Page 1: Shih-Chiang ’ s research log

Shih-Chiang’s research log


Page 2: Shih-Chiang ’ s research log

Q3&Q4 2004 plan

Task Subtask 9/3 9/17 10/1 10/15 10/29 11/12 11/26 12/10 12/24 1/7 1/21 Finish Remark

Exam Qualified Exam X 9/6

Req Sch Ouyang’s Patent X X 10/1

IEEE Network Ouyang X X 10/29

Verify the design ofnew req scheduler

X X Le-chi

Analyze Req scheduler X Le-chi

TFCC Run Simulation X X 10/29

Re-organize paper X X 10/29

Revise my paper X X

Design new method X X X X 11/20

Conf Globecom 2004 X

Qualification Exam X X FL andCompiler


Page 3: Shih-Chiang ’ s research log


Works done last week ADD: Helpful as competing with TCP, but more burst X-thm: Reduce the variable generated by new adjusting method Create the class MESUVAR for SAT-TFCC according to the simula

tion results of P3

Works planned for this week Study “Delay-based congestion avoidance” Study “Study E2E avail BW mesu, dyn, TCP” Write down the Section III Autocorrelation of inter-loss time suffered by TCP

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Works done last week Prepare the presentation for CISCO fellow Try new adjusting method , but fail again Get the inter-loss of TFRC, strange

Works planned for this week Try new adjusting method : ADD Create the class MESUVAR for SAT-TFCC according to

the simulation results of P3

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Works done last week Tried new 2 behaviors in opening epoch, but failure Get X curves of CBR traffic

Works planned for this week Keep on proposing new adjusting method in OpenEpoch Mesu the inter-loss of TFRC Prepare the presentation for CISCO fellow

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Works done last week Get the NSTDEV of inter-loss time/packets Concrete a X-THM method Finish SOP Ver 0.9

Works planned for this week Think the behavior in opening epoch Study “A Duality model of TCP/AQM” Mesu inter-loss pkt/time Think how to draw the X curves

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Works done last week Conclude 7 pending questions Compare different TCP models: pkt and time

Works planned for this week P1: Mesu inter-loss packets/time Interaction between p and r: r=f(p) isn’t enough Revise and go through SOP

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Works done last week Revised Ouyang’s paper (2 days) Prepared the slides for reporting wall project (1 day) prepared slides and fill out forms for MOE (1day) analyze the measurement of var(inter-loss) (1 day)

Works planned for this week Proofread Ouyang’s patent Re-organize Introduction of my paper

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Works done last week Revise Ouyang’s paper (1.5 days) Revise Ouyang’s patent (2days) Discussion about Wall (0.5 days)

Works planned for this week Revise Ouyang’s patent Collect my simulation results Pre- dry run WALL

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Works planned for this week Revise Ouyang’s paper for IEEE network Get the draft of ouyang’s patent Pre- dry run WALL

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half-year (Q1&Q2 2004) plan Jobs\Due Date 2/1 2/15 2/29 3/14 3/28 4/11 4/25 5/9 5/23 6/6 6/20 7/4

Qualified Exam X


GlobeComm X


measure Inter-loss X

Design est of E[X2] X

Re-structure the story X X

Submit IEEE Network (My)


Resubmit TON

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(a)Works done last week• [research] demo the effect on the measurement about the variance of inter-loss time.

• [qualifying] OS ch. 5• [course] MMC final proposal

(b)Works planned for this week.• [research] Implement the measurement on my TFCC• [qualifying] OS ch. 6• [misc] demo wall, embedded software conf.

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2004/7/26~2004/7/31(a)Works done last week

• [qualifying] OS ch. 4• [course] MMC midterm

(b)Works planned for this week.• [research] demo the effect on the measurement about the varianc

e of inter-loss time.• [qualifying] OS ch. 5• [course] MMC final proposal

(c)NotesThis is a busy summer because I have more classes and readings per week than usually. This week I plan to finish the issue about the measurement of var of inter-loss time. I am late for research. Being in a delay state all the time is very painful and unsound for me. I need the accomplishment to go forward.

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(a) Works done last week• Finish the bug in TFCC at initial time • [course] bioinfo final report

(b) Works planned for this week.• [research] Test window-based TFCC• [research] Design the measurement method of network conditions

(c) Notes

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(a) Works done last week• Finish the program revision of window-based TFCC• Fail the contest

(b) Works planned for this week.• [research] Test window-based TFCC• [research] Design the measurement method of network conditions• [course] bioinfo final report

(c) NotesI reflected on the fail of the contest. One possible reason is that we should demonstrate the improvement of new arch and alg. on performance, but not only the new functionalities: virus, spam, content filter/keyword.

