Page 1: ModelNo.RBTL97105.0 SeriaJNo. °S · 2007-08-15 · 10. When connecting the power cord (see page 10), plug the power cord into a surge suppressor (not included) and plugthe surge


Asa manufacturer,wearecom-mittedto providingcompletecustomersatisfaction,ffyouhavequestions,or if partsaredamagedormissing,PLEASECONTACTOURCUSTOMERSERVmCEDEPARTMENTDmRECTLY.




Read all precautions and instruc-tions in this manual before usingthis equipment. Save this manualfor future reference.

new products, prizes,fitness tips, and much more r.

Page 2: ModelNo.RBTL97105.0 SeriaJNo. °S · 2007-08-15 · 10. When connecting the power cord (see page 10), plug the power cord into a surge suppressor (not included) and plugthe surge


iMPORTANT PRECAUTIONS ................................................................. 3BEFORE YOU BEGIN ....................................................................... 5ASSEMBLY ............................................................................... 6OPERATION AND ADJUSTMENT ............................................................ 10HOW TO FOLD AND MOVE THE TREADMILL .................................................. 20TROUBLESHOOTING ...................................................................... 22CONDiTiONiNG GUiDELiNES ............................................................... 24PART LiST ............................................................................... 26LiMiTED WARRANTY ............................................................... Back Cover

Note: An EXPLODED DRAWING is attached in the center of this manual,

REEBOK and the Vector Logo ,J_"'_"--n_"_areregistered trademarks and service marks of Reebok, This product ismanufactured and distributed under license from Reebok International,

Page 3: ModelNo.RBTL97105.0 SeriaJNo. °S · 2007-08-15 · 10. When connecting the power cord (see page 10), plug the power cord into a surge suppressor (not included) and plugthe surge


WARNING: Toreducethe.skofburns,.re,electdeshook,or njurytoperaons,readthefollowing important precautions and information before operating the treadmill.

1. it is the responsibility of the owner to ensurethat all users of this treadmill are adequatelyinformed of all warnings and precautions.

2. Use the treadmill only as described.

3. Place the treadmill on a level surface, with atleast eight feet of clearance behind it and twofeet on each side. Do not place the treadmillon any surface that blocks air openings. To

manual and order part number 146148, or seeyour Iota[ electronics store.

12. Failure to use a properJy functioning surgesuppressor could resuff in damage to the con-trol system of the treadmill if the control sys-tem is damaged, the walking belt may changespeed, accelerate, or stop unexpectedJy=which may resuff in a fall and serious injury.

protect the floor or carpet from damage, place 13. Keep the power cord and the surge suppres-a mat under the treadmill sor away from heated surfaces.

4. Keep the treadmill indoors, away from mole- 14. Never move the walking belt while the powerture and dust. Do not put the treadmH[ in a is turned off. Do not operate the treadmill ifgarage or covered patio, or near water.

5. Do not operate the treadmill where aerosolproducts are used or where oxygen is beingadministered.

the power cord or plug is damaged, or if the_readmilJ is not working properly. (SeeTROUBLESHOOTING on page 22 if the tread-mill is not working properly.)

15. Read, understand, and test the emergencystop procedure before using the treadmill (see

6. Keep children under the age of 12 and pets HOW TO TURN ON THE POWER on page 12).away from the treadmill at aH times.

16. Never start the treadmill while you are stand°7. The treadmill should not be used by persons ing on the walking belt. Always hold the

weighing more than 325 pounds, handrails while using the treadmill.

8. Never allow more than one person on thetreadmill at a time.

9. Wear appropriate exercise clothes whenusing the treadmill Do not wear loose clothesthat could become caught in the treadmillAthletic support clothes are recommended forboth men and women. A/ways wearath/eti#shoes. Never use the treadmillw#h bare feet.

wearin# onlyeteckin#e,ofineandale.

17. The treadmill is capable of high speeds.Adjust the speed in small increments to avoidsudden jumps in speed.

18. The puJse sensor is not medical device.Various factors, including the user's move-ment, may affect the accuracy of heart ratereadings. The puJse sensor is intended onlyas an exercise aid in determining heart ratetrends in general

10. When connecting the power cord (see page 10),plug the power cord into a surge suppressor(not included) and plugthe surge suppressorinto a grounded circuit capable of carrying 15or more amps. No other appliance shouJd be onthe same circuit. Do not use an extension cord.

11, Use onJy a single=outJet surge suppressor that

19. Never leave the treadmill unattended while it

Is running. Always remove the key and un-plug the power cord when the treadmill is notinuse.

20. Do not attempt to raise, lower, or move thetreadmill until it is properly assembled. (SeeASSEMBLY on page 6, and HOW TO FOLDAND MOVE THE TREADMILL on page 20.) Youmeets all of the specifications described on

page 10. To purchase a surge suppressor, see must be able to safeJy lift 45 pounds (20 kg) toyour local REEBOK dealer or call the toll-free raise, Iower_ or move the treadmilltelephone number on the front cover of this

Page 4: ModelNo.RBTL97105.0 SeriaJNo. °S · 2007-08-15 · 10. When connecting the power cord (see page 10), plug the power cord into a surge suppressor (not included) and plugthe surge

21.Donotchangetheinclineof the treadmillby cord immediatelyafteruse,beforecleaningplacingobjectsunderthetreadmill, thetreadmiJl,andbeforeperformingthe main-

tenanceandadjustmentproceduresdeo22.Whenfoldingor movingthetreadmill,make scribedin this manual°Neverremovethe

surethatthe storagelatchis fully closed° motorhoodunlessinstructedto doso byanauthorizedservicerepresentative.Servicing

23.Inspectand properlytightenall partsof the otherthan theproceduresin thismanualtreadmillregularly, shouldbe performed by an authorized service

24. Never insert or drop any object into anyopening.

25.DANG ER: A_waysunplugthepower

representative only.

26. This treadmill is intended for in-home useonly. Do not use this treadmill in any commer-cial, rental, or institutional setting.

_WARN[NG: Beforebeginningth_soranyexerciseprogram,consultyourphysician.Thisis especially important for persons over the age of 35 or persons with pre-existing health problems.Read all instructions before using. [CON assumes no responsibility for personal injury or propertydamage sustained by or through the use of this product.


The decals shown here have been placed on the treadmillIf a decal is missing, or if it is not legible, ca[[ the toil-freetelephone number on the front cover of this manual andorder a free replacement decal Apply the deca! in the loca-tion shown. Note: The decals are not shown at actual size.


