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For children born between 1 September 2001 and 31 August 2002

Admission tosecondary school

Apply online:

September 2013 entry

A guide for parents

Important dates:

Closing date for

Medway Test registration

Friday, 13 July, 2012

Closing date for secondary

school applications

Wednesday, 31 October, 2


Offer of school place

Friday, 1 March, 2013

Page 2: Secondary school admissions 2013 entry

apply onlineit ticks all the boxes

Online Admissionsis the quickest, easiest and safest way to apply for your

secondary school place.

If you give us your email addresswhen applying you will:

� receive confirmation yourapplication has been received;

� receive details of the schooloffered on the offer day,

without having to wait for your offer letter.

Make a note of your log in details - you will need this information every time you visit the website.

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Contents� Medway Council Student ServicesAdmissions Team

The Admissions Team, based at Gun Wharf in Chatham,co-ordinates all Year 6 transfers to secondary school andorganise the Medway Test (11+).Medway Council, Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham,Kent ME4 4TRPhone: 01634 331110Email: [email protected]

� Medway Council Student ServicesOperations Team

This Operations Team deals with free school meals,transport to school (except for those attending specialschools) and casual admissions.Medway Council, Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham,Kent ME4 4TRPhone: 01634 331155Email: [email protected]

� Medway Council customer servicesMonday to Friday 8am to 8pm, Saturday 9am to 1pm.Calls to customer services may be recorded or monitoredfor security and staff development purposes.Phone: 01634 333333Minicom: 01634 333111

� Kent County CouncilKent County Council Admissions and TransportRoom 2.24, Sessions House, County Hall, Maidstone,Kent ME14 1XQPhone: 01622 696565Email: [email protected]

ContactsWelcome . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4

Key dates for the secondary transfer 2013 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5

Section one Introduction and general information . . . . . . . . . . . . .6

Section two The Medway Test and other testing arrangements . .11

Section three The school application process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17

Section four The online admissions process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21

Section five The school offer process and next steps . . . . . . . . . .24

Section six Free school meals and home to school transport . . . . .28

Section seven Common oversubscription criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . .33

Section eight Other information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35

Section nine The schools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37

Location and access areas of schools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38

How to use the school pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40

Medway Test request form . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61

Medway Primary School DFE numbers . . . . .inside back cover

Disclaimer The information given in this booklet relates to the academic year, September 2013 to August 2014.Details are correct at the time of going to print.

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Dear parent/carer,

Moving to secondary school is an exciting time for young people and their families.In fact, an exciting and important time, full of opportunities and nowhere is that moretrue than in Medway. Children and parents/carers have a wide range of schools tochoose from and all of them have one thing in common: an absolute commitment tohelping every single young person to have a successful and happy school career.

Secondary education in Medway is about aiming for high exam results, but equallyimportant it’s about building on young people’s talents and interests to ensure theyare confident, capable students and citizens.

Please visit any of our secondary schools and, if you do, you will see why youngpeople in Medway are achieving so highly. Medway schools are keen to make surethat every lesson counts, make use of the latest technology to enhance students’learning and enjoyment of a wide range of educational experiences. Our schools arecommitted to high-quality teaching and learning, which has led to an impressiveimprovement in GCSE results over the past few years.

Medway secondary schools, together with MidKent College and work basedproviders, work to provide a wide range of courses for sixth form students, ensuringthat many more young people are equipped and confident to go to university, or tocontinue their learning via a vocational route.

The Student Services Admissions Team is available to offer you as much help andsupport as you require to ensure that you find the admissions process asstraightforward as possible. We have an excellent record in Medway with the vastmajority of children being successful in gaining a place at their first preference school.

Please read the information in this booklet carefully when considering your preferencefor a secondary school. Further help and advice is available from your primary school,the secondary schools at the arranged open sessions or from the council’s StudentServices Admissions Team.

With every best wish to you and your family.

Cllr Les WicksPortfolio Holder


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apply online


Key dates for the secondary transfer 2013‘12

Booklets and paper Medway Test registration forms sent to primary and junior schools

Online registration for the Medway Test opens at 9am

Student Services admissions presentations*. See page 7 for details

Closing date for Medway Test registration

Secondary application information sent to primary and junior schools

The Medway Test for children attending Medway schools that are undertaking testing in school during the week

The Medway Test for children attending Medway schools that are undertaking testing in school on Saturday and all other children

Assessment decision letters posted to parents and emails sent (after 4pm) to those that registered online

Deadline for Medway Test review requests

Deadline for primary and junior schools to submit review work to Medway Council

Medway Test reviews

Review decisions posted to parents

National closing date for applications - online and Secondary Common Application Forms

National Offer Day - offer letters posted 1st class to parents and emails sent (after 4pm) to those that registered online

Welcome letters sent from schools

Places accepted/refused. Requests to go on a waiting list and appeals submitted

The local authority re-allocates any places that have become available to those who have asked to go on the waiting lists for each school

No later than Wednesday, 6 June

Wednesday, 6 June

Tuesday, 12 to Wednesday, 20 June

Friday, 13 July

No later than Friday, 7 September

Tuesday, 18 and Wednesday, 19 September

Saturday, 22 September

Friday, 5 October

Friday, 12 October

Tuesday, 16 October, 10am

Wednesday, 17 and Thursday, 18 October

Friday, 26 October or before

Wednesday, 31 October

Friday,1 March

Wednesday, 6 March or after

Monday, 15 April or before

Week commencing Monday, 22 April

* Individual school open sessions take place from Tuesday 21 June to Friday 21 October. See page 8 for details.

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Section one Introduction and general information

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apply online

Choosing the right secondary school can be ananxious time for parents and children. MedwayCouncil’s Student Services Team is here to help youunderstand the process and make the rightdecisions for your child.

It is very important that you read carefully, andunderstand, the information in this bookletregarding how the admissions process works, andhow school places are allocated, before you submityour school application.

Throughout this booklet we have provided usefulinformation to help you make the most informeddecisions possible. We encourage you to use thisinformation, do your own research on schools andvisit all the schools you are interested in duringtheir open sessions. Most importantly, pleasediscuss your decisions with your child to ensurethat they are fully involved and happy about thetransition from primary to secondary education.

If you have any questions, please contact StudentServices or speak to your child’s primary school.

Student Services Admissions TeamMedway Council, Gun Wharf, Dock Road,Chatham ME4 4TR.Phone: 01634 331110Email: [email protected]

Medway Council works within the guidelines setout in the School Admissions Code published bythe Department for Education. Details of theSchool Admissions Code can be found

� Where can I hear about the admissions process?

Student Services is giving all parents of childrenin Year 5 the opportunity to attend apresentation session. These sessions are designedto go through the admissions process from startto finish and give you the chance to ask anyquestions you may have.

The table below provides details of the dates,times and venues for these presentations. Theyare drop in sessions so there is no need to bookan appointment.

There are two sessions at each venue.

If you are unable to attend one of these sessionsand have any questions, please contact StudentServices or speak to your child’s primary school.

Date Area Venue Time

Tuesday, 12 June Chatham Chatham Grammar School for Boys 4.30pmHolcombe, Maidstone Road, 6.30pmChatham ME4 6JB

Wednesday, 13 June Walderslade Walderslade Girls School 4.30pmBradfields Avenue, Walderslade 6.30pmChatham, ME5 0LE

Thursday, 14 June Rochester Sir Joseph Williamson’s Mathematical School 4.30pmMaidstone Road, Rochester, ME1 3EL 6.30pm

Monday, 18 June Gillingham Saxon Way Primary School 4.30pmChurch Path, Ingram Road, Gillingham, ME7 1SJ 6.30pm

Tuesday, 19 June Rainham Rainham Mark Grammar School 4.30pmPump Lane, Gillingham, ME8 7AJ 6.30pm

Wednesday, 20 June Strood/Hoo Strood Academy 4.30pmCarnation Road, Strood, Rochester, ME2 2SX 6.30pm

Summary of Student Services admissions presentations

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Summary of open sessionsSEPTEMBER OCTOBER

For details of the above sessions please refer to the individual school pages.

Morning sessions

Evening sessions

Wednesday 11

Sunday 9

Monday 10

Thursday 13

Saturday 15

Tuesday 18

Wednesday 19

Thursday 20

Saturday 22

Thursday 27

Saturday 29

Wednesday 3

Monday 8

Tuesday 9

Wednesday 10

Thursday 11

Friday 12

Saturday 13

Monday 15

Tuesday 16

Wednesday 17

Thursday 18

Friday 19

Saturday 20

Monday 22

Tuesday 23

Wednesday 24

Thursday 25

Wednesday 31


1 Bishop of Rochester Academy � � � � � �

2 Brompton Academy � �

3 Chatham Grammar School for Boys �

4 Chatham Grammar School for Girls � � � � � � �

5 Fort Pitt Grammar School � � � � � �

6 Greenacre School � � � � � �

7 Rainham Mark Grammar School � �

8 Rainham School for Girls � � � � �

9 Sir Joseph Williamson’s Mathematical School �

10 St John Fisher Catholic Comprehensive School �

11 Strood Academy � � � � �

12 The Howard School � � �

13 The Hundred of Hoo Comprehensive School �

14 The Robert Napier School � � � �

15 The Rochester Grammar School � � � � �

16 The Thomas Aveling School � � � �

17 Walderslade Girls’ School � � � �






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� Can I visit the secondary schools I’m interested in?

In addition to the presentations being offered byStudent Services, each school will hold their ownopen sessions. These are an opportunity for youto tour the school, speak to staff and students,listen to presentations about the school and askany questions you may have.

These are a valuable opportunity for parents andchildren. We encourage you to visit as manyschools as you can to help you make the mostinformed decisions when applying for schools.

The table on page 8 provides a brief overview ofwhen each school’s open sessions are scheduled.Further details can be found on the individualschool pages and from the school directly.

� What happens if my child has a Statement ofSpecial Educational Needs (SSEN)?

If your child is statemented, they do not need togo through this admission process. You willdiscuss your school preferences with the SpecialEducational Needs Team to determine whichsecondary school is right for your child.

If you wish your child to be considered forselective (grammar) schools, you will need toensure that they have gone through theMedway Test process (see section 2).

For more information, please contact the SpecialEducational Needs Team on 01634 331130.

� What does it mean? A guide to some of the terms used in theadmissions processThe following information will help you to

understand the meaning of some of the termsyou will read or hear about throughout theadmissions process.

There may be other terms we haven’t listed here.If you are unsure of the meaning of anything inthis booklet, please contact Student Services whowill be happy to help you.

� Oversubscription criteriaAny application for a school is ranked(prioritised) against the school’s oversubscriptioncriteria. This is a set of criteria that details theorder of priority in which places will be offered.

Each school has its own criteria and details canbe found on the individual school pages later inthis booklet.

� Equal Preference SchemeThis means that school places are not offeredbased on the order of preferences you provide.Your application will be considered and rankedagainst the school’s oversubscription criteria.

The schools you name will not be told by MedwayCouncil which preference you named them. The order of your preferences is between youand Student Services only.

When allocating places, Student Services willlook to offer your child a place at the highestnamed school where a place can be offered.

It is important to list the schools in yourpreferred order.

� Published Admission Number (PAN)The number of places in the year group availableto be offered for September 2013.

� Home local authorityThis is the local authority where the child livesand is the local authority to which applicationsmust be made for school places.

The easiest way to determine which localauthority you live in is to identify the authorityyou pay council tax to.

For example, if you pay council tax to MedwayCouncil, you must apply for schools throughMedway Council.

If you pay your council tax to one of the 12district councils of Kent (for example, Tonbridgeand Malling or Swale) you must apply for schoolsthrough Kent County Council.

You can name schools in any local authority, but you must apply through your home local authority.

� School specialismA number of secondary schools and academieshave specialisms in certain areas.

This usually means that they can offer enhancedfacilities and opportunities in this particular area.

Details of each school’s specialism can be found onthe individual school pages later in this booklet.

� School statusAll schools have a particular status whichdescribes the type of school it is.

You will hear about academies, communityschools, foundation schools, voluntary aidedschools and voluntary controlled schools.

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They are all secondary schools but offer differentopportunities for learning and deliver these indifferent ways.

The status of each school will be shown on itsindividual page.

Please speak to the school to find out moreabout what they can offer your child.

� Selective schoolsThese are grammar schools. To meet the entryrequirements of the school, a child must beassessed as selective (grammar) under theMedway Test procedures.

� Non-selective schoolsChildren are not required to be assessed forentry to these schools.

Please be aware that Brompton Academy andThe Robert Napier School operate a Fair Bandingtest - this is not a pass or fail test, it is just toensure that children across the ability range areadmitted to the academy.

� Testing before preferenceThis means that if you wish your child to beconsidered for a Medway grammar school, theywill need to sit the Medway Test.

In Medway we give your child the opportunity todo this and have the result before the closingdate for school applications.

Full details of the Medway Test procedures areprovided in section 2 of this booklet.

School Type Status Specialism(s) PAN Page

1 Bishop of Rochester Academy Academy Academy Mathematics, Music, ICT 240 40

2 Brompton Academy Academy Academy Science and Arts 210 41

3 Chatham Grammar Grammar Academy Languages, Science and 146 42School for Boys Gifted and Talented

4 Chatham Grammar Grammar Academy Languages 142 43School for Girls

5 Fort Pitt Grammar School Grammar Academy Science and 120 44Mathematics

6 Greenacre School High Academy Sport 160 45

7 Rainham Mark Grammar Academy Science 175 46Grammar School

8 Rainham School for Girls Academy Academy Technology 270 47

9 Sir Joseph Williamson’s Grammar Academy Mathematics, Computing 168 48Mathematical School and Humanities

10 St John Fisher Comprehensive Voluntary N/A 180 49Catholic School Aided*

11 Strood Academy Academy Academy Business and Enterprise 240 50and Mathematics

12 The Howard School Bi-lateral Foundation Physical Education, 250 51Sport and ICT

13 The Hundred of Hoo School Academy Academy Media Arts 270 52

14 The Robert Napier School High Foundation* Humanities 210 53

15 The Rochester Grammar Academy Mathematics, 175 54Grammar School Computing and Music

16 The Thomas Aveling School Academy Academy Technology 190 55

17 Walderslade Girls School Academy Academy Humanities and The Arts 160 56

* At the time of going to print, these schools are in the process of converting to academies.It is expected that they will have completed the transition to academy status by September 2013.

