
September 23, 2018 60TH Anniversary of our Church Building

******************************************************************************************** CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH

Church: 905-685-8294, Fax 905-685-7661, Vacancy Pastor: Pastor John Makey (905-834-0516) [email protected]

Parish Assistant: Louise Gondosch (905-646-1939), [email protected] Business Manager: Karen McCumber, [email protected]

Secretary: Pat Kimpel, [email protected] SOUL Ministry: Heather Simons, Trinda Renson, Gillian Leaver

Church Office Hours: Tuesday to Friday—9 a.m. – 12 noon Facebook:

BULLETIN ANNOUNCEMENTS: Please send to [email protected]. Deadline for submission is Thursday at 9 a.m.

******************************************************************************************** THE EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST

Prayer: Keep, we pray You, O Lord, Your Church with Your perpetual mercy; and because without You

we cannot but fall, keep us ever by Your help from all things hurtful, and lead us to all things profitable to our salvation; for You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

10:00 a.m. – Special 60th

Anniversary Service (Musician: Susanne Anderson) Hymns: 507. 933. 727, 662 (Pot-Luck meal to follow service—all welcome)

WELCOME GUESTS & VISITORS: Welcome to Christ Lutheran Church! If this is your first time

with us please sign our Guest Registry in the back of the church by the double doors. May our gracious and loving Lord bless you as you worship Him.


Please Continue to keep in your prayers... Pastor John Makey and Linda as they faithfully continue to serve us in our vacancy. Pastor Dan Abraham and his wife Aleta (St. Peters, Simcoe) as they prayerfully consider the call we have extended to him.

FLOWERS have been placed on the altar this morning to the glory of God by Kathy

DeKouchay to celebrate the occasion of her parents John & Eileen DeKouchay’s Wedding Anniversary on September 25th.

CONGRATULATIONS to Carole and Glenn Pink, who celebrated their 50th

Wedding Anniversary on August 24th. Much love from your kids and grandkids: Chris, Sue, Sophie, Craig and Amber and your friends at Christ.

OUR DEEPEST CONDOLENCES to the family and friends of Helga Forrer who was called

home to heaven on September 15th. A private family internment took place in Niagara-on-the-Lake.

SPECIAL THANKS TO TIM for his expertise in putting new windows in our church offices.

They really look nice and we can now open them. Thanks again, Tim.

DAILY SCRIPTURE MEDITATIONS: Monday: Rom. 13: 8-10 Wed.: Matt. 17: 24-27 Friday: Gal. 5:1, 4-6, 13-15 Tuesday: Matt. 15: 1-9 Thurs.: 1 Cor. 9: 19-23 Sat.: Luke 21: 10-19

EVENTS THIS WEEK: Today: 2:30 p.m. – LWML Zone Rally in Hamilton Tuesday: 9:30 a.m. – Precious Moments 10:00 a.m. – Luther Manor Bible Study Wednesday: 10:00 a.m. – SOUL Bingo-Sing-Along 7:30 p.m. – Special parent and student Confirmation get-together Thursday: 10:00 a.m. – SOUL Crafts Friday: 10:00 a.m. – MAD Friday (SOUL)

LWML ZONE FALL RALLY will be held today at Prince of Peace, Burlington. See flyer in

bulletin for more information.

CONFIRMATION: There will be a special parent/student meeting this Wednesday,

September 26th at 7:30 p.m. Confirmation class will begin on Wednesday, October 3rd from 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

PRECIOUS MOMENTS meets Tuesday 9:30 - 11:00 a.m. in the church nursery. Hope to see

you and your precious little one. Friends are always welcome to join us!

St. Catharines Right to Life will present Fatal Flaws, a new documentary showing the perils of

legalized euthanasia, on Thursday, September 27, 2018 at Harbour Fellowship Church, 51 South Service Rd, St. Catharines, at 7 PM. Free admission. Refreshments will be served. Everyone welcome. For more info: 905-684-7505 or email: [email protected].

