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The Shingle August 2013 Page 1 of 23

The Newsletter of Gilead Presbyterian Church, Carmel, NY August 2013 Dear Friends, I hope you are enjoying some time away from the routine, getting some rest and recreation. Even if you can’t find the time and the money to jet to Cancun to lie on the beach, I hope you’re enjoying the warmth and beauty that God’s summer has to offer. I know some of our days have been extremely hot, and some have been extremely wet, but I love our four seasons and all they have to offer—and summer just seems to be designed for having fun. I hope you’re having some. Not everyone gets to go away in the summer. There are some folks who stay stuck in their work cubicles all year long, glad to have a job at all. But whether we’re working or playing, we can still take time to notice the beauty and joy of God’s creation all around us. If we’re out playing it does us good to develop a spirit of gratitude for the joy we’re experiencing. And if we’re still at work, and can’t quite find a way to get away, it does us good to take a deep breath of the Holy Spirit and notice the miracles around us. Maybe there’s an unexpected smile from that mean old co-worker—a miracle! Or maybe it’s not external. Maybe we can find the beauty and joy within, and that will make everything around us lighten just a bit. As Philippians 4 promises, “Beloved, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things … and the God of peace will be with you.” I’m grateful to one of our newer members, Cindy Kosacz, for sharing this summery poem which says it all:

i thank You God for most this amazing day: for the leaping greenly spirits of trees and a blue true dream of sky; and for everything which is natural which is infinite which is yes (i who have died am alive again today, and this is the sun's birthday; this is the birth day of life and love and wings: and of the gay great happening illimitably earth) how should tasting touching hearing seeing breathing any-lifted from the no of all nothing-human merely being doubt unimaginable You? (now the ears of my ears awake and now the eyes of my eyes are opened) ~ e.e. cummings ~

May your ears be awakened and your eyes opened to the joy and beauty of God wherever you are this summer. Love and light, Martin

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When you set out to read through the Bible, you’ll need to plan some time for the task. Especially in the Old Testament you’ll find some books that are quite long, and often quite repetitive. The prophets all generally have the same message, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!” It seems that God is persisting in what He wants us to know and do. In order

to find the meaning of this in our own lives, we also have to persist in our prayers, and to study continually. To go through life without studying the Bible is like driving across this country without a GPS. We will get lost, God will direct every facet of our lives if we will let Him. In Leviticus and Deuteronomy His law is published, and covers most situations we can encounter. Rules are there even for the treatment of slaves. Well, of course we don’t need to know that; it’s illegal to own slaves in this country. But what about those who are slaves to alcohol or drugs? Perhaps Old Testament law will provide advice for helping the enslaved. It’s there, if we will read and pray for guidance to find it. In Isaiah 35:3, we get a glimpse of what God wants to do for each of us. ”Strengthen the weak hands, make firm the feeble knees. Say to those who are of a fearful heart, ‘Be strong, and do not fear. Here is your God, He will come and save you.” This is a promise of what God will do right now when we study His word and come to Him through Jesus Christ. Those who participate in the Stretch Exercise Classes each week are working at having stronger hands and less feeble knees. They need to strengthen their hearts, and eliminate fear, also. Then God will come with salvation. Keep in mind that this promise was made over 700 years before the birth of Christ, so, knowing of Christ’s birth, death and resurrection; we can easily believe that God has fulfilled the promise, His promise to come with salvation. It is done through Jesus Christ, and we are made righteous in God’s sight when we are strong in our faith and do not fear the evils of this world. Isaiah continues in chapter 35 to tell us that “eyes of the blind will be opened, the ears of the death unstopped, the lame will leap like a deer, and the tongue of the speechless shall sing for joy.” When we pray for healing for ourselves, and others, do we realize how many times that healing does result? It may be necessary to pray often for something; God wants to have our attention so that when He answers, He knows that we know what He has done. So let us be strong in our faith, and in our prayer lives, and let us not be fearful. There are several knee replacement surgeries in our congregation every year to correct a feeble knee condition. Let the stronger hearts we need also be present. Thank God for His healing, and for our salvation through Jesus Christ. Read Isaiah 35. It will bless you. Continue on through chapter 53 and be reminded of God’s plan for our salvation that He outlined seven centuries before the fact. We are truly a blessed people, and are loved by God to that extent that He will even strengthen feeble knees, and weak hands, when we are strong in our faith.

