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January 25, 2013 / 14 Shevat 5773

Senior Israel Experience Concludes

In This Issue

Martin Luther King Day

Senior Israel


Israeli Elections

Tu B'Shevat

Write On For Israel

This Week in Sports

Curriculum and Beyond

Musical Auditions


Alumni Trivia

A Taste of Torah

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

150 years after Lincoln's first first wave of emancipation

and 50 years after the historic March on Washington, CJHS

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Save the Date

Sunday, Jan. 27

JNF Tu B'Shevat Fair

Monday, Jan. 28

Senior Classes Resume

Sunday, Feb. 10


Wednesday, Feb. 13

Curriculum and Beyond

Monday, Feb. 18

No School

Monday, Feb. 25

Shushan Purim

P. O. Corner

Gelt Program The P.O. is pleased to once again introduce the gift card "Gelt program" to our families and we have made it much easier (look for upcoming email with details on how to register). Faculty and staff can also buy Gelt that will help to support programs provided for the school by the P.O. This program is designed to help families earn money toward their children's junior year Panim program and/or the Senior Israel Experience. The program is a passive earning system, in which you buy the things you ordinarily purchase anyway, and earn money which will be credited to your family for designated school trips. If you have any questions, contact Sheri Sandrof at [email protected] or call her at 847.324.3723.

Community News

and Events

joined the rest of America in remembering the civil rights

triumphs of our past and renewing our dedication to the

ideals that will make this country flourish. The annual

Martin Luther King Jr. Day program was planned by Mr.

Griffith and Rabbi Belgrad; many thanks to Dr. Auslander

for his reminiscences, to Josh Aaronson for his flourishing

quotes and to Maddy Mynatt for coordinating an inspiring

video montage of Rosa Parks' legacy and the civil rights

struggle. May the next 50 years work changes as

unrecognizable in our great society and witness a new birth

of freedom for all Americans. May we see the day when

red states and blue states, the 99% and the 1%, the

religious right and the secular left "sit down at the table of

brotherhood" as Dr. King would have us do, to forge a

common consensus that will bring us all a little closer to

the promised land.

Senior Israel Experience Concludes

The senior class headed north this week to the Galil, the

Kinneret, and the Golan, learning about Israel's precious

water resources and how to manage them for the next

generation. In addition to volunteering for social action

projects in Teverya (Tiberias) and meeting teens in an

Israeli Arab village, our students were able to experience

firsthand the natural beauty and sweetness of the promised land.

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Limmud Chicago! Saturday, February 16 6:45 p.m. Join us for laughter, beats, and dancing at the UIC Student Center East to celebrate the opening of Limmud Chicago 2013.

Joel Chasnoff will perform his new piece, G.I. Joel: A 24-year-old Stand-up Comic from Chicago Gets Drafted into the Israeli Army. Watch "A Life in Stills" sponsored by the Chicago Festival of Israeli Cinema. And afterwards, dance the night away with Biblegum pop stars Stereo Sinai. Sunday, February 17 9:00 a.m.

You'll be able to choose from over 80 sessions throughout the day. Limmud Chicago 2013 is centered around two themes: Jewish Love and Jews who made Chicago; there are plenty of sessions beyond these themes, too. See the lineup here! Lunch is included along with snacks; dietary laws observed. Check out to register, and remember to use your CJHS Family Member discount of 5%!

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Sponsor Breakfast

What's better than a birthday celebration with friends? Celebrate your student's birthday or other milestone with a special breakfast at CJHS. For a donation of $180 (10x chai), bagels, cream cheese, and orange juice will be served to everyone. An announcement will be made in Tefillah and in the dining hall, and the occasion will also be listed in our weekly E-News.

If you have any questions, please call 847.324.3713 or email [email protected]. Order forms are available online here.

Quick Links











Lunch Menu

Join the Tiger


Share more of the Class of

2013's adventures, insights,

and moments of discovery at

the group blog. Thank you to

Rabbi Silver, Dr. Schorsch,

and Mrs. and Mr. Griffith for all

their hard work and inspiration,

and to all our Israeli madrichim

for helping make this trip so


Israeli Elections

This past week in Gvt. Moskovich's Hebrew VIII classes, the

juniors researched the different parties running in

Tuesday's elections in Israel. After finishing their own

research, students presented their political parties to the

class. Through Powerpoints, paper flyers, and video

advertisements from the specific parties, they described

what each party stands for, ranging from the more well-

known right-wing Likud, Kadima, or the orthodox Shas, to

the less-known parties such as Ahim Anahnu, the anti-

discrimination party, and Orr, a party focused on

separation of church and state and educational equality.

After everyone presents, the class will participate in a mock

election, where we will find out how the results in our class

compare to the results from Tuesday!

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JNF Tu B'Shevat Fair

CJHS presents the annual Jewish National Fund


Co-Sponsored By The United States Forest Service

Sunday, January 27, 2013 11:30

a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Chicagoland Jewish High School

Arts and crafts projects! Tree planting! Live entertainment! Games and prizes! All free!

Right on, Write On!

Congratulations to juniors

Josh Aaronson, Jonathan

Chasin, Ariel Efergan,

Jeremy Goodman, Evan

Gorstein, Nathaniel

Moses, Maddy Reisler,

Josh Silverman, and Carly

Silverstein on being

appointed Fellows in the

ninth cohort of Write On for

Israel, our community's leading Israel education and

advocacy training program for high school students. As

CJHS parent Mr. Carl Schrag embarks on the two-year

program with the newest Fellows, we are confident that

each one of them will become important resources for their

peers and community. You can learn about Write On by visiting our website at

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Alumni Trivia

Which of our recent

graduates is Nativ 32's new

poster girl?

