
Mazal tov!

Michal & David Chamudot on the engagement of their son, Yishai, to Tova Goldstein, of Manhattan, daughter of Dr. Victoria Bengualid & Gabriel Goldstein. Mazal tov to siblings Daniel, Yonatan and Robin Chamudot, Yitzchak, Devora and Sara Goldstein and the entire family.

Shira & Ari Gontownik on the birth of a baby boy. Mazal tov to siblings Tani, Eliana and Maya and to grandparents Barbara & Gil Irwin and Anne & Jerry Gontownik.

Marnina & Jack Gottesman on the birth of a baby girl. Mazal tov to big siblings Gamliel and Micha and to the entire Gottesman and Koschitzky families.

Shoshana Davis & Marc Lerman on the birth of a baby boy. Mazal tov to grandparents Ilene & Alan Lerman and Meira & Rabbi Edward Davis. Mazal tov to Great Aunt & Uncle Yonina & Sidney Langer.

The Lermans invite the community to a shalom zachar in the RJC Board Room this

Friday night at 9:30 PM.

Miriam & Ronald Rubin on the engagement of their daughter, Sarah, to Jacob Berman, son of Naomi & Jeff Berman of Bethesda, MD.

Kiddush Korner

This week’s Kiddush is sponsored by the Gottesman & Koschitzky families in honor of the birth of a baby girl to Marnina & Jack.

Want to sponsor a Kiddush or Seudah Shlishit? For rates & other details, please contact the office.

Mikvah Hours

Keilim Mikvah is open 7 AM to 7 PM only.

*Fri night: 40 min after candle lighting. No appointment needed, but please be on time.

The Mikvah will open on Saturday night from 10:00 - 11:15 PM.

Sun-Thurs: 8:30-10:45 pm (Zman after 9)

For further information, call 718-549-8336.

Defensive Driving Class at the RJC There will be a Defensive Driving Class at the RJC on Monday, July 24th at 6:45 PM. By attending this class, you will $ave 10% on your NY auto insurance liability & collision coverage, even with a perfect driving record, and reduce up to 4 points on your NY driver’s license! Cost is $60/person, cash or check (paid at the class). RSVP to Harold Schonfeld at [email protected] or at 718-339-1300.

SUMMER SCHEDULE In the spirit of community, in an effort to reduce energy costs, and with an interest in creating a full/vibrant minyan, we will be taking the following steps throughout the month of July: During the Week Sunday-Friday morning, all minyanim will

meet in the Beit Midrash Daf Yomi will take place in the Board

Room Sunday 9 AM minyan will start at 9:15

AM On Shabbat Plag HaMincha on Erev Shabbat will be

in the Board Room and the late Mincha/Maariv will be in the Main Sanctuary;

We will consolidate our Shabbat morning minyanim into 2 services; one at 7 AM and the other at 9 AM, both in the Main Sanctuary. The 9 AM minyan will be led by chazzanim, ba’alei kriah and gabbaim representing the entire combined group;

Saturday evening Mincha/Maariv will only be held in the Main Sanctuary.;

Throughout this month, the Board Room will serve as our Beit Midrash on Shabbat, and will be set up accordingly; and

Locations for Shabbat Shiurim will be posted on the Board Room Door.

We look forward to sharing in meaningful, full minyanim throughout the month of July and a return to regular services in August, following Tisha B’Av! Summer Groups Tot Shabbat, Pre-K and K-1 Groups will meet this Shabbat. Thank you to the Courtney Family for sponsoring snacks. We are in need of parent and teen volunteers to run groups, as well as sponsors for snacks throughout the summer. If interested, please contact Jeffrey Remin at [email protected].

RJC Halacha Q&A WhatsApp This past week, the RJC rabbinic team launched the RJC Halacha Q&A WhatsApp group, a platform for real time responses to your everyday questions for your rabbis. Can I kasher the Keurig in my office? Can I use scissors on Shabbat to open a package? What bracha do I make on…? Join the group today to ask questions or simply learn from others’ experiences! To join, email your phone number to [email protected].

Thank you to our CSS Security Team!

To inquire about volunteering, contact

[email protected].