Protect yourself andothers from risk of seriousiniury, Read the user'smanual and :

-Neve_ try _o ad _stor ix _he belt while

it is moving

_Alwayswea__thlet_cshoeswh_leo_efating tle_dmill

Page 5: ModelNo.RBTL97105.0 SeriaJNo. °S · 2007-08-15 · 10. When connecting the power cord (see page 10), plug the power cord into a surge suppressor (not included) and plugthe surge


Thank you for selecting the revolutionary REEBOK _8400 C treadmill, The 8400 C treadmill offers a selec-

tion of features designed to make your workouts athome more effective and enjoyable, And when you'renot exercising, the unique 8400 C treadmill can befolded up, requiring less than half the floor space thantraditional treadmills,

For your benefit, read this manuaJ carefully beforeyou use the treadmill, if you have questions afterreading this manual, please see the front cover of thismanual, To help us assist you, note the product model

number and serial number before contacting us, Themodel number of the treadmill is RBTL97105,0, Theserial number can be found on a decal attached to the

treadmill (see the front cover of this manual for the lo-cation),

To avoid a registration fee for any service neededunder warranty, you must register the treadmill

Before reading further, please review the drawingbelow and familiarize yourself with the labeled parts,

Water Bottle Holder(no water bottle is included)

Book Holder

Handgrip Pulse Sensor Console

Latch Knob Key/Clip


Reset/OffSircuit Breaker

Walking Belt

Foot Rail


Power Cord

Cushioned Walking Platform

Rear RolleH

Page 6: ModelNo.RBTL97105.0 SeriaJNo. °S · 2007-08-15 · 10. When connecting the power cord (see page 10), plug the power cord into a surge suppressor (not included) and plugthe surge


dispose of the packing materiaUs until assembUy is compUeted, AssembJy requires the incJuderf allen wrench IIand your own phillips screwdriver _, wire cutters_- __,o_-p,and rubber mallet _ .- .................

Note: The underside of the treadmHUwaUking beUtis coated with high-performance Uubricant, During shipping, asmall amount of Uubricant may be transferred to the top of the waUking beUtor the shipping carton, This is a normaUcondition and does not affect trsadmHUperformance, ff there is Uubricant on top of the waUking belt, simply wipe offthe lubricant with a soft cloth and a mild, non-abrasive cleaner,

To identify small parts during assembly, use the part identification drawings below. To avoid damagingplastic parts, do not use power toots for assembly.

Nut (20)-2

Handrail StarWasher (77)-2

3/4" Tek Screw (65)-2

Foot Screw (74)-2

1" Tek Screw (100)-4 1 1/4" Tek Screw (71)-2

Wheel Bolt (94)-2

Console Bolt (78)-2

1, With the help of a second person, carefully raise theUprights (69) to the position shown,

Next, insert one of the Extension Legs (102) into the baseof the Uprights (69) as shown, Make sure that theExtension Leg is turnerf so the Base Pad (99} is un-derneath it. Note: It may be helpful to tip the Uprights for-ward and use a rubber mallet to fully insert the ExtensionLeg,

Insert the other Extension Leg (not shown) in the sameway.



Page 7: ModelNo.RBTL97105.0 SeriaJNo. °S · 2007-08-15 · 10. When connecting the power cord (see page 10), plug the power cord into a surge suppressor (not included) and plugthe surge

2, insert the tab on one of the Handrail Brackets (70) intothe indicated sbt in the right Upright (69), Attach theHandrail Bracket with a 3/4" Tek Screw (65),

Attach the other Handrail Bracket (not shown) to the bftUpright (not shown) the same way,

While a second person hoUdsthe consob assemMy, re-move the Consob BoUts(78), the Handrail Star Washers(77), and the Nuts (A) from both Uprights (69) and theconsob assemMy, Discard the Nuts,

3, While a second person hoUdsthe consob assemHy, insertthe upper end of one of the Handrails (55) into the consobassemMy; make sure that the Handrail Bracket (70) is in-side of the bwer end of the Handrail, Tighten a 1 1/4" TekScrew (71) into the bottom of the Handrail, Repeat withthe other Handrail on the bft side (not shown),

Next, insert two Consob BoUts(78) with Handrail StarWashers (77) into the right Upright (69) and the Handrail(55), Finger tighten the Console Bolts; do not fully tightenthe ConsoJe Bolts yet, Repeat with the Handrail on theleft side (not shown), After all four Console Bolts havebeen started, tighten them,




With the help of a second person, carefully tip theUprights (69) down as shown, Make sure that theExtension Legs (!02} remain in the Uprights.

Attach each Extension Leg (102) with two 1" Tek Screws(100) and one Base Pad (99) as shown; attach the lowerTek Screw, without the Base Pad, first, Note: One re-placement Base Pad may be included, Use the Base Padto replace any Base Pad that becomes worn,


_1 O2


Page 8: ModelNo.RBTL97105.0 SeriaJNo. °S · 2007-08-15 · 10. When connecting the power cord (see page 10), plug the power cord into a surge suppressor (not included) and plugthe surge

Attacha Wheel(95)tothebaseoftheUprights(69)witha WheelBolt(94)andaNut(20).DonotovertightentheNut;theWhee!shouldturn freely.AttachtheotherWheel(notshown)inthesameway,

Withthehelpofasecondperson,carefullyraisetheUprights(69)toa verticalposition,


6, PresstheLatchKnobSleeve(56)intotheleftUpright(69),if necessary,usea rubbermallettofullyinserttheLatchKnobSleeve,

Removetheknobfromthepin.Makesurethatthecollarandthespringareon thepin.Next,insertthepinintotheLatchKnobSleeve(56)andtheleftUpright(69),andtightentheknobbackontothepin,



7, Hacethetreadmillinthestorageposition(seeHOWTOFOLDTHETREADMILLFORSTORAGEonpage20),

identifytheRightEndcapFoot(50),AttachtheRightEndcapFoottothebottomof theRightEndcap(58)witha FootScrew(74),

Next,attachtheLeftEndcapFoot(49)tothebottomoftheLeftEndcap(96)witha FootScrew(74),






8, Makesurethatal partsareproperlytightenedbeforeyouusethetreadmil. Note:Extrahardwaremaybe included.Keeptheincludedallenwrenchina secureplace;theallenwrenchisusedtoadjustthewalkingbelt(seepage23),Toprotectthefloororcarpetfromdamage,placeamatunderthetreadmill,

Page 9: ModelNo.RBTL97105.0 SeriaJNo. °S · 2007-08-15 · 10. When connecting the power cord (see page 10), plug the power cord into a surge suppressor (not included) and plugthe surge

mfyoupurchasetheoptionalchestputsesensor(seepage19),followthestepsbelowto installthere-ceiverincludedwith thechestpulsesensor.

1, Makesurethatthepowercordis unplugged.RemovetheindicatedscrewsfromtheConsobBack(88),(Important:Thescrewsmaybedifferentlengths;makesureto remembertheoriginaltocationof eachscrew.) Next, remove the Consob Back,

1 82



2, PeeUthe paper off the pad on the bottom of the receiver(A), Turn the receiver so the small cylinder is on theside shown, and press the receiver into the ConsobBase (81) in the indicated location,

3, Connect the wire on the receiver (A) to the end of theshort wire (B) on the underside of the Console (82),Discard the other wires included with the receiver, Use

the included wire tie to secure the wires, if needed,

Make sure that no wires are pinched. See step 1,Reattach the Console (82) with the screws, Important: Ifthe screws are not reattached in their odginaJ loca-tions, the Consote may be damaged.



Page 10: ModelNo.RBTL97105.0 SeriaJNo. °S · 2007-08-15 · 10. When connecting the power cord (see page 10), plug the power cord into a surge suppressor (not included) and plugthe surge



Your treadmHUfeatures a waUking beUtcoated with high°performance Uubricant, IMPORTANT: Never apply sil-icone spray or other substances to the walkingbelt or the walking platform. Such substances willdeteriorate the walking belt and cause excessivewear.


of the equJpmentogrounding conductor canresult in an increased risk of electric shock.

