Page 1: Sean M. Wright … working with the Spirit Telephone: 661/259-7459

“For the dictatorship of relativism to end it will take nothing less than to achieve a human freedom which only matures in generosity and fidelity to truth … I believe the Church in America at this point in her history is faced with the challenge of recapturing the Catholic vision of reality and presenting it in an engaging and imaginative way … I think in particular of our need to speak to the hearts of the young people who despite a constant exposure to messages counter to the Gospel continue to thirst for authenticity, goodness and truth, I am sure. Much remains to be done on the level of preaching and catechesis in parishes and schools.” -– Pope Benedict XVI, address to US Bishops, April 16, 2008

BRINGING CATHOLIC CULTURE BACK TO CATHOLIC PEOPLE Together with parish ministries, Directors of Religious Education and Lit-urgy, in workshops, enrichment courses, formation classes, missions, re-treats … Suitable for Parents of Children about to receive First Holy Com-munion, Returning Catholics, RCIA catechumens, Confirmation candidates, Life Teen and Youth Ministry participants, Catholic school & CCD students

“It is not enough to discover Christ – you must bring Him to others! … You must have the courage to speak about Christ! -– Pope John Paul II, World Youth Day, 1989

“We look for innovative responses, far exceeding the suggested strategies we offer in this plan. The ministry of evangelization does not consist in following a recipe but in letting the Spirit open our hearts to God's Word so that we can live and proclaim God's Word to others. So let the Spirit work!” –- §79 Go and Make Disciples, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 1992

Sean M. Wright … working with the Spirit Telephone: 661/259-7459 –- Email: [email protected]

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2008 – The Year of Saint Paul – 2009

Reflections On The Most Holy Eucharist

DISCOVERED in the Letters of St Paul





Page 3: Sean M. Wright … working with the Spirit Telephone: 661/259-7459

Papal coat-of-arms for Pope Papal coat-of-arms for Pope Alexander VI (Rodrigo Borgia) Bl. Pius IX (Giovanni Mastai-Ferretti)

The Pope is infallible – that doesn’t mean he is sinless. The Pope has no private pipeline to God – he is bound by the

Magisterium, the infallible teaching of the Church. The Pope is the Vicar of Christ – that does not make him God on earth.

Sean Wright describes the office of the papacy in a discussion of saintly and other kinds of popes – how the Church was enhanced by, or simply muddled through their pontificates. Meet the three “Great” popes, the pope whose body was put on trial, the teenage pope and the women who ran the papacy; the popes Napoleon kidnapped and the pope who frustrated Hitler.

With Pope St Leo I we can confidently say:

“The dignity of Peter is not tarnished by the unworthiness of his successor.”

Telephone: 661/259-7459 or Email: [email protected]

Page 4: Sean M. Wright … working with the Spirit Telephone: 661/259-7459

--- A UNIQUE AND POWERFUL PRESENTATION --- The Passion expressed in liturgical and eucharistic terms.

by Tidings columnist & Emmy-nominated television writer,

Sean M. Wright Reflections on the miracle of our salvation according to history and the Gospels

NOTE: I have heard that a few people in positions of influence in parishes are unable to distinguish art from agenda. The picture above illustrates the topic of the presentation. It does not endorse any other liturgical celebration.

If modern liturgical artists ever get around to creating something other than sloppy sketches and ugly cartoons such as those appearing in “wor-ship aids” to illustrate the Miracle of the Mass rest assured I will be happy to change.

For those of you who understand, my apologies for having wasted your time to explain something so obvious.

Page 5: Sean M. Wright … working with the Spirit Telephone: 661/259-7459


Q. What does Phil Connors have in common with Francis Bernadone, Mame Dennis, William Sid-

ney Porter, Miz Cooper, along with Robin of Locksley?

A Film Series for All the Members of Your Parish Family – RCIA, Confirmation, LifeTeen, School Kids, Parents. Catechism Classes, Reflection Days for Teachers, or Advent & Lenten Preparation,

Discussion on the Films Will be Led by Emmy-Nominated Television Writer and Tidings Columnist,

Sean M. Wright – and he brings the popcorn!

Call 661/259-7459 or Email: [email protected]

A. They all responded generously – sooner or later –

When God entered their lives!

Page 6: Sean M. Wright … working with the Spirit Telephone: 661/259-7459

Sean Wright combines a scholar’s knowledge with an actor’s passion.”

-- Rev Norm Supancheck, chaplain Bishop Alemany High School

“Sean has given five presentations at our parish and I hope he’ll give five dozen more. We really enjoy his down-to-earth erudition.”

-- Rev Vaughn Winters, pastor St John Neumann, Santa Maria

“I’ve been to two of Sean Wright’s talks. I learned more, and had more fun in those four hours, than I thought possible. I heartily endorse his work-shops and enrichment classes for any parish.”

-- Rev Richard Hoynes, pastor St Albert the Great, Compton

Get a three-dimensional look at the people we only know by name in the Gospels and history– the peo-ple directly and indirectly responsible for the death of Jesus Christ. Consider the evidence and enter the

Page 7: Sean M. Wright … working with the Spirit Telephone: 661/259-7459

intriguing world of Roman, Judæan and Gali-lean politics, to see how God is Lord of History, with your guide, Catholic author, columnist and

Emmy-nominated television writer …. Sean M. Wright.

