Page 1: Seminário Recursos e Práticas Educacionais Abertas no Ensino Superior: desafios e oportunidades - Marcelo Maina

“Desafios e Oportunidades para a pesquisa no campo REA/PEA: O estado da arte”

Marcelo Fabián MainaeLEARN CENTER, [email protected]

Río de Janeiro, March 12, 2013

Page 2: Seminário Recursos e Práticas Educacionais Abertas no Ensino Superior: desafios e oportunidades - Marcelo Maina




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Learning materials

Learning objects

RepositoriesDevelopmental approach

Open Source

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• LO heritage

• Collections of resources

• Developments of (meta) repositories

• Efforts in licensing (Creative Commons)

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RepositoriesDevelopmental approach

Teaching & Learning

Access to education

Institutional “change”

Policy at different levels

Business models

Networked and globalized setting

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Set up – Take-up – Build on- A 2012 Roadmap towards HE of production, sharing and usage of Open Digital Educational Content . - A set of online tutorials - Awareness raising workshops to foster the take-up of ODEC, and how to develop infrastructures, legally sound practices, educational policies, and organizational strategies.

-A guide for implementing OEP- OEP best practice clearing house- A roadmap for institutional leaders, policy makers, teachers, and students

- A guide for OER assessment- A set of crediting scenarios- Tools supporting evaluation and crediting of OER-based learning




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Research repository

Administered by the Education Program of the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation2001/9

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OER impact study: Research report JISC, 2011

1. What benefits can OER offer to educators and learners in HE in the UK?

2. What are the pedagogic, attitudinal, logistical and strategic factors conducive to uptake and sustained practice in the use of OER; conversely, what are the impediments?

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OER impact study: Findings-benefitsJISC, 2011

Educators ++• Integration into students’ learning environments• Providing opportunities for supplementary learning, skills development

and presenting content in different ways• Saving teachers effort• Benchmarking their own practice• Teach topics that lie outside their current expertise• stimulating networking and collaboration among teachers• Improving possibilities for new collaborations in researching fields-• Lack of precision in teachers’ conceptualization of OER• Lack of awareness of Creative Commons licensing terms.

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OER impact study: Enablers & BarriersJISC, 2011

• Pedagogic:– Relevance of content –

match with teacher purpose

– Provenance– Pedagogic intent– Granularity– Media rich– Contemporaneity– New pedagogical models

• Logistical– Volume of resources– Technical and

implementation issues– Discoverability– Lack of licencing

• Strategic– Institutional policy– Driving agents– Recognition-reward

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OER impact study: Findings-benefitsJISC, 2011

Learners• Low level of awareness of OER, and understanding of

copyright issues• Preference for online over printed materials, and materials

that are up to date;• Appreciation of the ‘walled garden’ of online resources

provided by their teachers, • Continuing need for training in searching for and evaluating

online materials (information literacy)• Reluctance to make their own work publicly available on

the Web, especially whenformally assessed.

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OER impact study: RecommendationsJISC, 2011

• Further research into the reuse, in a global context, of full courses/modules of OER

• Further research into the optimal ways to foster teachers’ reuse of OER.

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• ... need for proof: “value and impact remain to be answered or supported with appropriate evidence” (McAndrew & Farrow, 2013)

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OER Research HUB: Hypotheses

“… identify critical issues and learn from the practical

experience derived from working to solve them”.

2 key hypotheses:

a. Use of OER leads to IMPROVEMENT in student performance and satisfaction.

b. The open aspect of OER creates different usage and ADOPTION patterns than other online resources.

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OER Research HUB: HypothesesA set of testable hypotheses:

c. Open education models lead to more equitable ACCESS to education, serving a broader base of learners.

d. Use of OER is an effective method for improving RETENTION for at-risk students.

e. Use of OER leads to critical REFLECTION by educators, with evidence of improvement in their practice

f. OER adoption at an institutional level leads to financial BENEFITS for students and/or institutions.

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OER Research HUB: HypothesesA set of testable hypotheses:

g. Informal learners use a variety of INDICATORS when selecting OER.

h. Informal learners adopt a variety of techniques to compensate for the lack of formal SUPPORT in open courses.

i. Open education acts as a bridge to formal education, and is COMPLEMENTARY, not competitive, with it.

j. Participation in OER pilots and programs leads to POLICY change at institutional level.

k. Informal means of ASSESSMENT are motivators to learning with OER.

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OER Research HUB: Methods

• Surveys of attitudes and behaviours of students and educators towards OER

• Structured interviews with students, teachers, OER creators, policymakers and other stakeholders

• Stakeholder Focus groups• Analysis of student


• Descriptions of pilot activities and their impact

• Case studies of OER policy implementation,

• Critical incidence analysis• Classroom observations• Reflective journals• Learning analytics• Desk research

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• ... need for proof “value and impact remain to be answered or supported with appropriate evidence” (McAndrew & Farrow, 2013)

• Near future scenarios (forecasting OER, foreseeing Open Education) – prospective studies “visionary papers and imaginative scenarios on how Open Education in 2030 in Europe might look”

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Teachers• Teacher-learner interaction• Teacher training and

collaboration• Pedagogical methodologies and

practices• Quality and innovation• Content and scope of “teaching”• Teacher engagement and

motivation• …

Learners• Enrolment and support schemes• Peer learning and interaction• Learner-teacher roles• Learning practices and outcome• Linking formal and informal

learning• Learner engagement and

motivation• …

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What we have and know

• Availabitily of enourmous amount of OER• Acces to “advance search” repositories (and

meta-repositories)• Ways of creating and adpating OER• Pros & Cons of using OER• Enablers and barries to adoption of OEP

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What we need to prove

We have cumulated a lot of experience, but we haven’t scientifically proved yet that OER/OEP:- Democratises education- Provides real opportunities to “at risk” groups- Fosters actual pedagogical change and

innovation- Is sustainable- Is productively disruptive

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Research suggested approach

• Practice based – theory and practice driven• DBR approach / Action research– Design T&L experience + Design research– Monitor and collect data– Analyse – Report

• Provide “explanatory” knowledge + applied orientation (guidelines, rules of thumb)

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Research focus


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• Teaching practice• Learning • Education institutions• Policy• Sustainability• Access • Democracy • Internationalization of education

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OportUnidad assumptions • OportUnidad

– Use of OER leads to critical reflection by educators, with evidence of improvement in their practice (5)

– OER adoption at an institutional level leads to financial benefits for students and/or institutions (6)

– Embracing OEP straighten inter-institutional collaboration on a globalized educational scenario.

• OportUnidad trained faculty– Open education models lead to more equitable access to education,

serving a broader base of learners than traditional education (3)– Use of OER is an effective method for improving retention for at-risk

students (4)– Use of OER empowers the student ….

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OK, now “prove it”

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fresh, May 9


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GraciasObrigadoThank you