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A Note from the

Gilead Music Department August 2013

Hope Summer 2013 has been a restful, fun- filled time for you. What’s coming up in Worship (musically speaking) in August at Gilead?

August 4 - Sunday Marty Schuldt - soloist Alex Vandenberg - pianist Communion Music - Mariah Warren

August 7 - Wednesday, Hi Tones rehearsal 7:00 pm (Calling all sopranos and altos) August 11 – Sunday, Hi tones will sing in Worship with a 9:00 am rehearsal August 14 - Wednesday, Summer Bell Chimes rehearsal at 7:00 pm August 18 - Sunday,

Summer Bell Chimes will play in Worship, with an 8:30 am rehearsal Rebekah and Martin McGeachy, vocalists

August 21 – Wednesday, Lo Tones rehearsal at 7:00 pm August, 25 - Gospel Sunday

3 Gs Lo Tones will sing in Worship with a 9:00 am rehearsal

August 28 - Wednesday, Junior Bell Chimes Rehearse to play in worship Sept. 1 We were indeed saddened to hear of the passing of Judi Stavrides, the wife of our beloved Bell Chime Ringer, Tony Stavrides. Our sincere sympathy and Prayers go out to you and your son, Bill. Don’t forget to put your favorite Hymn request in the box in the lounge. We will be selecting our hymns for Worship during the month of August Worship from this list. Choir Rehearsals for the fall will start Sept. 4. Everyone welcome!

New members are always welcome. (Senior Choir especially needs

Sopranos, Altos, Tenors and Basses)

See/call Mary Temple for more information 225-6958.

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Gilead Youth Group News

August 2013

Rockettes Christmas Show

There was interest last year in a trip to the Rockettes for the Christmas show. I have secured tickets for November 24 the 4:00 pm show. The price would be $90.00 for Lunch, bus and Front Mezzanine tickets 200 section Rows B-E. I ordered 50 tickets and I need to pay for them in three weeks. So if you are interested in attending, you will need to let me know and pay by the end of August. .

Gilead Youth Group Summer 2013

Hello Everyone, I hope this summer has been pleasant for all of you and you

take advantage of another month of time to relax, reflect and enjoy your

family before our schedules become overwhelming overnight.

It is all good, just very busy!!! Thanks to everyone who contributed items for

the Midnight Run and to the Gould Family for traveling with us to NYC. This

was a wonderful run with so many very grateful individuals, we returned from

this mission with not one item in tow. We are planning our fall date now.

This year we are excited about welcoming new 5th graders to our group and

planning lots of fun projects and outings.

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I want to re-introduce our youth to what I call


The Beatitudes are a set of teachings by Jesus that appear in the Gospels of

Matthew and Luke. They each are a proclamation without a narrative. The

term beatitude comes from the Latin adjective beatitudo which means happy,

fortunate, or blissful. More than "happiness" or "joy", the word "blessed" in

these teachings has been defined as an "exclamation of the inner joy and

peace that comes with being right with God"

Each teaching is proverb-like: "cryptic, precise, and full of meaning. Each one

includes a topic that forms a major biblical theme". They are expressed as

eight blessings in the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew.

Each Beatitude consists of two phrases: the condition and the result.

Together, the Beatitudes present a set of Christian ideals that focus on love

and humility rather than force and exaction. They echo the highest ideals of

the teachings of Jesus on mercy, spirituality, and compassion.

I have some great ideas for projects that will enrich their lives and certaintly

present opportunities for all the congregation to also be involved.

To all the families with YOUTH @ Gilead I encourage you to help them be

involved in church projects and activities, as surrounding themselves with

other involved youth will help them grow strong on the “inside” as well as the

“outside” this coming year.

