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By John Collins 1

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In The Beginning............................................................................................................................ 5Behold! The Lamb of God!............................................................................................................8Impure Sacrifice...........................................................................................................................10Son of Man.................................................................................................................................. 13Powerless Christ.......................................................................................................................... 15The Buck Stops Here....................................................................................................................18Worshipping What?.....................................................................................................................20Judgment or Grace?.....................................................................................................................22Handing Over The Reins...............................................................................................................24Sir, I Perceive That You Are A Prophet.........................................................................................26Condemn The Woman Or Save The City......................................................................................28Believe The Sign...........................................................................................................................30You’re Not Alone......................................................................................................................... 32Faith In Faith................................................................................................................................34The Authority Of The Son............................................................................................................ 36Hiding The Gospel........................................................................................................................38What Is The “Good News?”.........................................................................................................42Prophet Like Unto Me..................................................................................................................46My Father Gives The Bread..........................................................................................................49Cafeteria-Style Religion................................................................................................................51The Gnostic Holy Spirit.................................................................................................................53It’s Time To Stand Up...................................................................................................................55Casting The First Stone................................................................................................................ 57The Fruits Of Trick Photography..................................................................................................59Your Father, The Devil................................................................................................................. 61Worldly Message Of Divine Healing.............................................................................................63Divine Healing In The Branham Campaigns.................................................................................65Failed Prophecy of the Woman’s Vote........................................................................................67Donnie Reagan, Most Racist Pastor In America...........................................................................70Raping Women............................................................................................................................ 77Mixed Marriage........................................................................................................................... 79The Good Shepherd.....................................................................................................................83Rosicrucians.................................................................................................................................85Creators Of Squirrel.....................................................................................................................90A Sodom Condition......................................................................................................................93Hindering The Kingdom...............................................................................................................97Rev. Jim Jones and William Branham...........................................................................................99Adding New Prophecies Into The “Table”..................................................................................102Jim Jones and the Open Door....................................................................................................105Job............................................................................................................................................. 107 2

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The Toddler Prophet..................................................................................................................108Bridge Prophecy.........................................................................................................................110Baptism......................................................................................................................................112The Prophecies of 1933.............................................................................................................113An Angered God.........................................................................................................................115Faith Healing..............................................................................................................................116A Pillar Of Fire By Night..............................................................................................................118A Cloud By Day...........................................................................................................................119Marks of the Beast.....................................................................................................................120Ground Rules............................................................................................................................. 122Jehovah’s Witness..................................................................................................................... 125The Easy Questions....................................................................................................................126The Cloud...................................................................................................................................127The Bridge..................................................................................................................................129The Church Ages........................................................................................................................131Grips of Fear.............................................................................................................................. 133Tragedy of Donnie Morton........................................................................................................135Driverless Eggcar........................................................................................................................136California: Still Standing.............................................................................................................138The Twisted Scripture................................................................................................................140A Strange Birth...........................................................................................................................143Childhood.................................................................................................................................. 144Fatherless.................................................................................................................................. 145The Commissions.......................................................................................................................146Moving Targets..........................................................................................................................148Franklin D. Roosevelt.................................................................................................................150John F. Kennedy.........................................................................................................................155Creation..................................................................................................................................... 159Enoch......................................................................................................................................... 161Moses........................................................................................................................................ 162Balaam.......................................................................................................................................164Elijah.......................................................................................................................................... 166The Prophets..............................................................................................................................168Gene And Leo............................................................................................................................ 170The Gospel.................................................................................................................................175The Achievement Of The Holy Spirit..........................................................................................178Divorce Your Wives....................................................................................................................180Pretending To Be God................................................................................................................182King James Only.........................................................................................................................184Temporary Hell.......................................................................................................................... 187The Evening Light.......................................................................................................................189Become Like Sinners..................................................................................................................192A Call To Action!.........................................................................................................................194Only Begotten Son.....................................................................................................................197 3

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Horizons – by Norman Bel Geddes............................................................................................199Future Home vs. Dispensational Truth......................................................................................200The Light Struck The Lens..........................................................................................................201Jim Jones and William Branham the Doomsday Prophet..........................................................202The Intersection of Jim Jones and William Branham.................................................................203Who Is The New Voice Speaking For Seek The Truth?...............................................................205We’d Like To Have Your Suggestions.........................................................................................206Leaving The Message.................................................................................................................208John 1:17-43.............................................................................................................................. 212Moving Forward........................................................................................................................ 216Galatians 3: Faith Or Works.......................................................................................................220He Who Is Without Sin...............................................................................................................225Our Chains Are Broken...............................................................................................................228Sin Is “Unbelief”.........................................................................................................................232 4

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About This Book

This book is a collection of blog entries from the website, As individual posts, they chronologically outline a progression of thought during the course of an entire year. As such, they are not intended to be read and understood as the “final word.” With each blog post, discussions uncovered hidden facts and truths that were not common knowledge at the time the post was created. As a progression of thought, it is also to be understood that the views and opinions of each post’s authors may not remain the same today. As new facts are presented, understanding of each topic is also subject to change.

Often, passages of scripture are referenced in the blog posts. The authors do not claim to be an authority of scripture or a theologian. As students in the Bible writing blog posts, it is to be understood that a progression of Biblical knowledge and understanding is also included with the articles posted. The understanding of scripture at the time of the post may not be the current understanding by each author.

This book is intended to be a resource for those impacted by the “Message of the Hour,” the religious following of William Marrion Branham. Followers of Branham’s doomsday cult experience much the same journey as they attempt to deprogram and seek to find themselves in “normal” Christian life. During this journey, many of these posts will seem familiar to this subset of the Christian faith – while they will be very unfamiliar to Christians who were not raised in a doomsday cult. 5

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Signs of the Time

Signs of the end time are all around us, and have been for years now. Great signs and wonders, wars and other Biblical prophecies are happening all around us to show us the way.

It is very important that we never mock or ridicule these signs, no matter how great or small. Instead, we must put them through the Bible test to make sure we are following the One True God.

There are many signs described in the Bible to watch for. Many people do not study God's Word to find them all, listening only to their teacher(s)' descriptions of the signs.

Below is a list of some of the predictions given by the Bible, and how to make sure that you are following the instructions given by God's Holy Word:

1) 2 Peter 2:1-2 : False Teachers Bring Heresies, Gather Followers of Themselves and Not the God's WordBe very careful that every word of your teacher points to God's Word, and not themselves. All worship is on God. The Bible promises "swift destruction" on these teachers. Watch the lives of these teachers as vindication of God's Word.

2) Revelation 11:9-10; 17:8 : Global Communications Would Show the BeastThe Bible promises that a method of global communications would show the "people and kindreds and tongues and nations" these events. Some teachers may not permit you to use these forms of communications, but use these tools to see the signs of the time.

3) Zechariah 14:12 Weapons of Mass DestructionZechariah prophecies about the atomic bomb of today, "Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth."

4) 1 Thessalonians 5:3 Global Cry for PeaceWhen the men of the earth see the violence rising up from all nations, cries for peace and safety will be heard.

5) Isaiah 17 : Damascus (Syria) Will Be DestroyedSaturday, Feb 5 2012, the U.N. speaks out against Syria, saying that the country was a threat to global peace. Already, war is looming over Syria

6) 1 Timothy 4:3-4 : Movements for Vegetarianism (New Age Movement)The number of people avoiding meats and favoring vegetables only are on the rise.

7) Daniel 12:4 : World Travel Bringing Increased Knowledge 6

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Today, with the global economy, world knowledge is quickly spreading from culture to culture.

8) Luke 21:11; 2 Corinthians 11:14 : Earthquakes, Famine, Disease, and UFOsMany are afraid to watch the sky for fear of being deemed "UFO fanatic", but the Bible teaches to watch for these signs. Be very careful calling them "angels", for as Corinthians states, "Satan disguises himself as an angel of light".

9) Ezekiel 38: Russia (Magog) Will Attack IsraelIsrael's current stand against Iran is causing the world leaders to watch closely for the attack. Since Iran controls a major flow of oil through the region, such an attack would cause many to strike Israel.

10) Revelation 9:15-16; 16:12: The Kings of the East (China) Preparing Army of 200 million. When this prophecy was given, there was approximately 170-400 million on the entire planet. Currently, China has over 300 million men fit for military service.

11) Matthew 7:22-23 : Deceptive Signs and WondersWith the rise of evangelism and Charismatic preachers, there is also a rise in people hungry for signs. We must be careful to worship the God they teach, not the teacher.

12) Luke 17:28-30 : Homosexuality on the RiseThe Bible is very clear on this point; homosexuality is of the devil, and the world would become more like Sodom in the end time.

13) 1 Timothy 4:1; Luke 17:26; Genesis 6:1-4: Fallen Angels Will Deceive the ChurchA subject not often discussed, history points to the fallen angels that produced the Nephilim, or giants, and remains of those giants have been discovered in various parts of the world. Some cult followings, such as Joseph Smith, have claimed to have visitations from these angels. Typically, these angels produce a doctrine that points to the leader instead of the Good News that Jesus Christ died for all.

14) Matthew 24:26 : Leaders Teaching They Were Spoken To "Directly By God"If they say to you they were spoken to in private, the Bible says "believe it not".

15) Luke 21:25 : Solar FlaresCurrently, solar flares are causing massive changes in the magnetic fields in the north, giving brilliant displays of northern lights.

16) 1 Timothy 4:1 : Following After Spirits and Strange DoctrinesIn the last day, religious leaders will teach from the "spirit world", instead of spreading the Good News that Jesus died for our sins

17) 2 Peter 3:3 : Mocking the Signs and Wonders 7

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Be careful to study the signs and wonders, and do not make jokes or mockery about any of them. If they are from God, it is Blasphemy.

18) Ezekiel 29:14-16: Egypt's Rule DiminishedAt the time of this prophecy, Egypt was a mighty ruler of nations. Today, archaeologists struggle to find even the history of their power.

19) Luke 21:26: Extreme Weather Causing FearActive volcanoes, hurricanes, tsunamis, and earthquakes are starting to rise and be international news almost monthly.

20) Luke 19:41-42; Romans 11:25-27 : Israel Accepting the Gospel of Jesus ChristMany teachers, past and present, spread doctrines that the Gospel of Jesus Christ was not for the Jews. The Bible teaches us that Israel would accept the Gospel when the Gentiles came into the fold. 8

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Vindication of a True Prophet

Does discernment, healing, and prophecy vindicate a true prophet of God? Oral Roberts had thousands of accurate discernments, healings, and many accurate prophecies.

Answer: Oral Roberts had a very successful ministry throughout his life. He was able to discern the name, address, and disease of his followers through what he claimed to be "the fire of God" flowing through his right hand. Others of the day had vibrations through their left hand. Many had successful and accurate prophecy.

The Bible does not allow for mistake; with a prophet, one strike and you are out. Gifts of discernment, healing, and prophecy does not vindicate a prophet, we must test the prophets to make sure that we are not following a prophet with even one failed vision. If a vision fails, then the prophet is not of God. Oral Roberts must be vindicated only by testing his every vision for accuracy through the Bible, and through history. 20120207_Excommunication 9

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Excommunication is a Biblical method of correction that, when used properly, is meant to help the unruly Christian to learn the error of his ways and enter back into the fold. The Bible gives us a clear instruction on how this correction should be administered, and the grounds for usage.

Some modern day cult followings, such as the Mormons and the Jehovah's Witnesses also use excommunication, but with one major difference. Their extra-Biblical insights lead to adding extra-Biblical grounds for shunning and methods of correction. While this helps to keep their followers held within their cult, they do not realize many of their "extra-Biblical" methods actually originated from Pagan practice.

While the Biblical instruction for shunning is a means for correction and eventually leading the offender back to God, the Pagan practice of excommunication involved a much deeper spiritual effect on anyone rejecting their beliefs. Pagans believed that if a follower questioned their false gods, it might lead others away from the following. Not only were they placed under a ban, they were no longer protected by their false god and would in danger of utter destruction.

The Bible gives us the Truth about excommunication, and how it should be used for leading a sheep back into the fold:Matthew 18: The follower should be a member of the church administering the punishment. The Bible references a sheep that has wandered from the shepherdMatthew 18: The follower should be a sinner who has rejected Christ and has failed to repentCorinthians 5: Fornication, greed, idolatry, drunkenness, and swindling are all grounds for excommunicationRomans 16: Rejecting ChristIf your spiritual leader has not followed the Biblical formula for excommunication, the only alternative is the Pagan formula. The Bible teaches us to test everything to make sure we are following the true instructions given in the Word of God. Any questions of the doctrines will have a Biblical answer, or the doctrines are not of God. Leaders who know there are no Biblical grounds will excommunicate a follower so that others will not learn of the errors in doctrine.

As with everything in your lives, you don't have to worry or fear because God has given you the Word. If you compare it to the Word and it does not stand up to the Bible test you don't have to fear it at all. An interesting article makes us fear it less; most of us have already been excommunicated from the Catholic Church. (read article)

It should be noted that even the Catholic church as seen the error of their ways and repented of it. 10

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The Message

The prophet Isaiah foretold of the coming of Christ, and the Message that Christ would bring through his death on the cross. This Message was the Gospel, which is the Good News that Jesus came, died for our sins, and everyone who believed on Him would be saved. The Message was Good News that we no longer were slaves to our sin; the Savior had conquered sin.

Isaiah 40 says that we should be comforted. "Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God." He foretold John would be preparing the way for Christ, making the pathway to salvation. He compares the people of the world to grass of the field, and the grass would grow or fade away because God had the power of all things. He told the people of Jerusalem to praise and worship the God they were going to behold.

Romans 1 says that Paul was set apart to preach this Good News as was foretold by Isaiah in the scriptures. Grace and Peace from the God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Faith in Jesus Christ would bring not only salvation, but obedience to Him.

Paul's Message was the Good News that Jesus died for all mankind, not some chosen few that has chosen to follow a doctrine brought forth by a man. Many spiritual leaders have come and gone, teaching their followers that they had the special insight required to be worthy and called by God to the rapture. Some of those doctrines have blossomed into very large organizations with many followers. The headquarters of the leadership for the many organizations can be found in various parts throughout the world.

We should rejoice in faith in Jesus Christ. As Paul said it, we should be "mutually encouraged by each other's faith", for the gospel is "the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes: first for the Jew, then for the Gentile."

Every one of us should follow the Message, and that Message is the Good News that Jesus Christ died for all, from the Mormons to the Baptists, from the Catholics to the Lutherans, from the Islamic to the Buddhist people. Every single person who comes to believe in Jesus Christ through faith can be saved, and faith will eventually bring obedience to the Word of God.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we spreading the Message? 12

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Deceive The Very Elect If Possible

Throughout the world, Oral Roberts is regarded as a true man of God, a hero to the Pentecostal faith. With his very successful spiritual healing campaigns, he made a huge impact on not only America, but throughout the world.

David du Plessis was deeply involved in helping those involved with the Charismatic movement. He worked directly with evangelists throughout the Pentecostal churches, the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship International, and more. According to the religious media of the times, Oral Roberts had the largest and most successful healing ministries of all the ministers that Mr. du Plessis worked with. Now, over forty years later, the name Oral Roberts is still synonymous with religious healing.

Many others during and after the time of Roberts ministry are known to have great spiritual gifts present in their ministries, and these ministers use these gifts as tools to increase the faith of their followers. Some of them claim to have the gift of prophecy, similar to Robert's claims starting in the '60s. While these spiritual gifts are indeed gifts from God to bless his children, they can also be deceptive by those who would use them for the wrong purpose.

Matthew 24 warns, "For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect." When we read this entire chapter, Christ is warning of those who claim to have the gift of prophecy while using these gifts of the Spirit. These prophets could use these spiritual gifts to deceive the "very elect" children of God if it were possible to do so.

Some have claimed that this passage is referring to the "two spirits", insinuating that there would be a deception regarding "true church" and a "false church". Jesus is warning us to watch the prophets, they would deceive using great signs and wonders. When the scripture is read in context, the passage is speaking of the "many false prophets" that would rise and deceive many." These signs and wonders would be a tool used by the prophets in their deception.

We must be careful as we watch the Spirit move through the churches. Spiritual gifts do not vindicate a messenger, and we must put their message through the Bible test.20120210_Not_Ashamed 13

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Not Ashamed

In the book of Romans, Paul describes his commission for spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He described his audience to be everyone, from the Greek which was well known to be a culture full of wisdom and knowledge, to the Barbarians which were known to possess little or no knowledge of the day. He admitted that he had purposed in his heart to spread the gospel to Rome some time before, and leads you to believe that there was some question as to whether or not he was afraid of bringing his teachings to Rome.

In response, he replied, "I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth." Though Paul knew that he would have an unwelcome reception in Rome, he was not afraid or ashamed to bring the Truth to the Romans. Jesus Christ had died for their sins, and salvation was available to everyone who accepted Jesus as their savior and believed on Christ.

To judge a man was, in Paul's words, "inexcusable". No man was without sin, so any man who judged another was just as guilty of sin as the one they judged. As consolation to those under judgment, he proclaimed that their continual patience in seeking for glory, honor, immortality, and eternal life was for everyone. God is not a respecter of persons.

We should take this as our example today. There are many Christians in the churches across the world, and many pastors preaching to the saved. Who is preaching to the lost? Who sits with the drunkard as he sits mourning some tragedy, or reasons with the drug addict who cannot break his addiction? How many people are rejected and avoided because they are Islamic, Hindi, or Buddhist?

Paul was not stagnant, not preaching in a church of saved Christians. Paul had put on the full armor of God, and was not afraid to preach to those born into idolatry. Paul was not ashamed.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: are we spreading the Gospel to the sinners, or are we ashamed of the Gospel and preaching it to the saints?20120211_Puffed_Up 14

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Puffed Up

During the time Paul was preaching to the Corinthians, the groups of Christians had divisions among the churches. Members of the faith had studied the doctrines under the teacher that had brought them together, but had become "puffed up" as he called it -- thinking that their study of the doctrine had built them up to greater esteem.

To the extent that Paul himself had become despised and judged by the "puffed up" churches. In Corinthians 4, he described himself as judged by men, reviled, persecuted, defamed, and literally "filth of the world" in the eyes of men. As a result, he spoke out against it. He did not intend to shame the followers in their great mistake, but instead offer a warning against what they were doing.

He instructed the followers to take an account of his ministry, that he pointed only to God and not the doctrines of men. He felt it was very insignificant that they had judged him, especially since he did not judge himself; God was the judge of all things.

Paul warned "not to think of men above that which is written, that no one of you be puffed up for one against another." He said that he would visit the divided churches and speak to them, but would not be versed in these doctrines of men. Instead, he would come speaking of the power of the kingdom of God. He would not come to them violently preaching against their mistakes, or as he put it "with a rod", but would instead speak to them in love and the spirit of meekness.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: have we became "puffed up"? Across the world, many Christians have been taught under the leadership of great men who were truly men of God. Do we hold their doctrines in such esteem that we judge other churches who worship Jesus Christ under a different teaching? Do we sit down to fellowship and worship with others in one of the many denominations or independent churches considering them brothers and sisters in Christ, or are we "puffed up," judging them?

If so, we should heed Paul's warning and focus our eyes on Jesus Christ. 15

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The Large Body of Christ

Paul, speaking to the Corinthians in 1 Corinthians 12 stated that we are all one body of Christ. He wanted to make it clear to the Church that all members who claimed Jesus as their Lord were members of the Body of Christ.

He reminded them that they were just as guilty of being carried away by "dumb idols" as the other members of the Body of Christ, but those who said that "Jesus is the Lord" were members of the body because they could only say it by the Holy Ghost.

The gift of the Holy Ghost was not a special privilege to to a select chosen few. Paul felt led to instruct the church that there were many members of the body, not a small chosen few. He compared the Church to the human body, informing them that the Holy Ghost would come among all members of the body. Even if the manifestation of the Holy Spirit came differently among the different parts of the body, they were all of the same body.

He said that there was a diversity of gifts that would be brought among the Church, but they were of the same Holy Spirit. There would be different administrations, or followings of teachers, but they all served the same Lord. Each group, or denomination would have a diversity of operations in the church, but the same God was the one working each operation. One group may have wisdom and another knowledge. One may have faith and another healing. One may work miracles, and another may prophesy. One may have discernment and another speaking and interpretation of tongues.

All of these members of the vast body of Christ were of the selfsame Holy Spirit. All who believed were freely given what the Holy Spirit felt they needed to increase their faith.

Are we guilty of casting out a member of the Body of Christ because they do not have a gift? Do we oppose a member because they are under a different administration? Do we feel that because we have a certain knowledge that other groups do not have that we are the only member of the Body of Christ?

One might ask themselves: if the gifts are given to the Church as a blessing to increase the faith, maybe God realizes that more faith is needed in that particular member? Any member of the large Body of Christ is part of that Body, and the Holy Spirit gives each member of the Body just what it needs when it needs it. 16

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Greatest Gift is Love

1 Corinthians 13 Gives us the key to understanding the true meaning of God and his instructions to us as Christians: it's all about love. If we have love, all that Paul preached against will simply vanish away.

Paul said that even if he spoke with the tongues of an angel, he would only be making a loud noise unless his ministry had love. If he was able to see and understand great mysteries, and even make mountains disappear, he was nothing without love.

A message of love endures, and does not produce followers that are envious or "puffed up" as Paul puts it. Prophecies may fail, tongues of angels may cease to speak, knowledge of mysteries will vanish away. According to Paul, we know only part of the prophecy and the mysteries anyway, and they will vanish away.

Paul likens this to the time he "spoke as a child", and "understood as a child". Once he learned the true meaning of God, he looked beyond these things. Since he could not see everything in these mysteries, he compared it to looking through a dark glass of wine; it can't be seen clearly, so look beyond the mysteries. Instead, look to faith, hope, and love, and the greatest of these is love.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: are we following a ministry of love? Has it produced a people that are boastful that they know the mysteries or the ones who gave the mysteries, or has it produced a people that only focus on love? If the voice has "vanished away", do we still look behind to that voice, or are we still speaking "as a child?" 17

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Hymenaeus and Alexander

In the letters to Timothy (1 Timothy 1; 2 Timothy 2), Paul gives the example of Hymenaeus and Alexander. They were once enlightened with the Truth, but had caused a "shipwreck" concerning the faith by injecting their doctrines into the ministry. Like many have done, these two men created a following of themselves and their doctrines rather than a following that focused on faith in Jesus Christ.

Paul warned Timothy not to give heed to some of these "fables and endless genealogies" which were questioned by ministers in an attempt to show worthiness by bloodlines rather than by godly edifying in faith. As written in Acts, God made the blood of all nations of men on the face of the earth through "one bloodline." Jesus speaking to the Pharisees (John 8) agreed that they were the seed of Abraham, but said that they were "of their father, the Devil." Any attempt to prove worthiness through genealogy was a worthless attempt, yet these doctrines of men were coming forth and causing a stumbling block in the faith.

Some had "swerved" to teach doctrines that involved the laws of the Old Testament, studying and teaching the laws without understanding what the laws were for. According to Paul, the laws were not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient. The ungodly and sinners, unholy and profane, murderers, whoremongers, homosexuals, kidnappers, liars, perjurers, and any other thing contrary to sound doctrine was the reason the law was given. The laws were good and just, and had their purpose, but the power of love would outlast any law.

Paul reminded them that the commandment was love out of a pure heart and good conscience, through faith unfeigned. Paul himself was a blasphemer, persecutor, and injurious to Christians, but had obtained mercy since he was an unbeliever when he did these things. Christ did not die for the saints alone, but also for the sinners. Paul admitted that he was the "chief" of the sinners.

He gave Timothy a commission to wage a mighty war against these doctrines. He instructed him to hold on to faith and good conscience. "The grace of our Lord was exceeding abundant with faith and love which is in Christ Jesus."

Ministers today have taken the bloodlines and made doctrines out of them, trying to show the balance of good and evil throughout the ages. They have taken the laws of the Old Testament and hand-picked the ones that fit their doctrines, not understanding that the consequences of these laws were in many cases punishable by stoning to death. Not many churches today gather the congregation together to witness a stoning.

As Christians, we need to ask ourselves: are we giving heed to fables? Are we following doctrines about the bloodlines of Cain and Abel and placing these doctrines above the Bible? Are we following teachers that teach some of the laws of the Old Testament though that law 18

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was designed for the ungodly? Or are we pouring ourselves into the Bible to learn more about faith and love in Jesus Christ?

Different Jesus?

Simon Magus is considered by the early Christians as the "father" of the Gnostic faith. He was well known throughout the people of Samaria, to the point that he was regarded as "the great power of God." Acts 8 describes his early days of sorcery, and then his conversion by Philip once he believed in "the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ." After his conversion, he worked with Philip beholding many miracles and signs. He later realized that he could not give the gift of the Holy Ghost, and was not comfortable without being involved in the spirit world. By trying to purchase the power of the Holy Ghost with money, he showed that he was full of bitterness and not love.

While the Church was in the early stages, Gnostic beliefs were also starting to take hold within some of the followers of Christianity. Their doctrines were very close to the original faith, but also incorporated some Pagan ideas that would eventually become the adversary for early Christians such as Irenaeus who fought against heresies. They were unable to leave behind their sorcery and connections to the "spirit world".

Paul was no stranger to these early Gnostic ideas, and spoke out against them in 2 Corinthians 11. He compared these ideas to how the serpent beguiled Eve through subtilty, and warned them "so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. He warned them not to accept any Jesus other than the one Paul preached, any "holy" spirit which they had not already received, or any other gospel which they had not already accepted.

There were no mysteries that must be fulfilled to the believers, no strange lights needed to prove God. He warned them not to marvel at great lights, for "Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light". Such people Paul regarded as "false apostles" and "deceitful workers" who were pretending to be apostles of Christ. Their end would be according to their works.

Jesus Christ was taught by Paul in simplicity, but the people saw themselves as wise; looking for a greater sign. Paul warned them that in doing so they were gladly allowing fools to bring them into suffering and bondage, allowing a man to exalt himself and smite them on the face. Paul confirmed that the "God and Father" of the "Lord Jesus Christ" knew that he was telling them the truth.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves, have we let Gnosticism in the church? Have we let a man exalt himself and teach us a "different Jesus?" Do we marvel in strange lights? Paul was not ashamed to proclaim that the Lord Jesus Christ had a "God and Father". Are we ashamed?20120216_Culture_and_Custom_of_the_Jews 19

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Culture and Custom of the Jews

In Galatians 2, Paul describes the time he spent with others preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to very diverse groups of people. At the time, many still taught that the laws of the Old Testament were still required for salvation, and Paul was faced with strong opposition to his ministry of grace and love.

The Jews still held on to the law that circumcision was required for salvation. While God called Peter to the apostleship of the circumcision, Paul was called to preach to the Gentiles. Other apostles recognized the grace that was given to Paul, and sent Barnabas to his right hand of fellowship to preach to the heathen.

This was discovered on a certain occasion, when Peter was eating with the uncircumcised Gentiles -- which was forbidden by the law of the Jews. Peter quickly withdrew and separated himself for fear of those circumcised who would accuse him of eating with the uncircumcised. This caused a great disturbance in the churches, insomuch that other Jews started separating themselves and Barnabas was carried away with them.

Paul was against the accusers, saying they "walked not uprightly according to the truth of the Gospel". The Gospel of Jesus Christ was the Good News that Jesus came, died for all, and all who believed on Him would be saved. Paul called Peter before all of these divided members, and confronted the issue head-on. If Peter was a Jew living like the Gentiles, why would he try to make the Gentiles live as the Jews? Jews will be Jews by nature, and not considered sinners by the Gentiles for their beliefs. Gentiles will be Gentiles by nature, and should not be considered sinners by the Jews for their beliefs. Paul knew that the culture and customs of the Gentiles did not require circumcision.

Paul said that man was "not justified by works of the law, but by faith of Jesus Christ." The only justification needed was that they might be "justified by the faith of Christ", and not by the law. According to Paul, in "the works of the law shall no flesh be justified." This would in effect make Christ the minister of sin. God forbid!

Paul said that through the law, he was dead to the law. Christ lived in him, and his new life in the flesh he lived by the faith of the Son of God, who died for all. Paul said that holding onto these old laws would frustrate the grace of God. If righteousness came through the law, then Christ died in vain.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: do we preach a doctrine of legalism, or of grace? Do we still hold onto those old laws, when Paul himself cast them aside to a new "life in the flesh?" Are we dividing members of the church because we pick-and-choose laws that some disagree with? Are we imposing laws on our churches that were for a different culture or custom? Have we brought forth a doctrine that would have made Christ die in vain? 20

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Baptism Required for the Holy Ghost?

Acts 10 gives an account of a centurion named Cornelius who feared God and was in constant prayer. He gave much alms to the poor, insomuch that God recognized his love for others.

An angel of God came to him, saying that his prayers and alms were up for a memorial before God. The angel commissioned him to send men to Joppa, where a woman by the name of Tabitha, the disciple, was causing quite a stir not only for her alms, but for having just been raised from the dead.

While they were traveling, Peter had a vision about eating wild beasts and other unclean creatures which he had never before eaten. God spoke to him in the vision that instructed him that he should freely eat anything that God had cleansed. The vision came three times, and weighed heavy on Peter's mind. While he was thinking about the events shown in the vision, the Holy Spirit announced that Cornelius and his men had arrived, and that Peter should believe what they said because they were sent by God.

When Cornelius met Peter, he immediately fell down at his feet to worship Peter. Peter quickly informed him that he was also a man, and that he should quit worshipping him and stand up.

Cornelius began to give his testimony to Peter, and Peter realized that Cornelius was speaking the truth. Though Peter was well respected, and many had gathered during the event, Peter proclaimed that "God is no respecter of persons". In every nation, there were good, godly men and women that feared God and worked righteousness. God had sent a message of peace to the children of Israel, that was preached by Jesus Christ.

Peter began to give his testimony, and how he had witnessed the things that Jesus did both in the land of the Jews and in Jerusalem. He described the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, and how that all who believed on Him would receive forgiveness for their sins.

While he was speaking, the Holy Ghost fell on the people, both Jews and Gentiles. His message of Love and Faith in Jesus Christ was fully justified by the event, those listening to his sermon were filled with the Holy Ghost regardless of their culture or nationality. He proclaimed that they could not forbid the Gentiles to be baptized; they had just received the Holy Ghost! He commanded them afterwards to be baptized in the name, or authority, of the Lord.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: do we give to the poor? Do we recognize women can also be disciples? Do the elders of the church allow others to raise them up to a place of worship, or do they quickly tell them to stop before it happens? Do we preach that a person must be baptized in one particular formula or another in order to receive the Holy Ghost? Have we put so much emphasis on baptism that we no longer recognize it as an outward display of our dedication to Jesus Christ? 21

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I Was Not Disobedient

According to Acts 25, when Paul was brought before King Agrippa to testify for himself against his accusers, he stood strong and bold. He said that he was happy that he was finally able to answer his accusers in front of one who was an expert in all customs and questions brought forth by the Jews.

Paul raised his hand to testify, and said that he was raised as a Jew from his youth. He was a member of the most straight (legalistic) sect of the religion at the time, living as a Pharisee. He knew the scriptures well, and how the Promise of Israel would come. His accusers were upset because Paul proclaimed that God had the power to raise the dead, and the doctrines of the time did not permit such a belief.

He told how he had in the past did many things contrary to the "name" (or authority) of Jesus of Nazareth. Imprisoning many saints, putting them to death under the authority of the priests, persecuting them, Paul was at one time just like his very accusers.

After Paul was converted in the wilderness, though, he was made a minister and a witness. He made a very good witness, because he knew clearly the things which he had already seen as a legalistic Pharisee, and would be given experiences from God along the way to help him bear witness. With this combination, he would be able to open the eyes of the Gentiles and turn them "from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God." Those that were sanctified by faith would be given their inheritance that was in Jesus Christ.

Paul was not disobedient unto the heavenly vision. He carried out God's perfect plan first unto Damascus, Jerusalem, Judaea, and then to the Gentiles. Because of that, his very life was threatened.

Yet he continued. Every word he spoke was according to the scriptures, he said nothing else. The scriptures told about Christ's suffering, resurrection, and salvation for the Jews and Gentiles.

When he had finished speaking, Festus screamed out to Paul, calling him insane. Festus said that Paul's study and learning had made him crazy.

Paul did not argue, did not attempt to debate. He simply replied that he was not mad; he was speaking the Truth from the scriptures with soberness. In doing so, he almost persuaded King Agrippa to become a Christian.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: do we accuse those who do not live according to a legalistic doctrine? Do we persecute those who would stand for the Bible over any man, be it sinner, saint, pastor, or prophet? Do we call some crazy for their stand? Would we stand up 22

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for the Gospel even if it meant that our very lives would be threatened? Have we been disobedient to God's calling for us?

Accept the Gift of Grace by Faith in Jesus Christ

Paul said (Romans 5) that we were justified by faith, and in this, we have peace with God through Jesus Christ. Through Jesus, we can have faith in our grace, glory in our tribulations which give us patience, experience, and hope. Because of hope, we can stand unashamed. The love of God is in our hearts by the Holy Spirit which is given to all of those who believe.

Christ died for the ungodly -- who most men would never have died for. For a righteous man, very few men would give their lives. For a good man, almost no one would die for but Jesus. God provided this love to us, so that we could also love those that we respect enough to die for -- as well as those that we would not even consider giving our lives for.

All men are sinners by nature. Eve was beguiled by the serpent, but Adam knew that eating the fruit would displease God. "Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men for that all have sinned." Through Jesus Christ, we can have joy within ourselves and not feel internal condemnation, for through Jesus Christ we have the atonement for sin. Because of this, God "commendeth" his love towards us.

Before Adam's sin, sin was not in the world. But until the law was given, there was no other sin; "sin is not imputed when there is no law." Sin is not unbelief, but failure to live according to the law. Death reigned over the people that had not sinned, from Adam to Moses. Because of Adam, all were brought into sin and death, but because of Jesus, all were given grace. By one man, Jesus Christ, grace is given freely to all who believe on Him.

Adam's fall, though well known as the first sin that started it all, Paul compared to Jesus Christ's death, burial, and resurrection. By one man, death came into the world, and by one man, life came into the world. By the sin of one man we were all made sinners, and by the obedience of one man we were all made righteous. The law was given so that sin would abound in all mankind, but through Jesus Christ, grace would abound.

Sin reigned unto death. Before Jesus Christ, death was man's punishment for sin. Many laws were punishable by death, and the sacrifice was the only atonement for sin until Jesus came. After Jesus Christ died on the cross, was buried in a tomb, and rose again, He conquered death and the grave. He conquered sin and the law. Now, grace reigns, not law. Grace is freely given to all who believe, from the lowest sinner in the bar rooms to the most devout Christian in the pew.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: do we condemn ourselves because of our sin? Does our head hang in shame because we have unbelief? Do we still hold to the law, which was given to increase sin? Or do we accept the Gift that was given by Jesus Christ on the cross? 23

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Repentance Leads to Salvation

Paul (2 Corinthians 7), was dealing with a people whose hearts were hardened -- not by God, but by themselves. Evidently, they had been accusing him of spreading corruption and doing wrong in the name of Jesus Christ. He told them to open up their hearts to him, because he had done nothing wrong. He had not corrupted anyone or taken advantage of anyone.

He said that he was not preaching "at" them to condemn them, he considered them close enough to live and die for. They were the burden of his heart. Instead, he was acting brave and bold to help them. Even though he as being afflicted and persecuted, he was overflowing with joy because he knew that he was ultimately helping them. This gave him great comfort within.

When he came into Macedonia, he was very weary from lack of rest and constant battle. His mind was heavy from the fear he had within him. But just when he needed comfort, God sent Titus to lift the spirits.

Even though Paul had written something that hurt the people deeply, he did not regret it. He could see that his letter had caused much grief, but only for a little while. Now, he could rejoice because the people were grieved into repenting. It was a Godly grief that suffered no man loss.

"Godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation," he said. It was without regret. Worldly grief produces death. The people were burdened by the old law, but could accept Jesus Christ as their savior and be free, rejoicing! He was amazed at their indignation, fear, longing, zeal, and punishment.

He told them that the reason for his letter was not for the sake of those who had done wrong in staying in the old ways, but for the sake of the One that could give them comfort. Paul did not speak poorly of those who were doing wrong. Instead, he boasted about them before Titus. He rejoiced because he had perfect confidence in them.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we open our hearts to the Truth? Do we persecute those that stand for the Gospel? Do we accept the Gift Jesus has given on the cross, or do we remain in indignation, fear, longing, and punishment? If something in the Bible differs from our own beliefs, do we accept it, or do we harden our own hearts? Would Paul speak with perfect confidence in us? 24

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Said the Clay to the Potter

Paul speaking in Romans 9 told the listeners to listen to his words, he was telling the truth and did not lie. His conscience was bearing him witness in the Holy Ghost. He spoke in heaviness of heart and continual sorrow, because he wished that he was sent by Christ for his brethren, the Jews, who God blessed for ever.

But not all of the children were Israel which were from Israel's seed. Because they are the seed of Abraham, they are all children, but in Isaac would their seed be called. Those that were children by genealogy were not the children of God, but were the children of the promise.

Because they were members of the group living righteously at the time, that did not make them the only children of God. God had told Moses, "I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I will have compassion." It was not because of them that had a strong will and were living according to the beliefs of the day, but it was all because God had showed them mercy.

Even Pharaoh was raised up according to God's purpose. God raised him up so that He could show His power, and that His name would be declared throughout the earth because of the mighty works that God performed. God will have mercy on whom he will have mercy, and will harden the hearts of any that he chooses to harden.

Some Jews of the time asked Paul, "Why do you find fault with us? We have lived the very best we knew how, and have not resisted the will of God." Paul's reply was, "No, you are a man; who are you that you could reply against God?" How can the clay respond against the potter who formed it? The potter can make one vessel good and beautiful, but can make another vessel for a different purpose.

Paul asked them, "What if God wanted to show his wrath, and make his power known, and instead of making righteous, holy people, He made a people that were set to destruction?"

God calls who He chooses to call. It is not a "select" group that have lived according to the instructions of a "select" leader. He forms vessels of mercy so that they can be His glory. Just like the people of Osee, who He said He would call "His people", when they were not His people. He called them His beloved, when they were not beloved. One day, Paul said, there will be a place where God has said that "ye are not My people," and in that day the same would be called the children of the living God.

Paul said that it was not a small, select group. It was not a people who lived righteously. It was not a group following a certain leader. The Gentiles did not live righteously, yet attained righteousness through faith in Jesus Christ. Israel lived righteously, and sought after the kingdom of God by living righteously in the flesh and not the spirit. Because of that, they stumbled like they had tripped over a stumbling stone. And this was according to the 25

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scriptures: "Behold I lay in Sion a stumblingstone and rock of offence: and whosoever believeth on Him shall not be ashamed."

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we think that we are righteous because we are a member of a certain group or a follower of a certain leader? Do we think that God calls us only because we live righteously? Do we look down on the unrighteous as the Jews did? Have we decided that we are of the "good pots" by the potter, so we look downward on the "bad pots?" Have we tripped over a stumbling stone? 26

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Do Our Actions Deny God?

In a letter to Titus, Paul told him that he was "his own son after the common faith", and that common faith was grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ our savior.

Because of the devotion of Titus, Paul had left him in Crete. Titus was commissioned to set things in order, and ordain elders in every city.

These elders were to be blameless. They were not to be strong minded towards their own will. They must be the husband of only one wife. Their children must be faithful to the cause, not children that were seen as unruly or those who caused others to riot.

These bishops must be good stewards, not easily angered, not drunkards, not those who would fight, not money hungry. They were to be lovers of hospitality, show love of mankind, sober, just, holy, and of a good disposition.

They were to be able to hold on to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, so that they would have a solid doctrine that would convince those who were speaking for some other purpose. For there were many unruly people, people who spoke and preached in vain. There were many deceivers, especially those who held onto the old covenant of circumcision.

Paul said that their mouths must be stopped. They corrupt entire houses of people, teaching things that they should not teach. They did this for their own personal monetary gain.

One of these people preaching deceit was a prophet. This prophet said that the Cretians were always lying, and had an evil spirit. The prophet said that the Cretians were slow bellies, or lazy.

Paul said, "This witness is true. Rebuke them sharply, so that they could be strong in the faith". Even the prophet was to be rebuked, for he had spoken lies. These people should not listen to fables. They should not listen to the doctrines of men, that turned them away from the Truth that Jesus Christ had came, died for all, risen, and saved all who would believe on Him.

To those who had accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior, and had faith that they were saved by grace, they were pure. All things to them were pure. Those who did not believe Jesus Christ saved by faith were defiled. They were unbelievers, to which nothing was pure. Even their own mind and conscience were defiled.

They professed that they knew God, but their own actions denied Him. They were abominable and disobedient. Every good thing that Paul and Titus were doing, these deceivers were objecting to wickedly. 27

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As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we devoted to the Good News, that Jesus Christ came and died for all who believed on Him, or is our devotion towards another man's doctrine? When we witness to other people, do we witness of Jesus Christ, or do we witness a man and his doctrine? Do we show hospitality and love in our home and in our community? Do we rebuke the leaders preaching deceit, who do not show hospitality and love? Do our actions deny God? 28

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Preach a Sermon Through Your Actions

In Titus 2, Paul tells Titus how to win souls to Christ:

Speak the things which are sound in doctrine: old men should not be drunken, should not be silly or moody, and believe in Jesus Christ. They should have love and patience.

Old women should behave in a way that shows holiness: not gossipers or false accusers. They should not be drunken, and teach good things to others. They should teach the young women not to be drunken, to love their husbands and love their children. They should teach the young women to be discreet, obedient to Christ, and obedient to their husbands so that the word of God is not blasphemed.

The young men should also be sober minded, showing a pattern of good works. They should show that they have a good doctrine that has not been corrupted by men. They should not be silly, but sincere. They should not say things that could be condemned, so that the unsaved would be ashamed because there is no evil thing that can be said of them.

The grace of God that brought salvation appeared to all men. Jesus Christ taught us to deny ungodliness within ourselves, and deny our lusts. We should not be drunken, but righteous and godly while in this present world.

We should be looking for that blessed hope, the glorious appearing of the great God, and our Saviour Jesus Christ. The one who gave Himself for us, so that he might redeem us from all iniquity and purify a people that was different from the world, a people that loved good works.

These are the things that we should teach others, and we should rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise you for teaching these things!

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are these the things that we teach? Are our old men teaching love and patience? Are our old women gossipers? Are they teaching the young love and obedience to Christ, or an obedience to a man? Are the young men teaching the Gospel, or the doctrines of men? Are we rebuking those who do not follow this with the authority of Jesus Christ? Or are we living our lives in a way that the unsaved can find fault? 29

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Heirs of Salvation

To the Hebrews (Hebrews 1), Paul said that in many times and many ways God had spoken to the people by the prophets in the days of old. In Paul's day, however, he spoke to them through his Son, Jesus Christ. God had appointed Jesus Christ to be heir of all things, and through Christ, he had made the worlds.

Jesus Christ was the brightness of God's glory, and was made in the image of God. Christ was made to uphold all things by the power of the word of God. All by Himself, Christ purged our sins and sat down on the right hand of the Father.

Christ was made better than the angels, because he had obtained a more excellent name than the angels. None of the angels were to be called God's begotten Son, God would not be called Father to any angel. When the Father brought Christ into the world, his first Son, he declared that all of the angels of God were to worship Him.

The Father said to the angels that He makes the angels spirits, and his ministers a flame of fire. But to the Son, the Father said that "Thy throne, O God, is for ever and ever." The Son's kingdom was a sceptre of righteousness, for the son loved righteousness and hated iniquity. Therefore, God, even the same God that the Hebrews worshipped, anointed Christ with the oil of gladness above all of the people.

In the beginning, the Lord laid the foundation of the earth, and the heavens were the works of the hand of God. The heavens and the earth would perish, but God would remain. God would fold the heavens and the earth and change them, but God Himself would remain the same even after time itself had failed.

Paul asked them, which of the angels did God ask to sit at His right hand? Which of the angels did he make their enemies a footstool before their feet? The angels are all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who would be heirs of salvation.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we caught up in the doctrines of man, or are we worshipping this wonderful God who sent His Son for us? Are our ministers a flame of fire, or have they sizzled out with the same old stories and teachings? Do we revere the prophets of old more than the Christ who gave His life to purge our sins? Are we the heirs of salvation? 30

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New Covenant

In Hebrews 8, Paul gave a summary of his sermon, describing the things that are most important.

He said that our high priests were no longer priests of men as they were in the days of old, we have a new high priest. Jesus Christ is the high priest who sets on the right hand of the Father. Christ is the new minister of the sanctuary, and of the true tabernacle; the one that God built, not man.

Every high priest is ordained to give gifts and sacrifices, and it is of necessity that Christ had gifts and the sacrifice to offer. If Christ were on earth, he would not be a priest; the priests of the earth are to offer gifts according to the law. Every priest is set to be an example of heavenly things. Even Moses was admonished of God, and instructed to do everything according to what he was showed by God on the mount.

Now, priests are to be the mediator of a new and better covenant. The covenant is established upon better promises than the old covenant. If the old covenant was perfect, then there would have been no need for the new covenant!

God found fault with those who were under the old covenant, and said, "Behold the days come when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah."

The new covenant would not be a set of laws read from the old rulebooks; it would be a covenant that God would put into the hearts and minds of the people. Inwardly, they would feel condemnation for the things that were wrong, and joy in the things that were good. Through their own hearts, God would show himself as a God, and they would show themselves as His people.

There would be no need for every man to teach about the One True God anymore, all men would already know Him, from the least unto the greatest. God would be in their hearts and minds.

Through the new covenant, God would be merciful to their unrighteousness. Their sins and iniquities would be remembered no more. The old covenant would be taken away, and replaced with the new. The old covenant would vanish away. Jesus Christ had died for all men, risen from the grave, and conquered their sins and iniquities. All who believe on Jesus Christ will be saved, and there was no need for a set of laws, for God's instructions would come from within the heart.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we serve the new High Priest, Jesus Christ? Do our ministers now give to the poor, or do they keep their profits? Do they preach the laws of the old covenant that is decayed and vanished away? Do we listen to these old rules, or do we 31

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listen to our own hearts? Have we accepted the new covenant? Are our hearts ministering to us, cleaning up our lives, and bringing us closer to God? 32

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Receive Chastening with Joy

In Hebrews 12, Paul told the people to lay aside every weight of sin that burdened them down, because they were surrounded with many witnesses of the wonderful things that Jesus Christ had done. He told them to run the race with patience.

Jesus was the author and the finisher of our faith, the one who endured the cross so that we could have joy. He despised the shame, and now sits down at the right hand of the Father.

Jesus endured such a contradiction of sinners when compared to his perfect life. Paul told the people not to be wearied or let their minds be troubled because of sin; no man has ever resisted sin until they had died for it except Jesus Christ.

As children, they were taught not to despise the chastening of the Lord, and not to be weak minded when they were rebuked by God. God loves to chasten his children, and does so with every son and daughter that He receives. Paul said that if we can endure chastening, God deals with us as His own children, as a father with a son.

If we cannot endure chastening, then we are not His children, we are bastards and not sons. Paul said that our earthly fathers had corrected us and we respected them. How much more should we be in full subjection unto the Holy Father, so that we might live? The earthly fathers chastened us after their own pleasure, but God chastens us for our own profit -- that we might be partakers of His holiness.

No chastening in the present seems joyful, and causes us much grief. Afterwards, though, it brings peace and righteousness to all that are chastened.

Therefore, we can rejoice! Lift up our hands in praise instead of hanging them downward, and stop trembling in fear because of our sin! Stay in the path of righteousness, so that we are not straying because of the grief of sin -- instead let our sin be healed by grace!

Live in peace with all men, our brothers and our accusers. Without peace, no man shall see the Lord God. Do not let ourselves be burdened down with our sins, or it will cause bitterness in ourselves and defile us.

If we do not have peace, we are fornicators or profane people, like Esau -- who for only one morsel of meat sold his birthright. He would have received the blessing, but instead he was rejected. He found no place of repentance, even though he had sought repentance carefully with tears.

Paul said that they were worshipping the mountain that Moses received the law by God. No animal was even allowed to touch the mountain, or it was killed. Moses was so upset that Moses said he would fear and quake at the sight. 33

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Paul said that they were now standing at the new mount Zion, the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem with an innumerable company of angels. Jesus was the mediator of the new covenant, just as Moses was the mediator of the old covenant. The blood of Jesus Christ speaks better things than that of Abel.

He told the Hebrews that they should not refuse the speaker, because if they refused him that spoke on the earth, they certainly would refuse God that speaks from heaven. God's voice shook the earth when he first spoke, but he promised that he would speak once more and shake not only the earth, but heaven as well.

When he spoke the second time through Jesus, he signified that he removed those things that were shaken. Paul said that we should have grace, because we are receiving a kingdom that can't be moved. We should accept and serve God with reverence and godly fear. God is a consuming fire that will consume all that He has chosen.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we burdened down with our sins? Are we running our race with patience? Do we receive our trials with sadness, or with joy? Are we living in peace with all men, or are we profane like Esau? Are we worshipping the holy places here on earth, or are we worshipping the Holy Father? Do we refuse our speakers here on earth? Have we received the new covenant that Jesus Christ brought, or have we denied ourselves the kingdom of God? 34

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Faith Comes by Hearing the Word of God

Romans 10 tells us that the desire of Paul's heart and his prayer to God was that Israel would be saved. They had a zeal for God, but this zeal was not for the things they knew about God. They were ignorant of God's righteousness, and so they were trying to establish their own righteousness. They had not submitted themselves to the righteousness of God.

Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to every one that believed on Him. Moses described the law, which was the way of righteousness under the old covenant. The man that lived by the law would be given life. But righteousness through faith tells us that the law cannot make us ascend into heaven or descend into the earth to bring Christ back from the dead. Now, righteousness brings the word of faith, which Paul preached.

Paul said that if we confess the Lord Jesus aloud, and believe that he was raised from the dead from within our hearts, we would be saved.

The heart of man believes unto righteousness, and the confession of our words makes salvation. The scriptures say that whoever believes on Him will not be ashamed.

There is no difference between the peoples. Whoever calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved. Paul asked: How can the people call on Jesus Christ when they had not believed on Him and the things that He taught? How can they believe in Him when they had not heard? How can they hear what God said without a preacher? How can the preachers preach unless they are sent from God? It is written in the scriptures, "How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!" But not all of the preachers had obeyed the Gospel. Therefore, faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.

Paul asked them, had they really not heard the word of the Lord? The sound of the prophets went around to all of the earth, and their words went unto the ends of the world. Moses and Isaiah both prophesied about Jesus Christ. Isaiah said to Israel that "All the day long, I have stretched forth my hands unto a disobedient people that said things to the work of their own good."

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we think that the things we know will take us to heaven? Do we think that by living our lives according to laws taken from the old covenant we will be saved? Do we preach that all who believe on Jesus Christ will be saved, or do we preach that belief on something else will save us? Do we preach peace? Or have we been like Isaiah described Israel: disobedient? 35

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Bringing the Hearts Back to the Fathers

I've asked several people now, simply because it was a question I had most of my life:

If William Branham was the one who was to restore the "original faith" and turn the "hearts of the men back to the fathers," What did he bring that did this?

Some said the seven church ages and seven seals, but most of that content was copied word-for-word out of books by Clarence Larkin. One of the "church angels" was not even alive during his "church age." Some said prophecies, but none of the prophecies were anything that would change our hearts back to the fathers, and many of them didn't happen like he said.

Others said faith that we could speak things into existence with the "spoken word", but where can we find someone who has this "gift?"

Most say the divine healing, but after watching some of the others in Branham's day, such as Oral Roberts, it seems as though their gift may have been a little more powerful and widespread.

What are your opinions? This question is one that I buried for years, wondering about it but was afraid to question. 36

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Gifts and Callings Are Without Repentance

In Romans 11, Paul continued his defense of the Jews, which were under the laws of the old covenant. He said that God did not cast away his own people; Paul himself was an Israelite of the seed of Abraham, of the tribe of Benjamin.

God did not cast away his people that he foreknew. God told Elijah that God had even reserved seven thousand men who had not bowed their knees to the image of Baal. He said that during the present (Paul's) time, there was also a remnant to be saved according to the election of grace.

If they were saved by grace, then they were no more saved by their works according to the laws. Otherwise, grace itself is not grace. If it were only by the good work that they did and the good way in which they lived their lives, then there would be no more grace. Israel had not received the grace that they were seeking after, but there were an elected few that obtained it while the rest were blinded. It was written in the scriptures, "eyes that they should not see and ears that they should not hear," and Israel was blinded.

Paul said that by living according to the laws, they had not fallen. Through their failure to receive grace, salvation would some unto the Gentiles. When the riches of the world started to diminish in the Israelites and increase in the Gentiles, how much more the fullness of grace?

Paul spoke to the Gentiles as an apostle of the Gentiles. He was magnified before them, so that Jews who would live under grace (as Paul did) would be saved. He could not cast the Jews aside, because if he still received them, they would be given life.

Paul used the example of a tree. If the root was Israel, and it was holy, then the branches of the tree were also holy. If some of the branches were broken off, they would be grafted into the new tree God had planted that represented grace. The Gentiles should not boast against the other branches who had lived under the law and were now living under grace. Because they did not believe in the old law they were broken off. They were broken off so that Paul could be grafted into the tree of grace.

Paul said that the Gentiles should not disgrace the branches that had broken off of the old laws and now stood by faith and grace. God had spared both those that had broken away as well as the Gentiles living under grace. They should instead continue in goodness, otherwise they would also be cut off. Even if some who did not believe were later grafted in, God is able to graft them in again!

As concerning the Gospel, the Good News that Jesus Christ had come, died for us, and rose again, the children of Israel were enemies for the sake of the Gentiles. God had blinded them, and they were still beloved for the Father's sake. The gifts and calling of God are without repentance, and Israel had been called for a purpose. 37

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In times past, the Gentiles did not believe God, but had received mercy. Now, the Jews did not believe, and through the mercy of the Gentiles the Jews may also obtain mercy. God had pushed the Jews unto unbelief so that he could have mercy upon all flesh.

God is a wonderful God that gives many blessings to his children from the wisdom and understanding of Him. His decisions are not to be understood by men, and we cannot understand the plan that he used to bring us to our salvation. No man has known the mind of God, or had counseled him in His decision.

Through God are all things, and all things are of God. To him all things should be given. To God be the glory for ever, Amen.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: do we cast away those that live according to the laws? Do we understand that they can also be saved by grace? Have we received mercy by grace, or are we still a "broken branch?" Do we despise those who burden down their followers by the law, when it may be that through them, God may show others grace? Are we saved by grace? 38

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How an Angel Came to Me

Recently studying the stories of "how an angel came to me", and found something unexpected.

The very first newspaper found about William Branham is June 30, 1947 -- back when tape recorders were scarce. His story differs a bit from later retellings, and like the prophecies, are somewhat of a "moving target."

The name that the Associated Press used, "Rev. Henry Branham from Jeffersonville" (which William Branham confirmed) has some interesting things associated also, but need further research before posting. Evidently, there was a Hatfields/McCoys situation going on in KY a few years earlier...

What is most interesting, though, is the ages that he used. When these didn't match, it made me want to look at some of the other ages and dates he gives. has already has a good bit of this research, but a few things I came across make me want to dig just a little deeper.

Interested to hear what others think. Do you think this is the same angel in all these accounts and Bro. Branham somehow forgot this life-changing event, or do you think these are different angels in different accounts? 39

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The Root of All Evil

In 1 Timothy 6, Paul said that as servants, we should honor our masters so that the name of God and his doctrine would not be blasphemed.

If we work for a master that believes in Jesus Christ, we should not despise them, because they are brothers in Christ. We should do them a good service, and teach others to also do a good service.

If any man does not do a good service, or teaches otherwise, they do not teach the good that the Lord Jesus Christ taught. They do not obey the doctrine that was according to godliness. In doing so, these men are proud yet they know nothing. They question their masters, and argue. Through this, they have envy, strife, create separation and plant evil ideas.

If any man think that their gain shows godliness, they are not teaching the truth, and we should withdraw ourselves from their conversation. Godliness and being content are the treasures we should focus on, not money. We brought nothing into this world, and we can carry nothing out of it.

The love of money is the root of all evil. Those that covet money have erred from the faith and have pierced their own hearts with many sorrows. As Christians, we should flee from the love of money. We should follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, and meekness. We should live our lives according to faith, and gain eternal life. Wherever our calling is, we should show our faith and love so that there are many witnesses of our good works.

Paul gave them charge in the sight of God as the witness. Christ Jesus was peaceful and loving unto death so that Pontius Pilate might witness a good confession. Paul told them to keep this commandment without blemish until the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul said that they should show unto others the blessed and only King of kings and Lord of lords, who dwells in His majesty that no man has seen. We should give the honor and the power everlasting, amen.

We should charge them that are rich in this world, so that they do not become high-minded or trust in uncertain riches, but in the living God who gives us richly all things to enjoy.

If we do good, then we are rich in good works, ready to distribute and tell others. We lay a good foundation against the time to come, so that we can lay hold onto eternal life.

Paul told Timothy to keep committed to his faith, avoiding those that were speaking nonsense profanely. He told Timothy to avoid oppositions of science which some professed and erred concerning the faith. "Grace be with the, amen." 40

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As Christians, we should ask ourselves: do we show grace and love for our employers, so that we are a good witness? Do we grumble and complain about our employers in the eyes of our co-workers? Have we been filled with the love of money? Are we witnessing to the rich by giving to the poor? If we are of those that are rich, do we distribute and tell others to do the same? Are we speaking nonsense, or are we teaching the love of Jesus Christ? Have we laid our foundation for eternal life? 41

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The Second Resurrection Before the Resurrection

In the surrounding area, if you mention the Branham Tabernacle, the response is "oh, those people who pray to the pyramid grave every Easter hoping "that one guy" will raise from the dead." (heard this several times now, in both Kentucky and in Indiana.)

Within every church, there are different opinions of this, from those expecting it any day to those expecting it some Easter to "ride this trail again", to those who think it won't be until the resurrection of the saints.

I can understand the theory of William Branham rising when the dead in Christ rise, but can we explain the other theories according to the Bible? I only remember one that rose from the dead, what are your thoughts? 42

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Continual Sanctification

In Colossians 3, Paul began speaking about the continual process of sanctification throughout our lives.

He said that if we are risen with Christ, we should seek those things which are heavenly, where Christ sits at the right hand of God. We should set our affection on the things that are above, not the things that are on the earth. We are dead, and our lives are sheltered with Christ in God. When Christ returns, we shall also return with him to glory.

We should cleanse and mortify ourselves of idolatry. Fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection (soul ties instead of soul mates), evil lusts, and greed are the very reason that the wrath of God will come on the earth to the children of disobedience. Being born in sin, we live in these things for a period of time, but when we are changed, we cast them aside.

Afterwards, we need to continue with the sanctification. We should not be angry with one another or provoked unto wrath. We should not be filled with malice, or the intent to wrong others. We should not blaspheme God. We should clean up our communication with one another. We should not lie to one another.

Through the process of sanctification, we put aside the old man that once did these things, and put on a new man, which is continually renewed in knowledge. The new man should desire to be more like the One that created man.

Christ created all man. He is neither Greek nor Jew, old covenant of circumcision or new covenant of uncircumcision. Christ is neither a barbarian, Iranian, slave or free man. Christ is all of these, and he is in all of these.

As the elect chosen of God, we should be holy and loved by all, showing mercy, kindness, humble mindedness, meekness and long-suffering to all. We should hold back from arguments with one another, showing forgiveness. As Christ forgave us, we should forgive others.

Above all of these things, we should have love, which is the bond of perfectness. We should know the words of Christ which will give us great wisdom. We should teach and instruct one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, singing with grace in our hearts unto the Lord.

Whatever we speak or do, we should do all of them in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by Jesus Christ.

Wives should submit themselves to their husbands, as the Lord wants us to do. Husbands should love your wives and not be bitter towards them. Children should obey their parents, for this is pleasing to God. Fathers should not provoke the children to anger, otherwise they will get discouraged. 43

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In the workplace, we should obey our employers. Not just the things that will make us look good in their eyes, but in singleness of heart while fearing God.

Whatever we do, we should do it from the heart as though we are doing it unto the Lord and not unto men. If we do this, we will receive the reward from the Lord. We will receive our inheritance, for we serve the Lord Jesus Christ.

He that does not continue in sanctification, and continues with hearts that are wrong, will receive from God what he deserves. God does not look to the works that man have done to build themselves to great esteem; with God there is no respect of persons.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: is our affection placed on God or the things of this world? Are we continuing in idolatry, or do we place our hearts and minds only on the love of Jesus Christ? After the old man was replaced with the new man, did we continue to learn and grow in Christ? Do we love the heathen like the saint or the Muslim like the Christian? Paul said Christ was in all of these, do we see Christ when we look at the barbarian? Do we love our family, or do we cast them aside when they disagree with the old ways?

Are we continuing with sanctification, or have we stopped short once the old man was gone? 44

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Speaking in Tongues Movement

I read this sometime back when I was in one of the other forums. Having a good friend in a church that has a strong focus in speaking in tongues, this one peaked my interest.

Since the writer had worked with William Branham through the large healing campaigns that started the widespread following, it peaked my interest. Everyone should read this to put things into proper perspective -- it is God that gives the gifts in the church, not man.

This article, combined with what I see today in the churches, made me realize the words of Paul: I can have great works, but if I do not have love, I have nothing. 45

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Jeffersonville History

So I've been digging through over a thousand newspaper articles of local history -- Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana.

One thing caught my eye:

Quote:Gambling in the 1930s and 1940s was instrumental in Jeffersonville's recovery from the Great Depression and the Flood of 1937. Casinos, betting parlors, night clubs, and even a dog track were present, giving the town the nickname "Little Las Vegas"

When WMB talked about horse races and gambling in his life as a sinner, he never really talked about the places he would frequent:

He changed my soul from the things of the world unto the things of God, from horse races, and gambling, and adultery, and lying, and stealing. -- 54-1003M THE WORD BECAME FLESH (INDIA TRIP REPORT)

I think some of you men was out here on the corner, preaching the gospel, and beating an old guitar, throwed in jail, and run out of the city, for the very cause, paving the road that I'm running smooth on. You're the men should be honored; you're the women that should be honored. It should be you up here, and not me. When I was a sinner boy, out yonder astraddle of a horse, trying to see who could ride a bucking horse the longest, or roping calves or something. You were on the corner preaching gospel; I was running horse races58-0517B ZACCHAEUS

And to think that many of these men here were on the field preaching when I was a sinner boy, around horse races, so, or around the boxing ring somewhere58-0609 THE MESSAGE TO THE LAODICEAN CHURCH

The funny part is that he later denied this experience:

Now, we different. Melvin's not a Christian, and he likes baseball, horse races, and things like that. And I--I think he likes chocolate pie, so I'm sure we differ there. So I--I don't like horse races or baseball, I like fishing and hunting. 60-1207 THE.PERGAMEAN.CHURCH.AGE_

So here's the part I'm trying to figure out:

If the church was started in 1933 (or 1931 by some accounts), and the gambling in Jeffersonville was in the 30's and 40's, and the first time you hear about WMB was in 1947 (Illinois), and his 46

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experience with the angel was either 2 or 7 or 11 (depending on his account), when did he run horse races? 47

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No Other Gospel

Writing to the Galatians (Galatians 1), Paul was shocked at how quickly the people turned away from grace and started following the doctrines of men.

He said, "Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ, who gave Himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world according to the will of God and our Father."

He marveled because not long ago they were taught grace of Christ, but quickly turned to another gospel.

He said that the doctrine they believed was not another gospel; there was no other. There were some that were troubling the people by teaching a false gospel, and had perverted the gospel of Christ.

Paul said that if Paul himself, or even an angel from heaven preached anything except what Paul taught, then they should be accursed. He even repeated himself a second time, saying "I say now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed!"

Paul asked them, was he trying to please men, or God? He said that if he tried to please men, then he was not a servant of Christ. He spoke clearly that the gospel he preached was not to please any man. He did not receive it by a man, was not taught it by a man, but Jesus Christ revealed Himself to Paul. In the days long before, Paul persecuted the church of God. He profited in the Jews' religion above many other men in his own nation because he was very zealous in the old traditions of his fathers.

But the same god who separated Paul from his mother's womb called Paul by grace to reveal God's Son to Paul so that he could preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the heathen. Paul said that he did not start discussing and debating with his own flesh and blood, and did not go to Jerusalem to talk to the apostles that were apostles before him. Instead, he went into Arabia and returned to Damascus for three years.

After three years, he went to Jerusalem to see Peter and spent only fifteen days. He did not even see the other apostles except James, the brother of Christ.

After seeing Peter and James, he returned to Syria and Cilicia, and was not known (by face) to the churches of Judaea which were believers of Jesus Christ. When they heard that this one who once persecuted them now was preaching faith, they glorified God in Paul. 48

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As Christians, we should ask ourselves: do we teach grace and faith in Jesus Christ, or do we teach man's doctrines? If an angel came down from heaven teaching another way to salvation than simply the faith of Jesus Christ, would we listen to it? If a teacher who once taught us salvation by faith and grace started teaching salvation by some other way, would we listen to it? Would we be like the churches in Syria and Cilicia, who received the gospel of faith after only a fifteen-day walk with God? Are we teaching the Gospel, or are we accursed? 49

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The Correct Way to Have Faith

In Romans 14, Paul told us to receive not only the brothers and sisters who are strong in the faith, but those that are weak in the faith as well. He said not to receive them to dispute, but instead to help them.

He referred to the week and the strong as those eating, and that we should not despise those that do not eat at all, saying that we should not despise those who had no faith at all. Those who eat, or had faith, should not judge those that did not eat, or had no faith, for God had received them.

Paul asked, "Who are you to judge another man's servant? To his own master, he stands or falls, and he is able to stand for God is able to make him stand."

He that regards the day regards it for the Lord, and he that does not regard the day does not regard it for the Lord. He that eats, or has faith, does so for the Lord and gives the Lord thanks for it. He that does not eat, or does not have faith, does not eat it for the Lord, yet he gives the same God thanks.

None of us live for ourselves, and none of us die for ourselves. Whether we live or whether we die, we do so for the Lord. The path that we choose, to live or die, we are all the Lord's children. For this end, Christ both died, rose, and lived again so that He might be the Lord of both the living and the dead.

"Why do you judge your brothers?" Paul asked. "Why do you separate yourselves from your brothers? We ALL will stand at the Judgment seat of Christ!"

It is written in the scriptures that every knee shall bow and every tongue will confess to God. Every one of us will give an account of themselves to God.

Therefore, we should not judge one another any more. Instead, we should judge that no man puts a stumblingblock or any situation that would hurt a brother in his journey.

Paul said that he knows and is persuaded by the Lord Jesus, that there is nothing unclean by itself. It is unclean to him that says it is unclean or feels condemned by doing it.

If your brother or sister is grieved by your meat (or faith), then you walk not in love. Don't destroy him with your meat (or faith), for which Christ has died. Do not let the good that you do be spoken evil by others who do not have faith.

The kingdom of God is not meat and drink as these examples, but is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. He that has righteousness and peace and joy serves Christ, and is acceptable to God, and is approved of men. 50

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Therefore, we should seek the things that make peace, and edify one another. The meat (or faith) should not destroy the work of God. All things are pure, but it is evil for a man who eats (or has faith) with offense. Paul said it was not good to take communion or anything else if it made a brother stumble, get offended or get weak.

Paul said, "Do you have faith? Have it alone before God. You will be happy if you do not condemn yourself in the things that you do. Those that doubt are condemned if they eat, because they do not eat by faith. Whatever is not of faith is of sin.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: do we despise those who do not have the same faith we do? Do we judge another man or woman for the way they live their lives? Or do we judge our brothers in the faith who put stumbling blocks before others? Do we separate ourselves from other churches who serve the same God? Do we show our faith in private as Paul said to do, or do we show it in front of others that might get offended? Do we seek after peace and love? Do we try to have faith in things we really don't believe, which Paul says is sin? 51

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The Visions, Discernment, Healings, Prophecies

As a former MSG believer who knew his WMB and MSG backwards and forwards, had "special" insights into WMB's life through first-hand accounts, personal feelings that are based on many things in WMB's life not on tape, and know many things other followers do now about his life, I'd like to put a charge to others like myself:

Many of us have known for years that not all the visions did not happen exactly like WMB said them. Many of us have known for years that he stumbled over hard names with the discernments. Many of us have watched those "healed" around us suffering the same afflictions until the day of their death. Many of us have known about "personal glimpse's" that just didn't sound quite right. Like myself, none of these things really matter in our personal walk with Christ. When he said that he would kill a brown bear "next year when I return" or not has no bearing on our salvation. One might even ask why God would have WMB tell us about brown bears instead of something that would help us in our walk with Christ.

The thing that bothered me was not the visions, healings, discernment, or "personal glimpse's", but did his teachings line up with the Bible?

Why did he add the words "to dwell in" to the words of God when He said "This is my beloved son in whom I'm well pleased?” Who can add words to God?

Why did he teach that ten generations of a child born out of wedlock would not be bride, when WMB himself was within ten generations of a child born out of wedlock?

Why did he originally say 14 generations? Why did he choose to hold this law of the old covenant and leave off the stoning of those that fornicate? We haven't had a good stoning lately.

Why did he say that God won't even honor the prayer of women who cut their hair when the old covenant instructed women to shave their heads for mourning? Who really even believes that God won't honor their prayers when the Bible tells us different?

Why did he say that Satan was equal with God one day, when this idea only comes from Pagan worship?

Where does the Bible speak of a "foolish virgin" vs "wise virgin" rapture? Does this also come from Gnostic texts?

Why say that only perverted men wear shorts, when there is a picture of WMB himself wearing shorts in Africa? 52

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Why preach the "modest apparel" scripture and leave off the second half of the verse that says for women not to braid their hair? Is it wrong for both, or not wrong for either?

Why say that Enoch lived 500 years when this is only found in the non-canonical Book of Enoch?

Hundreds more questions can be asked, each one showing a teaching that is contrary to the Bible.

I charge everyone, MSG follower or non-MSG follower to post their questions and new discoveries in the "General Bible Question" forum. Let God's Word stand and the word of every man fail. If the Bible contradicts WMB, I choose favor towards the Bible.

The Bible is my Absolute. WMB's son says the MSG is his absolute, and there are those that now worship WMB's son, saying that all will bow down before him in the New Jerusalem. Where do you stand? Is the Bible your absolute? Do you put the words of man above the words of God?

I challenge you to make your decision for or against the Word of God in the "General Bible Question" forum. 53

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Those Blessed FBI Agents

WMB had a fascination for FBI agents. To the point that he thought every one of them who attended a meeting were converted.

The problem is, the ones that he "converted" were not FBI agents. Neither George J. Lacy or Al Farrar were FBI.

Al Farar was a police officer for 25 years, from 1927 to 1952. He went on to be a state legislator.

WMB saw him in 1950 (or before) while he was a police chief, and was very clear in saying Farrar was FBI -- because all FBI agents who attend meetings were evidently saved for some reason --- a very odd thing to say.

Quote:" I said, "Every time an FBI agent come in my meeting he got--they got saved. Their chief got saved in my meeting, Captain Al Farrar" I said, and, oh, I said, "No FBI does anything like that."52-0224 BELIEVING.GOD_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN V-19 N-7 SUNDAY_

Quote:The next morning, they flew the picture away to Washington, DC for a copyright. Before it could be released, it had to go before the FBI examinations. And when they did, they went and got the best, George J. Lacy, the best there is in the United States. He kept it for two or three days, and to see if there was any touch-up, or anything was wrong, that picture would...50-0714 AT.THY.WORD_ MINNEAPOLIS.MN FRIDAY_

Ref: 54

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Two Visitations from the Angel

Luke 1 describes two visitations by the angel Gabriel to two different children of God. One doubted the angel, and one believed.

Luke was a Gentile, not a prophet, not one of the disciples, and lived as a second or third generation Christian. His account of the Gospel is told chronologically, and he had studied it until he had what he described as a "perfect understanding." His account was delivered from his studies that included eyewitnesses and ministers of the word, as well as the scriptures. You can tell by reading that his writing was the work of his years of study.

He first tells the story of Zacharias and Elisabeth, who were unable to have a child until the time that they were very old. They had tried for years to bear a child in a time when childbearing was considered a blessing from God and being barren was considered a curse from God.

They cast lots outside the temple, and Zacharias' lot was to burn the incense when he went into the temple of the Lord. This was a great honor and fearful event, one which must be executed exactly according to the laws of Moses. Those who did not execute the burning of the incense were in danger of being smote dead by God himself, as had happened in times before. It is said that they tied ropes around the feet of those entering the temple; if they were smote dead by God, the worshippers outside the temple could bring the body out by pulling the ropes.

The multitude of people stood outside the temple praying as Zacharias went inside the temple. While he stood there, Gabriel the Archangel stood on the right side of the alter of incense. When Zacharias saw him, he was very fearful, surely in fear of being struck dead by God.

Gabriel said "Fear not, Zacharias, for thy prayer is heard; and thy wife Elisabeth shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name John. And thou shalt have joy and gladness; and many shall rejoice at his birth." Gabriel went on to tell him how his life should be consecrated to God, and how John would be filled with the Holy Ghost even from the womb. He told Zacharias how John would turn the hearts of the children back to God.

Just as described in Malachi 4:5, Gabriel promised Zacharias that John would have the spirit of Elijah. Gabriel promised Zacharias that John would return the hearts of the fathers to the children (Malachi 4:6). John would bring the disobedient to the wisdom of the just (Malachi 4 4-6).

Zacharias did not fully believe Gabriel. When he spoke his doubts to Gabriel, Gabriel smote him dumb in the temple, telling him that he would be unable to speak until the things which he spoke were completed. The people outside the temple began to fear, because he spent so much time inside. They knew when he came out that he had seen a vision, because he was unable to speak. 55

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When Elisabeth conceived, she hid herself for five months. She said that the Lord had dealt with her to take away her reproach among men, the curse of the barren.

A month after it was known that she was with child, Gabriel was sent from God to Mary. He told Mary that she would conceive Jesus, though she was still a virgin. Mary did not doubt; instead she questioned how it would happen since she was a virgin. Gabriel told Mary about her relative Elisabeth, and assured her that nothing was impossible with God.

Mary quickly went to Elisabeth, who was now a little over six months with child. When Mary told Elisabeth of the words Gabriel spoke, John leaped in Elisabeth's womb, and immediately Elisabeth was filled with the Holy Ghost. She said loudly, "Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb." They began to praise the Lord together, and give account of the wonderful things that God had done for them and others.

When Elisabeth's time came for delivery, they asked Elisabeth and Zacharias the name of the child. Elisabeth said, "John." Zacharias could not speak, so he asked for a tablet to write upon. When he wrote the name "John", and those around him said the name, he was immediately able to speak. He began to praise God.

Zacharias was filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to prophesy. In the prophecy, he praised the Lord God of Israel, who had visited and redeemed his people. He said that salvation had came in the house of David [Jesus], as the prophets of old had prophesied since the world began. His prophecy confirmed the words of Malachi 3 and 4 as he spoke.

Zacharias told them how they would be saved from their enemies and from the hand of all that hated them (Malachi 4:1-3). He said that John would restore righteousness through the "sun of righteousness", [Jesus] (Malachi 4:2).

The prophecy continued to say that John would be called the prophet of the Highest (Malachi 3, 4), and would prepare the way of the Lord (Malachi 3). Zacharias said that the "dayspring" or sunrise had visited them. (Malachi 4:2). Jesus would guide their feet unto the way of peace.

The book of Luke further describes how John went on to prepare the way before the Lord Jesus, which was and is terrible to those who did not believe (Malachi 4:5). It is wonderful to those who are faithful to Him and believe on Him. Those who were under the old law of Moses were eventually brought to the hearts of the children who lived under the new covenant of grace. The hearts of the children were joined to the hearts of their fathers by faith instead of by law, just as Gabriel and Malachi had foretold.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we search the scriptures and study the accounts given by others until we have "perfect understanding" as Luke did? Would we be like Zacharias who doubted, or Mary who believed? Would we have strong enough commitment to God that we would stand before Him in a temple at risk to be struck dead? If we were struck dumb in church, would we even remain committed to God? Have our hearts remained joined to the 56

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fathers through Grace and Faith in Jesus Christ? Or have we separated, trying to go back to the old laws? 57

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A Pardon Not Accepted

Though it is a good, touching story, the "Pardon not received" story told so many times is not historically accurate.

Quote:You remember the pardon that the man was shot, that I sometimes tell, during the civil war when he was a good man? He was innocent, and they found him guilty, although he was guilty in a way, that he run away in time of battle. And they found him guilty and was going to shoot him. And a man went to President Lincoln and said, "Mr. Lincoln, this is a Christian man. He was scared, the boy. I know his people. He was just afraid. He didn't mean no harm. He run away." Said, "Mr. Lincoln, it's in your hands. You're the only one can pardon him." Mr. Lincoln picked up a piece of paper and his pen and signed, "Pardon this So-and-so. Abraham Lincoln."He ran back to the jail, and he said, "Here it is. I got your pardon."And the man said, "I refuse to look at it. It would have a big seal on it. It would be everything. You're only trying to make me a laughing stock. It is not Abraham Lincoln. Anybody could sign his name, but it would have to be documented by his seal and so forth if it comes from him." And the man persuaded him, though the man in the prison thought he was kidding, and just walked away. The next morning, he was shot. And then after he was shot, then there was a Federal Court trial, because Abraham Lincoln, twenty-four hours before the man was shot, signed his name that this man was pardoned. And then the government shot him anyhow. Then what? Then the Federal Court of the United States said-come to this decision of the Federal Court, said, "A pardon is not a pardon unless it be received as a pardon."61-0730M Gabriel’s Instructions to Daniel

The first time this issue came to the Supreme Court was in 1833 during Andrew Jackson's presidency. Some interesting things to note:*The defendant was not innocent. He was caught stealing and reading US postal mail, and endangering the postal worker.*There is no record that the president knew his family, or that he even was a Christian*The pardon was not hand-written on a hand-written note; it was an official document with president's seal.*In 1927, the Supreme Court ruled that a pardon did not have to be accepted by the recipient, it was the decision of the courts.

Supreme Court Ruling:Quote:United States v. Wilson, 32 U.S. 7 Pet. 150 150 (1833)The defendant was indicted for robbing the mail of the United States, and putting the life of the driver in jeopardy, and the conviction and judgment pronounced upon it extended to both 58

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offenses. After this judgment no prosecution could be maintained for the same offense, or for any part of it, provided the former conviction was pleaded.The power of pardon in criminal cases had been exercised from time immemorial by the executive of that nation whose language is our language, and to whose judicial institutions ours bear a close resemblance. We adopt their principles respecting the operation and effect of a pardon, and look into their books for the rules prescribing the manner in which it is to be used by the person who would avail himself of it. A pardon is an act of grace, proceeding from the power entrusted with the execution of the laws, which exempts the individual on whom it is bestowed from the punishment the law inflicts for a crime he has committed. It is the private though official act of the executive magistrate, delivered to the individual for whose benefit it is intended and not communicated officially to the court.

Pardon from Andrew Jackson:Quote:"Andrew Jackson, President of the United States, to all who shall see these presents, greeting:""Whereas a certain George Wilson has been convicted before the Circuit Court of the United States for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania of the crime of robbing the mail of the United States, and has been sentenced by the said court to suffer the penalty of death on 2 July next, and whereas the said George Wilson has been recommended as a fit subject for the exercise of executive clemency by a numerous and respectable body of petitioners, praying for him a remission of the sentence of death, inasmuch as, in such a case, sentence of imprisonment for twenty years may yet be pronounced against him on the indictments to which he has pleaded guilty in the circuit court of the United States for the said district, and a still more severe imprisonment may be awarded him for the same acts in the criminal courts of Pennsylvania, now therefore, I, Andrew Jackson, President of the United States of America, in consideration of the premises, divers other good and sufficient reasons me thereunto moving, have pardoned and do hereby pardon the said George Wilson the crime for which he has been sentenced to suffer death, remitting the penalty aforesaid, with this express stipulation, that this pardon shall not extend to any judgment which may be had or obtained against him in any other case or cases now pending before said court for other offenses wherewith he may stand charged.""In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the United States to be affixed to these presents. Given at the City of Washington this 14 June, A.D. 1830, and of the independence of the United States the fifty-fourth.""[L.S.] ANDREW JACKSON"

Commentary on Biddle v. Petrovich (1927):Quote:There is, however, an apparent limitation on the Burdick rule as applied in the law of commutations. In Biddle v. Petrovich (1927), the recipient of a Presidential commutation of sentence from death to life imprisonment claimed it was invalid because he had not consented to the commutation. The Supreme Court ruled that his consent was not required. Mr. Justice Holmes wrote: "A pardon in our days is not a private act of grace from an individual happening 59

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to possess power. It is a part of the Constitutional scheme. When granted it is the determination of the ultimate authority that the public welfare will be better served by inflicting less than what the judgment fixed...Just as the original punishment would be imposed without regard to the prisoner's consent and in the teeth of his will, whether he liked it or not, the public welfare, not his consent determines what shall be done." This logic could theoretically be applied to pardons as a whole, but the Supreme Court has not yet overruled Burdick. 60

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Faith Without Actions

James 2 tells us that our faith should have no respect of persons, and that if we do not put our actions behind our faith, then our faith is dead.

If a man comes to you richly dressed, while another man comes to you in poor and nasty clothing, you should not favor the rich man by giving him the good seat. If you do so, you are showing favor and are thinking evil thoughts. God chose the poor of this world to be rich in faith and heirs of the kingdom. He promised His kingdom to them that love Him.

James challenged them; "You have despised the poor!" He said that the rich men are the ones that oppress you and take you to the courts. They are the ones that blaspheme the name of Jesus Christ.

James said that they should uphold the law according to the scripture; "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself and you will do well. If you have respect of persons, you are committing sin and have broken the law."

Those that keep the entire law, yet break one little part of the law, is guilty of all of the law. James gave the example of adultery and murder. God said not to commit adultery and not to kill. If you never commit adultery and yet kill, you have broken the law.

Therefore, you should "practice what you preach." Those that do will be judged by the law of freedom instead. If you judge others with no mercy, then you change from mercy to judgment in the law.

What does it gain a person if he says that he has faith, and does not show the good deeds to others? Can faith alone save him?

If a brother or sister is naked with very little food, and one of you says goodbye with peace, and pray that they be warmed and filled, yet does not give them the things they are in need of, what good does it do? If you do not put actions behind your faith, your faith is dead.

If a man says that you have faith and they have good deeds, and asks you to show your faith without your works while he shows his faith through his deeds, who has done better?

James said, "You may believe in God, and you do well -- but the devils also believe and tremble." He tried to make the vain men understand that faith without works is dead. He asked them, "Was not Abraham justified by his actions when he offered Isaac his son upon the alter?" Faith was made by his actions, and the by his actions the faith was made perfect. The scriptures were fulfilled, which said that "Abraham believed God and it was imputed unto him for righteousness, and he was called the Friend of God." Through their actions, men are justified, and not only by faith. 61

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James gave another example of Rahab the harlot. She was justified by her actions when she received the messengers, and helped them by sending them out another way.

As the body without the spirit is dead, so is faith dead without actions.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we respect certain Christians above others? Do we love and help the poor and needy? Do we accuse others of breaking parts of the old laws while we break other parts of the old laws ourselves? If a natural disaster took the homes of several Christians, would we help only those who kept the parts of the law we choose to honor, or would we help everyone in the community? Are we judged by the law, or by grace? Have our churches grown into blessings of God's grace, or has it grown into a place of bitterness between the brothers and sisters? Do our actions show our faith and grace in Jesus Christ, or is our faith dead? 62

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Back to the Original Faith

Jude tells us that we should have mercy, peace, and love abundantly. He felt that it was necessary to write a letter to the people that would bring them back to the faith that the saints had taught, since they had strayed.

Certain men had crept into the congregations of Christians, ungodly men that turned the Christians away from the grace of Jesus Christ. He reminded them how God saved the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt, and then destroyed those who did not believe. He reminded them how even the angels did not remain in heaven, and were in chains of darkness until the day of judgment. He reminded them how Sodom and Gomorrah turned towards fornication, and was set as an example of the vengeance of eternal fire.

Jude said that these "filthy dreamers" who despised authority defiled their own bodies by speaking evil of their authoritative figures. He reminded them that Michael the archangel himself would not rebuke Satan when disputing over the body of Moses, and would not bring any accusation against the devil. Instead, Michael said, "The Lord rebuke thee."

These people, Jude said, speak against things they do not understand. They take the things that the know and understand and corrupt themselves in it.

Jude said they have gone in the way of Cain, and the error of Balaam the false prophet. They perished in the gainsaying of Core. They take away from the love when they fellowship with you, yet they are empty vessels like "clouds that are without water" or "dead trees without fruit that has been uprooted." Jude described them as "raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame."

Even Enoch prophesied that this would come. Enoch said that the Lord would come with ten thousand saints to execute judgment on all. They would convince all that were ungodly of their ungodly deeds, and all their harsh teachings. They are murmurers and complainers that walk after their own desires, and they speak in such a way that causes other men to admire them.

Jude warned them, there would be those in the last time that would walk after their own desires, who would create a mockery of the Gospel. They would separate themselves from other Christians, because they did not have the Holy Spirit.

Jude instructed them to build themselves up in the faith of the Gospel, praying to the Holy Ghost. They should keep the love, and look for the mercy that was given by the Lord Jesus Christ that would bring them eternal life.

They should have love and compassion, and make a difference in peoples lives. Their joy should be in Jesus Christ, who is able to keep them from falling and present them as faultless before 63

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the presence of God's glory. We should give our glory to God the Saviour, who is our only dominion and power both now and forever.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Have we kept the Gospel of Jesus Christ as our highest respect, or have we turned to some other teaching? Have we been turned by "dreamers" who created a great following by speaking out against other leaders? Do we listen to men that think they have the power to rebuke Satan? Have we heeded Jude's warning that there would come those who would cause Christians to separate themselves from other Christians? Do we put love and mercy above all else as the apostles instructed? Is our joy in Jesus Christ, or is it in a man who tells inspiring stories? Are we making a difference in people's lives through our love and compassion? Are we giving God the glory? 64

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Marilyn Monroe Vision of a Heart Attack

Many of Rev. Branham's followers do not know that Marilyn Monroe did not die of a heart attack. Many have never heard that she died naked on her bed, not running and clutching her heart. They have never researched the facts that surrounded her death, and the actual cause of death of the famous actress. Worse, they do not realize that her death has no actual bearing on their eternal salvation, and that it is highly unlikely that God would use this type of prophecy in His mighty works.

Quote:Now, it don't make any difference how much I'd say it, they're still going to say she committed suicide. But the child did not. She died in a heart attack. And if you'd watch, she had her hand, trying to get to the phone, the phone in her hand. She had a heart attack. They said sleeping pills was there. She had been taking them for a month, see, or more, out of that bottle. She died in a heart attack. And she died about four or five seconds before four o'clock, exactly. Branham, 62-1013 THE.INFLUENCE.OF.ANOTHER_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN

Her housekeeper found Marilyn Monroe dead in her bed on August 5, 1962. There are several theories about who was responsible: deliberate suicide, accidental overdose by herself or by her live-in housekeeper, murder by U.S. government agents, or murder by organized crime. However, there is no doubt about the cause of her death: Monroe died of "acute barbiturate poisoning" caused by an overdose of Nembutal (38-66 capsules) and chloral hydrate (14-23 capsules), which should never be combined in normal doses. The drug overdose was enough to kill ten people. Marilyn Monroe did not die of a heart attack at the age of 36. 65

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Pillar of Fire Deemed Supernatural by the FBI

George J. Lacy, who Branham claimed to be the "head of the FBI fingerprint and documents for the United States Government" was proof by science (according to Branham) that he had a supernatural halo. The actual report from Mr. Lacy simply stated that:

Quote:Based upon the above described examination and study I am of the definite opinion that the negative submitted for examination, was not retouched nor was it a composite or double exposed negative.Further, I am of the definite opinion that the light streak appearing above the head in a halo position was caused by the light striking the negative.George J. Lacy, Report and Opinion

George J. Lacy was never the "Head of the FBI Fingerprint and Documents" division, if such a position even existed, and he never claimed the photograph to be supernatural according to written statements.

He held a private consulting firm that specialized in document investigation in Houston, TX, and accepted document investigation projects for paid service.

During Mr. Lacy's early work in law enforcement he arrested Charles Ponzi, the namesake of the Ponzi Scheme. He began his career in forensic science as a general criminalist and ballistics expert. As a ballistics expert, he worked on the Bonnie and Clyde case. He later specialized in questioned document examination. He was responsible for establishing the Houston Police Crime Laboratory. Mr. Lacy maintained a private practice in Houston, Texas for many years.

George Lacy was the author of number of articles and professional papers, such as "Handwriting and Forgery Under Hypnosis," published in the Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology and "Magnification versus Enlargement," published in the Canadian Society of Forensic Science Journal. Mr. Lacy passed away in 1962. 66

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WMB's Big Lie: Paralyzed from Faking Sickness

Branham warned many of trying to trick him in the prayer lines. He would give several accounts of this story throughout his ministry, putting the fear of death into the hearts of any who would question his methods. These accounts would not line up, though, with some accounts differing drastically in less than one year's time.

If it were possible, by WMB's account, this man would have died, ran screaming, fell paralyzed, remain bedfast years later, died six weeks after the incident, died six months after the incident from cancer and remained paralyzed.

1. The man fell down on the floor and began screaming (1950)2. The man received the diseases that he wrote on his card and was still suffering from them (1953).3. The man had died from his diseases (1954).4. The man was bedfast "to this day" (1956).5. The man ran screaming from the auditorium when WMB publicly exposed his plan (1956).6. The man died a year after the incident (January 1957).7. The man was still in "serious condition" (June 1957).8. The man died 6 months after the incident from cancer (1958).9. The man was carried from the auditorium paralyzed and is still paralyzed (1958).10. The man died six weeks after WMB exposed him (1961).11. The man died six weeks after the meeting (1961).12. The man received the diseases that he wrote on his card (1963).20120308_Do_not_Judge_Others 67

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Do not Judge Others

Matthew 7 tells us not to judge, otherwise we ourselves will be judged.

With the things that we judge others against, we will also be judged against the same. Jesus asked why we show the small fragments in another's eye, when we ourselves have large objects in our own eyes. How can we ask to help them remove the fragment when we have a large object blocking our view? Those who do this are hypocrites, and Jesus said to remove the large object from our own eyes first.

He said not give our holy things to dogs or throw our pearls to the pigs in the mud, or they will trample our holy things and return them again to us.

We should ask, He said, and it will be given to us. Seek, and we will find. Knock, and the door will be opened. Everyone that asks receives, and every one that seeks will find. To those that knock on the door, it will be opened.

What father will give his son a stone when he asks for bread? Or a serpent when he asks for fish?

If we, being evil, know how to give good gifts to our children, how much more does the Father in heaven give good things to us when we ask? Whatever we would have men do to us, we should also do to them; this is the law and the teachings of the prophets.

The gate that leads to destruction is very wide, and many will go down the path of destruction. The path that leads to life is very narrow, and few will find it.

We should beware of false prophets -- they come disguised as simple, humble sheep but are inwardly ravenous wolves. You will know them by the fruits that they produce. Every good tree will produce good fruit, but every bad tree will produce bad fruit. A good tree cannot produce bad fruit.

How do we know false prophets? Like the trees, by their fruit you will know. Not every one that calls Jesus Lord will enter into the kingdom of heaven. Only those that do the will of the Father. Many try to get into heaven by claiming their prophecy in His name, or by their casting out devils or other works, but Jesus will tell them "Depart from me. I never knew you."

When you hear the words of Jesus, He will consider you a wise man. The foundation he makes by the words of Jesus will be like a rock instead of sinking sand.

When he was finished teaching, everyone was astonished. He spoke with authority instead of one of the scribes. 68

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As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we judge others? Are we increasing the judgments against ourselves by the many things we judge others by? Are we seeking the things of God, so that He can give them to us? Do we test the prophets against the followings that they have produced? Are we putting our foundation in Christ, or the doctrines of man? 69

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Latter Rain and Healing

I never really put much thought into it, but there were several ministers teaching the "Latter Rain" at the time WMB was teaching it. Most have disbanded, and saw the error of their ways, but WMB is not alive to publicly announce the error.

Quote:And isn't it just the same Holy Spirit tonight, if He promised He would send in the last days these things? Did He promise He would send this in the last days, "and it shall come to pass in the last days," saith God? How He promised in Mark 16, "Go ye into all the world..." That's New York. See? "Preach the Gospel to every creature. These signs shall follow them that believe." He promised it. And then He promised the former rain and the latter rain. And we're living now, have been for years, under the latter rain.

Latter Rain teachers put emphasis on baptism of the Holy Ghost over faith in Jesus Christ, believe there is a five-fold ministry that brings present-day prophets, believe you must have an "experience," and more.

Many have devoted their lives to Apologetics now.

Quote:"After being ordained into full-time ministry by a RHEMA graduate and acknowledged prophet I started a small ministry called "Latter Rain Ministries." I had several cassettes and booklets by William Marrion Branham and prayed I too could have such a supernatural ministry. I, like many others, believed that the Lord had restored the office of the apostle and prophet. Many prophetic words were spoken over my wife and I regarding the move of God and the end time glory which was about to be manifested and our role in this coming move. Now I know that I, and all my friends in ministry, were Montanists to the core, (although probably none of us knew it at the time). It was only recently (within the last two to three years) that the Lord has opened my wife and my eyes to the Truth of His Word, which has been subsequently revealing the darkness of what we once gladly walked in. I know from personal experience the great attraction Latter Rain holds for people. Adherents want to be on the cutting edge of spiritual advancement. Adherents want to see God's power manifested, the sick healed, feel His presence, etcetera. The problem is almost all of what transpires in neo-Montanist congregations is subjective experience devoid of any solid Biblical foundation. The Bible ends up being used to prove the experience, it matters not where the texts are drawn from, and context is immaterial." - Rev. Robert S. Liichow

This quote is striking when you think about it. Many of the errors that have been pointed out in WMB's teaching, and many of the questions that people have within their hearts, are simply because WMB didn't understand context. 70

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To WMB, jumping from book to book, verse to verse was context -- instead of reading the chapter as it was written.

Quote:If I should say a subject out of this to draw a context, I would like to use the word: "A Super Sign."59-1227M A.SUPER.SIGN_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN V-15 N-7 SUNDAY_

I want to take for a text, to draw a context from that 27th verse "Be Not Afraid, It Is I." And the words I wish to use is, "It Is I."60-0720 IT.IS.I_ LAKEPORT.CA WEDNESDAY_

Now, to draw a little context tonight, let us call your attention to a Scripture reading in the Bible in the book of Isaiah. Let us turn into Isaiah, the 21st chapter of Isaiah, and read the 11th verse of Isaiah 21:60-0722 WATCHMAN.WHAT.OF.THE.NIGHT_ LAKEPORT.CA FRIDAY_

Many who have found the errors in teaching or the prophesies that have failed still try to twist facts and justify their beliefs because they believe WMB had the only claim to healing -- which is not correct.

Quote:The Latter Rain movement, along with elements of the Healing revival slowly dissolved into parts of the larger Charismatic movement. Dancing, lifting of hands and spontaneous praise are marks of the Charismatic movement. Some parts of the Charismatic movement have a blend of influences that may include both the Latter Rain, the Healing revival and the Jesus movement, elements distinctive from traditional Pentecostal theology. The Healing revival of the early day Kansas City "prophets" occurred between 1947 and 1957 with Oral Roberts, Jack Coe, William Marrion Branham and Paul Cain. Chuck Smith, founder of Calvary Chapel, served as Paul Cain's Healing revival campaign manager at one time.

"In Latter Rain circles truth is changing and evolving. Scriptures do not have one meaning; the meaning evolves as does the fellowship. What Latter Rain people look for in the Bible is the "present day truth" which is arrived at by the Holy Spirit as revealed through a current crop of apostles and prophets. In 1990 a shift occurred and the Apostolic movement began to be birthed. My wife and I have met no less than six apostles - most of whom used to be pastors, then prophets, and now apostles. Over the last fifteen years we have spiritually surfed various moves of the Holy Spirit and they all can be reduced to being nothing more than Latter Rain acolytes, only the error has progressed even more radically since 1947." - Rev. Robert S. Liichow 71

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The part that really caught my eye is the part regarding the "Manifest Sons." These spiritual leaders raised themselves up to a platform so high that eventually followers started worshipping them. Look what we have today! Pastors now teach that WMB's every word was infallible. WMB's son are worshipped across the world, and songs are being written how all will "bow down" to him in the "new Jerusalem."

Manifest Sons claim the ultimate anointing will glorify them to such a degree that they become "Christ" on Earth, an corporate embodiment of Christ, destined to rule over all humanity!

Manifest Sons dogma claims Christianity is not complete without economic, spiritual and day to day control of all human life through whatever means necessary - the "apostles" are the generals and individual acolytes make up the bulk of Joel's army of mindless human robots that pathetically follow the wolves dressed in sheep's clothing!

Quote:"At the apostles gathering as we worshiped the Lord and gave ourselves to the Spirit, a vision appeared. I saw the Heavens open, and a great white light appeared, radiating out from the One in the center, as the light from the sun does. As I looked, I saw it was Jesus, and He held in His Hands a Child, who had just been recently born. He extended the Child and asked, "Who will be responsible for this Child?, Who will care for it, nurture it, and see that it is kept safe from those who would harm or destroy it?" The Lord reached down into our midst, and said "will you (apostles gathering) be responsible for this Child?" Our voices rang out, "we will accept this Child as our own, we will bear the full responsibility for it, we will nurture and cherish it, and bring it to full maturity...we will see that no harm comes to it." Jesus then, handed the Child into our collective hands, and said, "I will be with you, I will provide ALL THINGS NEEDED to bring this Child to maturity and for it to accomplish the Divine Purpose I have Ordained for it on Earth...My Glory will be seen, and the Harvest will be reaped. “A Man Child is birthed who is to bring about a dramatic change in the entire structure of the CHURCH....The Man Child will bring full Apostolic Order." - vision given to apostle Paul Cunningham at the 2nd apostles gathering

Major adherents of Manifest Sons mythology include: Earl Pearly Paulk, Oral Roberts, Paul Cain, William Marrion Branham and Benny Hinn

Liichow evidently found many of the Gnostic similarities in the teachings, and considered it "mythology."

Quote:Around 1947 William Marrion Branham, Percy Hunt and George Hawtin begin to codify Latter Rain mythology as the "New Order of the Latter Rain."

William Marrion Branham's mythology formed the basis for the "New Order" of the Latter Rain dogma. 72

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William Marrion Branham was seen as the "prophet" (Elijah) of the movement. 73

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Perfect Love

In Matthew 5, Jesus taught a message of Love. He started by uplifting all of those that were burdened down.

He said the ones with low spirits would have the kingdom of heaven. Those that mourn would be comforted. Those that were humble and poor would be rich when they inherited the earth. Those that hungered and thirsted to be righteous would be filled with righteousness. Those that were already pure in heart would see God. Those that made peace would be called the "children of God."

He taught not to worry about being persecuted for believing in His name. Those who were persecuted for believing in Christ would gain the kingdom of heaven. When men insult and persecuted them, and said all sorts of bad things about them that weren't true, they should rejoice. They should be very glad, for their reward in heaven would be very great.

Jesus said that the prophets of old were also persecuted before them. He gave an example of salt, calling these that were persecuted for His name sake the "salt of the earth." If the salt lost its taste, who would use it to spread on their meals? It becomes good for nothing, cast aside, and walked on by the feet of men.

Jesus also used an example of light. These that are persecuted are the "light of the world." They are a great city set upon a hill that cannot be hid from the eyes of men. Men do not light their candles and put them under something to hide the light -- they put them on a candlestick to raise it up and give light to all that are in the house. He said that we should let our lights shine in this way before men so that they can glorify our good works and glorify the Father which is in heaven.

Jesus said not to make the mistake that he came to earth to destroy the law or the prophets that taught the law. He was there to fulfill the law. Not one little marking of the law would be removed until the laws and the prophesies were fulfilled.

He said that if any one broke even the least of the commandments, and teach others to do the same, they would be called the least in the kingdom of heaven. But, if anyone keep the commandments and teach them to others, they will be called great in the kingdom of heaven. He warned them, if their righteousness did not exceed the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, they would not even enter into heaven.

He started giving examples of love and respect towards others as the way to honor the commandments. He said that in the old days, they were told not to kill. If anyone killed another, they would be in danger of the judgment. Jesus warned them: "Whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgment. Whosoever shall call his brother "worthless" would be in danger of the council. Whosoever shall call his brother a fool 74

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shall be in danger of hell fire." Therefore, Jesus said, they should not bring their gifts to the offering at the alter while they held something against their brother. They should first go and reconcile their brother, and then come to the alter with their gifts.

He said that they should agree with their adversaries quickly while they speak to them. Otherwise, the adversary could deliver them to the judge -- who would deliver them to the officer to be cast into prison. Jesus said that they would in no means come out of the prison until they had paid the largest sum of money.

He said that they had heard in the old times that they should not commit adultery. Jesus said that whoever looked at a woman and wanted her had already committed adultery within his heart.

He gave examples of their bodies as ways to purify themselves and stop the things they were doing wrong. He said that if their right eye was looking at something it should not, they should pluck it out and throw it away. If their right hand was doing something that it should not, they should cut it off and throw it away. It would be better for one of the members of their body to be removed than the whole body be cast into hell.

He said that they had allowed divorcement letters to allow men to put away their wives. He warned them that any one of them that divorces their wives except for fornication had caused the woman to commit adultery, and any man that married one that was divorced had committed adultery.

He said that they had heard in the old times that they should promise nothing of themselves, but instead should promise by the Lord. Jesus said to promise nothing by heaven, because it is God's throne. They should promise nothing by earth, because it is God's footstool. They should not promise anything by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. They should not make promises towards themselves, because they could not turn one hair of their head black or white by themselves. Instead, their communication should be "yes" or "no." Anything more they offer as promise becomes evil.

He spoke to them about fighting with one another. He said that they had heard "an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth," but he warned them that they should resist evil. Any one that strikes them on the right cheek should turn the other cheek to let their adversary strike it as well. If any man sued them by law and takes away their coat, they should let him have their cloak as well.

He said that we should give freely to those that ask. From any that would borrow from us, we should not turn them away.

Jesus reminded them that they had heard that it was good to love their neighbors and hate their enemies, but he said this was not correct. They should love their enemies and bless those that would curse them. They should do good things for those that hated them, and pray for 75

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those that despitefully use them or persecute them. If they did this, they would be the children of the Father in heaven. He makes the sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain to the just and the unjust.

Jesus asked them: if you only love those that love you back, what reward do you have? Even the publicans do the same! If they only welcome their brothers, what are they doing that is showing greater love than others? Don't the publicans do the same?

Instead, we should become more perfect in Love, just as the Father in heaven is perfect. As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we guilty of persecuting other Christians who believe in the same Christ we do? Do we stay downcast in our burdens, when we are the ones that will inherit the earth? Do we insult or say things that aren't true about other Christians? Has our salt lost its taste and are we hiding our lights? Do we become easily angered at our brothers? Do we love our enemies? Do we give freely to those in our communities that are in need? Do we love only those that love us back? Do we have perfect love? 76

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What is the Message?

One question I have, and can't get a good answer to. I'm interested to hear your opinion.

What is the Message? William Branham, according to Message folk, was sent by God to prepare the bride by giving them "rapturing faith" that was formed by unlocking the mysteries of the Bible.

Each MSG church around the world has a different opinion of what this is referring to. What is yours?

Second, since he was taken before he finished, who will complete the process? Each MSG church around the world also has a different opinion on the person. Who is yours? 77

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Love That Attracts Sinners

Luke 15 tells how the words of Jesus and his message of Love attracted the publicans and sinners to hear the words that He spoke.

The Pharisees and scribes did not like this one bit; they started speaking quietly among themselves about how Jesus received sinners and ate with them. Jesus knew what they were saying, and gave them this example:

Which of you, having a hundred sheep, and lose one of them, do not leave the ninety-nine sheep in the wilderness to go after the one that is lost? And when you find it, do not rejoice with your friends and neighbors, saying, "Rejoice with me! I have found my sheep that was lost!"

He said to them, the same is the joy in heaven whenever one sinner repents. More joy than over ninety-nine that are just and need no repentance.

Jesus gave another example of a woman that had ten pieces of sliver. If she loses one piece, she lights a candle, sweeps the house, and searches diligently until she finds it. Once she finds it, she rejoices with her friends and neighbors. He said that the same joy is spread through the angels of God whenever one sinner repents.

Finally, He gave an example of a father and his two sons. The younger one said, "Father, give me the portion that is allotted to me," and the father divided the portion to his son.

Not long afterwards, the younger son went to a far off country, and wasted his inheritance with sinful living and harlots. When he had spent everything, the land was consumed with famine, and the son was in need. He became a citizen of that country so that he could work, and started tending the hogs in the mud. So hungry from the famine, he would have even eaten the husks that the hogs ate, yet no man gave him any food.

When he finally came to his senses, he said to himself, "How many hired servants of my father's house has enough bread to spare? Yet I am dying from hunger!" He said, "I will arise and go back to my father's house." I have sinned against God and my father, and am no longer worthy to be called his son, but will ask that I be made one of his hired servants.

He went back to his father, but before he was near, his father saw him and had great compassion on him. He ran, and greeted him with a kiss. When the son told him his story, he expected his father to be upset.

Instead, his father sent for his servants to bring his best robe, jewelry, and shoes for his feet. He told them to bring the largest calf and prepare it for dinner, so they could eat and be merry. They celebrated over his return. 78

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When the older son heard the music and dancing, he went to the servants to ask what was going on. They told him that his brother had returned, and the father had prepared a meal to celebrate his safe return.

The older son was angry. He refused to go in to celebrate. Therefore, his father went out to speak with him, and pleaded with him to come in. The older son argued, "All these years I served you perfectly. At no time did I even break one of your rules, and yet you never even gave me a baby goat to celebrate! But as soon as my brother came home, who I remind you was living with harlots, you gave him the fatted calf!"

The father replied to him, "Son, you are always with me. Everything I have is yours. It was to make your brother welcome, because he was once dead but now lives again. He was once lost, but now he is found."

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we preach a message that will attract the sinners to become closer to God? Would we even receive them when they come into our churches? Do we preach to the sinners, or do we preach to the saints? If one of the saints goes astray, do we try to help them, or do we shun them, telling other saints not to associate with them? If they come back, are they received with open arms? Or do we speak against them in private for all of the things they have done? Do we have the Love that Jesus describes in Luke 14? 79

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Really? You're Pulling My Leg!!!

In the Voice of Healing magazine, which was Founded by WMB and Gordon Lindsay, there are many, many prophets and healers featured throughout the life of the magazine. Each had miraculous healings and spiritual visions, that were proven and vindicated as a sign from God.

There is no doubt whatsoever that God healed many through these campaigns of these 30+ "prophets" and "healers". But they all seemed to have one thing in common:These men of God would use a trick of some sort in order to increase the faith of the people to the point of healing.

Take this one example:

The pastor tells the "injured" that one of their legs is shorter than the other. Amazingly, the person with the short leg often doesn't even know, so this must be a divine "prophecy" from God alone.

When the person sits, they face the audience. The "healer" turns the person's legs -- but the person's torso still remains facing the audience due to gravity alone. With one buttock farther from the foot than the other, the leg that is facing the audience appears much, much shorter!

Even worse, some of these people -- who could walk when they entered the meetings -- were told to use a wheelchair as they entered the meeting, so they "wouldn't make it worse." To the audience, a person in a wheelchair with a short leg had just had their bone lengthened "by God", and came up out of a wheelchair.

There is reasonable question as to whether each of the short-leg patients were "in on it," because there seemed to be an awful lot of people running around with one leg shorter than the other one.

A.A. Allen was one that used this parlor trick several times in his ministry. A magician (James Randi) shows a class how to perform the same "miracle".

Watch the video as Allen performs the "miracle", and then how Randi exposes it:

Unfortunately, this was not limited to A.A. Allen. You'll never guess who also claimed the shorter leg healing in his ministry:

Even today, ministers use it to increase the faith so that the people start believing: 80

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Smoking Man's Filter

People outside the Message have debated whether WMB really had literal conversations with the Lord about a pack of cigarettes as he led us to believe, or whether he only experienced an overactive imagination.

Quote:So I turned around and went down by the river, and I thought, "I'll go down here and hide till they get done so I can get out." And on the road down, I happened to draw... My attention was drawn to look over to my right side, and as I did, there laid a empty cigarette package, where one of them had throwed down in all the running of the--when the squirrels were going through the bushes. And I picked up this certain cigarette pack and was look... I never picked it up (I beg your pardon.); I looked down at it. I didn't pick it up, 'cause I don't like the smell of the things to begin with. And I looked down there, and it's a--a certain tobacco company that I guess I shouldn't call their name, but you'll know. It said on there, "A thinking man's filter and a smoking man's taste ." A Thinking Man's Filter, August 22, 1965 (tape #65-0822E)

Quote:I was going, walking through the woods; I was squirrel hunting (this fall) and I looked down. And, of course, I can't call the cigarette company. You know it. And there laid a--a cigarette pack laying there. And I just passed by it, looking for--in the woods. And I seen that package laying there, and I looked back again, it said, "A thinking man's filter, a smoking man's taste." I just started walking on through the woods. And Holy Spirit said, "Turn and pick that up." I reached down and picked it up, "A thinking man's filter, a smoking man's taste." Leadership, December 7, 1965 (tape #65-1207)

The question is raised, did he pick them up, or did he leave them on the ground? Did he obey the Lord or not?

Quote:I started walking on down a little further in the woods, and Something attracted me, "Go back to that cigarette pack." I thought, "Heavenly Father, I'm going down here to that tree where those squirrels was spoke into existence by You one morning. Why would You call me back?" And Something said, "You've got a sermon coming for Sunday. Your text is wrote on it." I thought, "On a cigarette pack?" I went back. And I begin to think, "A thinking man's filter," what a deception that is. If a man was a thinking man, he wouldn't smoke at all. But, you see, people swallow that. God's Power to Transform, September 11, 1965 (tape #65-0911) 82

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He felt so condemned by this sermon that he found himself asking forgiveness if the text of his sermon was sacrilegious. This sparks quite a debate, because if the Lord is the that told him to pick it up, whether he obeyed and picked it up or disobeyed and did not pick it up, it was the Lord that instructed him to do so.

Quote:I pray for myself with them, that, Lord Jesus, that You'll hold Your Filter. And if I'm saying anything sacrilegious, Lord, I--in my heart I don't know it. I pray that if it's wrong for me to take Your Word and use such a thing as that, You forgive me for it. But, Lord, I thought when You spoke to me there in the woods, You know the time and the morning, it just--I couldn't get it off my mind. I accepted it as coming from You. A Thinking Man's Filter, August 22, 1965 (tape #65-0822E)

People completely miss the most important question:

Why would he give such a long, drawn out story about the Lord telling him to pick up (or not pick up) the filthy object, when he actually got the sermon from Billy Graham???

Quote:"60-1204E THE.PATMOS.VISION_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN ROJC 69-130 SUNDAY_120 How many heard Billy Graham today? It was a wonderful sermon he preached on, how that a people could believe a lie and just keep on in that lie and--and even justify themself and think that they were doing what was right. The American public taking, he said, and saying, "A wise man's filter, and the smoking man's cigarette," taking one of the Devil's lies, and instead of making him a fool, whatever he is, to smoke such a thing and try to make him a wise man. He's a fool to even smoke it, when the... when it's full of death and cancer and everything else, and still he puffs it down his lungs. He's a fool. Not a--not a--a wise man’s filter, and there is no such a thing. A wise man don't use the stuff."There's no life unless it's in Oertel's 92," or something like that. There's no Life outside of Christ, that's the real true Life. What makes men and women drink that stuff? Because they're trying to satisfy that thirst in there that God put in there to thirst after Him, and they're trying to satisfy it with the things of the world. And that's the reason we have those things. That's the reason people act like that, because they're trying to quench that thirst that's in them for God, and the Devil's giving them death instead of Life." 83

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Blameless Before Others

Paul speaking to the Philippians in Philippians 2 was teaching the message of Love.

He said that if we are to find any consolation in Christ, or find any comfort of Love, any fellowship in the Spirit, or any mercy, we must have the same Love that Jesus Christ had. Paul asked them to give him the joy he longed for, asking that they all have the same Love.

He told them to let nothing they do be done with glory in themselves, but to humble their minds to lift up others around them. They should not be proud of the things they have, each one of them should give glory to the things of others.

Paul told us that we should have the mind of Christ. Christ was in the form of God, and was equal to God. But though He was equal to God, He made no reputation for Himself. He took the form of a servant and was made to look like men. As a man, He humbled Himself, and was obedient in all things until he died on the cross.

God also exalted Jesus, and gave Him a name which is above every name. At the name of Jesus, every knee should bow -- in heaven, in earth, and even under the earth. Every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, which gives the glory to God the Father.

Paul praised them for their faithfulness. He said that they had obeyed not only when he was around them, but also in his absence. They had worked out their own salvation with fear and trembling. But not them, it was God that worked in them for His good pleasure.

Paul asked that they do these things without grumbling and complaining, or disputing the words he said:

They should be blameless and harmless. They should be the sons of God, without doing a single thing that would cause others to rebuke them -- even though they were in the midst of a crooked and perverted nation. They should shine as the lights in the world.

They should hold to the word of life so that Paul could rejoice in the day of Christ's return, that he had not preached to them and labored in vain. If he would be offered to the sacrifice and service of their faith, he would have joy and rejoice with them.

Paul said that for that reason, they should also have joy and rejoice with him. He promised to send Timothy to them shortly afterwards, so that he could comfort in knowing how they were doing.

Paul said that he had no man who had his state of mind, flowing with Love. No man could naturally care for their state of affairs as he did, because every man seeks out their own glory, instead of things to give the glory to Jesus Christ. 84

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As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we have and teach the same Love that Jesus Christ had and taught? Do we lift ourselves up above others, or do we lift up Christ? Do we follow Christ's example of humility and Love? Do we work out our own salvation with fear and trembling? Are we blameless, or do we do things that even the crooked and perverted people of this world can find fault with us? Do we shine our lights to the world? Are we flowing with Love? 85

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Bro. Branham Won't Be in the Kingdom of the Lord??

I will be the first to say I don't know the answer to this one. ... I know what the Bible says, and who am I to judge?

According to WMB, a bastard child won't make it into the kingdom of heaven for ten generations, and local pastors teach this harshly.

Quote:God even said in Deuteronomy that a bastard child would not even be permitted into the generation, into the congregation of the Lord for ten generations. That's how bad adultery is: ten generations: ten times forty: four hundred years before a hybrid...

A woman that's married to a man, or a man married to a woman that'll cross the lines of holy wedlock, and bring in a illegitimate child, the generations will not come into the Kingdom of the Lord until ten generations. Deuteronomy 30--23:2.All right, it won't come in--a illegitimate child, he or his generation, or his generation, or his generation; even though they're trying like Esau, weeping to find a place, it takes ten generations. Forty years is a generation. Can you see this damnable, corruptible world is ready for judgment? So evil, cross up--cross up what God has joined together.60-1113 CONDEMNATION.BY.REPRESENTATION_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN V-2 N-13 SUNDAY_

He's referring to Deuteronomy 23:2, but again, he has "snipped" a portion of the scriptures and taken it completely out of context.

Quote:He that is wounded in the stones, or hath his privy member cut off, shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD.A bastard shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD; even to his tenth generation shall he not enter into the congregation of the LORD.Deuteronomy 23:2 ... ersion=KJV

OK, so I have two questions here, and they have very strong consequences if WMB was right:

1) I have been wounded in the "stones" many times rough-housing as a child. Does that mean I can't go to heaven?

2) Nancy Branham, WMB's great-great grandmother bore Lewis Branham, WMB's great grandfather out of wedlock. Does this mean that WMB can't go to heaven either? (ref 86

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Or maybe we should not "snip" parts out of the old laws, and accept the fact that Jesus came so we would be under grace instead of law!

As I heard in a sermon once, "I'M RESTING ON THAT!!!!!' [that=grace] 87

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Judas Iscariot in Heaven with Us?

WMB struggled with the concept of predestination, because the book of Revelation tells how your name can be removed from the book of life.

Because of this, he "invented" two books.

1) The Book of Life2) The LAMB'S Book of Life

Quote:Here it brings into view, the two books that's going to be mysterious to you when you read the book of The Seven Church Ages. The two books: Book of Life, said, one says you can put your name on, you never comes off; other one says you take his name out of the Book of Life. This brings it perfectly in view, right here. I'm going to stop a few minutes, maybe, on a few notes here, and catch this before we close.65-1125 THE.INVISIBLE.UNION.OF.THE.BRIDE.OF.CHRIST_ SHREVEPORT.LA V-2 N-15 THURSDAY_

He explained this by saying that the first book "The Book of Life" was the one that our names were written when we were born. The second book, "The LAMB'S Book of Life" is the one that your name can NEVER be removed from.

Quote:Not shake hands or join a church or pack the paper from place to place. Get your name written in the Lamb's Book of Life, and it'll stay there forever. Amen. That's right.53-1110 I.WILL.RESTORE_ OWENSBORO.KY TUESDAY_

Now, your old book is gone, with your old union. Now, your name in your old, in your... has been transferred. Now, you say, "Do you mean to tell me that my old book..." God put it in the Sea of His Forgetfulness. You stand perfectly before God. Now, your name is now in the new Book; not the book of life, but the Lamb's Book of Life, what the Lamb redeemed. 65-1125 THE.INVISIBLE.UNION.OF.THE.BRIDE.OF.CHRIST_ SHREVEPORT.LA V-2 N-15 THURSDAY_

There's one problem with this, however. According to WMB, Judas Iscariot had his name written on the "LAMB'S Book of life, not the "Book of Life."

Quote: 88

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And Jesus said, "Don't you rejoice because the devils is subject to you, but rejoice because your names are written in the Book of heaven." Is that right? And Judas Iscariot was with them, one of them, called-out, sanctified, and his name written in the Lamb's Book of Life53-0729 QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS.ON.GENESIS_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN COD WEDNESDAY_

Those of us who read the scriptures know that Judas Iscariot was not on the Book of Life, and that the Bible does not teach two separate books. Judas was the "son of perdition."

It does raise a good question, though. Did Bro. Branham think that Judas Iscariot was saved? Is that why he used portions of the Gnostic texts that came from the Gospel of Judas? Or did he simply not read his Bible? 89

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Which Nurse?

It is very odd that many of the events in WMB's life story do not match, and some of the discrepancies can easily be attributed to poor memory of old events.

This one, however, raises a few eyebrows. This was the single-most traumatic event in each of his life stories. To lose one's wife is no small event in one's life -- it would have been so devastating to him that he would have ran the events surrounding her death through his mind over and over for years and years.

Each detail of that horrible time would become so stamped in his mind that it would form a mental image that could not be altered with the passing of time.

Here's the problem:

Rather than simply saying "I don't remember her name", he gives four different names for the nurse that his wife spoke to when she gave him such a good compliment.

Quote:50-0820A MY.LIFE.STORY_ CLEVELAND.OH SUNDAY_And she said, "Evelyn," she knew her, a schoolmate. Said, "If you ever get married, I hope you have a husband like mine."

Quote:51-0415A LIFE.STORY_ PHOENIX.AZ SUNDAY_She called the nurse, Miss Cook. She said, "Come here." She said, "Set down just a minute. I've just got a few minutes left."And she was Hope's friend. And she was biting her lip.She said, "When you get married, I hope you get a husband like mine."

Quote:51-0722A LIFE.STORY_ TOLEDO.OH SUNDAY_ And she said, "Come here, Hilda," it was a friend of hers. And here's what made me feel. She said, "I hope when you get married you have a husband like mine.

Quote:53-1108A LIFE.STORY_ OWENSBORO.KY SUNDAY_ I said, "Just a minute, nurse." We knew her real well.My wife called her over. She said, "Juanita," said, "I hope when you get married you have a husband like mine." Said, "He's been so good to me," and she had her arm around me. 90

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So this raises several questions:

1) Why would he forget the name of the nurse?2) Why would he put the emphasis on this compliment, when she was on her death bed?3) She evidently died in a hospital. Why can nobody find a death certificate? 91

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Branham Taught the Trinity?

Most message believers will quickly tell you they deny the trinity, and the "Trinitarian World" is all mixed up thinking that there are three Gods. Any Bible-believing Christian should know that there are NOT three Gods, there is only one God.

What they don't realize is that in some instances, WMB taught Trinitarianism, and other instances he taught Oneness. During the times he taught the Godhead as the Trinity, he was teaching it the same way the "Trinitarian World" teaches -- They do NOT teach Trinitarianism as three separate Gods.

Quote:But there you are. In that triune trinity of God... Now there's... Now, God in His oneness, God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Now, we don't say "our Gods," as heathens. It's "our God." See? It's the threefold Being of God.Now, notice. Now, Satan is in a trinity also. And his powers are in trinity.53-0608A DEMONOLOGY.PHYSICAL.REALM_ CONNERSVILLE.IN DE 21-40 MONDAY_

The common view among the churches matches this above description by WMB exactly:

Quote:God is a trinity of persons: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. The Father is not the same person as the Son; the Son is not the same person as the Holy Spirit; and the Holy Spirit is not the same person as Father. They are not three gods and not three beings. They are three distinct persons; yet, they are all the one God.

The word "person" is used to describe the three members of the Godhead because the word "person" is appropriate. A person is self aware, can speak, love, hate, say "you," "yours," "me," "mine," etc. Each of the three persons in the Trinity demonstrate these qualities. 92

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Brother Jim Jones

Reverend James Warren "Jim" Jones (May 13, 1931 - November 18, 1978) was the founder and leader of the Peoples Temple, which is best known for the November 18, 1978 mass suicide of 909 Temple members in Jonestown, Guyana along with the killings of five other people at a nearby airstrip. Over 200 children were murdered at Jonestown, almost all of whom were forcibly made to ingest cyanide by the elite Temple members.

William Branham was involved with the start of the Peoples Temple in Indianapolis, Indiana, and Jones was a regular in the congregation at WMB's meetings.

Large portions of the recordings were cut out of the tape to hide the fact that THE Jim Jones was the one being celebrated to the ministry, but the fact remains that WMB helped Jones get started. 93

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Marvelous Faith

In Luke 7, Jesus entered into Capernaum to find the servant of a centurion so sick that he was ready to die. When the centurion heard of the arrival of Jesus, he sent for Him to come and heal his servant.

The elders of the Jews appealed to Jesus, saying that he was worthy to be saved. They described how the centurion loved their nation and had built a synagogue for them.

When Jesus was near to the house, the centurion sent friends to Jesus, saying for Him not to trouble Himself, he was not worthy for Jesus to enter his house. Yet if Jesus said the word, his servant would be healed. The centurion made the example of how he himself was set under authority, and the commandments given to his soldiers and servants were executed upon his command. Jesus is the master of all things.

Jesus marveled at him. He said that he had not found one with so great faith in all of Israel. When they returned to the house, they found the servant healed.

The next day, as they were entering into the city of Nain, they found a dead man being carried out. He was the only son to a widow, and Jesus had great compassion on her. He told her, "Weep not." He touched the casket and commanded the dead man to arise. The dead man sat up and began to speak, and all glorified God.

Afterwards, rumor started spreading throughout Judaea and the surrounding area that Jesus was a prophet of God. John the Baptist sent two of his disciples to Jesus, asking if He was the one that the prophets spoke about. As an answer, he healed many of their sicknesses and evil spirits, and gave sight to the blind. Jesus answered, return and tell John what you have just witnessed, how the blind see, the lame walk, lepers and cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, and the gospel is preached to the poor.

