
Security Awareness

Chapter 3Internet Security

Security Awareness, 3rd Edition 2


After completing this chapter, you should be able to do the following:

•Explain how the World Wide Web and e-mail work

•List the different types of Internet attacks

•Explain the defenses used to repel Internet attacks

How the Internet Works

• Internet – Worldwide set of interconnected computers, servers,

and networks– Not owned or regulated by any organization or

government entity– Computers loosely cooperate to make the Internet a

global information resource

Security Awareness, 3rd Edition 3

The World Wide Web

• World Wide Web (WWW)– Better known as the Web– Internet server computers that provide online

information in a specific format

• Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)– Allows Web authors to combine text, graphic

images, audio, video, and hyperlinks

• Web browser – Displays the words, pictures, and other elements on

a user’s screen

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The World Wide Web (cont’d.)

Figure 3-1 How a browser displays HTML code

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The World Wide Web (cont’d.)

• Hypertext Transport Protocol (HTTP)– Standards or protocols used by Web servers to

distribute HTML documents– Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol


• Port number – Identifies the program or service that is being

requested– Port 80

• Standard port for HTTP transmissions

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The World Wide Web (cont’d.)

• Transfer-and-store process– Entire document is transferred and then stored on

the local computer before the browser displays it– Creates opportunities for sending different types of

malicious code to the user’s computer

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The World Wide Web (cont’d.)

Figure 3-2 HTML document sent to browser

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• Number of e-mail messages sent each day to be over 210 billion– More than 2 million every second

• Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) – Handles outgoing mail

• Post Office Protocol (POP or POP3)– Responsible for incoming mail

• Example of how e-mail works

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E-Mail (cont’d.)

Figure 3-3 E-mail transport

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E-Mail (cont’d.)

• IMAP (Internet Mail Access Protocol, or IMAP4)– More advanced mail protocol

• E-mail attachments – Documents that are connected to an e-mail message– Encoded in a special format – Sent as a single transmission along with the e-mail

message itself

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Internet Attacks

• Variety of different attacks– Downloaded browser code– Privacy attacks– Attacks initiated while surfing to Web sites– Attacks through e-mail

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Downloaded Browser Code

• JavaScript – Scripting language

• Similar to a computer programming language that is typically ‘‘interpreted’’ into a language the computer can understand

– Embedded in HTML document– Executed by browser– Defense mechanisms are intended to prevent

JavaScript programs from causing serious harm– Can capture and send user information without the

user’s knowledge or authorization

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Downloaded Browser Code (cont’d.)

Figure 3-4 JavaScript

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Downloaded Browser Code (cont’d.)

• Java– complete programming language

• Java applet– Can perform interactive animations, immediate

calculations, or other simple tasks very quickly– Sandbox– Unsigned or signed

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Downloaded Browser Code (cont’d.)

Figure 3-5 Java applet

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Downloaded Browser Code (cont’d.)

• ActiveX – Set of rules for how applications under the Windows

operating system should share information– Do not run in a sandbox– Microsoft developed a registration system poses a

number of security concerns– Not all ActiveX programs run in browser

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Privacy Attacks

• Cookies– User-specific information file created by server– Stored on local computer– First-party cookie– Third-party cookie– Cannot contain a virus or steal personal information

stored on a hard drive– Can pose a privacy risk

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Privacy Attacks (cont’d.)

• Adware – Software that delivers advertising content – Unexpected and unwanted by the user– Can be a privacy risk

• Tracking function

• Popup– Small Web browser window – Appears over the Web site that is being viewed

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Attacks while Surfing

• Attacks on users can occur while pointing the browser to a site or just viewing a site

• Redirecting Web traffic– Mistake when typing Web address– Attackers can exploit a misaddressed Web name by

registering the names of similar-sounding Web sites

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Attacks while Surfing (cont’d.)

Table 3-1 Typical errors in entering Web addresses

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Attacks while Surfing (cont’d.)

• Drive-by downloads– Can be initiated by simply visiting a Web site– Spreading at an alarming pace– Attackers identify well-known Web site– Inject malicious content– Zero-pixel IFrame

• Virtually invisible to the naked eye

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E-Mail Attacks

• Spam– Unsolicited e-mail– 90 percent of all e-mails sent can be defined as

spam– Lucrative business

• Spam filters – Look for specific words and block the e-mail

• Image spam– Uses graphical images of text in order to circumvent

text-based filters

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E-Mail Attacks (cont’d.)

• Other techniques to circumvent spam filters– GIF layering– Word splitting– Geometric variance

• Malicious attachments– E-mail-distributed viruses– Replicate by sending themselves in an e-mail

message to all of the contacts in an e-mail address book

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E-Mail Attacks (cont’d.)

• Embedded hyperlinks– Clicking on the link will open the Web browser and

take the user to a specific Web site– Trick users to be directed to the attacker’s “look

alike” Web site

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Figure 3-12 Embedded hyperlink

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Internet Defenses

• Several types– Security application programs– Configuring browser settings– Using general good practices

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Defenses Through Applications

• Popup blocker– Separate program or a feature incorporated within a

browser– Users can select the level of blocking

• Spam filter– Can be implemented on the user’s local computer

and at corporate or Internet Service Provider level

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Defenses Through Applications (cont’d.)

• Spam filter (cont’d.)– E-mail client spam blocking features

• Level of spam e-mail protection

• Blocked senders (blacklist)

• Allowed senders (whitelist)

• Blocked top level domain list

– Bayesian filtering• User divides e-mail messages into spam or not-spam

• Assigns each word a probability of being spam

– Corporate spam filter• Works with the receiving e-mail server

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Defenses Through Applications (cont’d.)

Figure 3-16 Spam filter on SMTP server

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Defenses Through Applications (cont’d.)

• E-mail security settings– Configured through the e-mail client application

• Read messages using a reading pane

• Block external content

• Preview attachments

• Use an e-mail postmark

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Defenses Through Browser Settings

• Browsers allow the user to customize security and privacy settings

• IE Web browser defense categories:– Advanced security settings

• Do not save encrypted pages to disk

• Empty Temporary Internet Files folder when browser is closed

• Warn if changing between secure and not secure mode

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Defenses Through Browser Settings (cont’d.)

• IE Web browser defense categories (cont’d.):– Security zones

• Set customized security for these zones

• Assign specific Web sites to a zone

– Restricting cookies• Use privacy levels in IE

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Defenses Through Browser Settings (cont’d.)

Table 3-3 IE Web security zones

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E-mail Defenses Through Good Practices

• Use common-sense procedures to protect against harmful e-mail

• Never click an embedded hyperlink in an e-mail

• Be aware that e-mail is a common method for infecting computers

• Never automatically open an unexpected attachment

• Use reading panes and preview attachments

• Never answer an e-mail request for personal information

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Internet Defense Summary

Table 3-4 Internet defense summary

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• Internet composition– Web servers– Web browsers

• Internet technologies– HTML– JavaScript– Java– ActiveX

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Summary (cont’d.)

• Privacy risk– Cookies– Adware

• Security risk– Mistyped Web address– Drive-by downloads

• Email security– Spam– Attachments

• Security applicationsSecurity Awareness, 3rd Edition 38