Warm Regards


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Calendar of upcoming Events

Saturday August 24 - Summer Get-Together - Meet at Gilead 1:00 pm

Get ready! The BEAST is sailing and Playland is Happening.

Hold onto your hats because for 30 fun-filled minutes the Beast leaves all others

in its wake as the Captain takes this custom-built 70-foot offshore racing

powerboat on a ride down to the Statue of Liberty.

Exciting, entertaining and a little wet!!!!

Following the Beast ride we will travel to Playland for rides, dinner and treats!!

The Beast ride is FREE - Playland trip $20 includes everything.

FRIENDS WELCOME RSVP by Tuesday August 20 a must 628-7413.


Fall kick-off Activity TBD and overnight retreat. FREE TO ALL Friends


I need ideas for a fun interesting and new activity for Saturday. Call me 628-


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We welcome our newest members: C.J. Erickson, Joe Montano, Ian O’Connor, Melanie Stiebeling, Julia

Sterc, Brandon Miletti, Jacob Verdesi, Eric Mueller, and Emma Cassidy, who were Confirmed on May 12; and

Cindy Kosacz, Pam Festa, Jennifer Levesque, and Robyn Steinberg,

who joined Gilead on June 6.

We celebrate the baptism of Evelyn Theresa Holman, daughter of Jason and Caitlyn Holman, and great-granddaughter of Anne Tompkins on April 21.

We mourn the passing of our dear friends Wilma Staab, who died April 27, and Judi Stavrides, who died June 30. They were treasured members of Gilead and we will miss them. Thank God for eternal life in Jesus Christ.

We also remember with great love our Pastor Emeritus, Fred P. Knieriem, who passed away on May 13. Fred had a long and dedicated career as a servant of Christ, and served as pastor of Gilead from 1963-91. He shaped the spiritual lives of so many of us in his decades at Gilead, and we honor his memory. A dear friend of Gilead, Dolly Baxter, Becky Baxter Foard's mom, passed away May 17, with her family beside her. Love and prayers for them.

We celebrate with joy our first-time Communicants Beth Haywood, Eli Stan, and Bart Casabona on July 7.

We congratulate two missionaries of Gilead, Jacob Verdesi, who just returned from the Presbyterian Youth Triennium, and Sean Lent, who will be going to Denver this year with the Presbyterian Young Adult Volunteer program. Sean and Jake were both blessed and commissioned at Gilead over the summer.

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A Message from Session As we all settle into our summer routines, the session members just wanted to update everyone on the church’s financial situation. Unfortunately, the news is not good. As of July 1, 2013, we have a deficit of $10,888. That’s obviously a scary number, but there are some extenuating circumstances behind this number, including:

1. A large percentage of the expenses consisted of fuel oil deliveries. Of that, a couple 2012 deliveries were inadvertently not charged under the 2012 year and were charged during the 2013 year. As most of you know, Gilead has an ancient furnace, which is just not efficient at all. That, plus an especially cold winter and rising fuel oil prices all combined to hit us hard.

2. Other expenses (such as Health Insurance and Water/Sewer taxes) are nonrecurring, so we have taken big hits on those but they will not be repeated.

Pledge-wise, we are actually doing fairly well. Through May 13th, we have collected $58,845 in pledges, and an additional $17,720 in non-pledge income. This is pretty much in line with what we budgeted. It should also be noted (with great appreciation) that the deficit is actually DOWN from where is was at the end of June (when it was $17,000) so Gilead has already stepped up and helped to close the gap. Since the fuel situation is our major problem, we are taking the following actions to try to get back on better footing:

1. We are looking into obtaining competitive quotes for our fuel oil/boiler service business.

2. We are reaching out to the congregation to once again dig deep and help us out of this jam (thus this letter). An additional commitment of $200 per Gilead family would GREATLY help us out of the precarious predicament we find ourselves in.