When the messengers of John departed, Jesus began to speak out John to the people, confirming his position as the forerunner of the Christ. John was not a reed easily shaken with the wind, and not a man called to live in a fancy king's court.

He was a prophet, but Jesus said that he was much more than a prophet. He was the one described in the scriptures who would be the messenger before Him, and would prepare the way before the Christ. He said that there was not a man born of a woman that was a greater prophet than John the Baptist. At the same time, the least in the kingdom of God was greater than him.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we so humble that we would tell Jesus we are not worthy for him to enter our house? Is our faith in Jesus Christ so strong that He would marvel at us? Do we place our healing in our own faith, or in the God who is the healer? Are we a reed 94

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easily shaken with the wind? Do we accept that the "least in the kingdom" is greater than John the Baptist, or do we place our confidence in those who are "puffed up?" 95

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Wisdom Through Knowledge

In Proverbs 1, Solomon teaches us wisdom. He says that we should know wisdom and instruction to perceive the words of understanding.

We should receive the instruction of wisdom, justice, judgment, and equality, so that we can bestow our knowledge very carefully to the simple minded, and teach the young men knowledge and discretion.

The wise men will hear and increase learning, and will increase his understanding around others who are wise. To understand a proverb and its interpretation, they will hear the words of the wise and their riddles.

By increasing themselves in knowledge, they are serving the Lord. Fools, however, despise understanding and instruction through wisdom.

Solomon instructed his son to hear the words of his father, and not to forsake the law of his mother. They would be an an ornament of grace shining from his head, and chains that would keep him safe.

He warned not to let sinners entice with wicked plans and devices against the innocent without a cause. They should not plan evil things against them for their own gain. Instead, he instructed to run from all evil, for they lay wait for their own blood and for their own lives.

Such is the way for every one that is greedy. Through their gain, they are taking away their own lives.

Wisdom is not hidden in secret mysteries -- it cries out loudly throughout the streets. It cries out throughout the city saying, "how long, you simple ones, will you love simplicity? How long, while the scorners delight in their scorning and the fools hate knowledge?"

In God is wisdom. "behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, and will make known my words unto you. Because I have called and you refused, and I have stretched out my hand and no man payed any attention, I will laugh at your troubles and will laugh at you in your fear."

When distress and anguish come upon you, fear comes as desolation, and your destruction comes as a whirlwind. Those in fear will call upon God, but he will not answer. They will seek for Him in the morning, but will not find Him.

They are the ones that hated knowledge, and did not choose to serve God. They will remain eating the fruits they have produced, and be filled with their own devices. Even the simple will turn away from them, and the prosperity of fools will destroy them. 96

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But whoever listens to the Lord will dwell safely and will not have any fear of evil.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we seek wisdom? Do we seek equality? Do we fellowship with the wise who are advanced in wisdom, or the simple minded who are just beginning their journey? Do we follow after those who are greedy? Do we try to find wisdom in secret mysteries when it is calling us like a siren in the streets? Do we refuse knowledge? Are we eating the fruits we have produced, or waiting on the Lord to feed us? Are we filled with fear? Are we even listening to the Lord? 97

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The Important Letter of Love

John writing to the bride in John 2 said that the Truth dwelled within us and would be with us forever.

He wished grace, mercy, and peace unto them, from "God the Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of the Father", in Truth and love.

It gave him great joy that he found their children walking in the Truth, just as was commanded by the Father.

He implored them not to lose the original commandment, "that we love one another." In perfect love, we should walk after His commandments, and that we love one another is the commandment that they had heard from the beginning. They should walk in Love.

He warned them that there were many deceivers that had entered into the world. They did not teach that Jesus Christ became "a man" to live a perfect life and die for our sins. He said that this was a deceiver and an antichrist.

They should review their own lives, so that they did not lose the things which the disciples had taught them, and that they might have a full reward. Whoever did not walk in Love was not abiding in the doctrine of Christ, did not have God, and transgressed against Him. He that abided in the doctrine of Christ has both the Father and the Son.

If there was any one that came to them, and did not bring this doctrine of Love, they should not receive them into their house. Nor should they bid them that God be with them on their way. He that did would be a partaker of his evil deeds.

John had so many things that he wanted to write unto them, that it was more than he could write with paper and ink. The rest, he decided to say when he spoke to them face to face.

Out of all the things that John could have written them, the most important thing he could write was the message of Love.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Have we strayed from the original commandment? Do we walk in Love? Do we let deceivers place importance on other things instead of love? Do we let deceivers teach Jesus was "more than a man", and nullify the One who lived a perfect life to die for our sins? Do we allow those not teaching Love to continue? Do we consider it the most important commandment? Do we have perfect Love? 98

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Let our Love Continue

Paul said in Hebrews 13 that we should let our Love for others continue.

We should never reject strangers in our midst, for by entertaining strangers some have entertained angels without even knowing it. We should remember that some of these angels are also bound to the strangers, and suffer misfortunes as you do.

Marriage is honorable in all things, and the bed is not defiled. Those who live adulterously and sleep with whores will God judge.

Our conversation should be without longing for another's possessions. We should be content with the things that we have, for God said he would never leave us or forsake us. Through His faithfulness to us, we may boldly say that The Lord is our helper, and we will not fear what men will do to us.

We should remember our pastors and leaders that have spoken the Word of God to us, and follow their faith. We should consider the outcome of the words they speak.

Jesus Christ is the same today. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday. Jesus Christ is the same for ever. We should not be carried away from the fold with any different strange doctrine than this. It is good that our hearts be established with grace, not with strange doctrines that have not profited those that believe them.

We have an alter, yet those that are servants of the tabernacle have no right to eat the bodies of the sacrifice. It is burned outside the camp. Jesus also, so that he might sanctify the people with his own blood, suffered outside the gate. We should therefore go to Christ outside the camp, bearing his reproach.

We have no city that lasts forever. We seek a city that will last forever. Therefore, we should offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually. The fruit of our lips should give thanks to Him by His name. It is very good that we do good things and talk about them to one another. God is well pleased with this.

We should obey our pastors and our teachers, and submit ourselves to them. They watch for our souls, since they will be required to give an account for them. They rule over us so that through our devotion, they can give their account with joy and not with grief.

Paul said to pray for him, because he had a good conscience and was willing to live honestly.

He prayed that the God of peace that raised up our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ from the dead, who is the great shepherd of His sheep through his everlasting covenant, would make everything they do perfect. He prayed that God would have the people do the things that 99

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would please God in His sight, through Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory for ever and ever, Amen.

He instructed them to take heed to this short letter.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: have we let our Love for others continue? Do we reject strangers because they do not believe as we do? Are we content with the things God has given us? Do we consider the outcome of what our pastors and leaders have spoken? If they are continually wrong, do we remain in their camp, or are we outside the camp with Jesus, bearing His reproach? Do our pastors realize that they are responsible to give an account for each member of the flock? Do we do the things that please God? Have we taken heed to Paul's letter? 100

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The Man, Christ Jesus

Paul said in Hebrews 2 that we should listen more closely to the things we had learned from the apostles so that we don't let them slip away.

If the word spoken to us by the angels was strong and enduring, then every disobedient act that we did would cause us to have judgment. If so, how then, can we escape if we neglect the great salvation given to us by Jesus Christ? Jesus instructed us first by himself, and then it was confirmed by those who heard him. God also bore them witness with signs and wonders, miracles, and gifts of the Holy Ghost.

The angels teach obedience to salvation, but God has not put the angels into subjection for the world that is to come.

Yet some preached, what is this man Jesus? Why are you listening to a man over the angels and prophets of old? You made him a little lower than the angels, crowned him, and set him king over yourselves.

They simply did not understand! Jesus was made a little lower than the angels so that He could die. He was crowned with glory and honor. By the Grace of God, he died for every man. Through him, all things are made. By him, all things are created. He will bring many children of God into glory, because He is the captain of their salvation made perfect by His suffering.

He that sanctified them and they who are sanctified are one and the same. This is the reason He was not ashamed to call them brethren. He said, "I will declare my name unto my brethren, in the midst of the church will I sing praise unto thee. And again, I will put my trust in Him. Behold I and the children which God hath given me!"

The children are the partakers of the communion, and He also took communion, so that through His death, He would destroy him that had the power of death -- the devil! And he would deliver those that had the fear of death throughout their lives from their bondage.

That is the reason he did not come down as an angel, he came down as a man, the seed of Abraham. In all things, it pleased God to be made like his brethren the Jews, that He might be a merciful and faithful high priest in all things pertaining to God, and make a reconciliation of the sins of His people.

As a man, he suffered being tempted, and now is able to help those that are being tempted in their time of difficulty.

As Christians we should ask ourselves: Have we let the original message Jesus brought slip away? Do we hold onto the things the angels spoke, which lead to judgment? Do we also try to claim that Jesus came down as God, nullifying his redemption as a man? Do we raise the devil 101

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to omnipotence, thinking he can be everywhere at all times tempting the people? Do we accept that all men sin, and for this cause Jesus died for us? Do we allow Jesus to help us with our temptations, or do we turn Him away? 102

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Jesus Christ is our High Priest

In Hebrews 5, Paul said that every high priest from among men is ordained not by God, but by men.

The high priest was ordained so that he would offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins. He would have compassion on those who did not know or believe the word, and help those who were backslidden. The high priest himself would have compassion on them, for he himself is full of weakness and failing.

The high priest made offerings for not just the sins of the people, but for himself. Yet no man except Aaron took the honor to become high priest upon himself.

Jesus Christ also did not not glorify Himself to be made a high priest. The same Holy Father that said to Jesus, "Thou art my Son, today have I begotten thee" said in another place, "Thou art a priest for ever and after the order of Melchisedec."

Melchisedec offered prayers and offerings with strong crying and tears unto God. He feared God, and knew that God was able to save him from death. Though Jesus Christ was a Son of the Heavenly Father, he learned obedience by the things that he suffered as a man. Being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all that obey Him. Christ was called of God a high priest after the order of Melchisedec.

Melchisedec did many things as a man, some of which were hard for Paul to even speak about. The people had become dull of hearing clearly the words Paul spoke.

Paul said that in the time they ought to be teachers, they needed someone to teach them again the original teachings of the prophets of old. As a baby, they were in need of milk, instead of meat. Every one that used milk, according to Paul, was not skilled in the word of righteousness, because he was just a baby. When the baby reached a full age, they were ready for meat.

The strong in the Gospel were the ones that were able to handle the meat. They use their senses to discern both good and evil.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Have we raised our pastors up to the point we think they are ordained by God and not by men? Do we think our pastors are the only ones worthy to intercede? Do our pastors confess their own sins before us? Do they cry daily for those who've never known Jesus Christ? Do they have compassion on the backslidden Christian? Or do they instead try to hide and cover up their own sin? Do they try to say that Jesus was "just a man" and lived a perfect life as our example, when Jesus was God and every man is born into sin? Do they still teach the old laws instead of the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Are they giving us milk instead of meat? 103

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Teachers of Wisdom

In James 3, James told the people that not many of them should become teachers. The teachers would have more to be judged by.

Teachers, in many things, can offend all people. But if any man did not offend others by the words he spoke, the same is considered a perfect man, able to control his whole body.

James gave an example of horses. We put bits in the horses mouths so that they obey us. With that single bit, we can turn their whole body.

He gave another example of ships. Though they are great and mighty, and are driven by fierce winds, they still can be turned with a very small helm by the man who turns it.

In the same manner, the tongue is a very small member of the body, and it boasts great things.

James said to watch how great objects can be destroyed with just a little fire. And the tongue is like a fire, a world of iniquity can be created by our tongues through the words that we speak. The tongue is among our members of our body, yet it can defile the whole body. It can set our bodies on the course of hell, and be burned with hell fires.

Every kind of animal in the world is tamed by mankind. But no man can tame the tongue -- it is an unruly evil that is full of deadly poison. With the tongue, we can bless God. With the tongue, we can also curse men, which are made by God. Out of the same mouth proceeds blessing and cursing.

James said, "My brothers, this should not be so."

He asked them, "Does a fountain send bitter and sweet water at the same time? Can the fig tree bear olive berries? Or a vine bear figs? Can a fountain yield salt water and fresh water?"

James asked them, "Who is a wise man that is full of knowledge among you? Let him show a good conversation with meekness and wisdom."

He said that wisdom does not come from heaven, but it is earthly, sensual, and devilish. Where envy and strife are, there is confusion and every evil work.

Wisdom that is from above is first pure, then creates peace. It is gentle, easily asked for. It is full of mercy and good fruits. It is without partiality, and without hypocrisy.

The fruit of righteousness is sown in peace by them that make peace. 104

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As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we all try to become teachers, or do we put the bits in our mouths and let God lead us? Are we pushing forward by a mighty wind, or have we let God use the helm? Do we teach love and mercy, while at the same time condemning those who do not follow our sets of laws? Do we pray for them at night, and curse them with our words during the day? Is our conversation with meekness and wisdom? Is our wisdom from men, or from heaven? Has it created peace? Is it full of mercy? Has it produced good fruits? Or is it with hypocrisy? 105

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With Not One Valid Prophecy, Was There a Prophet?

This question was posted in another topic, but is the shocking discovery as I began my journey to seek the Truth.

I was unable to find one prophecy given before the actual event that came to pass as WMB "prophesied". Most were claimed as "prophecies" over 20 years later...

I was only able to find 2 prophecies that were spoken before the event but they did not happen at all.

The question before was to ask about those that failed -- with God it is a "one strike you are out policy" with a prophet.

But the real question here is: was there really a "prophet"? 106

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Fruits of the Spirit

Luke 13 describes how some of the witnesses of Pilate's mixing blood with the sacrifices of certain Galileans by killing them and spilling their blood. The people thought those who suffered were sinners above all the rest of the Galileans, because they had died in such a terrible way.

Jesus asked them, "Do you really think these Galileans were sinners above all the Galileans because they allowed this?" Jesus told them that was not true, and unless they repented, they would all perish.

He reminded them of when the tower in Siloam fell and killed eighteen men, and asked them if they thought those men were sinners because they died. He told them again, it was not true and unless they repent, they would all perish.

He told them a parable of a man who had a fig tree planted in his vineyard. He came to it for fruit, but found none. The man said to the tender of his vineyard, "All these years I come seeking fruit from this fig tree, and find none. Cut it down!"

The tender of the vineyard answered, "Master, let it alone this year, and I will tend it with special care. If it bears fruit, then it will be good, and if not, we can cut it down."

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we think that other brothers and sisters in Christ suffer only because they are sinners? If we do, have we repented of it, so that we ourselves will not perish? Do we tend to those who are struggling, helping them with special care? Do we help them grow in Christ so that they can bear the fruits of the Spirit? Do we still "watch for the dead tree to grow" when it has not bore any fruit? Are we ourselves showing signs of bearing fruit? 107

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Spread the Word!

In Mark 4, Jesus was speaking to a very large crowd of people by the side of the sea. So many people were gathered that he entered into a ship to speak to them while they sat on land.

He gave a parable about a farmer who was spreading seed. As he spread, some of the seed fell away, and the birds came and devoured the seed.

Some also fell away on stony ground without much dirt, and it sprang up very quickly with no depth to the ground. The sun rose and scorched it, because without any root, it could do nothing but wither.

Some fell among thorns, and the thorns grew around it. The thorns choked it, and it yielded no fruit.

Some, though, fell on good ground. It sprang up and increased, and started yielding fruit. Some brought thirty, some sixty, and some a hundred.

When he was alone with hid disciples, he asked them about the parable. He said that they alone were given the mystery of the kingdom of God, but to everyone else, Jesus spoke in parables.

Jesus said that in seeing, they may see things and not perceive what really happened. In hearing, they may hear things and not understand them. It is better to speak to them in parables so they would be converted to Christ, and their sins be forgiven.

Then, He began to explain the parable to them.

The sower spread the Word. Those that are by the way side where the Word is sown, Satan comes immediately and takes the Word away from them.

Those that are on stony ground are the ones who have heard the Word and immediately receive it with gladness. They have no root in themselves, so they only endure for a short time. Afterwards, when persecution or affliction comes for the Word's sake, they are immediately offended.

Those which are sown among the thorns are the people that hear the Word, but the cares of this world, deceitfulness of riches, and lusts of other things start entering in. These things choke the Word, and it becomes unfruitful.

The ones sown on good ground are the people who hear the Word and receive it. They start to bring forth fruit, some thirty, some sixty, and some a hundred. 108

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Jesus asked the disciples, is a candle supposed to be put under a bushel or under a bed? Shouldn't it be set on a candlestick?

He said that there is nothing hid which cannot be shown. There was nothing kept secret, that was not spread abroad.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we spreading the Word to others? Are we spreading the Word everywhere so that we can bring forth many fruit? Do we take care to help the Word in the weaker ones, so that it takes root and grows? Do we let riches and other things choke out our fruit? Do members of our congregations start to bring in thirty, sixty, or a hundred new fruit? Do we shine our lights high on a candlestick, or do we hide it under a bed for only a small group to see? Do we become obsessed with the mystery of the parables, or do we hear and understand them? Are we even sowing seed at all? Is our seed the Word, or are we spreading something else? 109

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Eat, Drink, and Be Merry with God's Gift

In Ecclesiastes, Solomon considered his life and decided that most of what he did was in vain. He wrote several warnings against vanity.

In Ecclesiastes 5, he said that we should carefully watch what we do when we enter the house of God. It is better to listen than to offer the "sacrifice of fools," which though was offered to God, was evil.

He said not to speak too quickly or let your heart be too hasty to speak to God, for God is in heaven and you are on earth. We should let our words be few when we speak to God. He said that a dream comes with much activity, and a fool's voice comes with many words.

He said that when you make a promise to God, you should not delay in keeping it. God has no pleasure in fools. You should keep the promises that you make to God.

You should not let your mouth lead you into sin by speaking many words. If your promise fails to come to pass, do not tell others that it was a mistake. Solomon asked, "Why should God be angry at your voice and destroy the work of your hands?" When dreams increase and the words grow many, you will find vanity.

God is the one you must fear.

Likewise, when you see the oppression of the poor, and those who do not live their lives right, do not be amazed. The officials are watched by a higher official. The higher officials are watched by those higher than them. This is profitable for a land in every way, it shows a king committed to cultivated fields.

Solomon said that those who love money will not be satisfied with money. Those who love wealth will not be satisfied with his income. This also is vanity. When their goods increase, those who love them has no advantage other than to see them with their own eyes.

The one who labors has the best sleep. Whether he eats little or much, he sleeps well. The stomach of the rich will not let him sleep.

Solomon warned that there was one evil that he considered very disheartening. Riches kept by their owner, and those riches were lost in a bad investment, and nothing to give to their children. The one who lost it will die just as he came into the earth, taking nothing with him though he worked very hard for his wealth. Solomon asked, "What does this man gain? He toils and labors only for the wind? He eats his meals in darkness, and is cursed to sickness and anger." 110

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Solomon said that what he found to be good and fitting was to eat and drink, and live happily with what is allotted to you in life. It is good to work for the few days of life that God has given you, and be satisfied. To everyone, God has given wealth and possessions and power to enjoy them, and power to accept his lot in life and rejoice in his labor. This is the gift of God.

Those who are happy with what is given to them will not sit contemplating the days of his life, because God keeps him occupied with joy in his heart.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we too hasty when we speak to God? Do we pray long, drawn out prayers with many words as a fool? Do we make promises to God that we never keep? When our prayers are not answered, do we think that God was the reason? Do we love money? Have we become fat from our riches to the point we struggle to find sleep? Do we hold onto our wealth, invest it unwisely, and have nothing to give to our children? Are we happy with the things that God has given us, or do we lust after more? Have we accepted the gift God has given us? 111

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Rejoice in the Word!

As the temple and the walls around Jerusalem were being rebuilt, Nehemiah declared a day of celebration -- which was upsetting to some of the elders of the church.

When Joshua and his family started rebuilding the temple, some of the priests, very old men who had seen the first house of the Lord tried to overpower the rejoicing of the people with their weeping. According to Ezra 3, David had instructed them to celebrate with music and praise unto the Lord, but the elders did not like it and tried to drown it out.

Nehemiah 8 describes how the people were gathered together, packed tightly into the square before the Water Gate to listen to Ezra talk about the Book of the Law.

Ezra stood before the people on a wooden platform and read from the Book of the Law. He blessed the Lord, and all the people agreed with him, bowing their heads to the ground and worshipping the Lord. Others joined in and helped the people to understand the Law, and read from the Book of Law until the people understood.

Afterwards, Nehemiah joined with Ezra and declared the day holy before the Lord, and commanded them not to mourn or weep. All the people were weeping as they heard the words of the Law.

Nehemiah commanded them to eat the fat and drink sweet wine. He told them to send portions of the meals and wine to those who did not have meals or wine prepared. Most of all, he told them not to be grieved, for the joy of the Lord was their strength.

Finally, the Levites calmed the people, saying telling them to stop their mourning. The day was holy, and they should not be grieved. All the people went their way to eat and drink, and to send portions to others so there would be great rejoicing throughout the land. They were rejoicing because they had understood the words that were spoken to them.

They built their houses as Moses had commanded them, and there was great rejoicing. Day by day, he read from the Book of the Law of God, and continued feasting until the eighth day when they joined together in the assembly.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do our elders get upset in our music and celebration? Do they read from the Word of God, or from the words of some other man? Do their words make us sad? Do they condemn us for drinking wine and celebrating? Does the Word of God make us sad, or does it make us rejoice? Do we read the Word day by day? Do we rejoice in the Word? 112

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Persecuted for Christ

In Matthew 10, Jesus warned that persecution would come to the disciples.

He said that he was sending them out as "sheep in the midst of wolves," so they should be both "wise as serpents" and "innocent as doves." Men would try to cause them harm, and even brothers, fathers, and children would rise against them unto death. Those that endure to the end would be saved.

Jesus told his disciples to have no fear for persecution. There was nothing hidden that would not be revealed. The words that Jesus spoke to them in private, they would proclaim loudly on the housetops. They should not fear death, because their enemies could not kill their soul. Instead, they should fear the one that can destroy both body and soul in hell.

He asked them, "Isn't it very cheap to purchase two sparrows? Yet neither one will fall to the ground apart from the Father in Heaven." Even the hairs of their heads were numbered, and they were more valuable than many sparrows.

Everyone that acknowledges Jesus before men, Jesus would acknowledge to God the Father. Whoever denies Jesus before men, Jesus would deny before God the Father.

Jesus cautioned them not to think He came to bring peace to the earth. He had not come to bring peace but war. He came to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother. He said that whoever loves their father or mother more than Him was not worthy of Christ. For any man to find life, he must first lose his life for Christ's sake. Whoever loses his life for Christ's sake will find it again.

Jesus said that whoever receives his disciples receives Christ, and whoever received Christ received God who sent Him. Those that receives a prophet would only receive a prophet's reward. Those who received a righteous person would receive a righteous person's reward.

Whoever is kind enough to give one of the little ones even a small cup of water because he is a disciple would by no means lose his reward.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we fear persecution? Are we "wise as serpents?" Are we "innocent as doves?" Do we think that there is something hidden that only our small group has? Do we acknowledge Jesus before others? Do they even know we are Christians? Have we given up everything to serve Him? Do we receive those sent by God to preach the Word? Have we received Christ? 113

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Saving the Saved Luke 5:27-32 Tells the story of a man name Levi, who was a publican.

In this time period, tax collectors were sent from Rome to collect taxes from all cities under Rome's rule, and a publican was a tax collector for the Roman empire. These people were greatly despised by the Jews, who felt they were unclean; mostly Pagan worshippers sent from Rome to disrupt their culture.

As tax collectors, they were highly discriminated against. They had no place with the other Jews of stature, forced to sit with the ones that the Jews considered as low-life or sinners. They were so despised that they were used in the example of ex-communication, saying that the offender must be treated as a "tax collector."

Jesus was not discriminative, however. He saw Levi sitting at his tax booth, and asked him "Come and follow me." The Bible makes no mention of Levi previously being a believer of Christ or even being kind toward the Jews, yet he left everything and followed Jesus.

Levi prepared a great feast in his own home for Jesus, and invited a large crowd of other tax collectors and sinners to join in the feast. Jesus did not take one look at the crowd of sinners and immediately head for the door, instead He joined them for the feast and began to eat and drink with them.

The Pharisees and their scribes started complaining to His disciples. They asked, "Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?"

Jesus answered that those who are well have no need of a doctor. Those who are sick are the ones who need the doctor. He said that He had not came to earth to call the righteous, but He came to call the sinners to repentance.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we separate ourselves from the sinners, or others who do not believe as we do? Do we invite the sinners to join us for worship, or are we ashamed if they sit next to us in the pew? If we are seen in public with sinners, are we ashamed to be with them? Do we gossip about others who are not ashamed to be around sinners? As pastors, do we spend our days preaching to the saved, or are we searching for the lost? Do we try to call the saved to repentance and shun the sinners? Would we ourselves be considered a "tax collector" by Jesus if he were here today? 114

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A Legion of Witness

Luke 8 describes how Jesus sailed to the country of the Gerasenes, which is opposite of Galilee. It was a country of Gentiles that was culturally more Greek than Semitic, and describes a herd of pigs which were unclean to the Jews.

There was a man living there who had been naked for a long time, living in the tombs of the dead instead of the houses with the others of the city. He was well known in the city, and had been bound in chains and shackles under guard many times. Each time he was captured, the man would break the bonds and be driven to the desert among the tombs by the demon that were in him.

When the man saw Jesus, he cried out and fell down before him. With a loud voice, he said, "What have you to do with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High?" Though there is no history of the man ever coming in contact with Jesus, the demons within him recognized who Jesus was. They immediately knew that Jesus was the Son of God.

Jesus asked the poor man what his name was, and the man replied "Legion," which was the name of the basic military unit of the great Roman army. He was called that because he had many demons inside of him.

The demons begged Jesus not to command them to depart the man and leave him for the abyss, for they knew that at His commandment they would be forced into darkness. Instead, the begged Jesus to command them to leave the man and enter the herd of pigs on the hillside.

Jesus did not make war with the demons, though he could have called ten thousand angels to come and destroy them. By simply speaking, he could have cast them into the darkness forever. He did not take anger against the demons. He gave them permission to enter the herd of pigs. They immediately left the man and entered the pigs, which then rushed down the steep bank into the lake and drowned.

Herdsmen of the pigs were standing by to witness this great event, and they fled to the city and started telling it throughout the city and the country. The people came to see what had happened, and they saw the man once possessed with demons fully clothed, in his right mind, and walking with the arm of Jesus around him. Those that seen it went back to the surrounding country and told them how the demon possessed-man had been healed.

Jesus had been there for some time. From the time the man was healed, the herdsmen spread the news throughout the country, several came to witness the event, and then they spread their news throughout the country. Still, they were filled with fear of this Son of God who could speak and demons would flee. 115

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Jesus got into his boat, and the man who was healed begged Jesus to come with Him. Jesus told the man to return to his home and declare how much God had done for him. The man returned, and was a mighty witness for God.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: If we saw a naked man, would we turn our eyes and walk away, or would we try to help the man? If we saw a man who was troubled in his mind, would we try to find help for him, or would we let him live his life in torment? Would we shackle him, or pray for him? Would we try to keep it secret from others who would pray with us? Do we think that Jesus would not have compassion for them, when Jesus showed compassion for the demons themselves? If we had such a terribly embarrassing problem and were healed, would we keep silent about it, or would we declare the Power of God for healing us? Would we be a witness for Christ? 116

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Mysteries Out of Context

If you search the word "mystery" in the MSG, you'll quickly find that WMB was fascinated by mysteries, at over 400 of the 1100+ sermons. If you broaden that to include antiquities and study of ancient civilization, you'll be shocked to see how most of the sermons he preached involved some mystery or another.

So much that at the end of his ministry, he would be found saying that the "bride" must have the "mystery of the seven seals" to have rapturing faith in a few roundabout ways.

Take the following quote:

Quote:Now, this blessed old Book is a Book of all books. And there's only One can rightfully interpret this Book, and that's the Holy Spirit. He's the Writer of it.And it's only One that can really interpret. No matter how well we think we know it, we don't know it until the Holy Spirit has revealed it, because it's--it's all a mystery. It's cut up in mysteries. And God said He did it purposely, so He could hide It from the smart and wise, but He would reveal It to babes such as would learn.56-0728 MAKING.THE.VALLEY.FULL.OF.DITCHES_ SHREVEPORT.LA SATURDAY

On the surface, this looks good. None would argue.

But if you really catch what he's doing here, you quickly find that he has taken away the listener's ability to understand the Word of God, for it's hidden in mystery.

The first problem here is context. This quote from the bible, "hide it from the smart and wise," and "reveal it to babes such as would learn", comes from Matthew 11:25.

Quote:At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes.

This quote, used over and over by WMB refers to the Pharisees and their Scribes not being able to notice that John the Baptist was Elijah. If you read the entire chapter in context, you find that he is praising God that the Pharisees and their Scribes, who were vainly puffed up by their ways, and having their hearts hardened, refusing to submit to the righteousness of God. They set about to establish their own salvation by their good works.

Had the Pharisees and Scribes knew that John the Baptist was the one Malachi 3-4 spoke about, they would have certainly kept him from the sinners who needed salvation. 117

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Jesus said in the same chapter (referring to that which was hidden), "John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, 'He has a demon.' The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, 'Look at him! A glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!' Yet wisdom is justified by her deeds."

The only "mystery" that was to be made known was really who would be the Christ child. After his resurrection, ALL who believed in Jesus Christ could be saved, and there was no hidden mystery.

Peter criticized several who took some of Paul's writings and misconstrued them -- making mysteries out of his words. He condemned these people who tried to make mysteries out of the Bible, calling them "ignorant and unstable."

Quote:So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this, make every effort to be found spotless, blameless and at peace with him. Bear in mind that our Lord's patience means salvation, just as our dear brother Paul also wrote you with the wisdom that God gave him. He writes the same way in all his letters, speaking in them of these matters. His letters contain some things that are hard to understand, which ignorant and unstable people distort, as they do the other Scriptures, to their own destruction. (2 Peter 3:14) 118

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Wisdom in Christ

Matthew 12 describes how certain scribes and Pharisees came to Jesus and said "Teacher, we wish to see a sign from you."

They were testing Jesus to see if he would produce some great sign that would convince them of his divinity, although they had just witnessed Jesus healing a man with a withered hand and a mute.

Jesus replied that "an evil and adulterous generation" looks for a sign. He said that no sign would be given to them except for the sign of the prophet Jonah. Just as Jonah was in the belly of the great fish for three days and nights, Jesus would be three days and nights in the heart of the earth.

Jesus warned the scribes and Pharisees that the men of Nineveh would rise up at the day of the judgment with their same generation and condemn them. The people of Nineveh repented at the teachings of Jonah. Jesus said, "Behold, a greater than Jonah is here."

Jesus then made a reference to wisdom, through "The queen of the South" who came to hear Solomon.

According to 1 Kings 10:1-13,The queen of Sheba had heard of the great wisdom of King Solomon, and journeyed to see him to test him with questions. The queen was astounded by Solomon's great wisdom, and gave a blessing to Solomon's God, though she herself did not believe in his God. According to Josephus "Antiquities of the Jews", the queen of Sheba was the queen of Egypt and Ethiopia, who were generally known as worshippers of the sun god. This is supported by other accounts of the queen of Sheba in other ancient texts. Yet she still came to hear Solomon, and blessed the One True God.

Jesus said the queen of Sheba would also rise with the people of Nineveh at the day of the judgment and condemn their generation. Since she came from afar to hear the wisdom of Solomon, she would also condemn them. Solomon was well known for his amazing wisdom, and well respected from the time of their generation even unto today.

Jesus said, "Behold, a greater than Solomon is here."

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we look for a sign? Do we look for healing as a sign, when even the Pharisees did not give credit to healing? Do we accept the greatest sign of all, the resurrection of Jesus Christ? Do we seek after Him with wisdom as the queen of Sheba did Solomon? Do we condemn others who worship other gods, or do we convert them to Christ with wisdom? Do we accept the message of Jesus Christ as the ultimate wisdom? Do we behold the greater than Solomon that is in Jesus Christ? 119

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Altar Calls Through Fear

Most MSG preachers will deny this now, but I remember a time hearing the same sermon in about 5 different MSG churches.

It would start out with quotes from "God of this Evil Age", condemning the entire world and its churches. In the middle, it would talk about the bride that was being prepared for the groom. At the end it would be the weeding out of the good from the bad.

Then the fear tactic would start, and it would draw a great altar call: "As it was in the days of Noah. How many survived with Noah? ... 8 souls. Friends, we need to get closer to God!!!!"

This is a common theme through WMB's message. The "little bride" the "chosen few".

Quote:I was speaking here a few days ago upon this Scripture, "Strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, and but few there'll be that will find it."And a young man who was riding with me in a car, said, "How many would you say would be saved in this generation?"I said, "Eight or ten.""Oh," he said, "Don't say that, brother."I'll say, "I'll lengthen it to fifty, and that's as many as I can go."He said, "Fifty people?"I said, "Jesus said when He was on earth, 'As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the coming of the Son of man.' Days of Noah, there was eight souls saved." Now, remember a generation fades out each day, ends that generation. Take fifty a day for six thousand years and see what you've got.And he said, "Well then, Brother Branham, I'd like to ask you this question. All the people that's claim to have the Holy Sprit, and so forth, won't they come in the resurrection?"I said, "If they had the Holy Sprit. But what we been putting too much emphasis on, is on other things instead of the real thing, the love of God."59-0403 LIVING.DYING.BURIED.RISING.COMING_ LOS.ANGELES.CA FRIDAY

Reading the Bible without my "MSG goggles" on, I do find a few scattered scriptures to support a "chosen few". There are far greater scriptures to support a very, very large group of the saved.

I remember after finally coming to this realization, and looking at the people around me at the restaurant we were in after church one Sunday. Without the "MSG goggles" on, you start seeing brothers and sisters in Christ everywhere you go! It's incredible! 120

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Quote:He told them, "The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. (Luke 10:2)

Quote:And I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd. (John 10:16)

Quote:And he gave the apostles, the prophets, the evangelists, the shepherds[c] and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ (Eph 4) 121

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Teaching on Moses

One of the many problems I find with WMB's message is the fact that he placed the prophets at a place that was far higher than God intended them to be. The prophets themselves were almost at a level of worship, just as the Pharisees did in the day when Jesus rebuked them.

Quote:Moses had the Word. Now remember, after the Word was made manifest, Moses was Moses again. See? But while that Word was in him to be give out, he was God. For he wasn't Moses no more; he had the Word of the Lord for that age. Nothing could touch him till that was over, had that Word with him. So therefore, when he come, the people turned their heads; they couldn't understand. He'd been changed; he was a different fellow. He come with that Word. And he put a veil, the Bible said, over his face, for he had the Word. And he was the Word to them. The Unveiling of God, June 14, 1964 (tape #64-0614M)

Prophets are NOT a man that becomes GOD, they are the mouthpiece for God to speak through.

Quote:Our fathers had the tent of witness in the wilderness, just as he who spoke to Moses directed him to make it, according to the pattern that he had seen. (Acts 7:44) 122

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Vain Worship

Matthew 15 describes how the Pharisees had kept parts of the old laws, yet left other parts behind for their own benefit. The Pharisees and scribes condemned Jesus, saying "Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders, they do not wash their hands when they eat?"

According to Exodus 30, people were required to make a bronze basin that sat upon a bronze stand for washing. Aaron and his sons would wash their hands and their feet before they went near the alter to minister, otherwise they would die. This was a statute they must keep forever, and their offspring throughout their generations, according to the scriptures.

Jesus knew that the generation that lived under the law had passed, and that the law had already became twisted to the advantage of the Pharisees. He answered them, "Why do you break the commandment of God for the sake of your own tradition? God commanded 'Honor your father and your mother,' and 'Whoever reviles father or mother must surely die', but you tell your fathers 'What you would have gained from me is given to God.'" In doing this, they dishonored their fathers. For the sake of their tradition, they had made the Word of God void. Jesus said, "You hypocrites!"

Jesus reminded them what the prophet Isaiah prophesied:

"This people honors me with their lips, but their heart is far from me. In vain they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men."

Jesus did not come to destroy the law, but to fulfill the law. The law had failed, so Jesus came set things back in order by grace and faith in Him. Through Love, the law would be corrected.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we keep portions of the old laws for our advantage, and omit others? Do our churches have a large bronze basin? If we realize that a large bronze basin is not needed, why do we not realize that other laws under the old covenant were for the generation before us? Do we hold onto the doctrines of men over the grace, love, and peace that Jesus taught? Are we worshipping in vain? 123

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Signs from Heaven

Matthew 16 describes how the Pharisees and Sadducees came demanding a sign from heaven.

The Pharisees and the Sadducees were both groups of Jewish priests, but greatly opposed one another. The Pharisees believed there was a coming Messiah, believed in holding onto both the oral and written traditions of the Mosaic law, and resurrection of the dead. The Sadducees, on the other hand, believed only the written law, and denied resurrection and angels.

Jesus answered them, explaining how they have enough interpretation to determine the weather. If it is a red sky in the evening, they knew it would be fair weather the next morning. If it was red in the morning, they knew it would be stormy weather. He said that though they could predict the weather, they did not have enough interpretation of the scriptures to see the very signs before their eyes.

He said that "An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, but no sign will be given to it except the sign of Jonah." He then left them and departed with his disciples.

When they reached the other side, Jesus warned the disciples to beware of the "leaven" of the Pharisees and Sadducees. This confused the disciples because they did not bring any bread.

Jesus asked them, "how is it that you do not understand?" He had just fed four thousand with only seven loaves of bread, they needed no physical bread. He said that it was not bread that he was speaking about.

Then, the disciples understood what Jesus was saying. They understood that it was the teaching of the Pharisees and Sadducees that Jesus was speaking about.

Leaven, when added to dough, causes the bread to rise and become "puffed up". Leaven is a fungus that is added to the dough, not naturally found in the grain. Jesus was referring to the teachings of these groups that added their own doctrines to the Truth.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we seek after a sign? If Jesus came today in blue jeans and a T-shirt, would we recognize Him? Would we ask Him to prove Himself with a sign? Do we hold to the teachings that our preachers and evangelists give us that include more tradition than Gospel? Do they include "leaven," causing others to rise in stature and become "puffed up?" Are we part of the "wicked and adulterous generation?" 124

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Churchianity vs. Christianity

My friend writes:

In honesty I look at this I only see myself in a very few of the Christian category side. The Christianity side I've seen in some very dear Christian friends is what I focused on while writing this. It was their example that has helped me see through the differences in Legalism and true attributes of Christianity. After years in the Message, I have learned the differences between the two very well. I believe if we can just focus on HIS WORD and HIS DESIRES rather than by what others tell us we need to do, He can show us the light that can even come through times of extreme darkness. I know I still feel like I'm fumbling though life trying to figure it all out after years of indoctrination in a man-made system. I believe the scribes and Pharisees were the legalistic churchianity's that are still very present in the same way today. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Could it be He has tried to teach us through His teachings that the Bible churchianity's, the legalist, and misguided people from the times He came in flesh were the very example of what we are NOT supposed to be today?

I'm quite simply not as knowledgeable as most of my friends when it comes to the Bible so forgive me for my simplicity, but this is something that I wrote some time ago and at that time I really felt God opening up to me that I myself had been so mislead for years and was walking as the scribes and Pharisees in Jesus day thinking the Message was the only way and anyone outside that was wrong. Was that thinking any different than the religious fanatics of Jesus day??

"Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel".

"Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess".

"Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also."

"Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness".

"Even so ye also outwardly appear righteous unto men, but within ye are full of hypocrisy and iniquity".

"Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! because ye build the tombs of the prophets, and garnish the sepulchres of the righteous". 125

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I Predict that a great fish will swallow Jonah!!!

This is one question that I can certainly find no answer to.

The book of revelation outlines the seven church ages (to Asia). Copying a book by Clarence Larkin, WMB got the dates of the time periods for each of these church ages. Then, by "divine revelation", WMB told us who the "messenger" was for each "age," placing himself at the throne of the last church age.

Aside from the fact that one of these "messengers" was not alive during his church age (Columba), and another was born in another church age (Martin Luther), there is the problem with Paul that I overlooked when writing my book.

John the Revelator wrote the book of prophecy around the year 95 AD. The book outlined the future church ages.

The Apostle Paul died in 67, almost thirty years before the book of prophecy was written.

Out of a book of prophecy, which foretold the future coming events, why would John the Revelator "prophesy" that the Apostle Paul would rise up in a church age that had already came and gone?

That would be like me prophesying that a great fish will swallow Jonah, and he will be inside that fish for three days! And it will all happen ... a long time ago!!!! 126

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Shhhhhhhhhh! Don't Tell Anyone!

I remember a story from when I was growing up from a pastor that was very close to WMB.

The topic of salvation was being discussed in private, which let to a few other things, but finally ended up to the point that all it took was faith in Jesus Christ for salvation. WMB got a very serious look on his face, leaned over to this pastor, and said, "shhhhhhh! Don't you tell anyone that!"

This moment in time had a large impact on this pastor (though being young, I never understood what that impact actually was. I just remember the scene as it was described.)

When you stop and think about this, it's true. It only takes faith in Jesus Christ!

Quote:For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God (Eph 2:8)

The strange part of this story, now that I'm reading the Bible through my own eyes instead of some man from the past, is the "shhhhhhh" part of it! It's quite a difference from:

Quote:That which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops. (Luke 12) 127

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Upon the Rock

Matthew 16 describes how Jesus came into Caesarea Philippi, and asked his disciples who the people thought the Son of Man is.

Caesarea Philippi was a Roman city at the southwestern base of Mount Hermon, in a district known as the "Panion," named after the Greek god pan. It was founded by Philip the Tetrarch, who made it into a capital of his large Tetrarchy, or Roman system of government. It is the city where the woman with the blood issue that Jesus healed was from.

Though this city was filled with Pagan worship from the temple Herod had erected, the people recognized Jesus as a powerful man of God. Some said He was John the Baptist, who Herod had already killed. Some thought Him to be Elijah, Jeremiah, or one of the prophets, who also were already dead. The city could recognize the spirit that was in Christ, and that it was a good one.

The disciples told this to Jesus, and Jesus asked them, "but who do you say that I am?" Simon Peter replied, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God!"

Jesus blessed Peter, and said that he did not learn this from men on the earth. Jesus said that His Father who is in heaven revealed this to Peter. Jesus said, "You are Peter (which means 'stone'), and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven." Then, Jesus told his disciples to tell no one that he was the Christ.

As a man, this must have pleased Peter. It's been said that Peter was the 'rock', but the two words differ. Nevertheless, out of all the disciples, Jesus gave Peter the keys to the kingdom.

Jesus foretold his coming death and resurrection to the disciples. Oddly enough, out of all the disciples, Peter is the one that Jesus rebuked! Peter was bold enough to take Jesus aside and tell Him that these things would never happen to Jesus. Jesus responded to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me. You are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man."

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Would we go into a Pagan district to preach the Gospel? Would we have recognized Christ? Out of all the disciples, would it have been us that Jesus gave the keys to the kingdom? If we were given the keys, would we quickly rise and think we were bold enough to argue with Jesus? Do we think that great men of God cannot take actions for Satan? Are our minds on the things of God, or the things of man? 128

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Peer Pressure: I Believe Because Others Do

Peer pressure in the church is one thing I've never touched on, but it was brought up in another post. I felt this is something that really needs to be addressed.

Taking examples from many conversations over the past few months. I am combining conversations with several people in several different states. Let me generalize:

Quote:Q) Brother Branham Lied. Several times. Doesn't that bother you?A) No. I believe there was a reason why he said what he did.Q) Have you ever stopped to consider the scriptures that tell us what happens to liars?A)

Notice there is an empty answer at the end.

Quote:Q) Why would I continue to believe in things that simply are not true? Because everyone else I know does?A) People have known for years that some of these things are not true. What harm is there in believing in it?

This one is the reason I wrote my book and included my testimony. It could have taken my life. It has taken the lives of others. It has driven some from Christianity altogether.

Quote:Q) I can't find a single prophecy that can be confirmed. All were "prophesied" 20-30 years later, and most didn't even happen like he prophesied from hindsight. Explain.A) Well, I can tell you one: He prophesied I (this person) would be the pastor of the churchQ) Doesn't the Bible say that if one prophesy fails, not to listen to that prophet?A)

Notice again, an empty answer at the end. This one ended up with me being "shunned" from that particular church, and not in a way that is according to the Bible.

Quote:Q) I'm finding several teachings that simply don't line up with the scripturesA) Yes, but what about the healings?Q) Didn't brother Branham himself quote that "gifts and callings are without repentance?A) Yes, but what about Donnie Morton? He was healed!Q) Have you ever looked into that?A) I don’t' need to! Everyone in the message knows about Donnie Morton's healing. It was even in Reader's Digest 129

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Q) Did you know that the Reader's Digest article itself told that Donnie Morton died of the exact disease brother Branham claimed to cure him of?A) ummmmmmm ... no

Would we have even thought that Donnie Morton was healed had we not heard our preachers and WMB incorrectly tell us that he was healed?

Quote:Q) If the teachings did not line up with the Bible, how can we be sure this "message" was from God?A) What about the pillar of fire that hung over his head? George J. Lacy of the FBI verified that it was the first and only supernatural photoQ) Did you know that Mr. Lacy was never in the FBI? That he was paid to give a report on the photo? And that his report simply stated that a light [any light] was shining on the camera?A) Well, it hangs in the hall of science in Washington DC. Isn't that proof enough?Q) Did you know there was never a hall of science? And that it is in an archive drawer with the same type of reports on Joseph Smith?A) really?Q) Did you know that the Bible says that "even Satan disguises himself as a bright light?"A) It does???

Had we not been told that the photo was "supernatural" from birth, would we even think that it was of God? Wouldn't we think it was a double-exposure or a light from the ceiling?

Quote:Q) When he preached the "Seven Seals", there is only about 15 minutes of substance in each sermon, all of which comes directly from the Bible and books by Clarence Larkin. The rest is all about a hunting trip. Wouldn't such a divine revelation have some "meat behind it?"A) Seven angels flew above his head, vindicating that message. It was higher than any cloud can form, investigated by the US Government, and is a mystery to this dayQ) Did you know that he wasn't in Arizona when that cloud formed?A) No, but God has the power of space and time. He was there, I believe it.Q) Did you know that the cloud was formed over three hundred miles north of where he was hunting? And that the US government's report explained exactly how a THOR missile detonation caused that cloud? And that it has statistical information that shows it drifting at an altitude where clouds form from northern California eastward across Arizona?A)

If we were not told lies about this cloud from birth, would we have even believed that it was supernatural?

Quote:Q) How do we know this message was from God? 130

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A) A light shone from the heavens when brother Branham was baptizing, and God spoke from the heavens saying "As John the Baptist was sent {...}" Newspapers all the way to Canada reported this! How can you deny it?Q) Have you ever stopped to think about that? Such a tremendous sign from the heavens, wouldn't there be monuments placed here, and thousands of believers instead of a little handful in Jeffersonville?A) No, but God hid this from their eyesQ) Have you ever looked at the newspapers brother Branham claimed to have this article?A) NoQ) Did you know that not one of the papers carrying the associated press content carried the article as brother Branham claimed?A) Really?

Think about this one for a moment. If someone told us that their church was vindicated by a light and a voice from heaven, wouldn't we think they were crazy and investigate it? Wouldn't we start to wonder why nobody else had heard of this? Wouldn't we search this one out for ourselves?

Quote:Q) Why do you believe the MSG? Because everyone else does?A) No. I believe because I known in my heart that it is right?Q) Have you ever searched it out for yourself?A) ummmmm. No.

So here are my questions for all:

1) If we had never been told about this message, what in the Bible would have pointed us to it?2) If these healing campaigns were on TV with today's "televangelists", and we saw prayer cards that contained the name, address, and sickness being retold to the afflicted, what would lead us to believe they were not being read by the ushers?3) If we were never told since birth that WMB was Elijah the prophet, and we saw several visions that were told long after the event happened, and told incorrectly, would we believe WMB was a prophet?4) If a man came to us today and told several conflicting stories about his early years and asked us to follow him, would we follow?5) If then we believed it because we were taught to believe it since birth, why did our fathers believe the message with all of these problems? Was it because of the healings? The lights? What is more important than the Truth? 131

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Would We Recognize Jesus?

Matthew 17 describes how Jesus and three others went up to Mount Transfiguration, where Jesus was changed before their very eyes.

It is interesting that only three of His disciples went up the mountain with Jesus, because such a great thing happened when they reached the top and Jesus was changed. These must have been very faithful men in the eyes of Jesus.

After the change, His face shown as bright as the sun, and His clothes became as white as bright light. Suddenly, Moses and Elijah were standing beside Jesus, talking with Him.

Peter, who had the keys to the kingdom said, "Lord, it is good that we are here!" Peter offered to make three tents of worship, one for Jesus, one for Moses, and one for Elijah. Peter was going to worship the prophets as well as Jesus, and God the Father cut him off in mid-sentence.

While Peter was still speaking, a bright cloud of light came over them. God the Father started speaking to them at the same time Jesus was standing before Moses and Elijah, and said, "This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to Him."

It should be noted that some "Jesus Only" preachers have added words to the Bible here, "in whom I am well pleased to dwell in," changing the context of this passage by adding to the scripture. The heavenly Father was pleased with his Son, and told Peter to listen to Jesus.

When the disciples heard this, they fell on their faces. They were terrified when God from heaven spoke. Jesus came and touched them, telling them to arise and have no fear. When they lifted their eyes, Moses, Elijah, and the cloud with the Heavenly Father was gone. They saw Jesus only.

As they were travelling down the mountain, Jesus told them to tell no man what they had seen until after the Son of Man is raised from the dead. The disciples were confused by this. They asked Jesus, "Why do the scribes say that Elijah must first come?"

Jesus responds to them that Elijah already came. The word used in the original text is "erchomai", which means "first in succession." He also said that Elijah does come. The word in the original text is "ede," which means "now." Jesus said that Elijah is the one that will restore all things, but that Elijah has already come and they did not recognize him. To John, they did whatever they pleased. In the same manner, the Son of Man will also suffer at their hands.

After this saying, the disciples knew that Jesus was speaking to them of John the Baptist.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Would we be worthy to be one of the three that Jesus showed these things to? If we saw Moses or Elijah come, would we worship them, or would 132

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our minds stay focused on Jesus? Would we add words to our Bible as some of the end-time fire-and-brimstone preachers have done, to make our doctrines hold water? Would we miss the fact that Elijah already came in John the Baptist as these three disciples did? Would we even recognize Jesus when He comes back to earth to take us home with Him? 133

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Healing by Faith in Jesus Christ

Matthew 17 describes how the father of an epileptic son came to Jesus for mercy on his child.

The father told Jesus how the son was in such bad shape that he would fall into the fire and water very often. The father had previously brought the boy to the disciples for healing, but they were unable to heal the child.

Jesus did not rebuke the father for his lack of faith. He said that he was living in a "faithless and twisted generation," and rebuked the demon in the child. The demon immediately came out of the child, and the boy was healed instantly.

The disciples came to Jesus privately to find why they could not cast the demon out of the child. Jesus said that their faith was very little. He said that if they only had the faith of a single grain of mustard seed, they could move a mountain. He did not say that it was the faith of the father that prevented the healing.

With just the faith of one grain of a mustard seed, nothing will be impossible.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: If a minister prays for healing for us and it does not come to pass, do we blame ourselves? Why do some of the televangelists of this day say "go and have faith, or it will return to you," when Jesus healed instantly? Did they really have enough faith in Jesus to heal? When we go to a minister for healing, do we mistakenly think that he has an open channel to God that we do not have? Is our faith in the man, or is our faith in Jesus Christ? 134

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Alfred Pohl Interview Feb. 21, 1990

In an interview with the 'O Timothy' magazine editor, Alfred Pohl described the "miraculous" healing campaigns that WMB claimed to have healed "thousands."

Pohl was WMB's assistant during the campaigns at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan in Canada.

Though I truly believe God healed many in WMB's meetings, this interview puts the healing campaigns into real perspective. Over time, they seem to have grown into something entirely different, like a fable of Robin Hood. We need to remember that WMB was just a man, and that God decides who would and would not be healed.

Quote:O Timothy: Now, did many claim to be healed, or did it seem that many were healed in the meeting?

Pohl: In the meetings? Ah, yes, there were those that claimed to be healed, and there were those people that thought they saw healings, or thought they saw miracles. But, when you were on the inside, you saw that some of those things that were supposed to be miracles, were not miracles at all. From the outside, you would think that something had really happened; but having been right close to Branham, and working right with him, I discovered that a lot of those supposed healings or miracles were really notmiracles after all.

O Timothy: Okay. As you took him through the dorm, he prayed for different individuals. What did he sayduring those encounters with the individuals?

Pohl: Well, one of the things he did was to take the hand of the person, and quite often I heard him saythat the angel that gave him this gift told him that to identify certain diseases--and he would speak of cancer very much--there are vibrations that he felt on his hand that indicate that this person has cancer. So he would take the patient's hand and hold it. He would say, "Yes, the vibrations tell me that you have cancer."Then he'd say something like this, "We're going to pray for you, that the Lord will heal you." And he proceeded to do this. Then he went on, and when he was through praying, he would take that hand again or else he would hold the hand throughout the prayer, and he would say, "The vibrations are gone. The cancer is dead. You are healed."

And the person would rejoice, of course; so would I. I thoroughly believed in Branham, I thought he was God's man and so forth, and we wanted to see people healed. So [supposedly] the cancer was dead, and we were happy about this. 135

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But then he had a little added statement there, and that was something like this, "Now, just keep on trusting the Lord. You're healed. Don't loose your faith in the Lord. Just keep your faith and trust the Lord, and you're healed." He said, "You're going to be sick for a while. You're going to be quite sick for a few days." Quite often he referred to three days. "You're going to be very sick for three days."

The people often asked, "Well, what do you mean, Brother Branham? If I'm healed, why should I be sick?" He said, "The cancer, the cancerous growth which is now dead inside your body has to be carried out by the blood stream. And it's waste material; it has to be carried out; it's poison material, and so you'll be sick for quite awhile until that is carried away."

But what happened then was this: that in the meantime the people wouldn't worry about it. They'd say, "Well, that's what Branham said would happen. I'm healed. "

But this went on, till some of these people got sicker and sicker and died.So he had an out. By this time he was gone [from that place].

O Timothy: Right. So there were many that he proclaimed healed?

Pohl: Yes, yes. Practically every one as I recall, standing beside these various bedsides--practically everyone was pronounced healed. But the tragedy is that so many of those died after Branham was gone. So there was something wrong.

He also said, "Don't let your faith fail." In other words he emphasized that point. "Don't let your faith fail." And his out was this, I'm sure, that when they died, well, "Their faith failed."

It wasn't his faith, it was their faith. In other words, it was the patient's faith, which I don't see that in Scripture. When the Lord healed people, they were healed. And there wasn't such a thing as "You'll be sick for five days, or three days," and so, "don't lose your faith." I don't see that in Scripture.

O Timothy: There was a newspaper that tried to investigate the healings. Can you tell me somethingabout that? What were they able to confirm as far as healings?

Pohl: Yes, in Winnipeg. Branham came to Canada at that time and he preached at a number of Apostolic churches in Canada. The first church was the church of our moderator in Winnipeg, who brought him into Canada. And Mr. Branham had his campaign there. Then he came later on to Saskatoon.When the campaign was in progress in Winnipeg, the newspaper (one of the large city newspapers) was giving considerable coverage to the meetings, and they indicated that there were a lot of people healed. They were favorable to this church, and advertised it and gave news reports that quite a few people were healed. But later on that same editor sent out some 136

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reporters to check on some of these people that they had written up in the paper weeks before. [The reporters were] to check up and see whether these people who were supposedly healed at that time, were still healed, were still alive, or whatever.And when these reporters went back, they discovered that these people had died, or were in the same state or in a worse state than they were before. So, the editor then put it in the paper that these cases had turned out to be phonies, and that these people weren't healed after all. And there was something wrong with these so-called miracles and healings.

But when the pastor of the church saw these reports in the paper, he went to the editor rather disturbed and not very happy about the situation, and he confronted the editor: "Why do you do this to our church? You're hurting the reputation of our church, and you shouldn't do that to us." And the editor said words something to this effect, "Well, pastor, if the healings are genuine, you don't have to worry, do you?" And I thought to myself later on when I heard this, well, that editor certainly had a lot of common sense, because if they're genuine, why worry? If they're not, well then they should be exposed--which is what the paper did.

And the editor said, "Pastor, we gave you good coverage when Mr. Branham was here." The pastor had to admit they did. "Now," he said, "we owe it to our people to give them the rest of the story." And he said, "That's what we found." He said to the pastor, "I'll tell you what I'll do, if you can bring me one genuine case of a genuine healing, I'll give you the front page." And I was told right in that pastor's home that they couldn't find one.

O Timothy: Not one?

Pohl: Not one.

O Timothy: I understand there was a radio pastor whose wife supposedly was healed, and also a man with four students in the college. Could you tell me about those two?

Pohl: Oh, yes. Yes. The first one I would relate to is a man from a little place near Regina, Saskatchewan. He and his wife were staunch Christians in our denomination. Very fine family. They had four children,and they were all attending our Bible school at that time, in which I was on staff. We knew these children very well--such very fine children, and young people, and a very fine family.

One day during the healing campaign, the phone rang in our dorm and I answered it in our office there, and here was this man phoning from the airport. He'd flown his wife in from near Regina, and he said, "We're here. We want Branham to pray for my wife. She's dying of cancer. What shall we do?" Well, I said, "Bring her down to the Bible school dorm." And he knew very well where that was. I said, "I'll meet you at the south door, and we'll put her in a room, and I'll see that Branham prays for her." 137

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Which he did, and after the meeting that night we proceeded to take Branham from room to room, and of course we had her in mind very much. And we brought him into her room, and the husband was there, too. Branham prayed for her and pronounced her healed.Well, there was great rejoicing on the part of all of us. We really were rejoicing that the Lord had healed this woman. [We were rejoicing] for the sake of the whole family. He had given them this story, of course, that "she's still going to be sick, though she's healed; she's going to feel pretty bad." So, they flew back as soon as they could. They wouldn't stay around. We didn't have the facilities to take care of sick people there. There was just a dormitory, and so they went back as soon as they could.

About 10 to 14 days later, in that time frame, I was sitting in the office in the Bible school. Branham was gone; the meetings were over. The door opened to the main building, and I could hear footsteps, then a knock on the office door. In came this gentleman. Of course I recognized him immediately, but I saw that his face was very downcast; he was really under pressure and a heavy burden. So I invited him to sit down, and I said, "Brother," I said, "what's on your heart?" And he said, "Brother Pohl, you were standing beside my wife when she was sick in one of the rooms in the dorm. Mr. Branham prayed for her, and he pronounced her healed." I said, "Yes, I was right there." He said, "Tell me, how is it that my wife who was healed ten days ago (somewhere in that time frame), is now in the grave?" He said, "Tell me, how that can be?"

Well, it really hit him hard, and it hit me hard too, because that's the first I heard that she had died. We hadn't heard that she had died. So here he was all broken up and he wanted an explanation. What could I tell him? I think that's one of the hardest questions I've ever had to answer in my life. Why is she dead, if she was healed? And I was witness. He couldn't figure this out, a very fine Christian, and I felt for him.

To this day I don't know what I said, but I know we wept together and we prayed together. I could have said this: "Brother, your faith failed, or your wife's faith failed."

What help would I have been to him? I mean, that's a terrible thing to do. I wouldn't dare say that to him, to anyone. He was broken. He had enough to burden him down at this stage without saying, "Your faith failed you." That was the wrong thing to say, so I didn't say it.

I could have said that, because that's the feeling behind a lot of these cases. The healer will say, well "Your faith failed, and it's not my fault." But, I don't see that that is the case in Scripture either--where people's faith failed, and they lost their healing after God healed, or the Lord healed them, or the Apostles healed them. So, it's ridiculous.

Anyway, he left then, and of course we prayed for him, and so on. But it really was a difficult blow to this man and his family.Then the other party was--I recall so well--was a pastor from Port Arthur, Ontario, which is now called Thunderbay, Ontario. (They combined two cities, Port Arthur and Port William.] 138

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This man was a Pentecostal pastor, had a radio broadcast and, I understand, quite a sizable church. He flew his wife in and the nurse to Saskatoon which was quite a trip--quite costly. And again I had the phone call from the airport and placed them in a room there eventually in the dorm. And when the meeting was over, and the prayer line was over in the church, I brought Branham into the dorm and he prayed for this lady as well. He prayed also for the nurse. The nurse was deaf. He prayed for her healing, and claimed that she was healed. He also claimed that the pastor's wife was healed of cancer.

Well, there was great rejoicing. Let me tell you, we rejoiced together, because I thoroughly believed in Branham all this time, I thought he was just ... just it. He was God's man. We rejoiced together, and then Branham left. And the husband (the pastor) said to me, "Now, Brother Pohl," he said, "I've spent thousands of dollars to try to get help for my wife, on doctors, and this and that and the other, medicines." He said, "I really can't afford it, but here"-- and he wrote out a sizable check. He said, "I can't afford it, but Branham is worth it." He said, "My wife is healed."

He took Branham at his word. See, it wasn't anything else; he just believed Branham. And here was this sizable check. He said, "Give it to Branham." Which I did, the next day.

Later on, about three, four weeks later, I left for Ontario. I was missionary secretary of our denomination, and I visited some of our churches in Ontario. And in the process of visiting our churches, I came to Port Arthur, Port William. We had a church in Port William, and one of the first things I did when I got to Port William was to ask the pastors, "What about pastor so and so in Port Arthur?" I named him. I said, "How's his wife doing?" I said, "She was healed in the meetings in Saskatoon." And I saw a strange look that came over their faces as I asked that question. And I thought in my heart, "Oh, no, not another one." Just like the family I was telling you about in Saskatoon, from Regina. And I said in my heart, "No, not another one." And they said, "Haven't you heard, haven't you heard? She's dead. She passed a way." Well that was another blow to me, because I began to realize that something was wrong with this kind of healing. This was counterfeit; something was drastically wrong. Of all people, here was a pastor who loved the Lord and served the Lord, and, you know, why did this happen? Did his faith fail? Did his wife's faith fail? He had a whole church behind him. But no, she passed away.

I was told that the worst thing was that this man (the pastor) had a very good radio broadcast in the area. He went on the air as soon as he got home, and he announced that they had been to Saskatoon to the Branham meetings and had wonderful meetings there, and there were many healings, and amongst them his wife was gloriously healed in those meetings.

I'm sure that many people rejoiced, were happy to hear that. But, it wasn't very long after that, a few days later, he had to get on the same radio station and mention the fact that his wife had passed away. 139

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And I was told this gave his radio program a severe blow and setback, because the world at large--I mean they think too, they're not stupid--here one day she was gloriously healed, and a few days later she's dead. You know, this doesn't add up.

We had more of those cases--these are just two exceptional ones--but there were others that passed away. I stood beside bed after bed, person after person who was pronounced healed and yet, where were they? They passed away. So there was something very wrong with this type of healing. 140

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Divine Revelation or Clarence Larkin?

When you read WMB's book, 'An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages', you would surely think that he wrote this book without any particular study. Because many have raised WMB up to a level almost equal to God, they even think the entire book is divine revelation.

It is incredible when you find out how much of his content for this book was copied from Clarence Larkin's "The Book of Revelation" written in 1919.

Compare the two books in this particular section, topic by topic:

HIS HAIRWatch the words by Larkin, and then the ideas copied by Branham. The wig like the English judges. They hair made white by age. The hair that speaks wisdom.Larkin, 'His Head and His Hair' wrote:His "Head" and "Hair" were "WHITE LIKE WOOL," as "WHITE AS SNOW." Here there is a correspondence to the "Snow White Wig" worn by English judges. This description of Christ reminds us of Daniel's vision of the "ANCIENT OF DAYS," "whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head like the PURE WOOL." Dan. 7:9. Daniel refers three times to the "Ancient of Days." In Chap. 7:13, he distinguishes between the "Son of Man" and the "Ancient of Days," but in verses 9 and 22 he associates the "Ancient of Days" with a "Throne of Judgment," and as God the Father has committed all judgment to the Son (John 5:22), and the Father and the Son are one, the title "Ancient of Days" is used interchangeably. And as the title "Ancient of Days" is applied to the "Son of Man" (Christ) at the time He assumes the Judgeship (Dan. 7:9-10), which is not until after the Rapture of the Church, we have here additional corroborative proof that John's Vision belongs to the "Day of the Lord." The "White Hair" of the Son of Man refers to His ANTIQUITY, to His patriarchal dignity, not that His hair was made white by age, for the Eternal never grows old, but it bespeaks wisdom and experience, and the venerableness of His character.

Branham, 'His Hair as White as Snow' wrote:John first notices and mentions the whiteness of His hair. It was white, and as bright as snow. This was not because of His age. Oh, no. The brilliantly white hair does not signify age but experience, maturity, and wisdom. The Eternal One does not age. What is time to God? Time means little to God, but wisdom means much. It is as when Solomon called to God for wisdom to judge the people of Israel. Now He is coming, the Judge of all the earth. He will be crowned with wisdom. That is what the white and glistening hair signifies. See this in Daniel 7:9-14, "I beheld till the thrones were cast down, and the Ancient of Days did sit, Whose garment was white as snow, and the hair of His head like the pure wool: His throne was like the fiery flame, and His wheels as burning fire...?50 141

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...Even the world understands this symbology, for in ancient times the judge would appear and convene court, dressed in a white wig and a long robe that signified his complete authority (head to foot robe) to mete out justice.

HIS EYESWatch what Larkin writes, and then how the ideas are copied by WMB. How those eyes were dimmed by tears. How those eyes wept at the grave of Lazarus.Larkin, 'His Eyes' wrote:'"His Eyes were a FLAME OF FIRE." Those eyes that had often been dimmed with human tears, and that wept at the grave of Lazarus, are here pictured as burning with an "OMNISCIENT FLAME." How often when on the earth those eyes read the inner-most thoughts of men, and even soldiers quailed before His soul penetrating gaze, so when He sits as the Judge of men all things will be NAKED and OPEN before Him.

Branham, 'His Eyes as Fire' wrote:Think of it. Those eyes that were once dimmed with tears of sorrow and pity. Those eyes that wept with compassion at the grave of Lazarus. Those eyes that saw not the evil of the murderers who hanged Him on a cross but in sorrow cried, "Father forgive them." Now those eyes are a flame of fire, the eyes of the Judge Who will recompence those who rejected Him......Those fiery flaming eyes of the Judge are even now recording the lives of all flesh. Running to and fro throughout the earth, there is nothing He does not know. He knows the desires of the heart and what each one intends to do. There is nothing hidden that shall not be revealed, for all things are naked before Him with Whom we have to do. Think of it, He knows even now what you are thinking...

HIS FEETBoth talk about 'crushing the enemy', but skipping this one because it can easily be implied.

HIS VOICERead what Larkin writes, and then how WMB copies the ideas. How often would you have heard WMB use the word 'cataract' with his Kentucky English?Larkin, 'His Feet' wrote:"His Voice as the SOUND OF MANY WATERS." There is nothing more melodious or musical than the babbling brook, or more thunderous than the rush of the cataract over the falls, and there is nothing more fearful to the criminal than the words of the Judge as he passes sentence; but how terrifying will be the sentence when with a strong voice the Son of Man shall say in the Judgment Day, "Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the Devil and his angels." Matt. 25:41.

Branham, 'Voice of Many Waters' wrote:.Have you ever thought how terrifying it is to a man drifting helplessly toward a cataract? Think now of that roar as he approaches his sure and certain doom. And just exactly like that is 142

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coming the day of judgment when the roar of the multitude of voices condemns you for not having paid heed ere it was too late. Take heed this very hour. For at this moment your thoughts are being recorded in heaven. There your thoughts speak louder than your words. Like the Pharisee who claimed so much with his mouth, but not listening to the Lord, his heart became corrupt and evil until it was too late, even now this could be your last call to hear the Word and receive it unto eternal life. It will be too late when you approach the roar of the many voices of judgment and doom...

HIS HANDSThe Bible says 'angels', but Larkin correctly describes them as 'messengers'. Of course, WMB does also.Larkin, 'His Hands' wrote:"In His Right Hand SEVEN STARS."We are told in verse 20, that the "Seven Stars" stand for the "ANGELS" of the "Seven Churches." These "Angels" are not angelic beings but the Messengers or Ministers of the churches. What a beautiful and solemn lesson is taught here. It is that the ministers of Christ derive their power and office from Him, and that He holds them in His hand. If they are false to Him, no one can deliver them from His power, and if they are true and loyal, no one can touch or molest, or do them harm.

Branham, 'In His Right Hand Were Seven Stars' wrote:"And He had in His right hand seven stars." Now of course we already know from verse twenty what the seven stars actually are. "And the mystery of the seven stars are the angels (messengers) of the seven churches." Now we couldn't make a mistake here on any account, as He interprets it for us. These seven stars are the messengers to the seven successive church ages. They are not called by name. They are just set forth as seven, one to each age...

HIS MOUTHOut of everything he copied, this is the one that makes it the most obvious. WMB originally believed the white horse rider was "the deceiver", but later (before he wrote this book), changed his mind to the Truth.Branham wrote:Now, that sounds very good, but it isn't the Truth. No, sir. That... It wasn't. "White" does mean "righteous." We--we realize that, that "white" means "righteous." The teachers taught it, that it was the Holy Spirit conquering in the first age. But my revelation of it by the Holy Spirit is not that way. {...} But He is on a white horse; so if this guy is riding a white horse, he's only an impersonator of Christ. See? (63-0318 THE.FIRST.SEAL_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN MONDAY_)

Notice how he copies Larkin again:Larkin, 'His Mouth' wrote: 143

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"Out of His Mouth went a SHARP TWO-EDGED SWORD." While the "Sword of the Spirit" is the "Word of God" (Eph. 6:17), and the "Word of God" is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any TWO-EDGED SWORD, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow (the body), (Heb. 4:12), that is not the sword meant here.The "Sword of the Spirit" is the Holy Spirit's SWORD, and He alone wields it. The sword meant here is the Sword of the Son of Man (Christ), and it is the "SWORD OF JUSTICE," for the Son of Man, out of whose mouth this sword comes, is the "White Horse Rider" of Rev. 19:11-15, "out of whose mouth goeth a SHARP SWORD, that with it He should smite the nations." And that sword, like the "Sword of the Spirit" will be TWO-EDGED also, for the protection of His people, and the destruction of His enemies. This is still further proof that John's vision of Christ was as He shall appear in the "DAY OF THE LORD."

Branham, 'The Two Edged Sword' wrote:"And out of His mouth went a sharp two-edged sword." In Hebrews 4:12, "For the Word of God is quick, and powerful and sharper than any two- edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart." Out of His mouth went the sharp two-edged sword which is the WORD OF GOD. Revelation 19:11-16, "And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and He that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He doth judge and make war...

HIS FACENotice the quotes that Larkin uses, and then watch which quotes from the scriptures that WMB uses:Larkin, 'His Countenance' wrote:"His Countenance was as the SUN SHINETH IN HIS STRENGTH." This recalls to our memory His appearance on the Mount of Transfiguration when "His Face did shine AS THE SUN," Matt. 17:2. And we read of the New Jerusalem that the inhabitants thereof have no need of the SUN, for the LAMB is the Light thereof. Rev. 21:23. And when we recall that the Prophet Malachi tells us that when Jesus comes back He will be the SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS (Malachi 4:2), we see that John's vision of the Son of Man was as He shall appear at the Second Stage of His Return, the "Revelation." Thus we have in John's "Seven-Fold" description of the person of the "Glorified Son of Man" circumstantial or indirect evidence that John saw his vision of the Son of Man, not on a Sabbath Day (or the "Lord's Day" as we now call it), but was projected by the Holy Spirit forward into the "Day of the Lord" and saw Him as He will appear then as the Judge, and the coming "SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS." (Clarence Larkin).

Branham, 'His Face Like the Sun' wrote:"And His countenance was as the sun shineth in its strength." Matthew 17:1-13, "And after six days Jesus taketh Peter, James, and John his brother, and bringeth them up into an high mountain apart. And was transfigured before them: and His face did shine as the sun, and His raiment was white as the light......In Revelation 21:23, "And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof." This is the New Jerusalem. 144

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The Lamb will be in that city, and because of His presence, there will be no light needed. The sun won't rise and shine there, for He is the Sun and Light thereof, Himself. The nations that come into it will walk in His light. Aren't you happy that day is upon us? John saw that day coming..."...He's the Lily of the Valley, the Bright and Morning Star. He's the fairest of ten thousand to my soul. Yes, that great day is ready to break and the Sun of Righteousness will arise with healing in His wings. (William M Branham).

This in of itself is not convincing.

The end-all-argument proof that Larkin was copied is this:

Compare the dates for the church ages listed by Larkin:

Larkin, Church Ages wrote:1. EPHESIAN CHURCH AGE (A.D. 70 to A.D. 170) 2. SMYRNEAN CHURCH AGE (A.D. 170 to A.D. 312) 3. PERGAMEAN CHURCH AGE (AD 312 to A.D. 606) 4. THYATERIAN CHURCH AGE (A.D 606 to A.D. 1520) 5. SARDISEAN CHURCH AGE (A.D. 1520 to A.D. 1750) 6. PHILADELPHIAN CHURCH AGE (A.D. 1750 to A.D. 1900) 7. LAODICEAN CHURCH AGE (A.D. 1900 - Rapture)

Branham, Church Ages wrote:1. EPHESIAN CHURCH AGE (A.D. 53 to A.D. 170) 2. SMYRNEAN CHURCH AGE (A.D. 170 to A.D. 312) 3. PERGAMEAN CHURCH AGE (AD 312 to A.D. 606) 4. THYATERIAN CHURCH AGE (A.D 606 to A.D. 1520) 5. SARDISEAN CHURCH AGE (A.D. 1520 to A.D. 1750) 6. PHILADELPHIAN CHURCH AGE (A.D. 1750 to A.D. 1906) 7. LAODICEAN CHURCH AGE (A.D. 1906 - Rapture)

Larkin produced a series of prophetic diagrams and drawings, from the seventy weeks of Daniel, to the church ages, to more. Many, many drawings -- all of which are interesting when you consider these "divine revelations" that WMB claimed to have. Here is an example, for the Church Ages above: 145

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Humility Like a Child

Matthew 18 describes how Jesus tested the disciples by asking them who was the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

He did not tell them it was Peter, who he gave the keys to the kingdom. He did not say it was James or John, who Jesus allowed to see the prophets of old upon Mount Transfiguration. He called a child to his side, and used the child as an example.

Jesus said "Unless you change yourselves and become like children, you will never even enter the kingdom of heaven. Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven."

Jesus said that whoever receives such a humble person in His name receives Him. Anyone that causes such a humble person who believes in Jesus Christ to sin would be punished severely. Jesus said that "it would be better for him to have a great millstone round his neck and be drown in the depths of the sea."

Jesus condemned the world for all of the temptations to sin. He said that it was necessary that temptations come. But he condemned the one that helps create the temptation.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we humble as little children? Do our pastors boast themselves because they have known great men? Are our pastors humble? Does the message we believe drive great men to humility, or does it drive those who cannot live by the expectations of the message from Christianity altogether? Are our pastors driving the humble to sin and temptation? Are we the greatest in the kingdom of heaven, or are we the ones gazing on the ripples in the water with a millstone holding us down to the bottom? 146

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That Very Day Israel Became a Nation

WMB Claimed that the angel of the Lord appeared to him the exact day when Israel was declared a nation on May 6/7 1947.

His first "official" healing campaign is in newspapers across the nation, June 30, 1947 -- which he claims the commission from the angel was from 1946 and not from 1947.

Not only do his own words contradict themselves, history itself contradicts both conflicting stories. Take a look at these quotes:

Quote:"And a strange thing of that, that you might not know, the very day the Angel of the Lord called me out, May the 6th, 1947, and issued the gift to pray for the sick, was the very same day that Israel become a nation for the first time for twenty-five hundred years. Oh, I believe there's something in it. I just can't keep from believing that we're near the end of time. That's right." (GREAT.COMING.REVIVAL_ CHICAGO.IL SUNDAY_ 54-0718A)

Quote:"The very day that Israel was declared a nation again for the first time for twenty-five hundred years, that same night the Angel of the Lord sent me out to pray for the sick, the very same time, May the 6th, 1946, the Lord Jesus did that." (MANIFESTATION.OF.THY.RESURRECTION_ LA.CA MONDAY_ 54-0809E)

Quote:"And last week, you know what taken place in Israel, the last sign. Israel became a nation in 1947 on the same night the Angel of the Lord visit me. When It came at me at twelve o'clock, it was noon when they signed the--that peace pact with the world and the League of Nations and so forth, overseas." (WHO.IS.THIS_ CLARKSVILLE.IN SUNDAY_ 59-1004M)

Quote:"The very hour, by the Pan American chart, that Israel was declared a nation for the first time for two thousand years since they'd been scattered, not a people, it was that very same hour, exactly to the hour, that the Angel of the Lord met me up yonder and sent me to the--with the Gospel-- the very same thing: May the 7th, 1946." (GABRIEL'S.INSTRUCT.TO.DANIEL_ JEFF.IN DA 1-44 SUNDAY_ 61-0730M)

Israel declared its independence on 14th May 1948, which is now known by their national holiday, Yom Ha'atzmaut. Human error is irrelevant in this case, since WMB held the same story so many times, so many years apart. 147

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Thus Saith the Lord!

"Thus Saith the Lord" is the prophet's message to the people from the divine Holy Spirit. The only one with true authority to speak these words it the prophet that the Lord has spoken to, otherwise it becomes using the Lord's name in vain.

Rev. Branham was aware of this fact, and used it very carefully throughout the early days of his ministry - mostly only in the prayer lines and when combined with actual scripture that was truly from the Lord.

According to Rev. Branham, it must be a vindicated prophet:

Quote:But the only person that has a right to say, THUS SAITH THE LORD, is a vindicated prophet.BRANHAM, 50-0405 EXPECTATION_ NEW.YORK.NY WEDNESDAY_

If anyone has based their theory on something other than "Thus Saith the Lord", then obviously the Lord has not given it to them. This would be his theme throughout the latter part of his message, letting the people know that he was the only one of the current "Church Age" that had the power to use the words, "Thus Saith the Lord".

Quote:If a prophet, or a dreamer, or whatever it is, or a teacher, hasn't based his theory exactly on THUS SAITH THE LORD, I don't believe it.BRANHAM, 54-0514 THE.SEAL.OF.GOD_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN

Somehow along the way, it got as easy as corn bread and beans: anyone can say it:

Quote:Look. Oh, brother, this is like corn bread and beans; It sticks to your ribs. It'll hold you some way, you can go and do a good day's work for the Lord tomorrow, go out and meet the devil, say, "I know where I'm standing, not because a chill run down my back, because THUS SAITH THE LORD. Move off, Satan, I'm taking over now."BRANHAM, 53-0326 ISRAEL.AND.THE.CHURCH.2_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN

Rev. Branham predicted that the three "isms" would end in communism and that communism would burn the Vatican City.

Quote: 148

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Going to Sunday school one morning, I was caught away in a vision. And I said, "Now..." Under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, I said, "Now, there's going to be three great isms. Which is now in existence. One of them is in Rome, which is--is Fascism, and one of them is in Germany which is Nazi--Nazism. And the other one is in Russia, which is communism." I said, "Those three great isms is the unclean spirits that went out of the mouth of the false prophet, and the dragons, and so forth that will unite themselves together, speaking things that they should not, and they'll all beat at one another, until they'll finally wind up in one ism. And I predict that that will be communism. And communism will burn the Vatican City. BRANHAM, 55-0501E THE.FAITH.THAT.WAS.ONCE.DELIVERED.TO.THE.SAINTS

But the Lord showed me a vision of the great powerful woman, in '33, 1933, it's on paper. Of how that "Roosevelt would cause... he would help cause the world to go to war." How that "Mussolini would make his first invasion to Ethiopia and he would take it, but he would come to a disgraceful end." And how that "Then the three ism: Nazism, Fascism, and Communism, would all wind up in Communism."BRANHAM, 60-1211E THE.LAODICEAN.CHURCH.AGE_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN

At the time when communism was feared most by the American people, Rev. Branham clearly used this fear in his prophesies under "Thus Saith the Lord".

Quote:You remember that, that Brother Branham said that, THUS SAITH THE LORD. Our nation is debolished. It will never rise. She's gone, like all the rest of the nations. It's the greatest nation in the world standing today, but the very seed of the devil has been planted into the hearts of the people; how it come into Hollywood, how it got out into the people, and begin to this... And you can't tell them nothing.Get a President up there who will try to close whiskey, and not have prohibition, see what would happen. He'd be shot in two hours after he got in there. Sure, he can't stand it; the whole world's against him. Yes, sir. You couldn't do it.She's gone. She's invaded, and the spirit of communism has took over.BRANHAM, 54-0509 THE.INVASION.OF.THE.UNITED.STATES_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN

His visions often told how that Communism was a tool by the hand of the Almighty God to destroy the Catholic Church:

Quote:I'll prove to you that communism is working straight in the hands of Almighty God to destroy the Roman... And remember, I say this as God's prophet: The Russian empire will drop an atomic bomb of some sort on the Vatican City and destroy it in one hour. THUS SAITH THE LORD. And the Bible said that God took them cruel-hearted men and put them in His hands, and 149

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they were instruments in His hands to fulfill His will, and to bring back to her exactly what she had coming to her. That's exactly. That's the Word.


Oddly enough, one day later, he realized that Communism was no longer feared:

Quote:But these religious teachers are trying to put it on communism, when they don't realize it's working right in their own midst. BRANHAM, 54-0514 THE.SEAL.OF.GOD_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN

Confusing? It Confused Rev. Branham, also.

Quote:Heading up in the federation of churches, which will finally join with Romanism to fight Catholicism--or with Catholicism to fight Communism. Pope John is calling for all the churches to come back, and they will. And they'll unite themselves together, just exactly what THUS SAITH THE LORD.BRANHAM, 60-0221 HEARING.RECOGNIZING.ACTING.ON.THE.WORD.OF.GOD

Suddenly, the American people no longer feared communism. Probably because they saw that Communism was fading quickly. It was Catholicism that was feared. Quickly, the "vision" changed:

Quote:Keep your eyes on Russia. She'll all wind up in Communism. And then it'll all wind up finally in Catholicism. Remember, it'll all wind up in Catholicism in the end time. That's exactly right. That's at the battle of Armageddon, right over in here when Christ comes Himself.BRANHAM, 61-0806 THE.SEVENTIETH.WEEK.OF.DANIEL_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN

There was communism, fascism, Nazism. They were spirits. Communism is a spirit. It gets on you. See? It's a spirit. And that--it'll be something like that, only I'd... It--it... That really isn't it. But it'll be three spirits just like that, which they was kind of a forerunner of. But, of course, you know where... It's in Catholicism. You see? But I'd--I--I want to get a few things on that straight before I say it (You see?), to be sure that I know what...BRANHAM, 61-0808 THY.HOUSE_ TIFTON.GA TUESDAY_

Moreover, the "Thus Saith the Lord" changed from communism to Rome, or Catholicism: 150

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Quote:It isn't Russia. It's Rome. THUS SAITH THE LORD. Yeah. Show me a Scripture where communism, or anything else besides Rome, will rule.BRANHAM, 62-0311 THE.GREATEST.BATTLE.EVER.FOUGHT_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN

And Message believers around the world could rejoice, communism was no longer to fear. There was a new fear in the world, and it was Catholicism. It was "Thus Saith the Lord"

Quote:Any prophecy don't stay with that Word... That's exactly. That's the reason I say today; no matter how good it looks, how many preachers are saying this, that, or the other, "Communism is going to take the world and throw it down." Don't you never try to fight communism. Fight Romanism. For, that's THUS SAITH THE LORD. The Lord said Romanism is going to rule, not communism. It's just a puppet.BRANHAM, 62-0422 THE.RESTORATION.OF.THE.BRIDE.TREE_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN

Although, it looks like Catholicism would be destroyed

Quote:And I said, "There is three isms; Communism, Fascism, and Nazism. They'll all wind up out of Russia, in Communism." And it will destroy Catholicism. See if it don't!BRANHAM, 64-0321E THE.VOICE.OF.THE.SIGN_ DENHAM.SPRINGS.LA SATURDAY_

Clearly, if communism destroyed Rome with Catholicism by an atomic bomb in one hour, there is no way possible that both forces could join together at Armageddon against Israel.

Quote:There's that red dragon, the devil. Where's his seat at? In... Not in Russia; in Rome. And said, "The devil give him his seat and his authority, red dragon," not Russia.I hear great ministers saying, "The Russian is the antichrist." Why, the Russian has nothing to do with the antichrist. That's communism. The faultry of Protestantism and Catholicism has produced communism. The reason the Russians drove them out of there, because they had all the money, and had all the prayers said to them saints, so they built the biggest buildings, and had all the wealth of the people, and bundled it up like that. And they seen they lived no different, and was no different from any of the rest of the world, and they spued it out and formed communism.Now, if you'll give me one more night, if God does, I'll prove to you that communism is working straight in the hands of Almighty God to destroy the Roman... And remember, I say this as God's prophet: The Russian empire will drop an atomic bomb of some sort on the Vatican City and destroy it in one hour. THUS SAITH THE LORD. 151

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Luckily, 1 Corinthians 14:8 teaches us this, and we can fear neither Communism or Catholicism, for this trumpet has certainly given an uncertain sound:

Quote:For if the trumpet gives an uncertain sound, who shall prepare himself for the battle? 152

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Vision 1: Franklin D. Roosevelt

The first of the seven "Visions of 1933" is about Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Quote:The president which now is, President Franklin D. Roosevelt... (Now remember, this is twenty-eight years ago.) will cause the whole world to go to warBRANHAM, 60-1113 CONDEMNATION.BY.REPRESENTATION_

It's important that we review everything Rev. Branham said about this vision, and compare it to actual, historical fact about World War II and Roosevelt. It is also important to note that though Rev. Branham claimed that this vision came to him in 1933, the first time he mentioned it in his recordings was 1958.

Quote:Now, look what happened now. In... President Franklin D. Roosevelt took America to England's tea party. That's right. Germany never picked on us; we picked on them, throwed the whole world into a war, to cause a world war. BRANHAM, 60-1113 CONDEMNATION.BY.REPRESENTATION_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN

From the Beginning, Rev. Branham would describe the vision as a clear insight that Roosevelt would cause the world to war with each other as another world war.

Quote:Said, "We now have a president (Dwi... Mr. Roosevelt), and this Mr. Roosevelt will cause the world to go into a world war through his--in his time of his administration, his--his--as president,"BRANHAM, 60-1125 CONFERENCE_ SHREVEPORT.LA FRIDAY

Eleven years before the Maginot Line was built, I said, "The Germans... America will just... President Roosevelt will be the rascal of all of them." And that's right. He was.BRANHAM, 60-1204M THE.REVELATION.OF.JESUS.CHRIST_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN _

1933, one morning going to the Baptist tabernacle, I went into a trance, saw a vision. I saw President Roosevelt was going to help lead the world to a world war, told it that morning. They was going to lock me up for it.BRANHAM, 61-0312 JEHOVAH.JIREH_ RICHMOND.VA SUNDAY_

As time progressed, and a better understanding of the war was given to the public, Rev. Branham would change his views on the instigator. In later accounts, Rev. Branham would 153

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proclaim that he had prophesied that Hitler was the one in his vision that caused the whole world to go to war. The vision was said to have even predicted the country of origin for Hitler, where he would become a dictator, and the mystery around his death.

Quote:The next vision foretold that an Austrian by the name of Adolph Hitler would rise up as dictator over Germany, and that he would draw the world into war. It showed the Siegfried line and how our troops would have a terrible time to overcome it. Then it showed that Hitler would come to a mysterious end.BRANHAM, LAODICEAN.CHURCH.AGE

History tells us that WWII began in March 1939. The United States finally joined into the war after over 2 years of fighting in 1941, after several other major world powers had entered into the war. Below is a list of the countries, and the date they entered into WWII.

Australia 3/3/39Germany 9/1/39France 9/3/39Great Britain 9/3/39New Zealand 9/3/39S. Africa 9/6/39Canada 9/10/39USSR 9/17/39Italy 6/10/40Japan 9/22/40Bulgaria 4/24/41Romania 6/22/41Hungary 6/27/41India 12/7/41Panama 12/7/41Yugoslavia 12/7/41Costa Rica 12/8/41Dom Rep 12/8/41El Salvador 12/8/41Haiti 12/8/41Honduras 12/8/41Nicaragua 12/8/41Manchukuo 12/8/41Netherlands 12/8/41

Five world powers were already at war as either Axis or Allied forces. Though it was necessary for the United States to get involved to stop Germany as their forces grew, Roosevelt was 154

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hesitant to join the fighting. Instead, Roosevelt insisted on preventing Japan from becoming a part of the war or a supplier of military supplies. It was Japan's bombing of Pearl Harbor that ultimately led to the United States joining the war, and only as retaliation from a first strike.

Let's compare the original vision with what it became:

Original:Quote:Roosevelt would cause the whole world to go to war

What the vision became:Quote:Hitler would cause the whole world to go to war

Clearly, Roosevelt did not lead the world into war, and we did not "pick on them [Germany] first" as Rev. Branham claimed. 155

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Vision 2: Mussolini

Mussolini, Rev. Branham claimed, was in his original prophecy as both being one of the possible leaders of Communism until the end of the world as "the king of the north", and having his last invasion in Ethiopia. He truly was a ruthless dictator, though not nearly as insane as Hitler. Before the public knew of the Holocaust, Mussolini would have seemed to be just as large a threat as Hitler.

He first said that he did not know which of the world powers would take control, but said that it was to be one of the three: Mussolini, Hitler, or Stalin.

Quote:and how that Fascism of Mussolini, and Hitler, and Stalin. I said, "One of them will take the place of it. I don't know which one it'll be, but I believe it'll be the king of the north.BRANHAM, 54-0103M QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS.1_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN

After Mussolini died, Rev. Branham changed this opinion to claim that he had previously prophesied that he knew one of them would never take control. He also said that this would be his last, and he would end in disgrace.

Quote:Said, "This new dictator, Mussolini, will take his first step toward Ethiopia, and Ethiopia will fall at his feet." It did. It said, "That'll be his last. He will end in disgrace."BRANHAM, 60-1125 CONFERENCE_ SHREVEPORT.LA FRIDAY_

Once he found out that Ethiopia was not his last invasion, he took out the "That'll be his last" portion in his account of the vision.

Quote:But the Lord showed me a vision of the great powerful woman, in '33, 1933, it's on paper. Of how that "Roosevelt would cause... he would help cause the world to go to war." How that "Mussolini would make his first invasion to Ethiopia and he would take it, but he would come to a disgraceful end."BRANHAM, 60-1211E THE.LAODICEAN.CHURCH.AGE_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN

Later in his ministry, as his hatred for women who did not adhere to his teachings grew, he added that he also had prophesied that Mussolini's mistress would also perish after Ethiopia was conquered.

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Notice. I said, "Mussolini is standing up as a dictator; he will make his first invasion to Ethiopia. But he will take Ethiopia, but he will come to a disgraceful end, him and that woman both."BRANHAM, 61-0312 JEHOVAH.JIREH_ RICHMOND.VA SUNDAY_

Five of those things has perfectly been fulfilled exactly. How Mussolini would rise and go to Ethiopia, and fall at his steps; and he would be turned to the people, in shame, with a woman.BRANHAM, 63-1117 ONCE.MORE_ NEW.YORK.NY V-18 N-13 SUNDAY_

How Mussolini would go to Ethiopia, and Ethiopia would fall at his step, and then how that he'd come to a disgrace, and be spit on by his own people; and disgraced, hung upside down, with that prostitute that he lived with, on the street.BRANHAM, 64-0112 SHALOM_ SIERRA.VISTA.AZ V-13 N-5 SUNDAY_

Once it had became news of the mystery surrounding Hitler's death, Hitler was added to the vision.

Quote:How Mussolini, how he'd come to his end. How Hitler would come to a mysterious end.BRANHAM, 64-0726M RECOGNIZING.YOUR.DAY.AND.ITS.MESSAGE_ JEFFERSONVILLE.

Now, let's compare the original vision to the vision that it became:

Original:Quote:If Mussolini takes Ethiopia, then either Mussolini, Hitler, or Stalin would come to power.

Later:Quote:Mussolini would die with his mistress after Ethiopia was invaded, and Hitler would die mysteriously

There are many more instances where this portion of the vision are mentioned, but there are several important things to note here:

• The first instance of this vision being announced on recording was long after the event actually happened, 1954• The first instance did not include the details about it being his last invasion 157

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• Mussolini, and Hitler, and Stalin were in one vision as being the head of the communist party - and Branham did not know which one would be it. …which is very strange if Mussolini would be dead.• The later ones include the woman who died with Mussolini - during the times when Rev. Branham was preaching so hard against the women of the day• After Rev. Branham found out it was not Mussolini's last invasion, that part was taken out of the prophesy• Also important to note, though it may have no bearing in the subject, at the time the vision would have been prophesied, Ethiopia was named Abyssinia, and it was called the Italo/Abyssinian War.

But the most important thing to note is that this was not Mussolini's last invasion. After invading Ethiopia, Mussolini invaded Spain, Albania, Africa, Greece, Yugoslavia and more.

When Mussolini rose into power, many feared and knew that he would become as power hungry as Hitler or Stalin. Mussolini was ousted by the socialist party and began to bring instant power to Fascism. Though the first variation of the vision came after the event, the first fears of the nation was that Fascism, Communism, or Socialism would take over the world.

In an effort to create an Italian Empire, or as his supporters called it, "The New Roman Empire", he invaded Abyssinia (or what would later be known as Ethiopia). This invasion was titled the Italo-Abyssinian War. In May, 1936, Ethiopia became part of "Italian East Africa".

In July 1936, Mussolini got involved in the Spanish Civil War, which resulted in his relationship with Hitler. In 1939, he made the "Pact of Steel" with Hitler, which made the "Rome-Berlin Axis" official.

When World War II began, Mussolini decided to enter the war on the Axis side, declaring war on Britain and France. His invasion of France ultimately resulted in the surrender of France to the Axis. From there, he was involved in Sudan, Kenya, and conquered British Somaliland.

His last major battle was war with the Soviet Union. Italian forces were spread so thin over parts of the world, and were so broken down that Mussolini lost his political power and influence over his people. Not long after, he was dismissed, arrested, and publicly humiliated.

When compared to Rev. Branham's vision, "Mussolini, will take his first step toward Ethiopia, and Ethiopia will fall at his feet." and "That'll be his last. He will end in disgrace", the actual history reveals some major conflicts.

This vision is clearly a moving target. 158

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Vision 3: The Siegfried Line or Maginot Line

Rev. Branham always struggled with this one. For some reason, he could never remember whether he prophesied the Siegfried or Maginot line. As with all of the visions, the name is not important. What is important is the actual historical fact as it is compared to the prophecy. We do know that he was talking about the concrete line that was built in Germany.

Quote:I was quoting last night a prophecy that was given me back in 1933 of seven things that'd take place: Germany, the Sieg--Siegfried Line, and the president election, and all these other things. …I seen that Maginot (Maginot Line, it was instead of the Siegfried)--the Maginot LineBRANHAM, 60-1126 WHY_ SHREVEPORT.LA SATURDAY_

Around 1961, Branham started claiming that the defensive line he was describing was built 11 years after his initial vision of 1933.

Quote:"Our war will be with Germany, and they will build a great big concrete place and fortify themselves in there, and the Americans will take a horrible beating." Almighty God knows that Who I stand before now; I seen those independent Nazis kicking the Americans like that and things at that wall. And there's many boys standing here now that was at that Siegfried Line that knows what it was. And remember, that was eleven years before the Siegfried Line was built. Is God true? Does He still foretell things to happen? Watch. That's--that was the fourth.BRANHAM, 61-0806 THE.SEVENTIETH.WEEK.OF.DANIEL_ JEFFERSONVILLE.

The Siegfried line was a line of defensive forts and tanks built by Germany as a section of the Hindenburg line. Adolph Hitler planned the line in 1936, and had it built between 1938 and 1940. The Maginot line was built in France in several phases starting in 1930 and was largely completed by 1939.

In 1944, the Siegfried line had taken so much damage that Hitler commissioned forced labor of 14-16 year old boys to build anti-tank ditches to refortify the badly battered line of concrete defenses. The defensive line had already been built, but it was essentially being refortified by Hitler's labor commission.

Quote:1933, the Holy Spirit came one morning and told me seven things that would take place before this nation was destroyed. ... 159

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How Germany would fortify and build a Maginot Line, or the Siegfried Line, I believe it was, eleven years before it was ever thought of.BRANHAM, 63-1117 ONCE.MORE_ NEW.YORK.NY V-18 N-13 SUNDAY_

Rev. Branham still did not realize that the defensive line had already been built. He would continue to describe how this visions had shown him a full account of how the line was going to be built before the first concrete foundation had ever been poured.

Quote:And I seen that, eleven years before the line was ever--ever a foundation was ever poured for it, or anything, the Siegfried Line.BRANHAM, 64-0112 SHALOM_ SIERRA.VISTA.AZ V-13 N-5 SUNDAY_

He later decided to take out the portion of the vision that included the timeline of eleven years, once he realized that the timeline of the vision was incorrect.

Quote:how the--the Siegfried Line would be built, and how that the Americans would take a beating there (and they never would admit it till just about two years ago, and they got the German pictures of the siege there; and they really took a beating. They liked... They lost their whole army almost right there.); and all those things that were done.BRANHAM, 64-0823M QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS.1_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN

This vision is another slightly moving target, but still we can compare the original vision with what the vision became to see whether or not the vision matched in each retelling. The first instance Rev. Branham spoke of this vision was in 1958, and over time, the story would grow and change.

Original Vision:Quote:I saw a concrete line 11 years before any concrete was poured

Later description of the vision:Quote:I saw a concrete line that would give our troops a terrible time, and Hitler would come to a mysterious end. 160

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Vision 4: Egg-Shaped Cars Driving Themselves

As a Christian, we must ask ourselves: what spiritual significance does this vision serve? Whether this vision is correct or not, is our salvation or even our well-being in any way affected by cars that have the shape of an egg?

Though he considered science to be "of the devil", Rev. Branham was constantly amazed by science. He would speak of great feats of science he saw at the Worlds Fair, wonders of medical science, astronomy, astrology, and psychology.

In 1956, around the time of the Heinkel Cabin Cruiser, Rev. Branham claimed to have a vision of cars that would become shaped like an egg. At the time, they were considered the latest designs that would take the world by storm, but fortunately for anyone with long legs, did not.


Quote:And, you, how many can remember what a '33 car looked like back there? Oh, it kind of run out like this, and way up the back, and chopped down for the spare tire to hang on. I saw a vision, that before the coming of the Lord, that cars would look like an egg. How many remembers that prediction? Is there anybody left in here? Brother Steward's gone, and I guess. It was 1933 when we were having services over here. I guess just about all of them's gone now, since then.BRANHAM, 56-0513 TEACHING.ON.MOSES_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN

In 1958, after an article released by a few magazines showed cars that did not require attention while driving. These cars, according to the magazines, would be self controlled, self propelled, and the way of the future. Rev. Branham would incorporate this into his accounts of the vision, saying that the egg shaped cars would even control your speed; you wouldn't be able to hit another car because they controlled the steering and the speed according to the speed limit.

Quote:And in 1933 when the Lord, {…} And also said that cars would keep getting more like an egg, until the last days they'd be just in the shape of an egg.Now, I said, "It'll come to pass that those cars will not be run by a steering wheel; it'll be something another run." It's them cars they're bringing out right now, remote control, for safety. Correct. You won't be able to enter into a city then, a twenty-mile zone, you can just go twenty mile. You can't hit another car, because it's remote control. See, it's going like that right now. {…} that's THUS SAITH THE LORD."BRANHAM, 58-0927 WHY.ARE.WE.NOT.A.DENOMINATION 161

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The articles began to speak of electronic-powered vehicles that were self-directed. About that time, the visions changed to electronic powered cars that the driver could not steer.

Quote:You remember, I predicted that in 1933. And it will be that way too. For I saw a vision before the end time, that great and powerful thing stood up in the United States, and she become as stubbles. So then, it's going to happen. I said, "Automobiles will--come like the shape of an egg." You know what a '33 car looked like. And I said, "There'll even be traveling on the road, they won't even have to guide it." They've already got that out; I seen it here not long ago. It'll be controlled by electronics like


The vision started to include families that were playing games once they were commonplace on the road.

Quote:They'll control it with some kind of a steering outfit that they don't have to touch it theirself." I seen an American family, going down a great big broad way playing cards with a glass-top car, looked like an eggBRANHAM, 61-0312 JEHOVAH.JIREH

Now, the fifth thing. "Science will progress in such a way until they will make a car that will not have to be guided by a steering wheel, and the cars will continue to be shaped like an egg until the consummation," the end time. I seen American family going down the road in a broad way, riding in a car with their backs turned towards where the wheel should be; looked like they were playing checkers or cards.BRANHAM, 61-0806 THE.SEVENTIETH.WEEK.OF.DANIEL_

In a book, Branham would write that the vision was exactly like the photograph in Popular Science. The egg shape would be removed from this version of the vision altogether and replaced with a bubble top.

Quote:The fourth vision showed the great advances in science that would come after the second world war. It was headed up in the vision of a plastic bubble-topped car that was running down beautiful highways under remote control so that people appeared seated in this car without a steering wheel and they were playing some sort of a game to amuse themselves.LAODICEAN.CHURCH.AGE 162

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The truth of the matter is, these cars already existed by science, and he definitely saw them, they were in the popular science magazines of that day. But we must remember that science progresses quickly over time, and that the vision is another moving target.

Let's compare the original vision to the vision it became:

Original:Quote:I predict that cars will become shaped like an egg

What it became:Quote:I predict that cars will be electric, self-propelled, self-guided, shaped like an egg with a glass roof that you can watch families playing checkers or cards as it is guided down the road.

We know that families today would be playing Xbox, PlayStation, or Nintendo - not checkers. More than likely, they would be watching movies and eating popcorn on long trips.

We do have these cars today, and have cars with many of these features that popular science predicted long before Rev. Branham predicted them. They are very rarely seen on the roads, however, and because of the aerodynamics of the egg, probably will not be as common as Rev. Branham described. That is the reason that they did not do very well in the first place. 163

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Vision 5: Woman or the Catholic Church Will Rule

Rev. Branham was by no means silent on the fact that he did not appreciate women who did not agree with his view of the lifestyles of women. His perfect apocalypse must involve a woman in order to vindicate his message of the women of the last days.

In 1956, Rev. Branham added women to the retelling of the 1933 vision, letting the people know that a woman will be President of the United States, and this would be a disgrace.

Quote:I didn't mean that to do any harm, women; I don't mean you Christian women. But just to see women coming into politics and everything, it's a disgrace; it's a breaking of the American morale. And remember, this is... America will... A--a woman... I--I better leave it alone. But just remember this. I predict this: that a woman will be president before we're annihilated. That's right. I said that in 1933 by a vision.BRANHAM, 56-0428 GOD'S.COVENANT.WITH.ABRAHAM_

A year later, this vision changed to say that America's number one god would be "women". Though movie stars were worth hundreds of thousands (and sometimes millions) in that day, Branham was convinced that any of the women in the film industry could be bought for $25-$50 a night as prostitutes.

Quote:And I predicted that America, their number one god would be women. That's what it is. Everything is fashioned after Hollywood. I have things on records from the FBI file that would shock you to pieces just to tell you right where, and the scandal on these movie stars, there isn't a one of them, hardly, but what's prostitutes. And the FBI exposed it just recently; I have it from their own file. And so all of them living out, even these movie stars, where they've proved they went in and picked them up, living with men, twenty-five and fifty dollars a night, of men, all up and down, in Hollywood and everywhere, had private homes and men back in there where they would send them out to these people.BRANHAM, 56-0513 TEACHING.ON.MOSES_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN

In Branham's vision of the woman, the woman would rule America right before the annihilation, in which the entire nation is "wiped out". He included the date 1977 in most of the retelling of the woman's vision, because he truly believed it would happen before 1977.

Quote:And then, there'll be a great woman rise up, 'cause America is a woman's nation. And it'll... A great woman will rise up and be president, or something like that in the nation, and then there will come a total annihilation, the entire nation will be wiped out. And that, I predict--now this 164

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is not the Lord saying this--the other about the woman and this, is the Lord. But I predicted in 1933 that the world would be total annihilation before '77.BRANHAM, 58-0720M BY.FAITH.MOSES_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN SUNDAY_

In 1958, the vision changed a bit to include the fact that the US political structure could be affected, and the woman could be a dictator.

Quote:And I said, "Remember, in that day, before the end time comes, before the end time comes, that a woman... Now, you all keep this wrote down. There'll be a great powerful woman raise up, either be President, or dictator, or some great powerful woman in this United States. And she'll sink under the influence of women. Now, you remember; that's THUS SAITH THE LORD."BRANHAM, 58-0927 WHY.ARE.WE.NOT.A.DENOMINATION_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN

In 1960, it changed a bit more to open up the options. She could be the President, Vice President, or the Catholic Church

Quote:And so, this... I... I won't have time in this meeting to tell you. In 1933, this is a woman's nation. It's the number thirteen. It appears in the thirteenth chapter of Revelation: thirteen stars, thirteen stripes, thirteen... Everything's a thirteen. Everything is a woman. And remember, THUS SAITH THE LORD there will be a woman rule before the end time. She'll either be President, Vice President, or it'll be the Catholic church as a woman.BRANHAM, 60-0716 FROM.THAT.TIME_ KLAMATH.FALLS.OR SATURDAY_

A few months later, it changed from a woman or the Catholic Church, to a man "that would be wrongly elected by a woman".

Quote:I said, "Then I seen a... They're going to permit women and are permitting women to vote. And by voting, they'll elect the wrong man some of these days." And you did at the last election. It was the woman's votes that elected Kennedy. We know that, see, between the crooked machines and things fixed up, that FBI exposed.BRANHAM, 60-1211E THE.LAODICEAN.CHURCH.AGE_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN

In 1961, Rev. Branham was convinced that the election of Kennedy was the fulfillment of his vision.

Quote: 165

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And I said, "In voting they'll elect the wrong man." I'm neither Democrat nor Republican. I'm a Christian. Both sides is rotten. But they made their fatal mistake the other day. Women done the works.BRANHAM, 61-0312 JEHOVAH.JIREH_ RICHMOND.VA SUNDAY_

Now, that brings us then to the election of President Kennedy, and this car coming on the--on the scene, bringing five things out of the seven that has happened exactly.61-0806 THE.SEVENTIETH.WEEK.OF.DANIEL_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN

As with the others, this vision is a moving target. We all know that women may some day be president; during Branham's day when women were starting to take public office, they knew it then. Let's compare the original vision to the vision that it became:

Original:Quote:Woman will be president before we're annihilated.

Later:Quote:Woman will become president or vice president or dictator or elect the wrong man or it was the Catholic Church and it was President Kennedy.

This vision clearly is a moving target, and America was not annihilated when Kennedy became president. 166

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Vision 6: California will Sink Beneath the Ocean

The last year of his ministry, Rev. Branham would condemn Los Angeles for allegedly rejecting Christ, and condemn the city into destruction. His vision would compare to Capernaum; which Branham thought was beneath the sea during the time of his ministry.

Quote:That is solemn warning. We don't know what time, and you don't know what time, that this city one day is going to be laying out here in the bottom of this ocean. "Oh, Capernaum," said Jesus, "thou who exalted into heaven, will be brought down into hell. For, if the mighty works had been done in Sodom and Gomorrah, it'd have been standing to this day." And Sodom, Gomorrah lays in the bottom of the Dead Sea. And Capernaum is in the bottom of the sea. Thou city, who claims to be the city of the Angels, who has exalted yourself into heaven, and sent all the dirty, filthy things of fashions and things, till even the foreign countries come here to pick up our filth and send it away, to your fine churches and steeples, and so forth, the way you do. Remember, one day you'll be laying in the bottom of the sea, your great honeycomb under you right now. The wrath of God is belching right beneath you. How much longer He will hold this sandbar hanging out over that? When, that ocean out yonder, a mile deep, will slide in there, plumb back to the Salton Sea. It'll be worse than the last day of Pompeii. Repent, Los Angeles. BRANHAM, 65-0429E THE.CHOOSING.OF.A.BRIDE_ LOS.ANGELES.

Capernaum was a fishing village at the time of the Hasmoneans (140-116 BC). To this day, it is located in the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee. Archaeological excavations have revealed two ancient synagogues built one on top of the other. Capernaum was spared by the Romans during the Jewish Revolt (AD 66-70), and was referred to as a fertile spring in the writings of Josephus. Many homes were built in the 4th century, and one of the homes was greatly transformed in the 5th century. Evidence shows a constant transforming city since before the days of Christ until about the 5th Century. It has never been under the sea.


It is common knowledge that California sits on a fault line that produces major earthquakes of this day, just as the Bible predicted. It was common knowledge before Branham made the prediction that Los Angeles particularly was very brittle under the foundation, and Branham discussed this in his sermons.

Quote:And this scientist was speaking, being on an interview. We was watching on television. And he said, "Beneath that is just a churning lava." And he said this, he said, "That is a chunk will break loose," and said, "and it will." And this inter-... The man, scientist interviewing this chief scientist, said to him, said, "Well, that could then all sink?" He said, "Could? It's got to!" Said, "Well, course, will probably be many, many years from now." He said, "It can be in five minutes 167

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from now, or it can be in five years from now." He just lotted five years. But just as I sure was standing there under that Inspiration, put judgment on that West Coast, and then followed it right up here with the sinking of Los Angeles, she is gone! That's right. It will happen. When? I don't know.BRANHAM, 65-0711 ASHAMED_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN

Previous visions by others have predicted earthquakes sinking Los Angeles since 1937. While in a hospital, a 17-year-old Joe Brandt had an out-of-body experience that was so clear to him that it was written down and formed into a book in 1965.

Quote:I've been thinking about it all morning. I'm going home tomorrow. It was just a dream. It was nothing more. Nobody in the future on Hollywood Boulevard is going to be wearing earrings and those beards. Nothing like that is ever going to happen. That girl was so real to me that girl with those kids. It won't ever happen but if it did, how could I tell her (maybe she isn't even born yet) to move away from California when she has her twins and she can't be on the Boulevard that day. She was so gosh-darned real.

The other thing those ham operators hanging on like that over and over saying the same thing:

"This is California. We are going into the sea. This is California. We are going into the sea. Get to the mountains. Get to the hilltops. California, Nevada, Colorado, Arizona, Utah. This is California. We are going into the sea."The Coming Earthquake - Joe Brandt

Branham could see nothing past 1977, and made that very clear throughout his ministry. According to a book by Pearry Green, Branham saw Los Angeles under the ocean before Billy Paul was an old man.

Quote:"Billy, I may not be here but you won't be an old man until sharks will swim right where we are standing" BRANHAM, See The Acts of the Prophet, by Pearry Green, page 119

Billy Paul Branham was born on September 13, 1935, putting him at age 76 in 2011. Branham claimed to be an old man at age 56, and 76 years old is considered to be old age by practically everyone in every nation.

Knowing that Los Angeles lies beyond the fault, knowing that the foundation under Los Angeles is very brittle, and probably knowing that Joe Brandt also had a very clear retelling of California 168

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going under the sea, it would be very easy for Rev. Branham to "predict" that it would happen. Many scientists of the day had also predicted it, and still worry about it to this day. 169

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Forgiving Others Without Hesitation

Matthew 18 tells how Peter asked Jesus how many times we should forgive a brother that sinned against him. Peter thought seven times would certainly be enough before he should condemn his brother and walk way.

Jesus responded that seven times was not enough, but instead we should forgive one another always. He said, "I do not say to you seven times, but seventy-seven times," which would be similar to our mothers telling us "if I've told you once, I've told you a thousand times."

Jesus said that the kingdom of heaven is like a master who wished to settle his accounts with his servants. When he began to settle, one servant was brought to him that owed ten thousand talents.

Since he could not pay, his master ordered him to be sold, along with his wife and children, and everything he owned. Selling everything would be enough for the payment to be made.

The servant fell on his knees begging for mercy. "Have patience with me, and I will pay you," he cried. Out of pity for the servant, the master released him and forgave the dept.

When the servant left the master, he found one of the fellow servants who owed him (the servant) a hundred denarii, or silver coins. The servant who had just been forgiven of the debt began to choke the other servant who owed so great a debt, and commanded him to pay what he owed.

His fellow servant fell down and begged for patience. The servant who had just been forgiven by his master refused his fellow servant, and put him in prison until he could pay the debt.

When the other servants saw what had just taken place, they were greatly upset. They reported the events to their master, and the master summoned the servant that he had just forgiven.

He said, "You wicked servant! I forgave you all the debt you owed me because you pleaded with me. And should not you have had the same mercy on your fellow servant as I had mercy on you?"

In anger, the master sent him to the jailers to be held until he could pay all the debt that was once forgiven of him.

Jesus said, "So also my heavenly Father will do to every one of you, if you do not forgive your brother from within your heart." 170

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As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we only forgive one another a few times, and then hold our brothers and sisters in contempt within our hearts? After Jesus forgave us of our sins, do we condemn other sinners within our hearts? Have we even become so vile that we will speak badly against another sinner? Have we become the sinner that all the other sinners are shocked and upset by? Will our heavenly Father forgive our debts when we face the judgment, or will he find that we did not forgive others? 171

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On Marriage and Divorce Matthew 19 describes how the Pharisees came to Jesus, testing him about those who had been divorced.

"Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any cause?" They asked.

Jesus answered, "Have you not read that he who created them from the beginning made them male and female?" From the beginning, God did not make the male to be with other males, they were created male and female.

Jesus said, "Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother, and fold fast to his wife. The two shall become one flesh. They are no longer two, but they are one flesh. What God has joined together, let not man separate."

The Pharisees asked Jesus, "Why then did Moses command one to give a certificate of divorce and send her away?"

Jesus answered, "Because of the hardness of your heart, Moses allowed you to divorce your wives. From the beginning, it was not this way."

Jesus looked at them and said, "Whoever divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another, commits adultery."

The disciples were slightly shocked at these words. It was not the culture at the time to be so strict, and this was no easy rule to follow for them. "If this is the case, it is better not to marry!" they said.

Jesus knew their worry, but calmed them down, saying, "Not everyone can receive this saying. This saying is only for whom it is given."

Jesus explained that there were three types of men:

There were men who became eunuchs from birth, their male parts removed at an early age. Studies have shown that these men suffer hormonal issues, and are more likely to be attracted to other men. More than likely, this was the reason Jesus was insistent upon the fact that the male and the female would be joined together, not the male and male.

There were also eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by men. These men were made eunuchs later in life, either by removal of the male parts, or by simply forcing themselves not to be married. It was against human nature, and there were many given into adultery by leaving their wives to become eunuchs, or by not being able to contain their desires. 172

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Then, there were the eunuchs who became eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. These men were holy and pure, having no desire to consider their own bodies. Their only focus was the kingdom of heaven.

Jesus said, "Let the one who is able to receive this receive it."

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we condemn those who have been divorced? Is one sin greater in God's eyes than another? If they remarry and consecrate their lives back to the Lord, do we continue to condemn them for their past sins? How are we to know that God was not the one who separated them instead of men? Men do not have the power to separate what God has joined, but God has the power of all things. Must all men become Eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven? How are we to know this saying is even for them? 173

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The First and the Last

Matthew 19 tells the story of a young man who came to Jesus, asking how to gain eternal life.

The man asked the question, still holding onto the old ways that eternal life could only be attained by the good things you do. He said, "Teacher, what good deed must I do to have eternal life?"

Jesus asked him, "Why do you ask me about what is good? There is only One who is good." Testing him, Jesus gave the man a list of the commandments that the Pharisees taught were the things that must be done to live forever.

The man replied, "I have kept all of these things, what have I missed?" The man had lived a holy life for his entire life, living by the legalistic ways of the Pharisees. He did not have faith that he had eternal life.

Jesus instructed him, "If you are to be perfect, go and sell your possessions, giving them to the poor. You will have possessions in heaven. Then, come and follow me."

The man went away with great sorrow. He had many great possessions in life.

As he left, Jesus told the disciples, "It is very difficult for a rich person to enter the kingdom of heaven. It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle."

The disciples were astonished. Every person had possessions, though some more than others. "Who then can be saved?" they asked. Jesus looked at them and told them that with men this would be impossible, but with God all things are possible.

Peter said to Jesus, "We have left everything and followed you. What possessions will we have in heaven?"

Jesus described thirteen thrones in heaven. Jesus would sit in his glorious throne in heaven, and the disciples would sit on twelve thrones to judge the twelve tribes of Israel.

Anyone who have followed Jesus and left houses, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers, children, or lands for His name's sake would receive a hundredfold and inherit eternal life.

Jesus said that "Many who are first will be last, and the last will be first."

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we think that by living good, we automatically get eternal life? Do we think that if we have lived our entire lives pure, we are saved? Do we place more value on the things in life than the Gospel of Jesus Christ? If we had to give up everything we had known to leave it and follow Him, would we do it? Would we leave our mothers and 174

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fathers for Jesus if we had to? If our favorite brother or sister kept us from believing the Gospel, would we leave them to follow Jesus? Do we think all that are the "great men of faith" in this world, considered to be the "first" will be first in heaven? Are we first, or are we last? 175

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The Vineyard

Matthew 20 tells the parable of the laborers in the vineyard. After agreeing to work for a denarius per day, the servants were sent out by the master into the vineyard early in the morning.

In the third hour of the day, the master went into the marketplace, finding some that were idle. He said to them, "If you go into the vineyard to work, I will give you whatever you feel is right for your labor." They went to begin working in the vineyard.

In the sixth hour and the ninth hour, the master did the same. When it came to the eleventh hour, he went out and found others standing around idle. "Why are you standing here idle all day," the master asked.

"Because no one has hired us for work," they replied. The master hired them and they began to work in the vineyard.

At evening time, the owner of the vineyard said to the foreman, "Call the laborers and pay them their wages, beginning with the last, and up to the first."

When those that came in the eleventh hour came, each received their denarius. Those that were hired first thought they would receive more than agreed upon, but they also received a denarius. Grumbling, they said, "These only worked one hour, but you have made them equal to us that have borne the burden of the day and the heat of the sun!"

He replied to them, "Friend, I did you no wrong. You agreed to labor for a denarius, and I gave it to you. Take it and go, because I choose to give this last worker the same I gave you."

"Do you think that I am not allowed to do as I choose with what belongs to me? Or do you hold a grudge against me for my generosity?" the owner of the vineyard asked.

At the end of the parable, Jesus said again, "The last will be first, and the first will be last."

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we happy that God chose us to labor for Him? If we are some of the first that accepted Jesus in our hearts, do we still remain as happy and excited about Jesus as the new ones that are accepting Him? Do we hold the others in less esteem because they have not served Him as long as we have? Do we think that we have more to gain because of the length of time that we served Him? In doing so, do we hold a grudge against Jesus? Are we the first, or are we the last? 176

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Jesus Has Risen Mark 16:9-20

When Jesus rose early on the first day of the week, he appeared first to Mary Magdalene, out of whom he had driven seven demons. She went and told those who had been with him and who were mourning and weeping. When they heard that Jesus was alive and that she had seen him, they did not believe it.

Afterward Jesus appeared in a different form to two of them while they were walking in the country. These returned and reported it to the rest; but they did not believe them either.

Later Jesus appeared to the Eleven as they were eating; he rebuked them for their lack of faith and their stubborn refusal to believe those who had seen him after he had risen.

He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well."

After the Lord Jesus had spoken to them, he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God. Then the disciples went out and preached everywhere, and the Lord worked with them and confirmed his word by the signs that accompanied it.

This IS the Gospel. This is the good news that Jesus Christ came down to earth, and lived a perfect life. He was crucified for our sins, and died on the cross for every one of us who will accept Him in our hearts. He hung there until his last breath was failing, and said, "Father, forgive." Then, He rose again to sit at the right hand of the Father, our redeemer on His throne.

Peace be with you, Amen. 177

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Forget Russia, Watch Blasphemy

Receiving a text message from a current follower, showing me the rise in Communism, I had to remind him that WMB waffled around a bit.

After a closer look, it borders the line of blasphemy. WMB himself knew that, using those powerful words "Thus Saith the Lord"Quote:If a prophet, or a dreamer, or whatever it is, or a teacher, hasn't based his theory exactly on THUS SAITH THE LORD, I don't believe it.BRANHAM, 54-0514 THE.SEAL.OF.GOD_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN

When communism was on the rise, WMB struck fear in the hearts that communism would destroy Rome.Quote:I'll prove to you that communism is working straight in the hands of Almighty God to destroy the Roman... And remember, I say this as God's prophet: The Russian empire will drop an atomic bomb of some sort on the Vatican City and destroy it in one hour. THUS SAITH THE LORD. And the Bible said that God took them cruel-hearted men and put them in His hands, and they were instruments in His hands to fulfill His will, and to bring back to her exactly what she had coming to her. That's exactly. That's the Word.

Waffling, he used those powerful words to show where "Thus Saith the Lord" was wrong the first time, it was Rome to watch out for. Rome was not destroyed.BRANHAM, 54-0513 THE.MARK.OF.THE.BEAST_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN

It isn't Russia. It's Rome. THUS SAITH THE LORD. Yeah. Show me a Scripture where communism, or anything else besides Rome, will rule.BRANHAM, 62-0311 THE.GREATEST.BATTLE.EVER.FOUGHTQuote:Any prophecy don't stay with that Word... That's exactly. That's the reason I say today; no matter how good it looks, how many preachers are saying this, that, or the other, "Communism is going to take the world and throw it down." Don't you never try to fight communism. Fight Romanism. For, that's THUS SAITH THE LORD. The Lord said Romanism is going to rule, not communism. It's just a puppet.BRANHAM, 62-0422 THE.RESTORATION.OF.THE.BRIDE.TREE_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN

My question simply is this: Was the Lord wrong in his words through his "prophet," or did WMB have "accidental blasphemy" using "Thus Saith the Lord" to contradict itself? 178

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Overpowering Jesus

WMB had a strange view of Jesus. I recommend everyone do a quick study of Gnosticism, and you'll be surprised to find how much of this pagan belief system was integrated into the words of WMB. (

Gnostics believe that the good one and the evil one were one day equal, created by God. It is mixed all through the dead sea scrolls, that were being translated to English during WMB's ministry. The good one and the evil one were not eternal. WMB taught this throughout his ministry.Quote:See, there cannot be an Eternal son, because a son had to have a beginning. And so Jesus had a beginning. God had no beginning. See? ("Q and A on Hebrews, Part II," 10/2/57, COD, page 273)

Quote:How can He be an eternal son, when eternity never began or never ends? And a son is something that is begotten of.("Is This The Time," 12/30/62, V-2, N-11, page 36-7)

When you consider that WMB taught that the church age messengers (having set himself up as one of them) had eternal life, and Jesus did not have eternal life, it borders the line of blasphemy. Quote:I tell you, brother, the devil can whoop you around the stumps on how you felt when you got it. Somebody said, "I feel good, the reason I know I got It." Now, that's not the reason I know I got It. The reason I know I've met God's condition and the devil can't tramp on the Word of God. It's THUS SAITH THE LORD. That's it. Upon the basis of the promise of God, I've met God conditions and know I have Eternal Life. That's the way every believer does it, 'cause he's met God's conditions and the requirements that was laid down to him. Oh, my.54-1203 THE.LAW.HAVING.A.SHADOW_

So my question again would be this: Was WMB setting himself for power, like David Koresh, James Jones, and others, or did he simply have "accidental blasphemy?"Second question to ask yourselves: After reading this, why do you think God called WMB off the scene? 179

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Overpowering Jesus - Part 2

Recently, I've heard the term "original faith" thrown around like there is some hidden mystery that Jesus refused to tell in the Bible.

