Download pdf - Senior wills 2014 2015


The Senior Will of Michelle Louise Bennett In alphabetical order by last name, for the most part.

Freshmen RAYA ABERBACH I am beyond happy to have met you! And honestly following you on twitter brightens my life. Can’t wait to see you at camp! MAX BAKER Seeing you at events and through the halls at temple is always such a pleasure! I'll miss the energy and excitement you always bring to the group. Hope to see you in the future! MATTHEW BLOOM You contribute so much to the MV community, always with a smile on your face! You will do great things! NIKKI FAGIN You are so motivated and it is inspiring! Thanks for everything you have done to help out with SETYG this year, and I'll miss seeing you at events and around school! MALONE HANIS You are one of the sweetest people I know, and you are always so genuine. You have brought so much to SETYG this year, and I can't imagine it without you! AERIN LEIGH LAMMERS I love getting to see you grow into the amazing person you have become! You are a natural leader and I know the future of SETYG is in fantastic hands with you and the rest of FreshBo! MEGHAN PLATKE Seeing you at events throughout the year has been so much fun! Thanks for all that you have done for SETYG this year! DANIEL POMERANTZ I absolutely love having you at so many SETYG events! You are hilarious and you’ve been an awesome member of FreshBo. Keep doing great things! ZOE “Courage” ROSENBERG I have loved getting to know you this year! You are so funny and you have so much ruach all the time. You are such a pleasure to hang with at events and at Convention and to see in the hallways at school. See you this summer at camp! MALLORY RUBIN I honestly cannot believe how much you have grown both over the many years I have known you, and also in this year alone. You honestly inspire me and I will always loving chilling with you+family. You have given so much to SETYG throughout the year, and I'm so happy that you and the rest of FreshBo are its future. See ya! DANIEL SHABSIN I absolutely love seeing you at so many SETYG events, and you’ve been an awesome member of FreshBo this year. I hope you can someday forgive me for calling you Sam so many times. You will do great things for NFTY!

Sophomores and Juniors AMANDA BIRGER and REBECCA BLOOM I am so proud of you both, you have been incredible songleaders this year and it’s been a joy seeing you grow! You are both so talented and so sweet and fun to be around! Keep doing great things! ZOEY FLEISHER You are so incredibly talented, it inspires me. I love seeing you at events and seeing your passion for everything you do, and of course always knowing how each other feel being Rabbi’s kids! SARAH GOLDBLUM I’ve loved getting to know you so well through SETYG! Beyond your awesome love of pink and always smiling, you are also a great board member! It was great to work with you as CVVP last year and seeing you shine as an MVP this year! Keep doing great things with SETYG! MARLOWE HANIS You are always so sweet and such an awesome presence at events! I couldn’t imagine SETYG this year without you, and I will miss seeing you next year! JEN HEIMAN No joke, you are my role model. You have done so many great things for the region, and you are so kind and sweet on top of it all! It’s so great to see you at events and around the halls at school! Keep doing amazing things, you can change the world. HALEY HORWITZ I’m always so glad to see you at events! You are awesome and I will miss you next year! ELYSSA HOUSER You are so sweet and honestly you have the best fashion sense ever. Keep being awesome! LEAH JACOBSON You are so cool. I love seeing you at events and talking with you about GUCI and whatnot. I hope you have a super awesome time in Israel! AVI LEVINE You rock at selling bagels, tbh. I’m so glad to have had you on board this year and I hope you continue doing great things for NFTY! MADDIE MILLER Wow really I am so glad we became such good friends in that first like 3 hours of Convention. I love hanging with you and I know you are capable of doing so much for NFTY and for the world! I will see you in the future!! JAKOB RHEINS I don’t remember exactly what it was, but when you were a freshman I remember seeing you lead a program or something and just saying to myself, he is the future of NFTY. You are a natural leader and you’re so cool and fun to talk to and I hope you continue doing great things for the people around you. ALLYSON SEGALL I remember meeting you at the Bus Rush your 8th grade year and thinking you were so cool, and honestly I’m so glad we’ve just become even better friends since then. You always bring a fun spirit into all of our events and you’ve done well representing your grade in SETYG. I love our strange but awesome text conversations, and seeing you on C-day lunches at school. I will miss you next year, but I know you will continue doing great things for SETYG and MV. Rock on. ALI WORTH You are literally so much fun to be around, so I’m so glad to always see you at events and lounge nights and such! You are amazing, and I hope you continue to do great things!

Seniors HALEY ABRAMSON I am so glad that we are friends! You are crazy and hilarious and you make hanging out with you at events so much fun! NOAH CLAY Even though we’ve known each other for years, I can honestly say that I’ve never appreciated the true glory of Noah Clay until the past couple of years. Seeing your true craziness shine through in Israel and Avodah and watching how incredible of a leader you have been this year in MV has been truly wonderful! I wish you more success and always more fun to come in the future! DEVIN FEIGELSON I honestly cannot imagine a NFTY event without rooming with you, Devin. You have added light to my life consistently for the past four years and for that I am so thankful! I will miss you dearly and all the fun we have had. MATT FRISCHER I love seeing you at events and in the hallways at school! Your leadership inspires me and your puns will always make me smile! Hope to see you next year at IU! TAYLOR GLEESON You are honestly one of the most inspirational and admirable people I know. You have an undeniable passion burning so bright that it warms everyone around you, and on top of that, you can always make me laugh! I cannot imagine Missouri Valley without you as a leader, and NFTY is so blessed to have you on NAB next year. I hope you always find success and that the world always appreciates the amazing things you do. I will miss seeing your face next year! JACOB GOLDBLUM It’s been a long run, from RJA, to GUCI, to SETYG with you. I’m so glad to have known you through all these years and I know I can always count on you for a laugh! See you this summer! JOSH HERMAN I’m so glad to know you - you are an incredible leader and so so funny! I’ll miss you! JORDY(N) MILLER The memories are literally countless. I love thinking back on all the incredible times we had at RJA, and I am beyond grateful that we have rekindled (wow so cheesy sorry) our friendship during our time in NFTY. I love you so much and I love chilling at lounge nights and events with you, and working with you on programs and whatnot. You’re one of my oldest friends, and I could not be more thankful for our friendship. You inspire me so often, and I hope we never lose touch. I’ll miss you next year, but I will see you! REBEKAH POSCOVER I love getting to see you at events and in class at school! You are one of the sweetest people I know and I admire you so much for that! I love having watched you as such an incredible cabinet member this year! Hope to see you next year at IU!

BENJAMIN POMERANTZ You have been such a wonderful constant in my life ever since meeting you in First Grade. It’s been an honor growing up with you, and I have to be honest, I wouldn’t know how to draw a pig had it not been for you. You never cease to make me genuinely laugh! I will miss not seeing your face every couple of weeks/months next year, I hope you have a fantastic time in college! IAN ROOZROKH You are probably the coolest person I know. No joke. I am so impressed by everything you do and honored to have been with you through NFTY and Israel! (Overwhelmingly sorry for this cheesiness, but) keep on being you! MIRANDA RUBIN So apparently I’m supposed to say something real. Alright, you are a real true friend. Thanks for always dealing with my shenanigans, from that one time I wouldn’t stop saying “aiight” to that one time I left you to go to Israel for a semester. I love how we are able to have entire conversations, understanding exactly what each other mean, without saying barely a thing. I am beyond glad to have had you by my side all the way through NFTY, even if it means people mix us up every once in a while (or a lot more than that). I’m so glad I can always rely on you as a fellow songleader, board member, or just whatever. I really don’t know what I am going to do without seeing you multiple times a month, but I figure we will talk. Peace out and see you at camp. SAM SHABSIN I cannot imagine going through four years of SETYG without you. You are an incredible leader and so so funny. I will always associate pina colada starbursts with you, I hope you’re proud of that fame. I’ll miss you next year! ELANA STETTIN I’m so so glad we’re friends! You are so fun hang out with, and I will miss you next year! ETHAN STONE I am extremely grateful that we have become closer the last few years in NFTY, Israel, and Avodah. I am so impressed by all the things that you do, and chilling with you is so much fun, even if it did take us about two years to finish Spirited Away. I love talking to you about the most random stuff, and I can’t wait to see you this summer at camp! I will really miss seeing you so often next year. DAVID THAL You are so funny omg. It’s been so great hanging out with you at events the past four years and being on board with you. You rock. MOLLY THAL I am beyond grateful for our friendship over the last four years. From the stupid fun we had programming as PVPs to our alliance as Sunday School teachers this year, we make a great team! I love being able to text you the most random things, and you me. You mean so much to me and I cannot imagine NFTY and high school without you. I’ll miss you, and I hope we keep in touch. STERLING WALDMAN It’s honestly been such an honor being your friend throughout NFTY! I have learned so so much from you and I thank you for that. I love talking to you and joking around with you about whatever, and seeing you at school is so fun! I’ll miss you! GRETA WALTERS I love seeing you at so many events, you are so sweet! Hope to see you again! LAUREN WOLFE You are so cool wowow I love knowing you! You are so funny and so nice and I will miss you next year! ALYSON YAWITZ I love you so much and cannot imagine life without you. Thanks for always being there for me, even when I abandon you to go to Israel or can’t make literally any decisions. I love always having you there for a laugh, or to just know what I mean when I can’t say it, or for just whatever. We always say how we don’t understand why we are friends, which is so true - we could not be more different - and yet I am beyond thankful to call you one of my best friends. NFTY would not be the same without you - from all the songleading and MAM to programming different things on SETYG board. I’ll miss you, but I will see you. ANNIE ZIGMAN You are literally so nice and I absolutely love being your friend! You are so talented and I’m so glad to always see you at events and such! JULIA ZIGMAN I still remember the first lounge night you came to, thinking how cool this girl was and how I hoped you joined SETYG - so I’m SO glad you did!! You are hilarious and so fun to hang out with and honestly very inspiring. I’ll miss you next year! LAUREN ZIGMAN I am beyond happy to be friends with you! You are so fun and genuine and a really great board member too! I will miss hanging out with you at events, but we will definitely stay in touch!

Giants ELLIE PINTO I am absolutely beyond grateful for you friendship. Over the years, you inspired me to be as great a leader as you, joked with me, and helped me through times when I was down. When I think of the epitome of a NFTY giant, I think of you and all the amazing times we had together. You truly shaped my time in NFTY. Thanks for being a fabulous role model! Miss you! JACOB MAIER I so glad to have had you as a friend and a role model throughout NFTY. Your leadership is so admirable, and you are so fun to be around. Miss you! SARAH KELLER I could not have asked for a better group of co-songleaders with you and Miranda. I’ll always remember at LTI when we were working on services, and we just stopped and realized that we had never introduced ourselves, but the bond was already there. I am so inspired by your musicianship, and I value all the times we had geeking out over choir things and Doctor Who over the year. I can’t imagine my time in NFTY without you. Miss you so much. JACKIE HEYMANN Mama Jackie!! I (and the rest of my FreshBo) am so so grateful to have had you help us into NFTY our freshman year. You were always so fun to be with and such a great role model! Miss you! EMMA COMPTON I can’t even begin on how much of an impact you had on me my freshman year. You were an incredible friend and role model and showed me exactly what it was like to be in NFTY - which is to have friends as kind and fun and inspiring as you have been to me. I cannot tell you how much it meant to me when you asked me to songlead with you at Winter my freshman year, and how much it shaped my future as a songleader. I miss you tons. ABBY AND ETHAN BENNETT Thank you guys for being incredible siblings, and introducing me to NFTY so that it could become as big of a part of my life as it is. You two are the biggest role models I have. Love you both!

Advisors BETH LIPSCHUTZ Thank you so much for everything you have done for the region and for me over the past four years. From the very start, being a songleader in MV was so much better than I ever could have expected because of the support you gave us. I cannot adequately express just how much impact your support has had on me both as a songleader, and this year as a general cabinet member. You are always there to answer my questions, and even skype with me when I’m halfway around the world! I will miss you! JODI MILLER You have been there for me ever since RJA, and I could not be more grateful to have worked with you in SETYG the past four years. Thank you for everything you have done to allow me to be successful on board, and to make SETYG into a fully functioning youth group that I and others have come to love so much. I will miss you so much, but I will see you soon. BECKY LYLE Despite the fact making fun of us and constantly showing us sarcastic hatred, what came through out of you being our advisor was buckets of support and laughs. I truly believe that what you gave us during our first couple years on board is what shaped the kind of leaders my peers and I became - so I guess we either have you to thank or you to blame :) (But seriously - I can’t imagine what SETYG would have been without you). I have missed you so much this year and I hope to see you soon! STACI TONS Thank you so much for the incredible amounts you have done to support me and the rest of SETYG this year. I don’t know what we would have done without you, and I will miss you next year!

The Senior Will of Kelsey Culp

To all of NFTY Missouri Valley­ Thank you all for an incredible four years! Whether or not we met, each and every one of you is part of a community that has shaped my life in so many ways. I can’t imagine my life without this region. To all the friends I’ve made, this isn’t goodbye, rather until we meet again.

Beth Lipschutz­ I can honestly say that you are one of my role models. The amount of work you put into this region is absolutely amazing, and I can’t thank you enough for that. NFTY has shaped me into the person I am today, and that is largely in part of your influence. You are one of the nicest people I know, and I am so fortunate to have interacted with you these past four years. Missouri Valley is so lucky to have such an amazing regional advisor.

Saint Louis

Erin Wides­ I’m so glad you joined youth group and have been by my side on this crazy journey. You are honestly one of the most incredible friends ever. Your happiness and positive outlook is something I truly admire. Your smile and energy is infectious, and don’t ever lose that. Hannah Snidman­ You are absolutely amazing. Since you joined TIFTY last year you have become one of my closest friends. You are one of the most caring and passionate people I have ever met, and I know you’ll do big things in life. I can’t wait for more crazy adventures with you. Rebecca Handler­ TIFTY really lucked out when we added you to our little family. I am so thrilled to have shared some of my favorite memories with you. Thanks for all the laughter and for partaking in our madness. You have such spunk, and are utterly fabulous. I have no doubt you’ll end up on Ellen one day. Teddy Vincent­ Despite all the sass, you’re one of the coolest cats out there. Your dedication in everything you do is one of your best qualities, and I know TIFTY is in good hands with you to help guide it. Matthew Bloom­ You have brought so much light and laughter to board this year, and have done an amazing job. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you, I know it will be great. Hannah Maurer­ You are an absolute gem. Your always there to lend a smile (and some sass), and there is never a dull moment when you’re around. TIFTY is so lucky to have you, and I’m sure you’ll do incredible things as you continue your NFTY journey. Rebecca Bloom­ I can’t imagine my life without you. It’s hard to believe we’ve known each other for so long, yet only in the past two years did we become close friends. You are one of the most genuinely kind hearted people I know. Your passion and drive for everything you do in life is so inspiring, and know you have great things to look forward to in your future. Cody Culp­ I probably don’t say it enough, but you are such an amazing little brother. Thanks for always being there for me, and for knowing how to make me smile every time, without fail. Enjoy your years in NFTY; it’s a one of a lifetime community.

Sarah Goldblum­ You have the most beautiful outlook on life, and I rarely catch you without a smile on your face. Never lose your positivity, and remember to always think pink. Hill One forever. Allyson Segall­ Even though we met two years ago, it feels like I’ve known you a lifetime. Thanks for being an amazing friend, I’m so lucky to have you in my life. Zoey Fleisher­ Your kindness is refreshing. Whenever I’m with you it’s nothing but endless laughter and words to encourage. I’m so happy we became friends this past year, because you are a truly incredible person.


Tye Chapelle­ I can’t imagine NFTY without you. In this past year we have made so many memories together. It’s crazy to think we went so long without being friends. Thank you for all the late night chats in Hill One, piiickles, awkward dance parties, painting penguins, and so many more memories I hold dear. You are such an incredible person, not to mention my favorite pen pal, and I am truly honored to have you in my life. Stay in touch <3 Rachel Crable­ We met by chance when placed together for a mixer, but I’m so glad you were the person next to me. You are such a fun and caring person and friend. Please don’t ever change that. Stay awesome. Tanner Crable­ You’re one of the coolest guys I’ve ever met. Thanks for all the memories. I wish you the best in everything you do.