Check with a qualified electrician or service-man if you are in doubt as to whether theproduct is properly grounded. Do not modifythe plug provided with the product--if it willnot fit the outlet, have a proper outletinstalled by a qualified electrician.

Your treadmill, like any other type of sophisticatedelectronic equipment, can be seriously damaged bysudden voltage changes in your home's power,Voltage surges, spikes, and noise interference canresult from weather conditions or from other appli-ances being turned on or off, To decrease the possi-bility of your treadmill being damaged, alwaysuse a surge suppressor with your treadmill (seedrawing 1 at the right). To purchase a surge sup-pressor, see your local REEBOK deaJer or call thetoll-free telephone number on the front cover ofthis manuaJ and order part number 146148, or seeyour tocaJ electronics store.

Use only a singJe-ouflet surge suppressor that isUL 1449 Jisted as a transient voltage surge sup-pressor (TVSS). The surge suppressor must have aUL suppressed vottage rating of 400 volts or Jessand a minimum surge dissipation of 450 joutes.The surge suppressor must be electrically rated for120 volts AC and !5 amps. There must be a moni-toring tight on the surge suppressor to indicatewhether it is functioning properly. Failure to use aproperty functioning surge suppressor coutd resuttin damage to the controt system of the treadmill. Ifthe control system is damaged, the walking beltmay change speed, accelerate, or stop une×pect-edty, which may resutt in a fall and serious injury.

This product must be grounded. If it should maffunc°tion or break down, grounding provides a path of leastresistance for electric current to reduce the risk of slec°

tric shock, This product is equipped with a cord havingan equipment-grounding conductor and a groundingplug, Plug the power cord into a surge suppressor,and plug the surge suppressor into an appropriateoutlet that is property installed and grounded inaccordance with aH JocaJ codes and ordinances.

Important: The treadmill is not compatible withGFCl-equipped outJets.

This product is for use on a nominal 120-volt circuit,and has a grounding plug that looks like the plug illus-trated in drawing 1 below, A temporary adapter thatlooks like the adapter illustrated in drawing 2 may beused to connect the surge suppressor to a 2-polereceptacle as shown in drawing 2 if a properlygrounded outlet is not available,

i-Groundsd Outlet Box

¢-1 _ Surge Suppressor

2_rounded Outlet Box

AdapterSurge Suppressor

The temporary adapter should be used only until aproperly grounded outlet (drawing 1) can be installedby a qualified electrician,

The green-colored rigid ear, lug, or the like extendingfrom the adapter must be connected to a permanentground such as a properly grounded outlet box cover,Whenever the adapter is used it must be held in placeby a metal screw, Some 2-poJe receptacle outJet boxcovers are not grounded. Contact a qualified elec-trician to determine if the outlet box cover is

grounded before using an adapter.


Page 11: ModelNo.RBTL97105.0 SeriaJNo. °S · 2007-08-15 · 10. When connecting the power cord (see page 10), plug the power cord into a surge suppressor (not included) and plugthe surge


1 /

2 12 I

', Matrix Pdority Dbplay

,,:":.:;i"....// //

\ _ _AN , t _, 'ERSQN L A Nt;R / H STAR[ J J 'k_ _ _ _ EA T /_ E CON DE/ / / L)ISPL/W / /

" ', ',' 'C OneTuu_h mNCLm_E_ ....... ,'"; _

\_ I [_'!_ I "_ 2 " 3 4 5 6 , 7 8 9 / 10 ,/ //

( , , OneTo,_ch SPEED ....... ' " }1 2 3 ",i 4 ' 5 6 7 8 9 10 ;: 11 12


The treadmill console offers an impressive array offeatures designed to make your workouts moreeffective, When the manual mode of the console isselected, you can change the speed and incline of thetreadmill with the touch of a button, As you exercise,the console will display continuous exercise feedback,You can even measure your heart rate using the hand°grip pulse sensor or the optional chest pulse sensor(see page 19),

in addition, the console features ten personal trainerprograms, Each program automatically controls thespeed and incline of the treadmill as it guides youthrough an effective workout, You can even createyour own custom programs and store them in memoryfor future use,

The console also offers four heart rate programs thatcontrol the speed and incline of the treadmill to keepyour heart rate near target heart rate settings duringyour workouts, Note: The heart rate programs requirethe use of the optional chest pulse sensor,

To use the manual mode of the console, follow thesteps beginning on page 12, To use a personaltrainer program, see page 14, To create and use acustom program, see pages 15 and 16, To use aheart rate program, see page 17,

Note: If there is a sheet of c_ear plastic on the faceof the console, remove the p_astic. To prevent dam-age to the walking platform, a_ways wear cleanshoes while using the treadmill. The first time thetreadmill is used, observe the alignment of thewalking be_t, and center the walking be_t if neces-sary (see page 23}.


Page 12: ModelNo.RBTL97105.0 SeriaJNo. °S · 2007-08-15 · 10. When connecting the power cord (see page 10), plug the power cord into a surge suppressor (not included) and plugthe surge


Hug in the power cord(see page 10), Next, locatethe reset/off circuit breakeron the treadmill near the

power cord, Make sure thatthe circuit breaker is in thereset position,


Next, stand on the foot rails of the treadmill, Find theclip attached to the key (see the drawing on page 11),and slide the clip onto the waistband of your clothes,Then, insert the key into the console; after a moment,the matrix and the display wiii light, Important: In anemergency situation, the key can be pulled fromthe console, causing the walking belt to slow to astop. Test the clip by carefully taking a few stepsbackward; if the key is not pulled from the console,adjust the position of the clip.


Insert the key into the console.


Select the manuaJ mode.

Each time the key is in-serted, the manualmode wiii be selectedand a track will appearin the matrix, if a pro-gram has been se-lected, reselect themanual mode by re-moving the key fromthe console and then reinserting it,

Start the waJking belt.

To start the walking belt, press the Start button,the Speed increase button, or one of the twelve

if the Start button or the Speed increase button ispressed, the walking belt will begin to move at 1mph, As you exercise, change the speed of the

walking belt as desired by pressing the Speed in-crease and decrease buttons, Each time a button

is pressed, the speed setting wiii change by 0,1mph; if a button is held down, the speed settingwiii change in increments of 0,5 mph, Note: Afterthe buttons are pressed, it may take a moment forthe walking belt to reach the selected speed setting,

if one of the twelve numbered speed buttons ispressed, the walking belt wiii gradually increase inspeed until it reaches the selected speed setting,

To stop the walking belt, press the Stop button, Torestart the walking belt, press the Start button, theSpeed increase button, or one of the twelve num-bered buttons,

Change the incline of the treadmill as desired.

To change the incline of the treadmill, press theIncline increase and decrease buttons, Each time

a button is pressed, the incline will change by0,5%, Note: After the buttons are pressed, it maytake a moment for the treadmill to reach the se-lected incline setting,

Follow your progress with the matrix and thedisplay.