Studying it a bit, I found that it is WMB setting himself up to be at the level of Jesus Christ again, which borders blasphemy.

Quote:The original faith is to be restored by the seventh angelThe original Bible faith is to be restored by the seventh angel. Now, oh, how I love this! All of the mysteries of the Seals that the reformers never understood fully. ("The First Seal," 3/18/63, Seals, page 147)

The Bible teaches us that our faith comes from hearing the word of God, not by hearing the prophets. Quote:So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. (Rom. 10:17)

Considering that these 'reformers' were church angels according to WMB's "divine revelation", my question is this:Is WMB saying that the other church angels did not have the Word of God? And if so, whose word did they have? 180

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That Short Time You Might Be Punished in Hell

This one has amused me recently. I can remember having heated arguments with other students of the Bible as to whether or not there was a hell that was eternal or there was a hell that could only last five minutes.

WMB had a "divine revelation" that hell was not eternal. Using the KJV translation only, he was able to twist the words into his own scheme, and start teaching that hell could only last five minutes.

Quote:But sin has an end, suffering has an end. Therefore, there cannot be an Eternal hell. There's a hell, fire and brimstone, we know that, but there's no Eternal hell. There's only one type of Eternal Life and that belongs to God. If you're to suffer forever, you got Eternal Life. Hell has an end, it may be billions of years, but it'll finally come to an end.

The Bible doesn't say, anywhere, that they suffered Eternally, said, "Forever and forever." Jonah thought he was in the belly of the whale "forever," too. Forever has a distance or a time limit. But Eternal is perpetual, it has no beginning or end. It's like a ring, a circle. And as our time moves on, we're only in revolving around the great motives of God.(57-0908M HEBREWS.CHAPTER.FIVE.AND.SIX)

Quote:Now, "hell," we'll go back to that awhile. I tell you that--that there cannot be... I do believe in a burning hell. Yes, sir, the Bible said so, the lake of fire. Now, but that cannot be an everla-... it cannot be an Eternal. It could be... The Bible never says it's Eternal, It says "everlasting" hell. Don't say the word Eternal, it says an "everlasting" hell. Now, it's prepared for the Devil and his angels; an everlasting hell, not an Eternal one. Now, after... That soul may be tormented there for its doings for ten million years, for all I know. I don't know what everlasting might be in God's sight. It might be for five minutes, it might be for a million years, it might be for ten million years, but there will come a time when that soul will cease to be. 60-1206 THE.SMYRNAEAN.CHURCH.AGE

This actually is a pagan Gnostic belief. In the same belief structure that says that the good one and the evil one were one day equal, it continues to build a foundation for a punishment that did not last forever.

When comparing it to the bible, however, we find that this "revelation" by WMB does not hold water.

The same word used here (for everlasting):Quote: 181

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Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: (Matthew 25:41)

Is the same word used here (for eternal)Quote:But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life. (Mark 10:30)

That word is aionios, which translated means without beginning and without end. Everlasting. Eternal. It means exactly the same as the KJV translated it, but was confusing to the lesser intelligent (like myself).

Looking back, I get a pretty good laugh from this. God sending a prophet to tell the world that their punishment might not last long would be like me, as a father, telling my child that if he didn't be good, I might slap his wrist -- but it won't be very hard. 182

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To Serve or to Be Served

Matthew 20 tells how a mother was so proud of her sons that she came to Jesus to ask for him to give them power and authority.

As she approached, Jesus asked her, "What do you want?"

"Tell me that these two sons of mine are to sit beside you, one at your right hand and one at your left hand, in your kingdom," she replied.

Jesus responded that she did not know what she was asking. Jesus knew that he would sit at the right hand of the Father, and she was essentially asking Jesus to give up his Father's throne. "Are you able to drink the cup that I am to drink?" asked Jesus to the boys. They said that they were.

Jesus told them that they would drink his cup, but that the seats at the right hand and the left hand were not his to grant. Those seats were prepared by His Father.

When the ten with Jesus heard it, they were indignant at the two brothers. They felt it was unfair treatment that they were not given such a blessing when they had devoted their lives to Jesus.

But Jesus told them to come and listen to His words. "You know that the rulers of the Gentiles are lords over these two, and the great ones exercise authority over them. It shall not be so among you." Jesus said that the ones that were great among the ten must be the servant, and whoever would be first among them must be their slave.

Jesus said that the Son of Man did not come to be served, but came to serve. Jesus came to give his life as a ransom for many.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we want our children to have great things in this earth, or do we long for them to have great things in heaven? Do we love our children enough to wish that they would suffer as Jesus suffered? Some now teach that God is "1" like a person's finger, and if placed in this woman's position, would they be asking Jesus to give up his own throne? Do we think great, respected men of God in this day will sit as rulers over those they now rule, when Jesus says here the first shall be last and the last shall be first? Are we here to serve, or are we here to be served? 183

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What Cult Leaders Have in Common

Ever stopped to think about what every cult leader has in common, for the past 500 years?

All of them believe that they have 'divine revelation' of when the church ages of Revelation take place, and who the 'church age messengers' are. Then, with one last divine revelation, they magically become the messenger for the last one (Laodicea), and start teaching that the would could end at any minute.

Those of us who thought we understood the book of Revelation, and found out later that the 'divine revelation' was copied from books by Clarence Larkin, are a bit skeptical. Just because we trusted one man for his revelation, why should we trust another? If the first man was wrong, what about the man he copied?

This leads to an interesting question:

Has anybody stopped to think that the book of Revelation describes the church ages for us? It's right there for us to figure out on our own! The Bible is of no private interpretation!

Then, when you realize that God gave you a mind for learning, have you ever stopped to think that the last four church ages did not end until the tribulation?

ThiatiraQuote:But that which ye have already hold fast till I come. And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations(Revelation 2:25-26)

SardisQuote:Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.(Revelation 3:3)

PhiladelphiaQuote:Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth. Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown. 184

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(Revelations 3:10-11)

The more I read the book of Revelation, the more I understand why John wrote:He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

He did not write:He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Prophet saith unto the churches. 185

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1977: The End of the World or the Year of Jubilee?

We all know WMB said the world would end in 1977. He effectively put a date on the end of the world, though he followed up with an 'I predict but I do not prophesy'.

Let's ignore the end of the world for a minute, and study the reason he chose 1977. People often forget that there was an actual prophecy regarding 1977 since the other one turned out wrong...

Read this quote closely:

Quote:Based on these seven visions, along with the rapid changes which have swept the world in the last fifty years, I PREDICT (I do not prophesy) that these visions will have all come to pass by 1977. And though many may feel that this is an irresponsible statement in view of the fact that Jesus said that 'no man knoweth the day nor the hour.' I still maintain this prediction after thirty years because, Jesus did NOT say no man could know the year, month or week in which His coming was to be completed. So I repeat, I sincerely believe and maintain as a private student of the Word, along with Divine inspiration that 1977 ought to terminate the world systems and usher in the millennium.LAODICEAN.CHURCH.AGE - CHURCH.AGE.BOOK CPT.9

Here are my thoughts on WMB's statement in this quote:

1) Prophets 'predict', and it is called 'prophesy' -- but that has been argued in another forum for ages, so let's skip it.2) He clearly says that Jesus DID SAY no man knows the hour, but that Jesus DID NOT SAY no man knows the year, moth, or week. Why did he say this?3) He says that he has maintained this 'prediction' for 30 years, and used 'Divine inspiration' Why did he say this?

Now, read this quote:

Quote:Now, counting the time, we find that we have exactly (Listen.) seventeen years left, and we will have the same span of time given to us as God dealing with us in the power of the Holy Spirit since A.D. 33 until 1977, the same span of time of 1954 years. God deals with us the same as He did with the Jews. See? How about that?Now, mark down in your book a little Scripture here I want to give you. Leviticus 25, begin with the 8th verse. God calls a jubilee every forty-ninth year; the fiftieth year was the jubilee. We 186

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know that. We understand that. From the first jubilee of Leviticus 25:8, in 1977 will be the seventieth jubilee, making exactly 3,430 years. Jubilee means the going up, the release.61-0806 THE.SEVENTIETH.WEEK.OF.DANIEL_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN DA 89-141 SUNDAY_

Notice here that he had 'divine revelation' that 1977 was the year of the Jubilee, and this was a separate event. This he 'prophesied', and then started teaching hereafter.

Quote:Now, listen to what he says about this year of the jubileeAnd not knowing it, God knows my heart, I never knowed it until yesterday, that 1977 is the jubilee, and exactly the same amount of time run out that He give with Israel and everything at the end. So we're at... And here we are at the end of the age, at the coming in of the seventieth week. We don't know what time that the church will be gone. Oh, my. What can we do, friends? Where are we at?61-0806 THE.SEVENTIETH.WEEK.OF.DANIEL

Event 1) Jubilee, the lifting up, prophesiedEvent 2) End of the world, 'predicted' with Divine inspiration <grin>

Many of the 'prophecies,' such as the sinking of Los Angeles were supposed to happen before the 'going up' or the 'jubilee'.

Considering all of this, my question would be: Did WMB put a timestamp on his prophecies, or was he wrong about the year of the jubilee? 187

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A Dove of Deception

I can remember watching this video over a hundred times. There are many who keep pictures of it in their homes. Some hold it to the same value of the halo picture (you can read about in another post).

Speaking to a video analyst about the supernatural videos posted here and there, I reviewed this one with him. There were multiple problems with it, but he said that I didn't need an expensive analyst for this video -- I had the tools to prove it false myself.

Watch the hand moving upward in the video. Watch the "dove" moving across the screen and then upward. Then watch the frame rate of the hand versus the frame rate of the dove. The dove was not in the original video! The frame rates are different!

This video has either been doctored, or was not a clean recording. ...and the changes that it is not a clean recording are highly unlikely... 188

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The Less Fortunate

Matthew 20 describes the journey out of Jericho, and the great crowd that followed Jesus as he departed.

As they left, there were two blind men sitting by the road, possibly begging. As Jesus passed by, they cried out, "Lord, have mercy on us, Son of David!"

All of those who had just listened to the parables that Jesus had just given about the kingdom of heaven started to rebuke the two blind men, telling them to keep silent. Jesus had just told the people that the "first would be last and the last would be first," but the people seemingly despised the beggars, not wanting them to speak out to Jesus. The beggars cried out louder for mercy.

Jesus heard their cries and called the beggars to Him. "What do you want me to do for you," Jesus asked.

"Let our eyes be opened," they replied.

In pity for them, Jesus touched their eyes, and immediately they received their sight. After receiving their sight, they followed Jesus with the rest of the crowd.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: When we see beggars on the streets, do we despise them? Do we think within ourselves that they will simply drink their sorrows away if we give to them? Do we not realize they are less fortunate than ourselves, or we might be begging there with them? Do we think that the less fortunate are not worthy for us to use as an example of Divine Love? Would Jesus consider us first or last in the kingdom of heaven if we simply pass them by while turning our heads? 189

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Jesus the Prophet

Matthew 21 tells us how Jesus stopped the village of Bethpage near the Mount of Olives, and sent two disciples to retrieve a donkey and a colt.

He told them that if anyone asked anything about taking them, they would respond that "The Lord needs them," and they would be freely given. Jesus told them how he would be fulfilling the prophecy of Zechariah, when he said that the King would come humble, mounted on a donkey.

The disciples brought the donkey and the colt, and took their cloaks off to lay on the animals. Jesus sat on the animals and started towards Jerusalem.

As he went, many of the followers lay their own cloaks upon the road before Jesus. Others cut branches from the trees and spread them on the road. They were reverent to the Christ, and did not want the feet of the animals to even touch the ground. Both the crowds that went before him and the crowds that followed started shouting, "Hosanna to the Son of David! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Hosanna in the highest!"

When they entered into Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred. Many asked who this was that entered the city on a donkey with a large crowd praising Him. Those that followed Jesus said, "This is the prophet Jesus, from Nazareth of Galilee!"

We know that Jesus is the Savior, but are sometimes forgetful that He was also a prophet. Jesus would foretell events, sometimes to the crowds and sometimes alone to the disciples, but always with more than one witness to His prophecies. Jesus would heal the eyes of the blind, and the blind would immediately receive their sight. He would show discernment, telling people their names as they approached.

The people did not announce Him as "King" or "Savior." They did not announce him as "Christ" or "Son of Man". They announced him as "The prophet Jesus."

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we follow prophets that do not tell their prophecies to many witnesses? Do those that profess the power of "faith healing" have the power of God that heals instantly, or do they have some other power that sends the people to fend for themselves? Do they discern names from God above, or do they claim to have angels on the platform with them while making the afflicted write their names on prayer cards? Do we raise these "faith healers" to an object of worship, almost to the point that they should enter the congregations mounted on a donkey? Or do we focus on Jesus Christ? 190

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The Importance of Keeping One's Healing

Reading a publication by Gordon Lindsay regarding William Branham's meetings, there are two things I find very odd:

1. Testimonies SubmittedNow that I think about it, seems like I remember WMB talking about testimonies from all over being sent in. This publication mentions two postal boxes for the healed to submit their testimonies.

If 'thousands were healed' as WMB claimed, where are these testimonies? Wouldn't you think they'd be on display for all to see at the headquarters in Jeffersonville? Or at least in a booklet somewhere that they could sell to make a buck or two? Where'd they all go?

Quote:Concerning Testimonies of HealingIt is very important for the individual who is healed to send in his testimony. Jesus remarked, concerning the ten lepers who were healed, that only one returned to give God the glory. (Luke 17:11-18.) Please write out your testimony and send it to the following address:Branham Campaigns,P.O. Box 3967, Tucson, Ariz.orP.O. Box 325, Jeffersonville, Ind.

Gordon Lindsay - Divine Healing in the Branham Campaign

2. The Importance of Keeping One's HealingI find this very, very odd. Nowhere in the Bible does it teach this, but WMB and Lindsay claimed that the people had to 'keep their faith' or they'd 'lose their healing'. A scripture is twisted in this article to support this claim, but we never see Jesus telling the blind man that was healed, "Go forth and don't lose your faith that you can see ... or you'll be blind again." If you re-read that scripture in context, you'll find that it has nothing to do with healing, and teaches you to protect yourself from the devil before he bothers you.Quote:The Important Matter of Keeping One's HealingThis last consideration brings us to the thought of whether it is possible to lose one's healing. This matter is really of tremendous importance, for we have already seen that Jesus plainly taught that it is possible for one to lose his healing. Almost every Christian will testify that after they were saved, glorious as their experience might have been, sooner or later the enemy was back to tempt and to even make them believe that they had not been saved. Likewise, as we have seen in the case of demon possession, the demon is back sooner or later to recover, if possible, what he has lost. To be forewarned is to be forearmed, if the individual will obey the Scriptures by resisting the enemy, the devil will leave, but if he gives in to him, Satan will rob 191

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him of his deliverance. James 4:7 declares, "Resist the devil and he will flee from you." If when the enemy brings symptoms to us, tempting us to believe that the old affliction is to return upon us, we resist him and rebuke the thing, we shall find that our deliverance is complete.We must let Christ and His Kingdom reign in our lives. The man in whom the demon was cast out, continued in his old way. He did not serve God or live for Him. Consequently, his disobedience was an invitation for the enemy to return. There are those who only attend church during a revival meeting. They are unfaithful in their service to God, and continue to indulge in a worldly life, partaking in questionable things on the devil's territory. Soon they may be back in the toils of the enemy again. Again, let us remember the words of Our Lord when He said, "Behold thou art made whole; sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee."There are, however, numbers of good Christians, conscientious people who evidently receive a gracious touch from the Lord, but for some reason or other do not seem to get a complete healing. To those who have had certain types of disease, special instructions need to be given. In the case of a cancer patient, the cancer is usually killed after prayer. Nevertheless, in some cases the cancer has yet to be eliminated from the body. Sometimes severe pain attends this elimination. If the person fails to understand this, he may fail to recognize his healing altogether. However, the person who stands firm in faith may expect complete deliverance.In one of the Branham meetings, a lady had a serious cancer that was prayed for. Early the following morning she was visited with severe pains, and became fearful. At 5 a.m. in the morning she sought to obtain help by telephone, but was unable to secure proper connections. Shortly after, however, she passed the cancer from her body and the next day was up testifying to her healing.What is true concerning the action of a dead cancer is similarly true with other growth afflictions. People who have had growths in their ears which caused deafness, often after hearing for a little time, suffer temporary deafness again while the growth disintegrates. The same things are true of cataract blindness. The cataracts which have been killed, during the period of drying up, may produce temporary blindness again. To all these we say, trust God and stand upon His promise for complete deliverance. Let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord." (James 1:6-7.) But let us remember the words of Jesus in Mark 10:24: "What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them and ye shall have them."

- Gordon Lindsay - Divine Healing in the Branham Campaign

My question to this would be: Is it possible that these 'thousands that were healed' did not keep their faith, or were all of these submitted testimonies simply lost over time by the ones now running the show? Maybe they were "lent out and never returned," like the paper with the prophecies of 1933 supposedly is. 192

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Robbing the Poor to Feed the Rich

Matthew 21 describes how Jesus entered the temple in Jerusalem, and drove out all those who sold or bought.

He overturned the tables of the cashiers, more than likely scattering the money all across the floor. He overturned the seats of those who sold pigeons.

The pigeon was a bird that was used for burnt offering, one of only two birds allowed according to Leviticus 1:14. People in the temple were making profit from the people as they humbly offered their bird to God.

Jesus told them, "It is written, my house shall be called a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of robbers."

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: What motives to our leaders have when they sell us cardboard suitcases filled with memories of a prophet that is dead and gone? Where is the Bible in the suitcase, the one thing they should be pointing to? Why do they tell us to "stay with the tapes," and then sell them to us at a price so high that the poor cannot afford to buy? Do our pastors preach tithing of ten percent, even to the poor? Have you ever stopped to count heads and calculate the amount that would be given? Where does all this money go? Wouldn't you think there would be no poor in the congregation?

We need to ask ourselves, "Is this being done for the glory of God, or is this being done for some other purpose?" 193

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The Authority of Jesus

Matthew 21 tells the story of how Jesus hungered on his return to the city. Passing by a fig tree along the way, he went to it and found nothing on the branches except leaves.

Jesus looked at it and said, "May no fruit ever come from you again!" The fig tree withered right before their very eyes.

When the disciples saw it, they were amazed. "How did the fig tree wither at once?" they asked. Jesus responded that if they have faith, and do not doubt, they could do not only the same thing to the fig tree, but much greater things. They could tell a mountain to lit up and be thrown into the sea, and it would happen. Jesus told them anything that they asked in prayer would be received if they had faith.

As He entered the temple, the chief priests and elders came forward through the crowd to ask Him who gave the authority to do these things. They asked by what authority He did these things.

Jesus answered them, "I will also ask you one question. If you can tell me the answer, then I will also tell you by what authority I do these things: The baptism of John, where did it come from? From heaven, or from man?"

They discussed it amongst themselves, careful how to answer. If they answered 'from heaven', Jesus would then ask them why they did not believe in Him. If they answered 'from man', then the crowd would be angered. All in the crowd believed that John was a prophet.

They answered, "We do not know."

Jesus replied, "Neither will I tell you by what authority I do these things."

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we think that answer to prayer comes only through men we respect, or do we realize that we have the same access to God? Do we think that a pastor or evangelist has a faster channel to God for divine healing? Do we think that they have more authority to ask God for the things we need in prayer? Shouldn't we be close enough to God to ask Him ourselves? As Jesus asked, does the authority come from heaven, or from man? 194

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Lower Than the Prostitutes

Matthew 21 tells how Jesus spoke against the high priests and elders with a parable.

He said that a man had two sons. He went to the first and said, "Son, go and work in the vineyard today."

The son replied, "I will not." But afterwards, he changed his mind and went.

He went to the other son and asked the same of the other son. The other son answered, "I will go," but did not go.

Jesus asked the high priests and elders, "Which of the two did the will of his father?" They replied that the first son did his father's will.

Jesus said to them that the tax collectors and the prostitutes go into the kingdom of God before they would. He said that John came to them in the way of righteousness, and they did not believe him. The tax collectors and the prostitutes believed him. And even when they saw it, they did not change their minds and believe him.

As Christians we should ask ourselves: If our heavenly Father tells us to go, do we go? Do we pray on Sunday that we will obey His will, and then ignore it throughout the week? Do we separate ourselves from the sinners, or do we try to help them? Do our pastors condemn the people of the city who do not believe God, or do they pray and preach to them as John the Baptist did? Do they mourn for the lost, or do they condemn them like the high priests? Is this the way of righteousness? Will the 'tax collectors and prostitutes' of our day who are saved by the labor of other pastors make it into the kingdom of heaven first? 195

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We Are Workers in The Vineyard

Speaking to the high priests and elders in Matthew 21, Jesus gave another parable of a vineyard.

Jesus said there was a master of a house who built a vineyard and all its surroundings, leased it to tenants, and then went into another country. When the season for its fruit came, he sent his servants to the tenants to get his fruit.

The tenants beat one servant, killed one, and stoned another. Again, the owner sent more servants, but with the same result.

Finally, he sent his son, saying "They will respect my son."

But when the tenants saw the son, they said to themselves, "This is the heir. Let's kill him and have his inheritance." They took him out of the vineyard and killed him.

Jesus asked the high priests and elders, "When the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those tenants?"

They responded, "He will put those wretches to a miserable death and lend the vineyard to other tenants who will give him the fruits in their seasons."

Jesus said to them, "Have you never read the scriptures that say, "The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; this was the Lord's doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes?"

He said the kingdom of God would be taken away from them and given to a people producing its fruits.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we doing the work Jesus intended for us to do? Are we reaching out to others and trying to produce fruit, or are we struggling to keep alive the few fruit we have left? When Jesus sends others to help us produce fruit, do we accept them, or do we condemn them and turn them away? Do our pastors preach to the lost, or only to the saved? If Jesus came today, would he be amazed at the fruit we have produced, or would he replace us with a people who will produce more fruit? 196

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Caught with Their Wedding Garments Down

Matthew 22 tells how Jesus gave the parable of the wedding feast.

Jesus said that the kingdom of heaven could be compared to a king who gave a wedding feast for his son, and sent his servants to call all those who were invited to the feast. Those invited would not come.

Again, the king sent other servants and told them to "Tell those who are invited, 'See, I have prepared my dinner, my oxen and my fat calves have been slaughtered, and everything is ready. Come to the wedding feast.'" Still, those invited paid no attention and went away, one to his farm, another to his business. The rest seized his servants and treated them shamefully, even killing them.

The king was angry, and he sent his troops to destroy those murderers, and burned their city. Then, he said to his servants, "The wedding feast is ready, but those invited were not worthy." He instructed them to go to the main roads and invite as many as would come.

The servants went out into the roads, and gathered all they could find, both bad and good. The wedding hall was filled with guests.

When the king came in to look at the guests, he saw there was a man who had no wedding garment. He said to him, "Friend, how did you get in here without a wedding garment?" The man was speechless.

Then, the king commanded the other attendants to bind the man without a garment, hand and foot, and cast him into the outer darkness. In that place, there would be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Jesus said, "For many are called, but few are chosen."

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we reject Jesus when he places His call in our hearts? Even though He sends others our way to push us in the right direction, do we reject them or even condemn them? Are we so busy with our business that we don't have time to do His will? Do we look down on the sinners when God is doing great and mighty works in their lives, thinking that we are better than them because we are further along in our journey with Christ? Or do we just show up in church with no calling at all, like the man without the wedding garment? Are we chosen? 197

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Holding onto the Root of All Evil

Matthew 22 describes how the Pharisees attempted to entangle Jesus in his words.

The Pharisees sent their disciples along with the Herodians to Jesus and said, "Teacher, we know that you are true and teach the way of God truthfully, and you do not care about anyone's opinion, for you are not swayed by appearances."

"Tell us, then, what do you think: Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caeser, or not?"

Jesus, aware of all things, was aware of their malice. He said, "Why do you test me, you hypocrites? Show me the coin for the tax." They brought him a denarius.

"Whose face and inscription is on this coin?" Jesus asked.

"Caesar's," they replied.

Jesus replied, "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's."

When the disciples of the Pharisees and the Herodians heard this, they marveled. They left Jesus and went away.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we give everything we owe to our authorities, or do we try to invent ways to beat the system? Do we move our assets into other states or even countries to avoid taxes, or do we pay them as Jesus commanded? Do we hide large amounts of money through non-profit organizations established for the sole purpose of making profit? Are we giving all that we should to God? Do our pastors use their money wisely, giving back to God by giving to the poor, or do they keep it for themselves? When we see the pastors not helping the poor, do we start giving, or do we simply turn our heads and look the other way? Are we giving to God the things that are Gods? 198

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There are many stories floating around about the amount of money stored up when WMB died. Some of it (still being confirmed) was supposedly used to found VOGR, some of it came in only through the local church. There are rumors of what the church has stored up in the bank (also still being confirmed).

When our new pastor (at the Baptist church) asks for us to give tithes and offerings for special causes, he is very open and forthcoming about where this money goes. If there is a special need for disaster relief, we know which disaster. If it is going to missionaries, they tell us the amount, and where it is going. If it is simply church tithing, it is all laid out plainly and clearly. We know the donation goal, how much is needed, and how many churches this is spread across.

I found this to be a drastic change from when I attended a MSG church. Where did all the money go? I very seldom (almost never) heard about anyone receiving assistance. When I did hear of it, it was only someone who not only attended the church, but who attended regularly. I've seen many in need in the MSG churches who have never received ANYTHING. I can confirm that when I was jobless and went to the pastor, I did not receive a dime.

So, take this example:

Say the average person in the church makes 50,000 / year. (Many make more than this, obviously, and many less.)Say the average attendance Sunday morning is 350 people. (I've seen close to 500 at times.)Say the pastor is paid 100,000 (according to the "books")Say the utilities, upkeep & maintenance is 100,000 / year

If everyone in the church gave ten percent, this would be a profit of $1,550,000 / year.

It has been 46 years since WMB's death, so some of these pastors have preached for 47 years. If they received this amount for 47 years, they would have a profit of $72,850,000

Obviously, the economy has changed over time, and the attendance has fluctuated. We can't assume there will have been a profit of over a million bucks for 47 years.

So to be fair, let's take just 15% of this 47-year profit. We come up with $10,927,500 in a single message church alone! This does not include any donations to VOGR, no special offerings, no monies for special meetings! TEN MILLION BUCKS!!!! AT ONLY 15% MARGIN!!!!

There are records held by every church that show the "books," but there seems to be a VAST difference in the amount of money given, spent, and used for the operations of the church. We don't hear of any "large relief operations" like the Southern Baptist churches (the largest relief 199

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organization in the world.) We find missionaries in other countries without even shoes on their feet. We find poor families in every church, barely able to make ends meet.

Then, how many overweight pastors do we find? How many are driving expensive cars? How many have expensive houses? Eat out constantly? Expensive vacations?

I have listened to MSG pastors and song leaders that were so fat they could barely breathe to make noise, while the Bible condemns gluttony.

I beg anyone to tell me:

What does a church do with ten million bucks?????? 200

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The Two Commandments That Are the Foundation

Matthew 22 tells how some Sadducees came to Jesus. The Sadducees did not believe in the resurrection, and tried to argue their point with a question:

"Teacher," they said, "Moses said 'If a man dies having no children, his brother must marry the widow and raise up offspring for his brother.'"

The described a situation where there were seven brothers. The first married and died with no offspring, so he left his wife to the second brother. The same happened with the third and forth, and on unto the seventh. After them all, the woman died.

"In the resurrection, which of the seven brothers will be married to this wife?" they asked. "They all had her."

Jesus answered that they were wrong, because they neither knew the scriptures nor the power of God. In the resurrection, they are neither married or given in marriage, but are like the angels in heaven.

He said that they had also not read what was said by God: "I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob." Jesus said that he is not God of the dead, but God of the living. When the crowd heard it, they were astonished at this statement.

When the Pharisees heard that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, they gathered together. They brought a man who was taught in the ways of debate, a lawyer, and had the lawyer ask a question to test Jesus: "Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?

Jesus replied that the first and great commandment was that "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind."

He also said that the second is very much like the first: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."

Jesus said that these two commandments were the foundation to all of the Law and all of the Prophets.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we place so much emphasis on some of the minor laws that we lose sight of the greatest two commandments? Do we even understand the reason the Law was given, so that we would have divine love? In picking and choosing the laws that fit our motives, do we condemn others? How many has failed to marry his brothers widow, yet condemns another for some other law? Shouldn't we focus on the first commandment, to love the Lord God with everything within us? Have we forgotten the second 201

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greatest commandment? If Jesus were here today, would he tell us that we "neither knew the scriptures nor the power of God?"

Plagiarism of Clarence Larkin

Many have heard that William Branham plagiarized Clarence Larkin, but few are willing or able to do the research to compare the two.

Some who have heard this cast it aside, saying that Branham got his "research" from several places (including historians), but fail to realize that the pastors of today and Branham himself claimed this as divine revelation:Quote:You know I've always tried to be this, and our Lord has always revealed it to me; there's one extreme, and another extreme, but right in the middle of the road lays the Truth. (60-1204E THE.PATMOS.VISION)

I find it odd that the headquarters have these excellent "blank spot on tape" whenever they find something plagiarized.Quote:Now we're going to read the sevenfold glory of His Person. Oh, my! This makes me shout before I get to it. []

To make things easier for those who struggle with research, I have taken a sample from Branham's message "The Patmos Vision", and compared it to Larkin's "Sevenfold Glory".

You will find that not only were the main points and topics the exact same, even the supporting scriptures matched to the letter.

You can find the new publication here: 202

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The Seven Woes of Today

Matthew 23 describes seven woes Jesus gave to the Scribes and the Pharisees.

Jesus said the scribes and the Pharisees sit in the seat of Moses to observe, and the see everything the people did, yet they did not do the same works. Jesus said they did not practice what they preached. They enjoyed the best seats and being called "rabbi" by others, but lacked humility.

Jesus said they "shut the kingdom of heaven in people's faces." They neither entered the kingdom of heaven nor allowed those who wanted to enter the kingdom to go in.

Jesus said that they taught that money given to the temple gave a better testimony to the oath of the people, and in doing so had made the gold sacred in their eyes. Their oaths should be made to the kingdom of heaven by the throne of God, and by Him who sits upon it.

Jesus said that they placed so much emphasis on tithe that they neglected the most important aspects of the laws: Justice, mercy, and faithfulness. He said they were "straining out a gnat and swallowing a camel."

Jesus said they cleaned their outside appearances, but did not cleanse their own insides. As dinnerware, they should cleanse the inside of the cup or plate, and then the outside.

Jesus said they were like whitewashed tombs. They outwardly appeared beautiful, but inside were full of dead people's bones and all filth. They outwardly appeared righteous to others, but were full of hypocrisy and lawlessness.

Jesus said they built tombs of the prophets and decorate these monuments of the righteous. Jesus called them a generation of serpents. They did not listen to the people Jesus called and sent to them. In doing so, they were responsible of the blood from Abel to Zechariah, murdered between the sanctuary and the altar. As Christians, we should ask ourselves: How is this different from today? How many of our pastors enjoy their titles, and enjoy telling us of how they knew the great men of old who are dead and long gone? How many "shut the kingdom of heaven in people's faces," driving some from Christ altogether? How many teach that our promises to God mean nothing if we do not tithe the church? or require the same percent of tithe from the poor, trying to "strain out of a gnat!" How many look righteous on the outside, but we later find they are filled with love of money, entertainment, sex, or even alcohol? How many have skeletons in their closets, people who they have hurt and offended in the effort to appear righteous? How many ignore the preachers that god has called today, thinking they are not in need of continual edification? How many are responsible for building monuments to the great men of old, or making sure 203

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their grave site remains decorated, like a Mason's pyramid gravesite honoring Charles Taze Russell? 204

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Helping Each Other on the Journey

Obviously I do not believe everyone in every Church is at this point in time worthy for the kingdom of heaven. I myself am not worthy. I do believe there are some who are called by Christ, and He will help those who are called. It is only by Grace that we are saved, and by faith in Jesus Christ. All who believe on Him can be saved.

It is a journey for every man and woman on the face of this earth, and they can choose the paths in which they take. Every person on this earth is born into sin, and can take the path of righteousness or the path to hell.

I believe there are Christians in the message, and yes I believe there are Christians other churches. Some are deceived, they are studying many things that are false, but they also read from the (many of) the same scriptures that we do. In those scriptures are Truth.

Some will accept the Truth. Some will continue their journey to Christ, and it will certainly lead them into a church that believes in Christ and puts Christ as their absolute. Some ministers in some churches will come to know the Truth, and entire churches may be led to know Jesus Christ.

Having been indoctrinated for 36+ years of my life, thinking that I know the Truth and finding out that there is not even a single valid prophesy in the religion that I held dear, I know where I myself have been. I know that God has called me out of it to serve Him.

There are websites that taught me this with love and understanding. Those were the ones that helped to lead me to the Truth. Those that started to condemn me and blast all MSG believers as a whole hardened my heart and delayed my journey.

I do not consider myself a teacher, a leader, a Bible scholar, or even a man that is worthy to have a website and forum that has the worldwide reach that it currently has. I struggle daily, praying that God would give me something good to write that could touch someone and help them to see the Truth.

I am no expert on the Godhead, nor do I claim to be. I know that WMB was wrong in several explanations, and I know that he changed his own opinion several times throughout his ministry. In just four months, I also have changed my opinion.

The church, as a whole, has changed their opinion several times throughout the years. It went from modalism to dualism to a Trinity with three separate persons to a Trinity of three personalities of the One Same God. Many churches around the world are stuck in one of those milestones of learning. 205

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God is greater than our minds can fathom, He cannot be limited to time or space. If the great men of old could be so 'wrong' and worship the same God, I feel that there are many in the other churches can do the same. God will show them the Truth in His time -- not when someone decides to post it in a tiny forum post that 99% of them will never even read.

My stand is to help others. I am on a journey, and I am just at the very beginning of that journey. I can only trust that God would lead me on it, and help someone else along the way.

Join me in your journey. Pray for me, and I will pray for you. 206

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Warning of False Prophets

Matthew 24 tells how Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, and the disciples came to ask when the temple would be destroyed.

Jesus replied that they should be careful that no one leads them astray. He said that many would come in his name, or authority, and say that they are 'Christ', or anointed. In doing so, they would lead many astray.

He said they would hear of wars and rumors of wars. They should not be alarmed, for these things must take place. Still, this would not be the end. Nation would rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There would be famines and earthquakes in various places near and far. These were not the end; they are only the beginning of the birth pains.

He said the would deliver them who came in the name of Jesus into tribulation, putting some to death and hated because they stood for His name. Many would fall away, and betray one another and hate one another.

Jesus said that many false prophets would arise and lead many astray. Because lawlessness would be increased, the love of many would grow cold. He said that those who endure until the end would be saved.

He said that this gospel, that Jesus Christ came and lived a perfect life, died for all men, and rose again would be proclaimed throughout the whole world. It would be a testimony to all nations.

After His Gospel went to all nations, the end would come.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we see the signs of the end in our time? How many come and say they have the authority of God, or that they are anointed? How many have been led astray by them? How many nations are at war? How many famines and earthquakes do we see all around us? How many are waiting on death row in other countries for becoming a Christian?

How many false prophets have risen up, convincing thousands of 'prophesies' that are either false, or were never prophesied? How many churches have become lawless, and the love of the members grown cold? How many spread some other message to all the nations, instead of His Gospel? Don't we realize that once the original Gospel goes to all nations, we can go home to see Jesus? 207

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Lamps Running Out of Oil

In Matthew 25, Jesus gives the parable of the ten virgins, five foolish and five wise.

When they went to meet the bridegroom, five of them took their lamps, but took no oil with them. The wise took flasks of oil with their lamps.

The bridegroom was delayed, and they all became drowsy and slept. At midnight, the bridegroom returned, and it was loudly announced: "Here is the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!"

All the virgins rose and trimmed their lamps. The foolish, however, had no oil. They said to the wise virgins, "Give us some of your oil, our lamps are going out."

The wise replied that there would not be enough for them all to make it, and told the foolish virgins to go to the dealers to buy oil for themselves.

While they were out buying oil, the bridegroom came. Those who were ready went with him to the marriage feast, and the door to the feast was shut.

Afterward the other virgins came to find the door shut. "Lord, lord, open the door for us!" they cried.

The bridegroom responded, "I do not know you."

Jesus said, "Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour."

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are our lamps burning but getting very close to empty? Are we finding new oil to fill our lamps, or are we still burning on oil that we got from days gone by? If the bridegroom came to see us, would we have enough oil to go out to meet him, or would our lamps go out on the journey? Do we listen to people who predict the end of the world, when Jesus said even the angels in heaven do not know? Have our lamps gone out? 208

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A Snapshot in Time

Several posts recently lead me to believe there are many who feel that when God leads a person to the Truth, their understanding of that Truth is 'frozen in time' from then onward. One poster brought up the Nicene creed (one of WMB's classic 'frozen in time' analogies.

The truth is that the original Nicene Creed was produced at a time that Christianity was an 'underground religion,' and not a result of the 'Great Church' trying to mix Pagan ideas into the church. Cult leaders, such as the Jehovah's Witnesses will not tell you about the continual reformation.

The early church knew that Christianity was the True religion, but did not understand God. They produced the best explanation they could for the knowledge they had at the time, but over time continued to change as new knowledge came forth. The understanding of the Godhead itself has changed significantly from the time the first 'Nicene Creed' was created, in the same way that our own spiritual growth has changed since we were children.

A problem that I can quickly see is that most MSG believers contain their entire study of the Bible and Bible history according to what WMB claims -- which in many cases are not accurate. One of many examples is the baptism; there were many baptizing as Jesus told them (The Father and the Son, and the Holy Ghost) long before the Nicene council. The "Didache" (Book of Teachings of the Twelve Apostles) includes an instruction to baptize as Jesus instructed in the Great Commission

When we cut our learning off from the year 1965 forward, we lose forty-seven years of spiritual growth and understanding as a whole. This lack of basic knowledge makes it impossible to debate the more advanced topics, such as Serpent's Seed or the Godhead. Without that knowledge, there is no other basis for the fundamentals -- the fundamentals that WMB gave are not historically accurate.

This results in a large problem. The advanced topics just lead everyone in circles trying to explain "architecture" before most people have learned "shapes". People get so caught up in these two topics that they miss the much bigger picture. Why debate using WMB's background knowledge when there is solid proof that WMB lied about a 'spiritual cloud?' Why debate serpent's seed, when we find solid proof that WMB added words to his scripture reading to twist the meaning? Why believe his 'spiritual revelations' when we find solid proof that he copied some of these 'Thus Saith the Lord revelations' from Clarence Larkin?

I think it is best to halt the posting on the two subjects that lead people in circles. Until one learns that the history they've been taught is not accurate, the greater things will simply slip over their head. 209

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We must first release ourselves from our "snapshot in time" from 1965 and bring our knowledge and understanding of history and the Bible to where it needs to be. 210

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Hiding Your Faith in a Hole

In Matthew 25, Jesus gave a parable of a man going on a journey. He called his servants and entrusted them to his property.

To one servant, he gave five talents. To another, he gave two. To another, he gave one. Each one was given according to their ability. Then, he went away.

The one that received the five talents used them in trading, and made five talents profit. The one who had the two talents also used them to make two talents profit. The one who had been given one talent, however, went and hid it in a hole he dug.

When the master returned, the servants came to settle with him. The one given the five talents came forward and gave the five talents profit. The master saw this and said, "Well done, my good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little, and I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master."

The one who was given two talents also was praised. The master praised him and gave him entrance.

But the one who had received only one talent came forward, telling the master that he was afraid. He told the master how he hid the talent in the ground, and attempted to give it back to him. The master was upset with this. "You wicked and slothful servant! You knew that I reap where I have not sown and gather where I scattered no seed? Then you ought to have invested my money with the bankers, and at my coming I should have received what was my own with interest!" he said. He commanded the others to take the talent that he was given, and give it to the one with ten talents.

Jesus said that more will be given to everyone that has, and they will have an abundance. But from the one who has not, their portion will be taken away. They will be cast into the outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Have we done well with the little bit of faith that we have been given? Are we the one that doubled our faith by investing it in others around us, or have we buried our faith within ourselves where nobody can see? When Jesus returns, will he welcome us with praise, or will he be upset with us for not telling others about Him? 211

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Turning Jesus Away

In Matthew 25, Jesus gives his instructions of how to prepare for the Final Judgment.

He says that when the Son of Man comes into His glory, and all of the angels are with him, he will sit on His throne of Glory. All the nations will be gathered together before Him, and he will separate them as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, one on His left, and one on His right.

He did not say they would be judged according to how strictly they followed the rules. They would be judged by how they showed their Divine Love to others.

Jesus said, "For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me."

He said the righteous will be puzzled and answer him, "Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink? And when did we see you a stranger and welcome you, or naked and clothe you? And when did we see you sick or in prison and visit you?"

Jesus said He will tell them that as they did these things to any one of the least of these, you did it to me.

He then said of the left side, that since they did not do these things, they did not do them to Jesus. He would send them away into eternal punishment while he sent the righteous into eternal life.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we help others in need? Do we help only those who attend our church, or do we help everyone? If a natural disaster strikes, do we only help those who we feel worthy to help? How many pastors have visited a hospital to pray for everyone inside? How many have even visited a prison? How many homeless live in this country compared to the number of Christians? Are we turning them away? In doing so, are we turning Jesus away?20120423_Where_the_Corpse_is_the_Vultures_Will_Gather 212

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Where the Corpse is, the Vultures Will Gather

A poster in the "Seek Ye The Truth" Facebook page wanted to debate the quote from the Bible that WMB had mis-used to his gain, so I am moving that out to keep Bible study separate from debate.

WMB would say that "where the carcass is, the eagles will gather," saying that eagles eat fresh meat. The actual translation is, "Wherever the corpse is, there the vultures will gather."

WMB said that the eagle will only eat fresh meat, which isn't true. They also eat the same dead corpse that vultures will eat.

There are some Bible translations that use 'eagle', because that was the way that Josephus described the emblems on the roman soldiers. The more accurate translation, however, is vultures -- the griffon vulture specifically, which was much larger than the eagle.

When you read the entire scripture in context, you find that it is speaking of false prophets rising right before the tribulation, and at the end of the tribulation, the vultures eat the corpses. Either way you look at it, eagles or vultures, these were the 'bad guys', not the 'good guys'.

You can find a list of the footnotes and translations here: 213

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Forgetting the Temple of the Lord

In Haggai 1, the word of the Lord came to the prophet Haggai, and he spoke them to Zerubbabel the governor of Judah and Joshua the high priest.

The Lord spoke out against those who were consumed in their own gain, putting off the restoration of the temple while they went about their ways to profit themselves. They dwelled in fine paneled houses while the temple of the Lord lay in ruin.

The Lord told them to consider their ways. They had sown much and harvested very little. They eat, but never had enough. They drink but never had their fill. They clothe themselves, but no one was warm. They earned their wages, but put them in a bag of holes. They were living in pleasure, forgetting about the Lord. The Lord instructed them to gather wood to restore the temple, so that He could take pleasure in it and be glorified.

The Lord said that they looked for much, but it came to little. They brought much home, and the Lord blew it away. The Lord said that he did so because they all busied themselves with their own house and forgot that the house of the Lord lay in ruin.

The Lord told them that because of this, the heavens withheld the dew, and the earth withheld its produce. He called a drought on the lands, on the grain, on the new wine, the oil, and everything the ground brings forth. The Lord withheld everything from man and beast, and on all their labors.

1 Corinthians 6:19 tells us that in the New Covenant, "your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own, for you have been bought with a price"

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: are we paying attention to the Lord's temple, which is now the body of Christ? Do we think only of our own gain while other Christians around the world are starving? Do we spend money "like we have holes in our moneybag" while other Christians around us struggle to even put food on their table? As the world economy tightens, do we consider that it may be the Lord telling us to pay attention to Him? 214

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Walking in the Truth

Writing to Gaius in 3 John 1, John said that he loved Gaius in Truth.

John greeted Gaius, and wrote to him that he had "no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the Truth."

He said Gaius was faithful in all that he did. Even the strangers testified his Love before the church. John said that Gaius did well to send them on their journey in a manner that was worthy of God. They went forward in Jesus' Name, accepting nothing from the Gentiles. John said that we should support people like these, so that we may be fellow workers for the Truth.

John had written something to the church, but Diotrephes did not acknowledge his authority. John said that Diotrephes liked to put himself first, and when he came, he would tell others of what Diotrephes was doing. Diotrephes was speaking wicked nonsense against John. Diotrephes also refused to welcome the brothers, and stops those who want to welcome the brothers, putting them out of the church.

John said not to imitate his evil actions. We should imitate good instead. Whoever does good is from God. Whoever does evil has not seen God. John gave the example of Demetrius who received a good testimony from everyone, and a testimony from the truth itself. John said that as he added to his testimony, people found that the testimony was true.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we walking in the Truth? Have we fully examined what we believe to reprove its Truth? Are we testifying the Love of Jesus Christ before others, or the love of someone else? Do we go forward in Jesus' Name telling others the message of the Gospel, or do we spread some other message? Do our pastors refuse to welcome other Christians, and put the members of their own congregation out of the church for doing so? Are we imitating evil or Truth? Do others who hear our message prove it to be true? Do we even have a testimony of Truth? 215

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For Love or Death

In 1 John 3, John says that the original message from the beginning is that we should love one another.

John said that Cain murdered Abel because Abel's deeds were righteous. He said that we have passed out of death into life because of Love, and whoever does not Love abides in death. He said that everyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and no murderer has eternal life abiding in him.

As Jesus laid down His life out of Love for us, we should lay down our lives for our brothers. If anyone refuses to give to the poor while they have plenty, how can God's Love abide in him? John said that we should not just say that we have love, but we should prove it with our actions.

John said that we will know that we are of the Truth whenever our heart does not condemn us. When our hearts condemn us, God will know because God knows everything. If our hearts do not condemn us, then we can have confidence before God. Whatever we ask of Him, we will receive, because we keep His commandments and do what pleases Him.

John said, "And this is his commandment, that we believe in the name of his Son Jesus Christ and love one another, just as he commanded us. Whoever keeps his commandments abides in God, and God in Him. And we will know that He abides in us by the Spirit whom he has given us."

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Have we forgotten the original message from the beginning? Do we think that it is so deep a mystery that it takes a divine interpreter to find it? Do we abide in Love or death? Are we living by Christ's example, who laid down his life for us out of Love? Do we know the Truth, or do our hearts condemn us? Have we kept His commandment of Love? Does His Spirit abide in us? 216

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The Scroll Written to Israel

The scroll of Malachi starts out telling about God's Love for Israel and how the Priests offerings were polluted.

The title line, or first line in the scroll, gives the title of "The burden of the Word of the Lord to Israel by Malachi. The "burden of the word" can also be interpreted as "oracle", and the scroll speaking to Israel tells of the prophesy of Malachi from God to the children of Israel.

Through Malachi, the Lord said that he loved Israel. Though it may not have seemed that way, but God said that their eyes would some day see Edom's kingdom destroyed. They would be called "the wicked country" and "the people with whom the Lord is angry forever."

Malachi writes in the scroll that the priests did not fear or honor God. They despised His Name, because they had polluted the food upon His altar. They offered blind animals, those that are lame or sick, and did not honor God. God said to present the same offering to their governor, and asked the priests if they would accept or show favor.

God asked through Malachi, with such a gift from your hand, will He show any favor to them? He said that he wished there was one among them that would shut the doors so that they would not kindle fire on His altar in vain. God said that he had no pleasure in them, and would not accept their offering.

He said that his name would be great among the nations, but they now polluted it. The offering they gave had been taken by violence, or was lame or sick. God cursed the cheaters.

Malachi wrote, "For I am a great King, says the Lord of hosts, and my Name will be feared among the nations."

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Is our offering to God polluted? Have our leaders taken the scroll of Malachi written to Israel and perverted it to their own purpose? Are our tithes being used for the glory of God, or are they collecting in a bank account somewhere for the glory of the elders? Has our offering been given with sincerity for it's purpose, or has it been requested by the elders through the sale of sick, lame trinkets in a cardboard box of idolatry? When God stops down "the wicked country," will we be in it? Do we even realize that God is a great King and His Name will be feared among the nations? 217

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Truth and Love Through the Father and the Son

In a letter to the Christians, John writes in 2 John 1 that we should walk in the Truth.

He said that he was not writing a new commandment to them; there was no secret mystery with new revelations that must be kept. He said that he was writing the same commandment that everyone had heard from the beginning: That we love one another.

He said that to walk according to God's commandments together was showing Love. It was the same commandment that they had heard from the beginning.

John said that many deceivers have gone out in the world. They do not teach the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh. He said that those who do not teach this is the deceiver and the antichrist.

He warned to watch yourselves, so that you do not lose this great and wonderful teaching. He said to keep it so that you would win a full reward.

John said that everyone who goes on ahead and does not continue teaching the Gospel does not have God. Whoever abides in the teaching has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, John said not to even receive him in your house or greet him.

He said that whoever greets him takes part in his wicked works.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Have we walked in the Truth? Have we kept the original commandment of Love, or do we teach that there is some greater mystery that must be found? Do the people of our churches Love one another? Do our preachers preach the Love of God, or do they teach some other thing? Are they deceivers or workers of the Truth? Have we lost the teaching of Jesus Christ and now teach something else? Do we teach BOTH the Father and the Son, or do we only teach part of the Truth? Are we taking part in the Truth, or are we taking part in wicked works? 218

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See God and Live

Speaking to Israel in Amos 5, The Word of the Lord came through Amos telling Israel to seek the Lord and Live.

God said "Seek me and live," telling Israel not to seek other cities for their gain. Those other cities would come to nothing, but God is everything.

He spoke through Amos to Seek Him and live, otherwise he would break out like fire in the house of Joseph, so great a fire that none would quench it. God said they had turned justice to wormwood (or bitter fruit in some translations), casting the righteousness down into the ground.

God reminded them that He made the great stars in the heavens and turns deep darkness into the morning. He darkened the day into night. He calls the waters of the sea and pours them on the surface of the earth. The Lord is his name.

God said that he makes destruction flash quickly against the strong so that destruction comes to their fortress. The unrighteous hate the ones that speak the Truth and reprimand those that do not.

God warned them that because they trample on the poor and tax the grain from them, they have built houses that they would not dwell in. Because of this, they would not drink the wine from their vineyards. God said that he knew their many transgressions, and how great their sins were. They afflict the righteous, take bribes, and turn the needy aside from their gates. God said it was good for them to keep silent in such an awful time, because it was an evil time.

God instructed them to seek good and not evil so that they could live. If they sought after good, the Lord, the God of hosts, would be with them. He said to hate evil and love good. Establish justice within their gates, and it may be that the Lord, the God of hosts, will be gracious to the remnant of Joseph.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we seeking God? Are we looking at other things in this world, or are we seeking Him? If Amos were speaking to us today, would he say that God would break out like a fire in the house of Joseph? Are we helping the poor and needy in our communities, or just the ones that attend our small group? Are our pastors tithing the poor unto worse poverty or helping them with their needs? Are we seeking God so that we might Live? 219

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Come, Lord Jesus!

In Revelation 22, the angel took John the Revelator on a tour of the new Jerusalem, and the words of Jesus came to John.

The angel showed John the river of the water of life. John described it as bright as crystal, flowing from both the throne of God and the throne of the lamb. It flowed through the middle of the street of the city, and the tree of life was on either side of the river.

The tree of life had twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit each month of the year. The leaves of the tree were healing of the nations.

There was nothing remaining that was cursed. Instead, both the throne of God and of the Lamb are present, and the servants will worship God. The servants will have His name on their foreheads, and they will see the face of God.

There will be no night, and there will be no need for the light of the sun, for the Lord God will be the light and they will reign for ever and ever.

Jesus spoke, and said that these were the words of Truth. The Lord sent this angel to show his servants what will soon take place, and the ones who keep these words will be blessed.

John fell down to worship the angel, but the angel cried out, "You must not do that!" The angel said he should instead worship God.

Jesus then instructed John not to seal the book. He said to let the evildoer remain evil, the filthy remain filthy, but the righteous remain right and the holy remain holy. He would return and repay each for what they have done, for he is the "Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end."

Jesus instructed the Holy Spirit and the Bride to bid others to come. And then, let the ones that hear their words bid others to come. Also, the one who thirsts after God will come, and others desiring the water of life without price to come.

Jesus warned those who hear the prophecy of the book: If anyone adds to them, God will send him the plagues described in the book. If anyone takes away from the book, his part will be taken from the tree of life and in the holy city.

Jesus said that if we are to testify of the things in the book of Revelation, then we should tell others that Jesus is coming soon. John said, "Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!"

The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. Amen! 220

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As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we want to be in the New Jerusalem? Do we want to see the both the throne of God and the throne of the Lamb? Will we be worthy to gaze upon the throne of God by believing in the Lamb? Will we be like John, who fell short and worshipped the angel instead of God? Will we worship some other idol, something else that we have put before God in this life? Have we answered when the Holy Spirit called to our hearts as Jesus instructed It to do? Are we bidding others to come to Jesus, or are we bidding them to some other message? Do we listen to preachers who add doctrines to the Bible, diverting our attention from the original doctrine that we are saved by grace through faith in Jesus Christ? Are we even telling others that Jesus is coming soon?

I, John write: The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all. I'm resting on that. Amen! 221

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Fibromyalgia and the Message

Recently discussing the psychological effects on ones psych after enduring years of self-condemnation for the "you sin because you do not believe" doctrine, I have found something really strange.

There are a growing number of people in the MSG with fibromyalgia. I know that fibromyalgia is not limited to people in the MSG, but there seems to be an incredible number of people dealing with it in the MSG compared to other churches who do not practice the legalistic doctrines.

Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep, memory and mood issues. Researchers believe that fibromyalgia amplifies painful sensations by affecting the way your brain processes pain signals.

There are many ways that are determined to be onset factors, but the one that would apply is emotional trauma.

Since we have a few now that have come forward after having left the legalism, I'm wondering if anybody had this problem and how they are doing now? 222

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Antisocial Personality Disorder and Physical Abuse

Religions that teach the "fire-and-brimstone" end-of-the-world doom and gloom of "Satan's Eden" create a large psychological problem for the followers. While threads of truth lie in the teachings, the overall summary of threads that become doctrine directly conflicts the teachings of Jesus and the apostles. Divine love for others in this "evil world" was the primary focus of the New Testament.

What they do not realize is that when they teach the world is "closing in around them," they are molding their children into sponges absorbing antisocial personality disorder. If the world around them is evil, of course there is no reason to associate with it.

These symptoms start progressing during childhood and increase exponentially into adulthood. Fire setting, no respect or regard to other's property, cruelty to animals, and difficulty with authority are all signs that this disorder is setting in.

As adults, people with this disorder will often find themselves in legal problems because they cannot conform to social norms. They have a lack of concern for the rights of others, and a lack of concern for others in general.

They will often act out impulsively, especially over the telephone where they can "hide behind the phone," not considering the feelings of others or the consequences of their actions. These impulses will tread harshly upon the feelings of the person at the other end of the line, which leads to feelings of aggression or irritability.

Since this aggression must have a release, it can often lead to physical assaults. They have difficulty feeling empathy for others, and do not have the ability to consider the thoughts, feelings, and motivations of other people. This leads to a total disregard for others, with lack of remorse for their damaging behavior.

Those with antisocial personality disorder rarely seek out treatment on their own. Typically, they receive treatment only after some type of altercation with the legal system. Sadly, healing usually happens only after long-term treatment. 223

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Depression: Offer Help, Not Hurt

Depression is one of the most common diseases of today. More than 20 million Americans suffer with it, about 10 percent of the population.

It is not God's plan for his children to be depressed, yet many pastors today cause depression in their congregations. Rather than teaching Divine Love as Jesus commanded, they teach legalism and oppression as though they are stuck in the old covenant. They pick-and-choose portions of the old Mosaic law to fit their own purpose, completely missing the fact that Jesus fulfilled that law.

Newer churches have gone back to the way of the days of Paul, meeting in small groups in houses to fellowship and discuss God. While these churches offer healing through fellowship there are still many that offer no method for healing. Even worse, many preach that the medication itself is "of the devil."

Depression is caused by the body's failure to produce serotonin. Lack of serotonin leads to lack of sleep, which causes the body to produce even less serotonin. This cycle leads to brain damage and a myriad of other diseases and disorders both mental and physical.

Like an insulin-dependent diabetic, individuals suffering depression are serotonin-dependent. Without serotonin, their bodies will do anything possible to either replace the serotonin or use some other chemical as a replacement.

If you are a person suffering depression or you have a child who shows signs of the symptoms, do not think that God has abandoned them or that they have became a backslider. They may not have the ability to conquer these problems themselves.

Symptoms include:

Difficulty concentrating, remembering details, and making decisionsFatigue and decreased energyFeelings of guilt, worthlessness, and/or helplessnessFeelings of hopelessness and/or pessimismInsomnia, early-morning wakefulness, or excessive sleepingIrritability, restlessnessLoss of interest in activities or hobbies once pleasurable, including sexOvereating or appetite lossPersistent aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems that do not ease even with treatmentPersistent sad, anxious, or "empty" feelingsThoughts of suicide, suicide attempts 224

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Depression carries a high risk of suicide. Anybody who expresses suicidal thoughts or intentions should be taken very, very seriously. Do not hesitate to call your local suicide hotline immediately. Call 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433) or 1-800-273-TALK (1-800-273-8255) -- or the deaf hotline at 1-800-799-4TTY (1-800-799-4889).

Warning signs of suicide with depression include:

A sudden switch from being very sad to being very calm or appearing to be happyAlways talking or thinking about deathClinical depression (deep sadness, loss of interest, trouble sleeping and eating) that gets worseHaving a "death wish," tempting fate by taking risks that could lead to death, like driving through red lightsLosing interest in things one used to care aboutMaking comments about being hopeless, helpless, or worthlessPutting affairs in order, tying up loose ends, changing a willSaying things like "It would be better if I wasn't here" or "I want out"Talking about suicide (killing one's self)Visiting or calling people one cares about 225

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Fibromyalgia and Legalism

Oppression often causes depression because it is like war. When you want to do good things and those thoughts are continually fighting against you, it exhausts you mentally as well as physically. When you are told that 'you sin because you do not believe' and every man, woman, and child is a sinner by nature as Jesus said, the battleground is your mind.

Mental exhaustion and depression are linked to Fibromyalgia. Three out of ten people have major depression when Fibromyalgia is first diagnosed, and the number of people struggling with the early signs of depression are unknown because the medication used for treatment is often the same.

The stress from fibromyalgia's pain and fatigue can cause anxiety and social isolation. The chronic deep muscle and tender point pain can result in less activity, which causes you to become more withdrawn. That can also lead to depression. It is also possible that anxiety and depression are part of fibromyalgia, just like the pain.

There are a growing number of people in the MSG with fibromyalgia. I know that fibromyalgia is not limited to people in the MSG, but there seems to be an incredible number of people dealing with it in the MSG compared to other churches who do not practice the legalistic doctrines.

Fibromyalgia is a disorder characterized by widespread musculoskeletal pain accompanied by fatigue, sleep, memory and mood issues. Researchers believe that fibromyalgia amplifies painful sensations by affecting the way your brain processes pain signals.

There are many ways that are determined to be onset factors, but the one that would apply is emotional trauma. 226

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Give God the Blessing Forever and Ever

Right before David died in 1 Chronicles 29, he blessed the Lord for the entire glory of his life before the people.

He said that the Lord was blessed forever and ever, and that the greatness and the power, glory and victory, and the majesty in the heavens and in the earth was His. This was His kingdom, and the Lord is exalted as head above all things. Both riches and honor came from the Lord, and the Lord rules over everything. In His hand is power and might, and that hand is blessed as it made people like David great to give strength to all. David thanked the Lord for it, and praised the Name of the Lord.

David asked, "Who am I?" He felt humbled that the people would come together and offer in abundance so willingly. All things come from the Lord, and God's children had given so freely back to the Lord. David said that they were strangers before God, and sojourners as all their fathers were. Their days on the earth were nothing more than a shadow.

David declared that all of the offering was provided for building a house for the Lord, for His Holy Name comes from His hand, and all is His own. David said that he knew God tests the heart and finds pleasure in uprightness. The people offered these things with the uprightness of their heart, giving freely and joyously unto the Lord.

David prayed that the Lord would continue to keep the purpose and thoughts in the hearts of His people directed to the Lord forever. He prayed that Solomon, his son, would use the offering to build the palace that the David had provisioned. Then David turned to the assembly and said, "Bless the Lord your God." The entire assembly blessed the Lord, the God of their fathers, and bowed their heads to pay homage to the Lord and King.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Have we forgotten that all things come from God, and all things are His? When we have the money for a new home or a new car, do we bless the Lord who provided it for us? Do we realize that even the small things we are blessed with come from the Lord? Under the new covenant, where man's heart is the temple, do we offer to others who are in need? Do we bless God by helping another who can't provide sufficient food for their families or a car that is reliable for work? Are we blessing the Lord, or are we blessing ourselves? 227

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Keeping One's Healing by Faith

This is one of the most hypocritical teachings that men have brought forth in the name of the Bible. Do not lose your faith, or you will lose your healing. Keep believing, or that devil will come back on you.

Faith healers do plenty of good when they boost people's faith enough for healing, but they trample over much more people who have medical conditions that God has allowed them to have. Not every person in the world is going to be healed by God. In fact, a limited few may be healed in order to boost the faith of the others, but the numbers of the sick and afflicted outweigh the numbers of those healed by a large margin.

I have family members who condemn their own hearts because they cannot understand why God does not heal them. Their faith must be lacking, or they must be sinners.

WMB and G. Lindsay were by far the largest instigators of this belief in the world today. Take this excerpt from one of WMB's pamphlets sold to people who came through the prayer lines:

Quote:The Important Matter of Keeping One's HealingThis last consideration brings us to the thought of whether it is possible to lose one's healing. This matter is really of tremendous importance, for we have already seen that Jesus plainly taught that it is possible for one to lose his healing. Almost every Christian will testify that after they were saved, glorious as their experience might have been, sooner or later the enemy was back to tempt and to even make them believe that they had not been saved. Likewise, as we have seen in the case of demon possession, the demon is back sooner or later to recover, if possible, what he has lost. To be forewarned is to be forearmed, if the individual will obey the Scriptures by resisting the enemy, the devil will leave, but if he gives in to him, Satan will rob him of his deliverance. James 4:7 declares, "Resist the devil and he will flee from you." If when the enemy brings symptoms to us, tempting us to believe that the old affliction is to return upon us, we resist him and rebuke the thing, we shall find that our deliverance is complete.We must let Christ and His Kingdom reign in our lives. The man in whom the demon was cast out, continued in his old way. He did not serve God or live for Him. Consequently, his disobedience was an invitation for the enemy to return. There are those who only attend church during a revival meeting. They are unfaithful in their service to God, and continue to indulge in a worldly life, partaking in questionable things on the devil's territory. Soon they may be back in the toils of the enemy again. Again, let us remember the words of Our Lord when He said, "Behold thou art made whole; sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee."There are, however, numbers of good Christians, conscientious people who evidently receive a gracious touch from the Lord, but for some reason or other do not seem to get a complete healing. To those who have had certain types of disease, special instructions need to be given. In the case of a cancer patient, the cancer is usually killed after prayer. Nevertheless, in some cases the cancer has yet to be eliminated from the body. Sometimes severe pain attends this 228

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elimination. If the person fails to understand this, he may fail to recognize his healing altogether. However, the person who stands firm in faith may expect complete deliverance.In one of the Branham meetings, a lady had a serious cancer that was prayed for. Early the following morning she was visited with severe pains, and became fearful. At 5 a.m. in the morning she sought to obtain help by telephone, but was unable to secure proper connections. Shortly after, however, she passed the cancer from her body and the next day was up testifying to her healing.What is true concerning the action of a dead cancer is similarly true with other growth afflictions. People who have had growths in their ears which caused deafness, often after hearing for a little time, suffer temporary deafness again while the growth disintegrates. The same things are true of cataract blindness. The cataracts which have been killed, during the period of drying up, may produce temporary blindness again. To all these we say, trust God and stand upon His promise for complete deliverance. Let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord." (James 1:6-7.) But let us remember the words of Jesus in Mark 10:24: "What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them and ye shall have them."

Gordon Lindsay - Divine Healing in the Branham Campaign

If you have a medical condition, and God has not healed you, then you are the perfect candidate for modern medicine. Jesus did not tell the people to go on their way while warning them the disease might come back on them -- they were made completely whole. If they had the faith to be healed in the first place, Jesus would have chosen others with less faith to heal.

Everything on this earth is made for the glory of God. Medicine has been given to us for the glory of God. If we reject the things God has given us, are we rejecting the glory of God? 229

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Not Allowing Questions Causing NPD

One of the more common personality disorders that is prevalent in a cult-like atmosphere is Narcissistic Personality Disorder.

In any environment where a person is taught that there is no right for them to question or speak up to leadership, repressed thoughts compress themselves like a spring being tightened for the impending recoil. These people and their therapists often work through what they consider as "being denied a voice." The parent with NPD is not interested in anything the children have to say for themselves, especially if they do not agree with the child.

A NPD parent will see the child as a two-dimensional construct with only one purpose: to reflect well on the parent. The children are not seen as independent beings with their own ambitions, longings, or dreams. NPD parents will typically teach the children of a "right way and a wrong way" to do things, not allowing for other possibilities.

Sadly, as they enter adulthood, these children typically turn into NPD parents themselves. This behavior as a parent becomes the primary cause of NPD as a child. It is said that this disorder is over 50% hereditary, because the parent actually causes the disorder in the child.

Even worse, as an adult, the person suffering NPD will treat other religious people that do not believe exactly as they do in the same manners they treat their children. They do not see others as individuals that God is dealing with, they see them as one of two types of people: Those who are "with us" and those who are "against us." They want to deny these "non-believers" their voice.

NPD adults will seldom (if ever) seek treatment. Part of the disorder gives the sufferer the feeling that they are "always right," and since they deny it, they must be correct. If your spouse has this disorder, you must consider your children and seek help for them.

Some of the signs of NPD are:

Reacts to criticism with anger, shame or humiliationTakes advantage of others to reach his or her own goalsExaggerates own importanceExaggerates achievements and talentsEntertains unrealistic fantasies about success, power, beauty, intelligence or romanceHas unreasonable expectation of favorable treatmentRequires constant attention and positive reinforcement from othersIs easily jealousDisregards the feelings of others, lacks empathyHas obsessive self-interestPursues mainly selfish goals 230

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OCD and the Church

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is growing more and more common in the churches that try to continue in the "old ways" and are against change. Once of the primary causes of this disorder having behavior-related habits formed over time.

It is said that OCD is genetic because it typically is passed down from generation to generation, but no specific genes have been identified that carry OCD. It is more likely that the religious background of the parents is passed down to the children, along with other habits that are carried on in the younger generations.

The more cult-like churches that preach the same doctrines for generations or listen to the same recorded media for generations are more likely to have OCD in their younger generations. This repetitive way of life is habit-forming, and habits lead to OCD.

People who suffer OCD also suffer a fear of change. They find comfort in their habits, so they continue in their habits to avoid the uncomfortable feeling of change. Those who listen to the same media over and over will tell you they find comfort in listening, while they do not realize they are actually feeding their OCD as it grows like a snowball down a big hill.

OCD is linked to and also causes depression, which is discussed in another topic. It is treatable, however. If you recognize these signs in your children, it is your responsibility as a parent to find help for them before the problem turns into something much worse for the child.

People suffering with OCD will usually fall into one or more of five categories:

Washers - afraid of contamination. They usually have cleaning or hand-washing compulsions.Checkers - repeatedly check things (oven turned off, door locked, etc.) that they associate with harm or danger.Doubters and sinners - are afraid that if everything isn't perfect or done just right something terrible will happen or they will be punished.Counters and arrangers - are obsessed with order and symmetry. They may have superstitions about certain numbers, colors, or arrangements.Hoarders - fear that something bad will happen if they throw anything away. They compulsively hoard things that they don't need or use.

Symptoms for Obsessive Thoughts:Fear of being contaminated by germs or dirt or contaminating others.Fear of causing harm to yourself or others.Intrusive sexually explicit or violent thoughts and images.Excessive focus on religious or moral ideas.Fear of losing or not having things you might need.Order and symmetry: the idea that everything must line up "just right." 232

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Conspiracy theoristsSuperstitions; excessive attention to something considered lucky or unlucky.

Symptoms for Compulsive BehaviorsExcessive double-checking of things, such as locks, appliances, and switches.Repeatedly checking in on loved ones to make sure they're safe.Counting, tapping, repeating certain words, or doing other senseless things to reduce anxiety.Spending a lot of time washing or cleaning.Ordering or arranging things "just so."Praying excessively or engaging in rituals triggered by religious fear.Accumulating "junk" such as old newspapers or empty food containers. 233

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PTSD and Religion

A new category in psychological trauma has emerged due to the many cult and cult-like religions that have plagued the nations recently. New Age religions have created what is now dubbed "Religious Abuse," which is essentially Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) caused by the trauma within one's own mind through constant traumatic religious experiences.

When a follower has endured many years of oppressive mental and emotional abuse, scare tactics, religious punishment, and cut off (mentally) from the outside world, they develop long-lasting mental scars that are difficult to heal. Over the years, these people feel helpless to the religious intimidation, similar to a prisoner of war contained in a concentration camp.

As a result, these people are spiritually fragmented and broken, with a complete loss of self-worth. Even worse, they re-live these experiences for many years to come with intrusive and upsetting memories, flashbacks, nightmares, severe and intense distress over memories, or intense physical reactions such as rapid heartbeat, rapid breathing, nausea, muscle tension, or sweating.

People suffering with this desperately need love and attention. Not only is the person living in a constant war with him/herself, they are in danger of harming themselves or others.

Symptoms and behaviors to watch for:

Avoiding activities, places, thoughts, or feelings that remind them of the traumaInability to remember important aspects of the traumaLoss of interest in activities and life in generalFeeling detached from others and emotionally numbSense of a limited future (they don't expect to live a normal life span, get married, have a career)Increased anxiety and emotional arousalDifficulty falling or staying asleepIrritability or outbursts of angerDifficulty concentratingHypervigilance (on constant "red alert")Feeling jumpy and easily startled 234

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Sexual Addiction and Religion

Though many elders in the churches will refuse to admit it, Sexual addiction is one of the church's greatest challenges. By nature, men and women have natural desires that are given to us by God so that we can be 'miniature creators.'

Oddly, the ones that suffer with this struggle the most will preach that sex was not God's original creation and that intimate relations are Satan's way to drive daggers into the hearts of Christian men.

Sexuality is an important part of our makeup and key to our existence, and if that is broken, chances are the rest of us including our spirits will be too. To make matters worse, culture is gradually changing allowing discussion and appearance of sexuality while the churches avoid change. This leads to fear of society and isolation, which is not Biblical or even natural. This isolation leads to depression, depression leads to the body's need for serotonin, and the lack of serotonin leads to sexual addiction.

Scripture tells us that we have all sinned and the wages of this sin is death. For sexual addicts, death is one concept they understand very well. This addiction can lead to the death of their marriage, job, financial security, hope, peace, self-worth, and in the worst cases their own lives or the lives of others. No matter how successful the addict is in life, they see themselves as worthless within their own hearts.

We can easily compare sex addicts of this day to the lepers in the days of Jesus. The churches avoid these plagued individuals, teaching that their ways have led them to their own demise -- not offering any help to them. These are the people that Jesus came to save, not to turn aside.

Everyone should realize that they are not worthless in God's eyes, and that those who condemn this problem without offering a solution are the ones who are creating the problem.

The truth of the matter is that the problem is going to get much, much larger before it becomes smaller, and will probably never go away. 80% of teens between 15 to 17 in the United States have witnessed multiple hard-core pornographic images or videos, and over 40 million adults in the United States regularly visit smutty websites.

If you show signs of depression, this problem may be a medical issue more than a spiritual downfall. Your body may be failing to produce sufficient serotonin.

Approximately 90% of the human body's total serotonin is located in cells in the gut, where it is used to regulate intestinal movements. These include the regulation of mood, appetite, and sleep. Serotonin also has some cognitive functions, including memory and learning. As depression sets in, these functions will decrease, and your body will kick into over-drive trying to compensate. 235

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The truth of the matter is that this is no different than diabetes. Where diabetics face dependency on medicine to add insulin to the body, people suffering depression require medicine to add serotonin to the body.

Pastors should know the signs of depression, and offer assistance to those who are faced with a medical problem:

Difficulty concentrating, remembering details, and making decisionsFatigue and decreased energyFeelings of guilt, worthlessness, and/or helplessnessFeelings of hopelessness and/or pessimismInsomnia, early-morning wakefulness, or excessive sleepingIrritability, restlessnessLoss of interest in activities or hobbies once pleasurable, including sexOvereating or appetite lossPersistent aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems that do not ease even with treatmentPersistent sad, anxious, or "empty" feelingsThoughts of suicide, suicide attempts 236

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Choose This Day: God or Idols

In Joshua 24, Joshua told the people to "Choose this day whom you will serve."

He told them to fear the Lord and serve Him in sincerity and faithfulness. He said to put away the gods that your fathers served in the days past, and serve the Lord.

Joshua said that if it was evil in their eyes to serve the Lord, then make the decision right then: to serve the Lord or serve the gods their fathers served before them. He said, "But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."

The people answered Joshua that they would not consider forsaking the Lord to serve other gods. It was the Lord God who brought both them and their fathers out from Egypt, out of slavery. It was the Lord God who showed great signs and wonders in their sight, giving them safety and assurance all along the way.

But Joshua feared they would serve God and also start serving idols. Even though they said they would not serve their idols, they still carried the idols with them. He told the people that the Lord is a holy and jealous God. He would not forgive their transgressions and their sins if they forsake the Lord and serve foreign gods. He would turn His wrath towards them and consume them after having done them good in their journey.

The people replied that they would not serve idols, but would serve the Lord.

Joshua then testified that they were all witnesses against themselves that they had chosen the Lord. He commanded them to then put away the foreign gods that were among them and turn their hearts towards the Lord, the God of Israel.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we like the children of Israel, serving God while carrying idols? Have we turned our hearts away from God and turned them towards the things of this world? Have we raised up men, turning them into idols of worship? Have we raised up organizations, turning them into idolatry? Or worse, have we passed that point and now God consumes us? Are we consumed with money, power, or entertainment? As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Which one have you chosen? 237

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Justly, Kindly, Humbly

The prophet Micah told the people of Israel to hear the word of the Lord in Micah 6.

Micah instructed them to plead for themselves loudly to the mountains so that even the hills could hear their voice. The Lord had an indictment against his people, and would deal with them for their sins.

The Lord spoke and asked, "O my people, what have I done to you? How have I wearied you? Answer Me!"

The Lord had brought them from the land of Egypt and freed them from their slavery. God reminded them of the evil that Balaak, king of Moab devised against them, and how the Lord dealt with Balaam.

God asked them, "What will I bring when I come before the Lord?" God asked how could they come before them with their offerings thinking that by giving these things to God they could continue in their evil ways. The Lord asked if they thought he would even be pleased with thousands of rams and ten thousand rivers of oil. Would He even be pleased if they offered their own firstborn for their transgressions?

God said that He had told them what is good. He told them what the Lord required of them: To walk justly before God. To show love and kindness. To walk humbly with God.

This is the reason Christ came, to fulfill the law and turn the hearts back to Divine Love. "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God" (Eph 2:8)

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we think that we are His children just because we are going to church every Sunday morning? Do we think that because we make big promises to God or give large amounts of tithe offering that God will allow us to walk without Love? Have we left the basic principle of the Bible, Love? Are we doing the three things God asked: walk justly, show love and kindness, and walk humbly? 238

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Man Up! Dress for Action like a Man!

After Elihu had condemned and accused Job, God came in a whirlwind to give comfort to Job.

Elihu said that Job was speaking to God with "empty talk" and was multiplying many words without any knowledge. The Lord did not agree, and in Job 40, the Lord said to Job, "Shall a faultfinder contend with the Almighty? He who argues with God, let him answer it!"

Job felt defeated. He replied that he was of small account. He did not know what to answer, and said that he put his hand across his mouth. Job said that he had spoken once, even twice, but would not proceed any further.

Out of the whirlwind God told Job to "man up." God said "Dress for action like a man!" God told Job that He asked the questions, and Job had better answer. God asked Job, "Will you even put me in the wrong? Will you also condemn me? Do you have an arm as mighty as God's or a voice as thunderous as God's?"

God told Job to dress himself with majesty and dignity, clothed in glory and splendor. "Get rid of your anger, and look to all the proud knowing that you outrank them!" God exclaimed.

God said that Job should look to the proud and bring them all down off their pride. He should tread down the wicked where they stand. "Then I will also acknowledge you," God said.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: When we take our stand for God's Word, do we fear our accusers? Do we treat the prideful as though they are "higher rank" than us when God gives us His Word to "tread down the wicked where they stand?" Do we "dress for action" or do we hide in a corner? Do we tell the Lord that we have spoken and we will speak no more to the prideful? Do we not realize that God gives us his Word as a Sword of Truth that will pierce through the hearts of the prideful, whether they be brother, deacon, song leader, minister, evangelist, prophet, or even mighty leaders of great organizations!

Man up! Dress for action like a man! 239

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Praising God with Happiness!

Psalm 100 tells us that we should be happy and joyful, rejoicing in the Lord.

We are supposed to serve the Lord with gladness, entering into His presence with singing. We should know that the Lord is God!

It is He who made us, and we are His alone. We are the children of God, the sheep of God's pasture.

We should enter into the Lord's gates giving God thanks. We should enter into His courts with praise. We should bless the Name of the Lord.

The Lord is good, and his steadfast Love endures forever. His faithfulness will endure to ALL generations!

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we praise God with happiness, or do we go about life with a frown? Do we feel like children of the redeemed, or children of the oppression? Do we enter church with a song in our hearts, or do we enter church condemning ourselves? Do we thank God for what He has given us, or do we enter church praying that He will give us more? Do we think that this age we are living in is past God's grace? Do we not know that His faithfulness will endure to ALL generations? 240

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Why Did WMB Forget Esther?

Quote:But that little pride. "Oh, you mean, for us women, we're going to have to let our hair grow?" Well, that's what He said. "We're going to have to quit wearing manicure, or make-up stuff?" That's what He said. "Well, what do you think my sewing circle would? They'll call me old-fashion." Well, just keep your pride. Go ahead. He'll stand at the door, that's all the farther He can get.170 But when you're ready to open that door, let Him come in, He'll clean it out for you. Shorts will go out here in the garbage can, and make-up will go back to the garbage can, and the barber will starve to death if he just cut women's hair, to a real believer.171 Now say, "That don't!" Oh, yes, it does, too. That's what the Bible said. That's right. See, there is a little word there, that you don't want Him meddling."Well, my pastor!"172 I don't care what pastor said. That's what the Bible said, "It's a shame for a woman to do so."65-0206 DOORS.IN.DOOR

The truth of the matter is; the Bible speaks NOTHING against makeup except mentioning that Jezebel was painted. WMB Evidently forgot about Esther in the Bible, who prepared herself with cosmetics for the king.

The word used along with spices in Esther 2:12 is "bosem," which translates to "balsam" -- the base for many cosmetics today.

Regardless of the type of makeup Esther used, the purpose was to make herself more attractive--not more 'modest.'

Beauty Secrets from Ages Past: A Brief History of Makeup

Women's makeup has actually progressed from the Ancient era Christians down through the ages:Quote:Throughout the ages, women have experimented with beauty treatments to enhance natural features, slow the aging process, and care for the outer body. Beginning in the Ancient era, the Biblical account of Queen Esther's life mentions the elaborate spa-type treatments that young women underwent for an entire 12-month period to prepare themselves for a reception with the King. The first six months involved treatments with oil and myrrh, and the second with perfumes and cosmetics! In Ancient Egypt, aristocrats applied minerals to their faces to provide color and definition of features. Ancient Egyptian women wore foundation to lighten their skin, and used kohl eyeliner to widen the appearances of their eyes. Men in Egypt also applied a powdered pigment made from mixing fat and oil and other substances, to protect their eyes 241

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from the sun. Pigments were often made out of malachite, copper ore, or lead ore, with the favorite colors being green powdered malachite and black crushed lead ore or kohl. Meanwhile, Persians believed that henna dyes, used to stain their hair and faces, enabled them to summon the majesty of the earth. The Greeks were also known to paint their faces with white lead and chalk, while the Romans used oil-based perfumes in their baths. The Roman Lucian is noted to have talked about women and cosmetics in his time, referring to their polishing their teeth and eyebrows. The Roman philosopher, Plautus, also wrote, "A woman without paint is like food without salt."

The European Middle Ages followed the Greco-Roman trend of pale faces. Those who were wealthy enough not to have to labor outdoors wanted to show off their affluence by being pale. Fashionable sixth-century women would achieve the look by bleeding themselves. During the Medieval ages, one popular beauty treatment of the day was the taking of long, hot baths. By the mid-1200s, many European towns had public bathhouses. But as forests were depleted, firewood became expensive and the rising costs of heating the water forced most of the bathhouses to close. Some families tried burning coal to heat water, but the fumes proved to be unhealthy. By the mid-1300s, only the wealthiest ladies could afford firewood for hot water in the winter. For those who could not afford to take hot baths, perfume became an easy, quick fix. Perfumes made from the oils of flowers combined with spices were very popular during the Middle Ages as trade between countries improved. In particular, alcohol-based perfumes developed in the Middle East were brought to Europe by the Crusaders in the thirteenth century. During this era, cosmetics also became a popular commodity. Every part of a woman's face would be painted with some type of cosmetic, and many women also sun-bleached their hair. Medieval fashion also prompted young women to pluck their hairline, giving them a higher forehead. Spanish prostitutes wore pink makeup to contrast with high-class women's pale faces, while regal 13th-century Italian women wore pink lipstick to show they could afford synthetic makeup.

Eras of Elegance 242

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El Shaddai or a Semetic Goddess?

I would simply say that this strange Serpent's Seed doctrine from WMB does not have any bearing whatsoever on man's salvation of his soul -- I can easily believe in Jesus Christ as my savior and be saved by His grace through faith.

Unfortunately, however, it DOES have bearing on the souls that fall into the trap of doctrines OVER faith in Jesus Christ. Here's why:

I recommend you study the history of this strange doctrine, and you will find that you are deceived by WMB into worshipping a Semitic Goddess. Hear me out.

The Gnostics brought Pagan ideas into the churches by trying to interweave their Pagan teachings into these new followers of Christ. Those teachings spun off into what became the Kabballah (which is now creating New Age religions that people like Madonna, queen of pop worship).

Before you deny this, take another example from the same Semitic Goddess: El Shaddai, the Breasted God.

WMB's explanation of El Shaddai is interesting when you consider where it came from:Quote:In Genesis 17, He is Abraham's nursing Breast, El Shaddai. But when his life was gone from him, still he... God said."A man of a hundred years old, how will this thing be? I am old, my wife is old, how can these things be?"He said, "I am El Shaddai." Now, El is "the," and--and Shaddai is "breast," and Shaddai is plural, which means "I am the breasted God."Like a baby that's fretting and it's sick, and its strength is gone from it, lean upon the mother's bosom and nurse its strength back. Sure. Not only... When it's nursing, it isn't fretting no more. At the mother's breast, it's satisfied while it is getting its strength.65-0123 BROKEN.CISTERNS

El Shaddai is generally translated as "God Almighty". In Exodus, it is simply used as "The God of Abraham."

Shaddai was a city on the Euphrates river, and it is said that the city's literal translated name was used to describe God -- the God of Shaddai, or the God of Abraham.

The 'breasted' part comes from the Kabballah, and was an attribute of a Semitic goddess. The word Shaddai is connected with 'shadayim' with is the plural meaning (breasts) that WMB is referring to. Shaddai is singular. 243

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Quote:One of Kabbalah's most distinctive images of the feminine divine is that of a motherly, breastfeeding God. Suckling at My Mother's Breasts traces this idea from its origins in ancient rabbinic literature through its flourishing in the medieval classic Sefer ha-Zohar (The Book of Splendor). Taking the position that Kabbalistic images provide specific, detailed models for understanding the relationship between God and human beings, Ellen Davina Haskell connects divine nursing theology to Jewish ideals regarding motherhood, breastfeeding, and family life from medieval France and Spain, where Kabbalah originated. Haskell's approach allows for a new evaluation of Kabbalah's feminine divine, one centered on culture and context, rather than gender philosophy or psychoanalysis. As this work demonstrates, the image of the nursing divine is intended to cultivate a direct emotional response to God rooted in nurture, love, and reliance, rather than knowledge, sexuality, or authority.

Suckling at My Mother's Breasts: The Image of a Nursing God in Jewish Mysticism Ellen Davina Haskell

The question is: Did WMB worship a Semitic Goddess? Or did he simply try to combine religions to create 'mystery?' as the Gnostics did with Christianity?

Either way, since the 'Serpent's Seed' doctrine has ABSOLUTELY NO bearing on one's salvation in any way, shape or form, I will run from it like the plague!

As for me and my house, we will serve THE LORD!!! 244

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Seek the Lord

In 1 Chronicles 28, David tells his son, Solomon, to know the God of his father and serve him with a whole heart and willing mind.

He said the Lord searches all hearts and understands every plan and thought. David told Solomon, "If you seek Him, He will be found by you. But if you forsake Him, He will cast you off forever." He told Solomon to be careful, God had chosen him to build the temple for sanctuary.

David told Solomon to be strong, and then gave him the plans for the temple. He told him how to build everything from the outlying structures to the lampstands.

Again, he reiterated "Be strong and courageous and do it." He told Solomon not to be afraid or dismayed, for the Lord God was with him. David said that God would not leave or forsake Solomon until all the work was finished.

David then told Solomon to behold all of the separate services by the different people in the house of God. Through Solomon, every willing man who had a skill of any kind would be of service. The officers of all the people would be completely obedient to his every command.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we serve God with our whole heart, or do we let the doctrines of men take God's place? Do we have a willing mind that will open when God sends someone our way to point us in the right direction? Are we seeking God, or are we forsaking Him? Have we set out to do the service that God has intended for us with courage and strength? 245

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Spiritual Gifts: MSG Churches are falling behind!

I been asked by several people now, questions concerning the gifts in the non-message churches. MSG believers seem to think that the MSG denomination is the only one that God gives his spiritual gifts to in these last days. Untrue.

The actual truth is that the other churches have progressed FAR BEYOND the MSG churches. Let's examine.

Everyone is familiar with this passage, but I will have you read it again:Quote:1. If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3 If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned,[a] but have not love, I gain nothing.

4 Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant 5 or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful;[b] 6 it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. 7 Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

8 Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away. 9 For we know in part and we prophesy in part, 10 but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away. 11 When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways. 12 For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.

13 So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love.1 Corinthians 13

King James:And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.

"The greatest of these is Charity [Divine Love]".

Do you see the fruits of this spiritual gift in the MSG churches? I see some of the denominations with the greatest charity and disaster relief efforts, ranking almost as high as the Red Cross! 246

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I watched 'the MSG organization' disaster relief to ONLY those who were in the MSG while several others lost their homes. Charity? The Greatest Gift to the MSG churches? I think not!

Here are the four largest organizations in the world that offer their charity during disasters:1. The Red Cross2. The Salvation Army3. The Southern Baptist Convention4. The Roman Catholic Church

Where does the MSG denomination fall into this list? It DOESN'T EVEN RANK!

Since the greatest of these spiritual gifts is charity, then it is proven by the Bible that the MSG churches have NOT progressed in God's spiritual gifts. ...even the Catholic Church has progressed farther than the Message denomination!

All this while the 'organization' is sitting on a hundred million bucks!!! 247

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William Sowders & Branham

A brother in Christ sent me information regarding the connection between William Sowders and WMB:

Quote:This article concerning William Sowders "Apostle of Restoration" as styled by his followers illuminates the various experiences in the life of William Branham, "Prophet of Restoration" as style by his followers.

Voice on the Ohio RiverThought to spend his life hunting and fishingWorked as a patrolmanExperienced the Pentecostal Movement early in lifeMessage was to be, "MY Gospel."Spiritual experiences questionedUnlocks (reveals) hidden TruthsOpposes denominationsHas a secret that he carries to the grave4th grade educationSpoke in foreign languages understood by othersBrother George Audrey reveals the "secrets of the heart."Woman speaks what she should not have said, repents and is healedCloud in his ministryBoth white and black attend meetingsGodhead is addressedEmphasizes BaptismHas tent meetingsProphesies future eventsWorks on "beast" system and Roman Catholic ChurchPredicts the ecumenical movementPredicts race riotsHas "third pull" doctrineTeaches about the Perfect ManShort quick work taughtHumilty Bride taught

William Branham sat among the "GA's" Gospel Assembly in the early '30's, knew William Sowders personally, drew early inspiration from him, mentioned the "School of the Prophets" and attended the meetings for a season. Many, many of the later teachings and experiences of 248

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William Branham parallels that of William Sowders. As there is nothing new under the sun so the experiences of one earlier preacher is modeled by that of a later preacher of the same basic persuasion.

The Lord did not return in the time of William Sowders nor that of William Branham nor did their ministry forerun the immediate PAROUSIA of Yeshua as they had hoped and taught. The PAROUSIA of Yeshua is yet to become a literal reality save for various sects and cults who proclaim He has already returned in their doctrinal errors. But Wisdom is justified of her children and the coming to pass of the Word is indeed the only correct interpretation.

Back to the Word! 249

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Mercy Towards Our Enemies

When Saul was pressing towards David with three thousand of his best men in 1 Samuel 24, David and his men were hiding in a cave.

Saul just happened to enter into the cave to relieve himself, not knowing that David and his men were watching. David's men told David that the Lord had delivered his enemy right into his hands, and that David could now take any action he pleased.

David quietly sneaked towards Saul and cut off a corner of his robe. "The Lord forbid that I should do this thing to my lord, the Lord's anointed one. David persuaded his men to also respect Saul and would not permit them to attack. Saul arose and fled from the cave.

David also arose and called out to Saul. He pleaded to Saul to understand that he could have killed him, but instead spared his life. He said that "Out of the wicked comes wickedness, but my hand shall not be against you."

After David pleaded with Saul, Saul began weeping. "You are more righteous than I, for you have repaid my evil with good. He said that the Lord would reward David for the good that he had done to Saul.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: When people of this world have us driven to a corner, do we lash out like a caged tiger, or do we show our righteousness to them? When we have the advantage, do we use it against them or show Divine Love towards them? Do we show ourselves as wicked as they, or do we show them that we serve a Living God? Do we convert our enemies to Christianity, or do we drive them further away? 250

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Slandering John Wesley

WMB often goes into his misinterpreted history of his 'church age messengers,' telling how they only made it so far and then 'denominated' before they could reach the fullness of Christian life:Quote:Wesley failed the same way as Sarah did, doubting the supernatural Birth being the baptism of the Holy Ghost, as Sarah did at the oak tree. When Wesley was introduced to the supernatural, when the Pentecostal age come on and Wesley was introduced to speaking in tongues and all This, they laughed and made fun of It. All you church of Christ, and you, so-called, and you Baptists, and Presbyterians, every one of you, turned your nose up, on It, and went away from It. Right. What'd you do, Wesley? You sold your child to an organization, and it died and perished. That's exactly right.65-0218 THE.SEED.IS.NOT.HEIR.WITH.THE.SHUCK

John Wesley would roll over in his grave to know the slander that WMB has done towards him for all these years, and the millions of people around the world that now believe it because of WMB's deception

In his comment on Matthew 3:11 Wesley remarksQuote:He shall fill you with the Holy Ghost, inflaming your hearts with that fire of love, which many waters cannot quench. And this was done, even with a visible appearance as of fire, on the day of Pentecost" 251

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Judging All the Sheep Because of the Bad Ones

In Ezekiel 34, the Word of the Lord came down, one that we often forget.

The Lord compared us to sheep, and said that He would search for His sheep and seek them out. Like a shepherd with a scattered herd of sheep wandering in thick clouds and darkness, God will seek us out and rescue us.

He spoke about Israel, how he would gather the peoples from the countries and bring them into their own land. He will feed them there with good pasture on the mountain heights.

God said, "I myself will be the shepherd of my sheep, and I myself will make them lie down. I will seek the lost, and I will bring back the strayed. I will bind up the injured, and I will strengthen the weak. The fat and the strong will I destroy; I will feed them with justice."

God said that he would gather his flock together, and judge all, between sheep and sheep, between rams and male goats. Some that had been given good pasture with clear water had muddied the rest of the water. Some had trodden down the rest of the pasture.

Because of this, God would judge between the fat sheep and the lean sheep. Those that thrust at the weak with their horns until they were scattered abroad, God would rescue so that they were no longer a prey. He would set one shepherd over them, His servant David. David would feed them and be their shepherd. "And I," God said, "the Lord will be their God, and my servant David shall be the prince among them. I am the Lord; I have spoken."

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: As the sheep are still scattered, do we try to help them back into the fold, or do we push them further away with our 'horns?' While we wander in thick clouds and darkness, do we look for our Shepherd, or do we follow the leading of one of the 'fat sheep?' Do we raise up another sheep and fatten him, or do we search only for the Shepherd? Do we follow those that muddied the waters with their own doctrines or those that have trodden down the rest of the pasture? Do we not realize that it is because of those 'fat sheep' God must judge both the fat and the lean, to see which hold onto the doctrines that are from man? Who is your shepherd, God or man? 252

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The Name of Jesus

Quote:Now, and, He, what is His Name, first? We'll have to (Name) find what God's Name is before we can find what it is He is putting in the place.Now, we find out that He had many titles. He is called the... He was called "Father," which is a title. And He was called "Son," which is a title. He was called "Holy Ghost," which is a title. He was called "Rose of Sharon," which is a title. "Lily of the Valley," a title, "Morning Star." "Jehovah-jireh, Jehovah-rapha," seven different, compound, redemptive names, and all of them were titles. None of them were names.But He has a Name. {...} And now we find out that Jesus said, also, "I came in My Father's Name, and you received Me not." Then, the Name of the Father must be Jesus. That's right. 65-0220 GOD'S.CHOSEN.PLACE.OF.WORSHIP

This is not Biblical. He missed one VERY important fact, however. In the Old Testament, the NAME of God was HOLY. To speak His name aloud was forbidden during the days of the Old Testament.

The proper name of God, YHVH, is found almost 8000 times in the Tanakh (Old Testament). Because the Name of God is sacred and holy, translators replaced it with LORD, or similar words that could be said aloud without fear. They did not want the Lord's name taken in vain.

WMB tried to say that the name of Jesus Christ was the name of the God in the Old Testament, which is false. The name of God was JHVH. The name Jesus means, literally, "JHVH Rescues." 253

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William Blake & William Branham

Quote:Just like it was on The Serpent's Seed, but it's absolutely proven to be right. I got papers right here, out of the paper, where women right now... and even in--in the great... Some of the great dioceses has got the pictures of the original, a snake crawling on a woman's leg, and just in how it goes around her; she has all kinds of sensations and things, something a man could never touch her with, with this huge snake wrapping around her, and so forth. That's exactly the truth. And it's going worse and worse, and will get worse. Serpent, which he was not, he could not have had the sex affair with her when he was a serpent, but remember...65-0221M MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE

Consider the life, teachings, and painting and poetry by the English poet William Blake.

First, compare his life to WMB:William (Blake and Branham) only attended school long enough to learn reading and writingWilliam (Blake and Branham) claimed to see visions throughout their livesWilliam (Blake and Branham) claimed to have a visitation from God through the window at a very early ageWilliam (Blake and Branham) claimed to have seen angels in a tree before teenage yearsWilliam (Blake and Branham) favored their mother and did not approve of their fatherWilliam (Blake and Branham) lost a brother early in their careersWilliam (Blake and Branham) looked toward nature for their religionWilliam (Blake and Branham) believed it was an angel who gave them their abilitiesWilliam (Blake and Branham) were only accepted by a 'chosen few'William (Blake and Branham) taught Gnostic doctrines William (Blake and Branham) believed in an eternal hellWilliam (Blake and Branham) thought their prophecies were unveiling the secrets of oldWilliam (Blake and Branham) taught that America was naked and did not know it William (Blake and Branham) thought they were a "voice of one crying out in the wilderness"William (Blake and Branham) prophesied that females would be America's downfallWilliam (Blake and Branham) believed that knowledge of God depends upon revelationWilliam (Blake and Branham) Aligned himself with the Biblical prophets, and above all, Jesus Christ

The only difference is that William Blake seemingly prophesied of WMB. Quote:Soon as she saw the terrible boy then burst the virgin cry.I know thee, I have found thee, & I will not let thee go;Thou art the image of God who dwells in darkness of Africa;And thou art fall'n to give me life in regions of dark death.On my American plains I feel the struggling afflictionsEndur'd by roots that writhe their arms into the nether deep: 254

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I see a serpent in Canada, who courts me to his love;In Mexico an Eagle, and a Lion in Peru;I see a Whale in the South-sea, drinking my soul away.O what limb rending pains I feel. thy fire & my frostMingle in howling pains, in furrows by thy lightnings rent;This is eternal death; and this the torment long foretold.America: A Prophecy -- William Blake 255

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Moses Warns of Idolatry

Before the children of Israel entered into the promised land, Moses warned them to watch themselves carefully so they did not fall back into idolatry.

In Deuteronomy 4, Moses said that they had seen no form at all when the Lord spoke to them at Horeb from the fire. They should make no form of worship by carving an image in any likeness, male or female, any animal, birds, creeping things, fish, or otherwise.

Then he warned the children of Israel not to raise their eyes towards heaven to worship astrology or astronomy, lest they be drawn away and bow down to serve them. These were things that the Lord God had given to all the people under the whole heaven. The Lord had taken them out of Egypt to be a people of His own inheritance.

Moses then told the children that he would not be crossing Jordan into the promised land. The Lord was angry with Moses, but the children would cross over to claim their possession.

Moses again warned them not to fall back into idolatry. He said not to forget the covenant that the Lord their God had made to them. Not to make any carved image of worship. The Lord God is a consuming fire, a jealous God.

Moses said that when their descendants have grown old in the land, they still would be bound by this law. If they worshipped anything except the Lord God and provoked Him to anger, they would be destroyed, perish from the Land that they were going across to posess.

Moses said that the Lord would scatter them among the peoples of the nations, and they would be left few in number within the nations where the Lord would drive them. There, they would serve other gods that were the work of human hands, that could neither see nor hear, nor eat nor smell. But from there, Moses said that they would seek the Lord their God and find Him, if they searched after Him with their whole heart and soul.

At first it sounds like only a warning, but then Moses indicates that it was instead a prophecy that he had been given of the last days. He says that when they are in tribulation, and all these things come upon them in the last days, they would return to the Lord God and obey His voice.

Moses said that the Lord God was also a merciful God. He would not leave them nor destroy them, and would not forget the covenant that he had made with their fathers.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: What are our idols of today? Moses knew of them, and knew that we would fall into worship with them, yet we are not a people to carve random idols from wood or stone. What are they? Some claim that the original Bible was the Zodiac, while Moses states not to listent to them. Do we listen? Moses warned not to worship any man or woman, yet there are churches around the world that pay tribute to a man. Do we fall into that 256

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trap? An idol can be anything that we put before God; do we spend more time with television or other entertainment? Sports or recreation? Do we do these things instead of worshipping God, or do we include God in them with us? Have we fallen back into idolatry without even knowing it? 257

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The Rainbow of the Covenant

When the waters of the flood had subsided in Genesis 8, Noah prepared a burnt offering to the Lord.

He took some of every clean animal and some of every clean bird, and made an offering that was pleasing to God. When the Lord smelled the pleasing aroma, He vowed to never again curse the ground because of man. The intention of evil is within a man's heart even from his youth. God vowed never again to strike down every living creature. While the earth remains, God vowed not to cease the seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, or day and night.

Then God blessed Noah and his sons. He told them to be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth. Every beast of the earth and bird of the skies would fear mankind, as well as the creeping things and fish of the sea.

Every moving thing that lives is to be food for mankind, just as the green plants were given. God required that they not eat any animal with its blood still in it, for the blood was its life.

God said that for the lifeblood of mankind, there would be required a reckoning. Any man that sheds the blood of another man would die from the shedding of his own blood. For God made man in his own image.

God reminded them to be fruitful and multiply. He said to increase greatly on the earth and multiply in it.

Then God said to both Noah and his sons, "Behold, I establish my covenant with you and your offspring after you, and with every living creature that is with you: the birds, the livestock, and every beast of the earth with you -- as many as came out of the ark. The covenant is for every beast of the earth."

God said that never again would all flesh be cut off from existence by the waters of the flood, and never again would a flood destroy the earth. God set his bow in the cloud as a sign of the covenant between Him and the earth. When the clouds come over the earth and the bow is seen in the clouds, He would remember his covenant that is between Him and all living flesh.

God said to Noah, "This is the sign of the covenant that I have established between Me and all flesh that is on the earth."

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Have we forgotten this part of the story, the part where God gave mankind a fresh and new beginning? Do we fear the impending destruction of the evil of the earth, or do we rejoice because we will again have a fresh and new beginning? Why do we not cry out unto God for the sinners of this world, knowing that all mankind have evil in 258

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their hearts from their youths -- even ourselves? When we see a rainbow, do we simply see a pretty color in the sky, or do we recognize that this is the sign of God's covenant to mankind? 259

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Paul's Warning

In Colossians 2, Paul gives a solemn warning to the church

He said that now that we have received the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we were to "walk in Him." We were to be rooted fast and solid like a tree, and established in the faith, just as we were taught. We were to be abounding in thanksgiving to Jesus Christ.

He warns to make sure that no man takes you captive by his own philosophy and empty deceit. No man should create a new human tradition for the church that was based on the elemental spirits of the world instead and not according to Jesus Christ.

Paul said that in Christ, the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily. We have been filled with Him, and He is now our head. Christ is all of our rule and authority, not man. Through Christ, we were circumcised, but not by hands. We have been Circumcised with the circumcision of Christ, having been buried with him. We were buried in baptism and raised through faith by the power of God who raised Christ from the dead. Paul said that Christ disarmed these deceitful rulers and authorities by putting them in open shame. He triumphed over them.

Paul said that Christ cancelled and completely blotted out, wiping away the bond we were under by the Law, along with its legal decree. He eliminated all which was in force and hostile to us. This was Law, with its regulations, decrees, and demands were set aside by Christ by nailing it to the cross.

Paul continues to warn about Gnosticism. He says to let no man call you unworthy with questions of food or drink. Do not listen when a man tells us there is a specific event coming with a new moon or Sabbath or one of the festivals.

He continues speaking out against Gnosticism by warning us not to let any man disqualify your faith. Do not listen when men are insisting on asceticism, or the denial of worldly things to bring forth spiritual things.

Paul warns us about Gnostic men who worship angels, and are "going on" in detail about their visions. Paul said these men are "puffed up" without reason by their own sensuous minds. He said that these men are not holding fast to their Head (Christ). He said that these men are not holding fast to the whole body of Christ, which should be nourished and knit together through all joints and ligaments. The body of Christ grows from a growth that is from God.

Paul asked that if you died with Christ to the elemental spirits of the world, why do we submit to these regulations of men? Do not handle, do not taste, do not touch? These things have the appearance of wisdom by promoting self-made religion. But these things were dangerous, promoting asceticism and would sever the body of Christ. 260

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Paul said these things are of no value in stopping the indulgence of the flesh.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we rooted solid with Christ, or the doctrine of a man? Are we established in the faith, walking around in thanksgiving to Christ who died for us? Have we let a man tell us of the way that we should live our lives in the flesh, creating a new tradition? Do we let these deceitful rulers have power over us when through Christ we triumph over them? Have we fallen into Gnostic teachings that disqualify our faith by men who tell us not to drink wine -- when the Bible itself gives proverbs that allow it? Do we listen to men that insist we deny ourselves worldly things so that they can bring forth spirits?

Do we listen to men who say they have angels and are "going on" about their own visions? Do we not know that these men are "puffed up" without reason by their own sensuous minds? Do we hold on fast to our Head (Christ), or do we hold fast to these men? Do we listen when they sever the body of Christ by telling us to "Come out from them!" 261

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Paul's Sermon Telling Us to "Grow Up"

Speaking to the Church in 1 Corinthians 13, Paul tells us to move our focus from prophecy, tongues, and other spiritual gifts to move on to greater things.

He said that though he could speak with unknown tongues, if he did not have Divine Love, then he would just be a loud, noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. If a person speaks in tongues and does not have Divine Love, then he is simply "going on" to no purpose.

He said that if he were to have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and knowledge, and even have faith to move mountains, he would still be nothing without Love. A prophet who prophesies without Divine Love is nothing, just a soothsayer.

He said that if he were to donate everything he owned, and even give his own life, he would gain nothing without Divine Love. These things would be done simply to better himself and not others.

Paul goes on to describe Divine Love to us. Divine Love is patient and kind. It does not allow you to have envy of others, and does not allow you to boast yourself in front of others. It does not make you happy when you see wrongdoing, but only rejoices in the Truth. Love will give you patience to bear all kinds of things, patience to believe, hope, and endurance before man and God. Divine Love never ends.

As for prophecies, Paul said they would pass away. If we focus on prophecy, we remain in the past.

As for tongues, Paul said they will cease. If we focus on tongues, we listen to a voice for things of the past.

As for knowledge, it will pass away. If we seek after mystery and knowledge, those mysteries and knowledge will be made known and new mysteries and knowledge will be found to turn our hearts and minds away from God. Paul said the things we know; we only know in part. We do not know everything. The things we prophesy; we prophesy in part. No prophesy will reveal everything to us. But when perfection comes, everything in part will pass away. We will no longer have only partial information, all things will be made known.

Paul calls these spiritual gifts childish. He says, "When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, and I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways." Paul had moved on beyond these things gifts that when men will do, other men will raise them up as an object of worship. 262

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He said that now, we only see as though we were looking through an old, poorly visible mirror: dimly. When perfection comes, we will see Jesus Christ face to face.

He said now, we only know part of the things that are to come. When perfection comes, we will know everything fully, just as Paul was made fully known before them.

So now, we have faith, hope and Divine Love. These three things should be our focus. But the greatest of these three is Divine Love.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we focus on prophecy, or lift up those who prophesy? Do we focus on tongues or other spiritual gifts, things that magnify a man instead of God? Do we focus on mysteries and knowledge instead of Divine Love? Do we have envy for the things of others, things of this world? Do we boast ourselves, or listen to a man who boasts himself? When we give to others, do we give with Divine Love, or do we only give the things we would have cast aside anyway to call ourselves good? Are we still focusing on these things, and as Paul says, speaking like a child? Or are we seeking perfection in Christ by Divine Love? 263

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Comfort from the Lord

In Jeremiah 31, the Lord sent down comfort to the children of Israel through the prophet.

God told the people to keep their voices from weeping and their eyes from tears. He said there was a reward for their work. They would return to their homeland. God said there was hope in their future, and their children would come back into their own country.

God said that he had heard the mournful cry of Ephraim grieving, "You have disciplined me, and I received discipline like a young, untrained calf. Bring me back so that I may be restored, for You are the Lord my God!"

God listened as Ephraim described how he had turned away, and refused correction after he was given instruction. He was ashamed and confused because he had to continually bear the disgrace of his youth.

God asked the people, "Is Ephraim my dear son? Do I not love him? For as often as I speak against him, I still remember him." God said that his heart still yearns for him, and will have mercy on him. He declared it to be so.

God instructed them to set up road markers so that they can have guideposts to return. They would return to their homeland.

God asked the people, "You faithless daughter, how long will you waver? The Lord has created a new thing on earth: this backslidden woman would embrace her Man.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we mourn for the work that God has given us? Do we not know there will be a reward for us if we are faithful to Him? Do we receive God's discipline, and do we change our sinful ways? When God gives us a cross that we must bear throughout our lives, do we use that to glorify Him, or are we ashamed and confused like Ephraim? Are we a backslidden people with no guideposts to return, or have we kept our focus on God? 264

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The Violence of an Angry Jesus

As the Passover was drawing near and Jesus entered the temple, John 2 describes how Jesus was angered as he entered the temple.

Nothing made God angrier than religious hypocrisy throughout the ages, from the Old Testament to the New. When he saw the money changers taking advantage of the humble, dedicated worshippers, making profit from their faith, Jesus literally exploded. It was the only time that Jesus uses physical violence, and it is recorded in all four gospels.

John describes how he found them selling oxen, sheep, and pigeons while making profit. He made a whip from cords of the temple draperies, and started lashing the money changers, driving them out of the temple with their sheep and oxen.

As the Jews made their long journeys to the temple to offer their sacrifice and burn offering, there were many who took advantage of their faith by giving them the option to purchase the animals for their sacrifice. They were making a good profit for their trade by marking up the prices, knowing that the humble worshippers would be willing to pay more coins for a religious cause.

Jesus looked at all of the money stacked on their tables, and threw them over as the men were fleeing the temple. "Take these things away!" Jesus exclaimed in anger. "Do not make my Father's house a house of trade!"

His disciples then remembered that it was written, "Zeal for your house will consume me."

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: What are the motives of our religious leaders when they sell their sermons for profit, already having ample funds from your tithes? Why do some sell those sermons while others freely give them away to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Why do religious leaders and organizations put on big shows during Easter, with plenty of merchandise to sell? Are they doing this for the glory of God, or have they found a holiday that attracts most Christians to make their trek to worship? Why do some organizations sell cardboard boxes filled with trinkets that have nothing to do with Jesus Christ, marked up to an obvious profit? What would happen if Jesus were to come today? Now that the massive amounts of money are in banks instead of changing tables, would he call the power of God to overturn the world's banking system?

Take a look at our world's financial state today and ask yourselves these questions. 265

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Consecrating Ourselves to God

2 Chronicles 29 tells how Hezekiah started his reign as king in a way that was pleasing to the Lord.

In the first month, he brought the priests and the Levites to assemble them in the temple. He said, "Listen to me, Levites! Consecrate yourselves, and consecrate the house of the Lord, the God of your fathers, and carry out the filth from the Holy Place."

Hezekiah explained, "Our fathers have been unfaithful and have done what was evil in the sight of the Lord our God. They have forsaken Him and have turned away their faces from the habitation of the Lord. They have turned their backs to him."

He went on to say that they put out the lamps of the temple and had not given offerings to the Lord God of Israel. Therefore, he said that the wrath of the Lord came on Judah and Jerusalem, making them an object of horror, astonishment, and "hissing" as they had seen with their own eyes. Hezekiah reminded them that their fathers had fallen because of this, and they were forced into captivity.

Hezekiah said that it was placed on his heart to make a covenant with the Lord, the God of Israel, in order that his fierce anger be turned away from them. He said, "My sons, do not be negligent, for the Lord has chosen you to stand in His presence to be his ministers and make offerings to Him.

They aroze and gathered their brothers to consecrate themselves, and did as the king commanded by the words of the Lord. Every unclean thing was carried out of the temple. The contents of the temple were made ready and consecrated, and were now before the altar of the Lord.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Have we consecrated our hearts and minds to God? If our fathers lifted men, doctrines, or things of this world to a place of worship and idolatry, do we continue on in our sin? Do we cleanse our bodies, which are now our temple, or do we turn our backs on God? Do we not see that through idolatry we are also captive like a prisoner in a holding cell? Have we made a new covenant with the Lord and consecrated ourselves to His service? 266

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The Bully on the Platform

Somebody asked me to compare the "Man Sent from God" version of the bully that came to the platform with WMB's later accounts to see if they match.

Though they are close, there are some differences:

Man Sent from God - It's all about the faith of the people. All joining in prayer.53-1120 DEMONOLOGY - It's all about WMB.

Man Sent from God - Wasn't insane53-1120 DEMONOLOGY - Out of an insane institution

Man Sent from God - "Fall AT my feet"53-1120 DEMONOLOGY - "Fall ON my feet"

Man Sent from God - "Fall AT my feet"53-1120 DEMONOLOGY - "Fall ON my feet"

Man Sent from God - Walked calmly from the platform53-1120 DEMONOLOGY - Police pried the man from his feet

Quote:A Man Sent from God:As the audience listened with rapt attention to the slight little figure on the platform,perhaps only one anticipated the startling drama that was about to unfold. Certainly the director had no such intuition, and the interruption which was about to occur could not have been more unwelcome. For suddenly our attention was directed to a man far back in the building who was making rapid strides, apparently in the direction of the platform. At first we supposed that some emergency had arisen; perhaps someone had fainted or had taken seriously ill in the auditorium. But as he drew near, we observed with no little misgiving that his countenance bore a demoniac grin, as to suggest that the man was demented, or violently insane, and apparently had broken away from those who had him in their care. We were to learn later what indeed would have been more disturbing had we known it at the time, that the man was not insane, in that he did not know what he was doing, but was a notorious and vicious character who had previously run afoul of the law for disturbing and breaking up religious services. Jail sentences had not taught him a lesson, and now seeing his opportunity to cause a large commotion and again break up a service, he had come forward for that purpose.

Up the steps he strode without pausing. Now he was on the platform assuming a menacing attitude that by this time was attracting the attention of the entire congregation. Two sturdy policemen standing in the wings, becoming aware of the distraction, were about to come 267

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forward and lay hands on this disturber, but we could see that this would result in a scuffle and the excitement created could well ruin the service. Moreover, the evangelist had apparently put himself on the spot for he had just declared that all things were possible to him that believed, and that God would always back up His servants who put their trust in Him. Indeed, the meeting had reached such a high state of expectation, that reliance on the officers of the law, though perhaps entirely justifiable in the present instance, did not seem to be the Divine order. We knew nothing else to do but to hastily wave the officers back, and call attention to the evangelist as to what was taking place. But he himself was already conscious that something was wrong. Speaking quietly to the audience and requesting that the people unite with him in silent prayer, he turned to meet the strange challenge of this evil antagonist.

As he did so, the man with the evil gleam on his countenance, which reminded one of the hideous grins the heathen engrave on the faces of their idols, began to impudently accuse and curse the speaker. "You are of the devil, and deceiving the people," he shouted, "an impostor, a snake in the grass, a fake, and I am going to show these people that you are!" It was a bold challenge and every one in that audience could see that it was not an idle threat. As the intruder continued to revile the evangelist, hissing and spitting, he made motion to carry his threats into execution. To the audience it appeared to be an evil moment for the little figure on the platform, and most of them must have felt exceedingly sorry for him. The officers attempted again to come to his aid but were waved away, and now in rejecting their assistance the speaker had deliberately accepted the challenge of this wicked antagonist whose size and fierceness had convinced the audience that he was well able to carry out his boasts. No doubt, critics who had slipped into the auditorium out of curiosity expected a swift and pitiful conclusion to the unexpected drama that was now coming to a climax. Certainly they could see that there was no room for trickery. The man on the platform would have to have the goods or else take the consequences.

In the moment of suspense that followed, one could not help being reminded of the story of the challenge of long ago, when the bold Goliath cursed little David in the name of his gods, and boasted that he would tear him limb from limb. The startled congregation, as the hosts of Israel must have been in their day, looked on the scene with wonder and amazement, hardly knowing what to expect next, but fearing the worst. The gathering of ministers on the platform reviewed the situation with no little dismay, knowing that unless God did a very unusual thing and backed up the speaker in a supernatural manner, the evil intruder, who had successfully broken up religious services in the past, would now do so again. Some were much disturbed that the policemen had not been permitted to take charge of the situation and believed that this error of judgment would allow this demon possessed man not only to ruin the meeting and thus bring reproach on the cause of Christ, but also might actually result in physical injury to the speaker.

The seconds passed, however, without the awaited climax happening. Presently it appeared that something was hindering the challenger from carrying out his evil designs. For some reason he was not proceeding with the execution of his boasts of physical violence, but was rather contenting himself in hissing and spitting and uttering the most fearful imprecations. Softly but 268

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determinedly the voice of the evangelist now could be heard rebuking the evil power that dominated the man. His words, spoken so quietly that they could be heard only a short distance, were saying, "Satan, because you have challenged the servant of God before this great congregation, you must bow before me. In the name of Jesus Christ, you shall fall at my feet." The words were repeated several times. The challenger ceased to speak, and it was evident that it was now he who was laboring under a strain. Strong as he and the wicked forces were that controlled him, strengthened by every evil spirit in the building, apparently they were gradually succumbing to another Power that was greater than they, a Power that responded at the whisper of the Name of Jesus! Soon it was evident that the man realized he was being overcome, but nothing he could do apparently could reverse the situation. A tense battle of spiritual forces now summoned every bit of strength that he had in him. Beads of perspiration broke out on his face as he put forth a last desperate effort to prevail. But it was all to no avail. Suddenly he who a few minutes before had so brazenly defied the man of God with his fearful threats and accusations, gave an awful groan and slumped to the floor sobbing in a hysterical manner. For quite a while he lay there writhing in the dust, as the evangelist calmly proceeded with the service as if nothing had happened.

Needless to say, the great congregation was awed by the scene that had transpired before them, in which God so signally vindicated His servant, and loud praises to God filled the spacious auditorium. The policemen too, startled by what they had witnessed, openly acknowledged that God was in their midst. Need we record that in the healing service which followed, a wave of glory was manifest that will never be forgotten by those who were present. Many miracles of healing took place that night as a multitude of people were ministered to in the prayer line.

Quote:53-1120 DEMONOLOGY_ EVANSVILLE.IN FRIDAY_E-12 And I remember at Portland, Oregon, when that maniac run out on the platform, three times my size. I weighed a hundred and twenty-eight pounds. He weighed about two-sixty, seven-foot-tall, great huge fellow. He come across the platform swinging his arms like that, cursing me, and spitting in my face. And said, "You imposing yourself to be a man of God." Said, "I'll break every bone in that little, frail body of yours." Well, he was plenty able to do it, by humanly speaking.And I had just led two little police to Christ. They run out to grab him. I said, "This is not a flesh and blood affair." And no more than I had said that, till Something on the inside of me lifted up. And I knew he was whipped right then, because God had--had said so.And he come across the platform and he stopped, out, about five feet from me. And He just... [Brother Branham makes a spitting sound--Ed.] ...spit, and it just flew all over my face. He said, "You snake in the grass. You hypocrite." Said, "Stand up here..." Sixty-five hundred people seated, beside just up and down the street. He said, "I'll just break every bone in your body." And he shook his big fist and, oh, his great huge arm. His eyes begin to roll around, his teeth set together, and He--and He would... 269

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And these police found out that he had broke a--a jawbone and a shoulder of a minister the day before and they had a search warrant to get him, or, a warrant to get him, rather, right away. He was out of an insane institution. He just didn't like preachers. He just hit them; everything. So, he thought, then, he could do it, and when he run up there...And how the Holy Spirit leading, well, I know at that moment, now, without a vision first, Something said to me, "Don't be afraid."I, when he come to me, I thought of what that Angel said, "I'll be with you." I thought, "If You're here, which You said You'd be, then what's he? How will this uncircumcised Philistine defy the living God?"So, he come on up towards me, and he said, "I'll break every bone in your body." And he drew back his fist.I said, "Because you've challenged the Spirit of God, tonight you'll fall over my feet." I didn't know I said that, see, that was the Spirit talking, It done took over, then. So, there was both challenges. And he run to me, he said, "I'll show you whose feet I'll fall over." And he drew back his great big fist, like that, and the audience set spellbound.And just as he drew back his fist, I said, "Satan, come out of him."And he threw his hands back like that, his eyes bulged way out like that, and rolled around. He threw his head back and ro-... spun around the floor, and fell on my feet, so that the police had to come roll him off my feet 'fore I could move. Right across the platform, he was perfectly just laying there.The police said, "Is that man dead?"I said, "No, sir."Said, "Is he healed?"I said, "No, sir, he worships that spirit. See? He'd bring it right back to him because he thinks he's right." I said, "He isn't healed." They rolled him over. I said, "Get him off my feet." He was cramping me, he's laying, that big man, up on my feet; I couldn't move my feet out and both of them together. And so I--I couldn't move my feet out, and they rolled him over, and I took my feet away, and went on to get...E-15 And at that time, when all them demons had seen their chief man defeated: they just begin to raise up out of wheelchairs, cots, stretchers, and everything else, and walk. That was the end of the meeting. They just, everybody was healed and walked out. That was it, everything. See? Just...Now, you see? When Satan was defeated there, the whole audience believed with one accord and went out. Now, if Satan is defeated in one case, why can't they do the same thing? See? 270

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The Truth Will Stand Against Scrutiny

I was taught by my local Jeffersonville MSG pastor for YEARS that the "truth will stand against all scrutiny."

When the first discrepancy was found between what WMB claimed and what actually happened, I questioned. Asking that same gentle-spirited MSG pastor why the two did not match, gentle spirit turned into anger because of simply questioning.

Rather than give reasoning for the truth, his response was "people have known about these things for years! What does it hurt for you to believe it and keep quiet?"

Now, when news articles appear, I watch the forums and responses. Rather than supply answers to questions, they call names, discredit me, and the "leader of the organization" even slanders me to the news company.

Exactly WHAT will stand against scrutiny? This forum is PACKED with questions that have no answers. Why will no one offer some article from before 1947 since WMB claimed to have "hundreds of newspaper articles up into Canada." Why no little notebook paper with scribbled visions from 1933?

Why is everyone so afraid of exposure if the "Truth will stand against all scrutiny?" 271

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Praise God for Help and Strength

Psalms 121 Praises the Lord for His help and strength.

Let's read it, placing ourselves in the words of the songwriter:

I lift up my eyes to the mountains searching for help. Where does my help come from?

My help comes from the Lord God. He is the Maker of everything. He made both the heavens and the earth, and He is able to care for me.

He will not even let us slip. He watches over our every step, and everything I do is according to His perfect will. He watches over me at all times, never sleeping.

He protects us from everything. He is like a shade at our right hands, protecting us from even the sun. The sun will not harm us by day nor the moon by night. God is always shielding me from all danger.

The Lord God will keep me from all harm. He is the one who watches over my entire life, from birth to death. He will watch my coming to protect me. He will protect me all through my life. He will protect me as I'm leaving this life.

Blessed be the Name of the Lord.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we comforted by these words? Do we think we are all alone, no one to help us when the world comes against us? Do we not realize that He makes everything, watches everything, and all things work together for good to them that love the Lord? 272

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Questions for a Counterfeit Message

This was posted to the Facebook wall of Seek Ye The Truth, and is a very good and very accurate set of questions that is scripturally accurate:

Someone from this page not affiliated with posted a news link on our church Facebook page and I don't know why??? We are Christian not followers of Branham. Being curious by nature I read the news article. As a fellow Christian and with all due respect I do have concerns for the souls that are pursuing Branham. First, I wonder why Branham followers rely so heavily on the recorded messages from their "Prophet" (Voice of God Recordings). Prophets are Old Testament. Jesus appointed disciples who He later appointed as apostles following his resurrection. No place in the New Testament does the Bible say we should follow prophets. On the contrary, the Bible tells us to beware of False Prophets who take the truth and distort it to mislead true believers. True, the Lord gave all believers gifts of the Holy Spirit and one of those gifts is to prophesize but we are not to glorify people with this gift. See The Book of Acts and 1 Corinthians 12, Romans 12, and Ephesians 4. And 1 Peter 4).

No matter how much we love our ministers, preachers, and pastors, God clearly commands us to Love and Worship ONLY Him and Him alone.

