lynch Seconded Cr Mouritz That Council give consideration to the revised capital expenditure and sources of funding, review other expenditure and consider budgetary efficiency measures as part of its budget deliberations and the rates that are required to meet the budget deficiency. CARRIED 9/0

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9.4.1 CEO’s General and Project Status Report

Project Synopsis Recent

Proposed Visitor Centre – Hyden

Establish a MOU between Shire and Hyden Progress Association (HPA) regarding land on McPherson St and Marshall Street Hyden. Establish a working group as the conduit for community consultation and input. Prepare scope of works for concept plan to source funding

COMMENCED February 2019 – Meetings prior to February 2019 have been undertaken with no real outcomes. The working group are scheduled to meet in February to start discussions on the terms of the MOU to be legally drafted and subsequently approved by the Shire and HPA. March 2019 – Draft contract/MOU drawn up by McLeod’s Lawyers April 2019 – Draft Contract/MOU send to HPA committee to table at their meeting to discuss with constituents May 2019 – No update from HPA has been received June 2019 – HPA will meet to discuss the draft contract/MOU July 2019 – Comments have been received back from HPA in regards to the proposed MOU. These will now be discussed with the Working Group and then presented to Council. August 2019 – Meeting held with HPA to discuss the feedback provided to the Shire on the contract. Revision is being made and will be presented to the October Council meeting. October 2019 – Draft Contract of Sale presented to the Council meeting. A valuation is scheduled to be undertaken on 12/11/19. November 2019 – Agenda Item went to Council for the execution of the document however this is some dispute around the motion and no progress has been made. Valuations have been received and will be presented to Council for information only in a confidential item. January 2020 – MOU executed. Working group to have a meeting April 2020 – Contact has been made with McLeods Lawyers for a quote to prepare and lodge caveats on the properties May 2020 – Nothing has been undertaken due to COVID-19 pandemic June 2020 - Nothing has been undertaken due to COVID-19 pandemic

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Container Deposit Scheme

The State Government has committed to implementing a WA Container Deposit Scheme (CDS) by early 2020.

ON-GOING April 2019 – Attached information received from WALGA to update local governments on the progress and scope of the CDS. May 2019 – Interest lodged for a collection point within the Shire August 2019 – Advertisements have been place in the Echo and Householder for interested parties to lodge an EOI to become a Refund Point. Information is being prepared with RoeROC to commence discussions with Avon Waste around the logistics of removal and kerbside collections and glass collection which was taken out of the existing contract. November 2019 – A presentation from the Manger’s of the CDS will be done at the meeting scheduled for December 2019. More information to come.

Independent Living Units

The Wheatbelt South Aged Housing Alliance (WSAHA) is currently awaiting the outcome of its grant funding application with the federal government’s Building Better Regions Fund (BBRF).

COMMENCED November 2018 – A meeting was held between the alliance members at Shire of Wickepin to discuss the grant application for funding to undertake a new business case. This is progressing and as new information comes to hand Council will be informed. August 2019 - Cr Steve Martin and CEO Mark Hook from Wickepin attended the round table discussion with Niegel Grazia Deputy Director Industry and Economic Development General and Heather Brayford Deputy Director General Sustainability and Biosecurity at Local government week and discussed the WSAHA grant application for $3.36Million. Niegel seemed positive on the application however an announcement will need to be made to ascertain whether the application was successful. September 2019 – Minister MacTiernan visiting Wickepin to announce $2.8 million Regional Aged Accommodation Program funding for aged housing in the Wheatbelt South. The Shire’s are now awaiting the Funding Agreement for execution. October 2019 – A meeting has been arranged at Shire of Wickepin on 18th November to discuss the FAA that has been offered. November 2019 – Draft FAA was presented to Council for approval and acknowledgement and continued support for the project with the capital amount required changing and authority to execute the final FAA. March 2020 - Signed FAA received back and now waiting for a meeting to be convened to progress the next steps. April 2020 – No changes to report

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May 2020 – No meeting eventuated. Meetings have been held with Whispering Gums and West Court to discuss the requirements for the proposed units so the Manager Planning and Development can prepare the request for tender document. June 2020 – MPD prepared and advertised design and construct tender which closes 6th July 2020.