When the manual modeis selected, the matrixwiii show a track repre-senting 1/4 mile, As youwalk or run on the tread°mill, the indicatorsaround the track wiii ap-pear in succession untilthe entire track appears,The track wiii then disappear and the indicators wiiiagain begin to appear in succession,


The lower left corner of

the display wiii show the

calories you haveburned and the inclinelevel of the treadmill,

When you use the handgrip pulse sensor or theoptional chest pulse sensor, the lower left corner ofthe display will also show your heart rate,


Page 13: ModelNo.RBTL97105.0 SeriaJNo. °S · 2007-08-15 · 10. When connecting the power cord (see page 10), plug the power cord into a surge suppressor (not included) and plugthe surge

The lower right cornerof the display wiii showthe distance that youhave walked or run,the elapsed time, yourpace in minutes per


mile, and the speed of the walking belt, Note:When a program is selected (except for customprograms and heart rate program 13), the lowerright corner of the display will show the time re-

in the program instead of the elapsedtime,

The center of the dis°

play is the priority dis°play, Press the Displaybutton repeatedly untilthe priority displayshows the information

that you want to view, Note: While information isdisplayed in the priority display, the same informa-tion wiii not be displayed in the lower left or rightcorner of the display,

Note: The console can display speed and dis-tance in either miles or kilometers, To change theunit of measurement, see THE iNFORMATiONMODE/DEMO MODE on page 19, Note: For s|m-pHcity, aH |nstruct|ons |n th|s sect|on refer tomiles,

To reset the display, press the Stop button, re-move the key, and then reinsert the key,

Measure your heart rate |f des|red.

Note: if you use the handgrip pulse sensor andthe optional chest pulse sensor at the same time,the console will not display your heart rate accu-rately,

To use the handgrip pulse sensor, first remove thesheets of clear plastic from the metal contacts, in

addition, makesure that yourhands areclean, Next,stand on thefoot rails andhold the metalcontacts--avoid Contacts

moving yourhands, When

your pulse is detected, the heart symbol in thelower left corner of the display will appear, one ortwo dashes will appear, and then your heart ratewill be shown, For the most accurate heart rate

reading, continue to ho|d the contacts for about15 seconds.

Turn on the fans |f desired.

To turn on the fans, press the Fan button, To turnon the fans at high speed, press the button a sec-ond time, To turn off the fans, press the button athird time, Note: if the fans are left on when the

walking belt is stopped, the fans will automaticallyturn off after a few minutes,

When you are finished exerc|s|ng, remove thekey from the conso|e,

Step onto the foot rails, press the Stop button, andadjust the incline of the treadmill to the |owestsetting. The incline must be at the |owest settingwhen the treadmH| is foJded to the storage posi-tion or the treadmill will become damaged. Next,remove the key from the console and put it in a se-cure place, Note: If the display remains tit afterthe key is removed, the console is in the"demo" mode. See page 19 and turn off thedemo mode.

When you are finished using the treadmill,switch the reseL/off circuit breaker to the "off"

position and unptug the power cord.


Page 14: ModelNo.RBTL97105.0 SeriaJNo. °S · 2007-08-15 · 10. When connecting the power cord (see page 10), plug the power cord into a surge suppressor (not included) and plugthe surge


mnsert the key into the console.


Select one of the personal trainer programs.

To select a personal trainer program, press theCertified Personal Trainer Programs button re-peatedly; "P-1 ," "P-2," "P-3," "P-4," "P-5," "P-6,""P-7," "P-8," "P-9," or "P-IO" will appear in the pri-ority display for a few seconds. In addition, themaximum incline setting of the program and themaximum speed setting of the program will flashin the display for a few seconds. A profile of thespeed settings of the program will scroll acrossthe matrix.



P,oG,,_,, 'U.&J 3S_ED

A few seconds after a personal trainer program isselected, the display will show how long the pro-gram will last,

Press the Start button or the Speed increasebutton to start the program.

A moment after the button is pressed, the tread-mill will automatically adjust to the first speed andincline settings of the program, Hold the handrailsand begin walking,

Each program is divided into either 30 or 60 one-minute segments, One speed setting and one in-cline setting are programmed for each segment,Note: The same speed setting and/or incline settingmay be programmed for two or more consecutivesegments,

The speed setting forthe first segment wiiibe shown in the flash-

ing Current Segmentcolumn of the matrix,

(The incline settingsare not shown in the

matrix,) The speed



settings for the next several segments wiii beshown in the columns to the right,

When only three seconds remain in the first seg-ment of the program, both the Current Segmentcolumn and the column to the right will flash and aseries of tones will sound, if the speed and/or in-cline of the treadmill is about to change, the speedsetting and/or the incline setting wiii flash in thedisplay to alert you,

When the first segment is completed, allepeedee4@7_5"v/i//move one coidmn to the ie,_t.Thespeed setting for the second segment will then beshown in the flashing Current Segment column,and the treadmill will automatically adjust to thespeed and incline settings for the second seg-ment. Note: if all seven of the indicators in the

Current Segment column are lit, the epeed'ee4_i_'9':¢maymove downwafdso that only the highest indi-cators appear in the matrix.

The program wiii continue in this way until thespeed setting for the last segment is shown in theCurrent Segment column and the last segmentends, The walking belt wiii then slow to a stop,

if the speed or incline setting for the current seg-ment is too high or too low, you can manuallyoverride the setting by pressing the Speed orIncline buttons, Every few times a Speed button ispressed, an additional indicator wiii appear or dis-appear in the Current Segment column; if any ofthe columns to the right of the Current Segmentcolumn have the same number of lit indicators as

the Current Segment column, an additional indica-tor may appear or disappear in those columns aswell. Important: When the current segment ofthe program ends, the treadmill will automati-cally adjust to the speed and incline settingsfor the next segment.

To stop the program at any time, press the Stopbutton. To restart the program, press the Start but-ton or the Speed increase button. The walking beltwill begin to move at 1 mph. When the next seg-ment of the program begins, the treadmill will auto-matically adjust to the speed and incline settingsfor the next segment.

Fottow your progress with the disptay.

See step 5 on page 12.


Page 15: ModelNo.RBTL97105.0 SeriaJNo. °S · 2007-08-15 · 10. When connecting the power cord (see page 10), plug the power cord into a surge suppressor (not included) and plugthe surge

Measure your heart rate if desired.

See step 6 on page 13.

Turn on the fans if desired.

See step 7 on page 13.

When you are finished exercising, remove thekey from the consote.

When the program ends, make sure that the in-cline of the treadmil! is at the towest setting.Next, remove the key from the consob and put it ina safe pUace.Note: If the display remains litafter the key is removed, the console is in the"demo" mode. See page 19 and turn off thedemo mode.

When you are finished using the treadmill,switch the reset/off circuit breaker to the "off"

position and unplug the power cord.


Insert the key into the consote.


Select one of the custom programs.

To sebct a custom program, press the Custom &Heart Rate ControU Programs button repeatedUy;"P=I 1" or "P=12" wHUappear in the priority displayfor a few seconds.


cusTo__,oo_ LJoL_# LJoZJSPEEO

Note: If the custom program has not yet beendefined, three columns of indicators win scrollacross the matrix, if more than three columnsof indicators appear, see NOW TO USE A CUS-TOM PROGRAM on page 16.

Press the Start button or the Speed increasebutton and program the desired speed and in-cline settings.

A moment after the button is pressed, the walkingbelt will begin to move. Hold the handrails andbegin walking.