17th of Tammuz Zmanim

Fast Begins: 4:22 AM

Shacharit 5:40 AM (Beit Midrash)

6:25 AM (Main Sanctuary) 7:25 AM (Beit Midrash)

Mincha/Ma’ariv 6:30 PM (Main Sanctuary) 8:00 PM (Main Sanctuary)

No 9:30 Maariv

Fast Ends: 9:10 PM

Women’s Singing Group This Shabbat, all women are invited to join in song in the Upstairs Black Tile Room at 5:00 PM. Please feel free to bring along song sheets of your favorite Jewish music. Please contact Michal Selber for more information.

Friday - Mincha 6:41 / 7:10 / 8:21 PM

Shacharit 7:00 / 9:00 AM

Latest Shema 9:16 AM

Daf Yomi (Baba Batra 167): 7:00 PM

Shiur Masechet Berachot 7:15 PM

Mincha 6:00 / 8:00 PM

Seudah Shlishit 8:20 PM

Ma'ariv 9:06 PM

Sunday 6:45 / 7:30 / 8:30 / 9:15 AM

Monday 6:00 / 6:45 / 7:45 AM

Tuesday (Tzom Tammuz ) 5:40 / 6:25 / 7:25 AM

Wednesday 6:00 / 6:55 / 7:45 AM

Thursday 6:00 / 6:45 / 7:45 AM

Friday 6:00 / 6:55 / 7:45 AMSunday Mincha Gedolah 12:00 AM

Mincha/Ma'ariv S-Thur: 6:39 / 8:15 PM

Late Ma'ariv Sun - Thur: 9:30 PM

Candle Lighting 6:56 / 7:28 / 8:08 PM

Friday - Mincha 6:38 / 7:10 / 8:18 PM

Shacharit 7:00 / 9:00 AM

Latest Shema 9:19 AM

Daf Yomi (Baba Batra 174): 6:55 PM

Shiur 7:10 PM

Mincha 6:00 / 7:55 PMSeudah Shlishit 8:15 PM

Ma'ariv 9:02 PM

Havdala 9:07 PM*subject to change

July 14 - 15, 2017 -  כ״א בתמוז

July 7 - 8, 2017 -  י״ד בתמוז

Next Shabbat*: Parshat  פינחס

Weekday Schedule

This Shabbat: Parshat  בלק




July 7 - 14, 2017 -- כ׳ בתמוז  - י״ד בתמוז  5777 July 8, 2017

14 Tammuz - 20 Tammuz 9:11 PM6:59 / 7:28 / 8:11 PM

July 7, 2017


Candle LightingRJC BULLETIN

Dear Members,

I hope this letter finds you well.

It is with bittersweet emotion that I share the news that I have accepted a position as Executive Director

of the Manhattan Jewish Experience and will be, consequently, stepping down as Executive Director of the

RJC in order to pursue this opportunity.

When I first started in this role 2 years ago, the RJC was entering one of the most challenging times in its

history. At the time, my goal was to bring my skills and training as a social worker and community

organizer to support the shul and its membership, maintain our robust services and programs and to

partner with the lay leadership to help the shul endure and persevere during this difficult time. Now, 2

years later, the shul is on stronger footing, with a clear path toward stability and with a search process

underway for new rabbinic leadership. Though there is still work to be done, I am confident that the shul

is headed in the right direction, and that the next executive director will be in a good position to partner

with the shul leadership to continue down that path. To that end, I have already begun working with the

Executive Board to find a successor who will be well-suited to take on this role.

As of July 17th, I will be reducing my hours to a part-time schedule through the end of August; during this

time, I will work with the staff and the Executive Board to create as smooth a transition as possible, and I

will be accessible at [email protected].

I am grateful for having had the opportunity to serve this community. I am particularly grateful to all the

committee volunteers, the Board, the Executive Board and professional staff with whom I have partnered

over the course of my time here; your tremendous work continues to make RJC a vibrant, thriving and

exciting place to be. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve this community and I hope we will

continue to cross paths in the future.

Thank you,


Letter from the Executive Director

Riverdale Jewish Center for Learning

Dirshu: Everyday Halacha Every Day

Join us at our 9PM class Sunday to Thursday. Men and women are welcome to join any time. If you cannot make it in-person email [email protected] to receive the MP3 of the class. Please put Dirshu in the subject line. To sign up for daily summaries FAQ: What is Dirshu? Literally it means to seek. Dirshu is an organization that encourages learning of the Chafetz Chayim’s halacha work Mishna Breruah. One page a day Sunday to Thursday and review on Friday and Shabbat. The word has come to mean the actual study not just the organization as income to (or listen to or download) the Dirshu shiur. Or you may hear people ask: are you doing Dirshu? Any questions: Rab-bi Genack and Rabbi Hoberman look forward to talking to you.