RESOLUTION 3600 Moved Cr Pool Seconded Cr Mulcahy THAT the CEO’s General and Project Status Report be received.


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9.4.2 Financial Hardship Guidelines

Applicant: Shire of Kondinin Author: CEO – Mia Maxfield Date: 4th June 2020 Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachments: Financial Hardship Guidelines


For Council to consider and adopt the financial hardship guidelines which are to be read in conjunction with

the Financial Hardship Policy.


For Council to consider the proposed Financial Hardship Guidelines. The objective of the Financial Hardship Guidelines is to provide more detailed guidance on the application of the Financial Hardship Policy. Statutory Environment Local Government Act 1995 Policy Implications Implementation of the Financial Hardship Guidelines Financial Implications There may be financial implications in future budgets that will be decisions made as part of the financial hardship policy process. Strategic Implications Nil Voting Requirement Simple Majority

RESOLUTION 3601 Moved Cr Lynch Seconded Cr Mulcahy That Council adopt the Financial Hardship Guidelines GUIDE-001 as included in the attachments


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9.4.3 Elector’s Meeting motion

Applicant: Shire of Kondinin Author: CEO – Mia Maxfield Date: 4th June 2020 Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachments:


A resolution was passed at the Electors meeting held in February 2020 by Mr Brian Young for Council to

consider. It was considered at the April 2020 meeting, however since then Mr Brian Young has raised some

concerns regarding the reasoning behind the decision.


At the Annual Meeting of Electors held on the 12th February 2020 a motion was put forward by Mr B Young and was carried by those in attendance.

Moved B Young Second C Henderer With regard to the land in Hyden, subject to the MOU between the Kondinin Shire Council and the HPA, that this Elector’s Meeting demands that the sworn value of the land be the only amount credited to the HPA as their contribution to the project.


In accordance with the Local Government Act s 5.33 all decisions made at electors’ meetings (1) All decisions made at an electors’ meeting are to be considered at the next ordinary council meeting or, if that is not practicable — (a) at the first ordinary council meeting after that meeting; or (b) at a special meeting called for that purpose, whichever happens first. (2) If at a meeting of the council a local government makes a decision in response to a decision made at an electors’ meeting, the reasons for the decision are to be recorded in the minutes of the council meeting. At the March 2020 Ordinary Council Meeting the motion was presented to council who recorded in their comments that it be put to the next meeting. Council’s comments to be minuted: The motion passed by B Young at the Annual Elector’s Meeting 2020 is to be included as an item in the agenda for the April Ordinary Council Meeting. Mr Young has subsequently written to the Shire to further clarify his position regarding the motion that was put to the Elector’s Meeting. The letter is Included as Attachment 1. The document Mr Young refers to in this correspondence is the Contract of Sale: Lot 23 (No. 36) Marshall Street & Lot 24 (No. 4) McPherson Street, Hyden prepared by McLeods Barristers & Solicitors for purchase of land at NIL cost to Council on or before 30th April 2023 subject to the land being used for the construction of a tourism/community centre development. The following motion was put to the Ordinary Meeting of Council in April. It was voted on and lost.

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RECOMMENDATION Moved Cr Jones Seconded Cr Gangell In line with the motion moved by Mr Brian Young at the Electors Meeting Held on 12th February 2020, with regard to the land in Hyden, subject to the MOU between the Kondinin Shire Council and the HPA, that this Elector’s Meeting demands that the sworn value of the land be the only amount credited to the HPA as their contribution to the project.