For those of you who have already pledged, we’re afraid we must ask for just a little bit more. For those of you who have not yet pledged, now would be a REALLY great time to do so. It does pain me to have to come back hat in hand once again, and I truly wish that there was better news to report. But the facts are the facts, and all Gilead members deserve to know the truth. Thanks to all of you who have stepped up in the past and to all of you who will step up this time to assist Gilead through a tough time. We have gotten through tough times before, we will do so again. The Members of Gilead Session

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Ronald McDonald House, Providence, RI

On June 8th, we made the three-hour trip to Providence, RI with the goods collected from Gilead's monthly mission, to deliver them to the Ronald McDonald House where Ben and I stayed last September. As you can see, our car was filled, thanks to all of you! The volunteer who met us was touched that we had brought so many needed items to them. She showed us the vast storeroom where their supplies are kept, supplies donated by generous individuals and groups such as Gilead

Presbyterian Church. It is our help that enables them to continue in their mission of providing a home away from home for families whose children are undergoing treatment at local hospitals.

In my case, I was the one receiving treatment for post-partum depression, but as Ben needed to be with me for that treatment, an allowance was made for us to stay, and for that I am eternally grateful to the Ronald McDonald House of Providence, RI. I am equally grateful to my family here at Gilead, for your support of me, John and Ben, and your support of this mission. A special thanks to John for driving, and for Louis Lent for keeping us company on the ride (and for unloading many boxes!). God bless you! - Peace, Mariah Warren

The following was received from Ronald McDonald House in response to our donation:

Thank you so much for your great donation of goods on 6-8-13 and so glad we were able to accommodate you in 2012. We are grateful to have so many kind-hearted supporters helping us to continue our mission. Please know you are counted among them. Sincerely, Ronald McDonald House of Providence staff and volunteers

Gilead Church School Kid’s Kitchen

As has been our tradition, children bring an offering for the food pantry on the first Sunday of each month. We are expanding upon this tradition by introducing the Gilead Church School Kid’s Kitchen. Each month will have a different theme, and children are requested to bring up an item related to that theme with

them during “Time for the Young at Heart”.

In September, the children brought home a calendar for the next 12 months to remind them what to bring each month. Please help your child to remember to bring this important offering for our food pantry ministry. The calendar for this school year follows, and will be also posted on the Church School Bulletin Board by the Church School entrance. If you have any questions about this offering project please see Diana Drake Behan.

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Gilead Church School

Kid’s Kitchen Calendar

Month Item to Bring I remembered

September Applesauce and Canned Vegetables

October Spaghetti Sauce and Pasta

November Cake Mix and Frosting

December Paper goods and/or a 2 lb. bag of rice

January Jelly and Canned Fruit

February Instant Mash



Paper Towels


Easter treat and/or

2 lb. Bag of Rice


Complete Pancake Mix and Syrup


Paper Napkins

July Juice Boxes and Cookies


Toilet Paper

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Gilead Food Pantry

The Gilead Food Pantry is open Friday mornings from 10:00 am until noon to offer food to those who are in need. Donations of food or funds are always welcome. Food items can be placed in the basket in the lounge while funds are best given directly to Marj Williams or placed in the offering basket with the notation “Food Pantry” on the envelope or memo line of your check. The Salvation Army has begun supporting our food pantry by offering free breakfast to food pantry clients on Friday mornings from 10:00 am until 11:30 am. We greatly appreciate their ministry! For more information on this important ministry, please see Marj Williams. While the goods received during the Kid’s Kitchen Collections have been a great help to the food pantry, please remember that other things continue to be needed, so please continue to bring other items on non-communion Sundays. Thanks!

Habitat for Humanity Habitat for Humanity is part of our church mission. There are volunteer opportunities on house sites or off site work. Steve Biolsi is the Project Manager for Habitat for Humanity of Putnam County. He can be reached at 914-774-9314. You can get more information on the web at and you can find them on Facebook

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Financial Report

As of 06/30/13:

Regular Income Year to Date 88,521

Expenses Year to Date 99,408

Surplus (Deficit) (10,888)

We’re in the final stretch…. Help Gilead payoff our Renovation Loan

Outstanding Renovation Loan Balance: $27,240 Monthly Payment: $1,835 Number of Payments Remaining: 16

Have your remembered the church in your will?