Kansas City

Lauren Wolfe­ I got so lucky having you as my roommate two LTIs ago. You are one of the funniest people I know, and you’ve made the past two years in NFTY so memorable. From piggy back pictures to dancing to Taylor Swift, every second I’m with you is a second well spent. Thanks for all the laughter, stay golden. Jenny Tabakh­ You are so beautiful inside and out. I got lucky with you being my roommate for LTI as well. Your positive energy and goofy manner is infectious, and you’re so much fun to be around. Thanks for being the best “mom” anyone could ever ask for. Ethan Stone­ It has been so wonderful working with you this year. Your dedication and passion for NFTY is something I admire. Overall you are such as amazing person, and I’m so glad I met you. Ian Roozrokh­ You’re terrific. Your energy lights up a room and you’re lots of fun to be around.


Iliana Eber­ You passion absolutely astounds me, and I know it’s going to take you places. You’re one of the nicest people I have ever had the pleasure of meeting. Missouri Valley is so fortunate to have a leader like you. Sara Rothman­ Shout out to Hill One. It was great being in a cabin together this past summer. Your love for Camp Rainbow is inspiring, and I know you’ll do wonderful things in your future.


MISSOURI VALLEY­Thank you for a wonderful 4 years. From being dragged to my first event until now, I have never once questioned spending all my free weekends surrounded by this region. I love you all so much and you all have truly touched my life and helped shape who I am. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Much love. REGBO­I wouldn’t have wanted to spend my time on board with any other group of people. My friendships with all of you have grown and strengthened so much over the past year, and I can’t wait to see the great things y’all do and where our relationships will go. BTY­Thank you for supporting me, loving me, and empowering me. BTY truly is the best and I know that I am leaving it in great hands. Do not be afraid to try something new, switch things up, and take a few risks. Continue to be the thriving, welcoming, and crazy fun TYG we currently are, and I know y’all have a great future ahead. PVP NETWORK­my PVPerfect network, y’all have made this year so fun for me and never cease to amaze me with your ideas, passion, and progress. Thanks for putting up with me for this year, and don’t stop being leaders in your communities. Don’t hesitate to reach out to me with anything you need, I still love all of you and will be happy to support you in the rest of your years at NFTY and beyond. SENIORS­It’s been great to get to know you all over the last 4 years. Whether we were fast friends at Western Fall freshman year, or we became close through our networks, or we shared a long conversation on IST, I wouldn’t want my experiences to be with anyone else. I hope we stay friends, and I hope our paths will cross in our very bright futures. BETHIE­You could never really know how much you mean to me and how much I appreciate you. You have been an integral part in keeping my sanity over the past few years and are always there to answer my question, ease the pain, and calm me in my more panicky moments. Thanks for tolerating me and supporting me, and know that I honestly couldn’t have done it without you.MICHELLE BENNETT­You have been a constant source of sarcasm and tough love, but I have loved every minute. Your passion is so inspiring and I’m so thankful to have gotten to work with you. You challenge me to be my best and for that, I thank you so much. BENNETT BERKOWER­You, my child, are destined for greatness. Your passion and love for BTY is so important in keeping BTY running and thriving. Thus, I will to you the BTY Wood (because we are inapropro). This is willed to the underclassman that shows the most leadership potential and I know you will not disappoint. AMANDA BIRGER­Where do I begin? I basically just love you so much and I can’t wait to see what all you do in the future. Plus, seeing you in Israel was rad. NOAH CLAY­We have really come so far together. You have always been by my side on board, and I have loved getting to know you. You never fail to make me laugh or help me out when I need it, so thank you. TANNER CRABLE­Thanks for being a great friend, for checking in, and being open with all the open ended tasks I have given you (that measly flash drive…). ILIANA EBER­You are one talented individual. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors and am always here for you with anything you need. Much love. JACOB EDELMAN­DOLAN­Thanks for the love, the memories, and the friendship. Let’s be best friends forever. Deal? ZACH FEIGELSON­When I was in Israel, I bought a traveler’s prayer when the air raid sirens and the chaos began. I will this traveler’s prayer to you to have with you throughout your life, but also in Israel, to keep you safe wherever your path takes you. I love you so much and I can’t wait to see all the greatness your future holds. MAYA FROST­BELANSKY­My lovely successor, I have loved watching you grow and improve over the last two years. I know wherever you go, you will spread excitement, positivity, and an uncanny ability to lead and teach others. I am so incredibly proud of you. TAYLOR GLEESON­I love you like a whole lot. I am so proud of you and can’t wait to vote for you in some kind of political election. MADDIE HAIMES­Thanks for keeping the crazy fun times in BTY. Your energy is always appreciated and I have enjoyed laughing both with you and at you. Bagels and Cheeseburgers forever. JEN HEIMAN­How to put my feelings in words is incredibly difficult. You have inspired me and challenged me to rethink NFTY programming and to push myself, as you pushed yourself, to do more and make people think more about the power of this organization. You are an inspiration to so many and have so much to give to the region. I will you my NFTY folders to remind you of your leadership potential and the legacy you are continuing. I am so proud of everything you have done this year, and know the future of NFTY has a bright, sparkly road ahead because of you. I love you so much. JOSH HERMAN­I’m so glad we became so close this year. Thank you for challenging my work and my patience, but never failing to do great things for Camp Rainbow and the region. You always brighten my day and even when I’m mad at you, I’m never truly mad at you. ILANA HERTZ­I am so proud to call you my friend. The things you have done for BTY are so far beyond anything I imagined and I am so excited to be able to sit back and enjoy them. You are a great friend, a fabulous human being, and a wonderful leader. ANNA HIRSH­You have so much leadership potential. I challenge you to push yourself and test the limits of BTY and NFTY over the next 3 years as a NFTYite. You embody all the magic that NFTY has to offer and you have the power to change it and create amazing things for the NFTYites to follow you. I am willing you the Magic of Missouri Valley (as you

also share a powerful love of Harry Potter). Treat it well, use it well, and do great things with it. Much love. EMMA HOPE­You, girl, are quite the leader. I hope you never lose your passion for programming and leading, and don’t let anything stand in your way. I have loved watching you grow over this past year, and have loved having you as one of my best friends for so many years. I love you so so much and can’t wait to see the great things you achieve. LUCY KODISH­You are so kind and so talented when it comes to everything, but also when it comes to social action. I am so proud of you and all you have done and I hope your passion continues throughout your life. AVIVAH MALIN­I’m so happy that we were brought together and we have stayed close for the past year. I see a great future ahead of you and know that BTY is so fortunate to have you. I love you, little lady, and keep using your kindness as your greatest weapon. LIAM NIELSENSHULTZ­My tall friend, I will miss you next year and know the region will miss you too. I know you will do great things in PAR. I have loved being able to spend two great years with you and I can’t wait to see what you do in your new region. ALIYAH PRICE­I don’t even know where to begin. Thank you for making me do NFTY, thank you for being my best friend, thank you for being my shoulder to cry on and for listening to all my problems. I do not know where I would be in life if you hadn’t been a major part of it. I will miss you so much next year but I know we will keep in touch, and that I will still continue to bother you with my non­major but seemingly major issues. I love you so much! JAKOB RHEINS­Dude, you’re my favorite. You are such a sweet child and have so many brilliant ideas. Follow your passions and follow your heart and you will conquer everything (almost). I love you so much and I wish you all the best. IAN ROOZROKH­BABE, I love you so much. You make me so happy and I miss you all the time. Please don’t forget me when you are rich and famous. Keep in touch, I’ll miss watching videos of you eating cereal. MALLORY RUBIN­I wish you were more like my sister than you are, you are more like my cousin that I rarely see but when I do see you, we are best friends. I have loved getting to know you and can’t wait to see all the great things you will accomplish. MIRANDA RUBIN­We have come so far together and I can’t think of a better person to have shared my NFTY journey with. You inspire me, push me, and support me and are always there for me whenever I need you. I hope you never completely leave my life and I hope we keep in touch. There are not enough words to adequately say how important you are to me, but I hope you have a general idea. I love you forever and always. JACOB SCHWARTZBERG­One of my greatest moments of pride is being able to mentor you and help you grow. You never cease to do amazing things and I can’t wait for your awesome­ness to infiltrate further into the region. ALLYSON SEGALL­My baby! Thank you for always making me smile, for filling my more stressful times with a pick­me­up, and encouraging me with your kind and loving words. Stay this kind forever, and persevere through all your future struggles. You are an amazing person and friend. Please keep in touch. SAMMY SHABSIN­I’m sorry I almost got you a bigger ticket. I’m glad I didn’t and it all worked out okay. Thanks for all the laughs and the good times. Thanks for standing next to me that one time at LTI in the friendship circle sophomore year and making lots of people come talk to me because you were at celebrity status. You are such a kind and loving individual, and I hope we keep in touch and our paths cross again. Best wishes and much love. ETHAN STONE­You are my best friend, my prom date, my constant supporter, my thought partner, and one of the greatest people I have ever met. You are in a category all of your own and I’m so grateful to have had the opportunity to become so close to you and work so much with you this past year. Together, things are not as bad as they seem, things are solvable, and things are manageable. Thank you for keeping me sane, helping me through my most stressful times and my biggest decisions. I will cherish every memory we have together and every selfie for my entire life. I know this is not a goodbye, I know that I will see you around, and I know that you will forever remain an integral part of my life, and a person that has changed me for the better. Hey Ethan, I really like you a lot. DAVID THAL­Thanks for the laughs, the memories, and the love. You are one of the best people I know and I am so happy to have been able to call you my friend. Much love. MOLLY THAL­You are an inspiration. You have impacted my life in so many ways. Thank you for supporting me when I maybe should have been the one supporting you. Thank you for always offering to help me out, to help others, and never hesitating to ask a question. I’m so happy to know you and hope to see you around. Much love. MITCH TOHER­Don’t stop doing what you are doing. Please keep being a leader in NFTY and your TYG. You are so inspiring, caring, and creative, and I hope you never forget that. ZIGMANS­I figured I could group you three because I would say basically the same thing to each of you individually. I wish you had joined NFTY sooner, so we had more time together, but the time we did have together was truly amazing. Thank you for making me an honorary Zigman (I will wear that honor with pride for the duration of my life). Thanks for the memories, the laughs, and the unconditional friendship. I love each of you with my whole being and I hope we keep in touch (I mean, we are family). I hope you further explore your Judaism and discover what it means to you, and continue to be an active part of the Jewish community, because you have been so appreciated in the region. Stay beautiful, stay talented, and stay passionate.

Senior Wills of Katie Fine

Margo Hellman, one word… KU. Dude I can’t wait for next year!!! Thanks for being such an amazing friend, I know I can count on you to make me laugh or smile<3 NFTY would not have been the same without you:) Love yahRebecca Pascover, you are literally the sweetest girl ever and I feel so lucky to have gotten to stay with you for like every haverah!! You are so nice and you make me want to be a better person! I also LOVED doing Camp Rainbow with you last summer!!! You were adorable with Ally! I love you so much girl:)Ashley Eggert, you are the funniest person ever and I love our late night conversations! You make me cry of laughter and I am so thankful for all of our memories:)Josh Herman...hi...I kind of love you. I love how we didn’t even know we were cousins until a few years ago and now we are so close! You always have my back and always brighten my day when I need it most. Thanks for always being the hilarious cousin and I can’t wait for our family reunions in the future. Can’t wait for more memories with you, LOVE YOU<3 Rachel Crable, you are so sweet and always have a smile on your face which makes me smile:) You are so incredibly sweet and I love it!!Tanner Crable,I’m so glad we bonded at Kutz! You are such a sweet and awesome guy:)Sammy Shabstin, next year is going to be so much fun with you!! We are literally going to be the people who are constantly playing sports hahaha. Thanks for being such a great friend:)Tye Jo, you are so cute:) I wish we had more time to talk but you always make me smile, keep doing you! Carli Mastin, AHHH I HEART YOU<3 you are hilarious and always fun to be around! We have had so many memories and have loved getting to know you! I actually envy how healthy you are and always think back to when we stayed at your house and had fresh fruit for every meal and snack! Please visit me in college! Thanks:) Natalie Oberer, I love our friendship!! You are so sweet and always smiling and I love housing with you! You always have the best advice and I wish we lived closer so we could hangout more<3 Thanks for making my time with NFTY so memorable:)Jordan Miller, dude… I freaking love you! I loved getting to know you this past summer at Camp Rainbow and am SOOOOO excited for this summer with you!!!! I can’t even explain how funny and caring you are! Also, your passion for NFTY really shows which I think is awesome! See yah this summer<3 Annica Davis, well I obviously cannot fit everything I want to say on here so I will just tell you in person haha but basically I love you like a sister and I cherish all the memories we have had in NFTY and just life in general<3 I also can’t wait to go to KU with you:) I heart you Devin Feigelson, thank you so much for being such a good friend!! You are so sweet and have such a strong passion for NFTY which I think is amazing:) Good luck next year at Brandeis!!Jacob Perera, thanks for being such a good friend! I’ve loved getting to hang out over the years and am so thankful for all the times we have had:) Logan Richie, thanks for all the memories bro. You are pretty good at sports which is cool:)Ella Pavin, hey thanks for being my boyfriend<3 I’m SOOOO glad you decided to do NFTY this year!! You make my life every time we hangout! Basically, I love you. I love listening to your boy problems, going to see Dan Nichols together, having Dan Nichols sign our phones, seeing you almost every sunday for sunday school, and everything else. I can’t wait to see what NFTY has for you in the future. Keep doing you:)Ilana Hertz, you are so pretty!!! I loved having dinner with you at Rebecca’s! You are so sweet and funny and am glad I got to hang out with you a little!Eli Marsh, you have some awesome hair tbh. And you are pretty tall which is cool I guess. I’m glad we got to hang out! You are so nice and pretty funny! Stay classy:)Alex Murry, dude Iove you!!! You are always so fun to be around and wish we lived closer so we could hang out more!! Thanks for making NFTY so fun:)

