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Presented by Martha Elliott, Brian Keller, Lisa Plichta, and Jennifer Setzke

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Today we want to Today we want to introduceintroduce you to the 2012-2013 you to the 2012-2013

Institute Day Topic: Institute Day Topic: Differentiated InstructionDifferentiated Instruction

Objectives:•To know the three types of differentiation

•To understand differentiated instruction is a systematic way of planning and teaching that addresses the interests, learning profiles, and readiness of all students

•Participate in three types of differentiated activities

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Directions: As each picture is displayed,

please answerthe following question by raising

your hand to indicate YES or NO.

Is this an example of Is this an example of differentiation?differentiation?


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Is this an example ofdifferentiation?

NODifferentiation is not streaming or leveling or tracking

Strickland, 2012.

“Even in homogenous classes , there is considerable heterogeneity in terms of readiness, interest, and learning profile (Strickland, p. 2)”

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YES“Differentiation is meeting kids where they are … not where we wish they would be (Strickland, p.1).”

Strickland, 2012.

“Differentiation is responsive teaching rather than one-size-fits-all teaching (Strickland, p.1).”

Is this an example ofdifferentiation?

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YESDifferentiation is intentional planning as opposed to on-the-spot adjustments

Strickland, 2012.

Is this an example of a component of differentiation?

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NODifferentiation is not simply group work nor is it constant group work

Strickland, 2012.

Is this an example of differentiation?


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NODifferentiation is not an IEP (IndividualizedEducation Plan) for every child

Strickland, 2012.

Is this an example of differentiation?












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YESDifferentiation is everywhere

Strickland, 2012.

Is this an example of differentiation?

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What is What is Differentiation?Differentiation?

What it is:What it is: What it is Not:What it is Not:•Teaching with variance in mind•Responsive teaching rather than one-size-fits-all teaching•Meeting kids where we are… not where we wish they would be•“Shaking up” the classroom sostudents have multiple options for making sense of information

•New•Tracking or Streaming•IEP for every child•Constant Group Work•Occasional Variation of teaching styles•On the spot adjustmentsChart from Strickland, “Differentiation of Instruction at the High School Level.” ASCD, 2012.

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What is What is Differentiation?Differentiation?

“A systematic approach to planning curriculum and instruction for academically diverse learners” that provides students of different abilities, interests, or learning needs equally appropriate ways to learn (Tomlinson & Strickland, p.7).”

It is not what we teach, it is HOW WE TEACH

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5 Principles for 5 Principles for Differentiated InstructionDifferentiated Instruction

Building a Respectful Community◦Students need to feel safe

Quality Curriculum◦You can’t differentiate fog

Quality Tasks◦No busywork

Continual Assessment◦How can you differentiate if you

do not know where they are?Flexible grouping

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3 Ways to Differentiate3 Ways to Differentiate

“What a student enjoys learning about, thinking about, and doing”(Tomlinson & Strickland, p.6)

“Current knowledge, understanding, and skill level a student has related to a particular sequence of learning” (Tomlinson & Strickland, p.6).

“A student’s preferred mode of learning” (Tomlinson & Strickland, p.6).

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Differentiating by Differentiating by LEARNING PROFILELEARNING PROFILE


efficiency results when learners are taught in ways that are

natural for them (Tomlinson & Strickland p.7)

When we differentiate by

Learning profile we should

consider student:Learning StylesSternberg’s IntelligencesGarner’s Multiple


PreferencesGroup OrientationStrickland,

p. 5

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Sternberg Intelligence SurveySternberg Intelligence Survey

Mark each sentence T if you like to do the activity and F if you do not like to do the activity.