Please remember to support the Deacons’ Fund, either by using the special quarterly envelopes or by designating “Deacons’ Fund” on a check.

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Welcome to Deacon’s Corner where you’ll find out what the Deacons have been up to each month!

Welcome to Deacon’s Corner where you’ll find out what the Deacon’s have been up to each month!

Sorry you missed us last month...The Deacons met June 2nd, 2013, are taking a break for the summer and slated to reconvene September 22nd!

$100 donation to the Ronald McDonald House of RI approved and distributed.

Ushering and Communion going well. Please let us Paul Francis or Donna DiPippo know ASAP if you are unable to Usher so other arrangements can be made. Ushers should arrive by 9:30am at the latest in order to set up/prepare for 10:00 am service.

Visitation to our congregants unable to make it to Sunday Services continues to go well. If you know someone who we might have missed or who you believe might be in need of visitation or checks in, please see Deacon Emma McLean. A reminder that podcasts of the Sermons are available online if you are unable to make it to church.

Rebekah who heads up our youth division has been connecting with Gilead Youth on facebook and will be starting a twitter account to meet changing technological needs.

24 Prayer requests received for Late March-May for peace, health and blessings. The Prayer chain is always there as a support, in good times and bad. Prayers can be sent to [email protected] and/or posted on the Gilead Church Facebook Page. If you are not a member of the Facebook Page and would like to be added, please see Cindy Davern

We lost three precious members of our congregation in the spring: Dolly Baxter, Wilma Staab and Fred Knieriem. Our hearts and prayers are with them and their families.

The Deacons and Elders met on June 1st to continue discussions surrounding the continuation of the mission and future goals/plans for Gilead. The mission of prayer, expanding the congregation and taking care of the concrete needs of the church were disused. Follow up planning sessions to be held-TBA.

Thanks for keeping up with our activities. Please feel free to approach any of the Deacons for guidance, questions, concerns or ideas to share!

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Faith Discussion Group This spring, a look at the lives of Saul and David took us through 1st and 2nd Samuel, and the often fearful events of their times. Even Samuel, God’s prophet, got involved in the gory action. It would be wonderful if people had learned anything from these stories about how to live with each other, but, sadly, we have concluded that little is different in our time. Thank God the Old Testament is followed by the New! The group is now on summer hiatus. The next meeting will be on September 5. Plan to join us each Thursday at 7:30 PM in the lounge for reading and discussion of scripture, for fellowship, and for prayer. Speak with Don De Vries for more information and answers to any questions about the group.

Gilead Designer

Gilead Designers will be meeting on August 16 (subject to change – please refer to the weekly bulletin for any updates).The group meets at Gilead at 6:00 pm. Anyone interested in creating craft projects is invited. Please see Mary Temple or Ellen Nielsen for more information.

Stretch Exercise Classes

Stretch Exercise Classes are being given every Monday and Thursday at 11:00 am at Gilead. Annina and her friend Brigitta have organized this ongoing class. There is a charge of $1.00 per class which is being donated to Gilead every month. Those with physical problems would especially benefit by these classes. Everyone is welcome. If further information is needed, please contact Annina at 845-225-7012.

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Medieval Banquet

Hear ye, hear ye! We will be holding our third Medieval Banquet this coming January, in celebration of Twelfth Night (Epiphany). We will be featuring German foods and music in honor of our talented cook, Fern. If anyone is interested in becoming a part of Gilead Castle- musicians/singers, artists, kitchen staff, jesters, etc. - please see Lady Cecilia (Mariah Warren), as preparations will soon be underway. Thanks to thee and fare thee well!

