  • 8/12/2019 Share Files and Printers Between Windows 7 and XPShare Files and Printers between Windows 7 and XP


    Share Files and Printers between Windows 7 and XP

    If you have a home network and are running Windows 7 and have XP on other PC(s) you might

    want to share files between them. Today we will look at the stes to share files and hardwaredevi!es like a rinter.

    Sharing Files In Windows 7 and XP

    "haring folders between two Windows 7 ma!hines with the new #ome$rou feature is an easy

    ro!ess% but the #ome$rou feature is not !omatible with &ista or XP. 'or this tutorial we areusing Windows 7 * +C, and XP Professional "P- !onne!ted through a basi! inksys home

    wireless router.

    'irst make sure both ma!hines are members of the same Workgrou whi!h by default is named

  • 8/12/2019 Share Files and Printers Between Windows 7 and XPShare Files and Printers between Windows 7 and XP


    /n the Windows 7 ma!hine go into Control Panel 0 1ll Control Panel Items 0 2etwork and

    "haring Center then !li!k on Change advan!ed sharing settings.

    3ou will want to verify the following settings under 1dvan!ed "haring "ettings for the #ome or

    Work and Publi! rofile.

  • 8/12/2019 Share Files and Printers Between Windows 7 and XPShare Files and Printers between Windows 7 and XP


    If you want any user to have a!!ess the ubli! shares turn off assword rote!tion. This is

    lo!ated in 1dvan!ed "haring "ettings toward the bottom of the list.

    If you want to kee it enabled make sure there is a log in a!!ount for the other XP ma!hines andthey have a assword.

  • 8/12/2019 Share Files and Printers Between Windows 7 and XPShare Files and Printers between Windows 7 and XP


    2ow if you go into 2etwork in Windows 7 you should see your XP ma!hine and the Windows 7

    as well whi!h in this !ase is 4ysti!geek5PC.

  • 8/12/2019 Share Files and Printers Between Windows 7 and XPShare Files and Printers between Windows 7 and XP


    To share the rinter on the Windows 7 ma!hine go into 6evi!es and Printers from the "tart menuand double !li!k on the rinter i!on.

  • 8/12/2019 Share Files and Printers Between Windows 7 and XPShare Files and Printers between Windows 7 and XP


    2et double !li!k on Customize your printer.

  • 8/12/2019 Share Files and Printers Between Windows 7 and XPShare Files and Printers between Windows 7 and XP


    In the Proerties s!reen !li!k on the "haring Tab and !he!k the bo to share the rinter and tyein its share name.

  • 8/12/2019 Share Files and Printers Between Windows 7 and XPShare Files and Printers between Windows 7 and XP


    If your XP ma!hine is an /" you !an install 1dditional 6rivers before setting u the XP


  • 8/12/2019 Share Files and Printers Between Windows 7 and XPShare Files and Printers between Windows 7 and XP


    To find the shared folders and devi!es double !li!k on the Windows 7 ma!hine i!on under

    2etwork. #ere you !an see the rinter !onne!ted to my Windows 7 ma!hine is shared and also

    the 8sers 'older.

  • 8/12/2019 Share Files and Printers Between Windows 7 and XPShare Files and Printers between Windows 7 and XP


    Continue into the 8sers folder and Publi! to see the shared folders% here I also !reated a folder

    !alled XP "hare 9ust to kee everything in !entral lo!ation.

  • 8/12/2019 Share Files and Printers Between Windows 7 and XPShare Files and Printers between Windows 7 and XP


    /ver on your XP ma!hine oen u 4y 2etwork Pla!es to find the Windows 7 (mysticgeek-pc)

    shared folder.

  • 8/12/2019 Share Files and Printers Between Windows 7 and XPShare Files and Printers between Windows 7 and XP


    6ouble !li!k on the "hare folder to find a list of shared folders in the Publi! folder on Windows7. If you have assword rote!tion enabled you will need to tye in the username and assword

    of the user a!!ount on the Windows 7 ma!hine first.

  • 8/12/2019 Share Files and Printers Between Windows 7 and XPShare Files and Printers between Windows 7 and XP


    Setup XP With Shared Printer

    To set u the shared rinter in XP you will need to go into Printers and 'aes from the "tart

    menu and ki!k off the 1dd Printer Wi:ard.

  • 8/12/2019 Share Files and Printers Between Windows 7 and XPShare Files and Printers between Windows 7 and XP


    2ow sele!t A network printer, or a printer attached to another computerthen hit 2et.

  • 8/12/2019 Share Files and Printers Between Windows 7 and XPShare Files and Printers between Windows 7 and XP


    2et sele!tConnect to this printer and tye in the ath for the rinter !onne!ted to theWindows 7 ma!hine and !li!k net.

  • 8/12/2019 Share Files and Printers Between Windows 7 and XPShare Files and Printers between Windows 7 and XP


    2ow !li!k 3es to the !onfirmation message.

    Then !li!k 'inish the rinter to install and !omlete the Wi:ard.

  • 8/12/2019 Share Files and Printers Between Windows 7 and XPShare Files and Printers between Windows 7 and XP


    In some !ases you will need to install the XP drivers for the shared rinter be!ause theWindows 7 drivers are not !omatible with XP. When everything is installed oen u Printers

    and 'aes to find the shared rinter.

  • 8/12/2019 Share Files and Printers Between Windows 7 and XPShare Files and Printers between Windows 7 and XP


    This should hel you get started with sharing your files and other devi!es with your Windows 7

    ma!hine. When I first started I was able to see the rinter on XP right away be!ause I had a

    #ome$rou set u% but on!e I deleted it I needed to share the rinter like you would for aworkgrou. 3ou might also have to do a !oule restarts of the XP ma!hine for it to see the

    shared resour!es on Windows 7. If you have had any eerien!es with sharing between

    Windows 7 and XP leave us a !omment;