The Roman Emperor, Nero Cæsar, hunted Christians

to provide grisly

entertainment for the arena.

Using symbols, Christians concealed Truth from mock-

ery and their Life of Faith from hatred in this

violent and deadly cul-ture.

Learn to appreciate the symbolic language invented

by Christians in the 1 st Century which remains in

use to this very day.

Check them out. How many symbols do you already


For 20 centuries these Symbols were the language of the Faith. Now most Catholic symbolic art has been left unexpl ained and is now practically unreadable by those for whom it was created. Learn our language! Reclaim a part of our noble Catholic heri-tage misinformed “experts” ignore.

In The DaVinci Code readers and viewers were invited to search symbolic art to form conclusions that MADE N O REAL HIS-TORICAL, THEOLOGICAL or ARTISTIC SENSE.

With Sean Wright, Catholic writer, calligrapher and sculptor, investigate THE REAL STORY of our Christian symboli c art with the ciphers and codes of the catacombs.

Page 8: Sean M. Wright … working with the Spirit Telephone: 661/259-7459




Page 9: Sean M. Wright … working with the Spirit Telephone: 661/259-7459

you are invited to attend the local premiere of …

What the movies get right, what they get wrong & what they leave out.


Robert Philip Van Loan Chris Sarandon Jeffrey Hunter Robert. Powelll H. B. Warner Willem DaFoe Henderson-Bland Jesus of Nazareth The Day Christ King of Kings Jesus of Nazareth The King of Kings The Last From the Manger 1928 Died - 1980 1961 1977 1927 Temptation to the Cross 1913 of Christ 1988

watch scenes from several motion pictures, join in a discussion about how prevailing attitudes have influenced these films … and how these films have influenced our perceptions about the Lord Jesus and the Gospel.

Email: [email protected] – Call: 661/259-7459 for more information regarding dates and times should your parish wish to

sponsor this entertaining and educational look at Christ in Cinema

Page 10: Sean M. Wright … working with the Spirit Telephone: 661/259-7459

learning TO serve THE latin mass

According to the Extraordinary Use of the Roman Rite

The Supreme Pontiff has given us an opportunity to engage our children in a fulfilling and enjoyable love for Jesus within the Eu-charistic Liturgy. This can be a means to help stem the deluge of young Catholics coerced to leave the Church by the world, the flesh and the devil - as well as by sectarians who continue to prey on young Catholics growing up indifferent to when not consider-ably ignorant of the Faith. With his motu proprio the Pope is li-berating the Mass by taking a step forward to bring about the “New Springtime of the Church" we’ve been

"Another thing -you'll never promised for so long. We have the op-- have to worry about tucking portunity to proceed with love and in your shirt!" healing, instead of political posturing and obstinate grumbling about “dividing the Faithful. ”We know that’s just a lot of hot air since the Faithful have been divided for more than four decades. Colleen Carroll, a fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, has chronicled in The New Faithful: Why Young Adults are Embracing Christian Orthodoxy (Loyola Press, Chicago, 2002), how a wide variety of young Catholics and Protestants are searching for orthodox rather than liberal Christianity. They stand up as witnesses against the Culture of Death becoming prolife activists and Catholic evangelists, who “It’s okay, Monsignor! We’ll loudly supporting Catholic teachings on marriage and family. They also take care of the short circuit.” display a wonderful Eucharistic Devotion, hungry for the sense of the sacred so much a part of the

Traditional Mass. In my research on a book tracking the Holy Eucharist in history I, too, became become aware of student groups in Georgetown, Cornell and Stanford among other colleges and uni-versities, de-manding more adherence to Catholic teaching and more devout celebrations of the Mass on campus. We used to claim that we could read “the signs of the times” It’s time to do some reading.

Learning TO Participate AT Latin Mass IN THE Extraordinary Use OF THE Roman Rite

Contact Sean Wright at 661/222-7363 or [email protected] to set up workshops and formation classes for your parish family so they can experi- ence their gestures & participation in the Order of Mass in the Missal of Paul VI springs from the Immemorial Latin Mass & learn to appre-

There will be a Halloween party ciate both rites. In the 1970s Catholics lived through a spiritual trauma. for the Boy Scouts immediately trauma. The Mass changed radically. Pope Benedict admits there was “a rup- after the novena." ture with the past.” He seeks to bring, with the Lefevbrists and Traditionalists, millions of disaffected Catholics in the US and Europe who no longer attend Mass into full Catholic Unity, So don’t spring the Mass of John XXIII on unsuspecting Catholics in your parish. We have a chance to do some-thing right. I will be happy to help your parish family embrace the Traditional Mass in Latin and Jesus in His Real Presence in the Most Holy Eucharist no matter the rite, notwithstanding the language.


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SEAN M. WRIGHT TELEPHONE: 661/259-7459 – EMAIL:[email protected]


“HOW CAN THIS MAN GIVE US HIS FLESH TO EAT?” Did the Church Always Believe in the Real Presence of Jesus in the Most Holy Eucharist?