LOST 3/6

Mr Young was informed of the outcome (see Attachment 2) of the resolution as it was put to Council and requested the reason it for Council’s decision (see Attachment 3). After receiving this request the CEO sought a review of the process and resolution and guidance from Mr James McGovern, Manager Governance at WALGA. Mr McGovern’s response was “Section 5.33 of the Local Government Act requires that Council consider decisions made at Elector’s meetings. Subsection (2) requires a reason to be recorded in the Minutes only if the Council makes a decision in response to that made at the Elector’s meeting. This did not happen, so no minuting is required. The matter is consequently dealt with.” Mr Young was advised via email as to the advice and corresponded with Council again on the 15th May 2020 (see Attachment 3) The Contract of Sale: Lot 23 (No. 36) Marshall Street & Lot 24 (No. 4) McPherson Street, Hyden prepared by McLeods Barristers & Solicitors for purchase of land at NIL cost to Council on or before 30th April 2023 subject to the land being used for the construction of a tourism/community centre development and does not contain any clause that indicates the Hyden Progress Association will form any part of a project that is considered for that location. It is purely an agreement that IF the Shire is able to obtain funding and complete a project there the Hyden Progress Association (HPA) will gift the land as it is in a prominent location. The document does however have a clause that the project must be for tourism/community centre development to keep in line with the purpose and objectives of the HPA. There has not been any planning done around this proposed project or any decision made by Council as to how this project would be funded, if at all. A working group has been formed for the planning and progression of any project that may occur on this land. The working group is made up of 2 x Shire staff members, 2 x HPA Representatives, 2 x Hyden CRC representatives, 1 x Roe Tourism representative and 1 x Councillor. It is the intention that this would be a Shire project and the working group has been formed with representatives from the community organisations of Hyden, Council and Roe Tourism so as to ensure all avenues of the community have input and consultation. It is suggested that whilst considering Mr Young’s recommendation, the Council give consideration to the point at which any valuations should be used for consideration as the sunset clause date is several years from the valuations received whilst executing this document and whether it would be relevant to resolve to use a figure today for an agreement that may be executed in the future. Hyden Progress Association are not wishing to sell the land outright to Council so as to ensure the land is used for the benefit of the community There are three policies that may be relevant when making undertakings with the community. These are as follows;

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1.1.13 COMMUNITY OWNED ASSETS A Community Group/Organisation wishing to pass ownership of their community assets over to Council are to be advised that in handing over the control of their asset, Council will determine maintenance, usage and any other matters pertaining to the asset. 1.1.21 FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTIONS TO COMMUNITY GROUPS Adopted 20th May 2015 The Shire of Kondinin as a matter of policy will not contribute financially to a community group or any other organisation in respect of capital infrastructure of a fixed nature (building, etc.) that is located on private property. 5.3.1 CAPITAL WORKS PROGRAMMES All requests to improve existing facilities or construction of new facilities will be considered by Council on a 1/3 Council, 1/3 Organisations and 1/3 Government Grant Basis. All projects to be discussed fully by the appropriate Council Committee with the Organisation Committee before the application is submitted to Council for consideration. All Government Grants to be approved and the Organisations funds received by Council before an approved project shall commence. Council shall consider no capital works unless it is on the organisation's five-year plan and has the full support of the Sports Council. With regard to policy 1.1.13 Community Owned Assets, as per the Contract of Sale the land would be transferred to the Shire’s ownership so this is not really relevant to this particular agreement. Policy 1.1.21 Financial Contributions to Community Groups is relevant to this agreement as without having an agreement to pass ownership of the land to Council the project would not be able to be undertaken. Policy 5.3.1 Capital Works Programmes is the policy I believe Mr Brian Young is eluding to in his correspondence. This policy reads as though it applies to sporting clubs and capital works undertaken on the Council buildings they occupy. The policy is quite ambiguous in its intention and I don’t think there is any relevance of this policy to the contract or any future project given the last sentence of this policy states “Council shall consider no capital works unless it is on the organisation's five-year plan and has the full support of the Sports Council.“ Statutory Environment Local Government Act 1995 Policy Implications Nil Financial Implications There will be financial implications in future budgets that will be decisions made as part of the budgetary process. Strategic Implications Nil Voting Requirement Simple Majority