Exodus 20: 3-5 3"You must not have any other god but me.4 "You must not make for yourself an idol of any kind or an image of anything in the heavens or on the earth or in the sea. (that includes man) 5 You must not bow down to them or worship them, for I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God who will not tolerate your affection for any other gods.

God's Warning to Believers: 2 Timothy 4:1-5 1 "I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom: 2 Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; 4 and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables. 5 But you be watchful in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.And, the news article says that in 1960 Branham predicted the end of the World. Really? From Matthew 24: 23-27 23 "Then if anyone tells you, 'Look, here is the Messiah,' or 'There he is,' don't believe it. 24 For false messiahs and false prophets will rise up and perform great signs and wonders so as to deceive, if possible, even God's chosen ones. 25 See, I have warned you about this ahead of time. 26 "So if someone tells you, 'Look, the Messiah is out in the desert,' don't bother to go and look. Or, 'Look, he is hiding here,' don't believe it! 27 For as the lightning flashes in the east and shines to the west, so it will be when the Son of Man comes. 28 Just as the gathering of vultures shows there is a carcass nearby, so these signs indicate that the end is near.And Matthew 24:36 36 "However, no one knows the day or hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son Himself Only the Father knows. 273

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God's Word is straightforward and simple to grasp. It's we mere mortals who make a mess of things. WE MUST ABIDE ONLY IN THE TRUTH OF GOD'S WORD OR RISK HEARING THE WORST JUDGEMENT "I NEVER KNEW YOU!" God help us all! Praying for this ministry and for those who have wandered off the narrow way.

Rev - God's word clearly says that NO ONE knows the day or the hour God's Word (the bible says to preach Christ crucified)

Question: "How can we recognize a false teacher and false prophet?"

Answer: Jesus warned us that "false Christ's and false prophets" will come and will attempt to deceive even God's elect (Matthew 24:23-27; see also 2 Peter 3:3 and Jude 17-18). The best way to guard yourself against falsehood and false teachers is to know the truth. To spot a counterfeit, study the real thing. Any believer who "correctly handles the word of truth" (2 Timothy 2:15) and who makes a careful study of the Bible can identify false doctrine. For example, a believer who has read the activities of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit in Matthew 3:16-17 will immediately question any doctrine that denies the Trinity. Therefore, step one is to study the Bible and judge all teaching by what the Scripture says.

Jesus said "a tree is recognized by its fruit" (Matthew 12:33). When looking for "fruit," here are three specific tests to apply to any teacher to determine the accuracy of his or her teaching:

1) What does this teacher say about Jesus? In Matthew 16:15-16; Jesus asks, "Who do you say I am?" Peter answers, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God," and for this answer Peter is called "blessed." In 2 John 9, we read, "Anyone who runs ahead and does not continue in the teaching of Christ does not have God; whoever continues in the teaching has both the Father and the Son." In other words, Jesus Christ and His work of redemption is of utmost importance; beware of anyone who denies that Jesus is equal with God, who downplays Jesus' sacrificial death, or who rejects Jesus' humanity. First John 2:22 says, "Who is the liar? It is the man who denies that Jesus is the Christ. Such a man is the antichrist he denies the Father and the Son."

2) Does this teacher preach the gospel? The gospel is defined as the good news concerning Jesus' death, burial, and resurrection, according to the Scriptures (1 Corinthians 15:1-4). As nice as they sound, the statements "God loves you," "God wants us to feed the hungry," and "God wants you to be wealthy" are not the complete message of the gospel. As Paul warns in Galatians 1:7; "Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ." No one, not even a great preacher, has the right to change the message that God gave us. "If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let him be eternally condemned!" (Galatians 1:9).

3) Does this teacher exhibit character qualities that glorify the Lord? Speaking of false teachers, Jude 11 says, "They have taken the way of Cain; they have rushed for profit into Balaam's error; they have been destroyed in Koran’s rebellion." In other words, a false teacher can be known by his pride (Cain's rejection of God's plan), greed (Balaam's prophesying for money), and 274

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rebellion (Korah's promotion of himself over Moses). Jesus said to beware of such people and that we would know them by their fruits (Matthew 7:15-20).

For further study, review those books of the Bible that were written specifically to combat false teaching within the church: Galatians, 2 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, and Jude. It is often difficult to spot a false teacher/false prophet. Satan masquerades as an angel of light (2 Corinthians 11:14), and his ministers masquerade as servants of righteousness (2 Corinthians 11:15). Only by being thoroughly familiar with the truth will we be able to recognize a counterfeit. 275

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Serving God's Purpose

In Psalm 88, David cries out to the Lord God.

He was ex-communicated, shunned from all that he knew and loved. He begged God for mercy, asking the Lord to hear his cry.

He was very troubled in his soul, and felt as though his life were drawing near to hell. His life was as though he were dead, forgotten and remembered no more.

He said that his companions had shunned him, and that he was now a horror to them. Every day he called out unto the Lord, spreading his hands out for mercy. He asked the Lord that if he died, would the departed rise up to praise God? Was God's steadfast love declared in the grave?

David cried unto the Lord, but felt like God had hid His face. He felt suffering and helpless, and felt like the wrath of God had swept over him. He said, "You have caused my beloved and my friend to shun me, and my companions have become darkness."

David's struggles were some of his own, but mostly with the evil in his family. His many wives and children were constantly in fierce competition with each other within the family. One of David's sons, Amnon, assaulted his step sister Tamar, for which the girl's brother Absalom killed him. Absalom later attempted to take over the kingdom from his father David which triggered a civil war.

Despite his human faults, David was always a dedicated and repentant man of God who served God's purpose. Jesus Christ would later be known as the "Son of David."

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: When things are not going smoothly, do we groan and complain? When God places it upon our hearts to serve Him, and we know that we will be ex-communicated by those not serving the Lord, do we do it? Do we pray for God's guidance while we suffer trials, or do we walk away from Him and leave everything behind? Are we serving God and His purpose in our lives? 276

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The Prosper of the Wicked

After Zophar spoke out against Job, condemning him because he did not prosper, Job responded with the Truth in Job 21.

Job asked Zophar to bear with him, and he could continue mocking after he said his part.

He asked, "Is my complaint against man? and why should I not be impatient? Look at me and be appalled at my misery!"

Job said the wicked live, reach an old age, and grow mighty in power. Their offspring are established the same, before the very eyes of the wicked.

Their houses are safe from fear; no rod of God is upon them. They are very prosperous, and filled with singing. In peace, they go all the way down into hell, all the time rejecting God.

Job said they were like a straw in the wind, a chaff that the storm carries away. While Zophar said that 'God stores up their iniquity for their children,' Job said, "then let him pay it out so everyone can see it!" While they sit mighty, another dies in the bitterness of his soul, having never tasted prosperity.

Job asked why Zophar would accept the testimony of the travelers, but would not accept his. He said, "How then will you comfort me with empty nothings? There is nothing left of your answers but falsehood."

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: When everyone is speaking falsehood against us, do we stand like Job, or do we fall like Zophar? When we point out things of God, are we attacked by things of man? When we are told that we are wicked and will fall, do we realize that it is the men of God that are tested and tried? While others rejoice in their prosper, do we rejoice in our accusations? Do we realize that they are empty falsehoods and prove our devotion to God? 277

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Rejoice! His Eye Is Upon Us!

Psalm 33 is a song of gladness. We should be happy, rejoicing in the Lord.

David tells the righteous to rejoice. Praise is pleasing for the upright.

Praise the Lord with your instruments, and sing new songs to him. Play skillfully and loudly, for the Word of the Lord is right, and all his works are done in Truth!

The Lord loves righteousness and judgment; the whole earth is full of the goodness of the Lord. By His word, the heavens were made with all the stars and planets, sun and moon. Just the breath of His mouth made the universe!

He Gathered the waters of the sea, creating the depths of the sea in storehouses. Not a single drop of rain falls but what God planned it to.

David said, "Let all the earth fear the Lord, and let all the inhabitants of the world stand before Him in awe." He spoke, and it was done. He commanded, and it stood at attention to do His will.

The Lord brings the counsel of the heathen to nothing. He makes the devices of the people of none effect. But the counsel of the Lord will stand forever. Just the thoughts of His heart will stand for all generations.

David said, "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, and the people whom he has chosen for his own inheritance." The Lord looks from heaven and sees all of the sons of men. From his throne, he looks on all of the inhabitants of the earth.

He fashioned all their hearts alike, every man was born in sin. He considers all of their works, not just the ones that were failures.

There is no king saved by the multitude of people that support him. A mighty man is not saved by great strength. A horse is a vain thing to rely on for safety, nobody can run from the Lord.

The eye of the Lord is upon every one that fears Him. His eye is upon them that rely on His mercy to save their soul and provide for them.

Our soul waits on the Lord, for he is the one that helps us and protects us.

Our heart will rejoice in Him, because we have trusted His Holy Name. Let your mercy be upon us, Lord. We serve you and have put our faith in You. It is not the things that we do that save us, it is by grace that we are saved, through faith in Jesus Christ alone. 278

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As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we happy in our walk with Christ, able to rejoice in front of others? Do we play our music loudly and with passion as we rejoice? Do we rejoice that the whole earth is full of the goodness of the Lord, or do we condemn the world that God has given us to live in? Do we condemn others when God fashioned all of our hearts alike, or do we help our brothers and sisters in their walk with Christ? Do we think we are protected by the large number of people in our organization, or do we put our trust in God alone? Do we put our faith in Him? Do we rejoice in it? 279

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Response to Misleading Letter

Responses to the letter by "The Leader" of "The Organization" are springing up everywhere. This just happened to be one of the most well written:Quote:I was alerted to Joseph Branham's written response to the WHAS11 news story on his father, William Branham, by a drive-by commenter who thought her comment would be lost in moderation. On the contrary, I'm quite willing to engage with the contents of the letter. In summary, it charges that the news story was biased, that quotes were taken out of context, and that the whole thing unfairly represented Message believers as a weird cult. You can read the full letter here. I'm going to respond to it, piece by piece, below.

It's not often that we respond to a negative publication. One of the main reasons is that we rarely receive negative comments or negative press. We do our best to project a Christian attitude in every aspect of our work, and we try to avoid controversy because it rarely ends in a positive outcome.

First of all, I disagree that this was a negative publication. Indeed, the language is scrupulous: Traveling from city to city, Branham professed to use the power of God to heal. And quickly the message went worldwide. The article does not claim that Branham himself was the source of healing power, which indicates that the author was paying attention to the way Branham and the Message want to represent divine healing.Second, one can't claim moral superiority for "not responding to negative press" when one doesn't regularly get negative press. I'd say jumping on the defensive in response to such a "rare" occurrence indicates that Voice of God Recordings is more than willing to engage in controversy at a very slight provocation. Again, the article is quite fair to the Message.

A local news organization recently published a slanderous article about Brother Branham and those of us who follow his ministry.

Again, the article patently refrained from passing judgment. It was an informative article, not a persuasive one. No slander here. Move along.

Truly, there is a love among the Bride of Christ that the world cannot understand.

Actually, I think "the world" can very easily understand why members of a subculture would leap to defend and support their leaders when they perceive an attack. Not that I think such perceptions are valid. Message believers will no doubt object to the label "subculture," but Joseph's statement here only underscores their group identity and social isolation - the rest of humanity can't even understand their cohesiveness, apparently.

Now begins the actual letter Joseph Branham addresses to WHAS11 News: 280

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First of all, blacking out the mysterious guest's face is a blatant attempt to give the illusion that this man's life would somehow be in danger if he was identified. In reality, he is an outspoken critic of both my father and all of us who claim to believe his teachings. He makes absolutely no efforts to hide his identity, and you even posted the link to his website that has his name, picture, email address, and his own life story. He plainly says on his website that he is the grandson of Brother Willard Collins, who you interviewed for the story. Do you think the fact that this man is attacking his grandfather might make a difference to your viewers?

Regardless of whether or not an eyewitness is publicly active outside of an investigative interview, the journalist is required to honor his request for anonymity. Mr. Walser wrote: A former Branham Tabernacle member spoke to WHAS11. He does not want to be identified. We will call him 'Mike'. It's very clear that "Mike" himself wished to remain anonymous and WHAS11 only acquiesced to his request. Your quarrel is not with the news station, but with "Mike" himself.

You also used a quote from Brother Branham and cut his words short of finishing his sentence, making it sound like he falsely predicted the end of the world. Why would you do this, other than to discredit our ministry? Here is his entire sentence:

Now, counting the time, we find that we have exactly -Listen- seventeen years left, and we will have the same span of time given to us as God dealing with us in the power of the Holy Spirit since A.D. 33 until 1977, the same span of time of 1954 years.

That's called editing due to time constraints. I don't see how lengthening the quote does anything to change its meaning. Branham was quite explicit in his statement, and the context only makes it more obvious.

(Reporter) In 1960, Branham predicted the end of the world.(William Branham) Now, counting the time, we find that we have exactly -Listen- seventeen years left.

This is NOT objective journalism. In fact, I would say this is a blatant lie to the public. Doing my best to give WHAS the benefit of the doubt, I can only hope that the anonymous guest gave you this truncated quote, gambling that you would not do the proper research.

Actually, it is objective journalism to shorten quotations when shortening them does nothing to alter their original meaning. If journalists didn't do this, all news articles would be twice as long.

Your reporter said, "Branham predicted he would be alive to see the return of Jesus Christ," and "Many of his followers don't expect him to stay inside the grave. People come from all over the world every Easter anticipating that Branham will rise up to foretell the Second Coming of Christ." This is even more misleading than the previous example. The Bible predicts that the dead in Christ shall rise and meet the Lord in the air (I Thes 4:13-18). All Christians believe they will be alive at the Coming of the Lord, no matter if they die first or not. 281

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This is a pretty deceitful spin, and it runs Joseph into a few pitfalls. Firstly, the William Branham Homepage provides the story of William Branham's commission: In June 1933 William Branham was baptizing converts in the Ohio River; the Pillar of Fire descended over him, and A VOICE spoke and said: As John the Baptist was sent forth to forerun the first coming of Christ, you are sent forth with a message to forerun the second coming of Christ. This has led many Message believers (despite Joseph's attempt at imposing a more palatable orthodoxy) to expect that William Branham will have a special resurrection that precedes the general resurrection. In his book The Healer-Prophet: William Marrion Branham, a Study of the Prophetic in American Pentecostalism, C. Douglas Weaver has written about the delay between Branham's death and his burial. Billy Paul himself suggested that Branham's death had ushered in a probationary period that would terminate in the Second Coming around Easter (pp. 153-5). Other believers, unsanctioned by Billy Paul, Willard Collins or Pearry Green, continued to believe that Branham had to fulfill some of his visions before the general resurrection and millennium could occur (pp. 154-5).Weaver also recognizes the "radical minority" (p. 142) that believes Branham was Christ reincarnate. While Joseph Branham may disapprove of and shun believers in "Christ Branham," they are nevertheless equally able to claim the title of "Message believers." Because William Branham despised denominations, calling them all the mark of the beast, there can never be a recognized Message denomination that has the power to root out heretics from its midst. Joseph Branham doesn't seem to realize that he speaks only for the Message believers that recognize his authority, which is most definitely not all of them.

Joseph Branham goes on to provide this quotation from William Branham, which does not exactly disprove the claim to personal resurrection:

If I die before Jesus comes and they have-they give me a funeral, they're going to play that (the song 'Only Believe') when they putting me down in the grave. So you here in New York, if you hear about it, you know when it's going to be, stop and sing "Only Believe" once and remember me, will you? And remember, I believe this: that someday I'll come out of there. That's right. That's my faith. I believe the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God with all my heart.

This is the second quote Joseph has chosen that does nothing to refute what was said in the news article. His best evidence against the existence of such believers is "I have never met anyone who believes that." Well, I have. Two people left our church over the belief, in fact (the majority were of Joseph Branham's persuasion). Just because Joseph doesn't personally know people who believe what he regards as heresy doesn't mean they don't exist.

A professional journalist would have at least found someone who actually believes this, rather than cutting and splicing David Forsberg's testimony. We invite your administration to review the entire clip of his interview at the gravesite. It will be much different than what you reported. 282

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If this is true, why not tell us specifically what Forsberg said that was omitted? Or better yet, have him write an article about how his testimony was misused? A professional journalist is, in fact, allowed to make editorial decisions. Given that it was a six-minute story and Forsberg's testimony was undoubtedly much longer than six minutes, it isn't hard to imagine why all that cutting occurred. What's really going on here is that Joseph Branham wants to control what is said about his father and the Message, and he's irritated that someone might tell a story different from his own.

Your reporter asked why so many local people don't know about William Branham. Your mysterious guest said, "It's almost behind closed doors” If there is a more open ministry than ours, I would like to see it. Take a walk around Jeffersonville and see how many people have heard of William Branham and his ministry.

There are plenty of more open ministries. For example, Bill Gothard's ministry. Joel Osteen's. Benny Hinn's. Pat Robertson's. These are names people have actually heard of, unlike William Branham's. Jeffersonville is not the world. Of course people there know who he is! It's one of the densest Message populations in America, has a tabernacle named after him and his incredibly imposing grave is in its cemetery. Travel outside of Jeffersonville to, say, Bloomington, and you'll find a much smaller concentration of people who know what you're talking about.

As for "closed doors," it's true. Message believers are careful to maintain an image of being ordinary evangelical Christians. Most of their churches aren't named after Branham. Most of the time, believers are urged to witness for Christ before they mention Branham's name. "God sent a prophet" is a line used only once the prospective convert's trust is gained. And even then, believers are careful to say that a "prophet" just means a "messenger" and that Branham never pointed to himself, only Christ. From Joseph Branham's perspective, this is because believers don't follow Branham himself, but Jesus Christ. From an outsider's perspective, it looks very much like salesmanship. If you come right out and say that you believe Elijah returned in 1933 to speak the pure Word of God and prepare the elect to meet Jesus, you'll scare them away. (Deciding when to tell a potential convert that you believe Branham was a prophet is a tricky subject for Message witnesses, and "scaring them away" is always a matter of caution.) The trick is to gently introduce them to the sermons about love and about the Trinity, and save the hard doctrines for last.

He talked about selling toys and other things for a profit. We do sell a few things, but almost always, the items are sold at or below what we pay for them, and almost all of the material shipped overseas is given away. In fact, over 95% of the material produced by VGR is given away completely free-of-charge.

"We do sell a few things" is a pretty vague statement. If Joseph Branham is concerned about allegations that VGR has misused its money, he would do well to publish its sales records and donations so we can see how it sells below cost. Also, "free will donations" are a really dicey 283

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area. Is it "free will" when a believer sends in her entire paycheck or skips a mortgage payment because she's been taught that God rewards those who give?

We were not contacted before your story ran. Objective journalism? Why would you publish a story about William Branham and Voice of God Recordings without contacting Voice of God Recordings, where both of his sons work?

A lot of people write stories on Catholicism without interviewing the pope. The Message doesn't even have an official central organization, though Voice of God Recordings would like to see themselves as the gateway to all things William Branham.

I take personal offense at a comment made by your reporters: "They play the same old tapes, eleven hundred and forty sermons; they listen to them over and over and over again. That they did back in the fifties and sixties." If my father preached the Word of God, then it should not be called "the same old tapes," just as no one should say "they (Christians) read the same old 66 books of the Bible over and over and over again." The 1,200 sermons we have are precious to us, because we believe they were spoken by a prophet of God.

And if the reporter in question doesn't believe that William Branham preached the Word of God, is he still required to treat those sermons as precious and sacred? I don't think so. There are plenty of non-Christians who might refer to the Bible in those terms, and that's their right, no matter how "offended" Christians become. Look at the way Christians treat the Qur'an! If you want to claim religious sensitivity, you have to extend it to others, too. William Branham himself called the Pope the antichrist and the Catholic Church the "mother of harlots" and "Satan's queen." I bet he offended a lot of Catholics. Not everybody believes he was right. All religious people have a right to believe and practice as they choose; they do not have a right to demand that nobody ever use language that offends them.

Even if WHAS disagrees with us, we still deserve the same respect as any other Christian.

Message believers do not practice what they preach. They do not respect other Christians. Can you "respect" someone you call a child of a harlot who has the mark of the beast?

I don't understand why you would disregard the truth and give credibility to a man who hides in the shadows and spouts off slanderous accusations with absolutely no basis in fact. This story by WHAS showed bigotry against a certain group of people who have every right to worship as they please, as long as they follow the laws of these great United States.

Lack of admiration is not bigotry. Indeed, the news story itself was a pretty transparent frame. What "Mike" said was not favorable because he has had unpleasant experiences in the Message. Should WHAS11 have censored him? The article contains exactly the same number of quotations from Willard Collins and "Mike." That sounds exactly like fair and balanced reporting to me. 284

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Bigotry, however, is present in the article: coming from Branham's own mouth.

"Every sin that ever was on the earth was caused by a woman," Branham preached in one sermon.

Branham compares women who wear makeup to Jezebel. "If you see a woman wearing that, you can say 'How do you do, Miss Dog Meat?' That's exactly what God called her. He fed her to the dogs," Branham said.

Why is Voice of God Recordings allowed to publish that kind of bigotry and hate speech against women, while a news station can't casually speak of the tape library? Oh yeah, I forgot, because Branham was "right." Or "because it was God's word." Again, not everyone believes that.

This whole letter has more to do with the author's vendetta against "Mike" than anything substantive to do with WHAS11's reporting skills. What Joseph Branham calls for is censorship in support of the Message, and I, for one, am grateful that he isn't getting it.

--Sierra 285

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The Overpriced Cardboard Suitcase of Idolatry

Funny how the merchandise sold by "The Organization" were described as "very little above cost" when you consider the cardboard box. Maybe five dollars worth of content, sold for a ridiculous amount.

What's funnier than that? The fact that they took the product offline and forgot to remove it from the product list!

EDIT:Since it will probably be removed when they figure out they missed the "picture page", I'm listing the contents and price here:Quote:We all know Brother Branham as God's prophet. He was chosen by God to reveal the deepest secrets hidden within the pages of the Bible. But Brother Branham was also a man with feelings, hobbies, and his own style. We pray that these small tokens will give you a glimpse into the personal life of this very special man of God. The suitcase is an exact replica of Brother Branham's suitcase that he used to travel around the world. Among other treasures, there is a piece of the floor from Brother Branham's den room. This is the same floor that the Angel of the Lord stood upon when he revealed the Seven Seals.

Den room wood floorBrother Branham's passportBumblebee popper fishing flyRoyal Coachman fishing flyBarlow pocket knife"BILL" belt buckle.270 bullet (no powder)Prayer cardPrayer cloth and letterBrother Branham's business cardExplanation booklet with rare pictures of Brother Branham

Price: $35.00 + Shipping 286

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Let All Men Know the Lord Is God and None Else

When Solomon dedicated the temple of the Lord in 1 Kings 8, he stood before the alter and spread his hands toward heaven.

He said, "Lord God of Israel, there is no God like you, in heaven above or on earth beneath, who keeps covenant and mercy with your servants that walk before you with all their heart."

God kept David safe and promised the building of the temple, and on this day the temple was completed. Solomon asked God to keep his promise to David, that not one man fail Him that sits on the throne of Israel, so that the children of Israel walk justly before God.

Solomon was very humble. How could God be with him on earth when even the heavens could not contain God? How much less this temple that he built?

He thanked God for answering prayer that He would look towards the temple day and night. That His Name would be there.

He asked God to listen to the temple, and when He hears, forgive the people. If any trespass against his neighbor, let them make a covenant in their hearts to God in the temple. Solomon asked God to hear in heaven and then take action, judging the servants, condemning the wicked, justifying and blessing the righteous. If any sin against God, let them confess His name and pray in the temple.

Solomon asked that if God caused famine or any other plague because of their sin, let men pray toward the temple and confess God's name, and turn away from their sin. When God hears it in heaven, let God forgive the sin of His servants. Let God teach them the righteous pathways and bless the people.

Solomon asked that if strangers come, who are not children of Israel, let them be blessed when they pray towards the temple. Let God answer their prayer so that all men know God and fear God.

In battle, he asked that if any pray towards the temple, let God hear and answer their prayer to help them. Solomon said that there is no man that does not sin. He asked God not to be angry with them and deliver them into the hands of the enemy. Yet if they happen to find themselves in a strange land, let them return to God with all their heart and soul, praying toward the temple, and let God grant mercy to help them.

With a loud voice, he proclaimed, "Blessed be the Lord!" Not one word of God failed, from the time they were delivered from Egypt to the building of the temple. Solomon said that God will not leave us or forsake us. 287

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He said let all the people of the earth know that the Lord is God, and that there is none else. Let the hearts of men be perfect with the Lord God, keeping God's commandments.

As it applies today, Jesus said, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets." (Matt 22:37-40)

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we lift up and praise God? Are our hearts and minds solely on God in our worship, or are we lifting up the leaders who preach it? Do we forgive one another, praying for those who abuse us in our churches, or do we only pray for ourselves? Do we love God with all our heart, soul, and mind, or do we allow our minds to wander on earthly things? Do we pray for our neighbor's wants or needs, loving them as we love ourselves? 288

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The God Who Sends Comfort to The Righteous

After prophesying about the coming Messiah, The Word of the Lord came down in Isaiah 51 to give comfort.

God said, listen all that live righteous, all that seek the Lord: Look at where you came from. Look to father Abraham and Sarah, how that God called them alone, blessed him, and increased his wealth.

The Lord said he would comfort Zion. All the places laid in waste will be comforted, and and her desolate wilderness will be made like the garden of Eden. Joy and gladness will be found within, thanksgiving and singing.

God said that a law would be given, and His judgment would rest as a light for the people. When His righteousness comes, His salvation will go forth. His arms will judge the people, and those same arms giving judgment will be the arms of trust for the people.

He said to look at the heavens, and look to the earth beneath your feet. Those things will vanish and pass away, and those that dwell therein will die in the same manner. But His salvation will last forever, and His righteousness will not fail.

God said listen all that know righteousness, the people that keep the law in their hearts: Do not fear to be accused by men, and do not be afraid of their condemnation. The moths will eat them like an old robe. The worm will eat them like wool. But God's righteousness will be forever, and His salvation will be for all generations.

He said to awake, and put on strength. He called them the "arm of the Lord," and asked them to awake as they did in the ancient generations of old. That same arm cut Rahab and wounded the dragon. That same arm dried the sea for the children of Israel to pass over.

Therefore, the redeemed shall return with singing unto Zion. Everlasting joy will be flowing from them. They will have great joy and all sorrow will pass.

God said, "I, even I, am he that comforteth you." He asked who were they to be afraid of any man who is destined to die? How were they to be afraid of a man who would one day be made as the grass of the ground? Who were they to be afraid of a man who forgot the Lord, his own Maker? Where is their fury? God said, "I am the Lord thy God, that divided the sea, whose waves roared: The Lord of hosts is his name." He said that He was the one that put words in their mouth, and covered them with the shadow of his hand to plant the heavens and lay the foundations.

They were His people. 289

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As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we find comfort in the Word of God? When others come against us, do we stand in God's Word? Do we not realize that God will send comfort to us? Do we take comfort in knowing that heaven and earth will pass away, but God's salvation will last forever? When God plants his words in our mouths, do we speak them or do we hide them from others? Are we His people? 290

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The Municipal Bridge Prophecy

I was asked about this "vision" from another person, and realized that it was not listed in a thread of its own.

Many have researched this one, and found it to be a historical fact for another bridge that was constructed before WMB was born.

Here's the first WMB quote about the topic:48-0302 EXPERIENCES_ PHOENIX.AZ TUESDAY_Quote:E-44 Now, that's the way the gift is supposed to be working. See? Now, I want you to notice this. It wasn't my sincere prayer that brought this gift. Gifts are not brought by sincere prayers. Gifts are foreordained of God. They're ordained and sent.Here at the Municipal Bridge. Sister, no doubt you know where the Municipal Bridge is, don't you, cross from Jeffersonville to Louisville?Twenty-two years, when I was a little boy, just a little bitty lad about five years old, or six years old, when the Angel of the Lord appeared in the bush... You've heard me tell that haven't you, when I was packing water?Well, about two weeks after that, I was playing marbles with my little brother. And I thought I'd got sick, some real funny feeling came on me. And I went and set down by the side of a tree. And I looked down at the river, and there went a bridge, a big, great big bridge going across the river. And I counted sixteen men that fell off of that bridge and drowned. And I went and told mother. And I told her I seen it. And they thought I was crazy or something. They thought I was just at a little nervous hysterical child.And twenty-two years from that time, on the same ground went the Municipal Bridge across, and sixteen men lost their lives on it. See? Wasn't nothing that... It's--it's God sent it. Your prayers brought it. See?

This refers to the Second Street Bridge, which is told about here (the article tells that the name was originally the Municipal Bridge):Quote:

Another Jeffersonville bridge, the Big Four Railroad bridge, did have fatalities associated with its construction, which you can read here:Quote: 291

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The article states, "The Big Four Bridge would be the only Louisville bridge with serious accidents during its building; thirty-seven individuals died during its construction." These fatalities were divided, with 12 taking place during the laying of the foundation, near the October 1888 beginning of construction. Several months later, another 4 workmen were drowned. This would give a total of sixteen drowning victims- but this bridge was completed before WMB was born. Did he perhaps read of these sixteen men being drowned? There is no way to say. Then again, more workmen drowned before this bridge was completed, for a total of thirty-seven individuals.

I was wondering if the sixteen men drowned happened at another time, not during the construction, but the Voice of Healing magazine article written by WMB confirms they were supposed to have been workmen constructing the bridge. 292

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Fabricated Statistics: To What Purpose?

Quote:And an analyst just from Chicago, a--a woman wrote this article, the police force; that they chased down, in United States, metropolitan United States, that "Ninety-eight percent of every crime that was ever did in any form, in the United States, there was either a woman in it or behind it."Now I'm saying all this, to get to one thing here at the end, so that you can see what's the matter.65-0221M MARRIAGE.AND.DIVORCE

Let's review:1960:* Simple assault: 265 men vs. 29 women* Aggravated assault 101 men vs. 16 women* Major robbery: 65 men vs. 4 women* Petty theft: 391 men vs. 74 women* Auto theft: 121 men vs. 5 women* drunkenness: 3573 men vs. 212 women* DUI: 344 men vs. 21 women* Sex offenses: 81 men vs. 17 women* Male and female arrest rates/100,000, male and female arrest profiles, and female percentage of arrests. (1960-1990, uniform crime reports), Steffensmeier & Allen Research

The list can go on, but you get the idea. The men outnumber the women in great numbers, even in sexual misconduct.

We can easily see that these fabricated statistics were used to belittle the women. 293

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Luke 17:30

William Marrion Branham quoted Luke 17:30 thirty times in 1965, applying the "Son of Man" title to his own ministry. He did this in multiple ways, from comparing his own "message" to the spiritual return of Jesus Christ to the "Elijah" the "End Time Messenger" which he claimed to be.

Let's review Luke 17.

Temptations to Sin

Quote:And he said to his disciples, "Temptations to sin are sure to come, but woe to the one through whom they come! It would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck and he were cast into the sea than that he should cause one of these little ones to sin. Pay attention to yourselves! If your brother sins, rebuke him, and if he repents, forgive him, and if he sins against you seven times in the day, and turns to you seven times, saying, 'I repent,' you must forgive him."

William Branham avoided reading this scripture, with the exception of only the sentence describing a "millstone hung around his neck." This scripture is clearly teaching undying forgiveness and divine Love. It is a direct conflict with any cult that will shun a member for standing in the Truth, or "turn them over to the devil."

Increase Our Faith

Quote:The apostles said to the Lord, "Increase our faith!" And the Lord said, "If you had faith like a grain of mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, 'Be uprooted and planted in the sea,' and it would obey you.

This passage is describing the apostles begging the Lord for greater faith. Jesus responds that you have plenty, and that if you even had the faith of a mustard seed, you could move trees with your words. This is a direct conflict with the "message" of William Branham wherein he described the church and how it must be "restored to the original faith."

Unworthy Servants

Quote:"Will any one of you who has a servant plowing or keeping sheep say to him when he has come in from the field, 'Come at once and recline at table'? Will he not rather say to him, 'Prepare supper for me, and dress properly, and serve me while I eat and drink, and afterward you will eat and drink'? Does he thank the servant because he did what was commanded? So you also, 294

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when you have done all that you were commanded, say, 'We are unworthy servants; we have only done what was our duty.'"

This passage is speaking of faithfulness and duty to the Lord. We must be worthy servants, not sitting idle. The master has called us to serve him, and as servants, we must realize that we have a greater work to do. He does not speak of a "chief servant" that will lead us back to some unknown "original faith." He does not teach us to sit idle thinking that we have everything we need because we know "a prophet" as many have done today. We must help others learn the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Not some other gospel.

Jesus Cleanses Ten Lepers

Quote:On the way to Jerusalem he was passing along between Samaria and Galilee. And as he entered a village, he was met by ten lepers, who stood at a distance and lifted up their voices, saying, "Jesus, Master, have mercy on us." When he saw them he said to them, "Go and show yourselves to the priests." And as they went they were cleansed. Then one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, praising God with a loud voice; and he fell on his face at Jesus' feet, giving him thanks. Now he was a Samaritan. Then Jesus answered, "Were not ten cleansed? Where are the nine? Was no one found to return and give praise to God except this foreigner?" And he said to him, "Rise and go your way; your faith has made you well."

This passage is showing that God offers his grace to every man, but not everyone will follow Him. All ten were cleansed, but only one came back to worship Christ. That predestinated seed worshipped the One that cleansed him.

The Coming of the Kingdom

Quote:Being asked by the Pharisees when the kingdom of God would come, he answered them, "The kingdom of God is not coming in ways that can be observed, nor will they say, 'Look, here it is!' or 'There!' for behold, the kingdom of God is in the midst of you."

This passage is talking about the coming kingdom of the Lord that was spoken in Malachi 4. It was coming in ways that cannot be observed; yet it was in the midst of them.

Quote:And he said to the disciples, "The days are coming when you will desire to see one of the days of the Son of Man, and you will not see it. And they will say to you, 'Look, there!' or 'Look, here!' Do not go out or follow them. For as the lightning flashes and lights up the sky from one 295

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side to the other, so will the Son of Man be in his day. But first he must suffer many things and be rejected by this generation.

This passage is speaking of the generation of people during the days of Jesus. He would suffer many things and be rejected. Yet at the same time, it also is applied to the second coming of Christ. Men will come to Christians like ravenous wolves, trying to separate the Body of Christ. Jesus warns that when they turn you aside saying "look here, this 'message' is the second coming of Christ', do not believe them.

Quote:Just as it was in the days of Noah, so will it be in the days of the Son of Man. They were eating and drinking and marrying and being given in marriage, until the day when Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. Likewise, just as it was in the days of Lot they were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building, but on the day when Lot went out from Sodom, fire and sulfur rained from heaven and destroyed them all so will it be on the day when the Son of Man is revealed.

This passage describes the lack of devotion to the work that Christ commissioned us to do. While we are supposed to be spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we are more concerned with the things in our lives. We are more concerned with feeding our bodies or making money. We will be so consumed with these things that Christ will start raining fire and sulfur down upon us before we even realize that he has returned.

Quote:On that day, let the one who is on the housetop, with his goods in the house, not come down to take them away, and likewise let the one who is in the field not turn back. Remember Lot's wife.

Remember Lot's wife. She was turned to a pillar of salt. This passage is telling us that when the end of the world is coming; do not keep focused on the things we have gained for ourselves. Turning back for them will be like Lot's wife - turning back to death.

Quote:Whoever seeks to preserve his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will keep it. I tell you, in that night there will be two in one bed. One will be taken and the other left. There will be two women grinding together. One will be taken and the other left." And they said to him, "Where, Lord?" He said to them, "Where the corpse is, there the vultures will gather."

This passage is focusing on the aftermath. If we seek to preserve our mortal lives, we will lose our eternal life. But if we chose to lose our mortal lives for Christ's sake, we will save our eternal souls. 296

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After the children of God are taken away, there will be nothing left but rotting corpses. Those left will ask the Lord, "Where did everyone go?" He will look over the rotting flesh of the dead flesh and respond to them that the vultures will feed on the corpses. 297

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Prophets Are Likened to Eagles?

WMB often says that the prophets are likened to 'eagles':

Quote:We find now that God was so merciful to Moses out there in that dead sea, out in the Red Sea out there, rather. Then when He said here, in Exodus 19:4, He said, "I carried you away on eagles' wings, brought you to Myself. Carried them on eagles' wings, and brought you to Myself!" There were other men in the middle of that sea out there, also, trying to impersonate. But what? "He carried them on eagles' wings."Now God always likens His prophets to eagles. And what was it? Moses was His messenger. And they were following Moses, and that was the eagles' wings that they were carried on, because he was packing God's message. 65-0119 THE.GOD.WHO.IS.RICH.IN.MERCY

This is a common theme throughout Rev. Branham's ministry, and yet is not Biblical. It can only be used for a prophet who is attempting to make himself very close to the level of God.

The eagle is used for a little over 30 references in the Bible:1) God: Exodus 19:4, Deuteronomy 28:49, Proverbs 23:5, Jeremiah 49:16, Deuteronomy 32:11, Ezekiel 17:73) The actual bird: Leviticus 11:13, Deuteronomy 14:12, Job 39:27, Proverbs 30:19, Ezekiel 1:10, Ezekiel 10:145) Speed of Warriors: 2 Samuel 1:23, Jeremiah 4:13, Jeremiah 48:40, Jeremiah 49:22, Lamentations 4:19, Habakkuk 1:87) Passing of Time: Job 9:268) King of Babylon: Ezekiel 17:3,9) Nebuchadnezzar's hair: Daniel 4:3310) One of the Four Kings: Daniel 7:411) One of the Four Creatures: Revelation 4:712) The Woman: Revelation 12:1413) Eagle announcing the three angels: Revelation 8:1314) Edom: Obadiah 1:415) Baldness: Micah 1:1616) YOU AND ME: Psalm 103:5, Isaiah 40:31

The Truth of the matter is that God likens HIMSELF to an eagle. According to the Bible, YOU AND I have just as much 'likening' to an eagle as WMB does. 298

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The Heritage of Being God's Servant

Isaiah 54 speaks of God's covenant of peace with his children.

He says to sing and rejoice, be glad in your trouble. The children of desolation will be greater in number than the children of the bride.

They will be scattered across the nations, filling the desolate cities. "In this do not fear", He said, they will not be disgraced. Their Maker is their husband, and the Lord of Hosts is His name. The Holy One of Israel is the Redeemer, the God of the whole earth.

The Lord has called to his bride, like a deserted and grieving wife. For a brief moment the Lord deserted them, but with great compassion will they be gathered. With overflowing anger He hid his face, but with everlasting Love He will have compassion on them.

As a covenant, like the covenant made to Noah, God swore not to be angry with them or rebuke them. The mountains may depart and the hills removed, but His steadfast love will not depart.

He will gather them together, and the children will be taught by the Lord. There will be peace for the children.

"If anyone stirs up strife," He said, "it is not from Me." Those that stir strife will fall. God created the smith that produces the weapons, and also created the ravager to destroy. No weapon against them will proceed, and they will refute every tongue that rises against you in the judgment.

This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their vindication of the Lord.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we hold fast to this promise? Do we sing, rejoice, and be glad in trouble? Do we stand in the Word of God without fear, or do we cower in defeat? Do we accept God's covenant that he will protect us? Do we realize that our Creator created the enemy forces as well as ourselves? Do we claim the heritage of being His servant? 299

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The Lor.... William Branham hath SPOKEN

WMB prophesied Armageddon will come. I can read the same Bible and "predict" Armageddon will come.

If you want to compare it to the Bible, consider HOW the prophecy is given. True prophets of the Lord are God's mouthpiece, nothing more. Soothsayers, like Balaam, are their own mouthpieces, pointing to themselves.

Compare these three "prophets":

1) "Notice. I said, Mussolini {...}" --WMB2) "Balaam the son of Beor hath said {...}" --Balaam3) "Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth: for the LORD hath spoken" --Isaiah

You'll notice that #1 and #2 point to themselves, while #3 points to the Lord.

Since it was "William Branham hath said" instead of "The Lord hath spoken", we end up with moving targets -- WMB trying to correct the accounts of his visions when they were incorrect.

If you look though the "visions of 1933", you'll find that each one was an ongoing correction of the original prophecy. 300

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What Is the Second Coming of Christ?

WMB says [falsely] that the second coming of Christ will be the 'Message'.

Quote:Now, Who is the Son of man? "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us." And if all the teaching that we have, and confirmation of the Word of God; by Word of God, by signs, by wonders, we see today, that in the Book of--of Luke here, that as we just quoted from, or the--the Luke the 17th chapter and the 30th verse; and Malachi 4, and the different Scriptures that we are acquainted with, that that Word again is waved over the people, that the dead traditions of man is dead, and the Son of God is alive again with the baptism of the Holy Spirit right among us, and is giving us Life.

As Christ was the first One to raise, from all the prophets, and so forth; although typed in many places, He was the Firstfruits of those that slept. In the Bride, coming of Christ, coming out of the church, there'll have to be a Sheaf waved again in the last days. Oh, my!Waving of the sheaf! What was the sheaf? The first one that come to mature, the first one that proved it was a wheat, that proved it was a sheaf.Hallelujah! I'm sure you see what I'm talking about. It was waved over the people. And the first time there will come forth, for the Bride age, for a resurrection out of dark denominationalism, will be a Message, that the full maturity of the Word has turned back again in Its full Power, and being waved over the people, by the same signs and wonders that He did back there.65-0418M IT.IS.THE.RISING.OF.THE.SUN

Christ does not return as a 'message', Christ returns as Christ.

And then they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. (Luke 21) 301

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My Soul Thirsts for God

In the wilderness of Judah, with enemies looking to kill him, David writes Psalm 63.

He says, "God, you are my God." I am seeking after you. My soul thirsts for you, God. My flesh faints for thirst of you, as it does in a dry, weary land with no water.

I have seen you in the sanctuary, I have watched your power and glory. Because your steadfast Love is better than life, I will praise you. I will bless you as long as I live, God, I will lift up my hands to praise your name.

My soul will be satisfied, as it is when I have just tasted rich food. My mouth will praise you with joyful lips.

I will remember You when I lie down in my bed, and I will meditate on You, God, in the watches of the night. You have been my help, and in the shadow of your wings I will sing for joy.

My soul clings to you. Your right hand holds me fast. Those who seek to destroy my life will go down into the depths of the earth, and shall be given over to the power of the sword. The jackals will feast on their remains.

But the king shall rejoice in God. All who swear by him shall rejoice greatly.

For the mouths of liars will be stopped.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Does our soul thirst for God? When our enemies surround us, do we take sanctuary in His right hand? Are we satisfied with the Word of God? Do we feast on it like rich food? When the mouths of liars speak against us, do we rejoice in God and know that they will be stopped? Do we cling to Him? 302

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Response to WHAS comments

This response sent in to the WHAS comments from a friend who is anonymous for now:


I read through some of these comments over the weekend and as someone who came out of this and is now on my own journey of healing from the damage it created in my own life-I took some days to ponder, digest this and let God remove the anger that was triggered by the judgmental, harsh and very non-Christian attacks against this man. I think from reading many of the post the thing that is lacking is that many must not be taking things to God in prayer before they post the hate that is just spewing so uncontrollably from their lips.

I was raised in the the teachings of William Branham myself and I know that it left me in a state of being a complete mess with more questions than answers, more doubt than faith, more hate than love, more of an unforgiving heart than an ability to forgive, more of a judgmental attitude than one who saw that by grace we can be saved. It left me being feeling more negativity than living in joy. As I read the posts and how many would say things, like this man is possessed of the devil or this man is just atomic fodder. Sadly, these are the many very, very, very common quotes used in this teaching when someone is not following the Branham structure.

I have been reading my Bible more the past few months and what amazes me is SEEING JESUS FOR THE FIRST TIME, not a man built up my man as some kind of idol. I challenge all of you to put Jesus on one side of the equation and his ministry in his life on earth and then put your prophet on the other. Not only should you look at the difference in how Jesus spoke to the sinners and how HE LOVED THEM but I challenge you to look at what came out of his teaching....the believers and what they stood for. Their message was not one of hate. They devoted their lives to discipleship and leading others to Christ by love and Grace, not hate and fear of wrath and judgment.

Can you really say after listening to the sermons of Branham and what comes out of it that these people are like the disciples and the many who gave their life for Christ. Can you say you would give your life for Christ or-----after reading how defensive so many are for this prophet that instead you would drink the Jones Kool-Aid for your prophet? Save me from coming back with threats that I am blaspheming on God-remember I was raised in the Message and I KNOW all the mind games that come from this. I don't fear the words of the many in the Message anymore. The only one I care to please is Jesus. Your prophet would say things like "look at your Shepherd and you will know what kind he is by the sheep." That should be enough said. Check your hearts, do you have more love or hate, more grace or a critical spirit, do you live a life others desire or ones they look at and want nothing to do with.

When I left and was on the outside looking in, I would see the followers of the Message. The ones that came in after I left that didn't know who I was. It gave me a way of getting a clear 303

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view of their behaviors without them having a need to put on their facades. I saw women in the grocery store and I NEVER saw any of them that looked happy. They carried themselves like they were in bondage to their legalism. And at one point I was them and when my life fell apart because of all those learned beliefs I realized it had been years of living that way that shattered my life. Anyone can follow a code of legalism for life, but what does that do to your soul when one carries themselves that they are arrogant and above others because they think they have something the "world" doesn't have, when in fact the world doesn't want this, not because it's not for them because they are evil are misguided but because they see the unhappiness in the way these people carry themselves.

And for the person who spoke of how Godly your lives are, with no divorces or committing adultery, no drinking, drugs and all the other sin in the's in your churches more than you even know, it's just ALWAYS swept under the rug so not to bring a reproach on your wonderful message. Look at the church recently with the pastor who's daughter sexually abused a child for YEARS and the pastor and his son in law assistant pastor knew and did nothing. They buried it, let it go on and didn't even protect the child enough or let the parents know what was taking place.

I saw so many, many cases of this in the Message throughout my years growing up in it so save those stories for the unaware people out there. But this is why there are those that are standing up against it-to save others from the lies, deception and hurt that lays in wait in these churches. And you ask, why are so many afraid to come out and say who they are-because we know the repercussions. We know that people will slander us to save face for their cult. It's been done to me as well.

We aren't ashamed so much to stand up against what this is about, we just know the personal attacks and ways of discrediting the person know no bounds in how far the Branham followers will go to protect their cult. I really pray you will read this and actually pray about what has been said and not just come back with your personal attacks. It took me a few days to allow God to help me write the words so I was not just impulsively writing from a place of anger as so many have done on this site. God Bless! 304

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The Life of a True Christian

Romans 12 tells the way in which a true Christian should live.

Let your love be genuine. Do not simply tell people that you love them, you should genuinely love them.

Detest evil, hold fast to what is good. When you see people taking pleasure in evil around you, you should hate that evil with a passion, holding strongly to the good things.

Love one another with brotherly affection. All friends should be close friends, like brothers and sisters to you.

Outdo one another in showing honor. As a Christian, your respect should be the highest among your peers.

Do not be lazy in your passion to serve the Lord. Show strong passion towards serving Him.

Rejoice in hope, patient in tribulation, and constant in prayer. Show others that you have a strong faith, rejoicing in the hope that comes only from the Lord.

Contribute to the needs of the saints, and show them hospitality. In a world filled with love of one's own self, Christians should be the opposite. Take pleasure helping others, especially when they are in need of it.

Bless those who persecute you. Do not curse them. They may be God's children, and your witness to them may be the very thing that leads them to Christ.

Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. When a brother or sister is excited, be excited with them to share their joy. When they are down, mourn with them so their burdens are shared.

Live in harmony with one another. Do not set others up for contempt, show the Love of Christ through your life.

Do not be arrogant or proud, associate with the lowly. Christ came to the lowly, and the proud rejected Him.

Never be wise in your own sight. Show others your wisdom through your actions, and they will learn of your wisdom with admiration. 305

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Do not repay evil with evil, but give thought to do what is honorable in the sight of all. If you repay evil with evil, then you have shown yourself as low as the offender, which is not honorable with all.

If possible, and if it is in your control, live peaceable with all. Where there is a solution with peace, take that solution. If it cannot be solved with peace, only then should you take an action that would offend.

Never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God. It is written, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay, saith the Lord."

If your enemy is hungry, feed him. If he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In your love towards your enemy, you are heaping lumps of burning coals upon his head.

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we abide by these teachings? 306

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Stewards of God's Grace

1 Peter 4 tells us that we should be good stewards of God's grace, and be willing to suffer for it.

Christ suffered for us, and we should arm ourselves in the same way of thinking. Any person suffering for Christ has ceased from sin, for they are no longer living for the passions of the mortal bodies but are living for the will of God.

The time for joining in the evils of the Gentile world is past, and because you may have joined in their sin, they will be surprised when you do not continue in it. But they will all give an account to God during the judgment.

For this reason, the Gospel was preached to both those who were willing to serve and those who would continue in sin. Though they are judged in the flesh the way people will judge, they can live in the spirit the way that God does.

The end of all things is at hand. Be self-controlled and sober-minded for the sake of your prayers. We should continue loving one another, because Love covers a multitude of sins.

We should be hospitable to others. Each person has received a gift, and they should use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace. Those who are given the gift of prophesy should speak only the oracles of God. Those that serve should serve by the strength that God supplies. Everything should be done to give God the glory through Jesus Christ. Do not be surprised when the tests come. It will seem as though something strange is happening to you. You should rejoice, because you are sharing the suffering of Christ. In doing so, you will be rejoicing even more when His glory is revealed.

If you are insulted for the name of Christ, you are blessed. The spirit of God and His glory is resting upon you.

Let none of you suffer shame for the evils of the world. Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, let him Glorify God.

The time of judgment is ready to begin at the household of God. If judgment begins with us, what will be the outcome for those who do not obey the Gospel? If the righteous can barely be saved, what will happen to the ungodly and the sinner?

Those who suffer according to God's will should entrust their souls to a faithful Creator while doing good.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we ready to suffer for Christ? Have we put away our sinful ways and idolatry of the past? Do we live in the spirit of God, or have we chosen the 307

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ways of the flesh? Do we cover a multitude of sin by showing others Divine Love? Do we use our gifts for the glory of God through Jesus Christ? Do we take our trials or the sinful ways of our past and use them for the glory of God? Have we entrusted our soul to our Creator while doing good? 308

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Sharing the Load With Others

Galatians 6 teaches us how we should bear each other's burdens, so that we are not bearing them alone.

If any one is caught in any transgression, those who are spiritual should help that person until they are restored into a spirit of gentleness. We have to be careful, however, so that we are not tempted while we are helping them.

We must bear each other's burdens, and in doing so, we fulfill the law of Christ. If any person thinks that he is something special, when he is nothing, he deceives himself. Every person should test his own work, and then he can boast within himself and not boast to his neighbor. Each will have their own load to bear, not just the one boasting.

Some people are taught the Word of God, and know it very well. Those people should share the good things in the Word with the one who has the burden of teaching. The teacher, or nobody else should be deceived. Whatever that teacher sows he will also reap. The teacher who teaches the things of the flesh will reap corruption, but the one who teaches the things from the Spirit will reap eternal life.

In all of this, we should not tire of doing good. When the time comes, we will reap the good things unless we give up. Since we have an opportunity, we should do good to everyone. We should especially do good to those who have faith in Jesus Christ.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we share the burdens of those who are in transgression to help restore them to gentleness? Do we even share the burdens of those doing good? Do we think that because we have a gift of teaching, we also have a gift of knowledge in the Word? Do we listen to those who study the Word before we teach? Do we spread legalism and other things of the flesh, when we will reap the same legalism? When we have the opportunity, do we choose to do good for others? 309

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Repaying Evil with Divine Love

After Jacob died, Genesis 50 describes the great mourning of his passing by the house of Jacob and the Egyptians combined.

The inhabitants of the land, called the Canaanites, saw the large number of Egyptians, and named the place of their mourning Abel-mizraim because they were mourning outside of their own land. Jacob had asked to be buried beyond the Jordan river, and was buried in a tomb purchased by Abraham.

When mourning was over and the large procession had returned to Egypt, Joseph's brothers started to fear for their lives. Now that their father was dead, their fear was that Joseph would show his wrath against them for their evil deeds.

They sent a message to Joseph to beg his forgiveness. They said they were the servants of the God of his father, and begged that their transgressions of evil were forgiven.

When they came to Joseph in person, they said that they were now his servants, but Joseph told them not to fear. He asked them, "Am I in the place of God?"

Joseph told them that they had meant evil against him, but God meant this evil to be for good. Through their evil, God used them to save the lives of many people, and they were still alive because of the events that led Joseph to Egypt.

Instead of anger, Joseph told his brothers that he would provide for them and their little ones. He comforted them and spoke kindly to them.

Joseph remained in Egypt along with his father's house until the day of his death.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we forgive each other like Joseph did his brothers? When we are given evil, do we repay with kindness? Do we realize that God works mighty things through the evil of others, and in all things we should honor the Lord? When others do evil things against us, do we give the glory to God by showing Divine Love? 310

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Turn from Dead Works

In the second year of Darius, the Lord spoke through the prophet Haggai in Haggai 2.

Through Haggai, God asked the priests about the Law: "If someone carries holy meat in the fold of his garment and touches with his fold bread or stew or wine or oil or any kind of food, does it become holy?"

The priests answered that it did not.

Then God asked, "If someone who is unclean by contact with a dead body touches any of these, does it become unclean?"

The priests answered that it did become unclean.

Through Haggai, God spoke to them, telling them that it was the same for them. The children of Israel, the entire nation, and all of the works done with their hands was unclean. What they offered to God was unclean.

The Law had failed, and the people had turned away from God. Their old ways of serving the Lord had become more tradition than service.

God asked them to consider their works from the building of their temple, how that His blessings were not with them. But, God said, from that day forward He would bless them.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we serve God with our hearts and minds, or just by the way we live our lives? Do we continue in the tradition of our fathers, thinking that the rules we live by will save our souls from hell? Has our ways became unclean before Him?

Yet, through all of this, God is blessing us! 311

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Return to the Lord

The Lord spoke through the prophet Joel in Joel 2, telling the people to return to the Lord.

The Lord said that the children of Israel should return to Him with all their heart, with fasting and weeping, with mourning and rending of garments. He said that He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast Love.

God told the people to gather themselves together for worship, from the priests down to the little nursing infants. They should make their heritage a godly one, not a reproach to him among the nations.

The Lord had pity for his people and was sending them mercy. He would drive away their enemies and send His blessings on them. They should no longer fear, but rejoice and be glad for the things God would do for them. They would have assurance that He was in their midst, and that he was the Lord their God and no one else.

He promised that he would pour out his Spirit on all flesh. Their sons and their daughters would prophesy, and their old men would dream dreams. Their young men would see visions. Even their servants would have the blessing of His spirit.

When the great day came, He would show signs in the heavens and the earth. The people would know that it was the hour of his blessing, and from that day forth everyone who calls on the name of the Lord would be saved.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we beg for His mercy and return to Him with all our hearts? Do we realize that He is slow to anger and abounds in steadfast Love for us? Do we accept His promise that He would pour out His spirit among us? Do we call on His name for our salvation? 312

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Be Ready for Good Work

Writing to Titus in Titus 1, Paul says to be ready for every good work.

We should not speak evil of anyone, and avoid quarreling. We should be gentle and have courtesy to all people.

Paul reminds us that we ourselves were once foolish. We were disobedient and led astray. We were slaves to various passions and pleasures. We were filled with malice and envy, hated by others and hating one another.

When the Divine Love from God our Savior came into our lives, He saved us from all of that. God's mercy, which he gave to us by the Holy Spirit, poured out upon us richly through Jesus Christ has given us Divine Love.

We are now justified by His grace, and are heirs with the hope of eternal life. We should insist on these things so that others devote themselves also to good works for one another. It is excellent and profitable for people to do these things.

Paul warned us to avoid foolish controversies. Avoid quarreling about the law and old ways, because it is unprofitable and worthless. Any person who does these things and stirs up a division among the people is warped and sinful. In doing this, he is self condemned.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we ready for every good work? Do we avoid arguments, never speaking evil, or are we gentle and loving towards all? Do we not remember where we came from before our salvation? Have we devoted ourselves to Divine Love after receiving the Holy Spirit? Do we condemn others for their interpretation of the old laws and old ways, or have we moved on to better things? 313

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An Example of Christ

Romans 15 tells us that we are supposed to be examples of Christ

Our obligations are for others, and not to please ourselves. Those that fail in their walk with Christ are the ones that we should help to bear the load.

We should please our neighbor, to lift him up. Christ did not please Himself, but he came to lift up others. The sins of the world were his heavy load.

The Law that was written in former days was written to show endurance, so that through the encouragement of the Scriptures we can have hope. The God of endurance and encouragement allows us to live in such peace and harmony with one another, living in one accord with Jesus Christ.

Together, through Jesus Christ, we can glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. We should then welcome one another with open arms as Christ has welcomed us. We should do this for the Glory of God.

Christ came to the circumcised Jews to show God's truthfulness, confirming the promises given to the great men of old. In doing this, He gave the Gentiles privilege to glorify God for his mercy.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we put others before ourselves? Do we help to lift up those that fall into sin, or do we avoid them to let them fend for themselves? Are we the ones who push them down by imposing rules from the old Mosaic Law on them, or do we live in one accord through Grace and Love? Do we glorify God for his Law as was intended for the Jews, or do we glorify God for His mercy? 314

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Shepherd to the Lost Sheep

God speaking through Ezekiel in Ezekiel 34 said that He Himself would search for his sheep.

As a shepherd seeks out his flock when they have been scattered, God will also seek out his people. He will rescue them from all places, even though they are scattered into different countries, and bring them into their own land.

He will feed them with good pasture, and their grazing land will be the high places. They will be fed on rich pasture, and as the Great Shepherd, God will feed them and make them to lie down.

He will seek the lost and the strayed, bind up the wounds of the injured, and strengthen the weak. But the fat sheep and the strong sheep will be destroyed; God will feed them with justice.

God will also judge the flock, sheep by sheep. He will separate the rams and male goats. For it is not just because they eat of the same pasture, some eating will tread down others of the same pasture. They will drink the clear water, but muddy the rest of the water with their feet. God asked, "Must my sheep eat what you have trodden down with your feet, and drink what you have muddied with your feet?"

God will judge between the fat sheep and the lean sheep. Because the strong thrust at the weak with their horns until they are scattered, God will rescue His flock and they will not be a prey.

He will set one shepherd over them, David, and David will feed them. David will be their shepherd, and God will be their Lord God.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we listen for the call when the Lord searches for us? Do we feed on the good pasture He has given us, the Word, or do we feed on something else? Are we humble like the weak sheep, or have we became fat and strong? Are we drinking the muddied water from the male goats, or are we drinking from the clean, pure water of Life? 315

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Bright as the Noonday Sun

In Psalm 37, David says not to worry because of those who do evil, or envious of those who do wrong. They will soon fade away.

We should trust in the Lord and do good. Dwell in the land God has given us and be faithful.

We should delight in the Lord, and he will give us the desires of our hearts. If we commit our ways to the Lord, He will not only listen to us, He will act. God will make our righteousness shine as bright as the sun, and our justice like the noonday sun.

David says to be still before the Lord and wait patiently for Him, not worrying about the one who prospers by carrying out evil plans. Don't be angry at him or worry about it, it will only lead to more evil. For the evildoers will be cut off from the Lord, but they that wait upon the Lord will inherit the land.

The meek will inherit the land and the wicked will be removed. The wicked plots against the righteous and gnashes his teeth at him, but the Lord laughs at the wicked. The Lord knows that his day is coming. They may lift their weapons against the righteous, but God will use their own weapons against them.

The little things that the righteous have are better than the abundance of the wicked. The Lord will break the wicked and uplift the righteous. Their heritage shall remain forever. In the bad times, they are shameless and in the times of famine they have plenty. The wicked will fade away.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we long to live the lifestyles of the wicked? When we see the many things they have in this life, do we yearn for their possessions, or do we dwell in the land happy with what God has given us? Does our righteousness shine as the sun, our just and blameless ways like the noonday sun? Do we wait patiently on the Lord or do we try to take the matter in our own hands? Are we lifted up when the Lord lifts up the righteous, or will we fade away with the wicked? 316

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Battling The Enemy with God On Your Side

2 Kings 6 describes how Syria was battling with Israel, and the king of Syria planned to make his camp before the children of Israel.

Elisha sent word to the king of Israel, warning him not to pass through that area to avoid the Syrians. The king sent a spy to the area, and was saved from a vicious battle. This happened more than once.

The king of Syria was furious that the children of Israel had changed their path, and gathered his servants together. "Show me which one of you is warning the king of Israel!" he fumed.

"None," they replied, "but Elisha the prophet tells the king of Israel every secret plan you make."

The king of Syria commanded his spies to find Elisha, and when they did, he commanded his armies to surround the city and take Elisha by force. When Elisha's servant rose early in the morning and saw the armies around the city, he ran to Elisha to ask what they should do.

Though there were only two of them, Elisha told the servant not to fear. He said that those that were with the two of them were greater in number than those that were with those armies of Syrians.

Elisha then prayed that the servant's eyes be opened so that he could see. God opened his eyes, and he saw that the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha.

Through prayer, Elisha had command of the army of the Lord's chariots of fire. He prayed unto the Lord for God to strike the people with blindness. God did as Elisha prayed, and Elisha told the blind armies that they were not headed in the right way. He asked the Syrians to follow him, and he would bring them to the man they were looking for. And he led them to Samaria before the children of Israel.

As soon as they entered, Elisha prayed for the Lord to open their eyes, and God did as Elisha prayed. The Syrian armies found they were in the midst of Samaria. As soon as the king of Israel saw the Syrians, the king asked Elisha if he should kill them.

Elisha answered that they should not strike them down. He asked the king, "Would you strike down a surrendered people that you captured by the sword?"

Instead, Elisha told the king to prepare a meal for them. The children of Israel prepared a great feast. When all were filled with food and drink, Elisha sent them away and they went to the king of Syria. 317

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And the Syrians did not come again on raids into the land of Israel.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: When the odds are against us, do we think we are outnumbered? Do we think we are alone in our battle, or do we realize that the armies of God are on our side? When we are up against our adversaries, do we strike them down or do we treat them with kindness and respect? Do we use God for our shield, or do we try to take matters into our own hands? 318

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The Song of Moses

Exodus 12 describes the Exodus, how the children of Israel came out of Egypt.

The Egyptians had become terrified of death after the plagues, and wanted the children of Israel out of the land as quickly as possible, to the extent that they did not even let the bread rise to make haste in their departure. God gave so much favor to the side of Israel that they were able to plunder the Egyptians of gold, silver, and fine clothing by simply asking for it.

As they began their journey, Moses and the children of Israel sang the Song of Moses (Exodus 15).

They praised the Lord for His glorious triumph, both the horse and rider had been thrown into the sea. The Lord was their strength, their song, their salvation, their God, their father's God, and should be exalted.

The Lord was a man of war, Pharaoh's chariots and host including the chosen officers perished in the Red Sea. His right hand is glorious in power, and his right hand shatters the enemy. In the greatness of His Majesty His adversaries are overthrown. His fury consumes them like stubble.

The enemy thought they would pursue and overtake to divide the spoil, and their plan was to destroy them by their own hands. The Lord blew His wind and the sea covered them.

"Who is like you, O Lord among the gods? Who is like you, majestic in holiness, awesome in glorious deeds, doing wonders?" they sang. God had led them in His steadfast love, and redeemed the people. He guided them by His strength.

The other nations trembled. Pangs of fear seized the Philistines, the chiefs of Edom were dismayed, and the leaders of Moab trembled in fear. All the inhabitants of Canaan melted away with terror and dread because of the mighty arm of the Lord. Because of His greatness, this fear would fall upon them until the children of Israel passed by.

He would lead them to His own mountain, the place where He abode. It would be the sanctuary that He established, and the Lord would reign forever and ever.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we think that God is not on our sides, and we must take matters into our own hands when even the mighty Egypt could be plundered by simply asking? When the enemy comes against us, do we tremble in fear or do we rejoice at the mighty work God will do in His own time? As we enter into difficult situations, do we realize that the enemy is trembling in fear at the awesome power of God? Do we follow His leading? Do we let the Lord reign forever and ever in our hearts? 319

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Blessings for Obedience

After Moses covered the Mosaic Law, and then described the curses to be given on the mountain, Deuteronomy 33 describes the blessings the children of Israel would receive for faithfully obeying the Law.

The people would be set high above all the nations of the earth. They would be so blessed that the blessings would overtake them, if they obeyed the voice of the Lord God.

Those in the city would be blessed, and those in the fields. Their sons and daughters would be blessed, and all that they planted in the ground would be blessed. Even the fruit of their cattle would be blessed, and their herds would increase. Their baskets and kneading bowls would be blessed, producing good food to eat. Everywhere they go, they would be blessed.

Their enemies that would rise would be defeated before them. An army gathering together against them would scatter, fleeing in separate ways. They would be blessed in their barns, and all that they set out to accomplish. They would be blessed in the land that the Lord God would be giving them as they crossed into the Holy Land.

They would be established as a holy people for God if they kept the commandments and walked in the way of the Lord. All the people of earth would see that they were called by the name of the Lord and be afraid of them. The Lord would give them prosperity of everything, from their children to the offspring of their livestock, to the fruit they planted in the ground within the land that the Lord was giving them.

The Lord would open his treasury, the heavens, to give them rain in its season to bless the work of their hands. They would have plenty, lending to many nations but never needing to borrow. The Lord would make them the head and not the tail, going only up in stature and never down, if they obey the commandments of the Lord God.

Moses warned them to be careful to do the things written in the Law, not turning aside from any of the commandments or to find other gods to serve them.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we ever stop to consider all of the many things Moses commanded the people, and the curses that they endured under the Law? How often do we thank Jesus Christ for redeeming us from the curse of the Law? Have we ever considered how hard it must have been to keep these commandments, stoning children for disobeying or cutting off the hands of people we know and love? Are we thankful to these people that kept the Mosaic Law down through the ages until the Law failed, setting up the situation for Jesus Christ to come and redeem us? Do we praise Jesus for dying on the cross so that we can receive His blessings without the penalties of the Law? 320

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The Mighty Power of God

After Habakkuk prophesied against the Chaldeans, he cried out unto God in Habakkuk 3.

He had heard how that God come against Teman, and the mighty armies that fell by the sword. He had heard about God shining forth His Glory from Mount Paran with the ten thousand of His holy ones and flaming fire at His right hand. God's splendor covered the heavens. His Glory was shining forth from his hands like rays from the sun. Before Him went pestilence, and after Him came plagues.

As He stood there, God measured the earth and shook the nations. Mountains were scattered and hills sank low. The people of Cushan suffered affliction and the land of Midian trembled.

It looked like God took judgment against the rivers and the sea as God's chariot came through. The earth was split with rivers and the mountains twisted like snakes. Raging waters swept in and the deep cried out. The sun and moon hung still in their place after shooting through the sky into place.

God marched through the earth in fury, thrashing the nations as he passed by. He went from nation to nation for the salvation of His people, crushing the heads of the wicked and trampling down their warriors.

Habakkuk trembled at the mighty power of God, lips quivering and legs shaking. Yet after all of this awesome power and majesty, Habakkuk said that he waited quietly for the day when people would again come to invade.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we in awe at the mighty power of God? As a people living in His Love, do we sometimes forget that He is also the mighty conqueror? Do we ever stop to think about what a beautiful sight the creation would have been, how the stars and the planets shot into place like arrows from a bow? Or do we think about how God is passing through all the nations for the salvation of His people? Do we sit in fear of the coming wars and rumors of wars, or do we sit patiently like Habakkuk with the comfort of God on his side? 321

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Esau's Army

When Esau told Jacob's messengers that he was coming to meet Jacob, Jacob trembled in fear. He placed two hundred goats and other animals in-between his camp and Esau's as a gift to try to make peace.

In Genesis 33, Esau approached the camp with an army of four hundred men. Jacob divided the children of those of his servants from those of his wives, sending the servants and their children in front to give as another gift. As they moved forward, Jacob ran in front of them, and bowed down to Esau. He rose to his feet, ran in front of them, and bowed down to Esau again. Three times he did this until he came near to his brother.

But instead of coming to kill Jacob as Esau had vowed, he embraced him and kissed his neck. Together they wept.

Esau lifted his eyes and asked about the servants and their children. Jacob answered that they were a gift to find favor in his sight. Esau did not want to take them, but Jacob insisted.

Esau offered to journey with them together, and would lead the way, but Jacob worried about the frail children and nursing flocks. A hard drive for them would kill the animals. Jacob told Esau to go on ahead and he would travel at the slow pace of the livestock. Esau offered to leave some of his army with Jacob, but Jacob replied that there was no need.

Jacob journeyed safely to Shechem in the land of Canaan and erected an altar.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: When the enemy is closing in, do we tremble in fear when God is on our side? When the odds are stacked against us, do we fight like a cornered animal or do we offer peace? Are we able to live peacefully with those who do not follow our ways, even when they live peacefully with us? 322

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Blessed are the Forgiven

Psalm 32 says that the forgiven are blessed. Their sins are covered. The forgiven are not counted in those of iniquity by the Lord, and are blessed. In their spirit is no deceit.

David said that he was silent as his bones wasted away, groaning all day long. Day and night were difficult, and his strength was gone from him. Still, in his agony, david did not cover his iniquity, he acknowledged his sin before God. He confessed his transgressions to the Lord, and was forgiven of his sin.

Therefore, David said, let everyone who is godly offer prayer to the Lord when He is near. God was a hiding place for David, a comfort in a time of trouble. God surrounded David with calls of deliverance.

David says he will teach us the way: Do not be like stubborn and without understanding like a mule, which must be kept by a bit and bridle or it will leave. For many are the sorrows of the wicked, but steadfast Love surrounds the one who trusts in the Lord God.

Be glad in the Lord! Rejoice, oh righteous! Shout for joy!

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do our heads hang down low when we sin? Do we stay in sin, our faults keeping us burdened? Or do we rejoice because our sins are covered? Do we find our comfort and hiding place in the Lord? Are we without understanding like a mule, or do we learn God's Word for ourselves? Do we rejoice in the Lord? 323

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The Hard Life of a Christian

Growing up in a MSG environment, we were told our lives were harder than the "churches of the world.". Until recently, I never questioned that statement. It wasn't until my wife noticed that there were so many more sins in the Bible than the few we were preached about that I studied the topic.

The truth of the matter is; it was much easier to live the "message life" ... At least the one the pastors I've been associated with in the message taught.

When it comes right down to it, the life of TRUE Divine Love is much harder. It was an easy ride to get into heaven by simply believing that a "prophet" had a special insight that was better than the world, or enjoying wild hunting stories.

These below are just a few of the sins in the New Testament. When the Bible says that we "sin daily," it's much easier to understand why when you realize WHAT these sins are. Having been taught that "sin is unbelief" misses the point by a mile... There's MUCH more to it than that.

Take a look through this, and see how many you fall short on during the course of your day. How many have you cried out unto God for forgiveness for recently?

Matthew 5:22 1. Calling another a fool

Matthew 5:282 looking at women with lust

Matthew 19:18-193 stealing4 false witness5 Not loving your neighbor as yourself

Mark 7:21-22 6 evil thoughts7 an evil eye8 foolishness

Ephesians 5:3-79 impurity10 filthiness11 foolish talking12 jesting13 drunk with wine 324

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2 Corinthians 12:20 14 swellings15 tumults

Galatians 5:19-2116 Adultery17 fornication18 uncleanness19 lasciviousness20 Idolatry21 witchcraft22 hatred23variance24 emulations25 wrath26 strife27 seditions28 heresies29 Envyings30 murders31 drunkenness32 revellings

Romans 1:26-3233 Homosexuality both male and female34 unrighteousness35 wickedness36 covetousness37 maliciousness38 debate39 deceit40 malignity41 whisperers42 Backbiters43 haters of God44 despiteful45 proud46 boasters47 inventors of evil things48 disobedient to parents49 Without understanding50 covenant breakers51 without natural affection 325

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52 implacable53 unmerciful

1 Timothy 1:9-10 54 lawless and disobedient55 ungodly56 sinners57 unholy and profane58 murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers59 whoremongers60 men stealers61 liars62 perjury63 contrary to sound doctrine

Revelation 21:8 64 fearful65 unbelieving66 the abominable67 sorcerers

Also, consider this question: how many of these things were we involved in BECAUSE of the MSG? I know that I can name a few... 326

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The Beauty Contest

When King Ahasuerus appointed men to find a beautiful young virgin in Esther 2, Esther made herself ready.

She had a beautiful figure and natural beauty, so she was quickly in favor by those in charge of the king's decree. She was provided with cosmetics, fine oils and spices, and seven young women to help her.

As was custom, she was given twelve months to beautify herself with her training and cosmetics. She was preparing for one of the greatest beauty contests of all time, with the king as her reward. The king's appointed provided her with the finest of everything, allowing her to make herself even more beautiful than her already natural beauty.

When it came time for Esther to be presented before the king, Esther was very humble. The custom would have allowed her to ask anything, but she asked for nothing except what Hegai advised to bring with her. Her beauty would speak for itself.

The king was immediately in love when he saw Esther. She had won grace and favor in his eyes, favor above all the other women in the beauty contest. He took the royal crown and placed it upon her head, deeming her the winner and the queen.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do our Christian women present themselves beautiful before their husbands? Do they capture the husband's eyes as Esther captured the king's? Do we, as Christians, make ourselves beautiful before Christ? Do we prepare ourselves for Him, with the internal cleansing of the soul? When Christ comes again, will he find us beautiful in His eyes? Will we be given the crown of Glory? 327

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Kindness for the Poor

After the instructions were given for the Sabbath in Leviticus 25, provisions in the Law were made for the poor among the children of Israel.

If a brother was unable to maintain himself among the children of Israel, they were instructed to invite him in and support him as if he were a stranger and a sojourner. They were to let the poor brother live in their dwelling and not take advantage of him.

No money was to be lent to the brother with interest, and no food given him for profit. They were reminded, "I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt to give you the land of Canaan, and to be your God."

If the brother becomes so poor that he sold himself as a slave to their household, they were not allowed to make him serve. The poor brother could work with them as a hired worker in the same way they would treat a sojourner. He would serve until the year of the jubilee and then with his family be free to leave.

They were not to rule over him ruthlessly, but fear God.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we help the poor? When we do help the poor, do we do it for profit? Do we make them feel forever indebted to us, or do we help them freely? Do we treat them with the same respect as we would a stranger in our house? Do we even treat the strangers with respect? 328

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Highway to Heaven

Isaiah 35 describes how the ransomed will return. A highway of holiness provided for the saved.

The barren wilderness and the dry land will be glad; the desert will blossom like a flower. The ransomed will see the glory of the Lord God, who will strengthen the weak and take the fear away from those with feeble knees.

God will come with vengeance to save the ransomed. The blind eyes will be opened, the deaf will hear again. The lame will leap to their feet and the mute will sing praises to God. Waters and streams will break through the wilderness once haunted by jackals, turning it into beautiful pools and springs.

There will be a highway there, that will be called the Way of Holiness. The unclean will not pass over the highway, it will be only for the ransomed. Even if they are fools, wandering from side to side, they will not go astray.

Nothing will touch those travelling. No lions will attack, no ravenous will seek their prey. Only the redeemed will be walking on the highway.

They will travel the highway and enter into Zion with singing and rejoicing. Everlasting joy will fill them. All sorrows will be past.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we on the highway of holiness? Do we worry and doubt when attackers come against us, when they cannot enter the highway? Do we speak out against others on the highway, or do we help them to their feet when they stumble and fall? Do we stop in the middle of the road when a man rises up to point others to the road, looking backwards at the man instead of onward to Zion? 329

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The Coming King

Zechariah prophesied of the coming King in Zechariah 9

He told the people to rejoice, shouting praises loudly. The King was coming, and bringing righteousness and salvation with Him.

He would be mounted on a colt, the foal of a donkey, yet he would cut off the chariots and war horses. The weapons of battle would be cut off through his speaking of peace through the nations, and He would rule from sea to sea.

Because of the sacrifice, prisoners would be set free from the pits of hell. He would restore hope in double-portion.

Judah would be like the bow shooting Ephraim as its arrow. The arrow would stir up the future generations of Israel and Greece, and the Lord would save His people.

When the Lord appeared, the arrow would go forth like lightening, and the sounding of a trumpet. Those rising would tread down the wicked and the Lord of hosts would protect them. They would drink and make loud noise as if they were drunk with new wine, and they would be filled to overflowing.

On that day, the Lord God would save them. They were His flock, and jewels in His crown. They would shine upon His land proclaiming His goodness and beauty. Their famine would cease.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we looking forward to the second coming of the King? Have we prepared ourselves with His Word? Will He tell us that we have shined brightly upon the land proclaiming Him, or have we been dimly proclaiming something else? 330

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The Punishment of Uzziah

2 Chronicles 26 describes the rise and fall of king Uzziah.

Though he was only sixteen years old when he was made king, he reigned with God by his side and was instructed by Zechariah. God helped him defeat the Philistines, Arabians in Gurbaal, and the Meunites.

His fame quickly spread throughout the land. Uzziah built towers in the wilderness, cutting out many cisterns to provide water. He loved the soil, and helped many farmers with their soil and large herds.

As his power grew, his army grew with him. He had over three hundred thousand able bodied men in his army, and they were prepared with a large armory of both battle armor and weapons.

He was not defeated in battle, however. Uzziah was defeated by his own pride. As he grew proud, he led himself down the path of destruction. He was unfaithful to the Lord God.

Uzziah entered into the temple to burn incense, and Azariah attempted to stop him. Only the priesthood was consecrated to burn incense, but Uzziah refused to stop.

As he held the censer to burn the incense, he became angry with Azariah and the priests. Immediately, his forehead broke out with leprosy. Standing there beside the alter, Azariah and the priests looked at him to see this great king that was now a leper.

For the rest of his life, Azariah remained a leper, and his son Jotham was appointed to be in charge of governing the people of the land.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: When God helps us in a magnificent and mighty way, do we give Him the glory, or do we raise our own pride? When God works through others, do we raise them up, or raise up the God who they should magnify? Do we boast ourselves, telling others of the spiritual gifts or accomplishments God has worked through us? Do we try to spread our own fame, or the Gospel of Jesus Christ? 331

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Is It Impossible to Believe All the Message?

An interesting thought came to me this morning: Is it impossible to believe ALL the message? Is that why there are so many different 'sects' in the message from church to church and even within the same church?

Some believe that Jesus was not God until the spirit descended like a dove, just as WMB taught. They believe that God left Jesus before he died on the cross, which would leave only a man dying from our sins -- just as WMB taught.

WMB also taught that he was Emmanuel laying as a baby in a manger, and that God's only Son died on the cross for us, which is scriptural. These two teachings conflict with each other, creating divisions in the church!

Those of the latter group know that if only a man died on the cross, then there is no salvation for us, and those that believe the former hold to the words of WMB over the words of the scripture. Neither can agree.

Some believe that WMB will "ride this trail again" with a large healing ministry and the largest tent ... ever. They think that thousands will be healed right before they are given their new bodies or others cast into utter destruction.

Others know that WMB could not rise from the dead before the resurrection, that would make him equal to Jesus Christ Himself. The realize that there would be no need to heal the new body that we will be given, and that the first group does not make scriptural sense.

This could go on and on and on. When WMB preached to the various groups, he tailored to their belief system. He preached Trinitarian to the Trinitarians, and oneness to those who believed Jesus sat at his own right hand. All is recorded, and the recordings are considered by all in the Branham following to be 'new scripture', and that you must understand the Bible 'through' the 'message'.

The scripture is true when it says, "How can two walk together unless they agree." That is exactly why there are so many divisions among the MSG churches. It also says that "If the trumpet makes an uncertain sound, who can prepare themselves."

If God built his army through William Branham, why did he build armies to civil war? Why would God want some to believe God's Son died for us unto salvation, while he instructed others to teach "some other Jesus?"

And if the teaching breeds conflicting decisions on salvation, is it impossible to believe ALL the message? 332

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Wait for the Lord with Courage!

In Psalm 27, David sings that the Lord our light and salvation. Whom shall we fear?

The Lord is our stronghold, and there is none to fear. When evildoers assail, adversaries and foes, it is they who stumble and fall. Though an entire army encamp against us, our hearts shall not fear. Even if war rises against us, we can be confident.

The one thing that David asked the Lord for is that he may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of his life. He wanted to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to inquire wisdom in his temple.

David said that he knew the Lord would shelter him in the day of trouble and conceal him under His cover. He would lift David up above all the enemies around him, and David would offer sacrifices with shouts of joy. He asked the Lord to hear his cry as he sang to God.

The Lord's face he sought, and David asked the Lord not to hide His face from him. He was the God of his salvation, and he asked the Lord not to turn away in anger.

His father and mother had forsaken him, but the Lord would take David in. He asked the Lord to teach him His way, and lead him on a level path. He asked not to be given to his adversaries, for false witnesses had risen against him and they only sought violence.

David said, "Wait for the Lord! Be strong and let your heart take courage! Wait for the Lord!"

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Is the Lord the light and our salvation? Do we fear those who come against us? Do we not realize that the Lord will cause them to stumble and fall? Do we seek after God for our salvation, or do we seek after another? When family is against us, adversaries are speaking lies, and the battle rages around us, do we seek after the Lord? Do we wait for the Lord with Courage? 333

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Heavenly Father's Day

Matthew 6 tells us not to be anxious about our lives.

Do not worry about what you will eat or drink, nor about the clothing you will wear. Our lives are more than just food, and our bodies more than clothing.

Take a look at the birds of the air. They do not plant seeds to harvest or reap the harvest into barns, yet everything they need is provided for them. Your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not more valuable than the birds?

Which of you, being anxious, can add a single hour to the span of your lives?

Why are we anxious about the things of this earth? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow. They neither toil nor spin, yet Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these! If God clothes the grass of the field, which is alive today and is eaten tomorrow, he will clothe us also.

Therefore, don't worry about where to get your next meal, or where you will get your next drink. Don't worry about what you will wear. Gentiles seek after all these things, and the heavenly Father knows that you need them all.

Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and these things will be given to you!

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we thankful for our heavenly Father on this Father's Day? Are we thankful that he provides for us, and we do not have to be anxious about anything our bodies need? Do we seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness? 334

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Branham The Translator

If Rev. Branham stuck with the King James Version itself, things may have ended quite differently. When comparing the KJV to another version, he claims that the King James is closer to the original Greek.

Quote:And the real translation in the King James, from the original Greek, it says--it says, "Verily, verily," means, "Absolutely, absolutely, I say unto you, that the Son can do nothing in Himself, but what He sees the Father doing: that doeth the Son likewise." 53-1120 DEMONOLOGY

He was not satisfied with staying with just what the King James said; he wanted to read from the original Hebrew and Greek translations. Again, had Rev. Branham stayed with this method, things would have ended quite differently. EVERYONE should study the original texts and learn for himself.

Quote:Now, reading from the "Emphatic Diaglott" of the Greek translation, where I was at last evening, which is laying open before me now. That's the original translation from the Greek to the English. It doesn't go through other translators; it's--and other versions, it's right straight from the Greek to the English.59-1219 QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS.ON.THE.HOLY.GHOST

Most followers today would be shocked to know that Rev. Branham used the Vatican Translation in order to understand his King James Version.

Quote:Now, listen. Let me see--read here before we start the questions on the lexicon here. Now, from Vatican Translation, Volume 7, 190-1205: "It is {…}" 59-1219 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ON THE HOLY GHOST

The problem is, William Branham did not stick with the King James or study the original translations. He would use outside sources to teach things like a non-eternal hell.

Quote:See the difference? The wicked has everlasting punishment, but "everlasting" is "a space of time." Now, if it would've been the same, it would've been written, "And these shall go away into everlasting punishment, the other shall go away into Everlasting Life." See? Or, "They shall go away into eternal punishment, and the other one into Eternal Life." See, if there's an eternal punishment, to be punished forever and ever, then he's an eternal--he's got Eternal Life; and 335

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the only one Eternal Life, and that comes from God. Everything without a beginning has no end; everything with a beginning has an end. See what I mean?Now, the Scripture Itself that the--the dear person answered... Now, if you'll take it in the Lexicon, "And these shall go forth into ainion, cutting off, and into everla... into fire, the lake of fire."Now, the word "a-i-n-i-o-n" means "a space of punishment," in the Greek Lexicon, right here, "space of punishment," or, "time of punishment." See? They shall go away into a time of punishment. The word is used, "a-i-n-i-o-n, ainion," which means "times, a time, a limited time." Then take it back into the--into the translation here, the English, "everlasting" is "a limited of time." See? It comes from the Greek, "a limit of time." The word "ainion," or "a-i-n-i-o-n, ainion" means "a limited time of punishment."57-0925 QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS.ON.HEBREWS.1

This actually is a pagan Gnostic belief. In the same belief structure that says that the good one and the evil one were one day equal, it continues to build a foundation for a punishment that did not last forever.

The same word used here (for everlasting): Quote:Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: (Matthew 25:41)

Is the same word used here (for eternal):

Quote:But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life. (Mark 10:30)

That word is aionios, which translated means without beginning and without end. Everlasting. Eternal. It means exactly the same as the KJV translated it, but was confusing to the lesser intelligent (like myself).

Evidently, the Diaglott was not in print, which made it easier for Rev. Branham to make these claims. How could they look it up for themselves when they could not read the translation on their own?

Quote:I was reading and teaching in my church sometime ago upon Pentecost, in a little revival I had. Now, I've got an old Emphatic Diaglott of the original Greek translation, and it's the one--most 336

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outstanding things. I'd advise it to any of the clergymen. It's--it's out of print, but I think you can get in England. I'm not sure. But I have one; it's very old, and it brings it down just at the original Greek word, then it comes over on the other side, and just puts it, because in the Greek the verb is before the adverb. 60-0304 THIRSTING.FOR.LIFE

He evidently got some part of his translation from President Eisenhower

Quote:One of the greatest man we got, when Eisenhower and great men of the world, Hollywood, all kinds of movie stars and everything calling for him, but hung right there in the meeting. He said, "I have been thirty-some-odd years getting this translation, not from the Vatican Greek, but from the Aramaic; right straight from that, from the Aramaic into the--the English." And he said, "I've spent all that time," he said, "I have just now walked into the place where I see God of the Bible moving." He said, "You know, Brother Branham, we can see signs and wonders, but we watch what voice the sign has. We Jews, we see a sign, but we watch the voice of the sign."60-0417M GO.TELL

Rev. Branham also made claims to have used the Diaglott to prove his version of baptism in Jesus name only, falsifying the one scripture that truly contradicts that theory: When the men were asked to be baptized after they received the Holy Ghost.

Quote:And someone asked me a question, here not long ago, put it on the platform: "Brother Branham, did you ever read the original? The Greek says that you receive the Holy Ghost when you believe."I wish you'd bring me that Diaglott. I wish you'd bring me that Greek Lexicon that says that. It does not say that. It says, "Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?" not, "when you believed," but since you... I've got the Emphatic Diaglott of the original translation off of the Heb--of the--the--from a--Vatican City, of the original Greek. Then I've got the Aramaic and many of the others that proves that he said, "Have you received the Holy Ghost since you believed?"60-0611B FELLOWSHIP

The actual translation from the Diaglott. Notice each word separated by hyphen:

Quote:He said - and - to - them - if - [the] Spirit - Holy - did you receive - having believed - moreover - to - him - but - not even - whether [a] - Spirit. 337

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It is not "since you," it is "having believed." They already believed.

In the church ages, he claims to have studied the meaning of 'Sardis' in the 'Sardis Church Age.' He claimed that the Greek meaning for Sardis was 'the escaped one.'

Quote:Now, the... Last night, the church age, the... being the Sardis Church Age, was really in the Greek was called, "the escaped one," but I believe in the English translation is "dead." Now, it was both a "dead" church and "an escaped one" because it was the church that had died under the papal reign in the 1500 there, or 1520, of the--of the great papal reign which we call the Dark Ages; where Christianity was at the lowest ebb it ever has been or ever will be, even in the Laodicean Church Age.60-1210 THE.PHILADELPHIAN.CHURCH.AGE

The Greek word 'Sardeis' literally means "Sardis, an ancient city of Lydia in the province of Asia." It was a luxurious city, the capital of Lydia in Asia Minor. 'Sardis' was referred to as 'red ones,' because of the red Sardis stone. It does not mean 'dead' or 'escaped.'

Here is the major issue with Rev. Branham claiming to be his own translator. The idea was generated that the words spoken during baptism were the 'formula' (or incantation) for receiving the Holy Ghost. You could not receive the Holy Ghost by baptizing the way that Jesus described in Matthew, it must be the words spoken in Acts 2:38. Except for one thing: Branham's way is not the exact words in Acts 2:38. He adds the word "Lord" in the "formula," and then claims to have studied the Diaglott to get this interpretation of scripture.

Quote:Now, looky here, my sisters, and you brethren who are present: Matthew said, "Father, Son, Holy Ghost." Now, if you 'all go get the Emphatic Diaglott of the Greek interpretation (original Greek interpretation from the Vatican. It happens to be that I have one; it's out of print now, I think), or any Greek translation, the right translation to Acts 2:38... Peter said, "Repent every one of you and be baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ." The King James Version just said, "in the name of Jesus Christ."; but in the Emphatic Diaglott it says, "In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ."Now, when you Oneness brethren just baptize in the name of Jesus, there's just many Jesuses; but there's only... He was born Christ, the Son of God. That's His name, that's what He is. "Christ" means "the anointed one." Messiah, Christ. Now, "Jesus," eight days later He was given the name Jesus, when He was circumcised. And He is our Lord. So He is our Lord Jesus Christ. That's what He is.61-0119A THE.WATER.BAPTISM

What most followers do not know is that this is NOT the translation from the Diaglott! The word "Lord" is not in the words of translation! Notice each word separated by hyphen. 338

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Quote:Peter - moreover - to - them - Repent - said - and - be baptized - each - of you - in - the - name - of Jesus - Christ - for the - forgiveness - of sins - your - and - you will receive - the - gift - of the - Holy - Spirit.

Another heresy is Branham's teaching that Jesus had to see visions in order to perform miracles. He denied the deity of Christ, just as Moffatt denied the deity of Christ.Quote:I cannot heal you. No, sir, nor nobody else can heal you. It's your own faith that does it. But if you'll realize that it's the same Jesus. When He was here on earth, He said, "I do nothing till the Father shows Me." Is that right, amongst the ministers? Saint John 5:19. Jesus, we'll think, never performed one miracle until God showed Him, not told Him, but showed Him by a vision, or the Bible told something wrong; Jesus told a lie. So He couldn't do it; He's God.Jesus said in Saint John 5:19, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, the Son can do nothing in Himself, but what He sees the Father doing, that doeth the Son likewise." See if that's not in your Bible, King James, or Moffatt, or any translation you want to take. See if it isn't the same thing. Get the original Greek Diaglott if you want to. You'll find the same thing. "I do nothing until the--I see the Father..." In other words, He acted out in drama.61-0412 A.GREATER.THAN.SOLOMON.IS.HERE 339

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Elohim or Yahweh?

When the Bible was translated into English, there was one word that was purposefully not translated. It was a word so revered that they did not want human lips to speak it out loud for fear of taking the holy word in vain.

It was the name of God, Yahweh. The name of the almighty God, the singular One True God of the Old Testament, He was the Lord and Master. Capital L-O-R-D.

The other word for God used in the Old Testament was Elohim. Elohim is a word that describes deity or divinity, and is both plural and singular of God. It is also translated from simply 'el.'

In the Hebrew language, there are no vowels. Yahweh is actually spelled YHWH. The word "Jehovah" was added much later, changing the "Y" to a "J" to show how the word would have been pronounced. This was the work of the translators, not a separate name in the Bible. JaHoVaH.

Rev. Branham, who claimed to be studying different translations and the Diaglott, described just the reverse of this.

Quote:Abraham called Him LORD, capital L-O-R-D, Elohim, the great Jehovah God.59-0416 EL.SHADDAI

Genesis 17:1 contains both words in the verse:

And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD [Yahweh] appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God [El or Elohim]; walk before me, and be thou perfect.

Rev. Branham then added his own interpretation to the Bible, speaking of the angel who met Abraham. Branham tried to claim that this was Jesus Christ, denying the Trinity.

Quote:See the nature of the Angel? Who was that Angel? It was God. Remember, Abraham called Him, "Lord." And the translation there is Elohim, the great mighty Jehovah. It was Jesus Christ reincarnated.58-0309E WILL THE CHURCH GO BEFORE THE TRIBULATION

Quote: 340

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A word keeps coming to me; I might explain. There's somebody in here now that's wondering about the Angel, Who It was. And I called this Angel, "the Lord." Abraham... Ever who's a doubting it, or thinking of it, is a scholar.Abraham called the Name of that Angel that talked to him. "Lord," which is Elohim, the great almighty Jehovah. 58-0109 THE.CALLED.OUT

Someone even tried to correct Rev. Branham in one of the meetings, a Jewish man who more than likely knew the language fluently.

Quote:"My Lords." I certainly differ with that Jewish brother that made that remark the other night at Shreveport. Not "My Lords," but, "My Lord." L-o-r-d, one. "My (capital) L-o-r-d, won't You come in." Now, any of you notice the translator on there, that was Elohim61-0211 ABRAHAM

He went on to teach this mistake for the next several years. There are too many quotes to list in this particular thread. 341

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Going Through Trials Without Complaining

Psalm 39 says to guard our ways so that we do not sin with our tongues.

David says that he will guard his mouth with a muzzle while the wicked are in his presence. He was mute and silent, and held his peace to no avail. His heart became hot within himself, to the point in which he could no longer contain. Then, he spoke.

"Lord, " he said, "make me know my end, and the length of my days." He wanted to know how much longer he had to endure his trials. He asked the Lord what he waited for, and begged the Lord to deliver him from his transgressions.

David cried out to the Lord that he was spent by the hostility of His hand. He was rebuked for sin, and consumed like a moth consumes the cloth. "Surely all mankind is but a mere breath!" he exclaimed.

He asked God to hear his prayer and not withhold His peace. He was a sojourner with God, a guest like his fathers. David prayed, "Look away from me so that I may smile again before I die."

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we guard our ways so that we do not sin by the words we speak? When the wicked are in our presence, do we remain silent and hold peace, or do we lash our against them in anger? Do we sin against God by asking Him to remove us from our trials? Do we serve God with the cross we are given to bear? 342

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Lamsa and the Gnostic Connection

Rev. Branham also studied the Lamsa translation and even claimed to know the translator. The problem? Branham considered Lamsa to be a great man, and believed him with all his heart.

Quote:I had the privilege of meeting Dr. Lamsa, today, the translator of the Lamsa translation of the Bible. And such a privilege... You know, I would rather you'd give me a little rosebud, right now, than a whole wreath after I'm gone. I think maybe he'd think the same thing. I certainly can prescribe to his translation, for meeting him and finding such a lovely spirit of a real true Christian believer. God bless his gallant soul. I don't know as I've ever met any more spiritual man than Dr. Lamsa. May the Lord richly bless him.60-0401E THE.QUEEN.OF.SHEBA

He claimed that Lamsa told him the pyramid sign was the sign of God, which could have led to Branham believing that the pyramid was a 'bible' of old.

Quote:Moses' sign, that he saw, was God in cosmic light. And then when He did that...And does anybody know the old Hebrew sign, even before there was a Bible written? Was a triangle shape, or an oval shape of a cosmic light, exactly right, the Logos. Now, Doctor Lamsa has that in his Bible, on the cover on the outside.64-0214 THE.VOICE.OF.THE.SIGN

When that great man, Doctor Lamsa, the translation of the Lamsa Bible, when he said that morning when I told him that, I said--I said, "What's that sign?"He said, "That's God's ancient sign in the Hebrew: God, one God in three attributes."I said, "Such as Father, Son, and Holy Ghost?"He stopped, and he set his cup of coffee down; he looked at me. Gene, believe you was there, Leo. Said, "You believe that?"I said, "With all my heart."60-0515E ADOPTION.1

Did you ever see the Lamsa translation of the Bible, the old... The--the old Hebrew sign of--of God is a triangle Light; more or less, something like that, that the three attributes of God, in one Godhead. And this triangled Light, the three in One, being one God, was a--a sign to the Hebrew, of God, Light.63-1201M AN.ABSOLUTE

I said, "No, sir. I am not the Oneness. I believe in God being the Almighty God, and the three attributes are only three offices that the one God lived in."He said, "Bless your heart." He said, "Someday you'll pour your blood upon the earth for that," but said, "prophets always die for their cause." 343

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And I said, "So let it be, if it pleases my Lord." The translation of the Lamsa Bible...60-0515E ADOPTION.1

Branham not only respected Lamsa, the feeling was mutual. They shared a similar belief system, and it involved mysticism and Gnosticism.

Quote:There's no such a thing as three persons in one God." And if that isn't Brother Lamsa, Doctor Lamsa, the translator of the Lamsa Bible, which is a bosom friend to Eisenhower and all the great diplomats of the world, and everything else, throwed his arms around me, said, "Someday they'll shoot you for that." But said, "Remember, all those people die for a cause."60-0522M ADOPTION

The other night when I met Dr. Lamsa, of the Lamsa Bible, he said, "What's the matter with these American people?"Said, "I don't know." Seventy percent of the Bible is vision, yet they can't believe.60-0708 SIR.WE.WOULD.SEE.JESUS

Branham also used the Lamsa ideas to embellish his story about the cloud formation.

Now, in the heavens above. Did you notice I'm looking on this, the--the Light on the picture there out of the Life Magazine, that the brother that lives here in this home has put on his wall, that triangle of Light.

Quote:I just happened to run across my mind. If any of you have the Lamsa Bible translation, if you'll notice over the cover of it, is a triune, Trinitarian light, a three-cornered light like a halo. And when Dr. Lamsa, a friend, my personal friend, was translating the Bible, that is the old Hebrew symbol of God in the true Trinitarian way that He is; not three Gods, but three manifestations of the same God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Light is one complete circle of Light in a triangle shape, which means that God will dwell in three offices, the Fatherhood, Sonship, and Holy Ghost dispensation, all the same God.64-0112 SHALOM

In Branham's book, An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages, Lamsa is praised in the very first chapter.

Quote:Now not only is what I have just said true, but let us go a step further. Today we have some students who claim that the original manuscripts were written in the Aramaic which was the language of Jesus and the people of His day. It is claimed by them that the people did not speak and write in the Greek as is so commonly supposed. And the fact is our historians are divided 344

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on that. For example, Dr. Scofield, a most brilliant student has from research proved to his satisfaction that the New Testament was written in the vernacular of the Greek speaking people of that day. He builds up a fine case for his beliefs, based on the various documents at his disposal. But on the other hand we have another renowned student, Dr. Lamsa, who is convinced that the New Testament was written in the Aramaic and he has none other than the brilliant historian, Toynbee, to back up his contention that the Aramaic, and NOT THE GREEK was the language of the people, so it seems possible that the New Testament was first written in the Aramaic.

However, before we get too concerned about this, let us read both the King James version and the translation by Dr. Lamsa. To our gratification we find the words in both amazingly the same so that there is no difference actually in content or doctrine. We may even conclude that God has allowed these newly discovered manuscripts and recent publications of already known scripts to come before us to prove the authenticity of what we already had. And we find that though translators may fight each other, scripts do not.THE.REVELATION.OF.JESUS.CHRIST - CHURCH.AGE.BOOK

The George Lamsa translation is from the Aramaic language, and he believed the original texts were Aramaic and later changed to Greek. There is no evidence to support this.

Paul studied under Gamaliel who was the grandson of Hillel. Paul was well versed in the Greek language and philosophy. He did not speak to roman rulers in Aramaic.

In 250 B.C., the Hebrew Scriptures were translated to Greek. The New Testament is written in Koine Greek (common Greek), and Greek is the dominant language in the New Testament.

George Lamsa was a man who studied the psychic phenomenon, which made for a good fit for Branham's studies. He also denied the Trinity, which is why his translation is popular among various cult followings. He had a Gnostic view of the Holy Spirit, believing that it was more of an influence or power.

Like most cult leaders, Lamsa believed that he had the only divine interpretation of the scriptures, and that this original truth was required.

Note some of the differences between the King James Version and Lamsa:

Mathew 24:7

King James Bible: Jesus says: "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?"Lamsa Bible: Jesus says: "My God, My God, for this I was spared [kept in some versions]!"

Ephesians 6:12 345

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King James Version Bible, for we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Lamsa: "For your conflict is not only with flesh and blood, but also with the angels, and with powers, with the rulers of this world of darkness, and with the evil spirits under the heaven".

Mathew 19:24

King James Version Bible "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle..." Lamsa: "It is easier for a rope to go through the eye of a needle"

Luke 14:25

NIV: "If any one comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters, yes even his own life, he can not be My disciple".

Lamsa: "He who comes to Me and does not put aside his father and his mother and his brothers and his sisters and his wife and his children and even his own life can not be a disciple to me". 346

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The King James Version

The King James Version of the Bible was translated between 1604 and 1611 A.D. It was the third official translation of the Bible into English, and was commissioned by the Church of England as the "Official" or "Great Bible."

King James instructed the translators to guarantee that the new version would confirm to the ecclesiology and reflect the episcopal structure of the Church of England and its beliefs. The forty-seven scholars were all members of the Church of England.


The original translation included the fourteen books of the Apocrypha: 1st and 2nd Esdras, Tobit, Judith, Rest of Esther, Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus, Baruch and the Epistle of Jeremy, Song of the Three Children, Story of Susanna, The Idol Bel and the Dragon, Prayer of Manasses, 1st and 2nd Maccabees.


One of the familiar scriptures quoted by Rev. Branham is from the later translation of the King James Bible, "where the carcass is, the eagles will be gathered."

In the original translation, the King James scholars admitted that this verse was not to be found in most of the copies of the Greek. We find in the later translations that the scholars' understanding of the word for the bird was not quite correct; it should have been 'vultures.'


The original text of the Bible was written over a period of approximately 1500 years in three languages - Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. King James Version is not one of the original languages of the Bible. Those who hold to the King James Only faith are placing the Word of God into the hands of the forty-seven translators instead of the great men of old who walked with God.

All translations of the Bible will suffer somewhat from differences in languages, expressions that no longer make sense, and customs that we do not understand. Most translations substitute inaccurate translations of words so that the thought will be better understood by the culture of the people for the time period of the translation.

For example, Revelation 2 contains the Greek word nephros, which literally means "kidneys." As you can imagine, the English translation sounds very strange when Jesus says, "...I am He who searches the kidneys and hearts..." 347

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The translators of the King James Bible translate it into the common English of their time because they wanted to make a version that common people (of their time) could understand. The King James English no longer qualifies as being the common language of our time, and would probably be rejected by those very translators if they were alive today.

One major problem with the King James Version is that it breeds conflicting statements with the other translations. When the Word of God is placed into the hands of men as authority, there will be mistakes.

One such mistake is a story we all know, the story of David and Goliath. Those who say the King James Version is the only accurate translation will use a verse from 2 Samuel to prove its inaccuracy.

Quote:"And there was again a battle in Gob with the Philistines, where Elhanan the son of Jaareoregim, a Bethlehemite, slew the brother of Goliath the Gittite, the staff of whose spear was like a weaver's beam."2 Samuel 21:19 (KJV)

If you notice, in the NIV, there is a completely different story.Quote:"In another battle with the Philistines at Gob, Elhanan son of Jaare-Oregim the Bethlehemite killed Goliath the Gittite, who had a spear with a shaft like a weaver's rod."2 Samuel 21:19 (NIV)

In the footnotes of the Bible, they explain this contradiction. The King James scholars added the words "the brother of" in order to avoid the conflict. The original text did not have those words, and were in actual conflict by the person or persons who scribed the Bible that was handed down through the generations.

God's Word has no conflict, but men and women make mistakes. We should try to be as accurate as possible no matter what translation we use.

Another common conflict used to debate King James Only is Isaiah 14:12. Quote:"How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!"Isaiah 14:12 (KJV)

Some of the newer translations use the word, "morning star" or "star of the morning." "Daystar," or "Morning Star" would refer to Jesus.

The original King James Version included "daystarre" or "DayStar" in the marginal notes, because the words translated actually contained that meaning. 348

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The Hebrew word translated as "Lucifer" in Isaiah 14:12 in the King James Version is heylel (hay-lale', Strong's #1966), and literally means "shining one", "morning star", "light bearer", etc. Isaiah 14:12 is the only place in scripture where this Hebrew word appears. 349

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The Moffatt Connection

It should be noted that Mr. Branham did not support this translation vocally, but the fact that he was reading from it across the pulpit speaks a million words in of itself. He claimed to be well versed in the scriptures, but questions will be raised within yourselves as you continue reading as to the reasons why he would use this translation and whether or not he was actually a study of the different translations.

Next, consider his multiple references to the "Moffatt Translation" by James Moffatt. Christians today do not hold this translation with much regard - it is very inaccurate and "preaches another Jesus" as Paul warned in the New Testament.

Quote:All of the--all of his subjects was his... his... over his... he was domain... His domain was over them and that was called his house. So they said, "In my Father's..." Now, I believe Moffatt puts it, "in My Father's apartment house is many apartments." I--I disagree with that.55-0116A THE.BELIEVER'S.POSITION.IN.CHRIST

Again, Mr. Branham disagrees with this translation, however you will find that he references this translation several times in various sermons. Sometimes, he seemingly asks others to use it to search scriptures for themselves:

Quote:Jesus said in Saint John 5:19, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, the Son can do nothing in Himself, but what He sees the Father doing, that doeth the Son likewise." See if that's not in your Bible, King James, or Moffatt, or any translation you want to take. See if it isn't the same thing. Get the original Greek Diaglott if you want to. You'll find the same thing. "I do nothing until the--I see the Father..." In other words, He acted out in drama.61-0412 A.GREATER.THAN.SOLOMON.IS.HERE

The Bible Version, "A New Translation" by James Moffatt was published in 1922, and is a corrupt version of the Bible. Some even consider it satanic. Mr. Moffatt was an unbeliever who even attacked the virgin birth and the deity of Christ. The reason William Branham considered this version? Because Mr. Moffatt shared his view on the Godhead.

Let's review some of the differences in the Moffatt's version that William Branham studied:

Genesis 1:1,2:

KJV: "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form, and void..." 350

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Moffatt: "When God began to form the universe, the world was void and vacant..."

Though this is a subtle difference, the entire story of creation can be perverted with the Moffatt translation.

Isaiah 7:14

KJV: "Behold, a virgin shall conceive..."Moffatt: "There is a young woman with child..."

There is no need to describe the heresy with the Moffatt translation. The virgin birth is one of the greatest moments in history for Christians. To deny the virgin birth would be to deny Jesus Christ.

Exodus 3:14:

KJV: "And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you."Moffatt: "God said to Moses, "I-will-be-what-I-will-be: tell the Israelites that I-will-be has sent you to them."

As you can see in Exodus, Mr. Moffatt has even denied God in the Old Testament. I AM is the God of yesterday, today, and forever. He that was, and is, and will be.

KJV: "Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Before Abraham was, I am."Moffatt: "Truly, truly I tell you," said Jesus, "I have existed before Abraham was born."

Again, he repeats this in the New Testament, denying God. This is heresy.

1st Timothy 3:16

KJV: "...God was manifest in the flesh..."Moffatt: "...He who was manifest in the flesh..."

Again, the Moffatt translation gives a subtle difference, and one that could give the reader the idea that Jesus was not God when he came to earth. Oddly, Mr. Branham believed and taught this, which also is heresy.

Moffatt's Translation Attacks the Godhead:

1 John 5:7

KJV: " For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one." 351

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Moffatt: Completely Removed! 352

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Learning God's Way by Waiting Upon the Lord

Psalm 25 asks for guidance and knowledge to learn God's way.

Unto you, Yahweh, I lift my soul the scripture says. I trust in you, God, and ask that you not let me be ashamed. Do not let my enemies triumph over me.

Do not let any that wait on you be ashamed, God, let the ones who transgress against You be ashamed.

Show me Your ways, God, and teach me Your paths. Lead me in your Truth. Teach me, for you are the God of my salvation. On You I wait all day.

Remember, Lord, your tender mercy and loving kindness. They have been with the world since the days of old.

Do not remember the sins of my youth. Do not remember my transgressions. Remember me in Your mercy for Your goodness' sake.

You, Lord, are good and upright. You will teach the sinners in the Way. You will guide the meek in judgment, and the meek will learn Your way.

All the paths of the Lord are mercy and Truth. The path is shown to those that keep Your covenant and testimonies.

For Your Name's sake, Lord, forgive me of my iniquity. My iniquity is great.

Those that fear the Lord will be taught in the way in which the Lord will choose. His soul will be at ease, and his children will inherit the earth. The secret of the Lord is with those that fear Him, and He will show them His covenant.

My eyes are always toward the Lord, and he will save me from the snares of life. Turn yourself toward me, Lord, and have mercy upon me. I am desolate and afflicted.

The troubles of my heart are enlarged, God, bring me out of my distresses. Look at my pain and affliction and forgive all of my sins.

Consider my enemies, Lord. There are many of them, and they hate me with cruel and bitter hatred.

Keep my soul and deliver me. Do not let me be ashamed, for I have put my trust in You.

Preserve me in integrity. Let me be preserved in uprightness. I wait on you Lord. 353

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As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we wait on the Lord to learn His way, or do we take the quick and easy path by letting others tell us the way? Do we search the scriptures for ourselves, or do we count on others to search the scriptures for us? Are we walking on the path that He has chosen, or are we walking in some other path? 354

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Branham Taught from False Bible

I don't believe everyone has noticed the new forum, and it answers many unanswered questions.

WMB studied a false bible. Most if not all teachings that deviated from the scriptures came from a gnostic version of the BIble called the "Lamsa translation," which would be rejected by almost every single one of even his own followers if they read it.

It has been linked to both cults and the occult. ...this bible just happened to be translated in 1933...

Link to forum thread here: 355

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Forgiveness for the Wicked

Revelation 2 gives us hope that forgiveness is even offered to the wicked.

As a background, Jezebel was a wicked power behind the thrown of Ahab, and allowed temples of Baal to operate in Israel. Not only did this bring idolatry and false worship into the land, it brought forth false prophets.

It began an intense religious and political struggle, one of the most detailed in biblical history. It is believed that Jezebel's marriage to Ahab was primarily a political marriage to create an alliance between the Phoenicians who worshipped Baal and the Israelites. This alliance would hive the Phoenicians access to the Mediterranean Sea and international trade.

Nevertheless, Jezebel's integrating idolatry with worship of the One True God was her downfall. This displeased God, and he sent his prophet Elijah to give her warning. He challenged four-hundred and fifty prophets of Baal to a competition, and exposed them as powerless against the one true God.

Jezebel failed to repent.

In the very last moments of her life, as Jehu was entering the gate for her, Jezebel made one last act as queen. She applied paint to her face and bowed her head towards a window to watch Jehu. It is said that she did this to die with dignity as queen.

She did not die with dignity, however. She was trampled under the feet of horses and eaten by the dogs. When the men of Jehu went to bury her, nothing could be found but her skull, feet, and palms of her hand.

John writing in Revelation 2 to the church of Thyatira says that the Son of God has eyes like a flame and feet like fine brass. God says that He knows the works, charity, service, faith, patience and works, and knows the works to be very great.

Nevertheless, since they permitted Jezebel, who falsely called herself a prophetess, to teach idolatry, God counted this against them. God gave her a space of time to repent of her fornication, yet she did not repent. She and her children will be punished in the tribulation.

But for the rest of the people, as many who have not fallen into idolatry and false prophecy, and have not known the depths of Satan, there will be no other burden placed upon them. That little bit that they have, they should hold fast onto it until God comes.

He that overcomes and keeps God's works unto the end, God will give him power over the nations. He will rule them with power, just as the Son of God received from His Father. 356

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He that hath an ear, let him hear what God says to the churches.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: When God asks us to repent of our sins, do we heed His call? Do we allow ourselves to fall into the idolatry of today, the things that we put before our time with God? Do we allow false prophets to rise, persuading us into a different form of idolatry? Have we mistakenly known the depths of Satan? Are we holding fast to that little bit that we have until God comes? 357

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God Loves All Mankind

Numbers 12 tells how God loves all mankind, no matter what race. By the blood of one man comes all mankind.

Miriam and Aaron did not like the fact that Moses married an Ethiopian woman, an interracial bond between a black woman and a Hebrew. They crossed the line when they spoke against God, saying "Are we not prophets of God also?"

They were speaking against Moses as though they had instruction from God against interracial marriage. The Lord heard it and was not pleased.

To make matters worse, Moses was very meek. He would not have stood up for himself in this matter. The scripture says that he was meeker than any men on the face of the earth.

God called Moses, Aaron, and Miriam out to speak to them, and let them know that He was God and that He did not like what they were doing. He told them that if there was to be a prophet among them, He would make them known in a vision and a dream. But with Moses, things were different. He would speak to Moses directly, because Moses was the most faithful in all of God's house.

Mariam, who was speaking against the black-skinned Ethiopian, started to become white as snow with leprosy. It was as though God decided that if Miriam would speak against the black skin of Moses' wife, he would make Miriam really white!

Racism is not new to this generation. Solomon's wife also struggled because she was dark-skinned. Song of Solomon tells how others stared at her because she was black. Even her own brothers mistreated her, making her keeper of the vineyards while her own vineyard was not even kept. She asked, "why should I be like one who veils herself?"

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we treat other races of people differently? Do we scorn the ones who marry outside of their race like Miriam and Aaron? Do we stare at them and make them uncomfortable like Solomon's wife? Do we mistreat them, giving them the more tasks so that we have a little more time? If God were to call us out to speak to us directly today, would he smite us with leprosy? 358

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Give Glory unto The Lord

Psalm 29 says to give Glory unto the Lord.

He tells the mighty, the sons of God to give glory and strength unto the Lord. Glorify his name with praise, and worship the Lord with holiness.

God's voice is powerful, like the mighty raging waters. His voice thunders and is full of majesty.

Through the power of his voice, he can break the trees, even the trees of the mighty nations. He can make the nations skip like a calf and bring forth mighty flashes of fire.

His voice shakes the wilderness and makes the animals give birth. His voice can also strip the forests bare and make the people in His temple all cry "Glory!"

He sits on the mighty flood as his throne, and is enthroned as King forever.

May the Lord give strength to His people, and bless them with peace!

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we give Glory unto the Lord! Do we see His mighty works in the raging storm or the fierce waters of the flood? When He speaks, do we feel the power of His voice? Do we worship Him as King? Do we pray for peace to His people? 359

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The Enemy's Powerful Weapon of Peace

In Daniel 8, Daniel sought after the meaning of his vision, and a man appeared before him.

He heard a loud voice from the water commanding Gabriel to give Daniel the interpretation. When Gabriel came near, Daniel was afraid and on the ground with his face hidden. Gabriel told Daniel to understand the vision, for at the end time the things he had seen would come to pass.

As Gabriel spoke a deep sleep fell upon Daniel. As Gabriel touched Daniel, he rose and sat upright. Gabriel told him that the end would come at the time appointed, and that he would tell Daniel how it would come to pass.

Gabriel told Daniel that the ram with two horns were the kings of Media and Persia. Biblical Media was the northern part of what is Iran today who spoke the "Median" language. Persia also is Iranian, the lower part. The "ram" is now combined, both Media and Persia into what is now the Republic of Iran. It is interesting that the ram was the royal ensign of the Persians, and their kings wore a diadem of gold in the shape of a ram's head.

Gabriel went on to say that the rough goat was the King of Grecia, and the horn between his eyes is the first king of Grecia. Though there were kings and monarchs before him, Alexander the Great was the first king of the Grecian monarchy. Alexander is said to have had a goat's horn on his helmet, and to have used purple horns in his feasts and celebrations.

Gabriel said that horn was broken, four kingdoms stood up for that nation, and four kingdoms will stand for it in the end time, but not under the power of Greece. Alexander, the horn, became great and mighty during his day, conquering the Persian empire and the Indies. His ambition was to conquer the world, but died before that could happen. The horn was broken, and his kingdom was divided into Egypt, Greece, Asia, and Syria, but were no longer under a central power.

Those four kingdoms were going to fall according to Gabriel's interpretation. When their transgression had become great, a fierce king understanding riddles would rise. It is believed that this is Antiochus Epiphanes, who was the son of Antiochus the king who had been hostage at Rome. Many of the Jews during his reign were filled with their religion and turned into heathens, even some of the priests.

Antiochus was considered to be a man of "hard face", with no shame or fear within him for God or man. He was very cunning in "dark sentences" or riddles, even to the point that he used his deceit and cunning nature to take the kingdom from his nephew. He used this trickery to seduce many of the Jews to give up their religion and embrace heathenism. 360

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Gabriel described this king that would rise as one mighty with power, but not by his own power. He would destroy and prosper wonderfully, and eventually destroy the holy people.

He would not destroy with the strength of his hands, though. Gabriel said that through his policy he would magnify himself. Instead of arms, he would destroy many with peace. He would stand up against the Prince of princes, but he would be broken.

When Daniel heard these things, he fainted. He was sick for several days. After regaining strength, he went about his business astonished at what he had just learned from Gabriel, but none of his day could understand.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we think that the enemy fight us with only evil that is easily discovered? Or do we realize that he can also come against us with peace and trickery? How many ministers of the past have taken these scriptures out of context to trick the people into believing this was political struggles of their day? After that day has come and gone, do we still look backwards to it? Have we been deceived by peace of the enemy? 361

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The Story of the Exodus

God's children had become complacent. In a land that was not their home, they became familiar with the ways of the people around them.

Great men were in this land, powerful men that seemed to provide protection and provision. Generation after generation living enslaved to the ways of the belief system of of a leader who supplied their needs.

The younger generation never questioned why the people stayed. Their fathers never questioned why they stayed. That was the way their fathers believed to be right and just, and there was no need to create conflict. Their father's decisions and their father's father's decisions must have been correct.

It was not always slavery. Life was good from the beginning. The leader was a great man, one that could be entrusted with the welfare of all the people. Some of his ways were different, and some of his beliefs did not match theirs, but the results of the work of his hands were tremendous. How could someone who did so many good works lead the people in the wrong direction?

The number of God's children were growing. They multiplied quickly, to an almost countless number. The people of the land, though they seemed good, were growing afraid at the large number of God's children.

God's Truth was suppressed. The people were beaten down, led to believe that they were inferior to the mighty leader of the people. His god was greater than theirs, or so he tried to lead them to believe. The beaten down children of God asked no questions. Their number was large enough to stage a massive revolt, but did not question the authority of the leaders.

One day, God sent a man who changed everything. He was not afraid to call "right" right and "wrong" wrong. He had been conditioned by God to speak the Truth. He reminded the people that there was One True God, and though the leaders of the people of the land gave them a "comfort zone," they were turning towards idolatry. They could not keep the ways of their forefathers and the ways of those who worshipped anything besides the One True God.

I will not tell you the name of that man that God sent. But I'm so glad that God sent him and gave me the grace and understanding to find him. He pointed me back to Christ back to the Bible. Not to worship him or even to consider him anything greater than a mortal man. His writings pointed me back to God.

Those reading this story may see a similarity between my experience and a familiar story in the Bible. That may be. But this man filled with God's grace would never compare himself to Moses. Moses spoke directly with God, while like me, God spoke directly to this man's heart. 362

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To the unnamed man, thank you. Thank you for humbling yourself enough to put yourself out of the way and let God lead you.

I pray that I can keep myself out of the way in the work that I do, and let God lead me in the same way.

To God be the Glory! 363

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Worshipping God in Times of Trouble

Lamentations 5 tells of a troubling time for the people, but through it all, the people held to and worshipped the One True God.

They asked the Lord to remember them, the trouble that came on them, and the disgrace that had become of His people. Their inheritance had been turned over to strangers, and their homes given up to people of another land.

They were like orphans, fatherless. There was no one to provide. They had to pay for the water they drank, and got their bread from the hand of Egypt and Assyria.

They were bearing the punishment of the sins of their fathers. Though they had long since passed away, they bore the iniquities.

God's people had become so low in stature that even the slaves ruled over them. There was none that could even deliver them from the hands of the slaves that ruled them.

They struggled to get their food, fighting for it by sword in the wilderness. The famine had become so increasingly great that it scorched the land.

Women were being raped from Zion to Judah, and princes were strung up by a hangman's noose. Young men were now working the mills, young boys staggering under the loads of wood.

The old men no longer welcomed people into the city gates, and the young men no longer filled the city with music. Their joy was forgotten and their dancing had turned into mourning.

They were no longer a powerful people. The crown had fallen from their head. They cried out, "Woe to us, for we have sinned!"

For this sin, their hearts became sick and their eyes dimmed. Mount Zion was now desolate with prowling jackals.

Through all of this, they praised God. "You, O Lord," they said, "reign forever. Your throne endures to all generations."

They pleaded with God, asking Him why He had forsaken them for so long. They asked God to restore His people, and give them the peace from the days of old. God has power of all things, and they asked the Lord to restore them unless He had fully rejected His people and remained angry with them. 364

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As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we think that our sins only affect us? Do we see the trouble this world is in and not know that it is because God has been rejected? When our suffering becomes seemingly more than we can bear, do we still praise God, or do we reject Him? Do we cry out unto God for deliverance? Do we repent of not only our sins, but the sins of our fathers? 365

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Failure to Teach the Truth

The "Burden (or oracle) of the Lord" in Malachi 2 was directly condemning the priests for failure to uphold two great and divine ordinances: Marriage and the kind treatment of women, and not teaching the knowledge from God.

God says through Malachi, "You priests! This command is directed at you! God will curse you and everything that you bless if you do not listen to this and give honor to My (God's) name!" Moreover, I (God) have already cursed you, because you have not held this to your heart.

God warned that he would rebuke them and their offspring. He called their offerings "dung" and said that they would be taken away with it.

His covenant with Levi was one of life and peace. Levi was the Priesthood, and God said that he sent this message through Malachi so that His covenant with Levi might stand.

Levi walked with God in peace and uprightness, and turned many away from iniquity. The lips of a priest should guard knowledge, and the people should seek instruction from the words of the priest under the covenant of the Old Testament. Jesus Christ had not come to become the high priest, and God's children could only learn from the priests who now had turned towards wicked ways. God said, "You have caused many to stumble by your instruction and corrupted the covenant of Levi."

God asked the priests through Malachi, "Do we not all have one Father? Has not one God created us? Why, then, are you faithless to one another, profaning the covenant of the fathers?"

The people had become unfaithful to their own wives and their own people. The people of Judah had profaned the sanctuary of the Lord by marrying daughters of a foreign god. God said that he would cut them and their descendants off from the tents of Jacob. Any man who does this would be cut off, even if they bring offerings to the Lord of hosts. Their offering was unclean.

God said through Malachi that there was a second thing that was an abomination to Him. By continuing to give offering to God while they were joined with people of idolatry, they were covering the Lord's altar with tears, weeping and groaning. He no longer accepted their offerings.

The Lord was witness between them and the wives of their youth. They had been faithless though she was their companion and their wife by covenant. God made them both one, with a portion of the Spirit in their union. 366

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God asked them through Malachi: "What was the One True God seeking? Godly offspring!" He commanded them to guard themselves in spirit, and let none of them be faithless to their wives. God said that the man who divorces his wife covers his own garment with violence. Therefore, they should guard themselves and not be faithless to them.