Our Sages (Chazal) teach us that one who studies law (Halachos) daily is assured a portion in the world to come (Olam Haba). Talmud Niddah 73A

Shabbat Hashkamah Shiur

During the Summer schedule (please see the front page for details), the Hashkama Shiur will not meet at 10:30. Please stay tuned for updates regarding the summer schedule for the Hashkama Shiur.

“...Make the words of Your Torah sweet in our mouths and in the mouths of Your that we, our children and grandchil-dren...may know Your name and study your Torah…” - Blessing over the Torah

Refuah Shelaima: Fayga bas Rochel, Chaya Pessel bas Yeeta, Anthony ben Janet, Meryl Liba bas Alta, Aryeh Menachem Ben Shlomo Eliezer HaLevi, Binyamin Ben Freidel, Yosef Bezalel Ben Rut, Nechama Bat Emunah, Michael Obed Ben Nechama, Leah Gittel Bat Leeba Esther, Besha Chaya Bat Rachel, Malka Bat Braina, Shoshana bas Zeesil, Edith bas Zeesil, Pinchas ben Raizel, Golda bat Hinda, Leora Miriam bat Chana Elisheva, Chaya Dena Chaviva bas Shoshana, Yocheved Sarah Bas Fruma Faiga, Malka Bat Chana, Miriam Leah Bat Bracha Sheindel, Hinda bat Rivka, Yaakov Ben Ruth, Shalom Yitzchak ben Pesha, Devora bat Shayna Beyla, Nechama Yehudit Tzviya bat Chaya, Shalom Yechezkel ben Kayla Chana, Peretz Yisroel ben Batya Kayla,Yechezkel Chaim ben Masha Zissel, Avraham Daniel ben Devora Tova, Toba bat Esther Faiga, Tesha Chana bat Chasuna Miriam, Zippa Chana bat Rachel Reya, Shneur Yechezkel ben Chaya Feiga, Yosef ben Genia, Gila bat Francis, Tziporah bat Gila, Yisroel ben Yonah, Beila Ruchel bat Miriam, Elisheva Malka bas Sarah Miriam, Simcha Chaim ben Ben Ariella Tamar, Shifra bat Bayla Perel, Shoshana Malka bat Chaya Zelda, Chaya Zelda bat Masha, Yehoshua Tzvi ben Hinda, Meir Yitzchak ha Cohen ben Pesil, Iliana bat Gitel, Gitel bat Miriam, Haddassah Hinda bas Baila, David Zalman haKohen ben Dina, Ronen Paz ben Rafa'ela Penina, Chaya Malka Esther bat Tzipporah, Shlomo Eliezer ben Yisroel Halevi, Moshe ben Nachmo, Miryam Beruriah bat Etta Raizel, Amichai Meir ben Rotem, Etty bat Machlya, Shoshana Elka bas Etel Dina.

Classes at the RJC Daf Yomi - Mon - Fri: Following the 6 AM

minyan. Shabbat: 1 hour before mincha. Sunday: After the 6:45 AM minyan.

Mishna Brachot - Mon - Fri from 7:30AM to 745AM in the Beit Midrash.

Dirshu - Sun - Thurs at 9 PM. One page of Mishna Brurah per day in the Beit Midrash.

Classes that meet once a week Sunday: 7:30 AM - Rabbi Eliezer Sher– In

depth Halacha shiur in the board room. Sunday *NEW* Shiur with Rabbi Simcha

Krauss. Men & women welcome. Monday: 8:30 PM - Weekly shiur on

Masechet Kiddushin (Perek HaOmer) with Rabbi Noah Gardenswartz in the Beit Midrash

Tuesday: 1:00 PM—Ladies learning Touch of Class– meets in the Social Hall.

Tuesday: 2:15 PM: Gentlemen’s Kollel in the Beit Midrash

Tuesday: 8:00 PM: Parsha class in the Beit Midrash.

Shabbat: Post 7:00 AM Chabura in the Board Room given by Rabbi Drelich.