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RESOLUTION 3602 Moved Cr Lynch Seconded Cr Jones That the Council advise Mr Brian Young the following in response to his correspondence with the Shire; 1. That a valuation date at the time of signing the agreement in 2019 may not be relevant in 2023 when the sunset clause is dated; 2. That it has never been proposed that this project is a partnership between Hyden Progress Association and the Shire, merely HPA will gift the land for the project if the Shire can complete it in line with Council’s policy 1.1.21; 3. The policy Mr Young is referring to does not apply to this proposed project; 4. If the said land is transferred to Council ownership at a future date that the land will be dealt with in the Council’s asset register as required by the Council’s Auditors. CARRIED 8/1

B Browning wanted it minuted that he voted against this motion

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9.4.4 Purchasing Policy

Applicant: Shire of Kondinin Author: CEO – Mia Maxfield Date: 4th June 2020 Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachments: FIN-005 Purchasing


For Council to consider and adopt the amended purchasing policy as presented.


A review of the purchasing policy has been undertaken as part of the major review of the policy manual that is currently being undertaken. During the review there were a number of changes that have been included in this policy. These are as follows

1. Added new purchasing threshold from $0 to $4,999 with new requirements 2. Combined purchasing threshold from $5,000 to the $10,000 to $19,999 purchasing


3. Amended to include the increase of tender threshold to $250,000 in line with changes to the regulations

4. Removed all reference to the DCEO position and changed all reference of Manager of Finance to Manager Corporate services

Statutory Environment Local Government Act 1995 Policy Implications Implementation of the amended purchasing policy as presented Financial Implications Nil Strategic Implications 4.2 Manage the organisation in a responsible and accountable manner Voting Requirement Absolute Majority

RESOLUTION 3603 Moved Cr Mouritz Seconded Cr Lynch That Council adopt the amended FIN-005 Purchasing policy as included in the attachments for immediate implementation and inclusion into the new policy manual as currently being reviewed.


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9.4.5 Code of Conduct – Council Members, Staff and Contractors

Applicant: Shire of Kondinin Author: CEO – Mia Maxfield Date: 4th June 2020 Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachments: Code of Conduct – Council Members, Staff and Contractors


For Council to consider and adopt the Code of Conduct – Council Members, Staff and Contractors as



A Major review of the policy manual is currently being undertaken. The proposed Code of Conduct – Council Members, Staff and Contractors as included in the attachment will combine and replace existing policy numbers;

The policy will also be relevant to Contractors of the Shire which the old policies listed above did not. Statutory Environment Local Government Act 1995 Policy Implications Implementation of the as presented Code of Conduct – Council Members, Staff and Contractor Financial Implications Nil Strategic Implications 4.2 Manage the organisation in a responsible and accountable manner Voting Requirement Absolute Majority

RESOLUTION 3604 Moved Cr James Seconded Cr Jones That Council adopt the amended Code of Conduct as included in the attachments for immediate implementation.


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9.4.6 Disclosure of Interest Guidelines

Applicant: Shire of Kondinin Author: CEO – Mia Maxfield Date: 4th June 2020 Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachments: Disclosure of Interest Guidelines


For Council to consider and adopt the disclosure of interest guidelines which are to be read in conjunction

with the Code of Conduct – Council Members, Staff and Contractors.


The Disclosure of interest requirements are set out in the Local Government Act. These guidelines have been produced for simplicity. If any further clarification is required Subdivision 1 — Disclosure of financial interests in matters affecting local government decisions in the Local Government Act 1995 should be consulted Statutory Environment Local Government Act 1995 Policy Implications GOV-001 Code of Conduct – Council Members, Staff and Contractors Financial Implications Nil Strategic Implications 4.2 Manage the organisation in a responsible and accountable manner Voting Requirement Simple Majority

RESOLUTION 3605 Moved Cr Mulcahy Seconded Cr Browning That Council adopt the Disclosure of Interest Guidelines GUIDE-002 as included in the attachments