PAN: Published admission number

Summary of schools

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Section two The Medway Test and other testing arrangements

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The first thing you need to think about is whetheryou want your child to be considered foradmission to a Medway selective (grammar)school. If you do, then they will need to sit theMedway Test (also referred to as the 11 plus).

Your child’s primary school teacher andheadteacher will be able to help you decide if aselective school is right for your child, and adviseyou on whether they feel your child is best suitedto sit the Medway Test. However, it is ultimatelyyour decision whether you register your child to sitthe test or not.

Medway operates a testing before preferencesystem. This means that your child will sit theMedway Test and receive their result before theclosing date for secondary school applications. This is to help you make the most informeddecision you can when selecting which schools toname on your application.

Therefore, you must ensure that your child isregistered to sit the Medway Test. More details onhow and when to do this are listed on page 13.

� Which schools does the Medway Test apply to?

In Medway, we have six selective (grammar)secondary schools. These are:

Chatham Grammar School for Boys

Chatham Grammar School for Girls

Fort Pitt Grammar School

Rainham Mark Grammar School

Sir Joseph Williamson’s Mathematical School

The Rochester Grammar School

In addition to these, The Howard School will alsoprovide places for children assessed as suitablefor admission to a Medway grammar school.These children will be placed into the grammarstream after places have been allocated.

Further details can be found on page 54.

� Can I use my child’s Medway Test result for agrammar school in another area?

The Medway Test result can only be used forentrance to one of the Medway grammarschools, as listed above.

If you are considering grammar schools in anotherarea (for example, Kent), then you will need tocontact them directly to find out what theirtesting arrangements are. If your child sits aselective test for another area, you cannot usethat result for Medway grammar schools (unless itis stated in the schools oversubscription criteria).

The Medway Test is for Medway grammarschools only. The Kent Test is for Kent grammarschools only.

� What does the Medway Test consist of?

The Medway Test consists of three separate papers:

1 An extended writing exercise

2 A mathematics paper

3 A verbal reasoning (VR) paper

These tests are specifically written for Medwayand are designed to select 23 per cent ofchildren in the year group as assessed suitablefor grammar school education. A further two percent are selected through the review process.

� When and where is the Medway Test being held?

This depends which school you child currentlyattends. The table on page 16 lists the dates andvenues for each Medway primary/junior andindependent school. Each Medway school hasbeen given the opportunity to decide where andwhen to undertake the testing for their children.If you have any questions regarding your school’sdecision, please speak with the school direct.

Children from, who live and/or attendprimary/junior and independent schools outsideof Medway (for example, Kent schools) will beinvited to sit the test in a test centre on Saturday,22 September 2012.

Test invitation letters will be sent to all childrenwho have registered to sit the Medway Test toconfirm the venue and other details nearer thetime of the test.

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� How do I register my child to sit the Medway Test?

Registration is open from 9am on Wednesday, 6June 2012 until 4pm on Friday, 13 July 2012.

You can register your child online you can complete a registrationform and return it to your child’s primary school(if a Medway school) or to the Student ServicesAdmissions Team details can be found on page 3.

� Are there any benefits to registering online for the Medway Test?

When registering online, you will receive anemail confirmation that your registration hasbeen received. Registrations made on paperforms will not be acknowledged.

Parents who register their child online to sit theMedway Test, and provide us with an emailaddress, will be sent an email after 4pm on theday results are posted advising them of theirchild’s result.

� I live outside Medway. How do I register?

If you live in another area but wish your child to sitthe Medway Test, then you can register your childin either of the ways previously mentioned. If youcomplete a paper registration form it must bereturned to the Medway Council Student ServicesAdmissions Team by the closing date.

� I live in Medway, but want my child to sit aselective test in another area. What do I do?

You must contact the local authority concerned tofind out how and when to register for their test.

� Can my child sit selective tests in more than one area?

You can register your child for as many tests asyou wish if you are considering schools in morethan one area. We advise that you contact thelocal authorities concerned to register your childfor their tests.

� My child has a Statement of Special EducationalNeeds. Can they sit the Medway Test?

The Medway Test is open to all children currentlyin Year 5 who wish to be considered for aMedway grammar school place.

If your child is statemented you would havealready started discussions with the SpecialEducational Needs Team regarding which schoolsyou wish your child to be considered for. If theseinclude Medway grammar schools, then you willneed to ensure that you register your child to sitthe test in the same way as other applicants.

Your child will not go through the mainadmissions process, but their assessment decisionwill be taken into account when beingconsidered for schools through the specialeducational needs process.

� I feel my child needs special arrangements fortesting. Is this possible?

If a child has a disability or learning need thatmay affect how they perform under testingconditions, we have a process that allows for thisto be considered.

Firstly, you will need to register your child to sitthe Medway Test in the normal way. You willthen need to discuss with your child’sheadteacher whether they feel you child’s needs

fall under the special arrangements process. You may ask your child’s headteacher to submit a special arrangements request.

A panel of specialist advisors will consider allrequests received and will determine what theappropriate arrangements should be for yourchild. Please be advised that specialarrangements are not granted if the panel doesnot feel it would be appropriate. There is noopportunity to appeal against the panel’sdecisions as this is not a statutory process.

All special arrangements requests must besubmitted by Friday, 12 July 2012. The panel willconsider them, and we will write to parents andschools by the beginning of the autumn term.

� I need to advise you of special accessarrangements for the day. What do I do?

If you or your child has a disability that mayaffect access to the test centre please contact thestudent services manager by [email protected] as soon as possibleafter registration.

� How is the Medway Test marked?

Each paper is marked based on the number ofcorrect answers (for maths and verbal reasoning)and against specific criteria (for extendedwriting). These marks provide the raw scores.

The raw scores are then standardised. This meansthat the scores are weighted to reflect the child’sage at the time of taking the test. It enables achild’s scores to be compared with those achievedby other children taking the Medway Test andallowance made for age, so that the youngestchildren are not at a disadvantage.

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The minimum standardised (weighted) score foreach paper is 70 and the maximum is 140.

Each year, a minimum weighted score is set todetermine those assessed as selective. This scoreis set to select 23 per cent of the children in theyear group and differs from year to yeardependent on the size of the year group and thenumber of children taking the test. MedwayCouncil will not know what this score will be for2013 admissions until after all test papers havebeen marked and standardised.

For 2012 admissions, the minimum weightedscore required was 505.For 2011 admissions, the minimum weightedscore required was 508.

To calculate the total weighted score, thefollowing calculation is used:

Extended writing exercise = standardised score x 2Maths = standardised score x 2Verbal reasoning = standardised score x 1

The minimum total weighted score that can beachieved is 350 and the maximum is 700.

� When will I receive my child’s test results?

For children who registered on time to sit theMedway Test, assessment decision letters will beposted by 1st class post on Friday 5 October2012. These letters will provide full details ofyour child’s result and what to do next.

Those parents who registered their child online,and provided an email address, will also be sentan email after 4pm on Friday, 5 October 2012.This email will advise you of your child’s

assessment decision, and you will also receive aletter with full details of your child’s result andwhat to do next.

� If I’m not satisfied with my child’s result, what can I do?

If your child has not been assessed as selectivefollowing the Medway Test, and you feel thatyour child is of selective ability, you can request areview of your child’s academic work by a panel.

All the information you need on how to do thiswill be included with your child’s assessmentdecision letter.

We strongly advise you to discuss your decisionon whether to submit a review request with your child’s school. However, it is ultimately aparental decision.

� What is the review?

Once you have submitted your review request,your child’s school will be asked to provide workin three areas (English, maths and science). The review is of academic work only and anycomments made by parents or schools are onlyfor context.

The panel will review this academic work todecide if it demonstrates that your child is ofselective ability.

Each year a number of children are found to beselective as a result of the review process. Thenumber of successful reviews normally equatesto two per cent of the children in the year groupand differs from year to year dependent on thesize of the year group and the number ofchildren taking the test.

� When do I need to request a review by?

Full details of how to request a review will beincluded with your child’s assessment decisionletter. Review requests will need to be submittedto the Student Services Admissions Team byFriday, 12 October 2012.

The reviews will take place on Wednesday, 17and Thursday, 18 October 2012.

� When will I know the review decision?

The result of the reviews will be posted toparents by Friday, 26 October 2012. This isbefore the closing date for school applications,which is Wednesday, 31 October 2012 (this is anational date).

� Do I have to request a review?

This is a parental decision. Even if you do notrequest a review, you will still be able to appealfor a Medway grammar school place, as long asyou have named Medway grammar schools onyour application for schools.

� If I am not happy with the review decision or I did not request a review, what else can I do?

If your child is not assessed as selective as aresult of the Medway Test or the review process,or you did not request a review, you will need towait until after the allocation of school placeson 1 March 2013 before you can lodge anadmissions appeal.

You can only appeal for a school if you have beenrefused admission, so you will need to ensure thatyour have named Medway grammar schools onyour application in order to allow you to appealfor a place after 1 March 2013.

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The appeal will be heard by an independentappeal panel. You can appeal for more than oneschool, but they must have been named on yourapplication form.

Full details of how to appeal will be includedwith your child’s school offer letter.

� Will the appeal panel know if my child has had

a review or not?

The panel will be made aware if you have had areview or not. This is because it will affect theway they consider the appeal.

If your child has gone through the review processthen the independent appeal panel will considerif the review was carried out in a fair, consistentand objective manner for all children and foryour child in particular. Only if they feel there isevidence to prove that the review was not carriedout in a fair, consistent and objective manner canthey then consider all the factors you put forwardin your appeal case that may have affected yourchild’s performance and why you wish them toattend the school you are appealing for.

If your child has not been through the reviewprocess, the independent appeal panel willconsider all the factors you put forward in yourappeal case.

� What happens if I miss the closing date forMedway Test registration?

Late registrations to sit the Medway Test will onlybe allowed in exceptional circumstances or forgood reason (for example, serious illness,bereavement, late move to the area, etc). A letterexplaining the reasons for the late registrationmust accompany any late registration request.

Late registrations for good reason will beaccepted up until 31 July 2012.

Late registrations for families who have justmoved into the area will be accepted up until 17 August 2012.

The decision on whether a reason for lateregistration is acceptable will be at the discretionof the Student Services Management Team.

Any late registrations received after the abovedates will not be able to be tested until after theallocation of places on 1 March 2013.

� Are there any other testing arrangements forMedway secondary schools?

Brompton Academy and The Robert NapierSchool require all applicants to sit a Fair Banding Test.

This test is to assess a child’s level of ability and isused to help the school ensure that they admitan all ability intake of pupils. It is not a pass orfail test and is used to ensure that students fromacross the ability range are admitted.

If you are considering naming BromptonAcademy or The Robert Napier School as one ofyour preferences on your school application, youwill need to register your child to enable them tosit the Fair Banding Test.

Please contact the individual school / academyfor more information. Medway Council has noinvolvement in these Fair Banding Tests.


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Medway Test centre locations September 2012The test centres for out of area children will be advised nearer the time.

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School name Test date Test venue

All Faiths’ Children’s Community School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolAll Saints CE Primary School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolAllhallows Primary School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolBalfour Junior School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolBarnsole Primary School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolBligh Junior School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolBrompton Westbrook Community Primary School Sat 22 In schoolBryony School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolBurnt Oak Primary School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolByron Primary School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolChattenden Primary School Sat 22 In schoolCliffe Woods Primary School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolCuxton Community Junior School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolDeanwood Primary School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolDelce Junior School Sat 22 In schoolElaine Primary School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolEnglish Martyrs’ Catholic Primary School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolFairview Primary School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolFeatherby Junior School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolGlencoe Junior School Sat 22 In schoolGordon Junior School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolHalling Primary School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolHempstead Junior School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolHigh Halstow Primary School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolHilltop Primary School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolHoo St Werburgh Primary School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolHorsted Junior School Sat 22 In schoolKingfisher Primary School Sat 22 In schoolKing’s School, Rochester Sat 22 In test centreLordswood School Sat 22 In schoolLuton Junior School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolMaundene Primary School Sat 22 In schoolMeredale School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In school

School name Test date Test venue

Miers Court Primary School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolNapier Community Primary School Sat 22 In schoolNew Road Primary School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolOaklands School Sat 22 In schoolParkwood Junior School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolRiverside Primary School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolSaxon Way Primary School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolSherwin Knight Junior School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolSkinner Street Primary School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolSpinnens Acre Junior School Sat 22 In schoolSt Andrew’s School Sat 22 In schoolSt Augustine of Canterbury Catholic Primary School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolSt Benedict’s Catholic Primary School Sat 22 In schoolSt Helen’s CE Primary School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolSt James’ CA VA Primary School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolSt Margaret’s at Troy Town Primary School Sat 22 In schoolSt Margaret’s CE VC Junior School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolSt Mary’s Catholic Primary School Sat 22 In schoolSt Mary’s Island CE Primary School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolSt Michael’s RC Primary School Sat 22 In schoolSt Thomas More RC Primary School Sat 22 In schoolSt Thomas of Canterbury RC Primary School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolSt William of Perth RC Primary School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolStoke Community Primary School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolTemple Mill Primary School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolThames View Primary School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolThe Pilgrim School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolTwydall Primary School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolWainscott Primary School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolWalderslade Primary School Sat 22 In schoolWarren Wood Community Primary School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In schoolWayfield Primary School Sat 22 In schoolWoodlands Primary School Tue 18 / Wed 19 In school

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Section three The school application process

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apply online

� When can I apply for school places?

Medway Council’s secondary school applicationsare open from Monday, 10 September 2012 until4pm on Wednesday, 31 October 2012.

� Who do I apply to?

You must submit your school application to thelocal authority where you live.