At the Last Supper Jesus announced that the bread and wine in His hands were His own body and blood. Recent polls show 70% of Catholics under 35 think Jesus meant this only symbolically. It cannot be denied that the Perpetual Sacrifice is being attacked on all sides. Even some Catholic theologians are waffling in their teaching on the substantial reality of the Eucharistic Presence of Jesus. To help Catholics regain “the sense of the sacred” Sean Wright goes back to basics. Consider the following participatory discussions: * “Hidden” Eucharistic Typology in the Torah – Fulfilling Mosaic sacrificial and prophetic foreshadowing, evidence of the Catholic understanding of priesthood and the Real Presence is shown as a biblical concept from the first instance. * Seeking “the Bread of Angels” – Throughout the Psalms and Prophets are found foreshadowings of the Holy Eucharist. * Discovering Allusions to the Eucharistic Sacrifice in the Gospels – An in-depth look at in the Most Holy Eucharist in parables and events in the life of Jesus, with a focus on John 6 and the Last Supper narratives . * Searching for the Most Holy Eucharist in the Words of St Paul – Consider where St Paul speaks of the Holy Eucharist. * The Liturgy of the Wedding Supper of the Lamb – The Holy Eucharist discovered in the apocalyptic Banquet of the Lamb. * The Liturgy of the Mass on Calvary – A discourse on the celebration of the Mass during the Crucifixion through the prism of Scripture, focusing on the Seven Last Words. Excellent for Lenten evenings, most especially appropriate for Good Friday reflection. * Detecting Unity of Belief in the Real Presence Among the Fathers of the Church – From excerpts of writings by great theologians of the 2nd through 4th centuries: Ignatius, Irenæus, Epiphanius, Justin Martyr, Cyprian, Cyril of Jerusalem, John Damas-cene, John Chrysostom, Basil, Jerome and Augustine, not forgetting Tertullian and Origen. * The Eucharistic Spirituality of the Early Church in Adoration and Reservation – During Roman persecution Catholics took home the Eucharist, while Holy Viaticum and the Fermentum continued through the centuries reaching a liturgical high point with the establishment of the feast of Corpus Christi. * "Sunday Best" – Explaining how special vestments and sacred vessels begin to be worn by bishops, priests, and deacons, along with considerations of changing fashions in liturgical attire throughout the ages. On CD, needs a screen and CD projector; * “I Will Go to the Altar of God” – The importance of the altar to Christian worship, along with descriptions of shapes and de-signs, from the catacombs and before, to the present era. * The Importance of Eucharistic Music – Beginning with the Last Supper, the Church sang the Sacred Liturgy. At the insistence of Sts Ephræm and Ambrose hymns and songs were seen to be necessary to enliven the participation by the Faithful. They and other hymnodists have shown that the proper celebration of the Mass requires beautiful, singable, theologically sound eucharistic melodies. The Great Eucharistic Debates of the Middle Ages – Between the 800s-1300s words were being coined to explain bread and wine become the Body and Blood of Christ. A look at “transubstantiation”, from Radbertus to Barengarius, leading to the 4th Council of the Lateran and the theology of the “Angelic Doctor”, St Thomas Aquinas; How the Reformers Muddled Belief in the Eucharist – With secular princes advocating desecration, Luther, Calvin, Zwingli and others propound new theories of Christ’s sacramental presence. This talk shows the Council of Trent clarifying Catholic doctrine; the beginning of the Forty Hours devotion and the original, eucharistic reason for Galileo’s problems with the Inquisition. Popular Eucharistic Devotion Before and After Vatican II – Explaining Benediction, Forty Hours, Eucharistic Exposition, litanies, processions, and Corpus Christi festivities, as part of the Church’s great liturgical prayer life that so many parishes aban-doned only to realize how beneficial they were in fortifying authentic Catholic eucharistic teaching, especially in the Mass. 20th Century Papal Appreciation of the Most Holy Eucharist – from Leo XIII to John Paul II An overview of the Most Holy Eucharist as seen through the eyes of some of history’s most sublime Supreme Pontiffs, finding clues to their papacies in the way they expressed their personal regard for the heart of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. *Topics adapted from Sean Wright’s forth-coming book, A Hunger for the Bread of Angels: Discovering the Holy Eucharist in Scripture

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--- Gospel Truth --- Investigating the Politics Surrounding the Trial of Jesus

Had Sejanus not lusted after Livilla, the wife of Drusus, Jesus would not have died. This statement is the lynchpin to proving the his-toricity of the Gospel account of the Passion, faddishly dismissed, among historians and theologians even in Catholic universities and seminaries. But the Evangelists got it right. Critics overlook the political intrigues swirling around Tiberius Cæsar in Rome, Pontius Pilate in Judæa and Herod Antipas in Galilee, all of which directly affected the fate of Jesus of Nazareth. The Gospels neatly dovetail with the 1st century history of Josephus and Philo, demonstrating how God is the Lord of History.

“… They Crucified Him …” Analyzing its Medical Aspects and the Mechanics of Roman Crucifixion

Beginning with the Persians, picked up by the Greeks and Phoenicians, it waited for the meticulous Romans to make crucifixion an exact science. Tacitus, Cicero, Livy and other writers speak of it with loathing. Yet this was the manner of death chosen by God from all eternity to reconcile humanity to Himself. In a compelling sojourn into Scripture, medicine, archeology and history the horror of Jesus dying on the cross is brought into focus for students and parishioners that make the Resurrection all the more incredible. After this presentation you will never again take the crucifix for granted.

