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Page 1: Security Assurance Tools

Security Assurance Tools

Amarendra GodboleSoftware Security Analyst

Page 2: Security Assurance Tools


Security Assurance Tools 2

Security assurance and tools 1

Categories and usage2

Host based 3

Network based 4

CVSS v25

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Disclaimer• Symantec does not endorse these tools• If anything breaks, both parts are yours. ;-)• Etc.

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Security Assurance and Tools• Ensure software operates at the designed level of security• Partial, but invaluable help from tools– Deep inspection

• Tools are not the “silver bullet”– Find subset of issues– Have false-positives (FPs’) and/or false-negative (FNs’)– Analysis important – human intelligence

• Defensive tools– More likely to be allowed in your organization

• Open source– Check with your legal team for license compatibility.

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Categories• Host-based– Find issues on the host (permission checkers, config checkers, debuggers)– Standard system commands/tools being ignored in the light of more

exotic ones (netstat, tcpdump, find, compiler flags anyone?)• Network-based– Tools for inspecting network packets (wireshark/ethereal, tcpdump)– Protocol specific tools (burp proxy, ratproxy, SkipFish for web)

• Numerous other tools (see

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Compiler Flags• Flags enabling protection mechanisms during compile-time– Visual Studio (VC++) defenses

• /GS• /SafeSEH• /DynamicBase• /NXCompat

– GNU gcc• -fstack-protector• -Wformat -Wformat-security

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BinScope• Microsoft verification tool that analyzes binaries• Checks for compliance with the Microsoft SDLC• Stand-alone or can be integrated with Visual Studio 2008

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SysInternal Tools• Windows deep-inspection tools– Runtime behavior

• Procmon, Filemon, ProcessExplorer, Regmon – more than 60 tools.

• Allow filtering of results.

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find• Unix command line utility for “finding” things– World-writable files and directories– Setuid binaries

find / -type f –perm 0002 –exec ls –lg {} \;

find / -type d \( -perm -0002 –a ! –perm -1000 \) –exec ls –ldg {} \;

find / -type f \( -perm -4000 –o –perm -2000 \) –exec ls –lg {} \;

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base64 to ASCII encoder/decoder• c3ltYW50ZWM= • Many sites encode plain-text password to base64– encoding, not encryption.– offers no security


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netstat• Simple command line utility for Unix and Windows• Lists the open sockets and socket connections• List all TCP open ports:

Windows: netstat –an | findstr LISTENINGUNIX: netstat –an | grep LISTENLinux: netstat -anpt -A inet | grep LISTEN

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tcpdump• Capture and dump packets, analyze network traffic• Large options, customized output

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Wireshark – Network protocol analyzer• Dissect well-known protocols via Dissectors– “Follow TCP Stream” option

• Differentiate protocol headers and data/payload• Filters

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Web based tools• WebScarab– OWASP tool for use as web proxy– Inspect and modify user-agent http/s data

• RatProxy– Semi-automated, passive web application security tool– Detects and prioritizes a broad range of web vulnerabilities (XSS, XSRF,

cookie issues, trust-model violations, etc.)

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CVSS v2 Scores• Framework to standardize vulnerability scores

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This document is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as advertising. All warranties relating to the information in this document, either express or implied, are disclaimed to the maximum extent allowed by law. The information in this document is subject to change without notice.

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Amarendra [email protected]+91 20 4075 4401