If you live in Medway, and pay your council taxto Medway Council, then you submit your schoolapplication to Medway Council.

If you live in Kent, and pay you council tax toone of the 12 district councils of Kent, then youmust submit your school application to KentCounty Council.

� How do I apply for secondary schools?

You can apply online, you can complete a secondarycommon application form (SCAF) and return it toyour child’s primary school (if a Medway school)or to the Student Services Admissions Teamdetails can be found on page 3.

Please note that you should only use one ofthese methods. We cannot accept more than oneapplication per child. If you apply online, pleasedo not complete a paper form and vice versa.

� Are there any benefits to applying online?

Parents who apply online for schools, andprovide us with an email address, will be sent anemail after 4pm on 1 March 2013 advising themof the school place offered, as well as being senta formal offer letter which provides informationon what to do next.

When applying online, you will receive emailconfirmation that your application has beenreceived. Applications made on paper forms willnot be acknowledged.

Please also see page 22.

� I live outside Medway. How do I apply?

If you live in another area you must submit yourschool application through the relevantauthority. You can still name schools in Medway,but the application must go through your homelocal authority. If you require information ontheir schools, please contact the relevant localauthority to ask for a copy of the secondaryadmissions booklet or visit their website.

� I live in Medway, but want to apply for schoolsoutside Medway. What do I do?

You must submit your school application toMedway Council. You can name schools outsideMedway and we will liaise with the relevantlocal authority to see if a place can be offered.

� My child has a Statement of Special EducationalNeeds. Can I apply?

No. If your child is statemented you would havealready had discussions with the SpecialEducational Needs Team regarding whichschools you wish your child to be considered for.Your child will not go through the mainadmissions process.

If you have any questions regarding the specialeducational needs admissions process, pleasecontact the Special Educational Needs Team on01634 331130.

� I live in Medway. What schools can I apply for?

Details of the Medway secondary schools areprovided later in this booklet.

Medway residents can also apply for schoolsoutside Medway, but these must be named onyour Medway application.

You can name any school you wish your child to beconsidered for. Medway invites parents to nameup to six schools on the Medway application. You don’t have to name six, but it is important tounderstand that naming only one school does notgive you a stronger claim to a place.

Please only name each school once. If you namea school more than once it will only beconsidered as one preference.

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If your child has been assessed as non-selective,but you wish to pursue a place at a Medwaygrammar school at appeal, then you must namethe Medway grammar school on yourapplication. If you do not name the school, youwill not have the right of appeal after the schooloffers are made on 1 March 2013.

� Is the order I name schools important?

Medway operates an equal preference scheme,which means that school places are not offeredbased on which preference you name the school.

Your application will be considered andprioritised against the named school’soversubscription criteria.

Medway Council will not tell the schools whichpreference you named them. The order of yourpreference is between you and Medway Council.

When school places are being offered, Medway Council will look to offer your child aplace at the highest named school where a placecan be offered.

It is important that you name the schools in yourpreferred order.

� Why is my address important?

The address you give on your secondary schoolapplication is very important and will be used tocalculate the home to school distance for theschools you have named. This will have an effecton your child’s application when it is consideredagainst the school’s oversubscription criteria.

It is important that the address you provide isyour child’s main place of residence. This means

that they must live at this address permanently,or, in the case of separated families, it must bethe address where your child spends the majorityof the school nights. Please be aware that onlyone address can be used on the application. Wecan send duplicate correspondence to anotheraddress as long as all parties are in agreement.

If you are unsure of the address to be used inyour circumstances, please contact the StudentServices Admissions Team who will be happy tohelp you.

� I am moving shortly. What address do I use?

You must use the address you are living at onthe closing date for school applications (31 October 2012).

If you are moving after you have submitted yourapplication, you will need to provide the StudentServices Admissions Team with proof of yourmove. This proof can be in the form of a copy ofyour exchange of contracts, completiondocuments or signed tenancy agreement.

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Any request for a change of address can beaccepted up until 17 November 2012 ifaccompanied by sufficient evidence.

� What happens if I give false information?

If you deliberately provide false information onyour school application, such as an address, and aplace is granted on the basis of this informationthat wouldn’t have otherwise been offered, wecan and will withdraw the offer of a school place.

If you believe that someone has provided falseinformation on their school application, we askthat you contact the Student Services Managerat Medway Council. All such contacts will betreated in confidence and we will not discloseany of your information.

If any part of your application is thought to befalse we will investigate, and the emphasis willbe on parents to provide satisfactory evidenceproving the point being queried.

� What happens if I miss the closing date forapplications?

The closing date for applications is 31 October 2012.

Late applications cannot be made online. All lateapplicants must complete a secondary commonapplication form (SCAF) and return it direct tothe Student Services Admissions Team.

� For parents resident in Medway on or before theclosing date

As far as reasonably practicable, late applicationswill be accepted provided they are received byMedway Council before Friday, 17 November

2012. These applications must be accompaniedby a written explanation of the reasons for latesubmission. Only exceptional circumstances canbe considered by the Student ServicesManagement Team. If it is decided that thereason for late submission does not constitutegood reason, the application will be held untilafter allocation on 1 March 2013, and will beconsidered at re-allocation.

� For parents who have moved to Medway afterthe closing date and by 17 November 2012

Any application received from a new Medwayresident after the closing date and by 17November 2012 will be included in the normalallocation of places on 1 March 2013. Proof ofthe Medway address and the date of the movemust accompany such applications. This can be acopy of a signed tenancy agreement, exchangeof contracts or completion documents.

� Any application received after 17 November2012 but before 1 March 2013

Applications received after 17 November 2012will not be considered for places on 1 March2013. They will be included in the re-allocationof places after 22 April 2013 and afterconsultation with the relevant admissionauthority for the named schools. The child’sname will automatically be placed on thewaiting list for any schools named that areunable to offer a place.

� Any application received after 1 March 2013

These will be considered under the continuingre-allocation of places

� Can I change my preferences after the closing date?

Changes to preference are not allowed after theclosing date for applications (31 October 2012)other than in exceptional circumstances. If youfeel that your circumstances fall into thiscategory, please submit your request in writingto the Student Services Management Team forconsideration. However, no changes can be madeto your application after 17 November 2012.

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Section four The online admissions process

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Medway Council would like to encourage allparents/carers of children resident in Medway tosubmit their secondary school application online.Applying online offers you a quick, easy andsecure option for submitting your application.

You can apply online

� When can I apply online?

You can access the online admissions systemduring the following periods:

To register your child to take the Medway Test –registration is open from 9am on Wednesday, 6June 2012 until 4pm on Friday, 13 July 2012.

To submit your child’s secondary schoolapplication – applications are open fromMonday, 10 September 2012 until 4pm onWednesday, 31 October 2012.

We cannot accept any online applications madeoutside these periods.

� What are the benefits of applying online?

You can submit your application at a time thatsuits you, anytime, day or night, during theperiods shown above.

The online system provides a safe, fast and easymethod of sending us your application andprovides you with confirmation that it has been received.

After 4pm on 5 October 2012, parents who haveregistered their child online for the Medway Testand provided an email address, will receive theirchild’s test result by email.

After 4pm on the offer day, 1 March 2013,Medway Council will send details by email, ofwhich school has been offered to parents whosuccessfully submitted an online application andprovided an email address.

� Can I submit an online request for my child to sitthe Medway Test?

Yes. You can submit your Medway Testregistration online.

Online test registration is open to everybody,whether you live in Medway or not.

If you live in Medway and pay your council tax toMedway Council and have registered for theMedway Test online, your username andpassword will allow you to update yourinformation with your school preferences, andre-submit the application during the applicationperiod as shown above.

We strongly advise you to wait for yourMedway Test result before submitting yourschool preferences.

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� What do I need to do to apply online?

Firstly, you will need to register with the website.You will be asked to create a username andpassword for yourself. We suggest that you makethese easy to remember and keep a note ofthem (space is provided on the inside front coverof this booklet), as you will need these in thefuture to access your application.

You will then need to enter your details and yourchild’s details (if you are registering for theMedway Test – you will need to submit theapplication at this stage). You can add yourschool preferences later, then re-submit yourapplication during the periods shown above.

If you provide an email address in yourinformation, you will receive email confirmationof the application you have submitted. This willbe a copy of the information you have provided.

� Can I change my application or my informationafter I have submitted it?

Yes. You can make changes to your application upuntil the closing date for the relevant submission(13 July for Medway Test registration and 31October for secondary school applications).

You will need your username and password tore-enter your application and make any changes.

It is vitally important that you remember to re-submit your application after you have madeyour changes as we can only process the lastsubmitted application as at the closing date.

If you make changes and do not re-submit theapplication for processing your changes will notbe included when the application is processed.

� Will I still get a letter telling me my child’sschool offer?

Yes, all applicants receive the formal offer letter.Online applicants, who have provided an emailaddress, also receive an email advising them ofthe school place offered.

� Can I submit an online application and a paper application?

No. We can only process one application for each pupil. If you have applied online, do notcomplete a paper application as well.

Please note, if you submit an online applicationthis will override any paper application we receivefor your child unless you contact us prior to theclosing date to cancel your online application.

� How do I register for the Kent Test?

You will need to submit your registration directlyto Kent County Council for the Kent Test. Thiscan be done online at orby obtaining a registration form from KentCounty Council. Phone 01622 696565.

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Section five The school offer process and next steps

apply online

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� When will I find out my child’s school offer?

Secondary school places are offered on 1 March2013. This is a national date when all secondaryschool places in England will be offered.

All parents will be sent a formal offer letteradvising them of the school offered and what todo next. These letters will be posted by MedwayCouncil by 1st class post on 1 March 2013 to bereceived in the following few days.

If you apply online, and provide an emailaddress, you will also receive an email after 4pmon 1 March 2013 advising you of your child’sschool offer. You will still receive a formal letterand will need this to take the next steps.

� Who will I receive my offer from?

You will receive your school offer letter fromyour home local authority. This means, if youlive in Medway and pay you council tax toMedway Council you will receive your letterfrom Medway Council.

If you live in Kent and pay your council tax toone of the 12 district councils of Kent then you will receive your offer letter from KentCounty Council.

� Why does it take so long from applying forschools to receiving the school offer?

The closing date for school applications (31 October) and the offer date for school places(1 March) are national dates set by centralgovernment. There are many procedures thatneed to be undertaken by councils to processapplications, including exchanging data withother councils and schools and working withschools to prioritise applicants.

� How does Medway Council work out whatpriority my child has for a place at the schools I have named?

All school places are allocated in accordance with the individual school’s publishedoversubscription criteria. Full details of eachschool’s criteria can be found on the individualschool information pages later in this booklet.

Student Services Admissions work in partnershipwith each school to ensure that all applicants areprioritised (ranked) correctly against thepublished oversubscription criteria.

� How does Medway Council work out whichschool is to be offered to my child?

Medway operates an equal preference scheme,which means that school places are not offeredbased on which preference you name the school.

Your application will be considered andprioritised against the named school’soversubscription criteria.

Medway Council will not tell the schools in whichpreference you listed them. The order of yourpreference is between you and Medway Council.

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When school places are being offered, MedwayCouncil will look to offer your child a place atthe highest named school where a place can be offered.

� What happens if more than one of the schools I name can offer my child a place?

You will only receive the offer of one schoolplace on 1 March 2013 and Medway Council willlook to offer your child a place at the highestnamed school where a place can be offered.

� What about children with a Statement of SpecialEducational Needs?

Children with a Statement of Special EducationalNeeds do not go through this admissions processand any places being offered to a statementedchild at a school will be allocated before allother places.

The school’s published admission number (PAN) will be adjusted to take account of anystatemented children offered, and StudentServices Admissions will offer up to theremaining number of places available at the school.

� Am I guaranteed to get one of the schoolsnamed on my application?

Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee that we canoffer a place at one of your named schools. Itwill depend on how oversubscribed the namedschools are and where your child is prioritisedagainst the school’s over subscription criteria.

We strongly advise you to name more than oneschool on your application to give you the mostopportunity to receive the offer of a place at aschool you are satisfied with. Medway residentscan list up to six preferences.

For 2012 admissions, 98.59 per cent of childrenreceived the offer of a place at a school namedon their application form on 1 March 2012. 86.67 per cent of children received the offer of aplace at their first preference school.

� What happens if you can’t offer my child a placeat a school named on my application?

Medway Council has a duty to ensure that aschool place is offered on 1 March to every childwho has applied for a school place.

If we are not able to offer a place at one of yourpreferences, we will look to allocate a place atthe nearest appropriate school to your homeaddress that has a place available.

Appropriate school means a Medway grammarschool for children assessed as selective and aMedway non-selective school for childrenassessed as non-selective.

� If my child is assessed as selective, will Idefinitely be offered a grammar school?

Although the vast majority of selective assessedchildren are offered places at a grammar school,sometimes we offer them a place at a non-selective school because it is named as a higherpreference on the application.

� If I am not happy with the school place offered,what can I do?

Full details of the next steps you can takefollowing the school offer made on 1 March2013 will be with the offer letter. You have anumber of options, including requesting to beplaced on a waiting list to be considered at re-allocation and lodging a school admissionappeal. Brief details of some of these options are listed below:

� Waiting lists / Re-allocation:

You will be sent a waiting list request form alongwith your school offer letter on 1 March 2013.Using this form you can request to be placed onthe waiting list for any of the schools youoriginally named on your application form*and/or any other Medway secondary school*

Your child will not automatically be added to awaiting list unless you have submitted a requestform. The only exception to this is where anappeal has been lodged. Children who haveappealed will also be added to the relevantschool’s* waiting list.

*Please note that you can only request to go onthe waiting list for a Medway grammar schoolif your child has been assessed as selectiveunder the Medway test procedures.

Student Services Admissions will then collate allwaiting list requests and look to re-allocate(offer) any vacant school places that may becomeavailable to children who have requested to beplaced on the waiting list.

A child’s position on a school’s waiting list will bedecided in accordance with the school’spublished oversubscription criteria. Places arenot held on a first come, first served basis.