God spoke out against universalism: "You have wearied the Lord by saying that everyone who does evil is good in the sight of the Lord, and that He delights in them. You have also wearied the Lord by asking, 'where is the God of justice.'" Like today, the people of that day did not believe that God would come with judgment, and were challenging the Judge.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we keep all the commandments of God towards our women? Do we treat them as our partners or our slaves? Do our pastors teach love and respect for our women, training the young men to uphold their unions of marriage? Or do they teach that the women are lessor in God's eyes? Do they condemn the women for Eve's sin, trying to make them less in stature, when the scriptures say that "by one man sin came into the world? Have the pastors upheld the commandments given by God, or is it an abomination to Him? Could it be that the pastors are actually causing the failures in marriage by not preaching the Truth? 367

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The Appearance of Jesus Christ

This thread was split from another topic in the forum. It pulled the focus from an issue that is of much larger importance than any opinion of what Jesus Christ would have looked like.

That being said, I do not find scripture to support what WMB believed when he described him as looking like "Hoffman's Head of Christ." I find history and scripture that says pretty much the opposite.

Feel free to comment, I'm interested in what others have to say.


From the Martin Luther King discussion:

Archibald wrote:What you think Jesus look like is your opinion. The Hoffman's head picture is the closest to what brother Branham saw a painting came to the experience He had of Jesus when he saw Him. You might of course not agree, but then again you can have your own opinion.Your opinion or understanding of Scripture of course may differ with mine and that's alright.

I am excluding my opinion from the discussion of what Jesus Christ would have looked like, and basing it on scriptures and actual fact. WMB used his opinion (which he was welcome to do) but it was based on opinion and not actual fact.

In North America, Jesus is typically depicted as taller, flowing hair, fair skin, and light colored eyes. It makes Jesus seem more like one of the people from this culture so that we can easily identify with Him.

Jesus was born in a vessel that was created in the womb of Mary, and opinion would say that He would have some of her features. Scripture backs that opinion, when the Gospel of Matthew describes his arrest. The soldiers did not know which one was Jesus. Had he been a white male with flowing hair, he would not have looked like the other dark-skinned disciples who were definitely not divinely created.

He also was a carpenter, so the dark skin that he was born with would have been even darker than those in the temples. The sun would have darkened his skin.

Also, as a carpenter, he would have had a rugged appearance, at least until He was about 30 years old. Back then, the building trade involved very strenuous physical labor with heavy stone and lumber, without any sort of power tools or mechanical digging equipment that are in use today. Skinny and small muscles would not have fit. 368

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Last, Jesus Christ did not have long hair. In 1 Corinthians 11:14, Paul wrote, "if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him." Paul would have never called the Lord Jesus Christ "disgraceful."

Compare these two descriptions of Jesus Christ:Quote:"He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to Him, nothing in His appearance that we should desire Him. He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces He was despised, and we esteemed Him not. Surely He took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered Him stricken by God, smitten by Him, and afflicted. But He was pierced for our transgressions [see How Did Jesus Christ Die?], He was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon Him, and by His wounds we are healed." (Isaiah 53:2-5)


Quote:There's not an artist in the world could paint His picture, the characters of His face. --55-0117 HOW.THE.ANGEL.CAME.TO.ME.AND.HIS.COMMISSION

But Jesus a little frail Fellow.--51-1003 BELIEVEST.THOU.THIS

His opinion of Jesus Christ was not a fault -- WMB was welcome to his opinion.

Where he crossed the line was when he first claimed that he had seen an angel in the "room", "cave", "cabin" or "den", described that angel as "dark skinned", "light skinned", "clean-shaven”, "bearded" .... and than said that he had seen Jesus Christ instead of the angel.

His appearance would definitely have been that of a tanned, muscular, physically-fit young man dressed in durable and practical clothing - which made Him indistinguishable from the "blue-collar" Fishermen who were with Him when He was arrested. The prophet Isaiah confirms His ordinary appearance 369

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The Eternal Covenant of Peace

In Isaiah 54, God spoke words of comfort through Isaiah. It was the eternal covenant of peace.

God said for the barren to sing, and sing loudly. The children of the desolate would one day be more than the children of the married. They should enlarge their tents and increase the size of their habitations. God said, "Do not hold back, lengthen the cords and strengthen the stakes!" God said through Isaiah that they would be spread abroad and their offspring would possess the nations and fill the desolate cities.

God gave them comfort, telling them not to fear. They would not be ashamed. He told them not to be confounded, they would not be disgraced. Forget the shame of the past, they would remember their reproach no more.

He said their Maker was their husband, and Yahweh is his name. He said that the Holy one of Israel is their Redeemer, and He is the God of the whole earth.

The Lord had called them like a wife deserted and grieved in spirit, like a young wife when she is cast off. For a brief moment, they were deserted by God, but He said he would gather them together with great compassion. He had overflowing anger for only a moment and hid His face from them, but He would have compassion on them with everlasting Love.

God said that this is like the days of Noah to him. As he swore that the waters of Noah would never again cover the earth, He swore that he would not be angry with them or rebuke them. The mountains may depart and the hills vanish away, but His steadfast love would never depart from them. His covenant of peace would not be removed.

God spoke through Isaiah, "O afflicted one, storm-tossed and not comforted, behold I will set your stones in antimony and lay your foundations with sapphires." He said that their children would be taught by the Lord and there would be great peace for their children. They would be established in righteousness, far from oppression. They would not fear from any terror, for it would not come near to them.

God said that if anyone brought them trouble, it is not from God. Whoever does this will fail because of them. God created the blacksmith who blows the coals of fire and produces weapons for its purpose. He also created the ravager to destroy. No weapon fastened against them will succeed. Every tongue that speaks against them in judgment would be refuted by them.

This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their vindication from me, declares the Lord!

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we his servants? Do we claim this heritage? When any man rises up against us, do we remember who our Father is? When men come against us 370

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with evil plans, do we not remember that we have the same creator that created that evil man? When men bear false witness against us in judgment, do we remember that God created their tongues? Do we accept the eternal covenant of peace? 371

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The God of Judgment

Psalm 50 reminds us that we serve not only a loving God of peace, but a God of judgment that is deserving of our praise.

God spoke and set the earth before the sun from the rising to the sunset. He shines his perfection of beauty out of Zion.

The Lord God will come and will not keep silent. A great fire will devour everything before him and it will be tempestuous all about. God will call to the heavens from above, and to the earth, that He may judge his people. He will gather His saints that made a covenant to Him by sacrifice. The heavens shall declare His righteousness, for God is the Judge.

The writer says, "Listen to God, and He will speak. He will testify against Israel, for he is thy God." He would not reprove them for their sacrifice or burnt offerings continually before God. He would not take their livestock. Every animal in the forest is His, as well as the cattle upon a thousand hills. He knows all of the birds flying in the mountaintops, and the wild animals of the fields are all His.

If God were hungry, he would not tell them, because the world is His and the fullness of the world. Does God eat the flesh of bulls, or drink the blood of goats? Their offering to God was for thanksgiving and they were paying their vows to the God Most High.

Call on Him in the day of trouble, and He would deliver them. They would glorify God.

But unto the wicked God asked what they had to do to declare His statutes or take His covenant. They hated instruction and had left God's Word behind. When they saw a thief, they joined in his wickedness and had been partakers with adulterers. Their mouth was given to evil and their tongue to deceit. They spoke against their brothers, slandering the son of their own mother.

All of this evil was done, yet God kept His silence. They thought that God was on their side, but He would reprove them and set them in order before their eyes.

Consider this, you that forget God. Otherwise, God will tear you in pieces and there will be none to deliver you.

Whoever offers praise to God glorifies Him. Those that keep their conversation right with God will be shown the salvation of God.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we forget that our loving God is also a God of judgment? Now that Christ has come and the confession of our sins puts them under His blood, do we confess them? Do we consider ALL of the sixty-seven sins listed in the New Testament, 372

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or do we simply pick and choose the few that are easy for us to keep? Is God keeping His silence about our uncovered sin? Do we offer praise to God? Do we keep our conversation right with God? 373

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Our Accuser's Case Is with God, Not Man

After Eliphaz had accused Job of not fearing God, Job answered in Job 16.

He asked them if their "windy words" had any end, and what provoked them to ramble on about such things. Were he in their shoes, Job could also join words together to speak against them and shake his head in shame at them.

Job said that surely God had worn him out and made all of his companions turn against him. He said that God had shriveled him up in such a way that even the leanness of his body spoke against him, testifying from his own face. Job felt that God had given him over to his adversaries.

He told them that God had given him up to the ungodly and was now placed into the hands of the wicked. He was at peace and God had torn that peace apart.

But through it all, Job remembered God. He did not forget who was the almighty, powerful, wonderful God. Job said that his witness is in heaven. The One that testified for him was on High.

He said that though his friends scorned him, his eyes poured out tears to God. His friends were arguing the case of a man with God.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: When we are tried and tested by God, who's Word do we hold onto? The Word of God or the words of man? When God turns us over to our accusers to be tested, do we give in or do we take our stand for Christ? Do we remember the almighty powerful God, our witness in heaven? Do we remember that Christ will stand before us in the day of Judgment, as an interceder for our sins? Have we put our sins under the blood so that our accusers now argue their cases with God instead of us?20120630_God_Will_Never_Abandon_Us 374

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God Will Never Abandon Us

In Psalm 16, David writes that God will never abandon our souls.

He says, "Preserve me, O God, for in You I take refuge!" David said that he had nothing good besides God. As for the saints, David said that they are excellent. He delighted in the saints that were in the land.

Those that served other gods would have increasing sorrow. David refused to take their offerings of blood, pour it upon their altars, or even speak their names. The One True God was his chosen God, and He had given David a wonderful inheritance with Him.

David blessed the Lord who gave his instruction. He said that he always set the Lord before himself because the Lord walked beside him at his right hand. He would not be shaken.

Because of the Lord, he had a merry heart and his whole being rejoiced. He felt safe and secure. God would never abandon his soul or let His holy one see corruption.

God let David know the path to life. In God's presence there is the fullness of joy. At His right hand are pleasures forevermore.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we walk with God? Do we take refuge in Him? Do we refuse all others, whether it's men, work, entertainment, or more that are our idols of today? Can we truly say that we have nothing good but God, and that we take our delight in Him? 375

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The Destruction of the Prideful

Obadiah tells us about the humbling of Edom.

The Lord God spoke through Obadiah, saying that he had been sent as a messenger among the nations to prepare them for battle. Their pride had consumed them, and God would make them small compared to the other nations.

The Edomites lived in the clefts of the mountains, and their dwellings were at a very high altitude. They felt secure in their city, saying "Who can bring us to the ground?"

God said that though they soar like the eagle, and though their nest was set in high places, they would be brought down. God declared it.

They were not only prideful, but consumed by their wealth. God said that if thieves came in the night, they would have been devastated. Though the thieves would only have stole enough for themselves, their pride would have fallen.

God gave them a parallel about those who would rob a vineyard. Though they would steal from the vineyard, the thieves of their time would have left enough for the owner. Edom had placed too much pride on their material wealth.

God reminded them about their father Esau, who sold his birthright. The Edomites were boastful to God for having great wealth and prosperity when their father had no birthright. God said that their treasures had been sought out.

The allies of the Edomites had turned against them, leaving them bound within their cities. Their peaceful neighboring cities had deceived them and had prevailed. Those that had commerce with the Edomites had set a trap for them, and they were unaware.

The Lord declared that on that day He would destroy the wise men of Edom. The mighty men would be dismayed because every man from Mount Esau would be slaughtered.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Does our pride consume us? In this day of the material world, do we let our possessions turn our hearts and minds away from God? Is God displeased with our prideful ways? When He returns in judgment, will he destroy us? 376

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Watching for His Return

Ezekiel 39 prophesies about the last days and the coming Glory of the Lord.

The Lord told Ezekiel to prophesy against Gog, and tell them that the Lord God was against Gog, the chief prince of Mashech and Tubal. The Lord would turn Gog about, drive forward, bring from the uttermost parts of the North, and lead Gog against the mountains of Israel.

There is speculation about who the "Gog" spoken about in the last days will be, but the most common belief is Russia. Gog, Masech and Tubal combined seem to represent a general area containing Turkey, Northern Iran, and parts of Southern Russia.

Regardless, God spoke through Ezekiel to warn them that he would strike with power. God would strike their bow from their left hand and make their arrows drop out of their right hand. God is all powerful, and would disarm them.

He continues on to say that they will fall on the mountains of Israel, as well as all of the hordes of people who are with them. God will turn them over to the vultures of every sort and the wild animals, letting them feed on their carcasses.

Jesus Himself confirms this in Luke 17:37, correctly translated to say "Where the corpse is, there the vultures will gather." The disciples had asked how they would know when the end was near, and Jesus let them know that the battle of Armageddon would be the most obvious sign of the times.

God declared that he would no longer let his Name be profaned. He would send fire on Magog and those who live in security on the coastlands. He said that "They shall know that I am the Lord."

Then, His Holy Name would be known in the midst of His people, Israel. God declared that this is the day that is coming, and was the day of which He had spoken.

Those who dwell in the cities of Israel will burn their weapons and ammunition, and would make fires of them for seven years. They would not need firewood from the field, for they would make fire from their weapons. The Lord declared that Israel will seize the spoil of those who plundered them.

On that great and terrible day, God would give Gog a place for burial in Israel. The Valley of the Travelers, east of the sea, would block travelers. Gog and all his multitude will be buried there. That valley would be called Hamon-Gog. 377

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Hamon was the main antagonist in the Book of Esther, the prince of ancient Persia, which is modern day Iran. Together with Magog, which is generally considered to be Central Asia, God declared that their bones would lay in the valley for all to see.

God said that it would take seven months to bury them in order to cleanse the land. All the people of the land would bury them, and they would be renown on the day that His Glory is declared. They would appoint men to travel the area to find the remaining bodies to bury. Anyone finding a human bone would mark it for these men to bury as they cleanse the land.

God spoke to Ezekiel, telling him to tell the birds of the air and the beasts of the field to assemble. This would be the greatest sacrificial feast of all time, a great sacrificial feast on the mountains of Israel. They would eat the flesh of the mighty and drink the blood of the princes. God said that the animals will be filled at His table with great and mighty men of all kinds.

Then, God would set his Glory among the nations, and all would see His judgment. The house of Israel will know that He is the Lord their God, and all nations will know that the house of Israel went into captivity for their iniquity. Because they fell into idolatry, God hid His Face from them.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we watching for the coming of the Lord? When we see the nations gathering together around Israel preparing for war, do we make our hearts right with Him? As the signs of the times are being displayed all around us, do we focus on His Word? Are we preparing for the greatest sacrificial feast of all time? Or have we fallen back into idolatry? 378

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James E. McDonald

There are other threads in this forum that focus on the evolution of the "vision of the blast" that transformed into the "experience of the cloud", some that address WMB's being in Houston, TX when the cloud appeared, and many posts revolving around the many different inconsistencies and fabrications of "The Mysterious Cloud."

What this forum and others lack is a study of the man who introduced William Branham to this cloud, James Edward McDonald.

James Edward McDonald (May 7, 1920 - June 13, 1971) was senior physicist at the Institute for Atmospheric Physics and professor in the Department of Meteorology, University of Arizona, Tucson. Though many MSG followers believe McDonald was spearheading an investigation of this "supernatural cloud" for the purposes of the US Government's investigation to the unexplained, they would be surprised to learn that this is far from the truth.

James McDonald did not earn his fame from his work with the US government and did not work for the FBI as some have claimed. Mr. McDonald was a UFO chaser.

Long before his investigation of the 1963 cloud, McDonald had became well known for investigating unexplained phenomenon in the sky. Everything from unexplained fireballs to lights making high-speed ninety-degree turns were studied and documented by McDonald in preparation for his moment of fame which will be mentioned later in this study.

On February 28, 1963, McDonald thought that he had his ultimate vindication of his beliefs in visitors from another planet. A horseshoe shaped formation in the skies looked to be the entry point for an alien spacecraft, and it was beyond explanation.

After the publication of the article in Science magazine, letters to the editor started pouring in from fellow UFO chasers as well as conspiracy theorists with hypothesis regarding the US government's new aircraft. Many thought it was an enhancement to the X-11, but McDonald did not accept this theory. According to McDonald, his analysis of the formation did not match his data collected about the X-11 aircraft. McDonald had something else in mind.

McDonald was planning on gathering enough evidence that extra-terrestrial life did exist, and that we were not alone on this planet. Several unexplained occurrences were studied and documented by McDonald with the help of others, and McDonald planned to confront the US government with his research.

McDonald tried every way possible to prove that this "supernatural cloud" was completely unexplained, but unfortunately he could not discount all of the evidence. There were simply too many possibilities from aircraft trails and rocket detonations to nuclear blasts. He released 379

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more than one study on the cloud formation as an ongoing study, but in the end abandoned the research since a T.H.O.R. missile was the most likely possibility of its origination.

What many MSG followers today fail to realize is that Mr. McDonald was NOT trying to find the cause of the formation so much as he was trying to prove that it was unexplainable. After exhausting every angle of his research, McDonald went on to bigger and better things. He actually did not prove that the cloud was unexplainable, Mr. McDonald claimed just the opposite by abandoning his research.

In 1968, McDonald had gathered enough evidence that there was unexplained phenomenon in the skies that he presented his case to Congress. What initially started as an objection to the Government's plans to develop a supersonic transport (SST) plane quickly became a debate on UFOs. McDonald tried to present evidence that the SST planes would harm the ozone layer, but Congressman Silvio Conte of Massachusetts turned the argument directly against McDonald himself.

Congressman Conte had knowledge of McDonald's UFO studies, and switched the discussion to McDonald's instable mental capacities. Conte bluntly stated that anyone who "believes in little green men" was, in his opinion, not a credible witness.

McDonald defended his UFO research. McDonald appeared before a committee of the United States Congress to present a 53-page assessment on his UFO research, which he thought would prove his stance and vindicate him as the "UFO Expert." Unfortunately, he suffered severe public humiliation. Members of the committee openly mocked McDonald and discredited him as any form of credible witness.

McDonald's research can be found online at What is interesting to note is that there is NO MENTION of the "supernatural cloud" since McDonald had discredited the idea as unexplainable. According to other researchers, his peers claim that his particular cloud was generally believed to be a result of the T.H.O.R. detonation, and there was no solid reason to believe otherwise.

After this event, Mr. McDonald suffered mental anxiety that led into mental instability. He was becoming professionally isolated by his peers that did not consider McDonald to be credible, and was not well liked by his acquaintances. Some studies described him as sometimes forceful and impatient, while others, less charitably, called him blunt and abrasive.

In April 1971 he attempted suicide by shooting himself in the head. He survived the attempt, but was blinded and was crippled into a wheelchair. McDonald was committed to the psychiatric ward of a Tucson, Arizona hospital. He recovered a degree of peripheral vision, and made plans to return to his teaching position, but on June 13, 1971 ultimately took his own life. 380

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His body was found close to a creek next to the bridge spanning the Canada Del Oro Wash near Tucson. A .38 caliber revolver was found close to him, as well as a suicide note.

In his lifetime, McDonald interviewed over 500 UFO witnesses, uncovered many important government UFO documents, and gave key presentations of UFO evidence. McDonald also gave a famous speech called "Science in Default" to the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) that was a summary of the current UFO evidence and a critique of the 1969 Condon Report UFO study. 381

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Waiting for the God of Salvation

Micah 7 teaches us to wait for the God of Salvation.

Micah cried out because there was none godly that remained on the earth. There was not one that was upright before God among all mankind.

Mankind was against each other, lying in wait for each other's blood. Evil was in their hands, woven with bribery and deceit. No trust could be placed in neighbors or friends, sons or daughters, or other family members.

But Micah took his stand. "As for me," he said, "I will look to the Lord. I will wait for the God of my salvation; my God will hear me."

Micah told his enemies not to rejoice, God was his light in the darkness. He would bear his sins until God pleads his case to execute judgment. When the enemies cry out against him asking, "Where is your God," they themselves will be trampled down like the mire in the streets.

In that day, Israel will be far extended. People from mountain to mountain and sea to sea will come, but the earth will be desolate because of the fruit of their deeds.

Micah instructed to shepherd the people, though they dwell alone in the midst of a garden land. As in the days when God brought the children of Israel out of Egypt, He will show them marvelous things. The nations will watch and be ashamed of all their deeds and might.

Micah praised the Lord for his steadfast love and compassion. "Who is a God like you, pardoning iniquity and passing over transgression for the remnant of His inheritance?" Micah asked. God does not retain his anger forever, and will again have compassion. He will tread over our iniquities and cast all our sins into the depths of the sea. God will show faithfulness to Jacob and steadfast love to Abraham, as He had sworn to the fathers in the days of old.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we wait patiently for salvation? Do we partake in the evil that is around us, or do we shut ourselves alone with God? Do we look for His return, when He will again show his mighty power to all nations? Do we praise Him for giving us salvation? 382

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His Steadfast Love

Psalm 130 tells of God's steadfast love.

I cry out to you, Lord God, and ask that you please hear my voice. Please listen for my plea for mercy.

If you were to keep track of my iniquity, who in this world could stand? But you, Lord, offer forgiveness so that we will fear the One True God.

I wait on you lord, and your Word gives me hope. Like the watchmen waiting for the morning, I can count on you even more.

People, put your hope and trust in the Lord! With Him there is steadfast love, and plenty of redemption! He will redeem his people from all iniquity!

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we plead daily for the lord to have mercy on our sinful ways? Do we thank Him that He so freely forgives? Do we find hope in God's Word? 383

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The Converted Mexican General

William Branham often mentioned the converted Mexican General that made his meetings in Old Mexico possible.

The first time this general is mentioned is in 1956. There were supposedly 400 churches involved, and they were expecting a hundred thousand at that meeting.

Branham claimed that this was the first time in history that Protestants were welcomed in Mexico, but this general of the Mexican army was born again with the Holy Ghost. The general supposedly claimed to have used his clout with the "Governor" of Mexico to grant them clearance with military protection.

Though the name of the "general" giving by WMB changes a few times, and none of the names can be found in the list of Mexican generals. Worse, most of the claims made in the ever-changing story do not seem to be factual.

Quote:And then on the sixteenth we begin in Old Mexico, Mexico City, Old Mexico. Mr. Arganbright just called me, and they secured the big bull arena there, that has a seating capacity of sixty-thousand. And there's four hundred churches cooperating, already signed up. We're expecting a hundred thousand at the meeting. And it's the first time this--we have something to praise God for, the first time in the history of Mexico, that the government has ever welcomed a Protestant in and give us a place to come, the first time in the history of Mexico a Protestant ever been welcome.And General...?... is a General of the Mexican Army has just been borned again and received the Holy Ghost. And by his courtesy to the Governor of Mexico, gives us the government rights to go in with the militia protection. And--and we're--I've got the big bull arena; that's the biggest thing there is in all Mexico; it seats sixty-thousand round like this, besides the--the room where they do the fighting at, you know, in there. And we got it for ten straight nights now without any interruption, right straight through for ten straight nights. Be praying for me. I just feel the--hear the sound of abundance of rain down there. I just... The Mexican people are very simple, humble believers, and once convinced... They're Catholic, and once convinced that a truth is the truth, then that settles it for all.56-0304 MAKING.A.WAY

In 1956, the picture painted about this mostly Catholic country is not an accurate one. And William Branham was not the first Protestant welcome in Mexico.

Presbyterians were the first Protestants to begin work in Mexico, starting in 1872. There was a time when Protestants were not welcome in Mexico, but that time was almost a hundred years before 1956. In 1857 that changed. 384

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Until 1857, all forms of religion except Roman Catholicism were forbidden in Mexico. Liberal leader Benito Juarez passed legislation permitting freedom of worship, and started encouraging development of evangelical (Protestant) churches.

In 1872, the General Assembly voted to establish a formal mission in Mexico, building upon the work of these earlier leaders. The Board appointed the Reverend and Mrs. Henry C. Thomson, the Reverend and Mrs. Maxwell Phillips, the Reverend Paul Henry Pitkin, the Reverend and Mrs. Merrill N. Hutchinson and Miss Ellen P. Allen as its first missionaries.

Presbyterians were not the only presence in Mexico, Methodists had also grown in number. A young group of men called the "Brothers Ten" studied at the Methodist Seminary in Mexico City from 1946 through 1956, and went throughout Mexico establishing Methodist churches.

The only thing really unique to Mexico in 1956 was the arrival of Samuel Aun Weor to Mexico City. In 1956, Weor moved from Columbia to settle down in Mexico City and spread his secret religion of Gnosticism, which was considered heresy by the Roman Catholic Church. Though there is no solid connection to Weor and Branham's meeting in Mexico City, there is a strange and eerie connection between Weor, Branham, and Jim Jones.In Branham's first mention of this Mexico City trip, he describes the meeting plans of Mexico City along with his meetings at the Cadle Tabernacle in Indianapolis, IN. The two campaigns supposedly had no connection whatsoever, yet WMB links them in the same campaign plan.Branham and Weor believed that the end was 1977. Weor even mentions this fact in his book entitled The Three Mountains, in a chapter entitled "The Resurrection" In 1977, Branham had already died, Weor died that year, and it evidently spooked Jim Jones. He took his congregation to South America and took the lives of his entire congregation. Jones was also known for frequenting Mexico City, the location of Weor's following.

Notice, in the second retelling of the story with the general, a planned meeting turns into a vision.Quote:I come back home. Well, I went out to pray. Many people were there, and Brother Arganbright come up from down in there, and he said, "Brother Branham, here's the General Valdena and many of the Mexican government, and the first time in all the world's history, or the history of Mexico that ever a Protestant was invited in by the--by the government." And said, "You must come."And so I said, "Let me pray first." I went back out to the woods and I prayed. And the next morning before daylight, the Lord came to me, give a vision. And said, "Go on back down to Mexico; I'll be with you."56-0403 SHEPHERD.OF.THE.SHEEPFOLD

He does admit that he was not the only one involved in the meeting, there were Baptist, Methodist, and Presbyterian sponsors that asked him to come:Quote: 385

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And General Valdena, which is my friend that got me in by the Mexican government as a non-Catholic to come and have the meeting, and so he's invited me back again in the churches. My sponsorship there was Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, and so forth like that, who brought me into the city.59-1125 FROM.THE.BEGINNING.IT.WASN'T.SO

"Ten straight nights" quickly becomes one single night, which makes it clear that WMB was not the only speaker at this event. It had been planned, organized, and approved beforehand.Quote:Down in Mexico City last year, when General Valdena--the Ge... Many of you brethren (I guess) know General Valdena the--one of the outstanding generals in the Mexican army. I had the privilege of being the first Protestant ever invited to Mexico City to pray for the sick people or have a meeting, by the Mexican army; and that was through General Valdena. I just met him the other day at the convention, the Full Gospel Businessmen, shook hands with him. "Try and come back again."We was only there three night. I'd went to the bull ring, but we didn't get that. So they had a great big place out there in the field--a big--another big arena like. And the people... Now, talk about wanting Christ, they come there at nine o'clock in the morning, no place to set down, and I didn't even arrive till nine at night. They'd just lean against one another, like sheep standing in a field.60-0713 BLIND.BARTIMAEUS

It's interesting that WMB claims that his background is Catholic, when we've already found that he was from a Baptist and Methodist background. He starts building "General" Medina up as a great and mighty military man, placing him as a focal point to the story of his barely getting into Mexico:Quote:Now, we find that in this virgin birth, many of the people... You precious Catholic people... My background's Catholic too, you know. So we find out that today you take Mary and make her a goddess, an intercessor.Brother Valdena, here somewhere on the platform, I believe, was down in Mexico. General Medina, Medina. He was here the other night. Put his arms around me, and spoke through his interpreter, and said, "Brother Branham, I admire your courage to stand on your convictions." Said, "Stay with it, son." He's a man, military man; he knows what it means to give an order, and stand out there on the front line, "You stay at your post." That's what God wants His soldiers to do: stand at the post of duty regardless of what comes or goes. Stay there. Stay right there. So he said...62-0128A A.PARADOX

In 1962, the story really starts to change. It becomes a good vs. evil story, with all odds against him. He ties "poor and illiterate" to these people attending the meetings in the story. 386

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Quote:Listen. I was in Mexico about four years ago, and they told us we could have the bull ring. General Valdena had brought me down, first American non-Catholic that had ever been brought down. When the bishop of the Catholic church went up before the president, and said, "Your honor, sir, this man is coming in here non-Catholic," and said, "he gets government support, from General Valdena, military support." Said, "Our nation doesn't stand for that."And so the president said back. He said, "The man's a reputable man."Said, "Oh, he's--he's just a renegade."Said, "I don't think tens of thousands of people would go out to hear a renegade."And he said--he said, "But you see, sir," the bishop said to the president, "you see, sir, only the poor and illiterate is the only thing that goes to hear him."He said, "You've had them for five hundred years. Why are they poor and illiterate?" That was a good question.62-0608 PERSEVERANCE

He then increases the story, telling the congregation that he gained entrance by military force. The Catholic bishop protested, but their "ignorance" was again the reason WMB was allowed in.Quote:Reminds me of a little story we had down in Mexico, where the Christian Business Men's "Voice" had an article of it here not long ago. We went down there and the... General Valdena was the one who had me down there. And so they got in a little trouble about the Mexican government bringing in a Protestant, and so--by this military force. And so the bishop went over and said, "Sir," said, "you know this man's not a Catholic?"He said, "No," but said, "I guess he's a reputable person. Thousands come to hear him preach, they say."He said, "Oh, it's just the ignorant and unlearned that goes out to hear a person like that."Said, "You've had them down here for five hundred years. Why are they ignorant and unlearned?"

Guess that was a good shut-up. So they let us have a place out there, and thousands gathered in. And I was to be there about three nights. One night on the platform, I looked, and here come a poor old Mexican brother, blind as he could be, his feet bare and calloused all over, his old hat in his hand, sewed with cords, his trouser legs tore off up there. I looked at him, dusty all over. He was coming along there holding his hat in his hand. He was mumbling off something to the man that was bringing him. When he got close to me, he reached down in his pocket and got out a little crucifix and begin to--to say a "Hail, Mary." I had him to put it up.62-0623 PERSEVERANT

Again, the good vs. evil story later that year:Quote: 387

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Here not long ago I was down in Mexico (closing). We was having a great meeting. General Valdena, many of you know him, that great Mexican general, he went to the governor, got permission for me to come in. And the bishop in Rome, or Roman bishop, Catholic bishop, went to him and said, "Sir, this man coming in is not a Catholic." He said, "Our government shouldn't permit such as that.""Oh," the bishop said, "General Valdena is bringing him in. I guess he's a reputable person. He... They say he has great crowds of people and so forth.""Oh," he said, "nothing goes out to hear them things such as that but the ignorant and unlearned."The gov--the president said to him, said, "Sir, you've had them for five hundred years. Why are they ignorant and unlearned?" Said, "As far as I'm concerned, he can come."62-0714 THE.UNCERTAIN.SOUND

Then, he adds the fear in the tone of voice from the bishop, fear that WMB would bring thousands of people out of Catholicism.Quote:Here not long ago down in Mexico (And I'm closing.), we was having a meeting there, and I had a great thing. It's a great Catholic country, and all of you, pretty near, you ministers know General Valdena. He--he was the one taking me in.The government... The bishop of the Catholic church went up, told the president, said, "Well, you're bringing a Ca--a non-Catholic in here."He said, "Well," said, "General Valdena says it's a reputable person."Said, "Well," said, "there isn't nothing like that in here." Said, "You... We can't do that."He said, "Why," he said, "they tell me that thousands of people come out to his meetings," the president said.He said, "Well, nothing goes out there but just the ignorant and unlearned."He said, "You've had them five hundred years. Why are they ignorant and unlearned?" Guess that would crop off the feathers. See?62-0719E PERSEVERANT

He continues the same story a few times, and then adds ropes and a ring to the story, showing how difficult it was for a Protestant to gain entrance in a Catholic country. What is interesting is that between 1962 and 1963, the general's name changed.Quote:And General Valdivia taken me in. I guess you knowed of him, he is one of the Christian businessmen. And first protestant ever taken in under the government protection. General Valdivia in Mexico, so then I was...262 That night I got in, they let me down on some ropes, back out the back of the ring. I come down into it like this, by ropes, from back off of a car. And while I got down into the ring, I walked over there. And Billy come to me, my son, he said, "There is a fellow there been giving out prayer cards." I call him Mañana, that means "tomorrow," he was so slow, and he never would come get me. So he would give out the prayer cards. 388

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The story grows more as WMB starts believing that "Elijah of the last day will come as the Lord Jesus Christ". He healed the sick and the blind, and the audience just wanted to "touch the hem of his garment."Quote:When I look at this, it reminds me of down in Mexico here, a few years ago in Mexico City. We were there one night, there had been a blind man, the night before, come on the platform, totally blind for many years. I looked at his feet. I was standing there with a good suit on, pair of shoes. I looked at his. He was blind, no shoes on, ragged trousers, standing out there in that rain. Oh, maybe thirty thousand, or more, standing there in that rain, leaning against one another, no seats; been there since early that morning, just waiting to get there that night. And there had been this blind man, had received his sight.9 And the next night, much, about twice the size of this bench here, whatever we'd call it, but just on the platform, was just ricks almost as high as what that curtain hangs, of just old shawls and coats, and that the people had wore and thrown up there. "Just that we might touch it!"Most all were Catholic, of course, there in Mexico City.10 And I got in, being the first Protestant ever come in under military invitation. That was from General Valdivia, our good friend here, Full Gospel Business Men.64-0126 WHAT.SHALL.WE.DO.WITH.THIS.JESUS.CALLED.CHRIST

Last, he takes away the seats of the bull ring, and has the audience standing in the hot sun and rain for multiple days:Quote:I was in Mexico City about three years ago. How many knows Brother Espinoza, you Spanish people here? Well, I guess many of you. He was my interpreter. We was down there in Mexico City. I was, far as they know, the only Protestant ever come in there, sponsored by the government. But General Valdivia, you remember him, his is one of the Christian Business Men, had received, been saved and filled with the Holy Ghost, and he had got through the government and got me in.145 And so we got another big ring out there. It seated several thousand people; didn't seat nothing, they had to stand up. And you--you think about having to stand here for two or three hours in this room, them people stood in that hot blazing desert sun, there from nine o'clock at morning, till nine that night, day after day. And, one night, pouring down rain, they stood there; and them young Mexican women, the hair hanging down their face, and it raining so hard I couldn't see halfway across the audience. Didn't make any difference to them; they was holding onto that Word of Life.64-0619 PERSEVERANT 389

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The question is, since there is no record of this general "Medina" "Valdena" or "Valdivia" being in the Mexican army, who was he? Was this man Samuel Aun Weor, who had a similar Gnostic faith? Did WMB tell Weor about the 1977 date, or did Weor teach WMB about his 1977 vision? Was Jim Jones also involved in the Mexico City meetings? 390

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Responsibility of a Pastor

John 10 reminds us that our pastors have a responsibility for watching over their congregation.

Jesus told His disciples that any person who enters the sheepfold any other way than through the door is a thief and a robber. Jesus said that He was that door. Any shepherd entering in to watch over the flock must go in through Jesus Christ.

The sheep will follow the shepherd with a familiar voice, and that voice must be the Word of God. They will not follow a stranger, and will flee from strangers.

Jesus said that all who came before Him were thieves and robbers, but His sheep did not listen to them. The thieves come only to steal, kill, and destroy. Jesus Christ came so that they may have life eternal.

He is the Good Shepherd. A good shepherd will lay down his life for his sheep. Those that are hired hands instead of shepherds will flee when they see the wolf coming. They will allow the wolf to come in, snatching the sheep and scattering them. The hired hand cares nothing for the sheep.

Peter says in 1 Peter 5 that pastors are not to be domineering over others, being good examples for the flock. He uses the word "elders" to show that large flocks will require others to help support the flock. He considered himself a "fellow elder" instead of a "powerful leader."

Peter says that those who watch over the flock as good examples to them will have their day of victory. When the Chief Shepherd appears, they will receive the unfading crown of Glory.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do our shepherds watch over their flock? Do they even know the trials their flock face? Did they get into that position through Christ, having a flock that listens to their voice, or did they get in some other way? Are they in that role because of the love of money, as a "hired hand?" When wolves knock at the door, do they stand for their sheep? Or do they bear false witness to protect themselves? Do they take control, as a dictator over the other elders? Or do they receive advice from God through those other elders? Will they receive the unfading crown of Glory? 391

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1977: The Prophetic Prediction

Matthew 24:14 tells us that when the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been proclaimed throughout the whole world, the end will come.

Prophecy that aligns with scripture is the most accurate, but is unfortunately one of the most abused. There are many religions and cultures that prophecy of a coming Armageddon, and many Christian leaders who prophesy the same. Their prophecy cannot be questioned since the Bible speaks of Armageddon -- unless a date is given with their prophecy. No man knows the time of the end.

Since the preaching of the Gospel can easily be tied to the end of the world by scripture, spiritual leaders who are watching the spreading of the Gospel have a slight advantage over the members of churches who do not feel the need to study these statistics, giving them a Vegas-style edge over the numbers game. Still, there was not and is not an accurate way for any man to know the end time without some guessing.

Unless you lived in the '50s and '60s.

The International Bible Society boasted that in the years that lead up to the 1960's that it began an extensive mission to translate the Bible in well over 350 more languages than ever before and completing Christ's promise in Matthew (to reach the entire world with the Gospel) around the year 1977 A.D. Obviously, the world did not end in 1977, but many thought it would once the Bible had reached the world.

Those who studied numerology also felt there was significance, especially in the seventh day of the seventh month of the seventy-seventh year (7-7-77). Prophetic songs were written such as "Two Sevens Clash", causing entire cities to remain trembling in fear in their homes.

Those who studied mysticism and pyramidology also believed that 1977 had great significance. Adam Rutherford, believed to be the greatest pyramidologist of all time wrote a book entitled "The Mysteries of the Redemption: A Treatise on Out-Of-Body Travel and Mysticism" in 1957. He believed that the millennium would begin in 1977 according to the mystic principles of the Great Pyramid of Giza.

The IBS, Joseph Hill's "Two Sevens Clash," and pyramid mysticism matched with a long passed John Wroe who prophesied the same. Wroe was so committed to this prophesy that he made a public display of himself by being publicly circumcised in 1823.

William Branham claimed to have based his "prediction" on the scriptures, calling 1977 the "year of the jubilee." The claim was that on the 50th year, there would be a great "going up." His "jubilee calendar" supposedly started in 1933. The only problem is that 1977-1933 = 44 not 50. 392

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Since we can discount this prediction based on his calendar of jubilees with miscalculated dates, we have to assume that his prediction was based on other factors. He claimed to believe the Pyramid was "a Bible" in its day, giving evidence that pyramid mysticism played a role in the calculation. It is probable that he read the works of Rutherford.

He also was greatly involved in the doctrines of numerology, specifically the number five and the number seven. The clashing sevens would have been a significant day in his doctrinal stance. When combined with the forecast by the IBS, we can easily see how his prediction took form.

Many debate whether this was a "prophecy" or a "prediction" by William Branham, though in the mouth of a prophet these words mean one and the same. This study does not intend to debate the similar meanings of the particular word that he chose.

The question here is, why did WMB chose to say that his revelation was based on scripture? Was he embarrassed that he believed in pyramid mysticism? Or embarrassed that he studied statistics on Christianity? Or was this "prediction" without mention of the other research intended to elevate himself as a more "powerful" prophet? 393

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Punishment for Speaking Against God's Children

Ezekiel 26 tells of the downfall of the city of Tyre, God's punishment for mocking His children.

Tyre was a peaceful city of commerce, unlike the Ammonites and Edomites. They were a well-fortified port city in today's Lebanon that allowed merchant trade to flow inland to the other cities. Thought their power was in their business acquaintances and trade industry, though some of the cities they traded with may have been bigoted towards Israel. They were dedicated to increasing their own wealth for reasons of comfort, and saw Jerusalem as a rival instead of an enemy.

When Jerusalem fell into ruin, the men of Tyre mocked the city of God's Chosen, saying, "Aha, the gate of the peoples is broken; it has swung open to me. I shall be replenished, now that she is laid waste!" Now that Jerusalem had been laid waste, the commerce would flow to Tyre without the competition.

God was greatly displeased. Though Ezekiel was over a thousand kilometers away in Babylon, God told Ezekiel to go and prophesy against Tyre.

Through Ezekiel, God said that he was against Tyre. He would cause many nations to rise against Tyre as the sea crashes against the seashore. Since Tyre mocked the plunder of Jerusalem, God said that now they would be plundered. Through their downfall, God would show His power and all would know that He is the Lord.

Their fall would send mourning throughout the land. God said the princes of the sea will step down from their thrones and remove their fancy embroidered garments. They would be clothed with trembling.

God said that hen He made them into a city laid waste, He will bring the deep over them and take them to the ruins below in the uninhabitable pit. They would be sought after, but would never be found again.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we speak out against other children of God when God Himself decides who He will chose and will not choose? When Christians outside of our particular faith suffer an awful fate, do we brag on our own state of affairs as though we are made stronger by their being made weaker? Do we rejoice in their calamity as Tyre did with Jerusalem? 394

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Send Out God's Light and Truth!

Psalm 43 tells us to send out God's Light and Truth, no matter how hard the oppression of the enemy.

The writer says, "Vindicate me, O God, and defend my cause against an ungodly people." He asked God to deliver him from the deceitful and the unjust.

God is the one in whom the Psalm writer took refuge. He pleads with God, asking not to be rejected. He asks himself why he went around mourning because of the oppression of the enemy.

Then, He asks God to send out His Light and His Truth, to be led by Light and Truth. He asked God to let Light and Truth lead him to His holy hill, the dwelling place of God. Once there, he would go before the altar with exceeding great joy and praise God.

Last, he asks his own soul: "Why are you cast down?" He asked why his soul was in turmoil within him. He told his soul to place hope in God, because he would again praise God for his salvation.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we cast down? Do we put our hope and trust in God? Do we shine God's Light and Truth? 395

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The Good and the Bad

Jeremiah 24 tells about how the Lord gave Jeremiah a vision of the good and the bad before the eyes of the Lord.

In the vision, two baskets of figs were placed before the Lord. One basket had very good figs, like the first-ripened figs of the season. The other basket of figs had awful tasting figs, so bad that they could not even be eaten.

The Lord asked Jeremiah, "What do you see, Jeremiah?" Jeremiah replied that he saw good figs and bad figs. He saw that the good figs were very good, the bad figs were so bad they could not be eaten.

After King Nebuchadnezzar had taken Jeconiah and the officials of Judah into captivity, they had become despised and broken. Along with his capture, many of the princes of Judah and Ezekiel the prophet was also taken into captivity. The prophet Daniel and his friends had also been taken into captivity not long before.

Nebuchadnezzar did not want the people of Judah to fortify themselves. He also took away many of the carpenters and builders, leaving the people vulnerable.

The people of the land assumed that those taken were sinners, because of the awful fate that led them into captivity. They though that God would not allow His righteous people to be led captive. But this was not the case.

There were two major prophets in Babylon, Ezekiel and Daniel. God gave the people assurance that he would take care of his people, and would weed out the good from the bad in His own way.

Like the good figs, God said that he would regard the good people that were exiled from Judah. He said that He had sent them from Judah into the land of the Chaldeans. He had set His eyes on them for good, and would bring them back into their homeland. In that day, the people would turn their hearts back to God.

There were also some people in captivity that God was displeased with. God said that he would treat Zedekiah, the king of Judah, his officials, and all other evil doers like the bad figs. They would become a horror to all the kingdoms of the earth. They would be utterly destroyed from the land that God had given to them and their fathers.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we think that God is giving punishment when bad things happen to others around us? Do we not know that sometimes God puts good men and women through trials for His own Glory? If we are facing a difficult situation, do we think that God is punishing us? Would we be the good figs or the bad ones? 396

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Like Mount Zion, We Shall Not Be Moved

Psalm 125 tells us that if we trust in the Lord, we will not be moved or shaken.

Those that trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, the holy hill that cannot be moved. The people looked towards Mount Zion, as God's holy place, and no matter where they travelled, they looked toward the temple.

As the mountains surround Jerusalem, God surrounds His people. Not only in the time this psalm was written, but for evermore.

The scepter of the wicked kings and monarchs that arise will not rest on the land that was given to God's children. God will protect his righteous children from wrongdoing.

The psalm writer asked God to do good to those who are good. He asked that God do good to those that are upright in their hearts. But to those who turn aside from God to the evil and crooked ways of the wicked, the Lord will lead them away with the evildoers.

Peace be to Israel!

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we trust in the Lord? Are we like God's holy hill, a place where others can look towards to see righteousness? Are we daily surrounded by God? Or have hour hearts and minds turned towards another that is leading us away from God? 397

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For the Greater Good

In Jeremiah 32, Jeremiah prayed for God to give him understanding.

He praised God, saying that God made the heavens and the earth by His great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for God, and His steadfast Love has been shown to thousands.

But he asked God why He was repaying the guilt of the fathers to the children. He was a God great in counsel and mighty in deed, knowing the hearts of men and rewarding each one according to the fruit of their deeds. He had shown great signs and wonders in the land of Egypt, and made a Name for Himself that had lasted from that time forward.

But the fathers did not obey His voice or walk in His law. They did not keep His commandments, so God made disaster come upon them.

God answered with authority. "Behold, I am the Lord, God of all flesh. Is anything too hard for me?" God told Jeremiah that He was giving the city into the hands of the Chaldeans and Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon. They would come and burn the city, burning the roofs of the houses that had held the worshippers of Baal who provoked God to anger. God said that the children of Israel had done nothing but evil in His site from their youth, and done nothing but provoked God to anger.

Because the city had done nothing but evil since the day of its construction, this would be the day of its destruction. Judah was the priesthood, and their officials, priests, prophets, and common man had turned their back on God. Though God taught them persistently, they did not listen to God's instruction. They used God's house for their abominations, and built high places of Baal in the valley.

Worse yet, they sacrificed their sons and daughters to the Ammonite god Molech. This was not in God's perfect plan, and God was displeased. Therefore, God told Jeremiah that He would cleanse the city. It was now given to the king of Babylon though sword, famine, and pestilence. But it would not last forever.

God promised that He would gather the children of Israel from all countries, each place that He would drive them to. He would bring them back and let them dwell in safety. They would one day be God's people, and He would be their God. They would be given one heart and Way, and that Way was to fear God. This was for their good, and for the good of their children after them.

God would make them an everlasting covenant, and would continuously do good to them. He would put the fear of God into their hearts, and they would not turn from God. Then, He would rejoice in their good instead of anger at their evil. 398

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As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we understand that God's punishment is sometimes for the greater good? Do we rejoice in our trials, praising God for His mighty work? Do our pastors today keep their hearts and minds on God? Is God pleased with us? If our churches face struggles, we should consider this question: Is God planning to show us a great and mighty change for our greater good? 399

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Revelation 11: Elijah? or Christ? Your Decision

Studying the Book of Revelation tonight, I came across something I'd never noticed before.

There is a good bit of MSG controversy over the end of Chapter 10 of Revelation. What did John see, what was the mystery of those seven thunders? Some say that they have the "revelation" of what WMB found when he "opened those seven seals", and they know this great mystery.

The troubling part for me was that the Bible says that Christ was the mystery fulfilled. There should be no more mystery necessary for the salvation of man's soul. ...turns out the Bible was correct.

Let's look at Revelation 10:Quote:7 but that in the days of the trumpet call to be sounded by the seventh angel, the mystery of God would be fulfilled, just as he announced to his servants[a] the prophets.

One of the problems I find in understanding the Book of Revelation is simply removing all that I've been taught that is incorrect, and untangling the truth.

Let's take a look at what WMB said about the following chapter, Revelation 11:Quote:Notice, now, as He comes. And then this had another meaning to it. I know many of you my brethren, the clergymen, you apply that to the coming of Christ. That's right. It was applied there, the order of the coming of Christ. As they looked and they seen glorified Jesus, they looked again and seen Moses and Elijah, the two witnesses Revelation 11. 57-0519A HEAR.YE.HIM

Now, when is the Gospel returning to the Jews? When the day of the Gentile is finished, the Gospel is ready, go to the Jews. Oh, I could, if I could just foretell you a little something that's fixing to happen right here, see, right in this day. You see? It's fixing to happen. We get it in the Church Age. And this great thing is fixing to happen, will carry over to Revelation 11 and pick up those two prophets, Elijah and the Moses returning back again for the Jews.60-1204M THE.REVELATION.OF.JESUS.CHRIST

And last week's tapes, I think, will reveal to you the great hideous things that we're going to speak on one of these days when we can get a place sufficient, of the opening of those last plagues to be poured out upon the earth, those Vials, rather, pouring out of the Vials, and the Seven Thunders, and those hideous sights that's coming upon the earth. Man now, and people today, are in such a neurotic condition; the whole world!65-0822M CHRIST.IS.REVEALED.IN.HIS.OWN.WORD 400

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And He said there'll be hideous sights upon the earth. "Locusts with hair like women," long hair, to haunt them women that cut their hair. "Teeth like lion; stingers in their tails, like scorpions; they would torment men, months." Just wait till we get in to opening them Plagues and Seals, and them Seven Thunders, watch what takes place. Oh, brother, you better get to Goshen while there's time to get to Goshen. Don't pay any attention to this outside.65-0815 AND.KNOWETH.IT.NOT_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN V-2 N-10 SUNDAY_

WMB linked the two witnesses to Moses and Elijah (and obviously placing himself as that Elijah), and associated the seven thunders with the plagues.

Not so. The Bible says that Christ is the Mystery fulfilled, and Revelation 10 agrees with that statement: "but that in the days of the trumpet call to be sounded by the seventh angel, the mystery of God would be fulfilled, just as he announced to his servants[a] the prophets."

All the Old Testament prophets prophesied about the coming Messiah. John prophesied about the Christ, but was asked to hold back until the seventh angel blew his trumpet.

Let's continue to the next chapter, Revelation Chapter 11. The one that WMB claimed was speaking of Moses and Elijah, and the one that is telling about what the seventh angel was announcing with his trumpet:Quote:Then the seventh angel blew his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, saying, "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he shall reign forever and ever." 16 And the twenty-four elders who sit on their thrones before God fell on their faces and worshiped God, 17 saying,

"We give thanks to you, Lord God Almighty,who is and who was,for you have taken your great powerand begun to reign.18 The nations raged,but your wrath came,and the time for the dead to be judged,and for rewarding your servants,[c] the prophets and saints,and those who fear your name,both small and great,and for destroying the destroyers of the earth."19 Then God's temple in heaven was opened, and the ark of his covenant was seen within his temple. There were flashes of lightning, rumblings,[d] peals of thunder, an earthquake, and heavy hail.

There is NOWHERE in this chapter that describes Moses or Elijah. In fact, the beginning of this chapter describes measuring the temple, which is almost directly out of Ezekiel 40. This entire 401

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chapter of revelation is about Christ coming into power and glory. It has nothing to do with coming mysteries and prophets.

The end of this chapter is praise towards Christ, not praise towards prophets. Christ IS the mystery fulfilled! He came down to earth, lived a perfect life, died for our sins on the cross, conquered death and hell, and rose again so that we could be saved.

The ark of the covenant is now in His temple, the one measured in Ezekiel 40. The temple was being prepared for Christ! 402

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The Value of Wisdom

Job 28 teaches us to seek out and find wisdom in God.

Job compares wisdom to the riches of gold and silver. There is a mine for them, and man seeks them out. Once found, they refine the gold and silver. In the same manner, iron is taken out of earth, and copper is smelted from the ore. Man seeks out the valuables of the earth to the deepest limits, in dark shafts far from home.

The earth itself produces bread, yet underneath is turned up by burning, molten lava. The stones of the earth contain precious jewels and gold. No animal of the field or bird in the sky has seen how the earth produces these things. Yet when man finds them, they overturn mountains by the roots to dig them up. Digging channels in the rock and damming streams and rivers to expose the ground underneath, man searches out to find the precious things hidden in the earth.

But where is wisdom found? Where is the secret place of understanding? Man does not know its worth, and it is not found in the land of the living. Wisdom cannot be found in the deep places of the earth or at the bottom of the sea. It cannot be bought with gold or silver, and it cannot be valued. The value of wisdom is so far greater than these things that no precious thing of the earth can be its equal. And it is hidden from the eyes of all living.

Job said that God understands the way to it, and He knows the secret hiding place of wisdom. God looks to the ends of the earth and sees everything under the heavens. When God allotted the power of the wind and the depth of the seas, God saw wisdom and established it for us to seek out and find.

Then, God said, "Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom. To turn away from evil is understanding."

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we seek out wisdom? Do we place its value higher than any gold or silver, or any item of this world that money can buy? Do we refuse wisdom, led blindly by those who have not searched out wisdom for themselves? Do we get our wisdom from God or from some other man's idea? Is our wisdom based around our devotion to the One True God? 403

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Women: From the Animal Kingdom's Point of View

As I sat with a client in a coffeeshop yesterday, a group of beautiful, young women sat down at a table across from where we were sitting. The thirty-six years of condemnation of every aspect of their beauty started sending up MSG flares of distress into my mind, making me want to quickly dive under the table and hide from them -- which I'm sure would have cost me a new client.

As my client started to ramble about things of non-importance, I sat there thinking about my programmed response to the situation. While most men I know from our new church would have simply noticed them and ignored them, my instant fear was that I might be seen by someone I know at a table next to these young women.

Because of this situation that was awkward for me, I started to review what I'd been taught all these years to the Bible and nature itself. I suddenly started to realize something that I had been blinded from for most of my life.

We were taught that this modern style of attractive dress and appearance defied nature itself. Teachings like "this kind of beauty is of the devil," or "those women are less than dogs" because "even the dogs would not do that to themselves" started going through my head with a familiar voice screaming to a fearful and receptive congregation.

Looking around the room, I noticed that there were other women around that were not so differently dressed. They were much older, and less attractive simply due to their age, yet they were pretty just the same. Though they would have been considered to be "painted" and dressed the same, there was a difference that as a man can be felt.

At the same time, I thought about my wife, and how I loved her tremendously. I remember when she was their age, there was not one among them that could match her beauty -- inside and out. The difference with my wife in the same situation would be that because of the "yolk not yourselves with unbelievers" scripture was applied only to MSG followers, not other Christians in the world. I knew my wife's inward beauty because the fish of the sea become much less when the sea becomes a pond.

I quickly became aware that noticing the beauty of young women around me had very little affect on my marriage. Nothing besides death could separate me from the woman I love.

Remembering the bible story about Jezebel, the evil woman we were falsely taught was condemned for wearing paint, I looked at the older women around. They wore makeup to improve their appearance, but were no match when compared to these younger women. Jezebel put on her "paint" when she realized that she was going to die, preparing her appearance for her impending demise. Though she led many to idolatry, she knew death was coming and wanted to die with as much dignity as humanly possible. 404

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The real shock was when I considered the animal kingdom. We were taught that this promotion of products to improve appearance defied nature itself, yet I started to realize that the teaching was not entirely correct.

As humans, we cleanse ourselves daily with scented soaps, oils, and other products intended to remove the natural scents that we were given by God. Animals do not have this luxury. Though some may roll in the wet mud or dip in the streams, very little of their natural scent is removed.

Most animals put off a mating scent to attract their mates. Not all animals mate for life, but there are some that do. Those that mate for life may smell the scent from others looking for a mate, but ignore it. They are not taught by the oddball one of the pack that these mating scents are "of the devil." They are not separated from these mating scents and placed in a position of awkwardness when suddenly around another pack without the oddball. Most of all, their own mates have no limits to their own scents for pleasing their own mates.

While we were taught that our modern ways defy nature, I started to realize that our "God looks to the outside" ways actually defied it more.

As one who has struggled inwardly with pain over the "god of this evil age," I started to ask myself: Could my teachings have been the root cause of my battle? Do not other similar religious movements suffer the same problems with their men? Was the one who started this teaching suffering these battles himself, intending on creating a commune having a dress code? 405

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Removing All Idolatry and Cleansing the Temple

2 Kings 23 tells the story about how Josiah cleansed the temple of all idolatry after he read God's Word.

The people had filled the temple with all kinds of idolatry, from sacrificial vessels for Baal to child sacrifices unto Molech to male prostitutes for the Semitic breasted goddess of fertility, Asherah. Josiah had read from the Book of the Covenant that he had found in the house of the Lord, and his heart and soul became dedicated to keeping the words of the covenant God had made with the children of Israel.

He gathered the priests and elders, prophets, and all the people great and small before the house of the Lord. Josiah read the words of the Book of the Covenant to them, and all of the people joined in the covenant.

Josiah commanded the priests to bring all the vessels made for Baal, Asherah, and for all the host of heaven out of the temple to be burned. Josiah himself deposed the priests who had participated in this idolatry. Josiah beat the Asherah into dust after it was burned, and cast it upon the graves of the common people. The houses of the male cult prostitutes were smashed down, the high places at the gates where offerings had been made were broken down, and the places of child sacrifice were destroyed. The horses dedicated to the sun god were removed, the chariots of the sun were burned, and the alters to the sun god were destroyed.

The temples were filled with the bones of the men who served in idolatry. At Bethel, however, not all the graves were emptied. When Josiah saw the monument next to certain tombs, he asked what the monument was for. The men of Bethel told him that it was the tomb of the man of God who came from Judah and predicted Josiah's cleansing of the temple. All the shrines were removed, and all the priests were sacrificed, but Josiah commanded that no man would move the bones of the man of God.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Have we cleansed ourselves of all idolatry? When new religious movements spring up, bringing new ideas into the minds of the people they associate with, do we compare their beliefs scripturally before listening? Do we listen to those who entangle the God of Abraham with the "breasted god" or those who teach ancient worship of the stars like the Gnostics do? Have the teachings of Kabballah resurfaced into Christianity again today? Have new idols came forth, things that we place before God? Do we idolize great men of power, sports heroes, or women of beauty? Is it time for the cleansing of our temple, which is now our bodies? 406

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Comfort in the Coming Messiah Isaiah 40 brings a message of comfort to God's people.

Through Isaiah, God gave the people an announcement of the greatest event the world has ever known: the coming of the Christ. God was going to send His Son, and bring the hearts of His people back to God.

"Comfort, comfort my people," says God. Speak tenderly to Jerusalem, God's children, and let them know that their warfare is ended. Their iniquity is pardoned. They had received correction from the Lord's hand double for all of their sins.

A voice cries in in the wilderness to prepare the way of the Lord: "Make a straight highway for our God in the desert." Every valley will be lifted up and every mountain and hill will be made low. The uneven ground will become level and the rough places will become smooth like a plain.

The Glory of the Lord will be revealed. All flesh will see it together, for the Lord has spoken.

All mankind is like the grass of the field. Their beauty is like the flower of the field. The grass withers away and the flower fades when the breath of the Lord blows on it. The grass withers and the flower fades, but the Word of our God will stand forever.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we take peace and comfort in the Gift that God gave to the world? Do we accept the pardon that was given to us by Christ's death on the cross? Do we look forward to rising to be with him, as he arose from the grave? Do we see all mankind as beautiful, giving us a burning desire to tell others of Christ? 407

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God Hates False, Speak the Truth

In Zechariah 8, God reminds His people that He keeps His promises, giving them the commandment to speak the Truth.

God spoke through Zechariah and told his people that he was a jealous God, and was jealous with great wrath. Though God had disciplined His children for their iniquity, He assured them that He still loved them. He would return to Zion and dwell with the people. Jerusalem would one day be called the faithful city, and Zion the Holy Mountain.

God said that the men and women would grow old peacefully, sitting in the streets and watching the children play. He would save His people from opposing countries, and bring them into Israel where they would be His people and He would be their God. They would dwell in faithfulness and righteousness.

God told His people to become strong by hearing His Word through the mouths of the prophets. They were laying the foundation for the temple that would one day be built. In the days of the prophets, there was very little provisions for man or his animals, and they would not live at peace in safety. God set every man against his neighbor, and allowed enemies to infiltrate their dwelling places. But that day had ended.

God said that he would no longer deal with Israel as He did in times past. Peace would start to be sown, and one day that vine of peace would start yielding fruit. As they had been a cursing among the nations, God would save them and they would become a blessing.

As God brought disaster to them when their fathers provoked Him to wrath, He did not relent from that wrath. Just as God did not relent in wrath, He promised to bring peace.

God had one command: Speak the Truth. Make judgment for truth and for peace. Do not plan evil against one another, and do not find pleasure in any falsehood. God declared that He hates false things.

God spoke through Zechariah declaring the fasts. At the end of the fast, there would be seasons of joy and gladness. They would have cheerful feasts. God told them therefore to love Truth and peace.

God said that people would come to look for His favor. Many people from many strong nations would come to seek Him in Jerusalem, looking for God's favor. They would be known as God's people, and men from every nation would ask to be with them, for they would hear that God is with them.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we speak the Truth? If there are things that even we ourselves question, do we seek out the Truth and speak it with assurance? If we find it to 408

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be a lie, do we continue to speak it for popularity or monetary gain? Is the war and turmoil around us because of other's evil, or is it because we have not spoken God's Truth? 409

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The Deceived Prophets

Ezekiel 14 gives warning to the deceived prophet and those who listen to that prophet.

Idolatry had taken over the hearts of the children of Israel, and God was estranged by the many idols that the people had begun to worship. The Word of the Lord came through Ezekiel to warn the people of their iniquity.

Through Ezekiel, God told the children of Israel that any person of the house of Israel who worships an idol and still comes to the prophet will be answered by the Lord as though he worshipped a multitude of idols. God was not going to permit a people to serve both Himself and idolatry.

God spoke, telling the people to repent and turn away from their idols. Everything that they did that was an abomination before God was evil, and God told them to turn their faces from it.

Moreover, if the people living in idolatry came before a prophet to inquire of God, God would answer Himself. God would give the idolater a sign and cut him off from the people. Through this, the people would know that He was God.

God warned that the idolaters could not even trust the prophets. God said that he would deceive the prophets, and destroy the prophets before the children of Israel. The punishment of the prophet and the punishment of the idolater would be alike.

God would let the people know that He was God. He would not allow the people to serve other Gods, and He would not allow them to go astray.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do the idols of today's world come before God? Do we become lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God? If we were living in Ezekiel's day, would we fall into the deception of the prophets or would we serve the Living God? Would we put the word of the deceived prophets through the test of God's Word? Or do we follow everything we are told by our elders, never testing their words against the scriptures? Would God let prophets come to deceive us so that He can let the people know that He is God? 410

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Untangling the Truth: Elijah

The latest "Untangling" book is available: "Untangling the Truth: Elijah".

SummaryThe idolatry of Tyre was quickly spreading throughout the ancient world. It had long-lasting effects on ancient Greece, Italy, and other nations. God would not let this evil befall his children, and sent many prophets to condemn the false gods of the ancient world.

Many preachers and evangelists of today do not speak of the violent evil that was spreading in an audience of women and children. It would not be pleasant to listen to child sacrifice. Christians of today do not want to listen to men's blood spilled on ancient altars, prostitution openly in temples of Jewish goddesses, homosexuality as a form of worship, or worse evils.

At the same time, very few study the ancient world to learn of the cultures, styles, beliefs, or histories of the nations. A single quote of painted eyes by a woman spreading these evils cannot be the foundation for a doctrine, especially when many other women of the ancient world had similar customs.

They were different customs than today, eyes painted to become larger in an effort to mimic the appearance of their false gods. The paint on their face reached the temples of their forehead, and was nothing like the small amount of cosmetics applied to the eyelids, as is the custom today. The Christian woman William Branham condemned openly in front of her husband would not have been painting her eyes to mimic a false god.

The truth of the matter is that William Branham taught a doctrine of the "breasted god," which essentially is the same thing that Jezebel did in her day - mix the religions of the female goddesses into the belief system of the Ancient Jews. Had William Branham painted his eyes before his own death, it would have been a much lesser sin than bringing the worship of a false goddess into Christianity - even if painting of the face was a sin.

There is no mention of beautifying one’s self through use of paint condemned anywhere in the Bible, and Elijah the prophet certainly did not devote his life to condemning Jezebel for her use of paint. The Bible teaches to use a modest dress style, as is custom for the times. No specific guidelines are given, because cultures change as time progresses. Men and women of the ancient world Paul ministered to may be considered immodest compared to the dress cultures today, while other ancient ages of times past may be more modest than even the Christians of the Pentecostal faith. 411

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Pleasing God Through a Worship-Filled Music Ministry

2 Chronicles 25 tells who David and the chiefs of the service organized the music of worship to God.

They set apart those who prophesied with lyres and harps. Those who prophesied were directed by other prophets of music with more experience. Some prophesied under direction from the King, while others prophesied praise and thanksgiving to the Lord under the direction of Asaph.

Two hundred and eighty-eight men and women were involved in the music ministry, men and women who were trained in singing to the Lord and were skillful. To divide the work, they cast lots for their duties. All participated, small and great, pupil and teacher.

In Hebrew worship, temple music consisted of singers and an orchestra, and the Old Testament lists several kinds of instruments in the temple orchestra. Chronicles 15, 16, and 25 list many of them, including the big harp, the lyre, the ram's horn, the trumpet, the timbrel, and cymbals

In David's time, instruments that were associated with pagan gods were excluded from the temples, but over time and as the culture changed, those instruments such as the pipe and flute became included in temple worship.

Like humans, God Himself loves music. In Leviticus 23, God told Moses to gather the people to a festival called the "Festival of Trumpets," and refrain from all work. Worshippers would praise God with loud blasts from their trumpets. In Numbers 10, God told the people that the trumpets would remind the Lord God of His covenant with the people.

Asaph, a prophet of music under King David, instructed all to sing praises to God. He specifically told the people to beat the tambourine, play the lyre and the harp, and sound the trumpets. He said that it was a law of the God of Jacob. Through music, Asaph proclaimed messages from God to the people, and he gave those messages with instruments of music.

By name, the Bible mentions harps, lyres (similar to a harp, but stringed with ten strings that could be chorded like a guitar), pipes, flutes, tambourines, castinets (pottery made to rattle), lutes (similar to a lyre, but boxed like a pear-shaped guitar), sistrums (sliding rattles), cymbals, trumpets, shofars (ram horns used in the fall of Jerico), TOF and timbrel (drums), triangles (metal triangles used for ringing percussion), and more. The most interesting is the "zither", which was a combination of a variety of instruments. It included xylophones, musical glasses, stones chipped in a graded scale for percussion, reeds, nut shells, sea shells, metal bowls for percussion, and more. 412

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It is believed that under David, hundreds of instruments were invented. He is credited as the inventor himself in not only the Bible, but also by Josephus in Antiquities of the Jews. All of the instruments were used by David to give glory unto the Lord.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we value the worship of God through music? Do we suppress the powerful prophecy through music by continuing a few old hymns as a tradition, or do we allow new music to minister to us through God? Do we limit God's worship by telling our congregations that only "sacred" instruments such as the piano and organ are the only music God likes in his church, when God Himself told the people to blow the trumpets? Do we condemn the drums in the temples when King David himself dedicated people to play the TOF and timbrel (drums)? Have we limited God in our churches by limiting the music ministry? Is God even pleased with our music ministry? 413

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Judging by Our Faithfulness

Psalm 96 Tells us to rejoice by singing a new song unto the Lord. Bless His name, and tell of His salvation every day.

As a nation, we should declare His glory to other nations. We should tell of the marvelous things He has done for us to all the people of the world.

God is great, and greatly to be praised. He alone should be the God we fear. All other gods of the people in this world are worthless idols, but the Lord is the Creator of the heavens. He created splendor and majesty.

We should serve the One True God because of his glory and strength, and give Him the glory due to his name! All the earth should fear the Lord. We should declare to the nations that the Lord reigns!

The writer of the Psalm says, "Let the heavens be glad and let the earth rejoice. Let the sea roar, and all that fills it. Let the field exult, and everything in it!" Even the trees of the forest sing before the Lord, because He comes to judge the earth.

The Lord will judge the world in righteousness. He will judge the peoples in His faithfulness.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we praise God every day for His glory? Do we fear Him, or do we give our devotion to something or someone else? Do we declare God to others around us, or do we put God on a shelf and ignore Him? Do we become legalistic, telling others that He will judge the world by the rules they follow? Or do we tell them that He will judge the world by their faithfulness to Him? Are we faithful? 414

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Hello Miss Dog Meat

In a recent investigative report by the local news in Jeffersonville, IN about the "Message" organization (the followers of the William Marrion Branham movement), a quote by William Branham himself was played to the public that pointed out his view of women wearing makeup. In this quote, he called the women of his day "dog meat," with the intention that all women wearing these cosmetics should be fed to the dogs.

This view is not isolated to the followers of Branham. Many Christians in other organizations have a very modest appearance, avoiding makeup, clothes that expose any flesh, and avoiding fancy jewelry. There is one difference, however: Other Christian organizations live in harmony with the people around them, regardless of their point of view. Though some ministers may speak out against other Christians and their modern ways, it is isolated and almost forbidden.

Slogans like "What Would Jesus Do?" or "What Would Jesus Say?" have spread around the globe, referring to the gentle, loving way that Jesus Christ issued correction to those who He came in contact with. Bible awareness groups are becoming more and more involved in the Christian world today, and leaders who raise themselves to a platform of dictatorship are becoming few and far between.

Watching the comments flood into the internet message boards regarding this small audio clip by William Branham in the news article, it is very evident that his own followers do not know the true beliefs and intentions of Rev. Branham. Most believe that this quote was an isolated sentence that was scraped out of a loving sermon intended to help Christians on their pathway to glory, and that Branham himself was a loving, gentle man who would never make a doctrine out of calling women "dog meat."

Even the Organization in Jeffersonville, IN posted a response letter to the news article, objecting to the manner in which the quote was presented. Many agreed with the response letter, truly believing that this offensive quote was taken out of context.

What the people don't know: William Branham used this phrase almost forty times throughout his ministry, and this general concept that became a doctrine a countless number of times. This offensive phrase was more "in context" than the followers even know. 415

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The Sacrifice of the Unworthy

Judges 10-11 Tells the story of how God can use those who we feel are unworthy to do His work.

The Israelites turned away from God, and began serving several false gods. The anger of the Lord was against them, and they were given into the hands of the Philistines and Ammonites. Under their rule, the children of Israel were crushed and oppressed for eighteen years.

As the Ammonites began to rise up against Judah, Benjamin, and Ephraim, the children of Israel were at their breaking point. They cried out to the Lord, pleading for mercy. God reminded them how He delivered them from the hands of great nations, yet they turned to other false gods. God told them to go cry out to those false gods for deliverance.

The children of Israel begged for forgiveness, and put away all foreign gods. They began to serve the One True God, and God became impatient with Israel's misery.

The Ammonites were called to arms around Gilead, and the leaders of Gilead had no military leader. They declared that if anyone could lead the battle, he would be head over all Gilead.

The elders of Gilead met with Jephthah, begging him to lead the battle. Jephthah was an outcast, the son of a prostitute. Gilead himself was the father of Jephthah, but his legitimate sons drove him out of the land after condemning Jephthah for being a bastard child.

Jephthah declared that if the elders of Gilead brought him home again, he would fight the Ammonites. He said that if the Lord delivers them from the hand of the Ammonites, he would be their leader.

Jephthah consulted with the king of the Ammonites through messengers, attempting to find a peaceful resolution. The king would not listen. The Ammonites were hard-set on war, and would not rest until they had taken Gilead.

Then, the Spirit of the Lord came upon Jephthah. Jephthah made a covenant with the Lord, declaring that if God would give him the Ammonites, then whatever comes out of his door to greet him as he returned would be given to the Lord as a burnt offering. God gave the Ammonites to the hand of Jephthah and the people of Gilead.

When Jephthah returned, he kept his vow to God. One person would be the sacrifice for the sins of all of the children of Israel, just as Christ was the sacrifice for all of the sins of mankind.

This one person was not a great and mighty leader of the people of Gilead, and was an outcast. This sacrifice was the grand-daughter of a prostitute, Jephthah's daughter and only child. As 416

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she came to greet her father with dancing and music, Jephthah was struck with inward pain. He rent his clothes and became greatly sorrowed.

As Christ was alone in the wilderness, his daughter went into the wilderness to mourn for the tragedy that would become her destiny. For two months, she wept alone in the mountains.

As Christ walked up the hill at Calvary, bearing the sins of the world on his back, Jephthah's daughter walked towards her father. She came like a lamb to the slaughter as she walked towards her father. As Christ sacrificed Himself for our sins, Jephthath's daughter sacrificed herself for the sins of the children of Israel.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we think that God calls only the righteous? Do we think that because of our family name or our holy lifestyle, we are "more chosen" by God? Do we look at others around us, thinking that God will refuse them for their sins? Do we look at the children, condemning them for the sins of their fathers and mothers? Do we think that only men have the calling of God in their lives? Would we have sacrificed ourselves for the sins of our nation? 417

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The War Man Cannot See

Revelation 12 describes the battle going on that man cannot see. While we labor here on earth, God is fighting our battles in the heavens.

The archangel, Michael, and his angels fight the dragon. It is a great and terrible war, the dragon and his angels fighting back. But in our hope for the victory of God's armies comes our tribulation.

The great dragon is defeated, and cast back down to earth. The bible describes this dragon for us, so that we can know plainly who is the chief member of the army against the armies of God. The great dragon is that ancient serpent. It is called the devil and Satan, and he is the deceiver of the whole world.

When defeated, Satan is cast down to earth, because there is no place for him in heaven. He is conquered by the blood of the Lamb, but there is another factor that we must consider. He is also conquered by our testimony. Our love is not for our own lives, but for Jesus Christ who redeemed us. We loved Christ more than even our own lives.

The Bible says, "Woe unto you, O earth and sea, for the devil has come down to you in great wrath, because he knows that his time is short!" Satan is angered by being cast out of heaven, and his power is not equal to God's. His wrath will be focused on us.

The battle he rages against us is not one of weapons and physical warfare. Satan pours his wrath out of his mouth. John the Revelator describes it as being "poured like a river out of his mouth," meaning that the message that is given will come in the form of the words of deception. He is called the great deceiver. Jesus said the end times would be near when the false prophet rises.

His words do not stand. The earth opens its mouth and swallows the words that will one day fall. The dragon becomes furious, and goes to make war on the offspring of the great woman, those who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we grumble and complain about the trials that we face from day to day? Do we not know that the greater battle is being fought for us? Do we realize that the problems in this world today are because of Satan's defeat, not his rising power? Do we see the deception rising today, the teachings in the name of Christianity that do not match the words of the Bible? Do we hold fast to the Bible? Do we hold to the testimony of Jesus Christ? 418

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The Everlasting Promise to Israel

Ezekiel 37 gives God's promise to Israel after the battle of Armageddon. It was a covenant of everlasting peace.

God told Ezekiel to take two sticks, writing the name 'Judah' on one and 'Joseph' on the other to represent the peoples of Judah and the peoples of Ephraim. Before the people as a witness, Ezekiel was commanded to join the two sticks together, signifying that God would bring the peoples of Judah and the peoples of Ephraim together into one nation.

When the sticks were joined together, God commanded Ezekiel to tell the people that the Lord had spoken. "Behold, I will take the people of Israel from the nations among which they have gone, and will gather them from all around, and bring them to their own land. And I will make them one nation in the land, on the mountains of Israel. And one king shall be over them all, and they shall no longer be divided into two kingdoms."

God said that the people would no longer defile themselves with their idols and detestable things, or with any of their transgressions against God. God would save them from all of their many backslidings, and cleanse them. God said that they would be His people, and He would be their God.

After they were gathered together, King David would again reign over the people. The people would have one shepherd that would keep the people walking in God's rules and obeying God's statutes. They would be given their land that was given to Jacob, the land of their fathers. This would be their final dwelling place, for them, their children, and their children's children forever. King David will be their prince forever.

God said that he would make a covenant of peace with them that was everlasting. The people would multiply, and God's sanctuary would be in their midst forevermore. God's dwelling place will be with them, and He will reign as their God. The nations of the world will know that He is the God that sanctified Israel when they see God's sanctuary.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we see these signs unfolding? Do we see the "hooks" in the nations, drawing the powers of the world to gather in Israel? Do we see the unrest in the land that could lead to the great battle that will give us our freedom? Do we look forward to that day, or do we tremble in fear for the sin in our lives? 419

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Comfort and Strength from the Arm of the Lord

Isaiah 51 is a message of comfort and assurance from God.

God asks all who seek Him and pursue righteousness to listen to Him, looking to the Rock from which they were made. Those who seek Him need only look to their Creator for comfort.

God reminded the people of Abraham and Sarah, how Abraham was but one. God blessed Abraham, and he multiplied across the land. He comforts Zion, even to the wastelands. He makes the wilderness like Eden, and the deserts like gardens of the Lord. Joy and gladness can be found in Zion, and songs of thanksgiving.

"Give attention to me, my people," God asked. He promised to send words of justice as a light to the peoples. His salvation had gone forth, righteousness was drawing near, and His arms judge the peoples of the earth. Sheltered underneath His arm the people wait.

"Look around you," God said. The heavens and the earth will vanish and fade away. They that dwell in it will die in like manner, but His salvation will never fade away.

To those who know righteousness, and keep God's Word, there is no fear of any man. We should not be dismayed at their attacks towards us, for the moth will eat them like wool. God's righteousness will last forever. His salvation will last to all generations.

We should only ask for the Arm of the Lord to awaken and put on strength! Just in the days of old in the generations of antiquity, when the arm of the Lord parted the sea, God will make a way for His ransomed. They will have everlasting joy, all sorrow and sighing will flee away.

God is the one who gives us our comfort. Why would we be afraid of a man who dies, one who fades away like the grass. They have forgotten the Lord, our Maker, who stretched out the heavens and laid the foundations of the earth. Why would we fear one who sets himself to destroy through his oppression? Those who are bowed down before the Lord will speedily be released. They will not die, and God will always provide for them.

"I am the Yahweh your God!" God said. "I stir up the seas so that its waves roar." Yahweh is His Name! God said that He puts the words in our mouths and covers us in the shadow of His hand. He establishes the world around us while saying that we are His people!

God told the children of Israel to wake up. They had drunk from the cup of wrath from the hand of the Lord. They knew God's wrath firsthand! He reminded them of the devastation and destruction that came from His hand.

Now, they were drunk, but not with wine. God asked those drunken in the spirit to listen to Him. God pleads the cause of His people. 420

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He had taken away their cup of wrath, and they would drink from it no more. That same cup of wrath was given to their tormentors. It was given to the same tormentors who told them to bow down before them. God made them like a street for His righteous to walk over.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we fear the wrath of our oppressors? Do we bow down before them when we are sheltered under the arm of the One True God? Do we not remember that His hand parted the red sea? Or His promise to us that will last to all generations? Do we call upon the Lord during our times of trouble? Are we established in Him? 421

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The Nativity ... As Prophesied by Balaam

Everybody knows the story of Balaam, though some know only the part about the donkey that spoke to him forbidding him to prophesy against the children of Israel.

Balaam was a diviner, which was condemned in the Laws given to the children of Israel. Deuteronomy 18:10-12 clearly forbids any acts of divination, describing them as something detestable to God, and Leviticus 19:26 says, "You must not practice either divination or soothsaying"

The evil of Balaam through deception is one of the greatest evils in the history of the Bible. Converting the children of God into worshippers of Baal through his trickery, he is compared to the evil deceiver and false prophet that will rise in the last days in the book of Revelation.

As a diviner, Balaam conjured spirits, similar to the witch of Endor or Simon Magnus -- practicing the occult, which is clearly identified with the work of Satan. Diviners have no hesitations to call on the spirits, good or bad. Balaam was no exception.

Balaam used his divining power in an attempt to place a curse upon the children of Israel, but got more than he bargained for. He was face-to-face with the One True God. Yahweh would not allow this evil to befall the children of Israel.

Since he could not place the curse upon the children of Israel, Balaam gave Balak a strategy of infiltrating the camp of Israel with their women of Baal. These women would produce offspring, outnumbering the men of God. In doing this, Balak was able to bring temples of Chemosh (Ba'al-Peor) into the camps of Israel, where they practiced fornication and human sacrifice.

The exact opposite of this story of Balaam, which is considered one of the greatest evils described in the entire Bible, is the story of the Nativity. The Birth of Jesus Christ is the greatest event in the Bible, and should be revered and respected by all Christians -- it is the event that has given them new life.

Branham respected Balaam, however. Why not? Balaam was a "fellow prophet!" Branham considered Balaam to be a misguided prophet, and compared him to the great and mighty Samson. He considered Balaam's "gift" to be directly from God, even though the Mosaic Law was very clear about Balaam's evil.

Quote:Balaam, anointed with the same Spirit that was upon Moses. What was the difference? The teaching of Moses was perfect. 65-0725M THE.ANOINTED.ONES.AT.THE.END.TIME 422

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Just as Balaam infiltrated the worship of Yahweh by false teachings, Branham wove this false teaching of Balaam throughout his ministry. He did teach that Balaam was a false prophet because of "his fall", but considered him a prophet of God nonetheless. 423

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Stature of a Mason Man

I know many have seen this comparison before, but there are many who have not. I don't believe we have discussed this topic yet in this forum, though it's discussed many places before.

Have any of you who've never seen this ever stopped to think about the "Pyramid was a Bible" theology and where it came from? 424

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The Atonement for The Sins of the People

Numbers 15 gives the provision for the atonement of unintentional sins.

If a person sinned unintentionally, breaking the Mosaic Law, the congregation could offer one bull from the herd for a burnt offering. They also were to provide a grain offering and its associated drink offering according to the Law, as this was pleasing to the Lord. For the sin, however, a single male goat would be offered unto the Lord as atonement for the unintentional sin.

This promise was given to the children of Israel, and was acceptable to all generations from that day onward. By doing this, not only were the sins of the one atoned, but the entire congregation as well. Even the strangers sojourning among them would be forgiven, because the whole population was responsible for the sins of the one.

This was a type of Christ. Through the blood of one Lamb, Jesus Christ, the sins of the world are forgiven. Through His sacrifice, our atonement has been provided, and all we need do is accept it by faith. His grace is sufficient for the atonement of our sins.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we ask Christ for forgiveness for our unintentional sins? Or do we think that because they were unintentional that we do not need repent? Are we led astray when evangelists tell us that "sin is unbelief," giving the perception that unintentional sin needs no atonement since we are believers? Do we accept the atonement Christ has provided for us? 425

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Untangling: I Will Be with You Even in You

And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.Revelation 22:19

Matthew 28:19 is the commandment given by Jesus when he gave his great commission.Quote:Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:Matthew 28:19

The verse containing the great commission ended with a colon, there was more to the commission given by Jesus Christ.Quote:teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."Matthew 28:20

Jesus instructed the disciples to teach others to observe (keep) the commandments given by Jesus Christ. Jesus said that he would be with them (and us) always, even to the end of the age.

In a prayer, Branham begins praying to the Father. In this prayer, he changes the words of Matthew 28:19.Quote:Our heavenly Father, we're thinking of the time that Nathanael came to You. Philip went and got him, and when he came up to Nathanael, he found him praying. And he said to Nathanael, "Come, see Who I've found, Jesus of Nazareth, who was spoke of by Moses, the prophet."He said, "Could anything good come out of Nazareth?"He said, "Come and see."And when he came to the prayer line, O God, we can see the Spirit of God moved Jesus. He said, "There's a Christian. There's a believer, an Israelite indeed," otherwise.And Nathanael said, "When did You know me?"He said, "Before you come, you were praying under a tree."And he said, "Thou art the Son of God, the King of Israel."Oh, you promised that Your Spirit would be with us always, even to the end of the world. And You're here tonight to detect, to tell, and to heal through faith. And Father, we're so thankful that You said, "A little while and the world will see Me more--no more. Yet you'll see Me, for I will be with you, even in you, to the end of the world."50-0405 EXPECTATION 426

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It was such a subtle change. Just as the serpent beguiled Eve by adding one simple word to change the meaning of the sentence, Branham adds words to change the meaning of the sentence. Not one, but three: even in you.

No accepted translation of the Bible contains these words, not even the King James Version.

New International Version (©1984)and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

New Living Translation (©2007)Teach these new disciples to obey all the commands I have given you. And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age."

English Standard Version (©2001)teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age."

New American Standard Bible (©1995)teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age."

King James Bible (Cambridge Ed.)Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

International Standard Version (©2008)teaching them to obey everything that I've commanded you. And remember, I am with you each and every day until the end of the age."

Aramaic Bible in Plain English (©2010)"And instruct them to keep everything whatever I have commanded you, and behold, I am with you every day, even unto the end of time. Amen"

GOD'S WORD® Translation (©1995)Teach them to do everything I have commanded you. "And remember that I am always with you until the end of time."

King James 2000 Bible (©2003)Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

American King James Version 427

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Teaching them to observe all things whatever I have commanded you: and, see, I am with you always, even to the end of the world. Amen.

American Standard Versionteaching them to observe all things whatsoever I commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.

Douay-Rheims BibleTeaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world.

Darby Bible Translationteaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have enjoined you. And behold, I am with you all the days, until the completion of the age.

English Revised Versionteaching them to observe all things whatsoever I commanded you: and lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world.

Webster's Bible TranslationTeaching them to observe all things whatever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the world. Amen.

Weymouth New Testamentand teach them to obey every command which I have given you. And remember, I am with you always, day by day, until the Close of the Age."

World English Bibleteaching them to observe all things that I commanded you. Behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen.

Young's Literal Translationteaching them to observe all, whatever I did command you,) and lo, I am with you all the days -- till the full end of the age.'

Even the 1611 version of the King James Bible did not contain those words.Quote:Teaching them to observe all things, whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

The invented "Scripture" was a combination of John 14:12-13 with Matthew 28:30. Because he wanted to stay away from thoughts about the Triune nature of God, he left out the part about 428

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the Father abiding in Jesus and Jesus abiding in the Father, believers abiding in Jesus and Jesus abiding in believers, and about the Comforter who would be sent to teach believers all things.

From 1950 to 1965, William Branham used this scripture that had been subtly changed, altered other scriptures to go along with it, and then changed it more. All the while, he would challenge the listeners, saying, "Isn't that exactly what the scriptures say?"

Let God be true though every one were a liar, as it is written, "That you may be justified in your words, and prevail when you are judged."Romans 3:4 429

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Fortify Ourselves in God!

When David was in the cave, and the armies of the enemy were surrounding him, Psalm 142 came to David to give him comfort.

He cried out to the Lord, pleading for mercy from the One True God. He poured out his soul to God, telling God of his trouble.

Though his spirit was weak with the trial he was facing, God knew the way that he should go. Though the enemy had set a trap for David, God knew all about it. Though he could find no one who noticed his righteousness, no refuge and no care, God knew David.

So he cried out to God. "God, you are my refuge! You have given me my portion in the land of the living!" David asked God to hear his cry, for he was very low. He asked God to deliver David from his persecutors, they were stronger than David. He asked God to deliver him from the prison of the surrounded cave, and he would give thanks to the Name of the One True God.

David got comfort in the Lord. He said that the righteous would surround him, for God had dealt bountifully with him.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we look to God for our refuge and our safety? When the enemy surrounds us, do we cry out unto the Lord who gives us strength, or do we bottle ourselves up in defeat? If we were in David's shoes, would we have turned towards the Lord, or would we have tried to fortify the cave? 430

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Jesus, the Everlasting Covenant

Isaiah 42 is a message from God to the children of Israel that He would send His only begotten Son as an everlasting covenant.

God describes the Messiah as His servant, the Chosen One that He would uphold, the One that God's soul was delighted with. God had put His Spirit upon the Messiah, and the Messiah would bring justice to the nations.

God said the Messiah would not come to the world as a loud and boisterous evangelist, He would not cry out loudly to the people or raise His voice to be heard throughout the streets. The Messiah would come gentle and soft-spoken. He would not come to break the already bruised or to put out the fire of the already dying flames. Nor would the Messiah Himself become faint or discouraged until He had established justice to the earth.

The same God who created the heavens and stretched them out throughout the universe, and who spread the earth and everything that comes from the earth, and who gives the breath of life into all the people, proclaimed the promise of the coming Messiah. God said that He called the Messiah in righteousness, and would take Him by the hand to keep Him. He would give the Chosen One as a covenant for the people. The Messiah would open the eyes that are blind, to free the blinded as prisoners from a dark, cold dungeon.

God said, "I am Yahweh! That is my Name!" He did not give His glory to any other, and did not give his praise to idols. Therefore, before these things come to pass, God said he would declare them to the people. The former things would come to pass and the new things were now declared.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we praise God for His Son? Do we accept the everlasting Covenant that was made with the sacrifice of Jesus Christ? Do we open our blind eyes to see the salvation in Christ, or have we become willfully blinded by those crying loudly in the streets? Do we continue to bruise the already broken down, or do we lift them up and tell them that Christ has come! 431

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Praising God for His Protection and Safety

After Jerusalem's wall had been built, Ezra the scribe read from the Holy Book of the Law, and the people had confessed their sins, Nehemiah 12 describes the dedication of the wall unto the Lord God.

All of the Levites were brought in from their dwellings, so that all could celebrate the dedication with gladness, thanksgivings. The singers had built villages around Jerusalem, and the sons of the singers were gathered together so that all the people celebrated with cymbals, harps, and lyres.

The priests and the Levites purified themselves, cleansing their hands, hearts, and minds for God's service. Then, they purified the people, the gates of the wall, and the wall itself.

Nehemiah then brought the leaders of Judah up to the wall, and appointed two massive choirs to give thanks to the One True God. One choir went to the Dung Gate at the southeast wall, and marched to the Fountain Gate at the stairs that led up to the Old City of David. From there, they went to the Water Gate on the east wall within the Old City of David. In the old city, they brought many of the musical instruments of David.

The other choir went to the north wall above the Tower of the Ovens to the Broad Wall. From there, they marched above the Gate of Ephraim all the way to the Gate of the Guard. They offered great sacrifices unto God and rejoiced, and God made them rejoice with great joy. Even the women and children rejoiced, and the joy of Jerusalem was heard from afar.

The wall of Jerusalem was protection for God's children, but the things made by men's hands will fail. The things that God protects can never fail. The people of Jerusalem wanted God to be pleased with their resolution to serve the One True God, and wanted God's blessing on the wall.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we think that our insurance, arms, or strength are our protection? When we purchase expensive policies or powerful arms for safety, do we pray that God will bless them? Is our assurance in the things of this world, or the things of God? 432

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Harmony, Unity, Love

Psalm 133 tells us that it is good and pleasant when brothers dwell in unity.

To David, unity was like the precious oil on the beard of Aaron, running down on the collar of his robes. It was like the dew that falls on the mountains of Zion, which the Lord had commanded his blessing of life forevermore.

Just like Paul said to the Philippians in Philippians 2:2, it completed his joy when the brothers were of the same mind, having the same love, and being in full accord with one mind. Paul preached many sermons and wrote many letters on harmony, unity, and love. They were all part of each other. Paul said in Colossians 3:14 that Love was the key, it is Love that binds everything together in perfect harmony.

This teaching of Love should not end with the Apostle Paul. Jesus Christ did not die on the cross for all mankind to separate themselves into smaller groups that fellowship only among themselves, Christ gave a Great Commission for all Christians to go forth and spread His Love to the rest of the world.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we in unity? Do we have this Divine Love, or do we have something else? Does our small church separate itself from other Christians of the world, refusing fellowship with our brothers? Do our churches even separate themselves from similar churches of like faith? Can like faith even be found in our religious structure and organization? Have we strayed from the Unity that was taught from the pages of the Old Testament to the New, trading Divine Love for our own traditions? 433

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Was It an Angel?

Quote:At the age of thirty-seven, one night I was praying in my room, and when I'd raised up, I noticed there was a Light on the floor. And looking around to see where it come from, It was coming from above. The Pillar of Fire was hanging just above, and was throwing the Light on the floor. I heard someone walking. I looked; coming through the room, coming into this Light, came a man. In human figure He'd be about two hundred pounds of weight. He had dark hair to His shoulder, an olive complexion. He was bare-footed.53-0800 TWENTIETH CENTURY PROPHET

Early in William Marrion Branham's career, and before the description changed of the "angel" from whom Branham claimed to have received his commission, Branham described an "angel" that looked like a middle-eastern man. This "angel" had long, flowing dark hair, olive complexion, and weighed two hundred pounds.

Until the description of the angel changed to other variations in hair color, facial features, and style, Branham continued with the same description of his "angel."

In the very first recorded sermon by William Branham in 1947, young Branham describes meeting Avak the Armenian.

Quote:And I have many thousand miles of flying ahead of me. I have... going up on the... plumb from Vancouver, work down the coast as far as California, coming back to Fresno where I'm to go tomorrow, to the Armenian people. They flew a boy, who prays for the sick, by the name of Avak. They brought him from Cairo over to pray for a man by the name of Arkelian.47-1102 THE.ANGEL.OF.GOD

Avak Hagopian was a world-renown "divine healer" from Armenia, a middle-eastern country bordering Turkey and Iran. His fame in the United States started quickly spreading to the point that he filled six thousand seats in the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles on September 21, 1947. He just happens to be from the same country as George Lamsa, Branham's acclaimed translator of the "correct" bible.

Avak entered the United States in April, 1947, two months prior to William Branham's first appearance to the newspapers in June, 1947. By September, Avak's fame was quickly spreading, and the people of Los Angeles were eager to see this mysterious dark-haired and olive-skinned man who could heal the sick.

Using an interpreter to translate, Avak is said to have healed over a thousand people in the Shrine Auditorium alone. 434

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Vengeance is Mine, Saith the Lord

Ezekiel 35 is a story of how God holds our enemies accountable for their actions against us, even when we are not living the life that God wants us to live.

The people of Mount Seir, which were the people of Edom, held nothing back when God's children were facing their discipline for their idolatry. They brought war against the the children of Israel and the children of Judah when they were weak, and planned on taking the two nations for their own.

Though God was focusing His judgment against the idolatry, He is all-knowing. He knew the hearts and minds of the Edomites of Mount Seir, and knew of their hatred for His people. God had enough of this, and sent Ezekiel to prophesy.

Through Ezekiel, God spoke against Mount Seir. He told the Edomites that He was against them, and would stretch out His Hand against them to make them into desolation and waste. God said that he would lay their cities waste unto desolation, and then they would know that He was God.

God let them know that this punishment was coming because they loved their enmity and battled with His children at the time of their final punishment for their idolatry. Therefore, God said he would prepare them for blood. Bloodshed would pursue them until they were a waste and a desolation. Their mountains would be filled with their slain, and their hills and valleys would be filled with the bodies of their men of war. They would become perpetually desolated, uninhabitable. Then, they would know that He was God.

Their punishment did not end in death. Because they tried to take the nations of Judah and Israel, God would deal with them according to their anger and envy during the judgment. They would face God in judgment, and they would know that He was the One True God.

Finally, because the people of Mount Seir rejoiced in Israel's desolation, God would utterly wipe them off of the face of the earth. While the whole earth rejoices, they would be made desolate. Mount Seir, Edom, all of it. Then, the people of the world would know that He is God.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we think that God does not see the evil that comes against us when we are down? Do we think that God Himself is causing the evil because of our sin? Do we think that we need to rise up against our accusers and take the situations under our own control? Do we not realize that God is omnipotent, omnipresent, and God of everything in this world and every world in the entire Universe? Do we let God take his own punishment against our accusers, or do we settle for the limited ways in which we can stand for ourselves? Do we claim the whole power of God? 435

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Salvation for the Foreigners

In Isaiah 56, God spoke through Isaiah concerning the salvation of foreigners, those who were not of Abraham's seed.

God said to uphold justice and righteousness, because soon His salvation would come. God was speaking of the coming Messiah, and said that soon His righteousness would be revealed.

Through Isaiah, God said that the man who lives in righteousness is blessed. Those who keep the Sabbath and do not profane it, and those who keep their hands from doing any evil.

This was not only to the seed of Abraham. God said not to let the foreigners who have joined themselves to the Lord think they should be dealt with separately from His people; all who joined themselves to the One True God were His people.

God said not to place their faith in their bloodlines. He reminded the people of the eunuchs, and told them not to mourn. They should not tell themselves they are a "dry tree," for God would bless them. The eunuchs who uphold the things that please God would be given a house in His kingdom with a monument and a name that was better than sons and daughters. They would be given an everlasting name that would not be cut off.

Those that were not the seed of Abraham and joined themselves to the Lord to minister to Him, and love the Name of the Lord would be given joy in the House of the Lord on His Holy Mountain. Because they kept the Sabbath and did not profane it, and because they held fast to His covenant, their sacrifices and burnt offerings would be accepted on God's altar.

God said that His house would be called a House of Prayer for all peoples. The Lord God declared that He would gather even more together, from the outcasts of Israel and beyond.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we place value in our bloodlines, thinking that because our fathers were saved that we are too? Do we think that because of our earthly heritage that we are given a special place in God's Kingdom? Do we think that there is also an evil bloodline that God will destroy, like the children of Israel thought in Isaiah's day? Have we joined ourselves to an earthly bloodline, or have we joined ourselves to a heavenly bloodline of the redeemed? Do we seek out our own salvation with fear and trembling to become a member of that bloodline? Do we separate ourselves from other Christians, or do we join together with all of God's children to give Him praise and worship? 437

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Vindication of the Lord

Psalm 26 gives us hope of vindication against our accusers because we have walked with the Lord.

David writes, "Vindicate me, O Lord." David had walked in integrity, trusting in the Lord God without wavering in his faith in the One True God. He asked the Lord to prove himself and try himself, to test his heart and mind, because he walked in faithfulness to God.

David said that he did not sit in the counsel of men of falsehood, and did not consort with hypocrites. He hated assemblies of evildoers and did not permit himself to sit with the wicked.

David's hands were washed in innocence, and he could go before the altar of the Lord proclaiming thanksgiving to all, and telling everyone about God's wonderful works. David loved the house of the Lord, and loved to be in the place where the Glory of the Lord was found.

He asked God not to allow his soul to be carried away with sinners, and his life not to be given to the hands of evil and bloodthirsty men. David said "As for me, I shall walk in my integrity." He asked the Lord to redeem him and be gracious towards him.

His feet were firmly planted, and David blessed the name of the Lord.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are our feet firmly planted? Do we look to God for our vindication, or do we look to men for vindication? If we walked before the alter of the Lord, could we do so with hands washed in innocence? Is our devotion to God strong enough that we could ask God to try us and prove us? Are we fully vindicated? 438

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Let the Word of God Be True Though Every Man Is a Liar Romans 3 gives a sermon about the leaders who were puffed up, exalting themselves to such greatness that the people respected their every word as fact -- ignoring even what the scriptures say.

The Jews were immediately rebuked by the Gentiles. What advantage did they have because they were Jews? What value in the salvation of their souls were the circumcision? "Much!" said Paul.

The Jews held to the Law in their faithfulness. They were entrusted to be the oracles of God. Let the Word of God be true, though every one were a liar.

It is written in the scriptures "That you may be justified in your words, and prevail when you are judged." But if our unrighteousness serves to show the righteousness of God, can we really expect that God would be unrighteous to inflict His wrath upon us?

Paul said, "By no means! For how could God then judge the world?"

Paul said that we cannot abound in evil so that some good may come. The lies of the puffed-up leaders, though giving glory unto God, was still sin, and they would be condemned as a sinner. Paul asked the people, "Why do evil that good may come?"

Even as today, some people slanderously charged Paul for his stand for the Truth. Paul said that their condemnation was just.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Have we stood for the Truth? Have we searched out the facts of our doctrines to learn the truth behind the sayings? Can these doctrines be found in the Word of God? It has been said that, "The Truth will stand against all scrutiny." Have we even compared the first single doctrine with God's Word? Are our ministers teaching lies that some good may come, or are they standing for God's word? Would Paul stand today and say that their righteousness stood before God, or that their condemnation was just?

We ask that everyone take a moment today to pray for Believe the Sign as they take their stand for the Truth. Please contact them and let them know that as brothers and sisters in Christ, we stand beside them in earnest prayer that many souls will be led to Christ. 439

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Vision of the Plum and Apple Trees

BelieveTheSign caught a vision that I missed when I went through the list of inaccuracies.

The "vision" directly contradicts the doctrine.Quote:And now, did you notice, there's many Trinitarian people setting here; there's many oneness, and there's many different ones. But how little you would be to fuss about it, because if that part of the vision was true, the other part's true too. Both fruits were found in the cross. See? Both of them was in the cross, all clustered together, and both plums and pear--or peach, plums and apples rained down on me there: both of them. All found in the cross, because they all believed in God and are filled with the Holy Ghost, and have the Christian works and signs following.-- Present Stage of My Ministry, September 8, 1962

Now compare this "vision" to the statement by WMB:

Quote:"Jesus said, "Except you believe that I am He, you will die in your sins." He is the revelation of God, the Spirit of God revealed in human form. If you can't believe that, you're lost. You put Him a third person, second person, or any other person besides God, you're lost." -- Branham (July 25, 1965)

A very good question was asked by the BTS author:Quote:If William Branham was correct in condemning Trinitarians in 1965, then the vision of the plum and apple trees from 1933 was wrong. If the vision from 1933 is wrong, then William Branham was a false prophet as visions should not be subject to Progressive Revelation. It is unlikely that God's opinion changed on this subject. Do you think that William Branham was wrong in his teaching in 1965, or that the 1933 vision was false? 440

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Not One Word of God Will Fail

Joshua 23 reminds us that not a single Word of God will fail.

After God had given the people rest and comfort from their enemies for a long time, Joshua gathered the people together in his final days of life. All of Israel was gathered, with elders and heads of the tribes, judges and officers, all relaying the message to the large multitude of people.

Joshua told the people that he was getting to be old, and would not be long on the earth. He reminded them of the mighty works of the hand of the Lord, all of the things that God had done to the other nations as God fought for them.

Joshua said that he had allotted the remaining nations to conquer as an inheritance for them, along with all of the nations that had already been cut off from the Jordan to the Great Sea in the west. He said that God would push them back and drive those nations out of their site, so they could possess the land just as the Lord God had promised them.

A solid warning was given to the people, instructing them to keep all of the words written in the Book of the Law of Moses. They were given charge to keep the words of the Law, not varying from it in the slightest. The gods that the other nations served would be mentioned no more, and the children of Israel were not to mix with these people of idolatry.

Instead, the Children of Israel were to cling to the One True God, just as they had until the day that Joshua spoke. Right before their very eyes, God had driven out many mighty nations, and no man had been able to stand against them. God endued the people with power, such that one single man from their army gave the fight of a thousand strong men. It was God who fought for them, just as He had promised.

He reminded the people to love the Lord God with all their hearts. If they turned back to cling to any of the remnants of these nations that they were conquering, and associate with them to mix their idolatrous ways with their ways of the One True God, God would no longer fight for them. Without God, these nations would be a snare and a trap for them, and they would suffer a great defeat.

Joshua's last reminder to the people was to all of the people, deep in their hearts and souls. He reminded them that not one single Word that the Lord God had given them had ever failed. All that God promised concerning the children of Israel had happened exactly as God had told them, and they could rest assured on the Word of God.

He also reminded them that God gave instruction on both the rewards and on the punishment. Just as the good things were given to them as a reward, all of the evil things God spoke as punishment would be given to them if they transgressed the covenant. If they allowed other 441

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gods to be served by any of the people of the children of Israel, the anger of God would be against them, and they would perish.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we see the hand of the Lord at work in our lives? Do we see when the mighty power of God gives us strength and comfort to face our trials each day? Have we noticed that not a single word has failed, from the very first word to the very last word of the Bible? Do we hold fast to the Word of God, standing for the Truth? 442

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The Idolatry of Putting Our Faith in A Prophet

1 Samuel 8 is a solemn warning from God that if we place too much faith in any man, we will fall. It is commonly discussed that this scripture's sole warning is against the children of Israel appointing a king, but there is also an underlying story that is commonly overlooked.

Samuel walked before the One True God, and righteously judged the people according to the ways of the Lord. While God blessed His people during this time, the people slowly began to move the focus of their faith from God to Samuel. Samuel's righteousness and the confidence the people had in Samuel became a tradition rather than a devotion to God.

Even the sons of Samuel strayed from the righteous ways of their father. As many men would do from their day until today, they were swayed by monetary gain, taking bribes and perverting justice. The root of all evil was within them.

When the elders gathered before Samuel to discuss the end of his life and ask for his appointing of a king, there was not a riotous revolt against the righteous ways in which Samuel trusted the One True God. All of the elders of Israel asked for a king. Samuel was old, soon to be taken off of the scene, and there was not one found righteous for the people to appoint as a judge.

Samuel was displeased with their request, and prayed unto God. God comforted Samuel, telling him that the people had not rejected Samuel. They had rejected God. God compared the people's idolatry from the time they left Egypt until that day with their faith and devotion to Samuel. As they served other gods in the path, God said "So they are also doing to you." God instructed Samuel to give the people a solemn warning, and tell the people that if they chose to allow a man to reign over them as king, that king would replace God as their king.

Samuel warned the people, but it was too late. He had already become their idol, and their idolatry was too deeply embedded. The people chose to deny God and appoint their king.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we place our faith in a man? Has our reverence and respect for any man, even a prophet, became idolatry? Has our focus left the One True God that is worthy of our praise and worship, to a man that is only worthy of God by grace? Who would we choose this day as our king? A prophet? A healer? An Evangelist? A minister? or God?

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. 443

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The Marks of a Cult

There are a wide variety of "Message" churches across the world, from those you'd never recognize any difference from mainstream churches to those who look strikingly similar to the worshippers in Warren Jeff's commune.

This variety is not only in the outward appearance as they hold to their own convictions according to how their pastor "interprets" the words of WMB, there are varying levels of asceticism in the teachings as well. Some to the level of a cultish following.

Check out this video describing the attributes of a cult:

and tell us: Which type of Msg church were you involved with? One that was a cult? Or one that was simply a group of Christians in fellowship? 444

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The Worship of a Prophet

This morning's "Thought for the Day" on the main site struck me as strangely different that I'd been taught listening to "the tapes." Reading the scripture for myself rather than through the eyes of "the prophet," I find that the meaning of the scripture is polar opposite from what WMB preached.

1 Samuel 8, according to WMB, was a story about the people's leaving God as their king and appointing a man. And to some extent, it is. That is the end result of what happened.

WMB missed the root cause, though. The people had already left the One True God. They had placed their faith in Samuel, rather than in God! God specifically told Samuel that their doing so was a form of idolatry.

I thought the subject would make for a good discussion. Here is the post of the "Thought for the Day”:


1 Samuel 8 is a solemn warning from God that if we place too much faith in any man, we will fall. It is commonly discussed that this scripture's sole warning is against the children of Israel appointing a king, but there is also an underlying story that is commonly overlooked.

Samuel walked before the One True God, and righteously judged the people according to the ways of the Lord. While God blessed His people during this time, the people slowly began to move the focus of their faith from God to Samuel. Samuel's righteousness and the confidence the people had in Samuel became a tradition rather than a devotion to God.

Even the sons of Samuel strayed from the righteous ways of their father. As many men would do from their day until today, they were swayed by monetary gain, taking bribes and perverting justice. The root of all evil was within them.

When the elders gathered before Samuel to discuss the end of his life and ask for his appointing of a king, there was not a riotous revolt against the righteous ways in which Samuel trusted the One True God. All of the elders of Israel asked for a king. Samuel was old, soon to be taken off of the scene, and there was not one found righteous for the people to appoint as a judge.

Samuel was displeased with their request, and prayed unto God. God comforted Samuel, telling him that the people had not rejected Samuel. They had rejected God. God compared the people's idolatry from the time they left Egypt until that day with their faith and devotion to Samuel. As they served other gods in the path, God said "So they are also doing to you." God instructed Samuel to give the people a solemn warning, and tell the people that if they chose to allow a man to reign over them as king, that king would replace God as their king. 445

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Samuel warned the people, but it was too late. He had already become their idol, and their idolatry was too deeply embedded. The people chose to deny God and appoint their king.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we place our faith in a man? Has our reverence and respect for any man, even a prophet, became idolatry? Has our focus left the One True God that is worthy of our praise and worship, to a man that is only worthy of God by grace? Who would we choose this day as our king? A prophet? A healer? An Evangelist? A minister? or God?

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. 446

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Turning The Things of God into an Idol

2 Kings 18 tells the story of the rise of Hezekiah who began his reign at twenty-five years old. The nation had fallen to idolatry, such that even the things of God were used as idols.

Hezekiah was the grandson of Zechariah through his mother, Abi, and did what was righteous in the eyes of the Lord. Though his father's reign was full of idolatry, Hezekiah was devoted to righting the wrongs of his father before him.

When Hezekiah came into power, the people had setup pillars and high places to Asherah, the breasted god. Temples of Asherah were filled with temple prostitutes, sacrificial vessels for blood, and even human sacrifice. While the thought of this is vile and inexcusable, it was not the worst part.

The people had taken the brass serpent that Moses had made for healing, and turned it into an object of worship. Though the serpent on the pole has been considered to be a type of the coming Christ, and was used for God's glory to the people, they placed offerings before it.

Hezekiah placed no value on the earthly things, but worshipped the One True God. Because the people had turned the divine institution of healing that Moses had setup into an idol, Hezekiah destroyed the brazen serpent, breaking it into pieces.

He broke down the pillars and high places of Asherah, and removed all idolatry from his land. Hezekiah wanted his reign to be one filled with power endued from the hand of God, and not of Satan.

Because of this, God honored Hezekiah. The Lord was with him wherever he went, and he prospered. He rebelled against the king of Assyria, refusing to serve him. He struck down the Philistines from the far reaches of Gaza and its territory to the watchtower and fortified city.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we cast out our idols when we learn God's Truth? Have we turned photographs of "spiritual clouds" and "halos" or double-exposed film into idols? If we were asked to get rid of them, would we be superstitious in thinking we would have some great evil befall us for casting our idols out of our house? Have we taken things worse, worshipping a cardboard box of idolatry? Worshipping rotten wood from the "floor of a prophet" to images of belt-buckles and more? Have we setup pillars of Asherah, the breasted god, in our own homes without even knowing it? 447

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Self-Made Religion of Asceticism

In Colossians 2:16-23, Paul warns of those who will come before you as humble, Godly leaders, yet will rob you of your prize.

Verse 16: Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath.

Paul said not to let any man judge you with their questions of food or drink, or with regard to your celebrations, days, or keeping of the Sabbath. Many of the ceremonies of the law of Moses consisted in the distinction of meats and days, and the people had held on to these laws until that day.

17 These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance [body] belongs to Christ.

Paul let the people know that since Christ had come, there was no need to follow these rules. God had made them free, and Paul warned against those who would again try to impose a yoke of bondage. The Law was given as a shadow of the much greater thing to come, which was the coming Messiah. When Christ came in the flesh, his substance was the Glory shining that cast the shadows.

18 Let no one disqualify you, insisting on asceticism and worship of angels, going on in detail about visions, puffed up without reason by his sensuous mind

Paul warns the people about those who would introduce angels as mediators between God and themselves. Man now had a direct line of communication to God, through Jesus Christ. The Gentile philosophers taught that men could not communicate with God, and God would only speak to them through an angel because of our unworthiness. Paul taught that the blood of Christ made us worthy.

He also warned against those who would be vainly puffed up by their own sensuous mind, pretending to describe visions given to them without reason. These things were introduced by their own carnal pleasure to be thought of as wiser than others. At the bottom of this grave error was the sin that Paul preached about: pride.

19 and not holding fast to the Head, from whom the whole body, nourished and knit together through its joints and ligaments, grows with a growth that is from God.

These who go on about their own visions, in effect, have turned away from their Head, which is Christ. Christ is the only mediator between God and man. The Head which controls the whole body grows from a growth that is from God, but when this head is severed, the people are separated from the body of Christ. 448

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20 If with Christ you died to the elemental spirits of the world, why, as if you were still alive in the world, do you submit to regulations

Paul was shocked that the people would rather submit to being controlled by regulations rather than enjoy the freedom in Christ. If through Christ, we died to the elemental spirits of the world, why would we even care about these regulations? Christ came to fulfill the Law, yet the people looked backwards as slaves who returned to their slavery.

21 "Do not handle, do not taste, do not touch"

The Gospel of Jesus Christ was the Good News that all who accepted Jesus Christ could be saved by Grace. They were not saved by their laws and regulations, the ways in which outward appearance seemed to be holy -- they were saved by Grace. Those things forbidden by the Law had no effect on their salvation. This included not only the meats which were considered unclean by the Jews, but all of the things they were instructed not to partake in by the Law.22 (referring to things that all perish as they are used) according to human precepts and teachings?

The things of this world are not eternal. God is eternal. Our faith in Christ makes us eternal, not the things of this world that will perish. As humans, we like to conceive notions that the perishable things of this world should be included in our teachings of holiness, but Paul directly states that these things are of no effect. These preconceived notions only hold men and women down to the earthly things, forgetting about the spiritual things.

23 These have indeed an appearance of wisdom in promoting self-made religion and asceticism and severity to the body,

Asceticism is a harsh and bitter resolution. The definition of asceticism is this: "practicing strict self-denial as a measure of personal and especially spiritual discipline"

Paul warns that though disciplining yourselves to abstain from the pleasures of this world, a false appearance of spiritual wisdom is produced. This promotes self-made religion, which does not come from God.

but they are of no value in stopping the indulgence of the flesh.

Moreover, Paul knew that all men and women in this world are human. As humans, they will have the desires of humans. They will want to better themselves, enjoy life, and praise the God who created it.

He said that this legalism, which started long ago in antiquity, had no value in stopping the indulgence of the flesh. Once our hearts and minds move on towards the spiritual things, God will speak to the heart. 449

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As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we condemn others for what they drink? There are seldom any rules regarding the things we eat, but this is only half of Paul's warning? Do our pastors preach against wine or strong drink when Paul tells us not to feel condemned by it?

Do we listen to ministers who tell us to separate ourselves from the others in the Body of Christ? How can we spiritually grow, when we are severed?

Have we been led by a man who went on about his own visions? By a man who claimed that an angel was on the platform with him as a mediator, telling the secrets of the heart? Telling increasingly growing stories of his own experiences rather than the stories of Christ?

Have we submitted ourselves to rules and regulations, binding us once again to the Law? Do we forbid ourselves to enjoy the things of life, falsely claiming that by our denial of these things we will become more holy? Does not Paul himself state the exact opposite?

Have we fallen into a self-made religion of asceticism? 450

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The Eleventh Commandment

This request for a forum discussion came in through the main website.

We have no reservation to post anything in this forum that is supportive of the MSG, just as we have no reservation to post anything that is negative towards the message. The objective is to discuss and find the Truth.

This brother asked that we search for the Truth, and I want to honor that request. I invite the brother to join in the discussion under an alias, and participate! All are welcome.


Dear Brother John Collins I have heard and read the things on your website about VOGR and all the money they have. And this week about Jeremy Bergen and his website. Sad to hear all those things.

Years ago somebody translated the seven church age book into Dutch. In the front the translator put in a prophecy that was out of a old Dutch paper called "De Oogst" from 1962.

Yesterday I found in a little green colored printed book "The Eleventh Commandment" that real prophecy in English language. See under here. On the front page stands (written) by William Branham.

But I think that it is like the seven church ages book,( Lee Vayle) written by other men, and they have used William Branham's on it, because of his name. I found out that the most of the books has been printed by Gordon Lindsay.

My question to you, is this: Who has written that book? Gordon Lindsay or who else? Do you know who is the real writer? The prophecy in that printed book page 21 to 23 is under here, with warnings against the leaders etc.

On the link you can read it for yourself, in there it is on page 10/11. In there is written that the prophecy that was spoken after brother Branham preach the message " We Would See Jesus" in Tacoma Washington as the writer of that book says.

I have look for that message in what year that was preach and where, but could not find it. I like to know it from you, (if you know it) where that message was preach and on what date and if there is a real old tape available where we also can hear this prophecy, because it is a strong warning against the leaders, who are against William Branham.

Maybe you can put that prophecy on your webpage if you don't know it, maybe there is somebody from the older ones that knows it, and have sound evidence, that it has been 451

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spoken. So what do you think yourself, about this prophecy, is that true or not? I like to hear from you or to see this prophecy on your weblog, maybe somebody else know it or has de date and sound of that prophecy. I have no Facebook otherwise I could put this prophecy on the site of Jeremy Bergen "The Believe the sign. com.

Thank you and God bless you.

Brother Branham had just finished preaching the sermon "We Would See Jesus," and the audience was in profound silence nay, not one moved, nor a whisper heard. When God is about to speak He calls a holy hush! Even Brother Branham who had been speaking softly suddenly stopped!

Then all of a sudden a voice was heard from the far balcony. There was no need of a microphone for God opened each ear as it seemed! The air waves carried it plainly to ear and heart of all present. Let me quote it exactly word for word as recorded on my tape recorder:

Prophecy warning to the leaders "Yea saith the Lord to this my people, that my servant whom I have sent, even unto thee, even unto this generation, he must speak boldly even as Paul, to convince these that I have sent him to. "Yea for I have sent him my servant Branham. I have put My words in his mouth. Even as I have sent my Son to die, and my people rejected Him even so have I sent my son Branham, even in this thy day unto these he hath come.

"Yea they have assembled together, they have met in their secret chambers. The leaders of my people have counseled together. They have passed judgment even upon him. They have said in their secret chambers, 'We shall reject him, we shall seek a fault with him. We shall find many faults with him, and we shall teach our people. We shall tell them that this also is Beelzebub.

Yea, it is not the Spirit of the Lord that has sent him. "So I will judge them even by my servant Branham whom I have sent unto thee. "For I will put my Spirit in my servants and if thou doth not yield to my Spirit thou shalt be broken. But if it shall fall upon thee, if the Word of the Lord shall fall upon thee, thou shalt be crushed, and thy house left unto thee desolate.

This is the rock, yea if thou shalt fall upon it thou shalt be broken. But if it doth fall upon thee it will grind thee to powder. "And thus saith the Lord even unto those who have assembled together, thus saith the Lord unto those that call themselves by those who have been filled with my Spirit: For ye have been my people, I have blessed thee, I have anointed thee, but thou hast gathered together and hast rejected the servant of the Lord God that I have sent unto thee.

And even by sending him will I judge thee, and thy house shall be desolate even in this day, and in this hour. For thou shalt call for revival but the ear of the Lord shall not hearken unto thee, for when I did call unto thee thou didst not know me. Thou wouldst be a strange people unto me when I would speak unto thee. Yea thou hast become even as my people when I stood and cast out devils, and healed the sick, and broke bread and multiplied it in thine eyes, thou said 452

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'he has a devil. "But unto him that hath an ear let him hear what saith the Spirit unto the churches, for I will speak unto thee.

I will send my servants unto thee and they shall bless thee and thou shalt be gathered unto me. Thou shalt be blessed mightily as thou hast never been. Cast from thee the thinking of men and the ways of men and turn to the Lord." 453

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Praising God for His Steadfast Love

In Psalm 69, David cries out unto God, seeking help from his enemies who attacked him with false accusation.

He cried, "Save me O God!" He compared his situation to sinking in the waters, deep in the mire where there is no foothold. He writes that he was so weary from crying out that even his throat was parched and his eyes were growing dim.

David says that his enemies were greater in number than the hairs of his head. They hated him without cause, and attacked him with lies. Now, the things that he did not steal were required of him to restore.

David had confessed everything unto God, and knew that God had understanding of all things. He said that God knew the wrongs he had done, and he had not hidden them from God. But he did not do the things he was being accused of doing.

He asked God not to let those who placed their hope in God to be put to shame because of himself. Those who were seeking God should not be brought dishonor through David, and David begged God to protect them.

David did not complain about his situation. He said that it was for the sake of God that he was under reproach, and that he was fully dishonored. David was the talk of those sitting idle by the gate and the drunkards in their drunken music. But through it all, David stayed true to God and prayed that an acceptable time for deliverance would come.

He asked God to answer his cry with the abundance of His steadfast Love. He asked God to deliver him from sinking in the mire, from his enemies that rose against him.

David praised God, saying that His steadfast Love is good. His mercy was abundant, and David asked that God turn His mercy towards David.

David told God of the many awful things that his enemies did towards him, and David asked God to show His mighty power in judgment towards them. David held nothing back, even to the point that he asked God that they be blotted out of the book of the living, and not be enrolled among the righteous.

As for David, he still praised God with song. He magnified the Name of God with thanksgiving. David said that the song would please God more even than his animal sacrifice, and that the humble would rejoice with David. God hears the needy and does not despise his own people who are prisoners. 454

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Rather than cry out that God had left him, David cried out for all to praise and to worship God. God would save Zion and build up the cities of Judah. Those who loved the name of God would dwell there, and it would be the house of the Lord for generations to come!

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we praise God when we are down? Do we think that God has left us, like the story of the footprints in the sands of time? Are we afraid to call out for God's judgment after our enemies if they do not make their hearts and minds right with God? Do we understand that God is a Loving Father, who loves to spoil and protect His children? Do we go to the Father when we are in need? 455

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Paul's Warning to Avoid False Prophets

In 1 Corinthians 14, Paul gives instructions for the way of a true prophet after Christ's death and resurrection. These instructions were quite different from the Old Testament prophets who gave oracles of warning before judgment, for the Atonement had been fulfilled.

Paul's first instruction was simple: Pursue Love.

Prophets according to Paul are not pronouncing judgment, they are God's instruments for edifying the Body of Christ. Prophecy, according to Paul, was to be an edification rather than warning of impending destruction.

Paul said that we should earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, especially the gift of prophecy. He said that the gift of speaking in an unknown tongue was a good spiritual gift, but that gift was speaking to God and not man, for no man can understand it. He utters mysteries in the Spirit.

On the other hand, Paul said that prophecy was not speaking mysteries. New Testament prophecy was building up the church. This gift of prophecy was for all, and Paul wished that they all could increase in faith until they could prophecy. The gift was for every believer, not just one lone oracle as in the days of the Old Testament.

Paul said that speaking in unknown tongues was a sign given to those who did not believe in Christ. Pagan worlds would receive blessing from the gift of tongues, because it was a clearly supernatural sign.

Prophecy, however, was a gift for the Body of Christ. Those who believed in Jesus Christ would be edified by prophecy. Paul said that if an unbeliever came into the church, and is convicted, he would fall on his face to worship God and declare that God was among the people when the prophecy was given.

New Testament prophecy was not without regulation. Jesus had warned of the false prophets that would come, and Paul gave a solemn warning to all.

When one prophesies alone, he is not prophesying according to God's plan. Just as those who spoke in tongues must have two or three involved, prophecy could not be alone.

Paul said that prophecy should be given by two or three prophets. While one spoke his prophecy, the others were to remain silent. When the first was finished, the second spoke his prophecy, and on unto the third. Paul said that they should prophesy one by one, so that all could learn and be encouraged by the spiritual gift from God.

The prophets were also to confirm the prophecy of one another. The spirits of the prophets were subject to the prophets, meaning that if one spoke a prophecy that was not from God, the 456

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others could immediately discern the evil spirit that had come among them. Paul said, "God is not a God of confusion, but of peace."

Finally, Paul gave instructions for the entire congregation. If anyone thinks that he is a prophet, he must adhere to these rules, and if he did not adhere to these rules, he was not to be recognized. Paul said that these things should be done orderly according to these rules.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we seek after God's gift of prophecy? As a spiritual gift, it is given to all in order to edify the Body of Christ. Do we seek after edification?

Do we adhere to these rules given for the prophets? Do we listen to great evangelists who claim to prophesy as the teach, when prophecy was to be done within their own church? Do we listen to them when they prophecy without two other prophets to confirm that the prophecy came from God? By not doing so, could we fall into the trap Jesus warned about a false prophet? 457

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Calling Jesus a Liar by Denying Three Witnesses

John ended his letter in 1 John 5 by telling the people how they know they would make it into the kingdom of God, and warning them not to fall back into idolatry.

The first was simple. John said that everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ has been born of God. He did not preach any other gospel, John simply said that the path to eternal life was to believe in Jesus Christ.

John also preached against the same asceticism doctrines that Paul preached against. John said that the commandments God had given were not burdensome. God did not come into the world to impose a rigid set of rules that were difficult to follow. Jesus said that every commandment was fulfilled within these two:

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.You shall love your neighbor as yourself.John said that "By this we know that we Love the children of God, when we Love God and obey his commandments.

