Page 1: SDRC Student Access to Notes


Student Disability Resource Center

Page 2: SDRC Student Access to Notes

Students will be able to log on to their accommodate account to access notes.

You will be able to click on the “Note-Taker Network” on the top icon bar for access to notes uploaded by your note takers assigned.

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You will be able to see your classes listed under the “Note Takers” tab. You will not be able to see who your note taker is. However, you will be able to see your note taker’s major and class status.

By clicking on your class you will be able to access notes that were uploaded by your note taker.

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Once you click on your class you will be able to see your notes in your “Note Library” tab for each class.

Clicking on the document title will allow you to open the file.

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You will be able to search for keywords for a specific set of notes.

You will also be able to access notes by semester.