� � � The Liturgy of the Mass on Calvary � � � In a trek through Scripture, history, poetry and song, starting at the prætorium of Pontius Pilate, you become part of the first Eucharis-tic Procession through Jerusalem. You will stand with Mary and John beside the altar-cross and join Our Lord Jesus Christ in the sanctuary of Calvary as He celebrates the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass for the reparation of the sin of the world. This masterful presen-tation of the Seven Last Words as the liturgical dialogue of the Mass of Calvary makes a powerful connection between the Holy Sacri-fice of Jesus on the Cross in AD 33 with the Holy Sacrifice of Jesus in the Mass today.

I N R I … The First Christian Billboard? An Examination of the Titulus Crucis

Found! The titulus written by Pontius Pilate to mock the pretensions of a would-be Messiah. It was almost too good to be true, espe-cially since Constantine claimed to have seen a vision of the Cross before the Battle of the Milvian Bridge that made him Emperor. So – was this a plot to jump-start the local economy? Did Christians in Jerusalem manufacture this item for a gullible St Helena to take back to Rome? Delve into analyzing the truth using history, archeology, paleographology, and the Old Testament to find compelling insights into this relic of the Passion of the Christ.

"The Very Stones Will Cry Out!" Exploring the Origins and Development of Catholic Symbolic Art

Encoded designs furtively scratched on the tombs of martyrs in the age of the Cæsars proclaimed ancient Christian beliefs. The same symbols have been used ever since. Today, unhappily, this art is as meaningful as hieroglyphics to many Catholics. Jesus taught with symbols: scattered seed, a lost lamb, a found coin. Rediscover the beautiful significance of these intriguing, tantalizingly mysteri-ous expressions of faith that speak so well to the psyche of Our Lord and His Gospel within Catholic belief.

The Mysterious Disappearance of the Twelve Apostles It’s a mystery all right – one worthy of Sherlock Holmes. How could men who’d spent three years in the company of Jesus and turned the Mediterranean world upside down with the glad tidings of salvation have lived and died in what seems to have been such com-plete obscurity afterward? Don on your deerstalker cap and grab your magnifying lens. Join Sean Wright in using observation, infer-ence and deduction to solve “The Baffling Case of the Vanishing Twelve”.

Page 13: Sean M. Wright … working with the Spirit Telephone: 661/259-7459

The Papacy

They Weren’t All Saints For Catholics who get stuck explaining the office of the Supreme Pontiff to non-Catholics, here, is the REAL teaching about why the Catholic Church has a pope, together with REAL historic accounts about the BAD popes, with mention of some of the GOOD popes, just for good measure. The great pageant continues to unfold, no matter how glorious or ominous the pontiff. See why. with Pope St Leo the Great, we can still confidently declare, “The dignity of Peter is not tarnished by the unworthiness of his successor.”

Dusting Off a few HIGHLIGHTS and Lowlights Of Papal Elections They were the best of men, they were the worst of men – and all succeeded St Peter as head of the Church on earth, Vicar of Jesus Christ. With Pope John Paul II’s passing and the accession of Pope Benedict XVI, the Holy Spirit has provided a new shepherd to wear the mantle of St Peter as Bishop of Rome and Servant of the Servants of God in short order. It wasn’t always that easy. Not by a long shot. Learn how, amid sanctity and bribery, holiness and hilarity, multiple claimants and political factions, the members of the Sacred College of Cardinals kept the Holy Spirit busy..

FOR ALL RCIA, CONFIRMATION, LIFETEEN & LITURGY DIRECTORS: Formation Classes for Students, Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Altar Servers & their parents can be developed especially

for your parish upon request.


“… False Prophets Will Arise … ” Scrutinizing Evangelical and Fundamentalist Objections to the Catholic Faith

Lack of “chapter and verse” scriptural training in Catholic education has not been lost on many Christian sects and cults. Their mem-bers prey as never before on Catholic youth under-educated in the Faith, These wolves methodically present a parody of Catholic belief, distorting our dogma while denying our history. Unable to combat these half-truths and misrepresentations, thousands of teens and adults turn their backs on Catholicism, attracted to a vision of Jesus completely at odds with the teachings of the Twelve Apos-tles. With no holds barred, Sean Wright identifies cultic and sectarian hot button criticisms point by point, meeting them head-on with history, the Apostolic Fathers, the documents of Vatican II, The Catechism of the Catholic Church – and the one weapon anti-Catholics can’t fight – the Holy Bible itself. Do NOT deny your students or parishioners this vital discussion.

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Heresies Then, Heresies Now: A Study in Error Odds are sectarian missionaries will approach your students in school or soon after graduation. Trained to use specially selected biblical texts supporting their beliefs they omit or overlook others and persuasively entice many Catholics away from the Universal Church. For the most part the Church dealt with these beliefs centuries ago. They are retreads of human invention reflecting personal neuroses and shortcomings of people searching for loopholes in the Gospel. Take a walk into the odd, weird world of Gnostics, Do-cetics, Pelagians, Patripassians, Sabellians, Arians, the Alogi, Collyridians, Ebionites and a myriad others who refused to accept the witness of the Apostolic Church regarding the person and doctrine of Jesus Christ.