It is important to understand that a child’s placeon the waiting list may change (up or down)dependent on the eligibility of other childrenwho have requested to be on the waiting list.

Waiting list requests must be submitted by 15 April 2013.

Vacant places will be re-allocated after 22 April 2013.

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NB: If you are offered a school place at one ofthe schools you have named on your waitinglist request, any other school offer will beautomatically withdrawn to be re-allocatedto another child. You will not have a claim onthe original place offered if you change yourmind and will need to be added to thatschool’s waiting list for consideration atfuture re-allocation.

� Appeals:

You have the right of appeal to any of the schoolsyou have named on your application form thathas not been able to offer your child a place. Thiscan include grammar schools, even if your childhas not been assessed as selective, as long as younamed them on your application form.

You cannot lodge an appeal for a school youhave not named on your application form.

Full details of how to appeal and an appeal formwill be included with your school offer letter on1 March 2013.

You can submit more than one appeal at thesame time, as the schools being appealed for willnot be aware that you have appealed foranother school.

Who you submit your appeal request to willdepend on the school being appealed for, anddetails of where you need to send your form willbe included with your letter on 1 March 2013.

An independent appeal panel will hearadmission appeals. They are independent of theschool and the council and their decision isbinding on the school and the council.

Appeal requests must be lodged by 15 April 2013.

� Can I go on the waiting list and lodge an appealfor the same school?

Yes. You can submit a waiting list form andlodge an appeal for the same school. The twoprocesses are independent of each other, andbeing on the waiting list will not affect yourappeal and vice versa.

� How do I accept or refuse the school place offered?

You will receive an acceptance/refusal form withyour school offer letter on 1 March 2013. Youwill need to complete this form and return it tothe school being offered with your decision.

Acceptance/refusal forms must be returned tothe schools by 15 April 2013.

� If I refuse the place offered, do I have a betterchance of being offered a place from the waitinglist or being successful at appeal?

No. Vacant places are only offered from waitinglists in accordance with the school’soversubscription criteria. They are notdependent on whether you are holding the offerof a school place or not. In a similar way, appealdecisions are based on the cases heard by theindependent appeal panel and not on whetheryou are holding a school place or not.

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Section six Free school meals and home to school transport

apply online

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The following information on free school mealsand home to school transport is correct at thetime of going to print.

Please note that there may be changes toMedway Council’s policies as a result of changesto central government legislation. This may meanthat changes may be made before your child isdue to start secondary school in September 2013.

Please check the Medway Council website for the most up to dateinformation nearer the time of your childstarting secondary school.

Free school meals

� Will my child be entitled to free school meals?

Your child may qualify to receive free schoolmeals if you receive certain qualifying benefits.

At the time of printing this booklet, these are:� Income Support;� Jobseeker’s Allowance (income based);� Employment and Support Allowance

(Income related);� The Guarantee element of State Pension Credit;� Support under part VI of the Immigration

and Asylum Act 1999; � Child Tax Credit, but not entitled to Working

Tax Credit, and whose annual income (as assessed by Her Majesty’s Revenue andCustoms) does not exceed £16,190.

As the government is looking to change thebenefits system, please be aware these couldhave changed by September 2013.

� How do I apply for free school meals?

You will need to complete the free school mealsapplication form.

If applying during the school holidays, you willneed to send the completed form to the freepostaddress on the bottom of the form. If applyingat any other time, as well as this option, you canalso take your completed form into your child’sschool office.

You can obtain an application form by callingthe Student Services Operations Team on 01634331155, or collecting one from your child’s schooloffice, Medway Council’s contact points, or themain libraries - Gillingham, Chatham, Rochesterand Strood.

� Do I need to provide proof of benefit with myapplication?

You do not need to provide proof of benefit atthis time. By signing the form you are allowingthe Student Services Operations Team to verifyyour claim.

If free school meals cannot be verified, the teamwill ask for an up to date, full copy of the proof ofbenefit you are receiving, to reassess your claim.

� Do I need to complete the application form forall Medway schools?

At the time of going to print, the followingMedway secondary schools administer their ownfree school meals applications:� Chatham Grammar School for Girls� Rainham Mark Grammar School� The Howard School� The Rochester Grammar School

� The Thomas Aveling School� Fort Pitt Grammar School� Rainham School for Girls� Strood Academy

For these schools, you will need to contactthem directly to find out how to submit anapplication for free school meals. For up-to-date details on schools please

For all other Medway secondary schools, pleasecomplete the Medway Council application form.

� Do I have to renew my application for freeschool meals and if so, when?

No, you do not have to renew your application ifall your details have remained the same.

The Student Services Operations Team will carryout regular reviews and contact you for furtherproof of benefit, if required.

� Who do I contact if any of my and/or my child’spersonal details change, or I stop receivingbenefit, once I am receiving free school meals?

Please contact the Student Services OperationsTeam on 01634 331155 to update your details. If you have moved address, you will be asked tocomplete a new application form.

If you do not notify the team, it could result inyou having to repay the cost of any free schoolmeals that your child has received.

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Home to school transport

� How do I know if my child is eligible for freehome to school transport?

Following the offer of a school place on 1 March2013, the Student Services Operations Team willautomatically assess all Year 6 pupils to see ifthey are eligible for free home to schooltransport to the school they have been offered.

If your child may qualify for free home to schooltransport you will be sent confirmation inwriting. You will be asked to check theinformation and to provide a passport sizedphotograph of your child to enable us to processthe application, or provide proof of low-incomewhere necessary.

If you have not received written confirmationfrom the Student Services Operations Team bythe end of June 2013, it is likely that your child isnot eligible for free home to school transport.

� What if I don’t agree with the decision?

If you feel that the decision that your child is noteligible for free home to school transport isincorrect, or that your child’s circumstanceswarrant an exception to be made, you cansubmit an application form enclosing a letterexplaining the reason why you wish your child’scase to be looked at further. The Student ServicesManagement Team will look at this.

� Where can I get an application form?

You can get an application form from anyMedway school, Medway contact points or the main libraries - Gillingham, Chatham, Rochester and Strood. Alternatively, you cancontact the Student Services Operations Teamon 01634 331155.

� What is the current transport policy?

At the time of going to print, the basic qualifyingcriteria to be eligible for free home to schooltransport is that you must live more than threemiles from the secondary school your child will beattending and it must be deemed as the nearestappropriate school to your home address.

� What does nearest appropriate school mean?

This means the school geographically nearest toyour home address that is suitable for a child’sage, ability and aptitude.

We can only distinguish between non-selectiveand selective schools and cannot take intoaccount the individual specialist status of aschool. When deciding which is the nearestappropriate school, we do not take into account

a parent’s preference for a single sex, mixed orspecialist school.

Only one school can be the nearest appropriateschool from your home address.

If you express a preference for a school which isnot the nearest appropriate school and you areoffered a place, you will not qualify for freetransport, even if the school is more than threemiles from your home address.

A nearest appropriate school form will beavailable in September 2012 for you to requestdetails of the schools deemed the nearestappropriate from your home address. To requesta form please contact the Student ServicesOperation Team on 01634 331155.

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� Can I get free home to school transport if I amon a low income?

Yes. If you are on a low-income you can qualifyfor free home to school transport if you live morethan two miles, but not more than six miles, fromone of your three nearest appropriate schools.Low-income families are defined as where thechildren are entitled to free school meals (seedetails on page 29), or if parents receive themaximum level of working tax credit.

When returning the application form you will needto provide an up to date full copy of your proof ofbenefit in order for us to assess your claim.

� Can my child get free home to school transportfrom two addresses if the parents are separatedand they live part time with each parent?

No. Medway Council can only issue one travelpass for one return journey from home to schooleach day. We can only assess a transportapplication from the address that is the child’smain place of residence. If you have any specificquestions regarding these situations, pleasecontact the Student Services Operations Teamon 01634 331155.

� Will my child receive free home to schooltransport automatically if they have medical ofspecial educational needs?

If a child has specific medical needs for transport,you will need to provide medical evidence forassessment by the Student Service OperationsTeam. This evidence must provide sufficientdetail to enable an assessment to be carried out.

If a child has a Statement of Special EducationalNeeds, you will need to discuss their transportneeds with the Special Educational Needs Team

on 01634 331130. They will advise whatinformation they need to assess the case.

� How are distances measured for home to school transport?

It is important to understand that the schooladmissions policies and the home to schooltransport policies are completely separate anddo not interlink.

Distances for home to school transport arecalculated using the geographical informationsoftware available to Medway Council. Thedistance is calculated from the home address tothe school address by the shortest availablewalking route. It may take account of footpaths,public rights of way, etc.

The shortest available walking route is one alongwhich a child can walk to school, accompanied asnecessary, with reasonable safety.

� I have chosen a school on faith grounds. Can I get free home to school transport?

If your child is attending St John Fisher CatholicSchool or Bishop of Rochester Academy onreligious grounds, Medway Council will countthese schools as the nearest appropriate for achild of the Roman Catholic or Church ofEngland faith respectively.

You may be entitled to free transport if you livemore than three miles from the school, and yourchild is a regular practising member of a churchof the same religion as the school. This needs tobe confirmed in writing by the church.

If you are on a low-income, you may be entitledto free transport if you live between two and

15 miles from the school and your child is aregularly practising member of a church of thesame religion as the school. This needs to beconfirmed in writing, by the church.

� How do I find out what bus routes andcompanies cover the journey to my child’schosen school?

Arriva Bus Company operates the majority of busroutes in Medway. You can contact them foradvice on 01634 283600 or visit their to find out the servicenumbers, times and boarding points.

Tenders for bus services are often renewed, so atthe time of printing this booklet, the followingbus companies also operate in certain parts ofMedway. To find out if they operate near you,please contact them on the numbers below:

� Nu Venture Bus Company 01622 882288� Farleigh Coaches 01634 201065� Red Route 01474 353896� ASD Coaches 01634 726412

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� If my child does not qualify for free home toschool transport, are there any other schemesavailable in Medway?

� Medway Youth Pass (young persons half-pricebus fare scheme) - this entitles all young peoplewho live in Medway and hold a valid pass topay half the adult fare at all times whentravelling on any local bus service. The journeysmust start in Medway and can be to anydestination in Medway or Kent, as long as anychanges of bus are in Medway. This pass is notvalid on the subsidised yellow buses run byMedway Council or companies who alreadyoffer a child fare.

Passes expire after three years or when theyoung person finishes Year 11, whichever issooner. A new pass is needed for 16-19-year-olds (Year12 onwards), this will expire when theyoung person reaches the end of the academicyear after their eighteenth birthday.

You can apply for this scheme and find out thecost by ringing the Student Services OperationsTeam on 01634 331155, or collecting a formfrom your child’s school office, Medway’scontact points, or the main libraries -Gillingham, Chatham, Rochester and Strood.

� Yellow Bus SchemeMedway Council provides the Yellow BusScheme, which supplies school buses for pupilsliving in certain parts of Medway to travel tospecific schools. If you are interested in thisservice, please contact our TransportProcurement Team on 01634 331112.

� Vacant Seat Payment SchemeChildren who do not qualify for free home toschool transport may apply for a vacant seat on

a hired school vehicle, if one operates on theroute required, at a cost. It is important tounderstand that the seat on the transport maybe withdrawn at any time if it is required by achild eligible for free home to school transportor if the transport is withdrawn. Furtherinformation on this scheme can be obtainedfrom the Transport Procurement Team on01634 331139.

� If we are refused free transport, is there a rightof appeal?

If your application for free home to schooltransport is refused by the Student ServicesOperations Team and you believe that yourcircumstances warrant an exception being made,please put your reasons in writing to the StudentServices Operations Manager, to be reconsidered.

If it is still refused, you may wish to make aformal appeal to Members of Medway Councilagainst this decision. We will provide details ofhow to do this at that time.

� If my child has a free bus pass and misbehaveson the bus, will the pass be taken away?

All transport provided is subject to your childbehaving in an acceptable manner whiletravelling. If, however, the transport companyfeels that your child’s behaviour is unacceptable,their ticket can be withdrawn. In such cases,Medway Council will cease to accept liability fortravel arrangements and you will have to makeyour own arrangements from then on.

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Section seven Common oversubscription criteria

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The below table provides some definitions of the most common oversubscription criteria used by schools. The definitions quoted are those of Medway Council and may be different for an individual school.

Please ensure you read each individual school’s information page to ascertain exactly what their over subscription criteria is and what it means for your child.

Criteria Definition

Children in public care/ Looked after children are children who are (i) in the care of a local authority, or (ii) being provided with looked after children accommodation by a local authority in the exercise of their social services functions (as defined in Section 22(1) and previously of the Children Act 1989) at the time of making the application for a school.after children Previously looked after children are children who were looked after, but ceased to be so because they were

adopted (under the terms of the Adoption and Children Act 2002, Section 46) or became subject to a residenceorder or special guardianship order (under the terms of the Children Act 1989, Section 8 and Section 14A).Please note that the council may ask for a copy of the adoption/residence order to validate this criterion.

Current family Sibling means children who live as brother/sister in the same house and includes natural siblings, adopted association/sibling siblings, foster siblings and step siblings. Extended family, for example cousins, living in the same house do not

qualify as siblings. The sibling must be attending the named school at the time of application and at the timethe younger child would start (September 2013).

Child’s health reasons Medical evidence from a GP or consultant must be provided to Student Services Admissions Team. This evidencemust demonstrate a specific link between the child’s medical conditions and needs, and how the named schoolcan meet these needs. Please note not every school/academy has this as a criterion.

Residence in an If a school operates an access area, children living within the area receive a higher priority for a place than access area other applicants from a lower listed criterion.

Nearness of child’s The distance calculated is the shortest available safe walking route known to the graphical information home/distance* software used by Student Services Admissions. This graphical information software may not know all footpaths

that are in existence and certain new roads may not be known. Where a footpath or new road is not known tothe software an alternative route will be used. Where a child’s home is situated on a new road the distancecalculation will begin from the nearest available known road plotted in the software. New developments maybe subject to this. In certain cases it may not be possible to calculate a distance where the entire route isdeemed as a safe walking route. In these circumstances the distance calculated is used purely to prioritise anapplication for admission. There is no expectation that the walk should be taken.

