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Selenium Sandwich Part 2: Add some meat

Steven LembarkWorkhorse [email protected]

What is a Selenium Sandwich?


No really..

What is a Selenium Sandwich?

Last time we saw how to wrap an existing object.

Add some high-level functions to it.

Now we get to use them.

Chicken & Egg

How do you validate what's in the browser?

Without knowing the request and the reponse?

Chicken & Egg

How do you validate what's in the browser?

Without knowing the request and the reponse?

A: You can't.

That's why debugging front ends is so hard:

All you see is what's in the browser.

Fix: Feed the browser from a server you control.

Sounds easy enough:

Make a request you know.

To a server you control.

Get back a known response.

Validate what is in the browser.

Fix: Feed the browser from a server you control.

Sounds easy enough:

Make a request you know.

To a server you control.

Get back a known response.

Validate what is in the browser.

Q: How do you control the response?

The dynamic fly in our soup

You usually can't control the response.

Most browser-code testing uses an active server.

Bugs in the server show up in your browser.

Validating the browser requires a fixed response.

The dynamic fly in our soup

You usually can't control the response.

Most browser-code testing uses an active server.

Bugs in the server show up in your browser.

Validating the browser requires a fixed response.

That means you can't use the “real” server.

What's a fake server?

A: One that hands back a canned response.


Use the browser to request the pre-determined reply.

Validate the browser contents using selenium.

Defining content

PSGI makes defining the response easy.

PSGI reply format:[

http code,

[ http headers ],

[ http returned content ]


[ 200, [], [ “Hello, world!<p>” ]

PSGI is easy in YAML---


- 200

- []

- Hello, world\n

A complete setup & request---


# high-level call to find and click “submit”

- find_click

- submit


# hardwired response

- 200

- []

- [ “hello, world!<p>”, “in flowed text<p>” ]

Plack is your friend.

Don't tell your dentist I said so...

POST some YAML to a server and it can do the deed.


Er... how? You still need a browser...

Easy: Plack is Perl, remember?


Server on one port gets a requestmy $response = '';my $validate = '';sub setup_test # handler for port 5001{

my $env = shift;my $control = Load $env->{ POST_DATA };( $response, $validate ) = @$contrl{qw( response validate )};my $browser = Selenium::Handler->new;run_browser_commands $control;

}sub run_test # handler for port 80{

my $env = shift; # from setup_test.validate_request $env, $validate; # sanity checks.$response # canned response.


What just happened?

HTTP server sent itself a request.

From a browser.

Using selenium.

What just happened?

HTTP server sent itself a request.

From a browser.

Using selenium.

It is a closed loop.

You can test it.

Next Month: Actually making it work.

Main issue is getting requests back to the server.

Which requires a proxy server.

And a bit of black magic under the hood.