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(a) Works planned for this week.• [revise] ouyang’s paper• [slides] edu 通訊競賽報告• [research] meet with Sir and think where is the way.• [research] read papers about Internet losses

(b) Notes

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(a) Works planned for this week.• [research] Run several scenarios of the competition between TCP an

d WFRC • [research] Observe the difference of loss experiences in the simulatio

n• [misc] edu 通訊競賽報告

(b) Notes

This week, I have more time to think my research and run the simulation. Multiple factors affects the simulation results. I have to learn how to focus on the major issue to finish the residual work of this paper.

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(a) Works planned for this week.• [course] Formal Lang. Midterm• [course] BioInfo Presentation• [research] run simulation with on-off background

(b) Notes

This week, I will spend more time on the courses taken in this semester. Besides, regarding my research, I have to figure out how to handle the problem about the different losses experienced by TCP and TFCC. An aggressive solution is to tune my algorithm to alleviate the effect brought by the difference.

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(a) Works planned for this week.• Write 國防役 proposal• Review 3 globecomm papers.• Run simulation

(b) Major obstacle/difficulty

• It is hard to find a simulation topology where no interaction exists between TCP and TFCC

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(a)Works planned for this week.• Revise the ouyang’s ch2 (second round)• Revise the ouyang’s ch3 (first round) (the first version of ch3 is

received on TUE. 4/14 )• Reorganize my TFCC paper• Run Simulation

(b)NotesThe paper submitted to IWQoS is rejected on last Sunday. The news depressed me two days. Fortunately, the suggestions from reviewers are similar to that from TON. That is, I don’t need to change the revising procedure.

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2004/4/5~2004/4/9(a)Works planned for this week.

• Formal homework #3• Reorganize my TFCC paper• Revise the ouyang’s ch2 in 2 rounds (the first version of ch2 is received on TUE. 4/6 )


To finish the revision of my TFCC paper, I have to respond several queries and organize the structure of the paper. The original paper will be reorganized to be readable. The second tcp-friendly idea in the original paper will be removed to simplify the logic. The new organization is similar to the paper proposing a new algorithm.*) The queries includes 1.The necessity of supporting non-deterministic model. (Its preliminary answer was ready)2.How to get the statistics on inter-loss time?3.Simulation results run over the scenario whose packets are dropped by queue management.4.Smoothness v.s. Responsive/Aggressive (Its preliminary answer was ready)*) The new organization follows the following presentation order: 1.Introduction (a) Motivation (b) Contribution2.The basic architecture to control the sending rate in this work3.Why our algorithm achieves the TCP-friendliness4.How to achieve the smoothness in the epoch and keep the Resp/Aggr over the epoch5.Simulation:


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2004/3/29~2004/4/2(a)Works done last week

• Measuring the inter-loss time of a TCP over Internet• Run simulation to build the topology with high variance or correlation of th

e inter-loss time.(b)Works planned for this week.

• Formal homework #3• Revise the outline of my TFCC paper


To respond the query of reviewer on the necessary of supporting non-deterministic inter-loss time, I observed the inter-loss time on the domestic and overseas paths. The primary measurement confirms the necessary. I plan to request Dr. Lia to give me a Linux account at NTUST. Then, I can establish a TCP connection between NCTU and NTUST to measure the inter-loss time in 24hrs.

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2004/3/22~2004/3/28(a)Works done last week

• Evaluate the effort about porting Wall to linux• Revise ouyang’s paper and outline

(b)Works planned for this week. • Measuring the inter-loss time of a TCP and a UDP connection experienced in the Inte

rnet.• Formal homework #2• Review a globecom paper.

(c)NotesLast week, in research I kept on the observation of inter-loss time and traced the conditions on the 4 different paths, including (a) ISP->School (b) ISP-> abroad (c) lab -> abroad (netbsd ftp) (d) lab -> domestic (ncku’s ftp). I found the bottleneck of (a) and (b) is the uplink of 64Kbps/2Mbps access link; thus, an interesting but unfortunate result occurred. That is, no any or few losses occurred over the whole transmission. Besides, serious losses occurred in the path (c) and the transmission was ‘immersed’ in the Time Out. The only one path that seems to be normal transmission is (d). Its inter-loss time performed rich variance and correlation and supported the TCP model to estimate the throughput. Such positive results, however, should be further verified again and again…………..

