Page 1: SEO SMO Internet Marketing Concepts, Strategies for SEO, SMO, Internet Marketing Tools to automate/facilitate the operation

SEO SMO Internet Marketing

• Concepts, Strategies • for SEO, SMO, Internet Marketing

• Tools to automate/facilitate the operation

Page 2: SEO SMO Internet Marketing Concepts, Strategies for SEO, SMO, Internet Marketing Tools to automate/facilitate the operation

What is SEO

Explain what it isExplain how search engines workHow to create your own search engine

Types of search engines Directories

CrawlersRobots (URL Rewriting)

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Why SEO Important

Who comes to SEO consultants? Usually ecommerce web-sites. Who plan to earn significant amount

from their ecommerce websites from product selling. Many times great businesses who want to build their brand to others. Many times non-profit organizations to attract sponsors so that they

can show they are doing great help to many people. Any business, educational organizations, individual consultants who

want to reach to their target customers - will think about SEO - if they can't do it on their own and/or if they are serious to reach to potential clients.

How much you can earn - depends - may be search google with 'SEO Consultant Salary' , SEO Consultant hourly rates. You will get an idea. Anyway come to tools: 300 – 5000$/month 5000-10000$/month SEO Manager 79K

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Some SEO Concepts

H1 H2 Tags optimizationTitle tags optimizationMeta tags optimizationKeyword optimizationAlt OptimizationWebsite Structure optimizationBody text and content optimizationSitemap for Link OptimizationW3C validation

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Search Engine Optimization (SEO):- Pre-design SEO Analysis- Competitors’ SEO performance analysis- Duplicate content analysis- Competitors’ inbound and outbound link analysis,- Strategic SEO Copywriting- SEO Copy-editing- HTML Code Rewriting for SEO (W3C Validation, CSS, Cleaning)- Social Media Optimization (SMO)- .htaccess Optimization (Mod Rewriting & Redirection- 404 Eror Page Optimization- Sitemaps & Robots.txt Installation- SEO for Multilingual Search Engines (Search Engine Localization)

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Internet Marketing

Internet Marketing Content Development:- Technical Copywriting- Corporate Blogging- Multi-lingual Content Development- Article, Press Release, and Profile Content Writing- Natural Articile Twisting through Translation- Oneway Link Building- Reciprocal Link Building- Directory Submissions- Pay Per Postings (Forum, Blog Comments, Classifieds Posting)- Social Media Bookmarking (Tag Keyword Posting)- Replica Sites in Free Site Hosts (Online Profile Building)- Multilingual Link Building

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A short list of Skill Sets you need to be a SEO Consultant

Keyword Research & Analysis:- Keyword Research & Analysis for PPC- SEO Webcopy Keyword Research & Analysis- Stock Image Metadata Keywording- Multilingual Keyword Research & Analysis(e.g. European, East Asian, Arabic, Russian, Spanish)

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SEO Process

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Internet Marketing & PPC

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How to charge clients for your SEO service ()

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Internet Marketing Performance Monitoring:- Completion Monitoring- Web Analytics Monitoring & Reporting- SEO Parameter Monitoring & Reporting- Google Alerts & Search Engine Reputation Management (SERM)

Other Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Skills:- Paid Per Click (PPC) Marketing- SEO Tools & Software: Internet Business Promoter (IBP) & Web CEO- Online Social Media Marketing (SMM)

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Other Internet Marketing Skills- Email & Other Direct E-Marketing Skills- Marketing Data Mining- Customer Relationship Management (CRM)- Email Extraction- E-mail publishing and Circulation/Mass Mailing- SMS Marketing- Multilingual Communication.

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SEO Concepts

Not Really Rocket Science. Matter of Knowing some stuff (mostly easy to understand) and

doing them consistently. With time and experience, you will become a great SEO consultant. Understanding basic math will help in the process. You also need an analytical mind. You have to analyze your

results/success/failure constantly - may be everyday and then change your strategies if required everyday.

Ultimately, you will know what works and what does not. You can learn from experience.

However, fully being dependent on your experience to my sense is silly. You have to reinvent the wheel again and again. Better read some books, listen/watch to some online tutorials, listen to the suggestions of the experts, learn widely used and known to be successful strategies.

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Some Concepts & Strategies

Domain name related to your products services website contents. If possible use very specific keywords that describe your web-sites/products/services as part of your domain name.