Christmas Carols That Sing of Good Friday (For Advent or Lent) Ever take a good look at the lyrics of Christmas carols? The full lyrics, that is. Newer collections routinely cut out stanzas containing lines like “Willingly this yoke I take/And this sacrifice I make” along with “Lord of Lords In human vesture, in the Body and the Blood/He will give to all the faithful His own self as heavenly food.” Carols abound exulting at the birth of Christ the King, with angels singing and cattle lowing and shepherds hastening then, next verse, turn to sing of Jesus as “priest and God and sacrifice”, with “nails and spear that pierce Him through, sealed in a stone-cold tomb.” Carols linking Bethlehem’s Manger to the Cenacle’s Altar-Table and to Calvary’s Cross, all united in our hearts within the supreme mystery of the Most Holy Eucharist .

Jesus of Hollywood What Movies Get Right, What They Get Wrong … and What They Leave Out (2 sessions)

At worst, they have bad wigs, anachronistic costuming and props, actors with polyglot accents or scenery-chewers reciting stultifying, Spenserian English in Oxfordian inflections. Treat students and parishioners to a chance to learn what to enjoy and what to beware of when renting videos so that, when cozying up to the television, they can look past the celluloid Jesus of Hollywood to see the real Jesus of Nazareth. The talk includes videotape presentations of selected scenes from the films under discussion.


During Advent or Lent, Emmy nominated television writer Sean Wright presents a series structured around superb motion pictures that show the Incarnation continuing through human history, tales of spirituality and redemption taking place within our daily lives. Films include the funny classic Auntie Mame, the redemptive Groundhog Day, the swashbuckling Adventures of Robin Hood, and the unpredictable endings of O Henry’s Full House, along with a saintly double feature The Song of Bernadette and Brother Son, Sister Moon. The series can be presented in conjunction with the parish religious education program or at school during the day or at cate-chism classes or as family events in the evenings or on Saturday or Sunday afternoons.


A Walk Through the Sunday Liturgy, Touching on the History and Theology of the Mass A FORMATION CLASS FOR MINISTERS OF THE MASS (1 or 2 sessions)

Why dip your fingers in holy water? What is the symbolism of the altar? Why do we say, “Holy, holy, holy Lord”? Why do we stand at the Gospel but kneel during the Eucharistic Prayer? Why do we sing? From start to finish, take a walk through the Mass with Sean Wright, holder of advanced certifications as a Director of Liturgy and Teacher of Religion for Secondary Schools in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles. Learn what the gestures, postures, prayers and actions of the Mass really mean, according to Scripture and Divine Tra-dition passed on from the Apostles.. This course is specifically meant as an introduction to or a review of the history and theological insights behind the Mass for lectors, altar servers and their parents, ushers, ministers of Communion, cantors and choir members

Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi ” Rubrics for the Baptized Priesthood at Mass of the Roman Rite

“The way we pray is the way we believe." No one enjoys watching a sloppily directed movie. Who tolerates a casually performed play? How much less should we tolerate sloppiness or unauthorized adlibs in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass? Since instituted by Our Lord the Sacred Liturgy is a foretaste of the heavenly Supper of the Lamb. “Rubrics” are the “stage directions” all ordained bishops and priests follow at the altar of the Lord. Jesus also gave each of us, men and women, boys and girls, priestly parts to enact during the Great Sacrifice – and it’s about time we knew the rubrics for our roles. The Mass is the re-presentation of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross, made once in time, extending to all generations. It is a drama without an audience. Everyone can now learn the reasons for their liturgical stage directions and know their priestly parts when celebrating the Holy Mass according to the liturgy of the Roman Rite. This talk will be offered only after the issuance of the new English edition of the Sacramentary of the Missale Romanum.

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REFERENCES: Fr Norm Supancheck, 818/365-3925 Email: [email protected] – liturgist, campus ministry chaplain, Bishop Alemany High School: for whom I've spoken on 1. The Origin of Symbolism in Catholic Art, and 2. The Politics Surrounding the Trial of Jesus “Sean Wright knows how to connect with his audience by combining a scholar’s knowledge with an actor’s passion.”

Mr Steven Pastis, 714/550-9933 Email: [email protected] – MENSA Orange County regional director: “Mr Wright is a great favorite at MENSA’s regional and national gatherings. He is electrifying while sharing with us his near inexhaustible knowledge of Sherlock Holmes.”

Mrs Sharon Morano, 323/737-0012 – Email: [email protected] – Principal, Bishop Conaty/Our Lady of Loretto High School, Los Angeles: I spoke for three days on Catholic Artistic Symbolism here also. Mrs Morano wrote me: “The richness of our Catholic Faith in sign and symbol comes truly alive through your presentation. The heritage that is ours has touched the lives of our students and given them a greater appreciation of their Faith and their Church’s history.”

Mrs Dorothy Holm, 818/949-4323, Head of Faith Formation at St Bede the Venerable parish, La Canada where I spoke on the history of papal elections in April 2005.