1. Analyzing characters when I’m reading or listening to a story ___2. Designing new things ___3. Taking things apart and fixing them ___4. Comparing and contrasting points of view ___5. Coming up with ideas ___6. Learning through hands-on activities ___7. Criticizing my own and other kids’ work ___8. Using my imagination ___9. Putting into practice things I learned ___10. Thinking clearly and analytically ___11. Thinking of alternative solutions ___12. Working with people in teams or groups ___13. Solving logical problems ___14. Noticing things others often ignore ___15. Resolving conflicts ___

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Sternberg Intelligence SurveySternberg Intelligence SurveyMark each sentence T if you like to do the activity and F if you do not

like to do the activity.

16. Evaluating my own and other’s points of view ___17. Thinking in pictures and images ___18. Advising friends on their problems ___19. Explaining difficult ideas or problems to others ___20. Supposing things were different ___21. Convincing someone to do something ___22. Making inferences and deriving conclusions

___23. Drawing ___24. Learning by interacting with others ___25. Sorting and classifying ___26. Inventing new words, games, approaches ___

27. Applying my knowledge ___28. Using graphic organizers or images to organize your thoughts ___29. Composing ___30. Adapting to new situations ___

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Transfer your answers from the survey to the key. The column with the most True responses is your dominant intelligence.

Analytical Creative Practical1. ___ 2. ___ 3. ___4. ___ 5. ___ 6. ___7. ___ 8. ___ 9. ___10. ___ 11. ___ 12. ___13. ___ 14. ___ 15. ___16. ___ 17. ___ 18. ___19. ___ 20. ___ 21. ___22. ___ 23. ___ 24. ___25. ___ 26. ___ 27. ___28. ___ 29. ___ 30. ___

Total Number of True:Analytical ____ Creative _____ Practical


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Linear – Schoolhouse Smart - SequentialANALYTICAL

Thinking About the Sternberg Intelligences

Show the parts of _________ and how they work.Explain why _______ works the way it does.Diagram how __________ affects __________________.Identify the key parts of _____________________.Present a step-by-step approach to _________________.

Streetsmart – Contextual – Focus on UsePRACTICAL

Demonstrate how someone uses ________ in their life or work.Show how we could apply _____ to solve this real life problem ____.Based on your own experience, explain how _____ can be used.Here’s a problem at school, ________. Using your knowledge of ______________, develop a plan to address the problem.

CREATIVE Innovator – Outside the Box – What If - Improver

Find a new way to show _____________.Use unusual materials to explain ________________.Use humor to show ____________________.Explain (show) a new and better way to ____________.Make connections between _____ and _____ to help us understand ____________.Become a ____ and use your “new” perspectives to help us think about ____________.

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Example of Differentiating Example of Differentiating by by Learning Profile in Learning Profile in Language Language

ArtsArts“ To get started with today’s work

on alliteration in poetry, you may choose to: listen to poems using alliteration read poems using alliteration write a poem using alliteration

Example from Strickland, p. 5

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Example of Differentiating by Example of Differentiating by Learning Profile in Learning Profile in

ScienceScienceWater Cycle Activity: Choose one

of the following options to complete.

Activity taken from Sample 9.3- Water Cycle Activity Options on pg. 343 of Tomlinson, Carol Ann & Cindy Strickland (2005). Differentiation in practice: A resource guide for differentiating curriculum: 9-12. Alexandria, Virginia: ASCD.

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Example of Differentiating by Example of Differentiating by Learning Profile in Learning Profile in


Tomlinson & Strickland, p. 327

Choice A, C◦high levels of creative intelligence

Choice B◦high levels of visual/spatial

intelligenceChoice D

◦high levels of naturalistic intelligence

Who would benefit from selecting each of the choices?