SpiritWalkers (Ecumenical Hiking Group)

God spoke, “Let us make human beings in our image, make them reflecting our nature

So they can be responsible for the fish in the sea, The birds in the air, the cattle, and, yes, Earth itself,

And every animal that moves on the face of the earth.” Genesis1:26-28 We have continued to meet monthly for hikes and other outdoor activities. On July 20th, we spent the day at Kent Falls in Kent, CT, enjoying the sun and the refreshing water. The Gould-Lesters and the Warrens, along with Gay Safford of Drew UMC, enjoyed a picnic lunch and homemade ice cream in town after a day in the park. This month we will be camping at Kingswood UMC Campground in Hancock, NY, from August 14-18. You can come for a night or all four! This family-friendly campground has a lake for swimming and row boating, hay rides, bonfires, crafts, an activity barn, outdoor worship, and the unique Stone Ministry- the building of an outdoor chapel, stone by stone, by campers. It's only two hours away (if that) and is a relaxing place to spend time with family, friends and God. For more information, see Mariah or John Warren. We would love for you to join us! If you would like to be kept up to date on the year’s schedule and any updates, please join the Spirit Walkers Ecumenical Hiking Group page on Facebook. All hikers must have a signed waiver on file with the church prior to hiking with us, and, if age 18 or under, a signed permission slip.

We look forward to seeing you as we explore the beauty of God’s creation!

Our Daily Bread

Please note that the current issue of our Daily Bread is now available in the lounge. Pick one up for some daily inspiration.

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Gilead Prayer Chain The prayer chain organized by the Deacons is an avenue of support for congregation members who are experiencing joy, pain or dealing with unexpected situations. Currently there are 19 members who have volunteered to be on the prayer chain and are emailed/called about prayer request as they

come in. The Prayer chain is a fast way to gain a community of support when you need it! If you have any joys/concerns you would like us to hear about, Prayers can be emailed to:

Prayer Chain Coordinator: Lindsay D’Ascoli : [email protected]

If you would like to volunteer to be added to our prayer chain email list Email [email protected] or contact (845)225-0221

Prayer Chain for Pets

Yes! Thank you, thank you for your great response/interest: there will now be a pet*/pet owners prayer chain for those pets and/or pet owners who have health/behavioral concerns for their treasured friends. We are looking for anyone who would care to join us in a prayer chain for anyone needing prayers for their pets. The following have agreed to act as contacts for the group:

Joyce Scott Carmel 845-225-7293

Mary Lou Cassidy Carmel 845-225-7268

Shirley DeVries Brewster 845-279-8688

Sue Surovic Carmel 845-225-2988

Alicia Briley Carmel 845-228-4672

Please feel free to call any one of us for prayerful support during difficult times..

Prayer requests can also be posted on the Facebook page. I will be checking in with anyone who submits a request by phone, in person or email if they would also like the request posted on the Facebook page. I've noticed sometimes it helps to get comments of encouragement and support when you have a prayer! If you have any questions, always feel free to ask.

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Church School



2013 - 2014

Positions are available in all grades.

Curriculum is provided.

Please share your faith with our youth.

Please sign up in church lounge

or contact Diana Drake Behan

845-225-1979 or [email protected]

Young Adults of Gilead

Calling all Young Adults of Gilead - there is now a Facebook group just for you "Gilead Presbyterian Young Adults".

What age group are the Young Adults of Gilead? People post confirmation through college graduation. The group is brand new. It was created 4/24/12 and comments are appreciated. it is a place where you can find support and help when you need it or provide support and help when someone needs it. it is a way to stay connected to Gilead or reconnect with Gilead. Links to the Gilead website and PCUSA are there and events will be added they become known. Look for scripture and postings by Micah Rose Emerson, a former youth director of Gilead. Use the group as a way to keep God by your side as you find your way in the world. Come and have a look!

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Sunday Evening Devotional

“Are any among you suffering? They should pray. Are any cheerful? They should sing songs of praise. 14 Are any among you sick? They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord. 15 The prayer of faith will save the sick, and the Lord will raise them up; and anyone who has committed sins will be forgiven. 16 Therefore confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective.” (James 5:13-16)

We have a new informal worship opportunity at Gilead. Called our Sunday Evening Devotional, on the last Sunday of each month at 7:30 p.m., we are gathering in the lounge for a time of prayer, Scripture, discernment and fellowship. Bring your joys and concerns, faith and love. The next services will be on August 25 and September 29.