Sarah Rothman, Camp Rainbow and Kutz. Enough said hahaha, but actually I’m so thankful that we got to know each other because you are so amazing! I always think about that time at Kutz when Country Roads came on and we ran to each other and just cried<3 Thank you so much for being an amazing friend:)Lauren Wolfe, I can’t wait for KU with you next year! You are literally the funniest person in the world and I love how excited you get over the littlest things:) You never fail to make me laugh and smile and I’m so glad we are good friends!! Love yah…p.s. it’s pretty cool how your phone case has Taylor Swift on it… only you Lauren, only you<3Jenny Tabak, I have so much to say to you!! We have known each other since elementary school when we were in girl scouts together and everything hahahahha! I have loved having classes with you… especially APLIT with Eagleton… because you make me laugh when I am stressed. Remember when we did our Lit journals on the train to St. Louis that one time;) good times… but honestly I love our friendship so much and cannot wait for KU next year!:) Love you Jenny<3Erin Wides, I admire how much energy you always have and how excited you get about the littlest things! Even though you probably like Timmy more than me, I had fun getting to know you:)Alyson Yawitz, I honestly look up to you a lot:) Ever since my future leader position I though you were the coolest person ever! You are so sweet and passionate and I always think of Ari when I think of you:)Lindsey Gill, I am so glad you started doing NFTY:) You are so amazingly sweet and actually really funny! Even though you are a little quiet, I love talking to you!! I’m so excited to see what you do in NFTY and I hope you get to love it as much as I do!Liam Neisenshultz and Jared Boehm, you guys are the perfect dynamic duo!! I’m so happy you guys are so into NFTY like I am:) Cherish your guys time in NFTY and with each other because it goes by way too fast!! I can’t wait to see what amazing things you guys do in NFTY:)Emily Kohn, I loved playing basketball with you at winter! We killed it;) You are so sweet and pretty and I just really wish we got to hang more! I wish you the best in the future and hope we can see each other again sometime!:)Sarah Goldbloom, I loved going to Kutz this past summer with you and hearing you talk about pink for like 10 minutes hahahah. You are the most caring person I know and think you are the sweetest person ever! I’m so glad I have gotten to know you:) Keep doing you<3Ethan Stone and Ian Roozrok, you guys are my favs:) You guys make NFTY fun and are always smiling! I am honored to live in the same state as you guys because you guys are just so cool haha. Can’t wait to see what the future has in store for you guys:) Thanks for the memories<3Ben Winchell and Zach Ostravich, you both are so sweet and funny:) thanks for making the past years of NFTY so great! Caroline Hamburg, dude I’m so sad that you aren’t going to KU next year but I’m thankful for all the memories we have made through NFTY together:) You always make me smile and you are always so sweet! Love yah<3Matt Frisher, you are so sweet and hilarious! I think it’s kind of cool that we saw each other at Maccabi:) Good luck next year!!Lauren Zigman, you are so sweet:) Camp Rainbow was so fun last year and I am so excited to go this summer with you!! I hope we are in the same cabin<3Ari and Jade Groobman, you guys are both awesome and so sweet! Ari, thanks for putting up with me over the years:) you are a great friend and love talking to you<3Jordan Leonard, thanks for making NFTY so fun! I’m glad we are friends even though I haven’t seen you in a while. Thanks for all the memories:) Corey Minkoff, Blaire Ellenberg, Sarah Shaw, Billy Jacob, Oscar Chase, Will Reicher: Thanks for being such an awesome TYG board! Keep up the good work for next year:) Justin Pfau, Amannda Birger, Hannah Pinson, Emma Hope, Jennifer Heiman, Sydney Kitt, Rachel Kupfer, and everyone else I might have missed: Thank you for making my time at NFTY so amazing and memorable<3 I honestly don’t know what my life would be like without all of you in it. Thanks for everything NFTY MV:)

I am so sorry if I missed anyone!!! I love you all:)

Matt Frischer’s NFTY MV Senior Will

NFTY MV: These past four years have been something I never expected. While I began with an

up and down relationship with NFTY to start, I finally found the proper balance thanks to all the

great people in it. For those I have garnered the privilege to know, I have become a better man

because of it. The moment that I will most remember NFTY by came this Winter, as the entire

region gathered together in the UH auditorium.


Guller: Our car rides will always be cherished, EGull. You’re a great guy and will go far. Keep

flappin’ those wings.

Dubinsky: You and the rest of the boys have made some special memories for me at UH. Make

sure to always keep having fun and to keep Lee busy. I’m also very proud to watch you

overcome your fear of public urinals.

Perslutz: You are such a cute little petunia. I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know you over

the past couple years am glad to call you my little buddy.

Hylan: Purim 10k my friend. Make it happen. You’re a good dude stay active in UH.

Flom: Your enthusiasm and energy will take you far. I’m really excited to hear about all that you

will do for the region, which I’m sure will be creative and fun.

Sophomore boys: You have made NFTY for me much of these past two years. Make sure to

always keep UH and the region on their toes. I have no doubts you will. Also find some funny

UH guys two years younger. Keep the chain going.

Jen: It has been such a privilege to work and manage the rest of the morons with you. I know

you’ll do great work for both UHTYG and NFTY in the future. Make sure to always have fun

with it.

Zoe: This year has showed just a fraction of all you can do for our youth group and NFTY

overall. No goal is too big for you, Zoe. I’m sure you’ll do outstanding. Just don’t let your Dad

get in the way too much.

Megan Rubenstein: So glad you’ve become involved with UHTYG! I can’t wait to hear and see

all the things you see do song leading and leadership wise for our temple.

St. Louis

Avi Levine: I’m so glad I got to be in your network last year. You’re a super cool dude and I

know you will do great work for SETYG next year.

Elanna Stettin: Glad to have known you Elanna. Will always remember sledding with everyone

on Art Hill. Good luck at Northwestern.

Michelle Bennett: You’ve done such a great job for SETYG this year. Excited to spend the next

four years with you at IU.

Molly Thal: Very much enjoy talking newspaper with you and sharing ideas. So glad I’ve gotten

to know you!

Sam Shabsin: Always wish I would’ve gotten to know you better, but I enjoy talking to you

when I see you. Good luck in college man.

Bloom: Blum, you’ve been a great friend over the past couple years. I know you’re going to such

a fantastic job in whatever your role is next year.

Ben Cohen: Enjoy talking journalism with ya. Hope to hear from you in the future.


Emily Kohn: You’re awesome Kohn. Always know to go to you with a great pun or something

interesting sports wise.

Devin Feigelson: I never have gotten to know you that well, but we all enjoyed working with you

and all your help with winter.

Josh Herman: Always enjoy talking to you Josh. Keep being you.

Zach Ostravich: Even though your hometown Broncos always kill my Chiefs, for sure enjoyed

getting to know you. Good luck in the future man.


Ethan Stone: I have learned so much from you this year. You have done a truly incredible job

and I hope you hold onto your passion for improvement.

Carolyn Hamburg: You’re truly an incredible friend. I will always enjoy and appreciate

discussing various aspects of life and whatever else with you. I trust we will stay close in the

future. Stay you, Carol.

Margo: Marge, you’re a character. I always have fun with you and all your strange but funny

jokes. Thanks for all the fun memories.

Katie Fine: Always enjoy talking to you, Katie. Good luck in the future at KU!

NFTY is truly made by all the people that come before us and change us, and all who come after

and are changed by us. Its memories are forever.

Matt Frischer

The Last Will and Testament of Taylor Rose Gleeson

I can’t believe that it’s time to write this. Every year I watch these come out, read through them, and the idea that one day someone would be reading mine is something I don’t even think I can grasp now. Two pieces of paper is not nearly enough to write down everything I wish I could say about everyone because honestly everyone in Missouri Valley has touched me in some way or another and made me into the person I am today. Thanks NFTY, for everything. Seniors: Miranda Rubin before this year I barely knew you and somehow this year disappeared but I know I’ll never forget you. Maddie Haimes I can’t imagine not having you as a friend. You are such an important person in my life. Even though we’re so different, honestly I’ve never been able to so closely understand someone and have them understand me so thanks for everything. Zach Ostravitch you are honestly one of the most kind and caring people I’ve ever met. Thanks for not letting me fall off of the desert mountain and for smiling and being everyone’s big brother. This isn’t goodbye but I’m sure gonna miss you. Lauren Zigman! You deserve every exclamation point in the world. You are so enthusiastic, passion, and the epitome of someone who loves life. Ilana Hertz you are so kind and accepting. So many of my best memories (and definitely most of my best pictures) from this last year have been with you and I’m so thankful when Spring ends our friendship won’t. David Thal do you remember that time freshmen year when we had to awkwardly stare at each other for a weirdly long amount of time? I do. You are insanely intelligent but also funny which is a really nice combination in a person. Noah Clay even though I definitely know who you were before this year we didn’t really talk and now, 365 days later, I’m grateful to say that’s changed. Through the good and the bad, you are such a fun-loving guy and I’m so glad that the end of NFTY doesn’t mean the end of our adventures. Sam Shabsin wow even looking back at a picture a year ago you would barely know it was the same guy. I actually had no idea who you were a year ago, but now I do. You’re such a great guy and an even better songwriter! Josh Herman sometimes you just meet people and you know that they are going to end up being one of those infinite people in your life. And then there’s you J but actually, thanks for sticking around. Michelle Bennett you are graceful. And beautiful. And kind. And I wish I could be more like you. You are so knowledgeable and have this amazing ability to share your knowledge in the best way possible. Annie Zigman I am so glad we got to spend SLIID fall together! You are beautiful and hilarious and for the brief amount of time that I got to know you I know that I won’t forget you. Adam Vicksman I can’t imagine Israel without you and your jokes. You’ve done so much for NFTY and everyone around you can see that. Alyson Yawitz ahh girlie I am going to miss you so much! Thanks for always being such an inspiration. There are a lot of people who are passionate, but I don’t think I’ve met anyone with such vigor for taking that passion and doing something with it. Emily Kohn I wish we had gotten some more time to become better friends but honestly you are such an incredible person and I’m so thankful for the times I have had with you. Israel, airplanes, and JYG, every time you open your mouth I find myself inspired or thinking about something in a way I haven’t before. Ian Roozrokh you are hilarious. You’re artsy and have such a beautiful perspective on life that let’s you make all of these amazing pieces of art. Aliyah Price you are such an incredible leader. We rule everything for “transformation Tuesday” pictures but that’s a good thing because I would definitely say our collective looks improved dramatically. Ethan Stone that car ride during winter two years ago must have done something because in the course of a couple of minutes you became such an important person in my life. You have been an amazing president and the way you can be such good friends with so many people is admirable. Devin Fieglson I admire you so much. Your dedication and passion for whatever you decide is something that I haven’t seen in a lot of people. You care so much about everyone and combined with your independent spirit your entire life is going to be just as beautiful as you are. Julia Zigman you are so nice! I wish we could have talked more but I’m also so thankful for the great times we had. Molly Thal Miss bead princess! You actually are a princess though; you’re so nice to everyone you meet and such an incredible leader. Spending my last few years in NFTY with you has been so incredible. Juniors: Sydni Gleeson I am beyond proud of you and everything that you have become. You are the smartest and bravest person I know. You genuinely care about everyone and everything in a way that is beautiful and so inspiring to everyone. Iliana Eber you are going to change the world. I am so excited to have such a passionate successor and a great friend in my life. You are dedicated and kind and hardworking and I am ecstatic to be able to work with you again because every year it seems to just get better. Sara Rothman how do I even describe our friendship in a

couple of sentences. Victor is mine. I’ll never be able to pull of pink like you can. You’re one of my best friends. You can tell my mood just from the first word on the phone and I can’t even begin to think about next year without you. Maya Frost-Belansky you astound me. You are such an amazing leader and have that unique ability to simultaneously gain the respect and admiration of everyone around you while being one of the most kind, compassionate, and caring people I’ve ever met. You are beyond creative and so competent in every situation that I wish sometimes I could be a bit more like you. Emma Hope you are adorable and such an amazing leader. Keep up with everything and do what you do because you’re definitely doing something right. Randi Velick thanks for being a misfit with me. You may not think it, but you have a place everywhere you are. Your kindness and innocence and entire personality make you into this person that anybody is fortunate to have in your life. Madeline Bondy one might actually know how funny you are until they talk to you for a couple minutes. But then they would know. Carli Mastin you are kind and hilarious at the same time. You are the perfect balance of every good characteristic a person can have so go and be amazing. Eliot McKelvy sometimes I cannot even grasp how much commitment and passion you have for NFTY. Talking with you anytime is so interesting and I can’t wait to see the great things you end up doing. Rebecca Bloom I remember at LTI I heard you singing and I was like “wow who is that incredible singer wow” and then throughout this year I got to talking to you and realized that the words that come out of your mouth when you’re not singing are just as impactful as the one’s when you are. You are going to do such amazing things throughout your life with those words and I hope you make the most of it. Lucy Kodish you are single-handedly the most creative person I have ever met. Your smile can make a whole room feel sunnier. Your passion to help the world around you is going to take you so far in life and I cannot wait to see where that is. Aaron Keller…. so many mixed feelings. Sorry for all the times I’ve kindly punched you in a loving way. Keep singing Wagon Wheel. Nathan Kregstein every single memory I have of you is just you smiling so keep doing that. Sophomores: Emerson Karsh- Lombardo you are such an amazing person. You inspire me and everyone you meet. From our weird friendship at Shwayder through these last two years of BTY and NFTY I’m so glad I got to have you as part of my life. Jen Heiman ever since being in your mixer group for the first time I’ve known that you’re going to do amazing things, so yeah go do them J Jade Groobman/Alexis Engel you two bring life to anyplace you are. Never stop laughing. Allyson Segal I finally remembered your name! You are always smiling have a compliment to give and your undying optimism spreads to the people around you wherever you are. Freshmen: FCTYG and BTY Freshmen: Lauren Mastin, Alex Herman, Daniel Franklin, Sam Freed, Sam Ostravitch, Leah Tenenbaum, Rachel Battock, Avivah Malin, Anna Hirsh, Maggie Atwell, Sol Bloomfield, Sam Rosenbaum, Willow Perlick, Bennet Berkower (and everyone else who I forgot)…you guys are actually the most spirited and fun class that I’ve seen in a really long time. Enjoy the next amazing three years you have left. Giants: Jackie Heymann I honestly don’t know where I would be without you. Your guidance since I met you my sophomore year has been invaluable and your passion inspires me every day. Zach Heiman and Caleb Schroder: thank you. For everything. A. Rosenblum I guess I’ll forgive you for not giving me the wand. You are such an inspiration to me even now. You are so strong and have been a part of an entirely new way, which I am beginning to see the world. And I know we’ll find ways to keep talking but thanks. Lilly Karsh-Lombardo and Ellie Pinto I miss you both every day. Not just because I could always count on someone to start crying first in any situation but because in the couple years that I got to know both of you, you guys taught me the single most important lesson that I’ve learned so far and I’ll never forget that.

“Forget tomorrow, live in the moment, breathe in the now. Forget your sorrows ‘cause there’s so much laughter and love to be found all around.”

Infinitely, Taylor

The Last Will and Testimony of Carolyn HamburgKansas­Amanda Birger and Hannah Pinson: My favorite pair of best friends in the world. Thank you for being two of the sweetest girls I know. I know you both will continue to help PBnJ grow, and I am so happy I got to spend NFTY with you two.

Annica Davis and Katie Fine: Another of my favorite best friend duo. You two are so incredibly kind. I have loved doing NFTY with you both, and I can’t wait to see what you’ll do.

Eliana Schuster: MY FAVORITE PERSON. But actually, you are so incredible. I love you enormously, and I will miss your sweet presence next year. I know you are going to lead PBnJ to the next level. If you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to ask.

Ethan Stone: Oh, you crazy kid. Thanks for all the hugs. I can’t wait to see what you do.

Jenny Tabakh: Words can’t describe how wonderful I think you are. You have a heart of gold and the sweetest laugh I’ve ever heard. Please keep in touch; I have loved being your friend.

Justin Pfau: You are hands down the coolest. I have loved talking to you and hearing all the funny and amazing things you have to say. You are the best, don’t ever change.

Ian Roozrokh: You beautiful person. Thank you for being you. I admire your confidence and talent with everything you do.

Lauren Wolfe: You are truly my favorite. Thanks for all the laughs, the “Lauren quotes” and the endless Taylor Swift obsession. You have made me smile too many times to count, and I appreciate every compliment you have ever given me. I will miss you.

Margo Hellman: Never have I met someone as funny as you. You are so beautiful. I will forever love our Panera dates. Thanks for doing NFTY with me since day one. I’ll come visit you at KU, best friend.

Omaha­Abby Hack: You are my best friend in the entire world. I cannot sum up my love for you, or your perfection in a few short sentences. Thank you for understanding me completely. You are beautiful, kind, funny and smart. Truly, you are perfect. I love you and our friendship.

Bella Radler: You are hilarious and beautiful. Thanks for the memories from Convention; I would not have survived it without you. Good luck next year, keep being incredible.

St. Louis­Alyson Yawitz: You are one of the kindest people I have had the pleasure of getting to know. I admire your beauty, as well as your genuine sweetness that you exhibit towards everyone. Your smile will forever light up a room.

Benjamin Pomerantz: You are definitely one of my favorite people in this entire world. You are so intelligent and subtly hilarious. I am so glad we have become such good friends. Please continue to send me your clever puns and jokes.

Daniel Shabsin: You cool kid. Your love for NFTY is inspiring. Make the most of your next three years, I know you will.

Jaime, Jordyn, Mia: You girls are truly full of life. I have loved NFTY with your bright personalities. You three have so much fun next year.