John was careful not to raise himself into the platform of an object of worship. He did not teach that others should follow every word, teaching, doctrine, and belief that he had, John said that to overcome the world you must simply believe in Jesus Christ. John asked, "Who is it that overcomes the world except the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God?"

John said that Jesus came by water and by blood. He said that Jesus did not come by water (baptism) only, but by both: water and blood.

The third testimony was the Spirit. The Spirit, John said, is the Truth. Therefore, there are three that testify your salvation: waters of baptism, sacrifice of the Lamb, and the Holy Spirit.

He paused to warn against placing your faith in man. He said the testimony of God was greater than the testimony of man, for the Holy Spirit was the testimony of God. All three were required, water, blood, Spirit.

Then, John preached against those who had taught a different Jesus. Evidently, some had started to deny the fullness of God, worshipping Jesus without worshipping the Father and the Spirit.

John said that if we only believe in the Son of God, then we only have the testimony in ourselves. We have not applied all three witnesses. Even worse, whoever only believed in Jesus, the Son of God and not in God, had made Jesus a liar! 458

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John said that if we did not believe in God, and only in Jesus Christ, then we have denied God's testimony, concerning His Son. Whoever has the Son has life. Whoever does not have the Son of God does not have life!

Baptism is the essential testimony of a True Christian's devotion to God. It is not something to take lightly. John was very clear that there were three witnesses, water, blood, and Spirit. He was also very clear that by teaching a different Jesus, we were denying ourselves eternal salvation and calling Jesus a liar.

Baptism is not simply a New Testament commandment. Paul said that all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea. Three witnesses in the Old Testament, just as in the new.

Jesus said, "Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" (Matt 28:19). Jesus gave three witnesses. This was no different than the day of Moses. As Moses stood as a witness before God as God parted the sea, the Spirit stood witness in the cloud.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we baptized with three witnesses? Are we baptized in the Son, denying the Father, when John said that would make Jesus a liar? Have we left the Spirit out completely, when John said that the Spirit was required as a witness? Have we denied the testimony of God, concerning His Son? 459

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God's Wrath as Protection from False Prophets

2 Peter 2 tells us how God gives protection from a false prophet. Swift destruction will follow their abomination and blasphemous words.

Peter warns that false prophets are were among the people in the days of old, just as there are false teachers among us now. They secretly bring in destructive heresies.

These heresies, Peter says, deny even the Master who bought their Salvation. By doing so, they bring swift destruction upon themselves.

Unfortunately, Peter warned that many will follow their sensuality, or indulgence of the emotions and senses of the people. Because of them, the way of Truth will be blasphemed.

In their greed, these false teachers and prophets will exploit you, saying things that never happened. Peter made it very clear that their destruction would not be at the day of the judgment, they were condemned from long ago, and their destruction does not rest until judgment day.

Peter said that if God knows how to rescue His own from hell. Even the angels are not spared, but cast into the pit of fire. The entire ancient world was not spared, so that Noah and his family could be preserved as a herald of righteousness. Sodom and Gomorrah was annihilated to rescue Lot who was righteous. Lot was greatly distressed by the sensual conduct of the wicked.

God knows how to rescue the godly from trials and punish the unrighteous until the day of judgment. Especially those who lust after defiling passion, despising authority.

These false prophets and teachers are bold. Even as the blaspheme the glorious ones, they do not tremble. They are bolder even than the angels, who are greater in might and power. Angels do not pronounce blasphemous judgment against the righteous of the Lord.

These were like irrational animals born to be caught and destroyed. They blaspheme about things which they do not even know or understand, but will be destroyed in the blasphemous destruction they create. They will suffer for their wrongdoing.

Peter held nothing back. "Accursed children!" he wrote in shouting tones. "Forsaking the right way, they have gone astray! They have followed Balaam, but like Balaam would be rebuked for their wrongdoings. Even the donkey rebuked Balaam in a human voice to restrain the prophet's madness. 460

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He said that nothing good could come from these false prophets and teachers. They are like waterless springs or mists driven by the storm. These blasphemous liars have a placed reserved for them in utter darkness.

They speak loudly, boasting of folly. They entice us with sensations and passion. They attract the ones who are barely escaping from error. They promise freedom, but they themselves are slaves of corruption.

He warned not to be fooled by their conversion. Even if these false prophets and teachers have the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are entangled in defilement once more. Their current state is worse than the first. It would be better for them to never have known the way of righteousness than to turn back into defilement.

Peter said the proverb was true: The dog returns to its own vomit, and the sow after washing herself returns to wallow in the mire."

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we putting our teachers through the Word test? Are we judging the prophets by their own prophecy? As we watch teachers and prophets suffering horrific destruction, do we stop to ask ourselves if God was behind their demise? As they yell and scream, raising our emotions, do we stop to listen to Peter's description of their loud boasting of folly? Or are we enticed by sensations and passion just as Peter warned? Are we the ones Peter described walking the edge of destruction, and falling prey to false teaching? 461

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Mixing Law and Grace has an article entitled "Mixing Law and Grace."

Many people who are struggling to find answers after realizing that many of the "law" they were taught since birth is not exactly according to the scriptures ask the same question: "Which laws should we keep?"

Falling into the same trap, they have essentially gone from one set of laws to another, leaving behind Grace. To those people, I highly recommend reading this article:

I also highly recommend reading this book: 462

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Wisdom and Holy Spirit Vs Witchcraft and Sorcery

Acts 13 gives the classic story of Good vs. evil, Wisdom and Holy Spirit against witchcraft and sorcery.

Barnabas and Saul, led by the Holy Spirit, sailed into Cyprus. Barnabas was a native of that country, so it is fitting that the Holy Spirit sent them on their way to give Glory to the people Barnabas knew and loved.

When they arrived at Salamis, a city on the eastern side of the island, they began planting seeds of the Holy Spirit. Preaching in the synagogues of the Jews, Barnabas, Saul, and John proclaimed the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the people.

They travelled inward to the city of Paphos, which later became the capital. The people of Paphos were primarily worshippers of Aphrodite, which is believed to have been passed down through time from Asherah the "breasted god." Like Asherah, Aphrodite was the goddess of fertility, the Roman equivalent of the goddess Venus. Instead of sacrificing children as worshippers of Asherah did, most Aphrodite worshippers are believed to have sacrificed swine.

They were called into the city by Sergius Paulus. He was described in the Bible as a man of intelligence, so it is assumed that he was well studied of the ancient antiquity, history of the prophets, and sought out his own salvation through research and study. Sergius summoned Barnabas and Saul to hear the Word of God.

In Paphos, they also met a false prophet and sorcerer named Bar-Jesus. Bar-Jesus and another sorcerer named Elymas tried to hinder the work of the Holy Spirit, twisting their teachings. They were attempting to turn a certain deputy away from the Faith of Jesus Christ through their evil ways.

Saul, filled with the Holy Spirit, would not be threatened by these evil men. He looked intently at Elymas and spoke directly to the evil spirit that was causing deception. "You son of the devil, you enemy of all righteousness, full of all deceit and villainy, will you not stop making crooked the straight paths of the Lord!" Saul exclaimed. "Now, behold the hand of the Lord is upon you and you will be blind, unable to see the sun for a time!"

Immediately, mist and darkness fell upon Elymas. He staggered away seeking for someone to lead him away by the hand.

Seeing the Hand of God more powerful than witchcraft and sorcery, the deputy was led to Christ.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we easily swayed by witchcraft and sorcery? As Wicca and other obvious occult practices emerge, do we allow them to continue, using the 463

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"who are we to judge" excuse? When witchcraft is more obscured and entangled with Christianity, can we see the deception and evil spirits involved? Do we follow men who use the Word of God as incantations? Or even "secret words" as incantations? Do we follow teachers and prophets who resurrect Gnostic texts to conjure up spirits? Do we follow men claiming to have angels or "spirit guides," or do we follow men who truly have the Holy Spirit? Have we ourselves been placed under a spell? 464

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Praise God! We're FREE!

It's time to pause a moment and reflect what God has done for us. There's no better way to do it than by reading Romans 8. Let's rejoice with Paul and praise God, because we are FREE!

Paul said that anyone who believes in Jesus Christ can be saved, and starts out saying that there is absolutely NO condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus! The Holy Spirit has set us free! We have a new law of the Spirit, free from the Mosaic law of sin and death!

The Mosaic law had failed, weakened by the wretched lives of sinners who could not uphold the law. Through Jesus Christ, God had done what the law could not do: bring salvation to all who believe on His Son! By sending His own Son in the likeness of the sinful flesh, he condemned sin for us in the flesh!

The Mosaic Law had requirements that must be met. Many of them, from stoning our children when they disobey to eating locusts and not mixing of fibers. These requirements had no effect on the salvation of one's soul. But because of the law, men set their minds on the things of this law, essentially turning the law itself into an idol. Paul said that those who set their minds on the things of the flesh live according to the laws and focus on death. Those who set their minds on the Holy Spirit set their mind on life and peace!

Paul did not take this lightly. He rebuked those who tried to uphold the law that had failed. Paul said that the mind that is on the flesh is hostile to God! It does not submit to God's law, because it can't! It pleases the law that had become a failed system! He said that those who are in the flesh (living by the law) cannot please God!

We are no longer living in the law, the things of the flesh. We are now under the Holy Spirit, if in fact the Spirit of God dwells within us. Paul said that anyone who does not have the Spirit of Christ does not belong to Him.

The mortal man cannot uphold the law. It is impossible. Paul said that although our bodies are dead because of sin, if Christ is in us we have the Spirit of LIFE! If the Spirit of God, the One who raised Jesus from the dead, dwells in us, then God will also give life to our mortal bodies!

Therefore, Paul said that we were no longer debtors to the flesh (law). We no longer have to live according to the flesh (law). If we live according to the flesh (law), we will die, but if through the Holy Spirit we put the deeds of our bodies behind us we will LIVE! Paul said that all who are led by the Spirit are sons of God!

Paul begged them not to go back to the law. It was slavery! We did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear! We received the adoption of sons of God! That's why we cry out to the FATHER! The Holy Spirit himself bears witness with our spirits, and we are now children 465

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of God! Not only heirs of God, but Paul said that we are fellow heirs with Christ! If we lose our own life for Christ, then we may also be glorified with Him!

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we thankful that our Heavenly Father sent His only Son to free us from the law? Or are we unthankful, returning to the law? Have we adopted the law of slavery or the law of Grace and Unmerited Favor? Are we the sons and daughters of the law of death, or the sons and daughters of the Heavenly Father? Are we heirs of the kingdom?

Shalom! 466

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The New Covenant: Christ Came to Fulfill the Law!

Today's praise and worship is given to God for His Covenant of Grace that He gave us through His Son, Christ Jesus.

Throughout the Bible, God made covenants with those who loved and served Him. From the garden of Eden to the cross, covenants were given to show the people that He was God, and that He keeps His promise. God's Word is the Absolute.

Adamic Covenant

Genesis 3: 16-19 gives the Adamic Covenant. Part of it was given to the woman, and part to the man.

Originally, man lived in innocence, only having one commandment to follow: do not eat the fruit of the tree in the midst of the garden. When that commandment was broken, innocence was removed and a covenant was given.

God said that the woman's pain would increase in childbearing, and through this pain, children would be brought into the world. Their desire would be for her husband, and her husband would rule over her.

To the man, a punishment was also given. Because he listened to his wife and ate the fruit of the tree that God had commanded them not to eat, the ground would also be cursed. From that day forward, man would eat of the ground all the days of his life. The ground would bring forth thorns and thistles, and man would eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of man's face, man would eat the bread produced by the ground until he returned to the ground. For man was taken from the dust, and to dust will he return. This covenant has no end. God gave this covenant without requirement, and man will be under this covenant until the end of the world.

Noahic Covenant

Genesis 9:18-17 gives God's covenant with man after the flood. God said this was an everlasting covenant between God and all flesh that lived upon the earth.

Never again would the world be cleansed by water. The waters of the flood would never be used to destroy life from the earth as God had done as Noah and his family were in the ark. As a sign of His covenant, rainbows were set in the clouds. From that day forward, man can look at the bow in the clouds and know that God still remembers his covenant.

Abrahamic Covenant 467

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Genesis 12:1-3 gives the everlasting covenant He made between Himself and Abraham.

Abraham was to be blessed, his seed made into a great nation. God was to give Abraham land for his seed to grow and flourish, and would bless Abraham's name. All those who bless the name of Abraham would be blessed, and all who dishonor the name of Abraham would be cursed. In Abraham, all of the families of the earth would be blessed.

This blessing also includes the coming Messiah. Through the seed of Abraham came the children of Israel and finally the Christ.

Mosaic Covenant

The Mosaic Covenant is described through several chapters of the Bible, but ultimately is described in Deuteronomy 11:26-28. It was set before the people as a choice: either a blessing or a curse. If the people obeyed all of the commandments of the Lord God, they would receive the blessing. If they did not obey the commandments, and started serving other gods, they would receive the curse.

There are approximately six hundred parts of this covenant besides the ten commandments which most are familiar with. About three hundred of them were positive if the people obeyed, and three hundred negative. The covenant was given to set the nation of Israel apart from the other nations and become God's chosen people.

The Mosaic Covenant is different from most covenants of the Bible in the structure of the blessings for obedience and the curse for disobedience. It was a bilateral agreement, having obligations by God but also by the children of Israel. The covenant placed the children of Israel under the blessing of the law if God's commandments were kept, but placed them under the curse of the law if the commandments were broken.

Before Moses even came down from Mount Sinai to give the choice of blessing or curse to the people, they fell back into idolatry. They made a golden calf, breaking the covenant of blessing before it was even proclaimed. Exodus 32:1-10 describes the anger of God as he saw that the covenant had been broken, but Moses pleaded for mercy on their behalf. Exodus 32:11-14 describes how Moses pleaded and God changed His mind to give them another chance.

Ultimately, the people eventually turned back towards idolatry, and the God's anger was against them for breaking his covenant. The people fell under the curse of the law until the Messiah.

Paul said that the curse of the law was lifted from the people when Christ Himself became the curse for us in Galatians 3:13

Davidic Covenant 468

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2 Samuel 7 describes God's covenant with David, which He gave through His prophet Nathan. David felt that it was wrong for himself to dwell in a house of cedar while the ark of God dwelled in a tent. That night, the Lord spoke to Nathan and gave Nathan the Davidic Covenant.

As with Abraham, God said that He would make the name of David great. He would appoint a place for the children of Israel to dwell, and they would be protected from evil and disturbed no more. Since David offered to make a house for the Lord, God said that He would make a house for David. When David passed away, his offspring would come for his body to take it into the kingdom that would be established by God. The throne and the kingdom would be forever.

God promised that he would be like a father. When the son committed iniquity, he would discipline him with a rod and stripes of men. But God said that his steadfast love would not depart from him.

God promised that David's house and kingdom would last forever. The throne of David would be established forever.

New Covenant

The prophet Jeremiah declares the New Covenant in Jeremiah 31:31-34.

God said that it would be a new covenant with the children of Israel and the house of Judah, and would be unlike the Mosaic Covenant that was broken by their fathers. Rather than outward obedience or curse, God would put His law within the people, written in their hearts.

No longer would people have to teach the ways of the covenant saying, "Know the Lord." God said that they will all know Him from the least to the greatest. Their iniquity would be forgiven and their sin would be remembered no more.

When Christ came, he did not come to abolish the Mosaic law -- he came to fulfill it, just as he said in Matthew 5:17. The people had chosen the curse of the Law, and they were no longer to be cursed. Christ became the curse for us to fulfill it and remove us from the curse.

Christ said in Luke 22:20 that the new covenant was His blood. All who are under the blood are under the new covenant.

The Mosaic covenant had no end when it was given. Though the children of Israel broke their side of the covenant with God, God's Word will never fail. The Mosaic covenant is in effect today, but Jesus is upholding our side of the covenant for us! Paul said in Hebrews 9:15 that Christ is the mediator of the New Covenant, redeeming us from the transgressions that break the Mosaic Covenant!

Questions 469

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As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we thankful that God has given us a New Covenant? Do we try to ignore it by teaching laws from the Old Covenant? Have we not accepted Christ as the mediator for the New Covenant? Have we been taught that because the Mosaic Covenant is still in effect that we ourselves have to try to uphold the law, removing Jesus as the mediator? Have we accepted Jesus? 470

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Let Our Enemies Believe the Sign!

Psalm 86 is a song of praise and worship to the One True God for His steadfast love towards David. David pleads for mercy unto God, asking God to show a sign to his enemies that those who had risen against David would Believe the Sign and be put to shame in knowing that David served the One True God.

David asks God to listen to His poor servant who has placed his trust in the Lord. He asked God to give him protection and save his life.

It was God that David cried out unto all the day, and David asked God to be gracious. He asked God to bless him with comfort and happiness. David lifted his soul up towards God.

He said that God was good and forgiving, abounding in steadfast love to all that call upon Him. Therefore, he asked God to listen to his plea for grace. David said that when he was in trouble, he could call on God because God would answer!

There is none like Yahweh among the gods, and there are none that can do the works of the One True God. All the nations that God has made will come and worship before God and glorify His Name. David said that God was great and did wondrous things, and He alone was God.

David asked God to teach him God's way so that he could walk in God's Truth. He asked God to unite his heart to fear God's Name. He gave thanks and glorified the Name of God with his whole heart, and would do so forever. It was God that had delivered his soul from the depths of hell.

David said that insolent men, arrogant men with lack of respect had risen against him. A band of ruthless men sought out to take David's life. But these men did not walk with God.

David praised God for his mercy and grace, and said that God was slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. He asked God to turn his mercy and grace towards David, his servant. He asked God to give strength.

Finally, David asked God to show a sign of His favor towards David. Others who hated David could see and Believe the Sign, and then would be put to shame. They would know that Yahweh, the One True God, had helped him and comforted him.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we praise God for His steadfast love? Do we serve the God above all other Gods? Do we fear the insolent men who rise up against us, or do we hold fast to God and know that God will stand with us? Do we get our favor from the Lord, or from men? 471

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Encouragement of the Scriptures

In Romans 15, Paul tells us our obligation in order to be examples of Christ: to build up others through encouragement of the Scriptures.

He said that those who are strong should help bear the burdens of the failings of the weak, just as Christ bore our sins on Calvary. Paul said that we should not try to please ourselves, but instead help others in their failings.

Each one of us should try to please our neighbors to build them up, make them feel encouraged. Christ did not come to please himself, but as the scripture says, "The reproaches of those who reproached you fell on me."

Paul said that we should all find encouragement by this. In former days, before Christ came, all that was written was for instruction. It was meant to show that through endurance and through encouragement of the Scriptures, we can have hope!

Paul blessed the people, asking the God of endurance and encouragement to grant harmony and peace to the people. Not earthly peace, Paul said this harmony should be in accord with Christ Jesus. This harmony should allow us to glorify God in harmony, together with our neighbors as one resounding voice! Paul said we should loudly glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, welcoming one another just as Christ had welcomed us. This was for the Glory of God.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we encourage others through the Scriptures? Do we help bear the burdens of the weak? When a brother or sister is down, do we encourage them and lift them back to their feet? Do we praise God with one voice of harmony, glorifying God the Father of Jesus Christ with other Christians in their churches dedicated to Christ? Do we welcome one another as Christ welcomed us? Do we encourage for the glory of God? 472

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Once for All

In Hebrews 9, Paul gives us the promise that the Blood of Christ is sufficient for all.

Christ appeared as a High Priest. He did not come in an earthly tent or tabernacle as the days of old, He came in one not made with hands. In the times of antiquity, God came down into the holy places by the sacrifice of blood of goats and calves. When Jesus came, however, God came down through the blood of Jesus Christ. Christ was the sacrifice.

The blood of goats and bulls were not sufficient, and offered by impure flesh. How much more powerful the blood of Christ! How much more perfect His sacrifice, without blemish to God! How much more powerful His offering, one that can purify our minds and remove the dead works of the law that had failed!

Christ is the mediator of the new covenant. He stands between God and man as a mediator, so that all who are called can receive the promise of eternal life. Because of His death, we are redeemed from all transgressions committed under the first covenant, the Mosaic Law!

Paul said that whenever there is a documented will, the death of the one who wrote the will must be established. The will only takes effect at death, and cannot be enforced while the person who composed the will is alive. Therefore, blood was required to fulfill the first covenant. Under the law, almost everything was purified with blood. Without the blood, there is no forgiveness of sins.

Paul went on to say that this was the reason it was necessary for the earthly copies of heavenly things to be purified. Yet the heavenly things themselves have better sacrifices than these! Christ entered into a tabernacle not made with hands, which was a copy of the earthly ritual, but took place in heaven itself. He entered into the presence of God on our behalf!

Christ was not offered as a sacrifice repeatedly, as the high priest entered the holy places each year with sacrifice. If this was required, then he would have had to suffer repeatedly since the foundation of the world.

Paul said this was not the case. He appeared once for all! He appeared at the end of the ages! He put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself!

Just as it is appointed once for a man to die and then return to face judgment, Christ died bearing the sins of many. He will appear a second time, but not to face judgment or to deal with sin. When Christ returns the second time, it is to save those who eagerly await His coming!

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we eagerly awaiting His coming? Are our hearts and minds right with God? Are we at peace with our neighbors? Have we applied His sacrifice? 473

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United We Are the Temple of God!

Ephesians 2 tells us that we are now one in Christ by joining together in unity as the holy temple and dwelling place of God.

At one time, the Gentiles were called "The Uncircumcised" by those who were circumcised. Circumcision is something that physically is done by our own works, by our own hands. Gentiles were separated from Christ at that time, alienated from the commonwealth of Israel. They were strangers to the covenants that God made with Israel.

Outside of the covenants, Gentiles had no hope and were without God in the world. But now, Jesus Christ has brought hope. In Christ, those who were outside of the covenant are brought near through the blood of Jesus Christ.

He Himself is our peace. He is both the one who made us, and also the one who has broken down the dividing wall of hostility. Through the flesh of Christ, we have peace.

Paul says this peace came by abolishing the law of commandments expressed in ordinances. Through abolishing the law, He might create in himself one new man in the place of two: uniting together to make peace. He came to reconcile both Jews and Gentiles unto God in one body, through the cross. Therefore, Christ killed the hostility.

Christ came and preached peace to both the Gentiles and the circumcised Jews. Through Christ, we both have access in one Spirit unto the Father! We are no longer strangers and aliens, but fellow citizens. We are united with the saints and the members of the household of God. This household built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets. Christ Himself is the cornerstone that joins the entire structure together. Being joined together, united Christians around the world form a holy temple in the Lord. In Him, we are also built together into a dwelling place for God by the Holy Spirit!

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we hold to the old laws when Paul said that Christ abolished the law of works righteousness? Are we the old man, or the new man of peace that Christ created, joining together with our fellow Christians around the world? Are we part of the holy temple of God? Have we separated ourselves from the body of Christ, leaving the dwelling place of God? Or are we part of the temple and dwelling place of God by the Holy Spirit? 475

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Proud of our Weakness

2 Corinthians 12 tells us that we should be content in our persecutions and hardship, for when we are weak God makes us strong.

Paul describes a brother in Christ who was caught up into the third heaven, an experience in which only God knows the details. The brother heard things which cannot be told, and no man can describe.

Paul was very clear regarding boasting of one's self. He said that on his own behalf, he would not boast except to boast of his weakness. Though he would be speaking the truth in telling his heavenly experiences, he did not want others to think more of himself than they should.

To keep himself from being conceited by describing the greatness of his revelations, Paul was given a thorn in the flesh. Paul described this "thorn" as a messenger of Satan sent to harass him, yet the evil spirit was sent to keep Paul from becoming conceited.

Three times Paul pleaded with God to ask this evil messenger of Satan to leave, but it did not. God said to Paul, "My Grace is sufficient for you. My power is made perfect in weakness!"

Therefore, Paul gladly and proudly boasted of his weaknesses. In his weakness, the power of Christ rested upon Paul. For the sake of Christ, Paul was content with weaknesses. He was content with insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities.

Paul said, "For when I am weak, then I am strong!"

As Christians we should ask ourselves: Are we proud of our weaknesses and God's grace that forgives us of each and every one of them? Do we try to hide our weaknesses from others, or confess our sins to others so that we can be humble and God can have the glory? Are we content when others insult us, or do we fire back with vengeance? Do we follow leaders who boast in themselves, going on about visions and experiences rather than boasting in their weakness? Are we following leaders like Paul who remained humble, or leaders like Balaam whose fame was spread throughout the land? 476

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Take Assurance of Christ Through Faith

Hebrews 10 tells us that we should take full assurance of God's grace through faith in the blood of Jesus Christ.

Through the blood of Christ, we have confidence to enter the holy places. Though the old temples kept the high places behind the curtain with only the priest able to enter, Christ has opened the curtain for us through his flesh.

Since we have a great high priest over the house of God, we can draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith. We enter holy and clean from all evil, as though our bodies were washed with pure water.

We should hold fast to this confession of hope. Never waver, those who are promised are faithful!

Paul said that we should consider ways to stir one another up, pushing others to love and good works. He said we should not neglect to meet together, though some people had already taken this habit in his day. We should encourage one another more and more the closer the Great Day draws near!

If we continue sinning deliberately after receiving the knowledge of the Truth, there is no longer a sacrifice for sin. Without faith, we fear a day of judgment with a fire that will consume all adversaries.

Paul said that anyone who aside the Law of Moses would die without mercy on the evidence of two or three witnesses. How much worse the wrath of God who profaned His blood, His new covenant that He Himself sanctified? If we do not have faith in Jesus Christ, we outrage the Spirit of Grace.

Therefore, remember the days when you first came to know Christ. You faced a hard struggle with suffering. You were publicly ridiculed and afflicted, sometimes along with others suffering the same trials. You had compassion on those who were still imprisoned, hanging onto the old laws. You joyfully accepted the plundering of your property, because you had a better possession awaiting!

Paul said do not give all of this up! Don't throw away your confidence when you have a great reward! Have endurance, so that you can receive what He promised after you have done the will of God!

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we have assurance of our salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ? Do we enter the holy places with a pure heart, knowing His blood is 477

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sufficient? Do we stir others up, encouraging them to be excited for God and live by faith? Have we not remembered the trials we faced when we came to know Christ?

Don't give all of this up! Have faith! 478

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Search Us, O God!

Psalm 139 is a psalm of David,

David said that God had searched him and knew him. He knew when David sat and when David rose; God even knew David's thoughts from afar on His throne.

God is acquainted with everything in our lives, from the time we sleep to the paths that we will take from day to day. Before a word comes from our mouths, God already knows exactly what we are going to say.

God is the one who binds us together and keeps His hand upon us. It is wonderful to know that God is involved in every thread of our lives! So much greater than we can even comprehend!

After knowing the Spirit of God, where could we go were we to leave? If we ascend to heaven, God is there! If we are cast down into the pits of hell, God knows all about it. If we rise early and try to leave the presence of God, His hand will even lead us there. His hand is holding fast to ours no matter where we go!

God is the one who formed our bodies from each inward part to our outward appearance. He knitted us together in our mother's womb, just like a mother would knit with loving care for her child.

We praise God. We were made to serve God, and wonderfully so. His works are wonderful, and we know it well. Nothing within us is in secret, woven together already in the depths of the earth before the beginning of time. God had already written our names in His book before a single person dwelled upon the earth!

Try to imagine the thoughts of God, how wonderful! Knowing the thoughts of each and every person on the earth from this moment to the beginning of time and to the ends of eternity, God knows everything! If we were to count them, it would be more than the sands!

We serve a living God, watching over our every step. Our enemies' steps are numbered, though allowed to torment for a little while. Though they may speak against us and God, who can rise up against the God we serve?

Search us, God, and know our heart! Try us and know our thoughts! If there is anything within us that causes you grief, lead us in the way that leads to life everlasting!

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we want God to search us, or do we think we can keep things hidden from God? Do we try to withhold our inward thoughts from the God who knew we would have them before the beginning of time? Do we worry about our trials when 479

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we serve the God who already knows the outcome? Do we praise God for his knowledge and control in our lives? 480

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All Things Are Lawful to Lift Up One Another!

1 Corinthians 10 teaches us that all things are lawful, and we should use all things to the advantage of others and not ourselves.

Paul said "All things are lawful, but not all things are helpful. All things are lawful, but not all things build up." We should use all things for the good of others, to lift up one another and edify the Body of Christ.

No one should seek for their own good, but the good of their neighbor. As Christians, we lift our neighbor up above ourselves.

Paul was not even concerned about meats offered unto idols, even though it was against the law of the old covenant. He said to eat whatever is sold in the meat market without raising any concerns or questioning with our conscience. The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof!

We are to be careful what things we partake in when in the presence of unbelievers. Those who do not know Christ and hang on to the old laws are not aware that all things are lawful. Paul said that if we are invited to eat with an unbeliever and they tell us the meal had been offered in sacrifice, for their sake we should stop eating. Since they do not know Christ, they will think we have sinned before God. Paul said we should not partake for their conscience, not for our own.

We should also be free to partake in all things. Paul asked, "Why should my liberty be determined by someone else's conscience? If I partake with thankfulness, why am I denounced because of that for which I give thanks?"

All things lawful are not only limited to food. Paul said "whatever we eat or drink, or whatever we do." But, we should do these things all to the glory of God. We should give offense to no one. Everything we do should be to lift up another, seeking their advantage so that they also might be saved.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we place our neighbor before ourself? Do we do all things to lift up one another and lead them to salvation? Are we robbed of our glory by letting our liberty be determined by someone else's conscience? Are we Christians or do we remain bound to the law that Christ came to fulfill? 481

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Freed from The Law, Walking in the New Law of the Spirit

Romans 8 tells us that we are freed from the law, and Paul calls it the law of sin and death.

Paul says that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. There is a new law; the law of the Spirit. The law of the Spirit is a law of life that sets us free in Christ Jesus from the old law, the law of sin and death. For God had done what the law, which was weakened by the flesh, could not do.

God sent His only Son in the likeness of our sinful bodies, and Christ condemned sin itself while he was in flesh. By doing so, the requirement of righteousness described by the law was fulfilled. Christ came to fulfill that law.

Now, we walk according to the Spirit and are not to be concerned about things of the flesh. Those who live according to the law, the things that they do to produce their own righteousness, have set their minds upon requirements of the law that Paul called the law of sin and death. Those who set their minds on the Spirit have peace and life!

Paul is by no means accepting of those who try to continue walking daily in the law. Those who set their mind on the flesh have set their mind on death and are hostile towards God. They cannot please God because they can never submit themselves fully to the law.

As Christians, we are not in the flesh. We are not instructed to claim our righteousness by the way we live our lives and continue walking in the flesh. If the Spirit of God dwells within us, we walk in the Spirit. Paul said anyone who does not do this does not belong to Christ.

If Christ is in us, then the body is dead because of sin. We cannot refrain from sin, so our bodies are dead already. The Spirit is life, because the Spirit is righteousness. If the Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in us, then that same Spirit will give life to our mortal bodies through His Spirit that is dwelling within us!

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we try to please God and claim righteousness by the way we live our lives when it is hostile to God? Do we walk in sin and death? Or do we walk in the Spirit of God, which brings life and peace? Do we try to hold up these bodies dead from sin or do we let them go to walk in the Spirit? Does His Spirit dwell within us? 482

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Made Perfect Through Christ

Hebrews 7 tells us that our legal requirements were fulfilled by Christ.

Paul reminded us that under the Levitical priesthood, the people received the law. Through those requirements given by the priesthood, we never reached perfection.

Paul asked: "If perfection had been attainable through the Levitical priesthood, what further need would there have been for another priest to rise after the order of Melchizedek?"

He said that when there is a change in priesthood, there also is a change in the law. When Christ came in the order of Melchizedek, he did not come after the order of Aaron, which was a change. This High Priest came from another tribe in the earthly realm, from one which no one has ever served as a high priest at the altar. Christ descended from the line of Judah, and Moses never mentioned priests descending from that bloodline in physical bodies.

Therefore, Christ came not on the basis of a legal requirement by His earthly bloodline, but a heavenly bloodline through power of an indestructible life! The scriptures witnessed Christ, saying "You are a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek!"

Paul correctly divides the two schools of thought. On one hand, we have a former commandment to become righteous by the way in which we live our lives. Laws were given to the people, and they were to follow those laws or death would pursue. Paul said that former commandment had been set aside because of its weakness and uselessness. Through the law, nothing was made perfect.

On the other hand, Paul said a better hope is introduced. Though we are sinners, we can become heirs to the kingdom by grace through faith in Jesus Christ! Through this better hope, we draw nearer to God!

The required oath was made long before Jesus was born on the earth. Though the former priests had no such requirement, Christ brought a new covenant which required an oath to seal the change. The oath for Christ was made when a former priest who said, "The Lord has sworn and will not change his mind. You are a priest forever!" This statement makes Jesus Christ the guarantor of a better covenant!

There were several former priests. They could not become a priest forever, prevented by death under the old covenant. The priesthood under the old covenant was an earthly priesthood, but Christ comes as a heavenly High Priest. He holds His office of priesthood permanently because He continues forever. Because of this, Paul said that Christ is able to save those who draw near to God through Christ -- even those who are scattered to the uttermost. Christ always lives to make intercession for the sinners. 483

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Paul said that it was fitting for us to have such a High Priest. He came holy, innocent, unstained, separated from sinners, and was exalted above the heavens. Christ never needed to sacrifice daily for His sins; He had none! He sacrificed for the sins of the world when He offered Himself as the ultimate Sacrifice!

The law appointed men in their weakness to become high priests. All men are born into sin. Christ came perfect, through the word of the oath which came after the law. He was appointed as our High Priests through God's only Son. Our High Priest remains perfect forever.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we made perfect through Christ? Do we vainly try to follow laws to gain perfection, choosing the earthly covenant rather than the heavenly covenant? Have we chosen an earthly high priest rather than the Heavenly High Priest, God's only Son? Have we chosen not to accept our new covenant of perfection to remain under an old covenant of death? 484

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The Body Built by Love

In Ephesians 4, Paul says that the body of Christ is built by unity and love.

Paul considered himself a 'prisoner' for the Lord, destined to spread God's Word of love for the rest of his days. He urged the people to present themselves worthy of their calling to Christ. They should be humble, gentle, have patience, love one another, and eager to maintain the unity of the Holy Spirit in the bonds of peace.

Paul did not teach a tiny, little elect that should separate themselves from false Christians. He said there is one body of Christ. There is one Spirit. There was one hope that drew us nearer to Christ. There was only one baptism needed when Paul said, "One Lord, one faith, one baptism." Only one God who was the Father of all mankind, and that Heavenly Father reigned over all mankind through all within all.

Grace was given to all Christians according to the measure of Christ's gift. As the scriptures said, "He ascended on high and led a host of captives, and He gave gifts to men."

Paul said that God also descended into the lower regions, the earth. Christ that descended is the One who also ascended far above the heavens that he might fulfill all things!

Christ did not only give the priests and the prophets power to work. He gave the apostles, prophets, evangelists, shepherds, and teachers for us to equip us! Christ sent them so that we could also do the work of ministry, together building up the body of Christ! And we should do so until we have unity of the faith and the knowledge of the Son of God, Jesus Christ!

Paul warned that we should not act like children, tossed to and fro like the waves of the sea. We should not be carried about by human cunning in their doctrines. We should not be deceived by their schemes. Instead, we should speak Truth and Love! We should grow up in every way to Him that is the Head, into Christ!

Christ is He who makes the entire body whole, joined and held together through every joint. Once each part of the body of Christ is joined together, it begins to work properly. The body then begins to grow so that it builds itself together! And it is joined together by love!

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we have love for our other Christian brothers and sisters? Do we falsely assume that or little church is the only church in the body of Christ? Have we separated one of the joints of the body? Are we equipped to teach of Jesus Christ, or are we teaching some other doctrine? Are we acting like children, as Paul said tossed by the doctrines of men? Are we speaking Truth and Love? 485

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Save Yourselves and Everyone Who Listens

In 1 Timothy 4, Paul tells us how to be a good servant of Christ.

Paul warns that deceitful teachings would come in the end times. These teachings were of demons, deceitful spirits that would cause some to depart from the faith of Jesus Christ.

These demons would cause insincere liars, of which Paul says have seared consciences, to spread false teachings. Though everything created by God is good, these liars would come forth teaching abstinence from things of this world to preach works righteousness.

Paul says that the best way to become a good servant is to make these things known before our brothers. We should be trained in the Word, the words of faith, and spread the good doctrine of Jesus Christ.

Again, Paul warns us to have nothing to do with irreverent, silly myths. Instead, we should train ourselves to become godly having faith in Jesus Christ. Also, this was not an outward expression. Paul says that training our bodies is only of some value, but godliness is of value in every way! It holds us fast to the promise of not only this life, but of the life to come.

Paul placed great value on expressing these thoughts. He said that what he had just spoken was trustworthy and must be fully accepted. Because of this very saying, Paul said that he toiled and strived. Paul had set his hope on the living God, who is the Savior of all people -- especially those who believe!

He said that we should command and teach these things to others. Even if we are not fully matured in the scriptures, we should go forward letting no man despise us for our youth. Instead, we should become an example to others in our speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity.

Paul said to devote ourselves to the public reading of the Scripture, teaching others about the Word of God. He said that they should not neglect the gift that was given us by the Holy Spirit, which was given by prophecy when the council of elders laid hand on them. We should practice our gifts, immersing ourselves in them. Everyone should see our progress as our gifts mature.

Again, Paul stressed the importance of this. He said to keep a close watch on ourselves and this teaching. Be persistent in this teaching. By being persistent, we will not only save ourselves, but everyone who listens!

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we persistent? Do we keep watch on the stories we hear, to ensure they are not strange myths spread by insincere liars? Do we listen when they try to rob us of our enjoyment in the wonderful things that God has created? Do we train only our outward bodies towards holiness, or do we chasten our hearts and minds as well? Do we teach these warnings to others as Paul commanded? Are we good servants? 486

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Paul's Astonishment

Galatians 3 is a story about Paul's astonishment in the people because they kept placing themselves back into the ways works-righteousness instead of the new covenant of faith in Jesus Christ.

Paul said, "O foolish Galatians! Who as bewitched you?" He could not believe that the people would even want to turn back to relying on keeping themselves holy by the outward way they lived their lives when they had been set free from the law. Paul asked them if they were bewitched, under some sort of spell of a sorcerer!

He asked them: "Did you receive the Spirit by works of the law, or by hearing with faith? Are you so foolish?" To Paul, only fools would turn back into rules and regulations made to remain holy on the outside, when the law had failed and sin remained on the inside. Paul asked them that after they had received the Spirit and then turned back to works-righteousness, "Are you now being perfected by the flesh? Did you really suffer so many things in vain?"

Paul said that the same God who Abraham believed by faith and was considered righteous had sent His Spirit to them. That Spirit had done so many miracles among them by His Spirit. He asked them, "Do these same miracles come by the works of the law?"

Paul said that those who live by faith are the sons of Abraham. The Scripture foretold that God would justify the Gentiles by faith, and preached the gospel of Jesus Christ to Abraham when the Word said, "In you shall all the nations be blessed." Those who live by faith instead of works-righteousness are the blessed this scripture describes. They are blessed along with Abraham, the man of faith!

On the other hand, those who rely on works of the law are under a curse! Paul said that it is written in the scriptures, "Cursed be everyone who does not abide by all things written in the Book of the Law and do them"

Now it is evident that no one is justified before God by the works, the things that the flesh can do to become holy. The righteous shall live by faith. The law is not of faith, and living by the law, we can only be justified if we keep each and every one of them!

Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us! Paul said it was written in the scriptures, "Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree." Christ is the blessing of Abraham that was foretold to come to the Gentiles. Through Christ, we can now receive the promised Spirit through faith!

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we receive our righteousness by faith in Jesus Christ, or have we fallen back into works-righteousness? Why would we ever want to turn back to laws that are a curse, when we are to be the blessed? If Paul were to come today, would he be 487

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astonished at us? Would he call us foolish or bewitched? Have we even accepted the new covenant of Grace? 488

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The Treasure to Be Revealed

When Peter greeted the exiled Christians in 1 Peter 1, He greeted them with grace, peace, and hope. Peter spoke of a treasure that would be made known only through revelation.

He blessed them with grace and peace, according to the foreknowledge of God the Father. He blessed them for sanctification of the Holy Spirit, and he blessed them for their obedience to Jesus Christ, God's son, who gave His life upon the cross.

Peter praised the God and Father of Jesus Christ for His great mercy. Through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, God the Father gave us a new hope. We are destined to an inheritance that will last forever, one that is kept in heaven for us. Our treasures laid up in heaven are guarded by faith for a salvation that will be revealed in the last time.

Peter said that we could rejoice in our treasures in heaven, though we face trials for a little while here on earth. God is testing the genuineness of our faith. This faith is more precious than gold, tested by the fire.

This revelation Peter spoke of is the revelation of Jesus Christ. Though we have not seen Christ, we love Him! Though we do not see Him, we believe Him! Christ gives us a joy that is beyond expression, and fills us with glory. Through Christ, we can obtain our treasure through faith, which is the salvation of our souls!

This treasure of salvation is what the prophets of old prophesied about. They foretold that grace would be ours for the taking. They predicted the sufferings of Christ, and how the Spirit would come. It was revealed to the prophets of old that they were not serving themselves, but were serving us! They were given the gift of prophecy for the sole purpose of announcing the coming Messiah. They preached the Good News to us by the Holy Spirit that was sent from heaven, telling us things that even the angels longed to see!

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we glad that God announced his coming to the prophets of old? Are we proud to be named among the body of Christ? Are we laying up our treasures in heaven? 489

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Forget About the Past! Look Towards the Goal!

Philippians 3 tells us to forget about our past and press own towards our righteousness through faith in Christ.

Paul admitted that he was not perfect, but pressed on to be perfect. He strove for perfection in Christ because Jesus Christ had made Paul His own.

He longed for righteousness in Christ, not from the works he did in the law, but through faith in Jesus Christ. Paul said that the best way he found to do this was to forget about what lay behind and start straining forward to what lies ahead. He said that he pressed on for the call of God in Jesus Christ.

Paul asked those who were mature to start thinking this way. If anything within them thought otherwise, Paul asked that God would reveal it to them. He said that we should hold to what we have attained through faith.

He asked the brothers to join in this way of thinking, watching those who look to them for their examples. There were many already coming together as enemies of the Christians. Their end is destruction, and their god is their belly. They set their minds on earthly things and glorify in their shame.

Our citizenship, Paul said, is in heaven and not upon earth. We wait a living Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. He will transform our earthly body into a body like His glorious body. The power of Christ makes all things subject to Himself.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we press on towards righteousness? Do the things we have done hold us back, or have we forgotten about them to look towards our shining goal? Does anything within us cling to works-righteousness, or do we believe with all our heart and soul that we can be saved through faith in Jesus Christ? 490

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Do Not Let Your Past Sins Drag You Down!

Hebrews 12 gives us hope in telling us not to let our past sins drag us down.

Paul said that we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses, so there is no need to be burdened down by the sins that cling to us so closely. Jesus endured our sins for us on the cross, took our shame for us, and now is seated at the right hand of the throne of God!

Jesus endured our sins for us, taking our punishment so that we need not grow weary with our burden of sin. We struggle against it daily, yet we have not resisted it to the point of the shedding of our blood as Christ did for us!

Paul said that the law was for discipline that must be endured. God was treating the people as sons, and without discipline they would have been illegitimate children. If we are disciplined through our earthly fathers and held respect for them, how much more our heavenly father?

Our earthly father disciplined us for just a short while as they saw fit, but it was for their own good. God disciplines us for our good so that we can share in His holiness! The discipline of God may have seemed painful, but later yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness!

Paul told the people to lift up and do not hang low. He said to strive for peace with everyone, and strive for the holiness that enables us to see the Lord. They were given clear instructions: See that NO one fails to obtain the Grace of God!"

He warned them not to let any root of bitterness spring up among them. Let no one become sexually immoral or unholy like Esau who sold his birthright. Though Esau sought his birthright with tears, it was too late; there was no chance to repent.

The blessing we have is not something that we can see or touch. It is not a blazing fire of doom and gloom, and the message we hear is not one that makes us beg to hear no more. Though under the law, Mount Zion could not even be touched by an animal or that animal would be stoned, Jesus is the new mediator of the new covenant. Though Moses trembled in fear when he approached the mountain, we need not tremble in fear.

Paul said to make sure that we did not refuse the words of Christ that was being taught to them. If they did not escape to peace when they were warned on earth, how much less would they reject Him that warns from heaven? Paul said that God promised us that He would no longer shake the earth when He promised to once more shake the earth and the heavens.

We should be grateful to receive a kingdom that cannot be shaken. We should offer to God acceptable worship, with reverence and awe. Our God is a consuming fire! 491

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As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we grateful that Christ rose to shake the heavens once for all? Do we drag ourselves down, burdened by our sin? Do we turn back to the discipline that was under the Mosaic Law, or do we partake in the peaceful fruit of righteousness that it produced? Do we tremble in fear of our God, or do we bless his Holy Name with thanksgiving? 492

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Third Person of the Trinity

There are two huge myths surrounding the belief (or disbelief) of Trinitarianism. Most followers of William Marrion Branham will absolutely deny that they believe in the Trinity of God, and will tell you with unfounded confidence that William Branham himself was never a Trinitarian.William Branham violently opposed Trinitarianism -- but only in his home churches of Jeffersonville, IN and Tucson, IN. (with a few scattered others later.)

The second myth is Branham's opinion as to what mainstream churches believed concerning the Trinity. Most mainstream or denominational churches do not believe that there are three separate gods that can be broken into three like a three-foot rule. Most believe the Godhead exactly as the Bible describes.

The Latter Day Saints (Mormons), which have separated themselves from mainstream churches, believe that there are three separate gods in the trinity. For a full review of what others believe and what the scriptures say, please visit

Quote:Now, my precious brother, I know this is a tape also. Now, don't get excited. Let me say this with godly love, the hour has approached where I can't hold still on these things no more, too close to the Coming. See? "Trinitarianism is of the Devil!" I say that THUS SAITH THE LORD! Look where it come from. It come from the Nicene Council when the Catholic church become in rulership. The word "trinity" is not even mentioned in the entire Book of the Bible. And as far as three Gods, that's from hell. There's one God. That's exactly right.61-0108 REVELATION.CHAPTER.FOUR.3_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN

Most followers would be shocked to find that outside of his home churches, William Branham supported the Trinitarian belief and openly claimed to support the Persons of the Trinity.

See, you believe in God; you believe in the Son, believe in the Holy Ghost; that's the Trinity. We believe in that. See?51-0506E AT.THY.WORD LOS ANGELES, CA

And now, there are those sitting here who are feeble this afternoon, that's in need of physical healing. And we have chosen these few words to read from Thine. And may the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Trinity, come in now, the Promise, the Comforter, that You said You would send. 51-0729A THE.RESURRECTION.OF.LAZARUS_ ERIE.PA

SATURDAY_ E-13 Then suffered under Pontius Pilate, crucified, died, was buried, rose the third day, setting at the right-hand of God the Father, making intercessions now for we who've accepted the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the trinity. 493

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Truly, we're not much in this world, we're looked down upon, but, God, we believe we're accepted in Christ Jesus, and He in return, has give us the Holy Ghost. We love Him, that great, third Person of the trinity.52-0713A EARLY.SPIRITUAL.EXPERIENCES_ HAMMOND.IN

Then Jesus Christ comes into His Church, to His people, to manifest Himself out through the people, while He, Himself, is setting at the right hand of the Father, sending back the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the trinity, to live in human beings, to work through them, to show the same works that He did in the beginning, making Him, "the same yesterday, today, and forever." 52-0713E GOD.TESTIFYING.OF.HIS.GIFTS_ HAMMOND.IN

Now, if Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and do we believe that the Holy Spirit is on earth today? How many believes that? Well, that Holy Spirit is the Holy Spirit of God. Is that right? The third Person of the trinity, Jesus Christ. 52-0720E WHO.HAS.BELIEVED.OUR.REPORT_ HAMMOND.IN

Now, in the great Divine trinity of God, in the day... It's all the One God, God in a trinity: The Fatherhood, the Sonship, and the Holy Spirit dispensation. 53-0607E A.TESTIMONY_ CONNERSVILLE.IN

And He put this supernatural being which was called man, the third Person of the Trinity, Holy Spirit, into mankind (That’s exactly right.), that man and He made him in His own image. 53-0610 SHOW.US.THE.FATHER.AND.IT'LL.SATISFY.US_ CONNERSVILLE.IN

God's provided Sacrifice is here. God's Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Trinity, the Holy Ghost, is now moving over the building. 53-0613 GOD'S.PROVIDED.WAY_ CONNERSVILLE.IN

Now, Father, take the Word, and may the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the trinity, comes, take the Word of God, and break It out to the people, and put It in every heart where it has need, where God would send It. For we ask it in Jesus' Name. Amen. 54-0401 GOD'S.PREPARATION_ LOUISVILLE.KY

Now, tonight Jesus Christ has risen from the dead, and is living right here among us in Spirit form, called the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit of God, which is Jesus Christ, the third Person of the trinity. 54-0902 SOUTH.AFRICA.TESTIMONY_ NEW.YORK.NY

So One that has been among us, died and rose again, is glorified in the Presence of God tonight, comes back in the form of the third Person of the trinity, the Holy Spirit, and dwells in us, and moves, and proves Himself to be the same Lord Jesus. 58-0208 THE.QUEEN.OF.THE.SOUTH_ SOUTH.BEND.IN 494

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Let Him open your eyes. He's the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Trinity here tonight to grease up your eyes with God's salve: open your eyes. 58-0316E DOOR.TO.THE.HEART_ HARRISONBURG.VA 495

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Pure Joy in Christ

James 1 tells us that we should consider it pure joy when we face our trials.

The testing of our faith produces a steadfast foundation for our faith. We should let our steadfast faith have the full effect, so that we can be made perfect and complete. Let our steadfast faith grow until we lack nothing!

If you lack wisdom, ask God! God gives wisdom generously to all who ask without reproach. If you ask, it will be given! But you must ask in faith, believing, for doubters are like a wave of the sea that is tossed any direction by the wind. Without faith, you cannot expect to receive anything from the Lord; you are unstable.

If you are downcast, boast of your exaltation! If you are rich, boast of your humility! Like a flower of the grass, we will all fade away. The rich man will fade away in the midst of his pursuits.

The man who remains steadfast under a trial is blessed. When he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life! God promised the crown to all who love him!

When we are tempted, we should never even think that our temptation comes from God. God cannot be tempted with evil, and He Himself tempts no one. Each person is tempted when he is enticed by his own desire! Desire gives birth to sin, and sin brings death!

Let no person deceive you. Every good gift, every perfect gift, comes directly from God above. The Father sends good gifts down and there is no variation in God's perfect plan. God made us His own, and He will bring us forth by the Word of Truth! We should consider ourselves the firsts of brand-new creatures in Christ!

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we steadfast in our faith in Jesus Christ? Do we remain steadfast until we have the full effect? Do we ask God the Father in faith for the gifts we need to grow in Christ? Do we remain steadfast in faith during a trial? Do we boast of our success even though we struggle? Are we brought forth by the Word of Truth? 496

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Paul and Peter's Argument

Galatians 2 tells the story of the argument between Paul and Peter. Peter started bringing legalism to the Gentiles, while Paul taught Grace.

When Cephas (Simon Peter), came to Antioch, Paul met him face to face. Paul said that Peter stood condemned.

While Peter was eating with the Gentiles, men of the Jewish circumcision party came from James to visit. When they arrived, Peter drew back from the Gentiles and separated himself, fearing the circumcision party.

When Peter did this, the rest of the Jews did the same. Paul said that they acted hypocritically, to the extent that even Barnabas was led astray by their hypocrisy.

Paul said that their conduct was not in line with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Though Jews, they were eating with the Gentiles, which was against the law. Yet when the circumcision party grew in number, they tried to force the law upon the Gentiles. Paul asked them, "If you, though a Jew, live like a Gentile and not a Jew, how can you force the Gentiles to live like Jews?"

They were Jews by birth, and not Gentile sinners. Yet, though Jews, they knew the Gospel of Jesus Christ. A person is not justified by the way they live their lives according to the law; they are justified by faith in Jesus Christ.

Paul said that he believed in Jesus Christ, so that he could be justified by faith instead of the rules and regulations under the law. Through the works of the law, not a single person will be justified.

"But if we are found sinners in our attempt to be justified in Christ", Paul asked, does that make Christ a servant of sin? Certainly not!"

Paul said that if he tried to rebuild what he tore down, as Christ rebuilt the covenant after tearing down the covenant of the law, Paul would be a transgressor. Through the law he died to the law so that he could live in God.

Paul said that he now had been crucified with Christ. It is no longer the man, Paul, who lived, but Christ who lived in him. The life he now lived is not in the flesh, he lived by faith in Jesus Christ. He lived by the Son of God who loved him and gave Himself for all.

Paul said that if we were righteous by the way we lived according to the rules and regulations of the law, then we have nullified the Grace of God and Christ died for no purpose! 497

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As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we nullify the Grace of God by trying to uphold the rules of the law to gain righteousness? Have we made Christ die in vain for our souls? When others claim their righteousness through their holy ways, do we join in their hypocrisy? If see others who forbid themselves entertainment or modern clothing for their righteousness, do we bathe ourselves in their folly by imposing this upon ourselves and others? Do we have the same message as Paul, or have we followed Peter's mistake? 498

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Do Not Go Beyond the Bible

1 Corinthians 4 warns us not to go beyond what is written in the Bible.

Paul warned that if men went beyond what was written in scripture with new doctrines, it would create men who were exalted and in favor of others. He said that he and Apollos were devoted to being good stewards for the Gospel of Jesus Christ for their benefit, so they would learn not to go beyond what was written.

Paul asked them, "Who can see any difference in you now? What do you think you have now that you did not receive? And then when you received it, why do you brag about it as though you did not receive it?" They were falling quickly back into the ways of men rather than the ways of God. They kept wanting more and more.

Paul told them that they already had everything the wanted. They were already rich like kings. Paul said that he wished he and the apostles could reign as kings as they did.

He said that God had put the apostles on display for mankind, as the last display of all. They were like men sentenced to death, because they were to become a spectacle to the world. They would be on display for not only men, but angels! For Christ's sake, the apostles were made like fools in front of mankind, but were made wise in Christ. They were made strong, held in honor, while Paul and the apostles were made weak and slandered. They hungered and thirsted, were poorly dressed and homeless. When reviled before others, they blessed in returned. When persecuted, they endured. When slandered, they entreated with love. They were refuse before men.

Paul said that he did not write these things to make the people ashamed, but to admonish them as though they were his beloved children. They had countless men guiding them in the ways of Christ, but do not have many who treated them as fathers. Paul said that he became their father in Christ Jesus through the Gospel of Jesus Christ so that he could remind them about the ways of Christ. He taught the ways of Christ everywhere and in every church.

Some men among them were becoming arrogant in their doctrines, and Paul said that he would come if the Lord permitted. He said that he did not come to listen to their doctrines, but to find out if they had received the power of the Holy Ghost. The kingdom of God does not exist of doctrines, the words of man. Paul said that it consisted in power.

Paul gave these men spreading their doctrines a solemn warning: Do you want me to come to you with a rod of correction, or with love in a spirit of gentleness?

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we place emphasis on the doctrines of men or in the Word? If Paul came today, would he find us exalting a man or the God who sent his Son, Jesus Christ? Do we find emphasis on things that came after the scriptures or "in-between the lines," 499

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or is our only emphasis placed upon the scriptures found in the Bible? What do we think we have now that was not already written in the Word of God? 500

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Going Beyond the Elementary Principals of the Law

In Galatians 4, Paul implored the people not to keep returning to the Law, making themselves slaves to the elementary principles of the world that were within the law.

Not only were the people now free from the slavery, Paul said that they were heirs. The heir, Paul said, was no different than a slave when he was a child. Though as an heir, he was the owner of everything, he remained under close watch until he was of age that the father would give him full reign and possession.

According to Paul, mankind was the same way under the Law. They were enslaved to the elementary principals of the world. They had a set of rules to abide by, and were under close watch for punishment if even one of those rules were broken.

But when the time had come for mankind to become heirs, God sent his only Son. Jesus Christ was born of a woman, born under the law. In order to redeem all mankind enslaved to the law, Christ fulfilled the entire law to adopt us as sons and daughters of God.

And now, because we are sons and daughters of God, the Holy Spirit of His Son was sent by God into our hearts to cry unto the Father. Therefore, we are no longer enslaved, but a son! And if we are sons and daughters of God, we then are also an heir through God!

Paul said that in days gone by, when mankind did not know God in His fullness, they were enslaved to those that by nature are not gods. Now that they had came to know God, or rather to be known by God, why would they even want to turn back again to the weak and worthless law? As heirs, why would they want to return back to slaves once more? Paul said that he was afraid that he labored for them in vain, since they kept returning back to the law!

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Have we remained heirs to the Kingdom of Heaven, or have we brought ourselves back into slavery of the law? Do we now stand watch over others to keep them bound in their chains of slavery by condemning them of the ways they break the law that Paul called "useless?" Or have we gone beyond the elementary principals of the law, conducting ourselves with grace, love, and peace? Do we present ourselves to others as true heirs to the kingdom, or do we hold our hands up before them to show our chains of slavery to the law? 501

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Imprisoned for Christ

Acts 16 tells how our trials are a tool in God's hand to save the lost. Because of the grace and love of Paul and Silas, the jailer came to know Jesus Christ.

Paul and Silas were not discouraged by their chains while in prison. They were praying and singing hymns of worship to God, loudly enough that the other prisoners were listening to them.

Around midnight, a great earthquake shook the foundation of the prison so violently that the doors to the prison were opened and the bonds that held every prisoner were unfastened.

The jailer woke and realized that the doors were opened, and assumed that the prisoners had fled. Rather than allow himself to be tortured for failing to keep the prisoners in their cells, the jailer started to take his own life with his sword.

Paul yelled loudly for the jailer to stop. "Do not harm yourself, for we are all here," Paul said.

When the jailer called for lights and rushed into the prison, he fell at the feet of Paul and Silas in fear. He brought them out of the prison and asked them, "Sirs, what must I do to be saved?"

Paul and Silas replied that if the jailer believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, he would be saved along with all of his household. The jailer took Paul and Silas to his house, and they spoke the Word of the Lord to all who were within. In the very same night, the jailer and all of his family were baptized.

Paul, Silas, the jailer, and his entire family feasted and rejoiced together. They all gave God the praise for their salvation through their faith in the One True God.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we rejoice in the trials we face, or do we become cast down with no hope? Do we realize that God works his salvation of ourselves and others through the trials we go through? Are we angry at the men who imprisoned Pastor Youcef, or do we give glory unto God in knowing that his testimony of grace and love may have reached one lost soul? 502

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Abiding in God Through Divine Love

1 John 4 tells us that our Love for one another is a sign that God abides within us. Anyone who does not Love does not know God.

God is Love. Love is from God, and whoever Loves those around him has been born of God and knows God. The Love of God was made manifest among us when God sent his only Son into the world for our salvation and everlasting life.

It was not a one-way Love. In sending His Son, God showed us that He Loved us. He sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. Therefore, if God Loved us, we should also Love one another!

No one has ever seen God. Yet, when we Love one another, God abides within us and His Love is perfected in us!

Through our Love, we know that we abide in Him and He in us, because He has given us His Holy Spirit. His Spirit is Love.

Our Love testifies that the Father has sent His Son to be the Savior of the world. And whoever confesses that Jesus is the Son of God accepts God to abide within. He who abides in Love abides in God and God abides in him.

We are perfecting Love within us by accepting Jesus as the Son of God, receiving the Holy Spirit, and abiding in Love. In perfect Love, we may have confidence at the day of Judgment, because God is Love. John said, "As He is, so also are we in this world".

There is no fear in Love. Perfect Love casts out fear. Fear is a part of punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in Love. We Loved because He first Loved us!

If anyone says that he Loves God and is filled with hatred, then he is a liar. He who does not Love his brother who is right before his eyes cannot Love God who he has not seen.

This is the commandment we have from God: whoever Loves God must also Love his brother.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we filled with the Holy Spirit, or are we filled with hatred which comes from the evil spirit? Do we love our neighbor greater than we love ourselves? Do we claim to be filled with the Holy Spirit while making harsh comments of hatred to our brother? Do our outward expressions expose the liar within our hearts? 503

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Do Not Forget the Gospel of Jesus Christ

In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul reminds us what the original Gospel is, the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He said that if the Gospel was forgotten, they had believed in vain.

Already, some had forgotten what the Gospel was. They believed that Jesus was the Christ and that He died for their sins, but had forgotten the Gospel that was given to the saints, the Good News that Paul dedicated his life to spreading.

Paul reminded them of the Gospel that he had preached to them. If they held fast to the Gospel of Jesus Christ, received it in their hearts and stood for it, they would be saved.

It was not difficult to remember. Paul said that the Gospel of Jesus Christ was the first and most important knowledge that he received. And it was simple: Christ died for our sins in accordance with the scriptures. He died and was buried. He rose from the dead on the third day, just as the Scriptures proclaimed. This is the Gospel that Paul said we are to believe, and this Gospel gives eternal life.

Christ did not remain in the grave. He appeared to Simon Peter and the twelve apostles. He appeared to more than five hundred brothers at one time, most of which were still alive while Paul was spreading the Good News. Then Christ appeared to James and all of the apostles.

Paul said that last of all, Christ appeared to Paul himself. He was untimely born, unworthy to be called an apostle because he persecuted the church of God.

But by the grace of God, Paul said, "I am what I am." By God's grace, Paul said that he was able to work harder than any of them in spreading the Gospel. It was not because of anything Paul could do in of himself, but by the Grace of God that was with Paul.

Paul said it did not matter who they received the Gospel of Jesus Christ from. Whether it was the apostles or himself, they preached the Gospel so that the people could believe the Gospel.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we remain founded in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Good News that Christ came, lived a perfect life and died for our sins, was buried and conquered death and hell, and then rose again so that we can rise with Him? Do we even know what the Gospel is? Have we forgotten that Christ died for sinners as well as saints? Are we a believer of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, spreading it everywhere we go, or are we spreading something else? 504

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Rolling in Dog's Vomit After the Death of the Dog

The New Testament writers gave their warning regarding false prophets and St. Peter was no exception. In 2 Peter 2, Peter held nothing back.

Peter also included false teachers in the same category as false prophets. Bringing their own doctrines into their teaching instead of the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ. He said these false teachers sneak in teachings that were heresies, teachings that were destructive to the church. To the extent that they would go so far as to deny their Master who brought them to the earth! in doing so, they would bring swift destruction upon themselves and suffer a terrible end.

These false prophets and teachers would be filled with sensuality, and many would follow them because of the attraction to the heightened emotions and senses. Peter warned that in their greed, they would begin to bring false teachings and doctrines. These false prophets and teachers were condemned from long, long ago. Their destruction does not wait to be wakened at the judgment.

Peter gave examples of God's power and authority over those who do not fully worship Him. Even the angels were cast into hell for their sin. They were chained in darkness until the day of Judgment. In the ancient world, Noah was spared for being a herald of righteousness. He and seven others survived the flood while the entire ancient world suffered a swift destruction. Sodom and Gomorrah was leveled to ashes, condemned to extinction to become an example of the fate for the ungodly.

Lot, however, was greatly upset with the sensual nature of the wicked people of Sodom and Gomorrah. Daily he was tormented over their lawless ways. God knows how to rescue the godly and righteous from such trials, and how to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of Judgment. Especially, Peter said, those who indulge in the lust of their defiling passion and despising of authority.

These false teachers and prophets boldly and willingly march forward in their destruction having no fear as they blaspheme the righteous. Even the angels who are greater in power and might will not pronounce blasphemous judgment against them before God!

Peter said these false prophets are like "irrational animals," creatures of instinct who are born to be captured and slaughtered. They blaspheme others for matters which they are completely ignorant. Peter said that in their destruction of others, they will also be destroyed. They will suffer for their wrongdoing.

Peter said that they take great pleasure in their wrongdoing in the sight of others. He said that they are nothing more than "blots" and "blemishes," taking pleasure in their deceptions in your company. 505

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He said that these false prophets and teachers have eyes full of adultery. They have an unsatisfied desire for sin, and entice the souls who are not yet steady in their faith of Jesus Christ. Their hearts are full of greed.

"Accursed children!" Peter exclaimed. They have forsaken the true path to salvation and have gone astray! They followed after the way of Balaam who loved the gain he got from his wrongdoing! Balaam was rebuked for his own transgression against God. A donkey was given a human voice to restrain the prophet's madness!

Peter compared these false prophets and teachers to waterless springs, mists that were driven by a storm. The gloom of the utter darkness of hell has already been reserved for these evil ones.

They speak loudly with their boasts of their folly. They are enticing others by their sensual passions, those who are on the edge of escaping sin to gain salvation. They promise freedom, but yet they themselves are slaves to their own corruption.

Peter said that the state of their souls were worse after learning about Christ. Though they had escaped the defilements of the world through knowing their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they again became entangled in sin. It would have been better for them to have never known the way of righteousness than to turn away from it!

Peter said that the proverb was very true: "The dog returns to its own vomit, and the pig after washing itself returns to wallow in the mire."

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Were we enticed by the boasting of sensual things? Were we leaning on the edge of the fence between heaven and hell, and chose the wrong side? Do we listen to any other doctrine than the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Do we follow after men who judge others, when even the angels of heaven tremble in fear at the thought of it? Are we enticed by their loud screaming of folly? Do we continue to follow their teachings after they met with their swift destruction? Do we roll in the dog's vomit after the death of the dog? 506

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The Ginormous "Little Bride"

In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul spoke against those who would spread doctrines of "little brides" and "chosen few" from the Christians that make up the body of Christ.

Paul said just as our own bodies are one, yet have many members, so is the Body of Christ. All members of the body, though many, are still one body! With the same Holy Spirit, we were all baptized into one Body. The Holy Spirit that was freely given to us by faith brought us together -- Jews or Greeks, slaves or free, everyone! We were all made to drink of one Spirit!

Paul said that those who would separate themselves from other Christians were silly. What if your own foot decided that since it was not a hand, it did not belong to your own body? Because it is a foot, does that make it any less part of your body? If the whole body were a foot, how would you even function!

The eye cannot say to the hand that it no longer has any need of it. Nor the head to the feet. All parts of your body, even those that seem to be weaker or less honorable are still part of your body! Paul said that we actually bestow greater honor on the parts of our body that are less desirable, because we cover them up!

Our own bodies are like the Body of Christ. God composed our bodies, giving greater honor to the parts that lacked honor. So there is no division in our own bodies, all members care for the other members of our bodies. If one member of our bodies suffer, all members suffer together. If one member is honored, all rejoice together.

Christ is the foundation that binds His body together.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Which foundation did we choose for the body we became a member of? Is it the foundation of Christ, fellowshipping with all other Christians weak or strong? Or is it the foundation of a man, separating from other Christians like the foot from the hand? Were we taught that such a small little 'elect' group would be the 'little bride,' or were we taught the same message Paul taught? Do we decide we do not like a certain group of Christians, like our heads to our undesirable body members? Or do we lift them up with love and kindness, covering up their weakness with our faith? 507

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Exalting Christ by Exalting Others

Philippians 2 tells us that we exalt Christ by exalting others. We complete our satisfaction by perfect love with one another.

Paul said that his joy was complete and perfected when the brothers and sisters were filled with love for one another. It was his encouragement in Christ when they were all in one accord, and of the same mindset that perfect love could abound.

He warned them to do nothing that led to any selfish ambition or conceit. He said that we should live our lives in humility, and that we should consider all others more significant than ourselves. We should not look to our own interests, but look to the interests of others.

Paul said that we should be more like Jesus. Jesus did not consider his equality with God when he emptied himself to become a servant born in the likeness of men. Though He was in the form of God, He put all aside for others. Christ loved others even unto the point of death, dying on a cross to lift up others.

Because of Christ's perfect love, God exalted Christ by giving Him a name that is above every name. At the name of Jesus every knee should bow in heaven and on earth, and even under the earth. Every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Paul said that through Christ is the glory of God the Father!

Paul said that we should live this way of perfect love not only in his presence, but even more so in his absence. We should work out our own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who works within us. God works in us so that we may work for His good pleasure!

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we work our our salvation by lifting up others as Paul describes? Do we seek the things of God, which is doing His good work to lift up others? Or do we lift up ourselves, thinking we have some special knowledge or mystery that all others are too sinful to find? Do we live our lives planning our strategy for increase without considering others? Or do we include them in our plans of increase, making sure they are lifted up with us? Do we have perfect love? 508

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1907 and Alexander Dowie

In WMB's 1949 sermon, "I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision" in Zion Illinois, he has great respect for Alexander Dowie. Dowie, he claims, prophesied that Branham would come.Quote:

Just recently, this afternoon, one of the brothers that's on the platform now, handed me a letter from a lady, said... A very saintly looking, motherly lady, aged, was standing in the hotel lobby, said, "Give this personally to Brother Branham." She was acquainted, of your, our great renowned brother that's--that's sleeping tonight, no, not sleeping (his body is); his soul's with Jesus: Doctor Alexander Dowie. "And forty years before... When he died, he prophesied," she said.He said, "It'll be forty years after my death, that this city shall go on the rock, but after that forty years there'll come a revival, that'll be more glorious than it was in the first place." And I have the writings here in--in--in just in part that I might read there. It's kinda... "Doctor Dowie prophesied that some forty years after his death, that the churches would be restored in more power and glory than they were in--in the former."49-0718 I.WAS.NOT.DISOBEDIENT.TO.THE.HEAVENLY.VISION

Oh, if I... If Jesus tarries, and I can stay that long, let me be like that. That's right. Brother Richey here, how I could speak of him, of how down through the age when I was a little boy in school, he was out there preaching the Gospel and praying for the sick, when I was just a boy. Your mothers and dads listened to him preach the Gospel on Divine healing, both of them out of Zion, Illinois. Candidates are out from under the--the great teacher late Doctor Dowie. How Doctor Dowie in his death prophesied that I would come to that city forty years from the time that he died. Not knowing nothing about it, he died on one day, and I was borned on the next. And forty years to the day I entered the city, not knowing nothing about it. Oh, how God's great move is coming together; I hear the sound of abundance of rain.--51-0929 OUR.HOPE.IS.IN.GOD

To those in Zion, he claimed to have been born the day after Dowie's death in 1907. John Alexander Dowie died March 9, 1907, so Branham claimed to have been born March 10, 1907.

Yet on his marriage certificate, he claimed to have been born April 8, 1908, and in his "Life Story" accounts where the fortune teller guessed his date, it was April 9, 1909.Quote:

She said, "Anybody ever tell you you were born under a sign." I said, "No, ma'am." I lied to her there, see, and I said... just wanted to see what she was going to say. And she said... I said, "No, ma'am."And she said, "Doesn't... Hasn't ministers ever told you?"I said, "I don't have nothing to do with ministers." 509

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And she said, "Uh-huh."And I said... she--she said to me... I said, "Well..." She said, "If I tell you just exactly when you was born, will you believe me?"I said, "No, ma'am."And she said, "Well, I can tell you when you were born."I said, "I don't believe it." And she said, "You were born on April the 6th, 1909, at five o'clock in the morning."55-0117 HOW.THE.ANGEL.CAME.TO.ME.AND.HIS.COMMISSION

So which was it? 1907, exactly a day after Dowie died? 1908 as he described on a government document? or 1909 at exactly five o'clock in the morning? 510

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Branham Messed Up ... Let's FIX it!

This morning, I was reviewing a site intended to answer questions ... that raises many more questions: http://www.ALivingGod.Com, a MSG website that focuses on Oneness and Church Ages.

Shocked a bit when I went through the Church Ages that Branham copied from Clarence Larkin's "Dispensational Truth." One of the mistakes WMB made when he copied the dates from Larkin and "assigned" messengers to the dates was Columba of the Thyatira Age. Columba died before the age even started.

According to WMB: "The Thyatirean Age lasted the longest of them all, about 900 years, from 606 to 1520," but Columba died in 597 -- nine years before his "age" even started:

This site,, takes liberties with the dates yet provides no explanation as to why. No mention of these dates being copied from Larkin, and they change the years slightly to allow for assumption that Columba's final years ended within the church age. changed the Thyatira age from Branham's (or actually Larkin's) teachings of 606-1520 to their own date range of 590 A.D. - 1517 A.D. 511

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The Evil Doctrine

As Paul spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, setting up churches and workers to spread the Good News, he warned against those who would add their own doctrines to hinder the faith. Romans 16 gives the warning.

Those spreading the good news were not limited to the men only. Men and women alike were workers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, spreading the Good News that Jesus Christ had came as the Messiah. They spread the message of Grace by faith in Jesus Christ, just as Paul taught.

Paul took special care to mention Phoebe, a sister in Christ who Paul considered to be a patron that helped many in their efforts to spread the Gospel. He told the church to help her in whatever she needed so that she could continue in her work. Paul mentioned many other men and women who were establishing churches, spreading the Gospel, and helping others to learn of Christ.

The early church was growing, and Paul wanted them to grow in one accord. Already men with ill intentions had been adding law back into the message of Grace, forbidding meats or drinks and spreading the Jewish tradition of circumcision into the Gentile churches. Paul warned them against those who started these divisions in the churches.

Paul considered anything contrary to the Gospel of Jesus Christ an 'obstacle.' Those who created these divisions with their doctrines did not serve Christ, but served their own appetites. Through their smooth talk and flattery, they deceived the hearts and minds of the naive.

The dedication of the early church towards the Gospel of Christ was well known. Paul rejoiced that they all taught the same message of Grace that he taught, but wanted them to be aware of the evil that came in through these doctrines. It was evil, and Paul said that the God of Peace would crush Satan under their feet.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: What message do we spread? Do we tell others from the rooftops that Jesus Christ has died for our sins, or do we spread some other message? Is our message one of Grace and Peace, or one of rules and law? Does our message bring the Christian churches in our cities and around the world together in harmony, or does it create divisions to separate ourselves from other Christians? Have we become part of the evil doctrine Paul warned about? 512

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The Difference Between Law and Grace

Romans 5 teaches us the difference between the Law and Grace.

Paul said that through one man, sin entered into the world. One rule was given to Adam, before Eve was created: Do not eat of the fruit of the tree. Though Eve ate first, Adam was the one who sinned against God, because God told Adam not to eat. Adam broke the one rule given to him.

Paul said that sin existed before the Mosaic law. Because of Adam's sin, death entered into the world. But there was a difference.

Paul said that sin was not counted before the Mosaic law. Though death reigned, as God promised if the fruit was eaten, sin was not counted. From Adam to Moses, many sinned. Sin abounded, from slaying brothers to adultery and more. Yet without law, rules cannot be broken.

When Jesus Christ gave his life for us, He offered Himself freely so that we could be righteous and holy. Now that the law has been fulfilled, we still know and remember sin, because sin was magnified under the law. Yet we are under the covenant of Grace. Paul said that Adam was a "type" of the One who was to come. Though he sinned, Adam had no reason to worry about it since he did not know the law. Likewise, though we sin, we have no reason to worry about it because God gave His Only Son to die on the cross for our salvation!

Paul said that the free gift we were given is not like Adam who trespassed against God. If many men died through Adam's mistake, how much more will live from the grace of God? The grace of one man, Jesus Christ, gives us security in knowing that we have a right to our salvation!

He said that the free Gift is not like the consequences given by God for Adam's sin. Judgment followed close behind that one single trespass, and brought condemnation to the world. The free Gift is the opposite; because of the righteousness of Jesus Christ, an abundance of Grace and free gift of righteousness abound! One trespass led to condemnation while one act of righteousness led to justification and life for all!

Paul said that the law came to increase the trespass. It came to magnify our sin. We would have never known we were sinners without the law! It's sole purpose, according to Paul, was to show us how badly we needed Grace! All are sinners!

There are over 60 sins described in the New Testament. All of which are given to show that through the Law no one could be worthy. To show anger toward another is breaking the commandment to commit murder. To look at another woman in lust is to commit adultery. All sins described in the new testament are explaining how we break each and every one of the Ten Commandments in our daily lives. And no man is without sin! 513

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But where sin increased through the law, where we were shown how pitiful we are, grace abounds all the more! Though our sins are too many to count in just a single day, God's grace is larger than we can fathom in just a single millisecond!

The law was given so that grace would one day reign through righteousness leading to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord!

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we try to uphold the law, knowing that even the Apostle Paul said it was impossible? Shouldn't we be accepting the new covenant of Grace instead? Though our anger towards another is the same as Cain killing Abel, do we continue as though we are not under the new covenant of Grace? How many sin daily through pride or anger, lust or covetousness, deceit or foolishness? How many never repent for these things, covering them by the Blood of Christ simply because they are not in the set of "rules" given by the pastor? Do our pastors even know of God's Grace? 514

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The Sermon On the Mount: The Solid Foundation

In the closing of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus said that all who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who builds his house on the rock. This sermon (Matt 6-7), should be the instructions we should live by.

Lifting Up the Downcast

He stared the sermon telling us we should lift up the downcast, and those who did would be blessed. The poor in spirit were blessed, and if we were persecuted for our stand for Him, we were laying up treasures in heaven.

Proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to Others

Using examples of "salt" and "light", he said that we should become living examples to all people. Others should see our good works and give glory to the Father in heaven.

Fulfilling the Law

The Mosaic Law had two parts: a blessing and a curse. The Jew's side of the bargain was to keep each and every one of the Law, and in return, God would give them the blessings. Since the Jews were unable to keep their part, Christ said that He came to fulfill their side of the Law. The Law, though having failed, was showing a better way. Jesus said that even though He came to fulfill it, we should continue to strive for perfection in the law. Whoever kept the Law and teaches others to do the same would be great in the kingdom of heaven.

The Law

Jesus then went on to show how the Ten Commandments were broken in our daily lives. Using examples that every man could associate with in his own life, Christ told us that our sinful flesh needed an interceder. Those who followed the Law as a set of rules were missing the much, much larger picture.

Thou Shalt Not Kill

Jesus said that everyone who is angry with his brother had violated the commandment regarding murder. Even those who ridicule others were destined to hell. We are to make peace with our brothers in reconciliation of breaking this commandment.

Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery

Every man who has looked at a woman in lust had already broken the commandment regarding adultery. He rebuked those who proclaimed to be righteous regarding this commandment and 515

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yet walked around in lust. For a man, to keep this commandment was to cut out our eyes and cast them away.

He went on to say that those who divorced their wives caused her to commit adultery. Those who married a divorced woman committed adultery. Those who were guilty of this had already broken the commandment, even though they were given a certificate of divorce.

Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness

Jesus said that any person who takes an oath on heaven or earth was potentially breaking the commandment regarding false witness. Anything more than a simple "yes" or "no" came from evil.

Peace and Love

Jesus said that we should live our lives in love and peace. If our enemies attack us, we should accept our persecution. If anyone asks for assistance, we should go an extra mile for them. If anyone is in need, we should give freely.

He said that Divine Love was not just Love for our brothers, but Love for our enemies as well. We should Love our enemies and pray for those who persecute us so that we can be sons of the Heavenly Father. God has no special regard for those who are good over those who are bad, the same sun rises on the just and the unjust. We should love everyone, just as our Heavenly Father loves all.

Give to the Needy in Secret

Those who give to the needy so that others might see their righteousness will have no reward in heaven. Our reward does not come from others on earth who see us give, but from the Father in heaven who knows our hearts. He will reward us.

Pray in Secret

Likewise, when we pray, we should pray in secret. We should not intentionally pray for others to see our righteousness. Jesus called it the way of the hypocrite.

How to Pray

Jesus even gave an example of the correct way to pray. Our prayer should be unto the Father in heaven. We should pray that He forgives us as we forgive others, and not lead us into temptation to sin. He said that the reason we should forgive others is so that the Father would also forgive us. If we do not forgive others, our Father in heaven will not forgive us.

How to Fast 516

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When we fast, we should not do so in a way that is on display for others. We should present ourselves as we normally would. If we do this in secret, we will be rewarded by our Heavenly Father.

Do Not Lay Up Treasures On Earth, Lay Them Up in Heaven

He said that we should not store up our treasures on earth. Earthly treasures will pass away. If we store up treasures on earth, our heart will remain on earth. Instead, we should lay up treasures in heaven. Jesus said that we could not serve two masters, and storing up treasures on earth would keep our hearts and minds focused on our valuables rather than on our Heavenly goal.

Do Not Be Concerned with Our Wellbeing

Jesus said not to worry about our wellbeing. He would take care of us. Whatever we need for food or drink would be provided, and our lives were more valuable than food, drink, or clothing. Our focus should remain on Him. If God can provide for the grass or flowers of the field, how much more can he provide for His Children? We should seek first the kingdom of God, and all of these things would be provided for us.

Do Not Judge Others

If we decide to judge rather than forgive, then we will be measured by the same rules that we use to judge. While judging others for something small, we do not realize that we ourselves have sin that is much greater.

Ask, and It Will Be Given

Those who do not ask will never receive. Jesus said to ask the Father in heaven for everything that we have need of. As we give good gifts for our children, God loves to give good gifts to us.

The Golden Rule

The entire Law, and the entire list of the Prophets in the Old Testament pointed to this one simple rule: treat others in the way that we ourselves wish to be treated. That rule, though very simple, is very difficult to follow. Jesus said that it was a narrow gate that led to life.

Beware of False Prophets

He gave solemn warning against prophets who proclaimed prophecy and their visions did not come to pass. They come in sheep's clothing but are inwardly ravenous wolves. Jesus said that we will recognize them by the fruits of their ministry. 517

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Jesus said that even though they proclaimed Him on earth, they would not enter the kingdom. Only those that do the will of the Father in Heaven can enter. Though they prophesy in His name, He will still tell them to depart because He never knew them. They were workers of lawlessness.

The Conclusion

Jesus said that this sermon was the Rock. Anyone who built his house on this Rock would stand against everything that came against them. Those who did not keep the teachings of this sermon had built his house on sinking sand.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: How many of these teachings have we broken daily and never even considered them? How many judge others by the law, not knowing that they themselves are breaking it? How many never lift the downcast, but push them further into the ground? How many show outward righteousness, not knowing that God does not even see it? How many never proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ? How many preachers preach law instead of Grace, mounting up judgments against themselves? How many are filled with enough love to love even their enemies? How many treat all others exactly like they themselves wish to be treated? How many worry about houses, cars, boats, retirement plans, or more, laying up treasures here on earth instead of in the kingdom of God? How many are following after famous prophets or televangelists having one or more prophecies that did not come to pass? How many have built their foundation on the rock, and how many have built theirs in the sand? 518

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2000 Cities Worldwide!!!

This is a very special day for Since February 1 when we started this journey, plenty of hardships and tears, trials and persecution have made us stronger in Christ. At every turn, Christ was always there to provide the direction, and at every question He was always there to provide the scripture. All answers are in His Word.

There is no person on this planet that Christ cannot save, no person who is beyond His Grace. As Christians, our mission in life should be to shout His Gospel, the Good News that Christ died for us, from every mountain, valley, city, street, and corner. All we have to do is believe in Christ, and He will offer salvation freely.

This journey was not an easy start. As we began looking beyond all understanding to lean on Christ, a flood of emotions got in the way. Pride had to be replaced with humility, and Divine Love had to cover all emotion. Our love had to change from not only the few brothers that stood with us, but also for all who come against us. Christ did not come to save the righteous, His love was for all mankind.

The answer to every problem came directly from God's Word. Each and every "Thought for the Day" came directly from the scriptures. Line by line, word by word, each "Thought" was simply writing the scripture in today's English. Some who challenged or objected to the "Thought of the Day" began to realize that they were objecting to the scripture itself because they had been taught a different doctrine, and joined us on our journey to the Truth.

We now have over 3,000 Facebook likes, 2000 cities actively reading our website including its publications, research articles, books, and information, multiple private research groups, support groups, and Bible study groups, and countless viewers in multiple forums we either host or are active in. People all around the world are seeking the Truth!

Please continue to pray for us as we continue to help others find answers to their questions. Pray for us as we battle those who constantly attempt to bring our sites down. Pray for the hundreds who have began their journey and for the thousands who realize something is missing from their lives, their hearts bleeding to know the Truth that comes only from Christ. Pray that all who see a post on our sites may be pointed to Christ.

Thank you for supporting us, and God bless you! 519

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Blaspheming The Name of God Through Law

09/18/2012In Romans 2, Paul says that the Jews were guilty of blaspheming the name of God by trying to enforce the Law on the Gentiles.

Paul said God judges the heart. All who sin without the Law will perish without the law, and all who sin under the Law will be judged by the law. Men are not righteous simply because one hears the rules presented in the law. Those who uphold the values and morals given in the Law are the ones justified.

Paul said Gentiles do not have the Law. Yet, by nature, they do what the Law requires. In doing so, they are a "law" to themselves. Our "law" is written on our hearts, and Paul said that our conscience is our guide. Though we have conflicting thoughts of accusation or even thoughts that excuse us from portions of the Law, Paul said that our conscience is the one that bears witness for us. God judges the secrets of the hearts of men by Christ Jesus, not the rules we impose.

Paul said the Jews were hypocritical, and were blaspheming the Name of God in their attempt to impose the rules of the Law to the Gentiles. He said that it was prophesied in scripture that they would do so.

The Jews were given law that was excellent, because they were to be a guide to the blind Gentiles living in darkness. They were presented with the knowledge and Truth. Yet, as men, they were not perfect. They preached against stealing, yet they themselves broke the commandments in either their hearts or their actions. Adultery, idolatry, and more, they were guilty of breaking the Law they tried to enforce upon the Gentiles.

Paul said that those who boast in the law dishonor God. They were guilty of breaking the Law, and this was blasphemy.

Paul said that if we rely on following the rules by the letter, or exact words in which they were written, our praise is from man and not from God. Our circumcision is one that comes from the heart, not from the physical actions. If our interpretation of righteousness is simply by obeying rules, then our "circumcision" becomes "uncircumcision." Yet, if we who are "uncircumcised" keep the precepts of the law -- the foundation for our moral conduct -- we become "circumcised" by our hearts.

They were Jews, and they were trying to teach the rules of the Law to the Gentiles. The Law was given to the Jews. Paul said that Jews are not Jews by their outward attempt at keeping Law, they were Jews inwardly from their heritage. He said the same about "circumcision." It is not an outward and physical display of following rules, circumcision is a matter of the heart and by the Holy Spirit. Our praise is from God. 520

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As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Have we blasphemed the Name of God by condemning others in their walk with Christ? Are we guilty of laying down rules of the Law that we break daily? Have we looked down on others who are circumcised by the Holy Spirit? 521

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The Priests Are at Fault for Leaving the Knowledge of God

In Hosea 4, God condemns Israel because they had lost the most valuable possession they were given: the knowledge of God.

God spoke through Hosea and let the people know that He was displeased with them. There was no faithfulness to God, no steadfast love for Him. There was no knowledge of God in the land.

Instead, they had replaced God with swearing, lying, stealing, and adultery. The people broke every facet of the law, bringing bloodshed. The entire land mourned because the people did not know God.

Without God, all who dwelled in the land suffered, from the animals in the fields to the birds in the skies to the fish of the sea. All lived condemned, they had lost their connection with God.

God said that no one should accuse another for leaving God and turning towards sin. God said that his contention was with the priests. It was because of the priests that the knowledge of God had been lost.

God said that they would stumble, and the prophet would stumble with them. Because of the priests, God would destroy.

He was very specific with the priests. They would be destroyed for their lack of knowledge. The priests had rejected knowledge of God, and He would reject them from being His priests. Because they had left the Law, God would also forget their children.

God said that the more the priests increased, the more they sinned against Him. He would change their glory into shame. The priests would feed on the sin of the people, for they were greedy.

The priests were responsible for the sin of the people, and because of this, God said that the priest would reap the punishment. They would be repaid for their deeds because they had forsaken God.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Have our pastors forgotten the knowledge of God? Do they teach us of heavenly things or earthly things of the past? Do they teach us the Bible, or some other man's doctrine? Are they spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ, or some other Gospel? Do the fruits of their ministry produce good fruit? Are their followings at peace and love with God and man, or are they filled with hatred and violence? If Hosea were sent here today, would he be given a message of praise and honor, or a message of destruction? 522

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False Apostles

Paul writing in 2 Corinthians 11 was upset because of "false apostles." Preaching a different message than the Gospel of Jesus Christ, they were leading some astray.

He felt foolish discussing the subject with them, likely feeling that they should know this already. But he asked the people to bear with him as he gave them correction.

He said that he felt a "divine jealousy" towards them, because he had presented the church as a "pure virgin" to Christ. As a husband weds his pure bride, He had presented them to Christ with the Gospel.

Yet, the people seemed to have went astray. Just as the serpent deceived Eve, the people were let away by cunning people who came with deceit. They no longer had a sincere and pure devotion to Christ, they were elevating these deceivers as "super apostles."

Paul said that he was not the least bit inferior to these "super-apostles." Even though Paul was not as skilled in his speech as they were, he was more so in knowledge of the Gospel. Everything Paul had made known to them, he did so plainly so they could easily understand. There was no other Jesus than the one Paul preached about, and no other spirit than the one that they had received.

He asked them if he was wrong in the way he humbled himself so that they could be exalted. He had preached the Gospel to them free of charge, yet they were turning towards men who were seeking to profit. He accepted support from other churches so that he could preach to them without cost, and did not burden anyone with his needs.

Paul said that he was going to undermine the claim of those that had boasted themselves before the people. He would continue to do so, and let the word spread that they were false apostles. They were deceitful, disguising themselves as an apostle of Christ.

He compared these false apostles directly to Satan. Satan himself puts on the disguise of an angel of light. It should be no surprise to them that Satan's servants disguise themselves as servants of righteousness.

Paul said that their end would correspond to their deeds.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we follow after men who spread a message different than the Gospel of Jesus? Have we elevated men above ourselves, when even the Apostle Paul humbled himself and asked to remain so? Have we created "super-apostles," men who we consider to be greater than ourselves? Do we rely on their spirit instead of the Holy Spirit within our hearts? Do we follow after strange lights, when even Satan disguises himself as an 523

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angel of light? Do we remain in the following of men whose end has already corresponded to their deeds? 524

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Preparing for Battle

Ephesians 6 tells us how we should prepare for battle as we start each day.

We are to put on the full armor of God, not just a portion of it. Learn everything we can learn about God's Word, so that we can be strong in His strength and His might.

We are not fighting against flesh and blood; mortal men who Jesus gave His life to save. We are fighting against the forces of evil, the powers of darkness. Our battle is against the spiritual forces of Satan that influences men to stray from or deny God's Word.

Paul says that we must take the whole armor of Go so that we can withstand this evil. We have to stand firm in God's word.

Like a soldier preparing himself for battle against men, we should prepare ourselves for battle against the forces of evil. Fasten ourselves to God's belt of Truth, and put on God's breastplate of righteousness. Our shoes should be the Gospel, which is a gospel of peace. In every circumstance, our shield is a shield of faith, which will protect us from every flaming dart or arrow that comes from the evil one. Our helmet should be the helmet of salvation, and our sword one of the Holy Spirit. This sword, Paul said, is the Word of God.

Like a soldier receiving instruction from the commander in chief, we should pray at all times. Pray in the Spirit, asking God for his mercy and strength. Pray for not only ourselves, but for all of the saints.

Paul asked the people to also pray for him, that the words coming from his mouth should boldly proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He considered himself to be an ambassador in chains, a prisoner in Christ. He asked that they pray that he can boldly declare the Truth of the Gospel, which is what he ought to be speaking.

We also pray the same. As you pray each day, remember us in your prayers of faith that we may also boldly proclaim God's Word to those who need it most in their battle against the enemy. Ask God that we may say exactly what is needed for those battling the enemy just at the time that they need it. Pray that through us, others may gain strength in the Lord, and that God's army may press on to victory! 525

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Removal of Mold

Many people mistakenly think the Bible is only a book of spiritual food and rules, but it is simply not true. Leviticus 14 shows us that the Bible is a much, much more diverse book of instruction. God gave His children instructions even for removal of the mold in their houses.

God told Moses and Aaron that if they found mold in their houses, the children of Israel were to speak to the priest for its removal. To ensure the mold did not spread to the other belongings during this process, all items in the house were to be emptied.

When the priest examines the disease, he looks to see what type of mold is growing: red mold or green mold. If the mold seems to be deeper than just the surface, the priest is to board up the house for seven days to let the mold dry out.

On the seventh day, if the priest finds that the mold is still spreading, then the stones or blocks affected are to be removed and placed in the garbage dump outside of the city. The rest of the house is to be scraped, removing all mold. Any plaster that is removed by scraping is to also be removed and placed in the garbage dump. The stones are to be replaced with new stones, free from mold.

After the house has been scraped and cleaned, if the mold breaks out again, then the house is deemed unclean. The entire house, including all stones, timber, and plaster is to be removed and placed in the garbage dump.

Anyone who enters the house while the mold is drying out is to be considered unclean until the evening. All clothes must be washed, and those who sleep in his house must also wash their clothes.

On the other hand, if the scraping and removal of mold causes the spreading to stop, the priest will pronounce the house to be free from mold. At this point, he is to apply a cleaning solution to the house seven times. Every trace of the mold must be removed.

As Christians, we should have knowledge of the spiritual things. But we should also have knowledge of the earthly things that are required in life. We should never be so spiritually minded that we are no earthly good, in the same way we should never be so earthly minded that we are no spiritually good. The Bible is our example! 526

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Bless The Name of the Lord

Like David in Psalm 135, let us bless the Name of the Lord, Praising the One True God above all.

Everyone give praise! Those that are servants for the Lord, doing His work, praise the name of God! Those who stand faithful in the house of the Lord, praise God! Those who have the gift of song, praise God! Everyone lift His Holy Name in praise!

We serve a God who chose Jacob as the father of Israel for His own. He is God above all other gods of this earth. God does whatever He sees fit for us, as it pleases Him to do. God makes the clouds form at the ends of the earth, and brings terrible lightening for the rain. Even the winds are in His control!

God fights our battles for us, there is nothing to fear. He struck down the firstborn of Egypt, both man and beast. He sent great signs and wonders to pronounce judgment against Pharaoh and his army. He battled for Israel against many nations, leaving the promised land free for the taking!

The Name of the Lord endures forever, throughout eternity. This mighty God that we serve will not only show his wonderful power in our lives, but will also show his compassion for those who serve Him!

The world has turned to idolatry. Their new idols are the things made with human hands. They look and feel tremendous, but yet will one day lie in ruin with the people that do not worship our God.

Everyone bless the Lord! Bless the God that loves his people in every land and every nation. Praise Him for sending His Son, Christ Jesus! Praise Him for sending His Holy Spirit in our lives! Praise Him for giving us the power to lead others to His Holy Spirit! Praise ye the Lord! 527

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Freemasonry and The Message

Freemasonry in the message is harder to detect, by the simple nature of the religion itself. Masons have mixed idolatry, paganism, the occult, Gnosticism, Kabala, fertility cults, Satanism, spiritualism, demonology, and more, creating a hodge-podge of false religions into one combined evil.

Some believe this religion that encompasses so many results of the idolatry described in the old testament is the Harlot of Babylon described in the Book of Revelation. Regardless of whether it is or not, it is truly Pagan worship. Masons offer new recruits "the light". The light they are actually giving is: Lucifer. The Christian Bible says that Satan walks to and fro on this earth masquerading as an "angel of light", that many might be deceived.

Mystery Religion of Nature, Pyramidology, and Astrology

Masons repeatedly are directed to the "Mystery Religion," claiming that their religion was one hidden in ancient teachings and lost over time. The fundamental belief of the Masons is that this mystery will be revealed to the people in the last days.

The core element of the Mason religion points back to the time man found God in nature. Masons believe that ancient man studied nature as his bible before the written Word.

As time progressed, man set up a great monument to corroborate the Bible: The Great Pyramid of Giza. This pyramid, according to the Masons, is believed to be representation of the mystery religion.

During the troubled times of the Middle Ages, Masons believe that the truth was written in the stars. The Zodiac was the outlined interpretation of the mystery religion.

Study of [basic] numbersMasons have a fascination of studying [elementary] numbers. It is prominent throughout their doctrine, and used to depict not only basic core beliefs, but advanced knowledge as well.

The numbers 33 and 3 are both believed to have significant meaning. Masons believe that when the 'Sons of man' fell, they landed on Mount Hermon in what used to be Phoenicia, now in Israel. This location is exactly 33.33 degrees north and 33.33 degrees east.

Oddly, it is 2012 miles from the equator, and 2012 miles from the Paris Meridian. Many ancient structures are aligned to the Paris Meridian, and Masons believe that this is significant in their study of the New World Order. An 'unearthly' ruler will return. 528

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Also interesting is that 33.33 degrees translate to 2012.9 degrees of the earth -- which corresponds to December 21, 2012 (the date the ancient Mayans believed their calendar would end.)

Their core belief system is very basic:Three is the third whole number excluding zero.Three is the sum of the first three whole numbers.In the first three numbers, 0, 1, 2 all of the others are synthesized.From the union of oneness and duality (which is its reflection), that is, from triad, proceed all of the other numbers, and from this primordial triangle all figures derive.A triangle, with three sides, is the first closed a two dimensional object.RNA has a triplet codon system.DNA has a triplet codon system.Human chromosomes can present trisomy. We are hard-wired for the number three.3 mammalian Germ layers: Endoderm- Mesoderm- Ectoderm 3principal stages of glucose respiration: Glycolysis~ Krebs cycle~ Electron transport chain.

But later moves on from basic discovery to theology common among all cultures:There are three main Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity and Islam. The Holy Trinity in Christian doctrine (or trinity in general), is God both as a single being and three persons: The Father, the Son and the Spirit. This is also known as Tripartite division.Jesus rose from the dead on the third day.The Wise Men who visited Jesus after His birth left Him three gifts.Three Wise MenIn Muslim devotional rites, certain formulas are repeated three times, and others thirty-three timesA devout Muslim tries to make a pilgrimage to all three holy cities in Islam: Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem

Finally, it is included in their organizational structure:Three Grand MastersThree Principle OfficersThree Great Supports of MasonryThree Great Lights of MasonryThree Distinct KnocksThree DegreesThree Orders of ArchitectureThree Precious Jewels of a Fellowcraft.Three Wages of a Fellowcraft Mason.The Three VillainsThe Three Deacons Raps

Watching You, Watching You! There's An All-Seeing Eye Watching You! 529

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Masons teach that the 'capstone' of the pyramid was the deity to be worshipped. The capstone was an 'all-seeing eye.' The symbol on the dollar bill has been taught since the 18th century by Masons in their pagan religion to describe the one who would bring the New World Order.

This symbol, having three sides, lines up with the Mason's theology of the 'threes'.

The Sixth SenseMasons teach that we have lost our 'sixth sense' abilities. To find a higher faith than what we were given, we must learn the ancient 'sacred science' that allows us to move on to a higher plane. Quote:"It is the opening of a sixth sense through which a man actually feels his immortality with the same absolute certainty as he feels another object through the sense of touch. This sixth sense cannot be communicated from one person to another; it lies dormant in all; it must be developed through spiritual exercises -

Baphomet: The Breasted GodImageThe breasted god 'Asherah' combined with other gods of Baal became the imaginary god Baphomet. The Knights Templar performed rituals to this pagan god during the foundation of Freemasonry.

The False ProphetMany false prophets were openly Mason. Others hid it well, but were discovered after their deaths. This is not limited to William Branham.Oral Roberts was a 33'rd degree Mason. The design of his medical center included the three-sided pyramid.Charles Taze Russell's grave, similar to William Branham's is the form of a pyramid. Russell founded the Jehovah's Witness religion. Russell was a 33rd degree mason.Joseph Smith of the Mormons was also a 33rd degree Mason.Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology, was a 33rd degree Mason.Prophetess Ellen G. White, founder of the Seventh-day Adventist [SDA] Church; was a Mason and believed to be a Wiccan.The list could go on throughout the ages.

Almost none of Masonry's teachings come from Christianity, yet there are enough doctrinal teachings spread throughout William Branham's ministry to fill an entire forum. Since Freemasonry is a combination of several false religions, the rest of this forum will speak for itself.

The thing that binds all of the false religions together is the capstone. This capstone is on display for all to see: 530

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The Sun That Stood Over Gibeon

The Bible is a book of Truth. With the exception of scriptures of prophesy or symbolism, it is a literal Truth. We can rest with assurance that every passage contained is accurate to the degree of the knowledge of the ancient languages by the translators. Each scroll can be read and understood without assumptions or additional outside knowledge.

In Joshua 10, the event described is a literal event, not a symbolic event. Yet the sun and moon stood still.

"Sun, stand still at Gibeon, and moon, in the Valley of Aijalon. And the sun stood still, and the moon stopped, until the nation took vengeance on their enemies. Is this not written in the Book of Jashar? The sun stopped in the midst of heaven and did not hurry to set for about a whole day. There has been no day like it before or since, when the Lord heeded the voice of a man, for the Lord fought for Israel."

The simple explanation for this is that Joshua did not know the orbital paths of the stars and planets. Some believe that he did not understand the earth's rotation and the sun's orbit as compared to the earth's orbit, and that God understood what Joshua said even when Joshua did not fully understand the mechanics.

In our opinion, Joshua did understand. Ancient artifacts uncovered through archaeology have proven that the ancient cultures had a full and complete grasp of the solar system. The newest craze is the Mayans, who have the most accurate solar calendar uncovered today. But the Mayans are not the only ones who had an understanding of the solar system.

The ancient Babylonians also had a very solid understanding of the solar system. The gods they studied were stars and planets, worshipping the sun, moon, and stars. Though their star charts and orbital systems have proven to to be very accurate, there is one major difference in their description of the solar system and ours: another planet.

Though the names differ, the Babylonians have a name for each planet in our solar system, and one extra planet, Nibiru. It is the Babylonian word for "crossing over" or "transition."

Coincidentally, other great cities in the Babylonian empire besides Babylon have the same understanding of the solar system. Ancient Sumerians also include a tenth planet in their description of the solar system, as do the Assyrians.

Yet, our understanding of this tenth planet they describe is limited. What if it were not a planet? What if our solar system contained a second sun?

Let's consider for a moment the words of Joshua. "Sun stand still at Gibeon." "Moon, in the valley of Aijalon." 532

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Why did Joshua identify the sun and moon using earthly locations? Were you and I there, we would have simply said, "Sun and moon: stand still," especially in the heat of the battle.

A modern theory for this event is that our solar system contained more than one sun, and that more than one moon revolved around the earth. It is not too far fetched, when you consider that other solar systems in our galaxy have more than one sun, and many planets have more than one moon.

Had the sun, the one that was over Gibeon, stood completely still it would have dropped out of our orbit. Likewise, the moon that was over the valley of Aijalon would drop out of earth's orbit.

As time progresses, our knowledge and understanding of the ancient world increases. Unlike other religions, Christianity is proven by time and vindicated by science. One day, all things will be made known.

Whether there were two suns, whether there were two moons, whether Joshua did not know and understand our solar system, or whether another fact we have not considered can explain the event, it does not matter. What matters is that it happened. We can rest with assurance that God fought the battles for Israel to the extent that He considered Joshua's battle to be more important than even the solar system.

Our God loves us and protects us! 533

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Vibrations in the Hand - Direct from Wiccan

Vibrations in the hand to detect disease is not something new to WMB. This practice has been around since the dark ages, and is practiced still today by Wiccans.

Consider this:Wiccans describe the detection of sickness through 'vibrations', and can be felt through the hand: 'prophecy' is fully dependent upon the understanding of time by the view through the 'crystal ball' healing must involve upsetting the patient's imagination, loud boisterous communication in a fully quiet environment: religious experiences include that of white lights, and believe that the body and soul are made up of lights: believe you can 'project your spirit': believe in the 'presence' of the dead in our midst:

Tell me, how many of these things sound familiar? 534

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Eat, Drink, and Be Merry! God Has Approved It!

Ecclesiastes 9 is God's way of telling us that we should not let power-hungry men take away the good life that God has given us.

Though this is such a simple Truth, it was enough that Paul confirmed it time and again throughout the New Testament. In Colossians 2:18, Paul warns us not to let any man rob us of our good life by insisting on asceticism. These men, according to Paul were bringing forth the worship of angels, going on in detail about their visions, puffed up without reason by their own sensuous minds.

Paul typically spoke in general terms when dealing with this subject. As the Gospel of Jesus Christ spread into the Gentiles, there were many ways of life in the non-Jewish culture that had no specific rule in the Mosaic law. Ecclesiastes, however, gets very specific in detail.

Ecclesiastes 9 says to eat your bread with joy. We should be thankful with the food that God has provided us!

It says to drink your wine with a merry heart, for God has already approved what we do. Let no man tell you that you cannot drink your wine, and do not drink it in sorrow! If any man tells you not to drink your wine, simply reply, "God has already approved what I do!"

Let your garments always be white, and do not let oil be lacking on your head. As with most verses in the scriptures, this has a physical and a spiritual context. Physically, we should not go around unkempt, un-groomed, or filthy. We are representatives of The King, and we should present ourselves as such. Spiritually, our garments have been made white as snow by the cross at Calvary. We are anointed with the oil which is the Spirit.

Enjoy your lives with the woman you love. As man and wife, you should enjoy your time on this earth all the days of our lives under the sun. God has given us our portion in life, and that is to enjoy the good things He has given. Whatever our hands can find to do, do it the best we can! There is no work, thought, knowledge, or wisdom in the grave that we will one day fill, so we should therefore do the best we can to enjoy these things in life!

At the end, Ecclesiastes gives the same warning about asceticism that Paul gives, though in a different way. It says that "Wisdom is better than the weapons of war, but one sinner destroys much good."

All it takes is one man to take away our victory. All it takes is one man to spread a doctrine of legalism, modern asceticism. Many will follow after, snared in their traps.

One man can take away the good life God has given us. 535

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As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Have we followed a message of asceticism? How many forbid themselves of wine because they wrongly think it makes their bodies un-holy? How many deny televisions, movies, or other entertainment -- the good, healthy ones -- because some man tells them it leads them away from righteousness? How many bottle themselves up in asceticism, thinking all enjoyment in life is from 'Satan's Eden?' Does our testimony of asceticism cause men and women to turn away from Christ? Does it cause the seeking to refuse Christianity because of self denial? Does our testimony align with the scriptures? 536

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A large portion of the Masonic belief system is taken from Gnosticism.

Though Gnostic beliefs sound Christian on the surface, they are structured in such a way that Jesus Himself is depreciated and 'Gnosis' is elevated. There are many points of interest, but the common ones are these:

1. secret knowledge,2. asceticism,3. depreciation of Christ (lowering Him in name and in glory),4. strict rule-keeping, ceremonies, or rituals5. worship of angels,6. and reliance on human wisdom and tradition.

Paul warns against Gnostics in Colossians:Let no one disqualify you, insisting on asceticism and worship of angels, going on in detail about visions, puffed up without reason by his sensuous mindColossians 2:18

The most identifiable topic found in the message is the 'secret knowledge.' Gnostics teach that you must 'read in-between the lines' to get the Truth, and that the Truth is hidden in mystery for only the chosen ones. This secret knowledge is required to gain your ascension.

The second (and most important to the faith) is asceticism. Denying yourself of the enjoyment of life by avoiding life's pleasures. This topic alone is condemned in several places in the Bible from the Old Testament to the New. Asceticism breeds legalism, and legalism breeds works-righteous faith. Gnostics must 'earn' their salvation, making the Cross of Jesus Christ of non-effect.

Depreciation of Jesus Christ is very cunning. It is not obvious for the beginner to see, but the message of William Branham took a very slow course of action in bringing Christ down to our level.

Using reverse psychology tactics intended for a two-year-old, WMB would tell a story of how a woman claimed that he "put too much emphasis on Jesus," turning it into a funny story that psychologically made us think that he actually did. He did not.

WMB claimed that the Holy Spirit left Jesus in Gethsemane. With this conclusion, Jesus suffered and died on the cross as a man and not as God. If man dies for our sins, there is no remission of sin. 537

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He also claimed that Jesus and Satan were equal at one time. Jesus was lowered to the level of not only an angel, but a fallen angel.

WMB taught that Jesus could do nothing unless the 'Father showed him'. At this point in his ministry, Jesus was lowered to the level of just a prophet.

This theology is Gnostic, and comes directly from the evil one. Regardless of whether or not WMB knew he was serving Satan, this point in his ministry was quickly becoming an ambassador for the devil. This writer and this forum wishes to give WMB the benefit of the doubt, hoping and praying that his soul was simply mislead.

Strict rule-keeping is not only visible in the message, but required. Earrings are forbidden, though not a single scripture forbids. Makeup is forbidden, though not a single scripture condemns. Several scriptures twisted, misinterpreted, or invented to create a rule-based religion towards a works-righteous faith system. Were these things required for our salvation, Paul would have preached a message of works and not Grace.

Worship of angels is also strongly supported in the message of William Branham. By elevating the fallen angel (Satan), and lowering the Son Jesus Christ, angels are given greater status. WMB claimed he could do nothing his 'angel did not tell him -- instead of relying on Jesus Christ. Angelic worship is prevalent, but the question we have is which side these angels were fighting for.

Reliance on human wisdom and tradition is prideful. Most followers of William Branham today will tell you that you can only earn salvation if you follow the tradition of William Branham. Those who do not believe in their 'prophet' are not worthy of the bride of Christ and will not be in the 'rapture.' The pastor in the church in Jeffersonville teaches that all Christians not part of this elect group will be 'servants' to the 'bride.' This group is worthy to be called 'bride' because they have the 'knowledge' of William Branham.

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Kabballah and Name Numerology

Quote:Everything in this world consists of energy which is the source of life and power. Every individual possesses a certain amount of energy as well. Even people's names have their own energy which in some ways determines their future and influences their present life. Kabbalah numerology is a whole study that is mostly associated with names, rather than numbers. It has a lot in common with kabalistic mysticism and it originated from the Hebrew alphabet. ... ology.html

Name numerology is mysticism and not scriptural. Though the content below started in a thread related to Wicca, we decided to move it to it's own thread because it can be said that it is also part of Buddhism, Hinduism, and several other religions.

WMB specifically chose to target the names 'Elvis' and 'Ricky' as names we should never use for our children, but the truth of the matter is that many, many people share the same signs for their names.

The numerologies that WMB used in his ministry were all 'basic' numbers, numbers used in numerology calculators that translate to the numbers 0-9. With only nine choices, many names also match the number of Elvis (which is 9). "Johnny", for instance, is the same as "Elvis." Try your name here:

Elvis Presley's name just happened to calculate to a '9', which is symbolic to the 'cat.' Cats, as we know, are superstitious in many aspects, but especially in Wicca.

Quote:Cats perceive things beyond the physical world.Anyone who's had a cat has seen evidence of this. Watch a cat on Hallowe'en night, or in the house of someone who's recently passed. They are obviously seeing things that we don't see.

Another example is cats' sensitivity to energy. Cats are irresistibly drawn to ritual and sacred space. This is not always a good thing . . . If a Witch's cat is peeved, it's not unusual for it to express its feelings all over her altar or ritual items.

On the plus side, this sensitivity makes the cat a wonderful companion in working magick. Cats can protect a working Witch, and act as a messenger in the spirit realm or energetic level.

This is why cats are common Witches' Familiars. 539

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Black cats are just double the witchiness! A black cat is one of the most common Wicca symbols, to outsiders.

See also Evil Eye.

WMB was very afraid of cats. Odd that a child of God would fear superstitious feelings, however WMB was afraid of them.Quote:

You people can have them if you want them, now, see, but I'm scared of a cat. And so I--I just don't like that superstitious feeling you get around them. And so we don't have them around house, and--and I believe the cat can realize that I'm afraid of him. So, my father was afraid of cats. So, then, my little girls knowed not to have any cats around there. 63-0118 SPIRIT.OF.TRUTH

Quote:I seen a--a little... pretty, little ol' kitten, and he was laying on a silk pillow, and he was the cutest little fellow. And I walked over there (and I'm afraid of a cat),60-1209 THE.SARDISEAN.CHURCH.AGE

Quote:Excuse this, sisters; I don't like a cat. I just can't stand them61-0415B FROM.THAT.TIME

WMB often referred to Elvis as meaning "cat". This came directly from numerology of Wicca, using basic interpretations of the number '9'. Wiccans, like masons, place great value on numbers, and cats as we know have 9 lives.

The "cat's nine lives" myth comes from ancient egypt, but was carried forward in Wicca. The number 9 is deeply associated with cats.Quote:The three great symbols of Bast-Wicca are the nine-pointed star (representing, among other things, the ninefold rebirth cycle of a cat's spirt), the Key of the Nile (also known as the ankh, the ancient Egyptian symbol of life), and the sun, which symbolizes the Bast's original role as a solar deity. -- Exploring Spellcraft: How to Create and Cast Effective Spells

WMB claims to have got this meaning of names from 'numerology':Quote:I... Excuse that, see, I--I didn't mean that, see, but I sometimes I get over-enthused, I guess. But I mean... Ricky is all right. I just don't like the name, that's right. But you look that up in 540

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numerology, you'd re-name your child. Yes, sir. Now, Ricky or Elvis, or something like that, oh, mercy! So, oh, anyhow, now, you see they have to. They didn't have those names gone by, it has to come. This is the age for it to be here. Sure. Exactly right.62-0603 THE.END.TIME.EVANGELISM

Of course, this is not Christian theology. WMB must have been confronted about this, because he does a 180 -- and claims he is NOT using numerology. He claims instead of what he first mentioned that he has TSTL:Quote:Now, we find out that they set the pace. And did you ever notice, our young boys has become "Ricky" and "Elvis." You got a child named that, change it right quick, call him number "one" or "two," or something. Don't, that's a horrible... You say, "What difference does the name mean?" Why, sure, it means something. Your name characterizes your life. "Now, Brother Branham, you're on numerology." No, I'm not! I'm on THUS SAITH THE LORD!63-0120M THE.VOICE.OF.GOD.IN.THIS.LAST.DAYS

He then blends the two:Quote:That expression. If you only--only knew the numerology of the Bible, and know what Elvis or--or Ricky means, to the Scripture! Uh-huh. Just like, why did Jesus... You say, "There is nothing to that, your name." There isn't? That name could only come in this last days, for this last-days people.63-0728 CHRIST.IS.THE.MYSTERY.OF.GOD.REVEALED 541

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Let My People Go

The story of the Exodus continually speaks of God hardening the heart of Pharaoh. Most are confused by this, because it seems that God is hindering progress of delivering His people from their slavery. This is not the case.

In Exodus 5, when Moses and Aaron first said, "Let my people go," Pharaoh simply refused. "Who are you that I should obey your God's voice?" he asked.

Though the scripture does not mention the hardening of the heart, the process began. Pharaoh decided to let the children of Israel make their bricks without straw, which would have been a great hindrance to progress. No man of sound mind would make such a commandment unless he did not expect results. His heart was hardened.

As the servants labored without good production, they were beaten harshly. Pharaoh commanded that the same number of bricks be given to the people, though they had no straw.

Even Moses and Aaron were confused by this. "Why have you done this evil to the people?" they asked. "Why did you even send me to Pharaoh, things are worse now than before, and the people have not been delivered?"

God had a plan.

The children of Israel were comfortable with their lifestyle. They had been slaves for several years, and saw the overwhelming power of Egypt. To them, Moses must have seemed like such a small thing compared to the great army of Egyptians.

Had Pharaoh allowed them to leave, warning them that they would no longer be under the protection of the Egyptian army, many would have refused! The children of Israel had never fought their own battles against other nations, nor did they want to. Egypt was security, and they were comfortable.

God did not harden Pharaoh’s heart for the sake of Pharaoh, He did it for His children. With each instance of Pharaoh’s heart being hardened, the children of Israel became more aware that they were serving under a ruthless ruler concerned only with his own pleasure in power. God flushed Pharaoh’s power and money hungry personality to the surface so that the children of Israel could see his evil.

Because of the hardness of Pharaoh’s heart, the children of Israel were given bravery.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: If we are in a church with false teachings, do we stay out of comfort? Do we attend because of our love of God, or because of our friends and family? Can we see God hardening the hearts of the pastors spreading false doctrines? Can we 542

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see the congregation becoming unsettled by their angry personalities being flushed to the surface? Are we beginning our Exodus to Christ? 543

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The New World Order

The most fundamental belief to the Masonic teaching is the New World Order. It is the belief that the 'world order' we have today will be replaced with a 'new world order,' and those who have earned their right to be part of it will ascend to a higher plane.

This teaching has spun off several cultish conspiracy theory followings, since their pathway to this new world is covered in mystery. Any time a group of people claims to have knowledge of a deep mystery that will one day give them power over another, both the group claiming and the group wanting isolate themselves with pure hatred. But the mistake of the conspiracy theorists is that it is an earthly 'world order' instead of a spiritual one.

Ancient Babylon brought much of its mysterious worship directly from Egypt. The ancient gods they worshipped are very similar in structure to the ancient gods of Egypt, and most are identified in the Zodiac. The stars, to the ancient mystery Babylon, were the gods.

Egypt had something the Babylonians did not have, however. Egypt has three great monuments representing the stars in Orion's belt. Aligned perfectly to the stars in Orion, the three pyramids in Egypt are an earthly representation of the stars in the heavens.


Before the pyramids were constructed, Baal worship of the stars was simply done by observing them. To the Baal worshipper, the 'Zodiac' was their bible. Once the pyramids were constructed, they acted as a second bible.Quote:God is from above. He's writing the zodiac in the sky. Zodiac starts with the Virgin, the first coming of Christ, ends up with the Leo, the Lion, the second coming. And He's writing His first Bible. There's three of them.One of them was written in the skies, one in the pyramids, one on this. Everything in God is in a trinity, like a man's in a trinity. All right.Then after He got all that written, the stars and the planets off that sun. Then I can see a big ball of ice laying yonder somewhere, this earth. And He brood over the earth, moved it over around the sun, dried it off. And He begin His creation on the earth.51-0729A THE.RESURRECTION.OF.LAZARUS

Egyptians worshipped the sun god, Ra. Ra was primarily identified with the midday sun, when it was at its hottest. During this time, the pyramids point directly to the sun god, and become beacons toward their false god.

Because of this, it is believed that the capstones were an object of worship. The capstone was basically the 'eye' that pointed to Ra. Coincidentally, the 'Eye of Ra' is the female counterpart to the sun god Ra. Its symbols are found in ancient Egyptian worship as well as mystery Babylon. 544

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ImageMasons also believe this is an object of worship, and include it in not only their belief structure, but place it in symbols that are hidden in plain sight. Even the masonic symbol of a compass and ruler are laid out in such a way that resembles a pyramid with a 'G' as a character symbolizing the 'eye.'ImageMasons tie the 'New World Order' teaching to scripture by only partially interpreting the Greek word 'kosmos.' Kosmos does mean 'world order,' but it means much, much more than that. Kosmos is not just the order and harmony of the world we live in, it is the harmony of every single world in the entire universe! Like a huge clock, each inner working of the stars and planets are in perfect harmony with each other, perfectly in order, forming the Kosmos.

Masons teach that this verse refers to an 'earthly order,' and specifically those who are not chosen. Quote:"A little while and the world will see Me no more." That meant the world order, the unbelievers. "The unbelievers will see Me no more. Yet you shall see Me (ye,) for I will be with you, even in you, to the end of the world." 55-0620 CONTENDING.FOR.THE.FAITH

Masons contend that this world order, the unbelievers, will be replaced with a new world order. Though scripturally this is very close to truth, it is subtly different. This belief separates the 'elect' from the 'unworthy,' making the cross of Jesus Christ of non effect. Most cults that rise and separate themselves follow this same belief system.

When teaching historically, Masons identify each 'world order' to the cleansing of the old and the replacing with the new. Scripturally, this is very close, because in the first destruction of the world by water, there was only a very small group of people saved. Reading the description of the second coming in the New Testament, however, we do not find a small group unless taken out of context. "The harvest is plenty and the workers are few."

Where Masons deviate quickly from the Bible is the placement of dates to their events. The "No man knows the hour" scripture is omitted, and Masons try to calculate the end time according to numerologies derived from their Kabbalistic teachings.Quote:But look, let's take historically speaking. The first two thousand years, the world order come to a climax, and God destroyed the world with water. You know that? Then it come forth as a new world. And the second two thousand years, it came to its end again and God sent Jesus. Is that right? This is the end of the next two thousand years, 1954. And the Gospel, Jesus said, "The work would be cut short." For what? "The elect's sake, or no flesh would be saved," it would so wicked. So we're at the end time. And then the seventh, in type, is the Millennium, a thousand years.54-0513 THE.MARK.OF.THE.BEAST 545

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When one date is missed, as shown above, then another date is implemented. Numerologies target the next sequence of dates.

The strongest masonic teaching we find in the 'message' of William Branham is the 'Future Home of the Heavenly Bridegroom and the Earthly Bride'. During this sermon, not only did William Branham teach the entire New World Order doctrine from start to finish, he drew it on a blackboard.

The mystery Babylon 'all seeing eye' found on the dollar bill becomes Branham's god.

Quote:I don't have my pocketbook with me. But if you'll notice in your pocketbook, if you have a one-dollar bill, they have the seal of the United States; a eagle on one end, a-holding the spears, the coat of arms, as it were; and on the other end, it's got the pyramid, with a all-seeing eye on top of it. See, they didn't know what they were doing. And on there it's wrote in Latin, and you'll find out it says it, this is "the great seal." They didn't know what they were doing. Neither did Caiaphas know he was prophesying.411 [Brother Branham illustrates at the blackboard--Ed.] There is the Great Seal. Here it is, see, the City. It's not just a flat cube like this, see, but it leans up so it can be seen. And upon this holy Mountain of the Lord, the Lord shall descend upon top of His Mountain; here He is. That's the reason the capstone wasn't put on by Enoch. See? That's the reason the Capstone has to come now. And the Mountain will be pushed up, and it'll be the Mount of the Lord.64-0802 THE.FUTURE.HOME.OF.THE.HEAVENLY.BRIDEGROOM.AND.THE.EARTHLY.BRIDE

As he draws the pyramid on the blackboard, he specifically uses the period of time that the structure pointed to the sun god, Ra. The Great Pyramid of Giza DOES cast a shadow, but not at the time that it becomes the Eye of Ra. During midday as it points to the sun God, the pyramid casts no shadow. In the same breath, Branham claims that the Eye of Ra is Jesus Christ!Quote:On this Throne, look, so high! The New City; with the foundations; twelve gates; Jesus, the Headstone; the apostles, judging; the twelve tribes.The pyramid of Enoch casts no shadow no time of the day. I've been in Egypt, at the pyramids. It's so geographically fixed, and in the dimensions of this great geometrical figure; that, no matter where the sun is, there is never a shadow around the pyramid. See how it is?And there'll never be no night there. Him on top of the Mountain, floods it with His glory. His Glory Light will be there all the time. There'll be no night there. Jesus, the Headstone!64-0802 THE.FUTURE.HOME.OF.THE.HEAVENLY.BRIDEGROOM.AND.THE.EARTHLY.BRIDE

Masons, by name, symbols, and teachings, are architects. They teach that to become part of this 'New World Order', one must earn their ticket by the work of their hands. They are all architects, and the Eye of Ra is the 'divine architect.'Quote: 546

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Jesus gone to prepare, with the Divine hands, a Divine City; Divine Architect, for a Divine-boughten people, for a predestinated people. He has gone to prepare.Abraham was looking for it. "And he professed that he was a pilgrim and a stranger, for he looked for a City Whose builder and maker was God." That prophet, knowing it was somewhere! John saw it coming down, but Abraham thought it must be on earth right then. Why? He met Melchisedec, the King of it, and give Him a tithe. "Which had no father, or no mother. He had no beginning of life or no ending of life." Abraham met Him, and they took communion right on the literal spot where the City will be raised up, the holy Mountain of the Lord, where the Redeemed will live. Oh, my!That time just don't stop. No, we're in time; after a while we'll go to Eternity.64-0802 THE.FUTURE.HOME.OF.THE.HEAVENLY.BRIDEGROOM.AND.THE.EARTHLY.BRIDE

Masons also teach that their group -- and only the more advanced in their group -- are able to earn a place in the New World Order. Quote:Oh, holy Mountain! There will be streets of transparent gold, avenues; and houses, and parks. If you want to read this, Revelation 21:18. The Tree of Life will be there; twelve different manners of fruit, one each month, will be bore on it. The people that eat these fruits, they'll change their diet every, every month.And it's--it's from... for only the overcomers. Do you know that? It isn't for the denominations.You say, "You mean that, Brother Branham?"Let's turn to Revelations 2, just a minute, and find it. Revelations 2:7. Let's find out now whether it's really the Truth or not. Revelations 2:7 reads like this.And he that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit...Now, remember, He is not talking to the Jews now. This is the Church, the Gentile.He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches; To him that overcometh, I will give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of God.