Gilead Events – Promotion Guidelines Whenever an event is occurring within our church, it is important to get the word out as much as possible, both before and after the event. We would like to share what it is we do in our church with the community. The Communications committee has prepared comprehensive Guidelines listing steps to take before, during, and after a Gilead event. The Guidelines are available at the church, and online at

Sermon Podcasts: or They are also available through iTunes software.

YouTube: Facebook: Public Page:

o Facebook Closed Group:


When you click on the Gilead Facebook page, please make sure you click on the “Like” button – it’s another way to keep up with events at Gilead.

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The CNS Pre-K Program is Gilead's nonsectarian school for 2 1/2 to 5 year olds. Since it was founded in 1949, the Pre-School has been a respected community resource for early childhood education. Our staff consists of three teachers and an aide with many years of experience at CNS between them. All are active members of the community and volunteers in the school district.

The school offers two, three and five day programs. They follow the same calendar as the Carmel Central School district.

In preparing a child for Kindergarten, their philosophy is teaching the whole child to grow. They provide a daily routine balanced between academic skills and lessons, crafts, free and structured play time, music, story time, computer time, snack, and outdoor activities on the large playground. The curriculum was developed in conjunction with the area kindergarten teachers to best prepare the child for kindergarten and instill an enthusiasm for learning in a fun loving environment. Utilizing the team teaching method, three teachers give a student to teacher ratio of approximately 8 to 1. For children scheduled to enter public school in September of the year, we routinely prepare a detailed evaluation of Kindergarten readiness.

For more information, please call the school at 845-225-8044, or visit them at, or on Facebook.

Used with permission. Copyright Gospel Communications International, Inc.

Used with permission. ©Communication Resources, Inc.

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Tastefully Simple So far you helped raise over $100 for Gilead, simply by ordering The Food That You Love!

The Tastefully Simple Fundraiser will continue each month with a featured special. A link has been posted on the website, so you can order anytime.

If you would rather place your order with me or have any questions, please call me!

Cynthia Davern Tastefully Simple Senior Consultant

"the food you love, the time you deserve" 845-225-3878

[email protected]

There is an easy way to help Gilead’s finances if you shop at Gilead receives a commission from Amazon if you enter their site through Gilead’s web page. Just go to and click on Gilead Staff Recommendations on the left side menu – the bottom choice just above the church’s name.

You can also reach that page directly at . You can bookmark the page for easier access!

From that page you can view books, music, and other items recommended by Gilead staff members, or search Amazon directly.

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WORSHIP AND MINISTRY Pastor McGeachy generally follows the lectionary each week, but there are occasional exceptions. We are making these available for those who may wish to read the likely scripture readings in advance of Sunday worship. The daily lectionary and the Mission Yearbook for Prayer and Study are available on our website:

Lectionary for Sundays and Festivals Scripture Reference August 2013

Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost—August 4 Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Semicontinuous Complementary Hosea 11:1–11 Ecclesiastes 1:2, 12–14; 2:18–23 Psalm 107:1–9, 43 Psalm 49:1–12 Colossians 3:1–11 Colossians 3:1–11 Luke 12:13–21 Luke 12:13–21 Twelfth Sunday after Pentecost—August 11 Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Semicontinuous Complementary Isaiah 1:1, 10–20 Genesis 15:1–6 Psalm 50:1–8, 22–23 Psalm 33:12–22 Hebrews 11:1–3, 8–16 Hebrews 11:1–3, 8–16 Luke 12:32–40 Luke 12:32–40 Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost—August 18 Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time Semicontinuous Complementary Isaiah 5:1–7 Jeremiah 23:23–29 Psalm 80:1–2, 8–19 Psalm 82 Hebrews 11:29—12:2 Hebrews 11:29—12:2 Luke 12:49–56 Luke 12:49–56 Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost—August 25 Twenty–first Sunday in Ordinary Time Semicontinuous Complementary Jeremiah 1:4–10 Isaiah 58:9b–14 Psalm 71:1–6 Psalm 103:1–8 Hebrews 12:18–29 Hebrews 12:18–29 Luke 13:10–17 Luke 13:10–17

