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Sermon on Revival


a. Some random story, maybe nothing to do with topic.b. Take 2 Chronicles 7:14 and explain how it is good, but not the full view.

Point 1-

a. Removal of overemotional-ism from services.b. Define-

pertaining to or involving emotion  or the emotions.subject to or easily affected by  emotion.appealing  to the emotions: 

c. Overemotional-ism is allowing emotions to speak to you, not God. This is usually during services with intense yelling, and use of emotional appeal. This method of preaching is not biblical. Proverbs 15:1 says “A gentle answer deflects anger, but harsh words make tempers flare.” In hermeneutic terms, Proverbs are wise saying. In a way, this could be a generalization. We will get into what hermeneutics means in a little bit.

d. Picture a commercial for the American Kennel Club that uses the abused animal videos and pictures to try to get money, that is appealing to emotions to try to get you to give. This is an example.

e. If I were to yell at you saying “Read your Bible more and Pray, this will make you a better Christian” it will be ineffective.

Point 2-

a. Repent of sin and confess them to one another.b. The act of confession is not only for the Catholics, they may actually have the right

concept, just not right method. c. This is confessing sin to a close friend or someone you trust, not confessing them in

front of a group. d. James 5:16a states “Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other.”e. Galatians 6:1-3 states “Dear brothers and sisters, if another believert is overcome by some sin,

you who are godlyt should gently and humbly help that person back onto the right path. And be careful not to fall into the same temptation yourself. 2 Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ. 3 If you think you are too important to help someone, you are only fooling yourself. You are not that important.”

f. So between these two passages we are told to confess our sin to a close friend or trusted person, and to pray for each other. Now in this, you both confess to each other and pray to each other. Also, if you are caught in sin, go to someone you trust who is spiritually stronger than you to help you out of it. This could be a mentor or youth leader you trust.

g. Do not be afraid to talk to a friend about the sin areas in your life.

h. If you are unsure of what a sin is, look up Galatians 5:19-23. This will tell the acts of the sinful nature and the fruits of the Spirit.

i. Kindle Bookmark

Point 3-

a. Seek after God in prayerb. James 5:16b states “The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces

wonderful results”c. This is also where 2 Chronicles 7:14 would apply. Also in repentance of sin. d. Unsure of how to pray, look at the “Our Father” prayer for guidance.

a. Our father in Heaven may you name be kept holy- start off by praising God, and how His name is above all names.

b. Your kingdom come- pray that God’s Will, will be done in your life.c. Give us this day- ask God for the different needs you may have.d. Forgive us- pray for forgiveness of sins.e. For thine is the power- again, end with praising God, showing he is supreme over all the

Earth.e. I will again push the prayer ministry, if you want to learn to pray, come out to the prayer

ministry, I would even suggest doing a workshop on a Sunday afternoon or something to teach those who want to learn.

f. This seeking of God in prayer should also be in your personal life, not just your time at church. g. Bookmark in Kindle App

Point 4-

a. Study the Word with proper hermeneutic and theologyb. 2 Timothy 2:15 states “Work hard so you can present yourself to God and receive his

approval. Be a good worker, one who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly explains the word of truth”

a. Hermeneutic is the art or science of studying the Word of God. Also is the study of the principles of interpretation concerning the books of the Bible.

c. To fully get into this, it would take longer than I have since there is an entire college course on it at my college. For an overview, look up Biblical Hermeneutics on Wikipedia.

d. The concept of this point is not adding things that aren’t in scripture, and not taking away parts of verses.

i. Example of a commonly misused verse, Jeremiah 29:11. Most people will use this verse as a promise that God will bring the things mentioned in the verse to people. This usually used in graduation cards. If we take this verse into context, you do not want this promise. It is written to a group of people who have been exiled from their homeland and captured by a foreign nation, and are living under captivity of that nation. According to the Nelsons’ Compact Bible

Commentary, “The Lord here places considerable emphasis on His unchanging plan to bring peace and not evil, a future… a hope: God has not terminated His relationship with Judah; He remembered His covenant promises of restoration.”

ii. Example 2- Matthew 18:20. This one states “For where two or three gather together as my followers, I am there among them.” This verse in context is not talking about a worship service or a time of worship, but is referring to correcting a brother, or sister, that has sinned against you. In the Compact Bible Commentary published by Thomas Nelson publishers, “This passage is a promise for guidance for the two or three who confront, and a promise for the church to claim wisdom and restoration for the erring brother.”

Point 5-

a. Leadership to teach the Word with the aboveb. 2 Timothy 2:15 states “Work hard so you can present yourself to God and receive his approval.

Be a good worker, one who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly explains the word of truth”

c. Leaders, both pastoral, or lay leader, this verse is a charge to us as well. We cannot just stand here and pick random verses to go with some message, but should be teaching the Word to the students.

d. This would be taking a book and studying through it, making practical application to the lives of the kids, and not always a “This is how you should be living” one.

a. Ex- James 1:2-4,12.. The practical application is what trials and temptations lead to, which is being full and complete lacking nothing. Also, if you endure patiently through the trials and temptations, you get a crown of life from God. AKA a Heavenly reward.


a. This is a revival, not involving Spirit fillings and miracles, but of the basics. We cannot make a change without first off keeping the basics of the faith. Keeping the faith is so important, secular artist Jon Bon Jovi made a song, and album named “Keep the faith” He also reminds us that we’re ‘Livin on a prayer’. Okay, enough musical puns.

b. There will be no altar call, just a review of the points, and a hand out for you to keep.a. Overemotional-ismb. Confessionc. Prayerd. Sound Theologye. Leaders Teaching Word