Refer to the matrix.Each custom programis divided into one-

minute segments. Onespeed setting and oneincline setting can beprogrammed for eachsegment. The speedsetting for the first seg-



ment will be shown in the flashing CurrentSegment column of the matrix. (The incline set-tings are not shown in the matrix.) To program aspeed setting and an incline setting for the firstsegment, simply adjust the speed and incline ofthe treadmill as desired by pressing the Speedand Incline buttons. Every few times a Speed but-ton is pressed, an additional indicator will appearor disappear in the Current Segment column.

When the first segment of the program ends, a se-ries of tones wiii sound and the current speed set-ting and the current incline setting will be saved inmemory. The t,#ree co/umne of /hd/_wtore v/ill thenmo_:e one column to the left, and the speed set-ting for the second segment will be shown in theflashing Current Segment column. Program aspeed setting and an incline setting for the secondsegment as described above.

Continue programming speed and incline settingsfor as many segments as desired; custom pro-grams can have up to forty segments. When youare finished with your workout, press the Stop but-ton twice. The speed and incline settings that youhave programmed and the number of segmentsthat you have programmed wiii then be saved inmemory.

When you are finished exercising, remove thekey from the consote.

See step 7 on this page.


Page 16: ModelNo.RBTL97105.0 SeriaJNo. °S · 2007-08-15 · 10. When connecting the power cord (see page 10), plug the power cord into a surge suppressor (not included) and plugthe surge


mnsert the key into the console.


Select one of the custom programs.

To sebct a custom program, press Custom &Heart Rate ControU Programs button repeatedUy;"P-11" or "P-12" wHUappear in the priority dispUayfor a few seconds, in addition, the maximum in-dine setting of the program and the maximumspeed setting of the program wHUflash in the dis-pUayfor a few seconds. A profile of the speed set-tings of the program wHUscroll across the matrix.

p t t



A few seconds after a custom program is se-bcted, the display will show how long the programwill last.

Note: if only three columns of indicators scrollacross the matrix, see HOW TO CREATE ACUSTOM PROGRAM on page 15.

Press the Start button or the Speed increasebutton to start the program.

A moment after the button is pressed, the tread-mill will automatically adjust to the first speed andincline settings that you programmed previously.Hold the handrails and begin walking.

Each custom programis divided into several

One speed setting andoneprogrammed for eachsegment. (The samespeed setting and/orincline setting may be


I ad-Segment


programmed for two or more consecutive seg-ments.) The speed setting for the first segment wiiibe shown in the flashing Current Segment columnof the matrix. (The incline settings are not shown

in the matrix,) The speed settings for the next foursegments are shown in the columns to the right,

When only three seconds remain in the first seg-ment of the program, both the Current Segmentcolumn and the column to the right will flash, aseries of tones will sound, and the speed settingand the incline setting wiii flash in the display.When the first segment ends, aiispe.e.d'seLff/7dswiii mo_'e,one co/dmn to tA_eie_ The speed settingfor the second segment will then be shown in theflashing Current Segment column, and the tread-mill will automatically adjust to the second speedand incline settings that you programmed previ-ously.

The program will continue in this way until thespeed setting for the last segment is shown in theCurrent Segment column and the last segmentends. The walking belt wiii then slow to a stop.

if desired, you can redefine to the program whileusing it. To change the speed or incline settingfor the current segment, simply press the Speedor Incline buttons. When the current segment ends,the new setting will be saved in memory. To in-crease the length of the program, first wait untilthe program is completed. Then, press the Start but-ton and program speed and incline settings for asmany additional segments as desired. When youhave added as many segments as desired, pressthe Stop button twice. To decrease the Jength ofthe program, press the Stop button twice at anytime before the program is completed.

To stop the program at any time, press the Stopbutton, To restart the program, press the Start but-ton or the Speed increase button,

Fottow your progress with the display.

See step 5 on page 12.

Measure your heart rate if desired.

See step 6 on page 13.

Turn on the fans if desired.

See step 7 on page 13.

When you are finished exercising, remove thekey from the consote.

See step 7 on page 15.


Page 17: ModelNo.RBTL97105.0 SeriaJNo. °S · 2007-08-15 · 10. When connecting the power cord (see page 10), plug the power cord into a surge suppressor (not included) and plugthe surge


CA UTI0 N: ifyouhoveheartprob=lems, or if you are over 60 years of age andhave been inactive, do not use the pulse pro-grams, mfyou are taking medication regularly,consult your physician to find whether themedication will affect your exercise heart rate.

Follow the steps bebw to use a heart rate program,

Put on the optional chest putse sensor.

You must wear the optional chest pulse sensor touse a heart rate program,

insert the key into the consote.


Select one of the heart rate programs.

To select a heart rate program, press the Custom& Heart Rate Control Programs button repeatedly;"P-13/' "P-14/' "P-15/' or "P-16/' will appear in thepriority dispUay for a few seconds,




if heart rate program !3 is selected, a pulsesymbol wili scroll across the matrix (see the draw-ing above),

If heart rate program14, 15, or 16 is se-lected, a profile of thetarget heart rate set-tings of the programwill scroll across thematrix,

Enter a target heart rate setting.

If heart rate program13 is selected, the tar-get heart rate setting forthe entire program willflash in the priority dis-play, If desired, pressthe increase and de-

! eu /

crease buttons beside the Custom & Heart Rate

Control Programs button to change the targetheart rate setting (see EXERCISE INTENSITY onpage 24}.

If heart rate program 14, 15, or !6 is selected,the maximum target heart rate setting of the pro-gram will flash in the priority display, If desired,press the increase and decrease buttons besidethe Custom & Heart Rate Control Programs buttonto change the maximum target heart rate setting(see EXERCISE INTENSITY on page 24}. Note:if the maximum target heart rate setting ischanged, the intensity level of the entire programwill change,

Press the Start button or the Speed increasebutton to start the program.

A moment after the button is pressed, the tread-mill will automatically adjust to the first speed andincline settings of the program, Hold the handrailsand begin walking,

Heart rate program 13 is divided into 100 one-minute segments, The same target heart rate set-ting is programmed for all segments, (For ashorter workout, simply stop the program before itends,) Heart rate programs 14, 15, and 16 are di-vided into either 20 or 30 one-minute segments,One target heart rate setting is programmed foreach segment, Note: The same target heart ratesetting may be programmed for two or more con-secutive segments,

if heart rate program14, 15, or 16 is se-lected, the target heartrate setting for the firstsegment will be shownin the flashing Current



matrix, The target heartrate settings for the nextseveral segments will be shown in the columns tothe right, When only three seconds remain in thefirst segment of the program, both the CurrentSegment column and the column to the right willflash and a series of tones will sound,


Page 18: ModelNo.RBTL97105.0 SeriaJNo. °S · 2007-08-15 · 10. When connecting the power cord (see page 10), plug the power cord into a surge suppressor (not included) and plugthe surge

When the first segment ends, allta,%etheaftratesettings wiiimove one coiumn tothe/eft.The tar=get heart rate setting for the second segment wHUthen be shown in the flashing Current SegmentcoUumn,

During each heart rate program, the console wiiiregularly compare your heart rate to the targetheart rate setting, if your heart rate is too farbelow or above the target heart rate setting for thecurrent segment, the speed of the walking belt willautomatically increase or decrease to bring yourheart rate closer to the target heart rate setting,

if the speed or incline setting is too high or too lowat any time during the program, you can adjust thesetting with the Speed or Incline buttons, However,when the console compares your heart rate to thetarget heart rate setting, the speed of the treadmillmay automatically change to bring your heart ratecloser to the target heart rate setting,

if your pulse is not detected during the program,the letters "PLS" wiii flash in the display and thespeed of the treadmill may automaticallydecrease, if this occurs, see the instructions in-cluded with the optional chest pulse sensor,

To stop the program at any time, press the Stopbutton, To restart the program, press the Start but-ton or the Speed increase button, The walking beltwill begin to move at 1 mph, When the consolecompares your heart rate to the target heart ratesetting, the speed and/or incline of the treadmillmay automatically change to bring your heart ratecloser to the target heart rate setting,

Follow your progress with the display.