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8/4 Mariah Warren Phil Engler Lou Lent Renae Lent

8/11 Annina Celli John Vangor

8/18 Paul Francis Joan Francis

8/25 Sue Surovic Barbara Murray

The Shingle August 2013 Page 23 of 23


8/1 Asia McGrath 8/20 Kylie Behan

8/1 Casey VanVlack 8/20 Audrey Healy

8/1 Caelan Halliday 8/21 Elsie Flanagan

8/4 Ryan Hill 8/23 Margo Mueller

8/4 Audrey Wright 8/23 Haley Newe

8/5 Anthony Alfonzetti, Sr. 8/24 Philip DuBon

8/5 Jayden Brown 8/24 Sean Lent

8/6 Elizabeth DuBon 8/26 Katelyn Lachance

8/6 Nina Gerosa 8/29 Elijah Stan

8/7 Matthew Clark 8/29 Sarah Cole

8/8 Lauren LoAlbo

8/9 Jan Koehler Anniversaries

8/9 Margery Amato 8/2 Pat & Roger Schwerkolt

8/11 Lisa DePaolo 8/18 Cindy & John Briley

8/11 Sydney Regan 8/22 Ann & Mac Rand

8/15 Dolores Knapp 8/23 Julie & Tim Stan

8/19 Darla Head 8/28 Jayne & Dean Silverblade

8/19 Mary Lou Cassidy Lisa & John Temple

8/19 Ken Kern

Please accept our apologies if we have missed you during the year. If you wish to share these events, please either send an email to [email protected] or leave a write it on a slip of paper and leave it in The Shingle mail slot in the office.

For more information about Gilead Church, please visit our web site:

Please remember that the deadline for submissions is the 20th of each month. Submissions preferably can be emailed to Martin McGeachy at the church office: [email protected] with a copy to Warren Behan at [email protected], or you may drop off a hard copy at the Office.

Gilead Presbyterian Church 9 Church St.

Carmel, NY 10512 845-225-4586

Email: [email protected]

Martin McGeachy Pastor

Fran Croughan Youth Director

Mary Temple Music Director

Acknowledgements: Some Images © or ©Communication Resources, Inc.

AUGUST 2013Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday


10:00 AM Morning Worship and

Church School


11:00 AM Stretch

Exercise Class

7:00 PM AA Meeting

30 31

7:00 PM AA Meeting


11:00 AM Stretch

Exercise Class

2 3

10:00 AM PRPH


10:00 AM Morning Worship with

Holy Communion and Church School


11:00 AM Stretch

Exercise Class

7:00 PM AA Meeting

6 7

7:00 PM AA Meeting

7:00 PM Hi-Tones



11:00 AM Stretch

Exercise Class

9 10

10:00 AM PRPH


10:00 AM Morning Worship and

Church School


11:00 AM Stretch

Exercise Class

7:00 PM AA Meeting

13 14

7:00 PM AA Meeting

7:00 PM Summer Bell

Chimes Rehearsal


11:00 AM Stretch

Exercise Class


6:00 PM Gilead




10:00 AM Morning Worship and

Church School


11:00 AM Stretch

Exercise Class

7:00 PM AA Meeting

20 21

7:00 PM AA Meeting

7:00 PM Lo-Tones



11:00 AM Stretch

Exercise Class

23 24

1:00 PM Youth

Summer Get-Together


10:00 AM Morning Worship and

Church School

7:30 PM Sunday Evening Devotional


11:00 AM Stretch

Exercise Class

7:00 PM AA Meeting

27 28

7:00 PM AA Meeting


11:00 AM Stretch

Exercise Class

30 31