  • Second Sunday of Easter

    (Divine Mercy)

    April 19, 2020

    Queen of Martyrs

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    BlessinG and sprinklinG of Holy Water

    GatHerinG sonG:Christ the Lord Is Risen Today (Gather, #523)

  • Gloria: Mass of Light

    Liturgy of the Wordfirst readinG: Acts 2:42–47

    responsorial psalm: Psalm 118: Let Us Rejoice Refrain: This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice

    and be glad; this is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad!

    second readinG: 1 Peter 1:3–9

    Gospel acclamation

    Gospel: John 20:19–31


    apostles’ creed

    Universal prayer: Response: Lord of Mercy, hear our prayer.


  • Liturgy of the eucharistpresentation of tHe Gifts

    Now the Green Blade Rises (Gather, #534)


    prayer over tHe Gifts

    sanctUs: Mass of Light

    memorial acclamation: We proclaim your Death, O Lord, and profess your Resurrection until you come again.

    Great amen: Mass of Light

    oUr fatHer

    lamB of God: Mass of Light

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    commUnion: You Are Mine (Gather, #721)

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    prayer after commUnion

    solemn BlessinG

    easter dismissal:

  • recessional:Sing to the Mountains (Gather, #519)


  • AnActofSpiritualCommunionPrayerMy Jesus,I believe that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.I love you above all things,and I desire to receive you into my soul.Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally,come at least spiritually into my heart.I embrace you as if you were already thereand unite myself wholly to you.Never permit me to be separated from you.Amen.

    St. Alphonsus Liguori

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