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9.4.7 Communications & Social Media Policy

Applicant: Shire of Kondinin Author: CEO – Mia Maxfield Date: 4th June 2020 Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachments: GOV-002 Communications and Social Media Policy


For Council to consider and adopt the Communications and Social Media Policy as included in the



This policy establishes protocols for the Shire of Kondinin’s official communications with our community to ensure the Shire of Kondinin is professionally and accurately represented and to maximise a positive public perception of the Shire. The policy will be relevant to Councillors, Staff and Contractors of the Shire. Statutory Environment Local Government Act 1995 Policy Implications Implementation of the Communications and Social Media Policy as presented. Financial Implications Nil Strategic Implications 4.2 Manage the organisation in a responsible and accountable manner Voting Requirement Absolute Majority

RESOLUTION 3606 Moved Cr Lynch Seconded Cr Gangell That Council adopt the amended Communications and Social Media Policy as included in the attachments for immediate implementation.


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9.4.8 Roads and Infrastructure Grant Funding

Applicant: Shire of Kondinin Author: CEO – Mia Maxfield Date: 10th June 2020 Disclosure of Interest: Nil Attachments:


For Council to consider projects for the Roads and Community Infrastructure Program funding that is requires

projects to be completed and acquitted by 30 June 2021.


Funding is available for local road and community infrastructure projects that involve the construction, maintenance and/or improvements to council-owned assets (including natural assets) that are generally accessible to the public. Projects will need to deliver benefits to the community, such as improved accessibility, visual amenity and safety benefits. The amount that the Shire of Kondinin will receive is $543,234.

Eligible local road projects could include works involving any of the following associated with a road: traffic signs;

traffic control equipment;

street lighting equipment;

a bridge or tunnel;

a facility off the road used by heavy vehicles in connection with travel on the road (for example, a rest area or weigh station);

facilities off the road that support the visitor economy; and

road and sidewalk maintenance, where additional to normal capital works schedules. Eligible community infrastructure projects could include works involving:

Closed Circuit TV (CCTV);

bicycle and walking paths;

painting or improvements to community facilities;

repairing and replacing fencing;

improved accessibility of community facilities and areas;

landscaping improvements, such as tree planting and beautification of roundabouts;

picnic shelters or barbeque facilities at community parks;

playgrounds and skateparks (including all ability playgrounds);

noise and vibration mitigation measures; and

off-road car parks (such as those at sporting grounds or parks).

Councils will need to complete all project works by 30 June 2021 to receive their full nominal share of funding. Councils will also need to demonstrate that projects are additional to their pre-COVID-19 work program for 2020-21. If a project has been brought forward from a future work program it will be eligible for funding. Additional conditions, such as signage requirements, will be outlined in program guidelines, which are currently being finalised. Officers have met and put together a list of projects that it will be proposed the Shire undertake. In considering this Officers have identified projects that have been identified in a number of plans and have not yet been completed, are considered challenging to obtain external funding for and would be items that would potentially be removed first from a budget if they couldn’t be afforded. The projects proposed for completion with estimated budgets are as follows;

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1. Footpaths. This will include main arterial footpaths across three towns consistent with the disability access and inclusion plan.

2. Landscaping and retic works along Marshall Street Hyden in front of the rec centre as in the Hyden Revitalisation Plan. There will also be some smaller landscaping undertaken at Karlgarin but included in this project for costing

3. Bitumising Hyden and Kondinin Recreation Centre car parks. 4. The bush tucker garden with plants, interpretive signage, pathway construction as identified in the

Wave Rock Improvement Plan and viewing platform at the face of Wave Rock. This will also include the removal of the old shelters along the base of the rock.