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Ways to get the Ways to get the information you information you needneed to differentiate by to differentiate by Learning Learning

ProfileProfileHelp Students Determine their Learning


• Survey concerning Learning Styles (Auditory, Visual, Kinesthetic)


• Survey concerning Garner’s Multiple Intelligences

•Multiple Intelligences Inventory like:

• Create questionnaire for students to complete that would assist them in determining their intelligence

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Ways to differentiate byWays to differentiate by Learning Learning ProfileProfile

Three Ways to Incorporate Differentiation by Learning Profile

1. Let students gain access to content through varied means (like reading, listening, talking, writing, etc.)• Like the previous Language Arts Example

2. Create activities/ assignments that require or appeal to various multiple intelligences for successful completion• Like the previous Science Example

3. Allow options for students to compete against others or themselves Strickland, p. 5-6

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Take two minutes to think about the discuss following with your other elbow partner:




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3 Ways to Differentiate3 Ways to Differentiate

“What a student enjoys learning about, thinking about, and doing”(Tomlinson & Strickland, p.6)

“Current knowledge, understanding, and skill level a student has related to a particular sequence of learning” (Tomlinson & Strickland, p.6).

“A student’s preferred mode of learning” (Tomlinson & Strickland, p.6).

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Differentiating by Differentiating by INTERESTINTERESTWhy? Because

interest is a great motivator

Because interest relates to relevancy (for the students)

When we differentiate by

interest we should consider student:

Passions Hobbies Family Interest or

pursuits Clubs or sports TV Shows (they watch) Music (they listen to) Friends Electives they take

Strickland, p. 3

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Ways to get the Ways to get the information you information you needneed to differentiate by to differentiate by INTEREST INTEREST

In General: Within an Instructional Unit:

• Administer a student interest survey in August:

• What is your favorite sport? Why?• Who is your favorite team? Why?• What is your favorite TV show? Why?• Who is your favorite musical artist? Why?• What is your favorite thing to read about? Why?

• Hallway Chats

• Personal Relationships

Create an assignment that involves a personal profile

Assign journal entries that ask your students to relate to your subject

Ask the question: What are some of the things that You hope we do during the unit?

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Example of Differentiating byExample of Differentiating by Interest in Interest in World LanguageWorld LanguageASSIGNMENT:In order to practice ourreading fluency andcomprehension in Spanish,pick one of the followingarticles listed on the right

toread tonight. Be preparedto summarize the article in Spanish in your own wordsfor your classmatestomorrow.

"Will 'The Hunger Games be the next "Twilight'?“

("Seran 'los juegos de hambre' el proximo 'Crepusculo'?")

"Rihanna and Chris Brown Together Again?" ("Rihanna y Chris Brown juntos de nuevo?") 

Google's new glasses ("Google lanza unas gafas interactivas")

The unluckiest man in Spain ("El hombre mas desafortunado de Espana")

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Example of Differentiating by Example of Differentiating by Interest in Interest in MathMath

Look for an example of vectors in your after school activities. Record what you find in one of the following three ways:◦Explain the example in writing◦Illustrate the example◦Prepare 2 minute explanation to share

orally with the class

Differentiation by Interest

Differentiation by Learning Profile

Example adapted from Strickland, p. 3

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Example of Differentiating Example of Differentiating by Interest inby Interest in Science, Health, or Social Science, Health, or Social


Select one of the following roles toassume as we discuss the tobaccoindustry in North Carolina:

◦Tobacco Farmer◦Lobbyist for the tobacco industry◦Person with emphysema◦Teen who smokes◦Oncologist

Example from Strickland, p. 3

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Ways to differentiate byWays to differentiate by INTEREST INTEREST

Three Ways to Incorporate Differentiation by Interest

1. Show how current topics relate to or enhance skills required for success in various student activities

• like previous Math example

2. Design assignments that relate your subject matter to pop-culture/ student interests

• like World Language Example

3. Ask students to share their personal experience with, preferred perspective, or interest in the topic of study

• like previous Tobacco exampleStrickland, p. 3- 4

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Rap MusicCubs/ White SoxMarch MadnessSpring BreakFriendsStudent

Clubs/ActivitiesFamily Interest

Provide an example of an in-class activity that differentiates for student interest.

Provide an example of a homework assignment that differentiated for student interest.

Provide an example of a long-term project that could be differentiated for interest.