See step 5 on page 12,

Turn on the fans if desired,

See step 7 on page 13,

When you are finished exercising, remove thekey from the console.

See step 7 on page 15,


Page 19: ModelNo.RBTL97105.0 SeriaJNo. °S · 2007-08-15 · 10. When connecting the power cord (see page 10), plug the power cord into a surge suppressor (not included) and plugthe surge


The console features an information mode that keepstrack of treadmHi usage information. The informationmode aiso allows you to select miles or kilometers asthe unit of measurement and to turn on and turn off thedemo mode.

To select the information mode, hoid down the Stopbutton while inserting the key into the console, andthen release the Stop button. When the informationmode is selected, the following information wHi be dis-piayed:

An optional chest pulse sensor adds even more fea-tures to the console, The chest pulse sensor offershands-free operation, and enables you to use the twoheart rate programs. To purchase the optional chestpulse sensor, call the toIFfree telephone numberon the front cover of this manual

play wiii show thetotal number of TiMEhours that thetreadmill hasbeen operated. E _B _ D_sTThe lower rightcorner of the dis-

play will show thetotal number of miles or kilometers that the walking belthas moved. An "E" for English miles or an "M" for metrickilometers will appear in the lower left corner of the dis-play. Press the Speed increase button to change theunit of measurement if desired.

IMPORTANT: if a "d" ap-pears in the lower left cornerof the display, the console isin the "demo" mode. Thismode is intended to be used

only when a treadmill is dis-played in a store. When the console is in the demomode, the power cord can be plugged in, the key canbe removed from the console, and the indicators in thedisplay will automatically appear in a preset sequence;the buttons on the console will not operate. If a "d" ap-pears when the information mode is selected, pressthe Speed decrease button so the "d" disappears.

To exit the information mode, remove the key from theconsole,


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Before folding the treadmill, adjust the incline to theJowest position, ff this is not done, the treadmill may bepermanently damaged. Next, unptug the power cord.CAUTION: You must be able to safety tift 45 pounds (20kg) to raise, Jower, or move the treadmi&

1, HoUdthe treadmHUwith your hands in the Uocations shownby the arrow, CAUTION: To decrease the possibility ofinjury, bend your legs and keep your back straight. Asyou raise the treadmill, make sure to tift with your tegsrather than your back. Raise the treadmHUabout haffwayto the vertical position,

2, Move your right hand to the position shown and hold thetreadmill firmly, Using your left hand, pull the latch knobto the left and hold it, Raise the treadmill until the catch isaligned with the pin on the latch knob, Slowly release thelatch knob, Make sure that the pin is fully inserted intothe catch.

To protect the floor or carpet from damage, ptace amat under the treadmill. Keep the treadmill out ofdirect sunlight. Do not leave the treadmill in the stor-age position in temperatures above 85° Fahrenheit.




Before moving the treadmill, convert the treadmill to the stor-age position as described above. Make sure that the pinon the tatch knob is fully inserted into the catch.

1, Hold the uprights and place one foot against one of thewheels,

2, Tilt the treadmill back until it rolls freely on the wheels,Carefully move the treadmill to the desired location,Never move the treadmill without tipping it back. Toreduce the risk of injury, use extreme caution whilemoving the treadmi& Do not attempt to move thetreadmill over an uneven surface.

3, Place one foot against one of the wheels, and carefullylower the treadmill to the storage position, Wheels


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1, HoUdthe upper end of the treadmHUwith your right handas shown, Using your bft hand, pull the Uatehknob to thebft and hoUdit, Pivot the treadmHUdown until the frame is

past the pin on the bck knob, SbwUy rebase the Uatchknob,


2, Hold the treadmill firmly with both hands, and lower thetreadmill to the floor, Do not drop the treadmill frameto the floor. CAUTION: To decrease the possibility ofinjury, bend your tegs and keep your back straight.



Page 22: ModelNo.RBTL97105.0 SeriaJNo. °S · 2007-08-15 · 10. When connecting the power cord (see page 10), plug the power cord into a surge suppressor (not included) and plugthe surge


Most treadmill problems can be solved by following the steps below. Find the symptom that applies, andfollow the steps listed, mffurther assistance is needed, see the front cover of this manual.

PROBLEM: The power does not turn on

SOLUTmON: a, Make sure that the power cord is plugged into a surge suppressor, and that the surge suppressoris plugged into a properly grounded outlet (see page 10). Use only a singleooutlet surge suppres-sor that meets all of the specifications described on page 10. important: The treadmill is not comopatible with GFCI-equipped outlets.

b. After the power cord has been plugged in, make sure that the key is inserted into the console.

C, Check the circuit breaker located on the treadmillnear the power cord. if the switch protrudes asshown, the circuit breaker has tripped. To reset thecircuit breaker, wait for five minutes and then pressthe switch back in.


Tripped Reset

PROBLEM: The power turns off during use

SOLUTION: a. Check the circuit breaker located on the treadmill frame near the power cord (see c. above), if thecircuit breaker has tripped, wait for five minutes and then press the switch back in.

b. Make sure that the power cord is plugged in. if the power cord is plugged in, unplug it, wait forfive minutes, and then plug it back in.

c. Remove the key from the console. Reinsert the key fully into the console.

d. if the treadmill still will not run, see the front cover of this manual.

PROBLEM: The speed display on the console does not function properly

SOLUTmON: a, Remove the key from the console and UNPLUG THEPOWER CORD. Carefully tip the treadmill down asshown at the right. Remove the 1" Screws (48) andthe 2" Screws (83) from the Hood (23). Then, raisethe Uprights (69) and carefully remove the Hood.

_- 48

Next, locate the Reed Switch (10) and the Magnet (7)on the left side of the Pulley (8). Turn the Pulley untilthe Magnet is aligned with the Reed Switch. Makesure that the gap between the Magnet and theReed Switch is about 1/8". if necessary, loosen theScrew (27), move the Reed Switch slightly, and thenretighten the Screw. Reattach the hood, and run thetreadmill for a few minutes to check for a correctspeed reading.