Junior Varsity Tigers Strike Back

With the seniors away, the JV and freshmen Tigers are

ruling the courts! Since restarting the season, they've

taken on the Skokie Yeshiva and St. Martin de Porres; JV,

sophomores, and freshmen boasted fabulous wins against

St. Gregory, and Cristo Rey and Westminster Christian. In

Wednesday's game, the redoubtable Jonny Chasin totally

shut down St. Gregory's best player with one amazing

block after another, and the

unstoppable Josh

Silverman racked up 30

points, sinking eight 3-

pointers despite being

sick! (Yasher koach and

feel better!) The Lady

Tigers also showed their

paces against Westminster

Christian and are looking

forward to taking on Christ

the King next week!

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The 39 members of

this year's Ten-Pin

Tigers are concluding

the bowling season on

Thursday, February 5

with the annual CJHS

Invitational. Students,

parents, and staff are

invited out to

Brunswick Zone in

Deerfield to come bowl with our champions! The bowlers

leave school at 3:30 p.m and finish at 5:15 p.m., so come

on out and hit the lanes!

Curriculum and Beyond - Prospective

Students and Parents

Monday, February 13

6:15 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.

6:15 p.m. - Mini Activities Fair

with a light pizza dinner

Learn all about the different


activities available to

you while meeting with

current students who

play a part in our

athletic program, fine & performing arts

program and social action groups. Get

information on our college counseling

office while learning about the

exceptional college placement of our


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7 p.m. - Classroom presentations

Wonder what life is like as a CJHS student? If so, this is

your opportunity to experience high school during

interactive classroom presentations. Choose from three

model lessons to


For more information,

please contact


officers Ms.

Zoberman or Ms.


Spring Musical

CJHS is excited to announce

that our drama and fine arts

students will be working with

playwright Joanne Koch in a

raucous and melodic version of

her play "Flying Feathers."

Auditions will be held next

Wednesday, Thursday, and

Friday. Pick up audition

materials from Ms. Brothers, CJHS Theater Director, and

save the date for March 17-18!


STAND secretary Yadid Licht reports, "Last Wednesday,

President Obama signed an expansion to the Justice Bill.

When the law was originally written in 1984, it was

intended to encourage citizens to disclose information on

drug trafficking and terrorists by allowing the state

department to offer rewards to those who reveal

information. President Obama has now expanded the law,

so that the government will also reward those who reveal

information that may lead to the capture of individuals who

have been indicted by the international criminal tribunal for

genocide, perpetrated crimes against humanity, war

crimes, and transnational criminal activity such as human

and gun trafficking. This law is a victory for human rights

defenders who work to create justice and accountability in

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the world.

Additionally, the Enough Project has been releasing a series

of short videos, each dedicated to a specific person in

Congo who has achieved amazing things in a place that the

world has left for dead. This video below introduces the

many characters that will appear in the videos. In the

coming weeks, a different video will be attached to each

STAND Update. Check out this week's feature: I Am the


Alumni Trivia

Miriam Coven ('12) and

Tzipi Ladin-Gross ('12) are

pictured here with two of

their busmates on Nativ

32. Miriam reports for

CHUSY, "This winter break I

flew to Vienna and from

there took a train to Venice,

Florence, and Rome. My trip

was great, and I'm happy

that I was able to experience

other [places] in Europe. The

day after my return to Israel,

I am leaving again for Poland

with 24 other Nativers for a

weeklong seminar.... I am

really looking forward to this,

and I'm glad it's an option for the many of us who were

unable to go on USY pilgrimage.... Once we are all back in

Israel, we will spend a week in Jerusalem participating in

an Israel seminar, followed by a week down south for our

southern tiyul. [I] will be spending my second semester in

Yerucham, which is a development town in the Negev.... So

far Nativ has been great, and I'm looking forward to the rest of the year!"

Sponsored Breakfast

Happy birthday to Benjy Fishbaum and

David Steinberg. Many thanks to their

families for sponsoring breakfast.

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A Taste of Torah: Beshallach

In the Mekhilta for this week's parasha, Rabbi Eliezer ben Taddai described the Song of the Sea, the supreme moment

when the Jewish people experienced supreme faith together with poetic inspiration. Rabbi Taddai sought to expound on the phrase "va-yomru lemor," which might imply either that the Israelites sang together with Moshe, or like pupils with a teacher, they merely

repeated the verses which Moshe himself composed and sang (Sotah 30b).

Said Rabbi Taddai, "Moses began and the Israelites repeated what he had said and

then completed the verse. Moses began by saying, 'I will sing to the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously,' and the Israelites repeated what he had said, and then completed the

verse with him, saying, 'I will sing to the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously, the horse and its rider He hurled into the sea.' Moses began saying,

'The Lord is my strength and my song,' and the Israelites repeated and then completed the verse with him, saying,

'The Lord is my strength and my song; He has become my salvation.'" This is why our greatest prophet and leader is not called Moshe ha-Navi, Moses the Prophet, or Moshe ha-Gadol, Moses the Great. He is known as Moshe Rabbenu, Moses our teacher, for he not only was inspired, but used his insight to inspire others. The

crowning success of the greatest teacher is to watch the students not only repeat what they have been taught, but surpass it, adding their own talents, ideas, and inspiration. Neither alone could have achieved the testament of faith and artistry that they composed together.

--Mrs. Shira Eliaser

Shabbat Shalom

Candlelighting this Friday night will be at 4:38 p.m. Shabbat Shalom!