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3 Ways to Differentiate3 Ways to Differentiate

“What a student enjoys learning about, thinking about, and doing”(Tomlinson & Strickland, p.6)

“Current knowledge, understanding, and skill level a student has related to a particular sequence of learning” (Tomlinson & Strickland, p.6).

“A student’s preferred mode of learning” (Tomlinson & Strickland, p.6).

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Differentiating by Differentiating by READINESSREADINESS

Why? To appropriately

challenge all learners

Goal:“make the work a

littletoo difficult forstudents at a givenpoint in their growth-and then to providethe support they

needto succeed at a newlevel of challenge”

When we differentiate byReadiness we should considerstudent:

“Attitude (toward school & topic)

Experience with the topic (outside of school or previous courses)

Knowledge, understanding, and skill with the topic

Preconceptions about the topic Overgeneralizations about the

topic General communication,

thinking, & reasoning skills”

Strickland, p. 8-9Tomlinson & Strickland, p. 6

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Ways to get the Ways to get the information you information you needneed to differentiate by to differentiate by ReadinessReadiness

Things all teachers can do to obtain


• Pre-Assessment• In-Class /Formative Assessment (During the Unit)

•White Boards•Knowledge Rating Chart•KWL

•Homework Assignment•Entrance & Exit Slips

Formal Assessments that can provide


• Explore, Plan, ACT(EPAS Data)

• Read 180

• AIMS Web Data

• NWEA Map Data

• Aleks Data

• Formal Educational Testing (WISC, WIAT)

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Example of Differentiating by Example of Differentiating by Readiness in Readiness in Social ScienceSocial Science Lesson Objective: To know the positions of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King on

ways to achieve equality.

After the initial lesson, students complete an Exit Slip: Provide two examples of methods Martin Luther King used

during the Civil Rights Movement and two that Malcolm X used.

Teacher analyzes exit slip information & divides the

students into three groups1) Students that flip-flopped the examples

between the two Civil Rights Leaders2) Students that provided only one example for

each Leader3) Students that provided at least two

appropriate examples for each leader

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Continued Social Science Example

The next day in class the students were placed in either Group 1, 2, or 3

Students in Group 1 sat with the teacher Teacher re-taught the objective Students filled in a graphic organizer

Students in Group 2 worked independently Read & summarized an article concerning

multiple ways of achieving equality

Students in Group 3 worked independently Read an article concerning current leaders Compared current leaders & their positions to

Malcolm X and Martin Luther King

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Example of Differentiating by Example of Differentiating by Readiness in Readiness in Physical

WelfareA Tiered Task:

Strickland, p. 8

Assignment A:“A classmate had to leave the room today just as we were beginning to play kickball. Please write that student a note explaining what happened in today’s game, why it happened the way it did, and what your team could do to improve your performance. Be as much help as possible.”

Assignment B:“Pretend you were the coach of your kickball team today. Select a key or critical play in today’s game. Pretend it happened in some other way. What might the results have been? Why? What principle can you infer? Be sure you pick something that will help your team in its efforts to improve over time.”

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Ways to differentiate byWays to differentiate by ReadinessReadiness

Two Ways to Incorporate Differentiation by Readiness

1. Create Tiered Tasks• Like previous Physical Welfare example

2. Offer mini-lessons to students missing content or skills while simultaneously offering an alternate activity for enhancement to students who have mastered the content or skills• Like previous Social Science example

Strickland, p. 8-9

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Review & ReflectionReview & Reflection• Differentiation is a way of thinking about

teaching. • systematic approach to planning instruction• provides learners (who are different) with

equally appropriate options for learning• good teaching

• Three Types of Differentiation

• How did we differentiate throughout the presentation?

• How can you apply today’s information to your classroom?

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ReferencesReferencesTomlinson, Carol Ann & Cindy Strickland

(2005). Differentiation in practice: A resource guide for differentiating curriculum: 9-12. Alexandria, Virginia: ASCD.

Strickland, Cindy (February, 2012). Differentiation of Instruction at the High School Level. Alexandria, Virginia: ASCD.