Jennifer Heiman: You are such a beautiful person, inside and out. You are sweet but also such a strong leader already. Continue to make a difference both in NFTY and outside of it.

Jeremy Levy: You will forever make me laugh, Jerm. There are some great memories in NFTY with you. Have fun at Mizzou, I would say don’t go too crazy but then it wouldn’t be you.

Matt Frischer: Wow, we’ve really come a long way. From seventh grade on, you have been one of my best friends in NFTY and outside of it. Thanks for all the puns, advice and laughs. Please don’t be a stranger. You’re going to succeed in whatever you do and I know you’ll continue to make a difference.

Nikki Fagin: Trust me, stay involved in NFTY. You have so much potential and I cannot wait to see what you will do. Don’t hesitate to ask if you ever need anything.

Rebecca Bloom: I credit my involvement in NFTY to you, Becs. You are such a wonderful, sweet and bright person. I have been so lucky to be your best friend. We have had so many beautiful times together. Thank you for always being there for me, no matter what. I have no doubts that you will change the world one day.

Sammy Shabsin: Since ninth grade, you have always been there for me. You have been an incredible best friend. I admire your kindness and genuine concern for everyone. You have the biggest heart. Know I’ll always be there for you. Thank you for some of the best memories.

The Squirrels: You all crack me up. Thanks for the laughs; I hope you stay involved in NFTY and continue to make chavurahs hilarious.

Colorado­Eli Marsh: You and your fro are out of this world. I have enjoyed sharing our love for Shwayder with you. Hope to see you there this summer. Thanks for being a pretty cool person.

Emily Kohn: My beautiful best friend. You are one of the most amazing people I have ever met. My only regret is not getting to know you earlier, but I have cherished this past year and half with you. I am so grateful I get to go to Wisconsin with you and make many more memories. Thank you for all the advice and for being you. On Wisconsin!

Josh Herman: I love you. Thank you for making me laugh and always saying exactly what I’m thinking. I enjoy greatly your humor and thoughts on life and people. Convention was a fun experience with you, keep in touch.

Madeline Clark: Though our friendship really began through Shwayder, I have also loved seeing you at NFTY events. I cannot wait to spend the summer with you.

Noah Clay: You also always make me laugh. I love how you not afraid to speak your mind. Your future is incredibly bright.

Sam Gendelman: On a list of people I admire, you would quite possibly be number one. You are effortlessly funny but also incredibly thoughtful and kind. You have such an inspiring outlook on life. I have loved getting to know you over the past two years and I truly believe you will do great things. Keep in touch and I wish you only the best.

Thanks for the great memories, NFTY MV.

Dear NFTY Missouri Valley,

Lol wut. Can’t believe this is it. I’d like to start this off by saying I love you all a lot so there’s that. Also I know I’m going to forget people so of course I’m apologizing for that now too. I love everyone but hey, it’s me. I’m pretty dumb at times so just bear with me. ADVISORS: Carly Coons, Aaron Nielzenshultz, H Lee Roe, Steph, SIMI and Jodi Miller ­ Thanks for being the best advisors in the region. We are so lucky to have you guys in our lives. You all are truly a blessing. Thanks for keeping me in line ;). NFTY Giants: DubstepMV and Justin Baris ­ Thank you for always making me laugh and showing me that jewish boys can indeed be hot too. Hannah Wolfe ­ You’re hot and I love you. That is all. Zach Heiman and Alex Jacks ­ You guys showed me that NFTY is a place where you can be yourself and everyone will probably think you’re annoying but the people who don’t think you’re annoying are the people you want to hang out with anyway. I love you guys. Sarah Hellman ­ Hey. Thanks for making me do JYG because it turned out to be kinda fun. Jon Fry ­ I still love you jon fry guitar guy. Thank you for making me want to be involved in NFTY and p.s. hbachmuth lol. Maddie Cohen and Rebecca Shwartzberg ­ You guys will always be my favorite friends. I love you both too much. Thanks for showing me how far friendship can really go, and for always hugging me. NORMAL PEOPLE: Katie Fine and Annica Davis ­ seems fitting for me to start off with my homegirls. You guys are my favorite people, I would actually die without you guys in my life. Thanks for always being friends with me, even when I introduce you guys to a game where you facetime saudi arabian men and hope they don’t ask you to show them your boobs. Sorry lol. So glad I don’t have to leave you next year (rock chalk). Jared Boehm and Liam Nielsenshultz ­ HOMEBOYS NEXT DUH. I love you guys more than you know. Thanks for dealing with me on Sundays and letting me harass you and get away with it. You guys are both beautiful. Emily Kohn ­ God I love you and your kohn puns. I’m so flipping happy I got to meet you because you are a new kind of wonderful. You inspire me every day to strive for happiness and I love you for it. Raina Morse ­ At winter two years ago, you told me about how if you write and it slants upwards, it means you’re happy. Every time I catch myself doing it I think of you. You’re one of a kind, please keep in touch. Rebecca (Becca idk) Bloom ­ YOU WILL NEVER CEASE TO BE PERFECT. I love you so much and I cannot wait to see what you’re going to do next. You’re funny, cute, smart, kind, the whole package really. Please visit at KU next year because I’m going to miss you too much, kid. Michelle Bennett ­ I’ll forever think you’re annoyed with me but I know we love each other. You’re someone I admire so much and I’m so grateful for all the time we got to spend with each other over the years. I love you babe. Jade Groobman ­ You are on another level of swag babe. I’m trusting you to keep Missouri Valley weird after we all leave because you’re the only one dope enough to do it. Thanks for always favoriting my tweets (I see you fam). Abby Hack ­ You. You are great. I have no words. You are one of my favorite people in the world. I know I’m poopy and never keep in touch with anyone but I want you to be one of the people I never lose. I love you mucho. Devin Fiegelson ­ Sorry if I butchered your last name but let’s be honest, you’ll forgive me, right? Thanks for letting me pie you at winter, that was truly a joy for me. I know I mess with you, but it’s because you have this sense of confidence that I envy. One that shows that you know what you want and I, on the other hand, have no idea what I’m doing with my life. You will go far, I’m sure of it. Give Ethan a kiss for me ;). Ella Pavin ­ I think my proudest accomplishment this year was getting you to

come to winter. I’ve literally been trying to get you to come to an event for 2 years and you finally came and loved it (I love it when I’m right!). You are one of the realest people I know, never lose that quality. I know you won’t. Carolyn Hamburg ­ Boy am I pissed you’re going to be so far from me next year. I will never have another friend quite like you. You are special in a way that I cannot describe. Your laughter fills the room with happiness and your friendship is something I wouldn’t trade for the world, and I mean that. I still have that voicemail you left for me on my birthday two years ago and listen to it when I get sad. I love you more than you’ll ever know. Panera date sometime soon? Alyson Yawitz ­ God I love you girl. So glad you switched to kallah bet and were in cabin seven with me (long live the north face). Of all the people from camp, you are one of my favorites. So glad I get to see you so often because let’s face it, you’re the greatest person alive. Thanks for being the sweetest even when I don’t deserve it. Miranda Rubin ­ You are a flipping wonderful person. I love you mucho even though you went first session (smh). Sammy Shabsin ­ I’ll never forget the first day of our JYG when Carolyn, Sarah and I saw you and I called dibs. Too bad you friendzoned me :(. I can’t wait to take on Lawrence with you next year and introduce this hot guy to all my friends. Love you Sammy. Josh Herman ­ You are one of my favorite people in the whole world. God I love you babe. You’re hot and spicy and just one of those people you’ll never forget in this world. You’ll always have a special place in my heart. Sorry I’m not gonna pay you for pie­ing Devin tho, but did you ever really think I was going to anyway? Kisses. Ian Roozrokh ­ You are fierce af. I love you so much and your snapstories of you as an old woman get me through the day. Jacob Shwartzberg and Ross Cohen ­ I will marry one of you and I’m perfectly fine with that. I love you guys so much and being friends with you both has shaped me immensely. SQUIRRELS (Baby dubstep, flom, josh, persluts idk is there another one?) ­ Thanks for letting me legit harass you guys on the daily. You are the future of UHTYG and that scares me but I know you guys will keep it fun after we all leave. Good luck trying to replace us next year, I know you’ll do a stand up job. Call me in a couple years ;). Jerm, Corey, Alec and Frisch ­ Thanks for being my boyfriends. You guys are the funniest and most innapropriate group of guys I’ve ever met, and I love it. In all seriousness though, you guys are my favorite people. When I come to events, you’re the ones I want to see first. Thank you for making my years in NFTY something I can look back at and laugh about. Also shout­out to Gibby at winter lol. Pls keep in touch even though I’m a jayhawk. Jaime, Jordyn and Mia (jen? where r u?) ­ The best for last of course. Gayme, Jordan and Maya, you are my favorite people in the world. I’m so beyond lucky to have met you guys at JYG, even though we hated each other. Thank you for constantly laughing with me and at me. Thank you for picking me up at the train station and getting donuts. Thank you for buying pizza at 1 am at LTI. Thank you for sharing snacks with me at winter ;). Thank you for never deleting that instagram and thank you for always calling me babe. I love you guys more than you know. We may be salty but you guys are the greatest people I’ve met in the past four years and I’m sure it will stay that way for a long time. We’ll visit next year so I know this isn’t goodbye but for now I want to say that you guys have given me the best four years I could ask for. Thanks for being my sisters.

Thanks for letting me be your queen. Love, Margo Hellman

Emily Kohn final Will and Testament: Thank you NFTY Missouri Valley!TSYG: Abby M‐ You are such a sweet girl. Your smile lights up a room. Adam V‐You’re an amazing person with a big heart. I’m so glad that we have gotten closer over these past few years. You rock! Alex I‐ I love you because you laugh at my bad jokes. I’m going to miss you so much next year. Aliza S‐ You have such an old soul. You are mature beyond your years and are so graceful in every way. I’ve loved seeing you at events. Cami O‐ You are the sweetest, cutest person ever. I am so glad we’ve gotten to spend time together and I know you’ll be breaking all the boys hearts one day. Emma H‐ You have such a big heart. I am so proud of who you are. Keep being amazing. Eric S‐ You’re an awesome kid and I love spending time with you. Ian T‐ Stop talking during board meetings. Love you Iliana E‐ It has been an honor watching you grow into the amazing leader and person you are. People look up to you, and your passion is inspiring. I love you. Jacob S‐ I’m going to miss you, son. Keep being the amazing person you are. Thank you for always being there for me! Jakob R‐ You’re the best date to Temple picnics/formals/Chavurahs that anyone could ask for. You are an intelligent, compassionate, and overall amazing young man. I can’t wait to continue to watch you grow. Julia Z‐ You so insanely sweet and I’ve loved getting to know you. Kameron W‐ You make me laugh like no other, and I really appreciate your taste in suits and pug shirts. Max S‐ You are a great kid and I’m glad we are friends! Rachel L‐ You, my friend, are going places. Your presence instantly makes everyone’s lives better. I love you so much, thank you for always being there for me. Ross C- Prom? You were the best not prom date a girl could ask for. You’re just the best in every way and I love you. Sam K- Thanks for always being sure to get my bad side in pictures. Love you more than my balloon boyfriend. Sarah G‐ I know we can always count on each other. Thanks for being you. Sophie B‐ I always love spending time with you. You are so sweet and kind, and it’s been a pleasure being able to watch you grow. Colorado: Alex H‐ Thanks for letting me steal your spot at the family dinner table. You’re a great kid. Keep it up! Alex K‐ Why do you hate me? Aliyah P‐ You are such a nice and fun person and I’m glad we got to spend IST and NFTY together. Eada G‐ You are a beautiful person inside and out. Eli K-L‐ Your smile and energy is contagious, and I love it. Eli M‐ Your hair is really the only reason I like you. Jk, you have a personality (and dance moves) that lights up a room. Emerson K-L‐ You are such a sweet girl with a big heart. Ilana H‐ I am so thankful we went on IST together. You are an amazing person who will go very far in life. Thanks for always making me laugh! Jack G‐ Love ya K‐dog. Josh H‐ You are my best friend. There aren’t enough words for how special you are to me. Now please stop trying to kiss me. Logan R‐ Ah Logan, you are such a sweet guy who gives really good hugs. I’m glad we’re friends. Maddie H‐ You are smart, beautiful, and funny. You went on IST with us right? Madeline C‐ You are a great person and friend. Madelyn T‐ You have always been a great friend. I love you so much. Noah C‐ Thanks for not laughing too hard when I accidentally flattened that middle schooler. Glad we’re friends. Sam G‐ Your rap game is so crispy. See what I did there? You’re an awesome guy. Keep it up. Taylor G‐ I am very thankful for our similar views and our deep talks. I’m glad this year brought us closer. Zach O‐ You have the biggest heart and you work so hard to make everything awesome. St Louis: Alec D‐ I’m going to miss you and your obnoxiousness next year. Alex D‐ You are my favorite Dubinsky. Alyson Y‐ Camp Rainbow with you was the best experience of my life. Your compassion is never‐ending and I’m so glad we met. Benjamin P‐ Your

Kohn puns are unlike any other. Kohngratulations for kohnstantly making me laugh. I hope we kohntinue to be friends. Corey F‐ You’ve fallen and you can’t turn up. Thanks for always making me laugh. Daniel S‐ You are hands down my favorite Shabsin. Ethan G‐ E‐gull in flight, you’re welcome for favoriting all of your tweets. I’ll miss you next year. Jaime G‐ Thanks for letting me borrow your shirt for so long. I love you so much. Jake F‐ I’m sorry for all the times I’ve tickled you and pinched your butt (no I’m not). Please date me. Jennifer H‐ You are mature beyond your years and you are going to do great things for our region, regardless of what position you hold. Jerm L‐ Thanks for always spelling my name wrong. Love you babe. Jordyn M‐ I love you so much and I am so thankful for our friendship. Josh H‐ Yes, another dog pic. You’re welcome. Matt F‐ You are just the best person out there. Thanks for always sharing my love of puns and always being my friendship circle buddy. I’m going to miss you so much next year. Matthew B‐ You are so cute. Mia F‐ Thank you for all the nights spent at your house and all the rides from the airport. I love you so much and I am so glad we are such great friends. Michelle B‐ You are an amazing person. I admire you. Thank you for housing 11 of us Freshman year Winter. Miranda R‐ I’m so glad we’ve gotten closer this year. You’re a great friend! Noah P‐ You’re my favorite squirrel even though I pretend to hate you. Rebecca B‐ You are such a sweet girl with so much potential. Thanks for being such a great friend! Rebekah P‐ I loved getting to know you at Camp Rainbow and I know you’re going to do great things in life. Sammy S‐ You’re a great guy with a big heart. And despite your awful taste in sports teams, I truly value our friendship (it might be the altitude). Go Cubs, go!Kansas: Annica D‐ There is no one I’d rather scoop noodles with. Love you! Carolyn H- There aren’t enough words to describe how thankful I am for you. You are, and always will be, my best friend. I admire and love every single thing about you. I can’t wait to see what the next 4 years at Wisconsin have in store for us. Ian R‐ Your smile is contagious and you are just so cool. Jacob E-D‐ You are wise beyond your years and I hope you know how much your opinions and thoughts are valued by your peers. Katie F‐ There will never be as great of a basketball duo as you and me. I’m so glad we became friends. Margo H‐ You are the funniest person I know. I love you. Nebraska: Abby H‐ You are such a great person and you are going to go far in life. Love you! Maddie M‐ Thanks for letting me stay at your Grandma’s hehe. You’re a great girl with a lot to offer. Keep being you. Tanner C‐ Hey Co. You rock. Advisors: Brie‐ You are always so sweet and I look up to you! Thanks for making events fun! Beth- Thanks for all you do for the region and thank you for teaching me more about leadership! H. Lee- You rock, dad. You are truly good at what you do and I am going to miss you next year. Jodi- Thank you for always welcoming me into your home. I love you and your family! Paul M- Thank you for always treating me as one of your own. Your family is amazing! Robyn- I am so thankful we got to spend this year together. You are such an amazing person, and I hope we keep in touch! Simi- Thanks For hitting me in the head with that volleyball. Still hurts. Steph- I have missed you this year but wanted to know how much you are appreciated. Thanks for always making me laugh. I’m going to miss you! Carly- I strive to be like you every day. I know you are going to do great things. I love you so much, Carl!