Score Some grammar schools elect to prioritise applicants based on their test scores. This means that all applicationswill be prioritised from highest score to lowest score. It is important to understand that these schools are notpermitted to give any priority to siblings.

*Please note that, at the time of going to print, Student Services Admissions are researching the use of new distancing software. Please check the website andlook at ‘Co-ordinated Admission Scheme for Secondary Admissions – September 2013’ for the most up to date information on how distances are calculated.

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Section eight Other information

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� Individual school’s published oversubscriptioncriteria/admission arrangements

The oversubscription criteria detailed in sectionnine of this booklet are the publisheddetermined admission arrangements for eachschool/academy.

If any party feels that the published admissionarrangements are unlawful or are notcompliant with the provisions of the SchoolAdmission Code, they may make a referral tothe Office of the Schools Any suchreferral must be made by 30 June 2012.

Please be aware that if any referrals have beenmade, and dependent on the outcome of suchreferrals, a school’s arrangements may besubject to change. Medway Council will publishdetails of any changes on the

� Independent and impartial advice

Medway Council’s Student Services AdmissionsTeam is able to offer you impartial advice on theadmissions process, Medway schools andacademies. You can contact the team on 01634331110 or email [email protected]

If you want specific detail on what an individualschool/academy can offer your child, you cancontact them directly. Contact details can befound for every Medway school and academy insection nine.

� Choosing to educate at home

You may choose to educate your child at home.If you elect to do this, the council has a duty toensure that your child is receiving suitable andefficient full time education.

If you wish to consider educating your child athome, please contact the Inclusions Team on01634 332572 for more information.

You will be asked to provide full details on thearrangements you are making.

� Advisory Centre for Education (ACE)

ACE has been supporting families on educationissues for over 50 years. They provideinformation, support and advice to parents onmany aspects of their child’s education. You cancontact them on 0808 800 5793 or via theirwebsite

� School term dates

Full details of term dates for the academic yearSeptember 2013 to July 2014 can be found

Please be aware that some schools may operatedifferent term dates to the Medway Councildefined ones and you will need to speak toindividual schools about their arrangements.

� Sustainable School Travel Strategy

Medway Council is keen to ensure that their ownplans support school travel plans (STP), so thatthe schools can develop a long-term commitmentto implementation, monitoring anddevelopment. Working with schools, MedwayCouncil has developed a number of initiatives.

Further information can be found

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Section nine The schools

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Medway secondary schools


1 Bishop of Rochester Academy 41

2 Brompton Academy 42

3 Chatham Grammar School for Boys 44

4 Chatham Grammar School for Girls 45

5 Fort Pitt Grammar School 46

6 Greenacre School 47

7 Rainham Mark Grammar School 48

8 Rainham School for Girls 49

9 Sir Joseph Williamson’s

Mathematical School 50

10 St John Fisher Catholic School 51

11 Strood Academy 53

12 The Howard School 54

13 The Hundred of Hoo School 55

14 The Robert Napier School 56

15 The Rochester Grammar School 58

16 The Thomas Aveling School 59

17 Walderslade Girls’ School 60

Location and access areas of schools

� What is an access area?

Six Medway schools include an access area withintheir admissions criteria. Applications received forpupils that reside within the school’s access areawill receive a higher priority for a place at thatschool than applicants that do not reside in theaccess area. Those applicants that live furthestfrom the school within the access area receivehigher priority than those that live closest withinthe access area. Please note that applicantsresiding in an access area with valid sibling linksor higher criterion will be prioritised under thehigher criteria.

If you are unsure if you live in an access area forone of these schools, please contact StudentServices Admissions who will be able to help you.You can either phone on 01634 331110 or [email protected]

� Access areas

The following schools have access areas, shownon the map opposite:

A - The Hundred of Hoo School

B - The Thomas Aveling School

C - Walderslade Girls’ School

and Greenacre School

D - Rainham School for Girls

E - The Howard School

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Jct 4Jct 4

River Medway



Chatham Rainham






Medway Park













163 1

17 6

712 8












River Thames










Jct 1

Jct 2

Jct 3


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How to use the school pages

Map referencenumber, see page 39

Introduction to schoolby headteacher/principal

Department for Educationunique school number

Published admissionnumber for 2013

School contact details

Open sessions,times and dates

School status (academy,foundation, community,

voluntary aided)

Expected schoolroll for

September 2013

Access areasee page 39

School type(grammar, high,academy etc)

Area of Medway

School specialist status

Furthest distance orlowest score offered asapplicable. If the schoolwas undersubscribed(not full) on offer day

this section will show N/A

Total numberof preferencesexpressed forthe school

Number of placesoffered on 1 March

(offer day) ofrelevant year

Criteria for admissionand oversubscription

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Type Area Age range Single sex/ Number of prefs Places allocated Furthest distance offered Access area Expected roll Statusmixed 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011

Academy Chatham 11 – 18 Mixed 254 417 105 178 N/A N/A No 1100 Academy

Bishop of Rochester AcademySpecialisms: Mathematics, Music, ICT

At the Bishop of Rochester Academy, we aredetermined to excel. Our staff work hard to enablestudents to make the progress we know they arecapable of, and we constantly encourage them toachieve beyond their expectations. Subjects such asphilosophy and Latin will not only widen theirexperience, but will also equip them with the skillsto improve their attainment in other areas. Wehave a passion for excellence, which is visible in ourclassrooms, in our extra-curricular activities such asmusic, rugby, football and dance and through theway in which we engage with parents and ourlocal community. We have high expectations ofevery member of our academy, and are developingan innovative curriculum to inspire our students toaim high and achieve their full academic potential.Initiatives such as free breakfast and theaccelerated reader programme will all help yourson or daughter to get the most out of their timeat the academy. We are proud of our ChristianEthos, and believe that this ethos provides thebasis for the respect and care that each member ofthe academy community receives. We are lookingforward to moving into our £23 million new buildin Spring 2013, and are looking forward to theexceptional learning environment and state-of-the-art facilities that this will provide our students.

Colin Boxall, Principal

Principal: Colin Boxall

East Campus, Magpie Hall Road, Chatham


01634 845196Email: [email protected]

Open sessions

Open evening: Wednesday, 17 and Thursday, 18October, late afternoon/evening 3.30 – 7pm

Open morning: Saturday, 20 October 10am – 1pm

Open morning: Tuesday, 23, Wednesday, 24 andThursday, 25 October from 9am by appointment

For admission enquiries please contact Miss Mandi Clark, Office Manager

Admission and oversubscription criteria

There will be two broad groups: 150 open places and up to 90 foundation places. Open places will be open to anyone; foundationplaces will be for students from three local Churchof England primary schools. These are All Saints’ Cof E Primary School, Chatham, St Mary’s Island C ofE Primary School, Chatham and St Margaret’s C of EJunior School, Rainham. If there were not enoughstudents applying for the foundation places, thenany left will become open places.Where the Academy is oversubscribed, after theadmission of children with statements of SEN,places will be allocated to applicants in thefollowing priority order:1 Looked after children (as defined in the Medway

Council Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme)2 Siblings (pupils living as brothers and sisters, etc)3 Those living nearest the academy based on the

measured distance using Medway Council’s GISsystem and procedure.After pupils have been accepted to the academy,they can apply for a music scholarship; there are25 music scholarship places for those pupils whohave an aptitude for or interest in music.


DFE number: 887 6907 PAN: 240


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Brompton AcademySpecialism: Science and Arts

Brompton Academy is an all ability, innovative,dynamic 11-18 school, with specialisms in scienceand arts, and a grammar stream, under theleadership of the University of Kent.

The academy delivers high quality educationleading to university entrance and equivalentprogression routes. Entry to the academy is via a FairBanding Test. The academy offers a unique learningenvironment, with an accelerated curriculum whereall students have the opportunity to followpersonalised learning pathways, leading to earlyentry GCSE and Advanced level qualifications.

Students in Year 7 undertake a foundationprogramme to support their personal developmentin becoming confident, happy, robust, successfulyoung people with a passion for learning.

The academy boasts high standards of behaviour.

If you are looking for a highly effective all abilityacademy that will offer the best educationalopportunities for a young person together withwrap around care, support and guidance, then thefuture has to be Brompton Academy.

The academy will move into a state-of-the-art newbuilding in 2013,with brand new Apple learningtechnologies to support student motivation.

Further information is available on our website.

Principal: Judy Rider BA (Hons) , MA

Marlborough Road, Gillingham ME7 5HT

01634 852341

Email: [email protected]

Open sessions

Open evening: Thursday, 27 September, 6 – 8.30pmPrincipal talks at 6.15pm

Open morning: Saturday, 29 September 10am – 12noon

Morning tours: Tuesday, 9 and Wednesday, 10October, please phone for an appointment.

For admission enquiries please contact the principal

Admission and oversubscription criteria

Admission: Students applying for admission musttake a Fair Banding Test, see page 43 for details.

Oversubscription: Places are first offered tostudents with a Statement of Special EducationalNeeds, where the Brompton Academy is named onthe statement and after agreement with theacademy. The remaining applicants will be split intothe ability bands based on their NFER scores withinthe national profile. Within each band the criterionwill be applied in the order in which they are setout below: 1 Children in public care.2 Current family association (elder brother or sister

in the academy at time of application who willstill be attending when the applicant child isadmitted. In this context, brother or sister means:• a natural brother or sister (including adoptedsiblings)

• step brother or sister• foster brother or sister• those who live as brother or sister in the same house.

3 Children of staff (where the member of staff hasbeen employed for two years).


Type Area Age range Single sex/ Number of prefs Places allocated Allocation criteria Access area Expected roll Statusmixed 2012 2011 2012 2011

Academy Gillingham 11 – 18 Mixed 552 577 190 180 Fair Banding plus criteria No 1000 Academy

DFE number: 887 6906 PAN: 210

4 Nearness of child’s home.5 Random selection.

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Fair Banding Test dates

Saturday, 15 September or Saturday, 20 October- register for the test on our website.

Fair Banding Test

Brompton Academy is an all ability school andin order to secure all ability intake that isrepresentative of the national ability range, allapplicants for admission must take a fairbanding test which is prescribed by NationalFoundation for Educational Research (NFER).

This is not a pass or fail test this is just toensure that children across the ability rangeare admitted.

All applicants for places in the academy will bebanded according to the principles of fairbanding, using the national profile.

Medway operate an equal preference systemwhich means that parents/carers who intend toput Brompton Academy down on thepreference form either first, second, third,fourth, fifth or sixth choice will need to takethe Academy Fair Banding test, which willdetermine what banding group their childshould be placed in should they gain a place atthe academy. The test will be administered onSaturday, 15 September or Saturday, 20 October– a year ahead of entry. Parents and Carers canaccess the test for their child by filling in andreturning a test registration form which will beavailable via the academy and from the

Academy reception from Monday, 4 June tillMonday, 16 July 2012. This test registrationform should be returned within the prescribeddeadlines as indicated on the registration formtogether with the preferred test date.

All applicants for an Academy place, includingthose with a SEN statement, will be required totake the Fair Banding test. Following the test,applicants will be split into bands based onNFER scores within the national profile,including those with SEN statements andLooked After Children and children who werelooked after, but ceased to be so because theywere adopted (or because they were subject toa residence order or special guardianship order).

Students who have not taken the banding testwill be considered after children who have satthe banding test.

Within each band, and after the automaticadmission of Looked After Children andchildren who were looked after, but ceased tobe so because they were adopted (or becausethey were subject to a residence order or specialguardianship order), and after the automaticadmission of students with Statements ofSpecial Educational Needs where the BromptonAcademy is named on the statement (after theacademy has been consulted and it has beenagreed), the criteria shall be applied in theorder in which they are set out below.

They will be prioritised on the basis of criteria 2to 5 in order. All applicants will be offered fairaccess to the test and reminded of the dates,times and locations available to sit the test.

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Type Area Age range Single sex/ Number of prefs Places allocated Furthest distance offered Access area Expected roll Statusmixed 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011

Grammar Chatham 11 – 18 Boys 450 443 95 98 N/A N/A No 980 Academy

Chatham Grammar School for BoysSpecialisms: Science

We celebrate our 100th Anniversary during 2013.Located in a beautiful, historic building we producetalented, high achieving young men and womenexcelling academically; in the arts and sport.Students progress to the finest universities in theworld; the professions, public and armed services,sport and entertainment industries.We encourage the love of learning for its ownsake. In addition to English and Mathematics allpupils study at least one modern language,separate sciences and humanities to GCSE.International School Status provides opportunitiesfor visits all over the planet, especially Japan,where links exist in Kyoto, Hirado and Chigasaki.Major school sports are football, hockey and rugby.In addition we excel in athletics; there are alsoopportunities in cricket, tennis and many othersporting activities. Drama productions takes placeevery year and the school’s contemporary, jazz, andbrass bands perform in concerts each term.Pupils with special educational needs are welcomedand provided with the support to help them thrive.Every pupil at Chatham Grammar School for Boys istreated as an individual, the school is well knownfor its caring ethos, supportive staff and desire towork in partnership with parents to ensure thatpupils are happy give of their best and achievetheir full potential.

Headteacher: Mr David Marshall

Holcombe, Maidstone Road, Chatham ME4 6JB

01634 830083

Email: [email protected]

Open sessions

Open evening: Tuesday, 9 October, 5.30 – 9.15pm

Open sessions: Monday, 8 to Friday, 26 October(except 9 and 10) by appointment only

For admission enquiries please contact Mrs Patricia Lewis

Admission and oversubscription criteria

Admission: Entry is with testing (either theMedway Test or Kent Test)

Oversubscription: 1 Children with statements of Special Educational

Needs where Chatham Grammar School for Boysis named on the statement.