1/8' _-_

Top 1, L ] _


Page 23: ModelNo.RBTL97105.0 SeriaJNo. °S · 2007-08-15 · 10. When connecting the power cord (see page 10), plug the power cord into a surge suppressor (not included) and plugthe surge

PROBLEM: The walking belt slows when waJked on

SOLUTION: a, Use onUya singb-outbt surge suppressor that meets aH of the specifications described on page 10,



ff the waUking beUtis overtightened, treadmHUperfor-mance may decrease and the waUking beUtmay be-come damaged, Remove the key and UNPLUG THEPOWER CORD, Using the allen wrench, turn bothrear roller boutscounterclockwise, 1/4 of a turn, Whenthe waUking beUtis propedy tightened, you shouUd beabb to Hft each edge of the waUking beUt3 to 4 inchesoff the waUking pUatform, Be carefuU to keep the waUk-ing beUtcentered, Then, pUugin the power cord, insertthe key, and run the treadmill for a few minutes,Repeat until the walking belt is properly tightened,

If the walking belt still slows when walked on, see thefront cover of this manual,

Rear Roller Bolts

PROBLEM: The walking heft is off-center or slips when walked on



If the walking belt is off-center, first remove the keyand UNPLUG THE POWER CORD, If the walkingbelt has shifted to the Jeft, use the allen wrench toturn the left rear roller bolt clockwise 1/2 of a turn; ifthe walking beJt has shifted to the right, turn thebolt counterclockwise 1/2 of a turn, Be careful not to

overtighten the walking belt, Then, plug in the powercord, insert the key, and run the treadmill for a fewminutes, Repeat until the walking belt is centered,

if the walking belt slips when walked on, first removethe key and UNPLUG THE POWER COBB, Usingthe allen wrench, turn both rear roller bolts clockwise,1/4 of a turn, When the walking belt is correctly tight°ened, you should be able to lift each edge of the walk-ing belt 3 to 4 inches off the walking platform, Becareful to keep the walking belt centered, Then, plugin the power cord, insert the key and carefully walk onthe treadmill for a few minutes, Repeat until the walk-ing belt is properly tightened,

PROBLEM: The incline of the treadmill does not change correctly

SOLUTION: a, With the key in the console, press one of the Incline buttons, While the incline is changing, re-move the key. After a few seconds, reinsert the key, The treadmill will automatically rise to themaximum incline level and then return to the minimum level, This will recalibrate the incline,


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RNING: Beforebeginningthisor any exercise program, consult your physi-cian. This is espeeialiy important for individu-aJs over the age of 35 or individuals with pre-existing health problems.

The pulse sensor is not a medical device.Various factors, including the user's move=ment, may affect the accuracy of heart ratereadings. The pulse sensor is intended onlyas an exercise aid in determining heart ratetrends in general.

The following guidelines wiii help you to plan your ex-ercise program, For more detailed exercise informa=tion, obtain a reputable book or consult your physician,


Whether your goal is to burn fat or to strengthen yourcardiovascular system, the key to achieving thedesired results is to exercise with the properThe proper intensity level can be found by using yourheart rate as a guide, The chart below shows recom-mended heart rates for fat burning and aerobic exercise,


AEROBIC 165 155 t45 140 130 t25 1!5

MAX FAT BURN 145 138 I30 125 118 110 103

FAT BURN 125 120 1t5 110 105 95 90

Age 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

To find the proper heart rate for you, first find your agenear the bottom of the chart (ages are rounded off tothe nearest ten years), Next, find the three numbersabove your age, The three numbers define your "train-ing zone," The lower two numbers are recommendedheart rates for fat burning; the highest number is therecommended heart rate for aerobic exercise,

Fat Burning

To burn fat effectively, you must exercise at a relativelylow intensity level for a sustained period of time,During the first few minutes of exercise, your bodyuses easily accessible ca,@of_drate ca/'oriesfor en-ergy, Only after the first few minutes does your body

begin to use stored fat caiories for energy, if your goalis to burn fat, adjust the speed or incline of the tread-mill until your heart rate is near the lowest number inyour training zone,

For maximum fat burning, adjust the speed or inclineof the treadmill until your heart rate is near the middlenumber in your training zone,

Aerobic Exercise

if your goal is to strengthen your cardiovascular sys-tem, your exercise must be "aerobic," Aerobic exerciseis activity that requires large amounts of oxygen forprolonged periods of time, This increases the demandon the heart to pump blood to the muscles, and on thelungs to oxygenate the blood, For aerobic exercise,adjust the speed or incline of the treadmill until yourheart rate is near the highest number in your trainingzone,


Each workout should include the following three parts:

A Warm-up--Start each workout with 5 to 10 minutesof stretching and fight exercise, A proper warm-up in-creases your body temperature, heart rate and circula-tion in preparation for exercise,

Training Zone Exercise--After warming up, increasethe intensity of your exercise until your pulse is in yourtraining zone for 20 to 60 minutes, (During the first fewweeks of your exercise program, do not keep yourpulse in your training zone for longer than 20 minutes,)Breathe regularly and deeply as you exercise--neverhold your breath,

A CooFdown--Finish each workout with 5 to 10 min-

utes of stretching to cool down, This will increase theflexibility of your muscles and will help prevent post-ex-ercise problems,


To maintain or improve your condition, complete threeworkouts each week, with at bast one day of rest be-tween workouts, After a few months, you may com-plete up to five workouts each week if desired, The keyto success is to make exercise a regular and enjoyablepart of your everyday life,


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The correct form for several basic stretches is shown at the right, Move slowly as you stretch--never bounce,

1. Toe Touch Stretch

Stand with your knees bent slightly and slowly bend forward fromyour hips, Allow your back and shoulders to relax as you reachdown toward your toes as far as possibb, Hold for 15 counts,then relax, Repeat 3 times, Stretches: Hamstrings, back of kneesand back,

2. Hamstring Stretch

Sit with one bg extended, Bring the sob of the opposite foot to-ward you and rest it against the inner thigh of your extended bg,Reach toward your toes as far as possibb, Hold for 15 counts,then relax, Repeat 3 times for each bg, Stretches: Hamstrings,lower back and groin,

3. Calf,/Achiltes Stretch

With one leg in front of the other, reach forward and place yourhands against a wall, Keep your back leg straight and your backfoot fiat on the floor, Bend your front leg, ban forward and moveyour hips toward the wall, Hold for 15 counts, then relax, Repeat 3times for each leg, To cause further stretching of the achilles ten-dons, bend your back leg as well, Stretches: Calves, achilles ten-dons and ankles,

4. Quaddceps Stretch

With one hand against a wall for balance, reach back and graspone foot with your other hand, Bring your heel as dose to yourbuttocks as possible, Hold for 15 counts, then relax, Repeat 3times for each leg, Stretches: Quadriceps and hip muscles,

5. Inner Thigh Stretch

Sit with the sobs of your feet together and your knees outward,Pull your feet toward your groin area as far as possible, Hold for15 counts, then relax, Repeat 3 times, Stretches: Quadriceps andhip muscles,



Page 26: ModelNo.RBTL97105.0 SeriaJNo. °S · 2007-08-15 · 10. When connecting the power cord (see page 10), plug the power cord into a surge suppressor (not included) and plugthe surge

PART LiST--Model No. RBTL97105.0 R0506A

To identify the parts Hsted beUow,see the EXPLODED DRAWUNG in the center of this manual

Key KeyNo. Qty. Description No. Qty. Description

1 2 Foot Rail Insert 51 12 2 Foot Rail 52 13 1 Front Roller Nut 53 24 1 Left Foot Rail Cap 54 15 2 Frame Pivot BoUt 55 2