5. Traffic and directional signage (this will include the directional signage in Kondinin) 6. Privacy screens across new toilet block at Wave Rock 7. Variable message board. This will be transportable and will be able to be used for events, fires, road

closures and other hazards 8. Upgrade to the Kondinin Community Garden toilets and demolition of old public toilet block at the

Kondinin Caravan Park. 9. Hyden Swimming Pool Change rooms

Statutory Environment Nil Policy Implications Any policy implications will be dependent upon projects and whether any relate to the specific project. Financial Implications Increase in grant income Strategic Implications Will vary depending on projects undertaken Voting Requirement Absolute Majority

RESOLUTION 3607 Moved Cr Browning Seconded Cr Lynch That Council support; 1. the projects as specified in order of priority below, to a maximum of $543,234

a) Footpaths. This will include main arterial footpaths across three towns consistent with the disability access and inclusion plan.

b) Landscaping and retic works along Marshall Street Hyden in front of the rec centre as in the Hyden Revitalisation Plan. There will also be some smaller landscaping undertaken at Karlgarin but included in this project for costing

c) Bitumising Hyden and Kondinin Recreation Centre car park, including carpark lighting. d) The bush tucker garden with plants, interpretive signage, pathway construction as identified in the

Wave Rock Improvement Plan and viewing platform at the face of Wave Rock. This will also include the removal of the old shelters along the base of the rock.

e) Traffic and directional signage (this will include the directional signage in Kondinin) f) Privacy screens across new toilet block at Wave Rock g) Variable message board. This will be transportable and will be able to be used for events, fires, road

closures and other hazards h) Upgrade to the Kondinin Community Garden toilets and demolition of old public toilet block at the

Kondinin Caravan Park. i) Hyden Swimming Pool Change rooms

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2. endorse the executive officers to cost the above projects in preparation for the opening of the Roads & Community Infrastructure grant; 3. endorse the executive officers to commence the projects as soon as grant funding becomes available


9.4.8 Ranger - Delegated Authority

Applicant: Shire of Kondinin Author: ESO Date: 10th June 2020 Disclosure of Interest: Nil On the 10th June, 2020 four employees of WA Contract Ranger Services were appointed by the CEO via letter to act an Authorised Person to exercise and discharge the following powers and functions;

The issue of notices, orders and requisitions,

To institute and carry on legal proceedings and

The issue and withdrawal of Infringement notices under the following Acts and Regulations:

1. Local Government Act 1995 2. Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1960 3. Dog Act 1976 4. Bushfires Act 1954 5. Cat Act 2011 6. Councils Local Laws and Policies

There is currently no delegation in the Delegation Register for anyone to act under the following legislation and it is required that we appoint the CEO and the same employees of WA Contract Ranger Services as Authorised Persons under the corresponding sections that enable Council to do so;

1. Caravan Parks and Camping Grounds Regulations 1997 r6. A function conferred on a local government by these regulations may be performed by an authorised person appointed by that local government who is authorised in writing by that local government to do so.

2. Litter Act 1979 s.26 Authorised officers, appointment and jurisdiction of etc. (1) For the purposes of this Act an authorised officer is —

(a) any member of the Police Force; (b) any person appointed as such pursuant to subsection (2) within the area of jurisdiction entrusted to him by the appointment; (c) within the district of a local government, any person who is —

(i) a member of the council of the local government; or (ii) an employee of the local government; or (iii) an honorary inspector appointed by the local government under section 27AA.

3. Control of Vehicles (Off-road Areas) Act 1978

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s.38 Authorised officers, who are, functions of etc. (1) For the purposes of this Act an authorised officer is —

(a) any member of the Police Force; (b) any person appointed as such pursuant to subsection (2) within the area of jurisdiction entrusted to him by the appointment; (c) any person appointed as such pursuant to subsection (3) within the area of jurisdiction entrusted to him by the appointment.