2 Children in public care (as defined in the MedwayCouncil Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme).

3 Current family association (i.e. elder brother orsister in Chatham Grammar School for Boys orChatham Grammar School for Girls at time ofapplication who will still be attending when theapplicant child is admitted. In this context,brother or sister means: A natural brother orsister (including adopted siblings); step brotheror sister; foster brother or sister; those who liveas brother or sister in the same house.

4 Child’s health reasons. Written medical evidencefrom a general practitioner or hospital consultantmust be provided which demonstrates a specifichealth reason, which requires the child to attendChatham Grammar School for Boys.

5 Distance from children’s homes as determinedusing the Medway Council measure.


DFE number: 887 4068 PAN: 146

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Chatham Grammar School for GirlsHigh Performing School for Modern Foreign Languages

At CGSG we provide a friendly and supportiveenvironment where able students can achieve theiracademic potential and develop a range of skills thatwill equip them effectively for the future. Our recordof high academic achievement and our success inguiding students to higher education are due to theexpertise of our well qualified and experiencedteaching staff and the care, guidance and supportprovided by our dedicated pastoral team.

Our broad and balanced curriculum providesnumerous opportunities for students to developthe knowledge, skills and understanding that willenable them to access a wide range ofopportunities in the future. It ranges from thetraditional to the modern, such as Latin and threeforeign languages to GCSE Computer Science. Thecurriculum is designed to develop responsiblecitizens of the future who will contribute activelyto the communities in which they live and work.

Whilst we encourage our students to aim for highacademic achievement, it is equally important to usthat they enjoy their experience at CGSG. To thisend, our curriculum is complemented by a widerange of extra-curricular opportunities designed toprovide rich experiences and to inspire a life-longpassion for learning.

Mrs Christine Probin, Headteacher

Headteacher: Mrs Christine Probin Rainham Road, Chatham ME5 7EH01634 851262Email: postbox@chathamgirlsgrammar.

Open sessions

Open evening: Tuesday, 9 October

Open mornings: Monday, 15 to Saturday, 20 October.

For admission enquiries please contact Mrs D Simmonds, PA to Headteacher

Admission and oversubscription criteria

Admission: Entry is with testing (either theMedway Test or Kent Test)

Oversubscription:After the admission of pupils with Statements ofSpecial Educational Needs which name the school.a) Children in public care – as defined in the

Medway Council Co-ordinated AdmissionsScheme.

b) Current family association (i.e. elder brother orsister in Chatham Grammar School for Girls orChatham Grammar School for Boys at the timeof application or who will be still attendingwhen the applicant is admitted. In this context,brother or sister means: A natural brother orsister (including adopted siblings); step brotheror sister; foster brother or sister; those who liveas brother and sister in the same house.

c) Distance from the pupil’s home as determinedusing Medway Council measure.


Type Area Age range Single sex/ Number of prefs Places allocated Lowest score offered Access area Expected roll Statusmixed 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011

Grammar Chatham 11 – 18 Girls 424 389 82 76 N/A N/A No 850 Academy

DFE number: 887 5429 PAN: 142

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Type Area Age range Single sex/ Number of prefs Places allocated Furthest distance offered Access area Expected roll Statusmixed 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011

Grammar Chatham 11 – 18 Girls 461 444 120 120 7.75km 7.91km No 800 Academy

Fort Pitt Grammar SchoolSpecialism: Science and Mathematics

Fort Pitt is an OfSTED “outstanding” grammarschool, a new academy and a science college with amathematics specialism.

There is no doubt that our main focus at school isacademic excellence and our students achieve someof the highest grades in Kent and Medway.However, we also encourage our students to developtheir full creative ability and our artists, actors,musicians and dancers have established themselvesas among the very best in Kent and Medway. Ourstudents’ sporting achievements have been equallyformidable. We take pride in the accomplishmentsof all our students and we are keen to acknowledgeand reward excellence in all fields.

We are a forward thinking, fast moving and caringcommunity with a real commitment to traditionalvalues and beliefs. School rules are few but theyare guided by the principles of tolerance, respectand excellence.

We look forward to welcoming you to the schoolat our open evening in September or our openmornings in October.

Carol WinnHeadteacher

Headteacher: Carol Winn

Fort Pitt Hill, Chatham ME4 6TJ

01634 842359

Email: [email protected]

Open sessions

Open evening: Thursday, 13 September, 6 – 9pm

Open mornings: Monday, 15 to Friday, 19 October,9 – 11am

For admission enquiries please contact theHeadteacher

Admission and oversubscription criteria

Admission: Entry is with testing

Oversubscription:1 Looked After Children / Children in Local

Authority Care - as defined in the MedwayCouncil Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme.

2 Siblings - The sister of a girl who will still beattending the school at the time the studentwould be admitted. In this context sibling meanschildren who live as sisters in the same house,including natural sisters, adopted sisters,stepsisters and foster sisters.

3 Girls residing within two miles of the schoolmeasured the Medway Council GeographicalInformation System.

4 Girls residing in one of the named parishes below.Should it be necessary these places will beallocated according to nearness of home to school,using the shortest, safe walking distance,measured by the Medway Council GeographicalInformation System: Allhallows , Cliffe and CliffeWoods, Cooling, Cuxton, Frindsbury Extra, Halling,High Halstow, Hoo St Werburgh, St James, Isle ofGrain, St Mary Hoo and Stoke. Please note that theprospective student’s address must be where theyare living at the time of the application and this


DFE number: 887 4069 PAN: 120

will be checked. If the address is not the student’snormal place of residence and an offer of a placehas already been made, it will be withdrawn.

5 All other eligible girls seeking a school place andthese will be allocated according to nearness ofhome to school, using the shortest, safe walkingdistance, measured by the Medway CouncilGeographical Information System.

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Greenacre SchoolA high performing specialist school with sports college and raising achievement status

Greenacre is an oversubscribed, well equippedschool set in extensive grounds. An all weathersports pitch and a food technology hall have beenadded during the past year.

In February 2011 Ofsted inspectors concluded thatthe school was good with outstanding features.‘Exemplary care, guidance and support, as well as outstanding work with partnershiporganisations (including all local primary schools),contribute to students’ good outcomes’. Further,‘students make good progress in most lessons’.

The maximum number of boys in a teaching groupis 30 with many operating at 15 or less. In academicsubjects, boys are placed in sets of similar abilityincluding fast tracked groups in English andmathematics throughout the school. Learningmentors work with small groups or individuals.Strategies such as these are ensuring that GCSEresults continue to improve almost year on year.

In partnership with Walderslade Girls’ School, a largeand thriving Walderslade Joint Sixth Form has, as theinspectors made clear, ‘a good curriculum with clearroutes into both academic and applied courses’.

Andrew ReeseHeadteacher

Headteacher: Mr Andrew Reese

157 Walderslade Road, Chatham ME5 0LP

01634 861593

Email: [email protected]

Open sessions

Open evening: Tuesday, 16 October, 6 – 9.30pm

Daytime tours: Monday, 8 to Friday, 12 Octoberfrom 9.15am

For admission enquiries please contact Mrs Susan Bond

Admission and oversubscription criteria

Admission: Entry is without testing

Oversubscription: After the admission of pupilswith statements of Special Educational Needswhere Greenacre School is specifically named, thefollowing over-subscription criteria will be appliedin the order in which they are set out below:1 Children in public care/looked after children

and previously looked after children as definedin the Medway Council Co-ordinatedAdmissions Scheme.

2 Sibling - a brother/sister attending the namedschool at the time of application and who willstill be attending in September 2013.

3 Child’s health reasons.4 Residence in the Greenacre School access area. 5 Nearness of children’s home.

Tiebreaker – in the event of a tie within anycriterion, places will be allocated to those livingclosest to the school measured by the shortavailable walking route.


Type Area Age range Single sex/ Number of prefs Places allocated Furthest distance offered Access area Expected roll Statusmixed 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011

Academy Walderslade 11 – 18 Boys 309 300 160 160 1.97km 2.46km Yes 930 Academy

DFE number: 887 4174 PAN: 160

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Type Area Age range Single sex/ Number of prefs Places allocated Lowest score offered Access area Expected roll Statusmixed 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011

Grammar Rainham 11-18 Mixed 499 472 175 175 505 508 No 1220 Academy

Rainham Mark Grammar SchoolSpecialism: Science

At Rainham Mark Grammar School (RMGS) weprovide a co-educational selective education ofthe highest quality.

Ofsted report, October 2008, stated ‘Rainham MarkGrammar School provides good quality educationfor its pupils. It also has many outstanding featuresto its work… Standards in GCSE examinations areexceptionally and consistently high.’

Excellent facilities include:• a new sports hall, comprising a dance studio,fitness suite and main hall with three full-lengthcricket nets.

• specialist teaching suites for all subject areas; • a purpose-built music block with a recital hall andrecording studio.

Our strengths include:• outstanding pastoral care and careers guidance;• excellent relationships between staff withdiscipline firmly based on a tradition of mutualcare and respect;

• boys and girls make exceptional progress in acaring, co-educational and academically rigorousenvironment. We achieved the highest averageA2 grade in Medway in both 2011 and 2012.

• broad curriculum choice and sensible accelerationfor the most gifted students;

• a strong tradition of extra-curricular activitiesand trips;

• 20 Good Schools Guide Awards.

Headteacher: Mr S Decker MSc, MSc(Ed)

Pump Lane, Gillingham ME8 7AJ

01634 364151

Email: [email protected]

Open sessions

Open evening: Thursday, 11 October, 5 – 7pmHeadteacher talks at 6.30pm

Open morning: Saturday, 13 October, 10am – 12noon Headteacher talks at 11.30pm

Parents are welcome to visit the school at any timeby appointment.Tours of the school during a working day can betaken from 9am to 3pm from Monday, 15 Octoberto Friday, 19 October. We are unable to offeradditional tours after 19 October. Please contactthe school to make an appointment.

For admission enquiries please contact Mrs Bourne, Head of Lower School

Admission and oversubscription criteria

Admission: Entry is with testing

Oversubscription:1 Children in Public Care, as defined in the

Medway Council Co-ordinated AdmissionsScheme to include children who are adoptedand were previously looked after as defined in the Medway Council Co-ordinatedAdmissions Scheme.

2 In rank order of score as determined byMedway’s selection procedures.

3 In the event of two or more pupils having equalranking for the last place the deciding factorwill be the shortest available safe walkingdistance between the home address and RMGSas measured by the Medway CouncilGeographical Information System anddetermined by Medway Council.


DFE number: 887 5420 PAN: 175

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Rainham School for GirlsSpecialism: Technology

Do you want your daughter to be happy, developher interests, talents and achieve academic success?Then look no further than Rainham School for Girls.

We pride ourselves on offering an education thatbalances academic challenge, support for eachindividual and an innovative and excitingcurriculum. Our students develop their talents increative and academic areas and we cater forstudents of all abilities, from those who lackconfidence to the highest achievers who remain inour sixth form and progress to university.

In Year 7 classes are organised to support students’abilities, including two new fast track “Stellar”groups aimed at the most able and following anaccelerated curriculum. Our transitionarrangements are second to none. Beforetransferring we liaise closely with primary schoolsto ensure students are placed appropriately fortheir individual development. Our well qualified,experienced staff and excellent facilities supportyour daughters in developing their potential.

Pastoral care is equally important to us. Relationshipswithin school are very good with high expectationsof behaviour firmly based in a tradition of mutualrespect. We are committed to ensuring success for alland very much value partnership with parents.

Headteacher: Ms K Roberts

Derwent Way, Rainham, Gillingham ME8 0BX

01634 362746

Email: [email protected]

Open sessions

Open evening: Wednesday, 10 October, 6 – 8pm

Open morning: Saturday, 15 September, 10am – 12noon

Daytime tours: Monday, 8 to Friday, 12 October(two sessions, 9 – 10.30am and 11.15am – 12.45pm)Wednesday, 10 and Thursday, 11 October byappointment only

For admission enquiries please contact Mrs Lee

Admission and oversubscription criteria

Admission: Entry is without testing

Oversubscription: • Children in public care, and those who have beenin care and have been subsequently adopted orhave been made subject of a residence order orspecial guardianship.

• Children who at the time of application have asibling (including children living as siblings in thesame family unit) on the roll of the school and whowill be on roll at the time of the siblings admission,or were on roll in the preceding five years.

• Child’s health reasons. Medical evidence must beprovided which demonstrates a specific healthreason which requires the child to attend thepreferred school.

• Children of a member of staff working at thisschool for two or more years at time ofapplication for admission, or appointed to askill shortage subject.

• Residence in access area see page 39 for details.• Nearness of student’s home. The distancecalculated by Medway Council’s GeographicalInformation Software. Please see page 30 fordetails about how the distance is measured.


Type Area Age range Single sex/ Number of prefs Places allocated Furthest distance offered Access area Expected roll Statusmixed 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011

Academy Rainham 11 – 18 Girls 456 439 270 257 12.47km N/A Yes 1550 Academy

DFE number: 887 4199 PAN: 270

In the event of a tie within any criterion, places willbe allocated to those living closest to the schoolmeasured by the shortest available walking route.

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Type Area Age range Single sex/ Number of prefs Places allocated Furthest distance offered Access area Expected roll Statusmixed 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011

Grammar Rochester 11 – 18 Boys 444 427 168 168 6.62km 7.92km No 1212 Academy

Sir Joseph Williamson’sMathematical SchoolSpecialism: Mathematics, Computing and Humanities

In November 2008, we received our second‘outstanding’ judgement from Ofsted, with thelead inspector noting in her report that ‘a buzz ofexcitement pervades the school.’

Five core values underpin our work:• We ensure the highest standards of achievement.• We provide all students with an exciting,challenging and enjoyable curriculum that willprepare them for a rapidly changing, technologydominated world.

• We promote courtesy, tolerance and respect for others.

• We place great emphasis on personaldevelopment and well-being.

• We work in partnership with parents and thewider community.

We have excellent sport facilities. The school hasbeen extended over the years by the provision of aSixth Form Centre, Mathematics Block and a largerMusic suite. A new building for Design Technologyand Art was opened in April 2012 and our EnglishBlock is currently being refurbished.