Zoe Kislowitz- Thank you for your everlasting impact. I miss you.

Senior Will of Rebekah Poscover NFTY Missouri Valley-

Thank you for all of the amazing opportunities and times that I will never forget. From my first JYG chavurah in Kansas City to Omaha for my last, every moment has been absolutely incredible! It kills me to sit here and write this as it signifies the end of my journey in NFTY, however I have no doubt that Missouri Valley will continue to grow and thrive throughout the years!

St. Louis/Illinois-

Ashley Eggert: Thank you for being the best friend and partner-in-crime! I can’t imagine my time in NFTY if we had not been on the same volleyball team at Winter sophomore year and became best friends right from the start! You’re gonna kill it at Alabama and I can’t wait to visit you and have an H.O.C reunion! Lauren Zigman: Thanks for being one of my best friends both in and out of NFTY. Convention was so much fun with you and hopefully one day we’ll find the high school musical boys! ;) You don’t even know how I excited I am that you are rooming with Natalie next year! I can’t wait to come visit and create even more memories! Hannah Snidman: Bus buddies forever! I’m so glad I could convince you to come to Convention- I couldn’t imagine it without you! Rebecca Handler: You’re the best twin I could’ve asked for! I’m so glad you made it out alive from the Dan Nichols concert! Kelsey Culp and Michelle Stone: I can’t believe it’s been so long since we first housed together freshman year at fall chavurah-- has it really been that long since our first chavurah? Jen Heiman: You never fail to exceed expectations! Your dedication to UHTYG and Missouri Valley always shine through and I know you are going to do amazing things for the region in the upcoming years! Mitch Toher: I honestly don’t even remember how we met, but I’m so glad we did! You know you love Ashley and me even if you won’t admit it! Enjoy your last two years in NFTY, and watch out for Jacob for me! Annie Zigman: Yay for conquering fears at the ropes course!! We did it!! You are so sweet and I’m so glad we reconnected through NFTY! Julia Zigman: I’m so glad we got to go to Convention together! You are so nice and I can’t imagine Convention without you! Alyson Yawitz: Being a counselor at rainbow was so much fun with you! Your passion for everything you do is amazing! Jaime Gottlieb: You were one of my first friends in preschool, and it’s hard to believe that we are finally graduating! Jacob Poscover: I’m so glad you have given NFTY a try. It makes so happy seeing you laughing and having a great time at events. Have fun without me and take care of Zachary next year! Jake Flom: I am so impressed with all you’ve done for UHTYG. You really stepped it up for Winter and I know you’re going to do great things for the region!

Kansas City-

Katie Fine: I feel like it was yesterday that I met you at JYG. I’m so glad we have become so close ever since! Convention was so much fun with you and if you ever feel the need to run up 25 flights of stairs again I’ll be the first to join you! Don’t hesitate to call if you have any more incidents with spiders! Annica Davis: I can’t believe that it’s been 6 years since we first met at JYG! We’ve gotten so close, and I

wouldn’t trade any of our memories for anything in the world. I can’t wait to visit you next year at KU! Lauren Wolfe: You are one of the funniest people I know and I don’t know what I would have done if we hadn’t met! Thanks for getting Taylor Swift songs stuck in my head and killing it at Convention with me! Jenny Tabakh: Thanks for being the best grandchild/parent/pet owner a girl could ask for! You are so sweet and always are there to make us laugh! Ella Pavin: You are hysterical!! I wish we would have met sooner but Winter was so much fun with you and the rest of the squad. I love how close we became in such a short amount of time! You better take care of Missouri Valley and show them how it’s done next year! Carolyn Hamburg: I’m so glad we met at Shwayder a couple years ago! You are so sweet and it was so much fun touring KU with you!


Alex Murray: I couldn’t have imagined being at rainbow without you! Thanks for always being there and helping me wake Ally up in the mornings!


Iliana Eber: You are too cute! I am so excited to see you stepping up in the region, and I know you’re going to do amazing things next year! Thanks for killing it at Dan Nichols with me at Convention! Rachel Lehrman: I’m so glad we met this summer at rainbow! You are so sweet and I hope you will have the best time ever at rainbow again this summer! Ilana Hertz and Maddie Haimes: You girls are so much fun! I wish we would have met earlier on, but convention was so much fun with you guys! Abby Bloomfield: Being your mentor at rainbow last summer was so much fun! It’s crazy how similar we are!

NFTY Giants-

Lilly Karsh: Thank you so much for teaching me what NFTY is all about. Your passion for everything you did inspired me to make the most out of every situation and embrace the amazing things NFTY has to offer. Rainbow was so much fun with you this past summer and I can’t wait to see you at IU next year!! Ethan Lang: You will never know how much I appreciated you taking the time to talk and hang out with my friends and me at fall our freshmen year. From that moment on, I knew that NFTY was the kind of place where everyone made everyone feel welcome. Alana Rosenbaum: You are the definition of what NFTY friendships are all about! You are so funny and no matter how long it’s been since we’ve seen each other or talked we can always pick up right where we left off!

Beth Lipschutz: You are absolutely amazing! I’m so glad I’ve gotten to know you both in NFTY and at rainbow! I can’t imagine my time in NFTY without you!

With much love for NFTY Missouri Valley, everything about it, and everyone in it, I just want to say thank you for the best four years of my life!

Senior Will of Miranda Rose Rubin Board: Ethan: You were one of the few people I came into NFTY knowing, and I am so glad that we are still friends after these four years. I think our proudest moment was winning ping pong at JYG, for sure. No goodbyes for us yet, we have another nine weeks ahead of us this summer! Devin: You were the first friend that I made in NFTY outside of St. Louis, and still one of my best NFTY friends. I love you so much and I’m going to miss seeing you every month (ish) next year. Thanks for being my fellow princess. Taylor: I feel like I got to know you a little bit last year, but nothing could have prepared me for how fun and great of a person you are. Truly, you need to spend time with people for them to like you. It’s been a year, and I love you. I can’t wait to see what incredible things you’ll do for this movement next year!! Sam: It’s been so great getting to know you better this year, and spending my time in SETYG with you. Thanks for being SLIID with me in this crazy Western board, even though I had to cheer by myself at Western and you got sick during bball at JYG. It’s been my pleasure being your mom in the airport, and I’m sure we’ll see a lot more of each other even after we go to college. Noah: Remember when I used to hate you? Glad that’s over. I’m so happy that we are finally camp friends. You are so passionate and hard-working, and I’m really glad that after 10 years, we are finally friends. Ian: You are fabulous. You are so talented, and I can’t wait to see what cool stuff you come up with next. It’s been so fun being on board with you, you’re amazing. Josh: You are too much. Sometimes you annoy me to death (on purpose), but for some reason still love you. I’m so glad that we got close this year, and I know that won’t change for a long time. Seniors: Michelle Bennett: You know I love you. See me at the end of the summer to possibly receive a better note. TIFTY girls: (Kelsey, Hannah, Erin, Michelle) I love seeing you girls at events. You always bring so much positive energy to the room, and it never fails to make me happy. Keep being you! Jacob Goldblum: I’ve had so much fun being in SETYG with you, going to Israel, and to GUCI (Mickey and Minnie?). I can’t wait to see what this summer has in store! Maddie Haimes: I’m so glad I’ve gotten to know you this year! It was great being in a relationship at JYG, single ladies forever! Stay in touch! Margo Hellman: It was so much fun going to Israel with you, and always fun to be around you. I can never hear We Can’t Stop the same again because of you. Ilana Hertz: It’s been so great getting to know you better this year. You’re so nice and fun to be around. Thanks for always favoriting my tweets! Emily Kohn: I can’t believe that we weren’t really friends before this year. I love snapchatting pictures of our dogs and fighting about sports teams and being in the silver star sticker club with you. Jordy(n) Miller: I love just chilling around temple with you and talking. I’m so glad that we’ve been friends for so long, and I’m very happy you’re in my life. Alex Murray: I was really scared when this girl I didn’t know was put in my room my Junior LTI, but then it was you and we were friends right away. You’re awesome and I’m so glad we were basically forced to be friends. Molly Thal: You know what’s funny? You used to hate me. You know what’s funnier? I still hate you (but in the most loving way possible). I love how you are unapologetically you, with your love for Pilot G2’s and horseshoes, among other things. Stay awesome. David Thal: I appreciate the humor (and occasional bad puns) that you have brought to SETYG the past few years. Have an awesome time at KU! Benjamin Pomerantz: You’ve grown a lot from being the only boy in a second (and fifth) grade class full of girls. You’re a lot funnier, but just as smart. I’m glad that we’ve been friends for so long, and that we share so many great memories. Rebekah Poscover: You’re so sweet! I love being around you, and it was so great being at Rainbow with you. Aliyah Price: I always have fun when I’m with you, and I’m glad that we’ve gotten to house together so much this year. Stay awesome! Elise Shalowitz: I’m so glad that we ended up rooming together at Convention, even though we weren’t supposed to, so that I actually got to know you. You’re so sweet, stay you! Elana Stettin: You were so reluctant to join NFTY when you first moved here, and I’m really glad we didn’t all scare you off. I’ve loved driving you around before (and after) you got your license and I can’t wait to hear about how you rock Northwestern next year! Sterling Waldman: You are so great. You’ve grown so much since I first met you in religious school, and all for the better. Keep making the world a better place!Greta Walters: I’m so glad that you joined NFTY. It’s been great being in SETYG with you! Lauren Wolfe: Housing at your house at JYG (for just one night) last year was great, because I got to meet you! You’re so sweet and I love hanging out with you. Stay awesome, and hopefully you’ll meet Taylor Swift someday! Alyson Yawitz: You know I love you. See me at the end of the summer to possibly receive a better note. Does this message look familiar? Annie Zigman: You’re so fun! I’ve loved just hanging out with you and songleading (a little) with you. Stay in touch! Julia Zigman: You’re so sweet and so smart. I

always love having you at SETYG events (and sometimes regional ones) and talking to you. You’re great! Lauren Zigman: I’m so glad that we’ve gotten close these past two years. You’re so much fun and I love spending time with you. Juniors: Amanda Birger: I’ve known you at camp for so many years, but NFTY has made us friends, and for that, I am grateful. I’ve loved songleading with you and watching you grow this year. Love you lots and stay in touch! Rebecca Bloom: Oh man. Yours is one of the hardest goodbyes... good thing we’ll never say goodbye! From the Tunes of Highway 40, to Webkinz, and Wicked and Israel and even CHS, we’ve done it all together. Also, you’re the best songleader successor I could have asked for. You’re my sister always, I love you so much. Iliana Eber: I don’t even know why we weren’t friends before JYG, but we are now, and that’s what matters. I have the awkward green screen pictures to prove it. You’re going to do an amazing job on RegBo next year! Sarah Goldblum: I’m so glad that you’ve found your place in SETYG, it’s so great to always see you around temple, and I know that you’ll help keep SETYG doing awesome things next year. Abby Hack: Like almost everyone, I knew you were something special your freshman year. You are so fun to be around, and I’m so glad I know you. I know you’ll do awesome things! Emma Hope: I’m so happy Beth put you at my house my sophomore spring. You have had an undoubtedly positive impact on my NFTY journey, and I know that you’ll do amazing work for this organization in the future. I love you, stay in touch! Aaron Keller: Thanks for all your help songleading this year. You’re awesome, stay you! Sam Keller: I first started talking to you because I wanted you to be my replacement Sarah, but you’re super cool on your own. You’re so fun to be around at events, stay awesome! Avi Levine: It’s so great to see you around temple and at SETYG events. Keep SETYG great next year! Carly Mastin: I didn’t talk to you until a few months ago, but the first time we did, we clicked so well! You’re so fun to be around and smash old marshmallows with. Stay you! Eliot McKelvy: You’re so cool and unique. Thanks for all the awesome work on JYG this year, I know you’ll do great things! Maddie Miller: You’re such a sweetie. We just kind of became friends randomly, and I’m so glad we did. I had such a good time spending the whole Western social with you, and doing other things related to that... I’m glad that I will be able to see you whenever I come home next year because let’s face it, you’ll always be in STL. Love you so much! Sophomores: SETYG Sophomores: (Allyson, Leah, Haley, Marlowe, Ali, Rachel) I love seeing all of you at events. The passion that you all are growing for SETYG and NFTY make me so happy, and I know you will all do awesome things with the rest of your high school careers! Jen Heiman: I’m always happy to see you. You work so hard at everything you do and it shows (especially at winter). I can’t wait to see what you do next! Zoey Fleisher: You’re always so positive and spreading so much good to the world. You’re also a fabulous songleader, keep it up! Mitch Toher: You’re really cool and fun to be around. I’ll get you my autograph if you still want it, and hopefully I’ll see you at GUCI 2016! Liam Nielsenschultz: You’ve done an awesome job this year. I wish you could stay around and show MV how great you are, but I guess you’ll just have to show PAR instead. Best of luck next year! Jacob Schwartzberg: I’ve loved seeing all of your work this year. Surprisingly, I’m not totally annoyed when you say “Hi Miranda!” every time you look at me. I know you’ll do incredible things in your next two years in NFTY, keep me updated! Jakob Reines: We’ve been at camp together forever, but I don’t know if we talked before this year, which is dumb. You are constantly positive and bring light to a room. Stay you! Freshmen: Raya Aberbach: I’m really glad that I almost belayed you on the migdal last summer, and even more glad that you decided to do NFTY. You’re so cute and I’m excited to hang out all summer! Matthew Bloom: I can’t believe that little Matthew grew into who you are today. You are so sweet and friendly, and I know you’ll continue to be great. I can’t wait to come home next year and have you be taller than me. Ben Brodky: Thank you for doing such an amazing job planning services for Spring. I know you’ll do great things in your NFTY future! Zoe Rosenberg: You’re great. You did an amazing job songleading at JYG, and I’m so glad we get to spend the summer together! Mallory Rubin: Mal, I am so glad that you have grown to love this organization as much as I do, but was there really any doubt? You’ve really come into your own this year working on the shows and I am so proud of you. Maybe you can find time to visit me next year between shows and NFTY events and making me angry for still living with Ellie and Logan. I love you. SETYG Freshmen: I love how all of you have become so involved in SETYG and in MV. This group is so strong, and I know that you all will carry SETYG into the future to do great things.