Msgr James Loughnane, VF, 909/861-7106, Pastor, St Denis parish, Diamond Bar, where, again, I presented papal election history to parishioners and Life Teen confirmation candidates in April 2005; Fr Darrin Merlino and Miss Danielle Graham, 310/547-1138 – Religion Teachers at Mary, Star of the Sea High School, San Pedro where I took a day speaking to five classes about the history of papal elections in April 2005. Fr Vaughn Winters, 805/922-7099 – Pastor, St John Neumann parish, Santa Maria, 1. The History of Papal Elections was presented in April 2005; I was asked back to speak on 2. The Origin of Eucharistic Reservation and Adoration, presented in September 2005 3. The Politics Behind the Trial of Jesus followed in March 2006; I returned in November, 2006 to explain 4. The Origin and Explanation of Symbolic Art in the Christian Tradition, at the school and to the parish at large. 5. On the vigil of Corpus Christi in 2007, a day-long Eucharistic mini-Congress surveying the Most Holy Eucharist through the Old Testament, New Testament, with the development of eucharistic vestments and the sacred vessels.

Fr Brian Cavanagh, 626/332-3570 – Pastor, Deacon John and Mrs Jeanne Horn, 626/339-0136, directors of speakers, Sacred Heart parish, Covina, 1. In July 2005, My talk was on the "hidden" prophecies regarding the Most Holy Eucharist in the Hebrew Scriptures for parishioners during Exposition of the Most Holy Eucharist. 2. In November, 2006 I spoke on “The Origin of Eucharistic Adoration and Reservation”

Msgr Jeremiah Murphy, 310/652-6477 – Pastor, St Victor parish, West Hollywood, I spoke on the history of eucharistic reserva-tion and adoration beginning in the early Church up to the start of Forty Hours Devotion in August 2005.

Fr Robert Gallegher, Pastor, St Charles Borromeo, North Hollywood, Mr Jim Drollinger, Dir. of Liturgy, 818/766-3838 – a lively discussion of Eucharistic Scripture citations w/parishioners in various liturgical ministries, September 2005

Donna Brockway, 661/254-5256 - 1st VP The Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women, My presentation on how the supporters of political correctness attempt to erase God from public life was very well received and I was told the ladies were putting me on their "preferred" list of speakers and would be asked to return – September 2005.

Fr Pasquale Vuoso, CRIC, 805/525-2149 – Pastor, St Sebastian parish, Santa Paula, 1. A two-part series on “Hidden” Eucharistic typology and prophecy in Scripture with the Origin of Eucharistic Reservation and Ado-ration, conducted in the parish church during Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament in 2005; 2. A two-part series on Eucharistic Spirituality in the Early Church in May, 2007

Fr Ricardo de Alva, 805/483-0987, Pastor – Our Lady of Guadalupe parish. I spoke at Santa Clara High School in Oxnard as part of the parish “mini-Eucharistic Congress” to an informal group on the “hidden” Eucharistic citations in Scripture, the origin of eu-charistic reservation & adoration & Eucharistic references among writers of the patristic era. I

Fr John Vogel, 562/421-8966 – Pastor, St Cornelius parish, Long Beach, During Holy Hour I spoke on the New Testament allu-sions to the Holy Eucharist, the Origin of Eucharistic adoration and reservation. This was followed by Benediction which, in lieu of a regular acolyte, I had the privilege of serving – something I had not done for some 37 years.

Fr Gary Klauer, OFM Conv, 310/372-7077 – Pastor, Our Lady of Guadalupe parish, Hermosa Beach, where I spoke on the “hid-den” references to the Holy Eucharist in Scripture. My talk followed Holy Hour and Benediction

Fr Kevin Nolan, 310/838-2477 – Pastor, St Augustine parish, Culver City, Dean of Deanery 13 – Invited to speak to a deanery meeting, I discussed liturgy and the importance of “smells and bells” and the possible confusion of “minimalism” for “noble simplicity” within the Catholic presentation of the Eucharistic Sacrifice in 2005. continued

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Fr John Zulueta, 562/865-2185 – Pastor, Holy Family parish, Artesia, or Mrs Rina Ngo, coordinator of the parish’s 75th anniver-sary committee, 562/860-3017. Multimedia look at the “hidden” eucharistic references in Scripture, the history of eucharistic adoration and reservation, the origins of liturgical vestments and a discussion of the importance of more appropriate eucharistic hymns than are usually sung in Catholic churches these days.

Fr Patrick O’Dwyer, 818/001-3915 – Pastor, St Maximilian Kolbe parish, Westlake Village, where I spoke on the “hidden” eucha-ristic references in Scripture. Fr. Jose Chavez, Pastor and Fr Brian Johnson, CSsR, 562/698-0107 – St Mary of the Assumption parish, Whittier; 1. I spoke here on the various forms of popular devotion to the Holy Eucharist and an appreciation of the different takes on eucha-ristic theology given by the popes of the 20th Century, from Leo XIII to John Paul II; 2. “Eucharistic Spirituality in the Early Church” presented in June, 2007; Fr Jan Lundberg – Pastor, St Therese parish, Alhambra; and Mr John Freeman, Life ministry, 626/282-2744, a day-long forma-tion class with reflections on the “hidden” Eucharistic scriptures; the patristic writers, the origins of eucharistic adoration/reservation and liturgical vestments, ending with a discussion of appropriate eucharistic hymns; Fr Marco Solis, 805/343-2181 – Pastor, Our Lady of Guadalupe parish, Guadalupe, California; A talk on the “hidden” Scripture citations about the Holy Eucharist – Pressing a rosary into my hand a lady said, “for sharing such a magnificent discussion with.