"Overcomers only, that overcome the beast, overcome his mark," that's Catholicism, Protestantism, denominationalism, "who overcome the beast, his mark, the letter of his name." "He'll have a right to the Tree of Life, to enter into the gates where nothing that defiles can ever go in." See? Think of it. Now, just a minute now, as we go just a little bit farther. Tree of Life will be for the overcomers only.


In 1998, Choosing Truth Ministries compiled a full and complete Christian awareness publication in a determined attempt to teach Christians about the New World Order. If you have been taught under the message of William Marrion Branham, this is a very important read: 547

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Take Up Your Cross and Follow Christ

Luke 9 gives us fair warning that our turn towards Christ is not an easy one, but is very rewarding.

Jesus said that if anyone decides to follow Him, then they must deny themselves. This is no simple task. As men and women, our nature is to supply ourselves, not deny ourselves! Our comfort comes from the things that we have earned, earthly things that we have either been bought or given. The greatest comfort of most people is that of family, the comfort we have felt since birth. Following Christ does not always mean that these things can come with us.

He also said that to follow Christ is to take up our cross daily. In this day and age, we cannot fathom how difficult it would have been to take up our own cross. It would be difficult to know that we are destined to die, following an angry mob that we knew would drive hard, cold spikes through our hands and our feet, and that we would hang there on the cross as the blood drained from our bodies in the harsh, painful heat of the sun. Yet it would be even more difficult to decide on our own that we should carry this cross of death to help the angry mob move it! Yet Christ does not ask us to do this once in a lifetime to prove our devotion to Him -- He asks us to daily do this!

Jesus gives words of wisdom that are so simple yet so unbelievably difficult: "whoever would save their life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake will save it."

Though some mistakenly assume Christ is speaking of martyrdom, Jesus has just finished saying that we must do this daily! We only have one life to give, not many, and we cannot lose our lives in the earthly sense on a daily basis. He is speaking in a heavenly sense! Our hearts and minds must be completely lost from the things of this world. If we were asked to sell every single thing we have had, strongly against the wishes of our families, knowing our friends would never speak to us again, simply to tell another about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, would we do it? If we could save one single soul by completely destroying our own lives, would we do it? Yet Christ says that this is how we can save our own lives!

Our treasures are not stored up in this world. Many use this term very loosely and would never give everything they had to save one lost soul. Yet to do this is salvation! Jesus asks, "What profit do you have if you can acquire everything in the entire world, if you lose your own soul while you do it?"

Any person who is unwilling to do this is ashamed of Christ. Jesus said that when the Son of Man comes into His Glory, and also the glory of the Father, that same Son of Man will be ashamed of this unwilling heart in front of His Father!

Jesus spoke of things spiritual, not of things earthly. Treasures stored up in heavenly places. Losing our own lives daily. Saving their own lives daily when they lose them. He told them that 549

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there were some standing among Him that would not taste death at all until they see the kingdom of God! Even among His own, there were the unwilling!

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we the willing, or are we the unwilling? Are our treasures here on earth, or are our hearts and minds focused on heavenly goals? If we were asked to sell our cars, houses, televisions, gaming systems, everything we had -- just to buy a plane ticket and lodging to go to the jungles of the Amazon to save one lost soul, knowing that we may never return again, would we do it? Are we ashamed of Christ? 550

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Undivided Body of Christ

As the time was drawing near for Christ to give his life for the sins of the world, John 17 says that Jesus looked towards the heavens and told the Father all that he had accomplished his Mission in life.

He told the Father that the hour was finally here, and asked that He glorify His Son. Jesus said that as the Son was glorified, He would glorify the Father since He was given authority over all flesh to give eternal life to every one that the Father had sent him to die for.

Jesus plainly explains to the listeners of the prayer what eternal life is: knowing the One True God and knowing Jesus Christ that was sent by the Father. Jesus told the Father that he glorified Him on earth, having accomplished the work that the Father sent Him to do.

So that others before him would not mistakenly think that Jesus was simply a man praying to God, He said that He had accomplished the work that the Father gave him to do. He asked the Father to glorify Him with the same Glory that he had with the Father before the world even existed!

He told the Father that He had manifested His name, or authority, to the people He had given the Son out of the world. He said that these people were once the Father's, and the father had given them to the Son.

Jesus asked a special blessing for all the Father had given Him. Though he was leaving this world, He asked the Father to keep them undivided. Just as Christ was in unity with the Father, the body of Christ should be undivided.

At this point, Jesus established Christianity itself. He said that He had kept the people in the name of the Father, which they knew as Yahweh. Now that He was coming to the Father, he asked that they stand together as one body, undivided: Christians.

Jesus asked the Father to sanctify them in Truth, and said that the Word of God was Truth. For the sake of the people, Christ consecrated Himself, so that they would be sanctified in Truth.

This blessing was not only for those who were with Him. Jesus asked that this Truth be established for all who would believe in Christ by believing what these people said. The entire flock of people, one body with Christ, should be sanctified in Truth. Jesus asked that the body of Christ be made one with both the Son and the Father so that the world would believe that the Father had sent the Son.

Like a child standing up before his friends to his earthly father, Christ stood for his followers to the Heavenly Father. He said, "O righteous Father, even though the world does not know you, I know you, and these know that you have sent me. I made known to them your name, and I will 551

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continue to make it known, that the love with which you have loved me may be in them, and I in them."

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Have we remained one body, united in Christ? Are there divisions in our churches? Are our churches divided from other Christians? Have we separated themselves, denying the Father by saying that Jesus was talking to Himself? Have we separated from the body of Christ, saying that Jesus was not One with the Father? Are we sanctified in Truth, which is God's Word, or are we pretending to sanctify ourselves by the words of man? 552

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Delivering The Deceived from "Thus Saith the Lord"

In Ezekiel 13, God spoke through Ezekiel against the prophets who said "Thus Saith the Lord" when God had not spoken through them. God said He would deliver His people out from under their hand.

God said that those prophets follow after their own spirit, not of God. They were like jackals among the ruins. They have not entered into the city of God, and had not built a wall that can stand in the time of battle.

These men had seen false visions and lying divinations. They use the phrase "Thus Saith the Lord," when God has not given them any message. Yet, they expect God to fulfill their word! God asked the people, have you not seen the false vision? Have you not seen the lying divination?

Because of not only their lies, but putting words in God's mouth that were not there, God said that He was against them. His Hand will be against prophets who see false visions, and those who give lying divinations. They will not be included in the Body of His people.

These false prophets have misled the people. They gave false prophecy, and built their own wall that God would strike down. God said that he would spend his wrath upon not only the wall they had built, but the people that helped, and the prophets with their false prophecy.

God did not limit His wrath to just the men. Women were included in God's message through Ezekiel. Any person, man or woman, that utters prophecy that was not from God would be punished. These false prophets were killing souls that should not die. They were keeping souls alive that should not live. They were lying to the people, and the people were listening to their lies.

God's anger was full. He said that he was against their magic. He would tear their magic away from them. He was against their veils that hid their eyes mysticism, and would rip them away. God said that they would seek after visions, and they would not come. He would remove even their false visions and divination.

God would deliver the deceived from the prophets who falsely cried "Thus Saith the Lord." They would become free like birds! And you shall know that I am God, saith the Lord!

As Christians we should ask ourselves: Have we followed a false prophet? When we see one vision fail, do we rely on the next one? When we hear the words "Thus Saith the Lord" and it does not match the Word, or does not match what happened, or is simply rambling of idle words, do we not have a bad taste in our mouths? Have we been following after God or after magic of a false prophet? 553

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Warning Against Worldliness

James 4 gives a warning against worldliness, and what James considers worldliness is not what we might think.

"Why are you all fighting among yourselves?" James asked. James said that we argued and fought with one anther because of our own passions. Our minds were dwelling on things of this earth rather than things of God, and they were very passionate to us. This, James said, was friendship with the world: worldliness.

James said that we covet, and therefore we quarrel and fight. We long for what someone else has! If we truly had Christ in our lives, we would have no need for bickering! James said the reason that we do not have is because we do not ask. Because we do not ask, we do not receive. What we ask for, we ask incorrectly and then spend it on our passions.

James said that anyone consumed by passions and placing themselves in a state of arguing and fighting had made themselves an enemy of God. James called those who did this an "adulterous people!"

He asked, "Do you think that the scripture says to yearn jealously over the Spirit?" Absolutely not. James said instead, God gives us more Grace. That is the reason, according to James, that the scriptures say God opposes the proud but gives Grace to the humble.

James told the people who to avoid falling into this trap: submit yourselves to God. Resist Satan, and he will flee from you. Draw closer to God! He will draw closer to you! Wash your hands of this evil and purify your hearts to God! Do not be double-minded!

Those that are proud, according to James, should make themselves wretched and mourning. Turn their laughter into sorrow and humble themselves. After this, God will exalt them!

Finally, James said not to speak evil against another. The one who speaks evil against a brother or judges him is doing so by the Law. He is judging another by the Law. If someone judges by the Law, they are not a doer of the Law!

There is only One Lawgiver and one Judge. He is able to both save and destroy. "Who are you?" James asked, "to judge your neighbor?"

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we an enemy of God? Have we become so full of pride that we turn towards argument? Do we argue because we are jealous of the Holy Spirit in others that we do not have? Are we an adulterous people? 555

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Follow Me

John 21 shows the Love of Jesus towards Peter, who He knew would suffer and die for his Name.

After the miracle of the fish in the net, and after the breakfast that followed, Jesus asked Peter three times if Peter loved Him. Each time, Jesus instructed Peter to feed His sheep.

Peter was grieved at the repetition in the question, reading more into it than he should have. He said, "Lord, you know everything! You know that I love you!"

Jesus replied that He was not questioning Peter, but giving him strength for the next journey in his life. "When you were young, you used to dress yourself and carry yourself wherever your feet could take you," Jesus said. "But when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and another will dress you and take you where you do not want to go."

Jesus was preparing Peter to be martyred. Peter would one day be crucified under Nero's authority, slain in the same manner as Jesus Christ was upon Calvary.

The name "Peter" comes from the word "Petra," meaning "Rock." Jesus said that "upon this 'rock' [petra], I will build My church, and the gates of hell will not prevail against it." Yet, Peter was not a solid foundation -- Peter was described to have been weaker in the faith. Peter denied Jesus three times, and Jesus questioned Peter three times after the meal. Peter is the one that was described as losing faith when walking on the water, and cutting off the ear of the Roman soldier that arrested Jesus. Peter is the only one who entered the empty tomb of Christ to see for himself.

Peter was a living, breathing example that though we may have little faith, all we need is faith the size of a mustard seed to serve Christ. We can easily say that we would never deny Christ given the same situation, but one can only know our true actions if we were actually placed into the shoes of the Apostle Peter.

All the same, Jesus loved Peter, and wanted to give Peter special attention to prepare him for the day that he would take his stand for Christ. Peter would lead many souls, sheep, to Christ. Like Paul, Peter spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ far and wide, setting up many churches throughout the ancient world. This man of little faith was truly a Rock, and was made so by the revelation that Jesus was the Christ. Christ was made weak so that we could be made strong.

All it takes to lead souls to Christ is given in the last words of Jesus to Peter in this section: Follow Me. If we follow Christ, he will guide our footsteps. 556

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As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Would we follow Jesus unto death? Would we suffer and die for Him? Do we think we cannot lead others to Christ because our faith is too weak? Have we placed our faith in the Rock, or in the sinking sand?

1933 Municipal Bridge Prophecy

For those who do not follow the Facebook pages of BelieveTheSign and SeekYeTheTruth, I'm posting the link to the first video BTS has done in examination of William Branham's ministry.

Unbiased, factual, and to the point. May God lead many souls to Christ with this work they are doing.

"Do not despise prophecies, but test everything; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil." -- 1 Thessalonians 5:20-22 557

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Judged by The Spirit

1 Peter 4 teaches us that the blood of Jesus Christ covers the sins of the flesh so that we are judged by the Spirit.

Peter says that as soldiers preparing for battle, we should arm ourselves with the same manner of thinking as Christ. Christ suffered in the flesh but was elevated in the Spirit. He says that "Anyone that has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin." When we turn from keeping our minds focused on things of the flesh, we are no longer struggling to uphold human passions, but instead the will of God.

Legalism and works-righteous teachings are not a problem that has recently manifested its ugly head in this day. Most of the apostles battled against the teaching of the failed Law.

The Gentiles had already broken every rule in the book. Sensuality, passions, drunkenness, orgies, drinking parties, and lawless idolatry were the ways of the Gentile, and Peter gives hope that we are not judged by the things of our past. He said that others are surprised that you no longer want to join in their sin, and may even oppress you for your new-found faith.

Peter said that the Gospel was not only preached to the living, but also preached to the dead. Though the dead had been judged in the flesh, but the rules they kept and the Law they followed, they may now live in the Spirit the way that God does.

As Christians, we should not judge others by their outward appearance of holiness, God no longer judges by the flesh. God judges by the Spirit.

That same God, who can judge every person in the Old Testament who broke the Law according to their Spirit and not their failure can also represent you before His Father. 558

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I Was Just Like You, Remember?

In Acts 22, Paul reminds those against him that at one time Paul was one of them. Not only did he describe his stance against the Christians, he did so in their native Hebrew tongue.

When Paul spoke using the language they were familiar with, the crowd quickly became silent. They listened intently to what Paul had to say.

Paul told them that he himself was a Jew, born in Tarsus. He was raised in their city, educated at the feet of Gamaliel. Paul was taught the strict law of their fathers, just as zealous for God as each and every one of them listening.

Paul said that he himself persecuted Christians unto death. He bound and imprisoned them, both men and women. The high priest and the entire council of elders would testify this to be the truth.

From those elders, Paul received letters of instruction to take the Christians from Damascus. He was to take the Christians from Damascus to Jerusalem to be punished for their leaving the Law and serving Christ.

While drawing near to Damascus, Paul was suddenly stopped by a light in the wilderness. He immediately fell to the ground, and heard a voice saying "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?" Paul answered by asking who spoke.

By persecuting the Christians, Jesus said that Paul was persecuting Christ.

Seek Ye The Truth has seen no light that struck us with blindness. We have heard no voice, and claim no visions, revelations, or supernatural events of any kind.

Brothers and sisters, we were one of you. We spread what we thought was the gospel, the "good news that William Branham had came" to this earth.

We were not taught by Gamaliel, but we were taught under Willard Collins, current pastor of the Branham Tabernacle in Jeffersonville. We know all of the supernatural events that surrounded this ministry. We know that thousands were healed in the healing campaigns and the ministry that followed. We know that many souls were led to Christ.

Where Jesus struck Paul with a light, he struck us with an unstoppable desire to read the Word of God. Every breath we breathe, every move we make, every day we live is because that Word gives us new life! That Word tells us the real Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Good News that Jesus Christ came! He lived among us with a perfect life! He suffered and died on the cross for us, giving us healing and salvation! He was buried and rose from the grave, conquering death and 559

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hell for us! He has risen so that we can rise with Him! This, brothers and sisters, is the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Just as Paul stood for the Gospel over the Law, we take our stand. Not a single person has gained salvation by wearing clothes according to the law given by William Branham. Living a modest life has not told others about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Telling others that we have revelations of hidden knowledge of mysteries in the scriptures does not save a lost soul!

We were one of you! We did not do this out of anger or retaliation as we have been accused. We had no hidden motives of fame or fortune as we have been accused. We have not turned towards a homosexual lifestyle, drugs or alcohol, wild music or other things of this world as we have been accused! We started Seek Ye The Truth because we love the Lord Jesus Christ with our entire heart, mind, body, and soul! We want to help save the lost, and our preachers were not preaching about Jesus Christ! They were preaching salvation through a Law and through a man! They preached things contrary to God's Word, the bread of LIFE!

We repent for every single lost soul that we tried to help by telling of a prophet. How many dying souls could have been led to Christ by telling them of ... Christ! We've sinned! We were lost! Our souls were bound for hell!

As Paul pleaded his case before the people that once were his brothers, we plead our case before you. We are your brother, a fellow Christian, a fellow believer who has found God's Word!

Join us in our journey, find Christ in our lives. We are not asking to leave your churches, change your lifestyles, or even deny what you've been taught. Seek the Truth of Christ! You will find it in your Bibles! 560

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Setting Your Minds at Ease

I've been receiving phone calls and emails asking why I have not spoken publicly about what was said in the conversations when Jeff Jenkins and George Smith [separately] contacted me to discuss their "new revelation" of how the angels of God missed the date in Tucson, arriving several days early while WMB was in Houston, TX.

I admit I was a little confused until I watched the series Bro. Jenkins preached about me, and more confused that he had spoken to me -- because I was unaware. If having your office assistant call to ask, "Is this John Collins" and hang up is equal to Bro Jenkins speaking to me ... then yes Bro. Jenkins must have spoken to me, but I did not consider it as such.

I was more confused that the angels of God would actually miss a date -- when they live in a world outside of time and space -- but that is another topic for another forum thread.

Quite frankly, I am not seeking to contact these brothers -- no matter the new revelations they seem to have produced. A cloud of smoke does not make light of several failed prophecies, and I can't imagine a phone conversation with those men inventing new myths to have any value or consequence.

At this point I would be hesitant to speak to them without recording and witness -- this seems to have produced a bit of discredit to the questions I am raising. I would never want any more fabricated stories to be made public while the humble are seeking Christ.

Therefore, set your minds at ease. Anything submitted to me in writing will be posted. Anything recorded will be transcribed and posted so that we can decide as a group whether these men are truly men of God.

Were they to have contacted me and completely proven me wrong on all accounts, I would publicly apologize to you in not only this forum, but every other forum or website I have been in contact with.

Truth will stand, and I will be part of the Truth no matter which side of the fence it falls. 561

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Avoid Cleverly Devised Stories

2 Peter 1 tells us to avoid cleverly devised stories. Stories that are not from scripture will heighten our emotions and lead us astray.

Peter felt it important enough to remind the people of this, though he felt they were already firmly established in the Truth. He said that as long as his spirit was in his body, he would refresh their memory over and over again so that they were not led by ravenous wolves in sheep's clothing.

He also knew that his life on the earth was short, Jesus Christ had let him know that he would be put to death. He said that he would make every effort possible to help them remember to avoid these cleverly devised stories so that after his departure, they would hold fast to it.

Peter said that they did not have to follow cleverly devised stories when they were told about the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ in power. They were eyewitnesses of His majesty. Christ received His honor and glory from God the Father when the voice spoke from that Majestic Glory! As the Father spoke "This is my beloved son," they were there to witness it. There is absolutely no question whether or not a cleverly devised story was invented for Christ, they were there to hear and see.

As Christians, we should be very careful when listening to a speaker. Many man, carried by their own lusts, invent cleverly devised stories that would lead God's children astray. They claim evidence that does not exist or weave threads of truth into an otherwise fabricated story. Peter said it would be so.

We should ask ourselves: Have we been led astray by cleverly devised stories? Have fabricated stories that appeal to our emotions take place of the Gospel of Jesus Christ? How many reading this even knew that Peter said it -- when you can remember stories in the life of a pastor or evangelist? Is our focus on the things of this world, or Word of God? 562

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The Thorn in Our Flesh

2 Corinthians 12 tells us exactly why we must endure insults as we take our stand for the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Paul did not boast of his own visions and supernatural events. He said that if he were to boast, it would be of the great things of others -- not of his own. When he boasted about himself, it would be towards his weaknesses, not his greatness.

Paul said that were he to boast of his own spiritual events, he would not be a fool; he was speaking the Truth. Nevertheless, he refrained from it so that no one would never elevate himself to a stature above that of the man he was.

Because of this, God allowed what Paul called a "thorn in the flesh." God allowed a messenger of Satan to harass him, for the sole purpose of keeping Paul from becoming conceited. Paul was not immune to the insults, and went through some of the same experiences that we go through in our walk with Christ. These insults were from a messenger of Satan through an insulting man of his day, yet God permitted it.

Three times Paul pleaded with God about this. He asked the messenger of Satan to leave. God's reply? "My Grace is sufficient for you, for My Power is made perfect in weakness."

Paul did not hide his weakness, he bragged about it. He said that he would boast it gladly, because in his weakness the power of Christ rested upon Paul.

He said: "For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong."

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Have we overcome to the point that we can brag about our weaknesses? Do we boast in pride of the spiritual events in our lives, or do we point this boasting to others? Do we boast of our own powerful experiences, or our weaknesses? Do we follow after men who boast of their own power? Do we harass and insult other children of God when Paul says that these insults are the "messenger of Satan?" 563

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Buddhism: Making Satan Equal to God


For a period of time (definitely not from start to finish), WMB preached sermons that seemed to have the aspects of Buddhism more than the aspects of Christianity.

Let's review some fundamental Buddhist beliefs:Worship of nature and/or ancestryIncreased respect for eldersEvents (good or bad) are a direct result of the decisions you makePriests, monks, mediums, and diviners are equipped to handle the spirits, not the simple followersThe evil force is equal (or very close to equal) to the good forceGood spirits have the power of healing, bad spirits do not

The first two points are very simple, and most Christians who study their Bibles in the slightest will understand these things to be false.

Regardless of what WMB taught, there is no scriptural support for "nature being anyone's first bible." Buddhism is not the only religion that teaches this, and it definitely coincides with the American Indian teachings.

Scriptures support respect for elders, but not elevation in "rank" or stature. Paul was given a "thorn in the flesh" to keep him humble before men, and taught the same.

The focus of this article are the rest of the points, which are much more deceptive and much more ... Buddhist.

Events (good or bad) are a direct result of the decisions you makeGod does not send floods to take the life of your wife and children when you decide to follow a different path in Christianity.

The result of this teaching very problematic, because followers of the Message of William Branham believe this to apply to not only the major events in their lives, but the minor ones as well. The casual message follower will see a tragic car wreck that has halted traffic, and "prophecy" that had they not been slowed down in their travels, something awful may have happened to them! Though God has the power to do this, the minor events in our lives have no comparison to others losing their lives in the cause of the traffic jam.

Priests, monks, mediums, and diviners are equipped to handle the spirits, not the simple followers 564

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On the surface, this looks correct. When compared to the Old Testament, the great men of old were typically the ones who withstood the spirits. Further examination, however, finds that this also is not scriptural.

When Christ came, he gave power to the church --- you and me. Any message follower would shake in their boots to face an evil spirit, and quickly speed-dial the VOGR headquarters for one of the sons to come and perform exorcism or spiritual shield. In doing so, they are denying the power of Christ in their lives.

Christ sent His Spirit to the church, and we claim that power by faith. Pastors, true pastors of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, equip their congregations with that same power, and do not elevate themselves as the all-powerful wizard who has a "spirit guide" on the platform with them.

The evil force is equal (or very close to equal) to the good forceFor a period of time, WMB taught that Jesus and Satan were one day equal. The only difference between the two, according to WMB, was that Satan could not create --- but then he gave Satan the power of creation with the Serpent's Seed doctrine.

Satan is not only an angel, but a fallen angel. Though Satan had some limited power before Christ conquered death, hell, and the grave, the fallen angel had nothing in comparison to the Son of God who created the heavens and the earth. Otherwise, Satan would have simply created his own planet and let the demons dwell!

Good spirits have the power of healing, bad spirits do notThough WMB taught this from day one of his ministry to the day of his death, this is not scriptural. The funny part is that he also contradicted himself on this several times -- saying that the evil spirit in the Beatles music was also healing because "for everything God has, Satan has a substitute."

This teaching would not be so damaging, but the book of Revelation and the book of Matthew both describe the false prophet that will one day come with signs and wonders, deceiving the very elect if it were possible. To claim that only the Holy Spirit had the power to heal would be to deny the healing in each and every one of the false religions -- from the American Indians to the Buddhist, to even the Wiccans.

Not only do these false religions offer healing, they offer healing placing the weight of the cure upon the faith of the individual rather than the God who created them. Of this, we should beware.

One of the best online resources to study Buddhism is "Know Buddhism" ( 565

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Liberty Is Not Liberty When Bound by Another's Conscience

In 1 Corinthians 10, Paul gives some very good wisdom: "Why should my liberty be determined by someone else's conscience?"

To remain free, these are words that everyone should live by. Many times our freedom is revoked by those with a legalistic, works-righteous conscience, and by the rules of their conscience we ourselves become judged.

Paul makes it very simple: "All things are lawful." Not some things, ALL things! We find churches today that have made rules for their rules, otherwise they would have nothing else to preach about. Face it, Salvation's Plan is simple according to Paul! Brothers and sisters, have faith in Jesus Christ!

Paul says that if we are asked to partake in something that is against another person's conscience, and it offends them, then of course we should not offend anyone. But, however, Paul said it was for their conscience, not ours.

Paul had a very clear concept of the Grace of Jesus Christ. All things are lawful. We are free. But not all things are helpful. We should do everything possible to lead another soul into the Glory and Grace of Jesus Christ.

And in all things, give glory unto God!

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Have we remained free in the Grace of Jesus Christ? Do we forbid ourselves of certain clothing, activities, entertainment, giving into the same asceticism that Paul preached against? Have we even accepted the freedom that Christ died on the cross to give us? 566

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Women's Place in The Home

Out of respect for my father, I will not use my family structure as an example -- and will speak on general terms.

The most damaging aspect of the message (in my opinion) is the breakdown of the family structure by changing the woman's place in the home to a structure that is contrary to scripture. Man is the king; woman is the servant.

This is harsh, and many may disagree, but they have never truly stopped to consider the major issues. Most message men feel that they are the only decision makers, and that the women are not to be involved. Women are not to discuss scripture, or more importantly the way of the 'prophet.'

The KJV-only ministers take the verse regarding "wives subject to their husbands" completely out of context, assuming "subject" is the lowly in the presence of the king.

Let's review the supporting scripture:Quote:Likewise, wives, be subject to your own husbands, so that even if some do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives, when they see your respectful and pure conduct. Do not let your adorning be external the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God's sight is very precious. For this is how the holy women who hoped in God used to adorn themselves, by submitting to their own husbands, as Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him lord. And you are her children, if you do good and do not fear anything that is frightening.

--1 Peter 3:1-6

Notice, not only does this scripture apply towards the inward nature of the heart in marriage, it applies to the inward beauty of your wives. This scripture is also used for the "modest apparel" doctrines, but the ministers "glaze over" the part about "braiding their hair."

The worst part? The message women are led to oppression and fear. They are afraid to speak up in the homes. Notice the last verse, "You [women] are her [Sarah's] children if you do good ... and do not fear!"

Having spoken to several men and women who are now leaving the cult, all have practically the same story to tell. The love of God was not in the structure of their family while the wife was treated like a servant.

I'm interested to hear the thoughts of others here. What are your opinions on 1 Peter 3? 567

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Zoroastrianism and Balaam

Zoroastrianism (also called Mazdaism and Magianism), is a religion and philosophy based on the teachings of prophet Zoroaster. It is thought to have been one of the world's largest religions in the ancient world.

The most important texts of the religion are those of the Avesta, of which a significant portion has been lost, and mostly only the liturgies of which have survived. The lost portions are known of only through references and brief quotations in the later works, primarily from the 9th to 11th centuries.

Some of the ancient texts identify Zoroaster with Balaam. In the "Bar 'Ali", Balaam is referred to as Zardosht, the diviner of the Magians. [Gottheil, References to Zoroaster in Syriac and Aribic Lit]

The 17th century writer George Hornius actually confuses Zoroaster with Moses, listing several accounts where the stories of Zoroaster agree with the biblical stories of Moses.

The Magi were Chaldeans. Chaldea, another name for Babylon, is where Western astrology was invented. At the time of the birth of Jesus, the religion of the Magi was the dominant religion in Babylon. These Magi are believed to have descended from the teachings of not only Zoroaster, but also Balaam.

The children of Israel came in contact with many from this ancient pagan religion, and their teaching was so influential that Deuteronomy mentions it in the Law of Moses.

Quote:And beware lest you raise your eyes to heaven, and when you see the sun and the moon and the stars, all the host of heaven, you be drawn away and bow down to them and serve them, things that the Lord your God has allotted to all the peoples under the whole heaven.Deut 4:19

and has gone and served other gods and worshiped them, or the sun or the moon or any of the host of heaven, which I have forbiddenDeut 17:3

Though these two religions were entirely separate -- one pagan idolatry and one serving Yahweh -- the two eventually did merge together as one. the message of William Branham.

Quote:Balaam, anointed with the same Spirit that was upon Moses. What was the difference? The teaching of Moses was perfect. 568

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But there was a star that passed through the land. And three men followed that star, and no one else saw it but them, for they were looking for it. They were looking for the Star of Jacob to rise. See? They were down in the country there where Balaam, the prophet, had spoke that this Star of Jacob would rise. Now, you look for Him. Believe Him with all your heart. 51-0501 EXHORTATION.OF.DIVINE.HEALING

Some Magis, astrologers, come over, and stargazers. And they seen the star that passed right over every observatory. Nobody said--seen it at all. The Magis saw it. Why? They were looking for it: the Star of Jacob. According to their prophet, Balaam, he said, "The Star of Jacob would rise." And they were watching it. And it passed right by the people that was stargazers, and didn't see it. But they followed the star.I believe they saw a star. What do you think about it? The observatories didn't see it, but the Magis saw it.52-0727 LED.BY.THE.HOLY.SPIRIT

Now, let's turn to Simeon just for a few moments as we close. Reading of him as in the days of the birth of Jesus. They didn't have the press like we got now. And they didn't have television, and telephones, and so forth. The only way they carried message was from lip to ear, and maybe a runner packed a letter.But the news didn't spread out too well. Well, there was three Magi had been watching for the--the star to appear. The... Balaam had prophesied there would be a... Those eastern oriental people had... He'd prophesied that there'd be a star rise out of Jacob. They'd watched for that for years, and they followed it and found Jesus.53-0903 EXPECTANCY

Then we notice again, a way back in the East some magis, or stargazers... I believe they'd noticed the prophecy of Balaam, that a Star of Jacob would rise. And they would... they was watching for that star to arise. And we're told by historians that the three magi... They come from different parts, not followed one star, as the Christian tradition has it, but they followed three different stars.54-0220 EXPECTATION

And as it was with Jesus, so was the morning star a sign to the wise men that came from the East. They had heard that there would be a Star of Jacob rise. Balaam, the prophet, prophesied of it. And they knew that there would be a star arise. And this star would be the sign that there'd be a King borned on the earth, that would be a Saviour to all the nations. And when they seen this star arise, it was a sign to them to get ready, that the redemption was at hand.54-0718A THE.GREAT.COMING.REVIVAL

Look, do you believe they actually followed a star? The Bible said they did. Now, it come over very... They kept time then by stars. And no observatory, no scientist, all the people standing up on the watches, looking at every star moving, to see what time moving, to see what time it was, 569

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in the night, and so forth, stargazers. There wasn't anyone seen that Angel, or that star, but these Magis, for they was expecting to see it. They had read God's prophecy when He spoke through Balaam back there, and said, "There'd be a star out of Jacob rise," and they were looking for it. So that's the reason tonight the American people are not expecting, they're not looking for a great Holy Ghost pouring out revival. And that's the reason they're not receiving It, while It's poured out; they're not expecting It. That's all. They're looking to see a reformation in the church, and the people come back and join church and live on out in the world. And that, it's not that age. It's the time where God is filling His people, and baptizing them into the Body of the Lord Jesus Christ. And that's the reason they're not expecting it; they're not seeing it is going on.54-1206 EXPECTATION

So the wise men was watching, because the Bible said, the prophet Balaam, he said, "There will come a star out of Jacob." And they were watching for that star. Now, they found it. After they'd looked for twenty--about twenty-five hundred years, generation after generation, finally there it appeared. And they started towards Jerusalem. And look at the trip they had: deserts, valleys, mountains. And how did they go? They never went by a compass; they go--and they didn't go in a scientific way; they followed God's directions by His sign. And they was led directly to Jesus Christ.55-0819 BEING.LED.BY.THE.HOLY.SPIRIT

The red--Nobody else seen it, because no one was expecting it but them. They got what they expected. They was watching for the star where Balaam said, their prophet, that there'd be a Star of Jacob rise, and they was looking for it. And so they followed the star and found the Christ.55-1001 EXPECTATION

One day there was somebody expecting to see something else happen, way back in the east, in the land of India. I was there a couple of years ago, and it hasn't changed a bit since that day: still just as primitive as it was. They had the wise men. And they were watching the stars, for they know Balaam, the prophet, said that a star shall rise out of Jacob. And they were watching for that star. And they knew according to the Scriptures it was just about time for it to happen.57-0811E EXPECTATIONS.AND.LEADINGS.OF.THE.SPIRIT

And as we watch, we find, night after night, they watched It. They discussed It. They looked at the Scriptures. And in searching I can see one coming, and say, "Here is another Hebrew writing. It comes from one of their prophets, by the name of Balaam. And he said, 'There shall rise a star to Jacob.'" And they seen the Scriptures being fulfilled. Oh, how their hearts rejoiced.And how it should make our hearts rejoice to know that in this evil day that we're now living, to see God's holy Writ being fulfilled and revealed to us as a great searching Light over our being.57-1222 THE.GREAT.SHINING.LIGHT

It must have been about the time that they picked up the Scroll of Daniel, and was reading in Daniel. Because he must've conversed with them. Daniel 2 said that he was their chief. And so, 570

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they must've conversed with him. And they picked up a Scroll where Daniel had prophesied that there'd come a time when there'd be a Stone cut out of the mountain without hands, and it would tear down the kingdoms of the world. They must've been reading that. And then at... They'd had some of the Hebrew scrolls--or Scrolls, of back in Numbers, where that Balaam said there would be a Star of Jacob rise.59-0411E WATCHING.HIS.STAR

Now, they knowed of the Scriptures, 'cause Daniel was their chief. You know that. Second chapter of Daniel tells us that he was made chief over them, so he taught them. No doubt, one night they was setting there, reading in the Scriptures about... "And Daniel said, as he beheld all these kingdoms, till finally they become into what they was, each, the Medes-o-Persians and on down till it come into Rome. And then finally he saw a Stone cut out of a mountain, without hands." And they said, "It must be about that time." Then they remembered the rehearsal of--of way back in before that time, way back in the days of the journey of Israel, when they come up and heard Balaam say, when he seen Israel, he said, "There'll rise a Star out of Jacob." Amen. It must've been about that time when they was thinking about those things, that the new Visitor appeared.60-1225 GOD'S.WRAPPED.GIFT

Now, we find that the--the wise man, the wise man of the Old, followed the God-given substance. They followed the Word of God, to the Light, because it was the Word that brought Life. Now you say, "How did they follow?" Well, they were, kinda, magis, we understand.And then we find out that Balaam, the prophet, back in Numbers 24:17, Balaam was kind of a magi himself. He was a prophet, truly, and he prophesied here and said a Star would rise out of Jacob.63-1229M THERE.IS.A.MAN.HERE.THAT.CAN.TURN.ON.THE.LIGHT 571

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Some Will Hear but Will Never Understand

Acts 28 tells of Paul's time in Rome.

Paul would have been set free when presented before the Jews and found to be a just man, but had appealed to Caeser. Since the appeal was directly with Caeser, Paul had to present his appeal before the Romans.

The Romans told Paul that they had received no letters of information or instruction concerning Paul, and were curious as to what he believed. They had heard of the religious sect of Jews called "Christians," but had never met one of them. It was widely condemned throughout the ancient world.

They appointed a day for Paul to present his views, which led to a packed congregation in what could very well be considered a sermon from an evangelist rather than the views of a condemned man as he presented his case before Caeser. Paul testified to the Kingdom of God, and taught them from the scriptures that pointed to Jesus Christ from both the Law of Moses and from the Prophets. Many believed, but some did not believe.

Paul left them with these words from Isaiah the prophet:

"Go to this people, and say, "You will indeed hear but never understand, and you will indeed see but never perceive. For this people's heart has grown dull, and with their ears they can barely hear, and their eyes they have closed; lest they should see with their eyes and hear with their ears and understand with their heart and turn, and I would heal them."

Paul said that before their very eyes, this scripture was fulfilled. The salvation of God has been sent to the Gentiles, and they will listen.

For the next two years, Paul preached the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all who would listen. He did so with boldness and without hindrance.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we follow Paul's example, preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Or do we preach some other gospel? Do we testify of the Kingdom of God, or the historical and questionable events of a man? Do we read and not understand, listen but can't hear, look but can't see the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Have we been blinded like the Jews or set free like the Gentiles? 572

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The Watchtower

This one is very easy to identify, and to the message follower who is of an age to understand any words spoken by William Branham, you will quickly identify with the beliefs of the Jehovah's Witnesses.

How many of these are you familiar with?Satan is the 'god of this evil age'After the death of the apostles, the 'church' started diverging from the teachings of Jesus, and the true teachings were lost for centuriesThe church must be restored to the 'original faith.'All other non-witness Christian organizations are 'Babylon the Great'Jesus was not God until lifted up upon the throneThe 'Trinity' is unscripturalThere is no eternal hellSatan is the invisible ruler of the worldSatan is God's chief adversary (greater in power than simply an angel)A specific date was given to mark "the last days"Salvation requires a perfect [rapturing] faithSalvation is dependent upon the 'formula' spoken. (must be baptized in the name of Jehovah to be saved)Those who do not make the 'rapture' have a separate hope after tribulation (but a lesser class)"Shunning" is used for those who question or are compelled to leave

Charles Taze Russell's Tomb:Image

William Branham's Tomb:Image

Recognize anything familiar? 573

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Those Sinful Ministers!

Philippians 2 teaches us that men drawn to their own lusts and purpose as we see today is nothing new. Paul struggled with the same exact thing, even with the help he had in spreading the Gospel.

Paul, sending Timothy, says that he has "None like him." He says that Timothy was genuinely concerned for their welfare, while all others sought after their own interests and not the interests of Jesus Christ!

He said that Timothy was like a son to him, serving Paul in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the land. He said that he could not come to visit the Philippians yet, but would come soon if possible.

He also had great respect for Epaphroditus. Though Epaphroditus was sick near to death, he was not concerned with his own welfare. He was deeply concerned that the Philippians had learned of his illness, and that it stood a chance of swaying their faith.

It is believed this was because of the troubled time they lived in, when so many were weak in the faith in Jesus Christ. Christ gave the apostles the gift of healing so that others in that day would believe and understand them to be anointed and appointed by God to spread the Good News. Epaphroditus was concerned that they may have thought God was not among them since the gift of healing seemed to be lacking.

Paul said that it was not lacking, however. Epaphroditus was indeed sick, but was now well. He was so sick that he nearly died! God not only had mercy on Epaphroditus, but mercy on Paul as well. Sorrow upon sorrow, Paul was very relieved to have his brother in Christ at his side!

He said that he was all the more eager to send Epaphroditus with Timothy to visit them, so they could rejoice when they see him again. Also, Paul said it would relieve a bit of anxiety from himself.

Paul let the people know to receive him with all joy and honor, because Epaphroditus nearly died doing the work of Christ. He risked his own life to fill in the gaps where extra help was needed in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

As Christians, we should stop to consider this passage. Paul had many helpers, though we only have writings from a few of them. Many were considered and appointed "Apostles" in that day. Though we elevate them in esteem, they are no greater than you or I if we are focused on spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to as many as will hear us. An "apostle" simply is a person who spreads the gospel in Truth, writing down for all to learn by. A person God uses to His purpose, which is serving the people -- not ruling the people. 574

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This is not limited to men only in the writings of the Apostles, men and women alike spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and were 'helpers' or 'servants' to the people.

We should ask ourselves this one, simple question: Are we spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Or are we spreading some other gospel that is for the device used to elevate some man? 575

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Twisting Scriptures

2 Peter 3 describes Peter's warning of those that would one day come to twist the scriptures.

He said he did not know the day nor the hour this would happen, for a day with God is like a thousand years of our time. God is not slow in fulfilling His promises, we are slow in receiving them. Nevertheless, the day would come, and it would catch everyone unawares.

On that day, the heavens will pass away, and the stars and planets will be burned up and disintegrated into nothing. The earth and all the works done upon it would be one day exposed to all.

Peter warned that everyone should continue living their lives for God up until the day of the return of the Lord. He describes the ending of time, and it must have been a terrible and awesome sight in his mind, because Peter describes the stars and planets melting as they burn! But the promise continues that we are waiting for a new heavens and a new earth, one in which righteousness dwells instead of sin.

After assuring the people that the kingdom of heaven was soon to come, Peter said to be diligent in their faith in Jesus Christ. Be at peace. The patience of our Lord is salvation, just as Paul wrote in his letters and spoke in his teachings.

Some things, Peter warned, are difficult to understand. The ignorant and unstable will twist these scriptures to their own destruction -- just as they do the other Scriptures!

Therefore, Peter again warned, make sure that you do not get carried away with the same error of the lawless people. Make sure that you do not lose your own stability. Instead, grow in peace, and in knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

To Him be the glory both now and to the day of eternity. Amen.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Have we allowed ignorant, lawless, and unstable men to twist our scriptures? Have we fell into idol worship by men who would invent scriptures such as "I will be with you even in you" or add words to scriptures such as "This is my beloved son in whom I am well pleased to dwell in?" Have we lost our own stability? Are we listening to ignorant, lawless, and unstable pastors who tell us not to study the scriptures, or are we growing in peace and knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? 576

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Paul's Departure

Acts 20 gives the story of Paul's departure from Asia.

Paul reminded them how he lived among them, serving God with all humility and tears, and reminded them of the trials they went through when the Jews devised their schemes against him. Through all of this, Paul never stopped telling the good ways of Christ to them, teaching them both in public and in house to house. He said that his testimony to both Jews and Greeks was that of repentance to God and of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Now, the Spirit was not only leading but constraining him and pulling him towards Jerusalem. He did not know the reason, but knew that the Holy Spirit testified to him in every city that brought both imprisonment and affections. This was not something that Paul wanted to value as precious towards himself, but only wanted to explain how he was led to finish the course God had put before him and spread the Gospel of the Grace of God that he received from Jesus Christ.

He knew that he would never see them again, so Paul gave his final warnings to them:

Pay close attention to yourselves. Elders made overseers by the Holy Spirit pay close attention to the flock. Care for the church of God, which Christ established with His own Blood.

Paul predicted that after he left, wolves would come in among the sheep. Not from the outside, but from among them men would start to rise up speaking twisted things to draw disciples after them. He told them to be alert, watching for this to happen -- because it would. For three years, Paul did not cease day and night to cry for each and every one of them for the day when the wolves would come.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we watchful of ourselves? Do we pay close attention not to become followers of men? Do our elders watch the flock, keeping them from becoming followers of men? Worse, have we became a minister that points to a man instead of pointing to Jesus Christ? 577

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The Sixty-Seven Sins of the New Testament

Some teach that the Mosaic Law is still in effect for the church. Obviously, to make this work, these teachers must overlook portions like "stoning your children when they disobey" or "washing your hands in a brass basin before entering the temple."

As best as possible for this modern day, these teachers try to follow the law to the letter -- for the portions that they feel are necessary for salvation. In order to do so, the examples that Jesus give in the Sermon on the Mount become additional law, added to the Mosaic law. The problem is that the reason Christ died on the cross is overlooked by placing our salvation in the works of our own hands.

In Romans 8, Paul called the Mosaic Law the "Law of Sin and Death." Then he proceeds to give more examples of how our sinful lives required a Savior to rescue us. Christ said that the greatest commandment was to "Love God with all your heart heart", and the next greatest was to "Love your neighbor as yourself." Then Jesus proceeds to also show how many ways we break these Ten Commandments. Jesus said that to show anger and hatred towards a neighbor was to break the commandment of murder.

For some, this question will be difficult. Some cannot name the Ten Commandments. For others who feel they have earned their righteousness through their "holy living", this question will be impossible. For some starting their journey with Christ, they will have their hearts fall in shame that we are so sinful and in peace because Christ paid it all.

Here's the question: The New Testament lists over sixty sins that were not described in the "letter of the law" within the Mosaic Law. Each were contained within the law, because to violate each and every one of these sins, we are in violation of the Ten Commandments. Several of these sins have been violated in the mail sent to us in response to this website! How many of these sixty-plus sins can you list, and how many of them have you violated over the past seven days? 578

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Jewels in His Crown

Psalm 132 is a testament to David's devotion to God, even through the hard times.

The writer asks God to remember all the hardships that David endured, and how David remained devoted towards finding a place for the Holy Temple of God. David vowed that he would not enter his own house or his own bed, would not sleep or even rest his eyes until he found a dwelling place for the Lord.

David searched high and low, and found the place for the House of the Lord in the fields of Jaar. The people asked God to enter His resting place, both God and the Ark of the Covenant. The priests would be clothed with God's righteousness, and all the saints would shout for joy. They pleaded with God to enter the Holy Temple for the sake of His servant, David.

God had given David a solemn oath, and God keeps His Word. God said that one of David's sons would be set upon David's throne, and if they keep God's covenant, God would keep them upon the throne.

God had chosen Zion for His dwelling place. He said it would be His resting place forever. God said that He would abundantly bless them, giving provisions to the poor. Their priests would be clothed with salvation, and the saints would shout for joy.

Finally, the writer, not knowing fully what he was writing about, proclaimed Jesus Christ. "There will I make a horn to sprout for David; I have prepared a lamp for my anointed. His enemies I will clothe with shame, but on him his crown will shine."

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Have we opened our hearts to God to give him a resting place in the new temple, our bodies? Are we proud that He chose these bodies as temples? Do we pray daily for God to remain in His temple, our bodies, so that we can shine for Him? Are we clothed with shame, or are we gems in His crown shining before all? 579

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The "Baptism Gospel"

I was talking to a brother about how many message believers have forgotten the Gospel of Jesus Christ, replacing it with something else. One of the doctrines that they have replaced it with is the "baptism gospel," or the false teachings that the incantation used determines your eternal salvation.

The "baptism gospel" is a tough one to conquer; many are blinded by this one. WMB, as we learned in other forum posts, was either a Wiccan or a small-time practicer of Wicca, and has tricked us into thinking that baptism is an incantation! Our words mean absolutely nothing before God. Our hearts and commitment to showing that we stand with Christ are all the words God needs to hear.

Here's some ammo for it:

Those baptized in the baptism of John had to be re-baptized according to the scriptures, and WMB used this to his advantage. Wrongly saying that John Baptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, WMB again programmed us into a corner.

John baptized unto the coming Messiah, not Father, Son, Holy Ghost. He had no knowledge that Christ would send the Holy Ghost, he only had knowledge of Yahweh and the coming Messiah. Likely, his baptism was simply "repent" but if it did have titles it would have been a dualism baptism.

Of course those baptized with "repent" would need to be re-baptized, because what does "repent" get you? A sinner can repent, but that does not mean he has an experience with Christ or has the Holy Ghost!

That "Name of" is absolutely the "Authority of", whether you are a "Jesus Name'er" or a Trinitarian. Otherwise, we have ourselves putting authority in the pastor's hands by his good or bad choice of words! Which pastor has the best spell for conjuring up salvation?

I strongly suspect that the Apostles would have said something more like, "I baptize you with the authority Jesus Christ gave me when he died and rose again."

Hebrews 6 describes men who tried to say they were baptized incorrectly. Paul dealt with the same exact thing!Quote:Therefore, leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God, Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. And this will we do, if God permit. 580

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Paul was glad he did not baptize! Just as we see in these last days with men saying their baptism is better than another, Paul experienced the same.

He was relieved that he did not baptize too many in his name (or his authority), because people might start claiming to be baptized in Paul's name was better than Cephas or Apollos' name (or authority).

Christ is the one who gives the power to the church, not man. Words spoken by man can never replace the blood of Jesus Christ on the cross.

Quote:1 Corinthians 1:10-17"I appeal to you, brothers, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be united in the same mind and the same judgment. For it has been reported to me by Chloe's people that there is quarreling among you, my brothers. What I mean is that each one of you says, "I follow Paul," or "I follow Apollos," or "I follow Cephas," or "I follow Christ." Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul? I thank God that I baptized none of you except Crispus and Gaius, so that no one may say that you were baptized in my name. (I did baptize also the household of Stephanas. Beyond that, I do not know whether I baptized anyone else.) For Christ did not send me to baptize but to preach the gospel, and not with words of eloquent wisdom, lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power."

I put all authority in the hands of God, not the words of man. The word Paul used for "baptized in my name" is "ovoma". It literally means my "name". Not authority. Paul was afraid people would say, "I baptize you in the name of Paul." It's the same word used for "And you shall call His Name Jesus" in Matthew 1:21.

Acts 2:38, on the other hand, uses the word "onomati", which means "name and authority." By the authority of the president of the united states I command you to halt.

Acts 4:7 gives a good example of this word using name with authority: "In what name have ye done this?" today's English would be, "Under what authority did you make the people halt? The president or the vice president?" 581

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Islam and Jesus the Prophet

WMB had a theology that differed from most mainstream and even non-denominational Christians. Were this teaching not in the Quran, we could even say that it was unique. But it wasn't unique.

WMB taught that Jesus had to see a vision from the Father, and He only did what the Father showed him in the vision. Multiple times throughout his ministry, WMB claimed that Jesus was a "super prophet."Quote:Now if you'll notice, my dear Christian friend, fellow citizen of the Kingdom of God, that Jesus testified while on earth, that He did nothing in Himself, that He only did, what the Father showed Him, by vision to do. Is that true? That's right. See? Only by what the Father showed Him. See? He said, "Verily, verily, I say unto you, the Son can do nothing in Himself; but what the Father showeth Him, that doeth the Son."51-0505 MY.COMMISSION

He said, "The things that I do, shall you do also, and greater than this shall you do, for I go to My Father." Is that right? Do you believe so?Now, you sick people, look here for a minute now. Do you believe that that is the truth, that Jesus said in Saint John 14:7--or--or I mean 14:12, "The things that I do, shall you also; and greater than this shall you do, for I go to My Father"? And Jesus plainly stated... Now, listen, and outside, I hope you hear. Jesus plainly stated that He could do nothing of Himself, but what God showed Him to do in a vision, that's what He done. Is that right?51-0923 THE.PRINCIPLES.OF.DIVINE.HEALING

The Quran mentions Jesus by name twenty-five times, while it only mentions Muhammad by name four times. WMB's "different Jesus" fits the description of "super prophet" perfectly as He is described in the Quran. From the virgin birth to his "healing campaigns and visions", the Quran seems to be the most accurate description of Jesus Christ according to WMB's doctrines.

In general Muslim belief, Jesus was the last prophet sent by God to guide the Children of Israel. In Islam, Jesus is a precursor to Muhammad, and is believed by Muslims to have foretold the Muhammad's coming.

The Quran also teaches that Jesus came to "confirm" the Law of the Old Testament, not Fulfill it as the Christian Bible describes. Very interesting when you consider that WMB taught the same.

Like WMB, the Quran teaches that God was NOT the son of Mary --even though the Quran states that Jesus was born of immaculate conception. In fact, they teach strongly against Trinitarian religion -- even mentioning the "trinity". 582

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Sura 5:72-73, 5:75 "They do blaspheme who say: "God is Christ the son of Mary." They do blaspheme who say: God is one of three in a trinity: for there is no God except one God Allah. If they do not desist from their word of blasphemy, verily a grievous penalty will befall the blasphemers among them. Christ the son of Mary was no more than a Messenger; many were the Messengers that passed away before him."


The virgin birth was a paradox. I do not believe that Jesus was any part of Mary. That was not His mother. It was a woman that God used for that purpose, an incubator to bear His Child. 62-0128A A.PARADOX

Let's compare:

Islam JesusMary was not the mother of JesusJesus was born of immaculate conceptionJesus was a prophetJesus could not not everything unless revealed by AllahGod is not a trinityChrist was a precursor for Mohammed

Branham JesusMary was not the mother of JesusJesus was born of immaculate conceptionJesus was a prophetJesus could not not everything unless revealed by GodGod is not a trinity

Bible JesusMary was the mother of JesusJesus was born of immaculate conceptionJesus was a prophet, but also GodJesus was GodGod is a trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit, and all three are ONE God) 583

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Respect Authority and Fulfill the Law by Love

Romans 13 gives instruction regarding authorities.

Many feel that their authorities are either power hungry, incapable of leading, or even ignorant on how to govern people. Though this may be true, these men are in place for a reason, and that reason is ordained by God.

Paul says that God has appointed the governing authorities. There is no authority except from God, and those that exist for us have been instituted by God. Any person who resists or objects to authority has resisted God.

Rulers are not a threat to good conduct, but are against bad conduct. If we do good, we will gain the approval of our authorities. If we do bad, justice is served at their hands, and it is not in vain. These in authority are God's servant for our good, and are an avenger who carries out God's wrath on the wrongdoer.

Therefore, we must be in subjection to authority. Not only to avoid God's wrath, but also for the sake of our own conscience. Paul says these authorities are ministers of God, and this is why we pay them our taxes. Pay all what is owed to them, taxes, revenue, and respect.

Paul said that any person who loves each other has fulfilled the law. All the commandments are summed up in this one simple phrase: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." Love is the fulfilling of the law.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we respect our authorities? Do we give them our respect? Are we fulfilling the law with Love? 584

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Searching Out the Truth

In 2 Corinthians 13, Paul gives us a very deep thought: We cannot do anything against the Truth, only for the Truth!

This was the third time Paul came back to the Corinthians, yet again they had strayed from the Truth. Paul kept reminding them not to let men rise among them -- every charge must be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses. He had warned those who sinned before, warned all the others, and warned the new ones now while he was absent. He had already warned them on his second visit!

These men tried to oppose Paul, seeking proof that Christ was speaking in him. Paul warned that God was not weak in the wrath that would deal with them, and that Paul would deal with them by the power of God.

Paul said for us to examine ourselves. Test whether you are in the faith, or not. Test yourselves!

He asked, "Do you not realize that Jesus Christ is in you? Do you not realize this about your own selves? The only way this can be is if Jesus Christ is not in you!"

Paul was utterly shocked that the people would let men rise in power among them. Christ came to give His Spirit freely among them. The same Jesus Christ that was in them was in Paul. The same Spirit in Paul was in the rest of the apostles. The same Holy Spirit in the apostles was in them! Why would they even want to let another rise in power, looking to a man for their answers?

He says we cannot do anything against the truth, but only for the truth. We are glad when we are weak and you are strong. Your restoration is what we pray for!

The Truth stands for itself. If we rise against the Truth, we learn more about the Truth! It becomes an invasive cleansing of all untruth when we rise against it! Paul was glad when others were weak, because they were searching out the Truth for themselves.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we searching out the Truth? 585

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Mary the Mother of Jesus

WMB tried to distance himself from mainstream religion with his claim that "Mary was just an incubator," and that Mary was not the mother of Jesus. In doing so, he also deviated from scripture.

Not only does the scriptures use the word "son" when describing the relationship between Mary and Jesus, Luke places the entire emphasis of the lineage of David through MARY instead of through Joseph!

The Gospel of Matthew gives the lineage of Christ quite different from the Gospel of Luke. Matthew gives what is believed to be the "legal" bloodlines according to record, while Luke seems to have researched to find actual physical bloodlines. For this reason, the family tree given by Luke is about sixteen families longer than the lineage Matthew gives.

"In the case of Heli and his daughter, Mary, this could have been accomplished by Joseph's becoming identified with Mary's family. Joseph would be included in the family genealogy, although the genealogy is really Mary's. Thus the genealogies of Matthew and Luke diverge from David on because Matthew traces the Davidic descent of Joseph, and Luke the Davidic descent of Mary (with Joseph's name standing in)" (Harmony of the Gospels, page 307).

Heli is understood to be the progenitor of Mary, not of Joseph. Joseph is not properly part of the genealogy, and is mentioned only parenthetically. In Luke 3:23 we read, "And Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli." The words "the son" in italics are not in the original Greek manuscript.

Also interesting is that Luke traces the bloodlines of Mary through Bathsheba's son Nathan as opposed to Joseph's lineage through Solomon.

This is the lineage according to Luke:DavidNathanMattathaMennaMeleaEliakimJonamJosephJudahSimeonLeviMatthatJorim 586

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EliezerJoshuaErElamadamCosamAddiMelkiNeriShealtielZerubbabelRhesaJoananJodaJosechSemeinMattathaisMaathNaggaiEsliNahumAmosMattathaisJosephJannaiMelkiLeviMatthatHeliJoseph (only by marriage)Jesus

Lineage according to Matthew:DavidSolomonRehoboamAbijahAsaJesoshaphatJehoramUzziahJothamAhazHezekiah 587

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ManassehAmonJosiahJeconiahShealtielZerubbabelAbuidEliakimAzorZadokAkimEliudEleazarMatthanJacobJoseph Jesus 588

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The Reason the Law Changed

The children of Israel were under the curse of the Law until the Kinsman Redeemer came to fulfill the Law. Hebrews 7 tells us the reason that the Law changed, comparing it to the traditional Jewish custom.

Paul said that under the Law, perfection was attainable through the Levitical priesthood. Under that priesthood, the people received the law. Now that Jesus Christ is our High Priest, Paul says that we have no further need for any other priest to rise after the order of Melchizedek.

Paul said that "When there is a change in the priesthood, there is necessarily a change in the law as well. The one whom these things are spoken belonged to another tribe, from which no one has ever served at the alter."

Jesus Christ descended from the tribe of Judah, which had no connection to the Levitical priesthood. Moses had mentioned nothing regarding priests in the tribe of Judah.

Paul said it was even more evident that the change in law was required, because this High Priest came in the likeness of Melchizedek who became a priest without any legal basis or requirement. The scriptures are witness to this: "You are a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek."

Paul called the Law a "former commandment" that is "set aside" because of its weakness and uselessness. The Law made nothing perfect!

Now, we have a better hope, by Grace through Faith in Jesus Christ. Through that, we draw nearer to God!

As the Mosaic Law was made with an oath, so was the new Covenant of Grace. The new Covenant, however, was made with Jesus as the guarantor --- not man!

The priests under the Old Covenant could not continue in office. As humans they were prevented by death. But Jesus Christ holds the priesthood of the New Covenant permanently, because He continues forever! Because of this, He is able to save any who draw near to God through Him, since He is always alive to make intercession for them!

Paul said that the Law appoints men in their weakness as high priests. But this New Covenant which came after the Law, appoints a Son, Jesus Christ, who has been made perfect forever!

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we remain under our new High Priest and the New Covenant of Grace? Or have we turned back to the Old Covenant of Law which has no priests still alive to intercede for us? Do we claim the Sacrifice of the New High Priest as our forgiveness forever? 589

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The Vindicated Prophet

MSG believers claim their prophet is "vindicated" because he healed some sick. We should examine that claim (and for now avoid arguing about WHO is the one that healed the sick).


1. To clear of accusation, blame, suspicion, or doubt with supporting arguments or proof.2. To provide justification or support for: vindicate one's claim.3. To justify or prove the worth of, especially in light of later developments.

1 KINGS 18:36-39Elijah the prophet approached the altar and prayed "O Lord God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, prove today that you are God in Israel and that I am your servant and have done all these things at your command. Answer me, O Lord, answer me, so these people will know that you, O Lord, are the true God and that you are winning back their allegiance." Then fire from the Lord fell from the sky. It consumed the offering, the wood, the stones, and the dirt, and licked up the water in the trench. When all the people saw this, they threw themselves down with their faces to the ground and said, "The Lord is the true God! The Lord is the true God!"

When Elijah prophesied, He did so, boldly, publicly, and when HE gave Thus Saith the Lord, it came to pass, without exception. Look it up. In each case, the act of the prophet served a purpose, and the people who witnessed it had an opportunity to respond. The same spirit that was on Elijah was also on Elisha, according to the Bible. The same pattern followed him as well. Compare the Biblical "Spirit of Elijah" to WMB, who supposedly embodied Mal 4:5-6. When your vindication needs vindicating, something is amiss. 591

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1954 ... The First End of the World Before 1977

But look, let's take historically speaking. The first two thousand years, the world order come to a climax, and God destroyed the world with water. You know that? Then it come forth as a new world. And the second two thousand years, it came to its end again and God sent Jesus. Is that right? This is the end of the next two thousand years, 1954. And the Gospel, Jesus said, "The work would be cut short." For what? "The elect's sake, or no flesh would be saved," it would so wicked. So we're at the end time. And then the seventh, in type, is the Millennium, a thousand years.54-0513 THE.MARK.OF.THE.BEAST 592

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Beware of the Scribes

At the end of Luke 21, Jesus gives a simple statement with a foundation-shaking power: Beware of the scribes.

Jesus said that "they walk around in long robes, love greetings in the marketplaces and the best seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at the feasts, yet they devour widow's houses and for a pretense make long prayers. They will receive the greater condemnation."

In the New Testament, the Scribes had two simple tasks: study the Law of Moses to know it intimately, and then teach it to the people.

Their title came from the days of the Old Testament when Ezra was called to be "a scribe in the law of Moses," (Ezra 7:6) and when Ezra used the title "the scribe of the Law of the God of heaven." (Ezra 7:21)

Ezra was the ideal type for the scribes in the New Testament, because of his devotion to Yahweh to both learn and teach Israel the statutes and judgments of the Law of Moses.

The scribes of the New Testament fall very short of Ezra's example. Though they were respected by the Jews, Jesus saw the harm in their methods and often reprimanded them. They had turned the Law of Moses into a legal issue with loopholes instead of a holy and respected way of life. It was not the position of "scribe" that was evil, but their misuse and abuse of that position and title.

Jesus warned that the scribes had love for themselves. He said that they would receive a "greater damnation." (Mark 12:38-40)

The scribes, though then knew the Law of Moses by the letter, were directly involved in the condemnation and crucifixion of Jesus Christ. Their pride led others to destruction and brought damnation upon themselves through their love of themselves.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we like Ezra, who studied the Word because of the Love of God? Or are we like the scribes, who study the Word in a twisted manner to lift ourselves among our peers? 593

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But as for Us, The Lord Is Our God, And We Have Not Forsaken Him

2 Chronicles 13 gives the story of Abijah, who rose up against the king and his mighty army. King Jeroboam had turned to idolatry.

Abijah went to battle with 400,000 men of war. They stood against 800,000 men of King Jeroboam's army.

Abijah stood on Mount Zemaraim and denounced King Jeroboam and his wicked ways. He said that the king had forgotten Yahweh and turned the kingship into a "covenant of salt." Jeroboam, a servant of King Solomon, had gathered men that Abijah considered "worthless scoundrels" to defy Rehoboam the son of Solomon when Rehoboam was too young to stand for himself.

He said that Jeroboam planned to withstand the kingdom of Yahweh because of his great multitude of men. Jeroboam thought that the golden calves they made for idols gave them power. He had driven out the priests of Yahweh and made priests from worshippers of Baal.

Abijah let his words ring out: "But as for us, the Lord is our God, and we have not forsaken Him!"

Though Abijah had only half the size of the army of Jeroboam, he knew that the power of God was on their side. He warned them they would be defeated, but he did not say they were fighting against mortal man. He said, "O sons of Israel, do not fight against the LORD, the God of your fathers, for you cannot succeed."

The scriptures say that God defeated Jeroboam and all Israel before Abijah and Judah. Abijah struck them with such a great force that 500,000 chosen men fell slain at the power of God through Abijah's army.

Abijah chased Jeroboam and his men throughout the land, and Jeroboam never recovered his power. God struck him down, and he died.

Abijah, on the other hand, grew mighty. God blessed his family with twenty-two sons and sixteen daughters.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we afraid when the enemy rises against us? Do we flee scared, or do we stand firm with the power of God on our side? Do we claim our victory with the mighty hand of the Lord? 595

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Those Seven Angels That Met Me in The Room

We are all aware of the "seven angels" that WMB claimed to have met him in Arizona to give him the "mystery" of the Seven Seals (while he was in Houston, TX).

It's also been discussed that before WMB saw the photograph of the "mystery cloud", the story was that those angels met him one-by-one in the "little room" in the Tabernacle to open each seal before the sermon was preached.

...then he commences to preach Clarence Larkin's "Dispensational Truth" to the congregation claiming the "mystery" Larkin reveals as his own.

Here are some handy quotes describing how those "angels" met him in the "little room" before his story changed:

Quote:I don't know what the Second Seal is no more than nothing, but I'd got some old contexts of something that I'd spoke on several years ago and wrote it down, and I'd gathered this context--context... And Dr. Smith, many great outstanding teachers that I--I'd gathered, and all of them believed that, so I'd wrote it down. And I was fixing to say, "Well, now I'll study it from that standpoint." And there about twelve o'clock in the day the Holy Spirit just swept right down into the room, and the whole thing just opened up to me, and there it was...?... of this--of this First Seal being opened.63-0318 THE.FIRST.SEAL

Now, I want to give thanks to Him Who's omnipresent, and that today, not knowing one thing about that Fifth Seal, it came in that same mysterious way this morning, just about a hour before daybreak that when I was out in prayer. And today... I have just set these last five or six days just in a little room, don't see no one, just go out and eat my meal with a--with a friend, with some of my friends here. 63-0322 THE.FIFTH.SEAL

Oh, see... Them--them revelations in the presence of that Ball of Fire hanging there in the room, till... Oh, brother. Although I've seen It since a child, it... every time It comes near me, It alarms me. He almost puts me in an unconscious condition. You never get used to It. You can't: It's too sacred.63-0322 THE.FIFTH.SEAL

And now, I know it's warm in here tonight, and--and it's... (No, I guess the heat's altogether shut off.) and--and we're... I noticed last night, or today this is my seventh day in a room without light (just electric light. See?) studying and praying for God to open these Seals.63-0323 THE.SIXTH.SEAL 596

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Now, just look here. You see how perfect everywhere you go. If I could stand here and talk the things that's revealed in that room, I tell you, it'd swing your heads around; but how you going to do it when you got a whole thing here.63-0324M QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS.ON.THE.SEALS

276 You see how the Holy Spirit watches that? 'Cause exactly, that's the same thing I said the other night, when He had talked to me in the room, and I come down here and preached to you all: that when the Lamb left the place (Oh, my. Now, I believe we'll just take a text. See?)--the Lamb had left His seat and come forth (See?), as I got up there when He was present, that Light, which is Christ... When He was present, told... When the Lamb leaves that seat of the throne, to--being a Mediator, He becomes down here, and the day of redemption for the church is finished.63-0324M QUESTIONS.AND.ANSWERS.ON.THE.SEALS

I have tried to stay in a--in a room with the shades pulled down, a light on (This is the eighth day.) and not even got in my car to--to go anywhere.I had to go with some brothers down to the bank to sign some notes and things on money and stuff that's been borrowed for this church, but I--a--but I come right straight back and went right to study. And the strange thing, there hasn't been one person said anything or... Usually they're knocking and pulling and around. There hasn't been one thing. It's been very phenomenal.63-0324E THE.SEVENTH.SEAL

And you'll find out that in that room, the revelation coming from God (just like all the rest of them has), that them...63-0324E THE.SEVENTH.SEAL

The interpretation come just as I had need of it; that was in the room. And I gave it out just as He give it.Now, you see, friends, visions doesn't fail; they're always perfect; they're just exactly true.63-0324E THE.SEVENTH.SEAL 597

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The Woman with Thus Saith the Lord

At an early age of eight years, Josiah began his reign in Jerusalem. 2 Kings 22 says that he did what was right in the eyes of the Lord even before he found the Book of the Law. The Bible says that he walked in all the ways of David, and did not turn aside.

At age eighteen, Josiah sent men to Hilkiah the high priest for an assessment of the money collected from the people. He wanted to use that money to pay workers to repair the House of the Lord. Josiah trusted them to the point that the money given to them was given freely without any accounting.

While going through this process, Hilkiah the high priest told Josiah's secretary that he had found the Book of the Law in the house of the Lord. He gave it to the secretary, and the secretary read it.

When the secretary returned to king Josiah, he told the king all that was done concerning the house of the Lord. Then, he told king Josiah about the Book.

As the secretary read the book to the king, Josiah rent his clothes. He immediately sent men to the house of the Lord to inquire what God would say concerning the words of the Book of the Law. He said, "Great wrath of the Lord is kindled against us, because our fathers have not obeyed the words of this book."

So they quickly went to Huldah the prophetess, who lived in Jerusalem. They asked her to receive Word from the Lord.

She said, "Thus saith the Lord, the God of Israel. Tell the man who sent you to me that Thus Saith the Lord, behold I will bring disaster upon this place and upon its inhabitants, all the words of the book that the king of Judah has read. Because they have forsaken me and made offerings to other gods, that they might provoke me to anger with all the work of their hands, therefore my wrath will be kindled upon this place, and it will not be quenched. But to the king of Judah, who sent you to inquire of the Lord, you will say, 'Thus saith the Lord, the God of Israel: Regarding the words you have heard, because your heart was penitent, and you humbled yourself before the Lord, when you heard how I spoke against this place and against its inhabitants, that they should become a desolation and a curse, and you have torn your clothes and wept before me, I also have heard you, declares the Lord. 20 Therefore, behold, I will gather you to your fathers, and you shall be gathered to your grave in peace, and your eyes shall not see all the disaster that I will bring upon this place.'" And they brought back word to the king.'"

So, from Huldah the prophetess, they returned to the king with Word from the Lord. 598

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As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Have we discovered the Word of the Lord? Is it on a shelf collecting dust, one day to be discovered? When we read it, do we humble ourselves before God for the sins we daily commit? Once we learn of our sin, do we patiently read the Word and wait on His instruction for our lives? When we receive instruction, do we act upon it? Are we like Josiah who walked in the way of the Lord, or his fathers who walked in the ways of baal? 599

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But The Word of God Increased and Multiplied.

Acts 12 tells the story of how powerful the Gospel of Jesus Christ is. No matter how difficult things may seem, God is in control.

King Herod was very violent against those who belonged to the early church. He killed James the brother of John by the sword, and then proceeded to arrest Peter. Peter was kept in prison during the Passover, and was to be handed over to the Jews after the Passover had ended.

But before Herod could bring him out, an angel of the Lord came and shone a light in Peter's cell. The angel quickly awakened Peter and helped him out of the prison. The iron gates opened by themselves, and Peter watched in amazement thinking that he was seeing a vision.

After he was free, Peter went to Mary's house. Many were gathered together praying, and Peter approached the door. A servant girl named Rhoda came to answer the door, and was so filled with joy that she did not even open the gate. She ran back inside to tell the others that Peter was outside, but they all assumed she had lost her mind. Peter kept knocking, and finally they opened to find that he was truly there to meet them. Peter told his story and asked the people to tell others while he departed to another place.

The next day, Herod was furious. He put the soldiers and sentries to death for losing Peter, and then went from Judea to Caesarea.

Herod was very angry with the people of Tyre and Sidon, but they begged him for peace because their countries depended upon Herod's land for food. On the appointed day, Herod put on his royal robes and took his seat upon the throne to deliver his oration. The people all shouted, "This is the voice of a god and not of a man!"

Immediately, the angel of the Lord struck Herod down because he did not give God the glory.

But the word of God increased and multiplied.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we stand for God's Word? When things look too difficult for us, do we rely on God for our safety and security? While others worship men, do we worship the One True God? 600

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William Marrion Branham: Necromancer

This one falls into multiple categories, all of which deal with the occult.

Abominable Practice of Interaction with The DeadQuote:When you come into the land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not learn to follow the abominable practices of those nations. There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord. And because of these abominations the Lord your God is driving them out before you. You shall be blameless before the Lord your God, for these nations, which you are about to dispossess, listen to fortune-tellers and to diviners. But as for you, the Lord your God has not allowed you to do this.Deuteronomy 18:9-14

Divination: The practice of attempting to foretell future events or discover hidden knowledge by occult or supernatural means.Necromancy: The supposed practice of communicating with the dead, esp. in order to predict the future.Charmer: to endow with or protect by supernatural powers.One who inquires of the dead: Communicating with spirits of the deadMedium: One who communicates with spirits

William Branham and his followers often tell of an event where a certain person had died, and a lady asked Branham to raise the dead. Branham claims to have searched for his soul "on the other side," and found that he was happier in the land of the dead. Though this story is not recorded, it is often told from behind the pulpit of churches that follow William Marrion Branham. Other similar stories are recorded, and it is very evident that William Branham was in contact with spirits - which is an abomination.

The most obvious necromancy in the sermons revolve around his dead wife Hope. She would speak to him from the dead:Quote:Sister, dear, not knowing what the future holds, but believing... Here it comes to me. Here it is. It was to be something... Right here's where my wife's casket laid, Hope. And it was this morning. And it was--it was Hope that raised and said she would not die. And the thing, I believe, was meaning to this baby now. She's laying exactly at the same place. And I can almost positive say it's THUS SAITH THE LORD.54-1219M DIVINE.HEALING 601

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Any follower of William Branham is familiar with his command of "the spirits." He would enter an auditorium and say things like "I take every spirit in this auditorium under my control," like a grand sorcerer of the dark ages.

To the common believer who has not studied his or her Bible, this is fascinating. To the one who has studied and found it to be an abomination before the Lord, it is very sickening.Quote:And notice, now. Like this street here's where mortals live. Mortals are influenced from an outside world. I should understand by the grace of God. I deal with spirits. And I should know what I am speaking of.And I look along through this dark mass of gaiety. Every once in a while, you'll see little lights a burning. Lights, that's... There you are. It's your table today. Lights a burning. that's Christians in the darkness giving light. See what I mean?Now, look at this here. The sinner is influenced by a spirit because he has a spirit. And the wrong gives influence and the right gives influence. And those who are dominated from--with blackness and separation, are dominated from the underworld of devils.

Look. The first thing when you... Here when you're going out of this line now, get this straight. Here's where mortals live. A whole conglomeration is blackness and darkness. And in there is little lights, placed now and then.That's Christians borned-again of Light. "Ye are--you are a light that is set on a hill. A candle that is set in the room and gives light to all the room." That's what a Christian is amongst darkness. You're supposed to shine where it's dark.Now, notice. The wicked or the unbeliever is influenced from beneath. There is a trinity of hell like there's a trinity of heaven. They're influenced by evil powers.Notice. The first thing, when you start down, the first thing you find is a realm here that's got the unsaved in it. That's right. That's where Jesus went and preached to the souls that were in prison that repented not in the long-suffering in the days of Noah. The next is demons. And the next is hell itself. The world is influenced by these demon powers through this trinity. And the Christians are influenced by a Spirit too, the Holy Spirit.

The first is the Holy Spirit, above, for Christians. The next layer is Angels. And the next heavens is God. Holy Spirit, Angels and God... The Holy Spirit come a past Angels, come down to redeem sinners.54-1204 GOD.PERFECTING.HIS.CHURCH

Medium: In Contact with SpiritsQuote:

51-0415E THE.HOUR.IS.COME_ PHOENIX.AZ SUNDAY_I--I believe that you're a Christian. I believe you're a Christian woman, and you have been for some time. You're--you're awfully nervous for one thing. As your nervousness is--type of nervousness, a worry nervousness. Isn't that right? You're awful person to take other people's 602

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troubles too, aren't you? You cross some bridges before you get to them and call it. Isn't that right? Now see, that always happens before... Something's blocking you like there, because you made plans, and it never comes out that way. You get in your mind something that's going to happen, and it doesn't, it just takes that way. Isn't that right? And you're...Now, it stopped on me just a moment. It's kind of hard. Now, everybody be in prayer, please.Now, just look this a way, sister. I just want to talk to you (See?), just order to contact your spirit. I seen a vision coming up from a child, from a little girl. And I--I... It just... I have to speak it as it's coming (You see?), or I--I don't get it. Now, just keep praying.

51-0509 TESTIMONY_ LOS.ANGELES.CA WEDNESDAY_Now, this lady here, she's just a prayer card. We'll call some more, if the Lord will permit us. (And you got the... Yes. Yes, sir.) Well sister dear, I'm happy that you got the prayer card. And I--I trust that--that something will be done that our Lord will glorify His Son, Christ Jesus, between us. That not only to you, but to the people out there in the audience, that they might see and be healed also.Now, we are perfect strangers. I--I do not know you. And I--I don't think you know me. No, you might've heard of me. Now, what I'm wanting to do is just to contact your spirit. And there's so many people out in there pulling. I don't think they hear us. I--I'm... I don't think they do, because there's some interference in the... They may be now. See? Now, I'm not sure. I can't say whether they do or not.

51-0717 THE.MANIFESTATION.OF.THE.SPIRIT_ TOLEDO.OH TUESDAY_Good evening, sister. Isn't our Master lovely? I just love Him with all my heart. I believe you do too...?... Do you believe that that's His Spirit that you feel now? Do you believe that that's Him? You do? You and I are strangers, aren't we, sister? We don't know each other at all. And if I would know anything of you, it would have to be like Jesus...The reason I talk to you is merely to contact your spirit. You understand that. This microphone's alive. You see? And I've got to contact your spirit first, 'fore I can see what's happened in your life. See? That's none of the audience's business. I'm just talking to you. You see? And merely this is just to contact you.

53-0215 JESUS.CHRIST.THE.SAME.YESTERDAY.TODAY.AND.FOREVER_ TALLAHASSEE.FL SUNDAY_You heard Mr. Baxter, I guess, tonight, tell about an Angel visiting me sometime ago and speaking with me about these things. Well, that's--that's the truth, sir. And He told me that I was to pray for sick people. That was my mission in life was to pray for the sick. Now, I questioned it and said, "I'm--I'm uneducated, so the people..." But since a little child, I was called for that work. You believe that?Now, if our Lord Jesus, when He talked to the woman at the well, He just didn't talk her a little while. And then after He talked to her, He said, "Go, get Me a drink"And she said, "I..." talked about the well. Now, what He--He was trying to contact her spirit. Now, you're the first patient here at the platform tonight, so that's what I have to be to contact your spirit. You see? See, we're both men standing here, got to one day meet God. See? But you're--you're also a supernatural being; you're--inside of you is a spirit that'll live somewhere 603

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forever, why, here too. Well, if you've got a disease, Satan's did that. And He sent me to pray so these two spirits will come together. And then if His Spirit can... It'll depend on which one you give in to (You see?) of these two... If you believe what you're told, it'll be right, you will get well. If you do not believe it, 'course there's nothing it can do. See? This is just for a vindication.

53-0531 SEEKING.AFTER.JESUS_ CONNERSVILLE.IN SUNDAY_Now, you're... Now, I'm talking to you just like the--He talked to the woman at the well. I'm trying to contact your spirit. See? You don't think I'd be reading your mind? No, sir, I'm not. No, sir. I'm not. I'm--I'm just trying to help you. Yes. You're complete breakdown. Everything's wrong with you.

53-0800 THE.TWENTIETH.CENTURY.PROPHET_ CHICAGO.ILLady, I just want to talk to you as... in the... The reason I'm doing this is to contact your spirit. Will you believe with all your heart? And if God will just reveal to me what is wrong with you, will you accept Him as your Healer? You would. Now, we're strangers I suppose, are we? Never seen each other in life, nowhere? But God knows what's wrong with you, isn't that right? You, one of your greatest things, you are anemia also. Isn't that right? You believe that God will make you well.

53-1104 DEEP.CALLETH.UNTO.THE.DEEP_ OWENSBORO.KY WEDNESDAY_Now, I've talked to you for a purpose (See?), to contact your spirit. And now your spirit's falling right in line with the Angel of the Lord. You got a--it's a--it's a gallbladder or some... Gallbladder trouble. See? Yes, ma'am. And I see you was in a doctor's office or something where there was taking a picture. And then you've had a... I see something another: you're alarmed about it being a cancer or something in your... You thought it was a cancer. Yes, sister; yes, ma'am. It's a nervous condition. And I tell you... Long time ago or something, you've had a operation on the head or something or other. It's something taken away or something. Yes, that's right. Un huh. It's a... It was a... Yes. Is that the truth? What was it? I just seen an operation being performed on it. Do you believe that God will make you well? If I ask Him, do you believe, audience, that God will heal this woman? Will you pray with me for her? Come here, mother. I want your hand. When I would take a little old wrinkled up hand like that, you don't know how it makes me feel. I think of my own mother who's been in... That's probably stroked back the tears from many babies eyes, cried and rocked them to sleep, done a many hard days work, washed. God bless them.

53-1108E EXPECTANCY_ OWENSBORO.KY SUNDAY_Now, my brother, it's just as our Master talked to the woman at the well. He just had a--a way of talking to her in order to contact her spirit. And you're standing here, a strong looking man as far as I know. And I... And, but God knows both of us, and I'm just trying to speak to you in order to--to contact your spirit like I... And if I am God's servant, and just a humble man as yourself, then the Angel of the Lord... Did you see the picture, did you? And then That comes down, and That gives the anointing. And that anointing then does the--the, it does the telling. That's right. 604

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54-0216 JAIRUS.AND.DIVINE.HEALING_ WOOD.RIVER.IL TUESDAY_Now, lady, I suppose you and I are strangers. Are we, lady? You... Where abouts was that you met me? Vandalia, Illinois. My, that's a long time ago. Yes, ma'am. Well, was you there at the meeting? Well, of course I would not remember that in this much time. Was you a up at the prayer line or something? Oh, you wasn't prayed... You just attended the meeting. That's right. Well, that's makes us then just the same as strangers. You just saw me standing on the platform. Was you there the night, the boy that was born blind received his sight, and come back, and took my tie, and ask his mother what color it was? Well, then... That was along about the next to last night somewhere. Now, I want you to look on my just a moment. Not--not--I'm not reading you mind, no ma'am. That's not... No, ma'am, I'm not. I'm just trying to contact your spirit. See? Just like a--a picture camera, a film's been taken. God has to take me down that same line again. See? You're...

54-0216 JAIRUS.AND.DIVINE.HEALING_ WOOD.RIVER.IL TUESDAY_E-65 How do you do? Of course, we're strangers, I suppose. God... Ma'am? I don't know you, no ma'am, I... Well then, if we're strangers in this world, and God knows that we are strangers then, there'd--there had to be some way I'd have to know you, and contact your spirit, or some way to find out. All right, audience, are you believing? [Congregation says, "Amen."--Ed.]

54-0307E DO.YOU.NOW.BELIEVE_ PHOENIX.AZ SUNDAY_Now, lady, I just want to look at you, just a moment to speak with you, just to contact your spirit and to--to see what the Lord would tell me.Of course, you know I've been stalling for Something; it's the Anointing of the Angel of the Lord. 'Cause if He doesn't come, then I know nothing. But when He comes, He knows all things. If He will, by His grace, let me know what's wrong with you, you will accept your healing, or whatever it is. Is that right? Here It is.

54-0329 REDEMPTION.BY.POWER_ LOUISVILLE.KY V-25 N-7 MONDAY_I'm not reading your mind, friends. I only speak the truth, and God vindicates it to be the truth.What do you think about it, setting there next to him? Do you believe? Do you believe me to be God's prophet? Do you believe if God... You setting 'cause you're on the front seat, that's the reason I'm talking to you so much. See, it's back in behind there and around me. But do you believe, if I can contact your spirit, God will reveal what's wrong? Would you accept your healing? You're a diabetic. Is that right? Raise up your hand if that's the truth. Stand up on your feet. Do you accept your healing now? May the Lord Jesus Christ make you every whit whole. God bless you.

54-0331 THE.RESURRECTION.OF.JAIRUS.DAUGHTER_ LOUISVILLE.KY WEDNESDAY_Come. How do you do, sir? Suppose, maybe, oh, us being strangers in this life, but God knows both of us. He's fed us, been with us. And all that--that we have comes from God. I'm only trying to contact your spirit, my dear brother, just so that God's blessings could rest.Now, just a moment, It... A, It has left me and It's pulling this a way. It's--it's a man setting here, praying, looking right at me. Oh, it's for that child there. It's going blind, its eyes. Is that right? Lay your hand over on your little fellow there and I'll ask God's blessings. 605

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Father, I pray that You'll heal that child and may it not be bothered any more; in Jesus' Name, heal its eyes. Amen. Have faith, brother. Going to be all right.

54-0403 THE.HAND.OF.THE.LORD.CAME.UPON.HIM_ LOUISVILLE.KY SATURDAY_You're the patient, aren't you? ...?... All right. You believe that the Lord Jesus Christ, you're in His Presence, not your brother? You're here in His Presence. Well, if I be God's servant, and I told the truth, then this would be God preaching back the truth, not my sermon now. It's His sermon. Then if you was standing here and He was visible, that you could see Him, as far as--if it was healing you was looking for, He couldn't heal you; He's already done it. He'd only tell you something that'd make you have faith. Is that right?Well, you just answer me as I talk to you then. I'm--only thing I'm trying to do is contact your spirit. It's very hard; there's others here praying, trying their best around everywhere. See?

54-0624 THE.DEEP.CALLETH.TO.THE.DEEP_ WASHINGTON.DC THURSDAY_Now, I want to talk to you a minute, sister. You're conscious that something's going on, of course, it's--it's just now happened. Now, if that is true, let the people see by your uplifted hand. That's right. See? It's... That--that's His Presence. that's right. See?Now, I'm--I'm a stranger to you, never seen you in my life. And now, if the Holy Spirit that I have spoke of, of Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever; if I have truly witnessed that to the people, and declare it to be the truth, and He is the same, then He will reveal to me something to you that would help you to believe. If you're--here I don't know what you have need of, whether... But He does. Now, if God will permit that, would you accept your healing and--or--or whatever it is you want, finance, or whatever it is you're here to seek Him for to ask Him about? Or domestic troubles, whatever it might be, whatever it is, He will know, and He will be able to let me know. Is that right? And that would make Him the same as he talked to the woman at the well.Now, I'm only talking to you like He did to contact your spirit. And I see you moving from me. You're--you're--you've had a... I see a great crash of some sort; it's an accident. And you--it was a car wreck, and you were thrown in the air, like that. And it strained you in, somewhere in your neck, and has caused a--a cancer to come into your neck... And you're some sort of a teach in the Scripture. And you believe that Jesus Christ makes you well?Father God, in the Name of Thy Son Jesus Christ, on the authority of God's Word, by a dying woman, I ask this evil thing to leave her.

55-1116 THE.CALLING.OF.ABRAHAM_ SAN.FERNANDO.CA WEDNESDAY_Now, as we talk, talking to you, is sure, it's to contact your spirit; that's right. And--and you... He's near, the Holy Spirit, you're aware of that, that Something's near. So am I, but It just hasn't anointed us yet, just right, to what it is. But I see the lady now as she begins to dim out to me. I see her. She's suffering with a--a nervous condition. She's real upset. She's been that way for some time. She also has a--a ladies condition; it's in the female gland. She's having trouble in the female gland. Those things are true, aren't they, lady?And I... You're--you're not from here. You've come from somewhere else, another city. I see you moving, coming this a way. Someone had told you something; it was about the meeting, and you come to be prayed for. And I see the number that you left from, it's--it's--it's 8614 is your 606

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street number. And somebody calls you, "Betty." And your last name is Moore. That's right. Just... Now, you can go home; you're healed. Your faith has done it, sister. The Lord bless you, my sister.

55-1118 THE.FAITH.OF.ABRAHAM_ SAN.FERNANDO.CA FRIDAY_Now, the Father sent me here to San Fernando Valley, put me here to preach the Gospel, and here you come. See? Now, the only way I know is to contact your spirit. And you being a woman, me a man, you a Christian, me a Christian, maybe you're in need of something, and the Holy Spirit is here as (and you His child) to help you to get what you come for. And that would only bring your faith up. Is that right? Does the audience believe that? That's the only... Now, not that I could heal, her faith has to do that. "Thy faith has made the whole."Now, if God will reveal to me what you come here for, or something that you know I don't know, what... If something like that, you will believe it? Will the audience believe it and accept it? Now, may the Lord grant it.

56-0225 JESUS.CHRIST.THE.SAME.YESTERDAY.TODAY.AND.FOREVER_ SIOUX.FALLS.SD SATURDAY_But by the grace of God, and the help of God, by me talking to you, I can contact your spirit by a Divine gift, by yielding myself to the Holy Ghost, that will produce the same thing that Jesus did to the woman at the well. Now, I have no idea what you're here for. You might be standing here for sickness; you might be standing here for somebody else. You might be standing here for financial troubles. You might be standing here for spiritual troubles. I do not know; you know that. I'm a stranger to you; I don't know you.

56-0414 BLIND.BARTIMAEUS_ COLUMBIA.SC SATURDAY_Now, if the Lord Jesus will tell me what you're here for, will you be...? See, I couldn't heal you if you're sick. I couldn't heal you, or I couldn't give you your desire. It'd be your faith in Him. But I only claim He raised from the dead, you understand? Well, may the Lord grant it, sister. Just talking to you to contact your spirit.But now, if the audience can still hear my voice, between she and I comes that same Light that you see in the picture, and she's going away from me. The woman, I see her in her doing her work, she is very, very, nervous. She drops things, and she's suffering with a--a skin trouble, which is a cancer in her skin. That's THUS SAITH THE LORD. Is that the truth? If it is, raise your hand?

56-0814 DIVINE.LOVE.AND.SOVEREIGN.GRACE_ PRINCE.ALBERT.SK TUESDAY_Now, may you be reverent. How, sir? Now, to talk to you, I just want to contact your spirit. Just exactly the way it would be if--if I was... Just like Jesus said to the woman at the well, He begin to talk to her, 'cause it's just like Him speaking and it's changing over. But we, being strange to one another, and not knowing each other, then God would have to do something. And if something would come to me and the Lord would let me know something about you, that you know that I don't know, and not knowing you... I don't know nothing about you. So then you'd know it have to come from some kind of a supernatural force. Is that right? Then you'd accept it to be the Lord Jesus, as I have plainly stated before the Bible...?... You believe it? That's fine. 607

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56-1208 ABRAHAM_ BROOKLYN.NY SATURDAY_What about the colored lady setting next to you? Would you stand up a minute, lady, the colored lady setting next to her? Do you believe me to be God's servant? Just to contact your spirit (You see?); you don't have to be up here. So that you'd know, at the calling in the prayer line, whether you're here or there makes no difference. Would you like to get over that intestinal trouble and be made well? Do you believe that God would heal you of that intestinal trouble that you have? If that's right, raise up your hand. All right. Be seated and believe on the Lord.

57-0127E BLIND.BARTIMAEUS_ LIMA.OH SUNDAY_Now, let us look to the woman. May... As a Christian and talking, the spirits of... Or the Holy Spirit's in a gift. One gift is preaching. That's an evangelist. Another gift is prophetic, which is altogether a different gift. And to be preaching and switch to something else, it's another anointing, but the same Spirit. You understand.Now, you and I being strangers, we never have met each other, and you being the first person here, I'm just trying to contact your spirit. And it's exactly just right, exactly what I'm trying to do. That's right. Because you're a woman, I'm a man, and we've never met before, and here we are before several hundred people.

57-0728 THIRSTING.FOR.LIFE_ TACOMA.WA SUNDAY_Now, a strong thing struck the platform then. Stop that. See? Now, we're not in this dimension of... If you scientists here, this is not the three dimensions we live in. It's another dimension which is closer to God. See? Just go down. You believe that God will give you the desire of your heart? All right. You seen Him heal your boy. You seen Him heal others. You believe that He will heal? All right. Now, you look this a way then. Just to contact your spirit, and believing that God will do it. Humbly I ask Him to do it.

58-0209E THE.DOOR.INSIDE.THE.DOOR_ SOUTH.BEND.IN SUNDAY_Just to contact your spirit, sister, just to see what He would tell me. He might not tell me one thing. I want to ask you a question. Do you believe what I preached is the truth about Him? If He didn't reveal one thing to me, would you still believe if I prayed for you, you'd get well, or--or you'd get what's... I don't know what you're here for. But would you believe it, anyhow? If I didn't no more than just pray for you, passed you through the line, you'd believe it, anyhow? God bless you. I--I believe you would.

58-0515 JESUS.CHRIST.THE.SAME.YESTERDAY.TODAY.AND.FOREVER_ FORT.FAIRFIELD.ME THURSDAY_Way down at the end of the row, setting there between two men, the lady with high blood pressure, the second row back, the end. Do you believe that Jesus Christ can heal you of your high blood pressure? It happened to be; I seen a streak leave this lady and go to you; that's the reason I know that you can be healed, if you want to accept it.I challenge your faith. Here's a dear soul setting here, right back there behind you. Setting there with that little black hat on, got trouble with your head, she's praying about it. That is right, isn't 608

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it, sister? Right here, the little lady with the black hat on and glasses. You're having trouble with your head. But you don't feel it now, do you? You were healed just then.The lady setting next to her looked like that... You believe, lady? I just want to contact your spirit. Lay your hand on her and the lady next to you there. The lady that was just healed, lay your hand on the next lady. Yes. You believe the Lord God will heal you, lady? You have complications, many things wrong with you, such as diabetes, for one; heart trouble, for another. That's right. If that's right, raise your hand. All right, go home and believe it be over, it will leave.

60-0708 SIR.WE.WOULD.SEE.JESUS_ KLAMATH.FALLS.OR FRIDAY_Now, if we don't know each other, the Lord Jesus knows her and He knows me. Now, if He will tell her something that she has done, or something that she's intending to do, or something that she knows that I know nothing about, then surely, if He can tell her what she has been, He can certainly know what she will be. Is that right? Now, how much greater would that be if Something would tell her, like something happened in the Bible, and would tell her that. Would... If He would do that, would you believe He was the same Lord? You would.You know it couldn't be your brother here; I just have to yield my spirit. I'm just like this microphone, a mute until He would speak. 'Cause what man would know that? None. It takes God to do it. Now, if God will let me know just by talking to you... Yes, sir, I am trying to contact your spirit. That's exactly right. That's just swept from the audience, and that's right.

61-0123 BE.NOT.AFRAID.IT.IS.I_ BEAUMONT.TX MONDAY_That strike you? You believe that I am His servant with all your heart? I don't know you. You're a stranger to me, just so the people see whether that people hasn't got prayer cards, or prayer cards it doesn't matter. Now, you know there's some kind of anointing here, is that right? You know that it--it--it ha... Something takes more than a--than a--a--a man to do something like that. It takes God, doesn't it? Yes, it certainly does. You believe that God could tell me what you're standing here for? Which would... You know He could. That's fine. All right. If you'll believe it... I see you're shadowed, yeah, something horrible, and you're shadowed, and that's the reason I looked around and the anointing being on me...Now, I couldn't take each one of them people down that line, I'd drop off here on this platform. So weak now, see how beads of sweat standing? See? I couldn't do it, because if He felt weakness from one person touching Him, what about now when He has to work back through a sinner saved by grace. See? And that was the anointed God. See? Just His holy virgin borned body that God was working through, made Him weak, what about me a sinner saved by grace? Because He said, "More than this shall you do. The things that I do shall you also, and more than this." It says greater in the King James but...You say, "What you talking to me for, Brother Branham?" I'm trying to contact your spirit just like He talked to the woman at the well. That's right. I can tell you now, you're suffering with an extreme nervousness; you got heart trouble also. That's right, isn't it? If that's right raise up you hand so the people see it. Now, you believe with all your heart? Why, the same God knows the same thing's the matter with you. See? That just does it.


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God set in the church: apostles, prophets, teachers, evangelists, pastors. That's all. Then them nine spiritual gifts in the church. You say, "Brother Branham, what are you trying to do?" I'm trying to contact your spirit.Jesus sent me to this city. I was led here. Now, here's a woman. by having a number on her prayer card way up in the--I forget where I called--50 or 75 or somewhere around. I forgot where it was. You just happened to be that woman standing here. All right.Now, not knowing one another. Now, what I am trying to do? contact your spirit. And if the Lord God... If I said I had a gift of healing, laid my hands on you, and say, "Praise the Lord. Hallelujah. You're going to get well." That'd be all right. Go believe it, you'd get well. I believe it. God will honor your faith.But what if He comes and tells you something that you--that you have been, then tells you what you will be. You know where--whether it--what it has been, whether it's the truth or not. Something that you have done in your life, way back there, or whatever He does, or something on that order. Then it would make the same Messiah. The audience wouldn't sense it. They'd believe it and just accept it.

62-0704 WE.WOULD.SEE.JESUS_ GRASS.VALLEY.CA JJ 1-36 WEDNESDAY_Now, I couldn't help that, sir. It's just I--I watch a Light, you see, and It just went from me, and I seen It hanging over there, and I seen the little lady come up here before me. And she kept coming before me here, and see it was a woman instead of a man, so I just had to speak on what I was seeing.Oh, if this church, if this group of people would just believe right now, and just have faith, what would happen, what would take place!Sir, we're strangers to one another. Just wanted to speak to you, in order just contact your spirit. Here, you're not here for yourself. You're here for somebody else, that's a--a little fellow, a little fellow, little boy been wrecked in an automobile accident, cut all to pieces, lacerated, very bad, serious condition. You're here, standing for him. That's right. If God doesn't help the little boy, he's got to die. Will you do me a favor? Take that handkerchief out of my pocket; go, put it on him, in the Name of the Lord, and don't doubt. And let me hear from him, as the meeting goes on. Have faith.

64-0307 A.TESTIMONY.ON.THE.SEA_ DALLAS.TX V-19 N-11 SATURDAY_How do you do, sir? I am a stranger to you, and--and you're a stranger to me. And it's--it's begin... The visions now, I see, look like the whole house is just getting light, like kind of a whirl-like going around. See? But do you believe that the Lord Jesus could reveal to me what you're standing there for? You believe that He would? I believe that, also. I'm just speaking to you, to contact your spirit, exactly is what I'm doing it for. See, I don't know you, so it's got to be something besides me do it. I've got to get myself just so completely away from myself, that He does it Himself. You understand?

64-0318 SIR.WE.WOULD.SEE.JESUS_ DENHAM.SPRINGS.LA WEDNESDAY_And I'd bring you up here and lay hands on you, and maybe like some of our evangelist brethren, which it's just exactly right, and lay hands on you, say, "Your infirmity is gone. The 610

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Lord has healed you." That would be all right. You could go. That's okay. I certainly endorse that, one hundred percent. That's what the Bible said.But now what if He stands here and tells you something that you have done, or something that you ought not have done? If He knows what you have been, and tell you what you have been, and you know whether it's true or not, then if He tells you what your future is going to be; if that's right, this is going to be right, too. Is that right? That makes it Him, you see. Now I'm just saying that to contact your spirit. See, just like He did the woman at the well, "Bring Me a drink."

64-0409 THE.IDENTIFICATION.OF.CHRIST.IN.ALL.AGES_ BIRMINGHAM.AL THURSDAY_Now I want to just--just to contact your spirit, lady, just to talk to you. Do you believe that these things are true? You believe that the Lord Jesus could reveal to me what you're here for? You also have tumor. That's right. Do you believe He can reveal to me where it's at? It's in the female glands. [The sister says, "Yes."--Ed.] And what gland it's in, it's in the womb. That's right. ["Yes."] All right. Believe now, go, with all your heart have faith.236 Now here is a man. A man once came to the Lord Jesus, and his name was Simon, now, and he was called Peter; Jesus told him who he was and where he come from, or what about it. Now if the Lord Jesus can reveal to me what you're here for, will you believe that? You know it'd have to be the truth, if--if you know whether it's the truth or not. But, you, you believe me to be His servant. [The brother says, "That's right. I know it."--Ed.] You know. Thank you, sir. Thank you. May the Lord help you now to believe that with all your heart.

64-0816 PROVING.HIS.WORD_ JEFFERSONVILLE.IN V-9 N-6 SUNDAY_How do you do? I say that just to contact your spirit, lady. Just like Jesus did at the well, said, "Bring Me a drink." Now, I believe... I don't believe I ever seen you, I believe you're a stranger to me. Is that right? If that's right, raise up your hand so the audience can see. I don't know the lady.269 This is genuine healing, it's genuine faith, genuine Scripture, the unadulterated Word of God made manifest and proved that He's not dead. He's alive forevermore. "And he that believeth on Me, the works that I do shall he also, and this believer will lay hands upon the sick and they shall recover." Oh, how can you doubt it? See? Now, He knowed who would and who would not, I don't. That's up to Him.

65-0427 DOES.GOD.CHANGE.HIS.MIND_ LOS.ANGELES.CA V-18 N-4 TUESDAY_Now, do you believe that? If the Lord can tell me what your trouble is, or what you're here for, something you have done or ought to have done, or--or something else, then you will believe? All right, I'm trying to contact your spirit, you see. That's what I'm trying to do. Like He did the woman at the well, He talked to her a little bit, see, He was asking for a drink. And that's what I'm trying to do, is get your mind, not reading your mind; but trying to as He did, perceive your thoughts.

53-1108E EXPECTANCY_ OWENSBORO.KY SUNDAY_E-33 Now, the reason they set these two microphones here is because of when the anointing of the Holy Spirit, I never know what takes place. The next day I have to pick it up on a tape 611

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recording up there, to find out what I said myself. And that's the way we catch a record on everything. Watch what He tells you, and do just exactly what He says, and I'll assure you that everything will be just the way He said.Now, be in prayer. You don't have to bow your head, but unless you're asked to, and pray. Now, I--I must talk to this man just a little in order to contact his spirit. And I want you all to help me tonight. And each Christian in your heart praying, 'cause there's unbelievers setting present. There's critics setting present. And do you realize that I'm representing the Lord that you serve in your church? And you realize what a position it is, sometime before a hundred thousand people. I'm representing Jesus Christ. So you who love Him, pray for me.

57-0115 GOD.KEEPS.HIS.WORD_ STURGIS.MI TUESDAY_[]... that pleurisy would leave you. That's right, isn't it? You got more faith than really you thought you had. Now, you're really know that something's anointing you now. When I said that, that just boosted your faith. Wasn't that right? Now, you look at me as God's prophet. You're not from this city. You're not from around here. You come from a big place. It's Detroit. That's right. Elizabeth is your name. Your last name's Marshall.Do you believe on the Lord Jesus now, lady? See, as you contact his spirit, how He moves right back down to you? That--that doesn't heal you. It only gives you a contact of Spirit. Now, get her to doubt. Some of the rest of you might, but not her. Neither did Nathanael doubt. Neither did the woman doubt, who the miracle was done on. Neither did the woman at the well doubt.

62-0627 WE.WOULD.SEE.JESUS_ SANTA.MARIA.CA WEDNESDAY_Now, may the Lord grant your request: Jesus the same yesterday, today, and forever. "Sirs, we would see Jesus." Our lovely Lord Who is here in the form of the Holy Ghost, trusting He's on this man, on me, and by your own faith in a Divine gift sent from God grants the request. I trust that It will. Not knowing you, knowing nothing about you, perfectly strangers, and if the Lord will tell me what you're here for, or something about you...Now, if you say... what if... Someone out there say what's he doing now? Just exactly what Jesus did to the woman at the well. The Father sent me to Santa Maria. Now, I'm here. I don't know what for. But here's the first person comes up before me, so I talk to him like He did the woman at the well. It's to contact his spirit.You say, "Now, what's that?" Now, wait just a minute. Let us straighten this out now. I felt something come in from out there. See?

64-0304 SIRS.WE.WOULD.SEE.JESUS_ DALLAS.TX V-19 N-8 WEDNESDAY_But now if I come up here and laid hands on you, say, "Glory to God, you're healed! Glory to God." That would be all right, that's perfectly all right, if you believed it.But what if He tells you what you have done, or some cause, the reason you are sick, or something like that? Then you would know, if He could tell you what has been, He would surely know what--what will be, would be right. Yes, sir.Do you believe that, audience? [Congregation says, "Amen." --Ed.] Now what am I doing to the man? I'm trying to contact his spirit, just as our Lord did at the well, to that woman. I don't know him. I've never seen him. Now there is many in here, sick, many praying. 612

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51-0928 AT.THY.WORD_ NEW.YORK.NY FRIDAY_Dear Father, come near, I pray Thee. Help Thou Thy humble servant at this time, that I might know Thy Divine will and might be able to con--comfort Thy people. And may the Angel of God, Who met me that night in the room... Lord, He's never said His Name, but You know Who It was, He claimed He was sent from You. And now may He come near and minister to these people through Your humble servant. For I ask it in the Name of Thy Son Jesus. Amen.I'm just a little late; I always like to close a service by ten if possible. Now, if you be real reverent now, everybody be talking to God, praying, believing with all your heart, God will bring it to pass. Don't you believe that? Now, just reverently while I'm speaking with the sister. 'Course first, you've got to contact her spirit. See? She is a spirit; I am a spirit. Then we've got to contact each other. I want you back in here to believe with all your heart. 613

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Christ Was the Shepherd of the Flock Doomed to Slaughter

In Zechariah 11, God told Zechariah to become the "shepherd of the flock doomed to slaughter." God wanted Zechariah to know the burden Christ, so Zechariah himself became part of the vision.

Typing the scribes and Pharisees, God said those who buy the flock slaughter them and go unpunished. Then those who sell the flock say, "Blessed be the Lord, I have become rich," and their own shepherds have no pity on the flock.

God said that he would no longer have pity on the inhabitants of the land. Israel would be unprotected against their neighbors, and each king that rose against Israel would crush them at his hand.

With this, God said that He became the shepherd of the flock doomed to be slaughtered by the sheep traders. Zechariah took two staffs, one named "Favor," and one named "Union." With these, He tended His sheep.

In one month, he destroyed three shepherds, but he became impatient with the sheep, and his own sheep detested Him. So he said, "I will not be your shepherd."

Then, God describes breaking and annulling His covenant with Israel. He said, "What is to be destroyed, let it be destroyed. And let those who are left devour the flesh of one another. So I took my staff "Favor" and broke it, annulling the covenant that I had made with all peoples."

When God broke the covenant, the sheep traders who were watching knew that it was the Word of God. Then God said, "If it seems good to you, give me my wages." They gave Him thirty pieces of silver.

Then God said to throw the thirty pieces of silver to the potter. He threw the thirty pieces at the potter, which represented the house of the Lord. Then, He broke his second staff "Union", annulling the brotherhood between Judah and Israel.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Have our shepherds became "sellers of the flock," making profit from their sheep? Do they claim their blessing while sheep have nothing? Are we thankful God sent his Son, Jesus Christ? Do we look for Him to come again? Are we thankful for the burden of Christ? 614

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Arrogance Towards Other Christians

In Romans 11, Paul gives some very deep thoughts using the example of grafting branches into the root of a tree. Though this story, Paul explains that we should not be arrogant towards our other Christian brothers and sisters in other belief systems.

He asked the people if the Jews stumbled so they would ultimately fall, then answered himself, "By no means!" Paul said that through their trespass, salvation has been offered to the Gentiles in order to make Israel jealous!

Paul said that he promoted the Gentiles with higher esteem in order to magnify his ministry with the Gentiles. By doing so, Paul attempted to somehow make his fellow Jews jealous, and hopefully save some of them.

Paul said that if some branches are broken off, and were grafted in among other trees to share a nourishing root, we should not be arrogant towards the branches.

If you are arrogant towards the other branches, remember that you are not the one supporting the root. The root supports you! You may tell yourself that other branches were broken off so that I may be grafted in, but Paul said they were broken off for their unbelief. He said that we should stand fast through faith and not become proud. We should fear God.

Paul pointed out the severity of not supporting one another in Christian love. If God did not spare the natural branches, neither will He spare you! If you do not continue in His Lovingkindness, God will also cut you off!

At the same time, Paul said not to look down upon those in unbelief. If they do not continue in their unbelief, but are grafted back in, God has the power to take them in again. If you were cut from a wild olive tree, grafted to a cultivated olive tree, how much more will the natural trees be accepting of the returning branches to the original tree!

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Have we became arrogant towards other Christians? Do we look down upon those who do not believe as we do, or do we try to help them join into the Christian faith? Are we showing each other Christian Love? Are we the branches that God would cut off? 615

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Trusting in Oppression

Isaiah 30 tells the story of how Israel turned away from God to trust in oppression. God was angered, but God was faithful to Israel.

Israel had made an alliance with Egypt. They had made plans without consulting God, and God was not supportive of this union. Egypt had great power, and the children of Israel made the alliance to have the protection of the mighty Egyptians.

God spoke to Isaiah and told him to write the Word from the Lord into a book, so that it could be a witness forever. God also instructed Isaiah to write His Word on a tablet and bring it before the children of Israel.

God said they were "lying children." They were unwilling to hear the instruction of the Lord. The children of Israel told their seers "Do not see," and their prophets, "Do not prophesy what is right." They wanted to hear things that were easy to hear instead of the Truth. They did not want to hear anything more about Yahweh.

God said they trusted in oppression and perverseness. They relied on them. Because of this, their iniquity would be like a breach in a high wall -- bulging out until the wall was near collapse. When it fell, it would be like the ruthless smashing of a potter's vessel.

God had already told them that if they returned to Him, they would find rest and be saved. In quietness and in trust in Him they would find His strength. Instead, the children of Israel were unwilling.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we willing to return to God? Are we willing to submit ourselves in quietness and trust in Him? Are we willing to give up the idols in our lives, the things that we put before God? Are we oppressed, or are we resting in Christ? 616

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Do Not Worship the Angel

Revelation 22 points us to the second coming of Christ.

The angel told John that the words he had been given were trustworthy and true. The Lord God had sent His angel to show his servants what would soon take place. He said, "Blessed is the one who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book."

John fell to worship at the feet of the angel, but the angel forbid him. He said that he was a fellow servant. Instead, the angel said that we should worship God.

He told John not to seal up the words of the prophecy, for the time was drawing near. The evildoer will still do evil, the filthy will still be filthy, while the righteous will still do right.

He said that those who wash their robes are blessed, and they have the right to the tree of life. They will be the ones that enter the gates of the city.

Outside the city are dogs and sorcerers. They are the sexually immoral, murderers and idolaters, as well as everyone who loves and practices falsehood.

He said, "I Jesus, have sent My angel to testify to you about these things for the churches. I am the root and descendant of David, the bright and morning star."

He welcomed everyone who would hear to come. The Spirit and the Bride, all who hears. Let the one who is thirsty come, and the one who desires the water of life can freely come.

Then, Jesus warned to anyone who hears the words of prophecy of the book: If anyone adds to them, God will give him the plagues described in the book. If anyone takes away from the words of the book, God will take his share of the tree of life.

He who testifies to these things testifies of the coming of Jesus Christ. He said, "Surely I am coming soon."

The Grace of the Lord Jesus be with you all, amen.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Have we kept the words of this book? Have we fallen into worship of angels, prophets, or men? Are we the idolaters or the lovers of falsehood? May God have mercy on us all. 617

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To The Unknown God

Acts 17 tells how Paul preached in the midst of the Areopagus, the high court of appeal in Athens.

Paul said that he could see that the people were very religious. As he passed through and observed the objects of worship, he also found an alter with an inscription: "To the unknown god."

He said that what they worship as unknown, he could proclaim to them. This God they worshipped and did not know was the God who made the world and everything in it. He is the Lord of heaven and of earth, and does not live in temples made by man. Nor can he be served by human hands, needing nothing since He Himself is God. He gives life and breath to all mankind, and from one man made every nation of mankind to live.

God determined allotted time periods and boundaries of their dwelling place for one purpose: that they should seek God. Perhaps, they would find their way toward Him and find Him. Yet, Paul proclaimed, he is actually not far from each one of us.

Even their poets had proclaimed the One True God. "In him we live and move and have our being, for we are indeed his offspring."

Being the offspring of God, we should not think that God is like anything that comes from the imagination of a man. In the times of ignorance, God overlooked this, but now he commands all people everywhere to repent. God has set aside a day when he will judge the world in righteousness by a Man that He has appointed. God gave this assurance to all mankind when He raised Him from the dead.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we serve an unknown god, or do we know the One True God? Do we worship anything that comes from the imagination of a man, or do we worship God alone? Do we look for the day when His Son, Christ Jesus will return to judge the world? 618

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The Friendship of Herod and Pilate

Luke 23 tells the story of the mended friendship between Herod and Pilate as they accused Jesus.

The people brought Jesus before Pilate, telling him that He was misleading the nation and forbidding the people to give their tribute to Caesar because Jesus said that He was Christ, a King.

When Pilate asked Jesus if He was King of the Jews, Jesus answered him, "You have said so."

Pilate found no guilt in Jesus, but the people were insistent. They said, "He stirs up the people, teaching throughout all Judea, from Galilee even to this place."

When Pilate heard that Jesus was a Galilean, he realized that this was Herod's jurisdiction. He sent Jesus to Herod, who was in Jerusalem at the time.

Herod was very glad to see Jesus. He had heard of the miracles done by Jesus, and wanted to see some sign done by Jesus. Therefore, he questioned Jesus at great length. But Jesus gave no answer.

The chief priests and scribes were present, and they vehemently accused Him. Herod and his soldiers treated Jesus with contempt and mockery. But finally they gave up.

Herod clothed Jesus in splendid clothing of a king, and sent Him back to Pilate. Though Herod and Pilate had been very hostile towards each other before, from that very day they became friends. Neither could find fault in Jesus.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Does Christ put us at peace with our enemies? Do we find peace in His presence, or have we accepted the presence of something else? When we are accused, do we respond peacefully as Christ did, or do we violently lash out at our accusers? Are we like Christ, spreading peace? 619

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The Altar of Witness

Joshua 22 tells the story about the Altar of Witness built by the Eastern Tribes of Israel.

When they came to Jordan in the land of Canaan, the people of Reuben, Gad, and the half-tribe of Manasseh built a huge altar. The other tribes of Israel got word that they had built the altar, and the whole assembly of the people gathered at Shiloh for war.

They thought the altar was made in rebellion of Yahweh. They reminded the people of the wrath and destruction from the Lord for serving false gods, and pleaded with them to serve God instead of baal.

But the people of Rueben, Gad, and Manasseh answered that the One True God knew their hearts, and they were not turning away from God. They did not build the altar for burnt offering, or sacrifice, but for a witness between them and God, and for future generations after them. It was built to be a witness that they serve the One True God.

When the priest and chiefs of the congregation heard this, they knew their hearts were pure. Phineas, son of Eleazar the priest, told the people of Reuben, Gad, and Manassah, "Today we know that the Lord is in our midst, because you have not committed this breach of faith against the Lord. Now you have delivered the people of Israel from the hand of the Lord."

The People of Rueben and Gad called the altar "Witness." They said, "It is a witness between us that the Lord is God!"

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we a witness before God? Do we stand before God and men as a living witness that God is real? When others rise against us thinking evil, are we founded in God's Word to give them assurance that we serve the One True God? 620

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The Cheerful Giver

2 Corinthians 9 describes the offering system in the church under the New Covenant of Grace.

Now that the high priests no longer store and make ready for the Sabbath days, weeks, and years, Paul tells us the correct way to give.

He says that any person who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly. Anyone who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. You must give according to what you have decided in your heart, and not give under any sort of compulsion. God loves a cheerful giver.

God is able to provide abundant grace to you, and supply all of your needs at all times. He will ensure that you may abound in every good work that you do.

Paul said that it is written: "He has distributed freely, he has given to the poor; his righteousness endures forever."

He said that the same God that supplies seed for the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and make your harvest of righteousness bountiful. You will be enriched in every way, so that you can be generous in every way!

Paul says that it is our being generous that thanksgiving is given to God through us. Our ministry is not only supplying the needs of the saints, but overflowing to others in many thanksgivings!

By the minister's approval of this service, they will glorify God because of you. Your cheerful giving comes from within the heart, the confession of the gospel of Christ! The generosity of your contribution for them and for others glorify God!

Paul said we should freely give while our ministers pray for you, passing the grace of God upon you.

Thanks be to God for His inexpressible gift!

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we freely give, or do we hoard? Do we give only to those we feel worthy, or do we freely give to all? Are we thankful that God provides abundantly so that we may give to others and share the Gospel? Do we thank God daily for His inexpressible gift? 621

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Jars of Clay

2 Corinthians 4 compares our bodies to "jars of clay," filled with the power of God.

Paul says that we have treasure in our jars of clay, showing that the overflowing power belongs to God and not to us. Though we suffer many afflictions, we are not crushed. We may be perplexed, but not driven to despair. We are persecuted but not forsaken, struck down but not destroyed.

He says that we are always carrying the death of Jesus with us in our bodies, so that the life of Jesus may also be manifested in our bodies. We may be given to death for Jesus' sake, but the life of Jesus will be made manifest in our mortal flesh.

Paul said that we have the same spirit of faith as was written, "I believed and so I spoke." We also believe, and so we also speak. We also believe what we speak, knowing that the One who raised Christ Jesus will also raise us also with Jesus and bring us into His presence. He did this all for our sake, so that Grace extends to more and more people through us. It will increase thanksgiving to God, for His glory!

Therefore, we should never be discouraged. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is renewed day by day. Paul calls our afflictions "light momentary afflictions," that are preparing us for an eternal weight of glory beyond all comparison. We should look towards the glory that is unseen, not the things we can see with our eyes in this world. The things we see around us will fade away, but the things unseen are eternal.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Have we made good use of our jars of clay? Are they bubbling over with the Spirit, spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ, or are we spreading some other gospel? Are we spreading it to many, many others in thanksgiving to God, or are we bottling up our jar of clay with a lid? Are we looking to the unseen? 622

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The Gospel to The Gentiles

In Antioch in Acts 13, Paul preached a sermon to a welcoming Gentile congregation amongst jealous Jews.

His sermon to the Gentiles was very simple, and pointed to Jesus Christ. He said:

"Men of Israel and you who fear God, listen. The God of this people Israel chose our fathers and made the people great during their stay in the land of Egypt, and with uplifted arm he led them out of it. And for about forty years he put up with[b] them in the wilderness. And after destroying seven nations in the land of Canaan, he gave them their land as an inheritance. All this took about 450 years. And after that he gave them judges until Samuel the prophet. Then they asked for a king, and God gave them Saul the son of Kish, a man of the tribe of Benjamin, for forty years. And when he had removed him, he raised up David to be their king, of whom he testified and said, 'I have found in David the son of Jesse a man after my heart, who will do all my will.' Of this man's offspring God has brought to Israel a Savior, Jesus, as he promised. Before his coming, John had proclaimed a baptism of repentance to all the people of Israel. And as John was finishing his course, he said, 'What do you suppose that I am? I am not he. No, but behold, after me one is coming, the sandals of whose feet I am not worthy to untie.'

"Brothers, sons of the family of Abraham, and those among you who fear God, to us has been sent the message of this salvation. For those who live in Jerusalem and their rulers, because they did not recognize him nor understand the utterances of the prophets, which are read every Sabbath, fulfilled them by condemning him. And though they found in him no guilt worthy of death, they asked Pilate to have him executed. And when they had carried out all that was written of him, they took him down from the tree and laid him in a tomb. 30 But God raised him from the dead, and for many days he appeared to those who had come up with him from Galilee to Jerusalem, who are now his witnesses to the people. And we bring you the good news that what God promised to the fathers, this he has fulfilled to us their children by raising Jesus, as also it is written in the second Psalm, "'You are my Son, today I have begotten you.'

And as for the fact that he raised him from the dead, no more to return to corruption, he has spoken in this way, “' will give you the holy and sure blessings of David.' Therefore, he says also in another psalm, “'You will not let your Holy One see corruption.' For David, after he had served the purpose of God in his own generation, fell asleep and was laid with his fathers and saw corruption, but he whom God raised up did not see corruption. Let it be known to you therefore, brothers, that through this man forgiveness of sins is proclaimed to you, and by him everyone who believes is freed from everything from which you could not be freed by the law of Moses. Beware, therefore, lest what is said in the Prophets should come about: "'Look, you scoffers, be astounded and perish; for I am doing a work in your days, a work that you will not believe, even if one tells it to you.'" 623

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The people were so accepting of the sermon that they begged him to tell them again on the next Sabbath. Both Jews and devout converts to Judaism followed Paul and Barnabas as they urged them to continue in the grace of God.

But when they gathered again, the Jews became jealous of the large crowd of Gentiles. Paul reminded the Jews that they were blinded by God, and that the Lord commanded them, saying "I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth."

When the Gentiles heard this, they began rejoicing and glorifying the Word of God. As many as were appointed to eternal life believed, and the Word of God spread throughout the whole region.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Does the Word of God excite us? Do we enjoy reading the Word of God, or do we satisfy ourselves with just the words of men? Are we thankful that the Gospel spread to the Gentiles so that we might be saved? 624

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Impersonating God the Father

At the end of the sermon "Looking at The Unseen" in April of 1959, William Branham starts telling the congregation to feel the Spirit "pulsating" through them. Then, Branham begins to speak with authority, as though God Himself were speaking through him.Quote:I'm the Lord that raised up Christ from the grave. I'm the One that sent the Holy Ghost. I'm the One that give the promise. Brother Branham has nothing to do in this. I have--He's surrendered his life to Me. I'm using his Spirit; I'm talking through his lips. That's Me; I'm the Lord.Looking at the Unseen, April 10, 1959 (tape #59-0410).

There's just one problem: Did God stutter? Was the Heavenly Father speaking through William Branham and then suddenly made a mistake, or was William Branham impersonating the Holy Spirit?

There are only two possibilities. Either God made a mistake or William Branham decided to assume the qualities of God by speaking in His authority. This should not be taken lightly.

The definition of blasphemy is:1. Impious (lacking reverence) in utterance or action concerning God or sacred things.2. In Judaism.a. An act of cursing or reviling God.b. Pronunciation of the Tetragrammaton (YHVH) in the original, now forbidden manner instead of using a substitute pronunciation such as Adonai.3. In Theology - The crime of assuming to oneself the rights or qualities of God.4. Irreverent behavior toward anything held sacred, priceless, etc.: He uttered blasphemies against life itself.

Christ tells us the severity of blasphemy: "Therefore I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven people, but the blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven." (Matthew 12:31).

This was a sin that left the offender guilty for all eternity.But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin" Mark 3:29 ESV 625

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Love Makes Us Blameless Before God

1 Thessalonians 3 tells us that love, one for another, makes us blameless before God.

Timothy had brought good news to Paul. He said that the Thessalonians had great faith and love, and said that they would always remember Paul. They longed to see Paul again.

Paul said that it gave him great encouragement. It helped Paul through his many afflictions, just knowing that they were standing fast in the Lord. Paul said that he prayed night and day that he could return to them and increase their faith even more.

He prayed that God the Father, and the Lord Jesus, would direct the way to the Thessalonians again. He asked that the Lord make them increase and abound in love, not only for one another, but for all. Paul asked that God grant this for them, so that He may establish their hearts blameless and in holiness before God the Father, so that they might be blameless at the coming of the Lord Jesus with all His saints.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we have love for all, or have we chosen some other way of holiness without love? Will we be blameless before Christ when He returns? 626

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God Is Love

1 John 4 tells us that God is Love.

After warning to test the spirits because false prophets would rise, John told the people to love one another. He said that Love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God.

He warned that anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. The love of God was made manifest among us, so much that God sent his only Son into the world so that we might live through him. This love was not just that we loved God, but that He loved us! God sent his only Sone as a propitiation for our sins!

John says that if God loved us, we also should love one another. No one has ever seen God, yet if we love one another, God abides in us. When we love one another, His love is perfected in us!