Statutory Environment Litter Act 1979 Caravan Parks and Camping Grounds Regulations 1997 Control of Vehicles (Off-road Areas) Act 1978 Policy Implications Delegations Register Financial Implications Nil Strategic Implications Ranger Community Service Voting Requirement Simple Majority

RESOLUTION 3608 Moved Cr Jones Seconded Cr Gangell That Council appoint the Chief Executive Officer, Brad Miller, Kylie Sparks, Matthew Sharpe and Morn’e Pfister as Authorised Persons to act on behalf of the Council to exercise and discharge the following powers and functions;

The issue of notices, orders and requisitions,

To institute and carry on legal proceedings and

The issue and withdrawal of Infringement notices under the following Acts and Regulations: 1. Caravan Parks and Camping Grounds Regulations 1997 2. Litter Act 1979 (Honorary Inspector) 3. Control of Vehicles (Off-road Areas) Act 1978


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9.4.9 Expressions of Interest – Catering Council Meetings 2020/2021

Name of Applicant: Shire of Kondinin Author: ESO Date: 15th June 2020 SUMMARY/ COMMENT Adverts were placed in the Weekly Echo and Hyden Householder for expressions of interest to cater for 2020/21 Council meetings. Two responses were received. CCs Café has offered to cater meetings for $500.00 per meeting. Kondinin Hyden St John Ambulance Volunteers have offered to cater meetings for $500.00 per meeting. STATUTORY ENVIRONMENT Local Government Act 1995 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS These costs will be managed by the members refreshments and receptions expenses account. POLICY IMPLICATION Nil STRATEGIC IMPLICATIONS Nil VOTING REQUIREMENT Absolute Majority

RESOLUTION 3609 Moved Cr Browning Seconded Cr James That Council resolve to give 6 meetings CC’s Café and the remaining 5 to Kondinin & Hyden St John Ambulance Volunteers. St John will cater all 3 Hyden meetings and 2 additional Kondinin meetings.


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Centre Statistics: Appointments

April May

Hyden 193 139

Kondinin 476 274

Kulin 314 255

Flu Needles Given April 1st – June 9th - 466 Debtor balance at 331/5/20 – $1678.78 Dr Job to visit Kondinin 18th June 2020 Covid -19: Centre has continued operating with some changes to normal. Telephone consultations have been provided Screening of patients when booking appointments and upon arrival. Limiting number of patients in waiting room. Extra cleaning and infection control. Reduced hours: Due to reduced patient numbers we are currently booking mornings to 12.30. Afternoon appointments will become available if required. Appointments are booked consecutively. This is assessed daily and as bookings pick up we will return to normal hours. This has been advertised in the ECHO and Kulin Shire has been advised. Building Issues (dealt with via Ian) Blocked Toilet Smell from sink drains Aircon for controls in Ag care room and access. We don’t have key to door could internal lock be swapped? Doors – out of sync. Is it possible to have just one door open automatically? Podiatrist & Chiro room sharing furniture issues and wall damage. Wendy Whyte Practice Manager



Building permit was issued for:-

1. 31 Smith Loop Hyden - Carport

2. 4313 Kondinin-Hyden Rd Karlgarin – Hay Shed

3. 1800 Kondinin-Lake Rd Kondinin – Hay Shed

4. 846 Lovering Rd Hyden – Farm Shed


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The following is not an exhaustive list of current Building Maintenance and Repairs

46 Graham St – General repairs

Kondinin Golf – Ongoing repairs to bathrooms for white ant damage

Kondinin Pavilion – Window repairs

Kondinin Hockey – Reticulation

Kondinin Pool – Paving and drainage

Staff Housing – Oven and air conditioner repairs

Wave Rock – Graffiti removal from entry statement

9.10 Ranger Report May 2020

Ranger Services have started to issue warnings for property such as car bodies left in public places. This will be on ongoing project to tidy verges and improve the aesthetics of our towns. Door knocks regarding dog ownership and registration will begin shortly. A serious dog attack was investigated after it occurred on a rural property and several dog complaints were addressed throughout the month. From July Ranger Officer notes will be removed from the agenda and the direct ranger notes will be provided to Council as part of an information session document separate to the agenda. Any issues requiring a resolution will be included in the Chief Executive Officers section of the Agenda.




Being no further business the Shire President thanked Councillors and Staff for their attendance and declared the meeting closed at 6.14pm.