With highly-qualified teaching staff, responsivepupils and supportive parents, we believe we candevelop the young people in our care into youngadults of whom both the parents and the schoolcan be justifiably proud.

Executive Principal: Dr G Holden

Maidstone Road, Rochester ME1 3EL

01634 844008

Email: [email protected]

[email protected]

Open sessions

Open evening: Thursday, 24 October, 6 – 9pm

Parents can visit the school during open mornings,week beginning 15 October.

For admission enquiries please contact Mrs Jacqueline Harrison, PA to Headteacher

Admission and oversubscription criteria

Admission: Entry is with testing

Oversubscription:• Children in public care (as defined in the MedwayCouncil Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme).

• Children who at the time of application have abrother or sister (including children living assiblings in the same family unit) on the roll of theschool at the time of the sibling’s admission.

• Child’s health reasons, supported by medicalevidence, which requires the child to attend this school.

• Nearness of children’s homes.Distance will be measured by the shortestavailable safe walking route between home andschool as measured by the council’s geographicalinformation system. Those living closer to theschool will receive the higher priority. MedwayCouncil’s Geographical Information Systemmeasures the start point, end point and distanceof each route.


DFE number: 887 4530 PAN: 168

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St John Fisher Catholic School

St John Fisher has a strong Christian ethos andseeks to develop the whole child as well asenabling them to reach their full academicpotential. The school mission statement amplifiesthis further as we seek to encourage students todevelop individually and collectively a way of lifemodelled on Christ.

St John Fisher Catholic School is within a selectivearea, which caters for all abilities including themore able within a Christian ethos. St John FisherSchool is working as a new Academy in partnershipwith St Paul’s, a flagship of excellence within theArchdiocese of Southwark.

Students of all faiths are welcomed into our school.All children in our school are safe, happy andsuccessful. We have a dedicated Lower School foryears 7 and 8 only. This creates a caring andnurturing small school which makes transition fromprimary to secondary much easier for children.

All prospective parents need to complete both theMedway form and the St John Fishersupplementary admission form.

C L BurnettHeadteacher

Headteacher: Mrs C Burnett

Executive Principal: Mr P Winston

Lower school: 79 Maidstone Road, Chatham ME4 6DP

01634 335787

Upper school: Ordnance Street, Chatham ME4 6SG

01634 335757

Email: [email protected]

Open sessions

Open morning: Saturday, 13 October, 9am –12 noon

For admission enquiries please contact Mrs A Bovis

Admission and oversubscription criteria

Admission: Entry is without testing.

Oversubscription:1 Looked after Catholic children or looked after

children in the care of Catholic families andpreviously looked after Catholic children whohave been adopted or who have become thesubject of a residence or guardianship order.

2 Catholic children, a baptismal certificate or evidenceof reception into the Catholic Church mustaccompany the supplementary information form.See note a.

3 Children enrolled in the catechumenate.Evidence of enrolment in the catechumenate willbe required.

4 Other looked after children and other previouslylooked after children who have been adopted orwho have become the subject of a residence orguardianship order.

5 Non Catholic children who have attended aCatholic primary partner school, that is: English Martyrs’, StroodSt Augustine of Canterbury, RainhamSt Benedict’s, LordswoodSt Edward’s, SheppeySt Mary’s, GillinghamSt Michael’s, Chatham


Type Area Age range Single sex/ Number of prefs Places allocated Furthest distance offered Access area Expected roll Statusmixed 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011

Comprehensive Chatham 11 - 19 Mixed 291 308 97 139 N/A N/A No 1050

DFE number: 887 5436 PAN: 180

Voluntary Aided

Admission and oversubscription criteriacontinued over page.

Page 52: Secondary school admissions 2013 entry

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Admission and oversubscription criteria continued

St Peter’s, SittingbourneSt Thomas More, WaldersladeSt Thomas of Canterbury, RainhamSt William of Perth, Rochester.

6 Children of families who are members of otherChristian denominations that are part ofChurches Together in England. Evidence ofBaptism (or dedication) provided by a priest orminister of a designated place of worship will be required.

7 Children who are members of other faiths.Evidence of membership of the faith providedby a priest, minister or religious leader of adesignated place of worship will be required.

8 Any other children.

The following order of priorities will be appliedwhen applications within any of the abovecategories exceed the places available and it isnecessary to decide between applications.

I A brother or sister on the school roll at the timeof admission. Evidence of the relationship maybe required. See note b.

II Social, pastoral and medical needs which makethe school particularly suitable for the child inquestion. Strong and relevant evidence must beprovided by an appropriate professional authority(eg qualified medical practitioner, educationwelfare officer, social worker or priest).

III Proximity to the school from the child's homeaddress. See note c.

Notesa Catholics include members of the Ordinariate

and the Latin and Oriental Rite Churches thatare in union with the Bishop of Rome.Reference to other Christian denominationsrefers to denominations that are full membersof Churches Together in England.

b A brother or sister means children who live asbrother and sister including natural brothers orsisters, adopted siblings, stepbrothers or sistersand foster brothers or sisters. It would notinclude other relatives eg cousins.

c Home refers to the permanent home address atwhich the child lives for the majority of his/hertime and with the parent who is in receipt ofchild benefit. The distance calculated is theshortest available safe walking route known tothe geographical information home/distancesoftware used by Medway Council’s StudentServices Admissions Team. This graphicalinformation software may not know allfootpaths that are in existence and certain newroads may not be known. Where a footpath ornew road is not known to the software analternative route will be used. Where a child’shome is situated on a new road the distancecalculation will begin from the nearest availableknown road plotted in the software. Newdevelopments may be subject to this. In certaincases it may not be possible to calculate adistance where the entire route is deemed as asafe walking route. In these circumstances thedistance calculated is used purely to prioritisean application for admission. There is noexpectation that the walk should be taken.

d Looked after children are those in the care of apublic authority and are in public care.Applications made under this criterion must beaccompanied by details of circumstance andprofessionally supported evidence (eg from anappropriate social worker).

Page 53: Secondary school admissions 2013 entry

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Type Area Age range Single sex/ Number of prefs Places allocated Furthest distance offered Access area Expected roll Statusmixed 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011

Academy Strood 11 – 18 Mixed 395 454 201 240 N/A N/A No 1350 Academy

Strood AcademySpecialism: Mathematics and Business and Enterprise

Strood is the first of Medway’s new academies with new buildings opening in September 2012,providing exceptional accommodation for teachingand learning.

Our lead sponsor is the University for the Creative Arts and our specialist subjects aremathematics and business and enterprise. Thesecompliment our existing strengths in English,science, sports and the arts, providingoutstanding opportunities for young people.

Our academy is for children of all abilities,providing a safe and well managed learningenvironment. Since opening, academicperformance has risen very sharply at GCSE,doubling the number of young people achievingfive ‘good’ GCSE grades. Our sixth form has grownto 240 students who progress to university, collegeor employment. All children are monitored closelywith reports to parents every six weeks and anopen door policy to meet with our staff.

We set high standards for academic performanceand have equally high expectations for positiveattitudes and behaviour. Prospective parents arevery welcome to visit the academy in session.

A daily minibus service is planned to run fromChatham and Rochester from September 2013.

Principal: Mr Richard Hart BEd, MA

Carnation Road, Strood, Rochester ME2 2SX

01634 717121

Email: [email protected]

Open sessions

Open evening: Wednesday, 3 October 6 – 8pm

Open mornings: Monday, 8 to Thursday, 11October, 10.30am

For admission enquiries please contact the PA tothe Principal

Admission and oversubscription criteria

Admission: Entry is without testing.

Oversubscription: Places are first offered to thosechildren with a statement of special educationalneeds, where the academy is named. Then, if thenumber of preferences exceeds the number ofplaces, the following priority order will apply: • Children in public care (as defined in the MedwayCouncil Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme)

• Current family association (i.e. elder brother orsister in the Academy at time of application whowill still be attending in September 2013. In thiscontext, brother or sister means:

• A natural brother or sister (including adoptedsiblings)

• Step brother or sister • Foster brother or sister • Those who live as brother or sister in the same house

• Child’s health reasons. Medical evidence must beprovided which demonstrates a specific healthreason which requires the child to attend theStrood Academy

• Nearness of children’s homes - Distance will bemeasured by the shortest available safe walking


DFE number: 887 6905 PAN: 240

route between home and school as measuredby the Medway Council’s GeographicalInformation System.

Page 54: Secondary school admissions 2013 entry

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The Howard SchoolSpecialism: Physical Education, Sport and ICT

The Howard School is unique to Medway and oneof just five 11 - 18 bilateral* schools in the UK. We are able to admit both grammar and highschool students. Students have genuineopportunities to achieve success and we are ableto offer the flexibility for promotion for highschool students into our grammar school.

We are a top performing, extremely popular andsuccessful school. Attainment and achievementlevels are impressive at all key stages. We have anopen sixth form and many of our studentsprogress to university. Success extends beyond theclassroom; we regularly dominate Medway,county and national sporting competitions.Achievement in drama and music are second tonone in the area.

We offer an incredible range of extra-curricularactivities, a gifted and talented programme, andan elite athletes’ group. The school is a trainingbase for the 2012 Olympics. ICT provision issecond to none and our learning supportdepartment is excellent. The atmosphere isfriendly and links with parents/carers are strong.We work together to encourage students tosucceed socially and academically.

Headteacher: The Hon Paul Morris

BA (Hons), PGCE, DipEd, NPQH, LLE

Derwent Way, Rainham ME8 0BX

01634 388765

Email: [email protected]

Open sessions

Open evening: Tuesday, 9 October, 5.30pm there will be talks at 5.30 and 6.30pm.

Open mornings: Wednesday, 10 and Thursday, 11October, 8.35 – 10.30am

For admission enquiries please contact Mr M Capelin

Admission and oversubscription criteria

Admission: Entry is without testing

Oversubscription:1 Looked After Children as defined in the Medway

Council Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme.2 Where a child has a natural brother (including

adopted siblings), stepbrother, foster brother andthose who live as a brother in the same housecurrently attending the school and will still be onroll at the time of entry.

3 Child’s health reasons. Medical evidence must beprovided which demonstrates a specific healthreason which requires a child to attend thepreferred school.

4 Where the child resides within the access area.Priority given to those nearest the school.

5 Nearness of child’s home. Distance will bemeasured by the shortest available safe walkingroute between home and school as measured byMedway Council.

*Bi-lateral status: All applicants are consideredagainst the published criteria. In line with theschool’s bi-lateral status, once places have beenallocated the school will assign up to 25 per centof places in the Year 7 intake to children who


Type Area Age range Single sex/ Number of prefs Places allocated Furthest distance offered Access area Expected roll Statusmixed 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011

Bi-lateral* Rainham 11 – 19 Boys 474 446 250 250 8.37km 9.55km Yes 1410 Foundation

DFE number: 887 5457 PAN: 250

have been deemed selective under the MedwayTest. Medway Council will provide the school withthe details of those boys offered a place whohave been deemed as selective. The school willuse this information to place those boys into thegrammar stream.

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Type Area Age range Single sex/ Number of prefs Places allocated Furthest distance offered Access area Expected roll Statusmixed 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011

Academy Hoo 11 – 18 Mixed 356 389 240 224 N/A N/A Yes 1300 Academy

The Hundred of Hoo SchoolSpecialism: Media and Performing Arts

The Hundred of Hoo is a member of theWilliamson Trust and is a vibrant and excitinglearning community, committed to:• the highest standards of achievement, shown byour rapidly improving results and praise byOfsted for leadership, behaviour, provision forspecial needs and community links;

• a challenging and enjoyable curriculum for all,including a ‘grammar’ stream and specialistprovision for children with Autistic spectrumdisorder (ASD);

• excellent pastoral care within our four learningcommunities;

• close partnership with parents – progress gradesare sent home six times a year.

We offer:• outstanding learning resources, including a TVstudio and state-of-the-art ICT equipment;

• extensive sports facilities, including an Astroturfpitch and easy access to the local swimming pool;

• excellent extra-curricular opportunities, especiallyin performing arts.

Our simple aim is to ensure that students set theirsights high, achieve to the best of their ability andexcel in all they do, so that when they leave us, we,and you, can be justly proud of them.

Gary Vyse, Head of School

Executive Principal: Dr Gary Holden

Head of School: Gary Vyse

Main Road, Hoo, Rochester ME3 9HH

01634 251443

Email: [email protected]

Open sessions

Open evening: Thursday, 11 October

For admission enquiries please contact the school office

Admission and oversubscription criteria

Admission: Entry is without testing

Oversubscription:1 Children in public care, as defined in the Medway

Council Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme.2 Children who at the time of application have a

brother or sister (including children living assiblings* in the same family unit) on the roll ofthe school and who will still be on roll at thetime of the sibling’s admission.*Sibling means brother or sister, step brother orsister, foster brother or sister and those who liveas brother or sister in the same house.

3 Child’s health reasons. Medical evidence must beprovided which demonstrates a specific healthreason which requires a child to attend thepreferred school.

4 Residence within the access area. See page 39.5 Nearness of children’s homes to The Hundred of

Hoo School. Nearness to The Hundred of HooSchool will be measured using Medway Council’sGeographical Information System based on theshortest distance from home to school. See page30 for details.


DFE number: 887 4000 PAN: 270

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The Robert Napier SchoolSpecialism: Humanities College

Robert Napier is a foundation co-educational schoolcommitted to academic excellence for all students.

Our aims are to:• embrace students of all abilities, enabling each

one to achieve and aspire to excellence in allthey do;

• provide inspirational teaching and learning forall young people at our school;

• reward all achievements;• develop qualities of self-discipline, integrity,respect, honesty, trust, and compassion;

• develop an effective partnership with all parents;• encourage links with, and an understanding ofindustry and commerce

• prepare students for the responsibilities,opportunities and experiences of adult life.

In order to achieve these aims the school hasdeveloped a highly successful pastoral system,ensuring all members of staff are responsible forthe progress and well-being of every student. Our curriculum encourages students to valuethemselves and others, and to develop theirintellectual, spiritual and creative talents. Webelieve that we can offer your child a safe andstimulating environment in which to reach theirfull potential.