Sam Shabsin’s Senior Will I would first like to thank everyone who I have met in NFTY for all four years, it is very weird to think that I will no

longer be a part of it. I would like to recognize some people for having a great impact on me throughout my time in NFTY. First I would like to recognize my amigos from SETYG. You all are hilarious and I hope I am welcome to stop by after I graduate if I am in town. Sarah and Jacob Goldblum, you guys are a great balance and it might seem weird to hear, but you two compliment each other and work well together. Avi Levine, you are a great leader and I really look up to you. Jody Miller and Alyson Yawitz, it has been amazing growing up with you and we have gotten even closer this year from our wonderful kindergarten class. I know we will stay close throughout college. Michelle Bennett and Molly Thal, you guys are truly hilarious and your puns are actually a little funny. Molly, I also wrote your name in Comic Sans because I know you are very passionate about it. David Thal, if I am ever in a bad mood and I am at temple, just one conversation with you turns my frown upside down. I hope we make some time next year to hang out at KU together! Zigman Triplets, you three are great and although you do not exist at the same time (there’s only one of you), I know that all three of you will do big things for years to continue! Lets all make sure to stay in touch next year! For everyone else in SETYG, just know, y’all have had an amazing impact on me and I wouldn’t trade it for the world. Next up is Daniel Pomerantz, Matthew Bloom, and Daniel Shabsin. Y’all are superstars and have a friendship that many people wish they could have. I know you all will stay close forever and I hope I can be close with you three as well. Ethan Stone, you are a great person and one of the nicest people I know, you would never hurt anyone. I really respect you and I am sure we will stay in touch throughout college! Devin Feigelson, you are a great friend to me and are going to do big things in these up coming years. I am glad you have been one of my close friends throughout my time in NFTY. Taylor Gleeson, you are hilarious! Just the many places that you find wifi on Sunday nights for our meetings always make me laugh. You are one of the most prepared people I know for the future and I know you will do big things in NFTY for one more year on NAB! Miranda Rubin, you are a great traveling buddy going to to Chavurot with outside of St. Louis and are a fabulous mom for me in the airport! I know that because we have been friends for life, we will continue to be friends in college as well. Noah Clay, you are the Michael Jordan to my Scottie Pippen! You are an amazing person to work with and an even better friend! I would not have wanted to work with anyone else this year and we truly are #instagramscutestcos. Ian Roozrokh, I hope my spelling of your last name is right because I tried my best. You are truly hilarious and one of my favorite people. I am glad we got close this year in NFTY and even closer at the Ariana concert! When you get famous someday, I want you to remember me! Josh Herman, you are MY EVERYTHING, when I am with you, I feel like I am stuck in BUMPER TO BUMPER TRAFFIC. I don’t quite know what that means, but you are an amazing friend for me and I know that you and I will always be close, no matter what! I’m really gonna miss you next year bro and we gotta find a way to meet up! Beth Lipschutz, the amount that you have taught me and the amount of confidence that you have given me is incredible. I will always cherish this and I will make sure to stay in touch with you! Katie Fine, we did not really get that close in NFTY, but I am so excited to hang out with you next year! Rock Chalk! Ben Cohen, I really admire you man! I can see that you are one of the most spirited and happy people in NFTY MV and I can not wait to see the great things you will do in your NFTY career. If you need anything man, feel free to talk to me! Maddie Miller, I am glad we acme friends because you are a very cool person. It is amazing to know that if I need to talk to someone about something, I can come to you! Thanks for being you! Emily Kohn, you are an amazing person and I know we will stay close through college! we’re just one text, call, snapchat, and club penguin message away! Jake Flom, bro, you are one of the funniest people I know and you might not know it, but you have made a HUGE impact on me! I have seen you from freshmen year to sophomore year and I wish I could see you through junior and senior year too! I hope when I visit, we can go on another Chinese food date and catch up! I’m always here for you man. Carolyn Hamburg, I don’t know where to start, but what I do know is that we will always be close! Even though you will not be a Jayhawk next year, I know we will still talk! You were one of my first friends in NFTY (awkward freshman year Sam was still Sam) and you are one of my closest too! Rebecca Bloom and Benjamin Pomerantz, you two are my best friends in the whole world and I would do anything for you guys! I know I can come to you guys with anything and you guys can come to me too! My fingers are getting tired from typing all this, but just know that I have millions of memories with you guys and it makes me sad how we will not be together again next year. Before we all leave for the next year, we should have a POMSHABLOOM night because those are always so fun! Love you guys so much!

The Senior Will of Hannah Snidman

To all of NFTY­MV: Words cannot describe how grateful I am to have been a part of such an incredible organization. I tried out JYG in middle school and, for some crazy reason, didn’t fall in love with it. It wasn’t until after my trip to Israel the summer before my junior year that I knew I needed to become more involved. I was very nervous joining NFTY as a junior because I figured everyone already had friends and wouldn’t be interested in the new girl. But, I was so wrong! I immediately was invited to a cabinet position for my TYG, TIFTY (hi tigers) and fell in love with every part of NFTY. My senior year, I served as Social Action Vice President, and had the privilege of attending the national convention in Atlanta. Whether I’m jamming at a song session, learning during services, or simply catching up with friends, I am having a ball. Thank you again for making my last two years of high school extra special­ I will miss you more than you can imagine.Kelsey Culp: Your invitation for me to join cabinet was the beginning of my crazy, wonderful, whirlwind experience of NFTY. You quickly became one of my best friends in the world, and I cherish every single insane moment we spend together.Erin Wides: You made me feel right at home at TIFTY and I can’t tell you how thankful I am for that. I love our heart to hearts and I am confident we will be friends our whole lives. You are the craziest person I know and I love it.Rebecca Bloom: I’m so lucky to have had the opportunity to work with such an amazing leader! You will do great things for NFTY in the future and I can’t wait to visit and see all of the amazing progress.Rebecca Handler: I love that we both joined NFTY late in the game and still fit right in! You are one of the best friends a girl could ask for and I am definitely visiting you in Cali!Teddy Vincent: Thanks for making TIFTY so fun! I have confidence that you will take it to great places next year and I look forward to seeing what TIFTY does next.To the rest of TIFTY (Michelle, Cody, Hannah, Matthew, Aron): You all have become such a huge part of my life and I can’t imagine high school without our board meetings, late night events, and just chilling in the youth lounge. I love you all and I sincerely hope we stay in touch!Iliana Eber: It’s weird having such a close friendship with someone who I’ve only known for a year and who lives in another state, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world! You are going to rock Social Action next year and I couldn’t think of a better person for the job. It’s so hard to say goodbye to you, but I know we’ll be close forever!Rebekah Poscover: Your programs at chavurahs are always amazing and you are so kind. Thanks for keeping me updated on all the NFTY events­ you rock!Julia Zigman: You are the spunkiest girl I know and I am so thankful to call you a close friend. When I first met you in the changing room at fall chavurah, I knew you were awesome. I’m going to miss our deep conversations (even if we get yelled at in the cabin for staying up too late) and constant snapchats. Let’s text often, OK?

Thank you, NFTY MO­Valley, for all of the memories. You will be dearly missed.“Don’t cry because it’s over; smile because it happened.”


Missouri Valley, thank you. Thank you to those of you who made me feel welcome my freshman year (shoutout to Natalie Seitzman, Hanna Katz, Campbell Hart, Lauren Katz, and way more old people who helped create the NFTY that I have loved for so long). This amazing community of people who are so full of love and hugs and cheek kisses but also curiosity and care and an eagerness to welcome people into our community that can truly be found nowhere else on earth has been my anchor in a world of homework, sad nights, family problems, and more. To people who have graduated, ilysm. Jonah Pregulman, thanks man. You started all this board stuff for me, and for that I am so thankful. Hanna Katz, thank you for taking the time out of your life to enrich mine with your beautiful soul. You got me to my first TYG event, so thank you so much for that.Lauren Katz,thank you for just being really sweet and inviting and a good friend. It means so much to me. Becca Levine, inside and outside of NFTY, you have been an incredible role model for me and this is the point where I started crying while writing my senior will, so I hope that shows how much I care about you.Zoë Kislowitz,z’’l,the entirety of the time that I had with you totals about ten seconds, but your impact on the region nonetheless made an impact on me and I want to thank you for that.Libby Levin, I love you and I love our lunch dates with my mommy, they always make me happy.Hayley Wizig,thank you for helping me grow as a leader inside of PBnJ and for always being there when I needed you. Hannah Radler,you certainly are RAD. I’m sorry that I don’t reply to your snapchats, it doesn’t mean that I don’t love you. Okay, this paragraph is way too long so I’m cutting it off, so if you graduated last year and think you deserved something, just text me and I will tell you how wonderful you are. KANSAS Ian Roozrokh, there is no place to start with you. Thank you for being my best friend throughout my entire time in NFTY and being the reason that I returned to MV for 8th grade JYG. Thank you for showing me how to be a better friend and a better photographer. Thank you for being the dreamer that has (partially) helped me grow past my realist roots. Lauren Wolfe, I love you and thank you for all of your hard work for PBnJ this year, even if it has been frustrating. Thank you for being an amazing friend and I’m so glad you’re in my life. Jenny Tabakh, pretty much the exact same thing I said for Lauren, but you know, for you. What you don’t share with Lauren is that I had a crush on you in fourth grade or something, so I guess that’s your claim to fame.Carolyn Hamburg,you are so CUTE. Use that power for good and not for evil. You’re also nice and funny too, so you’ve got a lot going for you. I’m gonna miss you a lot.Amanda Birger, thanks for being my buddy for the past ten years or so. Keep me updated on your life and on PBnJ.Hannah Pinson,don’t let Amanda get too wild. I’m gonna miss both of you very much. I expect greatness out of you.Liam Nielsenshultz,you are as cool as you are tall. Have fun in PAR next year. You can always call Noah Clay to get you out of a scrappy situation.Jacob Edelman­Dolan (JED),you fought a hard battle this year and I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to do more for you, but you have certainly left an impact on Missouri Valley that will hopefully be felt for years to come. Your wit and humor and handsome face have no match in the great land of Toe­Pee­Kuh. NEBRASKA Abby Hack, you are a lovely person and I hope that life treats you well. The Budwigs, you’re both really cool and funny, please don’t stop being really cool and funny. Maddie Miller, I’ve really enjoyed getting close with you and your family for the past few years and I hope that that won’t have to end. Bella RADler,you’re really RAD, congratulations. You should text me more often.Ben Brodkey,I see a bright future for you in NFTYandBBYO. You’re a special character and both movements are very lucky to have you.Tanner Crable,I really appreciate everything that you are, I wish that we had talked more this year, but it was wonderful to meet you and I know we will stay in contact. Tye Jo, never forget what I told you when we first met. MISSOURI Okay, see, there are too many people for this too work. I’ll really need to shave it down to a few. If you’re looking for your name in here and you don’t see it, I probably just didn’t have space for you and I’m sorry. Miranda Rubin, I’ve known you for years, but being on board with you and even just being in NFTY with you has been really lovely and I love you. I know that we will be friends forever.Alyson Yawitz, you’re amazing and I love you and you’re super cute and I really hope that we can stay as close as we are.Michelle Bennett,I love you and I’ve really appreciated you for how much you’ve helped me learn about myself, so thank you.Sam Shabsin,thank you and

your family for your unfailing love and hospitality. Also, thanks for being a cool friend and board member too, I guess. Just kidding. I adore you.All three Zigmans,sorry you’re all grouped together, but I’m trying to save space. It’s a good thing that I like all of you, or this would be awkward. Don’t forget about me, because you’re really radical people and I won’t forget youBecca Cohen,I wish you so much luck and love in your future. I’m always around for anything that you might ever need.Benjamin Pomerantz,I’ve enjoyed every second I’ve ever spent with you, I’m sorry that we’ve never been able to become closer friends. The Thals, you’re also in the same group, but that’s fine because you’re rather similar in rather many ways. You’re both so so so funny and I really love your company, and I know you’ll be the best people Truman and KU will have to offer.Jacob Goldblum,you’re just weird, but in like, a really good way...usually. I love you, man. Sarah Goldblum, keep your brother from making a fool of himself too much. You’ll do just fine. I’ll miss your smile and your photos! Sterling Waldman, thank you for all you’ve done to make Missouri Valley such an inviting and educated place for participants of all genders and sexualitites. You’ve been such a huge part of that, and we are so thankful.Zoey Fleisher,read what I wrote for Sterling and then apply it to yourself as well. I’m really gonna miss you and I know you will go far in life because you are so sweet and you care so much. Hit me up any time you wanna talk. COLORADO Again, way too many people. I’m sorry if you’re not mentioned. Aliyah Price, you were, for all intents and purposes, my first NFTY friend (I think). I’m so glad to have spent the last four years with you as my friend.Devin Feigelson,I think I’m closer to you than anyone else on this planet. You’re so special to me and I am so fortunate to have shared so many of the important experiences with my life with you. I can’t wait to spend the next four years at Brandeis with you! Emily Kohn, running against you was the best thing that could have ever happened to our friendship. I’m so glad that we have become so much closer this year.Sam Keller and Ian Tennant,thank you for being the Ethan and Ian of Colorado. You are both really awesome guys and I hope you both continue to be leaders in NFTY. Josh Herman, I love you so much, even if sometimes I don’t show it enough. I don’t want to lose touch with you, let’s not let that happen. Ilana Hertz, thanks for keeping Noah in check sometimes. Also, thanks for being a really sweet and nice person to me. You’re the bomb. Maya Frost­Belansky, it’s been a pleasure watching you grow in NFTY and I am so excited for what the next year brings for you, in the region and in BTY. Taylor Gleeson, WOW I love you and I’m so proud of you and you’re just such a cool person and everything that happens to you is so interesting. Congrats on proving everyone wrong in the best way possible. You’ll be an amazing North American SAVP. Adam Vicksman, from staying together at Western Fall freshman year to our senior Spring, I’ve really loved having you in my life. I feel done even though I probably forgot a lot of people (there are 200 of you though, so I didn’t fairly well). That said, I really much prefer telling people how much I love and appreciate them in person or over a phone call. I want everyone reading this to know that I will be available to talk whenever it’s needed until I die because you all mean the world to me. It’s really late now so I’m gonna call it a night and stop writing this. L8r y’all.