Fr Michael Mahony, OFM Cap, 805/688-4815 – Pastor, Old Mission Santa Ines, Solvang, During exposition of the Most Holy Eucharist I spoke in the Origen of Eucharistic Spirituality in Adoration and Reservation.

Fr David Heney, 805/496-0222 – Pastor, St Paschal Baylon, Thousand Oaks; a presentation of scriptural prophecy and institution of the Holy Eucharist, part of the “University” series Fr Heney has instituted among several parishes.

Fr Gabriel Lui, 323/254-4447 – Pastor, St Thomas Aquinas parish, Monterey Park; again, I spoke on the Holy Eucharist in Scrip-ture along with a discussion of the origin of eucharistic reservation and adoration in the early Church.

Fr Joseph Brennan, 310/648-6535 – Pastor, Holy Trinity, San Pedro and Joy Page, RCIA Dirctor had me present 1. The Holy Eucharist as prophesied in Scripture, March 14, 2006, 2. The origin and meanings of ciphers and codes in Catholic art, February 13, 2007

Fr Eugene Herbert, 626/447-6202 – Pastor, Annunciation parish, Arcadia; a 3-night Lenten mission on the Holy Eucharist in Scripture, Eucharistic Adoration and Reservation, the Muddled Eucharistic Theologies of the Reformation.

Fr Jim Stehly, 805/484-0532 – Pastor, St Mary Magdalen parish, Camarillo; as part of Fr Dave Heney’s “University” program for parishes, the Origin of Symbolism in Christian Art was presented to an enthusiastic group of about 70.

Fr Alden Sison, 818/592-2880 – Pastor, Our Lady of the Valley, Canoga Park and Sr Estella Del Bando, the parish DRE asked me to present a parish mission for Lent, 2006. 1. “Hidden’ References to the Most Holy Eucharist in Scripture”; on the following night was my talk on 2. “The Politics Behind the Trial of Jesus.”

Fr Richard Hoynes, 323/321-0240 – Pastor, St Albert the Great parish, Compton. My talk was about the “Hidden” Scripture cita-tions 1. In the Old Testament referring to the Most Holy Eucharist. I spoke on Corpus Christi, 2006 during Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament – a nice touch thought up by the pastor;

Fr Adelberto Blanco, 805/684-2181 – Pastor, St Joseph parish, Carpenteria,. Sr Suzanne Dunn, adult education director – a day-long workshop on reflections on the Holy Eucharist in Old and New Testaments and in the Early Church.

Fr Juan Silva, 909/622-4553 – Pastor. Sacred Heart parish, Pomona, This was two-day mission on Christmas reflections on the Holy Eucharist in the Old and New Testaments on December 18, 19 2006.

Fr Mykael Ume, 562/867-2337 – Pastor, St Bernard parish, Bellflower– A lively evening discussion of the Origin of the Adoration and Reservation of the Holy Eucharist and keeping the Eucharist as the center of prayer life, March 6, 2007

Fr Larry Dowdel, 626/915-7873 – Pastor, St Louise de Marillac parish, Covina,– in an effort to bolster the Bible Study group, I was asked to present my talk on the Historicity of the Trial of Jesus at the beginning of Lent, 2007.

Mrs Sandra Scalo, 310/833-3933 – Director of Religious Education, Mary Star of the Sea parish, San Pedro – Near Palm Sun-day, 2007, this Lenten presentation encompassing the Seven Last Words of Christ in “The Liturgy of the Mass on Calvary” brought many warm congratulations for the compelling comparison of last hours of Christ to the Mass;

Fr Charles Schwehr, 323/935-7873 – Pastor, Cathedral Chapel parish, Los Angeles – For Good Friday, 2007, from Noon-3 pm, I presented a longer overview of the Seven Last Words of Christ in “The Liturgy of the Mass on Calvary” for the Tre Ore. The pastor greeted me saying that I came “with the highest recommendation” – I was politely mobbed by parishioners as I left, congratulating me on how moving my presentation was;

Fr Ramon Valera, 562/421-9487 – Pastor; Ms Diana Cierpich, Director of Liturgy, St Cyprian parish, Long Beach – An enrich-ment class on the “Ciphers and Codes of the Catacombs” – symbolic Catholic art in the Early Church, presented on June 9, 2007.


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Theresa Nicholas, 562/862-7268 – Director of Religious Education – Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Downey 1. A three-part series on successive Sundays in April, 2007 on The Holy Eucharist in Scripture as found in the Old Testament, in the Gospels and in the words of the Apostles. Reports Mrs Nicholas, “I’ve had nothing but compliments about your talks. I want you back next year for another series of catechetical presentations.”