Create multiple or many web-sites with different domain names in your subject area. link them to each other

Create blog about your web-sites, products, and services – advertise your blog

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Use meta tags in your web-pages. Use keywords, description, and other meta tagsAlways use titles in your webpages. use specific and targeted

keywords in the title. Use same title for all pages [may not be ideal always] Make each page very specific to a topic Use header tags and use keywords in your header tags Use keywords in bolded texts, and anchors Repeat your keywords in the main content of the page Always use sitemap. Link to your sitenmap from each pages Submit your sites to directories. paid and unpaid. in the very

related categories. Be prepared to spend some money. You will not get quality result without spending some money.

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Find ezines in your target area - and buy ads in those ezines.

Write blogs about your products, services, websites. From your blog link to your main web-site.

Use blog ping service to notify your contents to other blogs. Keep RSS option in your web-site so that people can publish

your contents as RSS feeds. Use social networking sites. Connect to as many people as

possible. use the blog related applications. Link your blogs to the social media sites. It can be automated.

use professional networking sites such as Use blog related applications to display contents from your blog to your profiles.

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Use google webmaster tools. Submit your site to google, yahoo, msn and other major search engines. They are mostly free.

Use google webmaster center to submit your sitemaps. Submit all of your web-page urls there. Time to time check your account - check the results from google crawlers. You will see important information that will help you to improve your strategies. 17.

Use google local to list your business if any. Your website will appear in local based results. Also in google maps.

Use search engine submission tools such as WEBCEO. Submit your web-pages to search engines wisely.

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You have to repeat many of the steps as mentioned above. Such as submitting to search engines. May be new pages. Updating your sitemaps in your web-sites. Also submit your sitemap to google. Change titles, meta tags time to time for improvement. Be careful while submitting to search engines....too frequent submission can be seen as spam

Use google analytics. use google adwords to advertise your search. I think - if you use google adwords, you will appear in free search results more frequently. why?? ok google may think .. you are serious about your site. You will not go away soon. you will try to provide quality stuff in your web-site. Your search engine ranking will increase.

Use link checker software such as XENU/XENULINK to find out broken links in your site. Fix those broken links even before submitting to google. XENULINK will list all urls from your web-sites. Take those links and create a plain sitemap. Submit that sitemap to google webmaster tools.

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Use keyword generator tools to create keywords related to your content. Google analytics tools for keyword generation is free to my knowledge. Use it - very good one

You gotta build links to your sites from other sites. You can use quality link exchange sites. don't use link farms. Try to link from websites having high page rank. Use google pagerank checker tools to find out pageranks for web-sites.

Article marketing is a very good way of advertising. Write articles and publish in different web-sites and place a link to your site. You may post answers and ask question in professional networks such as, in questions/answers place links to your site. if your question/answer is great and of interest to people - you will get many visitor to your sites. My experience: from one of my question in on php curl - I got around 1000 visitor from

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Use digg and related sites. Highlight your important release etc in such web-sites. You will get many visitors. Try to post quality stuff and stuff of interest to people. My experience, you will get many visitors for sure - when your post quality and popular stuff

Use press release services. Create a press release and post in post in similar press release sites. you will get many visitors

In your local newspapers, publish press release. If the newspaper has a section in your content area, you may get very lucky and get many quality visitors provided that your web-site is a good one.

Search engines when gets links to your sites from other quality sites, directories, government sites - most probably you will rank higher in search results.

Use google webmaster tools - what are the keywords people are using where they reach to your site. Most common keywords that lead to your site. The keywords your site used most. Now do an analysis - how to improve. You can also check in google webmaster tools - who link to you, how many and what are the pages that are indexed in google. Take right action - think what should you do at your situation to improve your position in search results


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know that SEO is also a matter of time. With time it usually gets better if your web-site is a good one and you keep on trying using good practices.

Don't use cloaking Read latest news on SEO chages. Google change their

policies time to time. You have to keep up or else your strategies will not work

Use paid search engine marketing services such as google analytics, yahoo search engine marketing solutions, MSN adcenter

Read google's guidelines for webmasters at:

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Google Webmaster ToolsGoogle AdwordsGoogle AdsenseAny Pay per Click Search EngineWEBCEOIBPXenulinkWordTrackerGoogle KeywordsMetatag generatorSmall tools

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Learn google adwords, learn yahoo search engine marketing solutions, learn MSN adcenter, learn adbrite [google analytics] It's not really anything difficult What are the basic tasks?