Last Will and Testament of Adam Vicksman

Seniors: Josh Herman: I’m so glad that being on IST together helped us become such close friends for our senior year of high school. I’m glad that we are such good friends because I love listening to your snarky comments. Devin Feigelson: I’m so glad that we are such good friends! You made NFTY a great experience because of how close we got. I know that if I ever need to talk to someone I can count on you. I can’t wait to stay in touch with you for years to come. Ethan Stone: I’m so glad that I got to work with you this year. You are such a great person and an even better friend! I still think back to the first time at met you at fall freshman year! Ian Roozrokh: I am so glad that we got to be so close in our four years of NFTY. You are a great person and I can’t wait to watch your movie! I’m going to miss you being around to take pictures of my most embarrassing moments. Sam Shabsin: Even though we became really good friends this year it feels like we have been friends for years. I had a great time staying with you at JYG. You have a great sense of humor and I hope we stay in touch in the years to come. Noah Clay: Whenever we are together we always have a good time. You never fail to make me laugh and I hope that we can remain such good friends. Ilana Hertz, I had so much fun with you on IST and I'm so glad that we could become such good friends during our time in NFTY! Ari Groobman: You never run out of ways to amaze me, from hypnotizing me twice to all your amazing magic tricks! I can't wait to spend 4 more years with you at CU! Zach Ostravich: Ever since freshman fall we have been great friends, and spending 5 weeks with you in Israel made us even closer. I'm so glad that you are always there for me no matter what the situation is. I know that we will stay in touch and remain good friends. Lauren Zigman: Even though we really only started talking at Winter this year you are one of my really good friends! I hope that we remain such good friends in the years to come! Julia ZIgman: I'm so glad that we became so close at Convention! You are really cool and I know that no matter what you are there for me and I can always count on you to make me laugh. Aliyah Price: You are one of my best friends in and out of NFTY! I'm so glad that we will both be in CO for college so we will still be able to hang out! You make NFTY so much fun! Elise Shalowitz: I'm so glad that could become so much closer on IST this summer! I hope that we will remain such good friends and keep in touch. Benjamin Pomerantz: Whether it be running into each other in Israel to seeing each other at NFTY events you are always in a good mood. I hope that we can remain good friends for years to come. Emily Kohn: I'm so glad that we have been such good friends! You make TSYG and NFTY so much fun and I look forward to seeing you at all of them. I can't wait to such good friends for years to come!Juniors: Emma Hope: I am so glad that I got to work with you this year! You are always smiling and I am so proud of what are you going to do next year! I'm going to miss seeing you at all of our events! Iliana Eber: Your passion toward everything you do is amazing! You have an “I can do anything” attitude and you can do anything. I can't wait to see what you accomplish this year! Sam Keller: I am so glad that we are such good friends! You’re always in a good mood and I know that no matter what you can always put a smile on my face! You are going to do big things and I can't wait to see what they are! Maya Frost­Belansky: You are such a funny person! I love being around you and listening to all of the funny things that you say! Have a wonderful senior year! Rachel Lehrman: I'm so glad you have started to become a great leader in NFTY I can't wait to see how much you accomplish this year! I hope you have the best senior year out there! Lucy Kodish: You are never in a bad mood and your positive energy rubs off on everyone around you. You are always making me laugh and we both play ultimate so that pretty cool! Noah Hartman: No I love you so much! You are such a funny kid and never fail to lighten the mood! You never stop making jokes and I love every single one of them! I can't wait to see what you do next year! Max Spiegel: I'm so glad that you are involved with NFTY and TSYG! You are always so positive and have great ideas to add to conversations. No matter how much you irritate me I'm glad that you are always around! Eric Simon: I'm so glad that you decided to join NFTY! Having you around made for a very special senior year! I can't wait to see what you do with your abilities to be a great leader!Sophomores and Freshmen: Emerson Karsh­Lombardo: You are the little sister I never had. Your excitement towards NFTY is amazing and I can't wait to see where it takes you! I can't wait to stay in touch with you for years to come! Eli Karsh­Lombardo: You are always so positive and your energy is contagious. You never fail to make anyone smile and I'm going to miss seeing your smiling face at NFTY events. Jacob Schwartzberg: You are a great person to be around! Your passion for NFTY and TSYG and your Jewish identity amaze me. I can't wait to see where your passion and enthusiasm will take you! Jacob Rheins: I don't think I've ever heard you use an "inside voice" and I love it! You are always working on making TSYG and NFTY a fun and enjoyable experience for everyone! Your leadership is going to take you far and I can't wait to see it! Ross Cohen: I love your passion that you have for whatever you do. You are a great leader and are so much fun to be around I know that you will make NFTY a place that everyone wants to be! Sophie Bonilla: You are always in good mood and have so much passion for NFTY and TSYG! I can't wait to see what you with the remaining time in NFTY. Ian Tennant: You bring so much excitement to NFTY and TSYG and I know that you are going to big things with your time left in NFTY! Brynn Tully: I've really enjoyed getting to work with you this year! I'm so glad that you are so involved in NFTY and TSYG! I can't wait to see what you do with all of your passion and excitement! You are going to do big things and I am so proud of you and what you will accomplish!Giants: Jackie Heymann: The fact that you and Andi are such good friends it's not surprising that you and I were also such good friends. Your passion towards NFTY is one of the reasons I was so involved. Tyler Anderson: I'm so glad that you were part of making NFTY so important to me! We always had a great time whether it be making Andi cry or hanging out at a social. Without you in NFTY with me I know I wouldn't be the person that I am today. Daniel Hakan: You were like my older brother that I never had. At every event we would hang out and catch up. There was never a dull moment and am glad that we are such good friends because of NFTY! Ellie Pinto: I’m so glad that you and I got to be such good friends last year! We always had so much fun whether it was walking in a line and hugging people to rocking out at song sessions! I’m glad that we became such close friends in NFTY. Lilly Karsh­Lombardo: Without you NFTY would not have been the same. You were always there whenever I needed someone to talk to. I would have had no one there to be my “big sister” after Andi graduated. Without you I don’t think that I would have enjoyed my time as much as I did. David Coons: Every time we talk it brings a smile to my face I am so glad that I got to be in NFTY with you for a year. Without you I don’t think that I would be as into NFTY. I can’t wait to get to be with you for a year at CU! Andi Vicksman: I want to thank you so much for getting me involved in TSYG and NFTY. Without your excitement and positive attitude toward NFTY I never would have gotten involved and become the person I am today. I am so glad that you are my sister and the best big sister at that, and that we will get to spend one year together at CU! Advisors: Carly Coons: Thank you so much for helping me get through high school! I know that no matter what I need to talk about you are there listen and help me figure out what I should do. You have helped me grow as a person and as a leader and I owe you a huge thank you for making me the person that I have become.

The Senior Will of Lauren Wolfe

Although my time in NFTY was short (about 2 years), it was some of the best moments of my life. My only regret is not joining it sooner. There are so many wonderful people I’ve met and experiences I’ve had that have changed my life forever. I love you all and will miss NFTY Missouri Valley more than anything in the entire world. I wish I could have 20 pages to truly thank everyone. I am so sorry if I forgot you! Thank you for everything, words can’t describe how grateful I am for NFTY.

Kansas City: Ethan Stone: Ethan, where do I begin? You are the one who told me about NFTY, so I wouldn’t be here today without you. We’ve been best friends since third grade and grown up through Confirmation together. Thank you for convincing me to join. It was so great to see you shine as President this year. I love you so much and we’ll always be best friends. Ian Roozrokh: Ian, we’ve been friends for as long as I can remember. You’re so crazy and funny and you make my day. I’m so happy you convinced me to join NFTY, too. Seeing you as CVVP was so amazing and I believe that you will go far in the directing world. Love you! Carolyn Hamburg: I am so happy I got to know you better through PBnJ and NFTY. I love seeing you at school every day and having our love/hate relationship, even though I really do love you. You are so nice and kind and are passionate about everything. I hope you have a wonderful time at Wisconsin and I know we will always be friends. Hannah Pinson: Being on board with you and going to the same school has been so fun. We basically look like sisters and I can’t wait to see you run PBnJ. You are so hardworking and will shine anywhere. I love you! Amanda Birger: I’ve never met anyone that can play the guitar as well as you. You are so passionate about singing and NFTY and it’s amazing to see you grow. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you. Hold down PBnJ for me and keep Donny sane. Jenny Tabakah: Rooming with you at every event has been so much fun, except for trying to wake you up. We joined NFTY the same year and I’m so glad to have you beside me for it. I can’t wait to go to KU together and have more adventures. I love you Mom!! Katie Fine: Katie you are honestly one of the funniest and nicest people I’ve ever met. I’m so happy we’ve gotten closer and that you are going to KU. I can’t wait for more adventures with you! Annica Davis: You are so pretty and funny and I love that we became friends. Cant wait for KU! Margo Hellman: Margo, your craziness inspires me. I’m so happy that we have been able to talk to each other about NFTY and college and everything. You’re so funny and I can’t wait for KU with you! Ella Pavin: being in a squad with you is so much fun!! I hope you lead BTTY to be better than ever. You rock!

St. Louis: Rebekah Poscover: Honestly, you are one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. Your upbeat personality is inspiring and I’m so happy we became best friends. Rooming with you, Convention, everything has been so much fun. I hope we stay friends in the future. Love you! Lauren Zigman: I know you’re a triplet, but you are my twin. I can’t believe we only became friends at Convention but I’m so happy we did. You’re so funny and I couldn’t be happier to share a name with anyone else. I can’t wait to visit you at Mizzou and for you to visit at KU. Thank you for being my friend, love you so much. Miranda Rubin: I didn’t know you very well when you stayed at my house for JYG 2014, but we became great friends. You are so funny and I hope we stay friends. Seeing you shine as RCVP has been amazing and you are wonderful. Kelsey Culp: You jumped on my back, so that means we must be friends, right? You are my first friend I made through NFTY from LTI Junior year and I’m so happy we’ve stayed friends. You are so funny and can always make me laugh. I love you! Erin Wides: Rooming with you two years in a row at LTI was so much fun. Your love for Drew Chadwick is like mine for Taylor Swift. You are so funny and I’m so happy we are friends. Michelle Bennett: MICHELLE!!! I don’t really know how we became friends but we got closer at Convention and I am thankful for that. Thank you for putting up with my

weirdness and being my friend. I love you so much!! Michelle Stone: you are so funny and crazy and I’m so happy we became friends!!! I love our memories from LTI senior year. Sam Shabsin: I am so excited to go to KU with you!! I hope we can become better friends. You have been amazing on regional board and can’t wait to see what you do in the future! Sarah Goldblum: Your love for pink is so amazing. Seeing you walk around with your camera and always be happy and smiling is so inspiring. I can’t wait to see you shine next year! Corey Fox: talking with you has been really fun and you are really cool. I hope we stay in touch and I hope you have fun at Mizzou! Matt Frischer: you are a great leader and being in your network was really fun. You have been an awesome president for your TYG! I hope we stay in touch! Noah Hartman: you are so nice and cool and I’m so glad you came to KC for prom!!! I hope we stay in touch! Rebecca Bloom: you are an amazing leader and songleader, and I can’t wait to see you shine next year! You are so nice and kind and I’m so happy we are friends!!

Nebraska: Maddie Miller: Even though we only became friends at Convention, I am so grateful for those memories. You’re so crazy and funny and I hope we stay friends and that you can visit me at KU! Sophie Budwig: You are so adorable and have always been so nice to me. You will shine next year and I am so glad I met you! Abby Hack: I remember at Winter 2014 we fought each other on that inflatable thing and you beat me. You are so crazy and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you! Rachel Crable: Staying with you at winter junior year was so much fun. You are so kind and funny and I’m so glad we have been able to be friends! Tye C: staying with you at winter junior year was so much fun and you are so nice. Thank you for being my friend!!! Isaac Rogers: AKA Yeet. I love you and I’m so happy we bonded and became friends at the airport after fall this year.

Colorado: Adam Vicksman: I’m so happy we became good friends at Convention. You have been a great leader and I hope we stay friends in the future! Ilana Hertz: You are seriously so nice and kind and whenever I say something crazy you just agree with it. I love talking to you and being your friend. Thank you for the great memories and I hope we stay friends in the future! Noah Clay: thank you for favoriting all of my tweets and liking my instagram’s. You’re a cool guy and you and Ilana are #relationshipgoalz. You have been amazing on regional board. I hope we stay friends in the future! Devin Feigelson: I am so happy we became friends. You have been an amazing PVP and leader. You will shine so much wherever you go. I love you and hope we stay friends! Emily Kohn: we don’t talk much but I told Carolyn that I wanted to be your friend and how awesome I think you are. You are a great leader and I love your love for NFTY. You will be amazing at Wisconsin! Maddie Haimes: you are amazing and so funny and whenever we talk I am always laughing. Thank you for being my friend! Iliana Eber: you are going to be so amazing next year!! You are so cute and I love your passion. I hope we stay in contact! Josh Herman: Your passion for Camp Rainbow is so amazing and it was so great to see you be an amazing SPC. I hope we stay friends in the future! Sydni Gleeson: staying with you at winter junior year and raiding our host family’s kitchen was so fun. I still have all those picture on my phone with that witch statue. You are so funny and I’m so happy we are friends! Zach Ostravitch: you are so nice and I love talking to you! Convention was so much fun and I’m happy we became friends! Sara Rothman: your passion for NFTY is incredible and I can’t wait to see you lead next year. I had fun staying with you at spring junior year!!

Illinois: Ashley Eggert: I am so so happy we roomed together at winter senior year. I only wish we became friends sooner. You are so cool and funny and you can put up with my weirdness. I hope we stay friends in the future. I love you! Rachel Kupfer: I hope you keep coming back to regional events. Being in a squad with you is so much fun. I’m so happy we became friends!

The Senior Will of Alyson Yawitz I would like to start off with a huge shout out to the entire NFTY region. Every single person I have encountered in my time as a NFTYite has shaped my NFTY experience and helped me grow into the person I am today. Thank you for everything! Freshman: SETYG Freshman Board (Aerin Leigh, Mallory, Daniel P, Daniel S, Malone, Nikki, Meghan and Max)­ Thank you for such an amazing year. I had such a great time working with all of you and hanging at events. You all brought something special to SETYG and I can’t wait to see where you take it in the future!! Aerin Leigh­ Thanks for being an honorary sister. You have done incredible things this year, I am so excited where you take NFTY! Zoë Rosenberg­ I absolutely adore you. Your spirit and leadership skills are incredible, and will take you so far! I can’t wait to spend the summer with you! Daniel&Daniel­ You are fabulous, please continue riding the preschool trikes and scooters for me! Mallory Rubin­ Whether Miranda likes it or not, I am glad we are friends. I will see you around, and often. Nikki and Meghan­ It has been great getting to know you at events! Malone­ You are a sweetheart, I love seeing you at events and school! Raya­ I am so excited to see your smiling face this summer! Matthew Bloom­ You are a rock star! I am so excited to see where your leadership skills take you next! Sophomores: SETYG: You revived the underclassman and for that I commend you! Ali Worth: I have loved getting to know you this year! Seeing you at events brightens my day, please stick around!! Allyson Segall­ Both of our lives will be easier when we aren’t in the same room all the time, but I’m going to miss it! You have been the backbone of your grade and have helped expand SETYG so much! Marlowe­ I am so happy you started doing NFTY and brought you sister along! I love seeing you, you are so sweet! Leah J­ I love your spunk! Haley H­ I am so glad that you started coming to events! Especially the Blues game, that was great! Jake Flom­ I’m glad our friendship has lasted all these years! You are such an amazing leader and I can’t wait to see the things you do in the next few years! Emerson Karsh­Lombardo­ You are so special and I adore you! I am so excited to see where you take NFTY these next few years! You rock! Jen Heiman­ Hello future of NFTY. I am still blown away by your programming at Winter! I can’t wait to see how you grow in the future! I am willing you split­custody of Humphrey Sal with Emma Hope. Zoey F­ I am so glad that songleading lead us to meet! I love our sassy relationship and am so impressed with how you follow your passions! Juniors: SETYG (Sarah, Avi, Evan, Elyssa): I can always count on you to bring some extra spirit to our events! I hope that continues with everything you do! Avi­ Thanks for letting me be an honorary sibling, I love replacing Becca in family photos. Sarah G­ You have been a great support for our board/youth group! Your dedication and passion is so clear! Abby Hack­ U ma gurl, Imma mis yew. Amanda B­ It was great rekindling our camp friendship, and I have loved working with you! Sam Keller­ I am so so happy we are friends. You have so many fabulous qualities and bring a special light to NFTY. It is in light of this that I am willing you Zoë’s scarf. I hope it finds a special place in your room as it has in mine. Justin Pfau­ Sometimes when you aren’t being a bully I actually enjoy spending time with you. You make me laugh so hard and I’m so glad that the terribly awkward mixer at spring 3 years ago introduced us. Iliana­ In the few times we worked together last year, I could tell that your passion for social action would lead you somewhere and I am so excited you will now be leading our region! Becca Bloom­ I absolutely adore you and don’t like the fact that I have to write this because if I could I would just bring you to college with me! Thank you for being a bright spot in my life. You have always been a natural leader and you are going to do amazing things! I also am so excited for you to be a Rainbow counselor and know you will do amazing things for your camper and the camp. For that I am willing you the Camp Rainbow waterbottle. I love you so much. Emma H­ I am so thankful Maddie/Humphrey Sal brought us together! You are an absolutely wonderful person and I love getting to spend time with you! You are so sweet and have leadership skills that will take you so far! I will you the book How to Change the World, because I believe that you will. Maddie M­ Thank goodness for Beth for putting you in my house. Who would of thought that a random freshman girl would end up becoming one of my best friends, my girlfriend, and be discovered to actually be family. We have had so many amazing times together and thank goodness we will be able to see each other over breaks. I am so excited to see what next year brings for you. I will you some awesome sparkly pants. They were willed to me as a reminder to never lose my spark(le) for NFTY as I hope they will do for you. Seniors: Colorado: Noah Clay­ Funny how we have known each other for so long but NFTY is what finally brought us together. Although it took way too long, I’m so glad it did. Even though we may constantly be in a small war, I wouldn’t want it any other way. Devin­ I am so glad that we have stuck together since Freshman Winter! We have had some stellar memories