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2004/3/15~2004/3/22(a) Works done last week

• EDU 通訊專題競賽報告 . (b) Major obstacle/difficulty

• (null)(c) Works planned for this week.

• Measuring the inter-loss time of a TCP and a UDP connection experienced in the Internet.

• Evaluate the effort about porting Wall to linux• The Wall demo for Intel

(d) Notes

To answer the reviewer’s questions about my TFCC paper, running several experiments is necessary. These experiments have to answer the following questions. (a) The CoV and correlation of the inter-loss in the Internet. (b) The different results measured by TCP or CBR. The answers are expected to support the meaningfulness of my TFCC algorithms and guide the measuring method on the second moment of inter-loss time.

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2004/3/8~2004/3/14(a) Works done last week

• Unpio’s paper -> IEEE Network (un-submitted)(b) Major obstacle/difficulty

• (null)(c) Works planned for this week.

• Measuring the inter-loss time in the real world by TCPDUMP• Survey the loss behavior in the Internet• Formal Lang. Homework 1• EDU 通訊專題競賽報告 . (will be reviewed by Sir)• Evaluate the effort about porting Wall to LINUX

(d) NotesThis week I will study several major Makefiles in Wall project to figure out how the kernel was patched. Next, I will confirm the questions about porting with hywei by mail. By the evolution we will understand how to port the Wall project into Linux.

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2004/2/29~2004/3/6(a) Works done last week

• Unpio -> GlobeComm• NSC Linux-based SG&BW report

(b) Major obstacle/difficulty• (null)

(c) Works planned for this week. • Unpio’s paper -> IEEE Network (almost finished)• EDU 通訊專題競賽報告 .• Measuring the inter-loss time in the real world by TCPdump• Survey the loss behavior in the Internet

(d) NotesThis week, I begun to warm up the research. I surveyed several pape

rs about the loss pattern in the Internet and rerun some old simulation scenarios. Unfortunately, I cannot find much useful information from them. Thus, I plan to use TCPDUMP to measure the inter-loss time suffered by a TCP connection in the Internet. Some preliminary results are obtained as shown in the next page.

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2004/2/23~2004/2/28(a) Works done last week

• KuoShang -> Globecomm• Yi-Chung -> GlobeComm

(b) Major obstacle/difficulty• (null)

(c) Works planned for this week. • Unpio -> GlobeComm• Unpio’s paper -> IEEE Network• NSC Linux-based SG&BW report

(d) NotesThe description about the implementation of WAN Loading Balancer

(WLB) in the UNPIO’s paper is very messy. Besides, although many implementation suggestions are discussed, some of them are too weak to have persuasion and some are beyond the WLB. Thus, I tried to condense this Section into a subsection listed three major concerns as implementing the WLB.

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2004/2/16~2004/2/22(a) Works done last week


(b) Major obstacle/difficulty• (null)

(c) Works planned for this week. • Unpio’s paper -> IEEE Network• Yi-Chung, KuoShang, Unpio -> GlobeComm

(d) NotesLast week I spent most time on revising my TFCC paper for submitting I

WQoS. I remove the analysis on smoothness and cut the analysis on the approx. of TEAR,TFRC. Besides, the abstract is rewritten. This week, I plan to finish the 3 revisions for submitting Globecomm.

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2004/1/5~2004/1/11(a) Works done last week

• Study Comp. Arch.• Design a webpage for web research log• Revise UnPio's paper

(b) Major obstacle/difficulty• (null)

(c) Works planned for this week. • Prepare AI final exam• Revise UnPio's paper

(d) NotesLast week I spent most time on studying Comp. Arch. (CA) for

qualified test. The new edition of the CA includes much new content, which I have not learned during class. Next semester I will take the technical writing and English listening courses to improve my English.

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2004/1/12~2004/1/18(a) Works done last week

• Prepare AI final exam• The poster of Wall

(b) Major obstacle/difficulty• (null)

(c) Works planned for this week. • Prepare CA qualified exam• The slides for MOE Project• Revise UnPio's paper

(d) NotesLast week I spent most time on studying AI for final exam, but

still getting a bad grade on it. Only 3 weeks remain before the qualified exam.

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Inter-loss Time (EXP040302)Download a file (27MB) from through HINET ADSL

Inter-loss Time (sec)


EXP= 1.06824 VAR= 0.77627 STDEV= 0.881062, CoV=0.824779

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Notes RR-4964 - Differentiation Between Short and Long TCP

Flows: Predictability of the Response Time

RR-5100 - Loss Strategies for Competing TCP/IP Connections