6 2 Frame Pivot Spacer 56 17 1 Magnet 57 18 1 58 19 5 Frame Pivot Nut 59 2

10 1 Reed Switch/Sensor Wire 60 111 1 UdUerArm BoUt 61 112 1 62 113 1 Lift Frame 63 4

14 1 WaUking BeUt 64 115 1 UdUerSpring 65 816 1 Drive Motor 66 117 1 UdUerWasher 67 218 1 Motor BeUt 68 119 2 Motor BoUt 69 120 4 Nut 70 2

21 1 UncHneMotor BoUt,Top 71 222 1 Hood Cover 72 423 1 Hood 73 1

24 1 UncHneMotor BoUt,Lower 74 225 1 UdUerPulley Nut 75 126 1 UdUerPulley 76 227 15 Screw 77 428 1 Transformer 78 429 1 Controller 79 230 1 Electronics Plate 80 131 2 81 1

32 1 Front Roller Adj, Bolt 82 133 1 Right Fan Grill 83 234 1 Idler Pivot Washer 84 1

35 3 Idler Pulley BoWHatform Bolt 85 436 1 Incline Motor 86 237 1 Incline Motor Stop 87 1838 1 Motor Belly Pan 88 839 1 Idler Pulley Washer 89 140 1 Static Decal 90 4

41 1 Front Roller Bushing 91 242 1 Power Cord 92 1743 1 Reset/Off Circuit Breaker 93 2

44 2 Hood Cover Screw, Short 94 245 4 Belt Guide Screw 95 246 2 Belt Guide 96 147 2 Isolator 97 148 1 Pulse Wire 98 149 1 Left Endcap Foot 99 650 1 Right Endcap Foot 100 6

Right Foot Rail CapWalking PlatformFront Platform ScrewElectronic Bracket Star WasherHandrailLatch Knob SleeveGround WireRear Endcap, RightRear Roller Adj, BoltWarning DecalAllen WrenchRear RollerPulse BaseCatch3/4" Tek ScrewConsole FramePlatform Nut

Latch Pin AssemblyUprightHandrail Bracket1 1/4" Tek ScrewU-nutIdler ArmFoot ScrewFilter Wire

Pulse GripHandrail Star WasherConsole Bolt

Upright EndcapConsole Base, BottomConsole

Console Base, Top2" ScrewKey/ClipPulse PlateRoller Star WasherScrewConsole ScrewReleaseable Tie1" Screw

Cable Tie Clamp8" Cable TieLift Pivot BoltWheel BoltWheelRear Endcap, LeftGrommetUpright Wire HarnessBase Pad1" Tek Screw


Page 27: ModelNo.RBTL97105.0 SeriaJNo. °S · 2007-08-15 · 10. When connecting the power cord (see page 10), plug the power cord into a surge suppressor (not included) and plugthe surge

101 1 Left Fan Grill

102 2 Extension Leg103 2 Extension Cap104 2 Incline Warning Decal105 2 Console Fan

106 1 Right Cup Holder107 1 Left Cup Holder108 1 Book Holder109 1 Power Cord Grommet

110 1 Frame111 6 3/4" Screw# 1 14" Blue Wire, 2F# 1 4" Blue Wire, M/F# 1 4" Green Wire, M/Ring# 1 User's Manual

# These parts are not illustrated


To order replacement parts, see the front cover of this manual. When ordering parts, please be prepared to givethe following information:


the NAME OF THE PRODUCT (REEBOK 8400 C treadmill)

the SERIAL NUMBER of the product (see the front cover of this manual)

the KEY NUMBER and DESCRiPTiON of the part(s) (see the PART LiST on pages 26 and 27)


Page 28: ModelNo.RBTL97105.0 SeriaJNo. °S · 2007-08-15 · 10. When connecting the power cord (see page 10), plug the power cord into a surge suppressor (not included) and plugthe surge

EXPLODED DRAWING--Model No. RBTL97105.0 Ro_o6A





67 6259

86 1)1

74 &














28 %Z_O 27

• 83





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EXPLODED DRAWING--Model No. RBTL97105.0 Ro_o6A

, _ 87




85 _ _ 90 i i'


















/>< "A



' _100













Page 30: ModelNo.RBTL97105.0 SeriaJNo. °S · 2007-08-15 · 10. When connecting the power cord (see page 10), plug the power cord into a surge suppressor (not included) and plugthe surge


WHAT IS COVERED--The entire REEBOK 8400 C ("Product") is warranted to be free of all defects in material and work-manship.

WHO IS COVERED--The original purchaser or any person receiving the Product as a gift from the original purchaser.

HOW LONG IS IT COVERED--ICON Health & Fitness, Inc. ("ICON"), warrants the drive motor for twelve (12) years fromthe date of purchase. Parts and labor are covered for one year after the date of purchase.

WHAT WE DO TO CORRECT COVERED DEFECTS--We will ship to you, without charge, any replacement part or com-ponent, providing the repairs are authorized by ICON first and are performed by an ICON trained and authorized serviceprovider, or, at our option, we will replace the Product.

WHAT IS NOT COVERED--Any failures or damage caused by unauthorized service, misuse, accident, negligence, im-proper assembly or installation, alterations, modifications without our written authorization or by failure on your part to use,operate, and maintain as set out in your User's Manua! ("Manuar').

WHAT YOU MUST DO--Always retain proof of purchase, such as your bill of sale; store, operate, and maintain theProduct as specified in the Manual; notify our Customer Service Department of any defect within 10 days after discovery ofthe defect; as instructed, return any defected part for replacement or, if necessary, the entire product, for repair.

USER'S MANUAL--It is VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU READ THE MANUAL before operating the Product. Remember

to do the periodic maintenance requirements specified in the Manua! to assure proper operation and your continued satis-faction.

HOW TO GET PARTS AND SERVICE--Simply call our Customer Service Department at 1-877-994-4999 and tell themyour name and address and the serial number of your Product. They will tell you how to get a part replaced, or if neces-

sary, arrange for service where your Product is located or advise you how to ship the Product for service. Before shipping,always obtain a Return Authorization Number (RA No.) from our Customer Service Department; securely pack yourProduct (save the original shipping carton if possible); put the RA No. on the outside of the carton and insure the product.Include a letter explaining the product or problem and a copy of your proof of purchase if you believe the service is coveredby warranty.

ICON is not responsible or liable for indirect, special or consequential damages arising out of or in connection with the useor performance of the product or damages with respect to any economic loss, loss of property, loss of revenues or profits,loss of enjoyment or use, costs of removal, installation or other consequential damages of whatsoever nature. Some statesdo not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages. Accordingly, the above limitation may notapply to you.

The warranty extended hereunder is in lieu of any and all other warranties and any implied warranties of merchantability orfitness for a particular purpose is limited in its scope and duration to the terms set forth herein. Some states do not allowlimitations on how long an implied warranty lasts. Accordingly, the above limitation may not apply to you.

No one is authorized to change, modify or extend the terms of this limited warranty.

This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may have other rights which vary from state to state.

iCON HEALTH & FmTNESS, INC., 1500 S. 1000 W., LOGAN, UT 84321o9813

Part No, 232920 R0506A Printed in USA © 2006 ICON IP, Inc,
