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Page 1: Seasons


Page 2: Seasons

There are four seasons: winter, spring, summer and

autumn (fall). Each season has its own typical weather conditions.

The weather remains nearly the same during the period of one season.

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During the summers it is very hot. The Sun shines brightly and the skies remain clear.The days become both warmer and longer.


The summer months are May, June, July and August.

The trees are full of fresh green leaves and are heavily laden with fruit.

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People love going to the beach or to the swimming pool. People switch on fans, coolers and air conditioners to cool the house.

In the summers, people like eating light food and cold things such as ice creams, sodas and lots of cold drinks.

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People love wearing light coloured cotton clothes like t shirts during the summer season.


As the sun's rays are very hot, we must wear caps, shades and also use a sunscreen lotion to protect ourselves.

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Autumn (Fall)

The months of the autumn season are September and October.

It is generally warm and sunny during the daytime, but can be cold at night. Autumn season also has strong winds and a lot of rain. It is neither very hot nor very cold. The days become shorter and nights become longer.

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Autumn (Fall)

But adults have a tough time raking up all the fallen leaves daily.

The leaves on the trees turn yellow, red and orange. They dry up and fall off the trees. Children love playing in the fallen leaves.

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Autumn (Fall)

Since the winds can be strong and storms occur, we should be careful while driving and walking on the roads with umbrellas.

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The air becomes very cold and the sun looses most of its heat. The Sun is no longer very bright. It is usually cold and wet. Many parts of the world get a lot of frost and snow during the winter months.The days become shorter and nights are very cold.

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The winter months are November, December and January.

Having shed all their leaves in autumn the trees are now bare. In some parts of the world they often get covered by snow.


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People wear woollen clothes, scarves, mufflers and gloves to keep warm. They also light fires and switch on heaters to keep the house warm.

Children enjoy playing in the snow and building snowmen. It is a season of joy and giving with Santa bringing lots of Christmas gifts.


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The days get slightly warmer. The weather is very cool and pleasant. But in some parts of the world it can sometimes become very windy or cold.The days and night are of nearly the same length.

The spring months are February, March and April.


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There is new life everywhere. The trees are full of fresh leaves and budding flowers. Birds begin to build their nests again in the trees.

People enjoy going for picnics and vacations. Children love playing outdoors.