Headteacher: Miss Fiona Miller BA (Hons), MSc Oxon

Third Avenue, Gillingham ME7 2LX

01634 851157

Email: [email protected]

Open sessions

Open evening: Thursday, 20 September

Open mornings: Tuesday, 9 to Thursday, 11October

For admission enquiries please contact Mrs J Lusinski

Admission and oversubscriptioncriteria

Admission: Students applying for entry musttake a Fair Banding Test, see page 43 for details.

Oversubscription:a Children in public care, or previously looked

after (as defined in the Medway Council Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme).

b Current family association (i.e. elder brother orsister in the school at time of application whowill still be attending when the applicant childis admitted. This means: A natural brother orsister (including adopted siblings); Step brotheror sister; Foster brother or sister; Those who liveas brother or sister in the same house.

c Children of staff (where the member of staff hasbeen employed for two years or more at thetime at which the application for admission tothe school is made and/or where the member ofstaff is recruited to fill a vacant post for whichthere is a demonstrable skill shortage).

d Nearness of children’s homes.e Random selection within bands.

Students who have not taken the banding test(apart from children in care and statemented


Type Area Age range Single sex/ Number of prefs Places allocated Furthest distance offered Access area Expected roll Statusmixed 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011

High Gillingham 11 – 18 Mixed 512 696 182 240 N/A 2.34km No 1330 Foundation

DFE number: 887 5423 PAN: 210

students who must always be given priority) will beconsidered after children who have sat thebanding test. They will be prioritised on the basisof criteria a to d above.

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Fair Banding TestRobert Napier accepts students of all abilities,and in order to secure an all ability intake, allapplicants for admission should take a FairBanding test which is prescribed by NationalFoundation for Educational Research (NFER). This is not a pass or fail test. It determineswhich band each child will be placed in, shouldthey be successful in gaining a place at RobertNapier. All applicants for places in the schoolwill be banded according to the principles ofFair Banding, using the national profile.

Children in public care (Looked After Childrenas defined in the Medway Co-ordinatedAdmission Scheme) including those with a SENstatement, will be required to take the FairBanding test.

Medway operate an equal preference systemwhich means that parents/carers who intend toput Robert Napier down on the preference formas either first, second, third, fourth, fifth orsixth choice will need to take the school FairBanding test.

The test will be administered duringSeptember/October – a year ahead of entry.Parents and carers can access the test for theirchild by filling in and returning a testregistration form which will be available via the school website andfrom the school reception from 11 June till 13July 2012. This test registration form should bereturned by the deadlines indicated on theregistration form together with the preferredtest date. All applicants will be offered fair

access to the test, and reminders of when andwhere the tests are being held.

The applicants will be split into five equally sized bands based on their NFER results. Within each band places will be offered in thefollowing order: a Children in public care or previously looked

after, but no longer so because they have beenadopted (or become subject to a residenceorder or special guardianship order).

b Statemented children.

Then the order will be as described in theoversubscription criteria on page 56.

Page 58: Secondary school admissions 2013 entry

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Type Area Age range Single sex/ Number of prefs Places allocated Lowest score offered Access area Expected roll Statusmixed 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011

Grammar Rochester 11 – 18 Girls 449 439 175 165 514 513 No 1140 Academy

The Rochester Grammar SchoolA designated National Teaching School, Advanced Thinking School and National Support School

Ofsted Outstanding: “A key feature of this schooland its success is the ethos for learning” - Ofsted.Our students are happy and feel supported; they love to learn and want to think and discoverfor themselves.

The Rochester Grammar School (RGS) iscommitted to the highest standards in education.Our academic results are outstanding and weconsistently appear in The Times Top 100 StateSchools. We provide a world-class educationincluding a world qualification – theInternational Baccalaureate. In 2010 the RGSbecame accredited as an Advanced ThinkingSchool, committed to the development ofcognitive education and we are now anacknowledged regional centre of excellence forThinking. Currently we are supportinginternational research and development.

We celebrate the achievements of all our studentsin a wide range of enrichment activities, withnumerous clubs and groups across the school.

We have high expectations for all students,believing that each has a particular talent to offer.Our mission statement is “furthering excellencethrough support, encouragement andachievement” for each student.

Executive Principal: Ms D Shepherd, MA, NPQH, NLE

Headteacher: Mr S Gardner, BA(Hons), NPQH

Maidstone Road, Rochester ME1 3BY

01634 843049

Email: [email protected]

Open sessions

Open days: Monday, 15 to Friday, 19 October, 9 – 11.15am

For admission enquiries please contact Mrs J Smith,PA to Executive Principal

Admission and oversubscription criteria

Admission: Entry is with testing.Places will first be offered to any selective girl witha Statement of Special Educational Needs whereThe Rochester Grammar School is named.

Oversubscription: If the number of RGSpreference selective girls received via the MedwayCouncil Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme exceedsthe number of places available at the school, placeswill be allocated in the following priority order:(a) Children in public care – as defined in the

Medway co-ordinated admissions scheme.(b) Where a pupil can demonstrate a specific

musical aptitude, as assessed by gradedexaminations. Parents/carers should write to theChairman of Governors using the expression ofinterest form with details. Two places annuallywill be awarded, given eligible candidates.

(c) In rank order based on the scores achieved inthe tests. In the event that two pupils haveequal ranking for the last place, priority will begiven to the pupil whose permanent address isthe nearest to The Rochester Grammar School,as measured by using Medway Council’sGeographical Information System.


DFE number: 887 5445 PAN: 175

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The Thomas Aveling SchoolAn academy for success

Thomas Aveling is a popular and consistently over-subscribed school with outstanding facilities andresources, offering an excellent education for all,including the most able. We provide exciting andchallenging learning opportunities in a creativeand happy environment, with the highestexpectations for children in every aspect of schoollife. Our broad curriculum provides a smoothtransition from primary school, with most studentsfollowing a three-year Key Stage 4, leading to thewidest possible choice at age 16 and beyond. Ourresults have risen steeply over the past eight yearsand our recent Ofsted inspection recognised us as agood school with a happy and lively atmosphereand a sense of shared purpose. We offer a wideand exciting range of out-of-hours activities, fullyutilising our purpose built sports hall, performingarts centre, sixth form suite, science laboratoriesand community library.

We believe that partnership with parents is pivotal forthe success of our students, and regular opportunitiesare provided for parental participation. Staff andstudents are justifiably proud of their school andprospective parents and children are very welcometo visit during any of our open sessions.

Paul Jackson, Headteacher

Headteacher: Mr P Jackson

Arethusa Road, Rochester ME1 2UW

01634 844809

Email: [email protected]

Open sessions

Open evening: Wednesday, 11 July, 6 – 8.30pmHeadteacher will speak at 6.15 and 7pm

Open mornings: Tuesday, 9, Wednesday, 10 andThursday, 11 October, 9.15 – 10.45am

For admission enquiries please contact Mrs Y Akrill

Admission and oversubscription criteria

Admission: Entry is without testing

Oversubscription:a) Children in public care – as defined in the Medway

Council Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme.b) Current Family Association, i.e. an older sibling

who is on the roll of the school when theapplication is made, living in the samehousehold, who must still be attending at thepoint of entry in September 2013.Sibling means an older brother or sister, stepbrother or sister, foster brother or sister, orthose who live as brother or sister in the samehouse. In all cases, children must reside in thesame household.

c) Residence within an access area, details as shownon school website.

d) Nearness of children’s homes.

The governors of The Thomas Aveling School haveadopted Medway Council’s criteria for measuringthe nearness of children’s homes to the school whenallocating school places. Distance will be measuredby the shortest available safe walking routebetween home and the school, as measured by


Type Area Age range Single sex/ Number of prefs Places allocated Furthest distance offered Access area Expected roll Statusmixed 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011

Academy Rochester 11-18 Mixed 575 631 190 180 2.58km 2.15km Yes 1110 Academy

DFE number: 887 5451 PAN: 190

Medway Council’s Geographical Information System. In the event of a tie break with any criteria,nearness of children’s homes will normally decidewhich child is allocated the final place.

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Type Area Age range Single sex/ Number of prefs Places allocated Furthest distance offered Access area Expected roll Statusmixed 2012 2011 2012 2011 2012 2011

Academy Walderslade 11 – 18 Girls 272 288 147 152 N/A N/A Yes 900 Academy

Walderslade Girls’ SchoolSpecialism: Humanities and the Arts

Walderslade Girls’ School (WGS) is a strong andsuccessful school, providing a vibrant, purposefuland secure environment where the highestpossible standards of work and behaviour areexpected and achieved. Our committed staff sharetheir passion for the excitement and challenge oflearning and the girls are encouraged to takeresponsibility for their progress and, by doing so,develop their self esteem and purpose as confidentyoung women facing the future with enthusiasm.

Ofsted report (Feb 2011) stated “This is a goodschool where students achieve well. Students areproud of their school and the opportunities itoffers, reflected in their high levels of attendanceand the good progress made”.

The school’s specialist strengths in English,humanities and the arts make a positive contributionto the broad and balanced curriculum culminating inour well proven record of GCSE success.

Post 16, most pupils from WGS and Greenacrefollow the wide range of academic and vocationalcourses offered by our successful Walderslade JointSixth form (Ofsted report: Good) and our widerpartnership providers.

Headteacher: Mrs P K Conibeer

Bradfields Avenue, Walderslade, Chatham ME5 0LE

01634 861596

Email: [email protected]

Open sessions

Open evening: Tuesday, 16 October, 6 – 8.30pm

Open mornings: Wednesday, 17 to Friday, 19October, 9am – 12noon

For admission enquiries please contact theheadteacher

Admission and oversubscription criteria

Admission: Entry is without testing

Oversubscription:1 Children in public care - as defined in the Medway

Council Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme.2 Sibling - a sister attending Walderslade Girls

School at the time of application and who willstill be attending in September 2013. Siblingmeans children who live as brother/sister in thesame house and includes natural siblings,adopted siblings, foster siblings and step siblings.Extended family, for example cousins, living inthe same house do not qualify as siblings.

3 Child’s health reasons – Medical evidence must beprovided to Medway Council. This evidence mustdemonstrate a specific link between the child’smedical condition and needs and how the namedschool can meet these needs.

4. Residence in the Walderslade Girls School access area.

5 Nearness of children’s home – as defined by Medway Council’s Geographical Information System.

In the event of a tie within any criterion, places willbe allocated to those living closest to the schoolmeasured by the short available walking route.


DFE number: 887 4167 PAN: 160

Page 61: Secondary school admissions 2013 entry

apply online Test request form

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ver of th

e booklet


Part two -parent/carer’s details



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Do y

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on 13 July, 2012.


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If they atten

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form sho

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t direct to:

Student Services Admissions Team

, Medway Council, Gun Wharf, Dock Road, Chatham

, Kent ME4 4TR.








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Apply o


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Page 62: Secondary school admissions 2013 entry

apply online

Page 63: Secondary school admissions 2013 entry

apply online

All Faiths' Children's Community School 887 2600

All Saints CE Primary School 887 3093

Allhallows Primary School 887 2570

Balfour Junior School 887 2214

Barnsole Primary School 887 2396

Bligh Junior School 887 2492

Brompton Westbrook Primary School 887 2646

Burnt Oak Primary School 887 3760

Byron Primary School 887 2644

Chattenden Primary School 887 2209

Cliffe Woods Primary School 887 2588

Cuxton Community Junior School 887 2540

Deanwood Primary School 887 2684

Delce Junior School 887 2413

Elaine Primary School 887 2671

English Martyrs' Catholic Primary School 887 3729

Fairview Community Primary School 887 3759

Featherby Junior School 887 2400

Glencoe Junior School 887 2196

Gordon Junior School 887 2218

Halling Primary School 887 2211

Hempstead Junior School 887 2403

High Halstow Primary School 887 2421

Hilltop Primary School 887 2499

Hoo St Werburgh Primary School andMarlborough Centre 887 2213

Horsted Junior School 887 2506

Kingfisher Primary School and Children's Centre 887 2652

Lordswood School 887 2448

Luton Junior School 887 2199

Maundene School 887 2580

Miers Court Primary School 887 2623

Napier Community Primary and Nursery School 887 2406

Medway Primary School DFE numbers

New Road Primary School and Nursery Unit 887 2202

Oaklands School 887 2433

Parkwood Junior School 887 2493

Riverside Primary School 887 3757

Saxon Way Primary School 887 2686

Sherwin Knight Community Junior School 887 2450

Skinner Street Primary School 887 2408

Spinnens Acre Junior School 887 2630

St Augustine of Canterbury Catholic Primary School 887 3752

St Benedict's RC Primary School 887 3753

St Helen's CE Primary School 887 3096

St James' CE VA Primary School 887 3327

St Margaret's at Troy Town CE VC Primary School 887 3293

St Margaret's CE Junior School 887 3195

St Mary's Catholic Primary School 887 3755

St Mary's Island CE Primary School 887 3756

St Michael's RC Primary School 887 3712

St Thomas More RC Primary School 887 3736

St Thomas of Canterbury RC Primary School 887 3732

St William Of Perth RC Primary School 887 3746

Stoke Lower Community School 887 2194

Temple Mill Primary School 887 2685

Thames View Primary School 887 2592

The Pilgrim School 887 3758

Twydall Primary School 887 2754

Wainscott Primary School 887 2210

Walderslade Primary School 887 2203

Warren Wood Community Primary School 887 2640

Wayfield Community Primary School and Nursery Unit 887 2668

Woodlands Primary School 887 2412

School name Number School name Number

Page 64: Secondary school admissions 2013 entry

Bengali 01634 331780

Chinese 01634 331781

Farsi/Dari 01634 331840

Gujarati 01634 331782

Hindi 01634 331783

Kurdish 01634 331841

Lithuanian 01634 332372

Slovak 01634 331839

Polish 01634 331781

Punjabi 01634 331784

Russian 01634 332374

Turkish 01634 331786

Urdu 01634 331785

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