You gotta sign up for accounts,,

You may have to pay an activation fee Some services may be pre-paid, you have to deposit before spending Then you have to create campaign that will appear in search results campaigns will link to your sites Your campaigns will also appear in the adnetwork publisher web-sites To setup campaigns -define daily budget -define monthly budget -define pay per click -define your target area - country - city - list your keywords - you may be able to vary your prices for keywords - for one campaign - you can create multiple variations of ads that will appear in client sites - budgets apply to campaigns where you can vary pay for each click - you have to define the title for your adds -a description of your ads - define display url and target url -activate the add. it will come as sponsored results in search results and publisher networks. Check everyday and/or time to time - how your keywords are performing, how your ad campaigns are performing, how your ad variations are performing. Check number of impressions, click through rate, quality index and similar. if click through rate is not great - the keyword is not performing well. check amount paid for each click, then how many page views that click resulted [use google analytics to find out that], also check the duration spent on webpages for that particular keyword - decide do you

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want to keep or delete the keyword. Also check performance metrics for campaigns and ad variations - then either change them or delete them. Check that you add only relevant keywords You may try to start with around 1000 keywords. It also depends on your budget. Each of these tools can suggest you keywords by scanning your site, or based on some keywords as provided by you Using these tools, you can also calculate your conversions. Like did the click on your campaign lead any sale, signup, or important visit (if visiting is important to you) Usually these tools will give you a code to be placed in the webpages that comes after successful sale and/or signup. if clicks ultimately lead to such pages - you got a conversion You may customize other features Like times when your ads to be displayed Age groups to whom your ads will be displayed Will your ads be shown evenly or as fast as possible to end up your budget. You have to decide on this based on your businesses'/clients' needs. Use diagnostic tools to improve your campaigns Use reports to understand how your campaigns are performing over time Website Optimizer You may be able to create keyword based ads or placement based ads. Placement based = select web-sites where your ads will be shown

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Using analytics in addition to PPC Search Engine Tools Find out geographical areas - where you got how many clicks - change your

adwords/PPC search engines settings if you want different See how many page views a keyword generated. Is it useful to you or not? check duration for that keyword. decide what to do with the keyword. Check your entry pages. Duration on that page. Think how to utilize that page? change content for more attraction - place products - link to important pages Check exit pages, duration on those pages - decide what to do with that page Check bounce rates of your web-sites, check bounce rates for keywords. The less the better. If the rate is less than 50% the keyword - the webpage is performing good enough. If not good-you have to improve those pages - to keep your visitors to your/clients site check resolutions used, browsers used, OS used, browser versions used to browse your sites. Optimize your site for those configurations. Check referring sites - will help you to analyze - how your linking - directory listing - ezine advertisement - article publishing working Check: your traffic increasing/decreasing? What did you change in between? you will know how your strategies are working Check your conversion rates For each feature - try to think - how does it relate to your efforts to get traffic - think how you can use the information for your benefits. Use overlay to identify the click patterns of your visitors - that may help to place the options in your site - increase/decrease links from your site,

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Check here for a list of directories to submit your website read:

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Google Adwords: Special Interest: Increase Traffic/Clicks: Increase Conversions: Adjusting CPCs to Maximum ROI: Use brand marketing using tribalfusion, burst media, fastclick/double click

and similar. Use popup and pop-under traffic networks [generate traffic - may not be

great for SEO] Manual TEs - easy traffic - may not be great for SEO Use affiliate marketing to reach to potential clients. Like,, value commerce, kowabunga - but may be costly - good for your business - should help in SEO

prepare a list of great classified sites and advertise your services and products constantly there. Keep doing it

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Use forums to link to your site Create videos on your products and services and post them in youtube and similar video networks On your videos put links to your sites create channels in youtube and keep on posting videos create videos on entertainment items - song - movie trailer and put a link to your web-site (check copyright compatibility)

Keep the URL in email signatures for all employees Arrange Quiz, distribute prize - advertise about the quiz Sale your items in ebay, amazon, and similar websites.

Take advantage of the blogging features of these sites. keep posting useful contents to these blogs.

Use PPC service provided within these auction sites if any use paid/cheap campaigns in small search engines like goclick, 7search and similar You may want to buy PPC, POP Up/Under traffic from clicksor

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Tools to faciliate SEO

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SEO for Google

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Google Page rank

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Social Networking


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Strategies for Social Media Optimization

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Strategies for Social Media Optimization

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Analyze Your performance in Social networking Sites

Use analytics to find out

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White hat, Black hat

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SEO SPAM Activities

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SEO SPAM (From SEO Bible – will provide ref)

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