2. Jesus of Hollywood”, Clips and quips in reviewing movies recounting the Life of Christ, presented June16, 2007 The Temecula Catholic Speakers service – Dr and Mrs Ron Zimmer, 951/302-8709, Two nights were set aside to participate in a workshop tracing the Most Holy Eucharist though the Old and New Testaments. Dianne Lumsdaine, 562/920-7796 – Director of Religious Education – St Dominic Savio parish, Bellflower – A mixed group of adults and children attended an enrichment class on Spiritual Reflections on the Mass in Scripture. Fr John Vogel, 626/914-3941 – Pastor, St Dorothy parish, Glendora – The former pastor of St Cornelius, Long Beach, asked me to address a mixed group of adult and teens participating in and enjoying a songfest/discussion looking at the deeper meaning of Christmas carols .This was the second time Fr Vogel asked me to a church he shepherded. Msgr Paul Montoya, 661/259-2276 – Pastor, Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Santa Clarita; Wendy Lucas, Director, RCIA, 661/775-9818 – A discussion about the importance of religious symbolism led to a bus expedition to several churches in the archdiocese to see how symbolic art aids worship.


A 1-DAY, 2 SESSIONS (morning/afternoon) WORKSHOP --------------- $500.00 AN IN-DEPTH WEEKEND SEMINAR, 2-DAYS, 4 SESSIONS ------------- $900.00

Plus Airfare and Accommodations

I have presented to audiences ranging from 5 to more than 800.

Just a reminder: My talks on the Most Holy Eucharist are especially suitable in Liturgy or Religious Education Conferences, especially for altar servers and their parents, lectors, ushers and special ministers of Communion; confirmandi and LifeTeen members; RCIA adult baptismal candidates and neophytes, older chil-dren in catechism classes, as well as for the parents of children preparing for re-ception of First Holy Communion.

My host is responsible for: • booking and purchasing tickets for travel by air or train; • making room accommodations (as needed); • providing computer, projector and screen for PowerPoint, VCR or DVD

presentations and monitors (as needed); • printing booklets and flyers, hard copies of which to be provided by Mr Wright

in a timely manner (as needed); • all transportation to and from the location(s) of the talks.

Reserve your date(s) by sending a $100.00 deposit to: Sean M. Wright

24409 Valle Del Oro, suite 203 Santa Clarita, CA 91321

Telephone: 661/222-7363 – Email: [email protected]

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The Presenter …

Sean Wright makes his home with his teenaged son, DeForeest, in Santa Clarita, a charming city on the edge of the high desert in Southern California. Mr Wright is pleased to hold advanced certifications as both a Director of Liturgy and as a Teacher of Religion for Secondary Schools from the Arch-diocese. Since 2002 columns and articles under his byline have appeared in The Tidings, the official newspaper for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.

A recognized liturgical artist, Mr Wright designs & tailors liturgical vestments and has recently gained renown for his unique crucifixes and processional crosses crafted from fallen tree branches, now selling across the United States for devotional use in homes, schools, chapels, and parish churches. .

His interest in Sherlock Holmes led Mr Wright to contribute a regular column to Mystery Magazine from 1979 until its demise in 1982. His whimsical Sher-lock Holmes Cookbook was published in 1976 and a mystery novel, Enter the Lion: a Posthumous Memoir of Mycroft Holmes followed in 1979. He is presently chronicling the Holy Eucharist in Scriptural references, in art, literature, music and the lives of the saints. He is working on a novel and screenplay depicting the later life of the Virgin Mary in Ephesus; a resource book on the popes, a handbook on symbolism in-herent in Catholic art, a historical novel about the brilliant Pedro de Luna, last of the Avignon popes.

Once active in the entertainment industry, Mr Wright wrote for several eminently forgettable television quiz shows, although he remains proud of his work for the popular TV quiz show “Jeopardy!” and “The Quiz Kids’ Challenge.” The Academy of Television Arts and Sciences honored Mr Wright with an Emmy nomination for his efforts as a writer for “Jeopardy!” in 1985. Attempting to revive dramatic radio in the 1970s, Mr Wright co-produced and wrote episodes of the syndicated “Radio Adventures of Sherlock Holmes”, starring the late Edward Mulhare.

Sean Wright founded The Non-Canonical Calabashes, the Sherlock Holmes Society of Los Angeles in 1970, named for the pipe Holmes is supposed to have smoked. While writing occasional poems and articles for The Baker Street Journal, Mr Wright began lecturing on Sherlock Holmes’ influence on literature and cinemas in 1971. At regional and national gatherings of MENSA Mr Wright still presents a highly regarded biennial Sherlockian lecture series. As director general of The Plot Thickens Mystery Company, Mr Wright was among the first to produce "mystery parties" in homes and offices, as well as directing, writing and acting in the very first "Mystery Train" tours on Amtrak in 1982.

Interviews featuring Mr Wright have appeared in a great many newspapers and magazines, local TV and radio news and talk shows along with network programs hosted by Larry King and Oprah Winfrey. Such entertainment notables as Charlton Heston, Gene Wilder, Leonard Nimoy, Nicholas Meyer, Andrew Solt, Jack Haley, Jr. and Rudolf Friml, Jr., have consulted him for advice regarding their various projects involving the deerstalkered sleuth of Baker Street.

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