SEWING FOR HAITI will commence again every Monday at 6:00 starting Monday, October 1st. We will not meet on Thanksgiving Monday.

LUTHERAN HOUR NOTE: Mark your calendars for a very special Canadian Thanksgiving Day

broadcast of The Lutheran Hour on Sunday, October 7th. The guest speaker is Rev. Perry Hart of Bethel Lutheran Church in Kitchener and for the first time our Canadian speaker will also be broadcast in the United States. Pastor Hart's message "Life is a precious gift" warns against our culture's devaluation of life and calls us to see ourselves and others as precious people, created by God, redeemed by Christ. (Genesis 1:27). Be sure to stay tuned to hear the musical offering by Tara Lyn Hart and their son Ashton, as well as an interview segment with the Harts regarding their personal insights on God's precious gift of life. It is a special broadcast and I am sure you will all want to listen to it!

THANK YOU to all the ladies who came to our first LWML-C/Mary Martha meeting/work night

of this year. We studied Jesus first miracle at the Wedding in Cana! We also celebrated 25 years of LWML-C with birthday cake and were able to complete 60 Living and Learning kits with school supplies and basic hygiene items, for CLWR to distribute to children in need. We really appreciate all who contributed and look forward to our next meeting on October 16th at 7 p.m. All the women of the congregation are invited to join us for Bible study and planning for our Bazaar.

THE FELLOWSHIP COMMITTEE is organizing a tour at Silversmith Brewing Company on Saturday, October 20th at 3:00 p.m. See flyer in bulletin.


‘heads up’ that the date for our Bazaar this year will be a week earlier than usual. We have been asked to trade dates with ‘Grace’ for this year, so ours will be held on Saturday, Nov. 17

th. Please begin working on crafts or thinking of things you might donate and ways you could

contribute! Keep in mind we also need nearly items and last year we had many requests for cookbooks. Thanks.

Last Sunday Attendance: (Sept. 16, 2018) 9 a.m. –72 11 a.m.- 37 Total: 1092 (’17- 130)

Budget Weekly Need Last Sunday Year To Date + / (-)

Current: 225,478.00 4,336.12 2,079.65 157,976.47 (2,459.80) Missions 25,000.00 480.77 328.00 16,316.00 (1,472.46) Property Improvement 137.00 13,601.13

THANKSGIVING DISPLAY!!! As we do in thanks to God for His rich blessings to us, we are

gathering food, both produce & non-perishable goods to use in our Thanksgiving Display. We display these things as a way of focusing our attention on God’s abundant blessings to us. We will then donate the food items to the Seminary Pantry, and so we multiply our thanks because of their thankfulness to God for our generosity. Please place in the collection bin at the back of church.

SUNDAY SCHOOL: Answer to prayer! Thank you to those who have volunteered to make sure our

children receive additional Christian education. Team Teachers: Grades 4-6 are: Lorraine Hagar, Tracey Cosco. Grades 1-3—Julie Whittard. Nursery & Kindergarten—Heather Simons and Louise. Helpers: Natasha Anderson and Cathy Trudeau Crafts: Rylan Betts and Lia Figueroa Christmas Program: Judy Slingerland As you can see we are missing male mentors which is very much needed for all of our children, especially the young boys. If anyone feels God is calling them to team teach, be a substitute or help as superintendent please speak with Pastor or Louise. ***THIS PAST WEEK we used our hands to talk about the importance of prayer and how to pray. (Praise God, Confess Sins, Thank God, Pray for others, Pray for yourself)

PLEASE READ AND PRAY FOR THIS: In order to reach out and care for the members of our

church we would like to start a “Caring Callers of Christ ” group. So we are asking for volunteers

both men and women who would like to come together and visit and or telephone members to reach out and care for them. The commitment would be as much or as little as you could do. We would meet together to talk about visiting and or phoning members. As we prepare for a new Pastor to shepherd us it would be a great help to him if there would be something in place when he starts here to support him in caring for God's people here at Christ. Please pray about this and tell either Louise or me (Pastor John). Remember, the commitment is as much or little as you can help with, we will make it fit your schedule and your life. Thank you, in Christ's love, Pastor John

KIDS ACTIVITY BAGS: We are looking for someone to help repack the activity bags

approximately every 2 weeks. If you are able to help please speak with Louise.