and I love you quite a lot! Josh Herman­ Hey friend, I am a big fan of yours! You have done incredible things for CR and I am so proud to call you my friend! You always make me smile and I am going to miss you so much! Taylor­ You my friend are absolutely amazing! I have loved working with you and seeing your passions create such amazing things! I can’t wait to see how you change the world! Maddie and Ilana­ Obviously we had the best room at Convention and I am so glad we ended up together! You are both so sweet and I had such an amazing time getting to know you both better! Emily Kohn­ You rock, you’re gorgeous, you’re sweet, and I adore you. Kansas: Carolyn­ I have loved you since day one! You have stuck by my side since freshman year, and some of my favorite memories have been with you. You are so sweet and are going to do some fabulous things in the future! Wisconsin is so lucky to have you! Marge­ I have loved you from the second day we knew each other and established our love :) From camp to NFTY to Israel and back you have stayed a queen! Always stay fabulous, I love you! Ethan Stone­ You are just amazing. I adore you and all of the amazing times that we have spent together. You are a shoulder to cry on and someone who can always brighten my day! Thanks for always sticking by my side. Your friendship means the world to me and I love you so so much! Please come visit me and hang out with me and be my friend forever! Ian­ Babe, where do I even begin… Thank you for being my best friend, fiancé, and family. I love you more than I can say and am so lucky to have you in my life. I say this all the time, but I can’t wait to tell people I know you when you become outlandishly famous. I love you forever and ever. Annica and Katie Fine­ I am so happy we became friends and got to spend time together and Rainbow!! St. Louis­ Miranda­ 18 years and still going strong. I think that proves that I like keeping you around. We have had so many amazing experiences together, and I am so excited to see what the future holds for us. I am also pumped to be working with you 10 years after the GUCI adventure began. I guess I love you a little… Michelle Bennett­ Mich, you’re the best. I honestly don’t know what I would do without you. As I made very clear, I don’t even know how I made it 6 months. Thank you for always being there for me. You are a truly incredible friend. Sammy Shab­ You da bomb! Although we go way back, I’m so glad NFTY has helped our relationship flourish. If you didn’t notice, we started our NFTY career together at Freshman Winter Havdallah (may that time rest in peace), and began our last year at Winter Havdallah.. I’m so happy I have you in my life! Benjamin­ You my friend are a quality dude! You crack me up and impress me with your intelligence. I am so excited to see where the future takes you! Annie Z­ I am so happy NFTY brought you into my life! You’re my girl and I’m planning on making a poster that recognizes that when I see you in your first big production. I adore you! Julia Z­ Thanks for looking the most like me out of “our” sisters. I love you and your spunk. You are so special! Lauren Z­ I have loved spending time with you at NFTY and Rainbow. You are so kind­hearted and I love you so much! Jordyn Miller­ Note that I said Jordyn not Jordy, you’re welcome ;) I love you so so much! You have been such a big part of SETYG to me, and I know you will stay in my life for a long long time. Greta­ I love seeing you at events! I’m so glad that you are apart of SETYG! Molly Thal­ “You are an independent bowl of rice who don’t need no side dish” I love you and your famous phrases. David Thal­ You are a pretty solid dude, and such a cool individual. I am pleased to share memories with you. Jacob Goldbloom­ Staff 2015 here we come! I am so pumped to work with you this summer! You’re awesome! Sterling­ You have taught me so much about what it means to be yourself. I have expanded my knowledge and acceptance of others so much thanks to all you have taught me. Keep doing amazing things, the world will become a better place because of all that you do! Advisors: Beth: You are incredible, fabulous, amazing, wonderful… the list could go on and on. Thank you for helping me become a leader, meet new people, and discover more about myself. It has been so wonderful to work with you. Next year it will be my turn to make some check in calls. Jodi­ SETYG wouldn’t be what it is without you. You are the backbone of so much of my NFTY career and I am so thankful for that! Stacy­ You are so fabulous. It’s crazy to think that my old babysitter is now my youth group advisor! Throughout the year, a few of us have been keeping tally of the amount of times we have said “Thank G­d for Stacy” and let me say it has been quite a few! You rock! Becky­ Even though I don’t want to admit it sometimes, your guidance on how to shrink my ideas to reality have been incredibly helpful in the process of developing my leadership skills. I miss you and all of your sass. Carly Coons­ I just want you to know that I think you’re fabulous. Giants: So many amazing people have shaped my NFTY career. The guidance that I learned from all of you has driven my passion for NFTY, for being a leader, and to make a difference in the world. Thank you for including me, supporting me, and making me feel incredibly loved. I miss you all so much! Zoë Kislowitz­ Although we didn’t know each other well, through having your scarf I have learned so much about you and your passions for the world. I am honored to be able to pass along your memory, may it always be a blessing.

The Senior Will of Julia Zigman

Putting into words the impact NFTY‐MV and all of its members has left on me isn’t something I think I’ll ever be able to do justice. My time in NFTY was not very long, but the memories I’ve gained will last me a lifetime. MoValley is where I learned not only how to be myself, but who I want that person to be: every person I’ve met in NFTY has been welcoming, passionate, open‐minded, and caring beyond belief, and I’m proud to consider all of you my role models.

St. LouisHannah Snidman: We shared our first event together, and from the moment we met I knew we’d be in it for the long haul. You never fail to make me smile, and your kindheartedness is beyond compare. Our years in NFTY were the best ones, and I can’t wait for many more to come. Love you to the moon and back! Alyson Yawitz: You were the first person I “met” when I showed up at an SETYG lounge night halfway through sophomore year (technically, it was reuniting from when we were sassy munchkins you but you know what I mean). Thank you so much for welcoming me in with your peppiness and ever‐present smile. You helped open the door for me in NFTY, and I love you so much for that, chica. Molly Thal: You see the world in such a positive way that I can’t help but be inspired around you! I love how actively you make NFTY a more inclusive, welcoming place—whether you’re talking to a nervous freshman or making sure we all sit in a semicircle, you make sure that everybody has an opportunity to thrive in NFTY. You are truly a kind soul, and I’m so glad we’ve gotten close! David Thal: If there were a human embodiment of the word “jazzy,” you’d be it! You’re hilarious and spunky and a true friend. I can’t wait to see what adventures we’ll have in the years to come! Michelle Bennett: You are an incredible person and a true leader. You’re so kind and definitely goofy at times, but you approach everything you do with a quiet intensity that shows just how intelligent and passionate you are. I’m so happy to have been in SETYG with you and will definitely stay in touch! Miranda Rubin: When you lead a service or a program, you completely captivate a room with the clear focus and enthusiasm you have for your role in NFTY. You are incredibly hardworking and will go on to achieve great things! I’ve loved becoming closer with you in SETYG! Jordyn Miller: You do such great things in SETYG, and the services you write are always on point—the hard work you put in really shows. Lounge nights are always a blast with you there, too! Avi Levine: I’m gonna miss you so much next year! You’re so easy and fun to talk to and you always give the best hugs. Like, ever. Sarah Goldblum: I’ve never met a person whose happiness is as contagious as yours! It’s been wonderful to see you grow into such a strong leader. Because of you, the color “pink” in my mind will forever be associated with kindness, smiles, and a caring heart. Jacob Goldblum: It was great to reunite with you from the good ol’ Sunday school days! You bring so much joy to SETYG. Benjamin Pomerantz: “If you could be any plant, what would you say?” You are seriously so funny and smart; being around you is always such a fun time. I loved having a familiar face at MSA, and I can’t wait to see the greatness you’ll go on to achieve! SETYG Freshmen Board: I know I don’t know all of you well, but it’s already clear that you are the next generation of NFTY leaders. I’m so glad to see all of you already so excited and active in SETYG and MoValley. Keep up the great work! Jodi Miller: Thank you so much for making my late transition into NFTY so smooth. Because of your enthusiasm to help my sisters and I join the SETYG community, the friends and memories I’ve made in just a few years will last me a lifetime.

KansasEthan Stone: Ethan, you are star. You bring light into the lives of all that you meet, and your genuine kindness and passion for advocacy truly makes the world a better place. It’s said that people come into our lives for a reason, and you’re one of the best friends I’ve ever met. You’ve been there from the very beginning—I know that our friendship is one built to last; one I’ll never forget. All of the shenanigans and experiences we’ve been through have changed my life for the better, and I’m so incredibly excited to see the amazing change you will undoubtedly go on to make in the world. Ian Roozrokh Hi, you are a glorious person. All the hard work you put into CVVP shows—you make MoValley a more open, connected place, and the memories you capture never fail to show the essence of NFTY. When your movies hit the big screen, I’ll be proud to say I knew the next Wes Anderson when he was young! Keep on being the kind, enthusiastic person that you are. ColoradoDevin Feigleson: Babe. You are fantastic. It’s weird to think that we “officially” met this last year, because it feels like I’ve known you forever. You are so sweet, and your spirit for NFTY shines through in all that you do! Adam Vicksman I can’t believe it took us until Convention but I’m so glad we became friends! Stay in touch! Sam Shabsin and Noah Clay: (Yes Sam, I realize you’re St. Louis but you two are like PB&J, they gotta go together)The real MVPs! You two bring so much fun to the region and have been fabulous in expanding MoValley to the best it can be!

I love NFTY with all my heart. Being surrounded by the most inspiring, unique people I’ve met in my life is something I’ll never be able to show enough gratitude for. You’ve helped me think in ways I’ve never even considered before; opened my eyes to the world; changed me, for better and for good. I am who I am today because I knew you, each and every one of you. Leaving NFTY isn’t a goodbye‐‐it’s a new start, the continuation of a new world full of the positive leaders NFTY has shaped of all of us. Thanks for an amazing few years, Missouri Valley.

The Last NFTY Will and Testament of Lauren Zigman


Goodbyes are something that I cannot say easily. For the past three years of my life, NFTY has giving me a new family that I could never forget. For that, I thank you all for giving me a new family, one that I will cherish forever.

ST. LOUIS: (SETYG) Jordy‐ It’s hard to believe that we were so close when we were kids, and now we are that close again. I loved being able to recreate our friendship these past three years, and I cannot wait to spend the next four with you at Mizzou. Michelle‐ You never cease to make me laugh. Your personality is amazing and I know it will lead you to do amazing things. I’m so happy to call you one of my great friends, as a child and now. I’ll miss you so much next year at college! Miranda‐ At my first SETYG event, you introduced yourself to me saying “Oh hey we were best friends when we were kids. I’m so happy to see you again!” At that moment I knew that I belonged at SETYG. You are such an amazing, welcoming person. I always love spending time with you, and cannot wait to see where life takes you next. Alyson‐ Dora, the real triplet, Fourth Zigman, basically my other sister. From kids to now, you have always been one of the happiest, nicest, sweetest people I have ever met. Alyson you have been such an important part to my time in NFTY. I’ll miss you so much next year, but I know this isn’t the end. I love you sweet girl. Sam‐ Sammy there is no doubt that you have become such a good friend. I remember the first night I met you at the Mystery Bus Rush, and how nice you were. Fast forward to today and you have become an amazing friend. Please never lose who you are. Love you Sam, thanks for always being there for me. Benjamin‐ You have always made me laugh. Whatever the situation is, you know how to make everything happier. Thanks for always making me smile, but most importantly being a great friend. I’ll miss you next year, but I cannot wait to see what you do next. Jacob‐ These past three years, you have been such an amazing friend. Thank you for being there for me. Avi‐ Since I have met you, you have always been there for me. Whether it was to make me laugh, to give a hug, or be a friend, I could always count on you. Never lose that part of yourself. Sarah‐ I swear you better always stay smiley, happy, and a lover of pink, or there will be an issue because your kindness and personality can never go away. I cannot wait to see what you accomplish. Thals‐ I don’t want to group you together, since separately you both are some of the nicest and funniest people I have ever met, but together your bond is powerful. Please never stop being you. You both always bring joy to my life, and if I am ever in doubt, I will always remember to “peace and pout”. I love you both! Nikki & Allyson S.(AKA Short Stack)‐ You two crazies are adorable and probably the sweetest people I have ever met. Both of you care so much about NFTY and the people in it, and it has been so amazing to see how you both have grown through NFTY. I cannot wait to see where the world leads you next. I love you both so much! Annie and Julia‐ Um hey losers I guess I can say I’ll miss you next year and thanks for joining me on this crazy journey called NFTY. I love you both. (UHTYG): Rebekah Poscover‐ There is no doubt that you have easily become one of my best friends. From kids to now, it is hard to believe that it was until sophomore year that we reconnected, because I feel that we have always been friends, and will always be. I cannot wait to see where you end up, but more importantly, to visit you next year. I love you Beks, thanks for always being my friend. Jen Heiman‐ I am so proud to see all you have accomplished this past year, and cannot wait to see what you keep achieving. Love you Jen, please always be you.

KC: Lauren Wolfe‐ Oh hey girl. It is hard for me to try and figure out what to write on this blank space, but here I go: Lauren, my T‐Swift lovin’ twin, you are a perfect human being. I literally can say that my life before you sucked. You bring me so much joy and happiness every time we talk. I’m so happy that next year we will only be 1.5 hours away instead of four. I’ll love you forever and ever twin! Ian‐ Oh Ian

you fabulous you. I am so happy to have you in my life. I will never forget being able to stay with you a weekend this past summer. I cannot wait for many more visits like those! Love you Ian, thanks for being a great friend. Ethan Stone‐ I am so proud to call you my friend. I love everything about you. Thanks for always being there for me, I cannot wait for the next time I get to see you. Maddie Miller‐ Not KC but close enough ;). We met on New Years of last year, and have become friends ever since. You have such an amazing personality, and you’re always there for me. Please come visit me next year in COMO, I’ll be expecting it. Love you!

COLORADO: Rachel Lehrman‐ Do you even remember the night we met? All I can say is that it was like love at first sight. Ever since that one night you have been forever my best friend. I love everything about you. There is so much for me to write, that I would literally fill up this entire will, so I’ll just FaceTime you later. ;) But in all seriousness, you are what made NFTY so special to me, and for that I am truly grateful. Love you Rach I’ll see you real soon. Emma Hope‐ Thank you for giving me the stomach flu last year at Winter. It was the first time I met you, and ever since you have become one of my best friends. I love you so much Emma! Josh Herman‐ Josh I will never forget the special moment we had a Winter this past year during Havdalah. Your personality and passion is my favorite part about you, and I am so lucky to call you one of my friends. Noah Clay‐ When you first introduced yourself to me at my first NFTY event; you said “We were friends when we were little kids. Let’s stay friends”. I am happy to say that you remained one of my friends. Thanks for always making me laugh and smile. Taylor‐ Taylor you were my guide this year on becoming a strong SAVP. Your position inspires me, and I’m so proud to see what you do on NAB. Love you sweet girl. Devin‐ Oh hey look it’s the fourth Zigman! Devin I love everything about you. You are such an amazing person and I’m so happy to call you my friend.

ADVISORS: Jodi‐ Jodi, you have been my guide as I have grown as an individual over the past three years. Thank you for bringing me back into NFTY and for always being there for me. I’ll miss you next year! Staci‐ Staci, Thank you for helping me this past year on board. You have always been there to help whenever I am in need. Beth‐ Beth since I joined NFTY you have been so welcoming and kind. Thank you for being there for me and for having so much passion for NFTY. NFTY‐MV is amazing because of you.

GIANTS: Shelby Ginsburg‐ Shelby, I’m so happy that you were not able to guide me through NFTY, but Mizzou as well. I cannot wait to join you next year at college! Ellie Pinto‐ My Pinto Bean. You took me into NFTY and became one of my first friends really fast. Thanks for teaching me about NFTY and always making me smile. Love you Ellie! Lilly Karsh‐ Because of you, I joined Camp Rainbow. It was your passion and love for Camp that made me so passionate about it too. Thank you for spreading your love to me, and helping me become a part of a very special place. Mom‐ You are the most important NFTY giant to me. You are the reason that I am in NFTY today. Your passion from when you grew up certainly rubbed off on me, and I can see why you loved it so much. Thank you for forcing me to go to the SETYG Mystery Bus Rush three years ago. If it wasn’t for that, I would not be the individual I am today. Thank you Mama for forever changing my life, I love you.

For those who I have forgotten to write about, I have not forgotten. You all have impacted me in every way, and for that, I thank you all. Thanks for being my family for the past three years and many more to come. You have all changed my life. I love you, NFTY Missouri Valley.

With Love,

Lauren Zigman