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Does God's love abide in us? 627

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The Fire, The Beast, and the False Prophet

Revelation 20 prepares us for the deception that Satan will send to the earth, and gets us excited for his defeat in the lake of fire where the beast and the false prophet were.

The book of Revelation warns that Satan will be released from his prison, and will come out to deceive the nations. This deception will gather them for battle, and the number involved in that battle will be like the sands of the sea.

The nations will surround the saints, but fire will come down from heaven to consume both them and the devil who had deceived them. They will be cast into the lake of fire where the beast and the false prophet were, and will be tormented day and night forever and ever.

John said that after this, he saw a great white throne, and saw the One seated upon it. From his presence, earth and sky fled away. He saw the dead, both great and small, standing before the great white throne, all to be judged.

The books were opened, and all were judged according to the things written in the books, the things they had done. The dead were judged, and even the sea gave up the dead to be judged.

If anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown in the lake of fire.

Thankfully, Paul gives us assurance that faith in Jesus Christ saves us from the fire:For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God Ephesians 2:8

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we prepared? Will we be ready when the false prophet is known and the deception comes forth? Have we placed our faith in Christ, or have we placed our faith in some other man? 628

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Egypt Will Be Blessed

In Isaiah 19, God gives the assurance that Egypt will one day be blessed as God's people.

Just as God works within our own hearts, He will work His way in the land of Egypt. The Egyptians will tremble in fear before the hand of God as it shakes over them. The land of Judah will become a real terror to the Egyptians, and just the mention of their name will bring fear to their hearts.

Five cities in the land of Egypt will swear allegiance to the Lord of Hosts. One of these cities will be called the "City of Destruction." Some translations describe this as the city of Heres, or of the sun, Heliopolis, where the sun was worshipped.

In that day, there will be an altar to the Lord in the land of Egypt, and a monument dedicated to the Lord will be at its border. It will be made for a witness to the Lord in the land of Egypt.

When the Egyptians cry out to the Lord because of their oppressing enemy, God will send them a defender to deliver them. The Lord will make Himself known to the Egyptians, and they will worship Him.

They will make a covenant with God, and God will strike them with healing. They will return to God, and He will heal them as His people.

God gives us a marker as to the time this will take place: In that day there will be a highway from Egypt to Assyria, and the Assyrians and Egyptians will travel between the two lands. The Egyptians will worship with the Assyrians.

Israel, Egypt, and Assyria will be together as a blessing for the earth. The Lord of Hosts will bless Egypt as His people, and bless Assyria with the work of His hands, and will bless Israel who is His inheritance.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we watching for the events taking place to mark the day of His return? 629

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Test The Prophets

The Bible gives us warning to test the prophets, because many will be led astray by men after their own unknown purpose. In these last days, with the charismatic-style preachers who build emotional response to their sermons, we must be very careful. If their words do not match the Word of God, their religion is worthless

If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless. James 1:26

We especially need to be careful not to follow after those who speak of angels, going on in detail about their visions, and insisting on asceticism.

Let no one disqualify you, insisting on asceticism and worship of angels, going on in detail about visions, puffed up without reason by his sensuous mindColossians 2:18

God will protect his own. If they come as a prophet, and their prophecy fails, they will die. We do not have to be afraid of them; God will protect us and give us wisdom.

But the prophet who shall speak a word presumptuously in My name which I have not commanded him to speak, or which he shall speak in the name of other gods, that prophet shall die. And you may say in your heart, How shall we know the word which the LORD has not spoken? When a prophet speaks in the name of the LORD, if the thing does not come about or come true, that is the thing which the LORD has not spoken. The prophet has spoken it presumptuously; you shall not be afraid of him.Deuteronomy. 18:20-22

At the same time, we should not despise their prophecies -- instead we should test them. Hold fast to what is Good, matching the Word of God. Refrain from anything that is evil.

Do not despise prophecies, but test everything; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil.1 Thessalonians 5:20-22

There is only one means by which salvation can come. Salvation comes through faith in Jesus Christ. It is nothing that we in ourselves can do, it is unmerited grace that God saves us. It is a gift.

For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of GodEphesians 2:8 630

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Paul's Example

In Galatians 3, Paul was shocked that Christians would allow themselves to let a leader impose rules when they had been set free by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

At the end of the chapter, Paul gave an example. He said that it was a human example, easy for them to understand. He said that even with a man-made agreement, nobody can annul it or add to it once it has been agreed upon.

The promises given to Abraham were made to Abraham and to his offspring. It does not say to Abraham's offsprings (plural)! It was not referring to many, but to One. That One, Paul said, was Jesus Christ.

The Law, which came 430 years after this covenant, does not annul the previous covenant to make it void. If the inheritance comes by Law, then it no longer comes by promise. But God gave it to Abraham by a promise!

Why then do we have the Law? Paul said it was to put transgressions in place until the Offspring would come, the One for which the Promise had been made to Abraham. Angels were put in place by an intermediary, but now that Christ has come, He is the One intermediary.Paul asked, "Is the Law then contrary to the promises of God?" He said "Certainly not!" The scriptures imprisoned everything under sin, so that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ could be given to those who believe.

The Law was necessary. We were held captive under the Law, imprisoned until the coming Faith would be revealed. The Law was the guardian until Christ came, so that we could be justified by faith.

Paul said now that faith has come, we are no longer under that guardian! We are no longer under the Law! In Christ Jesus, we are all sons of God through faith.

There is neither Jew nor Greek, neither slave nor free, neither male nor female in God's eyes. We are all one in Christ Jesus. And if we are in Christ, we are also in Abraham's offspring, heirs to the promise!

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Have we let others bind us with rules instead of the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Have we rejected the promise to Abraham? 631

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Not The Righteous, For The Sinners!

Matthew 9 gives us the most precious concept for the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which many today have forgotten.

When Jesus passed by a tax collector named Matthew, Jesus said, "Follow me." Matthew followed.

Tax collectors were mentioned many times in the Bible, known as "publicans," and were looked down upon by the Jews. They were working for "tax farmers," and were described as been greedy and often taking more money than they were entitled to.

Jesus reclined at the table in the house, communing with many tax collectors and sinners. He and His disciples were sitting at the same table with the despised.

When the Pharisees saw this, they looked at Jesus in disgust. "Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?" they asked.

When Jesus heard this, he said "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. Go and learn what this means, I desire mercy, and not sacrifice. For I came not to call the righteous, but sinners. "

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Having been giving salvation by God's Grace through faith in Jesus Christ, have we forgotten where we came from? Do we now think that Christ came only for the saints, and not the sinners? 632

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Christ Is the Way to The Father

John 14 tells us not to worry about our salvation, the way is simple. Christ said to believe in God, and believe also in Jesus.

Christ did not say there were only a few rooms in heaven; He said that there were many. He said that if there were not, He would not have told us that He went to prepare a place for us.

And since He went to prepare a place for us, He promised that he will return again to take us with him. He said that we already knew the way!

Thomas asked, "Lord, we do not know where you are going, how can we know the way?"

Jesus answered, "I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we think that we must believe in anything other than Christ for our salvation? Have we placed our faith in the doctrines of men, or in the simple Gospel of Jesus Christ? Do we think there are only a few rooms for the "chosen few," or do we believe Jesus when He told us there are "many" mansions? 633

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Curses! Foiled Again!

There seem to be many from Africa who feel their "Christian duty" to curse us through either private messaging or on the public pages. Those of you who feel threatened by this need not fear; If we have faith in Jesus Christ, we have protection over all kinds of sorcery or evil.

Curses in the Bible are always described as evil. Deuteronomy 18:10-11 numbers those who cast spells with those who commit other acts "detestable to the LORD" such as witchcraft, sorcery, divination, or necromancy (consulting with the dead). Though William Branham claims to have spoken with the dead, his alleged power is limited in the eyes of God, and it was an evil abomination in God's eyes. This was following after the way of Balaam.

Micah 5:12 says that God will destroy witchcraft and those who cast spells. Revelation 18 describes spells as part of the deception that will be used by the antichrist and his "great city of Babylon". Though the end-times deception will be so great that even the elect would be deceived if God did not protect us (Matthew 24:24), God will utterly destroy Satan, the antichrist, and all who follow them (Revelation chapters 19-20).

We are in the constant presence of the Holy Spirit who lives within us and under whose protection we exist (Romans 8:11). There is nothing we must do to earn our salvation -- in fact we can't. For it is by grace (unmerited favor) you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God (Eph 2:8)

We do not need to worry about anyone casting any sort of pagan spell on us. Voodoo, witchcraft, hexes, and curses have no power over us because they come from Satan, and we know that "the one who is in you [Christ] is greater than the one [Satan] who is in the world" (1 John 4:4). God has overcome him, and we have been freed to worship God without fear (John 8:36). "The Lord is my light and my salvation whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life of whom shall I be afraid? " (Psalm 27:1).

Seek the Truth! It's in the Bible! 634

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The Rock That Never Fails

In Isaiah 44, God spoke through Isaiah to foretell the coming day when He would send the Holy Spirit and bring the people together as His Children.

God told the people not to fear. He would pour water on the thirsty land, and make streams on the dry ground. God would pour out His Spirit upon their offspring, and give His blessing to their descendants. He said they would spring up like willows by the flowing streams.

God said he was the King of Israel, and his Redeemer, and the Lord of hosts. He was the first and the last, and besides Him, there is no god.

Who is like God? God asked the people to show Him one who is like the Almighty. Since He appointed His people, He is the one who foretold the coming events. God asked to show Him one who claimed to be like Yahweh that could do the same!

God said fear not, and do not be afraid. God had declared Himself to the people from the days of old, and they were His witnesses. There is no other Rock than God, nothing else in which you can put your faith.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we follow after men whose prophecy failed, when God says there was no other Rock than God? God's prophecy cannot fail, so which god did we follow? 635

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The Rich Young Ruler

Matthew 19 gives the story of the rich young ruler.

The rich man asked Jesus what he must do to have eternal life, displaying a works-righteous faith. Jesus responded, "Why do you ask me about what is good? There is only One who is good. If you would enter life, keep the commandments.

Jesus could see into the man's heart. He already knew the man was a good man, keeping the commandments. Yet he asked, and the ruler responded, "Which ones?" Jesus listed them.

The rich young man replied, saying that he had kept all of them from his birth. "What do I still lack," he said?

Jesus knew the man had placed his pride in his value of money, and pride was sinful. Jesus searched deep and found the one thing that the man was putting above his salvation, and told the young man to get rid of it. "If you would be perfect, go, and sell what you possess. Give them to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven."

The young man went away with great sorrow, for he had great possessions.

Jesus said that it was easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter into the kingdom of God. Though this may seem impossible, Jesus said that with God, all things are possible.

As Christians, we should as ourselves: Is there anything in our lives that we put above Christ? 636

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Paul's Mystery

In 1 Corinthians 15, Paul tells a mystery to the Church.

Speaking of the resurrection, Paul said that the the seed that is sown is perishable. What is raised is imperishable. The seed is sown in dishonor, but raised in beautiful glory. The seed is weak when it is sown, but it is raised in power.

Our bodies are like the natural planting of seed. As we scatter seed for Christ, we sew the seed in natural bodies. But they are raised in a spiritual body.

Paul said, "It is written, 'The first man Adam became a living being'; the last man Adam became a life-giving spirit." The first man was from the dust of the earth, but the second Man is from heaven. We are now like the first man of the dust, and our bodies of this earth are from the dust of the earth. But our spiritual bodies are like the second man who is from heaven. Just as we have borne the image of the first man from the dust of the earth, we will also bear the image of the man of heaven!

Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God. The perishable does not inherit the imperishable.

Paul gave the mystery: "We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall all be changed."

Paul said that this perishable body must put on the imperishable, and this mortal body must put on immortality. Then the words written will come to pass: "Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?"

The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the Law. Thanks be to God!

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we still bound by the Law? Do we try to put the "sting" back into death by preaching the Law? Or do we teach Grace like Paul taught? Have we learned Paul's mystery? 637

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The Walking Dead

As Message Believers, we were taught that the dead would be resurrected about thirty days prior to the rapture, and all would attend the great fabulous "Tent meeting" with the little room where Branham himself would exchange the old body for the new.

I never really thought about the many, many problems with this until just this morning as I was reading 1 Corinthians 15. Paul is very clear in speaking about the resurrection, about the nature of the earthly bodies from the dust of the earth that would be replaced with bodies not of flesh and blood.

Combined with Branham's all-powerful magic room, this seems like he must have copied it from Wizard of Oz. ...but he forgot that the "wizard" was exposed, showing him to be nothing more than a fake.

Speaking of the resurrection, Paul said that the the seed that is sown is perishable. What is raised is imperishable. The seed is sown in dishonor, but raised in beautiful glory. The seed is weak when it is sown, but it is raised in power.

Our bodies are like the natural planting of seed. As we scatter seed for Christ, we sew the seed in natural bodies. But they are raised in a spiritual body.

Paul said, "It is written, 'The first man Adam became a living being'; the last man Adam became a life-giving spirit." The first man was from the dust of the earth, but the second Man is from heaven. We are now like the first man of the dust, and our bodies of this earth are from the dust of the earth. But our spiritual bodies are like the second man who is from heaven. Just as we have borne the image of the first man from the dust of the earth, we will also bear the image of the man of heaven!

Flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God. The perishable does not inherit the imperishable.

Paul gave the mystery: "We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall all be changed."

Paul said that this perishable body must put on the imperishable, and this mortal body must put on immortality. Then the words written will come to pass: "Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?"

The sting of death is sin, and the power of sin is the Law. Thanks be to God! 638

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Did You Know?

One of the things that disgusted me most about the headquarters back when I was first questioning the message but had not yet realized that there was no substance to anything William Branham said was the "Did You Know" blog. It bothered me.

Children, at a stage of the foundational core knowledge they will retain for the rest of their lives are being fed nonsense. Things like "did you know mars is a billion light years from earth." How parents can let their kids feed on lies I will never know.

In honor of the nonsense feeds their children, I have created a "Did You Know" page with the same garbage. But I've added a new twist to the garbage; a contradictory photograph and comment at the bottom or side. 639

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Back When I Was a Child, I Spoke Like That

Having been born and raised in the Message of William Branham, I found it very difficult to adjust to the love of God's Word after leaving the love of the recording. It was no fault but my own; I enjoyed every minute of listening, and truly thought there were words of Truth found in each minute of the recording.

Today's world is different, however, and much more difficult for the children to grow in God's Word. We find message pastors strongly opposed to studying the Word of Truth, and if a conflict arises between God's Word and "the prophet's," you'd better stick with what "the prophet" said. While the minds and ears of the adults glaze over at nonsensical rants, the ears of children are picking up each and every word.

To make things worse, we find that the headquarters of the Branham Denomination of faith promoting a lack of wisdom in their "Did You Know" blog. Children are feasting their ears upon the isolated mistakes of William Branham as though his lack of knowledge and understanding should be considered divine revelation.

We find in the Bible that God does not work like this. God gave the Hebrew boys learning and skill in all literature and wisdom, so that Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams. (Daniel 1:17)

It is surprising that those in charge continue the folly of their father, because they have a great deal of the knowledge that their father pretended not to have. Once receiving truthful information, and having became an adult, scriptures tell us to put away our foolish ways. "When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways." (Corinthians 13:11)

King Solomon was a good, Biblical example of the power of wisdom. God gave Solomon more wisdom than the world has ever known. And Solomon did not curse his wisdom or refuse to learn. Instead, he gave us this advice: "Blessed is the one who finds wisdom, and the one who gets understanding, for the gain from her is better than gain from silver and her profit better than gold. She is more precious than jewels, and nothing you desire can compare with her. Long life is in her right hand; in her left hand are riches and honor. Her ways are ways of pleasantness, and all her paths are peace. (Proverbs 3:13-18)

While they are teaching children their father's folly around the world, many of those children do not even know the words of Christ. Several can tell you that Mars is a billion light years from Earth, but cannot tell you any portion of the Sermon on the Mount. While many children know of Branham's prophecies of egg-shaped cars, few can tell you the miracles of Jesus Christ.

The Apostle Paul points us to Christ. Were Paul ever drunken enough to claim prophecy about an egg-shaped chariot, he would have sent out letters of apology to the Church and pointed the 640

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people back to Christ. Paul tells us, "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God." (Colossians 3:16)

As Christians, we should take the words of Paul as a warning:

See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ. (Colossians 2:8)

It will be very easy for us to know if we have been held captive by folly. Solomon, in all his wisdom, knew that lovers of folly love isolation. We should heed the words of Solomon and avoid being isolated from the rest of our Christian brothers and sisters, learning more about God's Word.

Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire; he breaks out against all sound judgment. (Proverbs 18:1)

Once we realize that the denomination has tried to keep us bound by lack of understanding, we should rejoice in the words of John:

And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. (John 8:32)

After being set free, Solomon tells us to focus on learning:

Apply your heart to instruction and your ear to words of knowledge. (Proverbs 23:12)

When the Children of Israel crossed over Jordan, they were instructed to set up a monument, a reminder forever of where they had come from. If anyone should ask what the monument was for, they would be reminded that they had crossed over.

We, too, should be reminded that we no longer live in folly. Our monument is not of stone, because our battle is not with earthly struggles. Our monument is in the form of information, and should be preserved forever. Let information fight false information.

For those whose children were trained in folly, let them ever remember the nonsensical "Did You Know" with our monument: Did You Know - Pinterest

For the adults, who were trapped into the folly of unscriptural teachings, let them ever remember the contradictions and unscriptural teachings of "the prophet" with our monument: William Marrion Branham vs. The Bible - Pinterest 641

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For those who believed the many fictional stories, prophecies invented without full information of the past event, visions that failed, and twisted scriptures, let them ever remember that God's Word is the only Truth with our monument: Seek The Truth - Scribd

Let the Word of God stand and every man be found a liar. 642

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Not by Will of the Flesh

John 1:1 tells us there is nothing we can do by our own will to become a child of God, it is by Grace alone.

John 1 says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." John, speaking of Jesus Christ, said that in the beginning He (Christ) was with God. All things were made through Christ, and without Him, there was not a single thing that was made.

In Christ was life, and that life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has no power over the light.

John was sent from God as a witness, one who would tell others about the Light. He bore witness so that all might believe through him. The scripture is very clear not to elevate men, remaining in humility before God: John was not the light, just a witness.

The true Light, the One who gives Light to everyone was coming into the world. Though the world was made through Him, they did not know Him! He came to His own, and they did not receive Him! But those who did receive Him and believed in His Name, he gave them the blessing of becoming the children of God!

John says that they did not become children of God by their bloodlines. They did not become children of God by their will of the flesh. They became children of God by His Grace!

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we thankful that God sent His Son to die for us, so that we could be saved by His Grace by believing in His Name? Or do we instead try to earn our salvation by our own will? 643

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That First Step of the Journey Is the Most Important!

Though I'm not on the mailing list, Voice of God Recordings decided to send us a copy of their "Catch The Vision" "Defend the Prophet" edition. I assume they expect a defensive and insulting response, however as a Christian I feel a strong burden to help lead people to the Truth rather than engage in a battle of wits.

I actually respect their including our family in the list of those receiving the publication without any form of donation as is required by most. Most of all I respect their attempt to stand for what they believe in rather than back away silently into a dark corner. A wise songwriter once wrote, "You've got to stand for something or you'll fall for anything."

Actually, I was a little excited upon receiving it. Having spent the last several months researching the Bible, words of William Branham, ancient history, different translations of scriptures, and ancient cultures, I expected there to be some new information to add to the pieces of the puzzle.

I'd really hoped the pages from Branham's "little book of prophecy" would have been included, listing the 6 (or 7) visions of 1933. Or pictures of the boxes containing the thousands of testimonies of healings that were sent to Branham's headquarters. It would have been nice to have seen any of the thousands of newspaper articles describing the "great commission" as Branham baptized the 50 (or 500, 5000, 10000, etc) on the Ohio river.

Instead, it seems to be the first step of the journey to Christ -- for which I respect them for. A good bit of the publication was debating whether or not the Bible was infallible or contradicted itself, which should be the starting point for every Christian on their journey to Christ. In fact, many of the Christians I have grown to know and love in other churches made that part of the journey during high school, and came to the same conclusions that Voice of God Recordings did.

I agree with this conclusion, and stand behind the Word of God (The Bible) 100%. There is no contradiction in the Word of God, and there is no error. Once the beginner Christian starts to learn the history of the Bible Cannon, translations, and how they were passed down from generation to generation, it is easy to see how God Himself protected His Word throughout the ages. I stand behind them in their journey and commend them for making that first step towards the Goal.

They also listed several good facts in their articles about the visions and "spiritual events" that William Branham claimed to experience. This also is a good, solid step in the journey, and they got most of their facts correct while listing the things they could not prove. Yes, they left out some important facts, like Branham's statement that he was going to Houston, TX first during the cloud event, that records are kept for out-of-season hunting passes for that year and none 644

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were given, or that Branham combines two events into one later in his sermons, but the facts they included were very close to truthful.

The bridge article was well done, and I found their comparison to the bridges in other states very interesting. I wish they would have mentioned the fact that the Municipal Bridge was constructed using a much safer, state-of-the-art technique that is still used today across the country, or that the same number of men died on a bridge next to it before Branham was born, but I'm sure that there were space requirements for the publication.

They did not mention the prophecy of Los Angeles sinking before Billy Paul was an "old man," the India vision Branham admitted to have failed, the dates for the Church Ages that matched Clarence Larkin's "Dispensational Truth," or Columba who was not alive during his church age. I would have liked to see many of those things, but I guess we will need to wait for the next edition.

The only thing I really took offense with would be the statements about the websites that are now pointing others to Christ instead of elevating a man, but because the publication was done in a respectful way I feel that the same respect should be given to Voice of God Recordings.

All in all, I can honestly say that they made a good attempt at trying to hold as many people as they possibly can before the truth spreads. In business, any good businessman will tell you that you do whatever it takes to keep your customers, and they have done exactly that.

I'm just glad that I'm serving a God who gave us the Truth of His Word, and that the Bible never fails. I'm very glad they are taking the first step of their journey in seeking out the Truth in the Bible, and pray that they continue in their journey into mature, faithful Christians!

Seek the Truth! It's in the Bible! 645

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Paul's Hierarchy Of Gifts

In 1 Corinthians 12, Paul gives the hierarchy of importance for spiritual gifts, from apostle all the way down to healing and tongues. Apostles, or missionaries, was considered to be greater even than a prophet.

The word "apostle" comes from the Greek word apóstolos, meaning "one who is sent away", from στ?λλω ("stello", "send") + απ? (apo, "away from"). The literal meaning in English is therefore an "emissary", from the Latin mitto ("send") and ex ("from").

The general meaning of the word is translated into Latin as 'missio', and from this word we get 'missionary.' The Friberg Greek Lexicon gives the definition as one who is sent on a mission, a commissioned representative of a congregation, a messenger for God, a person who has the special task of founding and establishing churches. This was a spiritual gift according to Paul.

Starting at verse 28, Paul gives the hierarchy:God has appointed in the church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healing, helping, administrating, and various kinds of tongues.Paul goes on to say that not everyone has the same gift. He asks, "Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Do all work miracles? Do all possess gifts of healing? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret?"

Having one gift does not imply that a person has all of the spiritual gifts. Paul describes the body of Christ as having many members, and all working together to form the Spiritual Body of Christ.

Then, Paul tells us that none of these gifts are worth a single thing without love. The greatest gift that God has given us is love.

Paul goes on to tell us in Chapter 13 that without love we are nothing.

He says, "If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I haveprophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing." 646

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Paul tells us how to know if we have love. Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.

Love is the most enduring gift that God has given us. Paul describes it as everlasting, love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we strive for the greatest gift? Do we strive for love, one for the other? 647

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God's Rest

Hebrews 4 tells us the true blessing of God's rest.

Paul says that the promise of entering God's rest still stands, but we should fear for those that have failed to enter into it. The Good News, the Gospel of Jesus Christ, came to us just as it came to them, but they were not united by faith with those who listened. We believed in Christ, and have entered into God's rest.

Since some have not found God's rest, and some who received the Gospel failed to enter into it because of their disobedience, God appoints another day for them to receive it. There is more work to be done in their lives.

If Joshua had given the Children of Israel rest, God would not have spoken of another day of rest in the future. Therefore, there remains a day of rest for the people of God, for those who have entered God's rest has also rested from his works as God has rested from His.

We should strive to enter into that rest, so that no one falls and fail to enter into it. The Word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing through the inside of man to divide soul and spirit. The Word of God is able to discern the thoughts and intentions of the heart, and not a single creature is hidden from His sight. All are naked before God, and exposed to the eyes of the One that we must give an account.

Paul gives us the outline of how to enter into that rest.

Since we now have a Great High Priest who has past through the heavens, Jesus, the Son of God, we should hold fast to our confession that Jesus is Lord. Any man that we elevate to the status of being our high priest is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses. But Jesus Christ, who in every respect was tempted as we are today, lived without sin.

Because of Jesus Christ, our High Priest, we can take confidence in Him and draw near to the Throne of Grace. Through Christ, we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our times of need.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we choose Jesus Christ as our High Priest? Or do we choose a man? Have we entered into God's rest? Have we forgot where we came from, forgetting to help others into the rest that God has offered? Do we hide our rest on a shelf somewhere, not telling others of the Gospel of Jesus Christ? 648

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The Magic of Eighty Percent

William Branham loved statistics - and he didn't care if they were correct or not. It held audiences captivated by his "special insight."

His favorite percentage was "eighty." When in doubt, "eighty" will fit most every situation.

Here are some examples of Branham's statistical analysis, broken into categories:

The Eighty Percent Suffering Mental Problems

Feeling the pressure when nervous people come to this platform, there's a least, right now in this building, eighty percent of what's setting here is nervous, afflicted with nervous trouble. (53-0509)

There's just about eighty percent of that congregation got your trouble. You want me to show you? How many in this building suffers with nervous trouble, just a nervous condition, raise up your hands, all around, everywhere. See? (53-1106)

Just about eighty percent of this audience is got your trouble. You're nervous, upset. (53-1206E)

About eighty percent of this audience is suffering with the same thing. It's just coming from all out there. Let me show you. Turn your face this a way. How many out there is suffering with nervousness? (54-0220)

How many of you--of you out there, that's suffering with a nervous condition, raise your hands. I just want to show you. Pretty near eighty percent of the audience. (58-0510)

There's eighty percent of this audience suffering with the same thing you are. You've got a nervous condition, very, very bad. (59-0419E)

Come lady. There's about eighty percent of this audience suffering with the same thing, lady. Let me show you. All you out there that's plagued with nervousness, raise up your hand, everybody. (61-0318)

Say, "Brother Branham, I'm bothered with nervousness." Oh, there is about eighty percent of you with that. (64-0207)

The Mentally Unstable from Arizona

They made an analysis throughout Arizona, where I live, of all the schools. They gave the children, unknowingly to them, a mental test. And guess what? Including high schools and--and 649

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grammar schools, there was eighty percent of the children suffering with mental deficiency. (65-0424)

I told you the other day, they were taking an analysis there of the schools in Arizona where I live, and eighty percent of the children in school is mentally retarded. (65-0425)

Eighty percent of the children in Arizona schools are suffering with mental deficiency, sixty-seven percent of them was by looking at television. (65-0911)

Sick Headcount

Now, in the meetings, there's somewhat about seventy to eighty percent that passes through the prayer line, you here, that's healed within the space of ninety days, are well. (48-0304 )

Oh, my. Eighty percent of the people are sick now. (50-0110)

Babies of Smoking Mothers

Statistics shows by doctors, I believe, that eighty percent of the women that has children that smoke cigarettes, if they'd raise their baby like they should, to the breast, in eighteen months it dies. (50-0200)

It's nicotine poisoning will kill the baby 'fore it's eighteen months old. Eighty percent of them die. (50-0813E)

And they claim that eighty percent of the women that has their babies today can't raise them as mothers ought to. (51-0415A)

Doctors' statistics prove that eighty percent of the children if they're breast raised children, die when they're eighteen months age with nicotine poison (51-0722A)

When I get statistics from the government, shows that eighty percent of the babies that's born has to be raised on cows milk. (53-1108A)

Eighty percent of the mothers that give birth to babies in this United States, cigarette smoking mothers, they can't raise their babies as they should to their breasts; they have to give them the bottle because they take nicotine poison and never reach eighteen months of age. (57-0727)

I've got a statistics that shows that, I believe it's about eighty percent of cigarette smoking mothers, has to raise their babies on bottles. (59-0412A)

I get statistics from the government. It says that eighty percent of the mothers that smoke cigarettes has to put their babies on cows' milk if they smoke. (60-0724) 650

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So today when a woman smokes cigarettes, statistics shows that her baby dies, eighty percent of them within eighteen months from nicotine poison. (61-0226)

Healing Accuracy

You'll find out that at least sixty to eighty percent of every sick person in this building will be healed in the next hour. (50-0405)

I'm expecting God to heal at least sixty or eighty percent of the people in here tonight, perfectly well before this service is over. (50-0405)

You just let seventy or eighty percent of what I pray for tonight be back tomorrow night testifying it's--of a results that's happened to them, I'll go forward in faith, Lord, believing that I am moving according to Your will. (51-0503)

And I'll say this with all my heart, that at least eighty percent of them were healed 'fore they even got to where I was at. (62-0722)


But I say that eighty percent of the people that comes to the platform, doesn't know what faith is. (51-0729E)

I find that about eighty percent of the people that say they believe possess hope instead of faith. (52-0725)

If we had the whole world gathered tonight and Christ was to come here and perform, there'd be at least eighty percent of them go away and say, "I don't believe it." (56-0406)

No, I'm speaking of the general public (See?), all around, like Chicago in whole, we'd say, or--or Durban, South Africa, in whole (See?), something like that, or Mexico City in whole. Well, they will respond to it eighty percent more than they will in America. (56-0408A)

That's the reason about eighty percent or ninety percent of the converts that comes in a revival is gone before six months is gone, is because they only have an intellectual conception. (56-0614)

Jesus was 80% Like ME!

Eighty percent of His ministry was Divine healing. (50-0822)

Eighty percent of His ministry was on the miraculous side, showing the people that the supernatural God was working in human flesh. (50-0822) 651

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Jesus Christ, about eighty percent of His ministry was on Divine healing. (53-0610)

About ninety--eighty percent of Jesus Christ's meetings were all Divine healing meetings. (54-0228A)

About eighty percent of His ministry was praying for the sick. (55-0220E)

If you'll notice about eighty percent of Jesus' ministry was Divine healing, but Divine healing is like the bait that's on the hook. (55-0604)

Christ used about eighty percent of His ministry on Divine healing to--and drawed His crowds together and showed His--declared His Messiahship and then called them to repentance. (57-0804A)

But we believe that Jesus Christ's ministry, eighty-six percent of it was Divine healing. (59-1220M)

The prayer line was probably passing by Jesus, and He was praying for them and laying hands on them. (As about eighty-six percent of His ministry, you know, was praying for the sick.) (60-0109)

And about eighty-six percent of His ministry was in Divine healing. (61-0205E)

Now, a great percent of our Lord's ministry about eighty percent of it or better, I think it was--it's estimated about eighty percent of His ministry was Divine healing. (61-0215)

And always, Jesus, I believe, in His ministry, about eighty percent of it, was on Divine healing. (62-0704)

Now, Divine healing is not all the Message. Jesus put, I think they claimed, about eighty percent of His ministry was on Divine healing. (63-1112)

Or Was He?

If Jesus talked so much, eighty percent of His time on the second coming, then it behooves us to listen to see what He said would take place. (60-0303)

Who does the healing?

The prayer card is nothing, just simply to get the anointing started among the people, 'cause eighty percent of you here has never been to one of the meetings before. (58-0612) 652

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That does something that a--a person, when they get a prayer card, they're just about, I suppose eighty percent healed right then, as soon as they can hold that card in their hand, just something to touch. (59-0404)

So you know you give a person a prayer card he's eighty percent healed right then. (59-1126)

Unbelieving Protestants

Not only that, but a survey showed that eighty-five percent of the Protestant preachers of the United States claim that the virgin birth was a fake. (52-0900)

I said this last night, I say it again tonight, "That woman knowed more about God, than eighty percent of our American preachers." (58-0510)

I believe it's eighty-something percent of the so-called Christians don't believe in the physical return of Jesus. (61-0414)

Eighty percent of the Protestant churches deny the virgin birth. (64-0119)

As most of our Protestant churches today, I think it's sixty-eight or eighty-six percent of them, in a survey, denied believing. (64-0122)

Body Water Mass

You are eighty-something percent of water and petroleum, anyhow, and you've got to take these sources in, to keep you alive. (65-0919)

Eighty percent of your body's made of water. (56-0715)


You know, I was reading here sometime ago, where it taken eighty percent more muscles to frown than it does to smile. (58-0209A)

They tell me that it takes eighty percent more muscles to frown than it does to laugh. (55-0227A)

Divine Healers vs. Medicine

They opened up the churches to what they called the healers, and about eighty percent more people was healed than medicine ever healed in England. (60-1125) 653

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England they turned "the healers" (they called them) loose to all the hospitals, and there was eighty percent more healing done by Divine healing than medical cures had performed. (61-0117)

Random 80%

It's a disgrace how that all such things as we have and our world in it's condition today is eighty percent of it come right out of Hollywood, and yet that's the example of the world. (53-1130)

Now, how many people in here ever dreamed a dream? Let's see your hands. Well, at least eighty or ninety percent of you. (53-1206E)

Now, perhaps eighty percent or ninety percent of the audience tonight would be Christians. (54-0228E)

But the Pentecostal people, with respect and knowing that probably eighty percent of this crowd is Pentecostal... (56-0614 )

I want to say this just in the way, did you know that eighty-seven percent of all alcoholic beverages comes from Louisville, Kentucky, that's--that's drank in the United States (56-0923)

It's an eighty percent difference, tonight, than what it has been any night. (57-0612)

About eighty percent of the crowd here is wanting to be prayed for. (58-0207)

Or you find one place in the entire Bible where anybody was ever baptized in the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, the way eighty percent of you has been baptized. (58-0927)

Perhaps, maybe, I would say, eighty percent of those that are setting in this building tonight raised their hands for requests. (59-1217)

He went right to the pens and showed all the juvenile cases that's been across the nation, and eighty percent of them or better come out of the aristocratic neighborhoods: smart, shrewd. (60-1113)

Why, He lived right there in Palestine all of His life nearly, and I'd say eighty percent of the people never knowed He was there. (61-0117)

'Cause the biggest part of our church, I guess, eighty percent of them are you people. (61-0808)

And then, about eighty percent of those that went to church, didn't know why they went. (63-0114) 654

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And I'll certainly be glad, about eighty percent of our congregation around here in Chicago is usually Norwegians or Swedes, and--and they're really lovely people. (63-0804E)

So, last Sunday, as I was going into the Blue Boar Cafeteria in Louisville, where I think about eighty percent of this congregation gathers on Sunday afternoon, to eat, who did I see coming down the street? (63-0825M)

He said, "Did He raise from the dead?" Said, "You've had two thousand years to prove it, and eighty percent of the world has never heard about it." He said, "Let Mohammed raise from the dead, and the whole world will know, it in twenty-four hours." (64-0621)

With the yellow cobra you got about eighty percent to die and about twenty percent to live; a mamba, you have no percent. (64-0830E) 655

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Another Helper, The Spirit of Truth

After Jesus told his disciples that he would be going away, in John 14 He told them not to worry for He was going to the Father. Jesus said that He would ask the Father to send another Helper, which He called the Spirit of Truth.

Jesus said that the world could not receive the Spirit of Truth, because the world cannot see Him and does not know Him. But Jesus said that we would know Him, because He would dwell within us.

Jesus said that He would not leave us as orphans; He would return. The world would not see Him for a little while, but we will see Him. Because He lives, we also will live.

"In that day," Jesus told His disciples, "You will know that I am in My Father, and you are in Me, and I am in you. Those that hold fast to my Words and keeps them, they are the ones who love me."

Jesus said that whoever loves Jesus will be loved by the Father. And to him that will love Jesus, He will manifest Himself to Him.

Judas (not Iscariot) asked, "Lord, how is it that you will manifest yourself to us and not to the world?"

Jesus answered, "If anyone loves Me, he will keep my Word, and my Father will love him." Jesus said that He and the Father will come to the one who keeps the Word and make their home with him. But he said whoever does not keep His Word does not love Him. And he said that the Word that they heard was not His, but the Father who sent Him.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we keep the Words of Jesus? Do we realize that the Words of Jesus are the Father's? Do we have the Spirit of Truth, or have we fallen under some other spirit? 656

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I Have Overcome The World

John 16 tells us that we have overcome the world in Christ Jesus.

Jesus said that he had been speaking in figures of speech, but the time was coming when he would no longer use figures of speech. Instead, he would tell us plainly about the Father.

In that day, we will ask in the name of Jesus, and He did not say that He would ask the Father on our behalf -- for the Father Himself loves us, because we have loved Jesus, and because we believe that Jesus came from God. Jesus said that He came from the Father to come into the world, and now He was leaving the world and going to the Father.

The disciples said, "Ah, now you are speaking plainly and not using figurative speech! Now we know that you know all things and do not need anyone to question you; this is why we believe that you came from God."

Jesus asked them, "Do you now believe?" He said the time had come when they would be scattered, each to his own home and will leave Him alone. Yet He would not be alone, for the Father is with Him.

He said that he told them these things so that they may have peace in Christ Jesus. The world brings tribulation, but we have no reason to worry. He said, "I have overcome the world."

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Have we overcome the world with Christ? Do we require the doctrines of man to know more about Christ, or do we realize that Jesus said he would speak to us plainly about the Father? Have we overcome the world by mysteries with a man, or have we overcame with the power in Christ and the Father? 657

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The Dinosaurs

I'm still on a journey untangling the truth from the false teaching, weighing each and every teaching we were raised with against the Bible and actual fact. I place emphasis on "actual fact", because if there is any question that something we've been taught is incorrect, I find that large gaping holes are shot through it by actual fact. I may not always be correct, but at least do my best to provide an answer.

At the same time, Branham's teachings are not the only false teachings in the world of Christianity. It has been said that Christianity is the number 1 cause of atheists, and I don't doubt it. Having watched those who leave the mess-age run like the plague when they learn that their entire spiritual world was a myth, I can understand why.

For me, there never was a chance to leave the Christianity and turn away from God. Since a small child, God was a friend when I needed one, a comfort when I was discouraged, a help in time of trouble, and always there for me whenever I needed Him. When I ask God for help, there has always been such an incredible response.

In my mind, the biggest false teaching we had was that the words of the King James Version of the Bible were exactly 100% perfect Word of God. In my false understanding of God, each word written in the King James Version was equal to God, because "In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God." Frankly, I believe this teaching shared by several Christians around the world might be the exact teaching that turns people away from God.

To make each literal word revered would put the power of God into the hands of the translators. Not just the translators, but the archaeologists who find the scrolls, the interpreters who understand the ancient language, the historians who add culture to the language, and the men of old who passed the Word of God down through the ages from generation to generation. When you put the hands of man into the Word of God, there are going to be problems.

The 1611 version of the King James Bible was full of error. Sometimes I ask myself, how many were turned away from God when the first error was found? Also, there were a limited number of scrolls available when the first translation was made. Once several more scrolls were found, and portions of the text were deemed false, how many more turned away from God? In my mind, the Word of God is perfect. Yet, it is limited to our understanding.

The second-worst false teaching that we were given was that the world of science is contrary to God. We were taught that science can't prove God, and that science was constantly working against God. This was absolutely the lie of the devil to hold us from using science and fact to disprove each of the false prophecies given by William Branham. 658

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My journey out of the mess-age started with science, but not like many would expect. There are many scientists who do not believe in God, likely for the reasons mentioned above. There are many scientists who would try to disprove God, and many who would introduce theories without fact to do so.

My journey with science began with the unexplained. My opinion is that where science has no explanation, God is involved. If you cannot see God in the unexplained, then you are not looking very hard.

Ancient archaeology has uncovered so many amazing things from the ancient world that are simply astounding. If you take away the carbon dating research from the artifacts, you will find that they prove the Bible in more ways than you can possibly imagine. An ancient language found in several continents proves a single language before the tower of Babel. Flood erosion in several continents proves the story of Noah. Thousands of chariot wheels in the Red Sea prove the story of the Exodus, and the list can go on and on.

Yet, we have a scientific fact that disproves the bible, or so we think: carbon dating. In the world of Christianity today, there are many who brush the dinosaurs aside, because they do not fit within the timeline of creation they have been taught. The artifacts found inside of pyramids around the world are ignored because they date up to twenty thousand years.

Why? Because we are taught that God created the heavens and the earth in seven days - which is correct.

Logically speaking, day is the time period in which light covers the face of the earth. Night is when the sun is on the other side of the earth, and darkness covers the face of the earth.

Let's review Genesis:Quote:The Creation of the World, Genesis 1:1-5

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.

And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. And God saw that the light was good. And God separated the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, the first day.

If we read this passage without all of the other passages in creation describing how God created each element during that particular day, we would have no reason to believe that the entire heavens and earth were created in a single day. "Day" did not occur until God finally created a light in the heavens. The "first day" was when there was an evening and a morning. The evening turned into night, and the morning turned into the first day. 659

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Nowhere in this passage describes the creation of the heavens and the earth being the first "day," the day came after the heavens and the earth was created. It came after God created the earth where darkness covered the face of the deep. The first "day" came after creating the heavens and the earth!

Prosauropods found in Madagascar are the oldest dinosaurs found, about 230 million years old. In Argentina, an Eoraptor was uncovered that is about 228 million years old.

Around the world, archaeologists are uncovering an overwhelming number of artifacts that pre-date the creation of man. Many of these artifacts even seem man-made, and yet pre-date Adam and Eve. How can this be?

Every continent also has legends of giant "men" that roamed the land, passed down from generation to generation or inscribed on cave drawings, hieroglyphs, or ancient texts. The Bible even has the story of Goliath, who was the Philistine giant.

Recently, archaeologists have uncovered bones from a race different from mankind. The skull is significantly larger than that of a man, and the bone structure suggests a height of seven to eight feet tall. The skulls are elongated, not having the same construction as that of a man and not having the same separation for the plates at the top of the skull.

At the same time, we find pyramids constructed with stones of up to thirty tons. Granite blocks lathed as though they were butter. Masks made for the head of a man almost twice the size of a normal man. Some of these artifacts pre-date Adam.

Among the artifacts found are miniature pyramids, having an "all seeing eye" at the top like we have on our dollar bills. The Knights Templar was not the first to introduce the "all seeing eye" into the world; this was also known as the "Eye of Ra" in sun god worship.

How can we scripturally support another race of beings along with mankind upon the face of the earth? How can we scripturally support artifacts pre-dating Adam? How can we scripturally support dinosaurs, which are millions of years old?

By removing pre-conceived notion based on misunderstood scripture.

If the first "day" came after the creation of the heavens and the earth, we should humble our pride and accept the fact that we were wrong! Even if we taught something that was wrong, how much worse is it to continue teaching it if we are leading more people away from God by continuing a false teaching?

The Bible also talks of Lucifer's "congregation".Quote: 660

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How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:Isaiah 14

Many of these artifacts support this statement. Several of the pyramids constructed, even the Great Pyramid of Giza, are placed in position to match Orion's Belt. On the artifacts found, several of the miniature artifacts have stones or markings that match the position of Orion's Belt. Many pagan religions include worship of the stars. Lucifer, at one time, tried to exalt his throne above the stars.

But where was his congregation? With hundreds of pyramids around the world, most of which positioning themselves to the summer and winter solstice, and almost all including some form of worship towards Orion's belt, it is easy to see where Lucifer's congregation was.

We do not have all the answers, that's for sure. Everything in this research article may be proven false one day.

But the intention is to show how preconceived notion and prideful authority over the unknown leads to turning people away from God. When facts stack up against our religious teachings, our first inclination is to back in a corner and prepare for a fight. Many times the person with the question is not looking for a fight - he is looking for an answer.

Does it not make more sense to give an answer? Does it not make more sense to humble our pride and give an answer along with instruction that we may not be correct in our answer?

Should we blindly ignore the dinosaurs that existed millions of years ago just to hold onto our preconceived notion, or should we re-examine our teaching to make sure we are not misleading others? 661

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The Deceivers of the Harvest

Throughout time, many deceptive men have risen, claiming that their following was the "elect group" that would be taken away before the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord. Proclaiming that the Gospel of Jesus Christ was for a small, superior group of people, these deceivers isolate their following from other Christians. In Matthew 13, Jesus explained to His disciples that this was not the case.

In the "Parable of the Weeds," Jesus said that the kingdom of heaven could be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field, but weeds were sewn into the field by his enemy as he slept. As the plants began to rise, and the wheat began to bear grain, the weeds also appeared.

His servants asked if the master wanted them to gather the weeds early, but the master was concerned more about the wheat than he was the weeds. The master told his servants to let them both grow together until the time of the harvest.

During the harvest, he said that he would tell the reapers to gather the weeds first, not the wheat. He said that he would tell the reapers to gather the weeds and bind them into bundles to be burned, but gather the wheat into his barn.

When the crowd had left, Jesus explained to His disciples that the one who sows the good seed is the Son of Man, Jesus Christ. The field is the world, and the good seed is the sons of the kingdom. He said that the weeds are the sons of the evil one, and the enemy who sowed them was the devil himself.

Jesus said that the harvest was the end of the age, and the reapers are angels. The weeds, which were gathered first, were burned with fire, just as those of the evil one would be at the end of the age. The Son of Man will send his angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all causes of sin and all of the unjust, throwing them into the fiery furnace.

But, Jesus gave us this assurance: the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we think that we are of some 'elite' or 'elect' group that will bypass the harvest? Do our leaders think that Jesus did not know the order of events in his own kingdom? Are we the weeds that will be burned, or are we the wheat that will one day shine like the sun in the kingdom of our Father? 662

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Buy The Free Books!!!

It has been said by some preachers and even posted by a argumentative person on our Facebook page that we started this site for monetary gain, which would be humorous were you to compare our combined total incomes for any year against one year of theirs. Nothing could be more opposite from the truth.

We want you to download the free books, like thousands of people already have. But unfortunately, not everyone has access to the internet. Others simply like to read either a hardcopy or on their preferred digital devices.

For this reason, we offer the books on the Kindle store for digital readers and in Amazon books for those who prefer hardcopies. Neither of these marketplaces offer free books except during special promotions, which we have signed up for as often as Amazon will allow.

So there is no question in anyone's mind behind our motives, and so that all can openly see that we do this only to spread the Truth as far and as wide and as quickly as possible, we've taken screenshots of the pricing pages for a Kindle book and a Amazon paperback.


The Kindle store allows a minimum price of $.99 per digital book. We have set the pricing in other countries to automatically adjust itself based on the current currency rates to maintain the minimum cost. This does produce a very small royalty, which is applied to our hosting fees for the web servers. To date, the royalties collected have not yet reached .0001% of the hosting fees, which means expenses still remain greater than profit.

Amazon paperback pricing is based on the number of pages, the size of the file, the colors and images in the file, and other factors. Prices vary based on printing cost, and we have chosen the minimum in each category, which gives us $0.00 royalties. 663

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The Gospel is the Only Sound Doctrine!

In 1 Timothy 6, Paul gives warning about those who do not teach sound doctrine and stray from the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Paul's letter to Timothy warns him to not only teach, but to urge the warning: "If anyone teaches a doctrine and does not agree with the sound Words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the teaching that accords with godliness, he is puffed up with conceit and understands nothing."

Paul says that those who stray from the Gospel of Jesus Christ have an unhealthy craving for controversy and a craving for argument. This produces envy of others, dissension among the faith, slander against your brothers, evil suspicions against others, and constant friction among a people who are already depraved in mind.

Paul says that these people are among are deprived of the Truth, imagining that godliness is a means of gain. He stressed contentment, saying that godliness with contentment is great gain. We brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. If we have food and clothing, that is all we need to be content.

He said that those who desire to be rich will fall into temptation. They will fall into a snare, into many senseless and harmful desires that throw people into ruin and destruction. The love of money -- not money, but the love of money is the root of all evil. Because of the craving for money, some have wandered away from the true faith and hurt themselves in many ways.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Is the Gospel of Jesus Christ our foundation, or have we accepted some other gospel? Do we listen to stories about hunting trips, or do we listen to teachings of godliness? Have we feasted our minds on the words of men with unhealthy cravings for controversy among the churches, or have we feasted on the Gospel, which brings Christians together in harmony? 664

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Vessels of Wood and Clay

2 Timothy 2 gives us the disposition of a true and faithful servant of Jesus Christ. Being God's servant does not require a perfect life or require a great name. It does not require answers to all of life's questions or hidden mysteries. It requires peace and love.

Paul tells Timothy to remind them and charge them not to quarrel about words, quarreling does no good. Quarreling only ruins the hearers. Instead, there is a better way:

Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved by God. Be a worker with no need to be ashamed by rightly handling the Word of Truth.

Paul said that irreverent babble will only lead people into more and more ungodliness. He said that irreverent babble would spread like gangrene, and gave examples of just that.

We don't have to be the perfect vessel to be used by God. In a great and magnificent house, there are not only vessels of gold and silver. There are also vessels of wood and clay, some for honorable use and some for dishonorable. If anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use. Even the man that was once dishonorable can be set apart as holy and useful for the Master.

We were very passionate in our youth. Paul said to flee from these passions, and instead pursue righteousness, faith, love, and peace. Join with those who call on the Lord with a pure heart by pursuing these things. Avoid foolish, ignorant controversies, because they only breed more quarreling.

Paul said the Lord's servants must not be quarrelsome. God's servants are kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, and correcting those against him with gentleness.

Through gentle, loving responses, God may grant them repentance by being led to knowledge of the Truth.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we try to lead others to the truth with argument, or with peace and patience? Do we feast on hidden mysteries and extra-biblical words that lead to quarreling, or do we feast on God's Word only? Do we try to force others with the passion of our youth, or have we matured into more excellent servants for Christ? Are we a good vessel worthy of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, or are we a broken vessel that is of no use until mended? 665

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Paul's Message

2 Corinthians 5 implores us to persuade others for Christ and not the doctrines of man. Paul tells us what the "Message" was that God had given him to preach.

Paul says that he did not commend himself so that they might boast about him and lift him up on a platform above other men, he did so to give them answer to those who would try to instigate their boasting about outward appearance. He said that these that boasted about outward appearance did not boast about what is in the heart.

He said that if he seemed beside himself, it was for God, but if he was in his right mind, it was for them. The Love of Christ controls us. Paul had come to the conclusion that if One had died for us, then all had died! Christ died for all so that those who still remain alive no longer live for themselves but for Him. He died for their sake, and was raised.

Paul said that he no longer regarded or respected any person according to the flesh. The man we see is dead. Even Christ was regarded according to the flesh, because He came into this world under the Law. Yet we do not regard Christ according to the flesh.

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, they are a new creation. The old man has passed away and the new one has come. In Christ, God was reconciling the world to Himself, not counting any of the trespasses according to the flesh. He entrusted to us the Message of reconciliation.

With this Message, we are ambassadors for Christ. God makes His appeal through us. Paul implored us on behalf of Christ to be reconciled to God. For each and every one of us, God made Christ to become sin, though he knew no sin. He did this so that we might become the righteousness of God.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we regard others according to how weak they are in the flesh? Do we consider ourselves better than sinners, or even other Christians who do not dress and act like we do? Are we boasting in the flesh? Do we follow Paul's Message of Reconciliation, which taught us not to consider the flesh but to look to the inward man? Or have we fallen for some new message that strayed from Paul's Message of Reconciliation? 666

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Living Stones of a Spiritual House

After Peter described the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Good News that Christ had came, died for their sins, and rose again, Peter told them the way to continue in preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ in 1 Peter 2.

He did not instruct the people to be combative for their beliefs, Peter instructed them to put away malice. He did not tell them to go forth proclaiming spiritual events that did not happen, Peter told them to put away all deceit and hypocrisy.

Peter said that we should put away all envy and slander, treating each other with humility and respect. He said that we were like newborn infants, and should be longing for spiritual milk which helps us grow up into salvation. Peter said that if we have tasted the goodness of God, we would continue spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ, not some other teaching.

We are to be like living stones that are the walls of a spiritual house. Each one of us are to be like the holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God. How do we do that? Peter says through Jesus Christ.

There is only one way to salvation, and that is through Jesus Christ. Peter reminds us that scriptures foretold of Christ, saying, "Behold, I am laying in Zion a stone, a cornerstone chosen and precious, and whoever believes in Him will not be put to shame."

We are not called to be blind sheep, led astray by deceit and hypocrisy. We are now part of the royal priesthood. We are a holy nation, God's own people.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Have we followed Peter's advice? Do we consider ourselves part of the royal priesthood, or do we blindly accept strange teachings as scriptural truth? In these last days, when men will rise that say their teachings are the way of Christ, do we follow like sheep led to the slaughter, or do we put on the whole armor of God by comparing those teachings with the Word? Are we preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ, or are we preaching some other gospel? 667

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Condemnation of Those Who Do Not Love Truth

In 2 Thessalonians 2, Paul warns about those who do not love the Truth and would rather continue in believing what is false.

He said that it had to be that way for the Lord Jesus Christ to return. He asked the following not to be quickly shaken any spirit or any words spoken by man, so that they hold fast to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and ignore any other gospel.

Paul said that the great and terrible day of the Lord will not come unless rebellion against God comes first. In the midst of that rebellion the son of destruction will be revealed. Paul says that the lawless one comes by the activity of Satan with false signs and wonders, and we should be ready.

There will be many that will worship this man or this spirit that will influence men. Paul says that the lawless one will exalt himself against every so-called god or object of worship, replacing God in the temple and proclaiming himself to be God.

In Paul's time, he says that the lawless one was being restrained, and would be revealed in his time. But the mystery of lawlessness was already at work among them. The one restraining the lawlessness spirit would continue to do so until the time it would be revealed.

Paul said to watch closely for the false signs and wonders, they were wicked deception for those who were already perishing. He said this was because they refused to love the Truth and be saved by the Truth. He said that God sends a strong delusion, so they may believe what is false. This is God's way of condemning those who did not believe the Truth.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Has the spirit of lawlessness already been revealed? Do we see the false signs and wonders? Do we see the deception, and the blinded people? Do we have people worshiping prophets with false signs and wonders and even praying in their name? Do we have people praying in the names of the sons of the false prophets? Do we see their eyes blinded to the Truth insomuch that they would rather continue believing what is false? Are we named among the wicked who refused Truth, those that God sent us a strong delusion to condemn? Or are we named among the righteous who seek the Truth? 668

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I Am the Least Among You

In Ephesians 3, Paul uplifts the church by lowering himself before them.

Though he had great spiritual gifts, he did not tell them how great his powers were. He did not come before them with statements of how the Word of God only came to the powerful, or tell of the mighty things God had done through him. Doing so would have been counter-productive to God's plan of pouring out His Spirit upon all flesh.

Paul said, "I am the very least of all the saints."

He told them that he wished that every one of them had the full power of Christ within them, and that they would charge forward with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Paul said that for the sake of the Gospel, he bowed his knees before the Father. He asked the Father of every family in heaven and earth to strengthen them with the power through His Holy Spirit. He prayed that God would pour out His Spirit according to His riches in Glory.

He did not want them founded in mysteries, prophesies, or hidden truths. Paul asked that they be rooted and grounded in love. Paul wanted them to know this love of Christ intimately so that they could be filled with all the fullness of God.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Where is our foundation? Do we have love for all, from the lowest sinner to the most faithful saint? Do we follow after men who teach great ones among us, or do we follow Paul who lifted up each name under heaven for themselves? Have we been strengthened in Christ and His Word, or have we been strengthened in something else? 669

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We Must Persevere with Faith, Prayer, and Love!

Jude 1 encourages us to persevere.

Jude reminds the church that the apostles had warned them that there would be scoffers who would not focus on the Gospel of Jesus Christ that they received. Not having the Holy Spirit, these men would try to divide the church with their own ungodly passions.

Jude says that the way we must conquer these ungodly men was with faith, prayer, and love. While the doctrines of men may cause divisions, faith in Jesus Christ combined with prayer and love can bring men together! Jude says to keep ourselves steadfast in the love of Jesus Christ, continually waiting for His mercy.

He says that this combination of faith, prayer, and love is the way that leads to eternal life! We should have mercy and patience with those who do not fully believe in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, saving them from hell fires with faith, prayer, and love.

Jude says to "snatch them out of the fire" with love if you can. Others, save them by fear of what sin brings. Jude compares it to hating the chiton, or the underneath garment that touches the flesh. Just like wretched rags, our sin is filthy and deserving of death. But Christ offers salvation through His Blood which is sufficient for all!

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we heed Jude's advice to continue in faith, prayer, and love? Do we love people into the Gospel of Jesus Christ, or do we try to badger them into the faith by condemnation? Or are we the ones who have accepted some other gospel, and causing the divisions? Does our prayer and faith lie fully in Jesus Christ, which produces love, or do we mistakenly think that to get to Christ you must go through some other man -- which produces divisions? Are we the ones snatching others out of the fire, or are we the ones desperately needing to be snatched? 670

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Free from The Law, Bound by The Gospel

In 1 Corinthians 9, Paul makes the proclamation that we are free from the law, but bound by the Gospel. A Christian does not forfeit his rights, as some modern-day pastors and evangelists proclaim.

He asks them: "Am I not free? Am I not an apostle? Have I not seen Jesus?"

Paul reminded them that among men, he truly could have been considered great. But instead of desiring to boast of himself, Paul lifted up others so that they could help spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

To those who wanted to abstain from eating or drinking meats or drinks forbidden by the law, he asked them: "Do we not have the right to eat and drink?" To those who stumbled upon the laws concerning marriage and divorce, he asked them: "Do we not have the right to take along a believing wife?"

Workers of the Gospel are not to be bound by the laws of man, and are free from the Mosaic law while under the New Covenant. They are not to be burdened down into submission, but are to rejoice in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Paul asked them, "Who serves as a soldier at his own expense?"

Paul, however, forfeited his right so that others might be made free. He said that he surrendered his rights, enduring the burdens rather than put any obstacle in the way of quickly spreading the Gospel.

He said that for the Jews, he becomes a Jew in order to win the Jews over to Christ. To those burdened under the law, he became as one under the law. But, he was very clear that he was not under that same law, saying: "though not being myself under the law." Paul said that his goal in placing himself under these laws was to win those under the law.

To those outside the law, Paul becomes as one outside the law. To the weak, he became weak so that he might win the weak. He became all things to win all people. By becoming like the people he tried to win over to Christ, Paul tried to save the lost for the sake of the Gospel and share the blessings.

Paul used the example of the race. All runners run, but only one receives the prize. We should run like the runners, as though we were the one who would win the prize! Every athlete exercises self-control in all things to receive their prize, which is a winner's wreath that will fade away. But we go after a prize that will never perish.

Paul said that he did not run aimlessly in his journey towards the goal. He had reasons for placing himself under the law to win those bound by it, or becoming weak to win others who 671

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were weak. Paul was a perfect example of how a Christian should strive to help others in their journey to Christ.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves how our race is run. Do we become weak to help the struggling, or do we think that we are somehow better than them? Do we sit with the sinners as Christ did, or do we separate ourselves from them as though they were diseased? Do we bound ourselves by law to help others who have been falsely taught law, or are we the ones needing rescued? Or, have we simply given up in life's race, sitting on the ground watching the other runners go by? 672

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The Royal Law

James 2 tells us about the "royal law."

James tells us not to show partiality among people and to consider all people in equality. If one comes dressed in fine clothes, we should give the same respect to the finely dressed person as we do the one in filthy rags.

He gives examples to how we can easily make distinctions among ourselves and inwardly judge others with evil thoughts. James says that God has chosen the poor to be rich in faith and heirs to the kingdom, those who love God.

James rebuked the people who did not consider the poor as equal. He reminded them that the rich are the ones who oppress and drag the poor into courts of law. Moreover, the rich are typically the ones who blaspheme the Name of Christ.

James said that the "royal law" according to the Scripture was: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself." If we fulfill this, we are doing well.

He gives special wisdom to those who judge people by the law. James says that if you show partiality towards the rich, you are committing sin and judged by the same law as the transgressors of the law.

He says that if you keep the entire law, but fail in one point, you become accountable for it. Therefore, we should speak and act as those who are judged under the law of liberty, or freedom. No longer bound by the law of the curse.

If we judge others without mercy, then our judgment is also without mercy. James says that "Mercy triumphs over judgment."

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we show mercy and equality? Do we uplift both men and women, race or nationality, rich or poor? Are we upholding the "royal law?" 673

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Scatter The Seed

In Acts 14 at Iconium, Paul is living example to why Jesus gave the parable of the planter and the seed.

Iconium was mixed with both Jews and Gentiles. It was a city of the Hittites in days gone by, later becoming part of the Persian empire until Darius III was defeated by Alexander the Great. It was recognized by both Yahweh and pagan legend. Iconium was believed to be the first city to rise after the Great Flood confirming the scriptures, while pagan legend claimed the city was the site of Perseus who defeated Gorgon Medusa and her wig of snakes and turned villagers to stone with her gaze.

Paul and Barnabas went into the Jewish synagogue first, and persuaded a great number of both Jews and Greeks into the faith. The seed was planted.

But there were unbelieving Jews who did not accept Jesus as the redeemer of the new covenant. The Mosaic Law would not permit the Jews to associate with the "unclean" Gentiles or their way of life.

These unbelieving Jews did not rise up against Paul and Barnabas -- they stirred up the Gentiles in such a way that the Gentiles did their work for them. They "poisoned their minds" against the brothers and sisters of the faith.

Paul and Barnabas decided to fix this. They remained a very long time, speaking boldly for the Lord, bearing witness to the word of His Grace. They even did many signs and wonders by their hands before the people in order to persuade them back into the faith.

But the people were still divided. Some sided with the Jews and some with the apostles. The division became so strong that an attempt was made to stone them by both the Jews and the Gentiles. Finally, Paul and Barnabas left.

But the seed was planted.

Sometimes, as Christians, we think that we need to be the ones to water the seed. When we speak to others about Christ, we feel that we have to nurture them into the faith, bombarding them with our ideas and doctrines rather than just the simple Gospel of Jesus Christ. The seed.

God does the watering, and God provides the Sonlight. All that is needed is for us to plant the seed, to tell them that Jesus Christ came and fulfilled the law. How he died for our sins and our salvation, and rose again so that we might rise with Him. All we need to tell them is the simple Gospel, and how that faith in Jesus Christ grants us salvation by God's unmerited favor with us. 674

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As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we plant the seed and let God do the nurturing? Or do we take the seed back out of God's hands, trying to forcefully make it grow. Do we shine florescent lights of the doctrines of men upon the seed trying to force the first sprout, or do we let God provide His Sonlight to carefully grow the seed? Are we responsible for delaying some seeds that are not growing? 675

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Those Who Proclaim the Gospel Without Sincerity

Philippians 1 tells us how not everyone who proclaims the Gospel of Jesus Christ does so because they believe it, but God has His hand in everything to ensure His children are led of the Spirit.

Paul said that the trials he faced during his imprisonment had been instrumental in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So instrumental that it had in fact been spread throughout the entire imperial guard and to many, many more people.

The best part is that through his imprisonment, others were no longer afraid to speak the Word of Truth. They could now boldly proclaim the Gospel without fear.

Not all were sincere, however. Paul said that some indeed preached Christ out of envy and rivalry. They proclaimed Christ out of selfish ambition, not sincerely but with other motives. Some even did it out of spite, trying to create a rise out of the people and cause more affliction to Paul in his imprisonment.

But he said there were also those who proclaimed the Gospel out of love, truly hoping, believing, and knowing that the Love of Christ would save the lost. Those people knew that Paul was put into his position for the defense of the Gospel.

Paul was not at all concerned about the people who spread the Gospel with ill intent or with selfish motives. Though their hearts were not in the right place, all was working according to God's perfect plan. Paul said, "In every way, whether or in pretense or in Truth, Christ is proclaimed, and in that I rejoice."

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ, or some other gospel? Do we think that all men who spread the Gospel are sincere? Do we even follow some of these insincere men who have selfish motives rather than following the Christ that they proclaim? Have we followed their selfish intent instead of following the One that leads us to Salvation? Is it time to start following Christ? 676

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Gentiles Were Saved by Grace Not Law

Acts 11 teaches us how the Gentiles were saved by Grace, not Law.

The apostles and brothers in Christ of Judea got word that Peter had saved many of the Gentiles, who eagerly accepted the Word of God. Peter went to Jerusalem to speak to these brothers.

When he arrived, he was criticized by the brothers, who reminded Peter of the Mosaic Law that was broken by his fellowship with the Gentiles. But Peter had word directly from God, which confirmed him to be just according to a vision.

Mosaic law held that no child of God should eat unclean meat, from the birds of prey, reptiles, and birds of the air. But the voice in the vision told Peter to eat!

Peter replied to the voice of the Lord that nothing unclean had ever touched his mouth, and refused. But God reminded Peter that he was no longer under the Mosaic Law. He said, "What God has made clean, do not call common."

This happened three times before Peter by vision, and immediately three Gentiles arrived at his house. As Peter began to speak to them, the Holy Spirit fell upon them just as it did at the beginning of the spreading of the Gospel.

The Mosaic Law was a works-righteous justification, one that no man could uphold. Time after time, the Bible reminds us how men would rise, men would fall, and that no man is worthy without Jesus Christ.

The Law focused upon the outward man, but the inward man is sinful by nature since Adam's fall. The outward man could never be pure without Christ.

Peter remembered the Word of the Lord: "John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit." Before Christ was resurrected and the New Covenant came into effect, the outward man needed cleansed to be pure. Man was offered forgiveness through physical sacrifice, from the order of priesthood through a physical bloodline of the Levites.

Christ was from the order of Melchisedec, and is a High Priest in spirit, not in the physical. Our justification is spiritual, not physical. The outward things will never save us; we will never be holy by the physical things that we do. We are made pure by the Spirit, through faith in Jesus Christ.

Peter asked them, "If then God gave the same gift to them as he gave to us when we believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I that I could stand in God's way?” 677

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When the brothers in Christ heard that God had offered salvation to the Gentiles, they fell silent. They all glorified God, saying, “Then to the Gentiles also God has granted repentance that leads to life.”

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we still focus on the Law that Paul called the "Law of sin and death?" Do we think that we can earn our salvation by the outward rules our leaders try to enforce? Would we even believe a man claiming to be a prophet who taught that each old covenant was still in effect? Have we forgotten the simple Gospel of Jesus Christ, wherein all souls can be saved by Grace through Faith in Jesus Christ? 678

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Contaminating The Wine

In Mark 12, Jesus teaches us in parable how we are to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to others, not keeping it to ourselves as though it is a hidden mystery or a priceless gem hidden in a locker.

Speaking in Parable, Jesus tells the story of the tenants. The master planted a vineyard, put a fence around it, dug a pit for the winepress, built living quarters, and leased the plantation to tenants while he left for another country. The master expected his winery to produce.

When the season came to reap the benefits of his plantation, he sent his servant to the tenants to get some of the fruit. But the tenants beat him and sent him away empty-handed.

Again, he sent another servant, and they struck him on the head. They treated him so shamefully that he left without the fruit.

Others were sent by the master, one after another, all experiencing the same fate. The master had one left who had not been sent, his son.

The master sent his son to them, saying to himself, "They will respect my son." But the tenants did not. They planned against the son, saying "This is the heir, let's kill him!"

Jesus asked the people, "What will the owner of the vineyard do?" He said that the owner would certainly come and destroy those tenants, giving the vineyard to others.

Jesus was speaking of Himself. In the Old Testament, God sent man after man to the Children of Israel, trying to lead them in a way that would produce His fruit: a people that would Worship Him. Yet, each time they fell into idolatry.

Finally, God sent His Only Son to the people. He was also despised and rejected, and turned away from the Master's vineyard. Just as the tenants in the parable plotted against the master's son, the Scribes and the Pharisees plotted against the Savior.

History repeats itself time and again. In the day and age we live in, those sent by God may not be crucified physically, they are despised and rejected by many. The fruits of the Spirit are not being produced, because the Gospel of Jesus Christ is tucked away in a corner for the "chosen few." While God wants the Gospel of Jesus Christ to spread far and wide, many today spread some other gospel.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we worthy tenants? Have we produced the fruits of the Spirit that God is looking for? Do we tell others that Christ's blood is sufficient for all, or do we contaminate that blood by telling others they must also know a prophet to earn 679

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salvation? Have we contaminated the Master's Wine by contaminating the Gospel of Jesus Christ with the doctrines of men?

Hidden from The Wise and the Prudent

Luke 10 tells us that there is power in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Jesus appointed seventy-two brothers and sisters to spread the Good News that the Father had sent his Son. Two-by-two, they were instructed to go into every town that Jesus Himself was about to go, and announce his coming.

He told them that the harvest was plentiful, but the workers were few. As they went, they prayed that the Lord of the harvest would send out laborers into His harvest.

Just as Malachi prophesied in Malachi 4, Jesus described the great and terrible day that was at hand. He told the seventy-two that the kingdom of God was at hand, and they were the ones to eagerly go forth. Like the "calves of the stall" Malachi prophesied about, these seventy-two were going forth to tread down the wicked. Jesus told them if they were not received, they were to shake the dust from their feet and condemn the entire city. He told them that it would be more tolerable for Sodom than for that town.

When the seventy-two returned, they were very excited. They said, "Even the demons are subject to us in Your Name!"

Jesus told them that when they went forth, He saw Satan fall from heaven like lightening, cast down to the earth. Isaiah also prophesied of this day, when he said, "How are you fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how are you cut down to the ground, who did weaken the nations!"

Though there was power in the Gospel, Jesus did not want them to fall worship to the power they had access to. He told them, "Do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven."

Immediately afterwards, Jesus thanked the Father for hiding these things from the wise and understanding, and revealing them to the children that would learn. All power in heaven had been handed over to Christ by the Father.

He told the seventy-two that many prophets and kings had desired to see the mighty things that they had just witnessed. They had just fulfilled the scriptures of old.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we realize that there is power in the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Do we try to spread some other gospel, thinking there is power in the doctrines of man? Do we believe some prophet who thinks he alone has power over the demons, when Christ gave us the same power through His Holy Spirit? Do we believe some prophet who 680

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twists Malachi 4 to predict a different age, making this great event in the Gospel of Jesus Christ of none effect? 681

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Fully Embracing the Gospel of Jesus Christ

Zechariah 10 foretells of the restoration for Judah and Israel.

Zechariah says that all we need do is ask when we are in need, and God will provide. He says to ask for rain from the Lord in the season of rain, and the God who makes the storm clouds will give showers of rain to everyone for the vegetation in the field.

Idols have no power to provide, Zechariah says. They utter complete nonsense and their diviners see lies. They tell false visions and give empty consolation. The people that follow these false religions wander like sheep, afflicted for lack of a shepherd.

God's wrath is kindled, but not against the followers. God's anger is against the leaders. Zechariah says that it is the leaders that will be punished, not the flock. God's anger is against the shepherds, but God cares for His flock.

Zechariah foretold of the coming of Christ. He said that from Judah will come the cornerstone. He will be the tent peg, the secure anchor holding the tent against the raging storm. He will be the battle bow, fighting the opposing enemy. Those with Christ will be like mighty men in battle, trampling their foe in the mud of the streets, because God is with them. They shall put the enemy to shame.

Through Zechariah, God says that he will strengthen the house of Judah and save the house of Joseph. He will bring them back to Him, because he has compassion on them. He is their God, and He will answer them. Ephraim will become like a mighty warrior, and their hearts will be glad as if they had been filled with wine. Their children will see it and be glad, and their hearts will rejoice in the Lord.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we rejoice in the Savior that was sent? Do we embrace His power to trample the enemy, exposing the lies of the false visions and lies of the diviners? Or do we wander like sheep, afflicted by lack of a shepherd? Have we fully embraced the Gospel of Jesus Christ? 682

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A Different Gospel

Isaiah 11 foretells the coming Messiah, in a chapter that many are familiar with. Often we forget the fine details of this prophecy.

Isaiah says that a "shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch from his roots shall bear fruit," the Son of David.

He says that the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding. Christ came with more wisdom than Solomon in all his glory, knowing all things.

Isaiah says that he also has the Spirit of counsel and might. The Father gave Christ the authority over all things, able to judge the hearts of men.

Also, Isaiah says that Christ came with the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord, and His delight shall be in the fear of the Lord. It was obvious that Christ came with the authority from the Father, but we must remember that he also "feared" the father. Not earthly fear that causes insecurity, but royal fear and respect as a subject fears their king.

Isaiah says that Christ judges by the heart. He does not judge by what His eyes see, or make His decisions by what His ears hear, Christ judges with righteousness. The meek of the earth are judged by his righteousness, and the wicked are slaughtered simply by the breath of His lips. Righteousness and faithfulness are the belts of his waste and loins, and these two together are the way in which we are judged.

Most forgotten from this passage are the fruits of the spirit, which Isaiah compares to the animal kingdom. We must remember that in prophecy, symbols are used to make the picture clearer for us in its due time.

He says that the wolf will dwell with the lamb. The Gospel of Jesus Christ will cause the scavengers to be at peace with the innocent.

Isaiah says that the leopard will lie down with the young goat, describing how the Gospel of Jesus Christ will cause the predator and the prey to be at peace with each other.

Also, the cow and the bear with both graze together, and the lion will eat straw like an ox. Though the bear and the lion are vicious animals, feeding on the weaker animals, they no longer desire their past way of life. They graze at peace with the cattle and the oxen.

The Gospel is the reason they are all at peace. The Gospel of Jesus Christ not only changes the inward man, it gives them peace and assurance. They have comfort and protection by the Savior. 683

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Isaiah writes that "the nursing child will play over the hole of the cobra, and the weaned child shall put his head on the adder's den. They shall not hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain." The Christian, secure in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, has no fear for they are protected by God Himself. In fact, they are as infant children, knowing no fear. The nursing child has no knowledge of the dangers of the cobra, yet the cobra does not strike. God protects his people with innocent security.

But the greatest and most forgotten passage in this chapter is this: "For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea."

Sometimes as Christians, we forget what God wants us to do when we receive the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Many man have risen through the influence of Satan, telling us to separate ourselves and protect our "little secret" of the Gospel, but God wants us to spread it far and wide. There is no hidden mystery in Christ, Christ Himself was the mystery fulfilled. Now that we are part of the Body of Christ, our instruction is to tell others! Spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to as many people as we can reach!

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: When is the last time we told someone about the Gospel of Jesus Christ? The greatest Event in the life of a Christian, the Good News that Christ came to live the perfect life that we could not, suffered and died for our sins to give us salvation, died and rose again so that we could rise with Him? Are we spreading this Gospel, or are we spreading a different gospel? 684

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Once Enlightened

I've been studying recently on enlightenment -- not what we typically associate with Buddhism or Hinduism, but Christian enlightenment.

Quote:Therefore, let us leave the elementary doctrine of Christ and go on to maturity, not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith toward God, and of instruction about washings, the laying on of hands, the resurrection of the dead, and eternal judgment. And this we will do if God permits. For it is impossible, in the case of those who have once been enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, and have shared in the Holy Spirit, and have tasted the goodness of the word of God and the powers of the age to come, and then have fallen away, to restore them again to repentance, since they are crucifying once again the Son of God to their own harm and holding him up to contempt. For land that has drunk the rain that often falls on it, and produces a crop useful to those for whose sake it is cultivated, receives a blessing from God. But if it bears thorns and thistles, it is worthless and near to being cursed, and its end is to be burned.Hebrews

I have growing concern for the ministers in this message, and just don't see any way that things will turn favorable. My concern is that the disfellowship of even their own, from church to church, will not only continue to bear thorns and thistles, but will lead to a path that the scriptures say has an "end that is to be burned."

Some of those ministers came out of Gospel-based Bible-founded churches. Were they once enlightened and crucified the Son of God again?

Everything I read in the scriptures points fingers against those that turn back to works-righteous faith, and I don't see anything under the New Covenant to support the doctrines that have been produced.

Thoughts? 685

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The Tree That Bears No Fruit

Mark 11 tells us the story of the fig tree that Jesus Cursed. This is a story that confuses many, wondering why the Bible would mention Jesus cursing a tree. Reading the chapter in context, we find that the story of the tree fits like a glove around the greater story.

As Jesus passes by the tree, He found that the tree had many leaves. So much, in fact, that He could see the leaves from a distance and travelled towards it. Jesus, the Creator who knew all things, went towards a tree with no fruit! He knew there was not a single growth of fruit on the tree before he even noticed the tree from a distance!

As He and the disciples approached the tree and found no fruit to be hanging, Jesus cursed the tree saying, "May no one ever eat fruit from you again."

After this, they came into Jerusalem and entered the temple. Jesus violently drove the money changers and those who bought and sold from the temple, overturning the money changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons to the humble for their sacrificial offering. He exclaimed that "My house shall be called a house of prayer!"

The next morning, Jesus and the disciples went by the fig tree, and found it to be withered away to its roots. Peter said to Jesus, "Rabbi, look! The fig tree you cursed has withered!"

Jesus replied, "Have faith in God. Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, 'Be taken up and thrown into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him. Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father also who is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses."

Our faith is not a blind faith that has aimless ambition, and moving a mountain with no purpose for the Glory of God will never line up with faith in the Creator who can move the mountain for us. There is a reason the fig tree was cursed, and a reason that Jesus gave this response.

As the doctrines of man turn religious faith away from God, it may produce many branches and many leaves, but no fruit. The fig tree was no different than the money changers who made profit on the faithful, selling them greatly over-priced pigeons for their sacrificial offering. Their hearts and minds had turned from God, and produced no fruit.

At the same time, the faithful were blinded to the evil souls of those in power. They felt as though the over-priced pigeons had spiritual application, and were eager to spend their hard-earned wages to the money changers rather than bringing their own sacrificial offering. 686

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Jesus gave by example to the disciples the fact that they had the power to discern good and evil. Their faith could overthrow the powers of evil that distract men from the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and though it seemed like a mountain before them, it would be nothing more than a speck of dust in their paths.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves if we see the spiritual application of this story. When we see churches spreading that bear no fruit, money-changers making profit off of cardboard boxes of idolatry, followers eager to spend hundreds of dollars on disks and books filled with the doctrines of men rather than the Word of God, is it not time to say to this mountain, "Be thou removed?" There is no need for a Redeemer to charge the temples and overthrow the tables, the Holy Spirit now dwells within us! All we need is faith, and organizations founded on false prophecy and fictional childhood stories will crumble at our feet! 687

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Power in The Name of Jesus

Mark 9 shows us the power that is in the Name of Jesus.

When the disciples were unable to heal a boy with an evil spirit, a great crowd surrounded them to see if Jesus would perform a miracle. The scribes began arguing, and Jesus asked what the argument was about.

The father of the child told Jesus about the boy, and how the disciples were not able. Jesus rebuked the crowd, saying, "O faithless generation, how long am I able to be with you? How long am I to bear with you? Bring him to me!"

Just the sight of Jesus made the spirit start convulsing in the child. Jesus asked the father how long the boy had been afflicted, and the father replied that the child had suffered from childhood. He asked Jesus if there was any way that He could help.

Jesus responded in amazement: "If you can!" Jesus told the man that all things were possible for one who believes.

Immediately, the father of the child cried out, "I believe! Help thou my unbelief!"

Jesus rebuked the spirit, and commanded it to leave the child never to return into him again. The child began convulsing violently, and then lay still as though he were dead. Jesus took him by the hand, lifted him up, and the child arose.

Afterwards, the disciples discussed the event with Jesus in private. They asked why they were not able to cast the spirit out. Jesus replied that the spirit, which had taken strong hold in the child for many years, could only be driven out by prayer. The hold was so strong that only God had the power to release the spirit and free the child.

Later, the disciples found that someone else in the city was casting out demons in the Name of Jesus. They tried to stop him, because he was not a follower of Christ. Though the man was an unbeliever, just the Name of Jesus was so powerful that the demons fled.

Jesus responded that they should not stop him from fighting against the demons. Though the man was not a Christian, he was attacking the enemy. Jesus said that the one who is not against us is for us.

The scriptures consistently speak of the power that is in the Name of Jesus. His Name is so powerful that even those who do not believe can use His Name and do mighty works. The Bible continually gives examples showing the power, and then giving the warning. Not everyone using that power has the same intentions. 688

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Matthew 7 gives the warning that not everyone that proclaims that Jesus is Lord and does mighty miracles in His Name will enter the kingdom of heaven. Jesus warned the people of false prophets, saying they were ravenous wolves in sheep’s' clothing.

He did not say we would immediately recognize a false prophet. Jesus warned that we would only know them by the fruits they produced. Every tree bears fruit, but the diseased tree bears bad fruit.

Jesus said that when these false prophets come face to face with judgment, and asked the, "Did we not prophesy in your Name, cast out demons in your Name, and do mighty works in your Name?"

Their fate is clear. Jesus said that these wolves in sheep’s' clothing would be condemned. He will declare to them, "Depart from me, I never knew you." They were workers of lawlessness.

By the same token, those who keep God's Word will be like a wise man who built his house on a rock. Though the rain falls, the floods come, and the winds blow, the house that is built on the Rock of God's Word will stand secure.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Have we built our house on the Rock of God's Word, or have we built our house on the sinking sand of a false prophet? Though he could heal thousands by the Name of Jesus, have we considered the fact that none of his prophecy came to pass? Though the false prophet came forward crying, "Lord, Lord," and taught doctrines contrary to God's Word, do we stand with the contradiction, or do we choose the Word over the false prophet? Have we chosen the power that is in the Name of Jesus, or the weakness that is in the name of the prophet? 689

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Spiritual Discernment

While seeking the Truth, many are afraid to judge for themselves. 1 Corinthians 2 gives us assurance that the Holy Spirit guides us in our judgments.

Paul says that among the mature, wisdom was given. It was not wisdom that can be taught in schools, nor a wisdom that kings or monarchs obtain with great power, for that wisdom fades away. Paul said that the wisdom imparted from God was a wisdom that God Himself decreed before the ages for our glory.

He said that if the rulers of his age only understood this wisdom of God, they would not have crucified Christ. This hidden mystery was Christ Himself.

God reveals to us through His Holy Spirit. The Spirit searches everything, even the depths of the mystery of God. Paul asked: "Who knows a person's thoughts except the spirit of that person that is within him?" He said the same could be said of God; no one could comprehend the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.

Paul said that our knowledge and wisdom comes from the Spirit, and we can understand freely what God wants us to understand. This gift is not passed from one another through the teachings of man, but only from the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit within us can interpret the spiritual Truths from those who are spiritual.

To those that have ears to hear, here is wisdom:

Paul said that the natural person does not accept the things told to him by the Spirit of God, and considers them to be folly. He is not able to understand these things, because they are only discerned by the spirit.

The spiritual person, however judges all things. Paul did not say that we are to refrain from judgment of the doctrines of men. While the bible says not to judge others, Paul makes it very clear that we are the judge of the spiritual things, discerning right from wrong.

At the same time, Paul said that the spiritual person judges all things, but he himself is judged by no one. Who among him has the mind of Christ to instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ, and we rightly discern the Truth from the deception.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we filled with the Spirit that examines the doctrines of men to make sure they line up with the Word of Truth? Does the spirit within us give us discernment, or does it give us blindness? Do we believe a false prophet who claimed "discernment" was mind reading or fortune telling? Or do we have spiritual discernment that judges that false prophet by his teaching and his failed prophecy? 690

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The Un-Lifted Veil

2 Corinthians 3 tells us that we have a veil covering us from seeing the Truth, one that only Christ can lift.

Paul was surprised at the church, once again turning back to the law. He asked them they thought he needed to write them another letter of recommendation.

He said we need no recommendation. We ourselves are a letter of recommendation, a testimony to Christ that is written on your hearts. It is displayed and read by all. Our letter is not written on stone tablets as was the law for Moses, our letter is on tablets of human hearts.

We should have confidence through Christ toward God. Paul said that we could never be sufficient in ourselves to claim anything, but our confidence and sufficiency comes from God. He has made each one of us sufficient to be ministers of a new covenant.

Paul said that our new covenant was not by letter of the law. Our covenant is of the Spirit. The letter kills, but the Spirit gives life.

He called the Mosaic Law the "ministry of death." It was carved on letters of stone, yet came with such glory that the Israelites could not look at the face of Moses. The glory in the ministry of condemnation extended to the body of Moses.

Paul asked, "How much more glory will the ministry of the Spirit have?" The Mosaic Law, which one had glory, and now has no glory at all, has faded away. The new glory in the new covenant surpasses it. He said that the Mosaic Law was brought to an end with glory, and the new covenant now has a permanent glory.

Paul said that there were some who read the old covenant who are still blinded. Their minds are hardened. But when a person turns to the Lord Jesus Christ, that veil is removed.

Once removed, the Spirit of the Lord brings freedom. We all stand united with an unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord. We are transformed into the same image, from one degree of glory to another. Paul said this was the blessing that comes from the Lord who is the Spirit.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Do we let the doctrines of men take away our glory? Do we let those with hardened minds lead us back into the old covenant of death when Paul preached a new covenant of life and freedom in Christ? Do we listen to a false prophet who claimed that the Mosaic Law was still in effect, when Paul said that it had been replaced with the new covenant? Has our veil been lifted? 691

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The Burden of the Truth

In Luke 14, Jesus tells us the cost of discipleship.

Jesus gave an example of a builder. Those who build towers carefully plan the construction. They count the cost carefully to make sure they do not start a tower that cannot be completed. Otherwise, the builder stands a great chance of laying a foundation that he is not able to finish, and he would be a mockery.

He gave another example of a king preparing for battle with another king in war. The king will make sure he is able to gather enough able-bodied men for war before rising against an army of twenty-thousand. At the same time, the king prepares for peace by sending a delegation to the opposing army.

Discipleship will cost you everything. A true disciple of Christ will be willing to give up everything to follow Christ. Jesus said that if you are unwilling to hate your own father, mother, or wife, you cannot be a disciple. If do not hate your own life, you cannot be a disciple.

He gave words of wisdom: "Whoever does not bear his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple."

Crucifixion was a horrific fate, one of unbearable pain and agony. To suffer crucifixion was to suffer the worst fate known to mankind in that day, but Jesus gave example of a worse fate: to suffer crucifixion willingly.

It is easy for us to say that we are His disciples, especially in this modern age of comfort and security. But how many of us would be willing to be his disciple in the camps of the Taliban? How many would be willing to stand in Mecca to proclaim Jesus Christ, passing out Bibles? How many would be willing to leave their own mother and father, wife and children, knowing that they would die a torturous death?

In our modern society, we cannot fathom the hardship to be a disciple of Christ in a time of persecution. But sometimes I wonder if we would even take the first step.

Having known the Truth, how many pastors were not afraid to tell it? How many pastors would forfeit the security of their congregation to tell them that not a single prophecy was vindicated by success? How many who learned that the supernatural events had technological explanation were not afraid to forfeit their fine dining? How many who knew childhood stories were fictional, healing claims were exaggerated, or that prophetic claims came from magazine articles were brave enough to tell their congregations the Truth? 692

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Worse, how many pastors have come and gone who found the false prophet to stray from the Word of God, and sided with the false prophet to maintain their popularity? How many chose the Lord's side, and how many chose the false prophet's side?

In Luke 12, Jesus Christ said He did not come to cause peace, but division. He did not mean division among the body of Christ as the false prophet claimed, but spiritual division between the Word of God and those who stand against it.

When you first learned that the Bible did not match the prophet's doctrines, which side did you choose? Did you choose to stand with Christ? Or did you choose to stand against Him? 693

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The Humble Servant of Greatness

Mark 10 tells us that what we consider to be prestige or greatness in this world is the opposite to Christ.

James and John asked Jesus if they could sit at His right hand and his left in the kingdom of heaven. But Jesus told them that they did not understand what they were asking of Him. The seats they asked for were already taken. Jesus said that it was not His place to grant their request. To sit at His right and or left was for those whom it was prepared.

When the ten heard this conversation, they began to become angry towards James and John. Jesus called His disciples to Him, and explained. He said that what we consider as rulers, great ones who exercise authority over us, are not considered to be so in the kingdom of heaven. It was the opposite.

Jesus said that if we desire to be great, then we must become a servant. The one who is the greatest must become a slave to all. For even the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve. He gave His own life as a ransom for many.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Who do we consider to be great among us? Do we place our esteem on men because of their family name, or because we have made them our authority? Do we revere them because they have a gift? Or because they have travelled the world through support of their followers? Would Christ also choose them as the greatest, or would He choose a humble servant in the church? Which would He consider to be the greatest? The one to whom the lifestyle is provided for, or the ones that humbly give to provide that lifestyle? 694

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Measuring Our Blessings

In Zechariah 2, God tells Zechariah of the blessings that are about to come.

Though God's wrath had been against Jerusalem for their idolatry, God told Zechariah that it would not always be so. They were the apple of His eye, His children. As a father loves his wayward child, God loves His children with undying love.

By vision, Zechariah saw a man on his way to measure Jerusalem. Zechariah asked him where he was going, and the angel came forward with another angel to meet him. The second angel told the first, "Quickly! Say to the young man that Jerusalem will be inhabited as villages without walls, because of the great number of people and livestock within. And I will be to her a wall of fire all around, declares Yahweh, and I will be the glory in her midst."

Zechariah witnessed the Father preparing His Son for His coming, and His Son, the Master Builder, was measuring the coming glory. God had spread Israel to the four winds but would be calling them all back to Jerusalem. All the nations that plundered Israel would become plunder for their servants, the children that were the apple of God's eye.

God told Israel to rejoice and be glad, because He was coming to dwell in their midst. Many nations would become God's children in that day, and He would dwell in their midst. All would know that the Lord of Hosts had sent the Master Builder to Jerusalem, God's chosen people.

The angel said, "Be silent, all flesh, before the Lord, for he has roused Himself from His holy dwelling!"

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we rejoicing that God sent His Son to make His dwelling place within our hearts? Do we consecrate our lives to Him, the One who made our bodies into the temple? Do we rejoice that His Son came, or do we rejoice because some other religious person has come? Have we made our temples wholly consecrated to God, or have we polluted it with the doctrines of men? 695

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This topic came up in one of the private forums, but is worthy of discussion on here as well.

William Branham gave a crazy story of the reason for his baldness -- one that I wondered about even when I was brainwashed. Quote:I was young, too. And I... And losing my hair as a young man, putting carbolic acid on it, a barber did, and took it all out when I was just a boy; and it's been always a kind of a thing to me, that I--I--I get a cold so quick, because that my scalp's still soft, you know, and the roots of the hair is still there, but it was burnt by carbolic acid, and the hair can never grow.--63-0322

To the uneducated, this sounds like an awful fate. To a person who has learned that practically every word that proceeds out of the mouth of 'the prophet' is hogwash, it's comical that carbolic acid is a chemical used in mouthwash. ...or mouth spray, rather, Chloraseptic. It is the active ingredient of this and other anti-bacterial washes.

Carbolic acid is a light acid that only irritates the skin -- and then only after repeated usage in large amounts. WMB would have practically had to dunk his head in it for several hours to get inflamed, not just a casual spill.

It also is easily subdued with application of liquid -- even water. Just wash it away. 696

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The Greatest Birthday Known to Mankind

Matthew 1 gives the story of the greatest birthday known to mankind, the greatest Gift that God has given us: His only Son.

Matthew tells that Mary, the mother of Jesus, found out that she was going to have a child. The child was not from union with any man, this Child was from the Holy Spirit.

When Joseph learned of the child, and knowing that it was not his own, loved Mary too much to put her to shame. He decided to divorce her quietly, not condemning her publicly. Yet Joseph was afraid to keep her as his wife having a son that was not his.

As this decision weighed heavy on his mind, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream. The angel told him not to fear. The child that was conceived within Mary was from the Holy Spirit.

The angel told Joseph that her son would be called Jesus. He would save His people from their sins. All that Joseph feared had been foretold in scriptures, "Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel (God with us).

When Joseph woke from his sleep, he did as the angel commanded. Joseph and Mary witnessed the birth of Jesus Christ, God who came down with us. Mary's son was also the Son of God.

As Christians, we should celebrate this day with rejoicing! This is not a day that should be hindered by the doctrines of men, this is a holiday dedicated to the remembrance of Christ. Christmas is a time of giving, just as God gave His only Son to us. Remember the Reason for the day, and enjoy your time with family and friends! 697

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Ahhh, The Imagination of a Two-Year-Old

Believe The Sign's Facebook page asked a question that uncovered a huge fallacy with the bridge.Quote:William Branham's bridge vision does not match with recorded history. Some people have told us that this is because he saw the vision as a child, and he didn't remember things exactly when he retold the story years later.

Blaming the problems with the Bridge vision on the passing of time is an uncomfortable argument for two reasons. First, it does not stay with the tapes. Second, it brings into question the accuracy of all of William Branham's visions that occurred before the tape recordings started.

For example, William Branham said that the bridge vision occurred two weeks after a voice spoke to him from a tree. If the facts of the bridge vision distorted over time, how do you know that the instruction of the "voice from the tree" didn't also distort over time?

Here are both stories told together:

"At the age of about seven years old, I was packing water one day from a well. And I passed by a tree. I was weeping. I didn't want to pack the water. I wanted to go fishing with the rest of the children. But when I heard something in the tree, like the roaring of a wind, I looked up. I seen nothing but just a place in the tree about that big around, roaring around...and none of the rest of the leaves were shaking. And I heard a voice of a Man up there, said, "Don't never drink. Don't drink, and don't never smoke, or defile yourself with women, for there is a work for you to do when you get older." Oh, I was scared. I dropped my bucket, and I ran to the house, screaming. And I jumped in my mother's arms. And she... I said there's a Man in that tree. They went down to look: nobody there. They called the doctor, and he said I was just nervous. I said--I said, "No, I seen, and I heard him speak." And I never would go by that tree. A little later on, about two weeks later I was playing marbles with my brother, and I felt something come to me. We lived up on a hill, and the river was below us: a wilderness around. And I saw a bridge come up out of the wilderness. And it started across the river. Sixteen men dropped off in--into the water and perished. And I seen a big sign, it said "twenty-two years." I run in and told my mother.(My Life Story, Zurich, Switzerland, June 26, 1955)

Solomon said, "The simple believes every word: but the prudent man looks well where he is going." Proverbs 14:15

--BelieveTheSign Facebook Page 698

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Many people are familiar with WMB's statements about the tree. Never drink, never smoke. Later chewing tobacco was added. How he'd move to New Albany.

Census records show WMB moving to New Albany before age three. That would place this vision coming to him at age two according to this quote combined with census records:Quote:"And then, coming down through there, came a Voice. Now, remember, friends, this Bible lays open before me when I say this. Now, whether it come from the bird, from the tree, I was just a laddie boy, and didn't know. I cannot say. God knows. I do not. But a Voice spoke to me, that *****I was going to live near a city called New Albany. And about a year from then******, or less than a year, my father came to Indiana, and we've lived within four miles now, and I've been raised within four miles of New Albany, Indiana." -- 52-0713A

If you had a two-year-old son that prophesied about a bridge that fell, would you believe him? When you found out he got the wrong bridge, would you still believe him? When you found out it was for a bridge that was built before he was born, would you still believe him? ....a countless number did! 699

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QUICK! SATAN'S DOWN! ...Let's lift him up again!

To the Bible reader that is unfamiliar with all the scriptures, the book of Revelation is difficult to understand. It is hidden by a lock, one that is opened by the book of Isaiah, Zechariah, Ezekiel, and Daniel -- as well as other scriptures throughout the Bible.

Leaders of cult followings use this to their advantage, taking passages and changing their meanings to represent something besides the vision that John saw. One example of this is Revelation 12.

In an article "Birth of the Nation," published March 1, 1925 by the Watchtower (Jehovah's Witnesses), Revelation 12 was reinterpreted. Satan being cast down to the earth applied to 1914 onwards. Though objections were raised by the editorial committee, others such as William Branham would take their views and run with them.

All who subscribe to the reinterpreted scripture believe that Satan's being cast down from heaven applied to the end times, and that "When the Church goes up, Satan comes down." (Branham, 63-0318). They also believe that the Archangel, Michael, is none other than Jesus Christ.

Revelation 12 describes the great battle in heaven. Michael and his angels were fighting against the dragon, and this dragon was the ancient serpent: none other than Satan himself. He was the deceiver of the whole world, yet he and his angels were thrown down to earth.

A loud voice in heaven cried out, "Now salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of Christ have come, for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down! He has been conquered by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony, for they loved not their own lives even unto death!"

John writes that the heavens should now rejoice, and all that dwell within. But woe unto the earth and sea, for the devil has come down with great wrath. He knows that his time is short.

The scripture describes a woman, giving birth to children, and the dragon that was cast down became furious. He made war on her offspring, which John calls "those who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus."

The key to unlocking this passage is Luke 10. Luke describes the birth of the offspring, the Church, the universal Bride of Christ. when the seventy-two went out to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Luke describes them as overflowing with amazement.

Luke 17-20 says, "The seventy-two returned with joy, saying, 'Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name!'" Jesus replied, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Behold, I 700

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have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you."

As humans, we try to apply our time and space to the Kingdom of Heaven, and it confuses us when Jesus and the disciples say, "The kingdom of heaven is at hand." Truly, the kingdom of heaven was at hand, and Jesus told the seventy-two that Satan had been cast down to earth. Just as John wrote in Revelation 12, Christ was soon to be placed into authority, given all power and salvation. His blood, the blood of the Lamb, the eternal sacrifice was about to be applied to the alter for our sins. Satan now stands defeated, powerless before us. We are now more than conquerors through Christ Jesus, because His blood covers all.

Quote:Now, notice, at the end time--at the end of the church ages, now, he is called--he and his children are called the antichrist, 'cause anything that's against Christ is antichrist. And anything that's against the Word is against Christ, 'cause Christ is the Word. Now, he's antichrist.Then in Revelations 12:7-9, when Satan is cast out, the accuser... You want to put that down, 'cause I want to read it; we haven't got time now, 'cause it's twent--fifteen till ten. See?But in Revelations 12:7-9, Satan the spirit, the devil, which is up there now, accuser of our brethren, all right; the Church is taken up, and Satan is cast out. When the Church goes up, Satan comes down. Then Satan incarnates himself in the antichrist and is called the beast.63-0318 THE.FIRST.SEAL

Quote:Now, let's turn, Revelations 12. Let's just read this just a little bit 'cause we--we'll have time to do it. And let's read Revelations the--the 12th chapter and the 13th verse.And the same hour there was a great earthquake... (No, I got the--I got the wrong place, the 13th)And when the dragon saw that he was cast out into the earth, he persecuted the woman which brought forth the man child. Now, you see, he was cast out of the earth and becomes incarnate. As the antichrist spirit become incarnate into a man, that man changes from one thing to another, from an antichrist spirit to a false prophet, and then the beast comes into him.63-0321 THE.FOURTH.SEAL

Quote:Oh, my. Do you see that? In there--Not the Bride, isn't going to be out here laboring in the vineyards. No, sir. She's the Bride. She's the Queen to the King. It's the others that labor out there, the nation, not the Bride. Amen.All right, notice these messengers now... These messengers of the Revelations 12, these two prophets, they're going to preach, "The Kingdom is at hand." See? The Kingdom of heaven's to be set up. The time, last three and one-half years of Daniel's seventieth week promised to the Jews, His people...63-0323 THE.SIXTH.SEAL 701

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As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Have we applied the Sacrifice? Has our faith been placed on Jesus Christ, or do we believe salvation comes through Christ along with another human? Do we hold to the testimony of Jesus, which is the Word, or do we hold to the doctrines of men? Do we stand with the scriptures, which say Satan is now cast down, powerless? Or do we hold to the teachings of the Watchtower and William Branham, who claim Satan is still in power? Are we actually trying to lift Satan back up through the doctrines of men? 702

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Trying to Lift Satan Back Up When He's Down

To the Bible reader that is unfamiliar with all the scriptures, the book of Revelation is difficult to understand. It is hidden by a lock, one that is opened by the book of Isaiah, Zechariah, Ezekiel, and Daniel -- as well as other scriptures throughout the Bible.

Leaders of cult followings use this to their advantage, taking passages and changing their meanings to represent something besides the vision that John saw. One example of this is Revelation 12.

In an article "Birth of the Nation," published March 1, 1925 by the Watchtower (Jehovah's Witnesses), Revelation 12 was reinterpreted. Satan being cast down to the earth applied to 1914 onwards. Though objections were raised by the editorial committee, others such as William Branham would take their views and run with them.

All who subscribe to the reinterpreted scripture believe that Satan's being cast down from heaven applied to the end times, and that "When the Church goes up, Satan comes down." (Branham, 63-0318). They also believe that the Archangel, Michael, is none other than Jesus Christ.

Revelation 12 describes the great battle in heaven. Michael and his angels were fighting against the dragon, and this dragon was the ancient serpent: none other than Satan himself. He was the deceiver of the whole world, yet he and his angels were thrown down to earth.

A loud voice in heaven cried out, "Now salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of Christ have come, for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down! He has been conquered by the blood of the Lamb and the word of their testimony, for they loved not their own lives even unto death!"

John writes that the heavens should now rejoice, and all that dwell within. But woe unto the earth and sea, for the devil has come down with great wrath. He knows that his time is short.

The scripture describes a woman, giving birth to children, and the dragon that was cast down became furious. He made war on her offspring, which John calls "those who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus."

The key to unlocking this passage is Luke 10. Luke describes the birth of the offspring, the Church, the universal Bride of Christ. when the seventy-two went out to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, Luke describes them as overflowing with amazement.

Luke 17-20 says, "The seventy-two returned with joy, saying, 'Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name!'" Jesus replied, "I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Behold, 703

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I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you."

As humans, we try to apply our time and space to the Kingdom of Heaven, and it confuses us when Jesus and the disciples say, "The kingdom of heaven is at hand." Truly, the kingdom of heaven was at hand, and Jesus told the seventy-two that Satan had been cast down to earth. Just as John wrote in Revelation 12, Christ was soon to be placed into authority, given all power and salvation. His blood, the blood of the Lamb, the eternal sacrifice was about to be applied to the alter for our sins. Satan now stands defeated, powerless before us. We are now more than conquerors through Christ Jesus, because His blood covers all.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Have we applied the Sacrifice? Has our faith been placed on Jesus Christ, or do we believe salvation comes through Christ along with another human? Do we hold to the testimony of Jesus, which is the Word, or do we hold to the doctrines of men? Do we stand with the scriptures, which say Satan is now cast down, powerless? Or do we hold to the teachings of the Watchtower and William Branham, who claim Satan is still in power? Are we actually trying to lift Satan back up through the doctrines of men? 704

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Pride and The Serpent

Ezekiel 28 teaches us the sin of pride, and tells us exactly where it comes from.

In the example of the prince of Tyre, we find pride that had fully consumed a man. Rulers of the pagan ancient world presented themselves as gods before their people, demanding worship from their subjects and instilling fear into their hearts to submission. The prince of Tyre was no exception. Not only did he present himself as a god, he had convinced even himself that he was a god -- insomuch that he started to say it aloud.

The prince of Tyre sat in the "seat of the gods," the city of Tyre. It is said that he believed that he was Poseidon, ruler of the seas. Ezekiel condemned the prince, reminding him that he was just a mortal man and not a god.

The prince was full of wisdom. Ezekiel said that he had more wisdom than Daniel, but he used his wisdom for selfish reasons. His wisdom was used to accumulate great wealth and power through the trade port city of Tyre. While Daniel used his wisdom for God, the prince used wisdom to build one of the most powerful trade routes of the ancient world. But he became filled with pride in doing so.

Ezekiel condemned the prince of Tyre for his pride. Because he had made his heart like the heart of a god, the One True God spoke through Ezekiel to foretell of his coming demise. God would send the most ruthless of the nations against Tyre, and their swords would cut through the prince's wisdom. Ezekiel asked, "Will you still say 'I am a god' in the presence of those who kill you?'"

The Word of the Lord came again to Ezekiel, telling him to speak out against the evil that had consumed him. This time, God focused on the heart of the matter: the "evil one" that had deceived the king.

Directly to the king of Tyre, Ezekiel said that he was the serpent from the Garden of Eden, Satan himself. He was adorned with precious stones, making himself beautiful, from the garden.

God reminded Satan that he was created to be a guardian cherub. He was beautiful because God created him to be so, and placed him on the holy mountain of God. Adorned with beautiful stones, Satan walked among the stones of fire.

Satan was blameless before God from the day he was created, but one day unrighteousness was found within. Just as the king of Tyre was exalted because of the abundance of trade through the port city, Satan was consumed by the abundance of his trade. Satan became filled with violence, and he sinned. 705

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God cast Satan from the holy mountain of God, driving him from the midst of the stones of fire. Satan had became filled with pride because of his beauty, and he corrupted his wisdom for the sake of his splendor.

As Ezekiel condemned the prince of Tyre, he then condemned Satan himself, the evil that consumed the king. He foretold of the day when Satan would be no more forever.

Ezekiel said that Satan would be cast down to the ground, and exposed before kings. Their eyes would see Satan for who he is, and see the iniquity that filled him. Satan would be consumed by fire, and lie as ashes on the earth for all to see. All who once knew Satan would stand appalled at his ashes, and Satan would come to his dreadful end. He would be no more forever.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Have we let our pride consume us? Do we think ourselves better than other Christians? How many follow the doctrines from Jeffersonville that other Christians who are "kind to the bride" will be our servants? How many pray in the name of Joseph, making him a god like the king of Tyre? How many focus on the "hidden wisdom" and the "mysteries" rather than the Word of God? If God were to come down in our midst today, would he speak through us against this evil, or would we be the ones He sent men to condemn? 706

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The Evening Light of Destruction

Zechariah 14 tells about the "Evening Light," God's reminder that there will be light at the end of the tunnel after the time of destruction.

Many songs have been written about the "Evening Light", such as "It shall be light about the evening time, the path to glory we shall surely find," and many churches have sprung up around the world calling themselves "Evening Light Fellowship" or "Evening Light Church".

Even cult leaders have risen, claiming that they are the "Evening Light Messenger." William Branham, for instance, claimed Zechariah 14:7 applied to his ministry. Charles Taze Russell claimed it applied to his ministry in a publication called "Jehovah's Footstool Made Glorious." John Alexander Dowie called his city "Zion," applying it to his ministry and trying to move the location of Armageddon.

The strange part about this is that if they knew what they were saying, they would quickly change the name and rip the pages from the songbooks.

Zechariah describes a day that is coming, one when the spoil will be divided before our very eyes. God will gather all the nations against Israel to battle, and the city of Jerusalem will be taken. Within Jerusalem, the houses will be plundered and the women will be raped. Half of the city will be exiled, but the other half will remain in the city. Though cult leaders have applied the "Evening Light" to their ministry, many have been dead and gone without witnessing even the first verse of Zechariah 14 during their life span.

Zechariah 14:3-4 describes how God will come on the scene. Once the city is taken, God Himself will fight against the nations that rose up against Israel. Zechariah says that God's feet will stand upon the Mount of Olives to the east of Jerusalem, and the mount itself will be split in half from east to west. Half of the Mount will move northward, and the other half will move southward.

It is evident that cult leaders, pastors, and evangelists who applied Zechariah 14:7 to their ministry have not fully read the scriptures before choosing the name. God has not shown Himself on the Mount of Olives, and the mount itself has not been split in two.

When Mount Olives is split, Zechariah describes how Jerusalem will flee into the valley that is created. That valley will reach all the way into a place Zechariah describes as "Azal." The people will flee quickly as they fled from the great earthquakes in the day of Uzziah, king of Judah.

Once they've fled and the city of Jerusalem is emptied, God's power and might will be displayed before all mankind. Zechariah says that after this, "The Lord my God will come and all the holy ones with Him." 707

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Finally, we come to Zechariah 14:7, which cult leaders apply to their ministry. But Zechariah does not describe this as an "age," or as a "time" or as any span of days, this is a single day that is unique. There will be no light, no cold, no frost. Neither day nor night will be present on the Earth.

But Zechariah gives hope in time of trouble. Though the entire earth will tremble in fear having seen God come down to earth, the mountains split, the sun refusing to shine, and the temperature warming, Zechariah says not to worry: It shall be light at the evening time.

The rest of Zechariah 14 describes God's vengeance on those that rose against Israel. Just as we find that none of the events prior to Zechariah 14:7 have happened before the ministries of the cult leaders, we also find that none of the events afterward have happened since their death.

Water does not flow from Jerusalem, half going to the eastern sea and the other half flowing to the western sea. Summer will grow cold like winter. God will be King over all the earth. The land will be flattened, from Geba about 5 1/2 miles north of Jerusalem to Rimmon about 13 miles south of the West Bank. Jerusalem will be under God's protection.

Plagues will strike all who raged war against Jerusalem. Their flesh will rot while they stand on their feet. Panic will strike these nations to the point that they will all join together to help each other. Even Judah, which is now the southern part of Israel itself, will fight at Jerusalem. All of the surrounding nations will fall to plague, and every animal from least to greatest will be infected.

Anyone who survives these plagues will be turned to God. One year later, they will go to Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord of Hosts, the Almighty God. They will travel to participate in the "Feast of Booths," or "Feast of Tabernacles," which is a holiday September through October celebrating with meals that have been storied up for the celebration. The survivors will come looking for food.

Those who do not celebrate will not have food. There will be no rain on the surrounding nations, and famine will strike. The plague will strike harshly as punishment, and those who do not travel to Jerusalem to celebrate will endure the plague.

The celebration that takes place will be fully dedicated to God. On the bells of horses, on the pots and bowls, and everywhere to be seen will be inscribed "Holy unto the Lord." All who join in the celebration can eat of the meat in the pots, and there will be no trade required to participate. Everyone may come and eat freely in the celebration of God!

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Are we an "Evening Light" follower? Have we followed some strange evening light that is not described in the Bible? Is it possible we have been following Satan, who disguises himself as a bright light? Or are we looking to the great day when the Lord will come sit on the Mount of Olives and place himself upon the throne? Are we 708

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looking for the events before and after Zechariah 14:7, or have we been blinded to see only the single verse? 709

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The Seventh Angel Messenger That Lied

Continuing yesterday's thoughts about the "Evening Light" of Zechariah 14, today we will examine Revelation 10-11, which is also used by many cult leaders to promote themselves as the "end time messenger."

Revelation 10 gives a mystery. To the bible reader who avoids the book of Revelation for the level of study required to connect it to all of the other pertaining Bible scriptures, it is a great mystery. Seemingly one that God gives little clues about.

But to the person who is constantly reading the Word, there are several clues that are very evident. In fact, they are in the very next chapter of Revelation.

John writes that a mighty angel came down, wrapped in a cloud with a rainbow over his head. His face was like the sun and his legs like pillars of fire. In his hand was a scroll.

The angel stood with one foot on the sea and one foot on the land, and when he spoke, seven thunders sounded. John knew what the seven thunders uttered, but a voice from the heavens told John not to write. The mystery was sealed up.

Then comes the verse that cult leaders use, pointing to themselves, Revelation 10:7: "But in the days of the trumpet call to be sounded by the seventh angel, the mystery of God would be fulfilled, just as he announced to his servants the prophets."

The voice from the heavens told John to eat the scroll, and he did. It tasted as sweet as honey, but made his stomach very bitter.

At the end of Revelation 10, there is a verse that seems to be missed by the followers of the cult leaders who use this chapter of Revelation. The voice from the heavens spoke again, and told John that he must prophecy again about many peoples and nations, which is described in the next chapter, Revelation 11.

Revelation 11 describes the same events that are described in Zechariah 14, but adds additional details. Also, it confirms the prophecy given by Zechariah. At the same time, it gives more clues to the prophecy given in Revelation 10 about the "seventh messenger," which seem not to be studied by these cult leaders proclaiming to be the seventh messenger.

Just as Zechariah saw in a vision, God comes down to His throne before the seventh messenger sounds the trumpet. John takes this thought into greater detail, because he was giving a measuring staff to measure the temple that God would sit in. 710

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John is told to measure the inside of the temple, but not the courts outside. Just as Zechariah wrote, John describes a great battle that would take place, one that would last for forty-two months. The outside of the temple, the courtyard, would be trampled.

Next, John adds another detail: the two witnesses. These two witnesses will prophesy for 1,260 days before the seventh messenger sounds his trumpet, all the while protected by God Himself. John is told that these are the two olive trees, the two lampstands that stand before the Lord of the earth. If anyone should harm them, they would be utterly destroyed. Fire pours out of their mouth!

These two witnesses have power from God. They have the power to shut the sky, explaining the famine described in Zechariah. During their days of prophesying, they will shut the sky so that no rain will fall on the nations surrounding Israel. The plagues that Zechariah describe are confirmed by John, but amplified by the two witnesses. They have the power to turn the waters into blood and strike the earth with every kind of plague -- as often as they desire.

Next, still before the seventh messenger sounds his trumpet, we see the beast. When the two witnesses have finished their testimony, the beast rises from the bottomless pit. He makes war on the two witnesses, and kills them. Their bodies lie in the streets of the city where the Lord was crucified. For three and a half days, people from all nations will gaze at their dead bodies, refusing to let them be buried. The world will rejoice because of the death of these two prophets, because the plagues have ended and the two witnesses, the two prophets of God are dead.

But not for long.

Still before the seventh messenger sounds his trumpets, these two prophets will be given the breath of life by Almighty God. They stand to their feet once more, and the earth trembles in fear because of the power and resurrection from God in these two witnesses. As their enemies watch, a voice from the heavens call them, and they rise to heaven in a cloud.

Next, and still before the seventh messenger sounds his trumpet, a great earthquake takes place. A tenth of the city of Jerusalem is to fall, and seven thousand people will be killed by the earthquake. It will be such a terrible catastrophe that the rest of the city will be terrified of these events and give glory to God in heaven.

Finally, after all of these events, none of which that have happened yet, we find John describing the next event that cult leaders proclaim points to themselves: The seventh messenger and his trumpet. Their announcement is something special, something described by both Zechariah and by John in their visions, the great event we all have been looking for: The day that Christ reigns as king. 711

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When the seventh angel sounds his trumpet, the kingdom of this world becomes the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. He shall reign forever as king of this world, and will sit on the throne in the temple that John measured.

The dead will be judged, the reward will come for His servants both small and great, and the destroyers of the earth will themselves be destroyed. The ark of the covenant will once again be seen in the temple, and it will be an awesome sight. Flashes of lightning will be seen, rumblings of the earth will be felt, and thunders will be heard. As it sits down, an earthquake will shake the earth and heavy hail will fall.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Has the seventh angel sounded the trumpet? Do we see God sitting on His throne? Have we seen two witnesses strike the earth with plagues? Have we seen their dead bodies lying in the streets where our Lord was crucified? Have we seen them rise again and ride a cloud of Glory into heaven? Have we witnessed famine in the nations that surround Israel, so much that they cry out unto the One True God for mercy?

After the death of these false messengers, proclaiming to be the seventh angel, have we seen God judging the earth? Have we been given our reward? Or have we listened to a false leader who purposefully tried to position himself into great power using twisted scriptures? 712

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William Marrion Branham - The Holy Daily Horoscope

Want to know why Branham changes his numbers and his dates? Want to see why the wild-crazy statistics, like "80% of children in Arizona schools are mentally deficient?" all makes sense once you realize that there is a pattern to the craziness!


Many have wondered in amazement at the numbers William Branham used - not only how they do not match from sermon-to-sermon, but how inaccurate they are used in his application of the number itself. Even his own birthdate does not match by his own accounts!

Quotes from Branham such as "Eighty percent of babies born to smoking mothers die," or "Eighty percent of children in Arizona schools suffer a mental deficiency," or "there were five hundred ushers in the auditorium" shock the followers at first, and then excuses are made to support the inaccurate quote.

At the same time, strange teachings are woven through his sermons, such as "the first Bible was the Zodiac," or how the name-numerology of the names "Ricky" and "Elvis" are evil. All the while, Branham seems to be picking and choosing a "verse" as his "context" for the sermon instead of an entire chapter to gain the actual context from scripture. How could a man who teaches Christ, some wonder, teach numerology from ancient pagan Hindu and Buddhist religions?

The answer is simple: William Branham was born under a sign. He even told us so. 713

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The Dead Bodies Lay, There Will the Eagles Gather

We continue our study of the "Evening Light" with Luke 17, specifically the description that Jesus Himself gave of the Gospel of the Kingdom, which is the Good News of the coming Kingdom of God.

In combination with the scriptures we've already examined in Zechariah 14 and Revelation 10, we find that Luke 17 is also twisted by cult leaders to point the text to their own ministry. Rather than elevate Christ in His coming Glory by proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom, they proclaim that their own ministry is the "gospel of the kingdom," by pointing these scriptures to their own 'message'.

In The Early Writings of Charles Taze Russell, Charles Taze Russell, founder of the Jehovah's Witnesses claims that Luke 17 was mistranslated. In an article entitled, "Wherein Did We Err", he describes the actual "kingdom of heaven" timeline which coincides with his own ministry. William Branham applied Luke 17:30 to his own ministry over thirty times in 1965 alone. In fact, if we examine all of the men claiming to be the "end time messenger" who gave a date prediction of the end of days, we find most of them applied the "Kingdom of Heaven Gospel" to their own ministry.

In scriptures, we find that the Pharisees asked Jesus when the kingdom of God would come, but the reply Jesus gave confused them. While He was standing in their midst, He said that the "kingdom of God is not coming in ways that can be observed," and that it "is in the midst of you."

Alone to his disciples, he gives a fuller description. Jesus told His disciples that the day would come when you would want to see one of the "days" of the Son of Man [Jesus], but would not see it. Jesus was telling his disciples that people would one day rise and try to predict the "day" of His coming.

These men would lead you astray with this desire to see one of the days. Jesus said that they will say to you, "Look there," or "Look here! Do not go out and follow them. As Jesus said in other scriptures, no man knows the day nor the hour.

Then, Jesus gives clear description of what events to look for. They match John's description in Revelation 10 exactly. Jesus said to look for lightening that flashes and lights up the sky from one side of the other. This is what it will be like when the Son of Man comes.

Jesus reminds them that they are not in the generation of the Kingdom of God. He told his disciples that he would suffer many things and be rejected by this [their] generation.

Jesus then speaks of the dreadful events that Zechariah describe. He warned them that the time would catch people unawares, many would be celebrating just as it was in the days of 714

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Noah when they were taken by surprise. John writes in Revelation 10 that there would be a great celebration at the killing of the two witnesses. Jesus said it was also like the days of Lot, when they were celebrating and building. Fire and sulfur caught them unaware.

But Jesus gives a good hint: "Remember Lot's wife." He reminded His disciples that Lot's wife paused to look back, and that was her demise. She was turned into a pillar of salt because she did not flee with decisiveness. Jesus said, "let the one on the housetop not go inside to gather his goods when he flees. Let the one who is in the field not turn back to his own house when he flees.

Jesus confirms Zechariah's description of half the city of Jerusalem destroyed. Jesus said there would be two women grinding at the mill, one taken and the other left. Two will be sleeping in their beds, the one taken and the other left.

His disciples asked him where these people, half of the city of Jerusalem, would be taken. Jesus gave them clear description of what would happen to them: Where the corpse is, the vultures will gather.

Some translations describe this is where the "carcass" is, the "eagles" will gather, and cult leaders take this verse out of context to point to their own ministry. If they realized that it was speaking of where the dead bodies will go after Armageddon, how that the eagles, vultures, and other birds of prey would be feeding on the dead, they would surely change their doctrine. ...unless their doctrine is simply that: feeding upon the dead.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Has Luke 17 pointed to the ministry of any single cult leader from the beginning of time until today? Do we see half of the city of Jerusalem destroyed? Have we seen vultures feeding upon the dead corpses of those who did not flee? Have we even seen an event within Jerusalem strong enough to make the citizens desire to flee? Have we been listening to a different "kingdom of heaven" gospel than Jesus taught? Are we even looking for the real "Kingdom of Heaven?" Or do we plan to be left behind? 715

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Where The Dead Bodies Lay, There Will the Eagles Gather

We continue our study of the "Evening Light" with Luke 17, specifically the description that Jesus Himself gave of the Gospel of the Kingdom, which is the Good News of the coming Kingdom of God.

In combination with the scriptures we've already examined in Zechariah 14 and Revelation 10, we find that Luke 17 is also twisted by cult leaders to point the text to their own ministry. Rather than elevate Christ in His coming Glory by proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom, they proclaim that their own ministry is the "gospel of the kingdom," by pointing these scriptures to their own 'message'.

In The Early Writings of Charles Taze Russell, Charles Taze Russell, founder of the Jehovah's Witnesses claims that Luke 17 was mistranslated. In an article entitled, "Wherein Did We Err", he describes the actual "kingdom of heaven" timeline which coincides with his own ministry. William Branham applied Luke 17:30 to his own ministry over thirty times in 1965 alone. In fact, if we examine all of the men claiming to be the "end time messenger" who gave a date prediction of the end of days, we find most of them applied the "Kingdom of Heaven Gospel" to their own ministry.

In scriptures, we find that the Pharisees asked Jesus when the kingdom of God would come, but the reply Jesus gave confused them. While He was standing in their midst, He said that the "kingdom of God is not coming in ways that can be observed," and that it "is in the midst of you."

Alone to his disciples, he gives a fuller description. Jesus told His disciples that the day would come when you would want to see one of the "days" of the Son of Man [Jesus], but would not see it. Jesus was telling his disciples that people would one day rise and try to predict the "day" of His coming.

These men would lead you astray with this desire to see one of the days. Jesus said that they will say to you, "Look there," or "Look here! Do not go out and follow them. As Jesus said in other scriptures, no man knows the day nor the hour.

Then, Jesus gives clear description of what events to look for. They match John's description in Revelation 10 exactly. Jesus said to look for lightening that flashes and lights up the sky from one side of the other. This is what it will be like when the Son of Man comes.

Jesus reminds them that they are not in the generation of the Kingdom of God. He told his disciples that he would suffer many things and be rejected by this [their] generation.

Jesus then speaks of the dreadful events that Zechariah describe. He warned them that the time would catch people unawares, many would be celebrating just as it was in the days of 716

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Noah when they were taken by surprise. John writes in Revelation 10 that there would be a great celebration at the killing of the two witnesses. Jesus said it was also like the days of Lot, when they were celebrating and building. Fire and sulfur caught them unaware.

But Jesus gives a good hint: "Remember Lot's wife." He reminded His disciples that Lot's wife paused to look back, and that was her demise. She was turned into a pillar of salt because she did not flee with decisiveness. Jesus said, "let the one on the housetop not go inside to gather his goods when he flees. Let the one who is in the field not turn back to his own house when he flees.

Jesus confirms Zechariah's description of half the city of Jerusalem destroyed. Jesus said there would be two women grinding at the mill, one taken and the other left. Two will be sleeping in their beds, the one taken and the other left.

His disciples asked him where these people, half of the city of Jerusalem, would be taken. Jesus gave them clear description of what would happen to them: Where the corpse is, the vultures will gather.

Some translations describe this is where the "carcass" is, the "eagles" will gather, and cult leaders take this verse out of context to point to their own ministry. If they realized that it was speaking of where the dead bodies will go after Armageddon, how that the eagles, vultures, and other birds of prey would be feeding on the dead, they would surely change their doctrine. ...unless their doctrine is simply that: feeding upon the dead.

As Christians, we should ask ourselves: Has Luke 17 pointed to the ministry of any single cult leader from the beginning of time until today? Do we see half of the city of Jerusalem destroyed? Have we seen vultures feeding upon the dead corpses of those who did not flee? Have we even seen an event within Jerusalem strong enough to make the citizens desire to flee? Have we been listening to a different "kingdom of heaven" gospel than Jesus taught? Are we even looking for the real "Kingdom of Heaven?" Or do we plan to be left behind? 717