SOUL: We still need Tetley Tea containers, and we can use any old cards from any occasion for crafts.

SOUL PASTA DINNER: Thank you to everyone who supported our SOUL Fundraiser. We

made $517 on silent auction items, $83 in support tickets and $951on food and drinks after all our expenses, making the grand total $1,551.00. Special thanks to Judy Mason for making this a huge success. There are meatballs for sale in the youth room freezer. $5-please help yourself & place money in box in freezer. Thanks from all the SOUL Staff.

THANK YOU, from Judy Mason, to everyone who donated to the auction last Friday for the

SOUL Pasta fund-raiser. Thank you to everyone who donated the items and thank you to everyone who purchased them. It takes everyone involved from beginning to end to make our fundraisers so successful, and our SOUL programme is such a heartfelt and worthy cause

EDEN UNIFORMS: If you or someone you know can benefit from gently used female Eden

uniforms please speak with Louise.

BULLETIN BOARD: Do you have a gift for creating things pleasing to the eye? If so we need

your expertise in designing our Church Bulletin Boards. Please contact Louise for more information.


Lutheran Hour Ministries—all info.—

LISTEN TO THE LUTHERAN HOUR, Sundays on CHAM 820 at 8:00 a.m. Next Sunday’s topic

(Sept. 30th) “Cut Off—For Us” (Mark 9: 38-50) Speaker: Rev. Dr. Lawrence R. Rast Jr. says Jesus was cut off from God, in our place.

(**You will find one of these with your Sunday bulletin. Please give it to a friend or neighbour as an invitation.)

Christ Lutheran


140 Russell Ave., St. Catharines, On


You are invited to join us for

Thanksgiving Day Worship

Sunday, October 7th

, 2018

9:00 a.m.—Contemporary Service

11:00 a.m.—Traditional Service

(*Coffee between services*)

“Our Voices, Our Stories”

A Documentary short film by Barbara Cranmer of the

‘Namgis First Nation’

“Our Voices, Our Stories” is a very important film to share,

especially when our country is working on reconciliation with the First Nations people as they strive for healing, forgiveness and the

rebirthing of their Nations.

Presented by: Alastair Henry and Candas Whitlock

Authors of “Tides of Change”

Also, Pastor Jeff Swords will present a short presentation on the works of LAMP at King Fisher Lake in Northern Ontario.

Held at: Christ Lutheran Church

140 Russell Avenue, St. Catharines

Tuesday, October 9th

7:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Light refreshments will be served.

Free-will offering

(Sponsored by our LWML-C)

Celebrating the

of our

Christ Lutheran Church 140 Russell Avenue, St. Catharines building

TODAY September 23rd

, 2018

One Service Only at 10:00 a.m.

followed by a Pot-Luck Dinner (No Communion which will be moved to Sept 30th.)

We will also dedicate our new church sign,

“Dedicated to the Glory of God in Memory of Jack and Erin Jayne McBride”.

Everyone is welcome to come and

celebrate this special occasion with us!!

Fellowship Event Join us on

Saturday, October 20th 3:00 p.m.

Located in a church that dates back to the 1890‘s

1523 Niagara Stone Road, Virgil

The cost is $23 per person and includes a 45-minute tour

and education session on the production of craft beer,

a guided tasting of 4 beers in 6oz. samples and

your very own branded tasting glass!

The restaurant is open for those who wish to stay afterwards

**Tickets are available from Tim Reck or Marge Stark**