Shabbat: 45 minutes before mincha– Gemara Brachot in the Board Room

Riverdale Y Early Childhood Center *NEW SPOTS AVAILABLE* The Riverdale Y Early Childhood Center is looking to open an additional 3’s classroom for the fall. Interested families should contact Emily Haus-man at [email protected] or at 347-913-4445 for a tour by July 14th. Israeli Shlichot Seeking Host Families June 22nd—July 10 The Riverdale Y is excited to welcome 2 Israeli shlichot (representatives) who will be working at their Camp Twelve Trails this summer. We are looking for a host family, or families to house one or both shlichot for the duration of their stay. If you are interested or would like more i n fo rma t ion , p l ea se c on ta c t Ma t t Ab rams Ge rbe r ([email protected] or at 347-913-4386). HaMafteach The HaMafteach, an indexed reference guide to the Talmud Bavli, in He-brew (with Tzurat HaDaf for each entry) and English has now gone “live” as an Android App (at Google Play Store) and as an Apple iTunes App (which can be be downloaded from the Apple iTunes Shop. Both Apps are free of charge. iMentor Take part in a great mentoring opportunity with iMentor! iMentor is a national college success organization matching college-educated profes-sionals with high school students throughout the city in one-to-one men-toring relationships. Through your relationship with a high schooler, you will help to empower a student with the skills & knowledge to graduate from high school, apply to college and succeed when they get there. iMentor is hosting informational sessions in their office at 30 Broad Street throughout the summer. Visit to learn more and to sign up! Camp Slapshots Camp Slapshots, founded in 2003, is a one week sports day camp for boys entering grades 3-9. Camp takes place at Torah Academy of Bergen County in Teaneck. 2 beautiful gyms and outdoor fields and courts. Ses-sions are during the weeks of July 31st, August 7th and August 14th. T ranspo rtat io n opt io ns a re ava i l ab le . P l ea se v i s i t for more info or email Rabbi Sariel Malitzky at [email protected] with questions.

Care Packages for Israeli Soldiers Torat Reva Yerushalayim is hoping to send as many packages as possible to soldiers protecting Jerusalem for Yom Yerushalayim. Each basket con-tains coffee, tea, fancy chocolates & snacks to show our appreciation for their hard work. Baskets are $54. Donate online at or mail a check payable to Torat Reva Yerushalayim to 110 Chestnut Ridge RD, Suite 228, Montvale, NJ 07645. Summer Outdoor Pool Memberships at Alderbrook Pool A limited number of memberships are still available at the Alderbook Poo;, a unique, peaceful oasis in the heart of Riverdale. Check us out today at Featured in New York Magazine (see For further info, contact Dov Weinstock at [email protected] or 917-848-8914.

Welcome to the Community! If you are new to the community, please let the welcoming committee know at [email protected] or through the RJC website. To sign up for emails

from the young couples minyan, email [email protected]. Elianna Mitnick & Sheri Rotenberg, Co-Chairs RJC Welcoming Committee.

Supporting Jews Across the Bronx! By the Numbers, in 2016, the FFN:

Distributed over $300,000 Supported 57 individuals, often elderly, or families Provided allocations for rent, food, clothing & medicine Provided additional holiday disbursements 2 times a year Applied 100% of contributions to recipients Supported recipients recommended by Rabbis of all Bronx congregations Give generously to this community-wide effort to support the most vulnerable among us!

Send donations to:

Connect with us! The Fund for the Needy Rabbi Yitzi Genack, Acting Rabbi [email protected], 718.548.1850 ext.131 Emergencies: 201.220.8865

Julia Baruch, Yoetzet Halacha [email protected], 646.598.9226

Shimon Craimer, Chazzan [email protected] Phone: 646.326.8256 Adin and Chaya Rayman, Youth Directors [email protected]

Hezzy Jesin, Executive Director [email protected], 718.548.1850 x113

Phone: 718.548.1850 [email protected]

Riverdale Jewish Center 3700 Independence Avenue,

Bronx, NY 10463

Career advisement? Job Networking?

Featured Jobs:

Digital Acquisitions Manager; Fin./Tech Expense Mgt Co. - 4-6 years online customer base

Java Background Engineer; 3-plus Years Experience (same company as above)

Brand Manager; 4-6 years - join a growing team

Please contact Howard Millendorf 718-796-5850 , [email protected].